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Adabi Consumer Industries Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian food production company, has effectively
utilized technology to enhance its product offerings and marketing strategies. The company
has expanded its product line to over 280 items, including cat food and snacks. Adabi’s
marketing strategy leverages mass media to reach a broad audience and build strong brand
equity. Thus, technology has significantly contributed to Adabi’s product diversification,
customer reach, and brand recognition.

The food production firm Adabi Consumer Industries Sdn. Bhd., situated in Malaysia, has
been utilising technology to improve the quality of its products and increase its market share.
The business solicits customer input via social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and
Twitter to better understand client wants and preferences and make the required
improvements to its goods and services. Additionally, they employ a range of marketing
communication techniques, such as digital marketing tactics to efficiently reach a larger
audience and sell their products, to build brand equity among their customers. Technology
has enabled Adabi to mass-produce herbs in a variety of sizes and refinements, highlighting
the significance of sterilising their ground spices and herbs in accordance with worldwide
standards, including the European and American food regulations. To create new items that
satisfy their clients' changing tastes, they also carry out market research to comprehend the
shifting trends and preferences in the food sector. In conclusion, Adabi Consumer Industries
uses technology to improve consumer involvement, maintain current market trends, and
improve product quality in response to the marketing environment.

In our opinion, Adabi Consumer Industries can greatly benefit from adapting to technological
changes in the marketing environment. Technology can enhance customer experience,
provide valuable data for decision-making, enable efficient marketing, drive product
innovation, and assist in quality assurance. Embracing these changes can help Adabi stay
competitive, meet customer expectations, and drive growth. However, it’s crucial for Adabi to
consider which technologies are most relevant and how to implement them effectively.

Adabi Consumer Industries is a successful Malaysian food company that has used various
marketing and political marketing strategies to promote its products and brand. The
company has benefited from these strategies by increasing its brand awareness, preference,
and equity among the consumers, gaining competitive advantage and market share over its
rivals, and establishing and maintaining good relationships and trust with the government
and other stakeholders. However, the company has also faced some challenges and risks
from these strategies, such as ethical dilemmas and criticisms, customer and stakeholder
dissatisfaction, legal challenges and sanctions, and uncertainty and instability. Therefore, the
company needs to balance its marketing and political marketing activities carefully and
responsibly, to ensure its long-term sustainability and growth.

Adabi Consumer Industries also uses political marketing to influence the public opinion and
gain support from the government and other stakeholders. The company aligns its brand
identity and values with the national identity and values, endorses and supports political
parties or leaders that share its vision and mission, lobbies and advocates for favorable
policies and regulations, and collaborates and partners with government agencies and
institutions. The company adapts its products and marketing communication to suit the
needs and preferences of the customers and the political situation in different countries. For
example, Adabi uses joint venture based on OEM to penetrate the market and makes its
products according to the customer’s lifestyle.

In our opinion, Adabi should also consider the political values and beliefs of its target
customers and stakeholders. Adabi should align its marketing strategy with the political
environment of its markets and communicate its brand values and social responsibility. For
example, Adabi should emphasize its commitment to producing halal and high-quality food
products that are authentic and healthy. Adabi should also highlight its contributions to the
local communities and the environment, such as supporting local farmers, reducing waste,
and using renewable energy. Adabi should also refrain from taking controversial or dividing
political positions that could enrage certain stakeholders or customers.

The impacts of marketing strategy in cultural use in Adabi Consumer Industries can be
positive or negative, depending on how well the company understands and responds to the
cultural differences and similarities of its customers. A positive impact can be increased
customer satisfaction, loyalty, retention, and referrals, as well as improved brand image,
reputation, and competitive advantage. A negative impact can be customer dissatisfaction,
complaints, boycotts and switching, as well as damaged brand image, reputation, and
competitive advantage. Therefore, the company needs to conduct regular market research
and analysis, and monitor the feedback and responses of its customers, to evaluate the
effectiveness and efficiency of its marketing strategy in cultural use.

In our opinion, Adabi should respond to the marketing environment changes of cultural use
by conducting regular market research and analysis, and by developing and implementing
effective and efficient marketing strategies that are aligned with its vision, mission, goals,
and values, and that are responsive and flexible to the dynamic and diverse cultural contexts
of its customers.

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