Guided-Cloze-Test-No 11 FCE - P35

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By [3T] – TPC © All Rights Reserved!

It was something that might have tempted even the most honest teenager: the discovery of
more than £3,000 in used bank notes in an unlocked night safe. That was what two British teenagers,
aged 14 and 17 (1) ______ across when they were hanging (2) ______ outside a bank one Friday
evening in January with (3) ______ much to do.
As a joke, one of them decided to (4) ______ the handle of the night safe a pull, and to his
amazement it opened because it was unlocked. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the money
inside. After a short discussion, he and his friend (5) ______ the bank notes and (6) ______ away.
Unfortunately for them, however, the (7) ______ was being (8) ______ by security cameras.
The money was reported (9) ______ on the following Monday morning and the teenagers were
(10) ______ for the crime within the week. Although neither of them would be (11) ______ upon as a
“master criminal", they both nevertheless ended up with criminal (12) ______.
At what's (13) ______ a juvenile court they were each ordered to pay a £300 (14) ______. In
addition to this, they were ordered to write letters of apology to the bank they had (15) ______ the
money from. Lloyds Bank were later said to be reviewing their security systems.

Question 1: A. met B. came C. chanced D. found

Question 2: A. around B. over C. off D. up
Question 3: A. hardly B. something C. nothing D. little
Question 4: A. fetch B. give C. put D. take
Question 5: A. picked B. swept C. held D. grabbed
Question 6: A. disappeared B. popped C. ran D. made
Question 7: A. theft B. fraud C. burglary D. forgery
Question 8: A. registered B. received C. recalled D. recorded
Question 9: A. absent B. vacant C. missing D. empty
Question 10: A. arrested B. sentenced C. charged D. convicted
Question 11: A. regarded B. looked C. viewed D. considered
Question 12: A. notes B. documents C. charts D. records
Question 13: A. titled B. known C. called D. named
Question 14: A. reward B. refund C. fee D. fine
Question 15: A. stolen B. raided C. mugged D. cheated


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