Reeves Et. Al. (1998) - Lesões No Treinamento de Força - Part. 1

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The Physician and Sportsmedicine

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Weight Training Injuries

Ronald K. Reeves MD, Edward R. Laskowski MD & Jay Smith MD

To cite this article: Ronald K. Reeves MD, Edward R. Laskowski MD & Jay Smith MD (1998)
Weight Training Injuries, The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 26:2, 67-96

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Weight Training Injuries
Part "1 : Diagnosing and Managing Acute Conditions

Ronald K. Reeves, MD
Edward R. Laskowski, MD
Jay Smith, MD
Photo: © 1998. Steven Peters/Tony Stone

When patients present with

acute weight training injuries, fa-
miliarity with the demands of the
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

activity can help physicians get the most

out of the patient history. Probable risk
factors for injury include errors in tech-
nique (described in a sidebar), skeletal
immaturity, and anabolic steroid abuse.
Common acute injuries in weight training
include sprains, strains, tendon avulsions,
and compartment syndrome. Possible
nonmusculoskeletal problems include
retinal hemorrhage, radiculopathy, and
various cardiovascular complications.
Treatment of acute musculoskeletal in-
juries varies, but usually includes sports
medicine mainstays such as prompt
RICE. Chronic weight training injuries will
be described in part 2 of this series.

ver the past 20 years, the popularity
of weight training has exploded.
More than 45 million Americans
train with weights regularly. Fortu-
nately, serious injuries are relatively rare. In 1986,
weight training injuries accounted for an esti-
mated 43,400 emergency department visits out

-¥- For CME credit, see page 111

Dr Reeves is chief resident, Dr Laskowski is a consultant,

and Dr Smith is a senior associate consultant in the depart-
ment of physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Dr Laskowski is codirector
and Dr Smith is a staff physician at the Mayo Sports Medi-
cine Center, and Dr Laskowski is an associate professor
and Dr Smith is an assistant professor at Mayo Medical
School in Rochester.

THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE e Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 67

weight training injuries continued

Illustrations © I 998: Terry Boles

Though the popular image of a weight lifter is
a bodybuilder such as Arnold Schwarzenegger
or Lee Haney, most people who weight train do
so as part of a comprehensive fitness program.

Weight Training Methods

There are several different styles of weight lift-
ing/training. In this article the term "weight
training" refers to exercises that use weight or re-
sistance to build strength and muscle mass. The
term "weight lifting" here refers to specific com-
petitive activities such as Olympic lifting and
power lifting. Though each style and method
predisposes participants to a characteristic set of
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

injuries, many injuries are common to all types

of weight lifting/training.
The use of machines may be the most com-
Figure 1. In Olympic weight lifting competition, athletes mon method of fitness-related weight training at
execute two lifts. In the snatch (a and c), the weight is lifted present. Machines allow exercisers to circuit
from the floor to an overhead position in one motion. The
train or to focus on individual muscles or muscle
clean and jerk (a,b, and c) is a two-step lift; the athlete first
lifts the weight from the floor to the shoulders, then lifts the groups (eg, shoulders, hamstrings).
weight from the shoulders to an overhead position. Circuit training. Circuit training involves a
rapid transition from one muscle-group exer-
cise to the next with 15 to 30 seconds of rest be-
of a total of 5.6 million visits for all sports.' In tween exercises. Participants use weights that
1995, the last year for which statistics are avail- are about 40% to 60% of their one-repetition
able, emergency room visits for weight training maximum (lRM). Strength and aerobic gains
injuries totaled 56,400, out of more than 5.4 mil- from circuit training are modest-30% to 50%
lion visits for all sports.' of the gains seen in dedicated strength or aero-
This article, the first of a two-part series, fo- bic exercise regimens. The primary benefit of
cuses on the diagnosis and treatment of acute circuit training is the shorter workout time. Bal-
weight training injuries. Part 2, to appear in an lor et al' showed that alternating 15 seconds of
upcoming issue, will cover overuse and chronic exercise with 15 seconds of rest allows the great-
conditions in weight lifters. est amount of work in the shortest time. This
technique, when properly used, poses minimal
Out of the Circus risk of musculoskeletal injury, though the brief
In the late 1800s, weight training was primari- recovery time between exercises presents a risk
ly the activity of circus strongmen. The first Eu- for overuse injuries.~.'
ropean weight lifting championship was held in Focused weight training. Focused weight
Rotterdam in 1896, and the first world champi- training emphasizes specific muscle groups and
onship was in Vienna in 1898. In the first modem can be performed with strength training ma-
Olympics in 1896, Viggo Jensen and Launceston chines or free weights; typically, both are used.
Elliot tied with lifts of 245 lb. The International Focused weight trainers usually lift weights as
Weightlifting Federation was founded in 1905, part of a comprehensive recreational fitness pro-
and since the 1970s the popularity of weight lift- gram. Training structure, loads, and training vol-
ing has soared. umes vary. Focused weight trainers draw from

68 Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 e THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE

The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

Figure 2. In power lifting competitions, athletes typically perform three lifts. In the squat, a
weight is placed across the shoulders of a standing athlete. The lifter lowers his or her body to a
squatting position (a}, then returns to standing (b). In the bench press (c) the supine lifter lowers
and raises the weight to and from the chest. In the dead lift (d) the weight is raised from the
floor to the midthigh by standing up from the squatting position (e).

other styles of weight training or competitive • compound sets (rapidly matched exercises of
weight lifting and are at risk for acute and over- the same muscle group).
use injuries. Because training commonly pro- Bodybuilders are at risk for both acute in-
duces discomfort, pain from overuse injuries is juries (ie, from loss of control of a weight) and
often misinterpreted as a normal result of the overuse injuries. Many turn to ergogenic agents
training. As in many other lifting styles, athletes such as anabolic steroids, human growth hor-
often ignore the pain until performance suffers. mone, and nutrition supplements in an attempt
Bodybuildrnng.Bodybuildingisexceedin~y to enhance training effects.
popular with younger people. The primary goal Olympic weight lifting. Olympic weight lifting
is to attain significant, symmetric muscle hyper- involves a sin~e-repetition maximum lift in two
trophy. Strength gains are secondary. Bodybuild- exercises: the snatch and the clean and jerk (fig-
ing involves exhaustive workouts primarily in- ure 1). The combined weight of the two lifts is the
volving free weights, using multiple sets and score in competition. Failure to observe proper
exercises and special training techniques for technique in both lifts places athletes at risk for
each muscle. Weight loads are frequently 80% to acute injuries from loss of control of the weight.
100% of 1RM, with 1 to 12 repetitions. Special Power lifting. Power lifting competitions in-
techniques are periodically used to alter training volve three lifts: the squat, the bench press, and
and facilitate consistent gains; examples include: the dead lift (figure 2). As in Olympic lifting, the
• eccentric contractions or "negatives," athlete seeks a single-repetition maximum in each
• forced repetitions to muscle failure, exercise to generate a total score. Injuries in power
• supersets (rapidly paired exercises of different lifting are similar to those seen in Olympic lifting,
muscle groups in the same anatomic region), and body building, and focused weight training.

THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE e Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 69

weight training injuries continued

Table 1. Injuries Reported in Three Studies of Adolescent and College Weight


Study Brown and Kimball" Risser et al• Zemper7

Study Group Adolescent Adolescent College

power lifters football players football players
No. of Athletes 71 354 10,908
No. of Injuries 28 27 36

(% of injuries)* No. (%) of Injuries * No. (%) of injuries*

Injury 1\fpe
Muscle strain (61) 20 (74) 15 (41.7)
Sprains (4) 3 (11.1) 7 (19.4)
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

Tendinitis (12) 1 (3.7} 2 (5.6)

Fractures/ (3) 2 (7.4) 2 (5.6)
Nerve (3) (3.7)
Other (17) 10 (27.8)

Injury Location
Lower back (50) 13 (48.1) 15 (41.7)
Shoulder (6) 3 (11.1) 5 (13.9)
Upper back (4) 3 (11.1) 6 (16.7)
Knee (8) 2 (7.4) 3 (8.3)
Hand (4) 2 (7.4)
Other (28) 4 (14.8) 7 (19.4)

• Percentages may not add up to 100% because of rounding. Data in Brown and Kimball reported only
as percentages.

Adapted with permission from Mazur LJ, Yetman RJ, Risser WL: Weight-training injuries: common
injuries and preventative methods. Sports Med 1993; 16(1 ):57 -63.

Injury Rates and Risk Factors weight training injuries in a 4-year study of ana-
Studies examining the incidence and types of tional sample of college football players who
weight training injuries report varying injury trained under supervision.
rates, but similar distributions of injury types There are no risk-factor studies of weight
(table 1). training injuries, but poor technique, lack of su-
Brown and Kimball' found that 39.4% (28 of pervision, skeletal immaturity, and steroid abuse
71) of adolescent power lifters entered in a are recognized as contributing factors."" For a
teenage power lifting championship (ages 14 to discussion of common weight training tech-
19) sustained injuries during training. The au- niques that can cause injuries, see "Honing
thors suggest that the high rate of injuries may Technique to Avoid Injury," page 74.
have been from lack of supervision. Risser et al6 Multiple cases of weight-training injuries as-
in a retrospective survey observed that only 7.6% sociated with steroid abuse have been report-
(27 of 354) of adolescent football players in a su- ed. The risks and benefits of these agents have
pervised weight training program sustained in- been extensively reviewed elsewhere.' In brief,
juries, and Zemper' found only a 0.3% rate of steroids are classified as controlled substances

70 Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 e THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE

~ble 2. Grading of Ligament Sprains and Muscle Injuries
Physical Exam Findings
Grade Sprains Strains

1 Pain on palpation, solid end- Pain on palpation, little or no weakness,

point on examination no palpable defect or asymmetry

2 Pain on palpation, mild laxity Significant pain and mild weakness

compared to contralateral ligament

3* Significant laxity without a solid Possible muscle asymmetry with a

endpoint palpable defect, significant weakness

• A grade 3 muscle injury may be a partial or complete rupture.

The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

by the US Food and Drug Administration, mak- Musculoskeletal Injuries

ing steroid use other than for approved medical Though strains and sprains represent a large
indications illegal. Though steroid abuse caus- proportion of weight training injuries, they of-
es significant gains in strength and muscle ten do not come to medical attention unless
mass, side effects may include acne, male pat- the injury is particularly severe or symptoms
tern baldness, testicular atrophy, liver function are prolonged.
abnormalities and hepatomas, myocardial isch- Ugament sprains. Sprains cause pain, ten-
emia, gynecomastia, hypertension, aggressive- derness, and swelling at a ligament. The severity
ness, and death.• Steroids may cause physiologic can be graded by the degree of laxity noted on
changes in muscle, tendon, and ligaments, mak- examination (table 2). In general, a grade 1
ing them more susceptible to failure under load sprain is painful without ligament laxity on ex-
or repetitive use. amination, grade 2 lesions involve slight laxity,
Steroid abuse has been associated with many and grade 3 injuries feature gross instability.
acute injuries. Patients should be questioned re- Medial and lateral collateral knee ligament
garding any history of such abuse. If individuals sprains may occur during squats, leg presses,
have such exposure, appropriate risk factor edu- and lunges with high loads or improper lower-
cation and assistance with discontinuation extremity placement. Complete ligament dis-
should be offered. ruption due to weight training is uncommon,
Children's skeletal immaturity presents a par- but Freeman and Rooker 11 reported on a body-
ticular risk for growth plate injuries from weight builder who had a history of steroid use and pre-
training. Therefore, the American Academy of sented with a spontaneous anterior cruciate lig-
Pediatrics has issued guidelines for weight train- ament rupture.
ing in children. 10 These guidelines call for close Most sprains and strains can be managed
supervision by knowledgeable trainers and nonoperatively with protection, rest, ice, com-
medical professionals for children and adoles- pression, and elevation (PRICE).
cents who strength train and advise that adoles- In addition to knee sprains, medial meniscus
cents reach Tanner stage 5 before participating cartilage tears have been associated with knee
in vigorous weight training. flexion exercises (hamstring curls) and dead lift:s. 1'

THI PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE e Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 71

weight training injuries continued

Honing Technique to Avoid Injury

Most patients who work out with weights do either circuit training or focused strengthen-
ing of specific muscle groups. To help them improve their form, avoid injury, and get the
most from their workouts, it's a good idea to advise them about five common mistakes and
safer alternative techniques.

Technique 1: Latissimus Dorsi Pull-Down

Problem: When the weight is Solution: The safer way to

lowered behind the neck, this perform the exercise is to sit or
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

exercise excessively flexes the kneel on one knee, lean back

cervical spine and loads the slightly at the hips, grip the bar
shoulders at the extreme of ex- slightly wider than shoulder
ternal rotation. The line of pull width, and pull it down in front
does not oppose the muscle ofthehead.
fibers of the latissimus dorsi, Another exercise that effec-
and this does not maximally tively challenges the latissimus
challenge the muscle. The be- dorsi is seated rowing, an ac-
hind-the-neck position in- tivity that minimizes shear
creases the load on the cervical force at the shoulder.
disks and the risk of spinous process fracture. The ex-
ercise puts the shoulder at a mechanical disadvantage
that may contribute to rotator cuff injury or anterior
shoulder instability. An excessively wide grip on the
bar should also be avoided because it may increase
shear forces across the glenohumeral joint.

Technique 2: Knee Extension

Problem: Knee extensions are examples of open-ki- Solution: Avoid "hyperextension'' of the knee at the
netic-chain exercises, which isolate a particular muscle completion of knee extension, and train in a range that
group-in this case, the quadriceps-and involve mo- avoids extremes of knee flexion and extension, espe-
tion distal to the axis of the joint. During knee exten- cially as the load is increased. Also, try to incorporate
sions, potentially damaging tibiofemoral shear forces closed-kinetic-chain exercises, which involve pre-
are greater during the last so to 1oo of extension and al- dictable coordinated muscle contractions with motion
so if one "hyperextends" the knee. In addition, at the at multiple joints in a limb whose segment meets fixed
extremes of knee flexion (greater than 60°), increased or constrained resistance.
patellar compression is potentially hannful. 1•2 Squats and leg presses can each be dosed-kinetic-
chain exercises, and shear force is generally less with
these exercises, though a recent studi suggests that
strain on the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is sirn-
milar in both open- and closed-chain exercises.

74 Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 e THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE

Technique 3: Bench Press and Chest Fly

Problem: Hyperextension of Solution: The preferred

the shoulders during bench way to perform the exercises
press or chest fly exercises is to adjust the exercise ma-
(dropping the elbows below chine or starting position so
or behind the plane of the that the elbows are even
body) places the pectoralis with or above the frontal
muscles at a mechanical dis- plane when beginning the
advantage, contributes to lift and during repetitions.
glenohumeral instability
through repetitive shoulder capsule trauma, and places
excessive traction on the acromioclavicular joints.4
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

Technique 4: Military Press

Problem: Extreme shoul- Solution: The safer way

der external rotation and to do military presses is to
abduction during behind- lift the weight in front of
the-neck military presses the neck.
stress the shoulder capsule
and inferior glenohumeral ligament, which can cause
anterior shoulder instability.5·6 Extreme cervical flexion
puts patients at risk for spinous process fracture and
neck strains.

Technique 5: Squats

Problem: In a deep squat, when the thighs are parallel Solution: Weight lifters should avoid deep squats and
to the floor or lower, there is an excessive amount of extremes of hyperflexion and hyperextension, and
shear load on the knee in a position in which the articu- they should maintain lumbar spine stability during
lar cartilage is thinnest. Descending to this position is squat lifts.
done by power lifters who must meet technical specifi-
cations during competition, but they also place them-
selves at risk of cartilage damage.

l. Beynnon BD, Fleming BC, Johnson RJ, et al: Anterior cruciate 823-829
ligament strain behavior during rehabilitation exercises in vi- 4. Wolfe SW, Wickiewicz TL, Cavanaugh JT: Ruptures of the
vo. Am J Sports Med 1995;23(1):24-34 pectoralis major muscle: an anatomic and clinical analysis.
2. Palmitier RA, An KN, Scott SG, et al: Kinetic chain exercise in Am J Sports Med 1992;20(5):587-593
knee rehabilitation. Sports Med 1991; 11 (6):402-413 5. Gross ML, Brenner SL, Esformes I, et al: Anterior shoulder
3. Beynnon BD, Johnson RJ, Fleming BC, et al: The strain be- instability in weight lifters. Am J Sports Med 1993;21(4):
havior of the anterior cruciate ligament during squatting and 599-603
active flexion-extension: a comparison of an open and a 6. Neviaser TJ: Weight lifting: risks and injuries to the shoul-
closed kinetic chain exercise. Am J Sports Med 1997;25(6): der. Clin Sports Med 1991;10(3):615-621


THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE e Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 75

weight training injuries continued

Muscle strains and ruptures. The hallmarks

of acute muscle strain are pain, muscle belly or
Table 3. Rare Weight-Training-Related
Musculoskeletal Injuries and Other Acute Events
myotendinous junction tenderness, limited
range of motion, and relatively preserved Muscle and Tendon Ruptures
strength (table 2). Grade 1 and grade 2 muscle Bilateral quadriceps muscle/tendon ruptures29 *
strains are quite painful and are distinguished by Distal biceps brachii tendon avulsion 30*
Patellar tendon rupture31
the absence (grade 1) or presence (grade 2) of
Pectoralis major muscle rupture'
weakness. Hamstring muscle and low back (in- Pectoralis major tendon avulsion 32
cluding paraspinal muscle) strains are particular- Triceps tendon avulsion with radial neuropathy33 *
ly common among those who train with weights.
Muscle ruptures are essentially severe (grade Acute Fractures and Dislocations
Lunate dislocation34
3) muscle strains. They are distinguished from Second rib fracture associated with bench press 35
strains by significant weakness and possibly a pal- Talar dome fracture associated with squatting 36
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

pable muscle defect at the myotendinous junc-

tion. Tendon avulsions--disruption of the ten- Acute Medical Events
don-bone interface-are less common. In either Aortic dissection24 *
Death 3 7.38
injury, patients often report feeling a sudden
Effort thrombosis39
"pop." Table 3 lists several reports of muscle rup- External iliac artery stenosis•o
tures and tendon avulsions in weight trainers. Ste- Myocardial infarction 41 ·42 *
roid abuse was a factor in several of these injuries. Pulmonary embolism 43*
In most instances, treatment is surgical repair Spontaneous pneumothorax..
Stroke45 *
or reattachment unless the lifter does not intend
Subarachnoid hemorrhage23
to return to his or her sport. Tetraplegia46
PeMc avulsions. Avulsion of the anterior su-
perior iliac spine (ASIS) is etiologically similar to *Associated with anabolic steroid use.
a tendon avulsion; both are caused by excessive
tension. In adolescents, the unfused ossifying ili-
ac crest apophysis is relatively weak and suscep-
tible to injury. Young weight trainers report a skeletally immature athletes and are most com-
sudden pain and may feel a "pop" in the anterior monly associated with sprinting, running, or
pelvis when attempting forceful hip extension jumping activities. 1" Weight training activities
while the knee is flexed. This injury can also oc- that can lead to ischial apophysis and hamstring
cur with lumbar hyperextension exercises and avulsions include dead lifts, squats, and ham-
dead lifts. 1' Typically, sartorius muscle contrac- string curls. The authors are unaware of any case
tion avulses the bony fragment. Examination re- reports of ischial apophysis avulsion injuries as-
veals swelling and tenderness, and radiographs sociated with weight training, though they may
confirm the diagnosis. occur in skeletally immature athletes. Hamstring
Treatment is generally nonoperative, and avulsions in adults have been reported.
most patients respond well to crutch ambulation Treatment is somewhat controversial, though
and PRICE. Hip and lower-extremity strength ischial avulsion injuries can usually be managed
training is initiated after symptoms subside. nonoperatively. Orava and Kujala 1" reported
Some authors have reported success with open their surgical experience with several cases of
reduction and internal fixation. 11· 11 hamstring avulsions associated with dead lifts
Ischial apophysis and hamstring avulsions and squats. They recommend early surgical re-
may also occur during weight training. Like ASIS pair to prevent muscle contracture that may
avulsions, ischial apophysis avulsions occur in otherwise preclude anatomic reconstruction.
COil ti 1111ed

THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE e Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 79

weight training injuries continued

Acute fractures. Fortunately, fractures ac- be a more significant risk factor than weight
count for only a small percentage of weight training itself.
training injuries. The presentation may be acute In four aortic dissections described by de Vir-
and dramatic or chronic and insidious. Grumbs gilio et ai,' 1 two patients had a history of steroid
et ai 17 reported on two adolescent boys who per- abuse and hypertension. All four patients had
formed clean and jerk lifts; each lost control of cystic degeneration of the aortic media, but it is
the overhead weight and sustained bilateral ra- unknown if this was related to weight training or
dius or bilateral radius and ulna fractures. Reider to an unidentified factor such as occult hyper-
et ai 1' reported nonunion of a scaphoid fracture tension or unrecognized Marfan syndrome.
in a 17-year-old boy who developed wrist pain Rhabdomyolysis and acute compartment
while attempting a 430-lb bench press 5 months syndromes of the limbs have been reported by
before presentation. The patient did not seek several authors."'" Clinical suspicion of compart-
immediate medical atten- ment syndrome should be high when patients
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

tion because he assumed present with progressively severe muscle pain

Slow exhalation the injury was merely a following strenuous workouts, especially if ec-
during the strain sprain. Table 3 lists other centric exercises were involved. The cardinal
part of a lift can related case reports. signs of acute compartment syndromes are pain
significantly and pressure in a muscle or muscle compart-
reduce blood Acute Medical ment, pain with stretching of that muscle, pare-
pressure elevation. Conditions sis, and paresthesias. A pulse may or may not be
Various other uncom- palpable. Compartment pressures should be
mon medical conditions measured when this condition is suspected.
have been linked with weight training (table 3). However, compartment syndrome is a clinical
Tremendous blood pressure elevations during diagnosis based on the examination and the pa-
maximal lifts may contribute to vascular in- tient's overall medical status. Fasciotomy for
juries. Studies of blood pressures during weight pressure relief must be performed in a timely
lifting have reported readings as high as fashion to minimize permanent nerve and mus-
480/350 mm Hg. 1" MacDougall et ai"' also stud- cle injury.
ied blood pressure responses in several lifting Rhabdomyolysis in isolation or due to com-
situations and found that blood pressure eleva- partment syndrome can be life threatening be-
tions were similar across contraction types (ec- cause of the potential for acute renal failure and
centric, concentric, isometric) when intensity electrolyte abnormalities. Creatine kinase eleva-
was controlled. Narloch and Brandstater' 1 tions to 76,000 IU/L have been reported.' 'Treat-1

demonstrated that slow exhalation during the ment involves aggressive hydration, urine alka-
strain phase of a lift significantly reduces blood lization, and brisk diuresis.
pressure elevation. Thus, avoiding Valsalva's Since acute radiculopathies are often associ-
maneuvers during weight lifting may help limit ated with heavy lifting, many assume that
blood pressure elevations. weight lifters are at increased risk for radiculopa-
Retinal hemorrhages cause acute unilateral thy. Certainly, acute radiculopathy can occur
changes in vision and typically resolve without during weight training, and Jordan et a!" have
surgical intervention." Subarachnoid hemor- reported three patients who developed acute
rhage and stroke are rare, but patients who have cervical radiculopathies while training. In an
known aneurysms and bleeding risks should be epidemiologic study of possible risk factors for
advised to avoid heavy weight training.'' Many cervical and lumbar disc herniation, Mundt et
of the vascular complications noted in table ai"' did find a possible association between free
3 were associated with steroid abuse, which may weight training and cervical radiculopathy (rela-

80 Vol 26 • No. 2 • February 98 e THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE

weight training injuries continued

tive risk, 1.87; 95% confidence interval, 0.74 to including stress fractures, chronic degeneration
4.74). They found no increased risk for lumbar of the spine, and weight lifter's headache.
disc herniation. Physicians who get to know the culture of
weight training can ensure that their patients get
Weight Training Awareness the most benefit from the activity in the safest
Knowing weight lifting methods and the de- possible way. AN
mands of the sport can make the patient history
more productive. A detailed history and physical
examination often leads to a narrow, focused
differential diagnosis. Part 2 of this series will Address correspondence to Edward R. Laskowski, MD,
Mayo Sports Medicine Center, 200 First St SW,
cover the diagnosis and treatment of chronic Rochester, MN 55905; e-mail to laskowski.edward-
conditions that can result from weight training,
The Physician and Sportsmedicine 1998.26:67-96.

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