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IBM Storage Insights and Insights Pro Level 2 Quiz

You must receive a score of 75% or higher on the quiz to complete the course.

Started on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 7:01 AM

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Completed on Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 7:42 AM
Time taken 41 mins 27 secs
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Question 1
Points out of 1.00

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How can Storage Insights help a client to create custom reports?

Question 1 Answer
Built in Cognos report library with 32 pre-defined templates.
REST API reporting.
IBM reporting wizard.
Built in report library with 32 pre-defined templates.

Question 2

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A client wants to limit access to their network operations team and ensure they have
view only access. Which role would they assign?
Question 2 Answer
View only role.
Operations role.
Subscription role.
License role.

Question 3

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When creating a report in Storage Insights, which is the default used to schedule a
report for delivery?
Question 3 Answer
Run once a day.
Run immediately.
Run once a week.
Run once a month.

Question 4

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Looking at the Operations dashboard you notice an inconsistency in the number of drives
displayed under the component data. How could the storage administrator
Question 4 Answer
Storage Insights only captures telemetry and meta data.
Storage Insights data is encrypted in flight and at rest.
Storage Insights is a read only.
Storage Insights communicates one way out bound only.

Question 5

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A client with IBM Storage Flash Systems is interested in deploying Storage Insights but
will not install a data collector for security reasons. How can you resolve this problem?
Question 5 Answer
IBM Storage Flash Systems send data automatically to IBM.
IBM Storage Flash Systems do not require a data collector.
IBM Storage Flash Systems encrypts all data sent to IBM.
IBM Storage Flash Systems only captures telemetry and meta data.

Question 6

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After learning about a performance problem with a mission critical application, the
storage administrator wants to investigate to confirm if this is a problem or a change in
workload. Which dashboard would the administrator use?
Question 6 Answer
Alert dashboard.
Operations dashboard.
Network operations dashboard.
Advisor dashboard.

Question 7

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A client is using Storage Insights to understand if storage consumption is meeting the

expected projections. Which column could the storage administrator look at to
determine the current growth rate?
Question 7 Answer
Recent utilization rate.
Recent growth rate.
Recent allocation rate.
Recent compression rate.

Question 8

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Creating and managing alerts for a large environment can be time consuming. How are alerts
managed within Storage Insights?
Question 8 Answer
A DR volume will never IO but you would not want to reclaim them.
A DR volume may not have current IO but you would not want to reclaim them.
To ensure the DR volumes are no longer in use.
To ensure you are only cleaning up DR volumes.

Question 9

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Working with IBM support the client has been asked to grant support permission to
capture logs on their behalf. How would you address the clients concern with granting
support access to capture logs?
Question 9 Answer
This gives support access to the storage array to capture telemetry and meta data only.
This gives support access to put a request on the queue which is processed by the data
collector or storage device call home.
This gives support access to collect performance level data.
This gives support access to collect data from all monitored devices.

Question 10

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Creating and managing alerts for a large environment can be time consuming. How are
alerts managed within Storage Insights?
Question 10 Answer
By policy.
By alert type.
By device type.
By machine type.

Question 11

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A client is using Storage Insights to determine if there is any unused capacity to be

reclaimed. How can Storage Insights identify used capacity?
Question 11 Answer
Volume used capacity report.
Volumes not mapped to a host report.
Volume utilization report.
Volume reclamation panel.

Question 12
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A client is interested to free up wasted space and looking at the volume reclamation
report. They are aware of volumes in the report which cannot be reclaimed, how can
these volumes be removed from the report?
Question 12 Answer
Move them to the DR list.
Move them to the exclude list.
Delete them from the list.
Move them to the unreclaimable list.

Question 13

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How often is performance level data captured?

Question 13 Answer
Every 1 minutes.
Every 15 minutes.
Every 5 minutes.
Every 10 minutes.

Question 14

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A storage administrator using the reclamation report has recovered a lot of wasted
capacity across all tiers of storage in the environment. How can the storage
administrator show the savings value to the business?
Question 14 Answer
By assigning an aggregated price per TiB or by tier to the free capacity available.
By assigning an aggregated price per TiB for all storage.
By assigning an aggregated price per TiB or by tier to the reclamation report.
By assigning an aggregated price per TiB for all storage pools.
Question 15

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A client has strict requirements for retaining performance data. What is the maximum
amount of performance data Storage Insights can retain and report on?
Question 15 Answer
156 weeks.
52 weeks.
104 weeks.
26 weeks.

Question 16

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Working on a performance problem for a mission critical application the storage

administrator has determined the cause is not storage. Where would the administrator
look next to track the flow of data across the infrastructure?
Question 16 Answer
Internal resources.
Related resources.
Infrastructure resources.
Connected resources.

Question 17

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A client is interesting getting started with Storage Insights alerting. Where in Storage
Insights would the client find best practice recommendations?
Question 17 Answer
Operations alert policy.
Advisor alert policy.
Custom alert policy.
Default alert policy.

Question 18

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A client is interested in Storage Insights and request a quote. How is Storage Insights
Question 18 Answer
By effective TiB.
By usable TiB.
By written TiB.
By usable written TiB.

Question 19

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Question text

A health care client is concerned about maintaining security with personal sensitive
information. How can you resolve the client’s concern?
Question 19 Answer
Storage Insights only captures telemetry and meta data.
Storage Insights data is read only.
Storage Insights is HIPPA and Blue Diamond compliant.
Storage insights data is encrypted in flight and at rest.

Question 20

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A health care client is required to maintain performance data for historical trending in
analysis up to 1 year. At one year which data resolution would be used by Storage
Question 20 Answer
Weekly interval.
Daily interval.
Hourly interval.
Sample interval.

Question 21

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Question text

Looking at the Operations dashboard you notice an inconsistency in the number of

drives displayed under the component data. How could the storage administrator correct
the problem the problem?
Question 21 Answer
Run a performance collection.
Run a probe collection.
Restart Storage Insights.
Restart the data collector.

Question 22

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A storage administrator is concerned with granting access to anyone outside of their

company for Storage Insights. How can you address the administrators concern?
Question 22 Answer
Granting access does not give permission to connect to the client’s network. They can
however connect to the storage devices with read only rights.
Granting access gives permission to connect to the client’s network but with read only
access rights.
Granting access gives permission to connect to the client’s network but only to view
telemetry and meta data with a web browser.
Granting access does not give permission to connect to the clients network. It grants
permission to view the telemetry and meta data sent back to IBM with a web browser.

Question 23

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A client is interest in learning more about best practice recommendations made by

Storage Insights. Which dashboard displays the best practice information?
Question 23 Answer
Network operations dashboard.
Operatons dashboard.
Advisor dashboard.
Notification dashboard.

Question 24

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A storage administrator is identified a problem at the storage level and needs to

investigate further. Drilled in look at the device where would the administrator look to
determine the root cause?
Question 24 Answer
Internal resources.
Interrelated resources.
Component resources.
Related resources.

Question 25

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Question text

A client is interested in understanding any performance or service level agreement

violations that may be impacting the business. Which dashboard would the client
Question 25 Answer
Advisor dashboard.
Alerts dashboard.
Operations dashboard.
Notifications dashboard.

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