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Horizontal Well Completion and Stimulation Techniques--A Review With

Emphasis on Low-Permeability Carbonates

Article · April 2007

DOI: 10.2118/108075-MS


14 3,874

5 authors, including:

Valdo Rodrigues Luis Fernando Neumann

Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Independent Consultant


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SPE 108075

Horizontal Well Completion and Stimulation Techniques—A Review With Emphasis on

Low-Permeability Carbonates
Valdo Ferreira Rodrigues, SPE, and Luis Fernando Neumann, SPE, Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.; Daniel Torres, SPE,
Halliburton Energy Services; Cesar Guimarães, SPE, Schlumberger; and Ricardo Sadovski Torres, BJ Services

Copyright 2007, Society of Petroleum Engineers

nonconventional reservoirs, such as tight gas, it is related to
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 SPE Latin American and Caribbean them as stimulated horizontal completions have been used on
Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15t18 April 2007.
their development. This paper focuses fracturing stimulations,
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
also making a few references to matrix stimulation. It also
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to assumes that a horizontal well has already been justified and
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at what is being discussed is its completion and stimulation. The
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
paper starts by reviewing the lessons learned in some chalk
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is fields in the North Sea (Dan, Halfdan, South Arne, Valhall and
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than
300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous Eldfisk) and in a few pilot projects offshore Brazil (Congro
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, Texas 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
and Enchova). Then it devises some thought on the
methodology used to select completion and stimulation
Abstract techniques for horizontal wells. It address cased and cemented
This paper presents a brief review of the available techniques horizontal wells, in addition to open hole and
in the oil and gas industry to complete and stimulate horizontal perforated/slotted liners completions. The key parameters for
wells, with emphasis on low permeability carbonates. These designing, applying and evaluating horizontal completion and
techniques can also be applied in non-conventional reservoirs, stimulation are presented, underlining the most common
particularly in tight formations. The paper starts by reviewing failures and the controversial aspects.
the lessons learned in some chalk fields in the North Sea (Dan,
Halfdan, South Arne, Valhall and Eldfisk) and in a few pilot Completion and Stimulation of North Sea Low-
projects offshore Brazil (Congro and Enchova). Based on Permeability Carbonates
these lessons learned and in the broad literature, the paper
The North Sea low permeability chalks are taken here as a
devises some considerations on the methodology to select
reference due to the outstanding technological evolution
completion and stimulation techniques for horizontal wells.
verified there in the last decades. Amongst more than ten
Cased and cemented horizontal wells, in addition to open hole
fields producing from these reservoirs in the North Sea this
and perforated/slotted liners wells are addressed. The macro
paper focuses on the Dan, Halfdan, South Arne, Valhall and
aspects of field/area management are stressed as the
Eldfisk fields. The main characteristics of these fields are:
completion and stimulation drivers. The key parameters for
shallow waters (43 to 69 m), dry completion, high volumes of
designing, implementing and evaluating horizontal completion
OOIP (1.6 to 2.9 billions barrel), low permeability carbonates
and stimulation are presented, emphasizing the most common
(0.2 md to 10 md) with microfractures in the central areas (10
failures and the controversial aspects. The paper presents a
md to 120 md), high porosities (up to 48%), soft to very soft
summary of mature field and new scenarios that are candidate
chalks, small to medium net pays (15 m to 65 m), high oil
to horizontal completion and stimulation in Brazil and other
saturation (up to 97%), and light oils ( about 36o API).
Latin America countries. Then it makes a few comments on
the resources available in Latin America to face the mentioned What most distinguishes these fields is their over-pressured
opportunities and related challenges. It is supposed that this soft chalks which are subjected to a high degree of compaction
brief review will be useful for the low permeability scenarios under pore pressure depletion, resulting in loss of drilling
in Latin America and worldwide. fluids, rapid production decline, well failures and seafloor
subsidence. On the other hand the positive effects of rock
Introduction compaction as a reservoir drive energy, outweigh by far the
negative ones. The recovery factor under primary recovery can
This paper presents a brief review of the available techniques
be as high as 30%. In general the North Sea chalks
in the industry to complete and stimulate horizontal wells,
experienced an evolution from vertical/directional wells
with emphasis on low permeability carbonates. The emphasis
stimulated with acid treatments to multiple fractured
on low permeability carbonates in this work is justified by the
horizontal wells.
renewed importance of this scenario in Brazil and other Latin
America countries. Although it does not focus on
2 SPE 108075

The Dan and Halfdan Complex1-11 md to 2.0 md), low thickness (5 m to 15 m) and without
This complex is located in the Danish part of the North Sea structural closure8,9. The Halfdan development plan was
Central Graben and is comprised by Dan (2.9 billions barrel conceived at the very beginning by making use of the lessons
OOIP, 12 production platforms, and 108 wells) and Halfdan learned in Dan. The water injection secondary recovery was
(1.615 billions barrel OOIP, 4 production platforms, and 62 the main determinant in the Halfdan development. Among the
wells). several lessons learned in Halfdan one can emphasize the
injection fracturing in a densely spaced line drive water flood
The Dan field was discovered in 1971 and started production
technology, including the fracture aligned sweep technology
in 1972, making it the oldest producing oil field in the North
(FAST) concept9-11.
Sea. It consists of a high porosity (18% to 40%), low
permeability (1 md in average) chalk. It was initially
developed with fractured vertical/deviated wells. To improve South Arne 12,13
productivity the operator adopted horizontal cemented wells in The South Arne field is located in the northern part of the
1987 associated with acid fracturing stimulation. The Danish sector of the North Sea in water depth of 60 m. The
stimulation treatment was soon changed to hydraulic installations comprise a combined wellhead, processing, and
(propped) fracturing looking for medium and long term accommodation platform. The reservoir is an elongated
productivity. Amongst the many lessons learned in the Dan structure, 93 km² in area, 2,800 m deep (deepest chalk in
field development one can mention: Denmark), and is comprised of high porosity/low permeability
1. Water injection is fundamental to increase the recovery chalks from the Maastrichtian and Danian ages. The wells
factor in the low permeability carbonates; horizontal sections (around 1800 m) navigate through the
2. To achieve high water rates in nonfractured chalks it is upper portion of the Tor formation (0.2 md to 4 md). The
necessary to inject above the fracture propagation pressure, fractures along the lateral were supposed to cover the Tor
and true stimulation is not necessary4,5; formation and at least 75% of the Ekofisk formation (0.0 md
3. Water injection management can be achieved by using to 0.7 md) above to ensure adequate drainage. South Arne is
sliding sleeve (SS) configuration (opened or closed), an example of initial total failure that was overcame by proper
downhole fixed chokes, and surface injection pressure analysis and actions. This case study12,13 revealed many
control 4,5; important conclusions such as:
4. Horizontal cemented wells associated with multiple 1. Using proper fracture initiation, the wellbore orientation
hydraulic fractures, were successfully introduced in 1987; did not make difference in South Arne;
5. A stimulation and lower completion system that allowed 2. Pressure depletion can significantly affect fracture
perforating, stimulating, and isolating the treated interval, geometry;
in one trip, was introduced in 19891; 3. The combination of G-function and log-log pressure
6. The controlled acid jetting liner (CAJ), introduced in decline analyses provided more reliable and consistent
19986, allowed the extension of the horizontal section interpretation of fracture closure pressure;
beyond coiled tubing reach (used to operate the SSs of the 4. The use of G-function superposition analysis of mini-frac
previous system) while permitting efficient acid treatment data can assist in the recognition of pressure dependent
along the liner; leakoff due to fissure opening;
7. Whenever possible the wellbore orientation must be in the 5. The fracture initiation should use cross-linked gel,
preferred fracture direction in order to avoid or minimize proppant slugs to reduce complexity and sand slugs to plug
tortuosity in the fracture initiation/propagation process. open natural fractures/fissures. zones with high natural
8. The perforation interval must be short to avoid the fracture density should be avoided;
initiation of several fractures, and with high density and 6. 100-mesh sand slugs at concentrations of 3 ppg to 4 ppg
large entrance holes to ease the placement of high proppant may control excessive fluid loss due to the activation or
concentration; dilation of natural fractures;
9. The use of injection tests prior to the main treatment can 7. Porosity (25% to 45% in South Arne) is an important
estimate the magnitude of tortuosity; determinant in the fracturing design affecting very much
10. Sand injection tests were successfully used to remove or the Young’s modulus (less than 500,000 psi to over
reduce tortuosity; increasing the treatment rate and/or the 2,000,000 psi);
fracturing fluid viscosity also helped overcoming 8. Most fracture treatment problems arose in zones with
tortuosity; porosity less than 30%;
11. It is possible to overcome poor cement isolation filling the 9. In a case of longitudinal fractures in a poorly cemented
channels with sand before pumping the fracturing fluids. liner there were no evidences of additional problems.

The Halfdan field was discovered in December 1998 by a Valhall 14-18

9022 m long horizontal well (horizontal section of 6324 m) The Valhall field, located in the Norwegian sector of the North
drilled from a production platform in the Dan field. It went on Sea, was discovered in 1975 and started production in October
stream in the same year through a pilot production system. 1982. The Valhall complex consists of five separate steel
The reservoir is laterally extensive and consist of a platforms for quarters, drilling, wellheads, production, and
homogeneous and isotropic chalk of Maastrichtian and Danian water injection. In addition the field has two unmanned flank
age, with high porosity (25% to 35%), low permeability (0.5 platforms, one in the south and one in the north, both around 6
SPE 108075 3

kilometers from the field centre. The reservoir is comprised of carried out in 1991 to 1992. The association between
an over-pressured, under-saturated Upper Cretaceous chalk cemented and cased horizontal well and multiple propped
reservoir, which main characteristics are: depth from 2,400 m fractures came from a completion study accomplished in 1994
to 2,600 m, high porosity (35% to 50%), low matrix to 1995. In 1996 a study for hydraulic fracturing optimization
permeability (1 md to 10 md), total permeability from 1md to using an implicit reservoir simulator defined multiple fractures
300 md, high oil saturation (92% to 97%), 36 o API oil gravity, geometry (60 m long, 0.55 in. wide), conductivity (5 lbm/sqft
average thickness of 25 m with large lateral variation, GOR of to 6 lbm/sqft) and spacing (110 m to 160 m). After that the
800 scf/STB to 1,400 scf/STB, and two oil bearing formations, focus was to optimize operations times and fracture Tip
Hod and Tor. The Tor formation is the primary reservoir Screen-out. An update in the beginning of 2003 revealed the
having higher porosity and permeability and providing the execution of over 150 proppant fractures in Valhall. In face of
greatest reservoir volume. The OOIP is 2.6 billion barrels with a new development in the North and South flank areas, a study
an original reserve of 250 million barrels. A major differential was carried out comparing acid versus proppant fracturing15.
in Valhall is the high degree of compaction suffered by its This study, justified by the expected differences in the
weak chalk under pore pressure depletion. Valhall had about reservoir in the flank areas, where the chalk was supposed to
2,900 psi original over-pressure related to an original 6,550 psi be thinner and less soft, was based on:
pore pressure @ 2,450 m. It means an effective stress on the • Comparison of the production history of propped and acid
chalk matrix of 650 psi equivalent to a burial depth of only fractured wells;
700 m to 800 m17. This explains drilling fluid loss, rapid • Modeling using an in-house analytical reservoir simulator
production decline, well failures and seafloor subsidence. Well especially built for proppant fracture wells;
failures have been the greatest challenge throughout Valhall’s • Numerical modeling using a commercial simulator15.
history. Failure due rock influx is the uncontrolled chalk
production, caused by pressure cycling and high drawdown. This study provided a Valhall stimulation strategy and a
Production is restored by an expensive coiled tubing fracturing decision tree.
cleanout17. Terminal failure is the lack of wellbore access As of 2003 reserves had increased from 250,000 STB to 1
caused by a collapsed casing or liner. The observed subsidence billion STB due to:
has been around 25 cm/year. The total subsidence was 4.91 m • Better reservoir description;
as of March 200317. On the other hand the positive effects • Drilling, completion and stimulation evolution;
(rock compaction contributes more than 50% of the reservoir • Complementary development of the flank areas;
drive energy) outweigh by far the negative ones20. It is
• Waterflood in the crestal section.
important to note that pressure depletion was not a matter of
negligence or lack of resources. Water injection was
The imminent risk of well failures and other challenges led to
repeatedly studied for the Valhall field since 1989, always
a great emphasis on well management. This evolved to a
showing no economical gain. In 1996 a multidisciplinary dedicated offshore control room monitoring the wells
study was created to evaluate waterflooding the Tor
continuously17. A group of onshore petroleum engineers
formation18. A waterflood project was installed at late 2004.
monitors well performance and provides guidelines to the
The Valhall completion and stimulation history14-17, started in offshore staff. The well opening guidelines are very tight. The
1982, is summarized in the figure 1.
usual strategy is to draw the wells down quite fast during
clean-up, then slow down gradually, and finally open the well
slowly. A horizontal multiple propped fracture in Tor
formation, for instance, may take a year to reach full opening
at separator pressure17
A Valhall redevelopment is on the way to optimize recovery
and deal with subsidence. It includes a new production and
hotel platform, planned to be in operation during 2009. Valhall
is already considered a field of the future, in addition to
employing 4D seismic as a key reservoir management tool. It
was also the first Norwegian field to feature a seismic receiver
array permanently installed on the seabed.

The Eldfisk field is located in the southern part of the
Norwegian North Sea. It was discovered in 1970 and came on
production in 1978. The original development consisted of
three facilities. In 1999, a new water injection facility was
installed, based on horizontal injection wells. Eldfisk has an
Figure 1 Completion phases in the Valhall field
OOIP of 2.8 billion barrel of oil (37o API) and 4,600 billion
All the Valhall completion/stimulation changes were based on scf gas. The reservoir drive is comprised by 30% from rock-
comprehensive studies. The implementation of the cemented compaction, 30% from gas influx, 20% from oil expansion
and cased horizontal well was based on a reservoir study and 20% from water influx. Eldfisk suffered similar problems
4 SPE 108075

as it neighbors Valhall and Ekofisk: rapid production decline, In August 2001, after realizing that matrix treatments in
casing deformation and solids flow. The Tor chalk in Eldfisk noncemented horizontal wells were not presenting sufficient
is a very soft one with Brinell hardness number (BHN) less results, the operator launched a research project searching for
than 5 kg/mm². The Upper Ekofisk BHN is generally less than alternatives. Following the North Sea operator’s experience,
10 kg/mm². the project team realized that the creation of a limited number
The Eldfisk wells were stimulated with massive, high-rate of discrete fractures, with proper length and conductivity,
acidizing, multistage, limited-entry treatments on clustered widely separated and well distributed, could stimulate and
perforations (2 m to 3 m intervals) separated by 10 m to 12 m. provide sustained productivity in horizontal wells. As part of
The initial rates varied from 3,000 bbl/d to 4,000 bbl/d, the research project an onshore horizontal cemented well was
declining to 1,200 bbl/d to 1,500 bbl/d in one year. Production multifractured in October 2002 as a pilot application. In
was usually restored by acid restimulations. The production November 2002 and April 2004 two offshore platform
decline was attributed to the closure of natural fractures and to noncemented horizontal wells were multifractured by sand
offset-well interference. jetting fracturing technology. Propped fractures were created
in these three wells. Concluding the research project a subsea
It was possible to manage solids production by periodic
noncemented horizontal well was acid multifractured in
inexpensive acid-wash and separator cleanout operations.
August 2004 and a subsea cased, cemented and perforated
However in many wells solids production caused casing
horizontal well was hydraulically multi fractured in November
deformation resulting in leaks, collapses and erosion, as well
2005, both in Campos Basin. This paper summarizes these two
as scale deposition. An update in 2001 verified that 75% of
Eldfisk wells suffered some degree of casing deformation. In
late 1997 four propped fractures were successfully created in a
1,524 m section in the Tor formation of a horizontal well in Acid Multiple Fracturing in a Subsea Horizontal
Eldfisk. It is important to say that despite two previous Noncemented Well 20-22
unsuccessful trials this third attempt was made based on the The Macaé/Quissamã is a carbonate formation present in
success of other operators in the North Sea chalk field various fields (Bonito, Cherne, Congro, Enchova) in Campos
community. The initial trials were probably unsuccessful due basin offshore Brazil. The Congro field was discovered in
to mechanical problems and low proppant concentrations. 1977, in water depths from 190 m to 600 m, and started
The goals defined for placing four propped-fractures in this production in 1985. The Quissamã carbonate in Congro
Eldifisk pilot well were achieved. The well has produced at produces by a unique noncemented horizontal well, 1-RJS-
sustained oil rates significantly greater than all the offset wells 512HA, drilled in 1996. Oil production had declined from the
in the field. Thus, multiple propped fractures in an Eldfisk original 201 m3/d (1,264 bpd) to around 100 m3/d to 138
horizontal well achieved similar results as other neighboring m3/d (629 bpd to 868 bpd). A reservoir management plan
fields in the North Sea. elaborated in 2002 raised the opportunity for a stimulation of
the 1-RJS-512HA well. The main challenge was how to
create multiple fractures in a noncemented subsea well. An
Campos Basin Low-Permeability Carbonates
extensive study including geology and stratigraphy analysis,
Completion and Stimulation
well logs interpretation, well testing, nodal analysis,
The Campos Basin was discovered in 1974 and started production forecast and economic evaluation achieved the
production by an early production system in August 1977. The following conclusions20:
history of low permeability carbonates completion and • Fractures propagation would follow a perpendicular
stimulation in Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, is similar the direction in relation to the wellbore;
North Sea counterparts. In the eighties the completions were • A sand jetting fracturing process was the best technique for
vertical or directional wells stimulated with massive acid this noncemented well;
fracturing or matrix acidizing. Rapid production decline was • Production forecast, from a reservoir simulator with
the main problem in this period. In 1989 a huge hydraulic capacity to model multiple fractured horizontal well, and
fracturing treatment was performed in a subsea directional subsequent economic evaluation showed that 5 acid
well, based on a comprehensive study. Unfortunately a fractures should be placed in this well at 3,915 m, 3,792 m,
previously unidentified fault very close to the well took most 3,689 m, 3,580 m, e 3,435 m MD depths (Fig. 2).
of the pumped proppant invalidating this important pilot Table 1 shows the parameters used in the stimulation study.
operation. From 1990 to 1995 a second stimulation period was
characterized by low volume matrix treatments (up to 75 gal/ft Focusing only on the fracturing method used, this well
of 15% HCl) with similar results. A third period started in offered additional difficulties such as:
1995 with the drilling and completion (with preperforated
• The presence of two abandoned lateral that could cause
liner) of the first horizontal well in the Quissamã formation. A
high additional leak off reducing fracture growth;
standard stimulation treatment included alternating stages of
• Keeping the jetting tool in position during each fracturing
nonviscous acid, viscous acid up to 30 gal/ft of 15% HCl and
stage was a first in wells connected to floating rigs;
acid with diversion feature pumped below fracture rates,
spotted by the use of dedicated stimulating string or coiled • Fluid loss control during fracturing while pulling the
tubing inside the horizontal liner. fracturing string out of the hole and when tripping the
production tail string in hole was also a concern;
SPE 108075 5

• Pumping stimulation fluids under high pressure expansion combined with some water influx of a weak aquifer.
simultaneously down the tubing and the annulus from the The under saturated oil had an initial pressure and temperature
stimulation vessel and the floating rig required of about 3550 psia and 190°F, respectively and a viscosity of
modification of the onshore procedures. 11 cP. As previously stated the previous completion and
stimulation methods applied in the Quissamã carbonate of
Well name 1-RJS-512HA (subsea)) Enchova field did not provide sustained production. So, it was
Water depth 331 m decided to drill and complete a horizontal, cased and cemented
Offshore Rig SS-45 (moored floating rig) well and place a number of discrete fractures, with proper
Location Congro, Campos Basin length and conductivity, along its horizontal section.
Formation Macaé/Quissamã 20
Lithology Carbonate To design properly this well a project team studied the
Production slotted liner 7” 26# P-110 @ 2,926 m
following aspects:
Production casing 9 5/8 in 47# P-110 @ 2,972 m
Pore pressure 3,569 psi @ 3,050 m TVD
1. In situ stresses and the choice of the creation of transversal
Bottom hole temperature 210 °F or longitudinal fractures;
Fluid type / API Oil / 28 API 2. Selection of the fracturing treatment, that is, propped
Fluid viscosity 1.007 @ 3,000 psi (PVT) fracture, acid fracture or a combination of both;
Formation thickness 99 m gross / 28 m net 3. Cementation of the 7 in liner in the horizontal section;
Avg Permeability 1 md radial – 0,5 md vertical 4. Method to isolate each fracture;
Avg Porosity 19% to 29% 5. Perforation of the well and related issues regarding the
Avg Water saturation 0.1%
orientation of the well;
Sand jetting. tool 4.5 in OD w/8 jets ¼ in
Table 1 – Quissamã reservoir parameters 6. Best spacing of the fractures and fracture length, height
and width and characteristics of the tip screen out (TSO);
The solutions to overcome these difficulties and other 7. Best use of calibration tests to optimize the pad and
operational details were presented in previous papers21,23. The propped laden fluid volumes;
only exception to the predicted operational parameters was the 8. Methods to control proppant flow back;
abnormal annular flow rate rose from 4.5 bbl/min in the first 9. Techniques to evaluate each fracture without flowing each
fracture to 17.0 bbl/min in the fourth fracture instead of the one individually.
expected 9.0 bbl/min. As a matter of fact this behavior was The project and the execution details were presented
hypothesized in the planning phase and was explained by the elsewhere23. The wellbore orientation was determined by
created fractures intercepting one abandoned lateral 12 m reservoir drainage aspects, being aligned with the maximum
distant21,23. The great importance of this operation in a subsea far field horizontal stress, resulting in longitudinal fractures.
well was to make the used technology available for all the The number of fractures, established as seven, was obtained
operator’s scenarios using an in-house semi-analytical model. The well design
comprised a 1500 m (4900 ft) horizontal section, 30 m (65 ft)
bellow of the top of the Quissamã formation (≈ 2,380 m or
7,810 ft TVD) and 70 m to 90 m (230 ft to 295 ft) above
oil/water contact. The fracturing type selection was based on
laboratory tests on cores plugs which revealed:
• Porosity and oil permeability of 16% to 22% and 0.2 md to
0.7 md, respectively, which were bellow the expectations;
• Young's modulus between 2.34×106 psi to 3.34×106 psi;
• BHN from 9 to 39;
• Results from oedometer cell tests suggested embedment of
Figure 2 Five acid fractures in the 1-RJS-512HA well
1% to 3%;
• Acid etch testing showed low conductivity values.
The production results were above the expectations as the oil
rate as of January 2006, 29 months after the treatment, was Cement evaluation through sonic, and ultrasonic logs was not
twice the rate before the stimulation. straightforward due to the eccentricity of the tools. However
they indicated a mud channel in the lower part of the well.
The First Multiple Fractured Subsea Horizontal Cased An in-house semi-analytical model predicted the need to
and Cemented Well23 obtain fractures conductivities between 3,000 and 4,000 md-ft.
The Enchova field was discovered in 1976, came on Assuming a fracture half-length (xf) of 165 ft (50 m) and 1 md
production in 1983 and is on primary recovery until today. Its formation permeability a commercial hydraulic fracture
main reservoir is the Quissamã Member of Macaé Formation, simulator showed that 1 lb/ft2 to 2 lb/ft2 of high quality
which is a Lower Cretaceous, Albian age carbonate reservoir. proppant, that is, 20/40 or 16/20 mesh ceramic or bauxite,
The Enchova field is elongated southwest to northeast and lays could provide the required conductivity.
in water depth from 106 m to 130 m. The Quissamã carbonate Proppant flowback was controlled either by the use of a liquid
is characterized by low to medium porosity (15% to 25%) and resin coated system, or by the use of deformable particles
low permeability (1 md to 10 md), exhibiting a typical mixed into the proppant.
thickness of 40 m to 70 m. The drive mechanism is gas
6 SPE 108075

The SSs of the lower completion deployed could be used to 4. Severe drilling/completion formation damage25,26.
flow each fracture selectively during cleanup. However, this is Additionally, the production into a horizontal well is rarely
a cost prohibitive approach from a floating drilling rig. So it uniform across the whole interval
was decided to tag all individual stages of each of the seven The process of selecting completion and stimulation
fractures with oil and water-soluble tracers. Both types of techniques for horizontal wells is much more complex than in
tracers are relatively inert, stable at reservoir conditions, and vertical wells. The main reasons for that are:
can be analyzed to very low parts per billion levels. 1. Each stimulated horizontal well causes a great impact in
After trouble with screen-out in fractures 1 and 3, changes and the reservoir drainage;
improvements, such as higher rate, larger pad sizes, circulating 2. The completion and stimulation design, execution and
crosslinked gel and 100-mesh sand to the perforations prior to evaluation are much more complex and time consuming.
the main treatment, in addition to proppant slugs and smaller- 3. The completion and stimulation costs are much higher,
sized proppant, made the following fractures treatments increasing the capital investment risk.
successful. The well was completed and declared ready for 4. Failures can have great impact in terms of deferred
production with six propped fractures and one acid fracture production and remedial costs.
(Fig. 3). All fractures were mechanically isolated with packers 5. Often the process is not to select a good candidate, but to
and SSs. find a solution for an underachieving horizontal well.
6. Often the completion was not designed for stimulation
purpose increasing the challenges to design and execute an
effective treatment.
The first reason represents perhaps the main differential
between completing and stimulating vertical and horizontal
wells. A stimulated horizontal well can be seen as many
vertical wells, significantly affecting the reservoir drainage.
Thus the macro aspects of field/area management and the
multidisciplinary approach are much more important. To
select the optimum completion/stimulation option the
engineer, in close cooperation with geologists, reservoir and
Figure 3 Horizontal well EN-52H wellbore schematic with production engineers, must consider the macro aspects of the
seven fracture stages (35% welbore coverage) reservoir drainage and the particular aspects of each well. The
The well came on stream in November 2005 with 4 intervals Halfdan field development, for instance, is a very illustrative
opened and 3 closed to avoid cross flows due to significant case where the waterflood technology adopted, a macro
reservoir pressure differences caused by depletion from offset aspect, determined that fracturing must be avoided11.
wells. In April 2006 the 3 SSs still closed were opened with Because the history of horizontal wells, the asset teams
difficulty due to the presence of proppant in the horizontal now face a scenario of selecting completion and stimulation
section. After one year on stream the oil rate stabilized in 150 techniques for new wells or searching for alternatives to
m3/d. In a recent post job study, production history match was stimulate horizontal wells already completed, often with an
only achieved assuming a vertical permeability in the order of inappropriate wellbore configuration. This process is based on
micro Darcy. This surprisingly small vertical permeability had the balance between investment, risks and possible rewards.
to be set to match the quite low water rate and to avoid coning The expected rewards are production anticipation and reserve
of water from the transition and water zones below. Thus, increase.
ignoring proppant flowback harms, the poorer than expected With regard to the type of treatment the usual stimulation
reservoir quality is the cause of the lower than anticipated options comprise matrix treatments, acid fracturing, hydraulic
production24. fracturing and mixed fracturing. The matrix treatments,
usually acid based, are pumped at rates below fracture closure
stress and are efficient only in near wellbore region
Methodology to Select Completion and Stimulation (penetration of inches to feet). These are damage removal
Techniques for Horizontal Wells treatments and not true stimulation. In acid fracturing, acid is
We focus here what most differ the process of selecting pumped at pressures above fracture closure stress, creating
completion and stimulation techniques for horizontal wells of penetrating fractures. This is true stimulation, potentially
the same process for vertical wells. Though unstimulated increasing production and effective drainage area. The main
horizontal wells have been very successful in naturally concerns about acid fracturing are the effective fracture
fractured reservoirs and in reservoirs with gas or water coning conductivity length and the stability of the etched width (Will
problems25 there were many cases of underachieving the fracture lose conductivity during production?). In propped
horizontal wells. The poor performance of a horizontal well hydraulic fracturing proppant laden fluid is pumped at
may be attributed to one or the combination of the following: pressures above fracture closure stress and at sufficient rates to
1. Reservoir rock quality poorer than anticipated; create the required geometry. The fluid leaks off and the
2. Unpredicted shale stringers or poor vertical permeability; fracture closes on proppant, creating a highly conductive flow
3. Poor positioning of the wellbore in the pay zone - large path. Although there are many issues that have to be properly
standoff from the center and/or missed producing zones in considered in hydraulic fracturing design and execution, this
some parts of the lateral; technique is more controllable than acid fracturing. Mixed
SPE 108075 7

fracturing is the association between propped and acid Summarizing, the methodology to select completion and
fracturing. The selection of fracturing type (acid, propped or stimulation techniques for horizontal wells comprise:
mixed) is based on specific laboratory analysis, used to 1. Adopt a macro view considering the field/area drainage;
estimate fracture geometry and conductivity along the 2. Teamwork is a must;
production time. In the absence of these and other reservoir 3. Although a short period may be used in the techniques
information it is necessary to assume certain parameters selection phase, the final design must consider the well life
values, increasing the process uncertainty. cycle;
Concerning fracturing design, following the usual approach in 4. Use a template interface between fracturing and reservoir
the last decades the stimulation engineer, using a fracturing simulators to perform multiple fractured horizontal wells
simulator, verify the technical viability, risks and costs of numerical modeling;
placing one or more fractures in a vertical well and represents 5. The well trajectory design must consider many reservoir
the benefits in terms of productivity index. The engineer can aspects and the balance between longitudinal and
then estimate post-fracture production via analytical methods transverse fractures;
such as nodal analysis software. General optimization 6. Provide specific laboratory analysis to support the
methodology steps are: selection of the stimulation type;
• Predict well performance for the base case (unfractured) 7. For each area/field develop an strategy for
and for different fracture lengths, conductivities and completion/stimulation and a decision analysis tree for
drainage areas; stimulation selection;
• Estimate treatment costs required to create the assumed 8. Post job evaluation, including production history match, is
fractures; very important for future treatments.
It should be mentioned that the suggested approach still has to
• Perform the economical evaluation based in indicators
overcome many controversial points. Real teamwork is still a
such as net present value (NPV), rate of return (ROR) or
challenge due to the different background and cultural aspects
net present value to investment ratio (NPV/IR);
of well engineering and reservoir engineering people. The
• Based on optimal economical indicators and practical
template interface between fracturing and reservoir simulators
considerations make the final decision.
is a recent tool. The general simulation process still require
The beauty of this process is simplicity and speed and it works
premises or provide results that seems to contradict the real
for vertical well in homogeneous reservoir. However,
analytical modeling provides poor production forecasting for
wells with complex trajectories and/or in heterogeneous
reservoirs. This happens because in general the analytical Completion/Stimulation Alternatives for Multiple
models do not take into account important parameters and Fractures in Horizontal Wells
effects such as reservoir layering and geometry, non-Darcy The type of completion determines the sort of treatments that
effects along the fracture, fracture conductivity variation along can be made and the productivity that can be realized. When
the time, multiphase flow, condensate banking and flow designing a new well or, which is better, several wells in a
convergence25,27,28. The problem is worse in horizontal wells project, there is a chance of selecting both the completions and
where modeling the vertical communication provided by the the stimulations that are optimum to that area or field. When
fractures is crucial28, and it is necessary to model several dealing with an existing well or group of wells the task of
discrete fractures in one well. An accurate modeling of a selecting the optimum stimulation for the existing completion
horizontal well with hydraulic fractures can be achieved with may be a huge challenge. The stimulation selection is very
numerical simulation, that permit detailed reservoir properties, dependent on the lower completion or formation completion,
layering, pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) properties, field that can be comprised of cemented liner, noncemented liner
geometry and well geometry to be built-in into the model. It is with annulus barrier tools, slotted or preperforated liner
then possible to model the fluid flow from the matrix to the without annulus barrier tool or simply openhole (barefoot).
fractures and along the fractures more realistically. However Thus, completion design is a fundamental step. The premise
until recently it was very complex to build the model using the that horizontal wells would not be stimulated supported the
numerical simulators available even without numerical adoption of openhole or uncemented liner (pre or post
diversion. To solve these problems, new numerical fracture perforated) as a structural reinforcement. Horizontal wells in
modeling software or templates were recently developed27,28. high permeability unconsolidated sandstone have been
Using these user-friendly interfaces between fracturing and completed with open hole gravel pack (OHGP). More than
reservoir simulators, multiple fractured horizontal wells can be 200 OHGP have been deployed in Campos Basin horizontal
modeled faster. It is also easy to change parameters and wells as of October 2006, as well as some stand alone and
regenerate the model permitting sensitivity analysis. expandable applications. In Brazilian carbonates reservoirs
A good example of stimulation study where there were neither slotted or perforated liner have been used like in many other
cores nor special logs available is the study for the 1-RJS- areas in the world.
512HA well in the Congro Field in Campos Basin20. The available stimulation techniques will be presented by the
A reference study on field scale, where all the phases and steps lower completion type in the next sections.
were carefully fulfilled, is the one carried out in 2003 for the
Valhall field15.
8 SPE 108075

New Completion in Cased and Cemented Well Following upper completion installation a coiled tubing
Cased and cemented wells provide the maximum freedom to conveyed tool is run in to open the SS of each stimulated
define and control stimulation (where the fractures will be interval.
placed and how large each fracture should be) and oil and A new system was developed specially for application on
water management. On the other hand this completion multiple fractured subsea horizontal cased and cemented wells
presents high costs, is very time consuming, and may also as well as multi-zone frac pack wells. Benefits of this system
limit the production due to the long blank sections and the are as follows:
possibility of cementing natural fractures and fissures29. In • Utilizes proven sleeve/shifting tool technology for
addition, later restimulations are not easy due to internal isolation;
diameter restrictions. In this kind of completion the • Utilizes screen designed for optimum production and
stimulation, in particular multiple fractures, can be staged, proppant flowback control;
simultaneously created or placed with alternative techniques. • All positions are mechanically identified and
Staged multiple fractures are those placed in a wellbore in hydraulically verified;
separate stages, or selectively. Since each treatment only • Design provides large and unrestricted ID normally equal
creates a single fracture, the fracture models and pressure to production tubing string.
analysis techniques are applicable, allowing on-site redesign. This system was first field tested for a multi-national
This enhances the chances of achieving the design objectives operator in Louisiana-USA in 2005, and it has been selected to
and reducing job failures. The first fracture treatment is carried be used for two multi-national operators in Indonesia. This is
out at the toe of the lateral, and the following treatments are an alternative that provides the ability to multi-frac a
placed sequentially in the heel direction. There are various horizontal cased well or frac pack multi-zone wells in a single
methods to carry on staged multiple fractures depending on trip, with complete zone isolation both before and after
the devices (bridge plug, composite plug, sand plug, chemical treatment and the ability to provide selective or commingled
packer) used to isolate each created fracture from the next one production.
and the type of intervention unit used (drilling rig, snubbing
unit, coiled tubing unit). Some information about these
methods was presented previously in this paper.
The more complete methods for staged fracturing are those
that provide selectivity both during treatments and production
such as the one introduced in the Dan field in 19891. This
system is comprised of two basic assemblies run into the well
all together. The permanent one is a downhole assembly,
consisted of sealing assembly, SSs and spacing tubing, for
isolating each interval after stimulation treatment (Fig. 4).

Figure 6 Comparison example chart showing operation hours required

for a conventional multi frac operation and the single trip system
Figure 4 Wellbore schematics with selective system –
removing proppant excess The maximum functionality may be achieved with
remotely controlled valves (intelligent or smart completion),
After removing the proppant excess, the sealing assembly that need to be developed for fracturing operations conditions.
is stabbed into a bridge plug (first fracture) or into the Sand jetting fracturing, although developed for
previous packer (second fracture onwards) and then the packer noncemented liners (see section on existing wells in
is set. The service assembly is retrieved from the permanent noncemented liner) can be applied in cemented liners for
assembly (lower completion) after setting the packer and then staged fracturing.
moved to the next perforating interval. After perforating it is
pulled out of the hole with the fired gun carrier1. An alternative method, Casing Conveyed Perforating
Technology, that fits the casing string with integral isolation
devices (such as flapper valves), perforating guns external to
the casing, and methods (such as external hydraulic control
lines) to actuate the equipment remotely, was introduced in
1999. Recently this technology has been successfully deployed
in horizontal completions in tight gas formation. As many as
thirteen discreet interval have been stimulated in a single
horizontal intervals, nearly 4,000 ft (1,219 m) long30.
However, there are geometric limitations and operational
Figure 5 Wellbore schematics with selective system - seven fractures
ready to open the sliding sleeves. issues to address for offshore horizontal well applications.
SPE 108075 9

When the staged multiple fractures are not justified, an done by sand jetting, limited entry, coiled tubing washing or
alternative is the simultaneous creation of the multiple bullheading.
fractures, what saves significant amount of completion cost. In 2002, an openhole completion with cased hole
The main drawback in this method is that the proppant may be functionalities for horizontal wells was introduced to the
placed in a few dominant fractures (due to variations in in-situ industry. The completion system enables multiple fractures of
stress and permeability), leaving the rest of intervals not an uncemented completion in one pumping treatment.
fractured or with much smaller fractures. Simultaneous Openhole packers are run on conventional casing to segment
creation of multiple fractures can be achieve with limited entry the reservoir and maximize reservoir drainage (Fig. 7).
technique or bullheading. Between each set of openhole packers are hydraulically
The limited entry technique, developed for vertical wells, activated SSs. During pumping, balls are dropped from surface
has also been used in horizontal wells for many years31. to shift each SS open and isolate previously fractured SSs.
Several cases of success have been presented in the literature. Following the pumping treatment, the well can be immediately
Zonal isolation (good cement) and perforation methods are cleaned up to minimize any damage from the fracturing fluid.
key for limited-entry fracturing success31. Acid soluble cement During cleanup of the well, the balls which shift the sleeves
also improved fracture effectiveness by reducing near- are collected at surface for disposal. A final feature is that the
wellbore effects32. Biodegradable ball sealers carried in acid sleeves can be shifted throughout the life of the well to aide in
spearhead may be used to breakdown the perforations. After reservoir management. Since 2002, this completion system has
ball sealers dissolution a step down test from the main been run in over 400 wells, both in land and offshore wells, in
treatment rate can allow the estimation of the number of a wide range of formations including sandstone, carbonate,
opened perforations33. However, this technique presents many shale, coal and chalk. The packers have been run to withstand
drawbacks that are exacerbated in horizontal wells, such as 8,000 psi differential pressure, been run in a well with BHST
high fluid friction along the horizontal section; high of 380 oF and in a variety of wellbore fluids including oil, gas,
perforation erosion; and large variation of stress and near- condensate, H2S and CO2 29.
wellbore effects along the horizontal section. Thus, there is a
significant chance that the majority of the proppant-laden
slurry may go into the perforation intervals near the heel,
while only a little amount reaches the toe section. In this case,
besides having poor or no fractures close to the toe, the
fractures close to the heel can be much bigger than designed,
wasting time and money and eventually hitting water or gas
A bullhead treatment is a very simple technique that can be
applied down production tubing or operational string. It is Figure 7 Noncemented liner with packers and fracports
difficult to predict where and how many fractures will be
created. The pad volume can be adjusted on site by usual In the future it may be possible to create several effective
minifrac pressure decline analysis which estimates the (optimum geometry and conductivity) transversal fractures in
nominal fluid efficiency. But this analysis is more difficult and noncemented completions. Then, as explained by
less reliable. Bullhead fracturing long horizontal perforated Surjaatmadja et al. the flow of fluids will be as follows36 (Fig.
intervals in Prudhoe Bay field, Alaska34 showed, both by 8).
pressure response and radioactive tracers, that only a few
fractures were propagated. However, these remedial fracture
treatments resulted in significant production increase, since the
wells contained formation damage or missed pay. Bullheading
can be assisted with diversion techniques such as sand slugs,
rock salt and fibers. Unfortunately these diversion methods
can bridge the annulus and cause premature screenout.

New Completion in Openhole or Noncemented Liner

Openhole or barefoot completion may be an option for some
scenarios. Some important parameters for selecting this kind Figure 8 Flow pattern in a preperforated liner completion
of completion are wellbore stability, geological properties, and (Surjaatmadja,, SPE 103774)
reservoir fluids control, as defined by hydraulic units and
permeability magnitudes and anisotropy35. The formation fluids near the wellbore between two
Noncemented liners, whether preperforated or slotted, provide contiguous fractures will flow straight into the wellbore (a).
some structural reinforcement, while maintaining the Far from the wellbore, the fluids flow is parallel with the face
advantage of large well exposure. In general these completions of the fracture (b). The flow follows a radial pattern through
designs offer limited flexibility in stimulation, remediation and the fracture, and as the radial fluid velocity (c) becomes high,
production control. Stimulations for either completion can be the pressure drop between position (d) and the wellbore also
10 SPE 108075

becomes high, which may cause fluids to reenter the formation Bullhead treatments have failed in most hydraulic fracturing in
(e) and from there, directly enter the perforated liner36. Thus this type of completion. The main cause of failures is
this type of completion would add the advantages of openhole excessive leak-off leading to insufficient fracture width and
completion with multitransversal fractures. consequent screen-out. Another cause of failure may be slurry
Sand jetting. fracturing could be used to create the dehydration in the slotted liner.
transversal fractures, adding vertical jetted holes to eliminate Sand jetting fracturing is a effective method to stimulate
or to reduce flow constriction in the wellbore connection. noncemented liner in various scenarios20-22, 38,39. This method
Jetted cavity length can exceed 1.52 m (5 ft), providing an is a combination of three distinct processes: i) cutting a slot
effective well diameter over 3.04 m (10 ft). This is and initiating a fracture with sand jetting, ii) fracturing (down
significantly greater than effective wellbore diameters the tubing), and iii) co-injection down the annulus. Rather than
achievable with regular perforations (about 8 in length, using mechanical sealing or chemical blocks, this method uses
generating 16 in effective wellbore diameter)36. the fluids own dynamic to divert the majority of the fluid flow
An even better improvement could be the use of dual into a specific point in the horizontal section. This method
fractures as proposed by the same authors36 (Fig. 9). allows the placement of several discrete fractures,
sequentially, from the toe to the heel of the horizontal section.
As many texts38,39 described the sand jetting fracturing process,
this paper will not discuss it in detail. It should be mentioned
that the method has limitations such as erosion of the jet
nozzles and tool body due to back splash, fracturing string
sticking and excessive loss of fracturing fluid when there is
high pressure differential between fractured intervals.

Key Aspects for Designing and Implementing

Horizontal Completion and Stimulation
Figure 9 Flow in a dual frac completion (Surjaatmadja,, SPE 103774) Amongst the many crucial aspects for design, deployment and
evaluation of horizontal completion and stimulation are:
This completion would have a more simple flow pattern 1. In situ stresses, well placement and the choice of the
due to the second fracture. The possibility of fracture creation of transversal or longitudinal fractures;
redirection allowing the creation of a longitudinal fracture 2. Determination of fracture orientation;
after the transversal fracture, has long been recognized37. 3. Treatment type selection;
Some questions have to be answered such as how much time 4. Horizontal section cement execution and evaluation;
is allowed between the creation of the two fractures before the 5. Definition of the number of fractures and their
relaxation of the rock eliminates the redirection effect. characteristics;
6. Perforating design;
Existing Completion in Cased and Cemented Well 7. Proppant flow back control;
8. Calibration tests to optimize the pad and propped laden
Some wells that were cased and cemented and completed fluid volumes;
without considering the necessity of stimulation can, soon or 9. Procedures to opening up the well;
later, require stimulation due to poor well performance. The 10. Fracturing monitoring;
difficulty in creating multiple fractures in these wells is 11. Evaluation of each fracture.
aggravated in cases of long perforated intervals not adequately
separated from each other. The following techniques can be The in situ stresses and the well placement define whether
used: bullhead treatment, sand jetting stimulation, multiple the fractures will be transversal or longitudinal (Fig. 10).
alternating treatment stages. Bullheading was presented in a Transverse fractures are created when the wellbore is
previous section. Sand jetting fracturing although developed oriented perpendicular to the fracture plane (±15º).
for noncemented wells can be used for cased and cemented Longitudinal fractures result when the wellbore is parallel to
wells (see next section). the fracture plane (±15º)25. When the horizontal section axis is
not aligned with the fracture propagation plane the fracture
Existing completion in openhole or noncemented liner will experience a reorientation from the wellbore to this plane,
These are perhaps the most difficult completions for fracture what can raise near-wellbore issues25,40. Thus, it is essential to
stimulation treatments, since any weak planes such as natural know the in situ stresses and the direction of fracture
fractures, faults and joints can be fracture initiation sites. propagation and to make the best effort to align the horizontal
Furthermore, a slotted or preperforated liner prevents section with one of the principal horizontal stresses. It is not
mechanical isolation through packers and bridge plugs. To always possible because the macro aspects of reservoir
stimulate this type of completion one can use a bullhead drainage come first, when defining well placement orientation.
treatment or a sand jetting. stimulation. To facilitate fracture While an undamaged horizontal well provides a nearly
initiation one can use perforating, breakdown with straddle infinitely conductive path in the reservoir along the wellbore
packers, propellant fracturing and notching with a sand jet. direction, the transverse fracture enhances the flow in the other
direction. Thus, transverse fractures drain a larger section of
SPE 108075 11

the reservoir and have the potential for attaining even higher There were some special cases where hydraulic fractures
productivity than longitudinal fractures. Many cases histories previously created were intercepted by new wells or by
have shown the good results of transverse fractures20-22,38,39. hydraulic fracturing a nearby well. These are rare
On the other hand transverse fractures may present more opportunities to check the methods used for fracture direction
difficult for proppant placement, and as they only connect the prediction and to estimate fracture geometry. In the Dan field ,
wellbore at one point, flow convergence may raise some in March 1990 a massive propped hydraulic fracture
issues. These issues are more relevant in high rate wells, restimulation performed in a well intercepted a nearby well.
formations that produce both liquid and gas, what can cause Thus it was possible to determine exactly the direction of this
non-Darcy and convergence effects, and in formations where particular fracture: 5ºNNW3. In 1996 a new producer
creating transverse fractures can be difficult due to near- intercepted the fracture created by an injector well which was
wellbore tortuosity. injecting above fracture propagation pressure for 6 months6. In
A study indicated that a high-conductivity proppant could be Halfdan a design well was used to confirm the propagation
placed in the fracture to help overcome the additional pressure direction of a previously created fracture in a nearby well11.
drop caused by fluid convergence at the borehole. Also, to Images from infill horizontal wells can also identify hydraulic
really make a difference, the fracture must have an fractures previously created in offset wells43.
adimensional conductivity (Cfd) of at least 525 For offshore wells most of the methods are very expensive
A longitudinal fracture across a horizontal wellbore behaves and time consuming. This aspect associated with the
similarly to its vertical well counterpart, with one great verification that pressure depletion and other artifacts affect
difference: the horizontal well is usually long and the fracture the fracture orientation along a horizontal section, make this
height is usually short. Thus, a longitudinal fracture is subject a controversial one. Should one rely on broad
generally not effective for increasing the drainage area, but to geological analysis? Is it worth to invest in direct check with a
anticipate the production. It does provide a conductive path to design well, for instance? Can resistivity image logs while
the wellbore in the vertical direction, which is mostly useful in drilling the horizontal provide all the necessary information?
a laminated formation with very low vertical permeability. Selection of the treatment type focusing on true stimulation
Thus, in general the transverse fractures are preferred includes acid fracturing, hydraulic (propped) fracturing and
whenever possible, considering the fractures creation process mixed fracturing (acid plus proppant). As mentioned before
and the productivity and reserve increase benefits. the selection of the optimum treatment is based on specific
laboratory analysis used to estimate fracture geometry and
σv σhma conductivity along the production time. Experience in the area
and practical aspects are also important.
Horizontal section cementation – for a cemented horizontal
longitudinal well that will be stimulated a good quality cement sheath is very
important. Higher stress levels at perforations, and multiple high
pressures cycles during fracturing impose tremendous stresses
on cement sheaths. The fracturing fluid during early stages may
cleanup cement channels, allowing proppant placement along
these channels. There was a case where proppant traveled
around 100 feet behind the casing, re-entering the casing, and
damaging the work string9. Low quality cement may add
tortuosity, which can increase the treatment pressures and can
cause premature screen-out. It can also compromise zonal
isolation, and, in more adverse situations, damage the fracturing
Figure 10 Transverse and longitudinal fractures string. Acid treatments can percolate through even small
Fracture orientation can be identified by regional fault channels. Some keys aspects to cementing horizontal wells are:
analysis, using logs (sonic, resistivity images), oriented cores good mud rheology and drilling practices; good mud removal,
associated with other measurements (microfrac, anelastic dependent upon circulation, centralization, liner movement and
strain recovery, Kaiser effect), downhole extensometer and effective spacers and washers; good liner centralization and
nearby wells observation (tiltmeters or microseism consistent cement properties, in particular no sedimentation, no
instruments)41. In deepwater subsea wells offshore Brazil all free water, minimal fluid loss and low gel strength. Field
these methods, except tiltmeters and microseismic, have been experience has shown that it has been very difficult to achieve
used 20,23,42 cement isolation in horizontal sections. A promising solution is
The detection of the fracture orientation from cores the acid soluble system (ASC), which can provide conditions
samples is sometimes difficult. The type of the rock, retrieval similar to openhole in the perforating interval region by using an
problems, and the fact that the associated measurements acid pre-flushing. A recent case study revealed improved
(microfrac, anelastic strain recovery) is done in a vertical fracture initiation conditions, while maintaining zonal isolation
section of the wellbore that is offset from the proposed when applying this new solution44.
horizontal section, can lead to uncertainties in determining the It has also been difficult to evaluate the cement isolation even
true directions of the horizontal stresses. Logs methods require using a full set of sonic and ultrasonic tools. It is an area of
lab and field calibration for adequate accuracy. insufficient knowledge and/or communication.
12 SPE 108075

The number of created fractures and their characteristics perforation with 360º coverage may be considered for
should be defined, as mentioned before, using a fracture production reasons46. Some engineers prefer 60º phasing when
simulator, a template interface and a reservoir simulator, that they don’t know the fracture propagation direction. The
allow an accurate and fast modeling of the effects of multiple perforated interval may be longer (a few meters). It is
fractures on a horizontal well productivity and long term recommended to design for several separate longitudinal
production27,28. Fracturing simulators are used to define fractures because it is not practical to obtain an entire
fracture length, height, width and agressivity of net pressure horizontal perforated well exactly in the direction of the
gain. The known relationship CfD=kfw/kx denotes that, to maximum horizontal stress. The perforation cluster distance or
increase the dimensionless fracture conductivity CfD, it is fracture spacing has a minimum to avoid the stress shadow
required to increase the kfw product41. To achieve high kfw in phenomenon. Roughly this minimum is the previous fracture
medium to soft formations one should adopt the TSO (Tip height.
Screen Out) technique. It should be mentioned that in Sand jetting may be an alternative for perforating. It has
fracturing deviated or horizontal wells, the width at the the potential for deep penetration and to cut a hole the full
borehole entrance might not enlarge after initiation40. 360º of the wellbore circumference, which may be necessary
The template interface into the fracture simulator exports a to surpass the stress concentration area around the wellbore.
refined grid with the selected parameter to represent fracture Proppant flow back can be a major problem over the life
productivity gain to the reservoir simulator. This is used to of a fractured horizontal well. Any proppant production
calculate the predicted the long term production for each becomes a problem because there is no rat hole in which it can
number of fractures and their characteristics. fall. There are many methods of proppant flow-back control
Perforating for fracturing design presents different such as: proppant consolidation, proppant tacking agents,
requirements than perforating for production. This is deformable proppants, micro-fibers, heat-sensitive plastic film,
particularly important in horizontal/deviated wells, in which forced fracture closure47. What has been most used in low
the connection between perforations and fracture may be permeability carbonates is: resin-coated proppant (stress
limited. Several parameters such as wellbore inclination, bonding or bonding to stress type), forced fracture closure and
wellbore orientation relative to the fracture propagation plane, very careful bean-ups. According to the production platform
formation hardness, proppant size and loading are very engineers proppant flow is still common, so the proppant flow
important. The design should use computer simulation with back control methods are still being optimized.
parameters input at downhole conditions and performance data
Calibration tests to optimize the pad and propped
based on API RP 19B. Improper perforations may cause high
laden fluid volumes, the combination of G-function and
pressures in the treatment, premature screenouts and/or
square root time pressure decline analyses of both injectivity
hamper production due to choke effect in the wellbore-fracture
test, and minifrac, have resulted in a much more reliable and
interface. In horizontal/deviated wells there is a tendency to
consistent interpretation of fracture closure pressure. The
initiate an axial fracture that soon switches to following the far
application of G-function and G dP/dG derivative analysis of
field stresses. El-Rabaa studied this problem and concluded
minifrac data can aid in the identification of pressure
that to prevent the creation of axial fractures, the perforated
dependent leakoff, thus providing an indication of potential
interval should not exceed four times the diameter of the
fracture treatment problems. It should be mentioned that G-
wellbore40. For an 8.50 in. wellbore it means 34 in. (0.86 m).
Function analysis is based on 2D models, which according to
To avoid multiple fractures it is better not to exceed two times
some engineers is an important drawback. The application of
this diameter. While in some low permeability carbonates this
step down test analysis is very useful in identifying near
criterion has been relaxed a little (perforated lengths from 1 m
wellbore tortuosity, and in defining the deployment of
to 2 m) 40, a recent study on tight formation confirmed the
proppant slugs5,12,14.
importance of not exceeding the four times wellbore diameter
Procedures to production management of a fractured
criterion 44.
horizontal well must be written and rigorously followed since
The perforation density should be high, which for oriented
the cleanup of fracturing fluids through all its producing life.
perforating may require reperforating about the same interval
The cleanup process in offshore wells is often carried out
with a small depth difference . An experimental study showed
some time after the conclusion of the stimulation/completion.
that at least for low permeability rock and high injection rate,
It may take months in some cases. So, the first well unloading
the maximum perforation spacing in a row (180º phasing)
is an important moment in the project life where the
should not exceed 4 times the perforation diameter. This way
multidisciplinary approach may be broken. Bean up
fractures initiated at the perforations link up, regardless of
procedures, including samples collection, must be rigorously
wellbore inclination45. The perforation diameter should be 8 to
applied. This is very important to manage stimulation
10 times (minimum of 6) the mean proppant diameter.
evaluation, proppant flow back, fines migration and other
For transverse fractures, phasing should cover the full
issues, mainly in well with transverse fractures. As previously
360º of the wellbore circumference.
mentioned, Valhall wells were drawn down quickly initially,
For longitudinal fractures it is recommended to perforate
then slowed down and then finally opened slowly to peak
only the high and low sides of the wellbore (oriented 180º
production17. Frequent shutdowns are a problem in offshore
phasing), with high density46. It is based on many experiments
wells demanding frequent restarts. These restarts are more
that showed that fracture initiated at the high and low sides of
problematic in deep water wells due to the conflict between
the wellbore, wherever overburden stress was greater than the
slow rate bean up, to minimize shocks on the completion, and
other stresses (> 99% of wells). After the stimulation, an extra
SPE 108075 13

the risk of hydrate formation or organic scale deposition. It preperforated liner without annulus barrier tool and openhole
also should be mentioned that the operator’s production were reviewed;
sections should maintain the internal stimulation experts and 5. The paper also summarized the key aspects for designing,
the external partners informed of the well production history. implementing, and evaluating horizontal completion and
This would be very important for the evaluation of the stimulation;
methods applied and their evolution. It can be said that, 6. Some controversial or unsatisfactorily solved issues were
unfortunately, it is still a controversial point. raised, which optimization can result in signifcant gains;
7. It was verified that there are many promising scenarios for
Fracture monitoring has experienced a significant
horizontal completion and stimulation in Brazil and other
evolution. Real time monitoring through live feed satellite
Latin America countries;
communication allows the consultation of experts real-time.
8. It was also verified that personnel shortages and long
Besides monitoring parameters such as rates, volumes,
delivery times for equipments are important issues in
pressures, proppant loading and chemical concentrations some
implementing horizontal completion and stimulation in Latin
of them both on the surface and downhole, engineers now
have resources such as tiltmeters, microseismic and various
wirelines tools48-51.
The evaluation of each fracture should ideally be done The authors thank Petróleo Brasileiro S/A, Halliburton
selectively. There are several methods to achieve that. Energy Services, Schlumberger and BJ Services for their
However, in the offshore environment, particularly in support and permission to publish this paper. Special thanks
deepwater, it is a cost prohibitive approach. One given go to Marcos Antonio Rosolen and Paulo Dore Fernandes
solution is to tag all individual stages of each fracture with oil from Petróleo Brasileiro S/A, Anthony Neil Martin and
and/or water-soluble tracers. Both types of tracers are Frederico Carvalho from BJ Service and Steve Deyo from
relatively inert, stable at reservoir conditions, and can be Schlumberger for manuscript revision.
analyzed to very low parts per billion levels. Once the well is
on production, collected water and oil samples can be Nomenclature
analyzed for presence of both tracers. API = American Petroleum Institute
Scenarios for horizontal completion and stimulation API RP = API recommended practice
in Brazil and other Latin America countries BHN = Brinell hardness number
Information obtained in the industry events allows one BHST = bottom hole static temperature
perceive that there are a lot of opportunities for horizontal well GOR = gas oil rate
completion and stimulation in several countries in Latin MD = measured depth
America. In Brazil one can say that there is a new phase of OOIP = original oil in place
renewed interest in low permeability carbonates and other SS = sliding sleeve
scenarios for horizontal completion and stimulation. This STB = stock tank barrel
includes a broad program of carbonate revitalization in the TVT = total vertical depth
mature areas of Campos Basin. A pilot project in the Bonito 4D = four dimensions
field was in the drilling phase on February 2007. Two projects
were on technical and economical evaluation in the Congro References
and Cherne fields. New finds in Santos and Campos Basin 1. A.P Damgaard, D.S. Bangert, D.J. Murray, R.P. Rubbo e G.W.
Stout, A Unique Method for Completing Horizontal Wells, SPE
opened opportunities for horizontal completion and
19282, February 1992.
stimulation in oil and gas reservoirs.
Regarding the resources required to face the challenges 2. Owens, K.A. et al.: “Practical Considerations of Horizontal Well
Fracturing in the ‘Danish Chalk’,” SPE 25058, SPE European
raised by the new opportunities in Latin America, it can be Petroleum Conference, Cannes, France, 16–18 November, 1992.
said that the operators and their partners are ready to provide 3. Weijers, L., De Pater, C.J., Owens, K.A., Kogsbøll, H.H.:
them. It should be mentioned that there is a personnel shortage “Geometry of Hydraulic Fractures Induced from Horizontal
and the delivery times are long for materials and equipments. Wellbores,” paper SPE 25049, SPE Production & Facilities, May
Thus, project coordinators must be aware of these difficulties 1994
and take actions to overcome them. 4. Larsen F.P., Cowie, D.R., Ovens, J.V.: ”Using 4000 ft Long
Induced Fractures to Water Flood the Dan Field,”paper SPE
Conclusions and recommendations. 38558, presented at the 1997 Offshore Europe Conference, held
1. Many discoveries and technological innovations in in Aberdeen, Scotland, 9-12 September.
completion and stimulation of North Sea low-permeability 5. Ovens, J.E.V., Larsen, F.P., Cowie, D.R.: “Making Sense of
carbonates were presented; Water Injection Fractures in the Dan Field,” papers SPE 52669
2. The first applications of horizontal stimulation methods in presented at the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
subsea wells of Campos basin were presented. Exhibition, held in San Antonio, Texas, 5-8 October.
6. Hansen, J.H., Nederveen, N.: “Controlled Acid Jet (CAJ)
3. The paper presented some considerations on the
Technique for Effective Single Operation Stimulation of 14,000+
methodology to select completion and stimulation techniques ft Long Reservoir Sections”, paper SPE 78318, presented at the
for horizontal wells; SPE European Petroleum Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, 29–31
4. Completion and stimulation methods for cemented liner, October, 2002.
noncemented liner with annulus barrier tools, slotted or
14 SPE 108075

7. Kogsboll, H.H., Pitts, M.J., and Owens, K.A., “Effects of Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., 9-
Tortuosity inf Fracture Stimulation of Horizontal Wells – A Case 12 October 2005.
Study of the Dan Field”, SPE 26796, Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, 21. Surjaatmadja, J.B. et al: “Selective Placement of Fractures in
Scotland, 7-10 September, 1993. Horizontal Wells in Offshore Brazil Demonstrates Effectiveness
8. Jacobsen, N.L., Engstrøm, F., Uldall, A., Petersen, N.W.: of Hydrajet Stimulation Process,” paper SPE 90056 presented at
“Delineation of Hydrodynamic/Geodynamic Trapped Oil in Low the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Permeabiliy Chalk,” paper SPE 56514 presented at ,1999. Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 26-29 September 2004.
9. Albrechtsen, T.; Andersen, S.J.; Dons, T.; Engstron, F.; 22. Rodrigues, V.F., Neumann, L.F., Rosolen, M.A., Fernandes,
Jorgensen, O. and Sorensen, F.W.: “Halfdan: Developing Non- P.D., Lima, C., Surjaatmadja, J.B., Gonzalez, C.M., Carneiro, F.:
Structurally Trapped Oil in North Sea Chalk”, paper SPE 71322 “First Implementation of Hydrajet Fracture Acidizing in
presented at 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Deepwater Offshore Brazil Fields,” paper SPE 94706 presented
Exhibition, New Orleans, Lousiana, 30 September-3 October at the SPE European Formation Damage Conference held in
2001. Scheveningen, The Netherlands, 25-27 May 2005.
10. Jorgensen Ole: “Using Flow Induced Stresses for Steering of 23. Neumann, L.F., Fernandes, P.D., Rosolen, M.A., Rodrigues,
Injection Fractures”, paper SPE/ISRM 78220, presented at the V.F., Silva Neto, J.A., Pedroso, C.A., Mendez, A., Torres, S.A.,
SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics Conference, Irving, Texas, 20-23 “Case Study of Multiple Hydraulic Fracture Completion in a
October 2002. Subsea Well, Campos Basin, paper SPE 98277, apresentado no
11. Rod, M.H. and Jorgensen O.: “Injection Fracturing in a Densely 2005 SPE International Symposium ande Exhibition on
Spaced Line Drive Waterflood – The Halfdan Example”, paper Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, LA, 15-17 February 2006.
SPE 94049 presented at the SPE Europe/EAGE Annual 24. Pinnacle Technologies Inc.: “Post Job Evaluation of the 7-EN-
Conference, Madrid, Spain, 13-16 June 2005. 52H-RJS Enchova Field, Offshore Brazil, report prepared for
12. Cipolla, C.L., Berntsen, B.A., Moos, H., Ginty, W.R., Jensen, L.: Petroleo Brasileiro SA, January, 2006.
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presented at the 2000 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Kuala lumpur,
and Exhibition held in Brisbane, Australia, 16-18 October 2000. Malaysia, April 14-16, 1997
13. Cipolla, C.L., Hansen, K. K. and Ginty, W.R.,”Fracture 26. Soliman, M.Y., Hunt, J.L., Azari, J.: “Fracturing Horizontal
Treatment Design and Execution in Low Porosity Chalk Wells in Gas Reservoirs,” paper SPE 59096, SPE Prod. &
Reservoirs”, SPE 86485, 2004 SPE International Symposium Facilities 14 (4), November 1990.
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USA, 18-20 February 2004. Multiple Fractures in Horizontal Wells, paper SPE 99575,
14. Norris, M.R., Bermtsen, B.A., Myhre, P., Winters, W.J.: Multiple presented at the SPE Europe/EAGE Annual Conference and
Proppant Fracturing of a Horizontal Wellbore: an integration of Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, 12-15 June 2006.
two technologies”, paper SPE 36899 presented at the 1996 SPE 28. Shaoul, J.R., Behr, A., Mtshedlishvili, G.: “Developing a Tool for
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15. Karen E. Olson, Eivind Olsen, Sami Haida, Alexandre Boulatsel, Technology Conference, Doha, Qatar, 21-23 November 2005.
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Optimization, paper SPE 84392 presented at SPE Annual 103046 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and
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16. Norris, M.R., Bernsten, B.A., Skartveit, L., and Teesdale, C., Perforating Provides Optimal Treatment Coverage in Horizontal
“Multiple Proppant Fracturing of Horizontal Wellbores in a Pay,” paper SPE 97175 presented at the 2005 SPE Annual
Chalk Formation: Evolving the Process in the Valhall Field,” SPE Technical Conference and Exhibition, 9-12 October, Dallas,
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17. Olav Barkved, Pete Heavey, Roar Kjelstadli, SPE, Tore Kleppan, Frac Applications on Long Intervals of Highly or Horizontal
and Tron Golder Kristiansen, Valhall Field – Still on Plateau after Wells,” paper SPE 56780 presented at the 1999 SPE Annual
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the Offshore Europe 2003, Aberdeen, UL, 2-5 September 2003. 32. Roudakov, V., Rohwer, C.: “Successful Hydraulic Fracturing
18. Martinsen, R., Kjelstadli, R.M., Ross, C., Rostad, H.: ”The Techniques in Horzontal Wells for Sandstone Formations in the
Valhall Waterflood Evaluation: A Decision Analysisi Case Permian Basin,” paper SPE 102370 presented at the 2006 SPE
Study,”, paper SPE 38926 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Russian Oil and Gas Technical Conference and Exhibition held in
Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 5-8 Moscow, Russia, 3-6 October 2006
October 1997. 33. Jennings Jr., A.R., Westerman, C.W., Taklock, D.E., Anderson,
19. Cook, C.C., Brekke, K.: “Productivity Preservation Through M.: “ A Systematic Approach to Improved Success With
Hydraulic Propped Fractures in the Eldfisk North Sea Chalk Hydraulic Fracturing Applications,” paper SPE 101837 presented
Field”, paper SPE 73725 presented at the 2002 SPE International at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in
Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage, Lafayette, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 24-27 September 2006.
Louisiana, 20-21 February 2002. Reedited as SPE 88031. 34. Sanders, G.S., Weng, X., Ferguson, K.R.: “Horizontal Well
20. Surjaatmadja, J.B., Gonzales, C.M., Rodrigues, V.F., Neumann, Fracture Stimulation Experience in Prudhoe Bay, “ paper SPE
L.F., Rosolen, M.A., Fernandes, P.D., Lima, C., Costa, M.G.F., 38607 presented at the Annual Technical Conference and
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SPE 108075 15

97121 presented at the 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference 45. Van de Ketterij, R.G., de Paater, C.J.: “Impact of Perforations on
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Cancun, Mexico, 31 August-2 September 2006. 47. Daneshy, A.: “Proppant Distribution and Flowback in Off-
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38. McDaniel, B.W., East, L., and Hazzard, V.: “Overview of Houston, 26-29 September
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the 2002 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Fracture and Production Analysis With Well Interference data to
Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia, 8-10 October. Optimize Fracture Treatments in the Overton Field, East Texas”,
39. Surjaatmadja, J.B. et al: “Effective Stimulation of Multilateral paper SPE 95508 presented at the 2005 SPE Annual Technical
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Controlled Individual Placement of Numerous Hydraulic 2005.
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41. Economides, M.J. and Nolte, K.G.: Reservoir Stimulation, Third Gaucher, E.: “Permanent Microseismic Monitoring System in a
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42. De Lima, B.B., Viana, R.: “Application of Multiple Techniques Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas,
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44. Ketter, A.A., Daniels, J.L., Heinze, J.R., Waters, G.: “A Field
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U.S.A., 24-27 September 2006.

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