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SAP Signavio Process

ExplorerUser Guide

Wednesday, June
7, 2023


1 Getting started 4
1.1 Transformation phases 4
1.2 Explore 5
1.3 Concepts 5
1.4 Available content 5
1.5 Related 5

2 Navigation 6
2.1 Side panel 6
2.2 Access linked content 7
2.2.1 Directly 7

2.2.2 From the side panel 7

2.2.3 Side panel content 7

2.3 Attributes below diagrams 8

2.4 Process levels 8
2.5 Overlays 8
2.6 Sidebar 9
2.7 Toolbar 9

3 Industries 11

3.1 Industry Overview 11

3.2 End-to-End Processes 11
3.3 Scenario groups 12
3.4 Partner value accelerators 12
3.5 Related 12

4 Design phase 13
4.1 Capabilities 13
4.2 Processes 13
4.3 Concepts 14

4.4 Capabilities 14
4.4.1 Business capability maps 14

4.4.2 Solution architecture 15

4.4.3 Concepts 15

4.5 Processes 16
4.5.1 End-to-end processes 17

4.5.2 Concepts 17

4.5.3 Related 18

5 Implementation phase 19
5.1 SAP Product Portfolio 19
5.2 SAP Product Portfolio 19
5.2.1 SAP S/4HANA 20

5.2.2 SAP SuccessFactors (HXM) 20

6 Featured Partner Value Accelerators 22

6.1 Related 22

1 Getting started

1 Getting started
SAP Signavio Process Explorer provides a self-service collection of value accel-
erators and resources like business-capability and solution maps, process mod-
els, metrics, industry best practices, and SAP best-practice and product
You can explore process knowledge from different perspectives and for different

1.1 Transformation phases

A business transformation project can be divided into the following phases:
o Strategy
o Design
o Implementation
o Operations

1 Getting started

You can directly go to content relevant for a phase from the entry page.
The content is explained in more detail in these sections:
o Design phase
o Implementation phase

1.2 Explore
Most elements of the diagrams and maps in SAP Signavio Process Explorer are
clickable and link to other content.
You usually get from the more general to the more detailed information by open-
ing linked content.
To help you find the content most relevant for you, this guide provides details on
the navigation structure.
Watch this video for the navigation basics.
For a detailed description, see section Navigation.

1.3 Concepts
For digital transformation, SAP Signavio Process Explorer focuses on the SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework and process and capability models. The SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework is an approach to building and applying con-
tent that consists of a common methodology.
From this diagram in SAP Signavio Process Explorer, you can access examples
and additional information.

1.4 Available content

A detailed overview of all available content and what was recently added can be
found in the release notes.

1.5 Related

2 Navigation

2 Navigation
SAP Signavio Process Explorer provides different entry points and access paths
to the content according to the needs of different roles. This means that there is
usually more than one way to get to a content item.
On every page in SAP Signavio Process Explorer, you have several options to
get more information about the current level or to get to a different level of inform-
You usually get from the more general to the more detailed information by open-
ing linked content.
This section provides an overview of the options for opening and viewing content.

2.1 Side panel

For most elements, additional information and links to related content are shown
in the side panel.

From the side panel you can explore deeper levels. You can preview linked dia-
grams and attributes.
To open the initial side panel for an element, click the main part.

To increase the size of the side panel, select and hold the left edge of the side
panel and pull to the left

2 Navigation

2.2 Access linked content

You can open linked content directly or view a preview in the side panel first.

2.2.1 Directly
To directly open content linked to an element, click the plus icon.

2.2.2 From the side panel

To open the initial side panel for an element, click its main part.

In the side panel view that initially opens, a linked diagram is shown as a small
When you click this initial preview, the side panel shows a bigger preview and the
diagram attributes.
From the second preview, you can access the diagram. To open the diagram,
click the preview or click Go to diagram page.
You can also open related processes from the side panel, these are listed in the
side panel and are not shown in a preview.

2.2.3 Side panel content

The side panel contains different content types:
o Linked processes, with a preview, that can be directly opened in the main
The preview opens in 2 steps:

2 Navigation

1. Initial diagram preview to show which main diagram is linked

2. Standard diagram preview from which you can open the diagram
o Links to process variants
o Link to related processes
o Links to documents and websites
o Additional information about the content

Dictionary items

Dictionary items can link to additional content, for example websites. Dictionary
items can also link deeper. For example, from the first dictionary item you can
access a linked dictionary item that links to a website.

To open processes from the side panel, click anywhere in the process

2.3 Attributes below diagrams

The attributes below diagrams show related content which can differ from the con-
tent shown in the side panel.

To open linked processes from the Attributes, click anywhere in the process

2.4 Process levels

Process levels show the location of a diagram in the folder structure. We recom-
mend viewing diagrams in context by opening them from links or from attributes.

2.5 Overlays
If a diagram contains overlays, the number of available overlays and the number
of visible overlay categories are displayed.

2 Navigation

Overlays provide additional content, for example metrics or partner value accel-
You can show or hide attribute overlays and select which overlays you want to
Metrics are displayed as labels above an element, for example .
To open the linked content, click the label.

Your overlay settings are automatically applied when you open the
next diagram. To apply the default settings, click Reset.

2.6 Sidebar

Home When you click the Home icon , you get back to the
entry page of SAP Signavio Process Explorer.

Here you see which new content was published.


Favorites You can mark an item as a favorite by clicking .

When you mark an item as a favorite, you are notified
when it changes.

All items you recently opened.


View all dictionary entries.


2.7 Toolbar
When you view diagrams, you can use the toolbar.

2 Navigation

Select visible overlays.

Open a legend with definitions of diagram elements.

Enable/disable full-screen view.

Fit diagram width to screen width.

Current zoom level. For continuous zooming with a slider, click the icon.

Zoom in/out.

Show or hide mini map. You can use the mini map to move to
areas of interest in larger diagrams.

3 Industries

3 Industries

This entry point provides an overview of industries and shows which content is
available. Explore the linked value accelerators to find out how SAP solutions can
address a specific business scope per industry.

3.1 Industry Overview

Linked to the Industries entry point is the industry overview.

For each industry, you can access end-to-end processes and scenario groups
from the side panel.

3.2 End-to-End Processes

This layer shows cross-industry end-to-end process as well as process variants
for specific industries.

3 Industries

The end-to-end processes are also accessible from the landing page when you
click Processes. See section Processes for details.

3.3 Scenario groups

End-to-end scenarios are a collection of business processes or modular pro-

cesses, organized to represent an end-to-end business operation. They create a
chain of process steps that deliver a specific business output.
Scenario groups are a collection of end-to-end scenarios, covering a specific
area of business processes along the value chain of their business operations.
From the scenario group, you can open the linked end-to-end scenarios.
From the end-to-end scenarios, you can open the linked process model dia-

3.4 Partner value accelerators

If available, related partner value accelerators are shown in the overview and in
the side panel.

3.5 Related
Featured Partner Value Accelerators

4 Design phase

4 Design phase

In the Design section, you find information about Processes and Capabilities.

4.1 Capabilities

Here you can access a standard set of 20 business domains which cover the
entire capability scope of enterprises.
For details, see section Capabilities.

4.2 Processes

From this entry point, you access a process model that describes the complete
business scope of enterprises.
For details, see section Capabilities.

4 Design phase

4.3 Concepts
For digital transformation, SAP Signavio Process Explorer focuses on the SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework and process and capability models. The SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework is an approach to building and applying con-
tent that consists of a common methodology.
From this diagram in SAP Signavio Process Explorer, you can access examples
and additional information.
Terms related to the SAP Enterprise Architecture Methodology, for example Busi-
ness Process and Business Capability, are explained in detail in the SAP Enter-
prise Architecture Glossary.

4.4 Capabilities
In this section, you can access the SAP Business Capability Model, representing
a standard set of 20 business domains which cover the entire capability scope of
an enterprise.

For each enterprise domain, you can select different business domains.

4.4.1 Business capability maps

Every element that represents a business domain links to a domain-specific busi-
ness capability map.
The business capability map shows all capabilities necessary for a business

4 Design phase

In the Attributes below a capability map, solution component maps for the busi-
ness domain and details for all capabilities are listed.

4.4.2 Solution architecture

For each business domain, from the side panel you can access solution com-
ponent maps for different solution components.
Solution component maps show hierarchically structured and implementable solu-
tion components.

4.4.3 Concepts
For digital transformation, SAP Signavio Process Explorer focuses on the SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework and process and capability models. The SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework is an approach to building and applying con-
tent that consists of a common methodology.
From this diagram in SAP Signavio Process Explorer, you can access examples
and additional information.
Terms related to the SAP Enterprise Architecture Methodology, for example Busi-
ness Process and Business Capability, are explained in detail in the SAP Enter-
prise Architecture Glossary.

4 Design phase

4.5 Processes
In this section, you find cross-industry end-to-end process as well as process vari-
ants for specific industries.

To open the industry-specific variants, click the industry and access the process
overview from the side panel.
For the industry clusters, different end-to-end processes specific to industries in
that cluster are available.
For example, the cluster Service Industries provides the following end-to-end
o End-to-End Processes for Passenger Travel and Leisure
o End-to-End Processes for Professional Services
o End-to-End Processes for Telecommunications

In the overview, industry-specific processes are labeled with an icon, for

example, processes for passenger travel and leisure show a plane icon .
You can access the same industry-specific end-to-end processes from the
Industry Overview.

To directly open the process linked to an element, click the in an ele-

4 Design phase

4.5.1 End-to-end processes

The main end-to-end process links to a navigation map showing all processes
involved in the main process.

Shown are the standard processes and industry-specific variants.

The elements in this view link directly to a project-based variant. Diagram with business metrics

When you click the element to open the side panel, in addition to the project-
based variant, you can select a process variant with metrics.
The metrics are shown as overlays in the diagram and are listed in the diagram
attributes below the diagram.
Metrics can be used in SAP Signavio Process Intelligence. For details see the
user guide section Work with metrics.

4.5.2 Concepts
For digital transformation, SAP Signavio Process Explorer focuses on the SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework and process and capability models. The SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework is an approach to building and applying con-
tent that consists of a common methodology.
From this diagram in SAP Signavio Process Explorer, you can access examples
and additional information.
Terms related to the SAP Enterprise Architecture Methodology, for example Busi-
ness Process and Business Capability, are explained in detail in the SAP Enter-
prise Architecture Glossary.

4 Design phase

4.5.3 Related
Industry Overview

5 Implementation phase

5 Implementation phase

In the Implementation section, you find information about processes and cap-
abilities from the perspective of the SAP product portfolio. The diagrams depict
solutions SAP is offering.

5.1 SAP Product Portfolio

From this entry point, you access highlighted solutions from the SAP Product Port-
For details, see section SAP Product Portfolio.

5.2 SAP Product Portfolio

In this section of SAP Signavio Process Explorer, you can find the following:
o detailed information on best practices for SAP S/4HANA Cloud
o the SAP SuccessFactors Process Library

5 Implementation phase

5.2.1 SAP S/4HANA

Here you find best practices for the adoption of SAP S/4HANA Cloud and for SAP
S/4HANA On-Premise.
You can select region-specific best practices by clicking Select Other Version.

5.2.2 SAP SuccessFactors (HXM)

The SAP SuccessFactors Process Library provides comprehensive information
on the most important HR processes in SAP SuccessFactors, created and main-
tained by SAP.
This entry point provides a process model that describes the complete business
scope of SAP SuccessFactors for enterprises.

5 Implementation phase

6 Featured Partner Value Accelerators

6 Featured Partner Value Accelerators

On the start page of SAP Signavio Process Explorer, the featured partner value
accelerators are listed.
When you click a partner logo, the side panel opens and lists all value accel-
erators available from that partner.
Partner value accelerators can also be opened directly from a diagram.
For example, in the Industries Overview, you can open SAP Loss Prevention
Solution for Retail from Fujitsu.

6.1 Related


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