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Real Exam Questions ………..........……….. 5

Practice Test Answers ……..........…………. 9

1 It was about agricultural subsidy. Developing countries are less subsidy, and developed countries are more
subsidy. The last sentence is: Even if the output of developing countries doubles again, it will be hard to
compete with developed countries.

Answer: hardly compete.

2 Speak the first lesson of a course and say that students will be on holiday after two weeks. Then he
mentioned one person and wrote some books. The last sentence he gives the guidance of this...?

Answer: Class
3 A person said the expectations of the future and TV would change a lot; people did not realize that, and
then asked the question talking about this experience is to express what affection?

Answer: sarcastic
4 The European countries in the Second World War said that they pursued freedom, but only four countries.
Answer: Free
5 International freight now uses a shrinking storage space so that they can ship ….?
Answer: quicker and cheaper.
6 Shipping costs from the outset. The international shipping process included aspects such as packaging and
shipping. Then reduce costs and increase efficiency by optimizing the process and adopting new packaging
methods. The last sentence is. Next, we say...?
Answer: "shipping includes packaging."
7 The lecture was about a tourist attraction that said a bunch of...?
Answer: jungle misleading
8 The last sentence talks about different language and…?

Answer: History

9 Gold digger in the river

Answer: river channel

10 The study is about researching DNA and fingerprints (signature) should not be valid only by one person's
Answer: Opinion

11 Because they can get the benefit.
Answer: Expansion of it

12 A professor introduced with the development of the robot. A lot of work can be done by robots instead of
humans to get into places where humans can't get into, such as buildings and caves. After they enter the
building, they can then pass back pictures and introduce the situation into the building.
Answer: Robot

13 The last sentence is about costs that are socialized. Profits are...?

Answer: privatized

14 Children with impaired hearing are likely to affect their intellectual development when they grow up.

Answer: improvement
15 Say that the supply of a specific service cannot keep up with demand.

Answer: demand
16 They are surfing at sea, and they are trying hard to be alive, but the ocean is ignoring their existence.
Answer: survival
17 Government funding. People with a degree of social anxiety better deal with this sort of …..
Answer: case

18 One topic is to talk about the relationship between sleeping and learning. Saying that sleep helps you learn.

Answer: Gravity

19 Humans still belong to the group, so they are in...?

Answer: Select members of the collective

20 About skin release heat.

Answer: evaporate
21 Speak virus last said insurance.
Answer: policy

22 Finally, talk about communication; you should be...?

Answer: experienced
23 It was about green and environmental protection.
Answer: jungle

24 Sunrise is always 50seconds later than the previous day because of gravity, but apparently, tides are
related to …?

Answer: gravity

25 Logistics, globalization, move things faster and...?

Answer: cheaper

26 Tutor discusses students' essay or assignments needs to option with more...?

Answer: greater value

27 Quarantine isolation

Answer: Travel

28 Indian female scientists say seed bank and farmer ….; they cannot see seed only spend more money to
buy, ask them to see the higher rate of...?

Answer: seed failure

29 There are many stars in outer space that are close to us or very dark. So it's hard to observe, just like
searching a candle flame with a beam of...?

Answer: Searchlight
30 It talked about raising eardrum and affecting children...?

Answer: Hearing
31 About the moon

Answer: eclipse

32 Answer: Small animal can live anywhere

33 Answer: flu virus

34 Answer: medicine

35 Answer: Survive
36 Answer: architect
37 Answer: Sydney storyteller

38 Answer: British overseas studies

39 Answer: Win

40 Answer: Industry

41 Answer: Create a variety

42 Answer: Farmlands

43 Answer: Community

1 Explanation: The recording says not all earthquakes cause Tsunami. Last part: ... an earthquake of....
on Richter scale

Answer: may cause Tsunami

2 Explanation: The recording is about book-keeping. Note the words "record of all transactions". Note
also "While keeping record, one has to have a detail of all that is bought or sold, owned or owed, inflow
or outflow of money". Neither 'profit and loss', nor 'individual and company' are individual transactions.

Answer: debits and credits

3 Explanation: The recording is about that economy of Nigeria which is based on agriculture.
Last part: ... more than half of the workforce is still……

Correct Answer: engaged in farming

4 Explanation: The recording is about how a spectrometer identifies different gases.

Last part: ... can read that fingerprint and……

Answer: identify the gas

5 Explanation: The recording is about growth of cockroaches and the steps that can be taken to control
the growth.
Last part: ...because sprays are but (Here. but' means 'and nothing more than')

Answer: a temporary remedy

6 Explanation: The recording is about harmful effects of soap and detergents when used on the body.
Last part: ... cause allergies and rashes on……

Answer: the body

7 Explanation: In the recording, two speakers are discussing about a flower show that they are going to
Last part ....too crowded ... it will be….

Answer: indeed

8 Transcript: So, just a few weeks ago excavators of a remote archeological site in southeastern Asia
reported an exciting find under the ground. They found evidence of a writing system which dates back
thousands of years. Three blocks of flat rock with odd symbols which look like ancient forms of writing
were discovered. Well, this find could reveal much about an advanced, independent urban culture
which historians believe may have lived in that area. However, many scholars are sceptical about the
authenticity of the blocks, which they suspect……………
Explanation: indicated by sceptical about the authenticity, suspect

Answer: could very possibly be fake

9 Transcript: OK, so the date of the invention of the first clock is disputed among historians but it's agreed
that the first method for telling the time was the movement of the sun across the sky. When the sun
was directly ahead, it was midday and when it was on the horizon, it was early morning or early evening,
according to whether it was in the east or the west. However, this method was problematic in terms of
accuracy; but nevertheless, it's been used for countless years, from early humanity to…………..
Explanation: indicated by it's been used ... from ... to (must be a point in time)
Answer: current days

10 Transcript: As I mentioned last week, we're going to look today at fiction writing, writing stories, and in
particular at authors who have a reputation for creating characters in their books who are known as
'unreliable narrators'. Now what does that mean exactly? Well originally, in the nineteenth century, it
tended to simply mean that — as a reader — you just couldn't trust what the narrator of a story was
telling you. This might have been because they were not giving you important information, or because
they themselves as a character in their own story lacked some kind of personal insight. In later works
of literature, this 'unreliability' was used by authors more deliberately, um, with the direct intention of
making a story more complicated for a reader to understand —perhaps a crime novel, or a thriller.
Nowadays, there's a lot more humor in unreliable narration and it's often used to make first-person
characters enjoyable to read about. So, what all that tells us as a general starting point is that this type
of narration…………
Explanation: originally, in the nineteenth century, it tended to simply mean ... In later works of
literature, this 'unreliability' was used by authors more deliberately ... Nowadays, there's a lot more
humor in unreliable narration.
Answer: has changed over time

11 Transcript: When you first examine something under a microscope, say a leaf from a plant, you're
amazed at how much detail there is and it's detail that you simply cannot see without magnification.
And what you can see with the naked eye becomes suddenly huge under the lens. How big everything
looks is astonishing but it's also amazingly intricate. Suddenly it's as if another world has opened up in
front of your eyes and you think, hey, I hadn't realized that something so small, so tiny, could be so……..
Explanation: you're amazed at how much detail there is ... it's also amazingly intricate.
Answer: complex

12 Explanation: The recording is about steps taken to prevent exploitation of child actors.
Final part: ...parents would get only a part of

Answer: earnings
13 Explanation: The recording is about fine arts and how artists unleash their creativity on their own and
when requested.
Final part: ...a variety of materials available for the modern

Answer: artists

14 Transcript: As Asian culture becomes more popular in the United States, the ancient Chinese method
of creating a harmonious environment, feng shui, is also gaining ground. Feng shui literally means "wind
and water? Its roots are 5,000 years old. Feng shui seeks to promote prosperity, good health, and
general well-being by examining how energy, qi, flows through a particular room, house, building, or
garden. Feng shui considers yin, feminine and passive energy, and yang, which is masculine and hot. It
also looks at the five elements—water, fire, wood, metal, and earth, and the external environment. The
points on the compass, with eight separate directions—north, northeast, east, southeast, south,
southwest, west, and northwest—are also important.

Answer: Important

15 Transcript: Most of the information we have about Atlantis comes from the ancient Greek philosopher
Plato. He says that Atlantis lay west of the Pillars of Hercules, rock formations at the Straits of Gibraltar,
in the Atlantic Ocean. On this huge island was a "great and wonderful empire' where brave, virtuous
people lived in a kind of paradise. But this peaceful existence came to an end when the people of
Atlantis began to love power more than they loved the gods. They waged war against the rest of the
world, but were ultimately defeated by the wise and moral Athenians. Then, some 9,000 years before
Plato's own time, or around 9,500 years before the Common Era, earthquakes sunk Atlantis into the

Answer: based in fact

16 Transcript: Initially when Lewis turned to writing children's books, his publisher and some of his friends
tried to dissuade him; they thought it would hurt his reputation as a writer of serious works. Tolkien, in
particular, criticized Lewis's first Narnia book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. He thought that
there were too many elements that clashed—a Father Christmas and an evil witch, talking animals and
children. Thankfully, Lewis didn't listen to any of them. Following the publication of The Lion, the Witch
and the Wardrobe in 1950, Lewis quickly wrote six more Narnia books, publishing the final one, The
Last Battle, in 1956.Although they were not well received at first by critics and reviewers, the books
gained in popularity through word of mouth. The Narnia books have since sold more than 100 million
copies and are among the most beloved books of classic children's literature.

Answer: most beloved books of classic children's literature

17 Transcript: This year we're planning to use a different type of assessment on this module. In the past
students were required to complete two long written assignments and also to do a presentation on a
subject of their own choice. We have decided to ask you to write four shorter pieces of written
coursework this year. We are also going to be more prescriptive about what you focus on in your
presentation. This is because previously many students lost marks unnecessarily simply because………….

Explanation: must be a negative action to lose marks, and indicated by be more prescriptive about
what you focus on in your presentation.

Answer: they made an inappropriate choice of topic

18 Transcript: In nineteenth century Britain — and indeed in the first half of the twentieth century —
many of the urban poor lived in extremely cramped conditions. Over-crowding, damp, and poor
sanitation affected the daily lives of the majority of the population, with serious implications for their
own and their children's health. Novelists have a major role to play in reflecting their times to their-
readers who may otherwise ignore social problems, and the portrayal of the wretched living conditions
of the impoverished by such writers as Charles Dickens in the nineteenth century and George Orwell in
the twentieth was instrumental in…….

Explanation: indicated by Novelists have a major role to play in reflecting their time to their readers
who may otherwise ignore social problems (Dickens and Orwell are given as examples to show this)

Answer: bringing the situation to the attention of the public

19 Explanation: The recording is about the different types of joints and the type of movements they allow.
Last part: ...most flexible, allows movement

Answer: in any direction

20 Explanation: The recording is about the popularity of "Da Vinci Code" among the masses.
Last part: …… ranked as the 18th bestselling book of…………

Answer: all times

21 Explanation: The recording is about the design of a hot air balloon.

Last part: ... trend of giving creative shapes and designs……

Answer: to hot air balloons

22 Transcript: Too many students search for material by going to what they think is the right shelf in the
library, finding little or nothing and then reporting back to their tutor that there's nothing on it in the
library. If you have some authors and titles in mind, look them up in the catalogue - they may not be
where you think - and look at adjacent entries in the catalogue and on the shelves. The catalogue may
lead you to restricted loan collections, reserve stacks or departmental collections, which may not
always be obvious. You should also check the subject catalogue, trying to think of related terms. Other
places to look would be the references shelves and newspaper section, though a problem here is finding

Explanation: The text is about how students should go about research in the library. The speaker
describes various ways of finding information, then suggests looking in the reference shelves and the
newspaper section. However, in newspapers, it might be more difficult to find the precise information

Answer: the article you're looking for

23 Transcript: Scientists distinguish two basic ways in which we receive information from the outside
world through the sense of touch: active and passive, or to put it more simply, touching and being
touched. Being touched, or passive tactile awareness, includes sensing external pressure and
temperature acting on parts of the body, and this gives us clues as to the nature of our environment.
Active touching is when we explore our surrounding with our hands, feet, mouth, and so on. Because
it's difficult to guess what some objects are really like with the eyes alone - for example, their weight,
hardness or softness, roughness or smoothness, etc. - touching them gives us a much fuller
understanding of the objects around us. Yet, how touch works is very complex and [BEEP]

Explanation: This text is about the nature of touch. The speaker describes active and passive touching
and says that the way touch works is complicated.

Answer: still poorly understood.

24 Transcript: I think the people in Bangladesh have differing levels of awareness about the causes and
consequences of climate change in much the same way that you would find, say the United Kingdom
or any other country, some people are very conversant with what's happening and others less so. What
we found when we interviewed people in Khulna district was that some people had a very high level
awareness of the causes and, in particular, one of our interviewees, Nirapad Byne, a vegetable farmer
and he showed us around his vegetable garden. He's now growing saline-tolerant crops because he
can't grow his old crops because of the …………

Answer: increased saline concentrations in the soil

25 Transcript: And studying identical twins raised apart is one of the most effective ways we can use twins
to understand the origins of personality. And it is striking. I've studied reared apart twins for ten years,
and we find that despite the differences in the homes, the twins are quite similar in many personality
traits—from extraversion, to dominance, to aggressivity. And this does strongly underlie the fact that
personality is, to a substantial degree although not entirely, ……..

Answer: influenced by our genetic factors

26 Transcript: We spend most of our waking lives at work—in occupations often chosen by our unthinking
sixteen-year-old selves. And yet we rarely ask ourselves how we got there or what it might mean for
us. This work explores the under-charted worlds of the office, the factory, the fishing fleet and the
logistics center, ears and eyes open to the beauty, interest and sheer strangeness of the …………

Answer: modern workplace

27 Transcript: Scholarships are the best kind of financial aid you can get because you don't need to pay
them back. You should apply to as many scholarships as possible during your junior and senior year,
and continue to look for scholarships even after you start college. Most scholarships ask you to fill out
an application and write an essay on a ……

Answer: particular topic

28 Transcript: Robyn Guymer: My PhD student, Elaine Chong, did what was called a meta-analysis where
you analyze the literature very carefully, to see what evidence there is to suggest that what we eat,
particularly in terms of antioxidants, prevents you getting macular degeneration. Norman Swan:
Because ophthalmologists have been using antioxidants quite a lot. Robyn Guymer: That's right. There
have been studies looking at whether antioxidant supplements slow the progression once you have the
disease, whereas this study was looking at trying to stop you getting it (in the first place).

Incorrect: before you understood

Explanation: This is incorrect because it does not fit into the context of the passage. There is no
discussion related to listener understanding.

Incorrect: after diagnosis

Explanation: This is incorrect because it does not fit into the context of the passage. The speaker talks
about a scientific study on the effectiveness of antioxidants in preventing a disease. There is no
discussion of diagnosis of the disease.

Incorrect: from anti-oxidants

Explanation: This is incorrect because it does not fit into the context of the passage. The speaker
indicates that studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of antioxidants in preventing and
slowing the progression of a disease. There is no discussion on the causes of disease.

Answer: in the first place

Explanation: This is correct because "stop you getting it in the first place" echoes the speaker's earlier
statement about "preventing you getting" a disease. Also, the conjunction "whereas" signals a contrast
between the first and second half of the sentence. The first half of the sentence talks about using
antioxidants after one has the disease, whereas the second half of the sentence talks about using
antioxidants before one gets the disease.

29 Transcript: So what, what meiosis does for every species is generate a lot of diverse individuals.
Individuals with different capabilities. In the hope, that by having a population with very diverse
individuals that at least some of them will be competent to survive. And, it's wildly successful, almost,
almost every species on this planet has meio ... has, has a way to create genetically diverse gametes,
and they use meiosis to do that. Ok, so, um, meiosis is extremely important in the evolution of life and
the survival of the (species).

Incorrect: genetics
Explanation: This response is incorrect because "genetics" is not something that evolves or survives.
Additionally, the sentence requires a countable noun to follow "the" and "genetics" is an uncountable

Incorrect: diversity
Explanation: This response is incorrect because "diversity" is not a physical thing that can evolve and
survive. Additionally, the sentence requires a countable noun to follow "the" and "diversity" is an
uncountable noun.

Answer: species
Explanation: This response is correct because the speaker refers to the impact of meiosis on species
throughout the recording. Additionally, the sentence requires a countable noun to follow "the" and
"species" is a countable noun.

30 Transcript: How much the Earth's climate will change in the future depends, among other things, on
how quickly and to what extent the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases. If
we take no action to limit future greenhouse gas emissions, it is estimated that there will be a rise in
temperature of 0.2 to 0.3°C every ten years. This is a far greater rate of warming than anything that has
occurred over the past ten thousand years. One set of predictions claims that some regions of the world
will warm more quickly than others, and rainfall will also increase in some areas and decrease in others.
These changes will affect the sea level, which could rise by 50cm over the next century. All this will
affect humans through the effects it has on water resources, [BEEP]

Explanation: The text is about how future climate change may affect people. It describes the extent of
possible warming, and how the effects will vary from region to region. It the lists effects on humans,
starting with effects on water resources.

Answer: food production and health.

31 Transcript: When parents are asked how they handle their very unruly children, most will admit that
they are likely to use physical forms of punishment. This is not to say that a parent generally hits their
child each and every time they are bad. Nevertheless, parents generally use physical punishment as a
last resort, after having unsuccessfully tried other forms of discipline with children who have become
very bad. Those who believe in physical punishment, however, are unaware of the fact that it does not
lead to better children. In fact, the opposite is true. Research findings show that children from homes
where corporal punishment is the norm exhibit more anti-social behavior than children whose parents
seldom or never hit them. For example, children whose parents systematically use corporal punishment
are more often than not behind any classroom disruptions. Such children not only create discipline
problems at school, but they are also overly aggressive. In addition, they have extremely low self-
esteem and a negative attitude to those around them. On the other hand, children whose parents use
less harsh methods of discipline have a healthier attitude towards their school environment and [BEEP]

Explanation: The text is about how parents discipline their children. It discusses various forms of
discipline, including corporal punishment, and the effects on children's relationships at school. The final
sentence contrasts less harsh methods with corporal punishment, and talks about the effect on
children's attitudes towards their school and people at school.

Answer: peers

32 Transcript: It's been suggested that we get rid of the study of humanities altogether. Some say studying
subjects like history, philosophy, politics, literature, anthropology, and so on, has no intrinsic value and
why should we waste time and energy on courses of study that won't lead directly to a cut and dried
career. They say that what the world needs now is specialists, not generalists. Well, I have to say, I
couldn't disagree more. Of course we want to produce well-informed, literate, highly functioning
citizens who make solid contributions to society. That's an idea that still holds sway — but that's not
the reason that I believe studying the humanities is valuable. People who study a breadth of topics, and
who have a diverse range of interests, are actually better problem solvers. This broad education means
they can approach an issue ………

Explanation: People who study a breadth of topics, and who have a diverse range of interests, are
actually better problem solvers (ending suggests a reference to different ways of looking at a problem).

Answer: from a number of angles:

33 Transcript: Surfing has been a central part of Hawaiian culture for hundreds of years. But surfing wasn't
just a pastime for the Hawaiians in ancient times. It served as a kind of training exercise meant to keep
chiefs in top physical condition. Chiefs demonstrated their mastery by their skill in the surf, and
commoners gained popularity by the way they handled themselves in the ocean. As well as this, surfing
served as a system for conflict resolution. Young males would test their surfing skills in fierce
competitions, during which wealth, pride, and even romance……………….

Answer: were at stake: the text mentions the different ways people proved or achieved something by
surfing, and collocation of competition and at stake

34 Explanation: The recording is about general responses while starting an interaction.
Final part: .... how do we come to know whether he is………….

Answer: sad or happy

35 Explanation: The recording is about the controls of a paraglider. Final part: .... as an accelerator to
increase or……………

Answer: decrease the speed

36 Transcript: These days nearly everyone with a mobile phone is able to take photographs or even make
a video, but originally cameras were so large and heavy that photography's appeal as a pastime was
limited to a few enthusiasts. Also, the time needed for the exposure meant that your subjects, if you
were photographing people, had to remain still for what must have seemed like a very long time.
Movement would come out as a blur in the picture or, if someone walked across the view of the lens,
would not register at all, which is why early photographs of city streets appear deserted. In other words,
all pictures had to be posed. However, as early as the 1880s, manufacturers in both Europe and America
began producing miniature models, some of them small enough to be hidden in people's clothing.
Cameras came in all shapes and sizes. Handbags, walking stick handles and tie pins were among the
oddest and were collectively known as "detective cameras". This was not because they were used in
police work, but because the user could move about without attracting attention [BEEP]

Explanation: The text is about photography. In the beginning, cameras were very large, but then they
became smaller. This meant that the camera user was less obvious and could move around while taking

Answer: as they took pictures.

37 Transcript: Most, if not all, young men and women have dreams of the future which include themselves,
their families, and possibly their country. At one time or another, they evaluate and criticize their own
society, and think of the changes they would like to make. For most people, however, the biggest
contribution they can make to their society's development and change is through the careers they will
follow, rather than through direct political action. For the lucky few, their careers will be interesting as
well as allowing them to make a measurable contribution to the growth of their country. This is why it
is important to know something about the career aspirations of young people and the reasons for their
interest in these ideal careers. At the same time, it is equally important to consider whether their
aspirations are [BEEP]

Explanation: The text is about the aspirations of young people. It talks about the careers they aspire to
and the benefits of those careers. However, it is also important to think about whether young people
will actually be able to pursue their ideal career.

Answer: realistic.

38 Transcript: We learn most about ourselves and the way we function, both physically and mentally,
when things go wrong. For a long time it was thought that the brain acted as a whole in governing the
body's functions. Then, in 1861, Paul Broca, a French anatomist and anthropologist, discovered that
different parts of the brain perform different functions. After carrying out a postmortem examination
on a patient who had had a severe speech impediment, he discovered, as he had expected, damage to
a section of the left frontal lobe of the brain. The left side of the brain governs language ability. The
patient's problem had been that he could only utter one syllable, though he fully [BEEP]

Explanation: The text is about how the brain works and, in particular, how different areas of the brain
perform different functions. It describes a patient who had damage to one part of the brain. This
affected his ability to talk, but not his ability to understand.

Answer: understood spoken language

39 Transcript: The Chinese were, as far as we know, the inventors of paper money and because it was so
easy to move around compared with coins, it was named "flying money". They were also the first to
experience an economic problem which has become all too familiar: by the 12th century, there was
enough money in circulation to cause serious inflation. In Europe, it wasn't until about 1400 that
bankers in Spain and Italy began to honor "bills of exchange", which were a kind of private paper money
not in general use. They were documents used by those involved in a business transaction in which
payment was made through a third party to avoid the cost of foreign exchange. However, it is the
Swedes who are generally credited with producing the first proper European bank [BEEP]

Explanation: The text is about the development of paper money. The Chinese used paper money, and
bankers in Spain and Italy used bills of exchange. The Swedes are thought to be the first to use paper
money in Europe.

Answer: notes.

40 Transcript: Bullying is not like other forms of aggression. It involves a particular kind of harm and it's
aimed at creating a kind of helplessness, an inability to stand up for yourself. Being bullied can have far
reaching effects on your self-esteem, your self-confidence, your performance in school, even your
interactions with others and all of us experience it at one time or another. But when you are young and
in the middle of it can seem like...

Answer: an unending nightmare

41 Transcript: You know everyone wants to be happy. So why isn't everyone happy? The obvious answer
is it is not easy and one of the single biggest obstacles to being happy is that people naturally compare
themselves to other people and assume nearly all of them are happier than they are. This is a big
problem. So how'd you like an equation to determine the exact amount of unhappiness in your life.
Well I am here to tell you that I have developed an equation. It is You = I — Are. U is unhappiness, I is
image and R is reality. Difference between the images you have had for your life and the reality of your
life is the amount of unhappiness in your life which gives you an idea of how powerful images...

Answer: are in hurting us

42 Transcript: You can understand what I am saying. But how? Well sometimes in order to find out how a
healthy brain works we need to study a damaged one. Aphasia is a communication disorder that results
from damage to the parts of brain involved in language and in the late 19th century patients with
Aphasia allowed scientists to better study how our brain processes and produces words and sentences.
Through their studies they found too main regions in the left hemisphere that were associated with
language — brokers area which is located in the left frontal lobe is linked to speech production. Patients
who have lesions in this area may understand what I am saying right now fairly well but would have a
hard time forming sentences of their own. On the other hand vernicus area located in the temporal
lobe is thought to be important in speech comprehension. Someone has damage in this area they can
produce language just fine but it would be a meaningless mishmash of words like red bottles brushes
hairy sky. This is just the classical model of languages so there is bound to be few flaws. Recent studies
using imaging techniques have shown that the regions around these two areas are also active during
language processing and even more the right frontal lobe may be involved in comprehending:
semantics or ...

Answer: understanding sentences


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