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Extra Pattern Practice e thts 2 Name. companion mention expression decision direction composition completion action attention fiction Information suggestion _position A. Add ond sublract letters to form each spelling word. I. direct + ion = 2. complete - e + ion = 3. compose = @ +i + lion = 4. compony = y + ion = 5. oct + ion = 189 epaig suoypeu9> Cuyeds 6. express + ion = 7. aliend - d + tion = 8. inform + a + lion = B. In eoch poir of words, one word is spelled correclly. Write the correclly spelled word. 9. posission, posilion 10. fiction, fication IL, decission, decision 12. population, popultion 13. mention, mension i M. suggestion, suggestation 262 Teacher Resource Book Scanned with CamScanner Spelting Connections Grade & AL r Ine. Copight © Extra Pattern Practice w Chis 2D |. operate 5. satisfy 2. consider 6. contribute 3. collect ~ 7. permit Som =. recognize in the missing lellers fo form a spelling word. Then write the word. 9.e__pl_na____on 0. __nd__tio_ iedoa_ti_oa 12 _onn_ct___oa C. Write the spelling word thal belongs in each group. 13. downturn, slowdown #4. uncerlainty, doubt 15. folk, debate 16. stress, onxiely DZ. place, site 18. opening, beginning 8. creation, development 20. sympathy, kindness 21. dew, precipitation Teacher Resource Book 263 Scanned with CamScanner Connections? tof READING consideration introduction satisfaction permission completion information expression population discussion suggestion decision action —_—position location _—_ direction fension _—_aflention operation condition invention Complete the Analogies Write a spelling word fo complete each analogy. 1. Approval is to acceptance as thoughtfulness is to___. 2. Builder is to construction as surgeon is to 3. Digest is to digestion as invent is to. 4. Start is to beginning as end is fo. 5. Receive is to giftas obtain isto. Make Inferences Write the spelling word that completes each sentence. Check your answers in the Spelling Dictionary. 6.Hehadarelieved ___ on his face. 7. There was __ between the friends affer their argument. 8. Iwill go to the picnic on the ___that you will come, too. 9. Look on the map for the exact__ of Waco, Texas. 40. She asked the librarian for___on tornadoes. » 41. China has the highest___ of any other country. 42. The movie is full of adventure and __. 13. We must devole more __fo our new puppy: Use Context Clues Se Write spelling words from the box fo complete the paragraph. Lee Kravitz, a surfboarding instructor, gives a basic 14. to surfing while beginner sludents are sill on shore. walisfack First, he holds a 15. about surfing safely. Then he |. ; ifgetor ‘ introduction gives a 16. about selecting a surfboard. This lesson | decision includes learning the correct foot 17. for standing direction and balancing. The 18. to ride a wave is up to the | suggestion surfer. There is great 19. in catching a wave in the | discussion right 20. and riding all the way to shore. Pesition Scanned with CamScanner

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