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Alvin Adams A.


Module 3

Teaching And Learning Activities

1.Which among the contaminants is the most prevalent problem in the food establishment and

 The biological hazard I think is the most prevalent problem because we can’t see these
microorganisms and something the food we could it’s not in desire heat temperature so
that the organism remain alive and leads to multiply the number of bacteria.

2.Explain how cross continuation happens. How does food become contaminated?

 Cross contamination is how bacteria can spread. There are three main types of cross
contamination food to food, equipment to food and people to food the bacteria are
transferred from a contaminated source to uncontaminated food. Foods become
contaminated by using utensils without washing the surface or utensils in between uses.

3. Devise measures to prevent food borne illnesses and cross contamination in a food service facility?

 It must be on with the worker, (worker) they should practice proper hygiene and proper
(wearing) preparing of food workers also wear their proper P. P. E (so that we avoid) to
putting away food contamination and also in sanitation of food, tools and equipment.

4. Identify the health hazards posed by biological, chemical and physical contaminants to food.

 Food poisoning and food borne illness can affect the health of people and chemical
hazard can also cause health problems.


1.What food borne hazard may have been associated with this food borne illness?

 The biological hazard. Because Mr. C left the container which is the bacteria multiply
faster by out of temperature of the room. The sauce got moist when leave it to
undesired temperature and bacteria may have time to grow and multiply.

2. How could have this been prevented?

 It can prevented when prepared food is held properly and keep it in desire temperature.


1.How could food be serve and how should you handle dishes and utensils?
 Clean hands is important before you serve the food and keep safe from exposure and
keep away touching the mouth or tip of the silver, glasses, cup etc. Replace their into
clean one.

2. Identify the causes and effects of poor personal hygiene to health and food safety?

 The effects of poor personal hygiene on health is the bacteria can accumulate on our
body that contribute to diseases and in food safety it can causes of food contamination
and is responsible for the spread of deadly bacteria.

3. Is it safe to re-use food packaging materials?

 No, because that can only use once and it will contaminated the food that you can put
specially when the first food that put in the food packaging is raw.

4. What is the reason for dying your hand after washing them?

 Drying our hand aster washing is important because to assure that our hands are totally
clean and germs cannot easily spread.

5. How can you tell if food has enough bacteria to cause food poisoning?

 You can tell food has enough bacteria to cause food poisoning when the food is not
good looking, bubbling have an odor and molding


1.What is the importance of a good sanitation training program?

 It is important because to know and understand the food safety and to minimize the
food handling operation and to improve morale, better productivity and to reduce
change of a accidents and to maintain the quality of products and safe from any kinds of
contamination good sanitation also provide a confidence of costumers in products.
Because mostly of the costumer can base on the quality of the products therefore
sanitation training program is important.


1. D
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. D

1.After taking the costumers money, what should you do before handing food? Why?

 Before handling food you must wash your hand to avoid the spreading of bacteria
because the money contain so much bacteria.

2. Why must you use how water and soap when washing your hand?

 Because it can remove bacteria to be safe when we handle a food.

3. Give food guidelines to follow concerning your appearance when working in the food service industry.

 First and important you must have your personal hygiene from head to Foot. Next is you
proper grooming it is important also because sometimes costumers based on the
appearance of the states the third one is you must have your proper attire and lastly the
cleanliness of area to avoid contamination.

4. Demonstrate proper hand washing techniques and discuss importance of wearing complete chef
uniform, proper grooming and good work habit.

 Wet hands Arms with warm, running water.

 Apply soap, throughly wash the hands and lather up to the elbow.
 Rub hands palm to palm.
 Rub back of hands.
 Rub palms with interface finger.
 Rub back of fingers with fingers interlocked.
 Rub each thumb.
 Rub tips of fingers in circular motion.
 Rub wrist.
 Ranse hand.
 Turn off tap with elbow.
 Dry hands with disposable tissue.

Its important to wear a complete chef uniform because it can protect you incase of incidence example
the chef jacket protect you from heat or any hot flashes wearing a complete chef uniform help you to
prevent any kinds of accident so that we need to wear it for our safety while working on the kitchen.


1.Can sherry instill good safety practices at her new restaurant without making her staff resentful or

 Yes, Sherry can educate her staff if they new or not aware of what her practices an teach
all of her staff to do their work properly.

1.Purchase specification are important to a food establishments operation why?

 It’s important to any food establishment because they consider it as their guidelines on
the quality and safety of products as well as the weight and size.

2. Why should buyer purchase foods only from approach source that comply with all applicable food

 Because buyers can based of the quality of product and their need assurance that the
product is safe.

3. What is the meaning of FIFO?

 FIFO means Forts In First Out

4. Why should raw product be placed below cooked or ready to eat foods during storage?

 To avoid cross contamination, of the raw products store above the ready to eat the food
will have cause contamination.

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