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Morphological and Anatomical Features of the Flowers and Fruits during the
Development of Chamissoa altissima (Jacq.) Kunth (Amaranthaceae)

Article in Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology · December 2010

DOI: 10.1590/S1516-89132010000600019


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4 authors, including:

Luiz Antonio de Souza Adriana Lenita Meyer Albiero

Universidade Estadual de Maringá Universidade Estadual de Maringá


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Vol.53, n. 6: pp.1425-1432, November-December 2010 BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF

ISSN 1516-8913 Printed in Brazil

Morphological and Anatomical Features of the Flowers and

Fruits during the Development of Chamissoa altissima
(Jacq.) Kunth (Amaranthaceae)
Sayuri de Oliveira Oyama, Luiz Antonio de Souza*, Júnior Cesar Muneratto and Adriana
Lenita Meyer Albiero
Departamento de Biologia; Universidade Estadual de Maringá; Av. Colombo, 5790; 87020-900; Maringá - PR -


The morphology and structure of the flowers and fruits of Chamissoa altissima (Jacq.) Kunth during the
development were analyzed. The plant material was fixed in FAA 50, embedded in historesin and sectioned
according to standard techniques. The flowers presented tepals with betalain and homogeneous mesophyll;
receptacular nectary; anthers with epidermis, endothecium, one middle layer, and uninucleate tapetum; and
monocarpelar ovary with homogeneous mesophyll. The fruit was a circumscissile capsule, presented the same
number of cellular layers that the ovary, and possessed subendocarpic sclerenchyma. The seed was bitegmic,
exotestal and perispermic.

Key words: Perianth, stamen, gynoecium, pericarp, seed

INTRODUCTION investigations are scarce. In the forest remnants of

the Northwest region of Paraná (less than 1% of
Lianas or vines are vascular plants that are rooted native vegetation) a diversity of liana species
in the ground and maintain their stems in a more occurs, belonging to different families. Chamissoa
or less erect position by making the use of the altissima (Jacq.) Kunth is abundant in these forest
other objects for support. This habit of the growth remnants in which the reproductive organs still
has the advantage of enabling the plant to get have not been investigated.
better light with a maximum economy of Amaranthaceae that includes Chenopodiaceae,
supporting tissues (Daubenmire, 1974). They are possesses determinate inflorescences (terminal and
of minor economic importance in the forestry, but axillary), with flowers bisexual or, less commonly,
have great ecological relevance in the forests, unisexual, actinomorphic and monochlamydeous
supplying the foods for the animals, aiding in the (Judd et al., 2002; Souza and Lorenzi, 2005). Spjut
stabilization of trees and competing for light and (1994) reported cypsela, pyxidium and utricle
nutrition or causing the mechanical damages. fruits for the family. Judd et al. (2002)
The morphological and anatomical studies of distinguished Amaranthaceae fruits as an achene,
Brazilian lianas usually have restricted to the stem. utricle, or a circumscissile capsule (pyxis), usually
Reports about the reproductive organ associated with persistent, fleshy to dry, perianth

Author for correspondence:

Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. v.53 n. 6: pp. 1425-1432, Nov/Dec 2010

1426 Oyama, S. O. et al.

and/or bractlets. Souza and Lorenzi (2005) blue (O’Brien et al., 1965). Developing fruits were
reported for Amaranthaceae circumscissile analyzed in freehand sections stained in astra blue
capsule, achene and more rarely berry or drupe. and safranin (Kraus and Arduin, 1997). Specific
Chamissoa H. B. K. presents spikes or panicles microchemical tests were done for lipid substances
with flowers usually bisexual, fruits with (Sudan III) (Johansen, 1940), mucilage (methylene
transversal dehiscence, and arillate seeds (Smith blue) (Costa, 1972), betalain (ammonia vapor)
and Downs, 1972). Barroso et al. (1999) (Johansen, 1940), starch (iodine-potassium iodide
considered Chamissoa consisting of circumscissile test) and lignin (phloroglucin test) (Berlyn and
capsule often associated with persistent bracts, Miksche, 1976).
bractlets and perigon, and endosperm. Micromorphological analysis (Bozzola and Russel,
The flower, fruit and seed anatomy of 1992) was done with fixed material. After washing
Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae was scarce in the in 0.1M sodium cacodylate buffer, the samples
literature. Singh (1964) presented brief description were dehydrated in a graded acetone series, critical
of the family. Corner (1976) reported Chamissoa point dried with CO2, and then mounted on
seeds with funicular aril. Pal et al. (1990) studied aluminum stubbs, gold coated, and subsequently
the development and the structure of Amaranthus examined using scanning electron microscopy
hypochaondriacus L. seeds. Prego et al. (1998) (Shimadzu SS-550 Superscan). Illustrations were
described the seed structure of Chenopodium prepared using a stereomicroscope Willd M3Z
quinoa Willd. Ronse-Decraeme et al. (1999) equipped with a reflex camera. Photographs were
analyzed the floral development of Pleuropetalum taken with the microscope (Olympus BX50, digital
darwinii Hook. Costea et al. (2001) investigated camera Canon Power Shot A95), and subsequently
the pericarp structure in Amaranthus L. species. prepared using the software Zoom Browser EX
Shepherd et al. (2005) examined the variation in 4.6. All the samples were prepared on the same
the morphology, anatomy and histochemistry of micrometric scale.
Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae) fruits and seeds.
Biological studies of lianas, mainly related to the
reproductive organs, have ecological importance; RESULTS
they are useful in the control investigations of
these species. In view of this, the main purpose of Flower
this work was to present the available information The flowers were bisexual and occurred in panicle,
on the morphology and anatomy of Chamissoa each flower associated with three bracts (Fig. 1A).
altissima flower and fruit during the development. Each flower presented five or six green tepals, five
or six stamens, and a gynoecium with one pistil
(Figs. 1B, C). The pistil consisted of globose
MATERIALS AND METHODS ovary, style, bipartite/tripartite stigma (Figs. 1B,
C), and only one ovule with basal placentation.
The flowers and fruits of different developmental The tepals (Figs. 2A, C) presented uniseriate
stages of two specimens of Chamissoa altissima epidermis with cuticle flange, and periclinal thick-
were collected at the forest remnant of Maringá, walled cells in the abaxial face and thin-walled
Paraná, Brazil. Voucher materials were deposited cells in the adaxial face. There was a hypodermis
at the UEM Herbarium, collection 11731 HUEM. with thick-walled cells in the adaxial surface (Fig.
The analysis of the flowers and fruits was done 2C). The parenchymatic mesophyll (Fig. 2C) was
using freshly-collected material or material fixed homogeneous and chlorophyllaceous, with one to
in FAA 50 and FPA 50, following the protocol of four cell layers. In the tepal margin and apex, there
Johansen (1940). The fixed material was was no mesophyll. The vascularization was made
embedded in historesin and sectioned (cross- and by the largest vein (midrib) from which smaller
longitudinal sections) in a rotation microtome, veins branched. In the midrib, there was a single
according to techniques of Feder and O’Brian collateral bundle (Fig. 2C). The vascular bundles
(1968)). The sections were stained in toluidine showed fibers in the xylem face.

Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. v.53 n. 6: pp. 1425-1432, Nov/Dec 2010

Morphological and Anatomical Features of the Flowers and Fruits 1427

Figure 1 - Morphology of the Chamissoa altissima flower. A – Inflorescence branch with flowers.
B and C – Flowers in anthesis. (ad = androecium; br = bract; te = tepals) Bars = 3.7cm,
0.6cm, 0.8cm, respectively.

The nectary (Fig. 2A) occurred in the receptacle parenchymatous mesophyll with three or four
and consisted of two regions, one was convex, cellular layers. The vascularization was done by
globular and close to the base of the ovary and the two collateral bundles. The style (Fig. 2F) had
other was laminar and remained around the ovary lenticular shape and presented a single epidermis,
base. The globular portion (Fig. 2B) possessed parenchyma, two collateral vascular bundles and
epidermis with modified stomata and nectariferous central transmitting tissue. The style was hollow in
tissue with polyhedral cells and relatively richer in the distal portion and presented a solid nature in
protoplasma. The laminar portion (Fig. 2B) the base. The stigma (Fig. 2E) possessed secretory
presented epidermis with slightly elongated and epidermis with unicellular hairs.
papillose cells and two to four layers of The ovule (Figs. 5A,B) was campylotropous,
parenchymatous cells. The vascularization of the bitegmic, crassinucellate and had a long funiculus.
nectary consisted only of phloem. The anther was Only the inner integument took part in the
tetrasporangiate. The immature anther wall (Fig. formation of the micropyle (Fig. 5B). The outer
2D) was constituted by a uniseriate epidermis with integument (Fig. 5B) was biseriate with the outer
tabular cells, endothecium, one middle layer and layer composed of radially elongated cells mainly
secretory tapetum with uninucleate cells. The close to the micropyle. The inner integument (Fig.
filament presented papillose epidermis, 5B) was also bi-layered, but a third layer in the
parenchyma, and one collateral vascular bundle. apex could be present. The nucellus was
The ovary wall (Figs. 2A, 4A) was composed of parenchymatous. It was formed aril in the ovule of
uniseriate outer and inner epidermis and funicular origin, still in pre-anthesis stage.

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1428 Oyama, S. O. et al.

Figure 2 - Flower structure of Chamissoa altissima. A – Flower in longitudinal section. B – Detail

of the globular and laminar portions of the nectary. C – Detail of the tepal in cross-
section. D – Anther in cross-section. E – Stigma in longitudinal section. F – Style in
cross-section. (be = abaxial epidermis; de = adaxial epidermis; ep = epidermis; et =
endothecium; hy = hypodermis; ml = middle layer; ne = nectary; ov = ovary; st =
stamen; ta = tapetum; te = tepal; tt = transmitting tissue; vb = vascular bundle) Bars =
50µm (A,B,C,D,F), 20µm (E).

Fruit and seed The mature pericarp (Fig. 4B) presented glabrous
The fruit was usually associated with persistent epidermal epicarp with tangentially elongated
tepals and style. In the mature fruit, the tepals were cells. The mesocarp consisted of parenchyma and
red due to the betalain presence. The fruit was a sclerenchyma. The sclerenchymatic mesocarp was
circumscissile capsule dehiscing by a lid (Fig. 3). composed of one to three layers of sclereids which
During the pericarp differentiation, there was presented thick and sinuous cell walls with simple
reduced structural alteration and partial pits. The endocarp was represented by the inner
sclerification of the mesocarp (Fig. 4A, B) and the epidermis and consisted of large cells with thin-
formation of the abscission tissue (Fig. 4C) was walled which could break up easily (Fig. 4B). The
observed. abscission tissue was loose and it was constituted
of thin-walled cells.

Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. v.53 n. 6: pp. 1425-1432, Nov/Dec 2010

Morphological and Anatomical Features of the Flowers and Fruits 1429

Figure 3 – Fruit and seed morphology of Chamissoa altissima. A, B – Young fruits. C – Seed
sectioned longitudinally. D – Mature fruit. (ar = aril; em = embryo; li = lid; pr =
perisperm; te = tepal). Bars = 0.7mm (A), 1.2mm (B,D), 0.5mm (C).

Figure 4 - Pericarp in developing of Chamissoa altissima. A – Ovary in cross-section. B – Mature

pericarp in cross-section. C – Young pericarp in longitudinal section. (ar = abscission
region; cm = sclerenchymatic mesocarp; en = endocarp; ep = epicarp; ie = inner
epidermis; oe = outer epidermis) Bars = 50µm.

The integuments were not multiplicative. The Endosperm was nuclear. The funicular aril (Fig.
exotesta cells (Fig. 5C) underwent shortly radially 5D) developed as loops of the elongated cells with
elongation and the inner cell layer could undergo large vacuoles and nuclei.
periclinal division in certain regions of the young The mature seed (Figs. 3C, D) was lenticular,
seed becoming biseriate. In the outer surface of the black, and it was involved completely by white,
exotesta thick cuticular layer was deposited. In the fleshy and wrinkled surface aril. It was bitegmic
biseriate tegmen (Fig. 5C), the inner layer and exotestal. The exotesta was composed of short
presented cuboid cells and the outer layer showed elongated sclereids with lignified reticulate thick-
small tabular cells which became crushed. walled cells. The exotesta was covered by the

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1430 Oyama, S. O. et al.

cuticle and thick striate cuticular layer. The testa epidermis with cuticle and parenchyma with
still consisted of one to three layers of content poorly oily and calcium oxalate crystals.
parenchymatous cells (Fig. 5E). The tegmen (Fig. The embryo (Fig. 3C) was curved with long
5E) possessed one cellular layer, occurring two hypocotyl-radicle axis and two cotyledons of
strata eventually. The perisperm (Fig. 3C) showed different dimensions.

Figure 5 - Ovule and seed structure of Chamissoa altissima. A – Scanning electron micrographs
showing ovule and nectary. B – Detail of micropylar region of the ovule in longitudinal
section. C – Detail of chalazal region of the young seed in longitudinal section. D –
Young seed in longitudinal section. E – Mature seed integuments in cross-section. (ar =
aril; cl = cuticular layer; ct = cuticle; ex = exotesta; fu = funiculus; ii = inner integument;
mi = micropyle; nu = nucellus; ne = nectary; oi = outer integument; ou = ovule; st =
stamen; te = testa; tg = tegmen) Bars = 20µm (B,C,E), 50µm(E).

DISCUSSION considered this species as zoochoric in a forest

remnant of the Paraná, Brazil.
The persistent perianth or perigone on the fruit can The C. altissima floral nectary developed on the
develop different functions and/or undergo receptacle could be classified as toral nectary, in
structural modifications. In the literature, there are agreement with Fahn (1990). According to Fahn
several examples in which the perianth/perigone (1990), when the secretory cells are
may serve as a protective organ as well as a means parenchymatous, nectar is secreted into the
of seed dispersal at fruit maturity, as for instance intercellular spaces from which it is exuded via
in Asteraceae, Boraginanaceae, Verbenaceae and modified stomata. The C. altissima nectary
Nyctaginaceae (Roth, 1977; Souza, 2006, 2008). seemed to have this secretion and exudation type,
In C. altissima, the tepals initially acted as for presenting secretory parenchyma and stomata.
protective and photosynthetic functions and after The immature anther wall of C. altissima just
acquiring the red color it should act in the seed presented a middle layer. In agreement with the
dispersal. In fact, Mikich and Silva (2001) anther wall formation and definitions of the types

Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. v.53 n. 6: pp. 1425-1432, Nov/Dec 2010

Morphological and Anatomical Features of the Flowers and Fruits 1431

of walls (Davis, 1966), the anther of this species C. altissima, the testa and the endotegmen
could belong to the Monocotyledonous type, remained in the seed coat, degenerating only the
common in Caryophyllanae (Dahlgren, 1991). In outer layer of the inner integument.
the Monocotyledonous type, periclinal divisions The white aril of C. altissima was funicular and
are suppressed in the outer secondary parietal layer started its formation in the pre-anthesis ovule. It
which develops directly into endothecium, while occurs typically in the genus (Corner, 1976).
the inner layer forms the middle layer and the Werker (1997) reported that the aril, usually
tapetum. However, the definitive inclusion of the colored, was attractive to the group of animals,
C. altissima anther in the Monocotyledonous type which acted as dispersal agents, like orange for
needs ontogenetic study of the anther wall. ornitochory and white or yellow for
The differentiation of the ovary wall in the myrmecochory. According to Kapil et al. (1980)
pericarp of C. altissima didn’t involve increase of the aril-like appendages are the types of accessory
cellular layers. In this the cell divisions ceased seed outgrowths. These most impressed the
very early during the fruit development, before botanists and, in fact, brought about the greatest
fertilization, unlike drupes, legumes, follicles and differences of opinion by their heterogenic shapes,
capsules that formed adaxial (ventral) meristem sizes and ways of development. The authors
after the pollinization (Roth, 1977; Souza et al., considered that the one group of arils which
2004; Souza, 2006; Souza et al., 2008). The fruit perhaps could not be accounted for were the true
differentiation of C. altissima consisted mainly in funicular arils, which originated independently
cell enlargement of the pericarp, thickening of cell from the seed coat, and should therefore be treated
walls of subendocarpic mesocarp, and formation as separate category.
of the abscission zone. Chamissoa altissima presented the general pattern
The mature pericarp of C. altissima presented of Amaranthaceae seed as reported by Singh
reduced number of cellular layers, 6-7 layered (1964) and Corner (1976) as bitegmic and
structure. The Amaranthus species pericarp exotestal seed, persistent inner epidermis in the
showed 2-4 layered structure, consisting of 1- tegmen, perisperm and curved embryo. However,
layered epicarp, 1-2 layered mesocarp and 1- all the embryos of
layered endocarp (Costea et al., 2001). There is not Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae are not curved.
sclerenchyma in the Amaranthus species mesocarp Shepherd et al. (2005) reported that the peripheral
as in C. altissima; in the Amaranthus species embryos of the Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae)
occurs the thickening of walls in endocarp cells. could further characterized as bent, curved and
In the literature, the fruit registered for Chamissoa straight.
H. B. K. is classified as pyxidium (or pyxis) or
circumscissile capsule (Smith and Downs, 1972;
Barroso et al., 1999). In fact, C. altissima RESUMO
presented this fruit type that dehisces by a single
transverse rift. The C. altissima fruit was Chamissoa altissima (Jacq.) Kunth ocorre em
structurally similar to the Plantago L. one (Souza, remanescentes florestais de Maringá, Paraná,
2006) which showed pericarp with few cell layers, Brasil e se destaca por seus frutos zoocóricos
sclerenchymatous subendocarpic mesocarp and envolvidos por sépalas vermelhas. As flores e
circumscissile dehiscence. The disappearance of frutos em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento são
seed coat cells may occur through their absorption descritos estruturalmente. O material botânico foi
by the growing endosperm, serving as nutrients, or fixado em FAA 50, emblocado em historresina e
by being crushed and obliterated through the secionado conforme técnicas usuais. As flores
growth of the endosperm and embryo, or through apresentam sépalas com betalaína e mesofilo
desiccation when thin-walled (Werker, 1997). In homogêneo; nectário receptacular; anteras com
Amaranthaceae/Chenopodiaceae, the integuments epiderme, endotécio, uma camada média e tapete
are reduced generally to the exotesta and the uninucleado; e ovário monocarpelar com mesofilo
endotegmen, but with three cuticular layers homogêneo. O fruto é uma cápsula circuncisa,
(Corner, 1976). In Amaranthus hypochondriacus, apresenta o mesmo número de camadas celulares
the cells of the inner integument and the inner que o ovário, e possui esclerênquima
epidermis of the outer integument finally subendocárpico. A semente é bitegumentada,
degenerate in a mature seed (Pal et al., 1990). In exotestal e perispérmica.

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1432 Oyama, S. O. et al.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mikich, S. B. and Silva, S. M. (2001), Composição

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remanescentes de floresta estacional semidecidual no
We thank CNPq (Conselho Nacional de
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Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brasil) 89-113.
for supporting this work (PIBIC Grant to S. O. O’Brien, T. P.; Feder, N. and McCully, M. E. (1965),
Oyama and Research grant to L. A. Souza). We Polycromatic staining of plant cell walls by toluidine
also thank Dr. O. A. Guimarães, UFPR, Brazil, for blue O. Protoplasma, 59, 368-373.
the species identification. Pal, A.; Singh, R. P. and Pal, M. (1990), Development
and structure of seeds in Amaranthus
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Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. v.53 n. 6: pp. 1425-1432, Nov/Dec 2010

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