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Atlas Copco Compressors for industry

GA 1 1 to 22 series - 50 Hz
18.5-60 l/s rotary screw compressors
with integrated refrigeration dryer


Here's how you can turn
our technology into profits.

A compressor to suit every re-


These robust, sturdy compres-

sors oÍÍeryou real perÍormance
chorce n the capacity range -18.5 to
60 /s and normal workrng pressur-a
variants of 7 5, 1O and 13 bar. What
is more, there are three options to
choose Írom' The FuI Feature ver-
slon lnc]udes a reÍr gerant dryer -
incorporating an environmenta
Írlendly reÍrgerant medium - and
Atlas Copco's highly advanced mi-
croprocessor controlied'Elektroni-
kon' monitoring and controL system.
The Pack version also features the
smart 'Elektronikon concept, whi e
the monltoring and control function
on the Standard Pack relles on a
tradltional e ectro-pnuematic sys-
When you invest in a compres- n ore, the Full Feature versions ln- tem.
Sor' you're |ooking Íor more than a c ude an on-board refngerant dryer
machine that produces compres- to dellver dry compressed air. That's
sed air. You expect it to guarantee a subsiant a beneÍ t for you - no Wa- The potential to cut your energy
your specific production process. .er condensate to ruin your products costs signiÍicantly.
You also demand qualityt you insist e-o p'ocesses. a.o co'roson .
on reliability. You requ re a cornpres- yo!.rr cneumatic tools or airnet is ef- In developrng this new genera-
sor unrt that's econom c to run and 'e ci ve y e rminated. tion of compressors we've tried to
Íundamenta |y easy to operate' lf so Vy'e ve even redesigned the com- think oÍ everyth ng' inc uding the
Iook no Íurther than At|as Copco s c'esso'e ernent to keep these un ts possibi ity oÍ energy recovery' Each
GAl1to22seres sra and .o obialn better perÍoman_ Pack and Full Feature model ls
ces. Tie ccmpressor element is also equlpped to convert to energy re-
c rec. y rnorried agajnst the o I se- covery' A you have to do is to Íit an
Built-in reliability. oa.aror ra^'(. n :. rnizing the risks of optional energy recycl ng kit to the
aroro eaKages. un t and cut the cost oÍ your Space
These compressors are design- heating. hot water supply or pro-
ed and made to last. They re rnanu- cess pre-heat ng.
Íactured aganst Stringent ISo 9001
standards and fully conform to CE
directives on quality and security. In
short, these units match the highest
possible speciÍications'
What does thrs mean to you?
% kwh
A ot: long, re iable serv ce; low cost
operatron; peace oÍ mind. PIus a
, 100

compressor that maintalns the value
o' your investment and req-i"sg

mlnimal maintenance. ol

,- 60

Compact, quiet and unobtrusive.


To save you space, these units ,- 40

are now more compact than ever.
The high performance three stage ,20

airloil sspslstor reduces oil vapour

carryover into your compressed air
delivery to less than 3 ppm. What s
% Load

The ultimate compressor.

It's so advanced, it's simple.

lntaking good quality alr. Keeping cool under pressure.
A specra va ve regulates air ntake, Heat bu |d-Up S eÍfect Ve y d SS pated
whi e a dry{ype a r ntakef lter - complete thanks to compact, h gh|y efÍicient b ock
wlth service indlcator - cuts atmospher c coo ers.
dust and other partrc es that could reduce
the eÍÍicenCy of the coTnpressor

High quality air for Simplicity of opera-

t high quality per- tion.
formance. Each Fu l=eature
The ntegral and Pack un t fea
dryer removes wa- tur-oscearaphanu-
ter Vapour Írom the mer c d sp ays whi e
compressed air, the nbuilt mon toring
protect ng your system a lows you to
processes, end p an ma ntenance.
products and
rnvestment. F tted
downstream from
T1' c or Pr Pos ot
eiement and w th a
new des gn heat
exchanger this A self-adjusting
dryer util ses a drive system.
refngerant medium The three XPA
that s inherently prof e drive belts are
f riend y to the equipped with a
environment semi-autornatic be t
tens on ng system.
To prevent any

t r sk oÍ n1ury to the
operator aíanguard
,/ and access sh e d-
Minimal oil carry-
over into the ing to the V belt
compressed air. dr ves are Írtted '
A h ghly eÍÍec-
tive three stage oi
separation system
ensures v rtua y
no oi content in
the compressed
air de very less
than 3 mg/m:

Operational reliability.
A total|y enclosed Ían coo|ed IP55
I c|ass F e ectrlc motor, greased for Íe, pro-
. desco l n-o-.'e iaoteserrce.

Foolproof and fail-safe technology

The GA 11 Io 22 Full Feature

and Pack models incorporate Atlas
Copco's I lel.tror kon ron rorirg
and control System' Th s powerÍul
capabil ty represents a major ben-
efit complete peace of mind.
lhe orains o'the systen is p's-
v decr [or oy ar- irboard n'c'oproc
essor which continuously scans
readings Írom sensors Iocated at a ]

cr t cal points around the compres-

sor. lt automaticaiLy regu ates the
coŤ]preSSo' accord.g to op^'3 'n
pararneters, ensur ng eÍf c ent ard
economrc work at al t mes. ihat s simple to understand and Save time, save money.
wh ch s programmable ln dlfÍerent
anguages Moreover, al data col- GA 1'l to 22 compressoTs are,
An instant overview of vltal data. r -iio o\ -he regulaLor a'e access by design, rna ntenance fr endly
b e and system parameters can be The Elektronikon concept helps
The slalus o' al - e, ope'a. - l nran pu ated to spec fic needs. Fur- make maintenance rnanagement
informatlon can instantant V a!c therrnore, the 'Elektronikon pro- even eas er. lt w g ve pr or nd ca-
easlybescanred. ) s r,Pi,.l Tects the compressors wlth built-in tjons oÍ service reqU rernentS, he ps
on an a phanumeric contro pare ,,,varn ng and shut down functions. ro p|ar na:lTe'dr ce T'e'Vé_loTS
in advance and avold cost y, un-
planned downtime.

Flow diagram
Air flow
,L .. Alr ntakeÍ ter
A r ntake valve
Conrpress on element
l OLseparatoreenrent
Vl n nrun' pressure va ve
AÍter coo er
:,'=i11 A r arr heat excl-anger
Water separator wlth drain
/\ )

Oil flow
O I reservo r
I0 O coo er

t ..: 1l Thermostat c bypass valve

,., :,t-..
iltt 12 O fter
Li!tl r3 scavenge ne


:il L,/ =- '21 lor

ReÍrigeration flow
go 1 .O p pSSO
15. Condenser
16' Liqu d ref r gerant dryer/Í lter
17 Cap Iary tube
18. Evaporator
I9. Accumu ator
20. Hot qas bvpass valve
Refrgerant gas ! .:le' n Dry air

Hell gerant ou c o ] AiýoiI mixture

n su lation -lake a r I Weta r
Whatever your need , a solution.

Techn ical specif ications

GA compressor 50 tz
Nrlaximum working pressure Capacity Noise level.. Motor
TullFealure PackB Stcr. Pac^ FAD - dB(A) power Welght (kg)
st P&
ou',u, ] osig bar(e) psig l/s I m'/min cfm Par^k I l kW hp FF Pack pack

GA ]1 725
7.5 L 109
I 116
3t.o 186 657 72)74
286 172 606 72 70
440 375
1s 444 JtlS
aatr 141 to 145 250 150 sso 72 70 11 t5 444 375 365
12 75 rB5 13 189 t8.s L]l 3g2 72 70 11 15 440 375 ,JO3

GA 15 7.25 105 75 109 41 5 2.49 87.9 73 71 rsLzo 450 3Bs 375

775 112 B 116 444 242 85.6 73 71 15 20 45A 385 375
15 20 450 s8s 375

9.75 141 1O 145 35.0 2.10 742 73 71

12 75 185 t3 189 295 177 62.5 73 71 rs]zo 450 :es ] szs
725 105 75 109 500 300 105.9 73 71 ,ruLo 460 395 385
112 8 116 483 2.90 142.3 73 71 18 5 25 460 395 385
L75 141 ]O 145 44A 2.64 oet 73 71 18.5 25 460 395 385
1275 185 t3 189 365 2.19 773 73 71 res I zs 460 395 385
GA22 aaF 105 r09 60.0 3.60 127 1 74 72 22 30 480 415 405
775 112 B 145 580 348 1)) O 74 72 ), ?n 480 415 405
9.75 141 10 116 52A 312 110 2 74i 72 22)3a 480 415 Í 4o5
1275 185 l3 r89 45.5 2.73 96.4 74 72 22 30 4Ba 415 405
- Un performance
t measured according Standard pack
to Pneurop/Cagr PN2CPTC2 test code Full Feature and
Pack version
ReÍerence cond tions:
- absolute lnlet pressure 1 bar (1 4.5 psi)
- intake a r temperature 20'C (68"F)

FAD s measured at the Ío owlng Work ng pressureS:

- 7.5 ba( var ants at 7 bar(e)
B bar var ants at B bar(e)
- l0 bar variants at I 5 bar(e)
- l 3 bar varlants at 1 2.5 bar(e)
-- Maximum noise eve| measured at a distance oÍ 1 m according
to Pneurop/Cao PNSNTC2 test code.

Pressure dew point of ntegrated refrigerant dryer at

reference condit ons: + 4"C.

GAl1-22 models and options

Energy lVlain Hrgh amb.
Compressor Vlodulating
recovery E ectronic lntegrated
Do^ L flrrg canooy Rain pro Heavy
temp. ver-
type control
drain OSD
,* t.l de;ice ieali^g tection duty Íi|ter

Full Feature o o o o o o o o o NA
Pack o o o o o o o o o o
Standard Pack o NA o o o o o o o o
O = optional, N A = not available (-) up to 50'C

OSD oil-water separator.

OSD compact oil-water separa- Fully automatic separation, no
tor cleanses the condensate to a use of active carbon, extreme y reli-
quality far superior to any legal re- able, as good as maintenanceJree
quirement. For GA I I to 22 series and with a fi|ter IiÍetime of 6000
the OSD can be incorporated within working hours or one year gives the
the canopy. When using the energy only one sensible solution to treat
recovery kit, a freestanding OSD the condensate where it is created:
must be applled. at the compressor site.

2935 0832 41
At your service. Right around the world.
And just around the corner

When you buy a compressor We put as much care into serv-

Írom Atlas Copco, you Won't just re- ice support as we do into the devel-
ceive a machine. You also get the opment, design, manufacturing and
full backing of a company that's in testlng of our products. This sup-
the forefront of the compressed air port is available to you, wherever
business. Indeed, that support is you operate, through our global
available to you even before you network of sales companies and
place an order, and doesn't end un- distributors.
til the compressor's service life is f i-
nally completed. Our dedication to Service support is core to Atlas
you, our customer, is a continuing Copco's business philosophy.
commitment. That's because we recognise that
our success depends on our ability
We can advise you on which to help our customers grow.
compressor, and which options,
best suit your specific require-
ments. We can help you in recom-
mending best installation proce-
dures. And we'll lend you 1007o
backing in preventive maintenance
and service.

Our after-sales support capabil-

ity is truly comprehensive. For
every compressoT we sell, we make
available replacement parts pro-
duced on the same machinery, to
the same tolerances, from the
same high quality materials and
subjected to the same high quality
controls. And we offer a range oÍ
different preventive maintenance
and service contracts according to
the particular need of the customer.






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