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The study holds paramount significance in several dimensions. Firstly, it directly

addresses the safety and resilience of infrastructure development in a seismic-prone region,

crucial for safeguarding lives and properties against natural hazards. Secondly, it offers a

foundational understanding of soil mechanics in a specific local context, informing urban

planning, construction practices, and disaster risk reduction strategies not only in Legazpi

City but potentially in similar regions facing similar geological challenges worldwide. The

beneficiaries of the study are as follows:

A. Primary Beneficiaries

 Construction Industry - it provides essential information for informed decision-

making during the planning and design phases of construction projects,

enabling companies to assess the suitability of sites for development and

anticipate potential challenges related to soil conditions. This knowledge

enhances project feasibility assessments and budgeting accuracy, ultimately

reducing the risk of costly delays or structural failures.

 Residents and Community - Local residents stand to benefit from improved

safety and resilience of infrastructure, reducing the risk of structural damage

and loss of life during seismic events. Additionally, increased awareness of

soil properties empowers community members to participate in land-use

planning decisions and advocate for sustainable development practices that

prioritize public safety and environmental protection.

 Businesses and Investors - Businesses operating in Barangay Estanza and

surrounding areas can use the study's data to assess risks associated with

their operations and make informed decisions about investments and

business activities.

B. Secondary Beneficiaries
 Academic and Research Community - Academic institutions and research

organizations can build upon the study's findings to deepen understanding of

soil dynamics, advance engineering practices, and develop innovative

solutions for mitigating geological hazards in similar geological settings


 Local Government - Municipal and city officials, as well as regulatory

agencies, benefit from the study's findings to inform urban planning, zoning

regulations, and infrastructure development policies. This knowledge aids in

the creation of safer and more resilient communities while ensuring

compliance with building codes and environmental regulations.


The study will provide critical insights into the geotechnical characteristics of the

area, particularly concerning soil stability and vulnerability to liquefaction during seismic

events. With the data collected for the soil bearing capacity and potential liquefaction within

Barangay Estanza, high risks areas prone to soil instability will be identified and will give

information for infrastructure development, urban planning, and disaster risk management

strategies. To ensure the validity of the study's results, rigorous methodologies and quality

assurance measures must be implemented throughout the research process.

To achieve valid results, the study employs a multi-faceted approach to data

collection, encompassing both field investigations and laboratory testing. Field surveys are

conducted to gather firsthand information about soil properties, geological formations, and

land use patterns within Barangay Estanza. Additionally, soil samples are collected

systematically from various locations across the area, ensuring representativeness and

minimizing sampling bias. Laboratory analyses, including standard soil tests and specialized

liquefaction susceptibility assessments, further enhance the depth and accuracy of the data

To enhance the credibility of the study's findings, peer review and expert validation

are sought from qualified professionals in the fields of geotechnical engineering, seismology,

and urban planning. External reviewers evaluate the study design, methodology, and data

interpretation, providing valuable feedback and ensuring that potential biases or limitations

are addressed effectively.

By providing comprehensive insights into soil stability and vulnerability to liquefaction,

the study will empower local authorities, construction companies, and urban planners to

make informed decisions regarding site selection, building design, and land use regulations,

thereby enhancing the resilience of built infrastructure and reducing the risk of structural

failure during seismic events.


The anticipated impacts and changes in the lifetime of the study are expected to

endure and catalyze long-term improvements in infrastructure resilience, disaster

preparedness, and community well-being. Anticipated impact/changes of the research

project are as follows:

A. Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability

The insights gained from the research project will inform the design,

construction, and maintenance of infrastructure projects in Barangay Estanza and

neighboring areas. By integrating considerations of soil dynamics into infrastructure

planning, engineers and developers can build structures that are better able to

withstand earthquakes and other natural disasters, reducing the potential for damage

and loss of life over the long term.

B. Long-Term Research and Innovation

The data collected and methodologies developed as part of the research

project will serve as a valuable resource for future studies on soil dynamics,

geological hazards, and infrastructure resilience in Legazpi City and similar

environments. Continued research and innovation in these areas will deepen our

understanding of the complex interactions between geology, urbanization, and

natural disasters, leading to the development of more effective strategies for reducing

risks and promoting sustainable development over the long term.

C. Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer

The research project will contribute to the capacity building of local

stakeholders, including government agencies, academic institutions, and community

organizations, in the fields of geotechnical engineering, disaster risk management,

and urban planning.


Budgetary Correspondent
Line Item Total, (Php)
Scholarship, (Php) Personal Funds, (Php)

Vehicle Rent
1,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00
& Transportation

Materials 3,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00

Expenses (Food, 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00

Sub-Total 5,000.00 4,500.00 9,500.00

Contingency Fund
500.00 450.00 950.00
10% of total Cost

GRAND TOTAL 5,500.00 4,950.00 10,450.00

Procurement of Soil Bearing Capacity and Liquefaction for Soils within the Barangay

Estanza, Legazpi City

the research serves as a valuable resource for construction companies, facilitating efficient

project management, risk reduction, and the delivery of high-quality, resilient infrastructure in

Barangay Estanza and beyond.

In the study about the Procurement of Soil Bearing Capacity and Liquefaction for Soils within

the Barangay Estanza, Legazpi City, explain what you expect to achieve and how you will

ensure that the result/s of the study are valid.

The insights acquired from the experiment will be used to inform designs, constructions and

even maintenance of infrastructural projects within Barangay Estanza as well as the

surrounding areas. Through incorporating soil dynamics in infrastructure planning, builders

and developers may construct buildings that are better able to withstand earthquakes and

other natural catastrophes; thus, reducing potential damage over time interval.

The data collected and methodologies developed as part of the research project will serve

as a valuable resource for future studies on soil dynamics, geological hazards, and

infrastructure resilience in Legazpi City and similar environments. Continued research and

innovation in these areas will deepen our understanding of the complex interactions between

geology, urbanization, and natural disasters, leading to the development of more effective

strategies for reducing risks and promoting sustainable development over the long term.

The information gathered as well as methods devised during the research will become a

priceless source for future investigations on soil dynamics, geological hazards and

infrastructure resilience in Legazpi City and similar environments. Further research and

advancements done in these fields will help us understand complex interactions between

geology, urbanization and natural catastrophes, leading to the development of more effective

strategies for reducing risks and promoting sustainable development over the long term.

The research project will contribute to the capacity-building efforts of relevant

local stakeholders such as government agencies, academic institutions and

community-based organizations involved in such fields like geotechnical engineering,

disaster risk management or urban planning.

The study will provide critical insights into the geotechnical characteristics of the

area, particularly concerning soil stability and vulnerability to liquefaction during seismic

events. The high-risk areas with respect to soil instability will be identifed while, data for

infrastructure development, urban planning and disaster risk management strategies will be

obtained from the collected data on soil bearing capacity and potential liquefaction within

Barangay Estanza. To ensure the validity of the study's results, rigorous methodologies and

quality assurance measures must be implemented throughout the research process.

To achieve valid results, the data is gathered through a variety of techniques

including field investigations and laboratory testing that are entrenched in a multifaceted

approach. The field surveys are needed to gather information about soil properties,

geological formations and land uses within Barangay Estanza. Furthermore, soil samples

must be taken systematically from different parts of the area so as to maintain

representativeness and minimize sampling bias. Laboratory analyses such as standard soil

tests as well as specialized liquefaction susceptibility assessments provide further depth and

accuracy to collected data.

The study will provide critical insights into the geotechnical characteristics of the

area, particularly concerning soil stability and vulnerability to liquefaction during seismic

events. The high-risk areas with respect to soil instability will be identified while data for

infrastructure development, urban planning and disaster risk management strategies will be

obtained from the collected data on soil bearing capacity and potential liquefaction within

Barangay Estanza. To ensure the validity of the study's results, rigorous methodologies and

quality assurance measures must be implemented throughout the research process.

In achieving valid results, field investigations and laboratory testing is necessary in

this study. Field surveys are conducted to gather information about the properties of soil,

geological formations and the land use patterns within the barangay. Soil samples are

collected in various locations across the area, it is to ensure that the sample will not be bias.

Laboratory testing as mentioned in the materials and methods includes Grain size

distribution test, soil classification test (Unified Soil Classification System), and determination

of the moisture content of the soil.

By providing insights into soil stability and vulnerability to liquefaction, the study will

empower the developers, local authorities, and urban planners in making decisions about

the development, site selection, building design, and land use regulations that they will make

in the particular area. Thereby enhancing the infrastructure and its safety.

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