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MK211x – Digital Marketing Strategy

Prof. Shainesh G

Week 1

From the value delivery process how do you develop Marketing Strategy you know? So,
if you were a marketer in the value delivery process gives a complete organizational
view. Now let us look at another framework which sort of incorporates everything that I
said earlier about the value delivery process, but structures it such that you can look at
some of the analysis and then take action.

So, what does this mean? Any organization really operates can be seen as operating
within what we call as 5 c’s. What are these 5 c’s? There is a context, there is
collaborators and then the 3 c’s that we mentioned in sort of positioning, there is
customers, there is company and there is competition so, the 5 c’s focus on the context,
collaborators, company, customers and competitors.

Let us briefly look at each one of them in some detail. Context, what is context? For any
industry there is a context and the context can be seen as an expansion of PESTEL. So,
PESTEL is Political, Economic, Socio cultural, Technological, natural Environment
which is Environmental and Legal.

So, if you think about any organization it operates in an industry say automobile
industry, Toyota is part of the automobile industry in India. And the context includes the
political environment of the country, the economic environment whether the economy is
growing or not or stable, socio cultural the customer’s the society in which you are

And that would be different for Japan, that will be different for the US and for it is the
same company in for example, Europe then technological environment which has impact
on the kind of products that you will create, develop and the shift from the fossil fuel to
electric vehicles or more sustainable fuel. That is one example of technology.

But we also see why is that shift getting accelerated. That is because of that concern for
global warming and that is part of natural environment. And finally, the legal

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Professor Shainesh G and is permitted for use only within the course
"Digital Marketing Strategy" delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document, including any logo, data,
illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic,
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MK211x – Digital Marketing Strategy

Prof. Shainesh G

Week 1

environment so, that is the context the PESTEL gives a very nice framework for
understanding the context.

Who are the Collaborators? The collaborators are usually your partners. They could be
your suppliers, they could be your intermediaries, they could be your technology
partners, they could be your marketing partners, research, advertising agencies all those
entities with whom you work to create and deliver the value.

Finally we have the 3 c’s which is much more at the company level. A company has
competitors, a company has customers and we do the analysis of this 5 c’s to come out
with the positioning to derive the positioning. And so you will see that the customers are
divided into segments, segments then you choose those segments that you want to focus
that is targeting. And finally, targeting plus differentiation is positioning.

So, once you complete the analysis and this is a very elaborate process, this is what we
call as a strategic aspect of marketing. You will take action, you will implement, you will
execute. And those execution elements include 4 p’s and goods marketing, product
marketing, the product, price, place and promotion and in the case of services you have 3
more p’s people, process and physical evidence.

So, what is most visible in the marketplace as a customer is the product, the price and the
promotions. But you have to think through this whole process of implementation and say
its driven by analysis the action that you see in the marketplace is driven by the analysis
and that is a strategic aspect of the marketing.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Professor Shainesh G and is permitted for use only within the course
"Digital Marketing Strategy" delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document, including any logo, data,
illustrations, pictures, scripts, may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission of the author.

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