Super Crooks Script

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In a world littered with super-humans, there exists heroes who kept the city safe

from those who decided to use their powers for evil and their own personal gain.
Kids idolize and look up to such heroes, aspiring to be like them someday. Just
like our main pro-tagonist Johnny Bolt, who was watching his favourite TV show when
his stinky mom comes and turns it off. Johnny lives a troubled life because of his
feminist single mother, who also continues to bring strange men home at night.
Johnny goes to his room where he hard copes to himself that one day, he will escape
this place. To take his mind off things, Johnny finds comfort in reading his comics
about the utopian, his favourite superhero. However he can't even get 2 minutes of
peace as his mom comes barging in his room, telling him to go to sleep. She turns
off his light and closes the door behind her, but just then Johnny's light turns
back on again, much to her dismay. This happens a third time, causing her to choose
violence with Johnny because he's ruining her night.
Johnny insists that he's really trying not to, and as his emotions intensify the
light bulb begins flickering, eventually breaking completely and shattering every
source of electricity in his house. Johnny's mom thinks it's just the fuse and
orders him to go to bed, however, Johnny has a strange feeling inside him. Upon
looking at his broken lightbulb it electrifies, so then he concentrates on his toy
car and says the word ''on'', and to his shock it lights up. Johnny then says
''off'' and he makes the lights go out. He does this a couple of more times before
comprehending that he's really got super powers, and freaks out happier than ever
due to his new-found abilities. Johnny then begins messing with the streetlight
outside his house, and then the entire neighbourhood until he eventually breaks
every light source in the city. He even blew up the TV downstairs while his mom was
getting railed.
The following morning Johnny rides his bike to school and meets his best friend
Tom, who he can't wait to show his super powers to. Johnny rides straight into
traffic but uses his power on the lights so he can breeze right past, leaving Tom
completely dumbfounded. At school, Johnny sets his sights on his bully, a popular
guy named Dave. He purposefully walks past him and as expected Dave insults them.
Tom urges him to just keep walking, but Johnny can't help himself and blows up his
precious boombox. Not gonna lie he did him a favor cuz who the fuck still brings
those to school these days. At lunch, which is obviously Tom's favorite time of the
day, Johnny explains to him what happened last night. Overexcited, Tom asks what it
feels like, to which Johnny explains that when he wishes for something, he can feel
an electric shock surging inside his body.
Tom says I knew it... You've awakened your hero powers. He explains that those with
superpowers started with a handful of people who went to a mysterious island on a
ship. The children of the first heroes also hadd powers, so that means Johnny must
have some of their blood flowing in his veins. Johnny knows he didn't get it from
his retarded mother, so he must've got it from his father who went to get some milk
one day but never came back. Tom also shows him a famous photo of the first heroes
that he wants to recreate, and maybe have on the front of a magazine some day. Just
then, an orange-haired girl named Janice appears who Johnny has had a crush on for
years. She notices the superhero comics on the table and mentions that she saw the
flare once, and wishes she could meett a hero again some day, making Johnny's woodd
rise. But not for long, as his Bully Dave notices Janice talking to them and tells
her to get away from those freaks.
Later after school, the two go to the arcade, and Johnny uses his powers to rig the
machine so they have unlimited tries on it. While playing, Tom says how Johnny
could even get into the Utopian's Union of Justice, and fight alongside the famous
heroes. Johnny believes this is his true calling, and after giving it some thought,
he decides to make his hero name Electro boy. Out of no where Dave along with his
friends show up and humiliate Johnny in front of Janice, who laughs at him. Which
really hurts Johnny as he always thought highly of her. When a sad Johnny returns
home, he asks his mom who his real father is, but she just sends him to his room as
she's busy rizzing up the TV repair man. As soon as Johnny gets to his room he
begins designing a costume, and the following day at lunch he shows Tom, who thinks
it's absolute garbage. So being the superhero nerd he designs one for Johnny
himself. and shows him at the arcade after school.
Johnny is over the moon with his design and can't wait to get to work on it. At
home, he tries on a bunch of different clothes and outfits in front of tom. After
finally getting it right, he sows the logo design onto the shirt and voila. Over
the next couple of days Tom becomes somewhat of a mentor to Johnny. After being his
human punching bag, Tom says they need to awaken his spirit, and takes Johnny to
the arcade while it's closed. He tells him just to turn on the sign, so Johnny
places his hand on the electrical box but ends up using too much power making the
whole sign explode. Next, he tries getting Johnny to fly using his power, since all
the best heroes get around by flying. However Johnny just ended up floating without
knowing how to get himself back down. The next day they try looking for trouble in
the neighbourhood so Johnny can make his debut. However there isn't really anything
going on, and Tom's fat ass cant help eating candy any chance he gets.
No superhero has ever even shown up in this town, so instead they decide to make
his debut at the local pool, since everyone will be there as it's about to be
summer vacation. After school, Johnny gears up to make his debut as electro boy,
and Tom is ready with the camera in his hand. It's showtime and Johnny is just
getting his bearings, but suddenly launches himself in the sky losing control.
After regaining some control, Johnny descends down so he's hovering over the pool.
People in the pool begin noticing him, and just then Johnny announces himself as
Electro boy. He declares that from now, he will keep this neighborhood safe and
prevent crime, and all the kids begin getting excited. He sees Janice looking at
him which puts a smile on his face, however Dave starts to recognize who he is, and
shouts Johnny Bolt's name. This begins to throw off Johnny, and it doesn't take
long for Dave and his friends to start hurling insults at him, calling him a loser
and his outfit stupid.
As Janice also recognized him, Johnny folds into the pressure and completely loses
control falling straight down into the pool. A few seconds go by and an electric
surge strikes down, and instantly the entire pool of innocent people are shocked to
death. Yeah, so much for being a hero. The scene is horrifying, and causes a ripple
effect of tragedies as people are sprinting away from Johnny. It is absolute
mayhem, and realizing what he's just done Johnny's heart skips a beat. After the
whole ordeal Johnny is freaking out. Tom tries calming him down, but Johnny's dream
was to become a renowned hero. In his rage he accidentally electrifies the ATM
machine making a couple of 50 dollar bills fly out. He then does it on purpose,
making as much come out as he wants. Since his chances of being a hero are
basically over, Johnny says he will become the real deal at being a super crook.
Episode 2:
Nearly two decades later, we find Johnny incarcerated at the supermax prison, which
was a prison specifically made to contain criminals with super powers. After
completing his eight month long detainment, Johnny is finally being released. The
guards release the restraining vest that prevented Johnny's powers, and with the
intention of turning a new leaf, he heads to the exit of the prison facility. On
his way out, he glances over at the decorations being sent inside. A guard
escorting Johnny informs him about a planned celebration that was due to be held in
the prison, a gift to the prison staff and the prisoners from Christopher Matts,
infamously known as the Bastard, and is the world’s most renowned super villain.
With the power to psychically explode the heads of his victims whenever they cross
Upon reaching the exit, Johnny bids farewell to the guard as he pulls out his
drippy shades. Right outside, Johnny is met by his girlfriend named Kasey, who has
arrived to pick him up from prison. Upon reaching home, Johnny just wants to smash,
but heads in to the living room only to find his friends waiting for him. He goes
to embrace his friends, who have been waiting for his release for almost a year.
The gang have a pizza party for the occasion. Meanwhile, the celebration in the
supermax prison is being hosted by Christopher Matts. A prisoner that was doubting
the Bastard’s abilities is put into place, when another prisoner with a karen
haircut reminds him about a person called Danny. Danny had scammed Matts and
disappeared. In retaliation, Matts proceeded to kill everyone close to Danny, to
the point that Danny went totally insane. Matts, eh-kay-eh The Bastard, is very
much a legendary villain that is brutal and unforgiving, and a guard overhearing
the prisoner corroborates Danny’s tragic story. As Matts’s powers allowed him to
explode the brains of his victims from a distance, the deaths he caused were never
really able to be connected to him.
Matts is also the boss of the largest villain syndicate called the Network. Back at
Johnny’s place, the party is still going in full swing. His friends let him in on a
heist that they had planning since he's been away. The plan is something they've
never done before. The four of them would rob ten jewelry stores in ten minutes.
This is possible because all the stores were close to one another and there's
rarely any crime Downtown. So superheroes are less likely to interfere with their
plans. Johnny is hands down sold in the well crafted strategy. On the other hand,
Kasey, who overhears the entire thing, is not pleased to say the least. She wants
Johnny to leave the villain life for a normal job. Kasey herself worked at an
Organic cafe, and she just wants Johnny to leave the villain life behind for a
normal job, and become a brokey. However Johnny refuses to work under someone.
Kasey gets fed up with his friends as they're supportive of Johnny’s bad decisions,
and so she uses her mind control powers to send all of them out of the house. With
the two of them now alone, Johnny and Kasey began to undress.
Meanwhile Mr Matts, who is met by Salamander, informs him that the party at the
supermax prison went smoothly. Back to Johnny, he tells Kasey that he's probably
going to do the heist tomorrow. Kasey tries to talk some sense into Johnny, but
Johnny explains that they're desperately in need of cash because of his
imprisonment. Kasey then reveals to him that the heist plan was actually put
together by the Network, not his friends. Hence, some of the heist goods would be
given to the Network as payment. Kasey reminds Johnny about the Network's cutthroat
ways of getting their money. Johnny says well we need some excitement, and Kasey
agrees, however she tells him it's all about having balance. The heist is too risky
and not worth it, so Johnny, seemingly convinced, agrees that won't do the heist
tomorrow. Well, the next thing we see is Johnny already balls deep in the heist as
he prepares to rob the last jewelry store along with his pals. Everything is going
smoothly until they notice a very expensive item, and not being able to help
themselves they decide to steal it as well. Only to realize that they had gone
overtime and now the cops are onto them.
Episode 3:
Due to the alarm setting off, they immediately make a run for it. Just as they take
off, police nearby are alerted and they jump right into action. Nearby, a bald
police officer who has prejudice against super villains, immediately goes crazy as
he stomps on his accelerator and joins the cat and mouse chase. After catching up
with Johnny, the bald police officer tries to trap the gang of crooks by bringing
his car in front of them and slowing his car, forcing them to halt their escape.
However, just as the officer was closing in, Johnny uses his electric power to turn
off the police squad cars, making their car trap plan fail miserably. As Johnny and
his men continued their escape, they once again faced a bunch of cop cars which had
blocked the road ahead. After getting their escapeway blocked by the cops
completely, Johnny uses the help of his teammate, Transmit, who uses his powers to
teleport all of them through the cop cars which had blocked the road. Meanwhile,
Kasey, who was watching the news, immediately recognises Johnny and gets pissed at
him for breaking his promise to not to be a crook again. Back to Johnny, Johnny
once again uses the help of his teammate, Frostbite, to form a huge ice trail which
causes the police cars chasing behind them, lose their grip and are not able to
continue their chase.
After getting away from the cops, Johnny asks his friends if the heist was planned
by the Network, but they do not give him an answer. Moreover, he also complains
that he does not want to go back to Supermax, the jail for villains with super
powers, one day after he had gotten out of it. After a while, the villains notice
that the cop helicopters are bringing a superhero, known as the Man Mountain. They
try to keep moving forward, but Man Mountain causes them to slow down. Pinched,
Johnny shocks him, which only hurts him for a second, but the other villains also
attack him in order to defeat him. After one of Johnny’s friends, Kiss-met, uses
his powers to give Man Mountain bad luck, Man Mountain is hit by planes and burned
by deadly chemicals, which manages to immobilize him. After defeating Man Mountain,
Johnny and his men keep moving but they once again get interrupted by the sudden
arrival of another superhero called Rubber Ball, who even takes the time to take
photos with fans.
Seeing Ruberball’s confidence, Johnny tries attacking him but can't land a hit in
because of his insane speed. Rubber Ball’s determination to stop them is scary,
destroying any and everything in his path. After a while, Rubber Ball is able to
knock Transmit’s bike down, and after losing it he immediately teleports to Johnny.
As the group moves forward, Rubber Ball continues to carelessly knock down
buildings in order to stop them. After an intense chase, Johnny finally uses the
help of Frostbite who uses his powers to create a bunch of icy pillars. Eventually,
Frostbite is able to immobilize Rubber Ball with his freezing abilities. With
Rubber Ball immobilized, Johnny uses his shock powers to knock him out whilst Kiss-
met crushes his legs before continuing their escapeway. After getting close to the
helicopter they had to escape the city, they suddenly get teleported back into the
city by a superhero named the Praetorian, a prominent member of The union of
justice, who're basically like the avengers on cocaine.
Episode 4:
Praetorian immediately garners the attention of the bystanders as he was one of the
most renowned super heroes. He had 200 different abilities, some of which he was
not aware of himself. While standing before Johnny, Praetorian uses his cloning
powers to make duplicates of himself. As Praetorian orders Johnny and his friends
to surrender, all four of them decide to run away. However, with now many versions
of himself, Praetorian could use an endless number of abilities all at once. As
expected, one by one Johnny’s friends are mercilessly defeated by Praetorian.
Johnny, who is the last one remaining, calls Praetorian out for his unfair use of
four clones against him. To make the fight fair, Praetorian releases all of his
clones, making it a 1 v 1 against him and Johnny. However, out of a change of
heart, Praetorian overlooks Johnny’s crimes as he pities him after learning that
Johnny was caught after only being free from prison for a day.
After giving Johnny and his friends a warning, Praetorian flies away from the
scene. A few moments later, Kasey arrives and tells Johnny to hurry inside the car.
At that moment, Johnny realizes that Praetorian’s change of heart was actually
Kasey using her mind control powers on him. All of Johnny’s friends are impressed
by Kasey’s amazing show of powers. However Kasey informs them that she only
controlled Praetorian out of sheer luck. As Praetorian switches powers every day,
there is no telling what powers he has or hasn't got in his arsenal. Kasey scolds
all of them for being so reckless with the heist. However, it fell on deaf ears as
Johnny and his friends were too focused on their loot. Meanwhile, returning to the
Union of justice headquarters, Praetorian is confused and unaware of why he had let
Johnny and his friends leave scot-free. The scene cuts to Kasey, who tends to
Johnny’s injuries. Frustrated, she tells Johnny that she cannot continue living the
way she is right now. She warns Johnny that she would eventually leave him if he
continues to take on risky adventures.
Moreover, she is mad that Johnny had previously lied to her face. She advises
Johnny to pull off a really big haul once and for all and then retire by living off
of the money gained. For that very reason, Kasey herself works as a cafe server
while studying for her M-B-A as she knows that the pay-off is worth it in the end.
Johnny asks her if they could even find such a highly rewarding job. Seeing
Johnny’s willingness to participate in her wishes, Kasey begins by informing him
about the Heat, who was a notorious criminal in the past. The Heat robbed many
banks and stores yet he never killed anyone in his entire run as a criminal. The
Heat was a living legend that was still talked about throughout the decades. That
very guy was also Kasey’s former teacher. Kasey tells Johnny that the Heat was
gathering a team for a big job requested by an overseas client. According to the
job, they had to recapture an item that was stolen from that client. For that
single job, the team was to be paid 50 million dollars. That much money alone was
enough to satisfy needs for a long time. Johnny agrees to the job as Kasey was also
supportive to the idea. The next day, Kasey and Johnny head to Chicago to meet the
Heat. Kasey leads Johnny to the Heat’s dry cleaning shop for the arranged meet up.
Episode 5:
The Heat, also known as Carmine, greets Kasey and is glad that she took up on his
offer. Carmine reveals that he had opened a dry cleaner to look ordinary. He also
takes Johnny by surprise by revealing that he knew of Johnny’s electric superpower
beforehand. As they stroll in the hallway, Johnny notices some old equipment framed
on the wall. Carmine reveals that he used that equipment to burn through guarded
gates. Johnny learns that Carmine did not have any superpowers and in fact relied
on his equipment. Johnny turns his attention to the framed newspaper articles that
stated about the heat’s arrest on multiple occasions. Opposed to his legend,
Carmine states that he did in fact have a streak of arrests. However, he is
satisfied in taking advantage of the falsified legend about himself that created an
image of him being a quote unquote supervillain in the common populace. Johnny
calls Carmine out for being a fraudster.
Unlike Carmine, Johnny liked taking actual risks head on without creating lies
about himself. Carmine leads Johnny and Kasey to his office where all the other
team members were present. Carmine states that he had gathered a team of obscure
villains so that they are not mixed up with the Network. One of the members, called
the ghost, realizes that their team was about to take on a job so difficult that
even the network doesn't take it up. The ghost calls Johnny a perfectly obscure
villain for the job. Johnny takes this as an insult to his villain hustle and he
proceeds to get in the guy’s face. The ghost continues provoking Johnny, leading
Johnny to display his powers to everyone present. Johnny causes a black out in the
nearby areas. The ghost then proceeds to show his powers which allowed him to pass
through Johnny with ease. As his name suggested, the ghost was able to control his
body mass,allowing him to pass through objects. In the past, the ghost was attacked
by some prisoners when he was saved by Carmine who offered to let him join his
In the present, Carmine continues the meeting by revealing the details of the
mission. The mission was divided into two parts. The first part was for them to
rescue another member of the team crucial for the second part of the mission. That
member, named T-K Mc.Cabe, had been caught by the superhero Gladiator when he was
found committing larceny. He was due to be transported to the supermax prison by
plane. Hence, they needed to rescue T-K before he reached the prison. Johnny
recognizes T-K as a former friend, and he does remember T-K having strong powers.
However, he believes that going to Florida to rescue T-K would be very expensive.
Carmine puts Johnny and the minds of other teammates at ease by revealing that the
client would be covering all the expenses. Moreover, as Matts was preparing to hand
over the control of the network to Salamander, the network was on hiatus. This
meant that the Network's rule of getting fees from supervillains would be
temporarily void. While assuring the team about the payment that they would get,
Carmine states that he would reveal the second half of the mission after the
completion of the first.
Episode 6:
The next day, Carmine walks into a plane rental, walking straight to reception, but
is told that he would need to wait for his Cessna. However, Johnny walks in saying
that they needed to call 911 since somebody had been caught by the Cessna's
propeller. The receptionist leaves and so do Carmine and Johnny, walking past the
man who had been killed by the small plane. They walk to a bigger plane, and walk
inside, where Ghost was already waiting for them. The Diesel Brothers join them on
the plane, excited to be leaving. Johnny joins Carmine in the cockpit as they
prepare to leave and they are given the cue to leave. Carmine tells him not to be
worried, but Johnny says that he lives for that type of thing. He hands him the
plane's manual with the wirings so he could learn them and advises him not to
compare his powers to other people's because he would drive himself crazy and tells
him that what was best was to find his own style.
On the plane, a Supermax guard feels a small power surge as Carmine flew above
their plane. Carmine asks Johnny if he could deactivate the restraint device TK was
in, but Johnny says it was impossible. The crew prepares for Plan B. While the
Supermax plane tried communicating, Johnny deactivated their comms as Ghost and two
other members known as the Diesel Brothers throw themselves onto the Supermax
plane. Their shouting alerts The Gladiator, who watches in shock as one of the
brothers named Sammy throws himself at a propeller. The bigger brother Roddy tries
attacking The Gladiator, but receives a punch to the face which dislocates his jaw,
but he tells Ghost that he had gotten rid of The Gladiator.
Ghost flies down to the Supermax plane and prepares to attack the guards inside the
plane. The pilots say that they need to get to Supermax as fast as possible and
start flying up. Carmine asks Johnny if he could slow them down, which he says he
can do. It takes a lot of his concentration, but Johnny says that that was nothing,
also mentioning that he could not think of a better way to show his style off.
Roddy fights The Gladiator, but is taken down, while told that people like him were
nothing without their powers because they had no discipline. Ghost was trying to
open the lock, while being laughed at by the guards. However, Carmine tells Johnny
that Ghost was a famous safecracker. Ghost cannot open TK's lock, so Carmine tells
them to change to Plan C, which they say does not exist. Johnny tells Carmine to
fly them closer to the Supermax place and manages to turn it off. The plane starts
falling fast, with Carmine and Johnny chasing after it.
Episode 7:
As the Supermax plane plummets to the ground, Johnny tells Ghost that there was
nothing he could do as Carmine realized what he was trying. Ghost tells the guards
to cooperate because they would all die except for him if they crashed. The guard
cooperates and T-K uses his power to stop the plane from crashing. Everybody
celebrates and T-K kicks all the guards out of the plane. T-K asks if Johnny was
with them and they all get together to leave. Carmine congratulates Johnny, Kasey,
Ghost, T-K, and The Diesel Brothers on a job well done and tells them that they
needed one more person for the next part of the job. He tells all of them that the
job was risky but he had a plan which would be the next day. Carmine tells them
that they needed to decide if they were in or out. Kasey tells Carmine that even if
everybody was in, if something sounded off, she was out. Johnny asks who the target
was, which Carmine says could be seen from there. Kasey realizes that Carmine
wanted them to break into the Union of Justice. The villains think Carmine has lost
his mind and want to quit the job since it was suicide. The Diesel Brothers and TK
prepare to leave when Carmine tells them that Brainwave, one of the heroes, could
read thoughts, and would probably be there within less than a minute since he could
read their thoughts.
Ghost grabs Carmine by the head, while TK tries to clear his thoughts. Kasey tells
Carmine to just tell them what he wanted to say, and he points out that Brainwave
was not there right now and was in Beijing. Johnny tells TK that Carmine could not
get the other man on the phone so he would be walking them through the next part of
the plan. They talk about their time in Supermax, where T-K could not see his
powers and reminisce about how they met each other in Supermax. T-K tells him about
the guard who had killed a villain and Johnny had started clapping, as the rest of
the villains started doing the same, basically telling the guard he was a murderer.
They say they do not ever want to go to Supermax and they all walk back in. Carmine
and The Diesel Brothers say that they are all in, and Carmine tells Kasey that they
would be making 50 million dollars. All the villains are excited by that, but Ghost
asks what the real plan is.
Carmine tells him that they would steal Count Orlok's helmet, who was a legendary
supervillain from Romania and was their sponsor. His helmet made his powers double,
so they wanted to get it back. Ghost says he is in but does not want to touch the
helmet. Kasey says that they need to know the most important part, how to defeat
the powerful superheroes, but Carmine says that he had thought of
everything.Carmine tells Kasey the plan, and Johnny says that not even The Network
would dare attack the Union of Justice. Ghost adds that The Bastard was getting
ready to retire. Carmine tells them that if they moved quickly, there was a big
chance that they would not need to ask The Network for money. Johnny tells Kasey
that he was in and tells her that they needed to do it, but Kasey refuses. She asks
where the last member is and Carmine says that he would call Forecast again.
Forecast picks up the phone and tells them that he was in. Carmine tells Kasey that
Forecast had the ability to change the weather and after seeing that strong power
for herself, she counts herself in.
Episode 8:
At the Plaza Hotel, Johnny and Kasey check in. Once they make it to the room,
Johnny is excited, but Kasey is not feeling as excited as he is. She looks at their
reservation paper and says that they were only a pretend married couple. However,
Johnny says that the next day it could be for real, since it would change
everything for them. They celebrate with a beer and vow to leave crime behind so as
not to end up in Supermax. As Kasey and Johnny prepare to have some alone time,
they get a phone call from Carmine, who tells them to sleep well and not drink, but
Johnny hangs up on him. Outside Union of Justice, Johnny, the Diesel Brothers,
Carmine, Ghost and Kasey work a hot dog truck. Sammy complains that Roddy is not
helping him as the latter plays solitaire. Outside, Ghost asks Kasey to make him
see something pleasant if it looked like he was going to be killed, which she
agrees to. Johnny says that he would not need fantasies because all he would want
to see is the real Kasey until his final breath. Johnny tells the group that he had
wanted to visit the Union of Justice since he was a kid. Carmine, Ghost, the Diesel
Brothers, and Kasey move forward.
Carmine tells them that as soon as the superheroes left, they would take down the
security system and cut themselves out of the surveillance footage, which would be
Kasey's job. Johnny, the Diesel Brothers, Carmine, Ghost and Kasey start looking
for the helmet, trying to focus on Count Orlok. Johnny and Kasey remember when they
attacked a wine cellar, hoping they did not screw up like that time. They find the
magic helmet and get excited. Praetorian gets on an elevator and reaches floor G,
where he sees Count Orlok's helmet floating. He wonders if he is hallucinating and
tells Ghost, who was carrying the helmet that there was no use in hiding. He hits
Ghost with a fire attack, which breaks the helmet. The villains are in shock, while
Praetorian tells them that they are idiots because they would never display the
real thing there and only replicas. He reveals that all the real objects were in a
vault underground. They were being kept invisible by Kasey's power. Carmine
exclaims that it is underground and yells at Ghost to phase all the way there.
Ghost goes underground while Praetorian starts throwing columns from the building
at them. Praetorian recognizes that there was something in his head like in San
Francisco. Hitting Kasey, he is able to reveal all the villains. He looks at Johnny
and tells him that he feels like they had met before.
Episode 9:
At the Union of Justice, people run out as The Praetorian approaches Johnny, who
says that he had never met The Praetorian before, and complains that it had been
him who had found them. Praetorian realizes what their plan had been all along and
wants to take care of things. Praetorian shoots water at Kasey, but Johnny protects
her. Carmine tells them they should run while they can, so he picks Kasey up and
they run. Praetorian throws a large rock at the villains as Johnny tells Carmine to
leave. The Diesel Brothers complain that Praetorian has too many powers and did not
even know which one would be next. Praetorian reveals his next power was laser eyes
and starts shooting around, killing many civilians in the process. Roddy and Sammy
try to attack him, but even as Sammy sticks his finger into Praetorian's eye, it
gets shattered. Praetorian crushes Sammy's arm and throws him towards Johnny, who
had just shot at him. Praetorian shoots at Johnny as Carmine and Kasey hide.
Johnny gets out from being buried under rubble as Ghost coughs confused. He sees
that The Praetorian was chasing after Johnny and miraculously is able to find Count
Orlok's helmet. Praetorian tells Johnny that he is pathetic, while Johnny asks if
he does not think he's doing a bit much. He asks Praetorian how he could do that to
his own HQ, but the latter does not care, telling him he never goes easy.
Praetorian tells Johnny to prepare to die as he lights up two fireballs in his
hands; however, Johnny turns on the fire sprinklers and manages to turn him off for
a bit. Johnny and Ghost reunite, also seeing Carmine above them. He tells Ghost to
put on the helmet and say the magic words, but Ghost refuses because of the
helmet's reputation of being cursed. After a bit of convincing, Ghost agrees to do
it, but nobody knows the spell.
However, inside the helmet "supercalifragilistic expialidocious" was written, which
made Ghost realize that must be the spell. As they argue over who has to put it on,
Praetorian wakes up and gets ready to face them. Ghost says the spell, puts the
helmet on and it turns on. He wishes to be taken somewhere far away and safe, and
they vanish from The Praetorian's sight. TK and Forecast are also taken to safety.
Ghost, Carmine, Johnny, TK, the Diesel brothers, Forecast, and Kasey all make it
away, as Ghost tries to remove the helmet. Johnny asks Kasey if she is okay but she
asks where they are. Carmine tells her that they are in Black Rock, Romania. Kasey
tells Johnny that that was too close, but they are all happy they had been
successful in the end. A butler approaches the crew and tells them to make
themselves at home. Carmine says that they should probably start celebrating with a
toast in which they say that Count Orlok would be returning as the greatest
supervillain ever, unstoppable even by The Network. The butler agrees and tells
them that they were all invited to be part of the new Syndicate, which Kasey
remembers hearing of. Carmine tells them that the Syndicate had predated the
Network and Kasey goes to take a shower.
Carmine tells the group about the Syndicate, which was formed by The Heat, Count
Orlok and The Bastard. In the meantime, the Union of Justice was starting, so they
decided to go to Europe. Carmine says that they were a great group, but Orlok and
The Bastard had never gotten along. However, as all supervillains all of them ended
up betraying each other and The Bastard formed The Network. Later, the castle
became a club and a movie studio. It had been 30 years since the Syndicate had been
founded. Kasey gets out of the tub, but is being watched by someone who likes her
body. Kasey walks into the room, where she sees that everybody was already wasted.
The doorbell rings and the Diesel Brothers get very excited about the pizza getting
there. However, as Roddy opens the door, he gets punched in the face by Praetorian,
who stops all of them from moving. He laughs and tells his boss everything was
clear. The Bastard, his boss, walks in and wants to know if he had interrupted a
celebration. He tells Carmine he could not believe his hideout and Praetorian says
that they probably could not believe that a superhero like him was with a villain
like him and reveals that he was a double agent. The Bastard says that he would
have never thought that The Heat would gang up with Count Orlok again and tells
them that their behavior needs to be rectified. Praetorian says that they knew
where they were because Carmine had shouted "The Rock" right before they
Praetorian is impressed with the power Count Orlok's helmet has, but The Bastard
says it is not to be underestimated and adds that even if he was just about to
retire, he needed to protect The Network. Praetorian tells them that they needed to
give them more than the usual 30% because they could not operate from behind The
Network's back.The Bastard tells them that he would take everything and adds that
betrayal also warranted paying extra in blood as well. He says that normally he
would kill a family member, a friend, or a lover, but he was not in the mood. While
they were being watched, The Bastard makes the butler's head explode. The pizza
makes its way to the front door and Orlok reveals himself, saying he had been
hiding in the attic. He does not see The Bastard standing behind him and asks where
his helmet is. He turns around and sees The Bastard, who tells him he hates
surprises; he is in shock that The Bastard is there and starts yelling, but The
Bastard makes his head explode as well. Praetorian and The Bastard walk away with
all the money, but before he leaves Praetorian tells them to not tell anyone what
happened or they would kill them.
Episode 10:
Johnny turns a TV on in which news about the attack on the Union of Justice was
showing, saying that Praetorian had been able to recover Count Orlok's helmet.
Johnny sadly watches as he drinks. The Diesel Brothers, TK, and Carmine are also
feeling down, while Ghost says they could not even do anything with the helmet now
that Orlok was dead and TK says that Matts and Praetorian were too much for them to
handle. TK complains that the team was bad, but Johnny reminds him that they saved
him. Ghost tries to leave and thanks Carmine for getting his hopes up, but Sammy
throws an axe at him. When he throws it back, the Diesel Brothers attack him
together. Forecast makes it rain on top of the fight, making them separate.After a
while, the bartender tells him that Carmine was an old fool as he slept on the bar,
but Johnny says that the heist was supposed to go better than planned and be the
biggest thing The Heat had ever done. The bartender does not care and asks him to
pay for Carmine's drinks, so Johnny goes to an ATM and withdraws some cash.
Later, Johnny and Kasey ride in their car, but the latter is quiet and does not
feel like talking. When they park, Kasey cries and starts hitting the car. Johnny
simply hugs her; once they walk outside, Johnny gets down on one knee, saying that
even if they could never be villains, he wanted to be with her and wanted to build
a life in the future with her, making a ring out of electricity. Kasey says "okay"
while smiling and both of them kiss.The day before his wedding, Johnny shaves and
opens the door, seeing nobody there. However, he is kidnapped and wakes up inside a
car. Frostbite tells him that it was his last night as a single man, so he,
Transmit, and Kismet wanted to give him a bachelor's party. They are kicked from a
strip club for being villains and are all very drunk. They do not have any money,
so Johnny hacks an ATM, which shocks all his friends. He explains that that was how
he got around as a kid.
Frostbite asks Johnny if he would not like to do one last big job for Kasey's sake,
but Johnny says that he would be clean now. However, Kismet says that his mother
had once told him that money is always why marriage for love ends in divorce and
tell him that there were many ATMs around. Transmit brings them their suits, which
makes Johnny agree to do it. They ride on a big wagon and Johnny hacks the ATMs so
Transmit could teleport and collect the money. They ride and Johnny wants to go to
a bookstore to get Kasey a present, since Kasey wanted MBA books, which were
expensive. The cops go to the scene of the crime and Johnny, Transmit, Frostbite,
and Kismet start running. Praetorian joins the cops as well and wonders where the
villains are. The cops tell him that they are on a train, so they go to the
station, where he gets on a train and finds the group of villains. Johnny starts
running away from Praetorian who shifts his focus from his friends to him instead.
When Johnny believes he had escaped, he turns around and finds The Gladiator
looking at him and gets punched in the face. Meanwhile, Johnny is caught and is
sent back to Supermax. His cellmate tells him they should play chess, but Johnny is
sad that he could not make a phone call. Five years later, Kasey works at a diner,
where Johnny walks in wearing a suit and greeting her happily. Johnny apologizes,
but Kasey tells him that she has nothing to say to him, so he should get out. He
tells her that he had stolen to try to get them something nice for their wedding,
but she does not want to hear it, feeling betrayed. Johnny wonders what she was
doing at a diner and asks what had happened to her MBA since she had a great power
and was very smart. She tells him that she got expelled from her MBA since she had
punched her professor who tried to sexually harass her. She tells him that she
always had low grades and even as a villain always had to work as a team, telling
him to get out. Carmine walks in the coffee shop scared and falls down. He asks
them for help.
Episode 11:
Johnny reads a journal in which he fantasized about being Electro Boy and being
inducted into the Union of Justice. Meanwhile, Carmine slept scared and Kasey was
not feeling well, telling Johnny that she could not believe that Carmine had tried
scamming The Salamander's casino. Johnny worries that they could not get 100
million dollars and knows that Carmine would be killed if they could not pay. Kasey
says that their only option is to get him out of the country, but Johnny says that
he got info at Supermax, but Kasey will not listen to him and tells him to get out.
However, Johnny does not think that's what the Carmine he knew would do. Johnny
keeps reading about Electro Boy and smiles while reminiscing. Carmine and Johnny
visit Ghost, who tells them he cannot help because every one of Carmine's jobs
always ends in a disaster. However, Carmine tells him that it was not his idea, but
Johnny's. Ghost tells them he is no longer a villain and is doing a good job as an
architect; Johnny asks him to do it for Carmine, so Ghost offers him to help him
live out of the country as a way of gratitude for all he had done for him in the
past.TK leaves his job, but is told that he needed to unload a truck. He uses his
powers to make it unload faster, but his boss gets angry at him, telling him that
he could not use his powers. However, TK tells him that his wife would be fired if
he did not make it back home in time. His boss tells him to put it all back and
unload it once again, but Johnny gets there and tells him that he looks like he
could use a new job. TK tells him he needs to stay out of trouble.
Forecast makes it rain so that people would buy him an umbrella. Johnny approaches
him and knows that he was provoking all the rain. The Diesel Brothers are in a cage
fight, which Carmine and Johnny think is gross. In the fight, Roddy and Sammy end
up winning and Johnny believes that he would definitely need their help in order
for his plan to work out. TK, Carmine, the Diesel Brothers, Ghost, and Forecast all
join Johnny, who tells them that the legend of Electro Boy was about to begin.
Kasey walks into the room and tells Johnny that his plan better work. Johnny drinks
while Kasey tells him to just tell them who the target was. Johnny tells her that
she would know soon enough, but they needed another team member. Carmine wakes when
Kasey mentions that a target was there. Johnny greets Glenda, who tells him that he
could not decide what to wear for their date. Johnny tells him that he thinks he
looks better when he wears a suit that is tighter. Glenda asks what he means by
that and Johnny tells him to have a seat, calling him Gladiator. Ghost mentions
that Johnny is insane, but Johnny tells him that he knew who he was thanks to
Supermax and also knew that he spent time cheating on his wife, which angers
Gladiator, but Johnny threatens to send an intimate photo if he did anything to
him. Gladiator asks what he wants and Johnny asks for help with a heist, which
angers him even more, saying that working for him would never be meaningful to him.

Johnny tells him that the heist was on an island south of Japan, which was off
limits for the Union of Justice and The Network. Gladiator, and all of Johnny's
friends wonder if he really wanted to attack The Bastard, but Johnny mentions that
Praetorian was also there, which sparked Gladiator's interest. Johnny tells him
that The Bastard was enjoying his retirement, having opened Casino Grand Granite.
Ghost counts himself out, but Kasey tells him that it could work as long as they
got in unnoticed. Johnny tells Gladiator that it was a good chance to get back at
Praetorian and also says that he could donate his share to an LGBTQ charity of his
choice, also promising to delete those photos.Johnny tells TK, Carmine, the Diesel
Brothers, Ghost, Kasey, and Forecast that he knows there is one airport on the
island which meant security would be tight. Kasey does not want to use her power
since she could not make an illusion without preparing it enough. She could really
only hide one or two people. They get on the plane and land on the island.
On the island, Ghost separates from the group and Johnny and Kasey open up
briefcases where The Diesel Brothers were being stored. The rest would be taking a
ferry, but they would also jump from the ferry. On the island, Gladiator arrives by
swimming butterfly at an incredible speed.Johnny, TK, Carmine, the Diesel Brothers,
Ghost, Kasey, Gladiator and Forecast all take a break on the hot springs. Kasey
puts on a disguise so that they do not see her naked and Johnny says that he is the
only one who could see her like that, but she says that she was just not wasting
effort on him. The Diesel Brothers tell Gladiator that they were sorry for how
things had gone the last time they had encountered him, but he tells them to not
talk to him, as he was only there to destroy Praetorian. Ghost was quiet because he
is nervous about attacking The Bastard, but Johnny tells him that they have a
perfect plan. TK, Forecast, and The Diesel Brothers want to know about the plan,
saying that the first part would be walking to Matts' front door.
Episode 12:
At the casino, Carmine and Johnny walk in, with the former excited that all of it
could be theirs. Ghost says that he did not know there were casinos like that in
Japan. TK tries a game, but tries moving it when he loses. However, Ghost stops him
from using his powers. The Bastard looks out at the casino with Praetorian and both
of them head to the VIP room to meet their guests from the Middle east. Kasey and
Johnny look at a recreation Kasey had made of The Bastard's mansion, while The
Diesel Brothers join them. Ghost wonders how she had done it without being detected
by the superpower sensors inside, so she says that when she touches someone, she
can read minds without the sensors detecting it. Carmine says that he had done his
part and tells them that the main floor had standard superpower sensors and
security, but Ghost says that the real problem is the underground rooms connected
to the VIP rooms at the back. Forecast gets there late from taking a bath, as
Gladiator joins them.
Carmine tells them they would take The Bastards briefcase, which was actually a big
vault on the inside. However, the real problem is all the sensors that can
deactivate their powers. Carmine says that normally the unit is switched off, but
if the sensors pick up a use of superpowers, then it turns on, so they need to
deactivate the whole system. They want Ghost to use his powers in order to reach
it, but he tells them that the island was huge, so he would lose track of where he
was, so he would die. Gladiator tells them that they should just give up, but
Johnny remembers that whenever a new supervillain has to be registered in the
database, they update the software, but it also means the system must be rebooted,
so they could destroy it then. Carmine tells them that they would split into two
groups to enter the facility.Carmine, Ghost, TK, Forecast, Johnny, the Diesel
Brothers, and Kasey all toast.
He thanks them and tells them that he liked that they had a sense of duty. Kasey
wonders why Matts had made it so even he could not use his powers in his mansion,
but Carmine knows that he hated superpowers. Johnny tells them that he had new
outfits for their plan, which Gladiator refuses to wear. Kasey sits alone at the
beach, when Johnny joins her. Both of them walk together and Johnny asks if she
would really leave, and she says that she would. He tells her that she had done a
fantastic job and tells her that she could still do it, but she says that even
though she had outgrown heists, she wanted to help The Heat. Johnny tells her that
he knows he had done a lot of stupid things, but the stupidest of them all was
letting her go. They look up at the sky and there is a banner which says "I'm
sorry". Johnny tells her that he had finally understood and says that that would be
the last time he ever did a heist. Both of them share a kiss after that.As Johnny
sleeps, Kasey looks at him and leaves.
When she makes it to the airport, she tells Johnny that the plan was risky and she
did not want to make the same mistake, hanging up on him. Johnny, TK, Carmine, and
Forecast accept that she had left them and agree that they would not use their
powers. They plan to infiltrate the security room with the superpower suppression
device, in order to force the unit to update. They make a small hole and make it
underground, but an alarm starts to sound. They know that they cannot use powers as
many ninjas start heading towards them. Johnny accidentally uses his powers, which
activates guns, so Carmine shoots them with his guns. Johnny starts an update, and
realizes that they could now use their powers. The scene cuts to Kasey, who tries
to catch a plane back to her home. However, she is caught by Praetorian and the
bastard. Praetorian reveals that he had recognized Kasey all because of her
previous attempts to control him in the past.
Episode 13:
Back to Johnny, Johnny tells Carmine and TK that he believed they were in the right
place. They are joined by The Diesel Brothers, Gladiator, and Ghost. Forecast joins
them by making it snow, which Johnny believes would be a good idea for the fringes
on the door. Once they freeze, Sammy uses metallic arms in order to rip the door
off. They look down towards the vault which was all the way down and they jump
together. Ghost looks through a wall in order to see how many guards there were
behind a wall and they finally make it through. Johnny tells them that there was
one more trap, which detected anyone except for Matts and would rip them apart.
However, there was a button to turn the laser off at the end of the corridor. The
Diesel Brothers get ready to race to the button and take off running. The laser
cuts through both Sammy and Roddy, but both of them regenerate quickly and keep
After five minutes, Sammy finally manages to make it to the button and turns it
off. Once they all walk across safely, it's time for Carmine to use his heat guns
to melt the door. He does it quickly and they finally make it to the briefcase,
where all the gold is stored. Carmine tells them the system would restart soon, so
they start moving out. TK tells Johnny that with the money he would take his family
to Asia. The Diesel Brothers, Ghost, Carmine, Forecast, and Gladiator run with them
as well when Praetorian shows up, telling them that they were as stupid as they
looked. The Bastard talks through a PA system, asking if they really thought they
could get away with it and asks why they would try to steal from him if they knew
who he was. Johnny makes fun of him, telling him that was now too old to stop them.
That makes The Bastard very angry, but the power suppression system reboots. The
Bastard tells Praetorian that he could now kill the group. Johnny tells Gladiator
that it was now his turn to handle Praetorian. However, Gladiator takes his time
while Praetorian punches Johnny in the face. Gladiator tells Johnny that he had
been waiting to see him get hit. Even without powers, Praetorian seems to be taking
his time defeating the villains. Praetorian defeats all the villains, telling them
that they were all worthless without their powers. Gladiator finally thinks that
that had been enough and tells Praetorian that he could not believe how he had
fallen, seeing that he was The Bastard's bodyguard.
Praetorian tries punching him, but Gladiator grabs his wrist and reveals his face,
which frightens Praetorian. Praetorian tries defending himself, but Gladiator is
clearly much stronger and sends him flying back and slams him into the ground. Once
Praetorian was defeated by Gladiator, Carmine asks if he was dead. Johnny tells
Gladiator that he was not supposed to kill him since they never did that, but
Gladiator says that he had only left him with some brain damage. Johnny says they
should now leave. Kasey waves towards Johnny, who was on a small boat and is
brought on board. She hugs Johnny, but Carmine tells them that they need to leave,
so they take off. Ghost tells Kasey that she really had guts in order to do what
she had done, as Gladiator smiles. Carmine also says that she followed the rules
needed and calls her a great supervillain. Johnny tells her that she was the only
one who had been able to go through all of that with her friends. Both of them hug
and tell one another that they love them. Kasey tells him that they could now
retire, which Johnny agrees with. Forecast, TK, The Diesel Brothers and the rest
celebrate happily.
After a timeskip of one year, in a casino in Manila, Carmine had been able to pay
off his 100 million dollar debt and chilled out as told by Johnny. TK took his
family on a trip to East Asia, Forecast invested in space exploration, while Ghost
used diplomatic pressure on the Greek government and bought a lot of land there
while they were in a financial crisis. Roddy put every penny of his money into the
development of a four-dimensional transport system, which meant his time machine
was not a bluff and he had actually earned a doctorate from Princeton. Sammy spent
everything on women and liquor, while The Gladiator made sure he could never get
blackmailed again, confessing he had been disloyal to his partner, later marrying
him. Johnny still wanted to know what to do with Matts one year later because he
knew that he loved vengeance. His old friend Tommy was working as a writer for The
New York Times when he got a letter from "Electro Boy", which had the selfie the
villains had taken when stealing from Matts. In the photo, the villains used The
Salamander's gang's costumes. Tommy was left in shock by that. Johnny and Kasey
ride on a hot air balloon when Johnny points to the ground, asking her if she would
marry him. He gets her a real ring, and she says she would think about them,
kissing him.
And this brings the anime to an end. Don't forget to like the video if you enjoyed,
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Until next time, take care!

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