Class 6 Class Assessment-2 Bio

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(Class test/ Quiz-3 Annual term-2023-2024 Session)

Name: ________________________________ Date: _______________

Subject: Biology Chapter: 4 Class: 6 Section: ________
Total Marks: 10 Time duration: 20 minutes Marks obtained: _______
Parent’s signature: __________________Teacher’s Name: Anika Tabassum

A. Multiple Choice Questions [0.5x5=3


Circle the correct answer with a pen.

1. Why do red blood cells have dent on both sides?

a. Because they have a large nucleus
b. To take up less space inside the blood vessels
c. To carry carbon dioxide
d. To increase the surface area of the cells to be able to carry more oxygen

2. What is the function of white blood cells?

a. To clot blood c. To supply energy to cells
b. To fight germs and prevent infection d. To carry oxygen

3. What is tissue fluid?

a. A liquid that comes out of capillaries and mainly contains water and helps transport food and
oxygen from the capillaries to body cells.
b. A liquid that comes out of our cells due to excess pressure inside the cells.
c. A liquid that is produced by the kidneys.
d. A liquid that helps in digestion.

4. What is the function of valves in our heart?

a. To prevent backflow of blood. c. To pump the heart.
b. To carry deoxygenated blood to the heart. d. To give the heart strength.

5. What are the upper and lower chambers of the heart called?
a.The upper chambers are called ventricles and lower chambers are called atria
b. The upper chamber is called aorta and lower chamber is called main vein
c.The upper chamber is called atria and lower chambers are called ventricles
d. The upper chambers are called coronary artery and lower chambers are called pulmonary artery
B. Fill in the blanks with the correct word. [2.5 marks]

1. ________________ is formed when oxygen combines with hemoglobin.

2. The ____________ and the _______________ together make up the circulatory system.
3. A _______________ occurs when the coronary artery gets completely blocked due to the
formation of a blood clot from cholesterol deposition.
4. The stomach produces ________________ acid which kills the microorganisms in dirty food and

D. Label the diagram with the following labels: [4.5 marks]

El Elastic fibers and smooth Large lumen Small lumen Vein

Very small lumen Walls only one cell Artery Capillary

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