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Multiple Choice Questions & Answers:-

1. Communication is a non-stop .
(A) paper
(B) process
(C) programme
(D) plan

2. Communication is a part of ……skills.

(A) Soft
(B) hard
(C) rough
(D) short

3. The………. is the person who transmits the message.

(A) Receiver
(B) driver
(C) sender
(D) cleaner

4. is the person who notices and decodes and attaches some meaning to a message.
(A) Receiver
(B) driver
(C) sender
(D) cleaner

5. Message is any signal that triggers the response of a

(A) Receiver
(B) driver
(C) sender
(D) cleaner

6. The response to a sender’s message is called

(A) Food bank
(B) feedback
(C) food
(D) back

7. refers to all these factors that disrupt the communication.

(A) Nonsense
(B) noise
(C) nowhere
(D) nobody
8. Our dress code is an example of…………communication.
(A) Verbal
(B) nonverbal
(C) written
(D) spoken

9. Communication strengthens….. &……… relationship is an organization.

(A) employer-father
(B) employer-employee
(C) mother-employer
(D) mother-child

10. …………. communication includes tone of voice body language, facial expressions
(A) Nonverbal
(B) verbal
(C) letter
(D) notice

11. The message may be misinterpreted because of ………..

(A) Barriers
(B) Distortions
(C) Distractions
(D) Noise

12.In oral communication there is an advantage of immediate

(A) Reaction
(B) Response
(C) Refection
(D) Reset

13. Listening is the ability to __________________ and appropriately respond to the meaning of
another person’s spoken and nonverbal messages.
(a) Understand
(b) Analyze
(c) Respect
(d) all of these

14. Which of these is not a step in the listening process?

(a)To stop talking
(b) Receiving
(c) Misinterpreting
(d) Responding
15. You speak fast when there is:
(a) An emergency
(b) An urgent work
(c) Exciting news
(d) All of above

16. Sadness can be judged by:

(a) Slow speed of voice
(b) Carelessness
(c) Nervousness
(d) Pauses
17.. Good speaking skills could build the:
(a) Activation
(b) Leadership skills
(c) Future
(d) Money
18. An active listener immediately understands:
(a) What other person is saying
(b) What he wants to say
(c) What he tries to say
(d) Logic behind his saying

19.Good speakers have more chances of:

(a) Making money
(b) Motivation
(c) Career advancement
(d) None of them

20. For effective communication:

(a) Keep on saying
(b) Become a speaker
(c) Listen to others first
(d) Moving on

21. Communication is defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning. Process
a. Development b. coarse c. crux d. division

22.. While communicating, the process is any kind of activity that does not remain constant.
The word constant means……..
a. Persistent b. irresolute c. unsure d. hesitant

23. Communication is a culmination of all of these components to form a comprehensible,

knowledgeable, and informational activity to convey information and messages. The
meaning of the underlined word is ……..
a. Height b. End c. starting point d. Termination

24. Communication makes conveying the thoughts easier and helps to understand the
Perspective of another person. The word underlined means…….
a. Stand point b. disbelief c. doubt d. distress

25. It is an effort to equip the students with basic language skills known as listening,
speaking, reading and writing. The underlined word means ………..
a. Have b. Not ready c. prepare d. Take a picture

26. English communication means to learn to communicate with others like by speaking, poem
reciting, listening and how well you express yourself to others etc. Language means it’s
totally about vocabulary studies, learning Grammar. The underlined words mean ……..
a. Word structure, rules of language c. attention, Syntax
b. pictures, instructions d. concentrate, erudition

27. Learning is to give brief attention to another person and to share attention with another
person. Learning is also to extend those attentions and to concentrate on another person.
The underlined words mean ……….
a. Care, focus b. prolong, see c. Look, thick d. need, find

28. The 5 fundamentals driving effective communication are Trust, Clarity, Language,
Relevance, and Feedback.
a. Go, Move b. Must, Give c. Clear, Reaction d. Believe, trust

29. We communicate through conversation, ………………., social media, email, telephone.

a. Our expressions and body language c. movements
b. Instagram d. Facebook

30. We rely on our communication skills to further our friendships, plan vacations, repair
marriages, order dinner, purchase a car, ……………, ask for help, negotiate deals, accept
job offers.
a. Express our opinion b. go out for a trip c. have a chat d. book a ticket

31. Regardless of the type of communication: verbal, …………, written, listening or ………,
if we don't communicate effectively, we put ourselves and others at risk.
a. Verbal, media b. verbal, spoken c. visual, verbal d. nonverbal, visual

32. If you are unhappy or have lost interest in your job, you are far less likely to ………….
effectively– both on the giving and receiving ends.
a. Speak b. Write c. Communicate d. Think

33. You cannot engage with someone if you are not listening to them because you will tend to
make ………… about their needs based on your ………… versus reality.
a. Assumptions, perceptions c. words, thoughts
b. Choices, thoughts d. decisions, selections
34. It is extremely difficult to communicate anything when there is a lack of ………..
a. Misdeed b. Transparency and trust c. Understanding d. bad experience

35. When conflict is not eradicated, it …….. and then people begin to take sides, which
further impedes effective communication.
a. Manages b. begins c. grows d. stops

36. Non-verbal communication involves the use of ………. and facial expressions to convey a
a. Emotions b. familiarity c. Gestures d. passions

37. The barriers to effective communication can be overcome by a thorough ………. of the
subject, by focusing on the purpose, by knowing or understanding the audience and by
organizing the content of your briefing or mission.
a. Knowledge b. subject c. Thoughts d. Data

38. Calm, measured, and positive, many situations can be handled, and problems solved, by
proactively using ……………. communication.
a. Assertive b. Negative c. Problematic d. Forceful

39. Give them the space to talk. They will let you know their ideas and their solutions, you
just need to listen and give them the chance to communicate. This is how we can work
with an …………… communicator.
a. Aggressive b. Assertive c. Personal d. Passive

40. Aggressive communicator style can be ……., and comes from a place of wanting to win
at all costs.
a. Hostile, threatening b. friendly, welcoming c. unfriendly d. impolite

41. ………. communicators tend to step back and let other, more assertive or aggressive,
people lead the way.
a. Passive b. Aggressive c. Assertive d. Passive aggressive

42. A passive communicator is always …….. - in fact, this style of communication can lead
to resentment building up over time because the person is unable to clearly communicate
their opinions, needs, and wants.
a. Happy b. unhappy c. Angry d. Joyful

43. Depending on the way it is delivered, interpersonal communication sets out to fulfil a
certain aim: to ………, to entertain, to persuade, or simply to affect or influence purposes.
a. Inform b. give c. take away d. dismantle

44. Interpersonal Communication serves five major purposes: to inform, to express feelings,
to imagine, to influence, and to meet ………….. expectations.
a. Economic b. Cultural c. Social d. Individual
45. The benefits of good interpersonal skills can affect the …………. and productivity of your
entire team or department.
a. Morale b. Egoistic c. Selfish d. Intentional

46. Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information,

feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages: it is ……………….
a. Indirect b. Face-to-face c. unintended d. secondary

47. Interpersonal communication is not just about what is actually said - the language used -
but how it is said and the non-verbal messages sent through tone of voice, ……., gestures
and body language.
a. Facial expressions b. words c. moves d. feelings

48. Interpersonal communication is a key …… and can be used to make sense of the world
and our experiences in it.
a. Life skill b. Societal skill c. Communication skill d. Survival skill

49. Listening is the process of ………., constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken.
a. Receiving b. taking c. giving d. bending

50. ……….. is one of the best skills to have effective listening.

a. Get distracted b. Eliminate distraction c. be careless d. talk

51. Effective listening improves …………..

a. disturbs attention b. improves understanding c. brings in friendship d. builds speaking skills

52. The ability to speak confidently and ………….. is something called Speaking skills.
a. Smoothly b. fluently c. incorrectly d. improperly

53. It’s important to develop both ………. and listening skills in order to communicate
a. Speaking b. writing c. reading d. none

54. …………. development is where students understand the meanings and pronunciations of
words necessary for communication.
a. Vocabulary b. Grammar c. Writing ability d. fluency

55. …………… is the ability to hear words and understand them straight away.
a. Listening b. speaking c. writing d. Fluency

56. Formal language is important as it helps us to make a good impression on people and
communicate ………………..
a. Rudely b. politely c. grammatically d. softly
57. Informal speaking skills are important for conversations with ……….. and family, helping us
to form emotional connections.
a. relatives b. neighbours c. friends d. enemies

58. Good speakers have the ability to quickly analyze and absorb the …………. given to them,
assess it fast and to make a decision and communicate that decision to other.
a. information b. vocabulary c. grammar d. listening capacity

59. Thinking before speaking is important for us to add value in terms of communicating our
………., ideas and feelings.
a. Thoughts b. sentiments c. words d. dreams

60. The basic purpose of reading is to extract information from a …….. of sources.
a. Same b. different c. Variety d. colorful

61. It leads to the enhancement of the vocabulary by encouraging the reader to refer to ……. and
a. Books b. Dictionaries c. Texts d. References

62. reading skills aids in an understanding of the ……. attitude, prejudices and objectives.
a. Writer’s b. Reader’s c. Viewer’s d. person’s

63. Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t ………. it yourself.”
a. understand b. explain c. knowledge d. describe


Each sentence given below contains an underlined word. You have to find out what part of
speech that word belongs to.
1. She was running a high temperature.
a) adjective
b) adverb
c) noun
d) pronoun
2. I am the happiest woman in the world.
a) adverb
b) adjective
c) verb
d) noun
3. He has many influential friends.
a) noun
b) verb
c) adjective
4. Choose the lesser of the two evils.
a) adverb
b) noun
c) verb
d) pronoun
5. Hari is the most intelligent boy in the class.
a) conjunction
b) preposition
c) adverb
d) noun
6. A fast car goes fast.
a) verb
b) adjective
c) adverb
d) noun

Fill in the blanks with words of the appropriate part of speech.

7. She is ————— beautiful.
a) ravishing
b) ravishingly
c) ravished
d) ravish
8. I was ——————– surprised.
a) Pleased
b) Pleasant
c) Pleasantly
d) Please
9. It was John who —————— the window.
a) Break
b) Broke
c) Broken
d) Breaking
10. She was quite ———————- to receive the prize.
a) Happily
b) Happy
c) Happiness
d) None of these
11. It is only a ——————— arrangement.
a) Temporary
b) Temporarily
c) Temporal
d) Temperate
12. It was ——————– heavily.
a) Snowed
b) Snowing
c) Snow
d) None of these
13. They are eagerly —————— for your response.
a) awaiting
b) await
c) awaited
d) none of these
14. The rioters were ——————- into custody.
a) Took
b) Taking
c) Taken
d) Take
15. The ——————— intervention of the policeman saved his life.
a) Timed
b) Timely
c) Time
d) Timeliness
16. The meeting —————– for three hours.
a) Last
b) Lasted
c) Lastly
d) None of these

17. Proper nouns are not general references. Instead, they name …………. nouns.
a. Specific b. Special c. Speculative d. Sensitive

18. Concrete nouns are the ones that refers to things that exist physically and can be ……..,
seen, smelled, felt or tasted.
a. Invisible b. Touched c. Suspected d. Happen

19. Abstract nouns refer to concepts or feelings that cannot be experienced concretely or
touched ……..
a. Mentally b. moved c. reached d. Physically

20. Ideas, qualities or conditions like love, hate, power, and time are all examples of …….
a. Abstract b. Uncountable c. Countable d. Material

21. Collective Nouns are nouns that refer to a group of something in ……..
a. Unspecific b. Particular c. Special d. Vague

22. An ………… normally indicates quality, size, shape, duration, feelings, contents, and more
about a noun or pronoun.
a. Adverb b. Adjective c. Verb d. Preposition

23. A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the ……… performs. Verbs are the hearts
of English sentences.
a. Adjective b. Object c. Subject d. Adverb
24.What part of speech describes a verb, adjective, or adverb and answers when? where?
how? and to what extent?

a. Verb

b. Adjective

c. Adverb

d. Preposition

25. What part of speech connects words or groups of words? Examples are for, and, nor, but, or,
yet, and so?
a. Preposition
b. Adverb
c. Interjection
d. Conjunction

26. What part of speech substitutes for a noun ? Examples are we, they him, I, you, me,
a. Pronoun
b. Verb
c. Conjunction

d. Noun

27.What part of speech describes a person, place, thing, or idea? Examples are house, jury,

a. Noun

b. Pronoun

c. Adjective
d. adverb
28. Conjunctions make a ………. between/among words or groups of words to other parts of
the sentence and show a relationship between/among them.
a. Object b. connect c. Link d. Joint

29. An interjection is a kind of ………….. inserted into regular speech. Actually, it is a brief and
abrupt pause in speech for expressing emotions.
a. Exclamation b. Interrogative c. Imperative d. Assertive
30. On a lightly floured board, …………. the dough for a couple of minutes.
a. Need b. Knead c. New d, knew

31. Rooney has pulled a ……….. in his thigh and won’t play tomorrow
a. Muscle b. Mussel c. Morsel d. Mosel

32. He ………. deeply at the thought.

a. side b. sad c. sighed d. said

33.The word ‘imminent’ means ……

a. Invent b. complicated c. happening very soon d. successful

34. The word ‘Horde’ means ……..

a. Valuable amount b. large group of people c. Impossible d. Incredible

35.Acumen’ the synonym of this word is ……

a. Unaware b. awareness c. mindful d. grand

36. ‘Benevolent’, the synonym of this word is ……

a. Generous b. rude c. Cranky d. rough

37. The antonym of ‘Sacred’ is …….

a. Cherish b. Profane c. divine d. Godly

38. The synonym of ‘Sneer’ is ……………

a. Flatter b. praise c. Mock d. Scold

39. The antonym of ‘Taciturn’ is ……..

a. Nimble b. Talkative c. Silent d. reserved

40. The antonym of ‘Mandatory’ is ……….

a. Compulsory b. optional c. necessary d. enforced

41. The synonym of ‘Luscious’ is ……..

a. yum b. Sweet c. Delicious d. tasteless

42. The antonym of ‘Modest’ is ……….

a. Humble b. trivial c. boastful d. silent

43.A or AN can be used only with …………nouns.

a. countable b. uncountable c. abstract d. none of these

44. …….. is mandatory before a thing which is only one of a kind in the universe.
a. An b. A c. The d. No article
45. You will be ……….. monthly for the service.
a. Build b. built c. billed d. braid

46. The first ………………. of renovations should be finished by January.

a. Faze b. Face c. look d. phase

47. He was round and fat, he had an energetic …………, a bright, lively face, and laughing eyes.
a. Gate b. gait c. walk d. quack

48. There will be heavy ………….. in most parts of the country.

a. reign b. rein c. rain d. regin

49. She watched the dove …………. above the chestnut trees.
a. sore b. shore c. soar d. shear

50. I ---- to learn a lot of new words.

a. Am going b. will c. can d. Will be

51. They ---- volleyball when I saw them.

a. Are playing b. play c. played d. Were playing

52. I woke up ---- five o'clock ---- the morning.

a. In/in b. At/on c. At/in d. At/at

53. She graduated from the university ---- 1969.

a. at b. on c. in d. for

54. The police ---- the thief yet.

a. Haven’t
b. Didn’t catch c. Hasn’t
d. Don’t catch

55. What ---- you ---- in English so far?

a. Have/learned b. Were/learned c. Did/learn d. Was/learning

56. I haven't seen him ---- today.

a. nowhere b. somewhere c. everywhere d. anywhere

57. I can't hear very well. Please turn the radio ----.
a. up b. down c. on d. off

58. The driver stopped the bus _______________.

A. Financially B. Exactly C. Abruptly D. Now
59. During autumn, colorful leaves can be seen falling ______________ from trees.
A. Everywhere B. Very C. Gently D. Loudly

60. It’s time to go ____________.

A. Before B. Now C. Yesterday D. Lightly

1. I want to buy ______ car.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. Both A & B
2. Can you please go to _____ grocery store on Third Street and buy 2 liters milk?
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. Both A & B
3. Please meet me at the train station within _______ hour.
A. A
D.Both A & B

4.I like to watch tennis on television. It is ________ very good game.

A. A
B. An
C. The
D. Both A & B

5. My brother won an award for being ______ best dancer in our school.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. Both A & B
6. How much will it cost to go on ______ holiday to Spain?
A. A
B. An
C. The
D. Both A & B

7.____ insecure person can never be happy.

A. A
B. An
C. The
D."no article"

8.I think we should move to my ____ house.

A. A
B. An
D."no article"

9. This is ____ last time I am warning you.

A. A
B. An
C. The
D. "no article"
10.Where is ____ paper I asked for?
D."no article"
11.Have some ____ faith in me.
D."no article"
12.These are ____ scriptures I was talking about.
D."no article"

13. We have ____ urgent meeting today.

D."no article"
14.____ story you told me is not true.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D."no article"
15. These are our ___ cars.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D."no article"
16. Give me ____ few minutes.
A. A
B. An
C. The
D."no article"

17. Can you speak ____ Spanish?

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) no article

18. She wants to become ___ engineer.

(A) a

(B) an

(C) the

(D) no article





Past tense of go




















Disguisedly sarcastic




















a) spurious

b) plutonic

c) innocent

d) real


a) Disagreeable

b) Fail

c) Scatter

d) Improper

a) fraud

b) crime

c) vice

d) wickedness


a) Begin

b) Hasten

c) Change

d) Depart


a) genteel

b) refined

c) crude

d) suave


a) Non-serious

b) Authoritative

c) Friendly

d) Casual


a) Questionable
b) Constant

c) Faithful

d) Convenient


a) Contempt

b) Power

c) Estimate

d) Guess


a) forfeiture

b) retribution

c) demotion

d) penalty


a) web

b) straighten

c) plush

d) alienate


a) Close

b) Sell

c) Copy
d) Buy


a) stranger

b) alien

c) national

d) native


a) detached

b) irrelevant

c) indifferent

d) determined


a) assemble

b) save

c) collect

d) hoard


a) credulity

b) honour

c) humiliation

d) degradation

a) Logical

b) Truthful

c) Systematic

d) Lucid


a) Later

b) Earlier

c) Former

d) Before

























1. Good manners come from having ……………. With others.

Love sympathy hatred empathy
2. We are ……….. and ………..creatures on the earth.
a. Humble, unimportant b. great, important c. weeak, tired d. strong, willful
3. Good manners by j c hill has been taken from his work………….
a. Pass away b. commanding the fate c. an introduction to citizenship d. punishment

4. It is our responsibility to make ourselves ……………….

a. Undermine b. understood c. underemployed d. mannered
5. It is only ………..people who takes remarks too literally.
a. Good b. wise c. healthy d. stupid

6. It is a bad manner to say………………….things about someone behind his back.

a. Pleasant b. right c. unpleasant d, good
7. All of us are …………….little things in a dangerous world,
a. Fragile b. bitter c. severe d. heavier
8. What picture is shown to university student to find out how many mistakes people
make in their statements?
a. War b. bull- fight c. riot d. man-fight
9. The strong and healthy young man used to ignore ……………..
a. Everyone b. women c. old and weak people d. politicians
10. The disabled should not be ………………by us.
a. Hesitated b. mocked c. pushed d. helped
11. By understanding our own………..we will possess good manners.
a. Sympathy b. ignorance c. status d. limitations
12. Who said, “ it takes two to speak the truth – oe to speak, and another to hear”?
a. Whitma 2. Shakespeare 3. Thoreau 4. J c hill
13. The young man felt himself on ………………..of life.
a. Top b. bottom c. glory d. sideways
14. Who is always loved and respected?
a. A flatterer b. a rich person c. a hypocrite d, a good mannered person
15. J c hill advises …………… to make life easy for elders.
a. Adults b. people c. boys and girls d. old people.
16. You must never ………… your ……..keep it clean and pressed.
a. Neglect – uniform b. attack-defer c. defer – fragile d. dislike- manner
17. …………………….come from compression, understanding and perceptions.
a. Honesty b. negativity c. bad manner d. good manner
18. It is not aways easy in a company to speak ……………
a. Clearly b. rudely c. frankly d. strictly
19. We should be careful and ………………….while speaking
a. Attentive b. dull c. rude d. loud
20. The young man could move …………after recovering from illness.
a. Slowly b. swiftly c. confidently d. none of these
1. Rebelliousness is natural and inevitable aspect of ………………….
a. Adolescence b. old age c. very young children d. none of these
2. The young boys and girls do not like ……………… of their parents.
a. Innovative ideas b. Old and obsolete ideas c. creative ideas d. all of these
3. In order to become an effective adult, a child has to develop his ……………and
…………to solve the existing problems of society in which he lives.
A. Parents ideas and dreams b. Own ideas and aims c. teachers’ ideas and
instructions d. all of these
4. In order to become an effective adult, a child has to set up his ………………clearly.
A. Goals b. clothes c. heart d. all of these
5. A child must make his goal …………..and then proceed to ………………….his dreams
a. Clear , realise b. vague, realise c. clear , not to fulfil d. none of these
6. Rebelliousness is common in young people because they try to find out their …………..
a. Fake identity b. True identity c. honest identity d. individual identity
7. The youngsters always want to do something ……………..
a. Similar b. Different c. miracle d. all of these
8. The rebellious nature of the young boys and girls is ………………at all.
a. Not Negative b. not positive c. not unique d. nether negative nor
9. The young boys and girls are ………. about their thoughts and feelings.
a. Not clear b. very clear c. crystal clear d. all of these
10. The young boys and girls try to judge the problems of life in their ………….
a. Own way b. ancestral way c. parental d. none of these
11. The rebellious nature of the youngsters help them give up comforts and security provided
to them by their parents so as to achieve ……………….
a. Dependence b. Independence c. inter dependence d. intra dependance
12. The real problem before young people is to groom themselves in such a way that they are
acceptable both to their …………….and ………………
a. Family, society b. friends and relatives c. teachers and peers d. all of
Unit 4

1.Emotional Intelligence is the ability to identify your own emotions and those of others.


c. sometimes
d. never

2. Emotional intelligence is................................

A. Being smart about emotional situation

B. The ability to understand, use, and manage our emotions

C. Never getting angry

d. none of these

3. Being able to imagine what emotions a person is likely to be feeling (even when you
don't actually know) is called..................

A. Sympathy

B. Empathy

C. Pity
d. understanding

4. Empathy is being able to imagine how others feel.


c. sometimes
d. never

5. Being empathetic means that you...

A.Are pathetic

B.Are lazy
C. Help others

D. Understand and share other people's feelings and emotions

6. Which of the following IS NOT a skill associated with emotional intelligence?

A. experiencing love
B. negotiating conflict
C. being sensitive to others
D. expressing pride and anger

7. Emotions are:
A. objective responses to experiences in our environment
B. subjective responses to experiences in our environment
C. physiological changes to experiences in our environment
D. behavioral changes to experiences in our environment


8. What is a key step in Teamwork?

A. coordination
B. Responsibility
C. Organization
D. All of the above
10. What does Teamwork mean?

A. To work well with others

B. To work hard
C. To communicate well
D. To work using soft skills

10.How do you use teamwork in your everyday life?

A. Help a old lady across the street

B. Walk someone to class
C. Work with students to get and assignment done
D.A and B

11.11. What is not an important factor in teamwork?

A.The team must receive external support and encouragement

B.The team must have a results-driven structure.
C.The team must not help their team member.

d. none of these

12.What are the correct 8 steps of teamwork? (in order)

Clear goal,result driven structure,unified commitment, collabrative climate, external support,
competent team members, principle leadership,understood by all.

Clear goal,results-driven structure,competent team members,unified commitment,collaborative
climate,understood by all,external support,principled leadership.

Result driven structure,unified commitment, collabrative climate,principle leadership, external
support, competent team members,understood by all,clear goal.

d. all of these

13.13. What do you mean by teamwork?

A. Setting out alone

B. Taking control of the team to do your work

C. Working with the team to get what everyone wants

D. Creating problems for everyone

14. Which of the following best describes teamwork?

a) Individuals working independently towards a common goal.
b) Collaboration and cooperation among team members to achieve a shared objective.
c) A competitive environment where individuals strive to outperform others.
d. none of these

15. What is the primary benefit of effective teamwork?

a) Increased workload for team members.
b) Improved decision-making and problem-solving.
c) Individual recognition and rewards.
d. none of these

16. Which of the following is an essential element of good communication in teamwork?

a) Active listening.
b) Dominating the conversation.
c) Avoiding conflict.
d. passive listening.

17. How can team members demonstrate accountability?

a) Blaming others for failures.
b) Taking responsibility for their actions and outcomes.
c) Avoiding participation in team activities.
d. all of these

18. What is the purpose of establishing team goals and objectives?

a) To create unnecessary pressure on team members.
b) To provide a clear direction and focus for the team.
c) To assign blame in case of failure.
d. both b & c

19. Conflict within a team can be constructive when:

a) Team members avoid discussing differences.
b) It leads to improved ideas and solutions.
c) Team members refuse to compromise.
d. either a or c

20. What does it mean to be a proactive team member?

a) Waiting for instructions from the team leader.
b) Taking the initiative and seeking opportunities to contribute.
c) Ignoring team objectives.
d. none of these

21. How can trust be built within a team?

a) Sharing sensitive information with unauthorized individuals.
b) Being reliable and keeping promises.
c) Encouraging unhealthy competition among team members.
d. none of these

22. Which of the following is an effective way to resolve conflicts within a team?
a) Ignoring the issue and hoping it goes away.
b) Engaging in personal attacks.
c) Openly discussing concerns and seeking a compromise.
d. none of these
23. What is the role of a team leader in fostering teamwork?
a) Micromanaging team members.
b) Providing guidance, support, and clear communication.
c) Ignoring team dynamics and conflicts.
d. none of these

24. How can diversity in a team contribute to its success?

a) Diversity is irrelevant to team performance.
b) It brings different perspectives and ideas.
c) It leads to conflicts and decreased productivity.
d. none of these

25. How can team members demonstrate respect for one another?
a) Gossiping and spreading rumors.
b) Dismissing others’ opinions and ideas.
c) Listening attentively and valuing different viewpoints.
d. both a & b.

26. What does it mean to collaborate effectively?

a) Working independently without seeking input from others.
b) Sharing information and resources to achieve common goals.
c) Avoiding cooperation and relying solely on individual efforts.

27. How can effective time management contribute to teamwork?

a) It creates unnecessary stress and pressure on team members.
b) It ensures tasks and deadlines are met efficiently.
c) It allows team members to work individually at their own pace.

28. How can feedback benefit team members?

a) It creates a negative work environment.
b) It helps identify areas for improvement and promotes growth.
c) It leads to conflicts and misunderstandings.

29. What is the importance of celebrating team achievements?

a) It creates unhealthy competition among team members.
b) It boosts morale and promotes a positive team culture.
c) It discourages individual recognition and rewards.

30. What is the role of compromise in teamwork?

a) It is unnecessary, and team members should always strive for their own interests.
b) It ensures everyone’s needs and perspectives are considered.
c) It leads to conflicts and compromises team performance.

31. How can effective problem-solving contribute to teamwork?

a) It discourages collaboration and encourages individual solutions.
b) It fosters creativity and promotes collective decision-making.
c) It creates unnecessary obstacles and delays.

32. What is the impact of effective teamwork on employee satisfaction?

a) No impact on employee satisfaction.
b) Increased job satisfaction and engagement.
c) Decreased motivation and interest in work.
33. What is the purpose of establishing clear roles and responsibilities within a team?
a) To create confusion and conflicts among team members.
b) To promote accountability and ensure efficient task allocation.
c) To avoid teamwork and rely on individual efforts.

34. What is the role of active participation in team meetings?

a) Remaining silent and passive during discussions.
b) Contributing ideas, opinions, and constructive feedback.
c) Disrupting the meeting and diverting attention from the agenda.

35. How can effective teamwork contribute to innovation?

a) It stifles creativity and discourages new ideas.
b) It encourages collaboration and the exchange of diverse perspectives.
c) It promotes a competitive environment where new ideas are discouraged.

23. How can conflict resolution contribute to team cohesion?

a) By avoiding conflicts and ignoring disagreements.
b) By openly addressing conflicts and finding mutually beneficial solutions.
c) By blaming others and refusing to compromise.

24. How can recognition and appreciation contribute to teamwork?

a) They have no impact on team morale and motivation.
b) They boost morale and encourage continued effort and dedication.
c) They lead to increased conflicts and unhealthy competition.

25. How can effective teamwork contribute to organizational success?

a) It has no impact on organizational success.
b) It improves productivity, innovation, and overall performance.
c) It creates unnecessary conflicts and decreases efficiency.

26. How can empathy and understanding benefit teamwork?

a) They create a hostile work environment.
b) They promote trust, collaboration, and effective communication.
c) They discourage cooperation and encourage individualism.

27. What is the importance of regular team evaluation and reflection?

a) It has no impact on team performance.
b) It allows for identifying areas of improvement and adjusting strategies.
c) It creates unnecessary conflicts and decreases team morale.

28. How can effective delegation contribute to teamwork?

a) By assigning all tasks to a single team member.
b) By distributing tasks based on individual strengths and abilities.
c) By avoiding delegation and relying on individual efforts.
29. What is the impact of effective communication on team productivity?
a) It has no impact on team productivity.
b) It improves collaboration, reduces misunderstandings, and enhances efficiency.
c) It creates conflicts and decreases overall productivity.

30. How can continuous learning and development contribute to teamwork?

a) They have no impact on team performance.
b) They promote growth, adaptability, and improved skill sets within the team.
c) They discourage collaboration and discourage individual progress.

1. What are social skills?

a) Abilities and behaviors that enable effective social interactions
b) Knowledge of social media platforms
c) Academic achievements in social studies
d) Athletic abilities in team sports

2. Which of the following is a component of effective communication?

a) Interrupting others when they speak
b) Using nonverbal cues to convey interest and attention
c) Ignoring the speaker’s message
d) Using jargon and complex language
3. What does empathy mean in the context of social skills?
a) Understanding and sharing the feelings of others
b) Making jokes to lighten the mood
c) Ignoring the emotions of others
d) Being assertive and dominating in conversations

4. What is active listening?

a) Speaking louder than others to ensure being heard
b) Making eye contact with the speaker
c) Focusing on what to say next instead of listening
d) Giving full attention and responding appropriately to the speaker

5. Why is nonverbal communication important in social interactions?

a) It allows us to speak more words in less time
b) It helps hide our true feelings and intentions
c) It can contradict or reinforce our verbal messages
d) It is the primary means of communication in social settings

6. What is conflict resolution in social skills?

a) Avoiding conflicts at all costs
b) Winning arguments and proving others wrong
c) Managing conflicts constructively to find mutually beneficial solutions
d) Ignoring conflicts and hoping they will resolve on their own
7. What does it mean to be assertive in social interactions?
a) Being aggressive and dominating in conversations
b) Putting others’ needs before your own
c) Expressing one’s needs and opinions in a confident and respectful manner
d) Being submissive and agreeing with everything others say

8. How can emotional regulation help in social situations?

a) By avoiding emotions altogether
b) By expressing emotions without control
c) By recognizing and managing emotions in a healthy and constructive manner
d) By pretending to have certain emotions to fit in with others

9. What does it mean to be respectful in social interactions?

a) Treating others with kindness, courtesy, and consideration
b) Ignoring the feelings of others
c) Putting one’s needs above everyone else’s
d) Being sarcastic and making jokes at others’ expense

10. How does flexibility help in social situations?

a) By always sticking to one’s own plans and ideas
b) By adapting to different social contexts and responding appropriately
c) By ignoring others’ opinions and preferences
d) By avoiding social interactions altogether

11. What is the ability to understand social norms and appropriate behaviors in different contexts
a) Social awareness
b) Emotional regulation
c) Assertiveness
d) Empathy

12. What is the importance of social skills in personal relationships?

a) They allow us to gain popularity and social status
b) They help us hide our true feelings and intentions
c) They enable us to build and maintain positive relationships with others
d) They make us socially isolated and lonely

13. Which social skill involves giving full attention to the speaker and showing understanding
through verbal and nonverbal cues?
a) Emotional regulation
b) Active listening
c) Empathy
d) Flexibility

14. What is the purpose of conflict resolution in social skills?

a) To avoid conflicts at all costs
b) To win arguments and prove others wrong
c) To manage conflicts constructively and find mutually beneficial solutions
d) To ignore conflicts and hope they will resolve on their own

15. How can social skills training be beneficial?

a) By encouraging aggressive and dominating behavior
b) By developing communication and relationship-building abilities
c) By avoiding social interactions altogether
d) By focusing solely on academic achievements

16. Why is empathy essential in social interactions?

a) It allows us to manipulate others to get what we want
b) It enables us to understand and share the feelings of others
c) It helps us win arguments and prove others wrong
d) It makes us appear weak and vulnerable
17. What is the ability to adapt to different social situations and respond appropriately called?
a) Flexibility
b) Assertiveness
c) Empathy
d) Active listening

18. How can social skills contribute to success in the workplace?

a) By isolating oneself from colleagues
b) By focusing solely on personal goals and ambitions
c) By fostering teamwork and effective communication
d) By avoiding conflicts and challenges
19. What is the primary goal of effective communication in social interactions?
a) To dominate the conversation and express personal opinions forcefully
b) To show off one’s knowledge and achievements
c) To convey thoughts, ideas, and feelings clearly and listen actively to others
d) To make jokes and entertain others

20. Which social skill involves expressing one’s needs and opinions confidently and
a) Active listening
b) Empathy
c) Assertiveness
d) Emotional regulation

21. How can nonverbal communication influence social interactions?

a) It is not relevant in social settings
b) It can contradict or reinforce verbal messages
c) It is the only form of communication in social situations
d) It allows us to hide our true feelings and intentions
22. Why is emotional regulation important in social interactions?
a) It enables us to hide our emotions from others
b) It allows us to express emotions without control
c) It helps us manage emotions in a healthy and constructive manner
d) It makes us emotionally distant from others

23. Which social skill involves understanding and sharing the feelings of others?
a) Active listening
b) Empathy
c) Flexibility
d) Assertiveness

24. What is the significance of social skills in personal relationships?

a) They help us avoid relationships altogether
b) They allow us to build and maintain positive relationships with others
c) They enable us to manipulate others to get what we want
d) They are unnecessary in personal relationships

25. How can being respectful contribute to positive social interactions?

a) By treating others with kindness and consideration
b) By dominating conversations and ignoring others’ opinions
c) By using sarcasm and making jokes at others’ expense
d) By avoiding social interactions altogether

26. What is the ability to recognize and manage emotions in a healthy and constructive manner
a) Empathy
b) Emotional regulation
c) Assertiveness
d) Flexibility

27. Why is flexibility important in social interactions?

a) It allows us to dominate conversations and impose our ideas on others
b) It enables us to adapt to different social contexts and respond appropriately
c) It makes us rigid and resistant to change
d) It fosters conflicts and disagreements with others

28. What is the ability to understand social norms and appropriate behaviors in different contexts
a) Assertiveness
b) Social awareness
c) Empathy
d) Active listening

29. How can emotional regulation help in social situations?

a) By avoiding emotions altogether
b) By expressing emotions without control
c) By recognizing and managing emotions in a healthy and constructive manner
d) By pretending to have certain emotions to fit in with others

30. Which social skill involves giving full attention to the speaker and showing understanding
through verbal and nonverbal cues?
a) Emotional regulation
b) Active listening
c) Empathy
d) Flexibility


1. What does empathy mean?

The ability to understand and share the feelings of another
Sharing toys
Talking to friends
Asking someone to play

2. What could you do at recess if you see someone who is sad because of other people?

Ask them if they want to play.

Explain to the other people that it is important to be kind.

Get a recess teacher if the situation is serious.

All of these would be good options.

3. Why is it important to be kind?

Kindness doesn't matter.

I don't know.

Kindness helps others feel good about themselves.

It’s not possible to be kind always
4. Which of the following is an example of showing empathy?

Spending time with a person and listening to their story, even if it is difficult.
Sharing funny gifs or memes on a friend’s social media page or sending a nice card to
make them feel better, esp. when you know they are having a bad day.
Telling your other friends to help you cheer up someone who is suffering.
Helping someone who is in pain to forget about their troubles by going to a movie or
5. You are working on an online group project to determine a cause for a class fundraiser.
Everyone in your group wants to support an environmental cause except for one person.
What can you do to show empathy to your classmate who has a different idea?
Ignore your classmate’s opinion since the majority of the group agrees on the cause.
Ask to be put into a different group of students since the situation is uncomfortable for
Assign him a non-speaking role like being the timekeeper or slide advancer so he doesn’t
have to speak about an idea he doesn’t support.
Ask your classmate about his idea to understand his perspective and incorporate it into
your presentation.

6. All of the following are examples of showing empathy, EXCEPT:

Mirroring positive body language, like eye contact, as a way to build rapport with
Asking irrelevant questions of others in order to show willingness to understand others’
feelings and perspectives.
Reading about the psychological processes underlying grief and/or sorrow.
Valuing people from different cultures by learning about them and their stories.
Helping a rapport to build and grow by putting yourself in another person’s shoes.

7. What is thinking empathy?

The same as feeling empathy.
Being able to look at someone and automatically know what they need.
Trying to understand what other people are experiencing.
8. What is compassion?
Wanting to look after our own emotions and feelings.
Compassion starts with wanting to understand and help others.
Asking others to help people in distress.

9. How can we use feeling empathy to help others?

Make sure they know that we do not support their bad behaviour.
Shout at others when they do not listen to what we are saying.
Stay calm when others are angry or distressed.

10. Can people learn to be compassionate?

Yes, it is easy to learn to be compassionate with a few days of training.
Yes, but it can take a long time to learn.
No, compassion is something one must be born with.
Both A & B


11. What does we use for presentations?

(a) Power point
(b) Word
(c) Office
(d) Documents

(a) Power point

12. What features should our presentation have?

(a) Impressive and effective
(b) Inefficient
(c) Incompetent
(d) Ordinary


(a) Impressive and effective

13. In presentation which things are play equal role?

(a) Content and voice
(b) Text and font
(c) Time and size
(d) Sort and indent


(a) Content and voice

14. In presentation what is we use to create a simple design template?

(a) Slide master
(b) Outlook
(c) OneNote
(d) Drive


(a) Slide master

15. In the following above which is the content of presentation?

(a) Bulleted list
(b) Text and images
(c) 2-column
(d) These all


(d) These all

16. What should be used in presentation with the audience in mind?

(a) Language and techniques
(b) Font
(c) Symbols
(d) Styles


(a) Language and techniques

17. What should we use for effective presentation?

(a) Limited words and key phrases
(b) Images
(c) Layouts
(d) Styles


(a) Limited words and key phrases

18. How can we deliver the right message to our target audience effectively?
(a) With Researched, planned and prepared professionally
(b) Casual
(c) Superficiality
(d) Unprepared


(a) With Researched, planned and prepared professionally

19. How our points land as practiced with our live audience?
(a) With rehearsal and timed practice
(b) Researched
(c) Planned
(d) Prepared


(a) With rehearsal and timed practice

20. Which thing will enhance readability in presentation?

(a) Empty space on the slide
(b) Background of the slide
(c) Font size
(d) Style of font

(a) Empty space on the slide

21. Which text is the best for the background in presentation?

(a) Light text on dark background
(b) Dark text on light background
(c) Colorful font
(d) Black and white style


(a) Light text on dark background

22. Which background can reduce the readability of text?

(a) Patterned background
(b) Vinyl
(c) Foil
(d) Flock


(a) Patterned background

23. Which features seems impressive at first but get old quickly?
(a) Flashy transitions such as text fly-ins
(b) Toned-down
(c) Restrained
(d) Modest


(a) Flashy transitions such as text fly-ins

24. Which special effects can negative impact on the credibility of text?
(a) Animation and sounds
(b) Font and style
(c) Language and content
(d) Layouts


(a) Animation and sounds

25. Which thing maintains its impact and resolution when projected on a larger screen?
(a) Image
(b) Layouts
(c) Styles
(d) Clip arts


(a) Image

26. What is a good rule of thumb during presentation?

(a) One slide per minute
(b) Five slides per minute
(c) One slide in few seconds
(d) Avail max time


(a) One slide per minute

27. What we learn presentation in a non-linear presentation?

(a) Learn to navigation
(b) Cruise
(c) Skipper
(d) Neglect


(a) Learn to navigation

28. Through what power point allows the presenter to jump ahead or back without having to
(a) Interim slides
(b) Permanent slides
(c) Unlimited slides
(d) Perpetual slides


(a) Interim slides

29. What will not be shown by animation or other special effects?

(a) Transparencies and handouts
(b) Obscurity
(c) Ambiguity
(d) Cunning

(a) Transparencies and handouts

30. Which thing we should use for run our presentation?

(a) Hard disk
(b) Floppy disk
(c) Compact disk
(d) Digital versatile disk


(a) Hard disk

31. Which thing may slow down our presentation?

(a) USB
(b) Flash drive
(c) Hard disk
(d) Compact disk


(a) USB

32. In presentation which font style is not used?

(a) Italics
(b) Bold
(c) Underline
(d) Outline


(a) Italics

33. Which audio should be avoided in presentation?

(a) Unlicensed music
(b) Folk music
(c) Swing
(d) Plainsong


(a) Unlicensed music

34. At the end of the presentation which thing will we done?

(a) Record and rehearse the timing
(b) Planning
(c) Checkout
(d) Present


(a) Record and rehearse the timing

35. In dialogue box which feature we find to saw our slides?

(a) Slide show
(b) Print
(c) Animation
(d) Shuffle


(a) Slide show

36. A presentation is a form of oral communication in which person shares factual information
with an audience that is.
(a) specific
(b) small
(c) large
(d) mixed


(a) specific

37. The presenter acts as the:

(a) delivery of the information
(b) medium of the information
(c) advocate of the information
(d) supporter of the information


(c) advocate of the information

38. The three major element of presentation do not include.

(a) an audience
(b) specific content
(c) a presenter
(d) visual aids


(c) a presenter
39. Reading out a presentation is:
(a) not allowed
(b) allowed
(c) helpful
(d) dull


(a) not allowed

40. To select the content of your presentation you should know the audience need.
(a) your purpose
(b) the time limit
(c) available material


(b) the time limit

41.When giving a presentation in front of an audience you should do all of the following except
(a) speak loud and clear
(b) provide handout if needed
(c) dress professionally
(d) look at your screen not the audience


(a) speak loud and clear

42. The key of success is.

(a) practice
(b) preparation
(c) effort
(d) both a and b


(d) both a and b

43. A good presenter should take a well.

(a) good physical appearance
(b) dressing well
(c) speak louder

(a) good physical appearance

44. To become more affective you need to take control of.

(a) the material
(b) the audience
(c) your behavior
(d) all of the above


(a) the material

45. ___of a presentation is the most important part.

(a) beginning
(b) middle
(c) end
(d) none of these


(a) beginning

46. In beginning you should give firstly.

(a) your introduction
(b) summary of a topic
(c) asking irrelevant questions
(d) further information


(a) your introduction

47. A good technique to get your audience attention.

(a) a statement made to surprise
(b) asking rhetorical questions
(c) asking introduction to the audience
(d) none of these


(b) asking rhetorical questions

48. What should you give your objectives to the audience.

(a) aim
(b) goals
(c) purpose
(d) both a, b & c


(d) both a, b & c

49. All your information should support your:

(a) purpose
(b) ideas
(c) topic
(d) merits


(a) purpose

50. A good presenter should.

(a) sequencing your idea
(b) manage the time
(c) clear all the confusion
(d) all of these


(d) all of these

51. Illustrate your presentation topic with:

(a) real life example
(b) experimental example
(c) fake stories
(d) none of these


(a) real life example

52. Keeping the audience attention.

(a) emphasizing
(b) summarize the topic
(c) used bore words


(a) emphasizing
53. A conclusion should be :
(a) short & easy
(b) lengthy
(c) difficult words
(d) specific key points


(a) short & easy

54. Visual involves the audience :

(a) motivate
(b) attention
(c) reinforce idea
(d) all of these


(d) all of these

55. facial expression should be.

(a) aggressive
(b) shy
(c) naturally
(d) bored


(c) naturally

56. A speaker looks into the eyes of the audience.

(a) confident
(b) impatient
(c) rude
(d) impolite


(a) confident

57. The tone of the speaker should be:

(a) loud
(b) clear
(c) low
(d) soft


(b) clear

58. A speech must advance ___.

(a) dishonesty
(b) negativity
(c) truth
(d) aggressiveness


(c) truth

59. Which of these doesn’t enhance listening skills?

(a) attention
(b) frankness
(c) clear perception
(d) ignoring


(d) ignoring

60. Using your whole body to communicate is called what?

(a) miming
(b) sign language
(c) body language
(d) gesture


(c) body language

61. Waving is what type of communication?

(a) gesture
(b) body language
(c) sign language
(d) body position

(a) gesture

62. positive gesture are body sihnals that make you look.
(a) relaxed
(b) hurtful
(C) nervous
(d) arrogant


(a) relaxed

Unit 5

1. Imagine that you walk into a room for an interview, shake the interviewer's hand, sit
down, and proceed with the interview. When do you make your first impression?

A. Between the door and when you’ve taken your seat

B. After they’ve asked you three questions

C. During the handshake

D. While answering the first question

2. When we encounter someone, what is the part of the bodies that we notice first?

A. Face

B. Hands

C. Eyes

D. Clothing

3. If someone leans toward you when they say something:

A. They like the smell of your cologne or perfume.

B. They are emphasizing a point.

C. They forgot their glasses and are trying to see you better.

D. They want to intimidate you.

4. Which of the following statements about body language is TRUE?

A. Body language can be conscious or unconscious.

B. Body language includes only conscious gestures.

C. Body language includes only unconscious gestures.

D. Body language is irrelevant in communication.

5. The facial expression of this emotion often includes the eyebrows being pulled down and
together and the lips being pressed tightly together.

A. Anger
B. Sadness
C. Happiness
D. Fear

6. To communicate competently with nonverbal communication:

A. Observe multiple nonverbal cues before drawing any conclusions about a person's
B. Try to match nonverbal and verbal communication to avoid mixed messages
C. Monitor your own nonverbal communication
D. All of the above

7. What is nonverbal communication?

A.Communicating with someone by using gestures.

B.Getting messages across with facial expressions.
C.Using your body language to convey something to someone else.
D.All of the above

8. Which of these is NOT an example of a verbal communication skill?

A.Language used
B.Eye contact
C.Volume of speech
D.The speed of our speech

9. Which of the following qualifies as a gesture?


B.'Hi there!'
C.A sad expression


11. Why is body language important in the workplace?

Body language isn't important. People only focus on your words, not on your expressions and

Body language is important because it is a form of verbal communication.

Body language is important because it has a very strong influence on how people perceive you.

Body language is important because people may speak different languages but use similar

12. This is not a good body language tip:

Slouch in your chair, it helps you relax

Make good eye contact

Firm handshake

Speak clearly and loud enough for the interviewer to hear you: voice quality

13. Which communication out of following options is a example of nonverbal

a) a. Face-to-face communication

b) b. Letter writing

c) c. Gestures

d) d. Email

14. The movements of parts of body, hand, arms, even legs and feet are called as__________

a) a. Emotions
b) b. Gestures
c) c. Expressions
d) d. Postures

15) ________ communication is indirect and without words.

a) a. Verbal
b) b. Oral
c) c. Non-verbal
d) d. Written

16) body language is also called as ______

a) a. face-to-face
b) b. Expressions
c) c. Kinesics
d) d. Non-verbal communication

17) Charts, graphs and maps are the examples of _______ communication.

a) a. Body language
b) b. Oral
c) c. Written
d) d. Non-verbal

18. Straight body posture shows what?

A) Pride
B) Professionalism
C) Confidence
D) Humility

Answer: C

19.. Which of the following is a positive facial expression?

A) Staring hard
B) Wrinkled forehead
C) Looking somewhere else
D) Nodding while listening

Answer: D

20.……….. is an instance of non-verbal communication.

A) A speech
B) Proximity
C) A notice
D) An e-mail

Answer: B
21. Pointing finger to something is an example of…..
A) Expressions
B) Gestures
C) Body Language
D) Para Language

Answer: B

22. which of the following includes the tone, speed and volume of voice
A) Eye Contact
B) Body Language
C) Para Language
D) Gestures

Answer: C

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