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1(a) OCRSystems are designing a new CPU for a computer system that will be used for video rendering.

Part of the
video rendering process is when the video is exported. This is when the computer combines all of the separate
video elements together to form the final video.

Describe two factors that affect the performance of the CPU.


(b) An important design consideration is whether OCRSystems use a CISC processor type or a RISC processor

Describe one difference between a CISC processor and a RISC processor.


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(c) OCRSystems are considering using parallel processing in a computer system that will be used for video

Describe how parallel processing would increase the performance of this computer system.


(d) A computer system will contain several input and output devices.

Explain the role of device drivers when using input and output devices on a computer system.


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(e) Before a video is rendered, the user will first capture and edit the individual video elements before they are
combined together to form the final video.

(i) State two different output devices that could be used when editing the videos.


(ii) A storage device is used to store the individual video elements while they are being captured in different
locations and during the video editing process.

Discuss the suitability of a flash storage device and a magnetic storage device for storing the different video
elements while they are being collected and edited.

You should refer to the following in your answer:

• the benefits of each type of storage

• the drawbacks of each type of storage
• the suitability of each type of storage.

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2(a) A programmer uses a queue data structure to store data.

(i) Tick one box that describes how a queue operates.

Last In First Out

First In First Out


(ii) The figure below shows a queue data structure that contains a list of names. Alex is at the front of the queue.

Alex Kofi Ben Sundip Tom

The operations that can be used on the queue are:

• enqueue() – This will add data that is passed in as a parameter to the queue.
• dequeue() – This will return the first element in the queue.

Show the contents of the queue after these operations have been performed:



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(b) A stack is a type of data structure.

A stack is implemented using these variables:

• items – This is used to store an array that contains the data.

• top – This is an integer value pointing to the last item of data that was inserted.

pop() is one operation that can be performed on a stack. This will remove an item from the top of the stack, or
–1 if the stack is empty.

(i) Complete the pseudocode function for the pop() operation.

function pop()

if top == …………………………… then

return –1


item = items[……………………………]

top = top – ……………………………

return ……………………………




(ii) A function called reverse uses a stack called theStack to reverse data that is passed in as a parameter
called name. For example, the name “Jack” would be returned as “kcaJ” by the function.

theStack uses these operations which are already defined as global scope in the program:

• push() – This will add data that is passed in as a parameter to the stack.
• pop() – This will remove and return the item on top of the stack.

Write the function reverse so that it:

• accepts the name as a parameter

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• uses push() to add each character in the name to theStack separately
• uses pop() to return each character from theStack and add it to a variable called reverseName
• outputs the variable reverseName once all characters have been popped from theStack.

You should write your function using pseudocode or program code.

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3(a) Describe what is meant by the term ‘character set’.



(i) Convert the hexadecimal number 66 into a denary number. Show your working.


(ii) State two reasons why a programmer would prefer to use hexadecimal numbers rather than binary numbers.


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(c) Show the denary value 6.25 as a floating point binary number representing the mantissa and exponent. Both of
these should be stored in two’s complement representation.

You should use as few bits as possible.

Show your working.


(d) State the benefit of using a normalised form when representing data as a floating point number.


4(a) State two benefits of using a relational database instead of a flat file database.


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(b) OCRConfectionery is a sweet manufacturing company.

They want to use a relational database to store details of the orders their customers make.

One customer can order as many different products as they like in the same order. A customer can also place as
many orders as they like.

One product can be ordered multiple times in the same order or ordered by multiple different customers.

Complete the entity relationship diagram to show the relationships between the Product, Customer and Order


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(c) The order table has these fields.


(i) State the difference between a primary key and a foreign key.


(ii) State one foreign key in the order table.


(iii) State why CustomerID would not make a suitable primary key in the order table.


5(a) State the role of RAM in a computer system.


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(b) Amaya is an amateur photographer and has bought an old second-hand computer to edit her photographs. The
specifications of this computer are shown below.

Processor: Dual Core 1.8 GHz

HDD: 500 GB
Explain what is meant by the term ‘virtual memory’ and why this may be needed when Amaya is editing her


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6(a) Zac has an accountancy business. He is moving into an office that has enough space for up to five members of
staff. Zac would like to install a Local Area Network (LAN) to allow his staff to work together.

(i) A LAN uses packet switching.

Describe one difference between packet switching and circuit switching.


(ii) Explain why packet switching is more suitable for a computer network than circuit switching.


(b) Zac has hired a company that will advise him on what type of LAN he should set up.

Discuss how Zac could set up a peer-to-peer network and a client-server network.

You should refer to the following in your answer:

• how the computers in each type are connected

• the benefits of each type
• the drawbacks of each type
• the suitability of each type.

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1 a Clock Speed … AO1.1 One mark for stating the factor, mark for
… The speed at which the fetch (2) expanding the factor
decode execute cycle is completed/ the AO1.2
speed a single core can execute (2) - Accept cycles for “FDE Cycles”
Examiner’s Comments

Number of cores/ independent Most candidates were able to identify two

processing units … factors that could affect the performance of
the CPU, but many were not given all 4
marks as they did not fully describe why
…that can fetch decode execute at the each factor would affect the performance.
same time See Exemplar 1, which was given full

Cache size… Exemplar 1

… memory that contains
recently/frequently used
…memory that has a faster R/W speed
than RAM
…memory that is closer to/onboard the

The candidate gives two valid factors that

would affect performance and then
explains why each of the two factors would
affect performance. They use appropriate
terminology in their response.

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b CISC has a larger instruction set AO1.2 Accept any other valid pointsbr/>
RISC has a smaller instruction set (2) Mark in pairs

CISC is difficult to pipeline Examiner’s Comments

RISC is easier to pipeline
This question was generally answered well
CISC tends to have more addressing with many candidates describing the
modes number of clock cycles required to execute
RISC tends to have fewer addressing instructions for RISC and CISC. Some
modes candidates were not given the marks
because they did not use the correct
CISC instructions may take multiple terminology.
clock cycles to execute
RISC instructions take one clock cycle
to execute

CISC has complex circuitry/more

RISC has less complex/simple circuitry

CISC uses less RAM

RISC uses more RAM

c Parallel processing will allow multiple AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments

separate jobs/instructions/FDE cycles (1)
to run concurrently. AO2.1 To achieve all 3 marks for this question,
Longer rendering jobs can be split, (2) candidates needed to describe what
shortening the overall time taken. parallel processing is, and then be clear as
Different CPUs/cores can tackle to how this would affect the computer
different frames/sections/components system in the question. Many candidates
of the video simultaneously. were not given all the available marks as
they did not make clear links between
parallel processing and the scenario.

d A piece of software which allows AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments

hardware/device to communicate… (2)
…with the operating system This question was generally answered
well. Some candidates were not given the
second mark as they did not make
reference to the operating system.

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e i Monitor AO2.1 Must be output devices.

Speakers//Headphones (2)
Must be suitable for video editing.

Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates answered this question

correctly, with most selecting a
monitor/screen and headphones/speakers
which were both valid responses.

ii Mark Band 3–High Level AO1.1 AO1

(7–9 marks) (2) Magnetic Benefits:
The candidate will provide a range of AO1.2
accurate benefits and drawbacks of both (2) Lower price per GB
magnetic and flash devices. AO2.1 As standard comes in high capacity
The candidate is able to apply their (2)
knowledge and understanding directly and AO3.3 Magnetic Drawbacks:
consistently to the context provided. (3)
Evidence/examples will be explicitly Lower R/W speed
relevant to the explanation. Higher power consumption
The candidate will come to a clear Moving parts /less durable
conclusion that must be justified by their
comments Flash Benefits:

There is a well-developed line of reasoning Higher R/W speed

which is clear and logically structured. The No moving parts/more durable
information presented is relevant and Lower power consumption
substantiated. Can have a higher capacity.

Mark Band 2-Mid Level Flash Drawbacks:

(4–6 marks)
The candidate will provide drawbacks or Higher cost per GB
benefits about both magnetic and flash At higher capacities prices rise
methods. These will be for the most part exponentially.
relevant. The candidate is able to apply
their knowledge and understanding directly AO2:
to the context provided although one or two Suitability of Magnetic:
opportunities are missed.
Evidence/examples are for the most part Video files are very large, benefiting
implicitly relevant to the explanation. magnetics low cost per GB
The candidate will attempt to come to a Can be used to archive the different
conclusion, although it may not be fully video elements after it’s been rendered
justified by their answer. Could possibly get damaged while
being transported between the different
There is a line of reasoning presented with filming sites
some structure. The information presented Slow R/W speeds may take it longer to
is in the most part relevant and supported load into the software
by some evidence.
Suitability of flash:

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Mark Band 1-Low Level Very fast R/W speeds therefore

(1–3 marks) reducing the amount of loading time
The candidate has provided some during the editing process/giving
drawbacks or benefits of magnetic or flash smoother playback
methods. The material is basic and If money is not a barrier, flash can be
contains some inaccuracies. bought in sufficient capacities for
The candidate makes a limited attempt to videos.
apply acquired knowledge and
understanding to the context provided. AO3:
The candidate provides nothing more than Candidates can conclude either method,
an unsupported assertion. but to score in the top MB must have a
clear line of reasoning to justify their
The information is basic and choice.
communicated in an unstructured way. The
information is supported by limited Examiner’s Comments
evidence and the relationship to the
evidence may not be clear. Candidates were assessed on the quality
of their extended response in this question.
0 mark Most candidates understood the basic
No attempt to answer the question or differences between flash storage and
response is not worthy of credit. magnetic storage devices, but did not
make clear links to the scenario. Mid-level
responses were common, with few
candidates giving a balanced discussion
and a conclusion with suitable

Assessment for learning

Questions with the command word

‘discuss’ require candidates to give a
balanced discussion and provided a
suitable conclusion which justifies their
comments. Opportunities to practise these
questions will support candidates to do
better on these style questions.

Total 22

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2 a i AO1.1 Examiner’s Comments

First In First Out (1)
Most candidates correctly identified that a
queue is a ‘First in First Out’ data structure.

ii Ben Sundi To Charli Lin Sar AO2.1 Accept:

p m e g a (2)

1 Mark: Adding, Charlie, Ling and Sara in Ben Sundi To Charli Lin Sar
correct order p m e g a
1 Mark: Exclusively removing Alex and Examiner’s Comments
This question was generally answered well
with most candidates achieving both
marks. Some candidates did not correctly
dequeue from the front of the queue, or
enqueue to the rear.

b i function pop() AO3.2 Examiner’s Comments

if top == 0 then (4)
return -1 Many candidates were given full marks for
else this question, although some did not
item = items[top] correctly return ‘item’ and incorrectly stated
top = top – 1 ‘items’ would be returned.
return item
end function

ii Correctly declaring the function reverse AO3.1 Example solution

to include passing in name as a (3) function reverse(name)
parameter AO3.2 reverseName = ""
Correct logic to calculate the number of (4)
pushes required for nameCount = 0 to
Correct use of a loop to push all name.Length–1
characters onto the stack separately
Creating a local variable reverseName theStack.push(name[nameCount])
to hold the reversed string next nameCount
Correct use of a loop to pop all
characters from the stack (in the for nameCount = 0 to
reverse order) name.Length–1
Correct logic to add each popped reverseName = reverseName +
character to the reverseName variable theStack.pop()
Correctly returning the reverseName next nameCount
return reverseName
end function

Give full marks for alternative solutions that

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would work fully.

Allow FT for any duplicate identifiers

named incorrectly or using the incorrect

Examiner’s Comments

Although some candidates answered this

question well, others were only given 1 or 2
of the available 7 marks. Many candidates
that lost marks did not push and/or pop
characters correctly, and many did not
return a value for the final mark.
Candidates should also be reminded that
the correct spelling and case of identifiers
are required in questions of this type.
Some candidates added spaces in
identifier names or used a different case to
the identifiers stated in the question and
therefore, were not given marks.

Assessment for learning

Candidates need to understand the

importance of maintaining the spelling,
case and use of spaces etc in identifiers in
questions which ask for functions to be

Total 14

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3 a List/mapping of characters (that can be AO1.2 Allow a list of letters /symbols

understood by the (2)
hardware/software/computer) Examiner’s Comments
Each character is given a unique
binary/numeric code that is stored Most candidates were given at least 1
instead of the character. mark for this question. Some did not gain
the second mark as they missed stating
that each character has a unique binary

b i 102 (correct answer) AO2.2 Examiner’s Comments

Suitable working out (2)
This question was generally answered
well. Candidates tended to be awarded
either full or no marks. If the working was
correct for calculating the denary value, the
response was usually correct as this only
required simple addition.

ii Hexadecimal values are shorter than AO2.2 Do not accept Hexadecimal is “easy”
binary as 4 bits/nibble can be (2) communicate/enter etc…
represented by one hex character.
Hexadecimal values are faster / more Examiner’s Comments
reliable to communicate / enter / write
down / read. Many candidates achieved 1 mark for this
question. Many candidates correctly stated
that hexadecimal numbers are
easier/faster to read/write, but were not
given the second mark as they didn’t state
that hexadecimal numbers are shorter than
binary numbers.

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c Fixed point is 0110.01 AO2.2 Final Answer 011001 011

Mantissa becomes 0.11001 (3)
Exponent of three needed (represented Correct answer with any working gets full
at 011) marks

Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates were given the first mark

by working out the fixed-point equivalent of
6.25 (0110.01) but were not given further
marks because they did not read the
question correctly. The question states the
response must use as few bits as possible.
Although some candidates correctly
calculated the mantissa, many had extra
digits in the exponent which could have
been removed. See Exemplar 2 which was
given full marks.

Exemplar 2

The candidate clearly shows the fixed-point

value of 6.25 to gain the first mark. The
second mark is given for showing the
mantissa with six bits and the final mark for
showing the exponent with three bits. All of
these values are displayed clearly, and the
candidate uses arrows to demonstrate the
movement of the decimal point as
additional working.

d Allows for more accuracy/precision AO1.1 Examiner’s Comments

from the given number of bits (1)
The representation of each binary This question was not answered well as
value is unique many candidates seemed to misread the
question. The majority of candidates that
answered this question correctly stated
that normalised form allowed for greater
accuracy/precision from the number of bits.

Total 10

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4 a Relational data allows for less AO1.2 Examiner’s Comments

redundancy of data/less repeated data (2)
Relational databases improve the This question was generally answered
consistency of data well, although some candidates did not use
Relational databases allow for complex the correct terminology and therefore could
queries and/or searches to be not be given all the available marks.

b AO3.1 Ignore any relationship between

(2) customer and product.
Correct answer only

Examiner’s Comments

One to Many relationship between This question required candidates to

Customer (one) and Order (many) correctly draw the relationships between
One to Many relationship between the entities as explained in the question.
Product (one) and Order (many)
Candidates were expected to indicate the
relationships. Some candidates used either
words or other symbols to indicate the
relationships, therefore not achieving either
of the available marks.

Some candidates used a link entity to

avoid a many to many relationship
between product and order or indicated a
relationship of one product to many orders.
Either of these responses were acceptable.

Assessment for learning

Appendices 5c in the specification shows

the symbols used for entities and their
relationships. Students need to be taught
these to use in the exam.

c i A primary key will only appear once in AO1.1 Accept entity for table
a table/is a unique identifier (2)
A foreign key may appear multiple Examiner’s Comments
times a table/may not be unique
Many candidates were able to state what a
primary key is, but did not state the
difference between this and a foreign key
and therefore did not achieve both marks.

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ii CustomerID AO2.2 Correct answer only

ProductID (1)
Examiner’s Comments

This question was generally answered

well, although some candidates lost marks
for mis-spelling the foreign key or adding
spaces, both of which are not permitted.

iii There may be duplicate values. AO2.2 Examiner’s Comments

This question was generally answered well
with many candidates gaining the mark.

Total 8

5 a Stores instructions / programs currently AO1.1 Examiner’s Comments

running (1)
Stores data currently in use This question was answered well, although
some candidates stated the role of cache
rather than RAM.


That RAM and cache are the same thing

within a computer system.

b If the amount of RAM available is AO2.1 Examiner’s Comments

insufficient… (2)
…Used to store instructions/data Most candidates achieved both of the
…Using secondary storage. available marks for this question and linked
Likely to be loading large image files the scenario in well when writing their
(which may exceed her RAM) response.
Likely to be loading large programs
(which may exceed her RAM)

Total 3

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6 a i AO1.2 Marks answers in pairs

In circuit switching dedicated (2)
hardware resources are used for Examiner’s Comments
each connection
In packet switching hardware is Many candidates achieved both marks for
used for multiple different this question with most of the responses
connections. describing the different routes taken by the
data. The candidates who did less well on
In circuit switching the data is sent this question did not understand
along one route/stream. differences between packet switching and
In packet switching packets of data circuit switching.
may be sent along multiple different
routes/packets may not be in order

Circuit switching is less secure if data

is intercepted
Packet switching, data is more secure
if intercepted/not all packets will be

ii Computer networks would involve AO2.1 Examiner’s Comments

multiple connections happening (2)
concurrently Many candidates lost marks for the second
In packet switching hardware is not tied part of Question 6 (a) (ii), despite achieving
up with each unique connection // can both marks for the first part 6 (a) (i). A lot of
handle multiple connections incorrect answers gave a very similar
simultaneously response to the first part of the question
Computers pass vast amounts of data instead of explaining why the differences
which may encounter transmission that packet switching has, make it more
errors suitable for a computer network. Common
Packet switching means only correct answers explained that packet
resending individual packets instead of switching can route around hardware
the whole data stream failures as the data is not sent along a
Computers may be transmitting single route.
business critical data
Packet switching means any network
hardware failures can be mitigated by
routing around it.

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b Mark Band 3–High Level AO1.1 AO1

(7–9 marks) (2) P2P:
The candidate demonstrates a thorough AO1.2
knowledge and understanding of both peer (2) Each computer can act independently
to peer and client server and can give valid AO2.1 Each computer is responsible for it’s
application of both in this scenario. All (2) own security and login
detail are generally accurate and relevant. AO3.3 Each computer will maintain and
The candidate is able to apply their (3) possibly share its own connected
knowledge and understanding directly and hardware (printer/external
consistently to the context provided. storage/internet connection)
Evidence/examples will be explicitly Each computer will maintain and
relevant to the explanation. possibly share its own secondary
There is a well-developed line of reasoning If a computer is powered down it’s
which is clear and logically structured. The shared resources will not be available.
information presented is relevant and There are no resources not shared by
substantiated. a peer machine
Adding a machine is simple
Mark Band 2-Mid Level Very little administration is needed
(4–6 marks)
The candidate demonstrates reasonable Client Server:
knowledge and understanding of client
server and peer to peer; the material is All network functionality can be
generally accurate but at times provided by servers.
underdeveloped. The candidate may not A server is a process running on a
have applied both to this scenario. machine, usually dedicated to
The candidate is able to apply their providing these services.
knowledge and understanding directly to A server machine is designed to never
the context provided although one or two be powered down.
opportunities are missed. Login/security is handled centrally
Evidence/examples are for the most part Shared storage may be managed by a
implicitly relevant to the explanation. server
Shared resources (printer/internet
There is a line of reasoning presented with connection etc) my be managed by a
some structure. The information presented server
is in the most part relevant and supported If a server process or machine fails,
by some evidence. network functionality, including the
ability login is lost
Mark Band 1-Low Level Adding a new machine can mean
(1–3 marks) installing specialist client software and
The candidate demonstrates a basic setting up OS policies.
knowledge of client/server or peer to peer IT skills and a lot of time are needed to
and has made some attempt at applying administer a client server network
this knowledge. the material is basic and
contains some inaccuracies. AO2
The candidate makes a limited attempt to P2P:
apply acquired knowledge and
understanding to the context provided. As Zak is looking to expand his staff,
The candidate provides nothing more than P2P would offer flexibility in adding

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an unsupported assertion. staff ad hoc.

Zak’s company is still small and may
The information is basic and struggle to pay for the IT administrator
communicated in an unstructured way. The skills needed for a client server
information is supported by limited
evidence and the relationship to the Client Server:
evidence may not be clear.
As Zak’s firm is an accountancy firm it
0 mark will have sensitive customer data
No attempt to answer the question or Client server would allow stronger
response is not worthy of credit. centralised security
As Zak is taking on multiple staff, they
may wish to work collaboratively, which
shared storage would allow.
Zak could share a single printer/other
hardware with all staff and not worry
about an individual computer being
switched on.

AO3: Candidates can conclude either

method, but to score in the top MB must
have a clear line of reasoning to justify
their choice.

Examiner’s Comments

Candidates were assessed on the quality

of their extended response in this question.
Although most candidates were able to
give a few advantages and disadvantages
of the different types of network, few made
suitable links to the scenario.

Some candidates discussed different

topologies which was not relevant to the
question. Candidates that were given high
marks for this question focused more on
the scenario, and made clear links
between this and the benefits and
drawbacks of the different solutions.

Exemplar 3

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The candidate response is well structured.

The candidate has firstly highlighted how
the computers are connected for each type
of network and discussed the advantages
and disadvantages. The advantages and
disadvantages are well balanced and there
are clear links to the scenario throughout.

The candidate has made a

recommendation on the most suitable type
of network for the scenario, highlighting the
key advantages and showing clear

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The conclusion emphasises the key points

and gives a clear justification.

Total 13

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