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The waterfall methodology will involve a logical sequence where each process is tailored

to achieve specific end goals. The proponents will adhere to the sequential steps of
Requirement, Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, Operation deployment, and maintenance. This
structured approach ensures effective collaboration between the proponents and the
beneficiary throughout the website project.

Requirement Analysis Design

Testing Coding


The Waterfall methodology follows a structured approach consisting of seven sequential stages:
I. Requirements: The initial stage involves gathering detailed specifications, including software
system requirements, tools, programming languages, and data from the beneficiary. These
requirements form the foundation for creating the website.
II. Analysis: In this phase, the proponents analyze the gathered data, evaluating the feasibility of
the project in terms of financial and technical resources. This step ensures that the project
aligns with the beneficiary's objectives and constraints.
III. Design: Using the insights gained from the analysis phase, the proponents design the user
interface and mock-up system. Incorporating feedback from the beneficiary, this stage focuses
on refining the architecture and services to meet user needs effectively.
IV. Coding: With the design finalized, the development team proceeds to code and implement
the website using the specified software systems. Each component is meticulously crafted,
ensuring seamless integration and functionality.
V. Testing: Rigorous testing is conducted to validate the functionality and performance of the
website. This includes comprehensive testing of individual components, integration testing to
ensure smooth operation, and user acceptance testing to verify alignment with user
VI. Operation and Deployment: Once testing is successfully completed, the website is deployed
for operational use. The beneficiary evaluates the system to ensure it meets the specified
requirements and addresses user needs effectively.
VII. Maintenance: Continuous maintenance is essential to keep the website up-to-date and
functioning optimally. This includes regular updates, patches, and enhancements to address any
issues and improve overall system performance over time. Additionally, ongoing support
ensures that the website remains responsive to changing user needs and technological
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