GSR 2024

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Trusted skill insights for
a rapidly changing world
01 02 03 04


I’m delighted to present the sixth annual The report captures several significant trends While skill rankings are crucial, they are not
Global Skills Report, which has become a trusted driven by GenAI, digital transformation, and the sole indicators of advancement. There are
resource for leaders and institutions worldwide automation. Notably, in 2023, a learner signed several countries that have witnessed a surge
as they navigate the rapidly changing skills up for a GenAI course on Coursera every in new learners coming online for the first time,
landscape. The report draws on data and insights minute; by 2024, this rate had quadrupled. An including those with basic skills. It may reduce
from our global learning community—including astounding 1,060% year-over-year increase their ranking in the short term, but it signals
over 148 million learners and 7,000 institutional in global GenAI course enrollments highlights major strides towards a digitized workforce.
customers—and content from 325 of the world’s how learners are actively preparing for AI’s Institution-led initiatives are expected to boost
leading university and industry partners. impact on their careers. Improved technical the nations’ skills rankings as more individuals
skill rankings in regions like Latin America and gain access to essential skills.
The rise of generative AI (GenAI) underscores the Caribbean reinforce the global appetite
the pressing need for new and innovative We trust this report will provide actionable
for acquiring digital skills as a way to achieve
strategies to build a competitive workforce. Jobs insights for leaders, inspire collaboration
greater economic mobility.
and industries stand on the cusp of profound among institutions, and contribute to a
transformation, with two-thirds of jobs exposed Several factors may influence a country’s skill future where access to high-quality
to some degree of automation1 and GenAI poised ranking. To provide a holistic view, this edition learning empowers everyone.
to deliver $4.4 trillion in productivity gains to of the report introduces an evolved skills
Jeff Maggioncalda
the global economy.2 In response, businesses, ranking methodology that combines our skill
CEO, Coursera
governments, and higher education institutions proficiency data with leading economic indices
must coordinate their efforts to equip people on global innovation, 3 labor force participation,4
with critical skills. human capital, 5 and GDP per capita.6

Global Skills Report 2024 | Overview 2

01 02 03 04

Table of contents

01 03 Latin America and the Caribbean 35 04

Brazil 39
Foreword 2 Regional Skill Trends 15 Chile 40 Appendix 64
Table of contents 3 Glossary 65
Asia Pacific 16 Colombia 41
Executive summary 4 Methodology 68
India 20 Mexico 42
How to read this report 8 Endnotes 78
Indonesia 21 Peru 43
Malaysia 22
Middle East and North Africa 44
02 The Philippines 23
Egypt 48
Singapore 24
Global Skill Trends 10 Thailand 25 Saudi Arabia 49
Global overview 11 United Arab Emirates 50
Europe 26
France 30 North America 51
Canada 55
Germany 31
United States 56
Spain 32
Turkey 33 Sub-Saharan Africa 57
United Kingdom 34 Botswana 61
Nigeria 62
South Africa 63

Global Skills Report 2024 | Overview 3

01 02 03 04

Executive summary

1 AI literacy emerges as a
global imperative
Turn insight into action
2 AI readiness initiatives
drive emerging skill
the stage for AI training and adoption. India’s
$1.2 billion investment in AI projects,8 Malaysia’s
National AI Studies Centre,9 and Thailand’s AI
Understand regional AI skill readiness to build an
The 2022 launch of ChatGPT ignited a global race AI-proficient global team. adoption across regions infrastructure development program are just a
few examples.10
toward AI literacy. GenAI course enrollments
Governments The steep increase in GenAI course enrollments
surged by 1,060% globally over the past year See a list of national initiatives in the appendix
Align AI training programs with regional skill isn’t just a reflection of learner interest. It
as learners sought foundational AI skills and
needs to build an AI-ready workforce. demonstrates the efforts of businesses,
enrolled in courses like “Prompt Engineering
governments, and higher education institutions Turn insight into action
for ChatGPT” by Vanderbilt University and
Higher education institutions to prepare AI-ready economies. Across the globe,
“Introduction to Generative AI” by Google Cloud. Businesses
Tailor curricula to regional AI skill gaps to prepare various AI initiatives are laying the foundation for
students for the future of work. skill development and innovation. Prioritize AI training to equip employees with
Learners in regions like Latin America and the
mission-critical skills to drive innovation
Caribbean are focusing more on foundational
Learners In North America, 72% of US CEOs say generative and productivity.
skills, while learners in North America are diving
Build AI skills applicable to your current or AI is a top investment priority, driving the rapid
into more advanced courses like “Generative AI Governments
desired career path. growth of the AI talent pool and increasing
with Large Language Models” by Amazon Web Invest in regional and national AI infrastructure,
investments in employee AI training.7
Services and DeepLearning.AI. This suggests research, and workforce development.
that while regions are at different stages of AI Regions like Asia Pacific (1,270% YoY) and Sub-
adoption, there’s a universal recognition of the Saharan Africa (1,500% YoY) are also witnessing Higher education institutions
need to develop AI proficiency. significant growth in GenAI course enrollments. Upskill faculty and staff in AI to enhance
Targeted government initiatives in countries productivity and leverage AI tools like
such as India, Malaysia, and Thailand are setting Course Builder to create content.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Overview 4

01 02 03 04

Access AI training from universities, employers,
and/or workforce agencies to boost productivity
For instance, learners in Peru are more likely to
focus on skills like culture and resilience, while
those in Canada gravitate to storytelling and
4 Cybersecurity skills
remain crucial amid
enrollments, which could stem from increased
government focus, like the creation of the
Council of Ministers for Cybersecurity.17
and stay competitive. social media. While these skills are valuable, they talent shortages and
do not align with the pressing need for advanced
evolving threats Turn insight into action

3 The
digital skills in domains like machine learning,
digital skills gap data science, and programming languages. These Businesses
Cybersecurity plays a crucial role in building
persists in a rapidly are among the fastest-growing skills globally.13
resilient digital infrastructure, especially with
Equip your team with cybersecurity skills to
manage cyber risks and develop talent to fill
evolving job market the challenges posed by emerging technologies
skill gaps.
Turn insight into action like GenAI. Despite this, enrollment growth in
More than 9 in 10 jobs now require at least cybersecurity skills falls behind high-growth Governments
some level of digital proficiency,11 such as using areas like cloud computing and data science. Foster public-private partnerships to
Invest in upskilling employees in mission-
a computer to email and create documents. boost cybersecurity awareness, fund
critical digital skills to keep pace with digital Worldwide, the gap between the number of
Despite this need, there’s still a big difference skill development, and collaborate on
transformation in your industry. needed and available skilled cybersecurity
between what employers expect in terms of threat management.
professionals rose by 12.6% year-over-year.14 This
digital skills and what many workers actually Governments
trend points to an urgent need for cybersecurity Higher education institutions
know and can do. Use labor market data to design local and
skill development, especially given the increasing Integrate cutting-edge cybersecurity content
national training programs that emphasize the
Seventy percent of European businesses view frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks into curricula to prepare students for in-demand
most in-demand digital skills.
the lack of digital skills as a major obstacle to and the growing talent shortage.15 cybersecurity careers.
investment, with 40% of adults lacking even basic Higher education institutions
While cybersecurity enrollments have remained Learners
digital skills.12 This challenge is not unique to the Integrate digital skills into curricula to ensure
relatively stable in some regions, there are Build and strengthen cybersecurity skills to
region. We found that learners in many regions learners are well-prepared for jobs.
notable variations. In Europe, cybersecurity prepare for an in-demand job or advance your
are prioritizing human skills over the digital skills
Learners enrollments declined by 5% year-over-year, existing career.
that are in high demand.
Build in-demand digital skills that are valuable to despite the region being heavily impacted by
your field and desired career path. cyberattacks.16 Meanwhile, the Middle East and
North Africa saw a 17% increase in cybersecurity

Global Skills Report 2024 | Overview 5

01 02 03 04

5 Micro-credentials are
a rapid pathway for
saw a 41% growth, with learners focusing on
similar skills.
Pursue micro-credentials to gain practical skills
for in-demand digital roles.
NiñaSTEM Pueden—a joint initiative by the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) and the Government
Sub-Saharan Africa saw the smallest growth
learners to prepare for (12%), indicating a need for increased access
of Mexico22 to increase careers for women in

STEM—and Colombia’s efforts to close the digital
in-demand jobs to learning resources and support to overcome The global gender gap in gender gap.
barriers—such as underdeveloped digital
Learners are increasingly turning to industry infrastructure, lack of accessible and affordable
online learning continues The Middle East and North Africa has the largest
micro-credentials, including Professional connectivity, and inadequate regulatory and to narrow, but regional disparity, with a 13-percentage-point difference
Certificates, to gain digital skills for jobs. With policy environments. between women learners and women in the
60% of workers requiring retraining by 2027, the disparities persist general population. In Saudi Arabia, women
need for accessible learning pathways is more represent just 32% of learners yet make up
Turn insight into action More women globally have been learning
pressing than ever.18 42% of the general population. Technological,
on Coursera, up from 43% in 2022 to 46% in
Businesses 2023. In North America and Europe, women economic, and educational barriers are limiting
Coursera learners are enrolling in job-relevant
Adapt hiring practices to recognize micro- experience strong barriers to equitable women’s access to education.23
Professional Certificates to prepare for in-
credentials and prioritize developing skills education and careers—yet, with a gender gap
demand roles, such as data analysts, project Sub-Saharan Africa has a 14-percentage-
in-house for data analytics, cybersecurity, and of five percentage points, far fewer than almost
managers, and IT professionals. The most point gap, with Botswana being a bright spot,
project management. anywhere else.20 In the European Union, for
popular Professional Certificates align closely achieving gender parity in online learning. The
with the top target roles learners are pursuing, example, more women aged 16–44 have basic
Governments gap could be due to socioeconomic challenges,
which also have the highest number of digital skills than men, 21 despite only 18% of
Invest in micro-credential programs to keep your cultural norms, poor internet access, and the
job openings.19 information and communication technology
workforce competitive, and focus on increasing general unaffordability of data and devices.24
(ICT) specialists being women.
access to learning in regions with slower growth. Botswana’s success is likely a result of
There was a 61% year-over-year growth in
Mexico and Colombia have achieved gender progressive initiatives, such as SmartBots and
Professional Certificate enrollments in North Higher education institutions
parity in online learning, with women making GIGA, which connect schools to high-speed
America, with learners gravitating toward Recognize or integrate micro-credentials for
up 51% and 50% of learners, respectively. internet to strengthen access to online learning.25
data analytics, cybersecurity, and project credit within your curriculum to help meet
management. The Middle East and North Africa This is supported by programs like Mexico’s
evolving student and market needs.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Overview 6

01 02 03 04

The Asia Pacific region has a seven-percentage- salaries, economic opportunities, and However, this does not diminish the value of Governments
point gap in gender parity. The Philippines job flexibility. foundational skills, which are equally important Apply these insights to your policy-making and
and Thailand have achieved parity, likely due for a well-rounded skill set. In regions like invest in initiatives that strengthen foundational
Learners capabilities and support emerging skill
to effective educational reforms and STEM Sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of Asia
Use online learning resources and support development, recognizing that both impact
initiatives for girls and young women.26 Thailand’s Pacific, learners are building foundational
from institutions to build skills and advance economic growth and competitiveness.
Girls in ICT program builds awareness about the business and digital capabilities, such as risk
their careers.
digital divide, supports technology education management, supply chain systems, business
Higher education institutions
and skills training, and encourages women to communication, auditing, spreadsheet software,

7 Different
Use these trends to guide curriculum and
pursue careers in STEM.27 India is working toward and general accounting. These skills form the
closing its 12-percentage-point gap, despite
regions bedrock of many industries and are crucial for
program enhancements. Offer courses that

sociocultural barriers and access issues.28 prioritize different economic development.

cater to foundational business and digital skills
or skills in emerging technologies, ensuring
skills, but the majority Popular target roles in these regions include balanced skill development.
Turn insight into action
focus on emerging or supply chain and logistics, entrepreneurship,
personal financial advisor, and product
Invest in initiatives that support women’s
foundational capabilities marketing manager.
Continue to prioritize skills aligned to in-demand
careers in your region, while also exploring
professional development and advancement in In Europe and parts of Asia Pacific, learners opportunities to develop a rounded skill set that
diverse roles. tend to focus on skills related to emerging Turn insight into action blends foundational and emerging skills.
technologies—such as FinTech, machine learning
Governments Businesses
algorithms, and artificial neural networks—as
Develop policies and initiatives that promote Use regional skill trends to guide talent
well as human skills like resilience and culture
women’s access to online learning and address recruitment, development, and retention. Tailor
building. In Singapore, for example, learners
regional barriers. training programs to progress skill-set journeys
are pursuing skills in epidemiology, FinTech,
in different regions, acknowledging the value of
Higher education institutions and blockchain, alongside roles like software
both foundational and emerging skills.
Enhance curricula to align with high-earning developer and machine learning engineer.
careers for women; promote the associated

Global Skills Report 2024 | Overview 7

01 02 03 04

How to read this report

The Global Skills Report Domains are the broadest skill categories and Skills taxonomy example
include business, technology, and data science.
presents a comprehensive These are the only three domains featured in the Domain Competency Skills
view of skill and credential report. Respective competencies and skills fall
under one of these domains.
trends at a country, Business Accounting Auditing
Competencies are more granular skills tied to a
regional, and global level respective domain. For instance, “accounting”
by drawing on insights from or “communication” are competencies in the Communication Writing
“business” domain.
over 148M learners.
Skills are the most granular skills that are Technology Cloud computing Software as a service
Coursera’s skills taxonomy covered in this report and ladder directly up
to competencies.
Skills in Coursera’s taxonomy fall into three Data science Statistical programming Python
cascading levels: from broad to granular, they
include “domains,” “competencies,” and “skills.”
We use “skills” to describe all three categories
in the foreword and executive summary. And in
the regional and country spotlights, we use “top
skills” to refer to the third level illustrated here. Explore the methodology for the complete list
of skills featured in this report

Global Skills Report 2024 | Overview 8

01 02 03 04

How to read skill rankings This formula aims to provide a more representative picture of skill Top skills and target roles use an over-indexing methodology
proficiency across countries. We invite our readers to interpret to capture what learners in a specific country or region are
The global and regional skill rankings represent how learners
these findings thoughtfully and consider them as a starting point for disproportionately enrolling in compared to learners globally.
across countries perform in the business, technology, and data
further exploration and action.
science domains. To provide a more comprehensive picture of Most popular content highlights the most enrolled-in courses,
skill proficiency in a country, this year’s skill ranking methodology A country’s overall rank (1–109) represents the aggregate Guided Projects, and Professional Certificates in the past year.
combines both learner skill proficiency on Coursera and third-party performance of a country across all domains, and the individual
indicators illustrated below. domain performance is represented as a percentile (0–100%). See How to interpret recommended content by country
the table below for an example.
This year’s country spotlights also introduce recommended content
that aligns to a country’s top skills and top target roles. These
Country skill ranking formula Regional Global Country Business Technology Data are customized recommendations vetted by Coursera’s curation
rank rank science
50% Country’s aggregated skills measurement experts. Consider them a starting point for identifying which
on Coursera 1 2 Japan 96% 99% 99% content you may want to include in a learning program.
• Learners’ on-platform skill proficiency scores 2 12 Singapore 91% 91% 87%
3 13 Hong Kong 88% 83% 91%
+ Recommended content for top skills and roles
50% Country’s aggregated skills measurement
How to read enrollment trends Professional Certificate
index using third party metrics Prompt Engineering
IT Support
for ChatGPT
• Global Innovation Index (GII)29—skill The report also features enrollment trends on the Coursera
Professional Certificate
application to innovation platform that capture which competencies, skills, or top target Financial Markets UX Design
roles learners are engaging with over time. Enrollment trends
• Labor force participation30—skill matching
are presented at global, regional, and country levels and are
in labor market
presented in three ways:
• Human capital index31 (HCI) and GDP per
capita32—output metrics of skill application Year-over-year (YoY) enrollment growth measures For more details, explore the robust methodology
in economy cybersecurity, GenAI, and Professional Certificate enrollment used in this year’s report
growth year-over-year. Timeframes for YoY enrollment may vary.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Overview 9

01 02 03 04

Skill Trends

Learning can be transformational. You

learn for a better life or a better job.

Amanda Brophy
Director, Grow with Google

2024 Job Skills Report webinar

01 02 03 04

Global overview

Global averages
These figures reflect the
averaged data for the 109
countries covered in this report.

148M+ 33 1,060%
Coursera Median age GenAI course
learners enrollment growth

46% 45% 69%

Women Learning Professional Certificate
learners on mobile enrollment growth

Cutting-edge Rankings 1–28 Emerging Rankings 56–82

Competitive Rankings 29–55 Lagging Rankings 83–109

Global Skills Report 2024 | Global Skill Trends 11

01 02 03 04

Global skill ranking categories

Cutting-edge Competitive Emerging Lagging

Rankings 1–28 Rankings 29–55 Rankings 56–82 Rankings 83–109

Where they are Where they are Where they are Where they are
Europe, parts of Asia Pacific, and Primarily Europe, Latin America, and parts North America and parts of Asia Primarily Asia Pacific, the Middle East
Latin America of Asia Pacific, though also countries like Pacific, Europe, and the Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa
Turkey and United Arab Emirates and North Africa

84% 48.32 59% 36.7 39% 30.1 18% 21.9

Average skill Average Global Average skill Average Global Average skill Average Global Average skill Average Global
proficiency percentile Innovation Index score proficiency percentile Innovation Index score proficiency percentile Innovation Index score proficiency percentile Innovation Index score
on Coursera on Coursera on Coursera on Coursera

$42,788 75.3 $23,918 73.4 $18,740 67.8 $4,636 58.4

Average GDP per capita Average Labor Force Average GDP per capita Average Labor Force Average GDP per capita Average Labor Force Average GDP per capita Average Labor Force
Participation rate Participation rate Participation rate Participation rate
.73 .66 .57 .48
Average Human Average Human Average Human Average Human
Capital Index Capital Index Capital Index Capital Index

Global skills rankings are calculated using a 50/50 blend of Coursera skill proficiency
and third-party data.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Global Skill Trends 12

01 02 03 04

Global skill rankings

Index rank Country name Index rank Country name Index rank Country name Index rank Country name Index rank Country name Index rank Country name

1 Switzerland 19 Brazil 37 Dominican 55 Australia 74 Cameroon 93 Iraq

2 Japan 20 Chile Republic 56 Estonia 75 Kuwait 94 Bangladesh
3 Germany 21 Uruguay 38 Argentina 57 Turkey 76 Tunisia 95 Algeria
4 Netherlands 22 Poland 39 Serbia 58 Qatar 77 Jamaica 96 Yemen
5 France 23 Peru 40 New Zealand 59 Canada 78 Bahrain 97 Zimbabwe
6 Sweden 24 Czech Republic 41 Indonesia 60 Saudi Arabia 79 Malaysia 98 Kenya
7 Spain 25 Bulgaria 42 Ireland 61 Ecuador 80 Cambodia 99 Cote d'Ivoire
8 Austria 26 Mexico 43 Venezuela 62 Costa Rica 81 Thailand 100 South Africa
9 Denmark 27 Ukraine 44 Honduras 63 Paraguay 82 Jordan 101 Philippines
10 Belgium 28 Cyprus 45 United Kingdom 64 Morocco 83 Lebanon 102 Uganda
11 Luxembourg 29 Colombia 46 Hungary 65 Georgia 84 Pakistan 103 Myanmar
12 Singapore 30 Greece 47 Taiwan 66 Botswana 85 Guatemala 104 Ghana
13 Hong Kong 31 Slovakia 48 El Salvador 67 Azerbaijan 86 Sri Lanka 105 Nigeria
14 Portugal 32 Kazakhstan 49 Croatia 68 Panama 87 India 106 Uzbekistan
15 Italy 33 Belarus 50 Bolivia 69 United States 88 Zambia 107 Somalia
16 Korea, 34 United Arab 51 Latvia 70 Romania 89 Bhutan 108 Nepal
Republic of Emirates 52 Armenia 71 Rwanda 90 Oman 109 Sudan
17 Norway 35 Israel 53 Lithuania 72 Egypt 91 Puerto Rico
18 Finland 36 China 54 Vietnam 73 Trinidad & Tobago 92 Ethiopia

Global skill proficiency rankings across business, technology, and data science for 109
countries, based on the performance of learners on Coursera and key economic indices.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Global Skill Trends 13

01 02 03 04

Top 20: Online learners as a percentage of labor force

In this year’s report, we spotlight the countries Rank Region Country Labor force active on Coursera

that are actively training the highest percentage Global All 0.73%
of their labor force on Coursera and investing 1 Asia Pacific Uzbekistan 6.25%
in their populations to provide the skills 2 Asia Pacific Singapore 3.83%
employers need. 3 Middle East and North Africa United Arab Emirates 2.07%

The table on this page ranks the top 20 countries 4 North America Canada 2.03%
globally based on the percentage of their 5 Asia Pacific Hong Kong 2.02%
labor force active on Coursera. By investing in 6 North America United States 1.66%
accessible, job-relevant learning, these digital 7 Europe Luxembourg 1.51%
champions are not only driving economic 8 Middle East and North Africa Lebanon 1.47%
growth and competitiveness, but also creating 9 Latin America and the Caribbean Uruguay 1.42%
opportunities for individuals to adapt and
10 Europe Ireland 1.41%
succeed in the face of change.
11 Latin America and the Caribbean Trinidad and Tobago 1.21%
12 Europe Switzerland 1.13%
13 Asia Pacific Cyprus 1.12%
14 Europe Estonia 1.11%
15 Europe Netherlands 1.09%
16 Europe Latvia 1.07%
17 Middle East and North Africa Saudi Arabia 1.07%
18 Asia Pacific Kazakhstan 1.06%
Active learners are those who have started
19 Europe United Kingdom 1.06%
at least one course item on Coursera within
20 Latin America and the Caribbean Colombia 1.02%
the past year.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Global Skill Trends 14

01 02 03 04

Skill Trends

AI is coming to your job; it’s not

coming for your job.

Elisa Graceffo
General Manager of Technical Content,
Worldwide Learning at Microsoft

Unlocking Productivity: The Business Leader’s

Playbook to Generative AI Skills Training

01 02 03 04

Asia Pacific

49.2M 82% 42%

Coursera YoY enterprise Women
learners enrollments learners

45% 31 31%
Learning Median Women
on mobile age learners in STEM

In the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, with 49.2

million learners representing 3.9% of the
working population, leads in digital literacy.

A 1,270% year-over-year increase in GenAI

course enrollments reflects the region’s
commitment to tech proficiency. Countries like
India showcase a young, mobile-first learning
demographic, with a growing number of women
engaging in technical upskilling.

See page 19 for country skill rankings in Cutting-edge Rankings 1–28 Emerging Rankings 56–82

Asia Pacific Competitive Rankings 29–55 Lagging Rankings 83–109

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 16

01 02 03 04

Asia Pacific

Regional enrollment trends

Top skills Top target roles Most popular content in Asia Pacific
APAC CEOs are accelerating AI investment, driving 1. HTML and CSS 1. Marketing Associate Tableau Public for Project
growth in AI and cybersecurity course enrollments 2. BlockChain 2. Web Developer Management and Beyond

on Coursera. 33 Despite this momentum, the region 3. Data Visualization 3. Computer Systems
Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere
faces the challenge of digitally skilling 5.7 billion Software Engineer
people by 2025. 34 4. Applied Machine Learning 4. Database Administrator
Small Business Marketing Using YouTube
5. Machine Learning 5. Engineering Manager
Some countries, like Bangladesh, Myanmar, and
Algorithms 6. Business Analyst
the Philippines, have noticeable gaps in tech and Foundations of Cybersecurity
6. Regression 7. Network Engineer
data science skills. Coursera collaborates with
7. Software Architecture 8. Data Engineer
local institutions to create tailored programs that Foundations of Project Management
8. Artificial Neural Networks 9. SEO Specialist
address these gaps.
9. Network Architecture 10. Market Research Analyst
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
For instance, IMS Ghaziabad incorporated micro- 10. Data Analysis Software
credentials into their curricula well before the Foundations of Digital
Marketing and E-commerce
National Education Policy (NEP 2020) emphasized
skill development. Differentiated learning Financial Markets
experiences that strengthen academic excellence
will be critical to preparing more students for a Supervised Machine Learning:
Regression and Classification
rapidly changing workforce.
AI for Everyone
Industry micro-credentials, such as Professional
Certificates, offer pathways for businesses, Methodology snapshot
governments, and educational institutions to equip To identify top skills and target roles, we use an over-indexing
the workforce with essential tech skills. methodology. Over-indexing means that learners in a specific
country or region are disproportionately enrolling in a given skill
compared to learners globally.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 17

01 02 03 04

Asia Pacific

Regional enrollment trends cont.

GenAI Cybersecurity Professional Certificates

1,270% 6% 26%
Online education with a blended learning YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth
model is going to be the most effective
going forward. This is the actual coming- Top courses Top courses Top Professional Certificates

of-age of higher education. Prompt Engineering

Foundations of Cybersecurity Data Analytics
Professional Certificate

for ChatGPT

Professional Certificate
Introduction to Generative AI Crash Course on Python Cybersecurity

Professional Certificate
Generative AI with Large Programming for Everybody Project
Language Models (Getting Started with Python) Management
Dr. Fr. Sebastian George, S J Professional Certificate
Director at XLRI, Delhi-NCR Generative AI for Everyone Algorithms, Part 1
Marketing & E-commerce
Professional Certificate
Introduction to Large Analyze Data to
UX Design
Language Models Answer Questions
CampusTalks with XLRI:
Learning beyond curriculum

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 18

01 02 03 04

Asia Pacific

Regional skill rankings

Regional Global Country Business Technology Data Regional Global Country Business Technology Data
rank rank science rank rank science

1 2 Japan 96% 99% 99% 18 89 Bhutan 9% 31% 26%

2 12 Singapore 91% 91% 87% 19 94 Bangladesh 22% 12% 16% Continuous learning is the
3 13 Hong Kong 88% 83% 91% 20 101 Philippines 17% 6% 8% key enabler to retaining and
4 16 South Korea 76% 78% 93% 21 103 Myanmar 8% 13% 10%
developing talent.
5 32 Kazakhstan 73% 90% 46% 22 106 Uzbekistan 4% 5% 4%
6 36 China 71% 54% 77% 23 108 Nepal 1% 2% 15%
7 40 New Zealand 56% 61% 76%
8 41 Indonesia 25% 69% 82%
9 47 Taiwan 50% 43% 72% Sumegha Lazarus
10 54 Vietnam 58% 58% 48% SGM & Head, Content and Digital Learning,
11 55 Australia 49% 56% 61% Reliance Industries Limited
12 79 Malaysia 30% 28% 33%
13 80 Cambodia 32% 35% 25%
Skills Development:
14 81 Thailand 31% 23% 29%
How Coursera Can Upskill Employees
15 84 Pakistan 24% 22% 20%
16 86 Sri Lanka 6% 34% 35%
17 87 India 11% 33% 30%

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 19

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

India 98
Data science
Applied Machine Learning
Web Developer
Network Engineer
3. Python Programming 3. Cloud Security Engineer
4. Regression 4. Software Developer
24.6M 87 30 Enrollment trends
5. Machine Learning Algorithms 5. Machine Learning Engineer
Coursera Global Median 6. BlockChain 6. Securities &
learners rank age
1,648% YoY enrollments 7. Distributed Computing Commodities Trader

39% 33% 53% Top courses

8. Programming Principles
7. Data Engineer
8. Database Administrator
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile
Prompt Engineering 9. Algorithms 9. Marketing Associate
for ChatGPT
10. Software Architecture 10. Data Analyst
Introduction to Generative AI
India’s 1,648% increase in GenAI course enrollments reflects
deep engagement with cutting-edge technology. This aligns Generative AI with Large
with the government’s $1.2 billion investment in AI.35 Learners Language Models

focus on programming languages and applied machine Recommended content for top skills and roles
learning to prepare for technical roles, like web developer, Professional Certificates Introduction to HTML, CSS, Blockchain and
software developer, and machine learning engineer. static YoY enrollments & JavaScript Cryptography Overview

Machine Learning in Bayesian Statistics: From

India is attracting more new learners, which may impact its Top Professional Certificates the Enterprise Concept to Data Analysis
skill rankings compared to previous years. While enrollments Professional Certificate
The Nuts and Bolts of Creative Programming for
in Professional Certificates remained static year-over-year, Machine Learning Digital Media & Mobile Apps
an 8% increase in Specialization enrollments year-over- Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Python Scripting Full Stack
Data Analytics
year signals interest in a wide range of content. Despite Fundamentals Developer
sociocultural barriers and access issues,36 India is making Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Introduction to Network
significant strides toward closing its skill gaps and building Management Back-End Development Engineering
a competitive workforce.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 20

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Indonesia 83
Data science
Artificial Neural Networks
Applied Machine Learning
Cloud Security Engineer
Network Engineer
3. Computer Graphic Techniques 3. Operations Manager
4. BlockChain 4. Product Marketing Manager
1.8M 41 29 Enrollment trends
5. Machine Learning Algorithms 5. Personal Financial Advisor
Coursera Global Median 6. Computer Vision 6. Contract Administrator
learners rank age
1,158% YoY enrollments 7. Deep Learning 7. IT Project Manager

46% 33% 46% Top courses

Network Architecture
Project Manager
Web Developer
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Dasar-Dasar Dukungan Teknis 10. Spreadsheet Software 10. General Manager

Seluk Beluk
Indonesia’s 116% year-over-year increase in Jaringan Komputer

Professional Certificate enrollments shows a focus Analisis Data dengan

on industry-aligned skill development. AI and Pemrograman R

big data are projected to account for over 40% Recommended content for top skills and roles
of technology training programs in the next five Professional Certificates Foundations of
AI for Everyone
years, supporting Indonesia’s strategy to become a 116% YoY enrollments Machine Learning

key player in Southeast Asia’s tech economy.37 Introduction to

Machine Learning: Regression
Top Professional Certificates Computer Vision
Professional Certificate
Auditing I: Conceptual Introducing Security: Aligning
Analitik Data
Foundations of Auditing Asset and Risk Management
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Blockchain and Network
Management Cryptography Overview Engineering
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
IT Automation Neural Networks and
IT Support
with Python Random Forests

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 21

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Malaysia 77
Data science
Spreadsheet Software
General Manager
IT Director
3. FinTech 3. Business Analyst
4. Supply Chain Systems 4. Operations and
782K 79 32 Enrollment trends
5. Market Research Maintenance Specialist
Coursera Global Median 6. Business Communication 5. Personal Financial Advisor
learners rank age
806% YoY enrollments 7. Investment Management 6. Operations Manager

46% 34% 38% Top courses

7. Systems Analyst
8. Auditor
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Introduction to Generative AI 10. Risk Management 9. Product Manager
10. Financial Analyst
Prompt Engineering
Malaysia’s 97% year-over-year increase in for ChatGPT

Professional Certificate enrollments highlights Generative AI with Large

the country’s drive to boost digital skills. Language Models

The launch of the national AI Studies Centre Recommended content for top skills and roles
emphasizes tech education to prepare the Professional Certificates
Concepts in SQL Portfolio and Risk Management
workforce for AI and ML opportunities.38 Learners 97% YoY enrollments
focus on SQL, FinTech, blockchain, and business Applying Data Analytics
Python with Power BI
analytics in response to the growing demand for Top Professional Certificates in Finance

tech professionals.39 Professional Certificate

Introduction to Business English for Cross-
Data Analytics
Market Research cultural Communication
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project IT Project
Advertising and Society
Management Manager
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Digital Business
Supply Chain Optimization
Marketing & E-commerce Intelligence Analyst

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 22

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

The Philippines 91
103 101
Tech Data science
Spreadsheet Software
Personal Financial Advisor
Product Marketing Manager
3. Graphic Design 3. Operations Manager
4. Storytelling 4. General Manager
2.4M 101 31 Enrollment trends
5. Social Media 5. IT Director
Coursera Global Median 6. General Accounting 6. IT Project Manager
learners rank age
642% YoY enrollments 7. Advertising 7. Project Manager

51% 36% 43% Top courses

Business Communication
Business Analyst
Operations & Maintenance Specialist
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Introduction to Generative AI 10. Market Research 10. Marketing Specialist

Prompt Engineering
In the Philippines, learners pursue skills in for ChatGPT

auditing and digital marketing, enhancing both

Generative AI for Everyone
business acumen and technical proficiency.
With women representing over half of learners, Recommended content for top skills and roles
there’s a move toward gender inclusivity in Professional Certificates Auditing I: Conceptual Financial Accounting:
tech education. Plus, a 79% rise in Professional 79% YoY enrollments Foundations of Auditing Advanced Topics

Certificate enrollments demonstrates a Fundamentals of Introduction to

dedication to upskilling for the digital future. Top Professional Certificates Graphic Design Market Research
Professional Certificate
Storytelling and influencing: Communication in the 21st
Data Analytics
Communicate with impact Century Workplace
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Social Media and Social Social Media
Management Content Strategy Marketing
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Digital Project
Marketing in a Digital World
Marketing & E-commerce Management

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 23

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Singapore 11
Data science
Software Developer
Machine Learning Engineer
3. Resilience 3. Bookkeeper
4. BlockChain 4. Securities & Commodities Trader
1.1M 12 34 Enrollment trends
5. Investment Management 5. Auditor
Coursera Global Median 6. Bayesian Statistics 6. Network Engineer
learners rank age
815% YoY enrollments 7. Machine Learning Algorithms 7. Data Analyst

45% 36% 31% Top courses

Artificial Neural Networks
Applied Machine Learning
Business Analyst
Product Manager
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile
Generative AI with Large 10. Risk Management 10. Risk Analyst
Language Models

Introduction to Generative AI
Singapore’s focus on future-oriented skills,
like blockchain and machine learning, aligns Prompt Engineering
with its strategy to maintain its position as a for ChatGPT

global learning hub.40 The SkillsFuture credits Recommended content for top skills and roles
program reflects Singapore’s commitment to Professional Certificates Essential Epidemiologic Tools Neural Networks and
lifelong learning, ensuring the workforce remains 57% YoY enrollments for Public Health Practice Random Forests

adaptable and competitive.41 FinTech Foundations

Machine Learning: Regression
Top Professional Certificates and Overview
Professional Certificate
Introduction to Blockchain for Introduction to
Data Analytics
Financial Services Risk Management
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Investment Strategies and
Data Analytics
Management Portfolio Analysis
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Bayesian Statistics: From Business
Concept to Data Analysis Intelligence (BI) Analyst

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 24

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Thailand 76
Data science
Media Buyer
Social Media Marketer
3. Writing 3. Public Relations Manager
4. Business Communication 4. Communications Specialist
941K 81 32 Enrollment trends
5. Brand Management 5. Personal Financial Advisor
Coursera Global Median
6. FinTech 6. Product Marketing Manager
learners rank age
1,073% YoY enrollments 7. Spreadsheet Software 7. Bookkeeper

50% 32% 46% Top courses

Human Learning
Financial Manager
Data Analyst
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Generative AI for Everyone 10. Experiment 10. IT Director

Introduction to Generative AI
Thailand’s 311% year-over-year increase in
Professional Certificate enrollments highlights a Prompt Engineering
push toward digital fluency and tech innovation. for ChatGPT

Thai learners are diversifying their skills—from Recommended content for top skills and roles
SQL to business communication and FinTech—to Professional Certificates Cultural intelligence: Communication Strategies
meet the evolving global job market demands. 311% YoY enrollments Become a global citizen for a Virtual Age

Meanwhile, the AI Thailand initiative aims to spur English for Effective

Learning Mindsets & Skills
economic growth and competitiveness through Top Professional Certificates Business Writing

AI development.42 Professional Certificate

Data Analytics SQL for Software Developers The Power of Team Culture

Professional Certificate Professional Certificate

Project FinTech Foundations Social Media
Management and Overview Marketing
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
From Brand to Image: Creating
UX Design High Impact Campaigns That Bookkeeper
Tell Brand Stories

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | APAC 25

01 02 03 04

Europe Cutting-edge Rankings 1–28

Competitive Rankings 29–55

Emerging Rankings 56–82

Lagging Rankings 83–109

24.5M 43% 46%

Coursera YoY enterprise Women
learners enrollments learners

38% 35 34%
Learning Median Women
on mobile age learners in STEM

Learners in Europe demonstrate strong overall skill

proficiency, with 19 of the top 25 countries globally
originating from the region. Despite a 4.56% year-
over-year decline in cybersecurity enrollments,
Europe witnessed a 775% increase in GenAI course
enrollments, reflecting a growing interest in
emerging technologies. The region is nearing gender
parity in online learning, with 46% of learners being
women. Furthermore, 38% of learners in Europe
are learning on mobile, highlighting a shift toward
accessible and flexible learning solutions.

See page 29 for country skill rankings in Europe

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 26

01 02 03 04


Regional enrollment trends

Europe’s commitment to safeguarding AI is evident Top skills Top target roles Most popular content in Europe
in the AI Act, the world’s first-ever comprehensive 1. FinTech 1. Treasurer
AI legal framework.43 This aligns with the region’s 2. Resilience 2. Securities & Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

ambitious targets for the Digital Decade, which 3. Culture Commodities Trader
aims to accelerate progress in skills, government, 4. Epidemiology 3. Machine Learning Engineer Foundations of Project Management

infrastructure, and business.44 However, the Digital 5. Human Learning 4. Software Developer
Economy and Society Index (DESI) reveals that four 6. Machine 5. Personal Financial Advisor The Science of Well-Being

out of 10 adults and every third person who works Learning Algorithms 6. Operations Manager
Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental
in Europe lack basic digital skills, with over 70% of 7. Artificial Neural Networks 7. Network Engineer tools to help you master tough subjects
businesses citing this as an obstacle to investment.45 8. Applied Machine Learning 8. Financial Analyst
AI for Everyone
9. Regression 9. Budget Analyst
While countries like Switzerland, Germany, and
10. Bioinformatics 10. Web Developer
the Netherlands demonstrate cutting-edge Financial Markets
proficiency across business, technology, and data
science domains, others like Romania, Georgia, and Foundations of Cybersecurity
Azerbaijan have room for improvement, particularly
in technology skills. To address this, the European Supervised Machine Learning:
Regression and Classification
Commission aims to reach 80% of EU adults with at
least basic digital skills and 20 million ICT specialists— Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design
especially women—employed across the EU by 2030.46
Methodology snapshot English for Career Development
Coursera’s partnerships with institutions like the
To identify top skills and target roles, we use an over-indexing
University of Szeged, whose students have access
methodology. Over-indexing means that learners in a specific
to all Professional Certificates, demonstrate the
country or region are disproportionately enrolling in a given skill
collaborative effort needed to bridge the digital
compared to learners globally.
skills gap.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 27

01 02 03 04


Regional enrollment trends cont.

GenAI Cybersecurity Professional Certificates

775% 5% 34%
Generative AI (GenAI) is YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth
transforming the skill
requirements for employees in Top courses Top courses Top Professional Certificates

telecoms. Today, employees Generative AI with Large

Foundations of Cybersecurity Data Analytics
Professional Certificate

Language Models
must possess the ability to work Professional Certificate
Prompt Engineering Project
collaboratively with AI systems, for ChatGPT
Crash Course on Python

leverage automation tools, and Generative AI for Everyone

Play It Safe:
Professional Certificate

Manage Security Risks

interpret vast amounts of data to Professional Certificate
Technical Support Digital
drive informed decision-making. Introduction to Generative AI
Fundamentals Marketing & E-commerce
Professional Certificate
ChatGPT Advanced
Algorithms, Part 1 UX Design
Data Analysis

Julia Ewen-Hoffman
Head of Learning & Development,
Deutsche Telekom AG

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 28

01 02 03 04


Regional skill rankings

Regional Global Country Business Technology Data Regional Global Country Business Technology Data
rank rank Science rank rank Science

1 1 Switzerland 100% 100% 100% 20 30 Greece 85% 62% 70%

2 3 Germany 93% 96% 97% 21 31 Slovakia 68% 81% 58% Learning is no longer an
3 4 Netherlands 95% 95% 98% 22 33 Belarus 55% 79% 66% afterthought—it now informs how
4 5 France 97% 97% 94% 23 39 Serbia 46% 67% 65%
we solve business challenges,
5 6 Sweden 92% 98% 95% 24 42 Ireland 60% 65% 63%
6 7 Spain 90% 94% 94% 25 45 United 53% 59% 72%
strategize and approach
7 8 Austria 94% 92% 90% Kingdom new projects.
8 9 Denmark 98% 75% 96% 26 46 Hungary 43% 57% 62%

9 10 Belgium 89% 83% 92% 27 49 Croatia 57% 55% 57%

10 11 Luxembourg 94% 84% 84% 28 51 Latvia 82% 51% 41%

11 14 Portugal 72% 94% 88% 29 52 Armenia 29% 66% 64%

12 15 Italy 86% 89% 78% 30 53 Lithuania 44% 61% 61%

Cyril de Avellar
13 17 Norway 84% 88% 83% 31 56 Estonia 61% 50% 54% Learning & Development Manager,
14 18 Finland 70% 93% 86% 33 57 Turkey 69% 45% 43% People & Culture, Ingka Group
15 22 Poland 77% 86% 67% 34 65 Georgia 28% 48% 53%

16 28 Cyprus 75% 70% 71% 35 67 Azerbaijan 62% 30% 36%

36 70 Romania 27% 47% 47% Ingka Group offers new online
17 24 Czech 81% 82% 75%
Republic learning program through Coursera

18 25 Bulgaria 78% 80% 74%

19 27 Ukraine 79% 76% 69%

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 29

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

France 4
Data science
Operations Manager
3. Collaboration 3. Securities & Commodities Trader
4. Emotional Intelligence 4. IT Project Manager
1.9M 5 35 Enrollment trends
5. Conflict Management 5. Project Manager
Coursera Global Median 6. People Development 6. Personal Financial Advisor
learners rank age
783% YoY enrollments 7. Investment Management 7. Budget Analyst

43% 33% 37% Top courses

Change Management
Contract Administrator
Systems Analyst
Women Women learners Learning
Generative AI with Large
learners in STEM on mobile 10. Planning 10. Auditor
Language Models

Prompt Engineering
Learners in France demonstrate an aptitude for ChatGPT

for business skills, with a focus on developing

Generative AI for Everyone
leadership capabilities, resilience, and
emotional intelligence. France proves its Recommended content for top skills and roles
commitment to AI readiness with a 783% Professional Certificates L’investissement à impact:
Building Your Leadership Skills
increase in GenAI course enrollments year-over- 29% YoY enrollments les fondamentaux

year. This aligns with the 85% of organizations Building Strategic

Influencing the Organisation
that say they’re investing in employee training Top Professional Certificates Foresight Capabilities

to maximize the potential of AI technologies.47 Professional Certificate

Positive Psychology:
Data Analytics Managers du changement
Resilience Skills
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Organizational Behavior: How Career Coach
UX Design
to Manage People and Navigator
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Emotional Intelligence: Project
Management Cultivating Immensely Management
Human Interactions

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 30

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Germany 9
Data science
Artificial Neural Networks
Applied Machine Learning
Network Engineer
Web Developer
3. Machine Learning Algorithms 3. Software Developer
4. Regression 4. Machine Learning Engineer
2M 3 34 Enrollment trends
5. Linear Algebra 5. Securities & Commodities Trader
Coursera Global Median
6. Python Programming 6. Cloud Security Engineer
learners rank age
662% YoY enrollments 7. Epidemiology 7. Bookkeeper

40% 30% 37% Top courses

8. Distributed Computing
Computer Systems Engineer
Engineering Manager
Women Women learners Learning
Generative AI with Large 9. Deep Learning 10. Data Engineer
learners in STEM on mobile
Language Models
10. Network Architecture
Prompt Engineering
Learners in Germany rank third globally for overall skill for ChatGPT

proficiency—over-indexing in tech skills like artificial

Generative AI for Everyone
neural networks, applied machine learning, and
deep learning. As Germany grapples with a labor gap, Recommended content for top skills and roles
investing in these skills will be critical for maintaining Professional Certificates Neural Networks and Algebra and Differential
economic growth.48 39% YoY enrollments Deep Learning Calculus for Data Science

Managing Machine Essential Epidemiologic Tools

German learners demonstrate cutting-edge proficiency Top Professional Certificates Learning Projects for Public Health Practice
across all domains, particularly in data science and Professional Certificate
Project Machine/Deep Learning
technology. However, their year-over-year increase in AI for Everyone for Mining Quality
GenAI enrollments is lower than countries like Spain, Professional Certificate
Professional Certificate
France, and the UK. Industry micro-credentials could Data Analytics Python Data Structures Network
play a key role in upskilling, especially given that 81% of Professional Certificate
Professional Certificate
students in Germany agree that obtaining Professional Cybersecurity Machine Learning: Regression Front-End
Certificates would enhance their job prospects.49

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 31

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Spain 12
Data science
Communications Specialist
Budget Analyst
3. Adaptability 3. Public Relations Manager
4. C Programming Language Family 4. Advertising Manager
2.3M 7 38 Enrollment trends
5. Bioinformatics 5. Bookkeeper
Coursera Global Median
6. Other Programming Languages 6. Machine Learning Engineer
learners rank age
962% YoY enrollments 7. People Analysis 7. Cloud Security Engineer

49% 35% 38% Top courses

Graphic Design
Distributed Computing
Operations Manager
Product Marketing Manager
Women Women learners Learning
Prompt Engineering
learners in STEM on mobile Architecture 10. Securities & Commodities Trader
for ChatGPT
10. Negotiation
Generative AI with Large
Ranking seventh for skill proficiency globally, Language Models

learners in Spain excel in technology and data

Generative AI for Everyone
science. A 962% year-over-year increase in GenAI
course enrollments—the highest in Europe— Recommended content for top skills and roles
reflects Spain’s commitment to AI readiness, with Professional Certificates Cultural intelligence: Java Programming: Solving
85% of organizations investing in employee training static YoY enrollments Become a global citizen Problems with Software

to maximize the potential of AI technologies.50 Biology Meets Programming:

Adaptability and Resiliency
Top Professional Certificates Bioinformatics for Beginners
Spain’s National Artificial Intelligence Strategy Diseño de
Professional Certificate
Introducción a la ciencia de Successful Negotiation:
aims to attract top AI talent. While only 64% of the experiencia del usuario (UX) datos aplicada Essential Strategies and Skills
population is projected to have basic digital skills Análisis
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Introducción a Data Science:
by 2030, Spain’s strong performance in technology de datos Programación Estadística con R
and high GenAI enrollments suggest ambitions to Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Gestión de Advanced Career Coach
surpass this projection.51 Proyectos Programming in Swift and Navigator

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 32

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Turkey 35
Data science
Supply Chain Systems
Market Research
Securities & Commodities Trader
Machine Learning Engineer
3. Human Learning 3. Public Relations Manager
4. Epidemiology 4. Budget Analyst
1.4M 57 32 Enrollment trends
5. Experiment 5. Communications Specialist
Coursera Global Median 6. Writing 6. Software Developer
learners rank age
545% YoY enrollments 7. Brand Management 7. Bookkeeper

43% 33% 40% Top courses

Linear Algebra
Budget Management
Operations Manager
Media Buyer
Women Women learners Learning
Prompt Engineering
learners in STEM on mobile 10. Machine Learning Algorithms 10. Personal Financial Advisor
for ChatGPT

Generative AI with Large

In Turkey, a 545% year-over-year increase in Language Models

GenAI course enrollments reflects a growing

Introduction to Generative AI
interest in AI and machine learning. Learners are
over-indexing in machine learning algorithms, Recommended content for top skills and roles
with top target roles including machine learning Professional Certificates Supply Chain Introduction to
engineer and software developer. With learners 38% YoY enrollments Analytics Essentials Market Research

pursuing Professional Certificates at a 38% Introduction to Budgeting essentials

higher rate than last year, there’s a clear appetite Top Professional Certificates Machine Learning and development
Professional Certificate
for job-relevant skills. This is critical, as Turkey Doğrusal Cebir I: Uzaylar ve Essential Epidemiologic Tools
Data Analytics
İşlemciler / Linear Algebra I: for Public Health Practice
must reskill more than 21 million workers to Spaces and Operators
Professional Certificate
meet the demands of the future of work.52 Project
Professional Certificate
Proje Yönetimi Use AI Builder and Power Apps Management
to Process Invoice Data
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Front-End Supply Chain
Developer High-Impact Business Writing Data Analyst

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 33

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

United Kingdom 52
Data science
Risk Analyst
3. Regression 3. Data Analyst
4. FinTech 4. Database Architect
3.8M 45 35 Enrollment trends
5. Machine Learning Algorithms 5. Software Developer
Coursera Global Median 6. Python Programming 6. Financial Analyst
learners rank age
961% YoY enrollments 7. Investment Management 7. Product Manager

48% 35% 39% Top courses

Bayesian Statistics
Risk Management
Technology Consultant
Cybersecurity Analyst
Women Women learners Learning
Generative AI with Large
learners in STEM on mobile 10. Applied Machine Learning 10. Data Scientist
Language Models

Prompt Engineering
Learners in the United Kingdom are over-indexing in for ChatGPT

skills like bioinformatics, machine learning algorithms,

Generative AI for Everyone
and applied machine learning—aligning with the
anticipated 38% net growth in demand for AI and ML Recommended content for top skills and roles
specialists in the country.53 Professional Certificates Essential Epidemiologic Tools
Basic Programming in Python I
59% YoY enrollments for Public Health Practice
The 961% increase in GenAI course enrollments and
Fundamental Skills in Mathematics for Machine
the popularity of roles such as data analyst, software Top Professional Certificates Bioinformatics Learning: Linear Algebra
developer, and cybersecurity analyst highlight the Professional Certificate
Bayesian Statistics: From
Data Analytics Regression Analysis
country’s commitment to developing a tech-savvy Concept to Data Analysis
workforce. However, with 93% of UK businesses Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project FinTech Foundations
Data Analyst
reporting an IT skills gap, there’s an urgent need for Management and Overview
targeted upskilling initiatives to ensure the workforce Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Operational Risk Management: Cybersecurity
can meet the evolving demands of the digital economy.54 Frameworks & Strategies Analyst

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | Europe 34

01 02 03 04

Latin America
and the Caribbean

24.9M 29% 49%

Coursera YoY enterprise Women
learners enrollments learners

46% 34 46%
Learning Median Women
on mobile age learners in STEM

Latin America and the Caribbean show a strong

commitment to AI readiness, with GenAI course
enrollment increasing 882% year-over-year.
Learners focus on emerging tech skills, preparing
for roles like machine learning engineer and cloud
security engineer. The region nears gender parity
in online learning, with 49% women learners and
46% learning on mobile, reflecting a shift toward
accessible, flexible learning. Cutting-edge Rankings 1–28

Competitive Rankings 29–55

See page 38 for country skill rankings in
Emerging Rankings 56–82
Latin America and the Caribbean
Lagging Rankings 83–109

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 35

01 02 03 04

Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional enrollment trends

National AI strategies and policies highlight
Top skills Top target roles Most popular content in Latin
the region’s dedication to AI for socioeconomic America and the Caribbean
1. Culture 1. Communications Manager
growth. Colombia launched its national AI strategy
2. Negotiation 2. Advertising Manager
in February 2024 to close digital access gaps and Contabilidad para no contadores
3. Calculus 3. Communications Specialist
advance AI adoption, for example. 55 However,
4. Adaptability 4. Operations Manager
infrastructural divides and the need for local English for Career Development
5. Other Programming 5. Budget Analyst
talent development remain unresolved challenges.
Languages 6. Product Marketing Manager
Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere
While Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay show cutting- 6. Budget Management 7. Machine Learning Engineer
edge proficiency in tech and data science 7. Geovisualization 8. Treasure
Foundations of Project Management
domains, Guatemala and Puerto Rico have room to 8. People Analysis 9. Contract Administrator
grow. Micro-credentials are promising, with open 9. C Programming 10. Personal Financial Advisor Étudier en France: French Intermediate
course B1-B2
and distance education participation surpassing Language Family
OECD averages. 56 10. Organizational Introducción a la programación en Python I:
Aprendiendo a programar con Python
A 2023 OECD study emphasizes innovation
Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP)
and skill development to improve job quality
and youth unemployment. 57 Initiatives like the
Finanzas personales
Consortium for North American Higher Education
Collaboration (CONAHEC) and the Asociación Foundations of Digital Marketing
De Universidades Grupo Montevideo (AUGM) and E-commerce
Methodology snapshot
and distance learning can help bridge skill gaps.
To identify top skills and target roles, we use an over-indexing Technical Support Fundamentals
Investing in accessible, job-relevant learning
methodology. Over-indexing means that learners in a specific
allows the region to build on its AI foundation and
country or region are disproportionately enrolling in a given skill
prepare the workforce for the digital economy.
compared to learners globally.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 36

01 02 03 04

Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional enrollment trends cont.

GenAI Cybersecurity Professional Certificates

882% 1% 17%
Achievable knowledge available YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth
via platforms like Coursera is the
present and future of learning. Top courses Top courses Top Professional Certificates
Professional Certificate
Prompt Engineering for Foundations:
Data Analytics
ChatGPT Data, Data, Everywhere

Professional Certificate
Introducción a la programación Project
Introduction to Generative AI en Python I: Aprendiendo a Management
programar con Python
Professional Certificate
Hasari Teddy Andrade Generative AI with Large
Technical Support
Language Models Marketing & E-commerce
Coursera Learner, Puebla, Mexico Fundamentals
Professional Certificate
Generative AI for Everyone Programming for Everybody IT Support
(Getting Started with Python)
Professional Certificate
ChatGPT Advanced Data
UX Design
Analysis Foundations of Cybersecurity

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 37

01 02 03 04

Latin America and the Caribbean

Regional skill rankings

Regional Global Country Business Technology Data Regional Global Country Business Technology Data
rank rank Science rank rank Science

1 19 Brazil 66% 85% 85% 17 73 Trinidad and 59% 17% 27%

2 20 Chile 65% 74% 83% Tobago

3 21 Uruguay 83% 87% 60% 18 77 Jamaica 28% 29% 37%

4 23 Peru 74% 72% 68% 19 85 Guatemala 16% 15% 38%

5 26 Mexico 54% 77% 81% 20 91 Puerto Rico 15% 17% 17%

6 29 Colombia 50% 73% 79%

7 37 Dominican 80% 64% 45%
8 38 Argentina 35% 68% 80%
9 43 Venezuela 39% 53% 73%
10 44 Honduras 61% 49% 50%
11 48 El Salvador 63% 71% 34%
12 50 Bolivia 39% 63% 51%
13 61 Ecuador 36% 44% 56%
14 62 Costa Rica 41% 60% 49%
15 63 Paraguay 38% 46% 52%
16 68 Panama 42% 26% 44%

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 38

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Brazil 38
Data science
Graphic Design
Advertising Manager
Cloud Security Engineer
3. Calculus 3. Communications Specialist
4. Other Programming Languages 4. Public Relations Manager
5.8M 19 35 Enrollment trends
5. Organizational Development 5. Machine Learning Engineer
Coursera Global Median
6. Culture 6. Operations Manager
learners rank age
1,079% YoY enrollments 7. Adaptability 7. Engineering Manager

46% 34% 45% Top courses

People Analysis
Computer Vision
Product Marketing Manager
Computer Systems Engineer
Women Women learners Learning
Generative AI with Large 10. Negotiation 10. Software Developer
learners in STEM on mobile
Language Models

Prompt Engineering
Brazil ranks in the top 20 countries for overall for ChatGPT

skill proficiency—and the highest in Latin

Introduction to Generative AI
America and the Caribbean—with cutting-edge
proficiency in tech and data science. A 1,079% Recommended content for top skills and roles
increase in GenAI course enrollments and Professional Certificates Fundamentals of Calculus for Machine Learning
interest in roles like cloud security engineer 10 % YoY enrollments Graphic Design and Data Science

and machine learning engineer show Brazil’s Laboratório de Programação Introduction to Computer
enthusiasm for developing a digital-ready Top Professional Certificates Orientada a Objetos - Parte 1 Vision and Image Processing

workforce. However, with nearly 70% of Professional Certificate

Liderança Equilibrada e Collaborate Effectively for
Data Analytics
employers reporting hiring difficulties due to Cultura de Inclusão Professional Success

a skills gap, upskilling initiatives are crucial, Professional Certificate

Introdução ao Cloud
Professional Certificate
Suporte em TI
especially for youth facing triple the national Workforce Management Technology Consultant

unemployment rate. 58 Professional Certificate

Negociação e Relações DevOps and
Professional Certificate
UX Design
Interculturais Software Engineering

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 39

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Chile 39
Data science
C Programming Language Family
Operations Manager
Public Relations Manager
3. Other Programming Languages 3. Advertising Manager
4. Calculus 4. Budget Analyst
1.6M 20 35 Enrollment trends
5. Culture 5. Communications Specialist
Coursera Global Median
6. Negotiation 6. Product Marketing Manager
learners rank age
700 % YoY enrollments 7. Adaptability 7. Bookkeeper

50% 38% 45% Top courses

Social Media
Organizational Development
Machine Learning Engineer
Social Media Marketer
Women Women learners Learning
Prompt Engineering 10. Creativity 10. E-commerce Analyst
learners in STEM on mobile
for ChatGPT

Generative AI with Large

Chile ranks second-highest in Latin America Language Models

and the Caribbean for overall skill proficiency,

Introduction to Generative AI
with cutting-edge proficiency in tech and
data science. Learners over-index in skills like Recommended content for top skills and roles
programming languages, geovisualization, Professional Certificates Innovación y creatividad
Fundamentals of GIS
and calculus. 16% YoY enrollments organizacional

Cultural intelligence:
C# Class Development
A 700% increase in GenAI course enrollments Top Professional Certificates Become a global citizen
reflects Chile’s AI leadership commitment. Chile Professional Certificate
1.- El Cálculo - Modelo Lineal Agile Project Management
also achieves gender parity in online learning. de datos
Government initiatives supporting digital skill Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Diseño de Habilidades humanas y de Social Media
development prepare the workforce for the experiencia del usuario (UX) negocios para negociar Marketing
IT sector’s projected $3.9 billion growth from Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Gestión de Digital
HTML and CSS in depth
2022–2027.59 Proyectos Marketing & E-commerce

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 40

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Colombia 55
Data science
Communications Specialist
Public Relations Manager
3. Calculus 3. Budget Analyst
4. C Programming Language Family 4. Operations Manager
3.3M 29 33 Enrollment trends
5. Other Programming Languages 5. Advertising Manager
Coursera Global Median
6. Geovisualization 6. Machine Learning Engineer
learners rank age
659% YoY enrollments 7. Adaptability 7. Bookkeeper

50% 34% 47% Top courses

Emotional Intelligence
Probability Distribution
Product Marketing Manager
Social Media Marketer
Women Women learners Learning
Prompt Engineering 10. People Analysis 10. Media Buyer
learners in STEM on mobile
for ChatGPT

Generative AI for Everyone

Colombia’s commitment to technological
advancement shows in a 659% GenAI course
Introduction to Generative AI
enrollments increase and the February 2024
launch of its AI strategy to close digital gaps, Recommended content for top skills and roles
advance AI, and develop digital talent.60 Professional Certificates
Fundamentos del Management Introducción a la programación
33% YoY enrollments orientada a objetos en Java
Learners focus on programming and
Adaptability and Resiliency
negotiation skills for roles like machine learning Top Professional Certificates Successful Negotiation:
Essential Strategies and Skills
engineer and communications specialist. The Professional Certificate
Análisis Project Management:
Ministry of ICT’s partnership with Coursera aims de datos The Basics for Success Comunicación efectiva para
el líder actual
to bridge skill gaps through micro-credentials, Professional Certificate
Autoliderazgo y gestión de
Ciberseguridad Professional Certificate
as 80% of companies expect an insufficiently emociones para avanzar en Bookkeeping
desafíos complejos
skilled talent pipeline by 2027.61 Professional Certificate
Gestión de Professional Certificate
Proyectos Liderazgo efectivo Social Media
y colaboración con Marketing
inteligencia emocional

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 41

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Mexico 51
Data science
Operations Manager
Public Relations Manager
3. Budget Management 3. Communications Specialist
4. Bioinformatics 4. Budget Analyst
6.7M 26 34 Enrollment trends
5. Culture 5. Advertising Manager
Coursera Global Median
6. Adaptability 6. Bookkeeper
learners rank age
1,091% YoY enrollments 7. Emotional Intelligence 7. Machine Learning Engineer

51% 39% 47% Top courses

Probability Distribution
General Accounting
Product Marketing Manager
Contract Administrator
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Prompt Engineering 10. People Analysis 10. Personal Financial Advisor
for ChatGPT

Introduction to Generative AI
A 1,091% GenAI course enrollment increase
mirrors Mexico’s strong interest in AI and machine Generative AI with Large
learning, expected to see 35% growth in specialist Language Models

roles.62 Learners focus on culture, adaptability, Recommended content for top skills and roles
and emotional intelligence, aligning with top Professional Certificates Introducción al mundo de
1.- El Cálculo - Modelo Lineal
target roles like operations manager, PR manager, 29% YoY enrollments las negociaciones

and communications specialist. Comunicación efectiva para

Estadística y probabilidad
Top Professional Certificates el líder actual
However, with 65% of companies reporting Professional Certificate
Autoliderazgo y gestión de
Análisis Accounting: Principles of
talent shortages, upskilling is crucial. Investing de datos Financial Accounting emociones para avanzar en
desafíos complejos
in workforce development and micro-credentials Professional Certificate
Gestión de Professional Certificate
Gestión del talento humano
allows businesses and institutions to build on Proyectos Career Coach
and Navigator
strong tech and data science foundations, driving Professional Certificate
Digital Programación y presupuesto Professional Certificate
growth and preparing learners for roles requiring Marketing & E-commerce del proyecto Bookkeeping
both technical and interpersonal skills.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 42

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Peru 29
Data science
Advertising Manager
Operations Manager
3. Other Programming Languages 3. Public Relations Manager
4. Negotiation 4. Communications Specialist
1.5M 23 32 Enrollment trends
5. Social Media 5. Budget Analyst
Coursera Global Median 6. Emotional Intelligence 6. Product Marketing Manager
learners rank age
953% YoY enrollments 7. C Programming Language Family 7. Bookkeeper

45% 31% 35% Top courses

Cloud Security Engineer
Personal Financial Advisor
Women Women learners Learning
Prompt Engineering 10. Influencing 10. Machine Learning Engineer
learners in STEM on mobile
for ChatGPT

Introduction to Generative AI
In Peru, learners pursue soft skills like resilience
and hard skills like programming to prepare for
Generative AI for Everyone
marketing, operations, and engineering roles. A
953% GenAI course enrollment increase indicates Recommended content for top skills and roles
strong AI interest, aligning with the government’s Professional Certificates Cultural intelligence:
Fundamentos del Management
plan to significantly increase digital capacities by 16% YoY enrollments Become a global citizen

2030.63 With 67% of companies reporting talent

Adaptability and Resiliency C# Class Development
shortages, upskilling is urgent. Top Professional Certificates
Professional Certificate
Marketing en Advanced
1.- El Cálculo - Modelo Lineal
redes sociales Programming in Swift
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Análisis Introducción al mundo de
de datos las negociaciones
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Digital Social Media
Influencing People
Marketing & E-commerce Marketing

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | LATAM 43

01 02 03 04

Middle East and

North Africa

9.4M 9% 35%
Coursera YoY enterprise Women
learners enrollments learners

55% 31 27%
Learning Median Women
on mobile age learners in STEM

The Middle East and North Africa demonstrates a

strong commitment to digital transformation and
emerging technologies. With a 861% increase in GenAI
course enrollments and a 17% rise in cybersecurity
enrollments year-over-year, learners focus on cutting-
edge skills to drive innovation and tackle regional
challenges. Supply chain systems emerge as a popular
skill, highlighting the region’s potential as a global
trade hub. However, with only 35% of learners being
women, there are opportunities to promote gender
inclusivity in online learning.

See page 47 for country skill rankings in the Middle Cutting-edge Rankings 1–28 Emerging Rankings 56–82

East and North Africa Competitive Rankings 29–55 Lagging Rankings 83–109

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | MENA 44

01 02 03 04

Middle East and North Africa

Regional enrollment trends

The Middle East and North Africa are positioned Top skills Top target roles Most popular content in the Middle
to become leaders in digital transformation and 1. Leadership Development 1. Operations Manager East and North Africa
trade, with governments investing in technology 2. Supply Chain Systems 2. IT Project Manager
infrastructure and logistics.64 The establishment 3. Audit 3. Project Manager ‫القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير‬
of the 2023 Council of Ministers for Cybersecurity 4. People Development 4. Machine Learning Engineer
reflects the region’s proactive approach to 5. Advertising 5. Securities & Commodities ‫المهارات األساسية لمديري اليوم‬
cybersecurity, evident in the 17% year-over-year 6. Resilience trader
growth in cybersecurity course enrollments. 7. Storytelling 6. Personal Financial Advisor
‫إدارة سالسل اإلمداد‬
Supply Chain Management
Learners focus on skills like leadership 8. Influencing 7. Communications Specialist
development, supply chain systems, and 9. Conflict Management 8. Treasurer Supply Chain Management and Analytics
auditing, preparing for roles such as operations 10. Budget Management 9. Contract Administrator
manager and IT project manager—aligning with 10. Communications Manager
Leadership Communication for
Maximum Impact: Storytelling
the region’s strategic location and workforce
development goals. Mediation and Conflict Resolution

However, with 82% of UAE workers seeking

Foundations of Project Management
additional training65 and 60% of Saudi higher
education students pursuing degrees not aligned
Learning Mindsets & Skills
with job market demands,66 there’s a need for
accessible, career-ready skill development. By Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management
investing in job-relevant learning and harnessing Methodology snapshot for Personal & Professional Productivity

the young, tech-savvy population, the region To identify top skills and target roles, we use an over-indexing Professional Certificate

Project Management
can build a skilled workforce to drive economic methodology. Over-indexing means that learners in a specific
growth and competitiveness in sectors like country or region are disproportionately enrolling in a given skill
manufacturing, logistics, and cybersecurity. compared to learners globally.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | MENA 45

01 02 03 04

Middle East and North Africa

Regional enrollment trends cont.

GenAI Cybersecurity Professional Certificates

861% 17% 41%

We are committed to equipping our YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth
students and graduates with the skills
and knowledge needed to thrive in the Top courses Top courses Top Professional Certificates

ever-evolving job market. In an era where Prompt Engineering

Foundations of Cybersecurity Data Analytics
Professional Certificate

for ChatGPT
rapid technological advancements and Professional Certificate
changing industries demand continuous Introduction to Generative AI Introduction to Data Analytics

learning and adaptation, upskilling and Generative AI with Large Programming for Everybody
Professional Certificate

Language Models (Getting Started with Python)

reskilling have become paramount. Professional Certificate
Technical Support Digital
Generative AI for Everyone
Fundamentals Marketing & E-commerce
Professional Certificate
Build Basic Generative Social Media
Cybersecurity for Everyone
Adversarial Networks (GANs) Marketing

Prof. Ibrahim Mohamed Alkaabi

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Qatar University

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | MENA 46

01 02 03 04

Middle East and North Africa

Regional skill rankings

Regional Global Country Business Technology Data

rank rank Science

1 34 United Arab 99% 42% 55%

Emirates We will spare no effort to meet Realizing skill development
2 35 Israel 40% 72% 89%
the ambitions of our students to solutions that are necessary for
3 58 Qatar 83% 40% 42%
4 60 Saudi Arabia 87% 39% 29%
obtain world-leading education meeting the challenges of the
5 64 Morocco 67% 52% 17% that qualifies them for current and 21st century requires robust
6 72 Egypt 34% 39% 40% future labor market requirements. innovation and collaboration
7 75 Kuwait 51% 27% 31% between key actors.
8 76 Tunisia 7% 41% 39%
9 78 Bahrain 45% 28% 28%
10 82 Jordan 52% 14% 14%
11 83 Lebanon 23% 32% 19%
12 90 Oman 19% 21% 18%
His Excellency, Dr. Ahmad Belhoul Al Falasi Abdallah Al Dardari
13 93 Iraq 21% 19% 9%
Minister of Education, UAE Assistant Secretary-General
14 95 Algeria 2% 25% 32%
Assistant Administrator and Director of the
15 96 Yemen 33% 10% 7% Regional Bureau for Arab States, UNDP
16 109 Sudan 3% 3% 2%

Coursera, UNDP, and MBRF

Launch FutureSkills4All Initiative

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | MENA 47

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Egypt 73
Data science
Operations Manager
Machine Learning Engineer
3. Advertising 3. Securities & Commodities Trader
4. Leadership Development 4. Public Relations Manager
2.9M 72 29 Enrollment trends
5. Social Media 5. Communications Specialist
Coursera Global Median 6. Experiment 6. Social Media Marketer
learners rank age
585% YoY enrollments 7. Brand Management 7. Marketing Associate

35% 22% 64% Top courses

Budget Management
Budget Analyst
Financial Manager
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Introduction to Generative AI 10. Deep Learning 10. Web Developer

Generative AI with Large

Learners in Egypt are typically younger than Language Models

the global average, with a median age of 29, Prompt Engineering

and increasingly learn on mobile devices, with for ChatGPT

64% accessing courses through smartphones Recommended content for top skills and roles
or tablets. This tech-savvy generation focuses Professional Certificates ‫فن رواية قصة البيانات‬ ‫أساسيات الموازنة‬
on skills like advertising, deep learning, and 34 % YoY enrollments The Art of Data Storytelling ‫التخطيطية الفعالة‬

auditing, preparing for roles such as machine Introduction to

Sequence Models
learning engineer, operations manager, and Top Professional Certificates Social Media Marketing

securities & commodities trader. As university Professional Certificate

‫القيادة بدون سلطة‬
Data Analytics Brand Identity and Strategy
Leading without Authority
degrees remain the most recognized hiring
criteria in Egypt, integrating job-relevant skills Social Media
Professional Certificate
‫ أساسيات اإلدارة الرشيقة‬Lean Career Coach
Professional Certificate

Marketing Management Fundamentals and Navigator

into higher education curricula can help bridge
the gap between academia and industry.67 Front-End
Professional Certificate
Social Media
Professional Certificate

‫قائمة الميزانية وقائمة الدخل‬

Developer Marketing

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | MENA 48

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Saudi Arabia 15
Data science
Leadership Development
Supply Chain Systems
IT Project Manager
Project Manager
3. Resilience 3. Personal Financial Advisor
4. People Development 4. Bookkeeper
1.2M 60 35 Enrollment trends
5. Graphic Design 5. Securities & Commodities Trader
Coursera Global Median 6. Change Management 6. Machine Learning Engineer
learners rank age
1,788% YoY enrollments 7. Conflict Management 7. Market Research Analyst

28% 33% 55% Top courses

Communications Specialist
Operations Manager
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Introduction to Generative AI 10. Emotional Intelligence 10. Financial Reporting Manager

Prompt Engineering
Cybersecurity attacks cost organizations in for ChatGPT

Saudi Arabia and the UAE $6.53 million in 2023, Generative AI with Large
driving a surge in demand for cybersecurity Language Models

professionals.68 Coursera data shows a 65% Recommended content for top skills and roles
year-over-year increase in cybersecurity course Professional Certificates Fundamentals of
‫القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير‬
enrollments. This aligns with Saudi Arabia’s 98% YoY enrollments Graphic Design

efforts to develop a skilled workforce, including

‫المهارات األساسية لمديري اليوم‬ Adaptability and Resiliency
the goal of training 40% of the workforce in data Top Professional Certificates
and AI skills by 2030. Professional Certificate
‫إدارة سالسل اإلمداد‬ Leading transformations:
Data Analytics
Supply Chain Management Manage change
With 60% of college students pursuing degrees Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Build Regression, Classification, Career Coach
that don’t match job market demands, bridging Management and Clustering Models and Navigator
the skills gap remains vital.69 Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Resolving and Project
Transforming Conflict Management

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | MENA 49

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

United Arab 2
Data science
Leadership Development
Operations Manager
IT Project Manager

Emirates Enrollment trends

Supply Chain Systems
Project Manager
Personal Financial Advisor
5. People Development 5. Contract Administrator
6. Emotional Intelligence 6. Bookkeeper
1M 34 35 1,102% YoY enrollments 7. Conflict Management 7. Product Marketing Manager
Coursera Global Median 8. Audit 8. Business Analyst
learners rank age
Top courses
9. General Accounting 9. IT Director
10. Change Management 10. Public Relations Manager
33% 27% 42%
Introduction to Generative AI

Women Women learners Learning Prompt Engineering

learners in STEM on mobile for ChatGPT

Generative AI with Large

Language Models
The UAE ranks first in the Middle East and North Recommended content for top skills and roles
Africa for skill proficiency and second worldwide Professional Certificates ‫إدارة سالسل اإلمداد‬
‫المهارات األساسية لمديري اليوم‬
for business. Learners focus on leadership 40 % YoY enrollments Supply Chain Management

development, resilience, and blockchain skills,

Getting Started Auditing I: Conceptual
preparing for roles such as operations manager, IT Top Professional Certificates with Leadership Foundations of Auditing
project manager, and business analyst. This aligns Professional Certificate
Introduction to Blockchain for Emotional and
Data Analytics
with the UAE’s focus on business intelligence Financial Services Social Intelligence
and digital transformation roles, both expected Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Accounting: Principles of IT Project
to grow significantly.70 However, with 82% of Management Financial Accounting Manager
UAE workers seeking more training for career Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Digital Project
‫القيادة المتناقضة كأسلوب تفكير‬
confidence, further skill development is crucial.71 Marketing & E-commerce Management

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | MENA 50

01 02 03 04

North America

31.2M 18% 52%

Coursera YoY enterprise Women
learners enrollments learners

40% 36 38%
Learning Median Women
on mobile age learners in STEM

North America shows a strong commitment to

digital upskilling, with a 1,040% increase in GenAI
course enrollments and a 61% rise in Professional
Certificate enrollments year-over-year. The region
has achieved gender parity in online learning,
with women comprising 52% of learners. As the
semiconductor industry grows, learners focus on
skills like SQL, Python programming, and supply
chain logistics to drive innovation and economic Cutting-edge Rankings 1–28
growth in this critical sector. Competitive Rankings 29–55

See page 54 for country skill rankings in Emerging Rankings 56–82

North America Lagging Rankings 83–109

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | NA 51

01 02 03 04

North America

Regional enrollment trends

North America remains steadfast in developing Top skills Top target roles Most popular content in
a skilled, inclusive workforce ready for the 1. Geovisualization 1. Personal Financial Advisor North America
digital economy. Learners’ focus on technical 2. SQL 2. Treasurer
skills like SQL, Bayesian statistics, and Python 3. Business Communication 3. Business Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

programming aligns with the high demand for 4. General Accounting Intelligence Analyst
digital competencies in the job market, where 5. Epidemiology 4. Risk Analyst Foundations of Cybersecurity

92% of US job ads require digital proficiency.72 6. Spreadsheet Software 5. Technology Consultant
Foundations of Project Management
7. Bayesian Statistics 6. Financial
Governments and industry leaders invest
8. Python Programming Quantitative Analyst
in initiatives like the North American Technical Support Fundamentals
9. Change Management 7. Network Engineer
Semiconductor Conference (NASC) and the North
10. Project Management 8. Database Architect
American Ministerial Committee on Economic Foundations of Digital
9. Financial Analyst Marketing and E-commerce
Competitiveness (NAMCEC) to strengthen the
10. Cyber Analyst
region’s competitiveness in industries of the The Science of Well-Being
future, including semiconductors.73
AI for Everyone
Collaboration among government, industry,
and academia is key to creating quality jobs and Supervised Machine Learning:
providing talent for growth in the digital age. Regression and Classification

Coursera’s partnerships with institutions like

Introduction to Microsoft Excel
the University of Texas System74 and the state
Methodology snapshot
of Nevada exemplify the efforts needed to
To identify top skills and target roles, we use an over-indexing Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT
equip learners with job-relevant skills and drive
methodology. Over-indexing means that learners in a specific
economic growth.
country or region are disproportionately enrolling in a given skill
compared to learners globally.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | NA 52

01 02 03 04

North America

Regional enrollment trends cont.

GenAI Cybersecurity Professional Certificates

1,040% 8% 61%
What I’m excited about is GenAI YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth
opens the door for all of our
employees to have access to tools Top courses Top courses Top Professional Certificates

to do their job more efficiently. Prompt Engineering

Foundations of Cybersecurity Data Analytics
Professional Certificate

for ChatGPT

Professional Certificate
Technical Support
Introduction to Generative AI Cybersecurity

Professional Certificate
Generative AI with Large Play It Safe: Project
Language Models Manage Security Risks Management
Alison Klein Professional Certificate
Connect and Protect: Networks
Information Systems Talent Manager, Dow Generative AI for Everyone
and Network Security
IT Support

Professional Certificate
ChatGPT Advanced Programming for Everybody Digital
Data Analysis (Getting Started with Python) Marketing & E-commerce
How to Bridge the Generative AI Skills
Gap: Insights from Dow, Microsoft, and
Vanderbilt University

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | NA 53

01 02 03 04

North America

Regional skill rankings

Regional Global Country Business Technology Data

rank rank Science

1 59 Canada 47% 50% 59%

2 69 United States 37% 36% 50%

Students want to know that their learning is linked The AI revolution is not on the horizon, it is already Building a thriving workforce in Missouri means equipping
to a career pathway. They want to acquire skills that here. Its impact will be as profound as the Industrial everyone with the skills needed to succeed. Delivering
prepare them for work immediately, and employers Revolution or the Digital Revolution. Your organization on our commitment to provide equitable access to skills
want the same thing. must embrace this transformation or risk being development, we have created unique courses like
left behind. The choice is clear: adapt or become Missouri Job Ready Day One and learning pathways
irrelevant. The time to act is now. tailored to both the needs of populations facing barriers
to employment and demands in the job market.

Mark Rosenbaum Mark A. Lane, PhD Julie Carter

Dean of HPU’s College of Business, Hawai’i Pacific University Strategy & Innovation Engineer, Cisco Director of Workforce Development, Department of Higher
Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD), State of Missouri

Professional Certificates Playbook

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | NA 54

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Canada 59
Data science
Product Marketing Manager
Marketing Manager
3. Social Media 3. Marketing Specialist
4. Negotiation 4. E-commerce Analyst
4M 59 36 Enrollment trends
5. Resilience 5. Media Buyer
Coursera Global Median
6. SQL 6. Personal Financial Advisor
learners rank age
914 % YoY enrollments 7. Epidemiology 7. Search Engine

54% 40% 38% Top courses

Spreadsheet Software
Optimization Specialist
8. Bookkeeper
Women Women learners Learning
Prompt Engineering
learners in STEM on mobile 10. Geovisualization 9. Social Media Marketer
for ChatGPT
10. Advertising Manager
With a 63% year-over-year growth in Professional Generative AI with Large
Language Models
Certificate enrollments, Canadian learners are
increasingly committed to developing job-ready skills.
Introduction to Generative AI
They’re pursuing micro-credentials in in-demand
Recommended content for top skills and roles
fields like data analytics and digital marketing,
Professional Certificates
preparing for roles like product marketing manager, Cultural intelligence: Data Analysis with

e-commerce analyst, and social media marketer. 63% YoY enrollments Become a global citizen Spreadsheets and SQL

Storytelling and influencing: Essential Epidemiologic Tools

This aligns with the government’s efforts to address Top Professional Certificates Communicate with impact for Public Health Practice

the skills gap, as 45% of Canadians lack the digital Professional Certificate

Data Analytics Adaptability and Resiliency Everyday Excel, Part 1

skills needed for the knowledge economy.76 Initiatives
like the Skills for Success Program (supporting Professional Certificate
Spatial Analysis and Satellite Digital
Professional Certificate
60,000+ Canadians) and Ontario’s $15 million Imagery in a GIS Marketing & E-commerce

investment in rapid training contribute to building Project

Professional Certificate
Social Media
Professional Certificate

Natural Creativity
this crucial workforce.77 Management Marketing

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | NA 55

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

United States 70
Data science
Personal Financial Advisor
Business Intelligence Analyst
3. Business Communication 3. Bookkeeper
4. General Accounting 4. Risk Analyst
27.7M 69 36 Enrollment trends
5. Epidemiology 5. Technology Consultant
Coursera Global Median 6. Bayesian Statistics 6. Network Engineer
learners rank age
1,058% YoY enrollments 7. Spreadsheet Software 7. Financial Quantitative Analyst

52% 38% 40% Top courses

Change Management
Python Programming
Database Architect
Cybersecurity Analyst
Women Women learners Learning
Prompt Engineering
learners in STEM on mobile 10. Project Management 10. Financial Analyst
for ChatGPT

US learners focus on a mix of business and technical Generative AI with Large

skills, such as business communication, general Language Models

accounting, and SQL, though mostly prepare for roles in

Introduction to Generative AI
business and finance.
Recommended content for top skills and roles
However, nearly one-third of US workers lack Professional Certificates Bayesian Statistics: From Cross-Cultural Communication
foundational digital skills, with workers of color 61% YoY enrollments Concept to Data Analysis and Management

disproportionately affected.78 As the public and private Python Scripting Financial Accounting
sectors digitize, the need for highly trained STEM workers Top Professional Certificates Fundamentals Fundamentals

grows, despite fewer than 100,000 US graduates earning Professional Certificate

Data Analysis with Leading transformations:
Data Analytics
engineering and computer science degrees each year.79 Spreadsheets and SQL Manage change
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Power BI
The 1,058% surge in GenAI course enrollments and the Cybersecurity Introduction to GIS Mapping
Data Analyst
61% year-over-year growth in Professional Certificate Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Investigating Epidemics like Project
enrollments show learners’ commitment to upskilling Management COVID-19: An Analyst’s Guide Management
for the digital economy.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | NA 56

01 02 03 04

Sub-Saharan Africa

6.9M 38% 36%

Coursera YoY enterprise Women
learners enrollments learners

65% 34 27%
Learning Median Women
on mobile age learners in STEM

Learners in Sub-Saharan Africa show a strong appetite

for mobile learning, with 65% accessing courses
on smartphones or tablets—the highest among all
regions. They focus on developing business skills like
risk management and supply chain systems, as well
as technical skills like SQL and HTML/CSS. However,
with only 36% of learners being women, despite
comprising 46.1% of the region’s labor force, there’s a
significant gender disparity in online learning.80 Cutting-edge Rankings 1–28

Competitive Rankings 29–55

See page 60 for country skill rankings in
Emerging Rankings 56–82
Sub-Saharan Africa
Lagging Rankings 83–109

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | SSA 57

01 02 03 04

Sub-Saharan Africa

Regional enrollment trends

Sub-Saharan Africa must focus on developing a skilled young Top skills Top target roles Most popular content in
workforce, especially given lagging skill rankings of most 1. Risk Management 1. IT Project Manager Sub-Saharan Africa
countries in the region. With 230 million digital jobs projected 2. Epidemiology 2. Project Manager
by 2030, investing in accessible, job-relevant learning is crucial.81 3. Audit 3. Operations Manager Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere

4. Supply Chain Systems 4. Personal Financial Advisor

Learners focus on skills like risk management, auditing, and
5. Influencing 5. IT Manager Foundations of Project Management
supply chain systems. The prevalence of mobile learning
6. Spreadsheet Software 6. Business Analyst
(65%) highlights the importance of flexible, on-the-go learning
7. Advertising 7. Operations Specialist Foundations of Cybersecurity
solutions. Enabling further internet access will be critical to
8. Business Communication 8. Auditor
skills development, as 75% of Africa’s internet traffic comes
9. People Development 9. Marketing Specialist Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions
from smartphones.82
10. Market Research 10. Product Marketing Manager
Introduction to Microsoft Excel
The region must also address the gender gap in online learning,
with only 36% of learners being women despite comprising
Foundations of Digital
50.2% of the working-age population. Prioritizing digital Marketing and E-commerce
literacy in education, promoting gender-inclusive initiatives,
Technical Support Fundamentals
and collaborating with industry are key to building a skilled,
diverse workforce.
Business Analytics with Excel:
Elementary to Advanced
Sub-Saharan Africa’s growing youth population presents
both challenges and opportunities for the workforce. About Cybersecurity for Everyone
10–12 million young Africans enter the labor market annually, Methodology snapshot
where only 3 million formal jobs are available.83 Transforming To identify top skills and target roles, we use an over-indexing Prepare Data for Exploration
education systems to update curricula, investing in teacher methodology. Over-indexing means that learners in a specific
training, and increasing education funding is vital. By country or region are disproportionately enrolling in a given skill
equipping young Africans for the future, the region can turn its compared to learners globally.
demographic challenge into an economic advantage.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | SSA 58

01 02 03 04

Sub-Saharan Africa

Regional enrollment trends cont.

GenAI Cybersecurity Professional Certificates

1,500% 2% 12%
My advice to learners is to BE the change YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth YoY enrollment growth
you want to see! Just empower yourself to
give power to others. Top courses Top courses Top Professional Certificates
Professional Certificate

Introduction to Generative AI Foundations of Cybersecurity Data Analytics

Professional Certificate
Prompt Engineering Technical Support Project
for ChatGPT Fundamentals Management

Professional Certificate
Oluwakemi Sarah Adenekan Generative AI for Everyone Cybersecurity for Everyone Cybersecurity
Coursera Learner, Oyo State, Nigeria
Professional Certificate
Generative AI with Large Play It Safe: Digital
Language Models Manage Security Risks Marketing & E-commerce

Professional Certificate
ChatGPT Advanced Computer Science:
IT Support
Data Analysis Programming with a Purpose

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | SSA 59

01 02 03 04

Sub-Saharan Africa

Regional skill rankings

Regional Global Country Business Technology Data

rank rank Science

1 66 Botswana 72% 37% 23%

2 71 Rwanda 64% 24% 28% Remember: skills and learning material alone
3 74 Cameroon 48% 38% 21% don’t make you successful. Instead, it’s on you
4 88 Zambia 14% 16% 24%
to prove to yourself that what you’ve learned
5 92 Ethiopia 12% 20% 22%
6 97 Zimbabwe 13% 18% 11%
is valuable and beneficial to what you want
7 98 Kenya 17% 9% 12% to accomplish. For me, it’s solving existing
8 99 Cote d'Ivoire 20% 8% 6% problems in the community and seeing the
9 100 South Africa 10% 11% 13% positive impact I’ve helped make—from machine
10 102 Uganda 18% 7% 5%
translation projects for Kenyan languages
11 104 Ghana 6% 6% 6%
12 105 Nigeria 26% 1% 1%
(Kikuyu and Kiswahili languages as part of the
13 107 Somalia 5% 4% 3% Masakhane Community) to using AI to solve
pressing problems in the supply chain field.

Kennedy Wangari
Coursera Learner, Kenya

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | SSA 60

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Botswana 31
Data science
Investment Management
Leadership Development
Project Manager
IT Project Manager
3. Risk Management 3. Operations Manager
4. Audit 4. Contract Administrator
85K 66 33 Enrollment trends
5. Resilience 5. Personal Financial Advisor
Coursera Global Median
6. General Accounting 6. Bookkeeper
learners rank age
1,433% YoY enrollments 7. Conflict Management 7. Systems Analyst

50% 32% 54% Top courses

Change Management
Emotional Intelligence
Business Analyst
IT Director
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Introduction to Generative AI 10. Market Research 10. Auditor

Generative AI for Everyone

In Botswana, learners focus on leadership, risk
management, and accounting skills, preparing for roles Prompt Engineering
such as project manager, IT project manager, for ChatGPT

and operations manager. Despite unemployment Recommended content for top skills and roles
challenges, with 25% of the labor force and 33% of youth Professional Certificates Innovations in Investment Storytelling and influencing:
aged 20–39 unemployed,84 Botswana has made strides 35% YoY enrollments Technology: Artificial
Communicate with impact

in connecting schools to high-speed internet through Emotional and

Top Professional Certificates Introduction to Social Intelligence
initiatives like SmartBots and GIGA.85 Risk Management
Professional Certificate
Introduction to
Data Analytics
Botswana also achieves gender parity in online learning, Auditing I: Conceptual Market Research
Foundations of Auditing
with women making up 50% of learners. With projected Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Career Coach
annual economic growth of 4.5% over the next five Management Resolving and and Navigator
Transforming Conflict
years, continued investments in digital infrastructure Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
IT Project
and skills development are key to reducing Leading and Developing Manager
Top Talent
unemployment and fostering inclusive growth.86

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | SSA 61

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

Nigeria 82
109 109
Tech Data science
Product Marketing Manager
E-commerce Analyst
3. Spreadsheet Software 3. Personal Financial Advisor
4. Business Communication 4. Project Manager
2.4M 105 32 Enrollment trends
5. Audit 5. IT Project Manager
Coursera Global Median
6. HTML and CSS 6. Social Media Marketer
learners rank age
1,817% YoY enrollments 7. Influencing 7. Cloud Security Engineer

34% 29% 76% Top courses

Supply Chain Systems
Marketing Specialist
Operations Manager
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Introduction to Generative AI 10. Market Research 10. IT Director

Prompt Engineering
With 76% of learners accessing courses on mobile for ChatGPT

devices, learners in Nigeria gravitate toward

Generative AI for Everyone
flexible, on-the-go learning. They focus on
developing technical skills like SQL and HTML/ Recommended content for top skills and roles
CSS, as well as business skills like advertising and Professional Certificates Data Analysis with Storytelling and influencing:
business communication. 7% YoY enrollments Spreadsheets and SQL Communicate with impact

Learn HTML and CSS Business Writing

Top target roles learners prepare for span engineering Top Professional Certificates
and marketing, including cloud security engineer, Professional Certificate
Mastering Excel Essentials to Market Research and
Data Analytics
product marketing manager, and e-commerce Enhance Business Value Consumer Behavior
analyst. However, with only one in 10 workers holding Professional Certificate
Establishing a Professional Professional Certificate
positions that require advanced skill levels,87 these ‘Self’ through Effective Marketing & E-commerce
Intercultural Communication
skill sets are crucial in addressing Nigeria’s youth Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Project Supply Chain
unemployment rate, which stands at 53.4%.88 Management Auditing I: Conceptual Data Analyst
Foundations of Auditing

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | SSA 62

01 02 03 04

Country spotlight Domain rankings Top skills Top target roles

South Africa 99
Data science
Risk Management
Supply Chain Systems
IT Project Manager
Project Manager
3. Brand Management 3. Operations Manager
4. Market Research 4. IT Director
1.3M 100 36 Enrollment trends
5. Spreadsheet Software 5. Personal Financial Advisor
Coursera Global Median 6. Change Management 6. Business Analyst
learners rank age
1,156% YoY enrollments 7. Operations Management 7. General Manager

46% 36% 62% Top courses

8. Operations and
Maintenance Specialist
Women Women learners Learning
learners in STEM on mobile Introduction to Generative AI 10. Business Communication 9. Database Architect
10. Marketing Manager
Prompt Engineering
South Africa has the potential to generate 4.5 for ChatGPT

million new jobs across industries by 2030.89

Generative AI for Everyone
However, with an estimated 28,800 digital and ICT
jobs already being outsourced, there’s a pressing Recommended content for top skills and roles
need to develop a skilled domestic workforce.90 Professional Certificates Operational Risk Management: Storytelling and influencing:
Learners focus on building business skills such as 33% YoY enrollments Frameworks & Strategies Communicate with impact

risk management, supply chain systems, and brand FinTech Foundations

Everyday Excel, Part 1
management, preparing for roles like IT project Top Professional Certificates and Overview

manager, operations manager, and business analyst. Professional Certificate

Market Research and
Data Analytics Supply Chain Optimization
Consumer Behavior
With 62% accessing courses on mobile devices,
they demonstrate a strong preference for flexible, Project
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate

Brand Identity and Strategy IT Support

accessible learning.
Professional Certificate Professional Certificate
Digital Leading transformations: Database
Marketing & E-commerce Manage change Engineer

Global Skills Report 2024 | Regional Skill Trends | SSA 63

01 02 03 04


Each and every one of us needs

to own our own careers. Each
and every one of us needs to be
intellectually curious in building
those careers.

Leon Katsnelson
Director & CTO,
IBM Skills Network at IBM

2024 Job Skills Report webinar

01 02 03 04


Active learners: Individuals who have started at Cybersecurity skills: A collection of skills that Digital skills include everything from typing Generative AI (GenAI): A subset of artificial
least one course item within the past year. allows individuals to protect computer and posting on social media to developing intelligence (AI) that focuses on creating new
systems, networks, and data from software and managing cybersecurity. Digital content, such as text, images, audio, or video,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) skills: A set of skills that unauthorized access, attacks, or damage. skills exist on an ever-evolving spectrum. based on learned patterns and rules from
enables individuals to understand, develop, These skills include risk management, existing data. GenAI technologies include
and apply AI technologies. This report focuses Human skills constitute our ability to relate
network security, cryptography, and incident language models like GPT-4o and image
on both advanced and foundational skills to one another and include skills such as
response, among others. generators like DALL-E.
relevant to AI. creativity, critical thinking, information
Cybersecurity enrollments: The year-over-year interpretation, decision-making, leadership, GenAI enrollments: The YoY increase in the
Advanced skills: Data management, machine (YoY) increase in the number of learners and communication. number of learners enrolling in courses
learning, applied machine learning, artificial enrolling in courses related to cybersecurity related to generative AI technologies on
Note: These two categories are
neural networks, Bayesian networks, big on the Coursera platform. We compare the Coursera platform, calculated for a
complementary. People use human skills
data, computer vision, deep learning, feature cybersecurity enrollments in 2022 to specific country or region. We compare total
to effectively and ethically make use of
engineering, machine learning algorithms, cybersecurity enrollments in 2023. cumulative enrollments on June 13, 2023 with
digital skills. Likewise, digital skills
machine learning software, natural language total cumulative enrollments on May 13, 2024.
enhance human skills.
processing, and statistical machine learning. Digital and human skills: Two broad categories of
skills that are essential in today’s workforce. Industry micro-credential or micro-credential:
Enrollment trends: Patterns in learner
Foundational skills: Computer programming, Digital skills encompass abilities related to A short, focused, and flexible learning
enrollments on the Coursera platform, which
data analysis, mathematics, theoretical understanding, using, and creating value program that allows individuals to acquire
can reveal insights into the popularity and
computer science, applied mathematics, and with technology, while human skills refer to specific job-relevant skills or competencies.
relevance of specific skills, competencies, or
data modeling. cognitive, social, and emotional capabilities Micro-credentials, such as Coursera’s
courses in a given country or region.
that enable effective interpersonal Professional Certificates, prepare learners
interactions and decision-making.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 65

01 02 03 04

for in-demand industry skills and can Over-indexing (“top skills”): A measure of the Recommended content for top skills and roles: worldwide, and regional skill rankings,
complement traditional degree programs for relative popularity of a specific skill among These sections highlight courses and learning comparing countries within specific regions.
higher education institutions, upskill teams learners in a particular country or region programs that align with the skills and career Skill proficiency is a key metric used in this
for businesses, or develop an entire workforce compared to the global learner population paths trending among learners in each report to benchmark countries and regions.
for governments. on Coursera. Over-indexing is not a measure country or region. Recommendations are
based on learner enrollment data, reflecting Skills: The transference of knowledge into value
of proficiency.
Leadership skills: A set of skills that enable the content that is most popular and relevant and the ability to perform specific tasks.
individuals to guide, motivate, and manage Professional Certificate(s): Coursera offers to the local learning community. Institutions To figure out what skills each Coursera
teams effectively. These skills include Professional Certificates, a type of micro- can leverage these insights to inform their content offering teaches, we use Coursera’s
adaptability, change management, emotional credential, from leading industry partners learning programs, ensuring they offer Skills Graph, which draws information from
intelligence, decision-making, and strategic that teach the specific skills needed for courses and curricula that match learner open-source taxonomies like Wikipedia
thinking, among others. entry-level roles in in-demand digital jobs. interests and market demands. and insights from Coursera educators and
Professional Certificates typically take 4–6 learners. A single course often covers several
Learner: An individual who is registered for Skill ranking: A measure of a learner’s mastery
months to complete and include hands-on different skills.
content on the Coursera platform. Learners of a specific skill, based on their performance
projects that simulate real-world tasks.
can be enrolled in multiple learning programs, in assessments and projects within relevant Top GenAI course(s): The GenAI course or courses
but are counted only once in the platform’s Professional Certificate enrollments: courses on the Coursera platform. This with the highest total enrollments within a
metrics. The skills benchmarking data in this This metric examines the YoY growth in year’s Global Skills Report introduces a new specific country or region, which is based on
report is based on learner data. total enrollments for a country or region. methodology that combines learners’ skill the overall number of learners enrolling in
Growth figures for regions take into proficiency scores on the Coursera platform the course. It helps identify the GenAI course
Most popular content: These sections consideration only the enrollment figures with third-party indicators, including the that is most in-demand among learners in a
highlight the courses, Guided Projects, and of the 109 countries included in this report. Global Innovation Index (GII), Labor Force particular area.
Professional Certificates with the highest We compare Professional Certificate Participation Rate, Human Capital Index (HCI),
enrollments in the past year among learners Top Professional Certificate(s):
enrollments in 2022 to Professional and GDP per capita. This approach provides a
in each region. Most popular content is The Professional Certificate or Certificates
Certificate enrollments in 2023. more comprehensive view of skill proficiency
based on the overall number of enrollments with the highest total enrollments within a
across countries. The report includes both
and provides insights into the content that specific country or region, which is based on
global skill rankings, comparing countries
attracts the most learners in a given area.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 66

01 02 03 04

the overall number of learners enrolling in the

certificate program. This helps identify the
most sought-after Professional Certificate(s)
among learners in a particular area.

Top target roles: Roles and career trajectories

that are gaining popularity among learners in
a specific country or region, as indicated by
enrollment patterns in courses and learning
programs related to those roles. These
insights can help institutions, businesses, and
governments align their offerings with the
evolving interests and aspirations of learners.

Upskilling: The process of acquiring new skills

or enhancing existing skills to improve
job performance, adapt to changing job
requirements, or prepare for new roles.
Upskilling is increasingly important in today’s
rapidly evolving digital economy.

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 67

01 02 03 04


Overview The Coursera Skills Graph For the Global Skills Report, we leverage the Skill to learner
following parts of the Skills Graph: Connects skills to learners who have
The Coursera Skills Graph maps the connections
Coursera’s Global Skills Report assesses the skill demonstrated them by passing relevant
among skills, content, careers, and learners on Skill to skill
proficiency of learners, measures which skills are graded items, measured using a variant of the
the Coursera platform. Describes the connections among skills and
trending globally, and identifies roles that engage Glicko algorithm.
highly with skills critical for the future of work. generates a skills taxonomy where broad,
Outcome of
This year’s report focuses on the 109 countries higher-level skills are parents of more granular, The full set of skills and competencies for which
with the most learners on the Coursera platform, lower-level skills. we measure learner proficiency, grouped by
accounting for over 95% of learners. domain (business, technology, and data science),
Skill to content

Goal of
are listed in the table provided on the next page.
is a p
The report’s methodology incorporates data ar Maps skills to the Coursera content that
en Required by teaches them.
from several components: t of
Skills Career

1. The Coursera Skills Graph Skill to assessment

2. Skill proficiency scores and benchmarking Maps skills to the graded items that assess
by country them. Graded items on Coursera include
3. Third-party metrics included in our Taught by Specializations multiple-choice quizzes, peer review
Courses & assignments, and programming assignments.
skills index New Guided Projects
4. Over-indexing trends
Skill to occupation
Assessed by Connects the Lightcast Occupation Taxonomy
• Quiz
• Assessment to relevant Coursera skills needed in the roles.
• Programming assignment

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 68

01 02 03 04

Set of skill levels related to the Global Skills Report

Business Technology Data science
Skills in this domain include a range of soft skills for every Skills in this domain focus on the creation, maintenance, and scaling Skills in this domain focus on capturing and utilizing the data
context, along with those that are required for the management of computer systems and software. generated within a business for decision-making and/or powering
and operation of an organization. underlying products and services.

1. Accounting focuses on proper record keeping and Cloud Computing involves delivering computing resources—namely Data Management comprises everything related to managing and
communication of financial information for corporations in hardware, software, or software development platforms—via accessing data for reporting, analysis, and model building.
accordance with government regulations. the internet.
Sample skills: cloud APIs, Hadoop
Sample skills: auditing, financial accounting Sample skills: software as a service (SaaS), Kubernetes

2. Business Analysis is the discipline of recognizing business needs Computer Architecture is the set of rules and methods that specify the Data Visualization involves the creation and study of visual
and developing solutions to business problems. structure, organization, and implementation of computer systems. representations of data to communicate information clearly and
Sample skills: business intelligence, spreadsheet software Sample skills: network architecture, distributed
computing architecture Sample skills: Tableau, plotting data

3. Business Psychology applies the science of human psychology Computer Graphics is the creation and manipulation of visual data Machine Learning creates algorithms and statistical models that
to practical business applications in order to train and motivate through the use of computational tools and techniques. computer systems can use to perform a specific task without explicit
employees and teams to work more effectively. instructions.
Sample skills: graphic design, interactive design
Sample skills: marketing psychology, organization development Sample skills: multitask learning, deep learning

4. Communication is the practice of discussion between two or Computer Networking is the process of creating a digital Math is the study of numbers and their relationships, applying these
more individuals in written or oral forms. telecommunications network where connected devices exchange principles to models of real phenomena.
data with each other.
Sample skills: people skills, writing Sample skills: calculus, linear algebra
Sample skills: cloud computing, Internet of Things

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 69

01 02 03 04

Business (cont.) Technology (cont.) Data science (cont.)

5. Data Analysis is the process of inspecting, cleansing, Computer Programming is the process that professionals use to Statistical Programming is the set of programming languages and
transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering write code that instructs how a computer, application, or software tools used to create statistical models and algorithms.
useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting program performs.
decision-making. Sample skills: R, Python
Sample skills: JavaScript, Java
Sample skills: exploratory data analysis, spatial data analysis

6. Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching, and Databases are an organized collection of data, generally stored and Statistics deals with all aspects of data collection, organization,
running a new business. accessed electronically from a computer system. analysis, interpretation, and presentation.

Sample skills: adaptability, innovation Sample skills: relational database, key value database Sample skills: regression, A/B testing

7. Finance is focused on the efficient allocation of capital toward Design & Product is about how to create software products that N/A
investment opportunities under conditions of risk or uncertainty. effectively solve user problems or otherwise provide them value.

Sample skills: financial ratios, blockchain Sample skills: product management, user research

8. Human Resources refers to the corporate function of overseeing DevOps is focused on building software delivery pipelines, deploying N/A
the various aspects of employment, such as onboarding/ and monitoring services, and designing accelerated feedback loops
offboarding, labor law compliance, employee benefits, and talent to improve development speed.
Sample skills: continuous integration, storage security
Sample skills: benefits, employee relations

9. Management is about how to set a company’s strategy and Human Computer Interaction studies the design and use of N/A
coordinate the efforts of employees. interfaces between people and computing environments.

Sample skills: people management, business analytics Sample skills: user experience, interactive design

10. Marketing is the process of creating relationships with potential Mobile Development is the process of developing software N/A
and actual customers, allowing businesses to identify how they applications for mobile devices such as mobile phones or tablets.
should present themselves and who they should cater to.
Sample skills: Android development, iOS development
Sample skills: digital marketing, product placement

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 70

01 02 03 04

Business (cont.) Technology (cont.) Data science (cont.)

11. Research & Design is about problem framing and solution Operating Systems consists of building system software that N/A
modeling to inform business strategy. provides common services for other types of computer programs.

Sample skills: innovation, market research Sample skills: mobile app development, C programming language

12. Sales is focused on taking a company’s products and services to Security Engineering is a specialized field that focuses on the N/A
market and transacting with actual customers. security aspects in the design of systems that need to be able to deal
robustly with possible sources of disruption.
Sample skills: cross-selling, lead generation
Sample skills: cybersecurity, cryptography

13. Strategy & Operations consists of the planning and strategic Software Engineering involves applying rigorous principles to N/A
work organizations undertake to grow and prosper. the design, development, maintenance, testing, and evaluation of
computer software.
Sample skills: operations management, strategy
Sample skills: software architecture, software development

14. Supply Chain & Logistics is about the systems involved in the Theoretical Computer Science focuses on mathematical aspects of N/A
efficient flow of goods and services from suppliers to consumers. computer science and the theory behind algorithms, data structures,
computational complexity, and related topics.
Sample skills: supply chain systems, planning
Sample skills: algorithms, cryptography

15. N/A Web Development is the work involved in developing websites. It N/A
can range from developing a simple static page to complex web
applications such as e-commerce sites.

Sample skills: Angular, HTML and CSS

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 71

01 02 03 04

Relationships between skills Coursera skill benchmarking Individual skill scores We compare countries via percentile ranking of
and content the aggregate scores. To get a country’s overall
To benchmark skill proficiency at the country Using the set of assessments for each
Coursera skill proficiency, we rank the average
The skills in the Coursera Skills Taxonomy are level, we first measure each learner’s proficiency competency, we train machine learning models
of its business, technology, and data science
mapped to the content that teaches them using in each skill. Then, we aggregate those to simultaneously estimate learners’ skill
percentiles. State-level scores are computed
a machine learning model trained on a dataset proficiencies to compute statistics like the proficiencies and assessment difficulties. This
similarly and compared only to other states
of instructor and learner-labeled skill-to-content country skill proficiency in a particular skill. methodology allows us to measure learner skill
within the same country. The same 250-learner
mappings. The model considers features proficiencies while adjusting for item difficulty,
minimum applies to states.
like occurrence counts in lecture transcripts, ensuring fair comparisons across the wide range
assignments, and course descriptions, as well as of content on the platform. The full details of
Learner attempts
our methodology for individual skill scoring are Third-party data
learner feedback. Assessment quizzes
detailed in a public technical paper.91 In conjunction with the average Coursera skill
With over 10,000 content offerings across proficiency of each country, we incorporate other
Skill scoring
business, technology, and data science from Item difficulty
Country and state skill scores country-level indicators from the World Bank
leading university and industry partners and the World Intellectual Property Organization
With skill scores computed at the individual level
worldwide, our catalog spans the wide variety of (WIPO) to create a skills index for the country
and using connections between users, states,
skills relevant to the competencies in this report. rankings. This allows us to corroborate our
and countries, we calculate country and state
skill score on-platform scores with external metrics and
For each skill-content pair, this machine learning proficiency levels for each skill by averaging the
captures a more holistic view of learner skill
system outputs a score that captures the individual skill scores.
application in the economy.
likelihood of the skill being taught in the content.
Skill score
For country aggregate scores in each domain, we
To define the set of skill-to-content tags that aggregation Learner country We incorporate the following metrics from the
average the country scores for the competencies
power this report, we tune a cutoff threshold World Bank:
within those domains, including only countries
based on expert feedback from our content
Country score with at least 250 learners in at least three • GDP per capita92
strategy team. benchmark
competencies per domain.
Assessments • Human Capital Index 93
• Labor force participation rate94

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 72

01 02 03 04

We incorporate the following metrics Combined skill index A country’s on-platform skill percentile and popular, over-indexing skills reveal what
from the World Intellectual Property third-party index are weighted equally to is disproportionately popular within a
Organization (WIPO): calculate the final country rankings overall and particular group.
Country skill ranking formula by domain. The percentile rankings are divided
• Global Innovation Index (GII)95 The methodology works as follows:
into four quartiles:

We use the most recent year of data for each

50% Country’s aggregated skills
1. Compute the share of enrollments in courses
measurement on Coursera • Cutting-Edge (Rankings 1–28)
country, up to the oldest accepted year (2018). teaching {skill S} overall (say 20%)
• Learners’ on-platform skill • Competitive (Rankings 29–55)
Missing metrics or data older than 2018 are 2. Compute the share of enrollments in courses
proficiency scores
imputed with the metric average. Metrics not • Emerging (Rankings 56–82) teaching {skill S} from learners within group
already on a scale from 0 to 1 are normalized G (say 30%)
by ranking across all countries to create
+ • Lagging (Rankings 83–109)
3. Compute the “skill-quotient” of {skill S} for
metric percentiles. 50% Country’s aggregated skills Coursera’s over 148 million registered learners group G as (30% / 20% = 1.5)
measurement index using span the globe and myriad industries, but
The third-party skills index for each country is third party metrics The notion of whether a course teaches a skill
note that the Global Skills Report estimate may
calculated using the following formula: is derived from the Coursera Skills Graph,
• Global Innovation Index not reflect the average skill proficiency of all
described earlier in this appendix. The same
(GII)96—skill application members within an entity because Coursera
0.5 0.5 methodology is applied to calculate over-
(GII percentile) + (LFP percentile) + to innovation learners are not necessarily representative of a
4 4 indexed roles by substituting {skill S} with
country, even with some normalization from the
(GDP percentile) +
(human capital index) • Labor force participation97— {competency C} or {role R}. {Role R} consists of
selected third-party metrics.
4 4
skill matching in the set of skills required for a role, as defined by
labor market our skill-to-occupation mappings.
The maximum possible value for the index Over-indexing or “top” skills
• Human capital index (HCI)98
is 0.5 if a country is ranked number 1 in all To determine which skills learners are most
and GDP per capita99—
selected metrics. interested in within a particular country or
output metrics of skill
job group, we look for skills that over-index
application in economy
in the data by the number of enrollments.
While trending skills reveal what is generally

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 73

01 02 03 04

State skill ranking: India

Rankings include states with a minimum of Rank Region Business Technology Data science
250 learners. 1 State of Punjab 100% 100% 95%
2 Chandigarh 95% 90% 100%
3 West Bengal 75% 95% 85%
4 Haryana 90% 55% 80%
5 State of Himachal Pradesh 60% 60% 90%
6 State of Jharkhand 80% 50% 70%
7 State of Assam 85% 85% 30%
8 Maharashtra 70% 75% 50%
9 Karnataka 50% 80% 65%
10 Tamil Nadu 65% 65% 45%
11 National Capital Territory of Delhi 55% 20% 75%
12 Gujarat 45% 25% 60%
13 Uttar Pradesh 25% 30% 55%
14 Andhra Pradesh 15% 70% 25%
15 Rajasthan 20% 45% 40%
16 Bihar 30% 35% 35%
17 State of Chhattisgarh 40% 40% 10%
18 Kerala 35% 10% 15%
19 Odisha 10% 15% 5%
20 Madhya Pradesh 5% 5% 20%

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 74

01 02 03 04

State skill ranking: United States

Rankings include states with a minimum of Rank Region Business Technology Data science
250 learners. 1 Washington 93% 100% 100%
2 Colorado 89% 93% 98%
3 Michigan 96% 91% 85%
4 Illinois 100% 80% 91%
5 California 78% 96% 96%
6 New Jersey 85% 87% 89%
7 Montana 91% 89% 76%
8 Minnesota 65% 98% 80%
9 Massachusetts 74% 76% 93%
10 District of Columbia 87% 74% 83%
11 Oregon 70% 85% 87%
12 Wisconsin 98% 65% 67%
13 Iowa 80% 72% 70%
14 New Hampshire 72% 70% 63%
15 Pennsylvania 67% 59% 74%
16 New York 61% 78% 59%
17 Maine 76% 63% 46%
18 Hawaii 83% 57% 30%
19 Virginia 11% 83% 72%
20 Delaware 43% 61% 61%
21 Rhode Island 54% 67% 41%
22 North Carolina 48% 43% 52%
23 Idaho 59% 30% 54%

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 75

01 02 03 04

United States cont.

Rankings include states with a minimum of Rank Region Business Technology Data science
250 learners. 24 Maryland 26% 37% 78%
25 Texas 46% 50% 43%
26 Indiana 63% 22% 48%
27 Arizona 41% 48% 39%
28 West Virginia 57% 35% 37%
29 Utah 15% 54% 57%
30 New Mexico 33% 28% 65%
31 Missouri 52% 39% 35%
32 Florida 50% 52% 24%
33 Georgia 37% 41% 20%
34 Connecticut 39% 7% 50%
35 Ohio 30% 26% 33%
36 Nebraska 22% 46% 17%
37 Tennessee 35% 15% 26%
38 Kentucky 28% 24% 22%
39 Kansas 13% 33% 28%
40 South Carolina 24% 17% 13%
41 Louisiana 17% 11% 7%
42 Alabama 20% 9% 4%
43 Arkansas 9% 20% 2%
44 Nevada 7% 4% 15%
45 Mississippi 2% 13% 9%
46 Oklahoma 4% 2% 11%

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 76

01 02 03 04

Examples of large-scale AI initiatives

Region Country Initiative
Asia Pacific India Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act100
Asia Pacific Thailand AI Thailand101 The capabilities of GenAI
Asia Pacific Singapore AI Verify102
are groundbreaking and
Europe European Union AI Act103
Latin America and the Caribbean Chile Política Nacional De Inteligencia Artificial104
Latin America and the Caribbean Colombia Política Nacional Para La Transformación Digital e
Inteligencia Artificial105
Middle East and North Africa Saudi Arabia Saudi Data & AI Authority106
Middle East and North Africa UAE UAE National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2031107
North America Canada Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy108 Dr. Jules White
North America United States Federal: Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights109 Director of the Initiative on the Future of
Learning & GenAI, Vanderbilt University
Connecticut: SSB No. 1103 - Public Act No. 23-16110
Louisiana: SCR 49111
Maryland: HB0622112 It’s About Making Better Decisions, Not
North Dakota: HB1361113 Replacing People: Generative AI Insights from
Texas: Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council114 Dr. Jules White of Vanderbilt University
Sub-Saharan Africa N/A African Union Development Agency’s AI Blueprint115

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 77

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1. The Potentially Large Effects of 11. Closing the digital skill divide 20. The right to higher education in Europe 27. Bigger Bandwidth: Girls in ICT make
Artificial Intelligence on Economic (National Skills Coalition, 2023) and North America: briefing note way for digital equity in Thailand (UN
Growth (Goldman Sachs, 2023) compendium (UNESCO International Sustainable Development Group, 2021)
12. The Digital Economy and Society Index
Institute for Higher Education in Latin
2. The economic potential of generative AI: The (DESI) (European Commission, 2022) 28. India Social Development Report
America and the Caribbean, 2023)
next productivity frontier (McKinsey, 2023) 2023 (Oxford Academic, 2023)
13. The Future of Jobs Report (World
21. Digital skills in 2023: impact of education
3. Global Innovation Index (GII) Economic Forum, 2023) 29. Global Innovation Index (GII)
and age (European Union, 2024)
(WIPO, 2018–2023) (WIPO, 2018–2023)
14. ISC2 Cybersecurity Workforce
22. NiñaSTEM (OECD, 2023)
4. Labor force participation rate Study (ISC2, 2023) 30. Labor force participation rate
(World Bank, 2018–2023) 23. Saudi Arabian Students’ Beliefs about (World Bank, 2018–20233
15. Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2024
and Barriers to Online Education
5. Human Capital Index (HCI) (World Economic Forum, 2024) 31. Human Capital Index (HCI)
during the COVID-19 Pandemic
(World Bank, 2018–2023) (World Bank, 2018–2023)
16. IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence (National Library of Medicine, 2022)
6. GDP per capita (World Bank, 2018–2023) Index 2024 (IBM, 2024) 32. GDP per capita (World Bank, 2018–2023)
24. Preparing girls for the future of Africa:
7. KPMG 2023 U.S. CEO Outlook (KPMG, 2023) 17. Arab League forms cybersecurity 33. How Asia-Pacific CEOs can grow in
Approaches to empowerment through
ministerial council to combat growing the AI era amid economic challenges
8. India announces $1.2 bln investment digital skills (World Bank, 2023)
threats (Forbes Middle East, 2023) (EY CEO Outlook Survey, 2023)
in AI projects (Reuters, 2024) 25. Botswana makes strides in bridging
18. The Future of Jobs Report (World 34. Unlocking APAC’s digital potential:
9. Expanding AI education in Malaysia’s the digital divide (UNICEF, 2022)
Economic Forum, 2023) Changing digital skill needs and
public universities (OpenGov, 2023) 26. Philippine Commission on Women Education policy approaches (AWS, 2021)
19. Occupational Outlook Handbook (U.S.
10. Thailand national AI strategy and Initiatives (Republic of the Philippines, 2022)
Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2024)
action plan (AI Thailand, 2022)

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 78

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35. India announces $1.2 bln investment 46. Towards 2023: the European year 57. Skills in Latin America (OECD, 2023) 68. Saudi Arabia sees surge in demand
in AI projects (Reuters, 2024) of skills (Publications Office of for cybersecurity experts amid global
58. Brazil’s future workforce trends (CSIS, 2018)
the European Union, 2022) threat (Al Arabiya News, 2024)
36. How can India prepare its youth for the 59. Chile - country commercial guide (U.S.
future of work? Here’s what’s needed 47. Cisco AI Readiness Index - 69. A study to identify the potential skill gaps in
Department of Commerce, 2023)
now (World Economic Forum, 2022) France (Cisco, 2023) the Saudi labor market requirements (Prince
60. Inteligencia Artificial, innovación Mohammad Bin Fahd University, 2023)
37. The Future of Jobs Report (World 48. Germany’s shortage of workers is biggest y datos, las apuestas para volver
Economic Forum, 2023) risk to growth, minister says (Reuters, 2024) 70. The Future of Jobs Report (World
a Colombia una PotencIA Digital
Economic Forum, 2023)
38. Expanding AI education in Malaysia’s 49. Advancing higher education with industry (Gobierno de Colombia, 2024)
public universities (OpenGov, 2023) micro-credentials (Coursera, 2022) 71. Majority of UAE workers see AI as key to
61. The Future of Jobs Report (World
future jobs (Fast Company Middle East, 2023)
39. Bridging the skills gap: Fuelling 50. Cisco AI Readiness Index - Spain (Cisco, 2023) Economic Forum, 2023)
careers and the economy in Malaysia 72. Closing the Digital Skill Divide
51. Unlocking Spain’s digital 62. The Future of Jobs Report (World
(Economist Impact, 2023) (National Skills Coalition, 2023)
potential (AWS, 2021) Economic Forum, 2023)
40. Singapore education and training 73. Joint statement on the launch of
52. How reskilling can play a key role in Turkey’s 63. Política Nacional de Transformación
services industry snapshot (U.S. the North American Semiconductor
recovery (World Economic Forum, 2021) Digital (Gobierno de Perú, 2023)
Department of Commerce, 2023) Conference and North American
53. The Future of Jobs Report (World 64. See how the Middle East is people- Ministerial Committee on Economic
41. 6 lessons from Singapore on upskilling for Economic Forum, 2023) powering the digital revolution Competitiveness (The White House, 2023)
the future (World Economic Forum, 2023) (World Economic Forum, 2023)
54. IT skills gap report 2023 74. University of Texas System and Coursera
42. Thailand National AI Strategy and (Forbes Advisor, 2023) 65. Majority of UAE workers see AI as key to Launch the Most Comprehensive Industry
Action Plan (AI Thailand, 2022) future jobs (Fast Company Middle East, 2023)
55. Inteligencia Artificial, innovación Micro-Credential Program Offered by a
43. AI Act (European Commission, 2024) y datos, las apuestas para volver 66. A study to identify the potential skill gaps in U.S. University System (Coursera, 2023)
44. 2023 report on the state of the Digital a Colombia una PotencIA Digital the Saudi labor market requirements (Prince 75. Nevada DETR and Coursera announce
Decade (European Commission, 2023) (Gobierno de Colombia, 2024) Mohammad Bin Fahd University, 2023) statewide program providing
45. Shaping Europe’s digital future: Digital skills 56. Making the most of technology for learning 67. The Future of Jobs Report (World free job training to thousands
and jobs (European Commission, 2023) and training in Latin America (OECD, 2020) Economic Forum, 2023) of people (Coursera, 2023)

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 79

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76. Government of Canada creating 85. Botswana makes strides in bridging 94. Labor force participation rate 105. Política Nacional Para La Transformación
more skills training opportunities for the digital divide (UNICEF, 2022) (World Bank, 2018–2023) Digital e Inteligencia Artificial (Consejo
Canadians (Employment and Social Nacional de Política Económica y
86. Challenges and opportunities for a systems 95. Global Innovation Index (GII)
Development Canada, 2023) Social, Gobierno de Colombia, 2019)
approach to skills development in Botswana (WIPO, 2018–2023)
77. Ontario Invests in New and (International Youth Foundation, 2023) 106. Saudi Data & AI Authority (Government
96. Global Innovation Index (GII) (2018–2023)
Expanded Rapid Training Programs of Saudi Arabia, 2019)
87. Why do so many Nigerian workers 97. Labor force participation rate
(Government of Ontario, 2021) remain poor? Labor force surveys may 107. UAE National Strategy for Artificial
(World Bank, 2018–2023)
78. Closing the Digital Skill Divide have the answer (World Bank, 2024) Intelligence 2031 (Government of UAE, 2023)
98. Human Capital Index (HCI)
(National Skills Coalition, 2023) 88. FG inaugurates committee to tackle 108. Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence
(World Bank, 2018–2023)
79. Improving workforce development and STEM increasing youth unemployment In Nigeria Strategy (Innovation, Science and
99. GDP per capita (World Bank, 2018–2023)
education to preserve America’s innovation (Nigeria National Bureau of Statistics, 2022) Economic Development Canada, 2022)
edge (The Brookings Institution, 2023) 100. Understanding India’s New Data
89. Skills demand and supply in South 109. Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights
Protection Law (Carnegie India, 2023)
80. Labor force, female (% of total Africa’s digital economy (International (White House Office of Science
labor force) - Sub-Saharan Africa Labour Organization, 2022) 101. Thailand national AI strategy and and Technology Policy, 2022)
(The World Bank Data 2023) action plan (AI Thailand, 2022)
90. Mapping of digital and ICT roles and 110. SSB No. 1103 - Public Act No. 23-16
81. Digital Skills in Sub-Saharan Africa: demand in South Africa (Harambee 102. Singapore’s Approach to AI Governance (Connecticut State Legislature, 2023)
Spotlight on Ghana (International Youth Employment Accelerator, 2020) (Personal Data Protection Commission, 111. SCR49 (Louisiana State Legislature, 2023)
Finance Corporation, 2019) Government of Singapore, 2023)
91. Using a Glicko-based Algorithm to Measure 112. HB0622 (Maryland State Legislature, 2023)
82. Share of web traffic in Africa as of July In-Course Learning (Educational Data 103. AI Act (European Commission, 2024)
113. HB1361 (North Dakota State
2023, by device (Statista, 2023) Mining Conference Proceedings, 2019) 104. Política Nacional de Inteligencia Legislature, 2023)
83. Preparing young Africans for jobs of the 92. GDP per capita (World Bank, 2018–2023) Artificial (Ministerio de Ciencia
114. HB 2060 (88R) (Texas State Legislature, 2024)
future (Africa Renewal Magazine, 2022) Tecnología Conocimiento e Innovación,
93. Human Capital Index (HCI)
Gobierno de Chile, 2021) 115. Africa’s push to regulate AI starts now
84. Challenges and opportunities for a systems (World Bank, 2018–2023)
(MIT Technology Review, 2024)
approach to skills development in Botswana
(International Youth Foundation, 2023)

Global Skills Report 2024 | Appendix 80

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