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GRAFANA(cloud) Connection to Databricks

1. Log in to your GRAFANA cloud Account ,Once you logged in the first screen is visible as

2. Click on Connect Data and search Dtabricks,you will find a Databricks connector.
3. Once clicked on Databricks logo It will open a window to install the databricks on Install via

4. It will open the databricks plugin an then click in on install plugin

5. Once the plugin is installed refresh the grafana URL and you will see the pugin installed
with below screen
6. Now Next steps would be to add the Data source ,click the Add the Data Source and
enter the Dtaabricks Cluster info, the Cluster info can be found on the cconnection detail
of the warehouse (Link)

7.Once the connection detailed entered we can test the connection

8. Now we can explore the the data from databricks table ,Go to Home -> Explore -> choose the
Databricks connection and write a query in query editor

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