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Learner Assessment Name: _________________________________

Score /10 Date: _____________________

Section 1: Please select the most correct option for one point each.

1. What does PPE stand for?

Protective Preventative Equipment
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal Preventative Equipment
People's Protective Equipment

2. Which of the following describes a workplace health and safety hazard?

Putting the wet floor sign up after mopping the floor
An unanswered health and safety question
An activity that cannot be insured
Something that might cause harm

3. Why should accidents in the workplace be reported?

To prevent a similar accident in the future.
Reduce levels of paperwork
Check whether staff are carrying out their duties or not.
To punish staff for their mistakes.

4. The most important reason for carrying out a risk assessment is to:
Reduce staff training needs
Check that employees understand health and safety.
Ensure employees receive the right training
Prevent accidents occurring in the future

5. The section in the Hierarchy of Controls which affords workers the greatest level of
protection is:
Engineering controls
Administrative controls
Personal protective equipment

APUA Leadership Training
H&S Leadership_05/2023
Learner Assessment Name: _________________________________

Score /10 Date: _____________________

6. An unsafe occurrence arising out of or in the course of work and resulting in personal
injury and/or property damage is called

An Accident
An Incident
A Near Miss
An Occurrence

Section 2: Please read the following and fill in the form using the
instructions posted. Section two is worth four (4) points.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please fill the form on page four (4) to complete the job safety/hazard
analysis (J S/H A) assignment after reading the guidelines provided. Kindly note that you
may list no less than five “Steps of the Job” to attain full points.

Job Safety/Hazard Analysis (J S/H A)
A Job Safety/Hazard Analysis is a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and
health principles and practices into a particular task or job operation. The primary objective
is to identify the potential hazards in each basic step of the job and then recommend the
safest way to do the job. The analysis is best done at the site of the job and before the start of
Break down the job into simple basic steps and then list those steps.
List the hazards that are likely to arise as a consequence of performing each step. Hazards
may arise from the condition of the job site; the procedure by which the job is done; the use
of tools, equipment, machinery; the knowledge, experience, physical capacity and attitude of
the worker;
Being aware of the potential hazard(s) associated with each step of the job, recommend a
pragmatic way to control or eliminate the hazard.

APUA Leadership Training
H&S Leadership_05/2023
Learner Assessment Name: _________________________________

Score /10 Date: _____________________

The Job Safety/Hazard Analysis is best done in the form of a table such as on page four (4)
The performance of a Job Safety/Hazard Analysis is not meant to be a mere procedural
requirement. That is, the Job Safety/Hazard Analysis Form is completed and then put aside.
Rather, the Team Leader in consultation with other team members should think seriously and
realistically in completing the Form. A determination is then made as to the seriousness of
any potential hazard and the likelihood of the hazard being manifested during the course of
the job. Once it is determined that there is a high probability of the hazard being manifested
and the outcome of any injury of damage could be significant, then the Team Leader needs to
consult with senior staff and/or Health and Safety personnel to devise a significantly safer
way to get the job done.

APUA Leadership Training
H&S Leadership_05/2023
Learner Assessment Name: _________________________________

Score /10 Date: _____________________

Questions 7 to 10 (worth four (4) points)

INSTRUCTIONS: Please select a task based on your department. Fill the form to complete the job safety/hazard analysis, after
reading the guidelines provided on pages three (3) and four (4). Kindly note that you may list no less than five “Steps of the
Job” to attain full points.

Job Hazard Analysis

Department: Job Task:
Prepared By (name and designation): Date:
Person Protective Equipment Required:

Training and Competency Required:

# Steps of the Job Associated Hazard(s) Control/Eliminate Hazard









APUA Leadership Training
H&S Leadership_05/2023

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