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Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

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A comprehensive review on technological advances of adsorption for

removing nitrate and phosphate from waste water
E. Priya a, Surendra Kumar b, Chhavi Verma d, Sudipta Sarkar a, c, *, Pradip K. Maji a, d, *
Centre for Nanotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India
Department of Botany, Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur 342001, Rajasthan, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India
Department of Polymer & Process Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Saharanpur Campus, Saharanpur 247001, Uttar Pradesh, India


Keywords: Nitrate and phosphate contamination in water sources is considered a major problem globally. The excessive
Adsorption discharge of nitrate and phosphate is responsible for the most widespread contamination in an aquatic system,
Nitrate causes eutrophication to harm the ecosystem, and severe threats to people’s health. So the removal and recovery
of these nitrate and phosphate are esteemed as one of the interventions to prevent the water bodies’ eutrophi­
Water purification
cation by application of numerous methods. Adsorption is a low-cost, efficient, environmentally friendly, and
Sorption capacity universal method utilized to remove nitrate and phosphate from wastewater. Here we review adsorption as an
effective method for removing nitrate and phosphate from an aqueous solution, even with a low effluent con­
centration in the water medium. The major points are the following: first, this review compiles the data reported
in the various literature about nitrate and phosphate removal through adsorption using different adsorbents like
carbon base, clay base, zeolite base, chitosan, agricultural waste, cellulose nanocrystal, cellulose nanofibre, metal
hydroxide, and biochar base. Second, the adsorption capacity, preparation, and modification method of adsor­
bents, the effect of temperature, and pH of using such adsorbents for removing nitrate and phosphate have also
been discussed. Third, a discussion of some high-performance adsorbents for the removal of nitrate and phos­
phate is proposed; this is a key novelty of this review work. Moreover, the future outlook and upcoming nitrate
and phosphate removal and recovery challenges are presented.

1. Introduction these sectors, domestic wastewater is the primary source of discharge of

these nutrients into the aquatic water bodies. It was found that the
The development of human civilization has always been associated higher concentrations of NO−3 (nitrate), NO−2 (nitrite), and PO3−
4 (phos­
with deleterious effects on the environment, especially in water [1]. phate) present in wastewater discharge from treatment plants [5].
However, current day water pollution is considered a major problem Generally, the aquatic ecosystem cannot exhaust all the nutrients
globally. Though 70 % of the earth’s surface is full of water, the acces­ available in the wastewater discharged from treatment industries,
sibility of freshwater is a crucial problem across the world. The growing leading to eutrophication problems [6]. Phosphate and nitrogen are
utilization of limited fresh water resources needs an efficient wastewater known as plant growth nutrients, excess of which, when present in
treatment system. Clean water is necessary for human beings and other surface water, cause algal bloom, which ultimately leads to eutrophi­
life systems [2]. Water pollution is caused by the discharge of inorganic cation problems. Eutrophication is the slow aging of the water body,
and organic contaminants such as nitrate, phosphate, heavy metal ions, resulting in the abundant development of aquatic plants, declining dis­
toxic metalloids, and synthetic organic chemicals (Fig. 1) [3]. The solved oxygen, becoming toxic to water inhabitants, and disturbing the
release of anionic pollutants such as phosphate, nitrite, and nitrate ecological balance [7]. Nitrate and phosphate are the plant nutrients
(which has nutrient value) into natural water bodies like rivers, lakes, needed for their growth and thus vital for modern agriculture, which are
and oceans leads to severe degradation in water quality [4]. Domestic crucial elements for the growth of living organisms and are used in
and industrial wastewater is the main source of these nutrients. Among agriculture as fertilizer [8]. The maximum yield of crop production is

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (S. Sarkar), (P.K. Maji).
Received 28 May 2022; Received in revised form 3 September 2022; Accepted 13 September 2022
Available online 21 September 2022
2214-7144/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

gained by using conventional fertilizers, which disturbs global pop­ wastewater and reduce their concentration to an acceptable level
ulations and suffers from a leaching load of nitrate and phosphate. The specified by the effluents standard guidelines before the treated waste­
increase in NO−3 concentration is due to the numerous types of human water is discharged into water bodies. Fig. 2 represents the number of
action, primarily by using nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture, mainly in articles published yearly in Science Direct (access date: 11 July 2022,
the form of urea [9]. However, the utilization range of nitrogen fertilizer time: 12:30 pm) for the few years on the topic of phosphorous and ni­
is only 30–50 % remaining washed out due to its high water solubility trogen in water and wastewater; the number has grown exponentially,
[10,11]. Nitrogen in the form of nitrate does not bind to the soil signifying the importance of the occurrence and removal of nitrate and
immediately due to its higher water solubility predominating the phosphate in water and wastewater.
leaching over adsorption in the land. It leads to an increase in nitrate
pollution in ground and surface water sources [12]. The various sources
of nitrate contamination are industrial wastes discharged in an unsafe 1.1. Technologies for the removal of nitrate and phosphate from
manner, urban and agricultural runoff, landfill leachate, disposal of wastewater
untreated sewage and leakage from septic systems, and animal manure
[13]. In aquatic environments, the main source of phosphate pollution is Various techniques have been developed and used to remove nitrate
fertilizers used on agricultural land, effluent from the food processing and phosphate from wastewater. They largely include (i) chemical
industry, and household wastewater. This phosphate is readily available precipitation [21], (ii) reverse osmosis [22], (iii) biological processes
in a form that can be used in aquatic systems, directly leading to algae
growth and promoting eutrophication. The discharge of effluents con­
taining nitrate and phosphate in excessive amounts into the aquatic
environment increases the possibility of eutrophication [14]. Thus, in
natural water ecosystem, enrichment of water with nitrate and phos­
phate is a global environmental issue.
To prevent the eutrophication problem, the recommended release
concentration of nutrients in the water stream is 2.6 mg/L PO3− 4 , <11
mg/L NO−3 , and 0.03 mg/L NO−2 [15]. Some researchers have specified
that for the growth of algae, even 0.02 mg/L phosphate concentration in
a water system is sufficient [15,16]. Several environmental governing
organizations, including the United States Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA), have fixed a maximum pollutant level of 10 mg/L of
nitrate in drinking water and has recommended a maximum concen­
tration of phosphate in drinking water as 50 μg/L [17,18]. Besides
eutrophication, the increase in NO−3 concentration in drinking water
leads to serious health problems like blue-baby syndrome (methemo­
globinemia). Sometimes it allows conversion into nitrosamine, affecting
infants mainly [19]. Recent works have revealed that additional nitrate
in drinking water is responsible for various cancers, infectious diseases,
and diabetes. It also acts as a precursor of carcinogens [20]. Therefore, it Fig. 2. Numbers of published articles about nitrate and phosphate from 1998 to
is essential to remove nitrate and phosphate from contaminated water or May 2022 based on science direct database.

Fig. 1. The diversified sources of phosphate and nitrate pollution.

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

[23], (iv) coagulation-flocculation [24] and (v) adsorption [25]. Of all nm, mesopores between 2 and 50 nm, and micropores <2 nm. To
these techniques, chemical precipitation is the most widely used method selectively remove nitrate and phosphate from an aqueous solution,
of phosphate removal by precipitation as salts of metals like (Fe(II), Fe many commercial adsorbents have been used, such as activated carbon,
(III), Al(III), and Ca(II)). This method often produces treated effluent zeolites, chitosan, cellulose-based adsorbents, modified agricultural
concentrations below 1.0 mg/L as P [26]. Metal ions, when added to the waste-based adsorbents, and biochar. Adsorbents with distinct surface
contaminated water or wastewater, combine with phosphate to form physicochemical qualities, pore structure, and surface functional groups
insoluble precipitates of metal phosphate, which can be easily separated play essential roles in nitrate and phosphate adsorption [38]. As shown
from water using gravity separations or filtration processes [27]. in Fig. 3, this adsorption process can occur between adsorbent and
Reverse osmosis is a membrane-based non-selective separation process adsorbate molecules through a physical (weak van der Waals forces of
applied to treat a wide variety of industrial effluents, which removes all attraction is known as physisorption) and chemical process (adsorption
the impurities present in the water or wastewater, including the non- occurs through chemical bonding is called chemisorption). Usually, it is
target species [28]. The reverse osmosis process uses a semipermeable a reversible process. The process for the release of the adsorbate species
membrane, which needs a driving force to overcome the osmotic barrier upon the exhaustion of the available sites on the adsorbent is called
and also to push the fluid through the membrane; thus, it is an energy desorption [39]. The process of desorption is important when the same
intensive process [29]. Biological processes have been used for the adsorbent is reused over many number of cycles. Nitrate and phosphate
removal of both phosphorus and nitrogen from the contaminated water. removal through adsorption can take place via various mechanisms like
The biological nitrogen removal consists of two consecutive steps — electrostatic interactions, ion exchange, surface complexation (inner-
nitrification and denitrification. In nitrification process the organic- sphere and outer-sphere), hydrogen bonding, precipitation, and ligand
bound nitrogen and ammoniacal nitrogen are converted by the mi­ exchange [40]. When the contaminants get electrostatically adsorbed
crobes into nitrate. In denitrification process, nitrate is reduced into onto surfaces with opposite charges, the interaction is known as an
gaseous nitrogen. Denitrification is an essential process of the nitrogen electrostatic attraction [41,42]. Thus, in such an adsorption process, a
cycle, and it is potentially more complicated. This method specifies that protonated surface would electrostatically attract negatively charged
the nitrate reduction into nitrogen in the lack of oxygen condition species or anions such as negatively charged phosphate species (H2PO−4 ,
(anoxic condition) is the primary fundamental of biological denitrifi­ HPO2− 3−
4 , PO4 ) and nitrate ions NO3 [43–46]. In the ion exchange

cation [30]. On the other hand biological phosphate removal process is mechanism, an exchange of ions occurs between the solution and solid/
carried out by a special group of microorganisms known as phosphate porous ion exchanger. Modifying the surfaces of the adsorbents with
accumulating organisms (PAOs) which when exposed to alternate primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary ammonium functional
anaerobic and anaerobic conditions, tend to uptake phosphate during groups plays an important role in the adsorption of nitrate and phos­
the aerobic conditions. In order to remove phosphate from the polluted phate ions by an ion-exchange mechanism [47–50]. Removal using
water, these phosphate-rich microorganisms are isolated from the surface complexation is essentially based on two mechanisms: inner-
effluent. Biological phosphate and nitrogen removal processes have sphere complexation and outer-sphere complexation mechanism. In
several disadvantages, such as requirements of high energy, sensitivity the outer-sphere complexation mechanism, electron transfer occurs
to environmental conditions, and the possibility of the generation of between chemical species which remain separate before, after, and
toxic nitrite ions. Coagulation and flocculation followed by sedimenta­ during the electron transfer that do not form any intermediate, and no
tion/filtration are conventional techniques in the wastewater industry to bonds are formed or broken. In the inner-sphere complexation mecha­
remove suspended solids. Salts of two commonly used metal ions - alum nism, electron transfer occurs between complexes via a bridging ligand
and ferric chloride. The metal ions destabilize particles through the and through the formation of a covalent bond [43,44,51–55]. In ligand
chemical reaction between coagulants and colloids [31]. The metal exchange, ligands are basically ion or natural molecules. The formation
hydroxides bind to the phosphate ions via inner sphere complexation of a coordinate covalent bond occurs due to donating the electrons pair
due to Lewis acid-base interaction and precipitate. These currently to metal atoms. Several reports indicated that ligand exchange could be
available technologies have their limitations. They are not quite effec­ created by inner-sphere complexes and electrostatic attraction between
tive, more expensive and are responsible for generating several by- positively charged metal and metal oxide surfaces and negatively
products. Nevertheless, these methodologies do not solve the problems charged phosphate ions [54,56]. The electrostatic attraction occurs be­
associated with excessive nitrate and phosphate present in the envi­ tween the negatively charged ions, such as N−2 and O−2 and protonated
ronment. Adsorption and ion-exchange processes hold promise for being hydrogen ion is known as hydrogen bond. Through this interaction, the
the appropriate technologies for the selective removal of phosphate and hydrogen atom loses its electron to neighboring atoms that have an
nitrate from the contaminated water. equal probability of forming a hydrogen bond. The hydroxyl ion (OH) is
a good example, where one positive charge of hydrogen is attracted by
1.2. Removal of nutrients from wastewater by adsorption process the negative charge of O2 to make the unit of OH. This unit of OH, due to
its net negative, is responsible for forming a component of the phosphate
The adsorption process is considered to be an effective method in crystal structures [41,42]. The hydrogen bond is weaker than stronger
wastewater treatment because of its simplicity of design, convenient use, bonds like covalent and ionic bonds, but it is stronger than the van der
easy-to-operate nature, and no requirement for any special care [32]. walls interaction [49]. The precipitation technique is also referred to as
This technology is applicable for the elimination of diverse kinds of aqueous precipitation or chemical precipitation. Studies have been re­
organic contaminants and inorganic species, including anions, such as ported that the Mg2+ and Ca2+ are used for the precipitation of phos­
fluoride [33], nitrate [34], bromate [35], perchlorate [36], and phos­ phate complex [43,44,52,57–60]. The possible mechanism of the
phate [37] from water by the use of several different types of adsorbent adsorption process is explained in Fig. 4. Further, the potential advan­
materials. Adsorption is a surface-based process in which ions, atoms, or tage of the adsorption technology is the ability to achieve a higher
molecules are attached to the adsorbent’s surface. As adsorption being a accumulation of nitrate and phosphate onto the adsorbent leading to
surface phenomenon, the adsorbent, and its physicochemical qualities lower nitrate and phosphate concentration levels in the treated effluent
significantly influence the sorptive removal of the contaminants. An [61].
excellent adsorbent should have the following characteristics: high The synthesis of cost-effective adsorbents has been the focus of the
selectivity, low cost, long life, and high adsorption capacity. Adsorbents fast-growing research interests in this field. Various types of materials
differ in terms of pore size, active surface area, surface functional group, from diverse origins have been employed to selectively remove phos­
pore sizes and their distribution, etc. Porous adsorbents are classified phate and nitrate from water by the adsorption process, as will be dis­
into three major categories based on their pore size: macropores >50 cussed in the following sections of this article. However, no overview of

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Fig. 3. The conventional methods of the adsorption process.

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram displaying the possible adsorption mechanisms of nitrate and phosphate.

the adsorption potentials of the different adsorbent materials studied so been presented in this article, and the results have been discussed. A
far for nitrate and phosphate removal has been published. The present summary of the sorption efficiency and mechanism for different sorbents
review article focuses on the most recent literature studies on the syn­ for nitrate and phosphate removal and recovery from aqueous solution
thesis and utilization of various types of adsorbents to remove and has been represented in Table 1 and Table 2. This study will help
recover nitrate and phosphate from wastewater. Fig. 5 provides a sum­ enhance and update the knowledge of researchers working on the
mary of various types of adsorbents so far used for the purpose. The key removal of phosphate and nitrate from wastewater.
concepts, including kinetic models, applicable adsorption isotherm
models, and adsorption capacities, a source of up-to-date literature, have

E. Priya et al.
Various absorbents used for nitrate and phosphate removal

Nitrate Phosphate

Carbon-based Natural sorbent Biosorbent Agricultural Cellulose based Zeolite Agricultural Biochar Metal Chitosan Cellulose
adsorbents (Chitosan) waste based adsorbents Based waste based based hydroxide based based
adsorbents adsorbents adsorbents adsorbents adsorbents adsorbents
Clay Zeolite
- modified
Activated Modified Surfactant Wheat straw
Chitosan Agricultural corn ZSM-5 SP-Zr-La
carbon CPTMS/CNC Ca-biochar Metal MIL-
clay modified based cob and coconut zeolite (Fe+3) 101(Al/Fe)
mineral BEA- type hybrid bio- copra beads with oxide/
with of zeolite composites lanthanum Agro waste hydroxide
HDTMA material Natural Rice husk Modified nano- M-IACBs
RS2/ Chemically Cell-g-
cellulose h magnetic -particles
Na2CO3 modified biochar E/PEI
adsorbents biochar
APTS- from sugarcane Synthetic

2M HCl zeolite Chitosan- bagasse zeolite with Seagrass

activated Fe3+ fly ash CTAB Chitosan/
complex Cell-g-E/PEI modified Lanthanu Fe(OH)3@
GAC with Ethiopian Modified CaO- biochar IONP m CNFs
ZnCl2 bentonite brewer’s spent RS-PA hydrogel
Surfactant grain (MBSG) Lanthanum beads
modified Chitosan incorporated
Modified Natural Lanthanum Magnetic
nano composites ternary
clay Onion peel Ws-N-Zr modified iron oxide
granular zeolite with PVA (hydro)
activate minerals dust platanus ball nano-
(SMZN) and PEG oxides nano- La-BC-5
carbon (NC) fiber biochar -particle
(MALZ) (La-TC)
Local clay Nano cellulose
Rice husk
activated chitosan/
carbon clinoptilolite Fe-Zeolite-A

Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Modified wheat
Pine sawdust


Fig. 5. List of various sorbents used for the removal of nitrate and phosphate from water.
E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Table. 1
Summary of sorption efficiency and different parameters for the removal of nitrate by various types of adsorbents.
Adsorbent Amount Conc. range Contact Temperature pH Adsorption mechanism Reference
adsorbed time

Carbon-based adsorbents
• AC-CTABr from dates stems 83.33 mg/g 100–600 – 25 ◦ C 5.8 The activated carbon (AC) impregnated with CTABr [68]
mg/L solution introduced ammonium group CTA+ onto
the activated carbon surface, responsible for the
electrostatic interaction between nitrate ions and
• RS2/Na2CO3 8.2 mg/g 50 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C 8.0 Ion exchange interaction occurs between the [69]
functional group and nitrate ions
• Lignite modified GAC with 4.4 mg/g 50 to 150 30 min 25 ± 2 C ◦
5.0 Nitrate adsorption on LGAC5 was a physical [71]
ZnCl2 mg/L adsorption process.
• Granular activated carbon 43.1 mg/g 10–50 mg/ 60 min 25 ± 1 ◦ C 4.0 Nitrate adsorption onto MGAC follows a [72]
modified with Fenton L heterogeneous (multilayer) mechanism.
• Rice husk-activated carbon 93.5 mg/g 100–200 4h Room 4.0 The adsorption mechanism was based on [73]
• Carbon prepared from 79.5 mg/g mg/L temperature electrostatic interaction
primary sludge of wastewater
treatment of paper industry
Clay-based adsorbents
• H-B-4CEC 14.76 mg/g 100 mg/L 17 h Room 5.4 Compared with unmodified clay minerals, modified [76]
temperature clay minerals with HDTMA had better adsorption
capacities towards nitrate ions it was due to
surfactant cations that can attract and
electrostatically hold anionic contaminants.
• 2 M HCl activated Ethiopian 5.0 mg/g 250–500 – 30 ◦ C 5.0 Bentonite is a metal oxide adsorbent containing [77]
bentonite mg/L different metal oxide in the structure through
activation, hydroxylated surfaces of these oxides
develop a charge on the surface. The interaction
between nitrate ion and metal oxide was modeled by
assuming ligand exchange reactions
• Adsorbent A1 5.1 mg/g 100 mg/L 2h Room 2 to 4 Adsorption nitrate due to the electrostatic [79]
temperature interaction
• Natural clay mineral (NC) 244.06 mg/g 300 mg/L 180 min 20 ◦ C 5.1 The strong electrostatic interaction between the [78]
positively charged surface sites of the adsorbent and
the nitrate ions.
Zeolite based adsorbents
• BEA-type nanocrystals 19 mg/g 0.8–24.2 24 h Room 5.5 The adsorption capacity due to the presence of a [84]
• BEA-type nanosponges 83 mg/g mmol.L− 1 temperature more positive charge in the surface-modified zeolite
with HDTMA+Br− at pH 5.5 led to the electrostatic
attraction between surface-modified zeolite and
nitrate ions.
• APTS-zeolite 12.54 mg/g 50 mg/L 4h 30 ◦ C 3.0 The APTS-zeolite, NH2 groups on the surface need [85]
an H+ ion to convert NH2 into NH+ 4 to remove
nitrate, which was possible on acidic conditions.
Under the acidic condition, the positively charged
surface group of adsorbent attract the nitrate ions.
• SMZNC 810 (±50) 0.8–40.5 – Room 6.0 The nitrate adsorption capacity was higher at pH 6 [86]
mmol⋅kg− 1 mmol⋅L− 1 temperature for these three modified materials. Further lower
• SMZNS 1941 (±100) pH, in the range of 4–6, led to a decrease the nitrate
mmol⋅kg− 1 removal due to an increase of the H3O+ a
• SMZNSp 2125 (±100) concentration that led to the formation of another
mmol⋅kg− 1 form of nitrate, which is the HNO3 form that could
limit the surface exchange between Br− and Cl−
species and NO−3 . In addition, a slight decreased in
the nitrate removal capacity was also noticed once
being in the basic medium range. This could be
explained by the presence of OH− species in such
medium and its competition with NO−3 in
contaminated water.
Chitosan-based adsorbents
• Chitosan/bentonite (ChBT) 35.68 mg/g 200 mg/L 180 min 40 ◦ C 6.0 Adsorption of nitrate by chitosan/bentonite [88]
• Chitosan/titanium oxide 43.62 mg/g biocomposites was generally electrostatic
(ChTi) interaction.
• Chitosan/alumina (ChAl) 43.62 mg/g
• Nano-CS/Clino@ PEHA 277.77 mg/g 100 to 300 30 min 25 ◦ C 4.0 After the chemical modification, the material [89]
mg/L showed an increased adsorption capacity, and it was
due to the strong electrostatic attraction between
the positively charged adsorbent sites (such as
amine and a hydroxyl group) towards the nitrate
• Chitosan-Fe3+complex 8.35 mg/g 50 mg/L 1.5 h 25 ◦ C 5.9 ± Nitrate adsorption was mainly attributed to ion [91]
0.2 exchange and electrostatic attraction.
• PEG/chitosan 50.68 mg/g 10 mg/L 40 min Room 3.0 The adsorption of nitrate onto PEG/chitosan and [90]
• PVA/chitosan 35 mg/g temperature PVA/chitosan was mainly due to strong electrostatic
(continued on next page)

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Table. 1 (continued )
Adsorbent Amount Conc. range Contact Temperature pH Adsorption mechanism Reference
adsorbed time

interaction between the positively charged

adsorbent sites and the nitrate anion.
Agricultural waste-based
• Corn cob 49.9 mg/g 20 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C 6.5 The adsorption occurred through the electrostatic [92]
• Coconut copra 59.0 mg/g attraction between positive surface charges on the
adsorbent and negative charges on the anions by
outer-sphere surface complexation (non-specific
• Modified biochar of sugarcane 28.21 mg/g 50 mg/L 60 min 22 ◦ C 3.0 Nitrate adsorption efficiency was higher under [93]
bagasse acidic pH than basic pH due to the electrostatic
attraction occurring between nitrate ions and the
modified biochar surface.
• Modified brewers’ spent grain 14.4 mg/g 30 mg/L 120 min 25 ◦ C 3 to 8 The mechanism based on electrostatic interaction [94]
• Onion peel dust 5.93 mg/g 100 mg/L 10 min 40 ◦ C 12 The nitrate adsorption was favorable when the [95]
surface of OPD is negative, and it is only possible
due to hydrogen bonding between surface adsorbed
hydroxyl ions and NO−3 ions.
• Nanocrystalline cellulose 8.33 mg/g 100 mg/L 100 min Room 6.0 Electrostatic interaction [96]
• Modified wheat straw 8.5 mg/g 20 mg/L 10 min 25 ◦ C 7.0 – [97]
• Pine sawdust 32.8 mg/g 50 mg/L 4h 40 ◦ C 5.8–7.0 The incorporated triethylamine functional group [98]
was responsible for the nitrate adsorption
• Modified hazelnut shell 26.5 mg/g 30 mg/L 60 min 25 ◦ C 4.0–10 The adsorption mechanism was based on [99]
electrostatic interaction
Cellulose based adsorbents
• CPTMS/CNC 30 mg/g 20 mg/L 10 min 25 ◦ C 7.0 – [102]
• Natural cellulosic adsorbents 96.5 % 5 mg/L 10 min 25 ◦ C 6.6 The mechanism was based on electrostatic [103]
removal interaction
• Cell-g-E/PEI 158.3 mg/g 100–250 4h 30 ◦ C 4.5 The electrostatic interaction between nitrate and [104]
mg/L adsorbent surface
The adsorbent used for the
nitrate removal by co-removal
• MG@La 138.88 mg/g 20 mg/L 5 to180 20 to 40 ◦ C 4 to 8 Nitrate adsorption was based on electrostatic [53]
min interaction
• HA520E-Fe hybrid material 56.85 mg/g 100 mg/L – 25 ◦ C 3 Adsorption of nitrate ions through the ion exchange [105]
• Nanocomposite HFO@TPR Reduced from 50 mg/L 12 h 25 C

7.2 Adsorption via an ion exchange mechanism [106]
18 to <10 mg/
• RH 700 (rice husk) 95.42 mg/g 100 mg/L 12 h – – Adsorption through the ion exchange mechanism [107]
• Amine-functionalized walnut 24.8 mg/g 30 mg/L 1h 298 K 3.0–0.9 Adsorption was based on electrostatic and hydrogen [108]
shells (ACWNS) bond
• Amine cross-linked tea waste 136.43 mg/g 1000 mg/g 60 min 25 ◦ C 6.0 Adsorption was based on electrostatic and ion [109]
(ACTW) exchange
• Cellulose nanofibres aerogels 79.65 % 100 mg/L 60 min 25 ◦ C 6 Electrostatic interaction [110]

2. Nitrate removal through the adsorption process 2.1. The carbon-based adsorbents used for nitrate removal

Nitrogen deposition in the environment from geogenic and anthro­ Activated carbon (AC), commonly known as a universal adsorbent in
pogenic sources raises nitrate concentrations in water bodies. House­ powder or granular form, is widely used to remove several types of water
holds, animals, fertilizer manufacturers, the food industry, and other pollutants, particularly organic pollutants. However, AC shows weak
industries generate large volumes of organic, inorganic, and biologically adsorption capacity towards anionic pollutants, and only limited studies
bound nitrogen and sewage waste rich in inorganic nitrogen compounds have investigated the adsorption potential of NO−3 of AC [64–67]. A
[62]. These elevated nitrogen concentrations are much higher than what surfactant-altered activated carbon (AC-CTABr) was used to remove
the environment can eliminate and assimilate. Due to its high solubility anionic compounds, mainly nitrate, from water systems [68]. The
and stability, nitrate has a low tendency to getting removed via surfactant-altered activated carbon AC-CTABr was prepared through the
adsorption and precipitation; therefore, it is hard to eliminate this ion chemical activation of date stem, followed by saturation with CTABr
from water using conventional water treatment technologies [63]. The solution, which led to the addition of an ammonium-based functional
various adsorbents with outstanding characteristics to adsorb nitrates group (CTA+) onto the activated carbon surface. Experimental results
from water by adsorption process have been produced by various re­ revealed that the kinetics of adsorption was quite fast, so that the
searchers. In order to get the best removal rates, it is vital to use the equilibrium was obtained within 5 min of contact time between the
proper material for the removal of particular types of anions. In the nitrate solution and the adsorbents (AC and AC-CTABr) and the
subsequent sub-sections, we discuss in detail the capabilities of different maximum capacity was found to be 83.33 mg/g [68]. The AC-CTABr
materials used so far for the removal of nitrate from contaminated was more efficient for the sorption of NO−3 than bare AC because of
water. the presence of ammonium group CTA+ on the surface. The results
suggested that NO−3 removal increased from 14 % in AC to 60 % in the

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Table. 2
Summary of sorption efficiency and different parameters for the removal of phosphate by various types of adsorbents.
Adsorbent Amount Conc. Contact Temperature pH Adsorption mechanism Reference
adsorbed range time

Zeolite based adsorbents

• La-ZB 106.2 mg/g 200 mg/L 180 min Room 6.0 Based on the inner-sphere surface complexation [114]
temperature mechanism
• La-P1 58.2 mg/g 12.5 to 24 h 25 ◦ C 5.3 The phosphate species were adsorbed onto zeolites by [115]
• La-A 44.0 mg/g 200 mg/L electrostatic forces and with the involvement of the
• La-CLP 24.6 mg/g ion-exchange mechanism
• MALZ 80.8 mg/g 500 mg/L 180 min 25 ◦ C 6.6 The phosphate was removed by the ligand exchange [116]
mechanism and the formation of LaPO4⋅xH2O
• Fe-Zeolite-A 18.75 mg/g 4.725 mg/ 10 min – 5.0 The mechanism was based on ligand exchange, [117]
L electrostatic, and diffusion.
• ZEO@AZ 24.96 mg/g 50 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C <6 The mechanism was based on inner sphere complex [118]
• Mn-Zr-Fe-modified natural 20.9 mg/g 10 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C 2.0–6.0 Electrostatic attraction and ligand exchange [119]
Agricultural waste-based
• HFO@St+ 27.81 mg/g 5 to 60 24 h Room 6.0 The nano-sized hydrous Fe(III) oxides (HFO) were [120]
• HFO@St+ 40.19 mg/g mg/L temperature 3.2 based on the mechanism of inner-sphere complex
• Activated rice husk ash 89 % 10 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C 6 The presence of polar groups on the surface increases [121]
(ARHA) the cation exchange capacity of the adsorbents. The
presence of crystalline silica and the Si–O–Si group
was responsible for the adsorption of phosphate ions.
• Seagrass residues of 3.3 mg/g 100 mg/L 24 h – – – [122]
Posidonia oceanica
• RS-PA 71.94 mg/g 400 mg/L 90 min 25 ◦ C 7.0 The incorporated triethylamine functional group was [123]
responsible for the selective adsorption of phosphate
• WS-N-Zr 31.9 mg/g 20 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C 2.0–7.0 Adsorption of phosphate was based on two distinct [124]
processes: ion exchange by the quaternary
ammonium group of wheat straw and specific inner-
sphere complexation by impregnated HZO
• St+@UiO-66 69.3 mg/g 3 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C 4.5 The adsorption was based on inner sphere [125]
complexation was created by forming Zr–O–P
coordination bonds between adsorbents and
phosphate ions.
Biochar based adsorbents
• Ca-biochar 197 mg/g 100 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C 3.1to 7.0 The primary mechanisms assigned to ligand exchange [127]
and chemical precipitation
• La10-MC 101.16 mg/g 100–400 24 h 30 ± 1 ◦ C 2.0 to The mechanism was based on electrostatic [128]
mg/L 5.0 interaction, inner-sphere complexation, and ligand
• CaO-biochar 231 mg/g 5 to 200 24 h 25 ◦ C 5 to 11 The chemical interactions between the phosphate and [129]
mg/L the active constituent in the adsorbent (CaO and Ca
(OH)2) was the main adsorption mechanism of
• La-TC 148.11 mg/g 30–100 24 h 25 ◦ C 6.0 The adsorption mechanism of La-TC to phosphate, [130]
mg/L including electrostatic adsorption, ligand exchange,
and complexation mechanisms.
Metal hydroxide
• Metal (Fe+3) oxide/ 70 mg/g 10 mg/L 180 min Room 7.5 Phosphate adsorption was mainly based on the inner- [134]
hydroxide nanoparticles temperature sphere surface complexation
• CTAB modified IONP 5.03 mg/g 10 to 60 100 min 25 ◦ C 1.6 to 9 CTAB-modified IONP was mainly associated with [135]
mg/L inner-sphere complexing mechanism and
electrostatic attraction.
• Magnetic iron oxide 10.85 mg/g 2 to 20 24 h 15 to 45 ◦ C 2.0 to The adsorption of phosphate ions to iron (hydr)oxide [136]
nanoparticle mg/L 6.0 surfaces was based on a ligand exchange mechanism.
Chitosan-based adsorbents
• MIL-101(Al)-CS 49.8 mg/g 30 mg/g 12 h 25 ◦ C 3.0–10 A mechanism was based on ligand exchange and [138]
• MIL-101(Fe)-CS 46.8 mg/g electrostatic interaction
• M-IACBs 18.5 mg/g 0.1–120 24 h 25 ◦ C 4.0 A mechanism was based on electrostatic and inner [139]
mg/g sphere complex formation
• Chitosan/lanthanum 107.7 mg/g 50 mg/g 24 h 25 ◦ C 4.0 A mechanism was based on electrostatic and ion [140]
hydrogel beads exchange.
• La-BC-5 23.52 mg/g 50 mg/g 30 min 25 C◦
3.0 Electrostatic interaction, precipitation, and [141]
Cellulose-based adsorbents
• SP-Zr-La 23.5 mg/g 30 mg/L 1200 25 ◦ C 3 The mechanism was based on inner sphere complex [142]
min formation
• Cell-g-E/PEI 111.7 mg/g 100 mg/L 180 min 30 ◦ C 4.5 Adsorption was based on ion exchange [143]
• Fe(OH)3@CNFs 142.86 mg/g 10 mg/L 24 h 25 ◦ C 4.5 Ligand exchange and electrostatic attraction [144]

(continued on next page)

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Table. 2 (continued )
Adsorbent Amount Conc. Contact Temperature pH Adsorption mechanism Reference
adsorbed range time

The adsorbent used for the

phosphate removal by co-
removal mechanism
• MG@La 116.28 mg/g 20 mg/L 5 to180 20 to 40 ◦ C 4 to 8 Adsorbent shows high affinity towards phosphate [53]
min ions by forming inner-phase and outer-sphere
complex through electrostatic interaction.
• HA520E-Fe hybrid material 12.8 mg/g 15.33 mg/ 72 h 25 ◦ C 7 The phosphate adsorption through Lewis acid based [105]
L (LAB) interactions
• Nanocomposite HFO@TPR Reduced from 10 mg/L 12 h 25 ◦ C 7.2 Adsorption through inner-sphere complex formation [106]
2.5 to <0.2
• RH 300(rice husk) 47.18 mg/g 50 mg/L 12 h – – Adsorption was based on ion exchange [107]
• Amine-functionalized 78.7 mg/g 30 mg/L 1h 298 K 3.0–10.0 Adsorption was based on electrostatic and hydrogen [108]
walnut shells (ACWNS) bonding
• Amine cross-linked tea waste 98.72 mg/g 300 mg/L 60 min 25 ◦ C 6.0 Adsorption was based on electrostatic and ion [109]
(ACTW) exchange
• Cellulose nanofibres aerogel 98.18 % 100 mg/L 60 min 25 ◦ C 6.0 Electrostatic interaction [110]

case of AC-CTABr. The introduction of a positively charged functional NO−3 /g adsorbent. The experimental data were best fitted by pseudo-
group on AC led to electrostatic interaction between CTA+ and nitrate second-order kinetics and Freundlich isotherm models [72].
ions and was responsible for the enhanced adsorption of nitrate. When In this study, research has grown to utilize the novel applications of
the pH value rises from 2 to 3, nitrate sorption ability enhances about 50 activated carbon to remove particular contaminants from wastewater
to 60 mg/g. Moreover, the sorption ability was reduced to 52 and 48 and also order to raise the adsorption capacity. Activated carbon ab­
mg/g, respectively. Once the pH value was below 3 or above 10, results sorbents attained from pyrolysis of rice husk and sludge of paper in­
indicate a weakening in the electrostatic interaction between adsorbent dustry wastewater treatment were utilized by Shahmoradi et al. for the
and nitrate ions. The nitrate adsorption efficiency was independent of removal of NO−3 ions from wastewater [73]. The NO−3 adsorption ability
the solution pH in the pH range from 3 to 10. This study reveals that the was more in rice husk than paper-industry sludge. The adsorption ca­
unmodified activated carbon does not have a good capacity to absorb pacity of the rice husk and sludge obtained from the paper industry was
nitrate anion and modification with CTABr has enhanced the sorption found to be 93.5 and 79.5 NO−3 /g adsorbent, respectively. As the results
efficiency of activated carbon [68]. of this literature show surface modified carbon-based adsorbents have
In a study by Hassan et al., the removal of NO−3 by utilizing activated increased sorption capacity compared to unmodified adsorbents
carbon obtained from rice straw (ARSC) was evaluated. ARSC was pre­ showing inadequate sorption capacity toward nitrate ions [73]. Surface-
pared by heating rice straw at 650 ◦ C for 1 h in an electric furnace and modified activated carbon offered large surface area, porous
mixing with Na2CO3. ARSC showed a maximum uptake capacity of 8.2 morphology, inexpensive, and readily available and viable alternative
mg/g [69]. Further, in another study, modification of granular activated material for the enhanced capability toward the removal of nitrate ions.
carbon (GAC) with a mixture of ZnCl2, CaCl2, and MgCl2 was done to The changes in surface physiochemical characterization because of the
impart capability for the adsorption of nitrate [70]. In this case, the modification of the materials have basically enhanced the surface
adsorption capacity was sensitive to the variation of pH; when the pH reactivity towards the nitrate ions.
rose from 4 to 7, the sorption efficiency of nitrate increased by 72.2 %.
The kinetic study fitted well with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model 2.2. The clay-based adsorbents used for nitrate removal
and Langmuir model.
The sorption capacity of NO−3 was examined from wastewater by Clay minerals are commonly utilized in various applications for the
utilizing lignite granular activated carbon (LGAC) modified with ZnCl2 removal of environmental contaminants [74]. Clay minerals have a high
[71]. The chemical saturation ratio of ZnCl2:LGAC varies from 1:1 to 1:3, specific surface area, layered structure, chemical, mechanical stability,
and the activation temperature range from 400 to 600 ◦ C. Experimental swelling capacity, and high cation exchange capacity utilized to remove
results reveal that at 500 ◦ C, the volatile matter was released gradually different types of contaminants from water [75]. The intercalation of
during carbonization creating extra pores responsible for the maximum cationic surfactants with clay minerals modifies the surface properties
adsorption of nitrate from wastewater. Further increasing carbonization and dramatically increases the anions’ adsorption capacity. Such surface
temperature from 500 to 600 ◦ C led to a reduction in adsorption of NO−3 quality modification helps in anionic pollutant removal by the clay
due to sintering effects at higher temperatures. An LGAC to ZnCl2 ratio minerals [76]. Bentonite, kaolinite, and halloysite are chosen as orga­
of 2:1 showed a better nitrate adsorption capacity than the unmodified noclays, and it was found that unmodified organoclays do not adsorb
LGAC, with an adsorption capacity of 4.4 mg/g at pH 5. The surface NO−3 from the contaminated water. These unmodified clay materials
charge studies of LGAC revealed a point of zero charge (pHpzc) at pH 5.9. showed weak sorption capacities towards NO−3 ions in solution and the
So at pH < pHpzc the surface was positively charged, and led to an only halloysite were identified to remove 0.54 mg/g NO−3 ions. Further,
optimal adsorption capability, and at pH > pHpzc the surface was various dosages of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMA)
negatively charged, leading to reduced NO−3 adsorption capacity were added to investigate the enhancement of the organoclay minerals.
because of the presence of an excess of competing hydroxyl ions on the Fig. 6 illustrates a schematic mechanism of clay minerals surface
surface of the adsorbent, creating an electrostatic repulsion between the chemical modifications that enable the adsorbent to remove nitrate
surface of the adsorbent and NO−3 ions [71]. through adsorption. Modification of clay materials with surfactant
The adsorption efficiency of commercial GAC with Fenton reagents hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMA) in 2 and 4 cation
(Fe2+ and H2O2) by chemical activation approach for NO−3 removal has exchange capacity (CEC) showed improved adsorption capacity for
been studied by Ahmadi et al. [72]. The Fenton oxidation process per­ bentonites as compared to other clay materials. Modification of ben­
formed by the reaction between catalysts (Fe2+/Fe3+) and hydrogen tonites with HDTMA in 2 CEC and 4 CEC was represented as H-B-2CEC
peroxide as an oxidant (H2O2) has been a widely used process. The and H-B-4CEC even though other organoclays are represented as H-K-
adsorption capacity for the GAC in this case was reported as 43.1 mg 2CEC, H-K-4CEC, H-H-2CEC, and H-H-4CEC, respectively. The sorption

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Fig. 6. Schematic of mechanisms of clay minerals’ surface chemical modifications and nitrate adsorption on QLD-bentonite, kaolinite, halloysite, and organo­
clays [75,76].

capacity of different organoclays is determined by utilizing a 100 mg/L in 20 mL of nitrate solution with a 100 mg/L concentration. Freundlich’s
nitrate solution. Modification of bentonite with HDTMA showed a model showed the best correlation for the adsorption process [79]. Clays
greater result among other organoclays materials. H-B-4CEC and H-B- and clay minerals are non-toxic and cost-effective materials with a high
2CEC can take out 14.76 mg/g and 12.83 mg/g NO−3 ions, respectively. surface area. The role of clays and clay minerals in nitrate removal from
Other modified kaolinite and halloysite with HDTMA showed poor wastewater resources can achieve higher removal rates with suitable
adsorption of NO−3 as compared to H-B samples (H-H-4CEC, H-H-2CEC, modifications to existing systems. Most clay and clay minerals are uti­
and H-K-2CEC removed 1.93, 1.78, and 1.54 mg/g nitrate ions from the lized to remove cationic pollutants; still, they can be equally effective for
solution, respectively). Compared to unmodified clay minerals, modi­ anionic contaminants removal depending on the modification process
fied clay minerals with HDTMA have demonstrated better adsorption they have undergone or the materials they were mixed with. As a result,
capacities toward nitrate ions [76]. clay-based materials and natural clays could remove the nitrates based
Bekele et al. prepared acid-activated bentonite clay modified with 2 on the modification and then release the nitrate in a slow-release
M HCl to determine the adsorbent capacity of NO−3 removal from manner into the soil would be a great selection for the circular econ­
aqueous solutions [77]. The acid activation was used to increase the omy and sustainable development.
number of active sites on the activated clay mineral. Acid-activated
bentonite clay modified by HCl showed good NO−3 removal capacity,
>80 %, and the experimental data well fitted into the Langmuir model. 2.3. Zeolite-based adsorbents for nitrate removal from water
The maximum adsorbent capacity of 2 M HCl activated bentonite
clay was 5.0 mg/g for nitrate using an adsorbent dose 2.0 g, initial ni­ Zeolites are a group of hydrated aluminosilicate minerals usually
trate concentration of 250 mg/g, at pH 5 and temperature 30 ◦ C [77]. present in a natural environment and utilized as an effective and cheap
Natural clay materials from a dam situated in Morocco (Agadir city) adsorbent for eliminating contaminants from wastewater and act as
acted as a very effective low-cost adsorbent for nitrate removal from the cationic exchangers (CEC) [80]. Researchers have used modified zeolitic
contaminated water [78]. The greater sorption ability was observed at materials for the adsorption of nitrate and other contaminants such as
low pH because of the strong electrostatic interaction between the arsenate, chromate, phosphate, and fluoride from wastewater
positively charged surface sites of the adsorbent and the nitrate ions. [33,81–83]. Surfactant-modified BEA-type of zeolites was synthesized as
Nitrate removal capacity decreased when the pH rose from 2 to 10. It nanocrystals, nanosponges, and conventional microcrystals. In this
was demonstrated that after pH 6, the adsorbent surface became nega­ study, external surfaces of the zeolites were modified with a cationic
tively charged, leading to repulsion between the negatively charged sites surfactant (HDTMA+Br− ) to obtain surface-modified zeolites such as
on the adsorbent and the nitrate anions. The adsorption capacity of ni­ SMZNC, SMZNS, and SMZMC for nitrate adsorption [84]. The maximum
trate was enhanced by increasing the adsorbent dosage from 0.2 g/L is nitrate removal capacities observed in surface-modified zeolite nano­
9.84 %, to 1 g/L is 72.97 %, due to the presence of more adsorbent crystals and nanosponges were 83 mg/g and 19 mg/g at pH 5.5,
surface area. At natural pH (pH = 5.1) the removal of nitrate was 71.89 respectively. The high adsorption capacity was due to the presence of a
%. The maximum nitrate adsorption capacity was 244.06 mg/g at 20 ◦ C high concentration of positively charged functional groups in the
[78]. Clay is an abundant, naturally occurring material with excellent surface-modified zeolite with HDTMA+Br− at pH 5.5. At the same time,
physicochemical stability and structural and surface properties. Labo­ reducing the pH to the acidic region led to a decrease in nitrate
ratory experiments were carried out to examine the adsorption capacity adsorption capacity due to the leaching of trivalent aluminum atoms
of local clay (greenish clay (A1) rich in free silica (quartz)) without from the zeolite framework bound with NO−3 ions. Further, the surface-
chemical modification utilized for the removal of nitrate from water modified microcrystal adsorption capacity was found to be 0.22 mg/g in
through the process of adsorption [79]. Under the optimal condition, optimal conditions. Their decreased adsorption capacity is due to a low
nitrate adsorption ability was 5.1 mg/g for a dosage of 0.4 g of adsorbent modification rate with HDTMA+Br− on the external surface of micro­
crystals. In another study, nitrate sorption on zeolites (especially

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

clinoptilolite) was studied at room temperature, employing batch ex­ respectively, within the starting 2 min interaction period before reach­
periments only [85]. A natural zeolite was ball-milled to obtain zeolite ing the equilibrium. The maximum removal nitrate capacity at pH 6 was
nanoparticles which were chemically modified by 3-aminopropyl trie­ found to be 810 (±50), 1941 (±100), 2125 (±100) mmol kg− 1 for
thoxysilane (APTS), which led to the development of NH2 groups on the SMZNC, SMZNS, and SMZNSp, respectively. The maximum removal ni­
zeolite surface. The APTS-zeolite having NH2 groups on the surface trate capacity at pH 6 was found to be 810 (±50), 1941 (±100), and
needed an H+ ion to convert − NH2 into − NH+ 3 which are capable of 2125 (±100) mmol kg− 1 for the SMZNC, SMZNS, and SMZNSp, respec­
nitrate removal, making this phenomenon possible only in acidic con­ tively. At lower pH, the presence of more acidic conditions increases the
ditions. Further, increasing pH led to an increase of OH− ions, thereby H3O+ concentration leads to the formation of another form of nitrate
reducing the nitrate removal capability and acting as a competitive (HNO3) that may reduce the adsorption capacity. Besides, at higher pH,
anion for nitrate removal. The maximum nitrate uptake was 12.54 mg/g a decrease in the nitrate removal capacity has occurred to the presence
at pH 3. of hydroxyl ions and their competition with NO−3 binding with the
ZSM-5 (MFI-type) nanosheets (NS), nanosponges (NSp), and nano­ adsorbent site [86]. Zeolite-based composites demonstrated various
crystals (NC) were developed by various processes. To obtain surfactant- advantages over raw zeolites for the adsorption of pollutants such as
modified nano zeolites (SMZN) as nanosheets, nanosponges, and nano­ nitrate from water. The advantages of zeolite-based composites included
crystals, their external surface is modified with cationic surfactant fast adsorption, higher sorption ability, better reusability, high selec­
(HDTMA+Br− : hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide) to obtain tivity, and fast adsorption. In the past few years, the utilization of
higher external surface areas and smaller crystal sizes. The MFI-type zeolite-based composites in the forms of zeolite/polymer and zeolite/
zeolites were also modified using the same cationic surfactant to pro­ inorganic composites has been augmented for the sorption of nitrate
duce a low external surface area and large crystal size (SMZMC) in from wastewater. The main sorption mechanisms based on zeolite-based
comparison to the SMZN to test the nitrate removal capability in this composites are ion exchange, electrostatic interaction, chelation, surface
investigation [86]. As shown in Fig. 7, the number of adsorbed adsorption, complexation, and diffusion. The trace concentration of
HDTMA+Br− on the surface of the zeolites increased as the particle sizes toxic material and contaminants present in drinking water removed by
became smaller (which means an increase of the specific surface areas) i. selective mechanism by zeolite based composite should be developed in
e., SMZNSp > SMZNS > SMZNC > SMZMC. The ultra-fast nitrate removal future. The development of cost effective zeolite-based composite
on the three altered zeolite materials is 5.3, 4.1, and 2.5 % from the total should be considered for practical application on actual wastewater
initial nitrate concentration for SMZNSp, SMZNS, and SMZNC, treatment at a large scale.

Fig. 7. Schematic representation of the surface modification and characteristics of MFI-type NS and NSp in order to obtain the SMZNS and SMZNSp materials [86].

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

2.4. Chitosan-based adsorbents for nitrate removal from wastewater Nano-CS/Clino@H, Nano-CS/Clino composites were 277.77, 227.27,
and 185.18 mg/g as nitrate, respectively. The analyses indicate that
In current years, the chitosan-based adsorbent method has become kinetic and equilibrium data for the adsorption of NO−3 were expertly
an economically valuable and eco-friendly alternative treatment tech­ fitted to the pseudo-second-order kinetics and Freundlich isotherm
nology in the wastewater industry. The exciting features of this bio- model.
sorbent are utilized in various research and industries. In this light, In another study, two different types of chitosan composites were
chitosan is used as an adsorbent; it helps remove the toxic pollutants prepared for the purpose of nitrate removal — polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)/
from water selectively and is also used to remove various organic and chitosan and polyethylene glycol (PEG)/chitosan [90]. The suitability of
inorganic pollutants. Chitosan is the N-deacetylated chitin, which is the prepared composites for removing nitrate from the water was
found in algae and fungi cell walls, the exoskeletons of insects, crusta­ evaluated under various experimental conditions, including the effects
ceans, and mollusks; chitin is the second most abundant biopolymer of interaction time, pH of the solution, and adsorbent dosage. The nitrate
after cellulose in nature [87]. Different types of crosslinked chitosan- adsorption capacities of PVA/chitosan and PEG/chitosan were found to
based hybrid biocomposite materials, like chitosan/bentonite (ChBT), be 35.03 and 50.68 mg/g, respectively. Compared to PVA/chitosan, the
chitosan/titanium oxide (ChTi), and chitosan/alumina (ChAl), were prepared PEG/chitosan has more adsorption capacity. Fig. 8 illustrates a
tested for their NO−3 ions removal capacity [88]. The maximum schematic of how the composites were prepared and their mechanism of
adsorption capacity was attained at pH 6. Further, decreasing the pH nitrate adsorption at acidic pH [90].
leads to more protons accessible to protonate the chitosan amine func­ The high chemical stability of granular chitosan-Fe3+complex with
tional group, which reduces the nitrate ions’ adsorption capacity to­ good environmental adaptation was made by the precipitation process
wards the adsorption sites. The adsorption capacity of ChAl, ChTi, and [91]. Highly chemically stable granular chitosan-Fe3+ complex proved
ChBT was recorded 45.38, 43.62, and 35.68 mg/g as nitrate, respec­ to be a good adsorber of nitrate and demonstrated a maximum adsorp­
tively. The adsorption capacity was pH-sensitive, and it was demon­ tion capacity of 8.35 mg/g based on the Langmuir-Freundlich model. It
strated that the best adsorption capacity was obtained around pH 6; for was also observed that the adsorption capacity was not dependent on
other pH values the capacity diminished. At above pH 6, the number of solution pH, and significant adsorption occurred in the removal of NO−3
hydroxyl ions increases, and adsorbent sites become more negatively efficiency >80 % in between the pH range of 3.0–10.0. Besides, the pH
charged, leading to a reduction of adsorption capacity through repels the range of 3.0–10.0 chitosan-Fe3+ complex showed buffer capacity.
NO−3 ions in aqueous solution, and when the pH > pHpzc, the chitosan Further, an increase in pH beyond 10.0 led to a sharp decrease in NO−3
surface will become negatively charged, reducing nitrate ions’ adsorp­ removal efficiency due to competition between OH− and NO−3 ions for
tion capacity because of electrostatic repulsive action. The optimal the adsorption sites. Hence, the free amine groups of chitosan could not
temperature range of nitrate adsorption capacity from aqueous solution be protonated in an alkaline medium, which did not facilitate electro­
through chitosan bio-composites was achieved at 303–313 K. Fatemeh static attraction between adsorbent and adsorbate. However, the ther­
et al. also reported that the nano chitosan/clinoptilolite (Nano-CS/ modynamic study showed that nitrate adsorption on granular chitosan-
Clino) composite was able to remove nitrate removal satisfactorily from Fe3+complex was spontaneous and exothermic. Chitosan-based com­
an aqueous solution [89]. The functionalization of Nano-CS/Clino was posite adsorbent materials are becoming an attractive approach for the
accomplished with pentaethylenehexamine (Nano-CS/Clino@ PEHA) adsorptive recovery of nitrates due to the fact that they are abundant in
and was activated by hydrochloric acid (Nano-CS/Clino@H). The nature, environmentally friendly, and biodegradable. The chitosan
maximum adsorption capacity of prepared Nano-CS/Clino@PEHA, surface modification will help overcome the low adsorption capacity

Fig. 8. Represent the mechanism for the effect of pH on PEG/chitosan composite and PVA/chitosan composite [90].

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

and low surface area available with the parent material by providing The results indicated that the maximum nitrate removal capacity was
more number of active sorption sites for binding nitrate ions with better 8.33 mg/g [96].
adsorption kinetics and decent reusability. Wheat straw was treated with 3-chloropropyltrimethoxysilane
(CPTMS) and (1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane) (DABCO), and batch
2.5. The agricultural waste-based adsorbents for the removal of nitrate tests were performed in order to determine the ideal conditions for ni­
from wastewater trate removal by modified wheat straw (MWS) [97]. It was observed that
85 % of the nitrate was eliminated with an MWS dose 2 g/L, initial ni­
Cost-effective adsorbents made from various agricultural waste ma­ trate concentration 20 mg/L, contact period 10 min, initial solution pH
terials can well be a good alternative material for water and wastewater − 7, and temperature 25 ◦ C. Sulfate had the largest inhibitory impact as
treatment remediation. Various naturally present materials were suc­ competing anion, followed by phosphate, chloride, and bicarbonate. The
cessfully utilized for the removal of nitrate from wastewater. The agri­ adsorption process was exothermic, viable, and spontaneous, according
cultural wastes-based adsorbents utilized to recover nitrate from the to thermodynamic analyses. According to the findings of this investi­
wastewater were investigated in the study by Kalaruban et al. [92] who gation, the MWS needed the simplest operating parameters for nitrate
investigated the feasibility of using waste materials such as corn cob and removal [97]. Anni et al. studied nitrate adsorption by a chemically
coconut copra after surface modification is done by grafting amine modified pine sawdust used as anion exchange resin. The pine sawdust
groups. The reaction with dimethylamine and epichlorohydrin in the was chemically modified by treating it with N,N-dimethylformamide,
presence of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and pyridine led to the epichlorohydrin, ethylenediamine, and triethylamine. The inserted
incorporation of amino and epoxy groups on corn cob and coconut triethylamine functional group was responsible for nitrate ion exchange.
copra. It was found that the incorporation of the amino group into corn Under the temperature setting of 40 ◦ C, chemically modified pine
cob and coconut copra increased during the reaction with the occur­ sawdust had a maximum adsorption capacity of 32.8 mg/g. As the
rence of the presence of a catalyst (pyridine). The maximum NO−3 temperature rose, the adsorption capacity decreased. The nitrate
exchangeability and capacity of the developed exchangers were 59.0 adsorption on the material is based on monolayer adsorption, suggesting
and 49.9 mg/g, respectively for coconut copra, and corn cob. The pro­ that the adsorption is best suited to the Redlich-Peterson and Langmuir
posed synthetic process was found useful in an amine-grafted corn cob models. Further thermodynamic investigations show that nitrate
and coconut copra, resulting in a higher yield and NO−3 removal capacity adsorption was exothermic and spontaneous [98]. In another work,
at pH 6.5. hazelnut shells as new adsorbents were studied for removing nitrate
NO−3 uptake from wastewater using chemically altered biochar from wastewater. N,N-dimethylformamide, epichlorohydrin, ethyl­
(developed from sugarcane bagasse) was studied by Divband et al. [93]. enediamine, and triethylamine were used for the modification of the
The biochar was crosslinked with dimethylamine and epichlorohydrin. hazelnut shell. Rapid nitrate adsorption took place before reaching
It was observed that under low pH, higher nitrate adsorption efficiency equilibrium within <60 min, and the modified material showed a
was observed, which is due to the electrostatic attraction between the maximum adsorption capacity of 26.51 mg/g. The electrostatic inter­
modified biochar surface and nitrate ions. In the case of a mixed ion action between nitrate and the added triethylamine functional group
solution of co-existing ions (phosphate, chloride, sulfate, and carbon­ drove the adsorption process. The adsorption conformed well with both
ate), the removal capacity was compromised. The experimental data the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. The pseudo-second-
best fitted with the Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order kinetic order well fitted the kinetics data [99]. Domestic and international
model. The maximum nitrate adsorption efficiency of the biochar was studies have found that agricultural waste is a good choice to deal with
28.21 mg/g. environmental pollution due to its biocompatibility, cost-effectiveness,
In another study by Stjepanovi et al. [94], waste lignocellulosic easy availability, and suitable modification of this material leads to se­
material, namely brewer’s spent grain (BSG) was altered by epichloro­ lective adsorption towards the nitrate ions. Agricultural waste’s porous
hydrin in the presence of ethylenediamine, and the batch experimental structure consists of hydroxyl, carboxyl, and other active groups, and
study was conducted to measure the adsorption kinetics. The nitrate these functional groups are responsible for the modification process that
adsorption capacity of modified BSG (MBSG) was 22.65 mg/g for model leads to the adsorption of nitrate ions.
nitrate solution, 18.22 mg/g for model wastewater, and 14.4 mg/g for
real wastewater effluent produced from the dairy industry. Desorption 2.6. Cellulose-based adsorbents for nitrate removal
results revealed that the maximum amount of the adsorbed nitrate ions
could be desorbed from altered brewer’s spent grain (BSG) using 0.1 M Natural polymer cellulose has been widely employed in wastewater
NaOH solution. treatment in recent years. To reduce future environmental issues in
The nitrate removal was evaluated using onion peel dust (OPD) [95]. wastewater treatment, the ideal chemical feedstock used to synthesize
The result reveals that the maximum adsorption capacity of nitrate was the adsorbents should be environmentally friendly (i.e. non-toxic). The
5.93 mg/g by using onion peel dust (OPD) at pH 12. The equilibrium most common organic biopolymer on the planet is cellulose, which
data fitted well with the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The active meets a variety of criteria that match the profile of a very safe and
functional groups on the onion peel dust (OPD) were identified by efficient adsorbent. Furthermore, cellulosic materials may be trans­
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) before and after the removal of NO−3 formed into cellulose nanocrystals and nanofibers by chemical treat­
and the result has revealed that several active functional groups exist on ment or mechanical, which offer superior properties to microscale
the surface for the adsorption of NO−3 ions. Besides, the adsorbed NO−3 native cellulose, particularly in water purification applications [100].
ions could be desorbed from onion peel dust (OPD) using a 0.1 M NaOH Cellulose is made of repeating units of glucose and β-D-anhy­
solution. Therefore, the results of this study suggested that onion peel droglucopyranose units, which are linked together by β-(1–4)-glycosidic
dust could be another substitute adsorbent for nitrate removal from an bonds [101]. 3-chloropropyl trimethoxysilane (CPTMS) was employed
aqueous medium. The nitrate removal from wastewater by utilizing to modify cellulose nanocrystals for imparting capability for nitrate
nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) extracted by the acid hydrolysis of adsorption. Under optimal pH 7, the adsorption capability of the syn­
bagasse was studied [96]. Nanocrystalline cellulose was obtained in thesized CPTMS/CNC adsorbent material was 30 mg/g. These synthe­
diameter and length of <14.7 and 500 nm, respectively. The sized materials did not require pH adjustment during the process and
morphology of adsorbent material was characterized by various tech­ demonstrated 86.5 % adsorption capacity in <10 min. The Pseudo-
niques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM) and dynamic light scat­ second-order kinetic model fitted the kinetic adsorption data well.
tering (DLS). AFM image analysis and DLS results showed that the Freundlich isotherm model fitted the equilibrium adsorption data [102].
dimensions of the extracted cellulose crystals are in the nanoscale range. Chong et al. used natural cellulose powder for nitrate adsorption from

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

aquaculture effluents. The absorption of nitrate by naturally occurring converted into orthophosphates through the biological oxidation pro­
cellulose adsorbent was examined using a different range of parameters, cess [112]. Orthophosphate can be found in various forms, such as
including adsorbent dosages of 5.0 mg and 40.0 mg, starting concen­ H3PO4, H2PO−4 , HPO2− 3−
4 or PO4 depending on the pH (Fig. 9) [111] and
trations of 5.0 mg/L and 30.0 mg/L, temperatures of 25 ◦ C and 45 ◦ C, following the dissociation constants: pK1 = 2.15, pK2 = 7.20, and pK3
contact times of 10 min and 60 min, and an optimum pH of 6.6. The = 12.35. H2PO−4 and HPO2− 4 are the most abundant forms of dissolved
results of batch studies revealed that the best nitrate removal was ob­ phosphate present in most water bodies [105]. Numerous techniques
tained at 5.0 mg of dosage, 5.0 mg/L of initial concentration, 10 min, have been employed for phosphate removal from contaminated water.
and 25 ◦ C of temperature, when 96.50 % removal was recorded. The However, adsorption is one of the most successful techniques employed
mechanism of adsorption is based on electrostatic interaction [103]. In so far to remove various forms of phosphate ions present in contami­
another study, a cellulose grafted epichlorohydrin (Cell-g-E) copolymer nated water. Further, researchers have focused on utilizing various types
was synthesized and functionalized with polyethylenimine (Cell-g-E/ of adsorbent material to remove phosphate, and their mechanism for
PEI) to remove nitrate from an aqueous solution [104]. The adsorbent phosphate removal are explained in the following section.
material reached its maximum adsorption capacity at pH 4.5 and
increasing the pH resulted in electrostatic repulsion. The process relies
3.1. Removal of phosphate from wastewater through zeolite-based
on electrostatic interaction between the nitrate and adsorbent surface,
which is mediated by cellulose with the specific integrated functional
group. The experiments demonstrated that the Pseudo-second-order
The zeolites are eco-friendly and cost-effective materials that have
kinetic model well fitted the kinetic rate data, showing the coexistence
well-organized porous structures with high surface area contributing to
of chemisorption and physisorption-like mechanisms, with film diffu­
several active binding sites, which are helpful for the selective adsorp­
sion acting as the rate-limiting step in the adsorption process. The
tion of pollutants from wastewater [113]. Impregnated ZSM-5 zeolite
Freundlich isotherm, which suggests a multilayer adsorption process,
beads (ZB) with lanthanum (La) were investigated for phosphate re­
was shown to be the best-fit adsorption isotherm when comparing the
covery from wastewater [114]. Lanthanum was incorporated into ZSM-5
two and three variable isotherms. According to thermodynamic
zeolite beads (ZB) using lanthanum nitrate solution (LA-ZB). Zeolite has
research, the adsorption process is spontaneous and exothermic, which
a specific surface area and porous structure, which offers an active
is advantageous for strengthening the adsorption mechanism [104].
binding site for lanthanum. Impregnated ZSM-5 zeolite beads with
Cellulose-based products provide a productive, affordable, and effective
lanthanum (La-ZB)-based adsorbents deliver selective coordination
option for the treatment of wastewater. These cellulose-based adsor­
adsorption sites for phosphate. The maximum phosphate sorption ca­
bents, which successfully remove nitrate from the aqueous solution,
pacity by La-ZB and ZSM-5 was 106.2 and 59.8 mg/g, respectively. The
could be used for various purposes.
mechanism of adsorption followed monolayer sorption conforming to
Langmuir isotherm, and the kinetics followed pseudo-second-order re­
3. Phosphate removal from wastewater
action kinetics. At pH 6, phosphate removal capacity was maximum for
both zeolite beads (ZSM-5) and La-ZB. Increasing the pH 3 to 6 resulted
Phosphate is present naturally in soil and occurs in different forms.
in an increase in phosphate adsorption due to the presence of more
Agricultural pollution and municipal sectors are major sources of
deprotonated species of phosphate (HPO2− 4 ) ions that readily coordi­
phosphate contamination to surface water bodies. Orthophosphates are
nated with lanthanum through lewis acid-base interaction. Further, at
mainly generated by man-influenced sources like untreated and
pH >7 adsorbents surface became negatively charged which led to
partially treated sewage from the industrial sector and runoff from
electrostatic repulsion, thereby reducing the phosphate removal ca­
agricultural fields. These phosphates exist in three different forms in
pacity. Desorption was done using NaOH solution, and hence, the
water and wastewater: condensed phosphate, organic phosphate, and
adsorbent was recyclable with capability to remove and recover the
orthophosphate. Each compound contains phosphorus in various
target ions from wastewater.
chemical arrangements [111]. More complex forms of phosphorus are
Synthetic zeolites produced from fly ash and incorporated with

Fig. 9. Relative proportion (mole fractions) of orthophosphate species at 25 ◦ C [111].

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

lanthanum (La) were used to recover phosphate from an aqueous solu­ modified zeolites had a high capacity for regeneration. The newly
tion [115]. The adsorption capacities of zeolites obtained from fly ashes developed unique adsorbents had a wide variety of potential applica­
La-P1 (16.0 wt% of La) and La-A (9.5 wt% of La) towards phosphate tions, including the removal of phosphorus from eutrophic water [119].
were related to that of natural zeolite-clinoptilolite, altered with La (La- Lanthanum and other metals integrated with zeolite material have
CLP having 4.8 wt% of lanthanum) in the study. The results indicated recently attracted much attention for phosphate adsorption from
that the adsorbents were positively charged at pH 5 to 7, responsible for wastewater due to its environmentally friendly nature, increased
selective adsorption of phosphate ions. Imposition of the alkaline envi­ adsorption capacity, higher removal rate, and wide operating pH range.
ronmental condition increased hydroxyl ion concentration, so adsorbent Although there are several techniques for modifying the zeolites, the
sites become more negative, which reduces phosphate binding to the most appropriate method should be chosen based on the specific con­
adsorbents due to the lack of binding sites. Between La-modified zeolites taminants. Furthermore, due to the huge number of coordination sites,
and unmodified zeolite form, a modified form led to a significant lanthanum and other metal-incorporated zeolites may have strong
improvement in their phosphate adsorption capacity. The maximum selectivity towards phosphate ions in the medium, even at low con­
phosphate sorption capacity of La-P1, La-A, and La-CLP were 58.2 mg/g, centrations. As a result, adding lanthanum and other metals to zeolites
44.0 mg/g, 24.6 mg/g, respectively. The La-P1 showed the highest promotes advancements in both adsorption kinetics and capture
phosphate adsorption capacity as it contained the highest percentage of capacity.
lanthanum. The experimental data fitted well with the Langmuir
isotherm model, and the thermodynamic study indicated that phosphate 3.2. Agricultural waste used for phosphate removal from wastewater
sorption was an endothermic and spontaneous process.
Zeolite loaded with La-incorporated ternary (hydro) oxides nano­ Bio-derived material-based adsorbents have good properties, such as
composite (MALZ) was prepared by a coprecipitation method using LA, effectiveness, economically valuable, and biodegradable. The efficient
Mg, Al to recover phosphate from an aqueous solution [116]. The removal of phosphate by chemically modified agricultural waste
multimetal oxides had better physiochemical properties as compared to biomass (HFO@St+) from wastewater was examined [120]. This
single metal oxides. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning experimental study proposed a new nanocomposite (HFO@St+) that was
electron microscopy (SEM) indicated that the MALZ had an amorphous derived from aminated wheat straw (St+) and was saturated with nano-
surface with Mg, La, and Al homogeneously dispersed on the outer sized hydrous Fe(III) oxides (HFO). TEM and SEM determined the
surface of the zeolite. La-incorporated ternary (hydro) oxides nano­ morphological characters, and the BET results revealed that the iron
composite (having 12.5 wt% of lanthanum) showed a maximum phos­ oxide nanoparticles had an average size of 20–30 nm. The optimal
phate adsorption capacity of 80.8 mg/g at pH 6.6. In this case, phosphate sorption was detected over a wide range of pH from 2.0 to
phosphate was removed by the ligand exchange mechanism and also by 7.0. The nano-sized hydrous Fe(III) oxides (HFO) were based on the
the formation of solid phases of LaPO4⋅xH2O [116]. mechanism of inner-sphere complex formation. At lower pH, the in­
In another study, Fe-Zeolite-A adsorbents were prepared by adding crease in H+ concentration facilitates the favorable reaction for phos­
ferric iron using ammonium iron citrate as the source of Fe3+ to the phate adsorption on nano-sized hydrous Fe(III) oxides. At increasing pH,
zeolite-A structure for the removal of phosphate. During the modifica­ the increasing OH− (hydroxyl ions) leads to competition between the
tion procedure, initially, zeolite-A was synthesized in a hydrothermal adsorption site of phosphate and hydroxyl ions, reducing the phosphate
reactor using the SOL-Gel technique, and then iron particles were adsorption. Binary exchange reactions were carried out on aminated
incorporated into the material. EDX study showed that Fe was present in wheat straw (St+) before or after the loading of HFO using a test solution
a Fe-Zeolite-A material along with Na, Al, and Si. Through a variety of containing a variable molar ratio of phosphate and nitrate. Results
interactions, Fe3+, Al3+, and Na+ in the Fe-Zeolite-A took part in the indicated that the adsorption capacity of HFO@St+ showed a higher
phosphate adsorption and desorption of phosphate ions. The sorption affinity to phosphate over nitrate. The maximum phosphate adsorption
process was reversible as Fe3+demonstrated a ligand exchange mecha­ capacities were 27.81 mg/g and 40.19 mg/g, respectively, under pH 6.0
nism with the phosphate anions. Other possible metal ion interactions and 3.2.
included electrostatic attraction by Fe3+, precipitation, and hydrogen Phosphate removal from the wastewater by activated agro-waste rice
bonding by Al3+. Fe-loaded zeolite demonstrated a maximum phosphate husk ash (ARHA) was investigated in another study by Suman et al.
adsorption capability of 18.15 mg/g. The Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm [121]. The experimental data revealed that rice husk ash chemically
model matched the adsorption data well [117]. modified with 1 N HCl boosted phosphate adsorption efficiency and
In a work by Ying et al., the metal oxide is used to modify zeolite for indicated a maximum removal of up to 89 % of phosphate at pH 6. The
phosphate adsorption. The adsorbent material (ZEO@AZ) impregnated experimental data best fitted the Pseudo-second-order model and
with ZrO2 in-situ exhibits good reusability and effective adsorption ca­ Langmuir isotherms. The effect of temperature and pH played a critical
pabilities. ZrO2 contains an acidic and basic bifunctional site exhibiting role in phosphate adsorption. While increasing pH above 6 produces
considerable phosphate adsorption. In order to exchange the phosphate more hydroxyl ions, creating competition between phosphate and
ions in the target solution, these Zr species hydrolyze a large number of adsorbent sites. Temperature above 30 ◦ C showed a reduction in the
hydroxyl ions and water molecules through the ligand exchange process. adsorption capacity by weakening the sorptive forces between the active
The material’s maximal adsorption capacity is 24.96 mg/g, and sites on the adsorbent and the adsorbate.
adsorption data fit well with Langmuir and Pseudo-second-order ki­ In another study thermally treated seagrass residues of Posidonia
netics. Furthermore, material adsorption capability significantly de­ oceanica for phosphate adsorption from synthetic and real wastewater
pends on solution pH and stays effective and constant at pH < 6. The [122]. The results indicated that the adsorption kinetics showed that the
mechanism is dependent on the inner-sphere complex formation [118]. thermally treated seagrass adsorption performance followed Pseudo-
In another study, green synthesis techniques were adopted to create first-order and the Freundlich isotherm. The phosphate adsorption ca­
Mn–Fe, Zr–Fe, and Mn–Zr–Fe modified natural zeolites (MNZs). pacity of seagrass residues of Posidonia oceanica in real wastewater is 3.3
These modified natural zeolites (MNZs) were utilized to remove phos­ mg/g and showed 81 % of adsorption rate by use of an adsorbent dose
phate from the contaminated aqueous solution. Zr–Fe, Mn–Fe, and 30 g/L and phosphate concentration was 100 mg/L. In the synthetic
Mn–Zr–Fe modified zeolites had adsorption capacities of 8.8, 11.8, aqueous solution, phosphate adsorbent capacity was 99 % using an
and 20.9 mg/g, respectively. The Langmuir isotherm and pseudo- adsorbent dose 20 g/L, and the initial phosphate concentration was 100
second-order kinetics model fitted well with the adsorption data. mg/L without competitive inorganic ions. Rice straw is a common
Phosphate ion adsorption onto modified zeolites was aided by both agricultural waste product with a significant presence of hydroxyl group
electrostatic attraction and ligand exchange. It was revealed that the modified with a triethylamine functional group, which was responsible

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

for the demonstration of selective phosphate adsorption (RS-PA) [123]. adsorption process was correlated with Pseudo-second-order kinetics
The prepared RS-PA (rice straw-based phosphate adsorbent) had a and the Langmuir model with primary mechanisms assigned to ligand
maximum adsorption capacity of 71.94 mg/g, and the phosphate exchange and chemical precipitation. The maximum adsorption capac­
adsorption was exothermic. Total phosphate removal was attained when ity by Ca-biochar was 197 mg/g. Further, an examination of actual
the starting phosphate content was 50 mg/L, and a dosage of 10 g/L RS- wastewater was carried out in this study. The experimental data
PA removed 99 % of phosphate within 10 min. The Langmuir isotherm revealed that the actual wastewater containing 3.78 mg/L P in the initial
and Pseudo-second-order kinetic models provided the best fit [123]. Hui stage at pH 7.6 after the adsorption process contained only 0.102 mg/L
et al. employed quaternary-aminated wheat straw immobilized with and 0.021 mg/L when Ca-biochar adsorbent concentration of 0.1 g/L
zirconium oxide nanoparticles (Ws-N-Zr) for phosphate removal in their and 0.2 g/L, respectively were used as adsorbents. Desorption was done
investigation. Three distinct samples were used to calculate the using NaOH solution, and thus it acted as a recyclable adsorbent to
adsorption capacities: Ws (wheat straw), Ws-N (containing quaternary recover phosphate from the aqueous solution. Ca-biochar adsorbents
ammonia functional group), and Ws-N-Zr (both quarternary and hy­ had mesoporous structures mainly containing elements like O, Ca, H,
droxyl zirconium oxide nanoparticle). It was discovered that Ws had an and C, which are eco-friendly and bio-compatible. Therefore, the
almost negligible adsorption capability because the hydroxyl group in phosphate-containing Ca-biochar may find use as phosphate-rich fer­
Ws could not be exploited as an active phosphate adsorption site. The tilizer in the soil. Mechanism of synthesis and use of black liquor-derived
adsorption of phosphate by Ws-N, which had an adsorption capacity of calcium-activated biochar is provided in Fig. 10.
19.5 mg/g, was due to electrostatic interaction between phosphate and Biochar synthesized from pineapple’s peel waste, and decorated with
quaternary ammonia groups. The hybrid Ws-N-Zr material had a magnetic Fe2O3 and lanthanum hydroxides was used for phosphate
maximum phosphate adsorption capability of 31.9 mg/g. Ws-N-Zr per­ removal. The modified magnetic biochar (MC) and La(OH)3-modified
formed better than other adsorbents because there was additional magnetic biochar (Lax-MC) were investigated in a phosphate adsorption
interaction between the impregnated hydrated zirconium oxide (HZO) study [128] (Fig. 11). The batch of La(OH)3-modified magnetic biochar
nanoparticles and the phosphate ions. Langmuir’s adsorption model adsorbents were prepared and named La0.63-MC, La1.25-MC, La2.5-
fitted well with the adsorption data. Two independent mechanisms MC, La5-MC, La10-MC, and La15-MC. Results reveal that La10-MC
allowed the new adsorbent Ws-N-Zr to successfully collect phosphate showed better adsorption capacity than other adsorbent materials,
ions without any Zr(IV) leaching under pH 2–7: specific inner-sphere with higher phosphate adsorption capacity of up to 101.16 mg/g. The
complexation by incorporated HZO nanoparticles and nonspecific ion influences of coexisting anions such as CO2− 2−
3 , NO3 , SO4 , HCO3 , and Cl
− − −

exchange by wheat straw’s quaternary ammonium groups [124]. showed no significant effect on phosphate removal. The La10-MC
In-situ hydrothermal synthesis was used in another study to create adsorbent showed higher selective adsorption and recyclability, and
modified wheat straws. The material was first modified using N,N- their mechanism of action was based on electrostatic interaction, inner-
dimethylformamide, epichlorohydrin, ethylenediamine, and triethyl­ sphere complexation, and ligand exchange. The resultant data of
amine to provide a positive charge to the surface. Furthermore, UiO-66 adsorption isotherms were fitted well by the Langmuir isotherm, and the
nanoparticles were integrated onto the surface and inner pores of wheat pseudo-second-order model signified kinetics.
straw. Following these changes, it was discovered that the adsorption The CaO-biochar composite materials were synthesized by ball
site was more active due to the impregnation of UiO-66 nanoparticles on milling and pyrolysis methods using eggshell and rice straw. The batch
positively charged wheat straw. According to the findings, the St+@UiO- experimental studies were carried out to determine the phosphate
66 exhibited the strongest phosphate ion selectivity. The increased ef­ adsorption capacity [129]. CaO-biochar composites showed good per­
ficiency of St+@UiO-66 can be attributed to its bifunctional structure, formance for phosphate adsorption from wastewater between pH values
selective adsorption by impregnated UiO-66 nanoparticles, and the from 5 to 11 and the maximum phosphate adsorption capacity of 231
Donnan membrane effect exerted by the immobilized quaternary mg P/g. The experimental data fitted with the Langmuir isotherm model
ammonium groups, which provided phosphate enrichment from and pseudo-second-order kinetics. The thermodynamic study indicated
aqueous solution. The pH of the aqueous solution is critical for phos­ that phosphate sorption was a spontaneous and endothermic process.
phate ion adsorption. The best adsorption occurred when the pH range CaO-biochar composite can be applied as fertilizer after phosphate re­
was between 2.0 and 5.5. Increasing the pH led to an increase in the covery and may act as a slow-release fertilizer for the soil.
quantity of OH− ions, which led to an electrostatic repulsive force be­ Lanthanum-modified Platanus ball fiber biochar (La-TC) was devel­
tween the adsorption site and the phosphate ions. According to the FTIR oped from biochar of Platanus ball fiber treated with lanthanum nitrate
and XPS spectra, the inner sphere complexation formed through hexahydrate. The study aims to examine the phosphate adsorption ef­
Zr–O–P coordination bonds, which also suggested that phosphate ions ficiency of La-TC adsorbent [130]. The maximum sorption efficiency of
replaced the surface hydroxyl groups of UiO-66. The maximum phosphate on La-TC was 148.11 mg/g at an initial pH of 6.0, the dosage
adsorption capacity of modified wheat straw material was 69.3 mg/g, of 0.4 g/L, and the contact time of 20 min at 35 ◦ C. Adsorption kinetics
and kinetics data fitted well with the Pseudo-second-order model [125]. showed that the La-TC adsorption performance followed the pseudo
Agricultural waste-based adsorbent for sorption of the phosphate ions is second order and Elovich models and fitted well with the Langmuir
dependent on the surface modification, and adsorption capacity is also isotherm model [130]. Modified biochar material showed an improved
based on the surface functionalization of the material. These adsorbents adsorption capacity and more number of active surface functional
can be directly used as fertilizer in the agricultural field after recovering groups over other materials of a similar category, for phosphate
the phosphate ions, and more research needs to be focused on this field. adsorption. Biochar-based adsorbent materials gained much interest as a
promising agent for environmental applications and agriculture with
3.3. Removal of phosphate from wastewater by biochar-based adsorbents great properties, including high surface area, porosity, and incorporated
functional groups for nutrient recovery from wastewater.
Nowadays, biochar has received much attention for potential use in
the wastewater treatment process. Biochar is produced through green 3.4. Removal of phosphate from wastewater by metal hydroxides
and eco-friendly methods, which has an excellent capacity to be used as
an adsorbent to eliminate phosphate from wastewater [126]. Treatment Excessive phosphate discharge into the water system leads to
with Ca(OH)2 based rice straw produced a black liquor-derived calcium- eutrophication responsible for the global environmental problem [131].
activated biochar (Ca-biochar) that acted as a good adsorbent for Phosphate removal from an aqueous solution by utilizing metal (Fe3+)
removal of phosphate in aqueous solution and actual wastewater, and oxide/hydroxide nanoparticles has been studied widely. The researcher
their removal capacity was investigated in this study [127]. The has found that metal (Fe3+) oxide/hydroxide nanoparticles have a

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Fig. 10. Schematic representation of the mechanism of Black liquor-derived calcium-activated biochar [127].

Fig. 11. Schematic representation of the mechanism of La(OH)3-modified magnetic pineapple biochar [128].

higher affinity towards phosphate ions than other contaminants present removal. Experimental conditions maintained during the studies were
in wastewater [132]. There is no universal method available to recover initial phosphate concentration is 10 ppm, the adsorbent concentration
phosphate from municipal and industrial wastewater. Physiochemical (iron (Fe3+) oxide/hydroxide nanoparticles-based agglomerates) from
activated sludge and biological nutrient removal are the most commonly 50 to 180 ppm, pH values vary from 7 to 9, and presence of various
used methods to remove phosphate from municipal and industrial competition inorganic ions: NO−3 , SO2−4 , HCO3 , Na , Ca
− + 2+
and Cl− .
wastewater. Compared to these methods, adsorption is one of the most These competing inorganic ions did not show any significant influence
effective beneficial and economically low-cost methods to remove on phosphate recovery except HCO−3 ions. Adsorbent enhances the
phosphate [133]. In one such study (Fe3+) oxide/hydroxide adsorption capacity towards phosphate in comparison to HCO−3 ion,
nanoparticles-based agglomerates (AggFe) were used for phosphate even though increasing the concentration of adsorbent results in the
removal from an aqueous solution [134]. A series of batch experimental incorporation of additional adsorption sites on the surface of AggFe.
studies were carried out to determine the sorption capacity of phosphate Further, the morphological characterization is determined through

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

transmission electron microscopy (TEM); the result indicated that the 3.5. Chitosan adsorbents used for phosphate removal
nanoparticle with an average size of 50 nm. The sorption efficiency of
the AggFe adsorbent was about 70 mg P/g at optimum pH of 7.5. The Chitosan has been used in various industries, including wastewater
experimental results were well fitted with pseudo-second-order reaction treatment, the environment, medicine, and pharmaceuticals, for
kinetics and the Langmuir isotherm model. different application purposes. Chitosan is a nontoxic, biocompatible,
In another study, phosphate removal capacity was evaluated using biodegradable, hydrophilic, and highly reactive material. Additionally,
iron oxide nanoparticles (IONP) [135]. Iron oxide nanoparticles were the chitosan linear polyamine structure has many free amine groups
synthesized from leaf extract of eucalyptus with CTAB surfactant. The available for crosslinking and modifications responsible for phosphate
phosphate removal efficiency was determined using CTAB-modified adsorption [137]. The elimination of the phosphate, metal-organic
iron oxide nanoparticles and related to unmodified iron oxide nano­ framework has received much attention in recent years. So Zhang
particles, CTAB, ELE (eucalyptus leaf extract), and material made et al. synthesized chitosan-based adsorbents integrated with MIL-101
without ELE. Compared to unmodified materials, CTAB-modified IONP (Al/Fe) for phosphate removal [138]. The materials were created
showed better results because CTAB-modified IONP had dual adsorption using the in-situ growing process. The MIL-101(Al)-CS and MIL-101(Fe)-
properties, including electrostatic interaction or ligand exchange CS adsorbents sustain strong phosphate adsorption throughout a broad
mechanism due to the presence of hydroxyl group and protonated CTA+ pH range of 3–11. This result indicated that ligand exchange takes place
layer capping on the external surface site of adsorbent responsible for between adsorbents and phosphate. The adsorption capacity of MIL-101
the higher sorption capacity. Higher temperature favored the sorption (Al)-CS was greater than that of MIL-101(Fe)-CS. This finding might be
capacity of phosphate (P) in CTAB-modified IONP. The maximum implied that the binding affinity of the MOF metal atom in adsorbents
adsorption capacity of CTAB-modified IONP was 5.64 mg/g, 7.94 mg/g, with the O atom of phosphate differs (Al > Fe). The phosphate adsorp­
and 9.41 mg/g at 288 K, 298 K, and 308 K, respectively. It indicates the tion process was based on electrostatic, and ligand exchange mecha­
adsorption process of phosphate-depend on endothermic reaction. Ac­ nisms (Fig. 12). The isotherm and adsorption kinetics investigations
cording to the results, CTAB-modified IONP follows the Langmuir revealed that monolayer adsorption and chemisorption are the primary
isotherm and the pseudo-second-order kinetics and increasing the processes of phosphate adsorption. MIL-101(Fe)-CS and MIL-101(Al)-CS
starting phosphate concentration from 10 to 60 mg/L resulted in a had greater sorption capacities of 46.8 mg/g and 49.8 mg/g, respec­
greater adsorption capacity from 4.26 to 17.87 mg/g. tively. These results demonstrated that the MOFs-chitosan adsorbents
The phosphate removal using magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles was act as potential adsorbents for phosphate removal [138].
studied using a batch experimental study [136]. Phosphate adsorption In another study, iron-loaded magnetic alginate-chitosan double-gel
depended on the ligand exchange mechanism; under this mechanism, interpenetrated porous beads (M-IACBs) adsorbent was produced for
phosphate ions can replace hydroxyl ions on the surface of iron hy­ phosphate removal. Chitosan and sodium alginate, two long-chain linear
droxide (the inner-sphere complex formation), leading to the covalent polysaccharides, were combined to create a two-layer network that
bond between phosphate ions and iron hydroxide. The adsorption ki­ improves the stability of the adsorbent. The synthesized material had a
netics was stable at acidic pH (2.0 to 6.0); further increasing pH led the maximum adsorption capability of 18.5 mg/g. The observations on
alkaline condition to generate more hydroxyl ions. The thermodynamic adsorption well fitted with the Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-
result indicates that the adsorption process is endothermic. The order kinetics. The adsorption capacity was steady between pH 2 and
maximum adsorption capacity was found to be 5.03 mg/g. The 7. Further, increased pH led to an electrostatic repulsive force between
adsorption data of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles fitted well with the the adsorbent material and the phosphate. The synthesized M-adsorbent
Freundlich and Redlich-Peterson isotherms and Pseudo-second-order IACB’s material works in two different ways. (1) When phosphate ions
adsorption kinetics [136]. Iron (hydr)oxides are low-priced, eco- enter the adsorbent surface, they are quickly adsorbed via electrostatic
friendly materials for phosphate sorption. Synthesizing iron hydroxide contact to form outer-sphere complexes. (2) Through an electron donor-
in the form of the nano dimension shows a better performance towards acceptor interaction, integrated iron form a coordination bond with the
the phosphate ions. The mechanism responsible for phosphate removal phosphate’s oxygen atom, replacing OH− to create a stable inner-sphere
capacity is ligand exchange and the formation of inner-sphere com­ complex [139]. Furthermore, chitosan/lanthanum hydrogel beads were
plexes (Lewis acid-base interaction) by the utilization of iron hydroxide. used in this work to remove phosphate from an aqueous solution. This
adsorbent substance eliminated phosphate across a wide pH range of
2–7. This material had a maximum adsorption capacity of 107.7 mg/g

Fig. 12. Adsorption mechanism of MIL-101(Al/Fe) [138].

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

and followed the Langmuir isotherm model. The interaction of phos­ sources, environmental protection, economic feasibility, and renewable,
phate ions with adsorbent material was based on ion exchange and and have a very broad application promise in wastewater treatment.
electrostatic interaction [140]. In order to remove phosphate from an
aqueous solution, Xiaohui et al. created an inexpensive, ecologically 4. Adsorbents used for nitrate and phosphate co-removal from
acceptable adsorbent using chitosan and bentonite that was doped with wastewater
lanthanum (La-BC-5) [141]. The material’s optimum adsorption ca­
pacity was 23.52 mg/g. The mechanism of adsorption was based on Recently increased research interest has been focused on the
electrostatic contact, simultaneous precipitation, and complexation. The adsorption of nitrate (N) and phosphate (P) from wastewater. Re­
pH value was thought to impact the phosphate adsorption process searchers have been utilizing various types of adsorbents for recovery
significantly. Under acidic pH conditions, the developed composite purposes, showing different physicochemical properties for nitrate and
material showed high adsorption capability. As the pH rises, the phosphate adsorption from an aqueous solution [26]. In a study by
adsorbent surface becomes more negatively charged, and hydroxyl ions Nodeh et al., nitrate and phosphate ions were removed from the water
compete with phosphate in alkaline conditions. Adsorption followed the using nanosized lanthanum hydrous doped on magnetic graphene
Freundlich isotherm model [141]. Adsorbents based on chitosan are nanocomposite (MG@La) [53]. FTIR, XRD, and FESEM were used to
becoming a popular alternative for the adsorptive removal of phos­ determine the surface and physicochemical properties of the adsorbent.
phates from aqueous solutions. The modification of this material pro­ FT-IR spectra results indicated that most lanthanum ions found as hy­
vides a more binding site for phosphate adsorption. droxide form with a high density of positive ions (La3+(OH− )3). The
synthesized metal hydroxide adsorbents showed a high affinity towards
3.6. Cellulose-based adsorbents for phosphate removal phosphate ions by forming inner-phase and outer-sphere complexes
through electrostatic interaction. So the mechanism of phosphate and
In the wastewater sector, the cellulose-based adsorbent approach has nitrate on MG@La was mainly based on electrostatic interaction. The
developed as a cost-effective and environmentally acceptable alterna­ maximum adsorption was obtained under a wide range of pH from 4 to 8
tive treatment technology for phosphate removal. In this aspect, cellu­ for nitrate and phosphate. The maximum adsorption efficiency of
lose is used as an adsorbent; it assists in the selective removal of MG@La for phosphate was 116.28 mg/g, whereas it was 138.88 mg/g
phosphate pollutants from water and is subject to additional specialized for nitrate ions. The experimental data were well fitted to Pseudo second
modification. SP-Zr-La composite was used for phosphate adsorption order and the Langmuir model isotherm.
from an aqueous solution [142]. In order to incorporate zirconium (Zr) Zr/CTAB/BAC was prepared by bamboo activated carbon (BAC)
and lanthanum (La) hydroxides and create the SP-Zr-La composite, functionalized by zirconia chloride octahydrate (ZrOCl2⋅8H2O), and
shaddock peels (SP), a highly carboxylated biomaterial, was employed cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) was utilized for removal of
as the host material. The SP-Zr-La composite demonstrated the presence phosphate and nitrate [145]. The modification of bamboo activation
of certain rods or amorphous nanoparticles that were anchored inside was done with the steam activation method. When the dosage of Zr/
the SP and exerted more readily accessible interface contacts towards CTAB/BAC was in the range of 0.1 g–1.0 g, the removal efficiency of
the phosphate ions. These nanoparticles ranged in size from 20 to 150 phosphate in simulated wastewater was between 59.32 % and 99.42 %,
nm. The adsorption capacity of phosphate by SP-Zr-La increased as the and the removal efficiency of nitrate was between 34.08 % and 93.70 %.
temperature rose from 2 to 3, exhibited an adsorption capacity of 21.4 to Adsorption isotherm showed that the modified BAC (Zr/CTAB/BAC)
23.5 mg/g, and after that, progressively decreased by 7.2 mg/g at pH adsorbent performance followed the Langmuir model for phosphate and
11.0, and under this condition, it’s indicated that the presence of hy­ the Freundlich model for nitrate. Further, the mechanism of phosphate
droxyl ions led to declines in the adsorption capacity. The adsorption and nitrate was based on chemical adsorption. The thermodynamic data
process’s mechanism was based on forming inner-sphere complexes. showed that the adsorption process is spontaneous and endothermic.
After ten cycles with a 10 % NaOH solution, the recovery capabilities After four times regeneration of adsorption and desorption experiments,
were still at or above 90 %. Zr/CTAB/BAC had a high removal effect (70 %) on phosphate and ni­
Anirudhan et al. developed a cellulose-grafted epichlorohydrin- trate in the water. Therefore, it can be effectively used as an adsorbent to
functionalized polyethylenimine graft copolymer for phosphate removal remove anion salts in sewage.
(Cell-g-E/PEI). Cellulose was combined with polyethylenimine, The novel hybrid polymeric anion exchanger impregnated with hy­
epichlorohydrin, N,N′ -methylene bisacrylamide (MBA), a crosslinking drated Fe(III) oxide (HFO) nanoparticles (HA520E-Fe) was synthesized
agent, and azetobis-isobutyronitrile (AIBN), an initiator to produce an and utilized for the co-removal of nitrate and phosphate [105]. The
adsorbent material. The adsorbent containing the amine functional synthesized HA520E-Fe hybrid material had dual functional groups;
group was responsible for phosphate adsorption, with a maximum triethylamine, which was selective for nitrate ions through the ion ex­
adsorption capacity of 111.7 mg/g at pH 4.5 and reached equilibrium at change mechanism, and HFO nanoparticles, which were selective for
adsorption capacity in 3 h. It was demonstrated that the Pseudo-second- phosphate adsorption through Lewis acid-based (LAB) interactions.
order kinetic model well represents the kinetic rate and agrees with the During loading HFO nanoparticles in the resin, an ethanol medium was
Freundlich isotherm, which suggests multilayer adsorption onto adsor­ utilized to reduce the repulsion between Fe3+ ions and triethylamine
bent (Cell-g-E/PEI). The mechanism of adsorption is anion exchange functional groups, called the Donnan exclusion effect. Ethanol medium
[143]. was basically increasing HFO formation inside the parent anion ex­
In another study, ferric hydroxide-coated cellulose nanofibres (Fe change resin. The sorption efficiency of nitrate on HA520E-Fe was be­
(OH)3@CNFs) were used for phosphate adsorption. The maximal tween 56.85 and 60.37 mg/g at the pH range of 3 to 11, and the
phosphate sorption capacity of Fe(OH)3@CNFs was determined to be maximum phosphate uptake recorded was 12.18 mg as P/g of adsorbent.
142.86 mg/g. The adsorbent-phosphate interaction was based on the The phosphate adsorption data were better fitted with the Freundlich
inner-sphere complexation of phosphate on ferric hydroxide via ligand model than the Langmuir.
exchange and electrostatic attraction. Phosphate adsorption followed The bifunctional nanocomposite HFO@ TPR was synthesized by
the Langmuir isotherm and pseudo-second-order models. In addition, incorporating HFO nanoparticles inside a triethylamine-functionalized
competing ions like chloride, sulfate, and nitrate caused the least polystyrene resin (TPR) used for the adsorption of nitrate and phos­
amount of interference to the adsorption process [144]. Besides, these phate [106]. As shown in Fig. 13, nanocomposite HFO@ TPR had two
various functionalized cellulose adsorbents have excellent phosphate different active sites for binding of both nitrate and phosphate.
ion adsorption potential. Furthermore, cellulose-based materials have The results indicated that triethylamine-functionalized polystyrene
many good properties, such as low energy consumption, a wide range of resin showed selective adsorption for nitrate via ion exchange, and

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

Fig. 13. Schematic illustration of HFO@TPR and its possible mechanism for nitrate and phosphate interaction [106].

incorporated iron hydroxide nanoparticles showed specific interaction adsorption was well fitted with the Langmuir isotherm model [109].
with phosphate through inner-sphere complex formation. The experi­ Fatemeh et al. developed a cellulose nanofibres aerogel to remove
mental data fitted to both Pseudo-first-order and second-order kinetics. nitrate and phosphate from aquaculture effluent [110]. In order to
The maximum adsorption capacity of nanocomposite HFO@ TPR for create cellulose nanofibres aerogel adsorbents, cellulose nanofibres
nitrate was reduced from 18 to <10 mg N/L. In contrast, it was reduced were first made from sugarcane bagasse. These nanofibres were then
from 2.5 to <0.2 mg P/L for phosphate [106]. combined with the ecologically friendly cross-linker carboxymethyl
The biochar was generated from sawdust and rice husk used for the cellulose and citric acid. The adsorption capacity of the synthesized
removal of nitrate and phosphate from the aqueous solution. The bio­ material for nitrate was 79.65 mg/L and for phosphate was 98.18 mg/L.
char was created by pyrolyzing sawdust and rice straw at different The findings showed that the CNF aerogels could operate as an effective
temperatures like 700 ◦ C and 300 ◦ C. As a result, four distinct biochar adsorbent for the reduction and removal of nitrate and phosphate
samples were created: SD 700 (derived from sawdust 700 ◦ C), SD 300 because they had a high porosity, high low density, and specific surface
(derived from sawdust 300 ◦ C), RH 700 (derived from rice husk 700 ◦ C), area, fitted well with Langmuir adsorption models and Temkin and the
and RH 300 (derived from rice husk 300 ◦ C). The results of kinetics data pseudo-second-order kinetics model. The simultaneous removal of the
showed that adsorption capacity increased sharply for up to 3 h. The phosphate and nitrate ions-based adsorbent-based material needs to be
maximum adsorption capacity within 3 h demonstrated that there are further focused on in the future. If synthesizing adsorbent materials have
more active sites for nitrate adsorption on biochar surfaces. RH 700 had a specific functional group with biodegradable nature, the adsorbed
a greater nitrate adsorption capacity of 95.42 mg/g after 12 h when nutrient and phosphate can directly be applied to the agricultural land as
compared to other synthetic materials. RH 300 had a greater phosphate fertilizer for plant growth.
absorption capacity, measuring 47.18 mg/g. Furthermore, synthesized
biochar demonstrated greater nitrate adsorption at higher temperatures, 5. The major anions that impede the adsorption of nitrate and
while phosphate adsorption at lower temperatures. Ion exchange was phosphate
the basis for the nitrate and phosphate adsorption process. This result
employs loaded nitrogen and phosphate biochar as nutritional sources Along with nitrate and phosphate, wastewater typically contains a
for plant development [107]. number of other coexisting ions that may compete for adsorbent active
Furthermore, amine-functionalized walnut shells (ACWNS) were adsorption sites. Major anion competitors with nitrate and phosphate
used for nitrate and phosphate adsorption. In order to modify, N,N- include HCO−3 , Cl− and SO2− 4 . The presence of these competing anions
dimethylformamide, epichlorohydrin, ethylenediamine, and triethyl­ lowers the nitrate and phosphate adsorption capacity. The physico­
amine were used. The inserted triethylamine functional groups were in chemical properties of competing anions, as well as their interaction
charge of nitrate and phosphate ions adsorption via electrostatic inter­ with the adsorbent surface, have a significant influence on the adsorp­
action and hydrogen bonding. The highest adsorption capacity of tion process [146]. Mahmoud et al. discovered that the existence of
ACWNS for nitrate and phosphate were 82.2 and 35.7 mg/g, respec­ phosphate, sulfate, bicarbonate, and chloride reduced the adsorption
tively. Notably, nitrate adsorption was based on the Langmuir model for capacity of modified granular activated carbon. The largest reduction
nitrate and the Freundlich model for phosphate adsorption. The Pseudo- efficiency was shown to be nitrate with sulfate, followed by chloride and
second-order kinetic model fitted well with nitrate and phosphate, and phosphate, with no significant change in the presence of bicarbonate
adsorption was exothermic and spontaneous for both ions [108]. [147]. The chitosan composites were used to remove nitrates. The
Huanhuan et al. created the tea waste biosorbent (ACTW) and adsorption ability of these biosorbents was tested in the presence of
removed phosphate and nitrate from the aqueous solution using amine anions such as sulfate, chloride, bicarbonate, and fluoride. The results
crosslinking. N,N-dimethylformamide, epichlorohydrin, ethylenedi­ suggested that sulfate had the most adverse effects, followed by bicar­
amine, and triethylamine were used to modify. The synthesized material bonate, fluoride, and the presence of chloride, which had a slightly
exhibited greater adsorption capacity against a broad pH 3–10 range. negative effect. This might be because the sulfate ion had a greater ionic
For phosphate ions, the maximal adsorption efficiency of ACTW was charge than the nitrate ion. These competing anions attach to the
98.72 mg/g, while for nitrate ions, it was 136.43 mg/g. According to adsorption site, resulting in electrostatic repulsive interactions between
these studies, the removal of phosphate and nitrate ions by ACTW may the biosorbents and nitrate ions, reducing adsorption capacity. Because
be accomplished by electrostatic attraction and ion exchange. These nitrate adsorption involves electrostatic interaction rather than selective
findings suggested that ACTW may be used as a unique biowaste ma­ adsorption, other ions in the water compete with it [148]. According to
terial for removing phosphorus and nitrogen from eutrophic water. The Yanhui et al., the presence of sulfate, chloride, and bicarbonate ions with

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

a surfactant-modified zeolite (SMZ) lowered the adsorption capability of on the surface sites. The nitrate adsorption is mainly based on the ion
nitrate [149]. Furthermore, amine grafted agricultural waste was used exchange or electrostatic interaction between the positively charged
in this work to remove nitrate ions [150]. Adsorption capacity was functional group of surface sites and negatively charged nitrate ions.
determined by the presence of co-existing ions such as sulfate, phos­ Besides, the adsorption of phosphate depends on the ligand exchange
phate, and chloride, which showed that adsorption capacity drops mechanism. In this mechanism, phosphate ions can replace hydroxyl
sharply in the presence of sulfate and declines slightly in the presence of ions on the surface of the adsorbent functional group (the inner-sphere
chloride and phosphate [150]. Besides, it is noted that using various complex formation), leading to the covalent bond between phosphate
kinds of adsorbent material to remove nitrate with the presence of ions and the adsorbent functional group.
competing ions shows that sulfate is more competitive with nitrate than In this review synthesized nanocomposite Nano-CS/Clino modified
other anions because the valency of sulfate ion is two than other ions. by pentaethylenehexamine showed a higher adsorption capacity of ni­
Yinhai et al. revealed that anions such as bicarbonate, sulfate, trate. For phosphate, CaO-biochar composites were prepared by mixed
chloride, and nitrate deteriorate the phosphate adsorption in ball milling, and pyrolysis of agricultural wastes eggshell and rice straw
lanthanum-incorporated porous zeolite was utilized for phosphate showed better phosphate adsorption capacity as compared to other
adsorption. The findings showed that chloride and nitrate have minimal adsorbents. The MG@La adsorbent showed better adsorption for both
effect on phosphate adsorption. When the sulfate concentration was nitrate and phosphate from the water. Consequently, selecting appro­
raised, the removal efficiency dropped from 98.9 to 94.6 %. This priate adsorbents for the effective removal of nitrate and phosphate is a
property indicated that multivalent anion adsorption was easier than complicated task. In laboratory conditions, a particular sorbent shows
monovalent anion adsorption. However, increasing the bicarbonate good adsorption capacity for nitrate and phosphate, but they may fail in
content reduced phosphate adsorption by 18 %. It is caused by the actual wastewater conditions.
electrostatic repulsive force between deprotonated hydroxyl ions and Herein, we tried to display a better understanding of how various
highly charged phosphate ions due to the high pH (due to bicarbonate types of adsorbent materials and their surface modification are used to
ions) [151]. Hu et al. studied phosphate adsorption in Ce(III) impreg­ remove nitrate and phosphate from water sources efficiently. Further, it
nated crosslinked chitosan with co-existing ions such as sulfate, chlo­ should be noted that the whole world is facing a huge problem with
ride, bicarbonate, and nitrate. The results revealed that sulfate had a nitrate and phosphate in wastewater. So it is very much necessary to
greater interfering impact than chloride and the presence of bicarbonate remove and reduce the nitrate and phosphate concentration from
drastically decreased the phosphate ion adsorption capability [152]. wastewater. Further, it has been noted that most research experimental
Further, Zhang et al. discovered phosphate adsorption onto metal oxide methods are carried out by assessing a very high initial concentration of
and metal hydroxide doped with activated carbon in the presence of nitrate and phosphate in the batch system, which is not a practical
anion (chloride, sulfate, nitrate, fluoride, and carbonate). It was condition. Thus, the adsorbent’s capacity must be tested in a continuous-
discovered that increasing competing ions in the range of 0–0.1 mol/L flow column system to determine the operating parameters required for
had a notable influence on phosphate adsorption. Carbonate had the designing real-life adsorption columns used in wastewater industries.
biggest impact on phosphate among these five anions. Through a The adsorbent’s efficiency should be tested using real-life wastewater
bidentate inner-sphere interaction, the carbonate anions were con­ for successful practical application. Compared to individual removal of
nected to the active metal sites [153]. Yao et al. discovered that anions nitrate or phosphate, co-removal mechanism for N and P needs to be
such as chloride, nitrate, and bicarbonate compete with phosphate, focused on in the future because wastewater contains both nitrate and
reducing phosphate adsorption. This impact was highest when the three phosphate. The application of nitrate and phosphate recovery at full
competing ions were combined together in a solution. Each anion scale currently occurs in a few countries, so implementing this large-
independently decreased phosphate adsorption by <20 %, but by over scale research needs to be focused on other countries also. So further
40 % when anions were combined [154]. Ying et al. investigated the research needs to focus on environmentally friendly adsorbents with
phosphate selectivity of ZEO@AZ in the presence of various concen­ higher efficiency, and effective modification techniques need to be
trations of competing ions (50 to 800 mg/L) such as chloride, nitrate, synthesized. Subsequently, the cost-benefit assessment of adsorbed
sulfate, and bicarbonate. The results suggested that the nitrate and materials should be considered for use on a large scale and real waste­
chloride in the solution have little or no influence on phosphate. As the water treatment. To conclude, the environmentally safe disposal of ni­
concentration of coexisting ions increased from 50 to 800 mg/L, sulfate trate and phosphate adsorbents needs to be synthesized. It would be
and bicarbonate greatly influence phosphate adsorption in an aqueous worthwhile to investigate the agricultural-based adsorbent because,
solution. These findings showed that nitrate and chloride interact with after the recovery, adsorbent material can directly be applied to the soil
phosphate via weak interactions by forming outer-sphere complexes. At as fertilizer.
the same time, sulfate and bicarbonate can produce both outer and inner
sphere complexation with adsorbent [118]. Therefore, in the medium Declaration of competing interest
utilizing different adsorbent materials, bicarbonate has the greatest
impact on phosphate adsorption, followed by sulfate, chloride, and None.
Data availability
6. Conclusions and outlook
No data was used for the research described in the article.
The development of industrialization causes exudes of several types
of contaminants to water sources. Lately, the increase of toxic anionic Acknowledgments
contaminants, specifically nitrate and phosphates, in water sources
certainly disses the ecological system and creates severe problems. This project has been supported by Department of Science and
Moreover, the adsorption process is one of the most promising methods Technology, Government of India under the project grant No. DST/TDT/
utilized to remove the various contaminant from wastewater. This is due AGRO-39/2020. The author, Mrs. E. Priya, also acknowledges the
to its unparalleled benefits, which include being cost-effective, time- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, for
consuming, easy to handle etc. In addition, this review gathers a list of fellowship support under the grant No. 09/143(0971)/2019-EMR-l.
several materials that have been utilized as adsorbents for nitrate and
phosphate removal by the adsorption process and their varied adsorp­
tion capacities based on the modification and functional group present

E. Priya et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 49 (2022) 103159

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