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Well, my topic is about my education.

What early decision did I have to make?

In last years at High School, I had to choose how to continue preparing myself. I had to choose what
kind of subjects I wanted to continue studying: those related to Science, Social Sciences or
Humanities, it is something I had to do when studying in Spain.

How old were you when you took your first academic decisions?

In my case, I was just 15-16 years old. It was the first step to decide my future. However, in my
opinion, it is too early to make such an important choice. Depending on what my choice was, I was
already conditioning my academic or professional future in one direction.

-Did you have to make that kind of decision at High School?

What more complicated choices have I made?

A few years later, when I was finishing High School, I had to make a bigger choice, I had to decide if I
wanted to continue studying and what I want to study or to stop studying and look for a job. It was
basically about deciding what I wanted to do in life. When I was in that moment of my life, I was
totally lost, because there were too many options and I had many doubts.

-Did you use to know what you wanted to work as when you grew up?

Why did I choose my degree?

I think that if I had had more guiding talks, it would have been an easier decision but we didn’t have
enough information.

-Did you have guiding talks about your future when you were in High School?

Finally, I chose to study Mechanical Engineering because I was good at maths and I was also into
machines and all type of gadgets. However, I didn’t really like it until its last year.

-Did you like what you studied?


In my case, when I had to work in a laboratory while I was doing my dissertation, I really
enjoyed it. It was totally different from anything I had done before at university and it was also
totally different from what I was studying. I think this is something that could also happen at
work, some people are working at jobs where they need knowledge that wasn’t taught in their
degrees. However, if I could turn back time, I still would not be sure about what to study.

-If you could turn back in time, would you choose any other degree?

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