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MK211x – Digital Marketing Strategy

Prof. Shainesh G

Week 1

Professor: Yeah. So, I'm also going to request you to share some experiences of using this
influencer marketing, especially with Instagram and other social media channels. How do
brands, especially service brands leverage the power of influencer marketing?

Nalini: I think so it is the minute there is an expertise involved in the product use, right. Then
I think the influences become extremely important. So, if you take... I think the number of
now especially with COVID, the number of Cookery shows that we all watch, and you can see
that the products which they are endorsing, et cetera, is only increasing. So, I think, but the
minute you go into a larger space of, let's say B2B, for instance, there again, there are
specific influencers and again, some influencers you can engage with them commercially
where they will offer. Typically, each influencer tries to keep their brand-neutral kind of an
approach that's how the influencer continues to get his following as it is. But again, to me, it's
that how do you find the intersection between what the influencer cares about, talks about,
versus what your brand stands for, right? So, you have to be able to give that influencer
enough material for them and to be able to recommend your brand, because if he is just
recommending for the sake of it, then I think customers are also smart, they see to it really.
So again, I think these influencer's to me are important in specific areas where there is
people are looking for some expert opinion and things like that. So, that's where I think... So,
you usually now the thing is that influencer again, social media, et cetera, there are tools to
be able to have an influencer score on various dimensions. So, it's just not the number of
followers, but also their standing and how much engagement is there and things like that
based on that these deals are done.

Professor: Okay.

© All Rights Reserved. This document has been authored by Professor Shainesh G and is permitted for use only within the course "Digital
Marketing Strategy" delivered in the online course format by IIM Bangalore. No part of this document, including any logo, data, illustrations,
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