The Epidemiology of Anaphylaxis: Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2018) 54:366 - 374

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Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2018) 54:366–374

DOI 10.1007/s12016-015-8503-x

The Epidemiology of Anaphylaxis

Joyce E. Yu 1 & Robert Y. Lin 2

Published online: 10 September 2015

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract Anaphylaxis is a dramatic expression of systemic Introduction

allergy. The lifetime prevalence of anaphylaxis is currently
estimated at 0.05–2 % in the USA and ~3 % in Europe. Anaphylaxis is a clinical diagnosis which the National Insti-
Several population-specific studies have noted a rise in the tute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) currently
incidence, particularly in the hospitalizations and ER visits defines as an acute, potentially life-threatening systemic aller-
due to anaphylaxis. The variable signs and symptoms that gic reaction [1] which can be caused by numerous triggers.
constitute the diagnostic criteria for anaphylaxis, the dif- Anaphylaxis occurs when the exposure to a suspected or
ferences in diagnostic algorithms, and the limitations in known trigger causes systemic release of histamine and other
the current coding systems have made summarizing epide- mediators of allergic inflammation that lead to a varying
miologic data and comparing study results challenging. constellation of potentially life-threatening allergic symp-
Nevertheless, across all studies, the most common triggers toms including, but not limited to, respiratory compromise,
continue to be medications, food, and venom. Various risk hypotension, severe urticaria, and angioedema.
factors for more severe reactions generally include older In this review, the NCBI PubMed database was queried
age, history of asthma, and having more comorbid diseases. for publications relevant to different epidemiologic aspects
Interesting seasonal, geographic, and latitude differences have of anaphylaxis including triggers, risk factors, trends, and
been observed in anaphylaxis prevalence and incidence rates, clinical features, as well as practice statement and guide-
suggesting a possible role of vitamin D and sun exposure in lines. A literature review of the retrieved results was then
modifying anaphylaxis risk. While the incidence and preva- performed to summarize the current knowledge of anaphy-
lence of anaphylaxis appear to be increasing in certain popu- laxis epidemiology.
lations, the overall fatality rate remains relatively low.

General Considerations
Keywords Anaphylaxis . Epidemiology . Prevalence .
Incidence . Risk factor . Triggers . Biphasic . Fatality To date, several types of analyses have been performed to
determine the incidence and prevalence of anaphylaxis in-
cluding database mining, population-based questionnaires,
* Joyce E. Yu
chart reviews and systemic reviews, and meta-analyses (Table 1). Observational studies, such as retrospective chart
reviews and database analyses, have been the more frequently
employed methods to assess the epidemiology of anaphylaxis.
Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Rheumatology, Department of
Pediatrics, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New
In contrast, few studies in systematic reviews have been
York-Presbyterian, Columbia University Medical Center, New included in meta-analyses because wide variations in data
York, NY, USA collection, study design, and data analysis have limited the
Department of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical Center, ability to compare studies [2, 3]. The multiple diagnostic
New York, NY, USA criteria for anaphylaxis have presented challenges in describing
Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2018) 54:366–374 367

Table 1 Types of epidemiologic studies on anaphylaxis

Study type Selected studies Source(s) Location(s) Population Time period

Cross-sectional database Jerschow et al. [10] Multiple Cause of Death USA Adults 1999–2010
analysis (public health Database
records, disease registry,
research, commercial
Lin et al. [17] New York Statewide Planning NY Pediatric 1990–2006
and Research Cooperative Adults
System (SPARCS)
Poulos et al. [19] National Mortality Database Australia Pediatric 1993–1994,
Adults 2004–2005
Worm et al. [29] Anaphylaxis registry, Berlin Germany, Austria, Pediatric 2006–2013
emergency physician Switzerland Adults
service, ADAC nationwide
air rescue service
Worm et al. [30] European Anaphylaxis Europe (Austria, Bulgaria, Pediatric 2011–2014
Registry France, Germany, Greece, Adults
Ireland, Italy, Poland,
Spain and Switzerland)
Bohlke et al. [16] Group Health Cooperative Washington, USA Pediatric 1991–1997
Bohlke et al. [62] Centers for Disease Control Seattle, WA, USA Pediatric 1991–1997
and Prevention’s Vaccine Oakland, CA, USA
Safety Datalink (VSD) Portland, OR, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Simon et al. [72] Florida Department of Health, Florida, USA Pediatric 1996–2005
Office of Vital Statistics Adults
death certificates
Camargo et al. [74] NDC Health, Pharmaceutical USA Pediatric 2004
Audit Suite Adults
Simons et al. [76] University of Manitoba Health Manitoba, Canada Pediatric 1995–1999
Research Database/Drug
Programs Information Net-
Ma et al. [84] Nationwide Inpatient Sample USA Adults 1999–2009
(NIS; 1999–2009), the
Nationwide Emergency
Department Sample
(NEDS; 2006–2009), and
Multiple Cause of Death
Data (MCDD; 1999–2009)
Turner et al. [85] Hospital Episodes Statistics England, UK Pediatric 1992–2012
database, Patient Episode Wales, UK Adults
Database for Wales,
National Health Service
Business Services
Authority Prescription
Cost Analysis databases
Renaudin et al. [88] Allergy Vigilance Network Europe (multiple countries) Pediatric 2002–2010
Retrospective chart Dibs et al. [21] Single ED, inpatient, Philadelphia, PA, USA Pediatric 1990–1994
review (single center, operating room
Rudders et al. [22] Multiple ED Boston, MA, USA Adults 2001–2006
Calderon et al. [24] Single ED Puerto Rico Adults 2007–2009
Capps et al. [25] Ambulance services Manchester, UK Pediatric 2007–2008
Lauritano et al. [26] Single ED Alessandria, Italy Adults 2009-2010
Harduar-Morano et al. [67] Multiple ED Florida, USA Pediatric 2005–2006
Braganza et al. [79] Single ED Australia Pediatric 1998–2001
368 Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2018) 54:366–374

Table 1 (continued)

Study type Selected studies Source(s) Location(s) Population Time period

Population studies Decker et al. [15] Rochester, MN Pediatric 1990–2000

(telephone surveys, Adults
patient questionnaires)
Wood et al. [20] USA Pediatric 2011
Tejedor Alonso et al. [27] Alcorcon, Spain Pediatric 2004–2005
Review/systematic review Panesar et al. [3] Europe (multiple countries) Pediatric 2000–2012
Rubin et al. [7] Multiple Pediatric 2001–2012
Chipps et al. [82] Multiple Pediatric 2007–2012
Cohort Brown et al. [87] Hobart, Tasmania, Australia Pediatric 1990–1999
Vezir et al. [89] Ankara, Turkey Pediatric 2010–2012
Case control Gonzalez-Perez et al. [38] London, UK Pediatric 1996–2005
Meta-analysis Umasunthar et al. [2] Multiple Pediatric 1946–2012
Umasunthar et al. [57] Multiple Pediatric 1946–2012

the overall epidemiologic patterns for anaphylaxis [1, 4–7], and schemes for identifying anaphylaxis may be useful in
the global prevalence and incidence of anaphylaxis are difficult enhancing the sensitivity of anaphylaxis diagnoses especially
to estimate due to the heterogeneity of the study populations. in hospitalized patients in whom the discharge diagnosis may
Furthermore, there are few published studies from resource- only rely on the signs and symptoms driving admission.
limited countries on anaphylaxis epidemiology [8]. According to the International Consensus on (ICON) ana-
The use of diagnostic codes to include patients in retrospec- phylaxis collaborative report, the separate practice guidelines
tive chart reviews or database analyses could lead to under or put forth by the World Allergy Organization (WAO); the
over-reporting of anaphylaxis [9]. There are currently limited American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
ICD9 and ICD10 codes specific to anaphylaxis, and the codes (AAAAI)/American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immu-
do not cover all the possible symptoms or triggers. For exam- nology (ACAAI); and the European Academy of Allergy and
ple, the ICD10 system includes a specific code for drug- Clinical Immunology (EAACI) currently provide limited or
induced anaphylaxis but codes for venom- and food- no information about anaphylaxis epidemiology [8, 11–13].
specific-induced anaphylaxis are not included [10]. Creating As such, the report has proposed a research agenda addressing
ICD10 codes specific for anaphylaxis caused by each major the unmet needs for more valid and reliable data about
class of foods could impact dietary avoidance recommenda- prevalence, incidence, and mortality rates; development
tions and clinical management. There may also be variability of more anaphylaxis-specific diagnostic ICD9 and ICD10
in coding practices [11], especially because the clinical defi- codes; and more studies to estimate prevalence in resource-
nition of anaphylaxis is complex. Adding codes that corre- limited countries [13].
spond to the different NIAID clinical definitions of anaphy-
laxis may help to identify more cases of anaphylaxis. For
example, current ICD10 codes refer to only anaphylactic Prevalence and Incidence
shock due to an unknown or unspecified trigger, but it would
be important to include an ICD10 code that covers the range According to the 2006 report by the American College of
of anaphylactic reactions that may be caused by an unidenti- Allergy Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) anaphylaxis
fied trigger. In fact, the 2014 guidelines from the EAACI workgroup, the lifetime prevalence of anaphylaxis in the
Taskforce on Anaphylaxis has identified gaps in simplifying USA is currently estimated to be between 0.05 and 2 % [9].
the diagnostic criteria and the clinical definition of anaphylax- The 2006 NAIAD report estimates the incidence to be around
is for ED staff, as well as in the coding criteria for anaphylaxis 10–20/100,000 population per year [1]. A report by Yocum
to allow accurate epidemiologic reporting [11]. In addition, et al. found an occurrence rate of 30 per 100,000 person-years
considering the variable expressions of disease, algorithmic and an average incidence rate of 21 per 100,000 person-years
Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2018) 54:366–374 369

over a 5-year period in Olmsted County, Minnesota [14]. slightly higher rates in children aged 0–4 years [27]. In the
However, a 2008 population study from Minnesota found same study, females in the 10 years and older group were more
the modest rise in incidence from 46.9 per 100,000 to 58.9 likely to have anaphylaxis [27]. A systematic review by
per 100,000 person-years during a 10-year period [15]. Al- Panesar et al. found a reported range of incidence from 1.5
though Bohlke et al. did not find an increase in incidence in per 100,000 to 32 per 100,000 person-years [3]. Using data
children under the age of 18 years [16], a review of a New that was pooled from three selected population-based studies,
York state database reported a fourfold increase in anaphylaxis they determined that an overall estimated prevalence of ana-
hospitalizations in patients under 20 years [17], and a later phylaxis in Europe was 3 % [3].
study out of New York state described a statistically signifi- Whereas antibiotics are the most common drug trigger in
cant rise in anaphylaxis hospitalizations in patients under the USA, a review of 313 patients in Portugal with a history of
20 years from 2.1 to 3.7 per 100,000 person-years [18]. Sim- drug-induced anaphylaxis revealed that the most common
ilarly, Poulos et al. noted a rise in anaphylaxis hospitalizations trigger was NSAIDS followed by antibiotics and anesthetics,
in Australian children aged 0–4 years from 4.1 to 19.7 per respectively, which the authors attributed to different prescrib-
100,000 person-years, especially a 5.5-fold increase in food- ing patterns [28]. In contrast to the US data, a report by Worm
triggered reactions [19]. Wood et al. recently reported an even et al. of the anaphylaxis registry in Germany, Austria, and
higher prevalence of anaphylaxis in a 2014 study in which Switzerland found that the most common trigger was insect
they conducted two telephone surveys of a randomized sam- venom followed by food and drugs, respectively [29, 30].
ple of the US population [20]. Of the 1000 respondents ana- They are also noted that patients were administered epineph-
lyzed, the authors found that ~7.7 % self-reported having ex- rine as infrequent as 14.5 % of the time. A study by Calderon
perienced an anaphylactic reaction with approximately 5.1 % et al. which reviewed the charts of 135 adults presenting to the
having likely anaphylaxis according to clinical criteria [20]. ED reported that 4.4 % were diagnosed with anaphylaxis and
However, the authors admit that the survey lacked validation another 23 % (25 of 129) of those diagnosed with an allergic
and was subject to potential recall and recruitment bias. reaction met clinical criteria for anaphylaxis [24]. In this study,
The majority of studies have assessed the occurrence of the most common triggers were food or medications.
anaphylaxis in the emergency department (ED), ambulatory Of the studies originating from South America, a 5-year
care setting, and in hospitalized patients [16, 21, 22]. As men- retrospective chart review from Caracas, Venezuela, of ambu-
tioned above, the frequency of anaphylaxis especially present- latory patients found that 179 out of 2421 (7.39 %) cases had
ing to the ED has risen over the past several years, with one had one or more episodes of anaphylaxis [31]. A study by
report citing a 58 % rise [23]. The US telephone survey by Hoyos-Bachiloglu et al. reported that the national admission
Wood et al. found that anaphylaxis episodes occurred most rate for anaphylaxis was 1.41 per 100,000 person-years [32].
commonly at home [20], and because of the varying nature As for recent epidemiologic studies performed in Asia, one
of anaphylactic reactions, some of these patients may never report from Thailand estimated a particularly high incidence
present to a physician, suggesting that the exact incidence of anaphylaxis in the adults presenting to their single ED at
of anaphylaxis in the community is likely underestimated 652 per 100,000 person-years [33], although a study by an-
[9, 20, 24]. other group from Thailand estimated the incidence in admitted
patients at 55.45 per 100,000 person-years [34]. A Singapore
study of 98 pediatric patients who were admitted for anaphy-
Geographic Differences laxis from 2005 to 2009 found that food (63 %), especially
peanuts and medications (30 %), were the most common trig-
Internationally, the majority of the studies hail from the USA gers and that the patients experienced a 3.6 % rate of biphasic
and Europe with some epidemiologic studies originating from reactions [35], which generally concur with studies from other
other continents, such as South America, Australia, and Asia. countries. One retrospective chart review of 108 patients who
As with the studies set within the USA, the European studies developed anaphylaxis while hospitalized in Beijing, China,
also report a variable incidence and prevalence of anaphylaxis between 1990 and 2013 found that most of the patients were
[3]. A report from Manchester, UK, of patients presenting to admitted after 2005 (68.5 %), most were female, and that
paramedics and first aides estimated 0.2 % of emergency cases 89.5 % of anaphylactic events were presumably triggered by
were due to anaphylaxis [25]. The experience in an Italian ED medications [36].
found that 0.7 % of all visits in 1 year were diagnosed with
acute allergic reactions and 4.6 % of these patients had ana-
phylaxis, although they also note that an additional 17.7 % of Risk Factors
this group presented with two or more clinical symptoms [26].
A population study from Spain showed that the incidence of Guidelines from the WAO have reported that infants, teen-
anaphylaxis was 103.37 per 100,000 person-years with agers, pregnant women, and elderly are at higher risk for
370 Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2018) 54:366–374

anaphylaxis due to various reasons [8]. It has been spec- Table 2 Common
triggers for anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis triggers
ulated that some of these populations may also be less
capable of tolerating a systemic insult. Analysis by Clark Drugs
et al. of almost 12,000 ED visits or hospitalizations from Antibiotics
two MarketScan Research databases showed that severe NSAIDS
anaphylaxis was associated with older age and more Immunomodulators
preexisting comorbid conditions [37]. As indicated in the Neuromuscular agents
ICON document, cardiovascular disease and especially Contrast agents
asthma are well-recognized risk factors for anaphylaxis Food
[13, 38]. In patients with food allergy, especially children, Peanut
asthma is known to be associated with more severe reac- Tree nut
tions and an increased risk of anaphylaxis [39, 40]. Co- Shellfish
factors such as exposure to cross-reactive allergens, con- Insect venom
current use of other medications such as cardiac medica- Hymenoptera
tions and NSAIDs, alcohol consumption, exercise and Vespula
stress, and menstruation have been acknowledged to exac- Fire ant
erbate anaphylaxis [41]. Furthermore, as to be expected,
the presence of multiple risk factors and co-factors is more
commonly seen in adults than in children.
It has been well-reported that patients with underlying mast review by Pichichero et al. reports that the risk of anaphylaxis
cell disease may be at higher risk for anaphylaxis, particularly to penicillin appears to range from 0.015 to 0.004 % with a
in reaction to venom [42–45]. In a cohort of 379 subjects with fatality rate of 0.0002 to 0.0015 % [53]. Medications were the
insect sting anaphylaxis, elevated baseline serum tryptase most commonly reported trigger overall at 56.5 % in the
levels were detected in 44 (11.6 %) subjects, of whom 31 population study by Wood et al. [20].
(70.5 %) had a prior history of anaphylaxis, and 7.9 % of Food is often implicated in anaphylaxis, and in infants and
the 379 patients were ultimately diagnosed with monoclonal young children, food is the most common trigger [10, 20, 54].
mast cell activation or systemic mastocytosis [43]. In another Of food-triggered reactions, peanuts and tree nuts were most
series of 84 patients with systemic mastocytosis, 43 % had at frequently identified in several studies, but milk, egg, and
least one episode of anaphylaxis and 53 % had severe reac- shellfish were also commonly documented [5, 22, 55, 56].
tions to Hymenoptera venom [46]. Currently, the joint ACAAI Several studies show that the incidence of food-induced ana-
and AAAAI practice parameters for stinging insect hypersen- phylaxis in children is rising [23, 55]; however, a meta-
sitivity recommend obtaining baseline serum tryptase for a analysis by Umasunthar et al. estimated the incidence of
possible mast cell activation disorder [47]. food-triggered fatal anaphylactic reactions to be rare at 1.35–
2.71 per million person-years [57].
Venom has been estimated to cause between 1.5 and 34 %
Triggers of all cases of anaphylaxis [42]. The presence of concomitant
atopic disease such as allergic rhinitis, food allergy, or asthma
Anaphylaxis is a clinical syndrome that can be caused by also increases the risk for insect sting anaphylaxis [3].
various classes of triggers. Among several studies reviewed Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) is
herein, the triggers most frequently identified were medica- an important, albeit less prevalent, consideration in anaphy-
tions, foods, and insect stings (Table 2). Often, exact triggers laxis etiologies but can be challenging to diagnose given the
are not identified if at all [48] during the acute event, leading varying period of time between food ingestion and exercise
to often misdiagnosing or underdiagnosing anaphylaxis, and that could trigger symptoms [58]. Classic triggers for FDEIA
inciting triggers may vary by setting. In a study by Jerschow include wheat, celery, and shellfish; however, any food can be
et al., outpatient fatal anaphylaxis was more associated with associated [58]. Delayed reactions to red meat triggered by
food whereas drug-induced anaphylaxis was more common galactose-α-1,3-galactose [59], an oligosaccharide present in
with hospitalized inpatients [10]. red meat, and cases of underlying systemic mastocytosis are
The most common etiology for anaphylaxis in adults is also increasingly recognized as possible etiologies for what
drugs. The most commonly associated medications being an- may otherwise appear as idiopathic anaphylaxis [48]. Rare
tibiotics, NSAIDs, and immunomodulators or biological anaphylactic reactions to other triggers have been reported in
agents [8]. Particular anesthetics, such as the neuromuscular the literature including but not limited to supplements [60],
blocking agents [49], contrast agents and dyes [15, 28, 50, 51], honey [61], vaccines [62–64], chemicals and latex [65], and
and chemotherapeutic agents [52] are also frequently cited. A dust mite ingestion [31].
Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2018) 54:366–374 371

Allergy immunotherapy also poses a risk for anaphylaxis; acute allergic reactions including anaphylaxis of 1.13 (95 %
however, there have been very few reports of fatalities asso- CI, 1.01–1.27) [73]. Mulla et al. also note similar findings in
ciated with anaphylaxis caused by immunotherapy [66]. A 4- which younger New York residents were more likely than
year survey of allergist/immunologists experience with sub- Florida residents to be hospitalized for anaphylaxis [18].
cutaneous allergen immunotherapy revealed only one death Using epinephrine prescribing patterns as an indirect measure
and an overall rate of systemic allergic reactions at 0.1 % [66]. of anaphylaxis incidence, Camargo et al. reported that the
Often though, the specific trigger may not be identified highest number of epinephrine prescriptions were written in
when the reaction is occurring acutely especially if the reaction Massachusetts (11.8 per 1000 persons) as compared to a sun-
is occurring for the first time, and sometimes triggers for ana- ny state like Hawaii (2.7 per 1000 persons) [74]. The reverse is
phylaxis may only be retrospectively identified at a follow-up seen in the southern hemisphere where a 2009 study out of
evaluation. One study of ED records in Florida found that only Australia by Mullin et al. showed that epinephrine prescrip-
37 % of patients could pinpoint a specific trigger upon presen- tion rates and hospital admission rates were higher in the
tation [67], and a review by Lieberman et al. reports that up to southern regions than in the northern regions, but where there
60 % of cases referred to a specialist are considered idiopathic is more sun exposure, a pattern that was also noted from a
and appears to be more common in adults and in women [48]. study out of Chile [32]. All these studies appear to suggest that
the incidence of anaphylaxis may vary with latitude and fur-
ther support a possible role of sun exposure and vitamin D in
Trends in Biphasic Reactions the occurrence of anaphylaxis.

The prevalence of biphasic reactions is difficult to assess.

Patients may not be adequately monitored in the ED after Variation by Age and Sex
the initial acute reaction, and symptoms occurring later may
not be recognized as being related to the initial reaction. Pa- Anaphylaxis can occur at any age, even in infants [40, 75–77].
tients are generally observed at least 4–6 h for the possibility Data from an European anaphylaxis registry revealed that over
of a biphasic reaction [68, 69]. A study from Switzerland of one quarter of cases occur under 18 years of age [30]. Food is
over 250,000 patients who presented to the ED found that the most common trigger for young children, as opposed to
4.5 % of the patients presenting with anaphylaxis had biphasic adults over age 30 years in whom medications become the
reactions which were not associated with any specific risk more prevalent trigger. Cutaneous symptoms are the most
factors [70]. Grunau et al. reviewed over 2800 adult patients common in children and adults; however, children more
presenting to the ED and found, in contrast, that few (0.18 %) frequently experience respiratory symptoms in contrast to
of allergic or anaphylactic reactions were associated with a adults who are more likely to have cardiovascular symp-
significant biphasic reaction [71]. No deaths were reported toms [4, 5, 78, 79]. Whereas rates of biphasic reactions as
in either study [70, 71]. high as 20 % have been reported in adults [80], a pedi-
atric series by Lee et al. reports about 6 % of hospitalized
children had biphasic reactions with 3 % having signifi-
Variation by Season and Latitude cant reactions [81]. In addition, delayed administration of
epinephrine was associated with increased biphasic reactions
A possible variation in anaphylaxis occurrence by time of the [81, 82]. With regard to outcomes in pediatric patients, Rubin
year has been suggested by a number of studies. Simon et al. et al. note that there are very limited randomized, controlled
found that most of the life-threatening reactions occurred in trials assessing epinephrine treatment or treatment with corti-
the spring and summer [72]. A study by Vassallo et al. of over costeroids and antihistamines specifically in children [7], even
3700 patients in Boston found that, in children under 18 years though there is fairly strong evidence that timely administra-
of age, food-induced anaphylaxis was more common in those tion of epinephrine is the recommended first-line treatment for
who were born in the fall (26 %) and winter (28 %) versus anaphylaxis [1].
spring (21 %) and summer (25 %). In the older group, they did In the pediatric population, anaphylaxis appears to occur
not see an increase in fall/winter births. However, just as vita- more commonly in boys and particularly in older children and
min D has been associated with the rise of asthma and atopic adolescents, possibly in part due to increased risk-taking [16,
dermatitis, the authors propose that perhaps vitamin D status 79]. On the other hand, in the adult population, anaphylaxis is
and amount of exposure to UVB light may account of these most often diagnosed in middle-aged females [20]. In general
seasonal differences. though, older age appears to be more associated with severe,
An US analysis of 17.3 million ED visits in different geo- fatal anaphylaxis [8, 10, 83], likely due to other comorbid,
graphic locations by Rudders et al. found that the Northeast underlying medical issues and decreased ability to tolerate
states had a higher odds ratio than the South states for visits for the symptoms of a severe reaction [8, 83].
372 Clinic Rev Allerg Immunol (2018) 54:366–374

Fatality and Mortality anaphylaxis education and research programs, improve the
quality of health services for anaphylaxis in the community,
Examination of ED discharge records and death certificates and facilitate more prompt treatment of these patients.
over a 10-year period from three US databases including the
Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), the Nationwide Emer-
gency Department Sample (NEDS), and Multiple Cause of
Death Data (MCDD) showed that the case fatality rate ranged References
between 0.25 and 0.33 % of hospitalizations or ED presen-
tations for anaphylaxis [84]. Although the average fatality 1. Sampson HA, Munoz-Furlong A, Campbell RL et al (2006) Second
rate remained consistent at ~0.3 % in this study, the rate of symposium on the definition and management of anaphylaxis: sum-
mary report—Second National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
hospitalization for anaphylaxis was noted to increase by
Disease/Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network symposium. J
2.23 % annually [84]. Likewise, a recent study from the Allergy Clin Immunol 117(2):391–397
UK found that while the incidence of anaphylaxis-related 2. Umasunthar T, Leonardi-Bee J, Turner PJ, et al (2014) Incidence of
hospitalizations was dramatically increased from 1992 to food anaphylaxis in people with food allergy: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. Clin Exp Allergy. doi:10.1111/cea.12477
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3. Panesar SS, Javad S, de Silva D et al (2013) The epidemiology
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specific reactions, Bock et al. estimated from pooled studies 1353–1361
that food allergy accounted for approximately 150–200 4. Bjornsson HM, Graffeo CS (2010) Improving diagnostic accuracy
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5. Dinakar C (2012) Anaphylaxis in children: current understanding
11-year period by Jerschow et al. showed that fatal anaphy- and key issues in diagnosis and treatment. Curr Allergy Asthma
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African-American race and older age whereas anaphylaxis 6. Gupta RS (2014) Anaphylaxis in the young adult population. Am J
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from venom was associated with white race, older age, and
7. Rubin T, Clayton J, Adams D, Jou H, Vohra S (2014) Systematic
male sex [10]. The highest risk of fatality from anaphylaxis review of outcome measures in trials of pediatric anaphylaxis treat-
was also associated with persons 60 years and older in the UK ment. BMC Pediatr 14:158
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ated with increased risk for fatality, and several studies reveal 9. Lieberman P, Camargo CA Jr, Bohlke K et al (2006) Epidemiology
a continued disparity between the diagnosis of anaphylaxis of anaphylaxis: findings of the American College of Allergy,
and frequency of epinephrine treatment [8, 9, 11]. About Asthma and Immunology Epidemiology of Anaphylaxis Working
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Similar rates were reported by Calderon et al. with only 63 % and demographic associations. J Allergy Clin Immunol 134(6):
of recognized and 4 % of unrecognized anaphylaxis cases 1318–1328
being treated with epinephrine in the ED [24]. Rates as low 11. Muraro A, Roberts G, Worm M et al (2014) Anaphylaxis: guidelines
as treatment of 8 % of patients have been cited, while the from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
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majority of studies report treatment rates between 30 and 12. Lieberman P, Nicklas RA, Oppenheimer J et al (2010) The diagno-
60 % [39, 89–92]. sis and management of anaphylaxis practice parameter: 2010 up-
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sensus on (ICON) anaphylaxis. World Allergy Organ J 7(1):9
Summary and Conclusions 14. Yocum MW, Butterfield JH, Klein JS, Volcheck GW, Schroeder
DR, Silverstein MD (1999) Epidemiology of anaphylaxis in
Anaphylaxis is a clinical diagnosis comprising of multiple Olmsted County: a population-based study. J Allergy Clin
clinical features, making accurate reporting of incidence and Immunol 104(2 Pt 1):452–456
prevalence difficult. In general, the incidence and prevalence 15. Decker WW, Campbell RL, Manivannan Vet al (2008) The etiology
and incidence of anaphylaxis in Rochester, Minnesota: a report from
appear to be higher than previously thought particularly in the Rochester Epidemiology Project. J Allergy Clin Immunol
certain patient groups and likely due to improved diagnosis 122(6):1161–1165
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