CMP5361 Computer Mathematics and Declarative Programming ASSESSMENT BRIEF

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CMP5361 Computer Mathematics and Declarative

Coursework Assignment Brief

Assessment - Undergraduate

Academic Year 2023-24

Module Title: Computer Mathematics and Declarative Programming

Module Code: CMP5361

Report of tasks on creating Software Systems using
Assessment Title: Declarative Programming and Mathematical techniques,
supported by reflective knowledge checkpoints
Assessment Type: CWRK Weighting: 100 %

College: College of Computing

Module Co-ordinator: EMMETT COOPER

Summative Reflective Knowledge Checkpoint

“Milestones” (40%):

Individual Knowledge Checkpoint quizzes (20%, this is

½ of the 40%)
Knowledge Checkpoint 1 – Quiz (10%)
• Opens in week 7 (w/c 04/03/2024)
• Includes post quiz questionnaire.
• Attempted by you individually.1
Knowledge Checkpoint 2 – Quiz (10%)
Hand in details: • Opens in week 11 (w/c 15/04/2024)
• Includes post quiz questionnaire.
• Attempted by you individually.1

All knowledge checkpoint quiz attempts should be

completed by 15:00PM on Friday 10th May 2024, before
the submission of your final summative report and your
reflective questionnaire.

1 It isn’t about what your mate / partner understands, it is about what you understand.

1 CEBE UG Assignment brief revised 03/08/2018

CMP5361 Computer Mathematics and Declarative

Summative Individual Knowledge checkpoint reflective

questionnaire (20%, this is ½ of the 40%)
15:00PM on 22nd May 2024
Accompanying your final report submission, you will be
asked to fill out a final reflective questionnaire. This will
again be, attempted by you individually

Formative Final Report Draft submission [Non-

compulsory, Optional]:
• 15:00PM on 22nd March 2024
• Attempted by you either individually or within a

Summative Final report submission (60%):

Final summative submission:
• 15:00PM on 20th May 2024
• Attempted by you either individually or within a
• Each student expected to make a submission to
Moodle – even if you are in a pair, we need you to
• This is the final submission point which you will
receive the majority of marks for (we call this the final
summative submission). Make sure you have
effectively leveraged all feedback provided in class
and in the support sessions.
Return of Feedback date 20 working days from date of submission (see Moodle for
and format details).
Re-assessment hand in 3.00pm on Monday 22nd July 2024.
deadline date: Note: the reassessment work may be different.
Support available for
Timetabled support sessions will be arranged for the period
students required to
immediately preceding the hand-in date.
submit a re-assessment:

At the first assessment attempt, the full range of marks is

NOTE: available. At the re-assessment attempt the mark is capped
and the maximum mark that can be achieved is 40%.

2 CEBE UG Assignment brief revised 03/08/2018

CMP5361 Computer Mathematics and Declarative

Assessment Summary There are two major assignment pieces with multiple
deliverables for each.

Individual Summative Reflective Knowledge Check-up

These form milestones towards completing the assignment
they start off as a set of knowledge check-up quiz
checkpoints that encourage you to form and support your
foundational knowledge of the module content early so that
you can better leverage them for the main final summative
• Knowledge Checkpoints (20%)
o Knowledge Checkpoint 1 Quiz (10%)
▪ Moodle based quiz.
• With post quiz questionnaire
▪ Partial open book
• 2 double sided sheets of A4
notes allowed.
▪ Opens in week 7.
▪ Checks knowledge of topics from weeks
▪ 3 attempts allowed for this checkpoint;
best attempt used for awarded mark.
• Multiple attempt opportunities will
be provided before Friday 10th
May 2024
o Knowledge Checkpoint 2 Quiz (10%)
▪ Moodle based quiz.
▪ With post quiz questionnaire
▪ Partial open book
• 2 double sided sheets of A4
notes allowed.
▪ Opens in week 11.
▪ Checks knowledge of topics from weeks
1 - 10
▪ 3 attempts allowed for this checkpoint;
best attempt used for awarded mark.
• Multiple attempt opportunities will
be provided before Friday 10th
May 2024
• Individual Knowledge checkpoint reflective
questionnaire (20%)
o Reflection on quiz 1
▪ Reflect on your attempts, how has
revising for the quiz and attempting the
quiz questions helped bolster your basic

3 CEBE UG Assignment brief revised 03/08/2018

CMP5361 Computer Mathematics and Declarative

knowledge of the topics ahead of the

o Reflection on quiz 2
▪ Reflect on your attempts, how has
revising for the quiz and attempting the
quiz questions helped bolster your basic
knowledge of the topics ahead of the
o You will be expected to reflect on how you
leveraged the foundational knowledge gained
over the course of the labs, and checked in
part during the quizzes to bolster the basic
knowledge you need to complete your final

Individual / Paired Summative Final report submission

This is a written assessment consisting of your discussion of
multiple activities/tasks that are attempted. You may work
individually or in a pair, based on your preference/needs2.
You will be given the opportunity for in-person feedback
within the labs.
• Final report submission
o Individual / Paired Task report
▪ 60% - without the report you will receive
no marks for this submission the
discussion / explanation of your attempt
at the tasks is vital
▪ This is an individual report of your efforts
to produce a solution for each task
o Zip file of source code and other accompanying

Now, please:

• Read the assignment brief carefully, making note of

any questions you might have.
• Review the Marking criteria.
• Work through the checklists provided on Moodle for
the relevant tasks.
• Clarify any points you are unsure of with the module

2 If you wish to work in a pair then you will need to confirm this within the Checkpoint 1 questionnaire

4 CEBE UG Assignment brief revised 03/08/2018


Undergraduate Regulations

Your studies will be governed by the BCU Academic Regulations on Assessment, Progression and
Awards. Copies of regulations can be found at

For courses accredited by professional bodies such as the IET (Institution of Engineering and
Technology) there are some derogations from the standard regulations, and these are detailed in
the academic regulations.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Both cheating and plagiarism are totally unacceptable, and the University maintains a strict policy
against them. It is YOUR responsibility to be aware of this policy and to act accordingly. Please
refer to the Academic Registry Guidance at

The basic principles are:

• Don’t pass off anyone else’s work as your own, including work from “essay banks”. This is
plagiarism and is viewed extremely seriously by the University.
• Don’t submit a piece of work in whole or in part that has already been submitted for
assessment elsewhere. This is called duplication and, like plagiarism, is viewed extremely
seriously by the University.
• Always acknowledge all of the sources that you have used in your coursework assignment
or project.
• If you are using the exact words of another person, always put them in quotation marks.
• Check that you know whether the coursework is to be produced individually or whether you
can work with others.
• If you are doing group work, be sure about what you are supposed to do on your own.
• Never make up or falsify data to prove your point.
• Never allow others to copy your work.
• Never lend disks, memory sticks or copies of your coursework to any other student in the
University; this may lead you being accused of collusion.
• AI tools cannot be used to write assignments as these have to be your own work. Please
refer to: FAQ link

By submitting coursework, either physically or electronically, you are confirming that it is your own
work (or, in the case of a group submission, that it is the result of joint work undertaken by
members of the group that you represent) and that you have read and understand the University’s
guidance on plagiarism and cheating.

You should be aware that coursework may be submitted to an electronic detection system to help
ascertain if any plagiarised material is present. You may check your own work prior to submission
using Turnitin at the Formative Moodle Site. If you have queries about what constitutes plagiarism,
please speak to your module tutor or the Centre for Academic Success.

Electronic Submission of Work

It is your responsibility to ensure that work submitted in electronic format can be opened on a
faculty computer and to check that any electronic submissions have been successfully uploaded. If
it cannot be opened it will not be marked. Any required file formats will be specified in the
assignment brief and failure to comply with these submission requirements will result in work not

being marked. You must retain a copy of all electronic work you have submitted and re-submit if

Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:

1 Design solutions using appropriate mathematical structures and programming


2 Implement programming solutions within the declarative paradigm.

3 Test and verify program code by applying appropriate methods.

4 Appraise and present a team-based software solution to stakeholders.

Assessment Details:


Report detailing the completion of four tasks related to the creation and evaluation of
software systems along with the Theoretical concepts (including Mathematical) that
underpin these.


Individual / Paired development Report with checkpoint milestones

An individually/paired assessed coursework project that will discuss your experiences in

completion of a set of individual activities related to the: Planning and Design,
Development/Implementation, and Testing of Software systems produced using
Declarative Programming techniques combined with demonstrating knowledge and skill
regarding the high-level abstract concepts (e.g. Mathematical) and low-level (Machine level)
concerns that underpin your attempts.


A good Software Developer develops their skill and knowledge across multiple paradigms
and can effectively leverage theoretical knowledge to guide the planning, implementation,
and testing of their solutions.

This coursework allows you to develop your skills in creating software systems in different
stages of the development cycle (from planning to implementation and concluding with
testing and evaluation). This coursework also values the development of several areas of
knowledge as well as key skills that are highly important, not just for your future as a student
of Computer Science but also for those wishing to go into a career in Software

Working on the development of software systems at various stages allows you to develop,
not only your technical programming skills but also your intuition regarding ways to construct
software systems. You should seek to leverage theoretical knowledge at the intersection of
programming and mathematics, in particular the use of appropriate data structures and
algorithms to represent and process your data.

The report allows you to try to deeply analyse your approach to developing software
systems from scratch, along with providing you with the opportunity to discuss your various
decisions with your tutors and peers (backed up by your developing knowledge and skills).


Throughout the module labs you will be provided with a set of “Coursework activities”.

These "Coursework activities" will provide exercises focused on the main topic types
covered in this module.
• T1 Planning and Design based on Mathematical and Declarative Programming
• T2 Program Implementation based on Declarative Programming tools and
• T3 Testing and Verification of Programs via appropriate tools and techniques.
• T4 Understanding and exploring team-based software development.

How will I identify the "Coursework activities" within the lab materials?

Coursework activities will be found within the weekly blocks on Moodle for the Academic
year 2023/20243 these will start to be provided on Moodle from week 6 onwards4. The task
type that a given activity belongs to will be identified within the lab notes by prefixing the
task title with the Task id it belongs to e.g. "T1: Modelling the flow of data within a software
system using graphs". Each of these "Coursework activities" will detail tasks for you to
perform and document for that assessment topic.

How many task activities will I be expected to attempt?

You will be expected to attempt at least one of each of the exercises from each task type
and to document your efforts in a report, thus the minimum amount of task activity
attempts expected will be 4 (one attempt for each task type, T1, T2, T3 and T4). The
highest quality activity attempt within each task group will be used as the mark for grade
calculation of that task.

Details of the exercises for each task type, along with specific instructions on what is
expected from each exercise, will be available on Moodle within the lab materials.

Any tips on what I should discuss?

3 Do not attempt tasks that are provided in the materials for previous years, the previous materials are
provided for reference only
4 We want you to focus on laying your knowledge foundations first before rushing into tasks with little to no

foundational understanding
When attempting and discussing each task, try to ensure that you have covered the
following key areas within your discussion:

• Evidence
o You need to provide appropriate evidence to support the case that the activity
has been attempted and completed successfully.
▪ We want some clear verifiable evidence of what you did to complete the
task, this will likely include: diagrams, formulae and pseudocode for the
planning / design; source code snippets and screenshots of the running
code for the implementation; test case plans, automated testing code
snippets and screenshots of test runs for the testing / evaluation, etc
• Discussion and reflection
o To demonstrate understanding it is often important to ask specific kinds of
questions, this is common across Science and Engineering but also in every
day life.
o Your discussion should attempt to detail the what, why, how, who and when
of the task, in doing so your discussion should reveal the depth of your
understanding of the Software Engineering / Computer Science skills and
knowledge being leveraged
▪ What
• What task activity is being undertaken?
• What are the key components, systems, concepts, or techniques
under scrutiny?
▪ Why
• Why would this activity be undertaken? – i.e. what possible
benefits can be derived from this?
• Why do we have these key components, systems, or
techniques? Or why is the concept being explored important to
understand / relevant to the topic area?
▪ How
• How was the task activity attempted?
• How do the components, systems or concepts under discussion
relate to each other to form a more coherent ‘whole’?
• How did I contribute to completion of the task?
▪ Who
• Identify who a particular decision regarding the design,
implementation or testing would be for in an industry setting
o For each major decision you make, who benefits?
▪ The Customer / User
▪ The Software Engineers
▪ etc
▪ When
• Identify how time was planned out and used effectively when
completing the task.
o Based on how you used this time, how might this compare
to industry?
o This should be accompanied by reflective comments throughout the report.
• Justification

o All relevant major decisions, actions taken, or arguments put forth should be
justified clearly and rationally where the reader can easily understand the
reasoning behind your thoughts.
• Referencing
o The discussion should be supported by appropriate use of referencing and
citations, this can be used to provide further external evidence for your
• Structure
o The report should be structured in a clean, clear and coherent style in a
manner that makes it easy for the reader to follow.

When judging the word count for each section, pay careful attention to the marking
percentages expected for each task (see mark scheme). Heavier weighted tasks would
usually be expected to have more detailed / lengthy discussions, a rough example guideline
for how you could go about dividing the word count amongst each of the task activities is:

• T1
o Approximately 1200-1500 words (not including source code snippets, tables,
figures, references, appendices, etc)
• T2
o Approximately 1400-1500 words (not including source code snippets, tables,
figures, references, appendices, etc)
• T3
o Approximately 800-1000 words (not including source code snippets, tables,
figures, references, appendices, etc)
• T4
o Approximately 600-800 words (not including source code snippets, tables,
figures, references, appendices, etc)
Top tip:
When starting off with your discussion you want to focus on getting all the desired content
together first, rather than worrying about the form it is presented in. To do this it is better to
focus on all the elements you wish to discuss, rather than always obsessing over the
wordcount. Only when you have your report in a state where you have everything you
wanted to discuss there on the page, should you try to condense, trim and optimise it. 5

Remember, the word count does not include: the title page, headings, figures, captions,
tables, citations, references, and appendices you can make use of this when attempting to
condense and optimise your discussions after you have laid out all of the desired discussion

What if I/we have included multiple exercise attempts for a given task?

As discussed previously, you will be marked based on your highest quality task
attempts. As the highest quality attempt for each task type (T1, T2, T3 and T4) will be
used for marking purposes, this also means that should you attempt two or more

5This tip can be helpful in achieving flow state when writing your report. Which can really
help make you be more productive when writing, when programming and in other areas.
exercises for a given task, you will not be penalised for the lower quality task
attempts bringing you over the suggested wordcount.

Additional information:

The report is a purposeful collection of your work that tells the story of your efforts, progress,
achievement, and self-reflection throughout the learning process (centred on your solution
attempts for these tasks/exercises). Thus, you need to choose the tasks/exercises which
you believe will allow you to best portray the depth of learning, skills, and knowledge you
have developed within the module. Diagrams, Screenshots, Source code snippets (text-
based) and other forms of figures should be used to centre points of discussion regarding
these task/exercise attempts.

Formative Draft: Planning and Experimentation (0%)

[Initial attempt at planning and design, as well as any further experimentation with
implementation or testing before full implementation]
• One report in PDF or Word format with your name and student number included.
• Source code and other accompany evidence, each file having a clear comment at the
top indicating the author(s) (your name and student ID).
• Not compulsory

1. Cover page with; module code, title, coordinator name; your name and student number;
2. Team members identification
3. Task 1: Documenting your Planning and Design Progress6
• Document as much of you and your team’s progress with the planning and
design process thus far
4. Task 2: Documenting your Initial Implementation Experimentation Progress
• Document as much of you and your team’s progress with the implementation
process thus far
5. Task 3: Documenting your Testing and Verification Planning
• Document how you and your team plan to test the software system produced.
6. Conclusion
7. References.

Final Individual/Paired report submission (60%)

·One report in PDF or Word format with your name(s) and student number(s) included on
the front page.
·Source code and other accompany evidence, each file having a clear comment at the top
indicating the author(s) (your name and student ID).


6 Aim to at least have this for the draft submission as it lays the foundation for the rest of your report
1. Cover page with; module code, title, coordinator name; your name and student number;
2. Team members identification
3. Task 1: Planning and Design
4. Task 2: Implementation
5. Task 3: Testing and Verification
6. Task 4: Understanding and exploring team-based software development
7. Conclusion
8. References.

For advice on writing style, referencing and academic skills, please make use of the Centre
for Academic Success: Centre for Academic Success - student support | Birmingham City
University (

Summative Reflective Knowledge Checkpoint “Milestones” (40%)
Knowledge check-ups with accompanying questionnaires.
Each quiz between 20-30 minutes, followed by a questionnaire.

Formative Draft: Planning and Experimentation (0%, Non-compulsory, Optional)

Recommended length of the summative draft plan is 2500 words excluding title page,
headings, figures, captions, tables, citations, references, and appendices. You should build
on from this further for your final summative report submission.
This submission is non-compulsory, it is simply provided to accompany the compulsory
knowledge check-ups with another check-up opportunity ahead of your final piece.

Final Summative report submission (60%)

Recommended length of the final report is around 4,000 - 5,000 words excluding title page,
headings, figures, captions, tables, citations, references, and appendices. A typical student
would be expected to spend a minimum of 70 hours preparing the coursework to pass this

Transferable skills:

• Problem solving
• Time keeping
• Project management
• Written communication skills
• Professional portfolio development
• Continuing Professional Development via Reflective Practice

Assessment Structure

Figure 1 Bloom's taxonomy learning pyramid, image courtesy of Vanderbilt University

The assessment’s structure is all geared around encouraging you to develop your basic foundational knowledge and skills, and then
building on these foundations even further ahead of the final submission. The better you utilise the structure provided, the greater
opportunity you will have, not only to produce a high-quality piece of work at the end of the module, but to fundamentally deepen and
broaden your skills as a Software Engineer and Computer Scientist.

Marking Criteria:

Knowledge Checkpoint “Milestones” (40%)

The knowledge checkpoints exist to check how well you are progressing in the development of your basic foundational skills and
knowledge ahead of the final summative report.

Individual Knowledge checkpoint quizzes (20%, ½ of the 40%)

Marks available for the checkpoint questions are specified alongside the checkpoint quiz questions, a questionnaire should also be filled
out to accompany each quiz attempt, without this questionnaire your submission for that checkpoint quiz will be regarded as incomplete.
These don’t exist as quizzes / tests in the traditional sense (i.e. not just about getting a mark), they are part of the overall coursework
assessment because they are an opportunity to check your basic knowledge and understanding as well as your ability to apply some of
this developing knowledge so far.7

Individual Knowledge checkpoint final reflective questionnaire (20%, ½ of the 40%)

The final questionnaire is to accompany the final summative report. The final reflective questionnaire is an opportunity to reflect on your
work by appraising, judging and justifying the approach that you have taken to the work based on the foundational layers of knowledge
you have developed through attempting the lab work, engaging in discussions within the labs / support sessions and revising for your
checkpoint quizzes.8

7If we were to think about where we are on a learning pyramid we are starting out by checking your “remembering”, “understanding”, and “applying”
8In other words how did you utilise the learning opportunities available within the module to lay a foundation for the deeper learning and skills development, which
you have presented in your final summative report attempt.
Formative Draft Report (0%, Non-compulsory, optional submission)

The purpose of this formative draft is to encourage you to make some decent progress towards the final report submission and the
expected tasks that they discuss early on. While the formative draft submission is optional you may find that partaking in it, along with
utilising any feedback / discussion provided based on the submissions, will help you make further progress towards the final submission.

Table of Assessment Criteria and Associated Grading Criteria

Learning 1 2 3
Outcomes Design solutions using appropriate Implement programming Test and verify program code by
mathematical structures and solutions within the declarative applying appropriate methods.
programming techniques. paradigm.
Assessment Initial Planning and Design Progress: Programming Implementation Progress: Testing and Verification Planning:
Criteria discussion and evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence

Grading The evidence provided is highly unsatisfactory and The evidence provided is highly unsatisfactory and The evidence provided is highly unsatisfactory and
Criteria has many major issues in one or more of the has many major issues in one or more of the has many major issues in one or more of the
following dimensions: following dimensions: following dimensions:
• Understanding the intended user • Experimental implementations of the data • Unclear planning regarding what aspects
0 – 29% base of the software system. types and data structures identified during of the system will need to be tested (and
F • Understanding the software the data modelling phase (during planning why)
system via user behaviour and design) • Unclear planning regarding how manual
planning • Experimental implementation of the testing will be performed.
• Understanding the software program behaviours (e.g., data • Unclear planning regarding how
system by modelling the data transformations, etc) identified during the automated testing could be leveraged.
which it will manipulate. program behaviour modelling phase
• Understanding the software (during planning and design)
system by modelling the program The overall structure and presentation of this
behaviours (e.g., transformations section is very poor.
and manipulations of data) that The overall structure and presentation of this
will be performed. section is very poor.

The overall structure and presentation of this

section is very poor.

Learning 1 2 3
Outcomes Design solutions using appropriate Implement programming Test and verify program code by
mathematical structures and solutions within the declarative applying appropriate methods.
programming techniques. paradigm.
Assessment Initial Planning and Design Progress: Programming Implementation Progress: Testing and Verification Planning:
Criteria discussion and evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence

30 – 39% The task has not been completed to a satisfactory The task has not been completed to a satisfactory The task has not been completed to a satisfactory
E level of quality; major issues are present in one or level of quality; major issues are present in one or level of quality; major issues are present in one or
more of the following dimensions: more of the following dimensions: more of the following dimensions:
• Understanding the intended user • Experimental implementations of the data • Unclear planning regarding what aspects
base of the software system. types and data structures identified during of the system will need to be tested (and
• Understanding the software the data modelling phase (during planning why)
system via user behaviour and design) • Unclear planning regarding how manual
planning • Experimental implementation of the testing will be performed.
• Understanding the software program behaviours (e.g., data • Unclear planning regarding how
system by modelling the data transformations, etc) identified during the automated testing could be leveraged.
which it will manipulate. program behaviour modelling phase
• Understanding the software (during planning and design)
system by modelling the program
behaviours (e.g., transformations The overall structure and presentation of this
and manipulations of data) that The overall structure and presentation of this section is unacceptable based on what would be
will be performed. section is unacceptable based on what would be expected of students working at your level. The
expected of students working at your level. The document contains insufficient detail to capture the
document contains insufficient detail to capture the details of the task to a satisfactory standard.
The overall structure and presentation of this details of the task to a satisfactory standard.
section is unacceptable based on what would be
expected of students working at your level. The
document contains insufficient detail to capture the
details of the task to a satisfactory standard.

Learning 1 2 3
Outcomes Design solutions using appropriate Implement programming Test and verify program code by
mathematical structures and solutions within the declarative applying appropriate methods.
programming techniques. paradigm.
Assessment Initial Planning and Design Progress: Programming Implementation Progress: Testing and Verification Planning:
Criteria discussion and evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence

40 – 49% The task has been completed to a satisfactory level The task has been completed to a satisfactory level The task has been completed to a satisfactory level
D of quality though issues are present in one or more of quality though issues are present in one or more of quality though issues are present in one or more
of the following dimensions: of the following dimensions: of the following dimensions:
• Understanding the intended user • Experimental implementations of the data • Planning regarding what aspects of the
base of the software system. types and data structures identified during system will need to be tested (and why)
• Understanding the software the data modelling phase (during planning • Planning regarding how manual testing
system via user behaviour and design) will be performed.
planning • Experimental implementation of the • Planning regarding how automated testing
• Understanding the software program behaviours (e.g., data could be leveraged.
system by modelling the data transformations, etc) identified during the
which it will manipulate. program behaviour modelling phase
• Understanding the software (during planning and design)
system by modelling the program The overall structure and presentation of this
behaviours (e.g., transformations The overall structure and presentation of this section is acceptable to what would be expected of
and manipulations of data) that section is acceptable to what would be expected of students working at your level. The document is
will be performed. students working at your level. The document is easy to read (though there may be a few issues)
easy to read (though there may be a few issues) and contains sufficient detail to capture the details
The overall structure and presentation of this and contains sufficient detail to capture the details of the task to a satisfactory standard.
section is acceptable to what would be expected of of the task to a satisfactory standard.
students working at your level. The document is
easy to read (though there may be a few issues)
and contains sufficient detail to capture the details
of the task to a satisfactory standard.

Learning 1 2 3
Outcomes Design solutions using appropriate Implement programming Test and verify program code by
mathematical structures and solutions within the declarative applying appropriate methods.
programming techniques. paradigm.
Assessment Initial Planning and Design Progress: Programming Implementation Progress: Testing and Verification Planning:
Criteria discussion and evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence

50 – 59% The task has been completed to a good level of The task has been completed to a good level of The task has been completed to a good level of
C quality though issues are present in one or more of quality though issues are present in one or more of quality though issues are present in one or more of
the following dimensions: the following dimensions: the following dimensions:
• Understanding the intended user • Experimental implementations of the data • Planning regarding what aspects of the
base of the software system. types and data structures identified during system will need to be tested (and why)
• Understanding the software the data modelling phase (during planning • Planning regarding how manual testing
system via user behaviour and design) will be performed.
planning • Experimental implementation of the • Planning regarding how automated testing
• Understanding the software program behaviours (e.g., data could be leveraged.
system by modelling the data transformations, etc) identified during the
which it will manipulate. program behaviour modelling phase
• Understanding the software (during planning and design)
system by modelling the program The overall structure and presentation of this
behaviours (e.g., transformations section is somewhat well-thought-out. The
and manipulations of data) that The overall structure and presentation of this document is fairly easy to read (though there may
will be performed. section is somewhat well-thought-out. The be some issues) and contains sufficient detail to
document is fairly easy to read (though there may capture the details of the task to a reasonably
be some issues) and contains sufficient detail to satisfactory standard.
The overall structure and presentation of this capture the details of the task to a reasonably
section is somewhat well-thought-out. The satisfactory standard.
document is fairly easy to read (though there may
be some issues) and contains sufficient detail to
capture the details of the task to a reasonably
satisfactory standard.

Learning 1 2 3
Outcomes Design solutions using appropriate Implement programming Test and verify program code by
mathematical structures and solutions within the declarative applying appropriate methods.
programming techniques. paradigm.
Assessment Initial Planning and Design Progress: Programming Implementation Progress: Testing and Verification Planning:
Criteria discussion and evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence

60 – 69% The task has been completed to a good level of The task has been completed to a good level of The task has been completed to a good level of
B quality though some issues are present. quality though some issues are present in one or quality though some issues are present in one or
more of the following dimensions: more of the following dimensions:
The attempt reveals a good understanding of the • Experimental implementations of the data • Planning regarding what aspects of the
theoretical and practical concerns related to the types and data structures identified during system will need to be tested (and why)
task exercise with some issues present in one or the data modelling phase (during planning • Planning regarding how manual testing
more of the following dimensions: and design) will be performed.
• Understanding the intended user • Experimental implementation of the • Planning regarding how automated testing
base of the software system. program behaviours (e.g., data could be leveraged.
• Understanding the software transformations, etc) identified during the
system via user behaviour program behaviour modelling phase
planning (during planning and design)
• Understanding the software The overall structure and presentation of this
system by modelling the data section is generally well-thought-out. The document
which it will manipulate. The overall structure and presentation of this is easy to read (though there may be some fairly
• Understanding the software section is generally well-thought-out. The document minor issues) and contains sufficient detail to
system by modelling the program is easy to read (though there may be some fairly capture the details of the task to a good standard.
behaviours (e.g., transformations minor issues) and contains sufficient detail to
and manipulations of data) that capture the details of the task to a good standard.
will be performed.

The overall structure and presentation of this

section is generally well-thought-out. The document
is easy to read (though there may be some fairly
minor issues) and contains sufficient detail to
capture the details of the task to a good standard.

Learning 1 2 3
Outcomes Design solutions using appropriate Implement programming Test and verify program code by
mathematical structures and solutions within the declarative applying appropriate methods.
programming techniques. paradigm.
Assessment Initial Planning and Design Progress: Programming Implementation Progress: Testing and Verification Planning:
Criteria discussion and evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence

70 – 79% The task has been completed to a high level of The task has been completed to a high level of The task has been completed to a high level of
A quality though some minor issues are present in quality though some minor issues are present in quality though some minor issues are present in
one or more of the following dimensions: one or more of the following dimensions: one or more of the following dimensions:
• Understanding the intended user • Experimental implementations of the data • Planning regarding what aspects of the
base of the software system. types and data structures identified during system will need to be tested (and why)
• Understanding the software the data modelling phase (during planning • Planning regarding how manual testing
system via user behaviour and design) will be performed.
planning • Experimental implementation of the • Planning regarding how automated testing
• Understanding the software program behaviours (e.g., data could be leveraged.
system by modelling the data transformations, etc) identified during the
which it will manipulate. program behaviour modelling phase
• Understanding the software (during planning and design)
system by modelling the program The overall structure and presentation of this
behaviours (e.g., transformations section is well-thought-out. The document is easy
and manipulations of data) that The overall structure and presentation of this to read (though there may be some minor issues)
will be performed. section is well-thought-out. The document is easy and contains sufficient detail to capture the details
to read (though there may be some minor issues) of the task to a high standard.
and contains sufficient detail to capture the details
The overall structure and presentation of this of the task to a high standard.
section is well-thought-out. The document is easy
to read (though there may be some minor issues)
and contains sufficient detail to capture the details
of the task to a high standard.

Learning 1 2 3
Outcomes Design solutions using appropriate Implement programming Test and verify program code by
mathematical structures and solutions within the declarative applying appropriate methods.
programming techniques. paradigm.
Assessment Initial Planning and Design Progress: Programming Implementation Progress: Testing and Verification Planning:
Criteria discussion and evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence

80 – 89% The task has been completed to a high level of The task has been completed to a high level of The task has been completed to a high level of
A+ quality in the following dimensions: quality in the following dimensions: quality in one or more of the following dimensions:
• Understanding the intended user • Experimental implementations of the data • Planning regarding what aspects of the
base of the software system. types and data structures identified during system will need to be tested (and why)
• Understanding the software the data modelling phase (during planning • Planning regarding how manual testing
system via user behaviour and design) will be performed.
planning • Experimental implementation of the • Planning regarding how automated testing
• Understanding the software program behaviours (e.g., data could be leveraged.
system by modelling the data transformations, etc) identified during the
which it will manipulate. program behaviour modelling phase
• Understanding the software (during planning and design)
system by modelling the program The overall structure and presentation of this
behaviours (e.g., transformations section is well-thought out. The document is easy
and manipulations of data) that The overall structure and presentation of this to read yet contains sufficient detail to capture the
will be performed. section is well-thought out. The document is easy details of the task to a high standard.
to read yet contains sufficient detail to capture the
The overall structure and presentation of this details of the task to a high standard.
section is well-thought-out. The document is easy
to read yet contains sufficient detail to capture the
details of the task to a high standard.

Learning 1 2 3
Outcomes Design solutions using appropriate Implement programming Test and verify program code by
mathematical structures and solutions within the declarative applying appropriate methods.
programming techniques. paradigm.
Assessment Initial Planning and Design Progress: Programming Implementation Progress: Testing and Verification Planning:
Criteria discussion and evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence

90 – 100% The task has been completed to a very high level of The task has been completed to a very high level of The task has been completed to a very high level of
A* quality in the following dimensions: quality in one or more of the following dimensions: quality in one or more of the following dimensions:
• Understanding the intended user • Experimental implementations of the data • Planning regarding what aspects of the
base of the software system. types and data structures identified during system will need to be tested (and why)
• Understanding the software the data modelling phase (during planning • Planning regarding how manual testing
system via user behaviour and design) will be performed.
planning • Experimental implementation of the • Planning regarding how automated testing
• Understanding the software program behaviours (e.g., data could be leveraged.
system by modelling the data transformations, etc) identified during the
which it will manipulate. program behaviour modelling phase
• Understanding the software (during planning and design)
system by modelling the program The overall structure and presentation of this
behaviours (e.g., transformations section is very well-thought out. The document is
and manipulations of data) that easy to read yet contains sufficient detail to capture
will be performed. the details of the task to a high standard.
The overall structure and presentation of this
section is very well-thought-out. The document is
The overall structure and presentation of this easy to read, yet contains sufficient detail to
section is very well-thought-out. The document is capture the details of the task to a high standard.
easy to read, yet contains sufficient detail to
capture the details of the task to a high standard.

Final Individual/Paired log report submission (60%)

Table of Assessment Criteria and Associated Grading Criteria

Learning 1 2 3 4
Outcomes Design solutions using Implement programming Test and verify program Appraise and present a
appropriate mathematical solutions within the code by applying team-based software
structures and declarative paradigm. appropriate methods. solution to
programming techniques. stakeholders.
Assessment Planning and Design activity: Programming Implementation Testing and Verification Understanding Team-based
Criteria discussion and evidence activity: discussion and activity: software development activity:
→ evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence
Weighting: 30% 35% 20% 15%
Grading The evidence provided is highly The evidence provided is highly The evidence provided is highly The evidence provided is highly
Criteria unsatisfactory and has many major unsatisfactory and has many major unsatisfactory and has many major unsatisfactory and has many major
issues. issues. issues. issues.

0 – 29% The attempt reveals a highly The attempt reveals a highly The attempt reveals a highly The attempt reveals a highly
F unsatisfactory understanding of the unsatisfactory understanding of the unsatisfactory understanding of the unsatisfactory understanding of the
theoretical and practical concerns theoretical and practical concerns theoretical and practical concerns theoretical and practical concerns
related to the task exercise though related to the task exercise though related to the task exercise though related to the task exercise though
there are issues present. there are issues present. there are issues present. there are issues present.

There is very little evidence of There is very little evidence of There is very little evidence of There is very little evidence of
appropriate discussion regarding the appropriate discussion regarding the appropriate discussion regarding the appropriate discussion regarding the
task attempt. There has been no task attempt. There has been no task attempt. There has been no task attempt. There has been no
appropriate use of figures to appropriate use of figures to appropriate use of figures to appropriate use of figures to
accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion.

No reflective comments have been No reflective comments have been No reflective comments have been No reflective comments have been
evidenced. evidenced. evidenced. evidenced.

Very little or no attempt at referencing Very little or no attempt at referencing Very little or no attempt at referencing Very little or no attempt at referencing
or major errors in the use of or major errors in the use of or major errors in the use of or major errors in the use of
referencing. References may be very referencing. References may be very referencing. References may be very referencing. References may be very
limited and do not use Harvard style. limited and do not use Harvard style. limited and do not use Harvard style. limited and do not use Harvard style.

The overall structure of the logbook The overall structure of the logbook The overall structure of the logbook The overall structure of the logbook
task discussion is very poor. task discussion is very poor. task discussion is very poor. task discussion is very poor.

Learning 1 2 3 4
Outcomes Design solutions using Implement programming Test and verify program Appraise and present a
appropriate mathematical solutions within the code by applying team-based software
structures and declarative paradigm. appropriate methods. solution to
programming techniques. stakeholders.
Assessment Planning and Design activity: Programming Implementation Testing and Verification Understanding Team-based
Criteria discussion and evidence activity: discussion and activity: software development activity:
→ evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence
Weighting: 30% 35% 20% 15%
30 – 39% The task has not been completed to a The task has not been completed to a The task has not been completed to a The task has not been completed to a
E satisfactory level of quality; major satisfactory level of quality; major satisfactory level of quality; major satisfactory level of quality; major
issues are present. issues are present. issues are present. issues are present.

The attempt reveals a less than The attempt reveals a less than The attempt reveals a less than The attempt reveals a less than
satisfactory understanding of the satisfactory understanding of the satisfactory understanding of the satisfactory understanding of the
theoretical and practical concerns theoretical and practical concerns theoretical and practical concerns theoretical and practical concerns
related to the task exercise though related to the task exercise though related to the task exercise though related to the task exercise though
there are issues present. there are issues present. there are issues present. there are issues present.

Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the
Task attempt is less than satisfactory Task attempt is less than satisfactory Task attempt is less than satisfactory Task attempt is less than satisfactory
and would benefit from a much more and would benefit from a much more and would benefit from a much more and would benefit from a much more
thorough approach. There has been thorough approach. There has been thorough approach. There has been thorough approach. There has been
very little to no appropriate use of very little to no appropriate use of very little to no appropriate use of very little to no appropriate use of
figures to accompany this discussion. figures to accompany this discussion. figures to accompany this discussion. figures to accompany this discussion.

Little to no evidence of reflection is Little to no evidence of reflection is Little to no evidence of reflection is Little to no evidence of reflection is
present. present. present. present.

Little attempt at referencing from a Little attempt at referencing from a Little attempt at referencing from a Little attempt at referencing from a
limited range of sources. The style limited range of sources. The style limited range of sources. The style limited range of sources. The style
used is not Harvard. used is not Harvard. used is not Harvard. used is not Harvard.

The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document
is unacceptable based on what would is unacceptable based on what would is unacceptable based on what would is unacceptable based on what would
be expected of students working at be expected of students working at be expected of students working at be expected of students working at
your level. The document contains your level. The document contains your level. The document contains your level. The document contains
insufficient detail to capture the details insufficient detail to capture the details insufficient detail to capture the details insufficient detail to capture the details
of the task to a satisfactory standard. of the task to a satisfactory standard. of the task to a satisfactory standard. of the task to a satisfactory standard.

Learning 1 2 3 4
Outcomes Design solutions using Implement programming Test and verify program Appraise and present a
appropriate mathematical solutions within the code by applying team-based software
structures and declarative paradigm. appropriate methods. solution to
programming techniques. stakeholders.
Assessment Planning and Design activity: Programming Implementation Testing and Verification Understanding Team-based
Criteria discussion and evidence activity: discussion and activity: software development activity:
→ evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence
Weighting: 30% 35% 20% 15%
40 – 49% The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a
D satisfactory level of quality though satisfactory level of quality though satisfactory level of quality though satisfactory level of quality though
issues are present. issues are present. issues are present. issues are present.

The attempt reveals a satisfactory The attempt reveals a satisfactory The attempt reveals a satisfactory The attempt reveals a satisfactory
understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and
practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task
exercise though there are issues exercise though there are issues exercise though there are issues exercise though there are issues
present. present. present. present.

Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the
task attempt is satisfactory, but it task attempt is satisfactory, but it task attempt is satisfactory, but it task attempt is satisfactory, but it
would benefit from a much greater would benefit from a much greater would benefit from a much greater would benefit from a much greater
level of detail. There has been very level of detail. There has been very level of detail. There has been very level of detail. There has been very
little appropriate use of figures to little appropriate use of figures to little appropriate use of figures to little appropriate use of figures to
accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion.

Some very minor examples of Some very minor examples of Some very minor examples of Some very minor examples of
reflection may be evidenced. reflection may be evidenced. reflection may be evidenced. reflection may be evidenced.

Some attempt at utilising Harvard Some attempt at utilising Harvard Some attempt at utilising Harvard Some attempt at utilising Harvard
style in reference list or citation. style in reference list or citation. style in reference list or citation. style in reference list or citation.
Contains serious errors in quality or Contains serious errors in quality or Contains serious errors in quality or Contains serious errors in quality or
usage. usage. usage. usage.

The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document
is acceptable to what would be is acceptable to what would be is acceptable to what would be is acceptable to what would be
expected of students working at your expected of students working at your expected of students working at your expected of students working at your
level. The document is easy to read level. The document is easy to read level. The document is easy to read level. The document is easy to read
(though there may be a few issues) (though there may be a few issues) (though there may be a few issues) (though there may be a few issues)
and contains sufficient detail to and contains sufficient detail to and contains sufficient detail to and contains sufficient detail to
capture the details of the task to a capture the details of the task to a capture the details of the task to a capture the details of the task to a
satisfactory standard. satisfactory standard. satisfactory standard. satisfactory standard.

Learning 1 2 3 4
Outcomes Design solutions using Implement programming Test and verify program Appraise and present a
appropriate mathematical solutions within the code by applying team-based software
structures and declarative paradigm. appropriate methods. solution to
programming techniques. stakeholders.
Assessment Planning and Design activity: Programming Implementation Testing and Verification Understanding Team-based
Criteria discussion and evidence activity: discussion and activity: software development activity:
→ evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence
Weighting: 30% 35% 20% 15%
50 – 59% The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a
C good level of quality though issues are good level of quality though issues are good level of quality though issues are good level of quality though issues are
present. present. present. present.

The attempt reveals a decent The attempt reveals a decent The attempt reveals a decent The attempt reveals a decent
understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and
practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task
exercise though there are issues exercise though there are issues exercise though there are issues exercise though there are issues
present. present. present. present.

Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the
task attempt is somewhat informative task attempt is somewhat informative task attempt is somewhat informative task attempt is somewhat informative
but would benefit from a much greater but would benefit from a much greater but would benefit from a much greater but would benefit from a much greater
level of detail. There has been very level of detail. There has been very level of detail. There has been very level of detail. There has been very
little appropriate use of figures to little appropriate use of figures to little appropriate use of figures to little appropriate use of figures to
accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion. accompany this discussion.

Some reflection may be evidenced, Some reflection may be evidenced, Some reflection may be evidenced, Some reflection may be evidenced,
though there are issues present with though there are issues present with though there are issues present with though there are issues present with
the quality of the reflective comments. the quality of the reflective comments. the quality of the reflective comments. the quality of the reflective comments.

A fair attempt at Harvard referencing A fair attempt at Harvard referencing A fair attempt at Harvard referencing A fair attempt at Harvard referencing
in the reference list and some in the reference list and some in the reference list and some in the reference list and some
attempts at citing correctly. Some attempts at citing correctly. Some attempts at citing correctly. Some attempts at citing correctly. Some
errors are still present. errors are still present. errors are still present. errors are still present.

The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document
is somewhat well-thought-out. The is somewhat well-thought-out. The is somewhat well-thought-out. The is somewhat well-thought-out. The
document is fairly easy to read document is fairly easy to read document is fairly easy to read document is fairly easy to read
(though there may be some issues) (though there may be some issues) (though there may be some issues) (though there may be some issues)
and contains sufficient detail to and contains sufficient detail to and contains sufficient detail to and contains sufficient detail to
capture the details of the task to a capture the details of the task to a capture the details of the task to a capture the details of the task to a
reasonably satisfactory standard. reasonably satisfactory standard. reasonably satisfactory standard. reasonably satisfactory standard.

Learning 1 2 3 4
Outcomes Design solutions using Implement programming Test and verify program Appraise and present a
appropriate mathematical solutions within the code by applying team-based software
structures and declarative paradigm. appropriate methods. solution to
programming techniques. stakeholders.
Assessment Planning and Design activity: Programming Implementation Testing and Verification Understanding Team-based
Criteria discussion and evidence activity: discussion and activity: software development activity:
→ evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence
Weighting: 30% 35% 20% 15%
60 – 69% The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a
B good level of quality though some good level of quality though some good level of quality though some good level of quality though some
issues are present. issues are present. issues are present. issues are present.

The attempt reveals a good The attempt reveals a good The attempt reveals a good The attempt reveals a good
understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and
practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task
exercise with some issues present. exercise with some issues present. exercise with some issues present. exercise with some issues present.

Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the
task attempt is reasonably informative task attempt is reasonably informative task attempt is reasonably informative task attempt is reasonably informative
but would benefit from greater detail. but would benefit from greater detail. but would benefit from greater detail. but would benefit from greater detail.
There has been some use of figures There has been some use of figures There has been some use of figures There has been some use of figures
to accompany this discussion, though to accompany this discussion, though to accompany this discussion, though to accompany this discussion, though
there are issues with how these are there are issues with how these are there are issues with how these are there are issues with how these are
presented. presented. presented. presented.

Some reflection has been evidenced Some reflection has been evidenced Some reflection has been evidenced Some reflection has been evidenced
though there are some issues with the though there are some issues with the though there are some issues with the though there are some issues with the
quality of the reflective comments. quality of the reflective comments. quality of the reflective comments. quality of the reflective comments.

Harvard style used well throughout Harvard style used well throughout Harvard style used well throughout Harvard style used well throughout
with only very minor errors. A very with only very minor errors. A very with only very minor errors. A very with only very minor errors. A very
good list of references is provided. good list of references is provided. good list of references is provided. good list of references is provided.

The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document
is generally well-thought-out. The is generally well-thought-out. The is generally well-thought-out. The is generally well-thought-out. The
document is easy to read (though document is easy to read (though document is easy to read (though document is easy to read (though
there may be some fairly minor there may be some fairly minor there may be some fairly minor there may be some fairly minor
issues) and contains sufficient detail issues) and contains sufficient detail issues) and contains sufficient detail issues) and contains sufficient detail
to capture the details of the task to a to capture the details of the task to a to capture the details of the task to a to capture the details of the task to a
good standard. good standard. good standard. good standard.

Learning 1 2 3 4
Outcomes Design solutions using Implement programming Test and verify program Appraise and present a
appropriate mathematical solutions within the code by applying team-based software
structures and declarative paradigm. appropriate methods. solution to
programming techniques. stakeholders.
Assessment Planning and Design activity: Programming Implementation Testing and Verification Understanding Team-based
Criteria discussion and evidence activity: discussion and activity: software development activity:
→ evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence
Weighting: 30% 35% 20% 15%
70 – 79% The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a
A high level of quality though some high level of quality though some high level of quality though some high level of quality though some
minor issues are present. minor issues are present. minor issues are present. minor issues are present.

The attempt reveals a very good The attempt reveals a very good The attempt reveals a very good The attempt reveals a very good
understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and
practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task
exercise with some minor issues exercise with some minor issues exercise with some minor issues exercise with some minor issues
present. present. present. present.

Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the
task attempt is quite informative but task attempt is quite informative but task attempt is quite informative but task attempt is quite informative but
would benefit from greater detail. would benefit from greater detail. would benefit from greater detail. would benefit from greater detail.
There has been some appropriate use There has been some appropriate use There has been some appropriate use There has been some appropriate use
of figures to accompany this of figures to accompany this of figures to accompany this of figures to accompany this
discussion. discussion. discussion. discussion.

Significant background research has Significant background research has Significant background research has Significant background research has
been evidenced that has helped to been evidenced that has helped to been evidenced that has helped to been evidenced that has helped to
guide the completion of the task. guide the completion of the task. guide the completion of the task. guide the completion of the task.

Harvard style used well throughout Harvard style used well throughout Harvard style used well throughout Harvard style used well throughout
with only very minor errors. A very with only very minor errors. A very with only very minor errors. A very with only very minor errors. A very
good list of references is provided. good list of references is provided. good list of references is provided. good list of references is provided.

The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document
is well-thought-out. The document is is well-thought-out. The document is is well-thought-out. The document is is well-thought-out. The document is
easy to read (though there may be easy to read (though there may be easy to read (though there may be easy to read (though there may be
some minor issues) and contains some minor issues) and contains some minor issues) and contains some minor issues) and contains
sufficient detail to capture the details sufficient detail to capture the details sufficient detail to capture the details sufficient detail to capture the details
of the task to a high standard. of the task to a high standard. of the task to a high standard. of the task to a high standard.

Learning 1 2 3 4
Outcomes Design solutions using Implement programming Test and verify program Appraise and present a
appropriate mathematical solutions within the code by applying team-based software
structures and declarative paradigm. appropriate methods. solution to
programming techniques. stakeholders.
Assessment Planning and Design activity: Programming Implementation Testing and Verification Understanding Team-based
Criteria discussion and evidence activity: discussion and activity: software development activity:
→ evidence discussion and evidence discussion and evidence
Weighting: 30% 35% 20% 15%
80 – 89% The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a
A+ high level of quality. high level of quality. high level of quality. high level of quality.

The attempt reveals a very good The attempt reveals a very good The attempt reveals a very good The attempt reveals a very good
understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and
practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task
exercise. exercise. exercise. exercise.

Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the Discussion of key points regarding the
task attempt is informative but would task attempt is informative but would task attempt is informative but would task attempt is informative but would
benefit from greater detail. Figures benefit from greater detail. Figures benefit from greater detail. Figures benefit from greater detail. Figures
have been used to appropriately focus have been used to appropriately focus have been used to appropriately focus have been used to appropriately focus
elements of this discussion. elements of this discussion. elements of this discussion. elements of this discussion.

Significant background research of Significant background research of a Significant background research of a Significant background research of a
high quality has been well evidenced high quality has been well evidenced high quality has been well evidenced high quality has been well evidenced
that has helped to guide the that has helped to guide the that has helped to guide the that has helped to guide the
completion of the task. completion of the task. completion of the task. completion of the task.

Harvard style used well throughout. Harvard style used well throughout. Harvard style used well throughout. Harvard style used well throughout.
Reference list makes excellent use of Reference list makes excellent use of Reference list makes excellent use of Reference list makes excellent use of
Harvard style with extensive use of Harvard style with extensive use of Harvard style with extensive use of Harvard style with extensive use of
suitable literature. suitable literature. suitable literature. suitable literature.

The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document
is well-thought-out. The document is is well-thought out. The document is is well-thought out. The document is is well-thought out. The document is
easy to read yet contains sufficient easy to read, yet contains sufficient easy to read yet contains sufficient easy to read, yet contains sufficient
detail to capture the details of the task detail to capture the details of the task detail to capture the details of the task detail to capture the details of the task
to a high standard. to a high-standard. to a high-standard. to a high-standard.

90 – 100% The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a The task has been completed to a
A* very high level of quality. very high level of quality. very high level of quality. very high level of quality.

The attempt reveals an excellent The attempt reveals an excellent The attempt reveals an excellent The attempt reveals an excellent
understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and understanding of the theoretical and
practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task practical concerns related to the task
exercise. exercise. exercise. exercise.

Discussion of key Discussion of key Discussion of key Discussion of key

points regarding the Task attempt is points regarding the Task attempt is points regarding the Task attempt is points regarding the Task attempt is
comprehensive and informative. comprehensive and informative. comprehensive and informative. comprehensive and informative.
Excellent quality figures have been Excellent quality figures have been Excellent quality figures have been Excellent quality figures have been
used to appropriately focus elements used to appropriately focus elements used to appropriately focus elements used to appropriately focus elements
of this discussion. of this discussion. of this discussion. of this discussion.

Additional discussion of concepts or Additional discussion of concepts or Additional discussion of concepts or Additional discussion of concepts or
techniques related to the task beyond techniques related to the task beyond techniques related to the task beyond techniques related to the task beyond
what is expected based on the what is expected based on the what is expected based on the what is expected based on the
assignment brief/exercise description, assignment brief/exercise description, assignment brief/exercise description, assignment brief/exercise description,
is present. is present. is present. is present.

Significant background research of a Significant background research of a Significant background research of Significant background research of
very high quality has been evidenced very high quality has been evidenced very high quality has been evidenced very high quality has been evidenced
that has helped to guide the that has helped to guide the that has helped to guide the that has helped to guide the
completion of the task. completion of the task. completion of the task. completion of the task.

Harvard style used flawlessly Harvard style used flawlessly Harvard style used flawlessly Harvard style used flawlessly
throughout. Reference list makes throughout. Reference list makes throughout. Reference list makes throughout. Reference list makes
excellent use of Harvard style with excellent use of Harvard style with excellent use of Harvard style with excellent use of Harvard style with
extensive use of suitable, well-chosen extensive use of suitable, well-chosen extensive use of suitable, well-chosen extensive use of suitable, well-chosen
literature. literature. literature. literature.

The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document The overall structure of the document
is very well-thought-out. The is very well-thought-out. The is very well-thought out. The is very well-thought out. The
document is easy to read yet contains document is easy to read yet contains document is easy to read yet contains document is easy to read yet contains
sufficient detail to capture the details sufficient detail to capture the details sufficient detail to capture the details sufficient detail to capture the details
of the task to a high standard. of the task to a high standard. of the task to a high-standard. of the task to a high-standard.

Submission Details:


Summative Reflective Knowledge Check-up Milestones (40%)

• Knowledge check-up quizzes submitted via Moodle.
o Accompanying questionnaires submitted via Moodle.
• Final reflective questionnaire submitted via Moodle

Formative Draft: Planning and Experimentation (0%, Non-compulsory)

• Submit Written assignment to Moodle via electronic upload.
• Submissions should be provided in Microsoft word (.docx) or (text-based) PDF
• The report is produced by you (or you with your pair partner) to reveal your
understanding of the tasks and should not be a copy of another discussion from a
different pair or individual student.9
Zip file of source code and accompanying evidence
• All relevant evidence, source code and project files, each having a comment which
clearly indicates the author(s) (your name and student ID).

Final Individual report submission (60%)

• Submit Written assignment to Moodle via electronic upload
• Submissions should be provided in Microsoft word (.docx) or (text-based) PDF
• The report is produced by you (or you with your pair partner) to reveal your
understanding of the tasks and should not be a copy of another discussion from a
different pair or individual student.10
Zip file of source code
• All relevant evidence, source code and project files, each having a comment which
clearly indicates the author(s) (your name and student ID).


• The minimum pass mark for a module is 40%.

• Re-sit marks are capped at 40%

Full academic regulations are available for download using the link provided above in the IMPORTANT

9 We care about what you (or you and your partner) understand, not a bunch of other students.
10 We care about what you (or you and your partner) understand, not a bunch of other students.
For Level 6 modules on IET accredited courses ONLY
• For modules with multiple items of assessment, you must achieve a minimum of 30% in
each item of assessment in order to pass the module.
e.g., assessment 1 - coursework 50% and assessment 2 - Exam 50%,
You must achieve an aggregate mark of 40% WITH every single assessment having a
minimum mark of 30% or greater. For example, if you achieved 90% in example assessment
1 and 20% in example assessment 2, the aggregate would be over 40% ((90+20)/2 = 55%),
however you will still fail the module due to the 30% qualifying rule.

Late Penalties
If you submit an assessment late at the first attempt, then you will be subject to one of the
following penalties:

• if the submission is made between 1 and 24 hours after the published deadline the
original mark awarded will be reduced by 5%. For example, a mark of 60% will be
reduced by 3% so that the mark that the student will receive is 57%.
• if the submission is made between 24 hours and one week (5 working days) after
the published deadline the original mark awarded will be reduced by 10%. For
example, a mark of 60% will be reduced by 6% so that the mark the student will
receive is 54%.

• if the submission is made after 5 days following the deadline, your work will be
deemed as a fail and returned to you unmarked.

The reduction in the mark will not be applied in the following two cases:
• the mark is below the pass mark for the assessment. In this case the mark achieved
by the student will stand.
• where a deduction will reduce the mark from a pass to a fail. In this case the mark
awarded will be the threshold (i.e.,40%).
Please note:
• If you submit a re-assessment late, then it will be deemed as a fail and returned
to you unmarked.


Feedback on draft submissions will be provided in two forms:

• Face-to-face by your lab tutor within labs.
• A summary of the key points of feedback found by reviewing the drafts provided so far
will be provided via Moodle.
• Additionally optional feedback meetings will be available ahead of the final submission
to be booked in coordination with the other members of your group.

Marks and Feedback on your work will normally be provided within 20 working days of its
submission deadline via Moodle.

Where to get help:

Students can book online support sessions via Moodle’s scheduler feature.

Students can get additional support from the library for searching for information and
finding academic sources. See their iCity page for more information:

The Centre for Academic Success offers 1:1 advice and feedback on academic writing,
referencing, study skills and maths/statistics/computing. See their iCity page for more

Additional assignment advice can be found here:

Fit to Submit:

Are you ready to submit your assignment – review this assignment brief and consider
whether you have met the criteria. Use any checklists provided to ensure that you have
done everything needed.

Please see the assessment section on Moodle for the fit to submit checklists.

“Fit to Submit” Assignment checklists.

Assignment checklists are dependent on the specific tasks attempted, please see each task for the
relevant “Fit to Submit” checklists to ensure that you meet the major basic requirements before


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