The University of Chicago Press The Society For Healthcare Epidemiology of America

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Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Without Needle Manipulation to Reduce the Risk of

Occupational Infection in Healthcare Personnel •

Author(s): I. Galed‐Placed; S. Pertega‐Diaz; S. Pita‐Fernandez; E. Vazquez‐Martul
Source: Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, Vol. 26, No. 4 (April 2005), p. 336
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology
of America
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Accessed: 16/05/2014 19:40

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Letters to the Editor

Usefulness and Accuracy of

Weekly Point-Prevalence
Surveys in Active
Surveillance for Healthcare-
Associated Infections
To the Editor:
Considerable debate surrounds
the performance of prospective active
incidence or periodic prevalence sur-
veys for surveillance of healthcare-
associated infections. Until February
2002, when the Hospital Infection
Committee was created, the Campus
Bio-Medico University Hospital, a 126-
bed hospital with 67 beds for surgical FIGURE. Weekly point-prevalence healthcare-associated infection rates for the Campus Bio-Medico
patients and 10 intensive care unit University Hospital from March 2002 to March 2003.
beds, had no hospital infection control
surveillance program. Thus, there
were no data on the extent of health- During the study period, 234 ed infections could not be dis-
care-associated infections in the hos- healthcare-associated infections were charged.
pital. detected by the active incidence sur- We sought to compare periodic
The Hospital Infection Committee veillance method; 187 (80%) of these point-prevalence surveys, which were
decided to conduct weekly point-preva- infections were detected by the point- more cost-efficient and used fewer
lence surveys to estimate the rate prevalence surveys. The hospital-wide personnel, with prospective incidence
of healthcare-associated infections in healthcare-associated infection rate by surveillance for detecting healthcare-
the hospital and to evaluate the accura- point-prevalence survey during the associated infections and calculating
cy of this method (vs incidence surveil- study period ranged from 2.44% to their rates. Although several point-
lance) for detecting such infections. 30.43% (mean, 7.76%) (Figure). The prevalence surveys have been report-
For comparison, periodic point-preva- average length of stay for patients with ed,2-7 most of them have been short-
lence surveys and active incidence sur- a healthcare-associated infection was term.
veillance (using weekly systematic 15.3 days (vs 5.5 days for the rest of Our results indicate that weekly
review of all clinical and microbiology the hospital population). point-prevalence surveys are a reliable
laboratory records) were conducted When clinical areas were exam- surveillance tool for healthcare-associ-
simultaneously. Two physicians sys- ined, the gynecology and general ated infections. Using this approach, we
tematically reviewed the records of all surger y ser vices had the highest were able to detect 80% of the health-
discharged patients. Infections were average healthcare-associated infec- care-associated infections identified
defined using Centers for Disease tion rates (18.05% and 17.87%, respec- using the more traditional (but more
Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria1 tively). The most frequent type of time- and personnel-consuming) inci-
and recorded on standardized forms. healthcare-associated infection was dence surveillance method. We think
Microbiology laboratory records were surgical site (37%), followed by uri- that this point-prevalence surveillance
reviewed each day for all pathogens iso- nar y tract (32%), bloodstream or approach could be useful to hospitals
lated from hospitalized patients. sepsis (23%), and pneumonia (8%). that do not have either the financial
From March 2002 through March Almost 90% of the bloodstream infec- or the personnel resources to continu-
2003 (ie, the study period), weekly tions occurred among patients in ously perform prospective active inci-
point-prevalence surveys were conduct- the gynecology and general surgery dence surveillance for healthcare-asso-
ed. Each Wednesday, a resident physi- ser vices, probably because these ciated infections.
cian, trained in medical record review patients have a high rate of neo-
and the CDC definitions of healthcare- plastic or immunosuppressive condi- REFERENCES
associated infection, reviewed the clini- tions, undergo major surgical proce- 1. Garner JS, Jarvis WR, Emori TG, Horan TC,
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day to identify those with healthcare- periods (May and August), apparently
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high prevalence rates of healthcare- 2. Sohn AH, Garrett DO, Sinkowitz-Cochran
on which a point-prevalence survey associated infection occurred, proba- RL, et al. Prevalence of nosocomial infec-
was conducted, a healthcare-associated bly because of low patient census tions in neonatal intensive care unit
infection rate was calculated for the (Figure), when elective admissions
patients: results from the first national
entire hospital and for each clinical point-prevalence survey. J Pediatr 2001;139:
were closed and severely ill patients 821-827.
area (Figure). and those with healthcare-associat- 3. Valentino L, Torregrossa MV, Dardanoni G.

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Prevalence and incidence of hospital infec-

tions at the University Polyclinic of Palermo. TABLE
Bollettino dell’Istituto Sieroterapico Milanese
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5. Luzzati R, Antozzi L, Bellocco R, et al. Specificity 42/44 (95.5%) 37/39 (94.9%)
Prevalence of nosocomial infections in
Positive predictive value 35/37 (94.6%) 42/44 (95.5%)
intensive care units in Triveneto area, Italy.
Minerva Anestesiol 2001;67:647-652. Negative predictive value 42/44 (95.5%) 37/40 (92.5%)
6. Nicholls TM, Morris AJ. Nosocomial infec-
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vey of nosocomial infections in a Greek uni-
versity hospital. J Chemother 2002;14:272- However, there is a modified taminated needle, thus reducing the
278. method of FNAC that eliminates the risk of needlestick while retaining
needle manipulation.6 If the proce- diagnostic accuracy. Moreover, with
Tommasangelo Petitti, MD dure is initiated with 2 mL of air in the this modified technique, less force is
Beniamino Sadun, MD syringe, after aspiration is finished, needed to create the required nega-
Hospital Infections Committee the residual air will be used to empty tive pressure in the syringe; however,
Giordano Dicuonzo, MD the needle without its manipulation. patients did not relate differences in
Clinical Pathology and Microbiology Despite its apparent advantage, perceived pain.
Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital this modified technique has been
Rome, Italy insufficiently promoted and there REFERENCES
have not been published studies of its 1. Centers for Disease Control and
diagnostic accuracy. Thus, we were Prevention. Updated U.S. Public Health
Service guidelines for the management of
Fine Needle Aspiration impelled to compare these two FNAC occupational exposures to HBV, HCV and
methods (ie, conventional and modi- HIV and recommendations for postexpo-
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Manipulation to Reduce quality of the cytologic material 2. Gerberding JL. Occupational exposure to
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obtained with them.
the Risk of Occupational The two methods were used in
3. Centers for Disease Control. Update: uni-
Infection in Healthcare alternating order on each one of 365 versal precautions for prevention of trans-
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Personnel and breasts. The microscopic scor-
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Accidental sharps injury is a ods regarding materials obtained. In: Orell SR, Sterrett GF, Walters MN-Y,
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human immunodeficiency virus infec- pendent predictors of achieving a 6. Kim E, Acosta E, Hillborne L, et al.
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Public health authorities and The two techniques yielded simi- tion biopsy that eliminates needle manipu-
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lar diagnostic accuracy with values of 7. Mair S, Dunbar F, Becker PJ, Du Plessis W.
standards guidelines for the protec- more than 90% for all indicators (sensi- Fine needle cytology: is aspiration suction
tion of laboratory workers from job- tivity, specificity, and predictive values) necessary? A study of 100 masses in various
related exposure to infectious dis- (Table). No statistically significant dif- sites. Acta Cytol 1989;33:809-813.
eases recommend that used needles ferences were observed between the
not be recapped, removed from dis- two methods regarding the diagnostic
posable syringes, or otherwise manip- adequacy of the cell samples obtained. Ignacio Galed-Placed, MD
ulated.3 The only differences observed were Sección de Citología
Fine needle aspiration cytology related to the order of use in a lesion: Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
(FNAC) is a widely accepted diagnos- the best results were obtained with the Sonia Pértega-Díaz
tic procedure in which a hollow-bore first puncture applied, regardless of Salvador Pita-Fernández, MD
device and the removal of the conta- FNAC method. Servicio de Epidemiología Clinica y
minated needle prior to expulsion of FNAC is used by clinicians, radi- Bioestadística
its contents are required.4 The risk ologists, and cytopathologists for the Eduardo Vázquez-Martul, MD
of injury by needle during FNAC diagnosis of superficial and deep-seat- Servicio de Anatomía Patológica
appears to be low (0.12%),5 but this ed lesions. It can be performed with- Hospital Juan Canalejo
still represents a real hazard. out requiring manipulation of the con- La Coruña, Spain

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