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SECTION 1 Question 1-10

Question 1-7
Complete the notes below.


Holiday on Jackson Island

Place Anna's Things Anna did Anna's recommendation

Camford Example with went shopping in the need to take 1…………….
..cousin… market
Newtown bus tour visit the 2…………….
Golden Beach in a 3……………. 4……………. Stay for at least
6……………. in a motel went 7 book some lessons in

Questions 8 - 10

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

More Advice

• Try the 8……………. at the cafe on the mountain.

• Hire a 9 …………….

• Buy a 10 …………….before the holiday

SECTION 2 Questions11-20

Questions 11 and 12

Choose TWO letters, A-E

Which TWO kinds of people are the scholarships intended for?

A people working as temporary staff

B people with management experience
C people straight from college
D people with at least three years' experience
E people with or without qualifications

Questions 13 and 14

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO things does Marie say about the hospitality industry in Scotland?

A It mainly attracts UK tourists

B It pays high wages.
C It is very important for the Scottish economy
D It is highly regarded by visitors.
E It is attracting a lot of investment
Questions 15-20

Choose the correct letter, A,B or C.

15 Why did Marie start working at the Rock Hotel?

A It was the only job available

B She needed a job with flexible working hours.
C She wanted a job working with people.

16 What did the scholarship application process involve?

A giving a presentation
B writing a report about the Rock Hotel
C researching the role of hotel manager

17 What does Marie say about the other winners she met?

A They were not as old as she expected

B They were doing a variety of jobs in the hotel sector
C Most of them had applied for scholarships before

18 Marie says that at the Florida Beach Hotel, every member of staff

A takes part in annual customer service training sessions

B is responsible for providing an efficient service
C is expected to interact with visitors.

19 What did Marie find out about people's attitude to visiting Scotland?

A Most people would be interested in visiting it

B People knew a surprising amount about it
C People only wanted to see a limited number of places

20 What improvement has Marie introduced at the Rock Hotel?

A getting better feedback from customers

B providing more information for customers
C making contact with more customers
SECTION 3 Question 21-30

Question 21-26

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

Farmers’ attitudes to new developments in agriculture

21 What does Dr Owen advise Joel to include in the title of his project?
A the location of the farms
B the number of farmers
C the types of farming

22 Why has Joel decided to do face-to-face interviews?

A to see the farmers’ workplaces
B to limit the time he spends on the project
C to get fuller answers

23 Joel agrees to investigate how farmers get information on new developments

A by showing them a series of pictures.
B by asking them open questions.
C by sending them a checklist in advance.

24 Concerning government communication with farmers, the speakers agree that

A much of it is irrelevant.
B it is often insufficient for farmers’ needs.
C the wording is sometimes unclear.

25 According to Joel’s reading about the cost of making changes, many British
A leave investment decisions to their accountants.
B have too little time to calculate the costs of new methods.
C are reluctant to spend money on improvements.

26 A survey of Australian sheep farmers found that most of them

A are usually reluctant to make changes.
B make changes based on limited research.
C want plenty of evidence before they make changes.
Questions 27-30

What opinion is expressed about each of the following books?

Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to
questions 27-30.

A It’s badly organised.
B It’s out of date.
C It’s clear.
D It’s essential reading.
E It’s inaccurate.
F It’s well illustrated.
G It’s boring


Contemporary Farming Manual ………….

Running a Small Farm ………….

Agriculture and Economics ………….

How to Survive in Farming ………….

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

Complete the notes below.

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Aboriginal Textile Design

Ernabella Arts Centre

• Artists produce craft and learn new techniques
• Initially, artists produced rugs made from 31…………………..
• Late artists made batik and screen-printed fabrics

Tiwi Designs
• Early designs included 32………………….. images
• Designs are linked to traditional beliefs, e.g. some designs are believed to bring

Jimmy Pike
• Inspired by the Australian landscape, especially the 34…………………………
• Started creating art when he was in 35…………………………….
• His textiles were used to make 36……………………

Bronwyn Bancroft
• Her work is a modern look at 37………………. Nature
• 1995 – painted a successful Aboriginal athlete’s jeans with lizards and a
• 2001 – designed a ‘Journey of Nation’ parade outfit with part of a
on it

Copyright issues
• Exploiting Aboriginal imagery affects the artists and the cultural group,
e.g. ‘The 40……………….. Case’
1 cash 11 D
2 museum 12 E
3 caravan 13 C
4 sailing 14 D
5 four days 15 B
6 white mountain 16 B
7 snow boarding 17 A
8 cakes 18 C
9 car 19 C
10 map 20 A

21 A 31 wool
22 C 32 bird
23 B 33 rain
24 A 34 desert
25 B 35 prison
26 B 36 clothing
27 G 37 family
28 E 38 rainbow
29 D 39 snake
30 B 40 carpet

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