NEC Quiz and Speaker Session

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12 February, 2024

Quiz Competition and Speaker Session with Dr. Phirmi Boro

On the 12th of February, 2024, the North East Cell of Hansraj
College, in collaboration with the ST/SC Society, orchestrated a
compelling event that combined the excitement of a quiz
competition with the enriching insights of a speaker session. The
focal theme of the day was "The Unsung Heroes of Northeast
India," shedding light on the often-overlooked contributions of
individuals from the region.

The quiz competition witnessed a vibrant display of enthusiasm

from the participating students. A total of Rs 3000 was allocated as
prize money, acknowledging the outstanding performance of the
winners. The rst, second, and third place contenders received
prize money of Rs 1500, Rs 1000, and Rs 500, respectively,
fostering a spirit of healthy competition and recognition.

Following the exhilarating quiz competition, the stage was set for a
thought-provoking speaker session. Dr. Phirmi Bodo, an esteemed
Associate Professor from the Centre for the Study of Social
Systems at JNU, graced the event as the speaker. Dr. Bodo delved
into the profound role played by the people of the North East during
pivotal moments in history, such as the freedom struggle and the
Mughal invasion. She illuminated the narratives of in uential
personalities like Kanaklata Barua and U Kiang Nangbah, offering a
comprehensive perspective on their signi cant contributions.

The event unfolded successfully, witnessing active and engaged

participation from both the members of the North-East Cell and
other students. Dr. Phirmi Bodo's session not only provided
valuable historical insights but also served as a platform for
fostering a deeper understanding of the unsung heroes from
Northeast India. The collaboration between Hansraj College's North
East Cell and the ST/SC Society bore fruit in the form of an event
that not only celebrated the rich heritage of the region but also left a
lasting impact on all those in attendance.

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