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In this essay I will be describing my opinions on the book Moonrise. My analysis will depict my
thought process through the book about the changing personalities that the writer brings alive.

Moonrise is the story of a boy names Joe whose brother is been sentenced to death due to the
corrupt and unfair governing system. This is catastrophic for not just Joe’s brother but everyone
around him.

At the start of the book, we are presented with a distorted family, consisting of many unwelcoming
nasty thoughts due with the mother being on substances and alcohol, so the elder children having to
step in as the parent.

Then, as we go through the book, we come across this very interesting relationship that grows
throughout the book, due to the fact that both of them are maturing and realising that not all things
can go your way and there is more to life then petty arguments.

In conclusion this book shows a range of emotions that make you feel despair and sorrow but yet
happiness and joy.

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