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VOLUME 19 | Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024

The publication for members of MoveUP, The Movement of United Professionals

Demonstrate your values. Affect positive change.


Lori Mayhew's Legacy

BC Votes This Fall
Ending Gender-Based Violence
MoveUP Candidates Guide
Annual Financial Report
CONTENTS In This Issue

By Graeme Hutchison





WITH TRUST Passion For Road Safety






CANDIDATE GUIDE Putting Working People First

Page 24 GENER u for Me

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President’s Message
MoveUP, the Movement of United Professionals, is Local 378 of the
Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union and affiliated with
the British Columbia Federation of Labour, and the Canadian Labour
Congress. We are also affiliated with UNI Global Union, IndustriALL,
and Public Services International through our national union.
Executive Board Members
President: Graeme Hutchison
Secretary-Treasurer: Lori Mayhew
Vice-Presidents: Rysa Kronebusch (Utilities), Christy Slusarenko
(Combined Units), Annette Toth (ICBC)
Utilities – BC Hydro Group: Anderson Charles, Calvin Jonas
ICBC: Jeffrey Bryant, Brenda Chu, Bryan Finstad, Brian Martens,
Dimitri Ossinsky
Utilities – Fortis Group: Norm Stickelmann
Combined Units: Safar Alikhani, Hani Dakkak, Erik G.,
Dawn Lentsch
Director, Operations
Tony Geluch
Communications, Campaigns & Research
Communications Director: Norman Gludovatz
Communications Officers: Daniel Fung, Sharan Pawa
Research Officer: Noah Berson
Arbitration Representative
Brian Nelson
Senior Union Representatives
Trevor Hansen, Cheryl Popeniuk
Union Representatives
Phillip Bargen, Nathan Beausoleil, Anny Chen, Andrew Cheverie,
Sara Colliss, Ward Edgar, Yudon Garie, Ronnie Ho, Ayesha Khan,
Mike Novak, Javed Saheb, Cathy Royle, Daniel Storms,
Alina Teymory, Richard Van Grol, Paul Voykin, April Young
Director, Executive Administration
Karen Caston
Administrative Assistant, Executive
Michelle Mihaichuk
Administrative & Office Staff
Administrative Work Leader: Jenell Schmale
Kory Berikoff, Heather Brommeland, Lisa Jeffery, Joti Khangara,
Kirstyn Mallory, Sonja Kreuzkamp-McGowan, Harj Parmar, Leila
Perez, Kathryn Prinz, Colleen Reddington, Violet Shorty, Kim Smith
Membership & Finance:
Director, Finance: Barbara Liang
Sarina Nannar, Pardeep Singh, Marilyn Vassell Elections matter. Voting means using your voice,
Job Evaluation Appeals Representative
Vivian Ho demonstrating what your values are, and affecting
Workers Compensation Appeals Representative
Barb Gibson positive change. This summer, our members will have a
Health & Welfare Trust Administrator
Yasmin Carroll chance to use their voice in our union’s executive board
Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development
Ram Atwal election. This fall, our members in BC will have a chance
Headquartered on stolen land on the traditional, ancestral territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm
(Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh)
and qiqéyt (Qayqayt) First Nations.
to use their voice in the provincial election. Whether
it’s our union’s election or the BC provincial election, I
The Local Voice is the official magazine published for the
members of MoveUP. ISBN 1918-9753 COPE 378 Voice encourage you all to learn about your candidates, learn
Letters to the editor are welcome but may be edited for brevity
and clarity. Please contact MoveUP for permission to reprint about the issues, and make your voice heard by voting.
articles, graphics, or photographs.
Address all correspondence to:
MoveUP Communications
Suite 301 - 4501 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 0E5
Phone: 604-299-0378 | Toll Free Line: 1-800-665-6838
Fax: 604-299-8211
Visit MoveUP’s website at
or contact us via email at
Editors: Daniel Fung, Norman Gludovatz
Contributors: Joshua Berson, Al Bieksa, Katrina Chen, The Hon. Graeme Hutchison
David Eby, Lori Mayhew, Annette Toth, The Hon. Jennifer Whiteside
Design and Layout: Dansk Design Group President, MoveUP

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 3

Mensaje del Presidente SPANISH


4 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice


MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 5

25 Years of Dedication:
LEGACY Reflecting on Lori Mayhew’s Legacy with MoveUP




Lori poses with then-BC

Premier John Horgan in 2018.

“It’s bittersweet. hen MoveUP’s triennial Convention takes place For the last 25 years there have been few people
later this year from September 12 to 14, it will who have been as devoted and dedicated to the health
But it’s happy."
mark the end of an era for our union. and well-being of our union as Lori Mayhew. It has been
It will mark the first time in two-and-a-half decades the primary focus of her everyday life for these last 25
that Lori Mayhew will not be part of our union’s years, especially after 2008 when the position changed
leadership group. from a part-time role to a full-time one.
Union elections always bring the possibility of It has been quite the journey for the small-town girl
turnover, but one thing that is already certain is our from Ontario with ambitions of becoming a lawyer or
union will be venturing forward with a new secretary- an accountant. She went from an aspiring activist who
treasurer after Lori signaled her intention in late 2023 took on a key role within our union while in the midst of
that she would not be running for re-election. growing her young family, to a seasoned leader in the
2007 Aside from the period from June 2022 to September labour movement with a massive amount of knowledge
2023, when she temporarily set aside her secretary- about our union.
treasurer duties to step into the role of president, Lori “In 1999, when I was elected, I think it took at least
has been the only secretary-treasurer our union has had a month to get the deer-in-the-headlights look out of
for the last quarter-century since first being elected to my eyes,” said Lori. “I was so surprised at having been
Photo, top right: the position in 1999. elected. It was a very steep learning curve when I came
From L to R: “It’s bittersweet,” admitted Lori, when asked about into that job.
David Black how she felt with her time winding down. “But it’s “I think that now I’m a lot more confident,
(then MoveUP happy. I keep thinking every time something happens, knowledgeable, and self-assured in the role than I was
President), ‘this is the last.’ And sometimes it makes me sad, but I at that point. I didn’t really know anything, and it took
Sussanne know that this is something I’ve chosen to do and I’m me a long time to learn it.”
Skidmore (then looking forward to the next chapter of my life.” With only a few months left in her term, we spoke to
BCFED Secretary- Lori’s departure from MoveUP will create a big void Lori about her reflections on her time with MoveUP and
Treasurer and that goes beyond just the job title and responsibilities. what the future holds for herself and our union.
now President), The position will be filled. The person? That’s an entirely
Laird Cronk (then different story.
BCFED President)
and Lori share
a moment at
MoveUP's 2018
Convention. 6 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice

me to places. People have seen that as an inspiration to "I am going to

LOCAL VOICE: What do you think you are going to them. I’ve always seen it as I’m only doing what I need miss people, in
miss most about the work? to do to make things work. So, I don’t know what my all walks of life.
LORI MAYHEW: I am going to miss people, in all legacy would be. I think that’s something to ask other The staff here
walks of life. The staff here at MoveUP, the members of people because I’ve never come into this with a ‘I must
MoveUP. The other labour leaders I’ve worked with over at MoveUP, the
leave a legacy’ mindset. To me, it’s always been about
the years. They all make the work worthwhile and fun members of
taking care of the money so that we can take care of
and I’m going to miss that the most. MoveUP."
the members.
– Lori Mayhew
LV: Coming into the job, what was the best piece of LV: Do you have a favourite memory from the last 25
advice that you received? years? Photo, below:
LM: Don’t **** with the money! (laughs) Coming into LM: One that really stands out for me involves that Lori and David
the position, the kindest, most self-less thing, was the baby (Grace) I was pregnant with. When she was five- (right) present
person I defeated, the incumbent secretary-treasurer, or six-months old, in 2000, (our union was) part of the Karen Rockwell
spent a day on a weekend with me going over the international (OPEIU) at that point. There was a Canadian (centre) with
finances and the reporting and talking about how things committee, and we had a Canadian Convention in May the Lifetime
worked. And that information was invaluable, and I so Membership at
or June of 2000 and Grace came with me.
appreciated his selflessness in doing that for me. And MoveUP's 2018
One of the other vice-presidents from Quebec Convention.
that stuck with me the whole time in my career. (Maurice), at that convention, presented us with a dozen Karen played
LV: Is there any advice that you wished you had received white roses and made this beautiful speech about how a big role in
before starting the role? Grace represented the future that we were all working recruiting Lori to
LM: That there was a very strong possibility I’d actually towards. I will never forget that, and Maurice will always run for secretary-
be elected! I wish I had learned a bit more about the have a place in my heart. May he rest in peace. That is treasurer
one thing that will always stand out for me in my work. back in 1999.
finances. I had only been on council for a number of
years before the election. But every time you get a step
closer to a job, you learn more and more about it. So, 2018
as a steward, you don’t know much about council. As
a councillor, you don’t know much about what the
secretary-treasurer does. And, as I learned later, as a
secretary-treasurer you don’t know a lot about what the
president does.
So, I wish I learned a bit more about the role first, but it
was very much a learn-as-you-go. I grew into the role,
and I changed the role to suit me as well.
LV: What advice are you going to give to the incoming
secretary-treasurer about what the job is like?
LM: As always, don’t **** with the money! The money
is immensely important to allow us to do our work, to 2023
help members to advance progressive issues in society
in general. Collaboration with your fellow table officers
is very important. Keeping the members engaged with
the union as a whole and keeping the council informed
and engaged, that’s all very important.
LV: When people look back at your time with MoveUP,
what do you think they will say Lori’s legacy is?
LM: I honestly don’t know. I’ve had people tell me that
I’ve been an inspiration to them. I was elected on May
1, 1999 and, a couple of weeks later before the first
council meeting, I found out I was pregnant with my 2011
third child and stayed on through that pregnancy and
even came in during my maternity leave.
When I came back to work, because back then it was
only six-month maternity leave, my baby came with

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 7 2023

25 Years of Dedication:
LEGACY Reflecting on Lori Mayhew’s Legacy with MoveUP (cont.)

LV: You spent an extended period of time as MoveUP LV: As secretary-treasurer, because you’re dealing with
President. What did you discover about our union in money which matters to everyone, it’s a very stressful
that role that you didn’t realize as secretary-treasurer? situation to be in. Do you have any self-care advice
LM: It’s seeing a little more of how the sausage is made for the next person to step into this very high-stress
if you will. It’s seeing the bargaining proposals for each position?
and every round of bargaining before they go to the LM: There’s a couple of things I do. I have two cell
table. It’s seeing the tentative agreements before they phones – one is for work, one is for personal. When I go
go out to the members to vote on. It’s being seen as the away on vacation, the work phone stays at home and
equal to all the CEOs and having those peer-to-peer very few people have my personal contact information.
conversations with them. It allows me to focus on my vacation and my husband
There’s a lot of pull on the president’s time with many and family that I’m with.
different things, both with the membership and internally That’s part of the bigger picture of setting boundaries.
in the union office. While you know that, once you start Know when to say no to things because you can’t do
to experience it, it’s a much deeper understanding of everything. I think if you set the expectation that you’re
the demands on the president. Frankly, even doing it for going to do everything, people are just going to ask you
a year, I was in awe of (Past President) David Black for to do more. So, boundaries are very important to set
having done it for 10 years. All that constant demand. from the get-go.
LV: We would be remiss not to talk about how the LV: Of the opportunities that became available to you
issue of respect and equal treatment is for a woman because of your work with our union, what stands out?
in a leadership role. How do you feel you have helped LM: My work in the pension world has been an
advance equity, especially for women, in our union over unexpected source of joy for me. Some people, when
the last 25 years? you talk about pensions, their eyes start to glaze over,
LM: I think we’ve made progress, as a union, on and they lose interest. But from the time I was appointed
women’s issues, which is strange to say since we are to be a trustee on the ICBC pension plan, I was hooked.
a 60 percent female dominated union. But in 2005- This is the future of our workers. It’s how they’re going to
06 when we were debating the pay for the secretary- live in dignity after they stop working. To me, that’s very
treasurer in anticipation of making it a full-time paid important work. My work and involvement in the pension
2023 officer, there were men around the board table who world have brought me a myriad of opportunities that
couldn’t separate me from the role and commented I’ve been so grateful for – the education, the travel,
that ‘that’s a lot of money for a woman to make.’ to the point where I can chair committees of pension
We’ve moved past that level of sexism in our union, but boards and I can understand these things.
there’s still an underlying current of some of that, and It’s also helped in the secretary-treasurer role,
there are still people who have problems with a woman learning a lot more about investments and investment
in a position of authority. I don’t find that as much in management. That’s the one thing I’ve always been
the secretary-treasurer role, and I think that’s because really grateful for.
it seems to be generally accepted as more suitable for
LV: And finally, what message do you want to leave
a woman to do.
behind to all the members that you’ve helped serve and
2007 As president, I didn’t feel any of that resistance from our
supported in your role over these last 25 years?
employers. They were more accepting that this is who
LM: Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity. Thank
the members have put into place as president and so we
you for the support. Thanks for the love, because I felt it
need to deal with that person. Any resistance has been
every now and then. I’m just so grateful for having had
more internal to the union.
this opportunity to serve for so long as the secretary-
LV: Where would you like to see MoveUP go in the treasurer of this union.
future, especially on the issue of equity in leadership?
LM: I’d like to see our top leadership level be more
reflective of our membership, not just on a gender
basis but all on bases, because we’re not at this point. I
"Thank you. Thank you for the opportunity... I’m just
think that’s something we need to strive for at the table
officer level and at the board level. I think we’re better at so grateful for having had this opportunity to serve
council, but definitely board and table officers need to for so long as the secretary-treasurer of this union."
have some improvement there and that’s really what I – Lori Mayhew
would like to see reflected in the next election but when
it’s a membership-wide vote, it does make it a little bit
tricky to ensure.

8 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice

Annual Financial Report INSERT

Audited Financials for
Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023
20 23

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 9 Annual Financial Report 2023 INSERT
Message from your Secretary-Treasurer

his issue of the Local Voice presents MoveUP’s Union, workers at The Reach Gallery Museum, and the
annual audited financial report for 2023 and surveillance workers at Starlight Casino New Westminster.
provides you with an account of how your dues As part of our union’s ongoing efforts to improve
are working for you, our members. On a personal note, equity, diversity, and inclusion in our workplaces, we
after a quarter-century proudly serving as your secretary- were very proud to expand our delegation attending
treasurer – aside from a brief hiatus when I temporarily the triennial Canadian Labour Congress Convention
assumed the role of president in 2022 – this will mark my in Montreal ensuring we had equity representation
final report to you. It has been my pleasure and honour among our chosen delegates. The knowledge our
to have been your secretary-treasurer since 1999, to members gain by attending events such as conventions
safeguard our union’s finances, and to make sure we or seminars yields great returns when they go back to
spend and manage our funds responsibly so our union their workplaces and use their newly gained insight and
remains stable, strong, and responsive to the ever- enthusiasm to advocate for the things that are important
changing needs of our membership. for our members.
2023 was an incredibly busy year for our union with Investing in people – our members – is the best
public sector bargaining taking up a large part of our time thing we do, and I have no doubt our union will continue
and attention. From May through July, our members to make these investments as I pass the baton onto our
at Capilano University found themselves on the picket next secretary-treasurer, whoever that may be.
line fighting for equitable language in their collective Our office building remains a good investment for us
agreement. We were very proud of our members who as commercial real estate in Metro Vancouver continues
stood up for what they believed in and, ultimately, to appreciate. In addition to serving as a base for our
reached a deal that was fair for both parties. staff, we are also able to host arbitrations and bargaining
Outside of our public sector units, we also to keep our costs down.
successfully ratified nearly 40 new collective agreements For the last time, my thanks go out to our Audit
for our members during the 2023 calendar year. It’s safe Committee for their work on behalf of our members, and
to say our union representatives accomplished a lot over to Barbara Liang, our Director, Finance, and her team in
that period and I want to express my gratitude to them, our Membership and Finance Department for all they do
and to all our bargaining committees at the various for our union and our members.
workplaces as well for their hard work.
We also welcomed several new members to our
union in 2023, including workers from CCEC Credit
Union when they merged with Community Savings Credit
Lori Mayhew

INSERT Annual Financial Report 2023 10 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice
MoveUP Defence Fund 2013-2023




Balance in fund






2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


he defence fund is often the most interesting one Our goal is to always ensure that our defence fund
for MoveUP members. This is the fund that protects remains stable and strong so that when you need it
you if you ever have to take job action to secure the most it will be available. This is extremely vital
and protect your rights, wages, and benefits. Our defence because having a strong defence fund signals our
fund has been steadily increasing almost ever year after obligation to stand strong with our members during
year since hitting a low in 2018. In 2022, we saw a slight strikes and lockouts.
dip as a result of poor stock market performance, but As more employers try to play hardball at the
we bounced back in 2023 to once again surpass the $20 bargaining table and, in some cases, even refuse to
million mark. Having a healthy fund available to us was come to the table, job action becomes our last resort
important as we needed to access it to support members to force employers into recognizing that our members
engaged in job action, most notably our members at will stand together and recognize that they deserve a fair
Capilano University during their strike which lasted deal that reflects today’s societal challenges.
approximately three months.

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 11 Annual Financial Report 2023 INSERT
MoveUP General Fund 2013-2023




General fund




2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


he day-to-day operations of MoveUP are largely
funded by our union’s general fund. As a result,
it has a higher demand than the defence fund.
In the mid-2000s, our general fund began to decline
over time for a variety of reasons, not the least of which
was our inability to pay for big ticket legal expenses like
arbitrations from the defence fund. Since moving those
costs to the defence fund, the general fund has been
stabilizing and recovering.
The general fund contains several reserves into
which funds are allocated. Those reserves can only be
used for their intended purposes. The reserves include
the Member Protection Reserve which is used to protect
members’ jobs. The other reserves are the BC Federation
of Labour Strategic Plan Reserve, the COPE Convention
Reserve, and the Carbon Offset Reserve.
Our general fund sits at its highest level in well over a
decade ending 2023 at over $6.5 million.

INSERT Annual Financial Report 2023 12 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice
Financial Statements

Consolidated Statement
of Financial Position 2023 The next pages include financial
ASSETS 2023 2022 statements for:
Current assets •C
 onsolidated Statement of
Cash & short term deposits $ 2,788,089 $ 1,308,478 Financial Position 2023
Temporary investments 20,850,142 20,477,969 • Defence Fund Statement of
Accounts receivable 658,536 649,417 Financial Position 2023
Prepaid expenses 200,780 158,188 • General Fund Statement of
$ 24,497,547 $ 22,594,052 Financial Position 2023
Property & equipment 13,462,111 13,880,404 • Office Employees’ Building Ltd.
Interfund balances 0 0 Statement of Financial Position 2023
TOTAL ASSETS $ 37,959,658 $ 36,474,456

Current liabilities
Defence Fund Statement
Accounts payable & accrued $ 1,722,290 $ 2,062,935
of Financial Position 2023
Current portion of 285,251 272,038 ASSETS 2023 2022
mortgage payable
Current assets
Current capital lease 33,306 32,754
Cash & short term deposits $ 780,754 $ 17,651
Temporary investments 19,388,515 19,141,492
Capital lease obligations 89,198 124,887
Accounts receivable 192 192
Long-term debt 0 0
Current portion of 6,510 (6,625)
$ $2,130,045 $ 2,492,614
interfund balances
Mortgage payable 8,663,976 8,949,366
TOTAL ASSETS $ 20,175,971 $ 19,152,710
Interfund balances 0 0
TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 10,794,021 $ 11,441,980
Current liabilities
Accounts payable & $ 21,110 $ 64,533
Unrestricted $ 2,288,911 $ 1,028,715
accrued liabilities
Internally restricted 164,700 248,270
Long-term debt 0 0
TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 21,110 $ 64,533
Restricted for the 20,154,861 19,088,177
defence fund
Investment in property 4,512,883 4,649,878 NET ASSETS
& equipment Restricted for the 20,154,861 19,088,177
Restricted for the education 44,282 17,436 defence fund
& training fund TOTAL LIABILITIES & $ 20,154,861 $ 19,152,710
$ 27,165,637 $ 25,032,476 NET ASSETS
TOTAL LIABILITIES & $ 37,959,658 $ 36,474,456

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 13 Annual Financial Report 2023 INSERT
Financial Statements

MoveUP MoveUP
General Fund Statement Office Employees’ Building Ltd. Statement
of Financial Position 2023 of Financial Position 2023

ASSETS 2023 2022 ASSETS 2023 2022

Current assets Current assets
Cash & short term $ 1,130,109 $ 255,479 Cash & short term $ 832,944 $ 1,014,841
deposits deposits
Temporary investments 1,461,627 1,324,546 Accounts receivable 0 0
Accounts receivable 658,344 649,225 Prepaid expenses 40,543 22,709
Prepaid expenses 160,237 135,479 $ 873,487 $ 1,037,550
Current portion of 4,814,704 4,427,685 Property & equipment 13,462,110 13,880,404
interfund balances TOTAL ASSETS $ 14,335,597 $ 14,917,954
$ 8,225,021 $ 6,792,414
Interfund balances 0 0
TOTAL ASSETS $ 8,225,021 $ 6,792,414
Current liabilities
Accounts payable & $ 50,947 $ 56,084
LIABILITIES accrued liabilities
Current liabilities Advances from MoveUP 4,821,214 4,406,060
Accounts payable & 1,650,234 1,942,316 Current portion of 285,251 272,038
accrued liabilities mortgage payable
TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 1,650,234 $ 1,942,316 Current portion capital 33,306 32,754
lease obligations
$ $5,190,718 $ 4,766,940
Mortgage payable 8,663,976 8,949,366
Unrestricted $ 6,410,087 $ 4,601,828
Loan payable 0 0
Internally restricted 164,700 248,270
reserves Capital lease obligations 89,198 124,887

$ 6,574,787 $ 4,850,098 TOTAL LIABILITIES $ 13,943,892 $ 13,841,193

TOTAL LIABILITIES & $ 8,225,021 $ 6,792,414 NET ASSETS

NET ASSETS Capital stock $ 5 $ 5
Deficit 391,700 1,076,756
$ 391,705 $ 1,076,761
TOTAL LIABILITIES & $ 14,335,597 $ 14,917,954

INSERT Annual Financial Report 2023 14 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice
Operating Expenses

General Fund
Operating Expenses 2023


Collective agreement management 2,299,718
Legal & grievances 175,549
Bargaining & strike 505,584
Member education 667,443
Member maintenance 330,123
$ 3,978,417 Union Government


Administration Membership
ORGANIZING $ 231,002 Services


Staff holidays & leaves 1,473,314

Office administration support 940,738 12%
Services & supplies 155,451
Staff benefits
Office furniture & equipment leases
Office rent & occupancy costs 1,380,000
Finance department salaries 269,140
Audit fees 49,107 51%
Staff education 81,211
$ 6,071,266


Disbursements from reserves

Executive council
Conventions 262,710 Organizing
Executive board 75,463
Table officer salaries 344,668 2%
Member meetings 161,042 Communications
Committees 207,680
Honoraria 29,481
Donations 94,029
Elections 6,347
$ 1,452,993
TOTAL $ 12,010,220

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 15 Annual Financial Report 2023 INSERT
Meet the Finance Team

Lori Mayhew
The Secretary-Treasurer is the Chief Financial Officer for the union.

Lori Mayhew

Barbara Liang, CPA, CGA

Director, Finance
The Director, Finance position was created in 2005
and is held by a Certified Professional Accountant.

Barbara Liang
Director, Finance

Membership and
Finance Department
MoveUP staff assist the Secretary-Treasurer
and Director, Finance in the day-to-day
financial operations, including accounts
payable and receivable and data management.

Pardeep Singh Sarina Nannar Marilyn Vassell

Accounting Analyst AP/Payroll Membership

According to the MoveUP constitution, the MoveUP

executive board shall be responsible for appointing
Auditor's Respo
nsibilities for the
an independent auditor to review the union’s Independent Auditor's
Report Our objectives
are to obtain reason
Audit of the Conso

able assurance
lidated Financial
are free from materi about whether
al misstatemen the consolidated
books and accounts. The executive board is also opinion. Reasonable
accordance with
Canadian genera
t, whether due
assurance is a high
lly accepted auditin
to fraud or error,
level of assurance,
but is
and to issue an
not a guarantee
financial statem
auditor's report
that an audit condu
ents as a whole
that includes our
es' Union - Local 378 (dba they ts can arise from g standards will cted in
Office & Professional Employe could reasonably fraud or error and always detect a
material missta
responsible for publishing and generally distributing To the Members of Canadian consolidated financ
be expected to
ial statements.
influence the econo
are considered
mic decisions of
material if, individ
users taken on
tement when it
ually or in the aggreg
the basis of these
As part of an audit

to the executive council and membership an Opinion

the consolida ted financial statements of

Canadian Office & Professio
t of financial
judgment and
nal Employe
es' Union
in accordance with
as at December 31,
professional skeptic
Canadian genera
ism throughout
lly accepted auditin
the audit. We
g standards, we
exercise profes
We have audited consolidated statemen ended, also:
P"), which comprise the year then
x Identif
378 (dba MoveUP) ("MoveU and cash flows for the y and assess the risks
overview of the auditor’s reports. 2023, and the consolida
ted statements of operatio
ted financial statements,
ns, changes in net assets
including a summary of
significant accounting
due to fraud or
evidence that is
of material missta
error, design and
sufficient and appro
tement of the conso
perform audit proced lidated financial
ures responsive statements, wheth
and notes to the consolida a materithe priate to provid to those risks, and er
in all material respects, al misstatement resulting from e a basis for our obtain audit
ted financial statements present fairly, involve
ted operatio
collusins fraud is higher
opinion. The risk
of not detecting
nying consolida of its consolida on, forgery, intenti than for one resulti
In our opinion, the accompa as at Decemb er 31, 2023, and the results x Obtain an
standard s for not-
onal omissions,
misrep ng from error, as
fraud may
position of MoveUP Canadian accounti ng tanding of interna resent ations, or the overrid
consolidated financial year then ended in accordance with that are appropriate l control releva
nt to e of internal contro
These statements are contained in this report. and its consolidated cash
for-profit organizations.
flows for the
effectiveness of
Evaluate the appro
in the circumstances,
MoveUP’s interna
priateness of accou
l control.
but not for the
the audit in order to design
purpose of expres audit procedures
sing an opinion
on the

estimates and related nting policies used

disclosures made and the reason
x Conclude on the by management ableness of accou
Basis for Opinion responsibilitiesappropriateness of manag . nting
accepted auditing standards. Our based on the audit ement 's
generally evidence obtain use of the going conce
in accordance with Canadian for the Audit of the condit Consolidated ed, whether a materi rn basis of accou
We conducted our audit the Auditor’s Respons ibilities ions that may cast al uncert nting and,
are further described in ce with the ethical significant doubt ainty exists related
under those standards
ent of MoveUP in accordan de that a materi on MoveUP’s ability to events or
of our report. We are independ and we have fulfilled al uncertainty exists, we are
statements in Canada, the related discloshave
to continue as a
going concern.
Financial Statements section the consolidated financial we ures in the consolidated required to draw If we
relevant to our audit of audit evidence attention in our
ents. We believe that the
modify financial statem auditor's report
requirements that are ce with these requirem
our opinion. Our
conclusions are ents or, if such to

If you have any questions about your

ilities in accordan audito r's report. Howev based on the audit eviden disclos ures are
our other ethical responsib a basis for our opinion. er, future events ce obtained up
inadequate, to
appropriate to provide going concern. or conditions may to the date of our
obtained is sufficient and cause MoveUP
te the loverall presen to cease to contin
x Financia
with Governance for the tation, structure ue as a
ibilities of Manage ment and Those Charged including the disclos
ures, and
and content of
the conso
Respons whether the conso lidated financial statem

union’s finances, contact your local

transactions and lidated financial ents,
events in a manne
Statements x in
Obtainstatemen r that achieves statements repres
ent the underlying
consolidated financial priate audit eviden fair presentation.
fair presentation of the busine as
le for the preparation and control
ss activiti
internal ce regarding the
Management is responsib tions, and for such es within MoveUP to expres financial inform
not-for-profit organiza are respon
for free
ation of the entitie
accounting standards for sibleare
ts that s an opinion on s or
accordance with Canadian ted financial statemen the direction, superv the consolidated
preparation of consolida responsible for ision and perfor financial statem

MoveUP councillor or the union office.

y to enable the our audit mance ents. We
es is necessar opinion. of the group audit.
management determin or error. We remain solely
ent, whether due to fraud We communicat
from material misstatem e with thoseability tod with
le for assessing
of the audit MoveUP’s charge governance regard
management is responsibidentif and significant concern ing, among other
g the consolida ted financial statements, to going y during
concern and our
using the going audit findings, includ
ing matters, the planne
In preparin matters related audit. any significant d scope and
disclosing, as applicable, MoveUP or to cease operatio
ns, or has no realistic deficiencies in interna
continue as a going concern, l control that we
managem ent either intends to liquidate
basis of accounting unless
MOVEUP alternative but to do so.
ce are responsible for overseein
g MoveUP’s financial reporting

Those charged with governan

Suite 301 - 4501 Kingsway,

Port Moody, British

April 26, 2024

Burnaby, B.C. V5H 0E5 Chartered Profes

sional Accountants

T: 604.949.2088 F: 604.949.0
Port Moody B.C., V3H 5C9
601, 205 Newport Drive,

INSERT Annual Financial Report 2023 16 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice
A Letter To My Friends At MoveUP: GENDER-
Ending Gender-Based Violence Starts With Trust VIOLENCE

Dear sisters, brothers, and friends of MoveUP:

Thank you for taking the time to read this. By welcoming and creating this space
for a survivor like me to share my thoughts and experiences on gender-based
violence, please know you are already making a difference.

s someone who has publicly shared my trauma So, let’s take a moment to
resulting from gender-based violence, I’ve imagine the feeling of not being
noticed that this is a topic that many people feel able to protect yourself from harm.
uncomfortable with. Imagine feeling trapped against your
But how can healing begin if we don’t first wishes. Imagine living in fear.
acknowledge the wound? For someone who has never
Like many survivors, I felt ashamed about my experienced such trauma, it may be
experiences for years. I worried about being judged. I difficult to comprehend that such
worried if people would trust me. horrors exist. Yet, the reality is stark:
Why do many victims and survivors of gender- 35% of women worldwide have
based violence worry about not being trusted? experienced physical and/or sexual
You may have heard comments directed towards violence in some form.
survivors like these: After remaining silent about a childhood trauma
“There are always two sides to a story,” for most of my life, I finally chose to speak out when I
“What did she do?” was touched by gender-based violence again in recent
Katrina Chen will
“Just let go,” or years. I decided to advocate for better changes, and I
“What was she wearing?” believe the first step we must take is to have everyone - not be seeking
These comments are unfortunately all too common starting from you and me - trust survivors. another term
for survivors. But why do people judge survivors? Why Trust is critical. Trust can create room for more as an MLA and
do people unfairly believe that survivors are somewhat survivors to tell their stories. Trust can bring us together will, instead,
responsible for the crimes committed against them? Or to advocate for better changes from court reform to
focus on her
is it our society that has habitually swept this topic under government priorities. Trust can raise more awareness
and prevent more women and girls from being touched advocacy work.
the rug, lacking the much-needed public awareness,
education, and open discussion it deserves? by violence. Trust can help us heal.
Many survivors have experienced prejudice and Thank you - for being an ally in raising awareness
stigma against them that are often re-traumatizing. about gender-based violence. Let us open these
Victim-blaming prevents survivors from telling their wounds and take concrete actions to combat this
story, seeking justice, or healing. most persistent and pervasive human rights violation
Our court system also requires reform. Did you know throughout history.
that only 21% of reported sexual assault cases in Canada
result in a trial while only 11.5% end in a conviction, and
a mere 6.5% lead to the perpetrator being sentenced to If you or someone you know is affected
jail time? by violence, call 911 in an emergency or
A support worker once told me about how the
court is often referred to as the ‘defender’s court.’ scan the QR code to see a list of resources
Victims often experience re-traumatization throughout available on the Government of BC website.
the court process. What you may have seen in movies is
indeed real and unfortunately discourages victims from
seeking the justice they deserve.

Katrina Chen was first elected as the MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed in 2017 and re-elected in 2020. She previously served as the Minister
of State for Child Care. Prior to becoming an elected MLA, she was a trustee on the Burnaby Board of Education. Katrina has announced
she will not seek another term as MLA and will continue her advocacy work in many areas to support working people and their families,
including supporting survivors of gender-based violence, and she has a children’s book on the topic of family violence in the works.

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 17

MATTERS MoveUP Members: Your Vote Matters!

The Hon. Jennifer n just a few short months, British Columbians will be workers were under perpetual attack. It was only when
Whiteside is heading to the polls to vote for their next provincial our BC NDP government was elected that we brought
currently the
government. While I know this will be a line that you those hard-working healthcare workers back into the
will hear repeated over the next few months, this is one public sector and gave them the respect they deserve.
MLA for New
of the most important elections we will face. The focus of our government has always been
Westminster and We need your help to make sure we continue to making life better and more affordable for British
the Minister of work together to make life better and more affordable Columbians. Some of our achievements since forming
Mental Health and for people like you – working people and their families. government include drastically reducing car insurance
Addictions. She In 2020, I had the honour of being elected as the rates to among the lowest in Canada, holding down
MLA for New Westminster and joining our BC NDP rate increases on electricity, securing public transit
previously served
government. Before that, my background was very funding to keep costs low for riders, creating and
as the Minister similar to that of MoveUP members. I was a union expanding $10-a-day childcare spaces, eliminating
of Education and member, and I was the chief spokesperson and lead costly bridge tolls, and providing free contraception.
Child Care. negotiator for the Hospital Employees’ Union. We’ve also made significant investments in expanding
I have had ample experience on both sides of the access to health care by building new hospitals and
She will be
coin – as a labour activist dealing with government and seniors care facilities, hiring more doctors and health
now being part of government. But I remember 2001 care workers, expanding diagnostic imaging, and
running in the
and the devastating cuts the BC Liberal government making the flu shot free.
newly-created imposed on people and our communities. We know there is still a lot more to do to make
riding of New For people providing healthcare services, dealing British Columbia affordable for everybody, especially
Westminster- with a BC Liberal government was much different on the housing front. We introduced the speculation
Coquitlam in the than dealing with a BC NDP government. The BC and vacancy tax and new rules for short-term rentals
Liberal government tore up our members’ contracts, to ensure that housing supply is there for people to be
Fall 2024 election.
contracted out their work to multinational corporations, able to live in. We’ve also introduced new legislation to
fired 10,000 mostly women healthcare support workers, rapidly increase the supply of available housing, adding
and cut funding to health care. British Columbians were to the 77,000 homes that have been delivered or are
deprived of access to the services they needed, and underway since 2017.

18 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice


MoveUP members, especially those who were It’s because of the passionate
working between the years of 2001 to 2017, will advocacy of your leaders in the labour
undoubtedly remember the many ways the BC Liberal movement, including MoveUP, that these important We need
government of the day put their work in jeopardy and, in advances for workers have been possible.
doing so, put their livelihoods and those of their family We can’t stop here, and we won’t stop here. But we
your help to
in jeopardy as well. need your help to make more advances possible. We make sure we
The BC Liberals brand may be dead, but their track need your help to continue to push for more $10-a-day
record and their harmful agenda lives on in the BC childcare spaces, for more affordable housing spaces continue to
United Party and is taken to an even further extreme by so young workers can live in the communities they
work together
the BC Conservative Party. work in, and to support families and young people
Members who worked at ICBC will remember the who are being negatively impacted by the spread of to make life
BC Liberals’ attempt to run the corporation into the misinformation about what SOGI (sexual orientation
ground, driving up costs and prices and even siphoning and gender identity) education is so that our schools better and more
funds out of ICBC — all to privatize it. are safe and inclusive places for all students. affordable for
Members who worked at BC Hydro will recall When you use your voice to help support as many
how the BC Liberals locked BC Hydro into long-term progressive candidates as possible to get elected, people like
contracts to buy additional power from independent you make it possible for us to pursue even greater
power producers at higher-than-market rates again to achievements to help working people and their families. you – working
drive their privatization agenda. Some of you may have This October, make your plan to vote. If you have people and their
even been affected when the BC Liberals directed BC the ability and the time, consider helping to support
Hydro to outsource several of your jobs to Accenture your riding’s BC NDP candidate as well or donating to families.
with the promise of lowering costs, when just the support us.
opposite happened. The only thing that was lowered was, Keep up the amazing work. We see you. We hear
unfortunately, wages for workers and job satisfaction. you. We have your back. We appreciate you, and we
There are many more examples of the negative can’t wait to do more good things with you.
impacts of the BC Liberals, but I want to focus on the
positives of what our government has been able to do
for people.
The changes we made at ICBC, for instance, have "The focus of our government
not only helped bring auto insurance rates down but has always been making life better and
have stabilized the corporation.
Our work to combat the urgent climate crisis, while more affordable for British Columbians."
still ensuring people have access to reliable and affordable JENNIFER WHITESIDE
energy for their homes, means we are undergoing a
massive increase in electrification. This will also mean more
jobs at BC Hydro, which will only continue to increase over
the next 10 years.
On the overall labour front, our government has
introduced important legislation that has had meaningful
impacts on everyday working people. We have introduced
five paid days of sick leave, anti-scab legislation, card
check so that workers can join unions more easily, as well
as paid leave for survivors of domestic or sexual violence.
In our most recent round of public sector
bargaining, and thanks to the relentless effort of the
labour movement, we negotiated wages for our diligent
public sector employees – including ICBC and BC
Hydro – that tied increases with the rising cost of living.
That was essential because we know how much global
inflation and the cost of living has affected everybody.
Our government hasn’t done this work alone.

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 19

The Road to a Fulfilling Career: How Kathleen’s
SAFETY Passion For Safety Became a Dream Job

Photo: Kathleen (left) poses for

a photo with Port Moody Police
Constable Sam Zacharias.

s a public auto insurance company, ICBC is law enforcement are the High Risk Driving campaign in
committed to public safety on all our roads across May, and the CounterAttack campaign which occurs
the province of British Columbia. That’s why each twice a year. The latter campaign involves looking out
year, thousands of dollars are reinvested by ICBC directly for drivers who are drug or alcohol impaired.
into our communities to fund road safety initiatives. During these campaigns, it’s Kathleen’s job to make
Road safety isn’t just a marketing campaign or sure all the parties – ICBC, community volunteers, and
an item on a checklist. You can tell when you talk to law enforcement personnel – know the schedule and
ICBC’s employees – our MoveUP members – just how what their responsibilities are and where to go.
passionate they are about the issue of road safety. “I think the most rewarding part of our work is the
Kathleen Nadalin is a MoveUP member who lives connections that you make,” said Kathleen. “We’re
and breathes road safety every single day. She is one of working with likeminded people who want to make a
MARCH is 16 Road safety and Community Coordinators employed difference in the community. I’m pretty lucky to have
one of the by ICBC across the province. this career because you get to work with people who
two months a If you regularly drive a vehicle in BC, you will be really care about the community.”
year ICBC, in familiar with Kathleen’s work even if you might not Kathleen is not the only one who feels fortunate to
conjunction know that she, along with the other Road Safety and have strong partners. The feeling is clearly mutual.
with local law Community Coordinators, plays a big role in making “We’re so lucky to get to work with her. She’s
enforcement, it happen. awesome,” said Constable Sam Zacharias, Media
conducts its “A lot of my days involve planning and coordinating Relations Officer for the Port Moody Police Department,
distracted these events,” explained Kathleen on a rainy afternoon referring to Kathleen. “The partnership we have with her
driving in Coquitlam back in early March. “What you see is invaluable. We’re able to work so closely throughout
campaign. The today, those meetings took place a month ago when the year on all these different road safety initiatives and
other is during I brought everyone [law enforcement and community campaigns and we see the benefits on our roadways.”
SEPTEMBER volunteers] together.” If this sounds like the perfect work scenario for
when schools March is one of the two months a year ICBC, in Kathleen, that’s because it is. In fact, even before she
begin to reopen, conjunction with local law enforcement, conducts started working at ICBC, she had already discovered her
and people are its distracted driving campaign. The other is during affinity for road safety.
coming off September when schools begin to reopen, and people “When I first applied at ICBC, I knew about road safety
their summer are coming off their summer holidays. initiatives because I saw a road safety speaker speaking
holidays. The other campaigns where ICBC partners with local in some of our high schools,” recalled Kathleen, who

20 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice


first joined ICBC as a customer service representative ready with a smile on her face to interact with people in Photo, left: Kathleen
in 1998 before moving to the Road Safety department the community whenever they have a question about (centre, in blue)
in 2000. “I was so inspired by that and wanted to apply something related to their public auto insurer. is joined by
at ICBC because I love that they’re doing road safety.” “All of us, as road safety coordinators, take the time
community safety
In fact, Kathleen was so passionate about road to learn as much as we can about ICBC,” said Kathleen.
safety that, before joining ICBC, she was a community “We’re prepared to answer people’s questions about volunteers and
safety volunteer with the Burnaby RCMP, the same Enhanced Care. We’re prepared to answer questions members of the Port
volunteer group she now coordinates with to plan about driver licensing. We also have a lot of training Moody Police.
roadside campaigns. around other aspects of ICBC as well.”
She also currently volunteers with Operation Red She further adds, “for the most part, people are happy
Nose, an ICBC-endorsed program that provides free we’re there. They are glad that we’re doing road safety.
rides to drivers and their passengers who feel unfit to They’re happy that we’re able to answer their questions.”
drive for any reason – no questions asked – during the It is MoveUP members like Kathleen who are putting
holiday season. a friendly face for ICBC, helping the public recognize
“It was interesting the conversations with people the value it brings to our community not just in road
who couldn’t believe that [ICBC] employees were doing safety but in many other areas as well.
the volunteer work,” recalled Kathleen referring to their “For me, there’s a sense of pride knowing ICBC is
participation with Operation Red Nose last winter. “They recognized in the community as a road safety partner,”
just thought it was amazing.” said Kathleen. “We sit at these tables with the people
Kathleen has an incredible passion for her job. One making decisions, offering opportunities for people, and
of the initiatives she also has a hand in relates to the supporting people so that more road safety initiatives
community coordinator part of her job. Those include happen in our community. As an employee, I’m proud
workshops that train other trainers on how to install of that.”
car seats for children. Also, programs specifically So, is there anything Kathleen asks for in return for
designed to support newcomers to Canada and BC her dedication and commitment to the people of BC,
on how to navigate the ICBC driver licensing and both in her day job and in her volunteer work?
insurance system. “What I would hope is that people know and
When Kathleen is out specifically dealing with the understand that it takes all of us to make safer roads,
road safety aspect of her job, she fully recognizes that not just police, not just me, not just the volunteers,” she
she’s representative of all aspects of ICBC. She’s always said. “It’s all of us, and all the time.”

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 21

Exciting News For Our Upcoming
CHARITIES Golf Tournament in July

Visit to learn more about the tournament.

Photo, above n just over a month MoveUP, alongside the United It’s a cause that means a lot to our members. At the
left: Enthusiastic Steelworkers Local 2009 (USW 2009), will proudly same time, we wanted to continue our support of The
golfers getting host our eighth annual Bob Derby Memorial Golf Union Protein Project.
ready for the Tournament on July 26, 2024. We recognize that there are many factors that
start of the 2023
Our tournament is reaching even greater heights can affect someone’s mental well-being, and food
and that would have undoubtedly made the late Bob insecurity is on that list. This year, in addition to
Derby, former MoveUP Vice-President and dear friend continuing The Union Protein Project, we are thrilled to
Photo, above
of ours and many others, extremely proud. have The Courtnall Society for Mental Health as another
In 2023, our tournament raised nearly $70,000 in charitable benefactor of our event.
right: MoveUP
support of The Union Protein Project, setting a single- Our 2024 golf tournament will sell out extremely fast,
member Bebe
tournament record for most funds raised since our but even if you can’t secure a spot in our tournament
(front, right) union began hosting these events in 2015 after Bob’s there are other ways that you can support these incredible
from BC Hydro tragic passing. causes. One of the ways is to encourage local businesses
was among our Our tournament has become even bigger since you know to support our event through sponsorship.
golfers at the 2023 2019 when the USW 2009 came on board to be a Sponsorship opportunities are still open even up
tournament. co-presenter of the event. USW 2009 represents the to a couple of weeks before our tournament. If you
amazing staff who work at MoveUP. know of a company or organization that would be
As our tournament has grown, so have our interested in helping support two incredible causes,
ambitions. After our highly successful event last year, The Union Protein Project and The Courtnall Society
our tournament committee took time in the fall and for Mental Health, please encourage them to visit
winter to discuss how our tournament can make an and download a copy of the
even bigger impact and help even more people. Sponsorship Package.
One of the issues that both MoveUP and the USW We are also looking for donations for our
2009 hears about from our respective members is popular raffle prize draw. If you have something
the need for mental health support. As such, we you would like to donate that we can use as
decided to explore what we can do to help raise a raffle prize, please let us know by emailing
awareness and funds for this very important cause.

About The Courtnall Society for Mental Health About the Union Protein Project
Based in Victoria, British Columbia, The Courtnall Society for Mental The Union Protein Project subsidizes the cost
Health was established in 2021 by brothers Geoff, Russ, and Bruce of protein for food banks, allowing them to
Courtnall. In addition to working to promote the understanding of provide canned fish and peanut butter that
mental health through awareness, education, and resources, the many at-risk families just can’t afford. They
Society is dedicated to raising funds year-round in order to provide have helped food banks save precious money
grants to support community-centric mental health organizations and maximize their purchasing power by
across Canada. subsidizing the cost of protein-based foods.
Learn more at Learn more at

22 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice

Putting Working People First EBY

nions have long been the path along which ICBC rates are down by hundreds of
working people have travelled to join the dollars. That’s what can be done when you put
middle class. out a dumpster fire set by those who do not
I’m reminded of the benefits of union membership believe in the value of a public auto insurer.
every time grandpa visits our family. My father-in-law Government can choose to leave people to
was a longshoreman and a union member. His wages fend for themselves with higher fees and slashed
and benefits helped lift his family into the middle class. It services, leaving our housing market vulnerable
gave his children options in life. His daughter, who is my to wealthy speculators. Or government can
wife and partner Cailey, studied to become a nurse and have your back by expanding public education,
is now a practicing family doctor. His union’s advocacy by strengthening health care, and by delivering
for safety means he’s able to play with his grandkids. affordable homes for people.
After years of erosion of the middle class, more and Instead of cutting, we’re building schools,
more people are discovering the benefits of unions and hospitals, roads, bridges, public transit, and
supporting organized labour. Once again, unions are more homes.
on the rise. Instead of firing, we’re hiring nurses, teachers, and
Photo, above left:
Our government knows that unions are critical for more of the people who provide the services you need.
expanding the middle class and enabling people to We’re doing all of this while delivering the strongest Premier Eby, joined
build a good life here. We also know government has a economy with the highest wages in Canada, while by fellow NDP
direct role to play here too. implementing one of the most effective climate action MLAs, speaks to a
That’s why we’re working to deliver fair wages, plans in the country. crowd of working
affordable homes, and a strong, public health system Together we’re proving that supporting people,
people at a Labour
that provides the care you need when you need it. protecting our environment, and growing our economy
Day event in 2023.
By restricting short-term rentals, we’re choosing are not mutually exclusive. They’re linked together.
long-term homes for people instead of big profits for We believe in making life better for all British
investors. By speeding up approvals, we’re building Columbians, and we can’t do it alone.
more homes faster. By using public lands to build That’s why our government brought back single- "Our
housing we will put homes in reach for people with step certification, making it easier to join a union. government
middle-incomes. And we’re making sure homes are And that’s also why we’re investing in skills training knows that
for families – not speculators looking to make a quick so people can take advantage of the many opportunities unions are
buck – through a new BC home-flipping tax. in an economy that works for all of us.
critical for
Instead of cutting taxes for those at the top, we’re Because everyone at the supper table should
cutting costs for you and your family to address inflation be able to plan a good life for themselves and their expanding the
and rising costs. loved ones. middle class
Childcare bills have been cut in half or more for and enabling
many parents. Bridge tolls are now a thing of the past, Photo, right bottom: Premier Eby (centre) poses for people to build
and we eliminated MSP to deliver the largest middle- a photo with MoveUP members Shona (left, from
a good life
class tax cut in a generation. LiUNA 1611) and Grimmsley (from ICBC).
– David Eby
MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 23

Candidate Guide for Members

Election Candidate Guide INSERT

MoveUP president, secretary-treasurer, and Executive Board

executive board members will be elected for The executive board is responsible for the ongoing
operation of our union and shall make recommendations
a three-year term in the 2024 election. to, and report to, the MoveUP executive council. Executive
Visit for board members meet monthly in addition to attending
executive council meetings. They remained employed by
more information. their regular employer but may be booked off to attend to
business on behalf of our union as required.
President Members at ICBC and at Utilities—BC Hydro Group,
respectively, have more than one executive board member.
The president sits on the executive board and executive When there are more candidates than there are elected
council, serving as chair for both, and oversees the day-to- positions, you can vote for all the executive board available
day operations of the organization and staff. The position of
for your unit. Members who work in all other bargaining units
president is open to a vote of the entire membership. The
– Utilities—Fortis Group, Combined—Transit, Combined—
president is a full-time position.
Finance/Insurance, Combined—Shipping/Transport/
Manufacturing, Combined—Labour, and Combined—
Secretary-Treasurer Miscellaneous – can elect one executive board member
from the category for their workplace. If there is only one
The secretary-treasurer is responsible for managing our
candidate, that candidate is considered acclaimed. Please
union’s finances. The position of secretary-treasurer is open
to a vote of the entire membership. The secretary-treasurer is check
a full-time position. for specific information on constituencies.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Biographies are

supplied directly
26 Candidates for: PRESIDENT 30 Candidates for Executive Board: by candidates
and are not edited
29 Candidates for Executive Board: 30 Candidates for Executive Board: in any way. The
word limit is 150.
27 Candidates for Executive Board: ICBC Biographies that
31 Candidates for Executive Board:
28 Candidates for Executive Board: COMBINED – MISCELLANEOUS exceed 150 words
COMBINED – TRANSIT have been cut
31 Candidates for Executive Board:
29 Candidates for Executive Board: COMBINED – LABOUR off at the 150-

INSERT Candidate Guide – Election 2024 24 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice
Voting Deadline Election Timeline: ANNOUNCED:
July 16
4:30 P.M., Monday,
July 15, 2024
June 24 (8:30 a.m. PT) July 25
All votes must be electronically Voting Opens Election of Vice-Presidents
submitted by 4:30 p.m. July 15 (4:30 p.m. PT) (from successful executive
Voting Closes board candidates)
September 14

TO VOTE Look for this

button on the
Voting is conducted electronically through the Member Portal. Member Portal
You can vote from your computer, tablet, or your smartphone.

q To vote, go to and click on the box in the top right

corner labeled ‘Member Portal.’ You can also get there directly by going to
q Sign in to the member portal with your member ID. (If you have not registered yet
for the member portal, see instructions below).
q Once you are in the member portal, click on the ‘Click here to vote’ button and
follow the instructions on the online ballot.
q Once your online ballot has been submitted, you will see a confirmation on your screen and you will
receive an email confirmation with your receipt number.

REGISTERING FOR THE If you do not have your membership number, please visit and fill out the form.
All members in good standing who have registered on the
If you have not signed in to the Member Portal before, Member Portal will be forwarded to the voting company
you will need to register by 4:30 p.m. PT on Thursday, to ensure they will be directed to the electronic ballot
June 20, 2024 following these easy steps so you are in the Member Portal. That is why it is essential that you
able to vote: register on the Member Portal by the deadline date listed
• STEP 1: On the Member Portal page, click on the ‘Sign above or you will not be able to vote.
Up Now’ button which appears below the ‘First Time
• STEP 2 – Complete the information required. Once The MoveUP returning officer will announce the results of
the form is fully completed, click on ‘Register’ and you the election on the day after
are ready to vote. voting has closed.
You will need your membership number which was sent to
you when you first joined MoveUP.

VOTER CONFIDENTIALITY Suite 301-4501 Kingsway,

IS PROTECTED Burnaby, B.C. V5H 0E5
Your receipt number is automatically
emailed to you and is confidential.
Phone: 604-299-0378
There is no way to link your name to MoveUP, the Movement of Toll Free: 1-800-665-6838
the receipt number. This guarantees United Professionals
the confidentiality of your vote.
Fax: 604-299-8211

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 25 Candidate Guide – Election 2024 INSERT
Candidates for MoveUP EXECUTIVE BOARD



With over 30 years as a dynamic Graeme Hutchison is a dedicated
leader, activist, and negotiator, leader and advocate, assuming
Annette Toth will continue to make the role of MoveUP’s President in
MoveUP members her number one September 2023 through a by-
priority as president. election at MoveUP’s Executive
Annette has served four terms as Council. He also previously served
vice president at MoveUP, reversing as MoveUP’s Secretary Treasurer.
the threat of privatization of 5000+ Graeme’s academic background
ICBC jobs, achieving critical post- includes a BSc in Computing,
pandemic benefit improvements complemented by various
and championing for the most postgraduate teaching and technical
vulnerable. She insists that people certifications.
be the focus of every decision. With a rich professional history in
Annette is insightful and strategic. Her accomplished record makes her our business and finance, Graeme's expertise extended to his role in corporate
best choice to navigate the future of work, including impacts from AI and training, where he facilitated banking system conversions for several
emerging technologies. financial institutions before moving to Community Savings Credit Union.
Her vision for MoveUP is simple - bargain the best agreements, build a sense Prior to relocating to Canada from the UK, Graeme was a university professor
of community, lead by example, and listen to every voice. Annette knows at Plymouth University. In addition to his academic pursuits, Graeme referees’
these principles are key to strengthening members’ trust. As president of soccer at a high level.
our national union, Annette has a proven track record and remains our best Graeme's platform prioritizes members' rights, accountability, educational
choice for local president. opportunities, technological advancement, and unity, promising a progressive
Find out more at and inclusive union under his leadership.
Graeme is offering the members a New Deal, for more details go to his website


Bryan FINSTAD Brenda CHU

With a supportive family of five and a solid Brenda Chu joined ICBC in 2016 after her time as a
foundation in business from SFU, I am honoured lawyer in Hong Kong.
to stand for election as Secretary Treasurer of She became a job steward in 2017 and was elected to
MoveUP. My journey in leadership at MoveUP for the Executive Board in 2018, quickly proving to be an
the past 9 years, has been guided by integrity, experienced and authentic leader within our union.
common sense, and responsibility. These She has served two terms on MoveUP’s Executive
principles have been the cornerstone of my Board, volunteers on numerous committees, and
approach to financial governance, evident in my has bargained two collective agreements. She is
roles as Chair of the Audit Committee and the LTD also a job evaluation appeals officer.
Trust, safeguarding the hard-earned money of our She is experienced with financial accounting and is
members at ICBC, Transit, and MoveUP staff. My track record speaks to my commitment currently serving her 6th year as Trustee for the BC
to transparency and accountability. If entrusted with this role, I will continue to Federation of Labour where she examines all financial records to ensure compliance.
champion these values, ensuring that every decision made is in the best interest
of our members and their families. Together, let’s strengthen MoveUP and secure a Brenda's plan is to ensure our spending focuses on the needs of our members, to maintain
prosperous future for all. Vote: Bryan Finstad for Secretary-Treasurer! strict financial prudence, and to provide the best fiscally responsible support for our
union and our members.
She is a loving mother of two energetic boys.
Get to know more about Brenda on



Norm is a dedicated professional with extensive experience Vanessa Sharma is a vibrant force within the labour
and a strong commitment to this organization and its movement, channelling her passion into advocacy for
members. With over thirty years at FortisBC Energy Inc., as anti-racism, mental health awareness, and community
a job steward, executive board member, and trustee on the empowerment. Inspired by
pension plan it showcases his involvement in various aspects her mother's courageous battle with mental health, tragically
of the company's operations and employee welfare. lost four years ago, Vanessa has committed herself to
With a Master's in Business Administration and CPA-CGA designation, he has a solid destigmatizing mental health issues. Through her engaging podcast and active
financial management and strategic decision-making foundation. Involvement in social media presence, she shares her journey, fostering open dialogue on crucial
committees like the Fortis Job Evaluation Appeals Committee and MoveUP Audit topics.
Committee demonstrates a keen interest in ensuring fairness and transparency A dedicated young worker and union activist, she is a steadfast defender of
within the organization's processes and protecting members' rights under the the rights of workers, breaking barriers within both the labour movement and
collective agreement. the South Asian community. Proudly representing MoveUp Local 378, in 2023
With a wealth of experience and expertise, Norm brings a proactive approach as she became the youngest person elected to serve as one of the CLC’s two Vice
your representative on the board. This approach, coupled with your invaluable Presidents representing Workers of Colour.
help and support, ensures that he is always working in your best interests, Vanessa's impact reaches beyond the labour movement, into other areas of
safeguarding your rights and welfare. community engagement. She nurtures a passion for innovation among youth through
her involvement in Science World's STEAM network (bio truncated due to length)

INSERT Candidate Guide – Election 2024 26 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice
Candidates for MoveUP EXECUTIVE BOARD


Melissa IERACI Ahmad NAQVI

Melissa began her career at ICBC in 2017 as an estimator in In 2007, I immigrated to Canada from Pakistan. For most of my
subrogation before transitioning to out-of-province claims. adult life, I have experienced economic and political turmoil.
She quickly ascended to leadership roles, first as a job I have seen what depriving people of their voice can do to a
steward, then as an executive councilor, and is currently country and to an organization.
serving her second term. I have worked at ICBC for almost a decade and am a
Deeply committed to union activities, Melissa serves on Senior Claims Specialist now. I hold a Master’s Degree
multiple committees and represents our interests on the Canadian Equity Council of in Anthropology and Communications. Executive Councilor for over three years
our National Union, COPE SEPB. Drawing on her Métis heritage, she is a passionate advocating for members in the Surrey Central office. Last year with the help of my
advocate for equity-seeking groups, making equity and inclusion the cornerstone of members at Surrey Central, I convinced the corporation to provide us with a 50%
her work as a union activist. discount on parking at Gateway. Small success but significant as ICBC did it for first
Melissa is now seeking to bring her dedication and experience to the Executive time.
Board as part of the Upbeat Crew, a team that is Collectively You. I have three goals: Remove conditions on Work from Home. Workload issue to be
actually resolved and better wage increase in the next agreement.
I need your support to run for executive board.


No bio or "Three years ago, I ran to be the voice of so many who felt
photo they didn’t have one in our union. You placed your trust in me
and together we have made a real difference in people's lives.
submitted We increased our mental health benefits, expanded work from
home options in our call centres, and fought off reductions in
our weekend premium.
Looking ahead to the next three years, we have many issues to take on. We have to
remove occurrences from our sick leave, update our job evaluation system, tackle
ICBC’s workload issues, and most importantly, fight to secure fair public wage
increases into 2027.
It has been the honour of my life to be your advocate and if re-elected, I intend to put
my name forward in becoming your next Vice-President. I’ve always believed in us
and if you still believe in me, we’re just getting started."


Brian Martens is a dedicated champion for ICBC Members. He Jaime Scott joined ICBC in February 2019 as a Broker Enquiry
is committed to enhancing the lives of MoveUP members by Representative. She is now a Call Center Coordinator, working
prioritizing health and safety, addressing workload issues, out of Head Office.
and participating as a key leader during collective bargaining. Jaime became a Job Steward in 2020 at the height of the
Brian has over 17 years of experience in various Claims roles COVID-19 pandemic, and is currently serving her second term
from call center to commercial, and 16 years as a Job Steward, on the Executive Council. She is an active member, serving on
Executive Council, and Executive Board member. the following committees: Human Rights and Multicultural, Youth Action, Women and
Using innovative thinking and collaboration to create solutions he always places Gender Rights, and Environment. Jaime also serves on the Vancouver and District
members at the forefront of every decision. A Labour College of Canada graduate Labour Council, the Return to Work Committee, and is a MoveUP facilitator. She is
and recipient of the Ardell Brophy Award, Brian's leadership and dedication are well- passionate about worker’s rights and the continued fight for equity.
recognized. He continues to prioritize worker safety, equity, and union transparency As a woman, young worker, and member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, Jaime will
and is committed to continually enhancing our collective bargaining agreement and bring a unique perspective to the Board and the bargaining table.
growing our MoveUP community. Jaime is running to represent you on the Executive Board with the Upbeat Crew, a
Brian proudly seeks re-election to the Executive Board with the UPBeat Crew, the team that is collectively you. Learn more:
team that is "Collectively You." Learn more at


With 11 years as a dedicated MoveUP member, Milly is Jeff is an Executive Board Member, Supervisor and Chartered
standing for the Executive Board position. Her experience Insurance Professional at the Claims Contact Centre whose
as a Senior Support & Recovery Specialist, Pension Trustee, social justice and union activism spans two decades. He is
Audit Committee Member, Executive Councilor, and dedicated trained in collective bargaining, organizing, public speaking
Job Steward has equipped her to advocate effectively for and grievance handling. He also facilitates training courses
our members. Holding a Chartered Insurance Professional throughout the year.
designation and NIDMAR Certified Disability Management Professional certification, Jeff is a dedicated second-generation union leader serving in past roles as
she brings both education, experience, and practical knowledge to the table. picket captain, strike coordinator, delegate to labour councils and young worker
Milly has a strong passion for providing representation and a voice for our union representative to the BC Federation of Labour. He has a proven labour relations track
members. She is committed to transparency and ensuring that our members rights record and on your bargaining committee helped to achieve historic improvements
and needs are protected and fought for. With collective bargaining on the horizon, to the Collective Agreement including benefits and working from home. He actively
Milly is equipped to utilize her skills and knowledge to negotiate, protect, and build contributes to local committees and participates in labour campaigns to advance
upon our current agreement. Milly is asking for your support to continue serving our workers rights globally.
union community alongside the UPBEAT CREW, a team that is collectively you: Jeff is proud to seek re-election to the Executive Board with the UPBeat Crew, the team that is collectively you. Learn more at


MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 27 Candidate Guide – Election 2024 INSERT
Candidates for MoveUP EXECUTIVE BOARD


Svetlana (Lana) TOPIC Dominique JEAN

I moved to Canada in 1993 from a war torn country. I was Hello, I’m Dominique,
given the opportunity to start a new life and raise my family I have been with ICBC since 2017 and a Job Steward since
here. In pursuit of learning a new language and continued 2019. I enjoy educating my fellow coworkers about MoveUp
education I started my employment with ICBC in 1997. and what we do for our members. I value my position as a
I have seen many changes with ICBC and our union MoveUP. Job Steward and I am ready for a new challenge. I am also an
I have seen what works and what doesn’t. I have been a Job Executive Councillor. I am on the Women’s and Gender Rights
Steward for over 10 years, and been a member of our Executive Council for over 5. Committee as I am passionate about gender diversity and fairness to everyone of all
Through all my experience one constant has always existed, the need for all voices to identities. I hope to be part of the bargaining committee and be able to do the best
be heard. I put my name forward for this position to do exactly that. We must ensure we can for our members. My educational background includes human resources and
change and progress comes from our membership. We have to remember our union I have a strong knowledge about the bargaining process. Providing our members
roots, protecting our members before anything else. Everyday people representing with a living wage and good extended healthcare, including mental health, is
each other and making progress on what matters most, together. extremely important to me, as well as support for members with family obligations.
Please consider voting for me for Executive Board.

Ajay HEER Leilah THIEL

Ajay is a dedicated member of ICBC since 2014, beginning I’ve been a Job Steward since 2019, an Executive Councillor
his career in Broker Enquiries. With the launch of the policy since 2020, and I'm proud to fight for our members at ICBC. As
center, he transitioned to a role as a claims adjuster, and someone queer, non-binary, & disabled, I bring new ideas to
after gaining significant experience, he advanced to the the table on how ICBC and MoveUp can work better for us. On
injury team. Currently, Ajay works as a Support and Recovery our Board, I can be an even stronger advocate.
Specialist in enhanced care. Too often, ICBC thinks about what they’re required to do, not
In his union activities with MoveUP, Ajay has been an active Job Steward and is how to improve. It’s taken years to get work from home changes that make sense for
now serving his second term as an Executive Councillor. He has been involved in both us and ICBC. We continue to deal with excessive medical note requirements for
numerous grievances, supporting workers' rights and actively recruiting new job everything from minor illnesses to permanent disabilities. And our workloads still
stewards. His commitment extends beyond these roles as he also participates in the haven’t been addressed.
New Westminster and District Labour Council and the Youth Action Committee. Ajay MoveUp has held the line, and we have one of the best Collective Agreements in
is a familiar face at union events. years, but now we need to use our bargaining power to make significant gains at the
Ajay is proud to seek election to the Executive Board as part of the UPBeat Crew, the table. It’s time to aim higher.
team that is collectively you. Learn more:



I am Safar Alikhani, seeking your support for re-election as My name is Jennifer Froese, I work at TransLink in the
Executive Board member. I have been member of Cope378/ Marketing department. I am excited to run for the Executive
MoveUp since 2001, becoming Job Steward in 2006, elected Board seat representing the combined transit members. I
Executive Councillor and Executive Board member in 2014 am a longtime labour activist committed to advancing the
and from 2018 to the present, representing the Combined rights of our members, and expanding our membership in our
Transit bargaining units. This challenging and encouraging workplaces and communities.
work includes dealing with issues at work, grievances and bargaining for Collective I’ve been a long time Job Steward and co-chair of my JOHSC at TransLink. I’m
Agreements, having obtained several benefits and wage increases. I believe we currently serving my third term as Executive Councillor. In 2018, I was appointed
should be assured a safe working environment, with fairness and respect as the trustee on the MoveUP Health and Welfare Trust, representing members from BC
standard. I aim to continue working towards our common interests, preserving what Transit, CMBC, and TransLink to help ensure the long term financial viability of
matters, such as the rights of our members and their protection from discrimination the plan for our members relying on income continuance. I have completed three
or abusive practices. I am a supporter of the notion that a strong Union must strive to rounds of bargaining, and helped successfully negotiate improved language, as well
be fair for its members, having equality, equity, transparency, and accountability as as increases to wages and benefits. Thank you for your support. I look forward to
the cornerstone of the success of our duties. representing you on the Executive Board.

Glen is a Job Steward and Executive Councillor, working in IT
at BC Transit since 2016.
He hopes you vote for him as your Executive Board member
for the Combined Transit Constituency which includes BC
Transit, CMBC, and TransLink. Glen asks for your vote.
If Glen is supported to bring his voice to the Executive Board
of MoveUp he will advocate for all members of the Transit Community. A member of
two Bargaining Committees and a Job Evaluation Officer Glen is experienced in board
operations through his volunteering with charities.
Glen believes in listening, understanding, and acting. If elected, he will represent
our best interests on the Union Board. His focus is improving the Union through
membership engagement. Your vote is key; if not Glen, please vote for the candidate
you support. Show that the Transit Group is involved, active and ready to be listened
to. Thank you.

INSERT Candidate Guide – Election 2024 28 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice
Candidates for MoveUP EXECUTIVE BOARD



With over twenty years at BC Hydro working in various Calvin Jonas has been a dedicated Job Steward since 2006
departments has given Rysa a unique understanding and and is a current Executive Board member and past Executive
experience with the issues members’ face in the energy Councilor. He has chaired the Audit and Environment
sector. Committees and contributed to the Education, Environment,
Rysa’s efforts in lobbying government and organizations and Electoral Committees. Calvin played a key role in
like WorkSafeBC to implement crucial changes demonstrate the bargaining teams for the two most recent Collective
her proactive approach to addressing systemic issues, with a strong dedication to Agreements with BC Hydro.
improving working conditions, like psychological safety and mental health. Calvin's re-election bid is driven by his passion for fairness, transparency, and
As an Executive Board member and the Vice President representing the Utility accountability. He emphasizes the importance of learning from recent global
group, Rysa has brought valuable insights and leadership to the table. Her challenges and advocating for positive changes in the workplace. Calvin believes
track record suggests that she is not only capable but also effective in her role, in the power of solidarity and the need for collective action. He seeks to bring his
advocating for policies that benefit workers and contribute to a safer and more experience and dedication to the Executive Board, striving to guide MoveUp and
equitable workplace environment. move forward together.
Rysa’s commitment to labor activism, community advocacy, and social justice
initiatives, speaks volumes about her passion for effecting positive change.
Rysa Kronebusch is seeking your support for re-election.


Anderson has been a MoveUP member since 2006. He is a Kim McInroy is an advocate for workers’ rights, with over
fearless advocate for all working people everywhere. He is a a decade of active engagement in the union movement.
trusted mentor to job stewards and members alike. Since 2012, she has served as a job steward and is
Anderson serves as National Vice-President with our national serving her third term as an executive councillor. She has
union, COPE/SEPB. It is at this level he brings the concerns consistently demonstrated her commitment to advocating
and successes of our members to the national level. Anderson for members’ interests and ensuring their voices are heard.
serves on multiple committees at MoveUP, is the co-chair of the Human Rights and Her involvement in committees spanning diverse areas such as women’s and
Multiculturalism Committee, and is on the Workers of Colour Caucus with the BC gender rights, the environment, social events, education, and constitutional matters
Federation of Labour. showcases her holistic approach to fostering positive change within the union.
Anderson is a dedicated, skilled, and effective leader at MoveUP. He is deeply By chairing BC Hydro job steward meetings and building strong connections with
committed to rebuilding unity and purpose within our union. He knows that together, members and representatives, Kim has proven her ability to facilitate communication
we are stronger, and it is his goal to reunite us around our common goals as working and collaboration within the organization.
people, and proud MoveUP members. Anderson is seeking your support for re-
election to the Executive Board.


With union tenure dating back to 2008 at Accenture, For years, I've walked alongside our members, feeling their
Andrea has traversed various roles from the call center to struggles firsthand. This experience fuels my resilience and
accounts payable and business office services. Securing a empathy as I fight for better working conditions. A methodical
Full-Time Regular position with Powertech in 2010, Andrea approach, coupled with strategic thinking, ensures we
contributed to the BC Hydro bargaining committee during navigate challenges effectively.
pivotal negotiations in 2012 and 2014. Transitioning to BC I believe in an empowered membership. Through education
Hydro’s learning and development sector in 2016, Andrea progressed through and continuous training, we foster a strong, informed voice. I am a strong
various roles before assuming her current position in Indigenous Relations earlier communicator who can bridge the gap between leadership and members. I am
this year. Andrea is a dedicated representative of members across the organization passionate about ensuring every member understands their rights and protections.
and finds fulfillment in mentoring new job stewards. Actively engaged in various Never shying away from independent thought, I've honed my skills in organizing,
union committees, Andrea is deeply committed to advancing the union education collective bargaining, and human rights advocacy during my terms as a Job Steward
program through online and in-person facilitation. Additionally, Andrea contributes and Executive Councillor. Together, we build a brighter future.
to her local labour council and volunteers in the community. Andrea is confident
in her ability to amplify diverse voices and contribute effectively in a role on the
executive board.

As a dedicated MoveUp member and BC Hydro employee
for over three decades, I bring a wealth of experience and
commitment to the table. Beyond my professional tenure,
I am a proud mother of three, grandmother and wife.
Throughout my journey, I’ve served as a Job Steward since the
1990s and completed four terms as an Executive Councillor,
putting our members first. Active engagement in the Labour Council and Women’s
Committee has further enriched my understanding of representation and diversity.
Having worked across various departments within BC Hydro and Accenture, I’ve
cultivated a deep appreciation for the importance of inclusivity and equitable
representation. I seek the opportunity to represent BC Hydro and Powertech
members on the Executive Board, recognizing the importance of your vote in the
upcoming Election. Your participation matters!

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 29 Candidate Guide – Election 2024 INSERT
Candidates for MoveUP EXECUTIVE BOARD



Natalie became a MoveUP member when she started with Erik Gelowitz-Grebliunas is a current executive board member
BCAA in 2001. It was during the infamous BCAA lock out and is running for re-election. Erik works at VantageOne
in 2015 that Natalie became familiar with union activism Credit Union as a Commercial Account Manager, where he
and the power of solidarity. During the six months on the provides advice and financial services to businesses and
picket line, Natalie experienced immense personal growth, their owners. Erik intends to apply his professional skills
gained strength, and decided to become a job steward, then into his work with the union, by ensuring that all workers are
Executive Councillor in 2020. Over time, she has become a fierce advocate for her given strong representation and that our union’s finances are managed sensibly and
Road Assist colleagues. prudently.
Natalie continuously works hard to strengthen her skills by attending training Over the past 10 years, Erik has served as a job steward, executive councilor,
opportunities with various entities within the labour movement. Her service executive board member, audit committee member, and extensively participated
includes facilitating at job steward seminars, BCAA’s Bargaining Committee, a New in the collective bargaining process at his own workplace. Erik understands the
Westminster & District Labour Council delegate, and as a member of the Women & challenges workers in the Finance and Insurance sectors face, like increased
Gender Rights Committee. She has studied Labour Relations extensively and has workloads, layoffs due to AI and technology, mergers, bullying and harassment, pay
worked as a union representative for MoveUP. inequities, and work-from-home.
Natalie is passionate about the rights of all workers and believes unions (bio Erik is the strongest choice to support our union’s workers ace these challenges over
truncated due to length) the next 3 years, so please vote!

Satwinder GREWAL
No bio or


Shavanda HANNA Gurinder Singh DHANDWAL

Shavanda Hanna has been a MoveUP member with Seaspan Gurinder joined enterprise in 2015 as a vehicle driver. When
since 2021. She has been a delegate of the Fraser Valley new opportunity came in he transitioned to a role as car
Labour Council since 2023. With a deep-rooted passion for cleaner and after gaining experience he advanced into
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, she has gained valuable customer service agent. Currently gurinder works as Launch
insights into the inner workings of the industry and the pad agent. In his union activities with MoveUP Gurinder
challenges members face. has been an active Executive councillor for 1 Term and a job
Shavanda envisions a future where inclusion and belonging serves as a catalyst steward for 2 years. Gurinder has been involved with numerous grievances and
for innovation and wants to build meaningful connections within the labour always speaks up for workers rights. Gurinder represent a workforce that is faced
movement while listening to members to advocate for their interests. She fosters with high volume transactions, high turnover of management and high levels of
a culture of teamwork & camaraderie and is proud of her contributions and stress. Gurinder fights back for workers making sure management isn't violating
successes. Shavanda aims to make a positive impact within MoveUP that extends workers rights. Gurinder is proud to seek election to the Executive board.
to all members of the Shipping/Transport/Manufacturing sector. This can only be
achieved by working together. Shavanda is looking for your support to be elected
as your Executive Board Member.

Luc Millaray BURNS SILVA

No bio or

INSERT Candidate Guide – Election 2024 30 | VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 MOVEUP Local Voice
Candidates for MoveUP EXECUTIVE BOARD



My name is Colin Sanderson, I am a Metis-Ojibwe father of 5. Christy Slusarenko is a proven leader; a proud, loyal,
I have had the honour of serving the members at Lu’Ma Native and dedicated union activist. She was first elected to the
Housing as a Job Steward since 2019. Each year I am involved Executive Board in 2017 and again in 2021. After two terms
in more than 150 interventions a year, serving to protect our on the Executive Board, Christy has proven she is our best
members’ rights through mediation and supporting them choice for the future of MoveUP and for the members in the
through job coaching. Miscellaneous group.
I have served MoveUP’s membership through the Multicultural/Human Rights Committee, For 20 years, Christy has worked at Capilano University as an Early Childhood
the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and the Executive Council. I am also part of the BC Educator. She has served as the Combined Units Vice President for two terms. Christy
Federation Working Group on Indigenous Rights & Reconciliation and at the National level has led us through tough negotiations and difficult job actions. She has lobbied
I am part of the Canadian Labour Congress Canadian Equity Council. governments, stood up for progressive values and focused her energy on the needs
I have over 20 years of volunteer experience from the Arts to Youth, with a focus of equity deserving communities. Whether she is speaking to governments or
on helping people and their communities. I am committed to equity, diversity, and speaking to her colleagues, she shares her passion through her core belief: Workers
inclusion and eager to contribute to that mission with MoveUP. Deserve Better!
Vote for real change! Christy Slusarenko is proudly seeking re-election as your Miscellaneous Executive
Board Member.



With more than a decade of union experience, Dawn Lentsch I am running to represent Combined Labour. I want to share
is a proven leader and progressive activist. During her what brought me to this moment and why I believe I am
thirteen years at Teamsters Local 155, Dawn has been a deserving of your vote. I see our union as a place to come
powerful advocate for MoveUP and the members of the together and do amazing things. Through it we are connected
Labour group. to a wider movement that affects meaningful change.
Dawn became a job steward in 2017, quickly advancing to I have been a member for over 20 years. In 2018 I was
Executive Council in 2020 and Executive Board in 2021; an indication of Dawn’s elected as a medical plan trustee. Since then, I became a Job Steward, Executive
passion and commitment to our union and fellow members. She volunteers on the Councillor, bargaining committee member and a member journalist. I am the
Women and Gender Rights and Political Action Committees, and previously the Recording Secretary of the Victoria Labour Council and recently graduated from
Youth Action Committee. Dawn draws strength and purpose from contributing to her the Labour College of Canada.
community, staying true to her core belief: People First. I believe in the responsibility of the labour movement to benefit society and would
Her vision for the Labour group: create a strong community through a member-led be honoured to represent Combined Labour. Ours are workplaces like no other, and I
Labour working group, host Labour group info sharing sessions, and improve Labour see the importance of the work we do as union members working for unions.
focused communication at MoveUP.
Dawn is actively upgrading her education in SFU’s Labour Studies program.


I am Amelia (Amy) Peterson and I am running for Executive I am seeking your support for the triennial Executive Board
Board member to represent over 70+ bargaining units known election for the Combined Labour.
as Combined Labour. I grew up in a Union household, and I am My name is Megi Koroveshi. I have been an executive
a proud Union member. I am a dedicated activist for nearly councillor since May 2021.
10 years. I was on executive council and I currently sit on two I am a Caucasian, able-bodied, cisgendered female. I have
MoveUP committees. been a union member for 17 years, 16 of those as a steward
I strongly believe in the power of activism and that a healthy labour movement can with the College of Pharmacists of BC.
accomplish great things. I never shy away from an opportunity to join fellow unions I have taken numerous courses and have attended several conventions with MoveUp.
on picket lines and labour rallies to show strength in numbers and solidarity. I also I have been involved in many rounds of bargaining and I am familiar with the
believe in the strength of communication, and my ability to work collaboratively and collective agreement (for my unit).
in the best interest of all members and I hope that you will believe in me too. I ask for I understand this is an important position as the board and council discuss and make
you to support me as your Executive Board Member. rules/bylaws that are in the interests of the members’ welfare, and they safeguard
have works at the BCGEU (bio truncated due to length) different funds and budget areas.
I hold a business degree: love numbers. I am looking forward to advancing members’
interests and making sure everyone has a voice at the table.


To vote, go to
and click on the box in the top right
corner labeled ‘Member Portal.’

MOVEUP Local Voice VOLUME 19 Issue #2 Summer/Fall 2024 | 31 Candidate Guide – Election 2024 INSERT
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