B2 Large Families

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I’m the little sister of a large family, I have a brother and a sister so due to this I will never
know how it feels to be an only child. For my whole life I have counted on them for
everything I’ve ever needed, which has been an incredible advantage.

-Might you have a large family too?

I may be wrong but for me the relationship between brothers and sisters is one of the
most special ones. Family always comes first although some people may not agree.

-What do you believe?


From my point of view, one of the main benefits in a large family is that you will always
have company when you need it. Sometimes you may not like this company but most of
the time the support that may be needed in difficult situations is always found in them,
which I think this is really important for a person.

-Do you believe that family support might be key for a person?

In addition, on a family trip you will probably have more fun, for example, if you were
bored, you could play any games with your siblings, or you can just talk to them. In any
case you will always have someone to be entertained with.

-Might you enjoy family trips?


Despite this, living in a large family isn’t as easy as it seems. It may be a blessing in
disguise. You would probably fall out with them quite often. Also, you may fight with your
parents because of your siblings too. However, this could help you to learn how to deal
with problems and improve your soft skills.

-Did you use to fall out with your relatives when you were a teenager?

Moreover, sharing is a basic rule and sometimes I wonder if it’s that easy, as you are
taught since you are a child the need to share, but are you willing to share everything you
have as an adult. I’m not sure about that.

-What’s your take on this?


And well, in the past, families used to be large, because mine it’s not the largest one for
sure, but this is rarely seen now.

-Might this be happening in your country too?

I have even been thinking that if you asked the ones having a large family, what would
they say? Wouldn’t they change anything about their family? I wouldn’t, but I have met
teenagers that can’t stand being in a large family. And well, I’m not sure what’s better but
it’s a fact that small families are the most common right now.

-Might this be happening in your country too?

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