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Struggling with commitments, savage and independent

Zehannah Sevil is ready to be single for the rest of
her life. But as she continuously crosses paths with
cheeky Reigo Vasquez, she suddenly finds herself
breaking all her rules.
Repeatedly left behind by her ex-boyfriends, Zehannah
Sevil promises to protect her heart at all costs. She
doesn't believe in marriage and is okay with being
alone until Reigo Vasquez comes rushing back into her
life. Despite being cheated on by his exes multiple
times, Reigo is still willing to risk it all for
Zehannah. She is different from other girls, and he
can't seem to get her off his mind. As they find
solace in each other's arms, they unknowingly fall
deeper than what they have expected. Determined to
make their relationship work, can Reigo manage to
change Zehannah's beliefs in love? G
Disclaimer: This story is written in Taglish.
Cover Design by Regina Dionela
IN SOME random high-end café, Reigo was sitting at a
table for two with his eight months girlfriend—now
soon-to-be ex-girlfriend—and listening to her talk
about the things she hated about him and the reason
she wanted to end their relationship.
"Hindi ko lang nararamdaman na mahal mo talaga ako.
Palagi ka na lang busy sa trabaho. Ni hindi ka
makapag-text sa 'kin ng 'good morning' o kaya naman
'good night'. As your girlfriend, I am ashamed to tell
my friends that you don't have time for me. All you do
is work and you can't even take me on vacations like
my friends' boyfriends. I mean, you're Reigo Vasquez,
but you gave me a locally-made bag when you can afford
a branded one and I feel ashamed to show it to my
friends! They always think that you don't love me
enough because of your lackluster gifts! I just feel
like we're not meant to be, Reigo. Please, understand
Reigo didn't even blink. Sanay na siyang naririnig ang
mga salitang binitiwan ni Shania. 'Yon ang palagi
niyang naririnig na rason sa mga naging girlfriend
He was so used to it. It didn't bother him anymore,
and he went straight to the point. "Why don't you just
admit to me that you found someone else and that
you're cheating on me?"
Shania's went pale, and it took her a couple of
seconds before she could pull herself together and try
to reply as sophisticatedly as possible. "I don't know
what you're talking about. Gumagawa ka lang ng kung
ano-anong kuwento sa 'kin para sa 'kin mo ibunton ang
sisi ng paghihiwalay natin. You're just trying to
destroy my name—"
With a bored sigh, Reigo placed his phone on the table
in front of Shania to show her his proof. "I'm working
so I have little time for you, but that does not give
you the right to cheat on me. Gaano ba kahirap sabihin
sa 'kin na 'break na tayo'? It's not like I will
From pale of worry to red of anger, that was the
change that happened on Shania's face. "Roman is good
to me! And you're not there when I needed you the
"And when was this?" Reigo replied indifferently.
Shania glared at Reigo. "When you were busy."
"You could've called me and told me you need me."
"I did!"
"When?" Reigo's voice had become interrogative. "I
still have my call logs."
It infuriated Shania. "Fuck you!"
Reigo looked at Shania, uninterested. "Shouldn't I be
saying that to you? You're the one who cheated."
"I did that because of you...!" Shania shouted and
everyone in the café was eavesdropping while trying
not to look at their table. "Kung binigyan mo lang ako
ng oras, e 'di sana hindi ko 'yon nagawa!"
Reigo was as calm as ever. "Bakit ako ang sinisisi mo
sa ginawa mo? It was your choice."
Reigo's eyebrows rose and indifferently asked. "Should
I call you a bitch, then?"
Nanlilisik ang matang umangat ang kamay ni Shania at
malakas na dumapo iyon sa pisngi ni Reigo. Ang ingay
na nilikha ng malakas na sampal na 'yon ay halos
nagpatigil sa buong café maliban na lang sa mesa na
katabi lang din nina Reigo at Shania na may argumento
ring nagaganap.
"Why, Zehan?! Explain to me why you don't want to
accept my proposal? Ayaw mo ba akong makasama
habambuhay? Ayaw mo bang makasal tayo? Tell me!"
Rommel was in turmoil while holding the engagement
ring in his hand. Meanwhile, his girlfriend, Zehannah,
was as calm as an untouched lake after saying 'no' to
Rommel's proposal. "Makasama habambuhay? Gusto.
Makasal? Hindi."
Mas lalong nasaktan si Rommel sa narinig. Para dito,
ang hindi pagtanggap ni Zehan sa inaalok nitong kasal
ay pruweba na hindi ito mahal ni Zehan. "Am I that
worthless to you, Zehan?"
"No. It's not about your worth to me, Rom." Kalmadong
nagpapaliwanag si Zehan sa isang taon nitong
kasintahan. "It's about marriage. It's a no for me.
I'm sorry."
"Why? If you really love me, you will say yes."
That angered Zehan, but she remained calm. "Hindi ako
o-oo sa kasal na inaalok mo para lang patunayan na
mahal kita. That's just childish and very
manipulative. Naririnig mo ba ang sarili mo? Bakit?
Kapag kasal na ba tayo, habambuhay na tayong
magsasama? That's bullshit reasoning and you know
"But we're already at the marrying age, Zehan!" giit
ni Rommel. "Halos lahat ng ka-edad natin, nagpapakasal
na at may mga anak na."
Hindi na napigilan ni Zehan na hindi tumaas ang kilay.
"E 'di sabayan mo sila. Huwag mo lang akong isama."
"What?" Zehan was trying to reign in her frustration
that Rommel was not listening to her and only thinking
about himself. "Wala akong pakialam kung lahat ng ka-
edad ko sa buong mundo ay kasal, may-asawa, at may
anak na. Ang mahalaga sa akin ay makatulong ako sa mga
magulang ko na nagkandakuba-kuba para lang mabigyan
ako ng magandang buhay at siyempre, ang kasiyahan ko.
At sa pagkakataong 'to, masaya ako sa buhay ko, Rom,
kahit wala akong asawa, kahit hindi ako kasal, at
kahit wala akong anak. So what if my age is already
near the end of the calendar? My priorities differ
from theirs. My life, my decision."
Rommel's lips parted in astonishment. He knew Zehannah
was not enthusiastic when it comes to marriage, but he
didn't know the extent of that. And now that he did,
he felt so worthless in front of her. He felt small
that Zehan didn't even think about him and a future
with him.
"How about me, Zehan?" tanong ni Rommel. "Am I not
part of your priorities?"
Zehannah looked into Rommel's eyes. Eye to eye. No
lies. Zehan gave it to Rommel straight. "You are like
a bonus in my life, Rom. I'm happy that you're with me
and staying with me even though I'm far from being
perfect and I can't give you a lot of things. But if
you pushed marriage unto me with a bullshit reasoning
of 'being together forever', it will hurt me, but I
will not dislike it if you left."
Napatanga si Rommel sa mga sinabi ni Zehan at kahit
alam ni Zehan na nasaktan niya si Rommel sa sinabi
niya, hindi siya nag-iwas ng tingin. She didn't enjoy
hurting Rommel or talking about marriage. For her,
married or not, if a couple wanted to stay together
forever, then they will make it happen even without
'marriage'. Her parents were a great example of that.
To Zehannah, marriage was a powerful paper—a paper
that could bind someone without a viable exit. And it
was scary for her.
Marriage here in the country was like entering a
building without a way out. If that building got
burned and collapsed, they had nowhere else to go
because they were stuck inside without an exit.
Well, there was a way out called an annulment, but
aside from consuming a lot of time, it consumed a lot
of money, too. And there was no guarantee that the
annulment case would go well and be approved. Normal
citizens like her who had no money to burn should be
wary of marriage. She's happy for those who decided to
get wed and be together, but that didn't mean she
wanted to get wed herself.
She just didn't see herself getting married. Not even
with Rommel, whom she liked the most out of all her
"Kung sasabihin ko ngayon na makikipag-break ako sa
'yo kung hindi mo tatanggapin ang proposal ko, hindi
mo pa rin ba tatanggapin?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "I will use the same words you
used to me earlier. If you love me, you won't force
Bumagsak ang balikat ni Rommel. "I really want to
build a family with you, Zehan. But if it's a no, then
I will look for someone else who would prioritize me
Zehannah understood, so she nodded. Hindi niya
pinakita na may kaunting kirot sa dibdib niya dahil sa
desisyon nitong maghanap ng ibang babaeng pakakasalan
dahil umayaw siya.
Hindi si Rommel and unang nag-propose sa kaniya na
hindi niya tinanggap. Pero lahat sila na 'ayoko' ang
naging sagot niya, lahat ay umalis at iniwan siya na
para bang dahil sa pag-hindi niya ay hindi na niya
gusto ang mga ito at wala na siyang maramdamang
pagpapahalaga sa mga ito. Ayaw lang naman niyang
magpakasal, pero hindi ibig sabihin ay hindi na niya
gustong makasama ang mga ito. Pero palaging 'yon ang
nangyayari. It was sad that they always thought that
way, but marriage was really a no for her.
Or maybe her exes who proposed to her were right. She
just didn't love them enough to change her belief and
say 'yes'. Like at that moment, she felt a tinge of
pain in her chest that Rommel was breaking up with
her, but that pain was not enough to make her sulk or
sob in the corner. She would be just fine without
Rommel in her life, and that was a fact. It would not
be hard for her to move on and be with someone else
again. She was used to it.
"I'm sorry that I'm not the woman you're looking for."
Zehannah was really sorry that she couldn't be the
woman Rommel wanted her to be, but she would never
force herself to be someone she didn't want to be just
to please him. "If you found a woman who would say
'yes' to your proposal, please treat her well and
don't give her a reason to think that marriage is just
a sham because if that happened, you're going to prove
me right and that would suck for you."
Rommel said nothing and just left.
And just like that, Zehannah was single again.
Nang tuluyang makalabas si Rommel sa café, napatingin
si Zehannah sa lamesa at napabulong, "Ang gago, hindi
man lang binayaran ang kinain niya." Ang mahal pa
naman dito. Tangina. Tapos broken hearted pa ako—well,
not really broken, but still...
Zehannah was so tempted to get her phone and call her
friend, Cassia, but decided not to. Baka imbes na
makapaglabas siya ng sama ng loob, ang ulo niya ang
sasakit dahil sa isip nitong kakaiba.
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay napaigtad
nang biglang nagdadabog na umalis ang babae sa katabi
niyang table.
Curious as to why the woman left so dramatically,
Zehannah glanced at the table beside her and her eyes
landed on the man sitting across from her with an 'I'm
done' expression on his handsome face.
Zehannah felt like they're both going through the same
thing and she felt a little camaraderie with him, so
she spoke to him. "The break-up is that bad?"
The man stilled before he glanced at her with a frown
and their eyes met.
Such tantalizing eyes. Zehannah commented inside her
"What did you say...?" he asked with a frown.
"I said 'the break-up is that bad'?" ulit ni Zehannah.
"You have an 'I'm done' expression on your face."
"Oh. Not really. I'm just done with all these cheaters
who only know how to complain when you catch them and
then they'll blame you for it while playing the victim
Tumaas ang isang kilay ni Zehannah sa narinig.
"Seriously? She cheated on... you...?" She didn't
believe him one bit.
Mas lalong nagsalubong ang kilay ng lalaki. "Why? Do I
look so handsome that you didn't believe they cheated
on me?"
"... kinda."
"Well, she cheated on me." The man paused, and then
added, "And so did my previous girlfriends."
"Damn..." What an unlucky guy. "Must suck to be you."
He chuckled humorlessly. "Yes, it sucks. All I want is
to find a good woman to marry and have a family."
Inilahad ni Zehannah ang kamay sa lalaki. "I'm a good
woman, but not someone to marry. Marriage is a no for
me. The name's Zehannah Sevil," pagpapakilala niya.
Reluctantly, the man reached out his hand and accepted
Zehannah's hand. "Reigo Vasquez. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise." Zehannah pulled back her hand back and
smiled. "Want to go club hopping? My boyfriend just
left me as well. Want to celebrate being single
Reigo frowned at Zehannah as if she said something
weird. "Being single is something to be celebrated and
happy about?"
"Oo naman." Zehannah grinned. "More time for yourself
and you can love yourself to your heart's content. Not
only that, being single is peaceful."
Reigo was still looking at Zehannah weirdly. "You said
club hopping, but"—tinuro nito ang labas ng café—"it's
just ten in the morning."
"Then let's go coffee hopping and drink our bitterness
away." She really felt camaraderie with Reigo and at
that moment, she didn't want to be alone and think
about her previous failed relationships which was
going to happen if she went back to her condo now.
Pinag-isipan naman ni Reigo ang suhestiyon ni Zehannah
ng ilang segundo bago tumayo at inilahad ang kamay kay
Zehannah. "I know lots of cafés. My ex-girlfriends
always bring me to cafés when they want to break up
for some reason."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka walang pangingiming
tinanggap ang kamay ni Reigo at sabay silang lumabas.
And so, the café-slash-coffee hopping began, and Reigo
and Zehannah used Zehannah's old-model car to go
around and visit the cafés that Reigo remembered.
Reigo had a car but decided to ride with Zehannah to
lessen the traffic.
Zehannah seemed like a swell woman. Very witty and a
breath of fresh air for Reigo. They enjoyed the coffee
and food while talking about their failed
relationships—they called it talk, but it's more like
Enjoying each other's company, the two didn't realize
how time was passing by fast and the next thing they
knew, it was already dark out when they stepped out
from the café they last visited.
"Huh?" Hindi makapaniwala si Zehannah na wala nang
araw sa kalangitan. "Where did the day go?"
"That was fast," Reigo commented.
"Want to go club hopping now?"
Zehannah glanced at Reigo. "After all that coffee,
you're still thirsty?"
Reigo shrugged. "May naka-save na ibang space ang alak
sa tiyan ko."
Natawa si Zehannah. "Lasenggo ka, 'no?"
"Not really."
"Sus..." Natatawang naglakad patungo si Zehannah sa
sasakyan niya. "Come on. I know a good nightclub,
though no club hopping. I want to drink and we don't
have a designated driver."
"Only one club it is," Reigo declared with his always-
so-serious face and followed Zehannah to her car.
Inside Zehannah's car, she narrowed her eyes at Reigo.
"Mister, my car is not moving unless you put your
seatbelt on."
"So strict..." Reigo mumbled under his breath, but he
still put his seatbelt on.
Seeing that her passenger was now secured, Zehannah
started maneuvering her car out of the café's parking
lot and drove towards the bar she sometimes visited
and liked.
Out of nowhere, Reigo randomly asked, "Don't you have
a nickname? Zehannah is too long."
"Most call me Zehan."
"Still too long."
Zehannah throws a glare at Reigo. "Hey! My parents
gave me that nickname."
In their café-slash-coffee hopping, Reigo learned how
much Zehannah adored her parents, so he said nothing
about her nickname. "Can I make one?"
"Make what?"
"A nickname. For you."
"I feel like making one. Used only by me."
Zehannah clicked her tongue. "Pasalamat ka kanina pa
tayo nagka-café-slash-coffee hunting. Kahit papaano,
may pinagsamahan na tayo. Fine. Make one."
For the first time, Reigo smiled, but Zehannah was
driving so she didn't see it. "Hmm... how about just
"Wow. So fucking creative," puno ng sarkasmo na sagot
ni Zehannah.
That did not deter Reigo. "From now on, I'll call you
Zehannah sighed. "Sa dami-dami ng nickname na puwede
mong ibigay sa 'kin, 'yon talaga? Masama ba ang loob
mo sa 'kin?"
"It suits you."
Zehannah just clicked her tongue and continued driving
until they reached their destination. After expertly
parking her car, she and Reigo went inside the club
and occupied a table, and then they ordered a drink.
Tequila since she really wanted to forget what
happened with Rommel today and she knew that liquor
could help her with that.
It was a harmless 'drinking' at first. Zehannah and
Reigo were even cursing their exes and celebrating
their single life, but after one bottle of tequila,
everything started getting messy.
Zehannah and Reigo found themselves on the dance
floor, dancing to the rhythm of the loud music while
their bodies were rubbing against each other. Reigo's
hands were on Zehannah's waist and Zehannah's arms
were around Reigo's neck.
They danced naughtily and sexily while drowning
themselves in liquor. They did not care about anything
but themselves. They stuck together, not leaving each
other's side and doing all the naughty stuff that
Zehannah and Reigo wouldn't do with each other if
But the tequila was in full effect.
It was fun. It was satisfying. Until it became so hot
that Reigo and Zehannah ended up in the club's private
bathroom, making out like they couldn't get enough of
each other—and they couldn't.
They were kissing, sucking, and licking each other's
lips while carelessly undressing their lower garments
to do more than just a kiss. Both wasted and out of
their minds, Zehannah just bit her lips and moaned
when she felt Reigo enter her from behind while she
was holding on to the sink not to fall.
She did not care about anything other than the
pleasure that was blowing her mind at that moment.
Nothing else. Just the pleasure that was curling her
toes and eliciting a cry of pleasure from her throat.
Reigo was not gentle. No. He was rough. He was
groaning as he thrust deeper into Zehannah's wet,
tight, and throbbing core.
She was wet and aching. He was rough. She was moaning.
He was groaning. Both were drunk, wasted, and out of
their minds with pleasure.
"Ahh... ahh! Ah! Ah!" Gripping the bathroom sink,
Zehannah's moan filled the small space. "Reigo...! Ah!
Uhh! Fuck. Ah, shit! So good..."
"Fuck," Reigo cussed as he slammed his cock harder
inside Zehannah. "So fucking tight—fuck!"
"Ahh...! Reigo! Ahh...! Uh..! More. More! Sige pa.
Isagad mo pa. Sige pa." Zehannah was begging and she
was moving her hips.
Reigo obliged, and he thrust so hard that Zehannah's
whole body was shaking at the impact and she was
screaming with ecstasy.
"Oh, shit! Reigo! Fuck! Good—fucking good! Fuck! Ahh!
Fuck! Harder! Fuck me harder—yes, yes, like that! Yes!
Ahh...!" Zehannah did not care if someone could hear
her lustful pleas. She just wanted more. Her body felt
so hot and needy that she wanted Reigo to fuck her
senselessly until the heat inside her dissipated.
Yes, she wanted to be fucked senselessly, and she
didn't even know where this 'want' was coming from.
She just wanted that thick, long cock inside her
throbbing core.
"Holy... fuck...!" A chain of cusses escaped
Zehannah's lips as she felt a blinding pleasure
explode inside her. It shook her whole being.
That was the first time she ever felt that kind of
blinding pleasure that took her breath away.
Literally. She never knew that sex was that good and
mind-blowing and she wanted more even after Reigo had
his release.
At mukhang ganoon din ang nararamdaman ni Reigo dahil
balik na naman sa mapusok na halikan ang dalawa.
Parehong walang pakialam kung may malakas na kumakatok
sa labas at sumisigaw na lumabas na sila.
Zehannah and Reigo did not care about anything but
themselves. They made out, touched each other, and
fucked again.
And when they finally stepped out of the bathroom,
cusses and glares were thrown at them, but they only
laughed and went back to the dance floor and danced
while their hands were on each other.
And it seemed like their lips couldn't bear to be away
from each other. They found their lips locked again
and making out heavily in the middle of the dark dance
floor, where no one cared if you're making out or
being fucked.
Drinking. Dancing. Making out. And fucking multiple
times in the bathroom throughout the night like hungry
animals that couldn't get enough of each other.
Zehannah did all that in one night with one guy who
was nowhere to be found when she woke up alone in her
car the morning after, hungover and sore beyond
Softly placing her hands on her sore and aching
vagina, Zehannah wanted to smack herself as she
muttered in disbelief under her breath. "Why the
fuck... Did I do all that last night?"
Yes. She remembered, but no answer. No. There was one
answer—no. Two.
She was drunk and stupid. Yes. That's it. Drunk and
Reigo Vasquez ... I hope we won't see each other
Yes. A girl could hope. FILES
Zehannah chose to be single after what her break-up
with Rommel and her stupidity with Reigo. And it had
been nearly a year since then. It was not really a
hard choice to make. She's happy with her life and
contented with what she has. And as she always said,
being single was peaceful.
Yes. Very peaceful that the only chaos in her life was
her newlywed best friend, Cassia. Oo, ang halos walang
muwang niyang kaibigan ay ikinasal na. Though it was
not a marriage because of love, it was arranged. And
her husband happened to be gay—well, according to
Cassia, and Zehannah took it with a grain of salt.
Medyo kakaiba mag-isip si Cassia kaya hindi niya
masyadong dinibdib ang sinabi nitong lalaki rin ang
gusto ng asawa nito kahit pa nga alam niya ang rason
kung bakit.
She's a believer of 'to see is to believe' kaya
hanggang hindi niya nakikita ang asawa ni Cassia nang
personal, hindi siya maniniwala sa kaibigan niyang may
hangin yata ang utak.
Pero hindi lang naman si Cassia ang nagpapasakit ng
ulo niya. Pati na rin ang mga magulang niya na hindi
niya maintindihan kung bakit ayaw ng mga ito tanggapin
ang allowance na palagi niyang binibigay sa mga ito
At ang mas lalong nagpapasakit sa ulo niya, nalaman
niyang ang allowance pala na binibigay niya sa mga ito
simula ng makapagtrabaho siya ay inilagay lang ng mga
ito sa bangko at hindi ginalaw. At ngayon nga, nasa
condo niya ang mga magulang niya para ibalik sa kaniya
ang pera na palagi niyang ibinibigay sa mga ito.
"'Nak, hindi naman namin kailangan ng Papa mo ang pera
na 'to." Ang tinutukoy nito ay ang passbook na nasa
ibabaw ng center table sa sala kung nasaan sila. "May
negosyo naman kami. Komportable naman ang buhay namin.
Bakit hindi mo na lang ipasok ang pera sa account mo
para may mahugot ka kapag kailangan mo ng pera."
Nagpapadyak si Zehannah. "Papi naman, e! Binigay ko
'yan sa inyo. I am not taking it back."
"Paano 'yan, hindi rin namin tatanggapin 'yan?" anang
Papa niya na natatawa sa pagpapadyak niya. "Ang dami
mo nang naitulong sa 'min, Zehan. Napalago na namin
ang puhunan na ibinigay mo sa 'min noon. Saka ilang
taon pa bago mag-retire ang Papi mo sa university
bilang professor. We're doing well, Zehan."
Tumango ang Papi niya. "Very well, so stop worrying,
okay? Your Papa is good at managing the business, and
we're both living a comfortable life."
Napasimangot na lang si Zehannah dahil alam niyang
wala siyang masasabi na makakapagpabago sa isip ng mga
magulang niya.
Her fathers, Daniel and Cameron, were both amazing,
after all, and they loved her so much. Hindi itinago
ng dalawa sa kaniya na ampon siya. Ipinaliwanag ng mga
ito kung bakit dalawa ang papa niya sa murang edad
kaya madali niyang natanggap ang sitwasyon niya noon.
Pero dahil na rin 'yon sa sobrang pagmamahal sa kaniya
ng Papi at Papa niya. Hindi man sila magkadugo pero
ang mga ito ang tinuturing niyang pamilya.
Her Papi Dan and Papa Cam loved her so much that they
dedicated their lives to raising her, an abandoned
child. Iniwan siya ng ina niya sa Papi niya ilang
buwan pagkatapos siyang ipanganak. Magkaibigan ang
dalawa kaya pumayag ang Papi niya na noon ay
kakasimula pa lang ng relasyon nito sa Papa niya.
Pumunta ng ibang bansa ang ina niya para magtrabaho at
nangakong magpapadala ng pera kay Papi para sa kaniya
pero parang naglaho na lang na parang bula ang ina
niya. Hanggang ngayon, wala silang balita at hindi rin
naman siya interesado.
Kaya mula noon, si Papi na at Papa niya ang nag-alaga
sa kaniya. Sabi ng Papa niya, siya raw ang naging
dahilan kung bakit mas naging matibay ang pagsamama ng
mga ito kahit pa nga ang daming nanghuhusga sa
relasyon ng mga ito noon.
Though she was an abandoned child, she didn't have a
bitter view in life. Maybe because she had an amazing
upbringing. Her fathers loved her so much that she
didn't need her biological mother's love. For her, her
Papi and Papa were enough. Nag-uumapaw ang pagmamahal
ng mga magulang niya sa kaniya kaya gusto niyang
suklian 'yon sa abot ng makakaya niya.
"Just take it and keep it," anang Papi niya. "Baka
kailanganin mo in the near future."
Nakasimangot pa rin si Zehan kaya naman lumipat ng
upuan sina Dan at Cameron at pinagitnaan si Zehan sa
mahabang sofa.
"Tingnan mo ang anak natin, mahal. Nakasimangot.
Papangit ka niyan, sige ka."
Her Papa chuckled before kissing her temple. "Stop
worrying about us. Nakikita mo naman, 'di ba? Maayos
ang kalagayan namin ng Papi mo."
"I know, but..." Zehannah's shoulder fell. "I just
want to help and give back."
"You already did."
"Pero kulang pa 'yon sa pagmamahal at pag-aalaga niyo
sa 'kin."
Her Papi flicked the tip of her nose. "Sino'ng may
sabing kailangan mong suklian ang pag-aalaga namin sa
'yo? Sapat na sa 'min na lumaki kang mabuting anak."
Nakasimangot pa rin si Zehan. "Kahit wala akong jowa?"
Natawa ang Papa niya. "Kahit wala kang jowa, ayos
"Kahit wala akong asawa? Kahit malapit nang lumampas
ang edad ko sa kalendaryo? Kahit manang na ako?"
Pinisil ng Papi niya ang pisngi niya. "Ang importante
sa 'min ay masaya ka. At anong manang? Look at you."
Inilagay ng Papi niya ang kamay nito sa baba niya na
para bang pinagmamalaki ang mukha niya. "Fresh na
fresh pa ang Zehannah ko. Kung sino man ang tumawag sa
'yong manang, hambalusin mo. Utos ko."
Napailing si Cameron sa kapareha. "Dahil sa 'yo kaya
naging basagulera itong anak natin."
"Kaysa namin api-apihin siya? Hindi ako makakapayag!"
Cameron sighed and shook his head. "Sabi ko nga."
Naiiyak na natatawa na yumakap si Zehannah sa mga
magulang niya. She had become a strong, independent
woman because of her amazing parents. They raised her
that way. They raised her to be confident.
"Pero 'nak, wala ka talagang jowa ngayon? Ayaw mo
talagang mag-boyfriend?"
Zehannah sighed and leaned back on the sofa. "I'm just
not feeling it, Papi. Ewan kung bakit. Nawalan ako
bigla ng gana na makipag-date kasi alam ko naman ang
ending n'on. Either they'll break up with me because I
don't want to marry them or they'll cheat on me. 'Yon
lang 'yon."
Napabuntonghininga ang Papa niya saka kinurot ang
pisngi niya. "I know why you don't want to marry, but
it still baffles me that you feel that way."
"Hindi naman kasi basehan ang kasal para magtagal ang
pagsasama." Iminuwestra ni Zehannah ang mga kamay sa
mga magulang niya. "Look at you two. You're not
married and people always say bad things about your
relationship, but you're still together and proving me
Ang Papi niya ang sunod na napabuntonghininga. "'Nak,
kung legal lang ang same-sex marriage rito sa bansa
natin, nagpakasal na kami."
"Precisely. And you're still together, even after all
these years," may diing sagot ni Zehannah. "And it's
so scary to get married these days. Iba na ang panahon
ngayon, Papi. Cheating is so rampant these days that
no one gets shocked anymore. Imagine being married to
a cheater with no way out? Napakamahal ng annulment at
napakahaba ng proseso kung wala kang koneksiyon. Hindi
lang 'yon, paano kung nananakit ang mapangasawa ko?
Paano kung impyerno pala ang magiging buhay ko sa
Napailing si Cameron sa pinagsasasabi ng anak. "Zehan,
wala namang pumapasok sa relasyon na 'yan ang iniisip.
They enter a relationship with dreams of being
together forever."
Zehannah snorted. "Yeah. And when that didn't work
out? What happens next? Hindi lahat ng kinasal,
"Hindi rin naman lahat ng kinasal ay miserable," her
Papa countered.
"Enough you two." Kaagad na namagitan si Dan sa mag-
ama. "Cameron, love, don't argue with Zehan. You know
how she is."
Cam sighed at Dan and looked at their daughter.
"Zehan, why don't you open your mind to marriage a
"Nope. No way, Papa."
Dan silently shook his head at his partner, signaling
him to stop. Dan knew how stubborn their daughter was.
Cam sighed and kissed Zehannah's forehead. "Fine.
Hindi na kita pipilitin."
Kaagad na napangiti si Zehannah at niyakap ang Papi at
Papa niya saka umalis sa sofa, kinuha ang passbook sa
center table, at nakapamaywang na humarap sa mga
magulang. "Okay. Let's have dinner together. My
Dan and Cameron smiled.
"Saang restaurant mo kami dadalhin, 'nak?" tanong ni
Dan. "I know some high-end restaurant... want my
Cameron chuckled, seeing his partner coercing their
daughter into taking them into a high-end restaurant.
"Ang mamahal ng pagkain sa mga 'yon, Papi. Tapos ang
liliit pa ng serving. May turo-turo sa kabilang block
ng condo ko. Masarap ang pagkain do'n, mura pa."
Bumagsak ang balikat ni Dan. "Sabi ko nga. Sa turo-
Mahinang natawa si Cameron saka inakbayan ang kapareha
at ang anak. "Come on. Kumain na tayo. Kahit naman
saan, basta magkakasama tayo, masarap palagi ang
That made Zehannah smile. Her fathers were really
amazing. But still... she didn't take them to a high-
end restaurant. It's just too expensive. But she took
them to a good one with amazing food and service just
below her condo.
Tulad ng sabi ng Papa niya, kahit saan, basta
magkakasama sila, masarap ang pagkain.
And Zehannah believed that too.
MALAPIT LANG ANG condo ni Zehannah sa kompanya na
pinagtatrabahuan kaya naman may karapatan siyang hindi
gumising nang maaga. Pero alas-singko pa lang ng
umaga, mulat na mulat na ang mga mata niya.
Groaning, she left her bed and readied for work.
Just like yesterday, it was a simple, uneventful day
at work. She's a marketing supervisor in her best
friend's parents' company, but the funniest thing was,
her position was higher than Cassia's.
Masakit sa ulo ang pamilya ng kaibigan niya kaya naman
sinisiguro niya palagi na available siya kapag
kailangan ng kausap ni Cassia. She knew what Cassia
had been through and the trauma it had left behind.
Kahit masakit din sa ulo minsan si Cassia dahil sa
pag-iisip nitong hindi niya maintindihan minsan,
hinahayaan na niya.
Tulad na lang ngayon na nasa canteen sila. Tahimik ito
at nakatulala sa hangin. Hindi 'yon gawain ni Cassia
na palaging bukambibig ang asawa nito kaya naman pilit
niyang ginigising ang isip nito na wala siyang ideya
kung nasaan.
"Hello. Earth to Cassia!" Zehannah kept snapping her
fingers in front of Cassia's face which had been
having a conference with the air. "Cassia... Cassia!
Sa wakas, napakurap-kurap din ito at nagtatanong na
tumingin sa kaniya. "What?"
Malakas siyang napabuntonghininga saka kunot ang noong
tinanong ito. "Nasaang planeta ka ba? Kanina ka pa
nakatulala riyan."
Bumuntonghininga ang kaibigan saka uminom ng tubig na
para bang pinaghahandaan ang susunod nitong sasabihin.
"I met my husband's boyfriend last night."
Hindi napigilan ni Zehannah ang mapasinghap. Since the
two got married, Zehannah knew the real score between
them because Cassia made it her mission to tell her
everything. Yes. Everything. Cassia didn't know what
too much information meant.
"OMG!" Nasapo pa ni Zehannah ang bibig sa gulat.
"Girl, nakaka-shook ba?"
Parang wala sa sariling tumango si Cassia. "He's so
handsome up close that I felt so small." Sinapo nito
ang pisngi na parang hindi pa rin makapaniwala sa
nangyari. "I was so nervous last night. I think they
were arguing, Zehan. Is it because of me? I don't want
to cause trouble. Thorn has been really nice to me."
Hindi maiwasan ni Zehannah na makaramdam ng awa sa
kaibigan dahil sa sitwasyon nito. "Hay, mabait nga ang
napangasawa mo, pero sobrang nakaloloka naman ang set-
up niyo. Anyway, pinakilala ka ba niya or tinago ka?"
"Pinakilala," pabulong na sagot ni Cassia na para bang
hindi ito makapaniwala.
"Tapos?" Kung kailan gusto niyang malaman ang
pangyayari, saka naman pabitin ang kuwento ni Cassia.
"Anyare, girl?" Zehannah was getting impatient.
"Ano'ng pangalan ng jowa ng asawa mo?"
Bumuntonghininga si Cassia. "Reigo Vasquez. See?
Pangalan pa lang, guwapo na, Zehan. As in, ang guwapo
Palihim na natigilan si Zehannah sa narinig. Reigo
Vasquez? How could she forget that name? But... gay? I
doubt it. Must be a different Reigo Vasquez from the
one she knew. Marami naman ang magkakapangalan sa
mundo. Yeah. Must be. It's just so impossible for that
guy who made me sore all over to be gay.
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah sa laman ng
isip niya saka ibinalik ang atensiyon sa kaibigan.
"Cass, ganiyan na talaga ang panahon ngayon. Ang
guwapo, guwapo rin ang hanap."
Tumango si Cassia saka unti-unting humaba ang nguso.
"Oh, anyare sa 'yo?" tanong niya nang makita ang nguso
ng kaibigan. "Bakit parang hinang-hina ka riyan? Para
namang hindi mo alam ang tunay na katauhan ng asawa mo
bago mo siya pinakasalan. 'Di ba nga, sabi mo pa,
susuportahan mo kung ano'ng gusto niya? Heto na 'yon."
Nagbaba ng tingin si Cassia. "Hindi ko nga rin alam
ba't ako nagkakaganito. Pagkatapos akong ipakilala ni
Thorn kay Reigo, pumunta sila ng kusina. I can hear
them arguing. I can't make out the words, but I knew
they were arguing. After that, Reigo stormed out of
the kitchen and I was so guilty, so I spoke to Reigo
to clear everything up. I apologized for accepting the
marriage and I told him that I will support his
relationship with Thorn."
Oh! A development! Parang nanonood si Zehannah ng
pelikula. "What did he say?"
"Reigo seemed shocked. His anger disappeared, and then
he went back to the kitchen while I went upstairs to
"That was intense."
Tumango si Cassia. "Super intense. Pero sa tingin ko,
nagkaayos na sila. Kaninang umaga, bago ako pumasok sa
opisina, nakasalubong ko sa gate si Reigo at
nagpasalamat siya sa 'kin. Nakangiti pa nga siya kaya
sa tingin ko, maayos na sila."
Napatitig si Zehannah sa kaibigan saka huminga nang
malalim. "Cass, girl, ang intense ng married life mo."
The reason I didn't want to marry.
A faint smile appeared on Cassia's lips. "But I'm
actually enjoying my married life. My husband is nice,
he treats me well, he cooks really well, and I'm not
his type, so I'm happy."
Zehannah was not buying what Cassia was selling. She
didn't seem happy to Zehannah. "Sure ka na masaya ka?
Because your face looked sad from where I'm sitting."
Tumango si Cassia saka ngumiti. "Yes, I'm happy."
Hindi na nakipag-argumento pa si Zehannah sa kaibigan
pero hindi siya naniniwala na masaya si Cassia.
Zehanna had known Cassia since they were in college,
so she knew when Cassia was genuinely happy or not.
And something was telling her—a gut feeling—that her
best friend was not as happy as she claimed to be.
Naputol ang pag-iisip ni Zehannah nang tumuon ang mga
mata niya sa daliri ng kaibigan. "Binili ng asawa mo?"
That was the only explanation. It was, after all, a
beautiful engagement and wedding ring.
A genuine smile made its way to Cassia's lips before
nodding. "He even bought me an engagement ring even
though he doesn't really have to."
"It's pretty. Bagay sa 'yo. Your husband got taste."
Cassia nodded while caressing the rings on her finger.
While Zehannah just shook her head while looking at
her friend and thought if this continued, she's really
gonna fall.
"Cass, don't forget that your husband is gay, okay?"
seryosong paalala ni Zehannah sa kaibigan. Baka
makalimutan nito iyon at masaktan ito. Masakit lang sa
ulo si Cassia pero hindi niya gustong makita itong
Kinunotan siya ng noo ni Cassia. "Bakit ko naman
makalilimutan 'yon? I saw them, remember?"
"Just a fair warning. Anyway, kailan mo ipakikilala sa
'kin ang asawa mo? Kailangan ko siyang pasalamatan sa
pagiging mabait sa 'yo."
Cassia's smile was back on her lips. "Soon."
"Okay. Asahan ko 'yan."
Iinom sana ng tubig si Zehannah nang bigla na lang
inanunsiyo ng kaibigan na late na sila. Siyempre,
sabay silang tumakbo palabas ng canteen at patungong
elevator para bumalik sa kaniya-kaniyang trabaho.
Ang bagal ng oras kapag nasa trabaho na gusto nang
maglupasay ni Zehannah kasi gusto na niyang umuwi.
Gusto niyang mag-Netflix and chill nang mag-isa. Oo.
Mag-isa! Wala namang nagsabi na kailangan may
kalandian para ma-enjoy niya ang Netflix at makapag-
chill siya.
Thankfully, her office hour finally came to an end,
and she went home. Nauna na siya kay Cassia dahil may
sasakyan ito habang siya naman ay maglalakad lang.
Malapit lang naman ang condo niya at hindi na ganoon
kainit ang araw. Sayang sa gas kung dadalhin niya ang
sasakyan niya sa trabaho.
When she arrived at her condo, she took a quick bath,
changed clothes, and went to the supermarket to buy
groceries. Her stock of food was running low.
After the supermarket, Zehannah went around looking
for something sweet. Mayroon namang mga café at cake
shop malapit sa condo niya pero palagi na lang iyon
ang kinakain niya. Nananawa na siya.
So she went looking for a new café. Some were too
luxurious, and some were not her vibe. An hour later
of looking, she finally came across a cozy looking one
by the road.
Bitter Sweet Café.
From the outside, it was cozy looking and when she
went inside, it surprised her how warm it looked and
Definitely my scene. Sana masarap ang pagkain nila
rito. Zehannah was really hoping for that as she
walked towards the counter.
Zehannah was looking at the cake near the counter,
deciding to herself what to buy, even debating to
herself how many she should buy when she felt someone
staring at her. So she turned her head to the side,
and in front of the cashier stood a man who was
looking at her in shell shock.
She should be shell-shocked too, but she's Zehannah-
freaking-Sevil. Poker face was her middle name.
She returned her attention to the cakes, picked four
different slices of cake, paid for them, left the
café, and drove away with her car.
She did not panic. Did not stutter. Did not falter.
Nor did she make a fool of herself in front of Reigo
Yes. That was him. Her drunken, stupid mistake. Reigo
Vasquez. After nearly a year... damn. Guwapo pa rin
ang gago.
nang makatanggap siya ng text message galing sa Papa
niya habang nasa trabaho siya. Hindi na niya kailangan
pang buksan ang text nito. Alam niyang nagrereklamo na
naman ito dahil 'inaapi' na naman ito ni Papi.
And she was right.
From: Papa
'Zehan, inaapi ako ng Papi mo. He didn't kiss me
goodbye when he went to work this morning. Hindi lang
'yon, inubusan niya ako ng coffee creamer. Tapos
nalaman ko mula sa mga hugasan sa lababo na nagluto
siya ng pancake. And you know what? Hindi niya man
lang ako tinirhan! How dare he! Maghihiganti ako.'
Kaagad na nag-reply si Zehannah sa Papa niya para
pigilan ito. 'I advise against that, Papa. Baka sa
sofa ka na naman matulog, sige ka. Tapos magrereklamo
ka sa 'kin dis oras ng gabi.'
'You always take your Papi's side. Nagtatampo rin ako
sa 'yo, Zehan.'
Nagpakawala ng buntonghininga si Zehannah sa reply ng
Papa niya.
'Papa, taglamig ngayon. Malamig sa sofa.'
'Oo nga pala. Sige, sa summer na ako maghihiganti.
Mainit na no'n.'
Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung matatawa o mapapailing
siya sa Papa niya. Well, he was always like that.
Complaining about her Papi's attitude and personality,
but at the end of the day, he still loves her Papi,
and he never left his side.
Bumalik na sa trabaho si Zehannah pagkatapos ilapag
ang cellphone sa ibabaw ng lamesa niya.
Zehannah was busy, but it still felt like a very dull
day. Napapansin ni Zehannah, nitong mga nakaraang
buwan, parang nagiging monotonous ang buhay niya.
Parang naghahanap ang katawan niya ng bagong
mapaglilibangan at hindi puro trabaho at bahay lang.
Bumaling ang atensiyon ni Zehannah sa pintuan nang may
kumatok doon.
"Pasok," aniya.
The door opened, and Dexter entered with a smile. He's
a head from a different department, but he never
missed a day without visiting her office to ask her
"Are you free tonight? Have dinner with me."
Awtomatiko ang naging sagot ni Zehannah. "I can't.
Maglilinis ako ng condo ko mamaya pagkauwi ko."
"Oh." That was a no, but that did not deter Dexter. "I
can help if you need a hand."
"No. Thanks." Zehannah smiled. "I can do it alone."
Nawala ang emosyon sa mukha ni Dexter. "You can't do
everything alone, Zee."
Nagpantig ang tainga ni Zehannah. "Of course, I can.
Everyone needs to know how to be alone. Dahil hindi sa
lahat ng oras ay may kasama at may maaasahan ka."
Dexter instantly knew he misspoke. "I'm sorry, Zee—"
"No need to apologize. Just please, don't call me
'Zee'." Zehannah went back to work and didn't bother
sending Dexter away. Kusa na itong lumabas ng opisina
niya na ikinahinga niya nang maluwang.
As she aged, her preference in men had changed. Siguro
kung noong bata-bata pa siya, hinayaan na niyang
manligaw si Dexter sa kaniya, pero ngayon? Wala na nga
siya sa mood, napakamapili pa niya.
She knew that people always said to lower one's
standard when looking for a partner, but really, for
her, that's just plain bullshit. She would never lower
her standard because she was sure that she'll be the
one to pay for it in the end.
People who have standards were the people who knew
what they wanted and their worth. If she chose to
lower her standard, then it also meant she chose to
disappoint herself and she didn't want that.
Bahala nang tawaging pihikan. Ang mahalaga, masaya
siya at kontento sa pinili niya.
Nagpakawala ng buntonghininga si Zehannah nang tumunog
ang alarm niya na nagpapaalala sa kaniya na uwian na.
She was excited to go home and clean her condo until
it became spotless.
When she entered the elevator, Cassia was inside and
Cassia immediately rested her head on her shoulder.
"Tired?" tanong ni Zehannah sa kaibigan.
Tumango ito. "Ang dami kong tinapos na bukas na ang
deadline at dumagdag pa si Mariz na nagpapakalat na
naman ng tsismis tungkol sa 'kin."
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah nang marinig ang
pangalan ni Mariz. "Ano na naman ang pinagkalat ng
tsismosa na 'yon?" Si Mariz ang leader ng mga marites
sa buong kompanya.
"Hindi ko alam paano niya nalaman na may asawa na ako.
E si Sir David lang naman ang pinagsabihan ko kaya
nagulat ako sa tsismis na narinig ko. Pinagkakalat na
naman ng grupo ni Mariz na totoo raw na may asawa na
ako, pero pinagkasundo lang daw kami at tinatago ko
kasi raw walang itsura at kinakahiya ko."
Zehannah snorted. "Buti natama nila 'yong
pinagkasundo, mga bobo pa naman ang mga 'yon." Inis na
inis si Zehannah kay Mariz at sa grupo nitong mga
marites. "Naku! Ibalandra mo nga 'yang asawa mo rito
nang manahimik ang mga gagang 'yon. Nauubos na ang
pasensiya ko sa kanila."
Ngumiti si Cassia. "Hayaan na natin. Mapapagod din ang
mga 'yon."
Umingos si Zehannah. "Kapag napagod sila, siguradong
gagawa na naman 'yon ng panibagong issue." Ganoon
naman palagi. "Sa dami ng tsismis nila tungkol sa 'yo,
puwede nang gawing isang magazine."
Tumawa lang si Cassia saka nauna nang lumabas ng
elevator nang bumukas 'yon. Kaagad namang sumunod si
Zehannah pero parehong natigilan ang dalawa nang
makitang umuulan sa labas.
"Great." Bumagsak ang mga balikat ni Cassia. "Kung
kailan sira ang sasakyan ko, saka naman umulan."
"Sa condo ko kaya ikaw magpalipas muna ng ulan,"
suhestiyon ni Zehannah sa kaibigan dahil malapit lang
naman ang condo niya. "Saka ka na umuwi kapag tumila
"Sige," kaagad na sagot ni Cassia.
Napabaling naman dito si Zehannah nang mapansing
natigilan ang kaibigan sa paglalakad. Pasimple niyang
sinundan kung saan ito nakatingin babang binubuksan
ang payong na dala. Lihim na lang siyang
napabuntonghininga nang makita kung sino ang
tinitingnan nito.
It was Cassia's persistent boss. Ang boss nitong hindi
makaintindi ng 'ayoko' kahit pa isampal sa mukha nito.
Handa na si Zehannah na ipagtanggol ang kaibigan laban
sa boss nitong may ubo ang utak ng makuha ang
atensiyon nila ng grupo ni Mariz. May kinakausap ang
mga itong isang guwapong nilalang na kaagad na ngumiti
nang makita si Cassia.
Instantly, Zehannah assumed he was Cassia's husband.
That charming smile of his that was only meant for
Cassia said it all.
And the two proceeded to talk as if no one was around
while Zehannah was just staring at Cassia's husband.
Halos nakatanga na siya rito dahil sa kaguwapuhan
nitong taglay at dahil na rin naglo-loading ang utak
niya habang inaalala ang mga kinuwento sa kaniya ng
This guy... this drop-dead gorgeous guy is gay?!
Instantly, Zehannah didn't believe it because of the
way he acted around Cassia. The way he spoke to her.
The man's body language. His smile. His eyes. As if he
only saw Cassia and no one else, he focused all his
attention on her. Nope. This guy is not gay.
Biglang natauhan si Zehannah nang maramdamang may
kumurot sa kaniya sa tagiliran. It was none other than
her airhead friend, Cassia.
"What?" tanong niya kay Cassia habang pasulyap-sulyap
pa rin sa asawa nito.
"Uwi na ako," anito saka kaniya bago tinuro ang lalaki
sa harapan nila at ipinakilala sa kaniya. "Ahm, Zehan,
this is my husband, Thorn Calderon. Thorn, this is my
best friend since college, Zehannah Sevil."
Cassia's husband quickly offered his hand and Zehannah
accepted it.
"Nice to meet you," anito. "Come by our house if you
have free time. Let's have dinner."
Tumango si Zehannah. This guy is so handsome. He's on
par with Reigo in that department. If there was one
thing, no, two things she couldn't forget about Reigo,
it was his handsome face and his big 'D'.
Kinurot na naman siya ni Cassia bago nagpaalam ang
kaibigan at naglakad patungo sa magarang sasakyan ng
asawa nito. Pero pagkalipas lang ng ilang segundo,
bumaba si Cassia at naglakad pabalik sa kaniya.
"May nakalimutan ka?" kaagad niyang tanong sa
Her airhead best friend didn't answer her and just
pulled her to her husband's car.
"Cassia, what the heck are you doing—"
Bago pa matapos ni Zehannah ang tanong, binuksan na ni
Cassia ang backseat saka pinasakay siya at isinara ang
Naglo-loading pa ang utak ni Zehannah nang marinig
niya ang boses ng asawa ni Cassia na nasa driver's
"Masyadong malakas ang ulan. Mahihirapan kang umuwi.
Ihatid ka na namin."
"Thanks," Zehannah muttered as she observed Cassia's
Bigla siyang naging detective Zehannah sa backseat
habang nasa biyahe at pinapakinggan ang usapan ng
Hindi na kailangan ni Zehannah ng pruweba. Sigurado
siyang hindi bakla ang asawa ng kaibigan niya. Nope.
Hindi. Siguradong nagpapanggap lang ang isang 'to.
Why? She didn't know. Maybe it had something to do
with Cassia's 'airheadedness'.
"Saan ka pala namin ihahatid?"
Nabigla si Zehannah sa tanong na 'yon dahil mukhang
may sariling mundo ang mag-asawa sa harapan niya. Pero
siyempre, binigay niya ang address niya na isang liko
na lang ay nandoon na sila.
"We're here," anunsiyo ni Thorn.
Ngumiti siya. "Thanks." Then she tapped Cassia's
shoulder from the backseat. "See you tomorrow, girl."
"See you."
Tumango si Zehannah kay Cassia saka lumabas na ng
Habang pinagmamasdan ang papalayong sasakyan, gustong
sabihin ni Zehannah sa kaibigan na hindi bakla ang
asawa nito pero naalala niya na may hangin ang utak
nito kaya hindi na lang niya itinuloy. Siya ang ma-i-
stress panigurado.
Kaya nga ako hindi nag-jowa dahil ayokong ma-stress,
pero stressed naman ako sa love life ng iba. Tangina.
Nakasimangot na sumakay ng elevator si Zehannah at
tinungo ang unit niya.
And just like planned, she cleaned her condo until it
was spotless. Well, she tried her best. Then she
cooked for herself while talking to her parents over
the phone, had a peaceful dinner after, and enjoyed a
glass of wine while watching a series on Netflix.
Her day was supposed to end smoothly with her,
sleeping peacefully until her body woke her up in the
morning, but that night was just full of bad luck.
First, her Papa called to inform her that her Papi
fell on the stairs and was now on the way to the
hospital. Second, when she arrived at the hospital
worried sick and looking like she just won a wrestling
contest with a freaking bear—her hair was everywhere
since she used her scooter to avoid traffic and her
helmet was only half—she saw her drunken, stupid
mistake exiting the hospital and yep, as cliché as the
movies, their eyes met.
But she's Zehannah—freaking—Sevil. She pretended like
she didn't see anyone she knew. She looked straight
ahead and then she entered the hospital like a queen
with hair that looked like something exploded in it.
But she didn't care because she knew she had slayed
her entrance.
Yeah. And then she worriedly ran towards the E.R. to
check on her Papi.
Thankfully, her Papi's condition was not severe, but
he had to take a leave from work and stay in the
hospital for a couple of days. Hindi naman 'yon
problema dahil kasama nito ang Papa niya na halos
hindi makahinga sa sobrang pag-aalala.
"Papa, si Papi ang aksidenteng nahulog sa hagdan.
Bakit ikaw ang umiyak?" sita niya sa Papa niya na
namumula ang mata.
"I thought I'm gonna lose Dan," her Papa whispered and
held her Papi's hand. "Akala ko tumama ang ulo mo sa
semento. I couldn't think straight."
Her Papi smile softly at her Papa before his attitude
turned one-eighty degrees and glared at her Papa.
"Hindi ba sinabi ko sa 'yo na ayos lang ako, pero
hindi ka nakinig! At tinawagan mo pa ang anak natin."
Tinuro siya ni Papi. "Tingnan mo naman ang itsura ni
Zehan, parang nakipagsabunutan sa aswang!"
Kaagad na sinubukang ayusin ni Zehannah ang sabog na
buhok pero wala namang nagbago. Sabog pa rin. "Sorry
naman. Nagmamadali kasi ako kaya nag-scooter ako para
makaiwas sa traffic." Kapagkuwan ay ngumiti at niyakap
niya ang ama. "But I'm happy that you're okay, Papi.
Pinag-aalala mo kami ni Papa kaya huwag mo nang
pagalitan si Papa. He's just worried because he loves
you so much."
Cameron smiled at his daughter for being a sweet
talker and for helping him out. While Dan just sighed
and smiled before intertwining his hand with
"O siya, umuwi ka na at magpahinga," anang Papi niya
sa kaniya. "Ayos lang kami rito ng Papa mo. Don't
Seeing their daughter being reluctant to say yes,
Cameron helped his partner. "Ako na ang bahala sa Papi
mo. Huwag kang mag-alala."
Tumango si Dan. "You trust your Papa, right? Ayoko
ring magtagal dito. Ang daming nagnanakaw ng tingin sa
Papa mo akala naman nila kung sinong guwapo."
Natawa si Zehannah sa Papi niya. But it was indeed
true that her Papa was a handsome man even though he
was already nearing his fifties. Hindi halata sa mukha
ng Papa niya ang edad nito. He was fit and very
healthy, after all. Same with her Papi.
"Siyempre. Mana ako kay Papa," nagmamalaking sabi
niya. "Guwapo si Papa, maganda ako."
Dan looked at her daughter flatly. "Sa Papa mo lang?"
Zehannah grinned at her Papi. "Siyempre, mana rin ako
sa 'yo, Papi." Kaagad na napangiti si Dan pero kaagad
ding nabura 'yon nang sabihin ni Zehannah kung anong
namana nito rito. "Basagulero."
Biglang bumangon si Dan. "Ano'ng sabi mong bata ka—"
"Zehan. Run!" her Papa hissed under his breath and
Zehannah immediately took off running.
Tumigil lang si Zehannah sa pagtakbo nang makalabas
siya ng E.R. Hindi na napigilang matawa ni Zehannah
nang maalala ang mukha ng Papi niya. Siguradong patay
ako kay Papi kapag nakalabas na siya ng ospital.
Kailangan kong kasabuwatin si Papa para mawala ang
galit niya. Yeah. That's what I'm going to do. I have
Zehannah remembered the nickname and the one who gave
it to her, but she didn't give him the reaction he
wanted. She pretended like she heard nothing and
walked towards the exit.
Zee was not her name, after all.
That was the only time she stopped and turned around
to face her drunken, stupid mistake. "Yeah? You need
Namulsa si Reigo. "Remember me?"
Zehannah could lie and say she didn't, but she had no
reason to. "Yeah. Anything else?"
Reigo's lips parted as if he wanted to say something,
but alas, he pressed his lips together and shook his
Zehannah smiled with her business smile. "I'm going
then. Nice seeing you."
Reigo just stared at Zehannah before he nodded and
watched Zehannah leave the hospital.
And just like that, Zehannah slayed her second
coincidental meeting with her drunken, stupid mistake.
And she planned to slay it every time since she felt
like fate was playing a game with them.
But what fate didn't know was that she's Zehannah—
freaking—Sevil. Whatever was thrown at her, she'll
slay it. Because that's the queen her parents raised
her to be.
Oo nga't guwapo pa rin ang gago, pero maganda pa rin
naman ako. Patas lang kami.
ZEHANNAH WAS thankful that her Papi was doing good in
the hospital. Kailangan pa rin nito ng alalay lalo na
sa paglalakad, pero maliban doon, maayos na ang
kalagay nito. She had nothing to worry about since her
Papa was with her Papi, so her days continued without
being stressed.
No. She took that back. Stressed pala siya. Stressed
siya sa kaibigan niyang may hangin ang utak at
malisyosa. Kahit sinabi na niya kay Cassia na hindi
bakla ang asawa nito, walang pinatunguhan 'yon tulad
ng inaasahan niya. Palaging may sariling
interpretasyon si Cassia sa mga bagay-bagay, lalo na
pagdating sa asawa nito kaya naman hindi na siya
nagtaka, pero hindi ibig sabihin n'on ay hindi siya
kinain ng frustration.
But instead of being frustrated as hell and forcing
Cassia to believe her, she let her airhead friend be.
Pasasaan ba't mari-realize rin nito ang totoo.
To relieve her stress caused by Cassia and her married
life, she went back to that café with good ambiance
after work. The Bitter Sweet Café. Hindi siya kumain
do'n nung huli at nag-take out lang ng cake kasi gabi
na, pero ngayon, gusto niyang kumain do'n at i-enjoy
ang magandang ambiance ng café at siyempre pa para
tikman kung masarap ang caramel macchiato ng mga ito.
Zehannah thought that meeting Reigo in Bitter Sweet
café for the first time was just a coincidence kaya
naman malakas ang loob niya na bumalik doon. Ang hindi
niya alam, kaharap lang ng café ang village kung saan
nakatira si Reigo.
At that moment, Zehannah didn't know, so she went to
Bitter Sweet Café and ordered a caramel macchiato
paired with two slices of chocolate cake.
She thoroughly enjoyed her order and ate in peace. It
was always nice eating with someone, but there's also
something therapeutic about eating alone, in silence.
She got that everybody was scared to be alone somehow,
but when one gets a taste of it, it was not so scary,
and would sometimes seek it, if not most of the time.
A good coffee and a delicious cake. What a magnificent
pair. Zehannah was satisfied as she stepped out of the
café. But her satisfaction completely disappeared when
she saw her drunken, stupid mistake leaning on a
luxury car parked beside hers as if waiting for
Sa halip na makaramdam ng pagkailang, lihim na natawa
si Zehannah dahil kung gaano kakinis at kakintab ang
sasakyan ni Reigo, ganoon naman kaluma at kakupas ang
sasakyan niya na katabi niyon.
'Araw-araw talaga akong sinusubok ni Lord.' aniya sa
sarili habang naglalakad patungo sa sasakyan niyang
Wala siyang balak pansinin si Reigo pero nagsalita ang
gago. "Can we talk?"
She could be rude and just ignore Reigo, but her
drunken, stupid mistake had been nothing but a stain
in her past, and she wanted to clean that stain once
and for all.
Umikot paharap si Zehannah kay Reigo at walang
paligoy-ligoy na sinagot ito. "Saan?"
Tinuro nito ang café kung saan pa lang galing si
Zehannah. "If you don't mind."
Zehannah was still full, but she will not say no to
another cup of coffee in the form of caramel
macchiato. "Sure."
Sabay na pumasok sina Zehannah at Reigo sa café at
sabay ring um-order. She ordered caramel macchiato,
and he ordered black coffee with an extra shot of
espresso. And as they settled on their table, the talk
Nope. Not really.
Zehannah was the one who started it since the handsome
man who asked if they could talk did not speak a word
until she did. Gago talaga.
"I hate driving at night. Masakit sa mata ang mga ilaw
ng mga sasakyan. So you better talk or else I'm
leaving with my macchiato."
Thankfully, that made the bastard talk.
"I know what happened to us in the club meant nothing
to you." That's what Reigo concluded after Zehannah
ignored him two times. "But I just want to ask... why
did you leave me that morning?"
Zehannah blinked at Reigo while looking at him flatly.
One, two, and three blinks, but Reigo seemed so
genuine with his question.
"May tama ka ba sa utak?" tanong ni Zehannah sa
Si Reigo naman ngayon ang napakurap-kurap kay Zehannah
bago seryosong sinagot ang tanong ng dalaga. "Last I
checked, my head is perfectly fine."
"Sure ka?"
"Yes. Very."
"Hmm..." Tumaas ang kilay ni Zehannah. "You know, Mr.
Vasquez, it's you who left me alone in my car, not the
other way around."
Bumakas ang pagkabigla at kaguluhan sa guwapong mukha
ni Reigo. "Wait... I didn't leave you alone in your
car, Zehannah. We were together the whole night.
Magkasama tayo sa sasakyan mo nang magising ako. I
wanted to freshen up a little because I smelled like a
severe hangover, so I went back inside the club to
wash my face and my mouth. Ikaw ang nang-iwan dahil
nang makabalik ako sa parking lot, wala na ro'n ang
sasakyan mo. After that, I was hoping to see you again
to ask, so I went back to the club a few times, but
well, you know how it went."
Reigo made sure to explain himself and what happened
thoroughly, hoping to get an explanation as to why
Zehannah left after what happened to them, but the
answer he got from her blew his mind.
"Oops. My bad."
Reigo waited for an additional answer, but it never
came. That's all? Her bad? Reigo's face hardened. "I
looked for you."
"Sorry," nakangiwing wika ni Zehannah. Ngayong alam na
niya ang totoo, para ngang kasalanan niya pero
siyempre, 'parang' lang. Hindi naman niya sinadyang
umalis. "Akala ko iniwan mo akong mag-isa sa sasakyan
kaya nang magising ako at wala ka, umalis ako kaagad.
My head was throbbing at that time because of a severe
hangover so I didn't really think that much and just
went home."
Reigo was speechless and the conversation about what
had happened ended.
"Why do I feel so cheated?" Reigo grumbled after a
long minute. "I looked for you that morning."
"I feel like shit that morning. Patas lang tayo,"
sagot ni Zehannah kay Reigo saka nginitian ang binata.
"It was all just a misunderstanding. My bad. Can we
move on now?"
"Just... like that?"
"Bakit? May iba ka bang inaasahan?"
"Aren't women emotional when it comes to these
stuff...?" Lahat ng babaeng naka-date at naging
kasintahan ni Reigo ay mga emosyonal lalo na sa
usaping 'sex'. But Zehannah was so nonchalant that
Reigo was having doubts if he really took her multiple
times in the club's restroom that night.
"Why should I be? It's done. Can't take it back."
"You... don't want me to take responsibility?"
"I can take responsibility for myself," ani Zehannah.
"It was my decision to go clubbing with you and drink.
And it's been nearly a year, Mr. Vasquez. As you can
see, hindi ako nabuntis kaya wala kang responsabilidad
sa 'kin."
Silence fell on the two until Reigo leaned back and
asked Zehannah a question Zehannah did not expect.
"Are you still single?"
"Want to try and date me? I'm single too."
It did not faze Zehannah. She only raised her eyebrow.
"Is there a merit in dating you?"
Reigo's answer was instant. "I'm handsome with a big
dick and I can bring you to high heavens in bed or
anywhere you want."
"That's actually tempting..." Zehannah did not hide
her interest. "But I'm not really in the mood to
"May I ask why?"
Zehannah did not hide her reason. "You told me before
that you're looking for a good woman to marry and I'm
not that woman. I don't want to marry anyone and since
you date to marry, dating me will be a waste of your
time. At dalawa lang ang patutunguhan kung susubukan
natin ang gusto mo, either you'll break up with me
because I don't want to marry or you'll cheat on me."
"What if I won't ask you to marry me and I won't cheat
on you?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Then I'm a very lucky
"Rejoice then. You're in luck. I'm here."
"May nakapagsabi na ba sa 'yo na ang hangin mo?"
"Yeah, and I don't care."
Zehannah sighed. "Ayoko sa mahanging lalaki."
"I can tone it down a bit."
"Just a bit?"
Reigo spread his arms as if telling Zehannah to check
him out from head to toe. "Bakit? Wala ba akong
karapatang magmalaki?"
Zehannah stared at Reigo and indeed, he was drop-dead
gorgeous. And with a luxury car, she knew he's loaded.
The thing between his legs was also something to be
proud of. He's educated and smart. He carried himself
handsomely. That's why it baffled her that his exes
cheated on him.
"Naaalala kong sinabi mo sa 'kin dati na palagi kang
niloloko. Dahil ba 'yon sa pagiging mahangin mo?"
"No, it's because I don't have time for them, so they
cheated." Reigo sighed and crossed his arms over his
chest. "I'm a busy man, you see. There are a lot of
companies under me. I have no time to go on vacations
and it seems like women like those things."
"And you think I don't since you want us to date?"
"I think you're different." Reigo looked into
Zehannah's eyes. "I feel like my head is going to spin
and explode because of your attitude and personality,
but that's what draws me in. Because if I'm not drawn
to you, I would've forgotten you months ago. And I
feel like it would be idiotic of me to not ask you to
date me. It's not every day that I get to meet a woman
as confident and as intriguing as you. And—"
"There's more?" Zehannah was genuinely shocked that
Reigo had so many reasons.
"It's the last one."
"Oh. Okay. You may continue."
"And you and I are very physically compatible."
Natahimik si Zehannah. Reigo's offer was tempting and
interesting. It might change her monotonous life. But
there was a part of her that was saying 'no' and she
couldn't ignore it.
"Still a 'no'?" Reigo asked when Zehannah remained
Sumimsim si Zehannah ng caramel macchiato niya saka
bumuntonghininga. "I'm skeptical."
"I can wait."
Kaagad na umiling si Zehannah. "Don't. Ayokong may
naghihintay sa desisyon ko. It's uncomfortable and
very straining. Just give me two weeks. I'll think
about it."
"You sure?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Kung hindi ako makapagdesisyon
sa loob ng dalawang linggo, kahit pa bigyan mo ako ng
isang taon, walang mangyayari. Maghihintay ka lang sa
wala. I will give you my answer after two weeks."
Reigo was becoming more intrigued as minutes passed
that he was with Zehannah. He knew she's different
from all the women he dated and that alone was enough
to draw him in and risk it.
Inilahad ni Zehannah ang kamay kay Reigo. "I'll see
you here in two weeks."
Reigo frowned at Zehannah. "Is that...? Are you...?
Wait... handshake? Really?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "To seal our agreement?"
Zehannah stilled when Reigo stood up, put his palms on
the table, leaned in, and without hesitation, he
placed a quick kiss on her lips.
"Now it's sealed," Reigo whispered over her lips and
Zehannah swallowed.
Her weaknesses—good breath and masculine scent—Reigo
has them all and Zehannah felt cornered.
Tangina. Bakit ang bango ng gago na 'to? Kung sana
naging mabaho si Reigo, madali para kay Zehannah na
magdesisyon pero pati hininga nito ay luluhuran.
Lasing na lasing siya nang may mangyari sa kanila noon
pero kung mauulit 'yon, hindi na magtataka si Zehannah
kung luhuran niya si Reigo. Lahat ng kahinaan niya,
nasa binata.
Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah saka umaktong kalmado
siya. Poker face was her middle name after all. "I
will let you off this time, but don't kiss me again
without my consent."
"Noted. But you can kiss me without my consent," Reigo
said with a straight face as he went back to his seat,
and Zehannah didn't know if he was joking or he was
serious. "The more I'm surprised, the more I'm turned
Zehannah didn't know what to reply, but, "Noted."
Why the fuck am I noting this?! Gustong kutusan ni
Zehannah ang sarili kapagkuwan ay tumuon ang titig
niya kay Reigo na sumisimsim ng kape habang matiim ang
titig sa kaniya. Fuck this guy. Kung makatitig parang
mangangain nang buhay. Siguro kong pinalaki siyang
marupok ng mga magulang niya, siguradong namula na ang
mukha niya at nailing siya.
But she's Zehannah—freaking—Sevil. It would take
everything Reigo had to make her blush.
Hindi ko sinasabing makapal ang mukha ko, pero parang
medyo ganoon nga. Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah saka
inubos ang caramel macchiato at nagpaalam na kay
Reigo. "Uwi na ako. See yah in two weeks."
Reigo nodded and Zehannah left. She could feel Reigo's
eyes on her back as she walked out of the café, but
she acted like she was not affected. She walked
normally and calmly to her car and slayed her exit.
AFTER HER SLIGHTLY intense meeting with Reigo,
Zehannah went home to rest. She wanted to have a good
night's sleep and did not want to think about
anything, but her airhead best friend called.
Nang marinig niya ang nagpa-panic na boses ni Cassia
na humihingi ng tulong, halos lumipad siya palabas ng
condo niya. Hindi siya nagda-drive kapag gabi, pero sa
sobrang pag-aalala niya kay Cassia, wala siyang
pakialam kung gaano kasakit sa mata ang mga headlight
ng sasakyan na nakakasalubong niya. She drove fast,
but with great care.
When she arrived at Cassia's new address, it surprised
her that the village her airhead friend lived in was
just in front of the Bitter Sweet Café. And she had to
undergo a series of security protocols before she was
allowed entry to the village.
Imagine the worry and panic she was feeling while
driving and waiting outside the Bachelor's Village to
be let in, only to find out the idiotic reason her
airhead friend called.
Zehannah felt like murdering someone—her name was
"Did you see that?!" sigaw ng kaibigan niyang may
hangin sa utak. "He kissed me, Zehan! He kissed me!"
Sa totoo lang, gusto niyang sabunutan ang kaibigan
niya pero baka mas lumala pa ang tama nito sa ulo.
"Did you honestly ask me to be here right now, in this
godly hour, just to freaking tell me that?"
Cassia nodded earnestly. "Of course! This is a life
and death situation—"
Zehannah couldn't take this idiocy anymore. She
flicked Cassia's forehead. "Anong life and death?
Sakalin kaya kita! Grabe ang pagmamadali ko kasi akala
ko napaano ka na, tapos malalaman kong pinapunta mo
ako rito dahil hinalikan ka?" Zehannah flicked
Cassia's forehead again. Nilakasan niya para magtanda
ang may hangin sa ulo niyang kaibigan. "Malamang
hahalikan ka ng asawa mo. Lalaki 'yan, gaga!"
Humaba ang nguso ni Cassia saka nilaro-laro nito ang
daliri na parang bata. "Zehan, I think he's bi."
Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung sasabunutan niya ang
sarili o si Cassia mismo sa sobrang frustration na
nararamdaman. "Urgh! You're so dense that I want to
pull my hair out in frustration! Hindi ka ba nakikinig
sa 'kin?! Kasasabi ko lang na lalaki ang asawa mo!
Paano pumasok sa isip mo na 'bi' 'yang asawa mo, ha?
Matalino ka naman pero bakit hindi mo naiintindihan
ang sinasabi ko?! Cass, wala ka namang sira sa utak,
'di ba?"
Sumimangot si Cassia. "Kasi 'yon lang ang kayang i-
explain ng utak ko."
Malapit nang sumigaw si Zehannah sa kabuwisitan niya
sa kaibigan. "Ako ang mababaliw sa 'yo!"
"Pero may sense naman ako, a," pakikipag-argumento pa
ni Cassia kay Zehannah. "My husband is gay, and then
suddenly, he kissed me. That means he's bi. He likes
both genders—"
"How about you take out the gay part and just focus on
her liking women?" suhestiyon ni Zehannah na punong-
puno na sa kakaibang pag-iisip ni Cassia. Kaunti na
lang, sasapakin na talaga ni Zehannah ang kaibigan
para matauhan.
"Pero, Zehan—"
"Walang pero-pero," pigil ni Zehannah sa iba pang
sasabihin ni Cassia. "Believe me. Walang gusto sa
lalaki 'yang asawa mo dahil lalaking-lalaki siya. Ikaw
lang itong hindi ko alam kung paano tumakbo ang utak
at naniniwalang lalaki rin ang gusto ng asawa mo.
Cass, wake up! Your husband just kissed you on the
lips! A gay man would never do that—"
"That's because he's bi."
Literal na napasabunot si Zehannah sa sariling buhok.
"Ayoko na. Ayoko na talaga. Bakit ba kita naging
kaibigan? Mamamatay ako nang maaga nang dahil sa 'yo."
"Zehan"—namaywang pa talaga si Cassia—"how could you
say that he's not 'bi' when you don't have proof?"
Zehannah gritted her teeth while pointing her finger
at Cass. "You. You are the proof. For goodness' sake!
Maaga pa para mamatay ako sa kunsomisyon, Cassia
Engelyn Calderon!"
Natahimik naman si Cassia. Kapagkuwan ay hinawakan
nito sa braso ni Zehannah saka hinila si Zehannah
palabas ng bahay na para bang may naalala ito.
"At saan naman tayo pupunta?" Punong-puno na si
Zehannah sa kaibigan na nagpaubaya na lang siya.
"Basta. Samahan mo na lang ako," ani Cassia. "I'm
going to give you proof that my husband is gay—I mean,
Zehannah just rolled her eyes and let Cass drag her
outside the house.
Napatitig si Zehannah sa under construction na bahay
kung saan siya hinila ng magaling niyang kaibigan.
"That's Reigo's house," imporma ni Cassia kay
Zehannah. "Sa kaniya tayo magtatanong ng katotohanan
at pruweba na tama ako."
Zehannah groaned in annoyance because she didn't want
to think about Reigo, but she still let her friend
drag her around the under-construction house, but
there was no Reigo on site.
"Ano ba 'yan, wala rito si Reigo."
Napatitig si Zehannah sa kaibigan na para bang ito na
ang pinakawalang laman ang utak sa buong mundo. "Alam
mo, Cass, sa sobrang talino mo sa trabaho, nagiging
bobo ka na sa ibang bagay."
Cassia tilted her head at Zehannah. "Huh?"
Tinuro ni Zehannag ang tinatayong bahay sa harapan
nila. "Paanong nandiyan si Reigo e under construction
Sa narinig, napasuntok sa sariling palad si Cassia
saka hinila na naman papunta kung saan si Zehannah. "I
think I know where he is, Zehan. Kailangan nating
hanapin ang high-tech na barn na sinasabi ng asawa ko.
Sa tingin ko nandoon si Reigo."
Hindi na nakipag-argumento si Zehannah at walang imik
na nagpaubaya sa kaibigan kung saan man siya nito
balak dalhin.
After asking people from six residences, they finally
found the high-tech barn.
"Wow. Barn nga."
"Yeah, yeah. What now?"
"Hanapin natin si Reigo," ani Cassia saka hinila na
naman si Zehannah.
Pero sa halip na kumatok, hinila ni Cassia si Zehannah
patungo sa pinakamalapit na bintana at sumilip sa loob
na parang magnanakaw. At dahil mukhang nag-e-enjoy sa
paninilip si Cassia, nakisilip na rin si Zehannah para
malaman kung ano'ng tinitingnan sa loob ng kaibigan.
"So high-tech," bulong ni Zehannah nang maaninag ang
loob ng barn. "Nahiya 'yong condo ko sa barn na 'to."
Tumango si Cassia saka patuloy na nanilip hanggang sa
makarinig sila ng tikhim sa likuran nila.
Kaagad na napatayo nang maayos ang dalawa saka mabilis
na umikot paharap sa tumikhim. Pero kaagad na nawala
ang kaba ni Zehannah dahil sa nahuli siya nang makita
kung sino ang nasa harapan.
Reigo Vasquez—wait...!
Zehannah looked at Cassia, who was smiling at Reigo
and then at Reigo, and something clicked in her mind.
Reigo— Cassia's husband's boyfriend—is the Reigo who
made me sore all over? Biglang sumakit ang ulo ni
"Reigo," ani Cassia nang nakangiti.
Reigo smiled back, surprising Zehannah since Reigo's
smile was as expensive as diamonds. "Hi, Cassia."
"Sorry." Zehannah stepped back when Reigo looked at
her, looking unimpressed, knowing full well what
happens when Reigo was drunk. "I can't take alcohol
scent on someone. It's nauseating."
Kaagad namang pasimpleng inamoy ni Reigo ang sarili
bago bumaling ulit kay Cassia. "So, what brought you
here? Thorn's not here."
Inunahan na ni Zehannah ang kaibigan dahil alam kaagad
niya ang sasabihin nito. Baka talaga matuyo na ang
utak niya kung magpapatuloy pa 'tong kabobohang 'to.
"Tell her you're not gay." Nakataas ang kilay ni
Zehannah kay Reigo. "And don't lie."
Reigo frowned at Zehannah—surprised that she was a
friend with Thorn's wife— and then he looked at
Cassia, who was looking at him expectantly. Of course,
he didn't like lying, but he had to cover up for his
friend. Si Thorn ang palaging takbuhan niya sa
magkakaibigan kapag may problema siya at walang itong
reklamo—well, panay pala ang reklamo nito pero wala
siyang pakialam. Sorry, Cassia. I have to protect that
idiot friend of mine.
Reigo forced a smile and said, "I'm gay." He said that
with utmost confidence, and then he looked at Zehannah
to check if he believed him—because if she did, he's
Zehannah didn't seem convinced, but Cassia was.
Nagpakawala ng buntonghininga si Zehannah saka
naglakad palapit kay Reigo para patunayang
nagsisinungaling si Reigo.
Si Reigo naman ay bahagyang napaatras sa akalang galit
si Zehannah sa pagsisinungaling niya at sasampalin
Especially when Zehannah grimaced at him when she
stopped in front of him.
Ah, I'm finished. That's what was on Reigo's mind when
Zehannah suddenly grabbed him by the neck, pulled him
down with brute force, and just claimed his lips like
nobody's business and kissed him senselessly.
Lip-locked. With tongue.
And in a split-second, Zehannah exposed his lie.
Sorry, Calderon. I can't resist her kiss. FILES
STRESSED NA STRESSED si Zehannah kay Cassia na nang
makabalik sila sa bahay nito pagkatapos niyang
patunayan dito na hindi bakla si Reigo ay uminom siya
ng alak. She wanted something to wash her mouth with
after the kiss and tequila was her choice since she
had a very wild relationship with it. And tequila
always reminded her of Reigo.
Mula nang may mangyari sa kanila ni Reigo sa club,
hindi na siya nagtangka pang uminom dahil baka ano na
namang kagagahan ang gawin niya. Mabuti nang nag-
iingat. Kaya sa condo lang niya siya umiinom palagi at
ngayon ay sa bahay nina Cassia.
And she finished the entire bottle while being
stressed over Cassia's way of thinking.
Kahit nakipaglaplapan siya kay Reigo sa harapan ni
Cassia, ayaw talagang patinag ng kaibigan niya. At
dahil ayaw niyang mamatay nang maaga sa kunsomisyon,
uminom na lang siya hanggang sa malasing siya. She did
give Cassia some advice, but she doubted if Cassia
would understand it the way it was supposed to be
At dahil sa kalasingan, sa guestroom siya ng bahay
nina Cassia natulog.
Kinaumagahan, kakagising lang ni Zehannah pero sinubok
kaagad siya ni Lord habang kasamang nag-aagahan ang
mag-asawang Thorn at Cassia na pakiramdam ni Zehannah
ay naging invisible particles siya.
Seeing Thorn took care of Cassia, it was the first
time that Zehannah thought kung hindi ganito kaalaga
ang magiging asawa ko, hindi na lang ako mag-aasawa.
And for a woman who didn't want to marry, that thought
was something else.
That morning, Zehannah left the Calderon household
feeling happy for Cassia. Yes, she didn't want to
marry but seeing her best friend being taken care of
like a queen, she was happy for her. Cassia deserved
But her happiness quickly withered away when she saw
Reigo outside the Calderon household, sitting crossed
leg on the hood of his luxury car.
'Kakapalan ba ng mukha kung iisipin kong hinihintay
ako ng gago?' tanong ni Zehannah sa sarili habang
naglalakad patungo sa sasakyan niya na nakaparada sa
gilid ng kalsada, sa likuran lang ng sasakyan ni
Zehannah wanted to pass and ignore Reigo so badly
because she wanted to go home fast, freshen up, and
spend her weekend in silence with Netflix, but alas,
luck was not on her side.
Reigo spoke as she passed him.
Zehannah did not stop. She replied as she passed him.
"Morning to you too."
Umalis si Reigo sa pagkakaupo sa hood ng sasakyan nito
at sinabayan sa paglalakad si Zehannah. "Had breakfast
Tinuro niya ang bahay na pinanggalingan. "I just came
out from a chef's house. Of course, I had breakfast."
"Do you still have space for pancakes and caramel
macchiato? I know a good café that makes amazing
pancakes and coffee."
Napatigil sa paglalakad si Zehannah at napatingin kay
Reigo na nakatingin din sa kaniya. Isa sa mga
kahinayaan niya ang pagkain—masarap na pagkain. That's
why at that moment, she's in turmoil while showing her
poker face to Reigo.
Food or her peace?
Food. Zehannah answered herself and sighed. "Akala ko
ba busy ka?" Naalala niya ang rason kung bakit palagi
itong niloloko ng mga ex-girlfriend nito. "Sabi mo
wala kang oras sa mga naging ex mo dati. Ano'ng tawag
mo rito?"
Reigo shrugged. "I only have two weeks to change your
mind. I have to make you say yes in fourteen days, so
of course, I have to make an effort."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Puwede bang hindi
tayo magkita ng dalawang linggo habang nag-iisip ako?
Hindi ba sabi ko sa 'yo sa café kahapon 'see yah in
two weeks?"
"Hell no." Reigo immediately shut down Zehannah's plan
to not see him for two weeks. "You decided to think
about my offer for two weeks because there's a part of
you that doesn't want it. So, to combat that 'no', I
have to do something to make you say yes. I don't know
what though, so let's start by getting to know each
other. Paano ka o-oo kung hindi mo ako lubusang
Zehannah shrugged. "I don't know... Your handsome
face, big dick, and high heavens?"
Reigo stared at Zehannah flatly.
"What?" Zehannah asked so innocently. "Ikaw ang
nagsabi n'on, hindi ako. Inulit ko lang."
Reigo sighed like he gave up. "Mag-agahan na nga lang
Lihim na natawa si Zehannah sa reaksiyon ni Reigo.
Hindi niya alam kung matatawag bang pikon ang binata o
Thankfully, Reigo did not force her to ride with him
like her exes before when they had a better looking
car than her. Reigo suggested a convoy which Zehannah
appreciated. Her car was old, but she loved it. Ilang
taon na niya iyong kasama at maraming lugar na ang
pinagdalhan niyon sa kaniya nang walang problema.
Following Reigo's car, he brought her to one of the
richest business centers in the city and Zehannah
could only sigh as she parked her car next to Reigo's.
"You don't like it here? Kanina ka pa tahimik," pansin
ni Reigo kay Zehannah habang magkatabing naglalakad
ang dalawa patungo sa café kung saan daw may masarap
na pancake at kape.
Tinakpan ni Zehannah ang bibig saka naghikab bago
sinagot si Reigo. "I look like shit compared to the
people around us."
Nalasing kagabi si Zehannah at doon natulog sa bahay
nina Cassia. At ngayong umaga, nanghiram siya ng
pambahay na damit ni Cassia dahil balak niyang
dumeretso sa condo niya. Kaya lang may humarang na
dumuho sa kaniya at nag-alok ng masarap na pancake at
kape na hindi niya mahindian kaya heto siya ngayon,
nakakulay krema na loose linen short, naka-puting
sleeveless shirt, at naka-tsinelas habang ang dumuhong
kasama niya naka-porma at napakaguwapo.
Sinusubok talaga ako palagi ni Lord.
"Tingnan mo nga ang suot ko," dagdag pa ni Zehannah.
"You look fine," Reigo said nonchalantly. "You're
slaying your outfit."
Zehannah's attitude turned one-hundred-eighty as she
flipped her hair and said, "Of course. Ako pa ba?"
The corner of Reigo's lips tugged up. "You know, Zee,
there's a thin line between confidence and
"Bakit?" Ginaya ni Zehannah si Reigo kahapon at
namaywang dito habang naglalakad sila. "Wala ba akong
karapatang magmayabang?"
Reigo's lips twitched as if he was holding back his
smile. "Sabi ko nga."
Inirapan ni Zehannah si Reigo. "You have no right to
call me boastful. I mean, look at yourself. Sa sobrang
hangin mo, hindi na ako magtataka kung may ipo-ipong
kapangalan mo."
"Hindi ako mahangin, nagsasabi lang ako ng totoo," ani
Reigo. Hinawakan nito ang kamay ni Zehannah at
masuyong hinila ang dalaga papasok sa isang café na
hindi mabigkas-bigkas ni Zehannah ang pangalan.
Pagkapasok na pagkapasok pa lang nila, ramdam kaagad
ni Zehannah na nasa isang high-end café sila. Maybe
it's just her, but wealthy people—the one they called
an old money—had a unique aura around them and
Zehannah was quick to pick up on it. Reigo had the
same aura, the same with Cassia's husband. But of
course, her observation was not always accurate. May
mga tao kasing mga mukhang mayaman pero hindi naman.
Minsan talaga nasa pagdadala 'yan ng tao sa sarili
Tinuro ni Zehannah ang mesa na nasa gilid. "Doon
Zehannah and Reigo took their seat, and they ordered
while Zehannah was observing Reigo. Marami na rin
siyang naka-date at naging boyfriend kaya marami
siyang experience pagdating sa iba't ibang uri ng
lalaki, at gusto niyang malaman kung anong uri ng
lalaki ang binata.
Was he the demanding type? The one who liked to be in
control? Or was he the passive type and just goes with
the flow or was he someone who likes deciding for her
date as if he's the only one that mattered?
'Yon ang nasa isip ni Zehannah nang iabot sa kaniya ni
Reigo ang menu.
"I recommend their pancakes, but they have so many
variants. It would be best if you chose for yourself,"
Zehannah smiled. She was happy that he gave her the
menu and let her choose for herself even when he had a
recommendation. "Thanks."
Tumango si Reigo saka kinausap ang waiter para sa
order nito. Kapagkuwan ay si Zehannah naman ang
kumausap sa waiter nang makapili siya ng pancake na
"You'll like it, I promise," ani Reigo habang
hinihintay nila ang order nila at tahimik lang na
nakaupo si Zehannah.
Tumingin si Zehannah sa kaharap. "Dapat lang
magustuhan ko. Ang mahal kaya no'n." Nalukot ang mukha
ni Zehannah. "Ngayon lang ako nakakita ng pancake na
mahigit isang libo ang dalawang piraso."
"It's already cheap, though."
Zehannah sighed at Reigo. "Mr. Vasquez, ipapaalala ko
lang sa 'yo na magkaiba tayo ng estado sa buhay. Ibig
sabihin, hindi pareho ang cheap mo sa cheap ko. If
this was your standard of cheap, I'm telling you now,
this is my standard of expensive."
"Oh." It was like a realization hit Reigo. "My exes
like to visit places like this. I mean, not this place
since you're the first woman I ever brought here, but
other places with higher prices of food. Hindi naman
sila namahalan."
"I'll bet they didn't pay for their food."
"Hmm. I did."
Sumimsim ng tubig si Zehannah. "That's why."
"Is that bad?"
"Who knows?" Zehannah shrugged. "Kung hindi ka naman
napilitang magbayad, siguro, hindi naman masama. Ang
masama siguro ay 'yong ginamit ka lang ng babae para
dalhin siya roon dahil alam niyang mayaman ka at kaya
mong bayaran kahit ano'ng order-in niya."
Reigo became silent.
"Na-bull's eye ba kita?" tanong ni Zehannah nang
nagbaba ng tingin si Reigo.
Reigo breathed out. "Yeah. Lots of my exes are like
"It really sucks to be you."
Reigo held Zehannah's gaze. "Not really. I met you,
didn't I?"
Okay. I'll give it to him. That was smooth. Sa isip ni
Zehannah saka mahinang natawa. "You're a smooth
talker, aren't you, Mr. Vasquez?"
"I try," Reigo said with a shrug. "Bakit? Naaakit na
ba kita?"
Zehannah smiled sweetly at Reigo. "Try harder."
"That I will."
Zehannah rolled her eyes, but a smile was still
playing on her lips, remembering his 'confession' to
Cassia last night. "Talaga ba? Akala ko ba bakla ka?"
The corner of Reigo's lips tugged up. "Want to say
that again? They have a restroom here too. I'm sure
we'll fit perfectly inside."
Zehannah smirked back. "No, thanks. I'm not drunk."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah nang bumuka ang bibig ni
Reigo pero wala namang lumabas na salita roon. Mukhang
wala itong naisip na sagot sa pambabara niya. And
Zehannah was enjoying Reigo's speechlessness. It was a
good thing for Reigo that their order arrived.
"Sana talaga masarap 'to," bulong ni Zehannah bago
tinikman ang pancake na in-order.
"Well?" Reigo asked when Zehannah remained silent
after tasting the pancake.
With her closed eyes, she hummed and commented. "Hindi
ko alam kung paano nila ginawa 'to pero sulit ang
bayad sa pancake na 'to. Ang sarap."
Reigo was pleased. "I'm glad you like it. I know lots
of places with good food. Though they might be
expensive for your standard, but I swear, they're
worth every penny."
Tumango-tango si Zehannah habang ine-enjoy ang pancake
at caramel macchiato na in-order. "Take me there then.
No worries, I'll pay for my food."
"That's a deal then. Should we seal our agreement with
a kiss?"
She showed her middle finger at Reigo. "Dream on."
For the first time, Zehannah heard Reigo chuckle, and
when she looked up to see his face, she was taken
aback by how handsome he looked while chuckling. Even
the movement of his shoulders as he chuckled
complimented his handsomeness that Zehannah had to
drag down her gaze so Reigo wouldn't notice.
'Kulang ka lang sa kape, girl. Kape ka muna para
magising 'yang utak mong may hangin na rin yata,' ani
Zehannah sa sarili saka inubos ang macchiato at um-
order pa ng isa.
Aside from glancing at Reigo's handsome face from time
to time, Zehannah's second breakfast went well.
"Do you want to have lunch or dinner with me later?"
Reigo asked while they're walking towards the parking
"Lunch? No. I want to eat by myself in peace since
it's the weekend," sagot ni Zehannah. "Dinner? Hindi
ko ugaling kumain sa labas kapag gabi. I usually eat
in my condo, so I guess that's a no, too."
"Noted. By the way, can I get your number?"
"Sure." Zehannah gave Reigo her number and waved her
hand at him before she entered her car.
Watching Zehannah leave with her car, Reigo looked at
Zehannah's number on his phone and sent a text of
introduction so she'll save his number. Akala niya
mahihirapan siyang kunin ang numero ng dalaga dahil sa
ugali nito, pero kabaliktaran ang nangyari.
She's really a bundle of mystery. Reigo thought before
he called his secretary to convene an emergency
meeting for the upcoming bidding for the biggest mall
project of Colhen Corporation and the biggest
infrastructure project of the government.
After the call, he stepped inside his car and drove to
his office where he's going to work even on weekends.
But even though he was busy as hell, he knew he
would've moved or not called for a meeting if Zehannah
agreed to have lunch and dinner with him.
Really... What the hell am I doing...?
ARRIVING AT HER condo, Zehannah was still feeling a
little hangover—the power of tequila—so she slept like
a log. Nagising lang siya dahil sa pag-iingay ng
doorbell niya. Still feeling groggy, she went to open
the door with an annoyed face.
Delivery boy ang nasa labas at halatang gulat na gulat
ito sa pagsigaw niya. "M-ma'am... d-delivery ho."
Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Wala akong in-order."
"Ah. Si Zehannah Sevil ho ba kayo, Ma'am?"
"Kung ganoon, sa inyo po talaga 'to," anang delivery
boy na pinakita pa kay Zehannah ang resibo kung nasaan
ang pangalan at address niya. "Wala naman ho kayong
kailangang bayaran, Ma'am."
Pero wala talaga siyang maalala na um-order siya kung
saan. "Kanino ba galing 'yan?"
"Reigo Vasquez po."
Immediately, Zehannah opened the door wide and
accepted the paper bag. "Ano ba'ng laman nito?"
"Pagkain ho, Ma'am. Lunch yata galing sa boyfriend
Walang emosyong tiningnan ni Zehannah ang delivery
boy. "Kuya, huwag tayong masyadong malisyoso. Hindi ko
boyfriend ang mahangin na 'yon."
Napakamot sa ulo ang deliver boy. "Pasensiya na,
Ma'am. Heto po. Papirma po ako rito na natanggap niya
na po."
Zehannah signed on the delivery boy's phone, thanked
him for delivering, and then she went back inside her
Nang mailapag ni Zehannah ang paper bag sa hapag-
kainan niya, hinagilap niya ang cellphone para
tanungin si Reigo kung anong paandar nito at
pinadalhan siya ng pagkain. Pero bago pa niya magawa
iyon, nabasa na niya ang text sa kaniya ng binata.
From: Bagyong Reigo
'The food I sent is from that excellent restaurant I
told you about this morning. You said you want to eat
in peace, so I didn't include myself in the package.
You're very much welcome for my thoughtfulness, by the
way. If you're not comfortable eating it because I
bought it, attached below is my account number and the
amount I paid. You can reimburse me if you want, but
I'd rather you reimburse me with a deep kiss and
tongue. Have a pleasant lunch and eat wild, my Zee.'
Zehannah took a deep breath and threw her phone on her
bed as if she didn't want to read more and went back
to the kitchen.
Yeah, let's forget that that bastard put a 'my' before
my nickname. Not a big deal. Nope. Zehannah—freaking—
Sevil was not swayed. But damn, that was smooth.FILES
Good morning. I'm sending pancakes to your office (the
cheapest one I found in a fast-food restaurant) and
caramel macchiato from Bitter Sweet café. If the
pancakes and macchiato are not to your liking, I'm
also on the menu. I can be your breakfast, lunch, and
dinner—even a midnight snack and very early breakfast.
Anyway, have a good day, Zee.
From the one who's going to make you say yes in twelve
days, Reigo.
Receiving a message like that from Reigo for two
consecutive days now, Zehannah had become immune to
Reigo's suggestive words.
Pero dumuho pa rin ang lalaking 'yon, napakalandi
kahit sa text.
But she couldn't really deny that just after a few
days, she found something that made Reigo likable.
Hindi ito mapilit.
Kapag nag-aya ito ng lunch o dinner at sinabi niyang
ayaw niya, wala na 'yong kasunod na tanong kay Reigo.
Pero ang kasunod naman n'on ay pagkain na padala nito
mula sa restaurant kung saan sila dapat kakain kung
um-oo siya.
It was one of those small things that she really
appreciated since she valued her peace and alone time.
"Mukhang may nanliligaw sa 'tin, Ma'am Zehan, a,"
tudyo ng assistant marketing supervisor niya sa kaniya
nang makapasok ito sa opisina dala ang pinadalang
agahan ni Reigo. "Para tanggapin niyo itong bigay na
pagkain ng manliligaw niyo, mukhang wala nang pag-asa
si Sir Dexter."
Napatingin si Zehannah sa kaharap. "Huh? Paano mo
naman nasabi 'yan, Yumi?"
"Kasi, Ma'am Zehan, hindi po ikaw ang tipo ng babae na
basta-basta lang tumatanggap ng bigay o regalo lalo na
kapag galing sa manliligaw," anang assistant
supervisor niya na ilang taon na rin niyang kasama sa
trabaho. "Ilang beses ka nang binilhan ng kape ni Sir
Dexter na hindi mo tinatanggap."
Sa narinig, hindi maiwasan ni Zehannah na mapaisip. Oo
nga, 'no? Ayaw na ayaw kong tumatanggap ng bigay.
Dahil ba binabayaran ko naman ang pagkain? Pero kahit
na, binigay pa rin naman sa 'kin. Ano'ng pinagkaiba ng
mga binibigay ni Reigo sa mga binibigay sa kaniya ng
ibang lalaki na hindi niya tinatanggap?
Zehannah couldn't find an answer, and it bothered her.
"Ma'am Zehan?"
Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah saka umaktong walang
nangyari. "Ano pala ang kailangan mo, Yumi?"
Naglapag ng portfolio si Yumi sa ibabaw ng mesa niya.
"Galing sa website developer na kausap natin. It's for
the theme, color scheme, and design of the website.
They said they needed feedback from you by the end of
the day."
"Thanks, Yumi. I'll talk to them later after I check
this," Zehannah said while tapping the portfolio.
"Sige, sabihan ko sila. By the way, Ma'am Zehan,
natanggap mo ba 'yong e-mail na s-in-end ko tungkol sa
pagbabago ng schedule ng meeting with the investors?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yep. Hindi lang ako nakapag-
reply kasi may ginagawa ako. See you there tomorrow.
I'm sure they will bombard us again about the social
media accounts they wanted to open on every social
media platform."
Napabuntonghininga si Yumi. "Even if we advised
against it because it's already too late and not
really as relevant as our website, but what can we do
if that was their decision?"
"Precisely." Zehannah blew a loud breath as she leaned
back on her swivel chair. "Gawin na lang natin. I'll
make a budget proposal plan for the social media
accounts so the Accounting Department won't hound us
in the meeting."
"Sige, Ma'am Zehan. Ako na ang bahala sa reports."
"Thanks, Yumi."
Ngumiti lang si Yumi saka lumabas na ng opisina niya.
Napatitig naman si Zehannah sa pagkaing pinadala ni
Reigo kapagkauwan ay kinuha 'yon sa lalagyan at
inumpisahang kainin ang pancake. Habang ang caramel
macchiato naman ay iniinom niya habang gumagawa ng
budget proposal plan.
When she finished the caramel macchiato, it was
already cold, but she didn't mind. She completed the
budget proposal plan and sent a copy to the Accounting
Department, then she turned her attention to the
report she was reading about the market research that
her department conducted a few months ago.
It was a busy day for Zehannah that if not for Cassia
calling her on the phone to tell her it was lunchtime
and she saved her a seat, she wouldn't even realize
that it was time to eat.
Going down to the canteen, Zehannah's lunchtime had
become a therapy session with Cassia. Araw-araw siyang
sinusubok ni Lord pagdating kay Cassia. Palagi siyang
stressed sa love life nito na pakiramdam niya kotang-
kota na siya.
And for some reason, Cassia started calling her Master
Zehan, much to her disapproval. But Cassia was Cassia.
After lunch, she went back to work. Dahil hindi pa rin
tapos ang trabaho niya, kahit masakit sa loob niya,
nag-overtime siya.
As usual, Reigo sent her a text asking if she wanted
to have dinner with him and she answered, 'Can't.
And Reigo only replied, 'Okay. Have fun.'
Gusto niyang tawagan si Reigo para singhalan ito at
sabihing walang 'fun' sa overtime, pero marami pa pala
siyang gagawin kaya hinayaan na niya ang binata at
Five hours later, she and Yumi finally finished the
work needed by tomorrow.
"Hay. Kapagod..." reklamo ni Yumi habang nasa elevator
sila pababa.
Napabuntonghininga rin si Zehannah. "Oo nga. Let's not
do this again."
Hindi talaga fan si Zehan ng overtime pero may mga
pagkakataon na kailangan talaga lalo na kapag bigla-
bigla na lang nagbabago ang schedule ng meeting at may
kailangan silang ihanda. Minsan lang mangyari, pero
nakaka-stress palagi.
Napatigil sa pag-uusap sina Yumi at Zehannah nang
tumigil ang elevator sa eight-floor at pumasok doon si
Dexter na kaagad na napangiti nang makita siya.
"Overtime rin, Sir Dexter?" magiliw na tanong ni Yumi.
Tumango si Dexter saka tumabi kay Zehannah. "Yep.
Anyway, since we just finished overtime, let's grab
dinner together. What do you say, Zee?"
Gustong pagsabihan ni Zehannah si Dexter na huwag
siyang tawaging Zee, pero ayaw naman niyang ipahiya
ito sa harap ni Yumi.
"May masarap ka bang kainan na alam, Sir Dexter?"
tanong ni Yumi nang hindi umimik si Zehannah.
"Oo. Malapit lang dito saka mura pa ang mga pagkain at
masarap. No worries, ihahatid ko kayo pagkatapos. What
do you say, Zehan?"
Nang marinig na 'Zehan' ang tinawag sa kaniya ni
Dexter, doon lang siya sumagot. "Sorry. May leftover
pa ako sa condo. At gusto ko nang magpahinga."
"Zehan, naman. Isang oras lang naman," giit ni Dexter.
"At masayang kumain kapag may kasama."
"Nah. I like my peace when eating."
Dumating na ang elevator sa ground floor at si
Zehannah ang unang lumabas nang bumukas 'yon.
"You're always like this, Zehan! You're always pushing
people away!" wika ni Dexter na hinabol si Zehannah.
"Dapat baguhin mo 'yang ugali mo hangga't hindi pa
nananawa sa 'yo ang mga taong nagmamahal sa 'yo. Baka
magsisi ka."
"Sir Dexter...!" For Yumi, that was out of line, and
she wanted to stop Dexter, but Zehannah was not the
kind of woman who would wither away by those words.
She was a savage woman with no filter when she needed
to be.
"Hindi ako magsisisi dahil ang tinutulak ko lang
palayo ay ang mga taong hindi ko mahal at walang
halaga sa 'kin," ani Zehannah habang naglalakad
patungong exit.
And those words hit Dexter like a truck. Even Yumi
covered her mouth in shock at how savage those words
As usual, Zehannah slayed her exit, but Dexter was
persistent and followed Zehannah.
Gusto nitong ipaintindi kay Zehannah na kawalan ng
dalaga kung hindi nito tatanggapin ang panliligaw
"Zee, hear me out..." Dexter's voice weakened when he
stepped outside the building and saw Zehannah staring
at the man leaning on a slick-black Mercedes Benz with
his hands in his pocket and his eyes were on Zehannah
and then on him.
"Did he just call you 'Zee'?" The man looked irritated
at him.
Zehannah waved her hand nonchalantly. "Don't make a
big deal out of it. Ikaw lang ang tumatawag sa 'kin ng
'Zee' na sinasagot ko."
"Oh. Okay." Just like that, the man calmed down and
returned his attention to Zehannah. "Want to have
"Nah. I still have some leftovers from my dinner last
Zehannah's answer made Dexter happy knowing that he
was not the only man she was pushing away, but the
next exchange of words made his heart sink.
"Let me drive you home, then."
"Sure," Zehannah easily answered and walked towards
the man's luxury car. "Is it just me, or is this a new
"Kakauwi lang ni Dad galing Germany. It's a gift. Does
it bother you?"
Zehannah sighed. "Sinasampal talaga ako palagi ng
kahirapan kapag kasama kita."
The man just chuckled and went inside his car without
opening the car's door for Zehannah, making Dexter
frown in annoyance.
"Mayaman nga, wala namang asal. Hindi man lang
pinabuksan ng pintuan si Zehannah—"
"I don't think that's the case, Sir Dexter," putol ni
Yumi na iba pang sasabihin ni Dexter. "I think that's
his way of respecting Ma'am Zehan's independence."
Walang imik na nilampasan ni Yumi si Dexter at hindi
na nagpaliwanag saka pinara nito ang taxi na
paparating. Samantalang nakaalis naman na ang sasakyan
na kinalululanan ni Zehannah at naiwan si Dexter na
nawalan na ng ganang kumain.
"Who was that man?" Reigo asked while driving Zehannah
to her condo that was just around the corner.
"Gusto niya, pero ayoko."
"Same reason I gave you," ani Zehannah habang
nakatingin sa labas ng sasakyan. "Wala ako sa mode—"
Natigilan sa pagsagot si Zehannah nang mapansing
lumiko si Reigo. "Saan tayo pupunta?"
"May dadaanan lang ako," anito. "Don't worry. I won't
force you to have dinner with me."
Zehannah was not worried. Alam naman kasi niyang hindi
siya pipilitin ni Reigo. He was not like that after
"Nag-order ka ng pagkain?" tanong ni Zehannah nang i-
park ni Reigo ang sasakyan nito sa harap ng isang
"Yeah," he answered. "I wanted to have dinner with
you, but you said you're working overtime. Then I
thought of waiting for you and asked you to dinner
again, but I remember you telling me you don't like
eating dinner outside, so I just ordered something for
Tumaas ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Katatanong mo lang kung
gusto kong mag-dinner kasama ka."
Reigo shrugged. "Just pleasantries. I know you'll say
"Wow. I'm impressed by how attentive you are."
"Praise me, then."
Zehannah smiled and went along with Reigo. "Good job,
Mr. Vasquez."
"If it's you, I want praise plus a kiss."
Tinuro ni Zehannah ang restaurant. "Kunin mo na lang
ang in-order mo, gutom lang 'yan."
"No need. They'll deliver it to my car."
And just like what Reigo said, a waiter—no, it was the
manager—came out and gave the takeout food that was
put inside an expensive-looking basket to Reigo.
"Thank you for your patronage, Mr. Vasquez."
Reigo just nodded, thanked the manager, and gave
Zehannah the basket with food before he maneuvered his
car out of the parking lot and drove her straight to
her condo.
"Have a nice dinner," was all Reigo said after he
parked his car.
Humigpit ang hawak ni Zehannah sa basket na nakapatong
sa hita niya saka nagpakawala ng malalim na hininga
bago bumaling kay Reigo. "Want to have dinner with
Reigo stilled before he asked. "You sure?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "I wouldn't have asked
A soft smile grazed Reigo's lips. "Naaakit na ba
Zehannah smiled back softly. "Binabawi ko na ang
imbitasyon ko."
"Wala nang bawian," ani Reigo saka pinatay ang makina
ng sasakyan at nauna nang lumabas sa kaniya pagkatapos
nitong kunin ang basket na nakapatong sa mga hita
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah saka lumabas na
rin ng sasakyan nito at sabay silang pumasok sa loob.
Iyon ang unang beses na may hahayaan siyang pumasok sa
condo niya na hindi niya pamilya. Tanging ang Papa at
Papi lang niya ang puwede sa condo niya. Si Cassia na
rin minsan noong wala pa itong asawa. Pero maliban sa
tatlo, wala na. She never invited her exes in her
condo, even how much they wanted her to. Hindi siya
But here she was, inviting Reigo over to have dinner.
'Gutom lang siguro 'to,' ani Zehannah sa sarili saka
binuksan ang condo at inaya sa loob si Reigo.
The first that came to Reigo's mind when he entered
Zehannah's condo was aesthetic. It was simple, cozy,
clean, and pretty. Even at first glance, anyone could
tell that the one living in that condo took good care
of it.
"Nice place," Reigo commented.
"Thanks. The kitchen's there." Tinuro ni Zehannah ang
kusina. "Magpapalit lang ako ng damit."
Napatitig si Reigo kay Zehannah. "Don't say that to my
face. It's giving me ideas."
Zehannah just waved her hand nonchalantly and went
inside her room.
Napailing naman si Reigo saka bumubulong na tinungo
ang kusina. "Zee should thank and praise me for being
a gentleman when it was so hard to be one. Yeah... I
should be praised with a kiss. I deserve it."
Reigo was still muttering to himself while taking out
the food from the basket when Zehannah entered the
"Ano'ng binubulong-bulong mo riyan?"
"Just telling myself that I deserve a kiss for being a
Zehannah rolled her eyes at Reigo before she helped
him set the table for two. "What's with you and
"I like it." Tinigil ni Reigo ang paghahain saka
tinitigan ang mga labi ni Zehannah. "Your lips and
kisses. It's addictive."
"Kawawa ka naman," sarkastikong sabi ni Zehannah.
"Yeah. So why don't you put me out of my misery and
just kiss me? With tongue, please," he requested as if
he was just asking for an additional ice cube for his
Tinuro ni Zehannah ang pagkain. "Gutom lang 'yan.
Kumain ka na."
"Heartless," Reigo mumbled before he sat on the table.
And Zehannah heard that. "Yes. Yes, I am."
As Zehannah sat at the table to join Reigo for dinner,
their conversation shifted.
"Are you free this weekend? Let's have a date," aya ni
"Akala ko ba 'you're a busy man'?" She quoted in the
"I can make time for you."
"Hmm. Let me think about it," ani Zehannah saka ini-
slice ang karne ng baby back ribs na in-order ni Reigo
saka nilagyan ito sa pinggan na ikinatigil nito sa
pagkain pero hindi iyon pinansin ni Zehannah. Nasanay
na siyang gawain 'yon kapag kumakain siya kasama ang
Papi at Papa niya. "If I may ask, where do you plan to
'date' me?"
Reigo cleared his throat. "Food hopping."
That immediately piqued Zehannah's interest. "Sige. Sa
'yo na ang Sabado ko."
"Give me your Sunday too, if you don't mind, please."
"Give me a reason."
"More food."
Napatigil sa pagnguya si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay
napatingin kay Reigo. "Fine. I'm all yours this
That made Reigo smile, and he was gorgeous.
"No kissing."
Reigo immediately lost his smile. "How could you be so
mean? I want a kiss."
"Nope. I'm not kissing you."
"Can I kiss you then?"
Nanglumbaba si Reigo sa mesa habang nakatingin sa
kaniya. "What am I going to do, then? My lips are
itching to kiss you, Zee."
"Scratch it."
"I'd rather you scratch your lips against mine."
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Nakakakita ka na ba
ng lalaking nagngangalang Reigo na nahampas ng spatula
ang labi?"
Reigo stilled and subtly covered his lips with his
fingers, then whispered grudgingly, "Am I not kissable
Napailing na lang si Zehannah saka tinapos na ang
pagkain. Kapagkuwan, sinubukan ni Reigo na tulungan
siyang maghugas pero nang mabasag nito ang isa sa baso
niya, nagdesisyon itong tahimik na umupo na lang sa
tabi at panoorin siya.
"Sige na, uwi na. Matutulog na ako. May pasok at
meeting pa ako bukas," pagpapaalis ni Zehannah sa
binata habang tinutulak ito patungo sa pintuan ng
Nagpaubaya naman si Reigo at nang makalabas ay humarap
ito kay Zehannah at pinakatitigan ang dalaga.
"What?" Zehannah asked while holding the door of her
condo so she could close it immediately once Reigo
"Thank you for inviting me to have dinner in your
condo," Reigo spoke earnestly while looking into
Zehannah's eyes. "I would say thank you for the
hospitality too, but you threatened to slap my lips
with a spatula, so no... but, really, I appreciate the
invitation. It'll be an honor to dine with you again
in your place."
Humilig sa hamba ng pintuan si Zehannah saka pinagkrus
ang mga braso sa harap ng dibdib. "Talagang malaking
karangalan na makapasok sa condo ko. You're welcome."
Reigo stared at her again—the kind of stare that could
make a woman uncomfortable or swoon, but not Zehannah.
She stared back without backing down and only blinked
when Reigo suddenly leaned forward and claimed her
When Reigo pulled away, he was expecting a furious
Zehannah, but she only narrowed her eyes at him.
And then Zehannah showed something from her back—a
"I have a feeling you'll do this, so I readied my
Reigo immediately took off by running as if his life
depended on it. "Good night, my Zee! See yah!"
Ibinaba ni Zehannah ang nakataas na spatula kapagkuwan
ay ang labi niya ang masuyong tinampal-tampal gamit
Her lips were tingling. And it bothered Zehannah.
She sighed. "Seriously, that guy..." She sighed again.
But it's not like I disliked it. It actually felt
nice. But the reluctance was still there, so she was
not sold yet.
Tatlong araw pa lang sa labing-apat na araw na
napagkasunduan nila ni Reigo.
Now, she couldn't help but wonder if she'd have a
change of heart and say yes in eleven days. FILES
"SOMEONE LOOKS grumpy." Boses iyon ni Ream na
kakapasok lang sa barn at nakita si Reigo na
nakatambay sa jacuzzi at masama ang tabas ng mukha.
"Aren't you supposed to be working?"
"Day off."
Ream frowned and glanced at the calendar inside the
barn. "Today is Wednesday though."
"Don't care. I decided to take a day off, so I'm
taking a day off."
Hindi na nakipag-argumento si Ream. This was Reigo,
his friend who scheduled his mood swings. "Why so
grumpy? Naka-schedule ba?"
"Nah. Just thinking of something." Bumaling si Reigo
kay Ream. "How about you? Ano'ng ginagawa mo rito? Sa
dami ng anak mo, may oras kang mamasyal?"
"Nope." Umupo sa pang-isahang sofa si Ream. "I'm
meeting Dark here for his order. So technically, I'm
"Yeah. So why are you grumpy?"
Naalala na naman ni Reigo kung bakit. "Say you made a
nickname for someone and then someone else—a very
insignificant bug—used that nickname to call her.
Would you be pissed?"
"Does this 'someone' have a relationship with that
"Nah. Katrabaho lang."
"Then do I have a relationship with this someone?"
"No. Just courting, I mean, trying to court."
Pigil ni Ream ang mapangiti. Reigo was the most
misunderstood of them all. Maybe it's because of his
long list of ex-girlfriends and his bitterness. Just a
few months ago, he was cursing all women—even Cupid—
and now, it looked like Reigo found a new one.
Hope it ends differently this time, Ream thought, and
answered Reigo. "Wala kayong relasyon kaya wala kang
Natahimik si Reigo saka bumulong, "Tama lang pala na
hindi ako nagalit kahit gusto kong pasabugin ang bungo
ng surot na 'yon."
Reigo's vocabulary shocked Ream. "The hell, man...?
Alam mo kung ano ang surot?"
Ream was still shocked. "I'm amazed."
Reigo shrugged nonchalantly, and moments later, he
groaned as if pissed. "Ah, fuck. I want to crush that
bug, but if Zee finds out, she's going to have my head
and not the head that would bring me pleasure."
Napailing si Ream. "Then don't do it. If that bug went
out of line, let your woman handle him. I'm sure she
could crush him by herself after hearing the fear in
your voice."
Reigo leaned back on the jacuzzi's edge and sighed as
he looked at the ceiling. "I'm telling you, Oliveros,
Zee is like a firewall. She would never crack under
pressure. Her heat resistance is too high that I'm
having a hard time melting her. Not only that, I think
she is a very scary and dangerous feline. But damn..."
Reigo sighed as if contentment just filled him. "I'm
still drawn to her like a moth to a flame."
"Be careful."
Mabilis na napalingon si Reigo sa kaibigan. "What?"
"I said be careful," ulit ni Ream. "If you lost her
like your exes, I don't think you'll ever be the same.
All those bitterness that you felt when your exes
cheated on you and left you, it is nothing compared to
what you'll feel if you lost this one."
A frown made its way to Reigo's forehead. "Why?"
Ream smiled mysteriously. "You'll realize 'why' soon
Oliveros was being cryptic, and Reigo was confused. He
didn't know what Oliveros meant by his words, but he
listened and noted it.
"So... kumusta ang panliligaw mo?"
Ibinalik ni Reigo ang tingin sa kisame. "I'm trying,
but I sucked at it."
"Ano ba'ng ginagawa mo para ligawan siya?"
"Be myself...?" Reigo sighed. "Calderon said to be
Napangiwi si Ream. "Sa ugali mo? Hindi ako nagtataka
na hindi mo pa siya napapa-oo."
"Yeah..." Reigo sighed. "I'm not really a good guy. I
mean, I know myself, so I know what I lack and I know
my shortcomings and I actually want to hide them from
Zee... but I have a feeling I'll regret it if I did.
All my life, I've been operating through gut feeling—
the reason I always feel when my exes are cheating on
me is through that—and my gut feeling this time is
telling me to be honest and not hide anything, so
that's what I'm trying to do."
"I hope it works well for you." Ream was really hoping
for the best for Reigo. "I'm rooting for you."
"Thanks!" Reigo got up and as bare as the day he was
born, he left the jacuzzi and walked around the barn,
naked and unashamed.
Nagpakawala ng buntonghininga si Ream habang
nakangiwing nakamasid kay Reigo na hubad pa ring
palakad-lakad sa barn. "Don't you have some decency?"
"Huh? What's that?" sarkastikong tanong ni Reigo bago
kinuha ang itim na roba na nakasabit sa likod ng upuan
sa hapag-kainan at isinuot 'yon. Kapagkuwan ay kinuha
nito ang cellphone sa briefcase bag at pabagsak na
umupo sa pang-isahang sofa habang umiinom ng beer na
kinuha nito sa ref.
Reigo looked like a bum with no future, and Ream just
shook his head. Dark's reaction was the same when he
arrived at the barn and saw Reigo lounging on the
couch like it was not a Wednesday.
Oh well, Reigo came from an old money family. Kahit
hindi ito magtrabaho buong buhay nito, hindi mauubos
ang pera nito. His family was that wealthy. And the
only reason Reigo was working his butt off was because
he wanted to spend his own money—the money that he
made for himself and not anyone else's. Ayaw nitong
umasa sa mga magulang nito at sa mamanahin nito.
"Ano nangyari diyan?" tanong ni Dark kay Ream
patungkol kay Reigo na nakahilata sa sofa. Katatapos
lang ng dalawa mag-usap tungkol sa order ni Dark.
Tumaas ang mga kilay ni Dark. "For real this time? I
mean, you know what I mean."
"I guess..." Ream shrugged. "A bull's eye from Cupid."
Dark chuckled. "He needs lots of luck then. And he
also needs an anti-Volkzki curse."
Mahinang natawa si Ream. "Hayaan mo na para naman
malasap niya ang nalasap naming sinumpa ni Volkzki.
Damay-damay na 'to."
"True. Palibre na lang tayo sa kaniya sa tindahan nina
Eva kapag brokenhearted na siya."
Tumango si Ream. "Yep. That's the plan."
Dark said nothing and left the barn. Afterward, Ream
followed, and left Reigo alone in the high-tech barn,
exchanging messages with the scary and dangerous
ZEHANNAH LET OUT a relieved sigh when the meeting with
the investors came to an end and they did not chew
them out. The overtime was worth it, Zehannah thought
as she walked towards the elevator that would bring
her to the eleventh floor—her department's floor.
Riding the elevator, she checked her phone for any
important messages, and there were none.
Well, there was one. It was from her Papi just
informing her that he'll be discharged soon, and she
didn't need to come to the hospital and help.
Kahit na sinabi 'yon ng Papi niya, gusto pa rin niyang
tulungan ang mga ito pero may trabaho siya bukas.
Siguro bisitahin niya lang ang mga ito sa bahay
pagkatapos ng trabaho.
Aside from her Papi's text, there was another one that
she hadn't opened since she received it this morning.
From: Reigo
'Good morning, my Zee.'
Hindi siya nag-reply kasi busy siya at hindi 'good'
ang morning niya. Pero ngayong tapos na ang meeting
niya, ni-reply-an na niya ang binata. 'Good morning to
you, too. Wdyw?'
The reply from Reigo was instant. 'You.'
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah. 'Kulang sa
tulog lang 'yan.'
'Nah. My sleep is good and I'm having a day off.'
Zehannah frowned. 'Day off in the middle of the week?'
'Yeah. Self-proclaimed day off since I woke up
pissed.' Reigo replied. 'That's why I'm pretty sure
about what I want, which is you, by the way.'
If Reigo was in front of her, she would've looked at
him flatly. 'Gaano ka kalandi?'
'Sa 'yo lang lalandi.'
Napailing si Zehannah sa reply ng binata saka lumabas
ng elevator nang bumukas 'yon. Ibinulsa niya ang
cellphone saka tinungo ang opisina. Nang makarating
doon at nakaupo na, saka lang niya nilabas ang
cellphone at tiningnan ang messages.
Reigo sent another text.
'Am I bothering you at work?'
Napatitig si Zehannah sa text sa 'yon ni Reigo. She
had a feeling that if she replied 'yes', he will
immediately stop texting her because he understood her
priorities when she's at work, which was much
So she replied. 'Just finished my meeting and I'm
resting, so I'm giving you 30 minutes of my time
before I go back to work. Be grateful and say thank
Reigo, who was in the barn, chuckled when he read
Zehannah's reply. He really liked how sarcastic,
witty, and confident she was. Though she could be
savage when she wanted to and there were times that he
couldn't rebuke her and have a comeback when they were
bantering, he still wanted more of her.
'If I say thank you, would you kiss me?'
'Seriously. What's with you and kisses?'
Reigo licked his lips. 'You made me like this. You
kissed me with tongue and I got hooked, so take
responsibility for me, Zee.'
'You kissed me back, so take responsibility for
'Am I not kissable enough?'
And Zehannah replied savagely. 'I would be lying if I
said yes, but I'm just not interested in kissing you.'
Napahawak si Reigo sa dibdib niya saka
napabuntonghininga at pabulong na nagsalita. "Such
savagery. Good thing I'm not fragile."
'Zee, how could you be so mean to me? *insert sulking
on the sofa*.'
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah sa reply na iyon ng
binata saka napaisip kung ano'ng itsura nito habang
nagsu-sulk sa sofa.
'Take a picture of you. I'm curious what you look like
while sulking.' She replied.
And Reigo did. He sent a photo and Zehannah's lips
Reigo Vasquez was freaking naked! And he purposely
showed the V-shape muscular grooves on his abdomen
alongside his hips—also known as Adonis belt—down
below, just enough to see the little hair that
Zehannah was sure would lead her to that monstrous
thing between his legs.
And the bastard was doing a very fake sad face. It was
too fake that Zehannah forgot Reigo's body—okay, that
was a lie. How could she disregard that body?
Ang katawan ni Reigo ay 'yong uri ng katawan na
Kung wala lang siguro siyang nararamdamang pag-
aatubili na tanggapin ang alok nito, baka kagabi pa
siya lumuhod. But Reigo's salivating body aside, she
was still wasn't sure if it was a good idea to enter a
relationship with Reigo.
Like she asked him that day, what was the merit of
dating him other than his good looks and big 'D'? Ito
ang katanungan na gusto niyang masagot sa loob ng
dalawang linggo.
Hindi sa nagpapakipot siya. Hindi lang talaga siya
sigurado kung tama ba ang magiging desisyon niya kaya
nga humingi siya ng dalawang linggo para makapag-isip.
'Too much?' Reigo texted when Zehannah didn't reply.
'Your 30 minutes is done. Have a wonderful lunch 😀'
'Why am I hearing sarcasm in your reply?'
'Because I'm really being sarcastic.'
'So mean. Did you not like my body? It's all yours.'
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. 'Why do I feel like
you're selling your body to me?'
'Because that's the only good thing I have. My face.
My body. And my money. Other than that, I have
Zehannah wanted to earn their conversation at her last
reply, but after reading Reigo's message, she couldn't
stop replying.
'Who told you that?'
'My exes. And I think they're right. I mean, why would
they cheat and look for someone else if I'm not
lacking in a lot of things? Handsome face and good
body alone can't make a woman stay.'
There it is. Zehannah thought after reading Reigo's
reply. The effect of what those women did to him. He's
always boasting about how good he looked, but his
self-esteem was really low.
Those women who selfishly cheated on him... did they
even wonder what happened to the one they cheated on?
The emotional and psychological torture they put their
partners through... did they even think of that after
the fact?
Just like Reigo—this handsome and flirty guy—his self-
esteem had taken a severe blow. Affecting him
emotionally and psychologically. Just like everyone
else who was cheated on.
And she was angry. Angry for those people who suffered
because of their inconsiderate partners and also angry
for Reigo for experiencing horrible relationships one
after another.
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah saka tinawagan si
"Zee...?" He sounded surprised that she called. "Wow.
You're actually calling me. I should throw a party—"
"Those women cheated on you because they're all
inconsiderate bitches, and not because you're lacking
something. It's not your fault, it's theirs. Keep that
in mind, Mr. Vasquez."
Zehannah ended the call without waiting for Reigo's
reply, who was lost for words after he heard what
Zehannah said.
After a little while, a smile stretched Reigo's lips
and it turned into a soft chuckle. "Indeed. It would
be idiotic of me not to ask you to date me, even
though you're out of my league."
Bumaba ang tingin ni Reigo sa cellphone na hawak at
mabilis na nag-type ng mensahe para kay Zehannah.
'Have fun working.'
'😤 What's so fun about working?'
'Let me send you a delicious lunch and snack to make
it fun. Or you could choose me for lunch and a snack.
Naked or clothed is okay. I could be hard, rough,
gentle, and soft. In short, I'm an all-around
Zehannah's reply was only one emoji. '🖕'
And Reigo's reply was, '😚'.
And somehow, that kissing emoji made Zehannah chuckle
and shake her head because she could actually imagine
Reigo doing the same thing as his emoji. He's a
kissing addict after all.
REIGO DID NOT bother Zehannah after his thirty-minute
texting time. He only texted twice after that and that
was to inform Zehannah of her lunch and then snack.
Other than that, he was silent, which Zehannah
appreciated because she really was busy working her
ass off.
Kaya naman masaya si Zehannah nang oras na para umuwi
pero ang kasiyahan niya ay naputol nang makitang
inaabangan siya ni Dexter sa labas ng opisina niya.
"Zee, can we talk?"
Zehannah didn't reply.
Doon lang siya tumingin kay Dexter. "Talk about what?"
"About last night—"
"Hindi na kailangan. Nakalimutan ko na 'yon." Nauna
nang sumakay si Zehannah sa elevator at ayaw man niya,
sumakay rin si Dexter.
Dexter was about to start a conversation with Zehannah
when Zehannah's phone rang.
It was the first time that Zehannah was over the moon
with happiness that Reigo called. Who wouldn't be? She
avoided a conversation with Dexter.
"Yeah?" she answered Reigo's call.
"Hey, my Zee. I was roaming around and wasting my gas
when I realized that I'm near your workplace. Can I
pick you up?"
She rolled her eyes. "Dahilan mo, bulok."
Zehannah sighed. "And no, you can't. Malapit lang
naman ang condo ko. I can take care of myself."
"Hmm. Do you want me to have dinner with you in your
"Huwag ka nang umasa. One time, big time lang 'yon."
Reigo grumbled. "Nawalan ako bigla ng ganang kumain."
"Kawawa ka naman," sarkastikong sabi ni Zehannah.
"Mean and sarcastic. That's what you are, Zee," Reigo
continued grumbling while driving.
"Yes. I am. So why do you still want me to date you?"
"I like you. That's why."
Zehannah clicked her tongue. "Such a smooth talker.
Pero hindi pa rin ako magpapasundo sa 'yo."
"Sabi ko nga. Uwi na ako sa barn."
Zehannah smiled and exited the elevator when it
reached the ground floor, not minding Dexter, who
still wanted to talk to Zehannah. "Sige na. Ba-bye na.
Maglalakad ako papunta sa condo. Baka mahablot
cellphone ko bigla, wala akong pambili ng bago."
"Okay. Ingat sa pagtawid."
Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Ano ako, bata?"
Reigo chuckled. "Hindi. Pero puwede ka nang gumawa ng
"Gago ka talaga."
"Did you blush?"
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "You wish. It would take
your all to make me blush."
Reigo sighed like he gave up. "Sabi ko nga. Sige na,
umuwi ka na. Ingat."
"Yeah, you too."
The call ended, and Zehannah immediately went home.
Nang makita niya ang mamahaling sasakyan ni Cassia sa
parking lot na bigay ng asawa nito, t-in-ext niya si
Cassia na mauuna na siya. Mukhang may tinatapos pa ito
dahil hindi ito umangal na hindi niya ito hinintay.
Nang makarating sa condo niya, nag-text siya kay Reigo
na huwag siyang padalhan ng pagkain dahil ang dami na
niyang leftovers at 'yon ang balak niyang kainin para
sa hapunan.
At ang dumuho, lyrics ng kanta ang reply sa kaniya.
Lyrics from the song 'All by Myself'.
Napailing lang si Zehannah saka nagpadala ng text kay
Cassia para makisuyo. Pagkalipas ng ilang minuto,
nagpasalamat siya kay Cassia dahil nagawa nito ang
pinapasuyo niya.
'No problem, Master Zehan 😚.' Was Cassia's reply
making Zehannah smile, but when she read how Cassia
addressed her, her smile turned into a sigh.
"Ayaw talagang makinig ni Cassia," bulong ni Zehannah
sa sarili. "Oh, well. She did me a favor just now. I
owe her one."
Pinalipas muna ni Zehannah ang isang oras bago ginawa
ang balak.
She opened the app she usually used when she's feeling
lazy to cook and ordered different kinds of food for
one person and then she put in the address and paid
for the food. After that, she went back to reheating
her leftovers for her dinner.
Meanwhile, in the barn, Reigo sulkily dropped himself
on the sofa and grumbled at how unlucky he was.
Zehannah didn't let him take her home, didn't want to
have dinner with him, and didn't want him to buy her
Nawalan siya ng ganang kumain dahil sa kamalasan niya
ngayong araw kaya naman nahiga na lang siya sa sofa at
nagpatugtog ng kanta sa cellphone niya.
But his music was interrupted when the barn's phone
It was a call from the village's gate. May delivery
daw para sa kaniya. Nagtaka siya dahil nakapangalan
talaga sa kaniya pero wala namang maalala si Reigo na
in-order niya. Pero kahit ganoon, pinapasok pa rin
niya baka padala ng isa sa kaibigan niya o para sa isa
sa mga kaibigan niya.
Those lunatics usually addressed it to the barn,
especially if it's a gift for their wives to avoid
being found out and ruining the surprise.
But to his surprise, it was a food delivery for him.
Yes. Him. Nakapangalan sa kaniya ang delivery.
Reigo was skeptical and didn't want to accept the food
until his phone beeped and he received a message from
'Enjoy your dinner and eat wild, Mr. Vasquez.'
With a smile he couldn't hold back, he accepted the
food and thanked the delivery guy. Then he went back
inside, placed the paper bag with food on the center
table in the living room, and replied to Zehannah.
'I'd rather eat you, but thanks for the food. Unlike
you, I'm not paying you back. I'm deciding that it's
your treat.'
'I'm amazed at how thick-skinned you are.'
He chuckled. 'Yes. I'm very thick and you know it.'
'Kumain ka na lang. Gutom lang 'yan.'
'I'll tell you how thick I am after I'm full. Anyway,
enjoy your leftovers and eat wild, my Zee.'
There was no reply after that, but Reigo was in a good
mood. Who wouldn't be? His Zee just sent him food. If
that was not a good development, then what is? FILES
IN THE DAYS that followed, Zehannah and Reigo had
become constant text mates. Their messages to each
other were comprised of savagery and sarcasm on
Zehannah's part while kisses and flirting on Reigo's.
Sanay na sanay na si Zehannah sa kalandian ni Reigo sa
text man o sa personal na nagiging immune na siya.
Though nothing really changed between the two. Reigo
still buys food for Zehannah and Zehannah would
sometimes do the same for Reigo. And it might not be
every day, but Reigo was happy when Zehannah would let
him drive her home and have dinner with him in her
Just like that Friday night. Inimbitahan ni Zehannah
si Reigo na mag-dinner nang ihatid ito ng binata sa
condo nito.
Reigo eagerly accepted the invitation, and now he's
trying his hardest to peel four pieces of carrots for
their dinner.
It was so hard, Reigo started cussing at the carrots.
Napailing naman si Zehannah na katatapos lang maghiwa
ng bawang at cabbage.
"Don't judge. I don't cook, okay?" said Reigo when he
felt Zehannah's gaze on him.
"I'm just looking," inosenteng sagot ni Zehannah.
"Yeah, right."
Pigil ni Zehannah na matawa nang sunod-sunod na mura
ang lumabas sa bibig ng binata nang dumulas ang
ginagamit nitong peeler para balatan ang carrots.
"This is so fucking hard..." Despite that, he
continued peeling the carrots until he got the hang of
it and slowly finished peeling the four carrots.
"Slice it afterwards," utos ni Zehannah kay Reigo
habang nakapamaywang si Zehannah sa harap ng air fryer
at binabantayan ang nilulutong buong manok sa loob.
Reigo let out a loud, exhausted breath. "Zee! Can't we
just order? It's as easy as breathing."
"Nope. Kung gusto mong kumain kasama ko, umpisahan mo
nang hiwain 'yang carrots."
Nagpakawala ng malalim na hininga si Reigo saka dahan-
dahang hiniwa ang carrots. He had no proper training,
so Reigo was scared shit that he'll cut his fingers.
Meanwhile, Zehannah was inwardly smiling at Reigo's
unparalleled concentration while slicing the carrots.
Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung papalakpakan niya ang
binata nang matapos din ito sa wakas.
"Yes! Success!" he hissed and even punched the air in
Napailing si Zehannah saka pinatay na ang air fryer na
katatapos lang lutuin ang roasted chicken. Kapagkuwan
ay kinuha niya ang cabbage at bawang na hiniwa na nasa
island counter bago kinuha ang carrots na hawak-hawak
pa rin ni Reigo ang pinaglagyan na pinggan parang
nagmamalaki ito saka mabilis na niluto 'yon.
It was nothing complicated. She just sauteed the
carrots and cabbage in garlic and butter. Then she
added a little bit of water, let it boil for a couple
of minutes, seasoned it with salt and pepper, and
Zehannah served it alongside the roast chicken. And
she was thankful that Reigo did not ask for a cup of
rice because, truthfully, she had none. Nasanay kasi
siya sa bahay ng mga magulang niya nang doon pa siya
nakatira. Hindi kumakain ng kanin ang Papi at Papa
niya. They said it's for their health and she adopted
that way of eating as well.
Nang makaupo si Zehannah, bahagyang pumikit si Reigo
saka umusal ng maikling pasasalamat sa pagkain bago
nito tinikman ang roasted chicken na ginawa niya.
"It's..." Patuloy itong ngumuya saka nagkomento, "It's
not bad."
Sapat na 'yon kay Zehannah. Wala naman kasi talaga
siyang talent sa pagluluto. And she preferred the
'it's not bad' comment than a 'it's delicious' just to
please her. Alam naman kasi niyang hindi siya
kagalingang magluto.
"Magpasalamat ka sa air fryer," ani Zehannah na nag-
umpisang kumain na rin. "It did all the work.
Pinaglalagay ko lang lahat ng ingredients sa loob
tapos ini-on ko."
Reigo was impressed. "Damn. That's magic."
"Yep," sang-ayon ni Zehannah saka itinuro ang nilutong
cabbage at carrots. "Eat it, just don't expect
anything. I'm not a good cook. I just like cooking for
Reigo said nothing and ate the cabbage and carrots.
After chewing, he looked at her and said, "Walang
lasa. Ang tabang."
Tinuro ni Zehannah ang asin. "Dagdagan mo na lang."
Without complaints, Reigo added salt to his sauteed
cabbage and carrots and continued eating.
"You said you like cooking. Have you tried attending
cooking classes?" tanong ni Reigo kay Zehannah habang
"Walang oras, walang pera," deretsong sagot ni
Zehannah dahil 'yon naman talaga ang dahilan niya.
"Are you having a hard time?"
Napatigil sa pagkain si Zehannah saka napatingin kay
Reigo. "What?"
That was the first time someone asked her that. Ang
iba kasi kapag nalalaman na marketing supervisor siya,
feeling ng mga ito e ang yaman-yaman na niya.
"I'm born wealthy, but even I'm having a hard time
with this 'adulting' thing." He looked at Zehannah.
"Are you, too?"
Reigo was always flirtatious, and when he gets
serious, it always takes Zehannah aback. Like now.
"Who doesn't?" Zehannah went back to eating. "May pera
naman ako, may ipon, pero hindi pa rin sapat. I have
bills to pay, I have dues, and I'm working my ass off
every day to not go broke and support myself. But at
the end of the day, I'm not really going anywhere with
my job and life. I mean, it has always been a dream of
mine to build my own business, but it's not really
that easy. Sa pinagtatrabahuan ko ngayon, kahit naman
mag-split at tumambling ako sa trabaho, wala pa ring
patutunguhan 'yon."
Reigo nodded after listening to Zehannah. He
understood her, and he was happy that she was thinking
about her future. "You're still young, Zee. Marami ka
pang magagawa at mababago sa buhay mo. Just keep on
slaying like you're doing now."
"Young, huh?" Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Malapit na
akong mamaalam sa kalendaryo."
"Mamamaalam na ako ngayong taon sa kalendaryo pero
wala lang naman sa 'kin 'yon. Aging is inevitable, but
it's no reason to stop growing, dreaming, and setting
goals, Zee. As they say, life begins at thirty.
There's still a lot you can do. Maybe, hmm, say, build
a business?"
Napangiti si Zehannah. "Hindi ka lang pala malandi,
puwede ka na ring maging motivational speaker."
Reigo smiled back. "I will be your motivational
speaker anytime. I may not be able to tell you what
you want to hear, but I will be sure to tell you what
you need to hear. I won't sugarcoat my words. I'll
always give it to you straight." Then he grinned so
gorgeously. "How's that for your future boyfriend?"
Natawa si Zehannah saka inirapan ni Reigo. "Okay na
sana. Dinagdagan mo pa sa huli."
"Siyempre. I have to work hard. I only have a week
Napailing si Zehannah saka hiniwa-hiwa ang roasted
chicken at nilagyan ang pinggan ni Reigo.
Nuong unang kumain si Reigo kasama si Zehannah,
ikinagulat 'yon ni Reigo, pero ngayon, naiintindihan
na ni Reigo na ugali na 'yon ng dalaga. She was doing
it unconsciously that Reigo would bet that she was not
even aware of it.
"Papauwin mo ba ako kaagad pagkatapos nating kumain?"
tanong ni Reigo habang inuubos ang nilagay na roasted
chicken ni Zehannah sa pinggan nito.
"Hmm. Why?" She glanced at him. "Want to stay?"
"Can I?" The way Reigo's face lit up made Zehannah
smile inwardly. "Just until your bedtime, but if you
want, I can—"
"Huwag mo nang tapusin," pigil ni Zehannah sa iba pang
sasabihin ni Reigo. "Alam ko na ang kasunod niyan,
kabastusan. Huwag mo nang dagdagan pa. Baka magbago
ang isip ko at pauwiin kita kaagad."
Reigo immediately straightened his body as if he was
in the military and in front of his commander. "Yes,
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata saka nagpatuloy sa
pagkain. Napangiti naman si Reigo saka tinuloy na rin
ang pagkain.
Zehannah and Reigo finished their dinner while making
small talks and when it was time to wash the dishes,
Reigo tried again, but failed. Sa pagkakataong 'yon,
pinggan naman ang nabasag nito kaya naman pinaubaya na
nito kay Zehannah ang paghuhugas.
Napailing si Zehannah sa nabasag ni Reigo. "Go away.
Doon ka sa salas. Wait for me there."
Reigo instantly listened and left the kitchen to go to
the living room, afraid that he might break something
Sa barn ni Lysander, hindi siya nahihirapang maghugas
dahil may dishwasher doon. He just had to put the
dishes in, press some buttons, and then viola, done.
Who would have thought that it was hard to manually
wash the dishes?
Sighing, Reigo stayed in the living room, appreciating
the minimalist design of Zehannah's condo, when he
spotted a guitar in the corner.
'Does she play?' tanong ni Reigo sa isip habang
naglalakad patungo sa gitara.
It has her name on it. Reigo carefully picked up the
guitar and strummed it softly to check the tune. It
was in perfect condition. And by the looks of the
guitar up close, it was often used.
Reigo wanted to play but was reluctant since it was
not his, so he called out to Zehannah from the living
room. "Zee...! Can I borrow your guitar?"
With Zehannah's consent, Reigo took the guitar and
went to sit on the long sofa. Reigo did not have to
think about what song to play, he always played the
same song when he's playing the guitar.
'I feel you crumble in arms down to your heart of
You bled me dry just like the tears you never show,
Why don't you take want you want from me?
Take what you need from me,
Take what you want and go.'
That's when Zehannah entered the living room and when
she saw Reigo playing the guitar and singing, she
stopped in her tracks to watch and listen. His deep,
baritone voice immediately got her.
'I never needed anything from you,
And all I ever asked was for the truth,
You showed your tongue and it was forked in two,
Your venom was lethal, I almost believe you.
Yeah, you preyed on my every mistake,
Waited on me to break,
Held me under hoping I would drown,
Like a plague, I was wasting away trying to find my
way out.
Find my way out...'
Zehannah was listening intently, but Reigo suddenly
In Zehannah's eyes, Reigo looked so somber that she
unconsciously walked towards the long sofa and sat on
the opposite end while facing Reigo. "What's that song
called? Ngayon ko lang narinig 'yon."
Reigo faced Zehannah and placed the guitar in between
them. "Take What You Want by Post Malone."
Zehannah took the guitar and placed it on her lap.
"I'll assume that it's your chosen break-up song?"
Reigo leaned on the back of the sofa on his side while
looking at Zehannah. "I don't know. It's a song that
sums up my dating experiences, so... maybe?"
Zehannah strummed her guitar. "I envy you a little.
You've dated a lot, been hurt, and cheated on, but
you're still here and risking it all over again. Only
brave people could do that."
"Choosing to be single and staying single is also a
brave thing to do, Zee," ani Reigo. "Hindi lahat
kayang gawin 'yon. Some are afraid to be alone and
single but not you. It takes courage to be alone same
as it takes courage to enter a relationship. I dated a
lot and honestly, I'm at my limit." Reigo let out a
strained chuckle. "I don't want to date anymore
because I can already see how it'll end. I can already
see them cheating on me or picking on my mistakes and
"But here you are..." Zehannah drawled.
Reigo smiled at her, and it was the most gorgeous
smile she had ever seen him wear. "But... here I am. I
want to risk it one more time with you. One more. Who
knows? You might be my lady luck."
"And if I'm not?"
"That's why it's called risk. Because nothing great
comes without a risk. And you, my Zee, are one of the
greatest human beings I've met. You... are worth the
Wala sa sariling humigpit ang hawak ni Zehannah sa
gitara kapagkuwan ay huminga siya nang malalim dahil
pakiramdam niya kinakapos siya ng hininga.
And it's all because of Reigo's earnest words and the
sincerity in his eyes.
He's exasperating but amusing when he's flirty,
however, when he's like this... I honestly don't know
how to handle him. Zehannah felt like she was being
cornered, but it was not an uncomfortable space like
she was used to.
"Did I make you uncomfortable?" he asked as if that
was the last thing he wanted.
Umiling si Zehannah. "May naisip lang ako. Pero bakit
parang huli na ang tanong mo na 'yan? Pagkatapos ng
mga malalanding pinagsasasabi mo?"
Nagkibit-balikat ang binata. "You don't really get
uncomfortable when I'm being flirty and suggestive.
Yes, you get exasperated with me, but not
Reigo was right on the money that Zehannah couldn't
even deny it. "Well. You're amusing sometimes."
"I deserve praise and a kiss then," Reigo extolled
"Why?" He was like a child asking why he couldn't have
what he wanted.
"Because I don't want to kiss you. Is that reason
"Well..." He sighed heavily and his shoulders fell.
"Yeah. It is."
"Good." Zehannah smiled and turned her attention to
her guitar.
She had been strumming it since earlier and she was
itching to play a song.
"Want to play?" Reigo asked, seeing Zehannah staring
down at her guitar.
"Kinda. Pero pakiramdam ko, hindi mo magugustuhan ang
mga paborito kong kanta."
That intrigued Reigo. "By all means, let me hear it."
"Hmm..." Zehannah strummed her guitar and started with
the first chord of one of her favorite songs.
'I book myself tables at all the best restaurants then
eat alone,
I buy myself fast cars just so I can drive them real
fucking slow,
I like my own company, company I don't need it,
I'm not always cold, I'm just good on my own, so good
on my own.'
Zehannah raised her head and looked into Reigo's eyes
as if the next lyrics were meant for him.
'I've always been told
One day, I'll find somebody who changes my mind,
If they come along, I won't think twice,
'Cause I already got a good thing with me,
Yeah, I already got everything I need,
The best thing in life are already mine,
I'm good by myself, need no one else,
Don't tell me that you got a good thing for me,
'Cause I already got a good thing with me.'
Zehannah stopped playing and smiled at Reigo. "That's
one of my anthems. It's 'Good Things' by Zedd and
Kehlani. Did you like it?"
Reigo smiled back, unfazed by the lyrics of one of
Zehannah's favorite songs. "My Zee, I'm not that
fragile. If that one song could easily break my
spirit, then I don't deserve to be sitting in front of
you right now."
Zehannah chuckled and started playing her guitar
again. This time, it was a different song but still
one of Zehannah's favorites.
'Kings & Queens' by Ava Max.
'If all of the kings had their queens on the throne,
We would pop champagne and raise a toast,
To all of the queens who are fighting alone,
Baby, you're not dancing on your own.'
She looked at Reigo and smiled.
'Oh, no damsel in distress, don't need to save me,
Once I start breathing fire, you can't tame me,
And you might think I'm weak without a sword,
But if I had one, it'd be bigger than yours.'
Zehannah repeated the chorus while looking into Reigo,
who never looked away. He listened to her song, her
anthem, without making a face or a snide comment. He
even seemed like he was enjoying himself listening to
At nang matapos siyang tumugtog at kumanta, pumalakpak
pa ang binata habang nakangiti. "Indeed. That song is
so you."
Zehannah was pleased with Reigo's reaction. "I know,
Reigo's smile turned flirty and Zehannah exactly knew
what he would say next. "Though that song mentioned a
king and since you're the queen, I could be your king.
I'm not really interested in anything but you, so you
can have the throne. I don't mind."
"I'm really amazed at how your brain works, Mr.
"I know, right?" Parang nagmamalaki pa ang binata.
"So, how am I doing so far? Are you leaning to 'yes'
Napailing si Zehannah. "I'm leaning toward 'kicking
you out of my condo'."
Kaagad na umayos si Reigo. "Can't I stay for the
His shoulders fell. "At least I tried asking."
Tinuro ni Zehannah ang pintuan ng condo. "Oras na para
umalis. Inaantok na ako."
"Yes, my Zee. I'm leaving."
Zehannah was surprised that Reigo stood up without a
fuss, but she was not surprised when he leaned in,
stole a kiss, then ran.
Napailing naman si Zehannah na nakatingin sa pintuan
na nilabasan ni Reigo. Kapagkuwan ay hinagilap ang
cellphone para i-text ang binata.
'Kapag ginawa mo pa 'yang modus operandi mo,
hahambalusin ko ng maraming spatula 'yang labi mo
hanggang sa magtanda ka.'
At ang reply ng dumuho, 'Good night, my Zee. Until my
next modus operandi.'
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah saka ni-lock
ang pinto at tinungo ang kuwarto para matulog na.
She prayed for a good night's sleep, but it looked
like she wasn't heard because in the middle of her
sleep, she dreamed of Reigo and that dream was far
from being wholesome.
ZEHANNAH'S NOT SO wholesome dream bothered her
greatly, especially when she woke up and realized that
today was Reigo's day. She promised him her entire
weekend and if she could take it back, she would.
But even how much she didn't want to see him, she was
now face-to-face with the man in her not-so-wholesome
dream, Reigo Vasquez.
"Good morning," kaagad na bati ni Reigo kay Zehannah
nang pagbuksan ng pintuan ng dalaga ang binata.
"Ang aga natin, a." Hindi pinahalata ni Zehannah na
hindi siya makatingin nang deretso sa kaharap. Paano
siya makakatingin nang deretso kung sariwa pa sa
alaala niya kung paano niya ito niluhuran sa
'panaginip' niya. "Hindi pa nga ako nagkakape, nandito
ka na," aniya saka pinapasok ang binata.
Zehannah should feel guilty that Reigo had to wait for
her, but it's only five forty-five in the morning! He
was too early! May karapatan siyang magpahintay!
"The early bird catches the worm," Reigo reasoned as
he entered her condo, and Zehannah grimaced at that.
"So you're telling me that ... I'm the worm?"
"In this saying, yes, you are. But of course, you're
not a worm," nakangiting paliwanag ni Reigo. "You're
too great to be one. I'm risking my all for you, after
Hindi na nagulat pa si Zehannah na may sagot at banat
na naman si Reigo. He always had an answer to
everything, and a segue to his flirtatiousness. Hindi
natatapos ang sasabihin nito nang walang kaharutan o
banat sa dulo.
"Maliligo lang ako tapos mag-aagahan. Wait for me
here," ani Zehannah na iniwan sa salas si Reigo at
naglakad pabalik sa kuwarto nito.
"Can I join you?" with a charming smile, he asked.
"It's for the environment, my Zee. Save water, bath
together—ever heard of that saying? It's for mother
earth, not for me."
Zehannah just sighed and showed Reigo her middle
At least I tried. Reigo mused. "If I can't join you
under the shower, can I use your kitchen instead?"
Doon napatigil sa paglalakad si Zehannah saka umikot
paharap kay Reigo. "Why?"
"I'll make breakfast."
Zehannah frowned. "I thought you don't cook?"
"I can cook a little. Like frying eggs and frying
other stuff. But nothing complicated. Unfortunately,
I'm really no good at slicing and peeling stuff. It's
scary as shit, so I have an automatic peeler and
slicer at my place. Pero nag-aral na akong maghiwa
kagabi pagkauwi ko. Inisturbo ko si Calderon at
nagpaturo ako para marunong na akong maghiwa at maayos
akong makatulong kung kailangan mo ng tagahiwa ng mga
Bumaba ang tingin ni Zehannah sa kamay ni Reigo na
puno ng band-aid ang ilang daliri. He really did
practice last night.
"Gusto ko lang matikman ang luto mo kaya sinabi kong
hindi ako nagluluto." Kapagkuwan ay nakagat ni Reigo
ang pang-ibabang labi na para bang kinakabahan. "Are
you, um, mad?"
"Hmm. Not really." How could she be mad after seeing
those band-aids around his fingers? He learned how to
slice and peel just for her. "But of course, I will
not let you off the hook." She smirked at Reigo.
"Gusto mong matikman ang luto ko, 'di ba? Sure, I'll
cook for you every night. Be grateful and say thank
Reigo gulped in nervousness. Dapat maging masaya siya
na ipagluluto siya gabi-gabi ni Zehannah, pero bakit
pakiramdam niya torture sa katabangan ang mangyayari
sa kaniya gabi-gabi?
Pero at least, hindi maalat. Pakunsuwelo ni Reigo sa
sarili bago nakangiwing ngumiti sa dalaga. "Thank you.
Pakidagdagan lang ng asin, please."
Misteryosong ngumiti lang si Zehannah kay Reigo at
pumasok na sa kuwarto para maligo. Si Reigo naman ay
napabuntonghininga nang makita ang ngiti ni Zehannah.
It felt like a predator smiling at its prey. And I'm
the prey! Ah, fuck. Bagsak ang balikat na tinungo ni
Reigo ang kusina para gumawa ng agahan.
He was not an amazing cook like Calderon. His cooking
skill was just so-so, nothing special, but he was
proud to say that he could make a perfect sunny-side-
up egg.
Yep. I'm an egg master. That's his specialty. Cooking
eggs and frying stuff. Pero nasisiguro niyang hindi
matabang ang timpla niya.
Hindi naman sa pinapatamaan niya si Zehannah pero
parang ganoon na nga. Pero siyempre pa, sasarilinin
niya lang 'yon, baka masapak siya ni Zehannah at
pakainin siya ng walang lasang pagkain. Mukhang 'yon
pa naman ang balak ng dalaga.
Habang nagluluto siya, nakatanggap siya ng tawag mula
kay Calderon.
He answered his call while frying bacon and sausages.
"So you're actually cooking...?" Thorn sounded
skeptical when Reigo told him what he was doing at the
"Yep. I can cook, you know."
"You can't. Imahinasyon mo lang na marunong ka. All
you can do is fry. Nakakahiya naman sa mga marunong
Tiningnan ni Reigo nang masama ang cellphone na naka-
loudspeaker na parang bang nakikita roon ang kaibigan
na kausap. "I can cook, asshole. I just can't slice or
peel stuff, but I can cook a decent meal."
"You mean you can fry."
"It's cooking too!" he exclaimed.
"Imahinasyon mo nga lang 'yon." Thorn clicked his
tongue. "Anyway, how are you and Zehan?"
"Magde-date kami kaya huwag kang isturbo. Bye!"
Pinatay niya ang tawag at pinagpatuloy ang pagpiprito.
Nang matapos siyang magluto, tamang-tama naman na
pumasok si Zehannah sa kusina. Bagong ligo ito at may
dala-dalang first aid kit.
Huh? Reigo was confused as to why she was carrying a
first-aid kit until she took his hand and inspected
his fingers. "I'm fine, Zee."
"When did you put these band-aids on?"
"Last night before sleeping...?"
"Alisin mo lahat tapos hugasan mo ang kamay mo," utos
ni Zehannah saka ito na ang naghain ng niluto ni
Nakamasid lang si Reigo kay Zehannah habang gumagalaw
ito sa kusina at hinuhugasan niya ang kamay. At nang
makita ni Zehannah na tapos na siya, lumapit ito sa
kaniya habang dala-dala ang first-aid kit.
Reigo just watched as Zehannah dried his hand with a
clean, lint-free towel, and inspected his cuts before
carefully putting an ointment on them. Only after that
did Zehannah put new band-aids around his cuts.
"There. Let's eat."
Sumunod ang tingin ni Reigo kay Zehannah na naglalakad
na patungong hapag-kainan. "Thanks."
"You're welcome."
Reigo looked at his hands and thought, yeah, those
cuts are worth it.
Mabilis na sumunod si Reigo sa hapagkainan at
pinagsaluhan nito at ni Zehannah ang niluto nitong
A perfectly cooked sunny-side-up egg that was praised
by Zehannah, well-cooked bacon and sausage, and also
perfectly toasted bread.
"I only accept praise with a kiss."
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah habang sumisimsim ng
ginawang kape. "Reigo, masyado pang maaga para sa
kalandian mo. Pakapehin mo muna ako."
"Kapag nakapag-kape ka na ba, hahalikan mo na ako—"
Reigo abruptly stopped and his eyes widened at
Zehannah when he realized something. "Fuck. You just
called me by my name!"
When Reigo pointed it out, Zehannah was surprised
herself that she did. Palagi kasing Mr. Vasquez ang
tawag niya rito dahil hindi naman sila matagal nang
magkakilala. But now that she had called him by his
name, it meant she's acknowledging his existence in
her life little by little.
Hay. Gusto kong sabihin na gutom lang 'to, pero
tangina, busog ako.
Gustong kutusan ni Zehannah ang sarili pero umakto
siyang hindi big deal ang pagtawag niya kay Reigo sa
pangalan nito. "Ayaw mo bang tawagin kita sa pangalan
mo? I'll happily go back to calling your Mr. Vasquez—"
"Nope. I'm happy." He was smiling happily, alright.
"Call me by my name again."
Zehannah indulged Reigo. "Reigo."
Ibinuka ni Zehannah ang palad kay Reigo. "Give me your
Curious about what Zehannah needed on his phone, he
gave it to her after unlocking it. Nakamasid lang si
Reigo habang may pinipindot-pindot ang dalagawa sa
cellphone niya saka biglang sinabi nito ang pangalan
niya. Kapagkuwan ay ibinalik nito sa kaniya ang
cellphone niya.
"Hayan. Ni-record ko na ang pagtawag ko sa pangalan
mo. If you want to hear it again, just press play."
Zehannah innocently smiled at Reigo. "Now, be grateful
and say thank you."
"Thanks, Zee!"
Balak inisin ni Zehannah si Reigo sa ginawa niya pero
nakangiti ang dumuho habang nay ginagawa sa cellphone
nito. Hindi niya alam kung ano 'yon hanggang sa
hilingin ng binata na tawagan niya ito sa cellphone.
And that's when she found out what he did to her
He made it his ringtone! And it was so weird hearing
her voice calling Reigo's name again and again while
his phone was ringing!
It sounded like she was moaning his name, goddamn it!
"I made it a ringtone and assigned it to your number.
Aren't I a genius?" He proudly grinned at her as if he
did something so remarkable. "Come on, my Zee. Praise
me and kiss me."
Zehannah was beyond exasperated, but getting annoyed
by Reigo would only stress her out, so she breathed in
and out deeply until she calmed down.
The whole breakfast, Zehannah did not heed Reigo any
attention. Baka talaga ma-spatula niya ang binata.
"Hindi mo ba nagustuhan ang ringtone na ginawa ko?"
tanong ni Reigo nang natapos silang mag-agahan at
naghahanda nang umalis. "You recorded it."
She glared at Reigo. "E kung gawin ko ring ringtone
ang pagtawag mo sa pangalan ko, matutuwa ka ba?"
"Yep." No hesitation whatsoever. "Give me your phone.
I'll happily record myself calling you 'Zee' again and
again. Nanginginig pa."
Zehannah internally shuddered. "That's creepy."
"Really?" Reigo did not feel the same. "I'm okay with
it, though. It's actually a turn-on. You sounded like
you're moaning my name. At least, kahit man lang sa
ringtone, inuungol mo ang pangalan ko."
Okay! That recording was a mistake! A big mistake!
"Burahin mo."
Mabilis pa sa alas-kuwatro ang sagot ni Reigo.
"Kahit halikan kita bilang kapalit?"
Again, he didn't hesitate. "That's tempting, but no.
Gusto ko halikan mo ako kasi gusto mo, hindi dahil may
kapalit kang gusto. I may not seem like it, but I'm a
very pure minded when it comes to kisses, my Zee."
Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Pure minded, my ass."
"I am." He gorgeously and playfully smiled at her.
"Kisses are meant to be enjoyed and not to be used as
a means to barter, my Zee."
"Wow. Ang kapal ng mukha. Pagkatapos ng modus operandi
"Bakit? Hindi ka ba nag-enjoy sa halik ko?"
Zehannah did not deny it because she did not dislike
those stolen kisses, but she was a savage woman.
"Halik pala 'yon? Those were just pecks, Reigo. I can
hardly call it a kiss—"
Suddenly, Zehannah's face was in between Reigo's
hands, cutting her words off. And in less than a
breath, Reigo's lips claimed hers and unlike those
stolen kisses of his, he slid inside his tongue and
kissed her senseless that he was almost devouring her
The bastard was too good of a kisser that Zehannah
didn't even think of pushing him away. Plus that fresh
breath of his was one of Zehannah's weaknesses. She
didn't even think of distancing herself from him.
Her body tingled and shuddered at that kiss and she
felt like chasing Reigo's lips when he slightly pulled
away. But still, his lips were hovering over hers and
his tongue was licking her lower lip as if tempting
her for another kiss.
"How's that for a kiss?" Reigo whispered over her
lips, making her subtly gulp. "Did it pass your
standard of kisses, my Zee?"
Thanks to Zehannah's strong willpower, she was able to
speak calmly even though her insides were melting
after that kiss. "Yeah. It was good."
Reigo's lips dropped, and he softly kissed her neck,
then her shoulder, and then he rested his forehead on
her shoulder as if tired.
"Sorry for kissing you with tongue without your
consent," he apologized softly while wrapping his arms
around her waist. "I got a little pissed, and I
snapped. I'm sorry, Zee."
Sa narinig, ibinalik ni Zehannah ang sinabi ni Reigo
sa kaniya nang mapansing hindi ito masaya kahit
nakahalik sa kaniya. Hindi katulad ng modus operandi
nito palagi na nakangiti itong tumatakbo. "I thought
kisses are meant to be enjoyed?"
"I did, but you didn't. That's why I'm sorry."
Zehannah sighed and tapped Reigo's back. "Raise your
Reigo obliged and looked at Zehannah as if he was
ready for anything—even a slap.
Iyon ang nasa isip ni Reigo, na sasampalin siya ni
Zehannah dahil sa ginawa niya at nakahanda na siya
roon, pero kabaligtaran ang ginawa ng dalaga.
Instead of slapping him, her hands softly cupped his
face and her lips met his.
It was a simple meeting of the lips for a couple of
seconds until Reigo opened his mouth and welcomed
Zehannah's addictive tongue.
With ragged breathing, Reigo pulled Zehannah closer
and deepened the kiss that Zehannah started. He was
devouring her, and Zehannah was doing the same as she
wrapped her arms around his neck, biting, sucking, and
licking Reigo's lips and tongue.
The sound of kissing and soft moans and groans filled
Zehannah's condo. It's as if the two had forgotten
that they were about to go out on a date.
They kissed and kissed some more until their lungs
screamed at them to breathe.
That was the only time they pulled away from each
other, but their lips were still brushing against one
another as they filled their lungs with air.
"Alam ko na ang isasagot mo sa 'kin pero gusto ko pa
ring magtanong." Reigo placed a quick kiss on
Zehannah's lips. "Want to stay at home and kiss 'til
we can't anymore or food hopping?"
Mabilis ang sagot ni Zehannah. "Kahit gaano pa kasarap
ang labi mo, pagkain pa rin ang pipiliin ko."
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Sabi ko nga."
Zehannah rolled her eyes at Reigo as she stepped back
from him and glanced at his crotch. "You should calm
that down before we leave."
"Yeah, I should." Reigo breathed in and out while
jogging in place a little, but it was not going down.
"Why don't you sit?" Zehannah suggested saka ang
dalaga na ang humila kay Reigo paupo sa mahabang sofa
habang nakatayo naman siya at nakaharap dito. "Kalma
lang. Breath in, breath out. You can do it."
Sinunod ni Reigo ang sinabi ni Zehannah pero hindi
siya makapag-focus dahil nasa harapan lang niya ang
dahilan kung bakit buhay na buhay ang pagkalalaki
Reigo did not realize that he was giving Zehannah a
hot and bothered look like he would devour her any
And those seductive and lust-filled eyes were giving
Zehannah the feeling like Reigo was fucking her with
his eyes, and it made her shiver.
"Hindi tayo makakalabas sa ginagawa mo." Tumalikod si
Zehannah para takasan ang titig ni Reigo. "Nakatalikod
na ako. Calm down, will you?"
"Zee..." They were in the living room, but Zehannah
was certain that that was Reigo's bedroom voice. "Your
back looks so sexy."
Zehannah cleared her throat and moved so Reigo will
see her side and not her back.
"Such seductive side-profile," he commented while
And Zehannah groaned. Front, back and side, Reigo's
horniness knew no bounds! "That's it! Doon ako sa
kuwarto ko. Hindi ka kakalma kasi kung saan-saan ka
natingin. Tawagan mo ako kapag kalmado ka na."
Nang makapasok sa kuwarto niya, naiiling na napaupo si
Zehannah sa gilid ng kama. Seriously, that guy.
Kapagkuwan ay wala sa sariling napahawak si Zehannah
sa mga labi.
The kiss she shared with Reigo made her mind stop
working, which was dangerous. But she did not dislike
it. She actually enjoyed it. A lot.
Kinagat niya ang pang-ibabang labi. Slow down, Zehan.
Kalma lang. Halik pa lang 'yon. Hindi ka pa niya
hinahawakan, gaga. Huwag maging marupok kahit masarap
si Reigo! Isipin mo na lang na diet ka at bawal na
pagkain si Reigo. Huwag na huwag mong titikman. Huwag
Zehannah was talking to herself and conditioning
herself while Reigo, who was now alone in the living
room, was surprised to see how fast he went soft after
Zehannah left. Ngayong walang Zehannah sa harapan
niya, parang nawalan ng buhay bigla ang pagkalalaki
niya at bumalik sa pagtulog.
"Fuck..." he muttered under his breath. "That was
dangerous. Halik pa lang 'yon."
Reigo was worried about himself, but his addiction to
those lips was something he couldn't and didn't want
to control. Kissing Zehannah made him happy. He
enjoyed feeling her lips against his.
I don't think I can stop. I am interested in those
lips and the owner of those lips too much.
Reigo groaned and called for Zehannah. "Zee...! I'm
calm now. Let's go before I become hard again!"
Lumabas naman kaagad si Zehannah sa kuwarto niya at
pinakatitigan si Reigo na ngayon ay nakatayo na at
wala nang bukol sa harapan ng pantalon.
"Okay ka na?" tanong ni Zehannah.
Tumango si Reigo at parang nagmalalaking sumagot.
"Yep. It's down."
Zehannah just shook her head, put her sling bag on,
and silently walked toward her condo's door.
Nang makalabas ang dalawa, siniguro muna ni Zehannah
na naka-lock ang pintuan ng condo niya bago umalis.
"That's my car," ani Reigo ng nasa parking lot na
sila. "Gusto mong sumakay sa 'kin—I mean, it would be
nice if you would ride me and—"
Tumikhim si Zehannah. "Wala talagang pinipiling lugar
ang kahalayan mo."
Reigo smiled. "Thank you for the compliment. Anyway,
which do you prefer? Ride in my car, ride on me, or in
your car?"
"Mahal ang gas." Nauna na siyang maglakad patungo sa
sasakyan ni Reigo. "I'll ride in your car."
"How about riding on me?"
Her middle finger saluted at Reigo before she opened
Reigo's car door and went inside.
Kaagad na nag-seatbelt si Zehannah nang makasakay si
Reigo at tinanong ang binata nang nasa daan na sila.
"Ang aga-aga pa at busog pa ako, ma-e-enjoy ba natin
'tong food hopping natin?"
"It's a food hopping date, Zee," pagtatama ni Reigo
kay Zehannah. "It's a date. A date."
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Oo na. Food hopping
date. Masaya ka na?"
Reigo grinned. "Yep. Anyway, I think the time is
perfect. I want to take you to fifteen different
places with great food and delicacy—just like me since
I'm an overall delicacy—and I think we can go to the
first seven places today and visit the eight
Tumango si Zehannah. Reigo invited her and he had an
itinerary in mind, so he let him decide their route.
At ayaw niyang mag-isip sa mga sandaling 'yon dahil
abala siya sa pagtingin sa dashboard ng sasakyan ni
Ang laki talaga ng kaibahan ng normal na sasakyan sa
luxury cars. There're tons of buttons and Zehannah
admitted that it was a little intimidating, but she
was curious.
"Reigo, ano'ng pipindutin dito sa sasakyan mo para
magpatugtog ng kanta?" tanong ni Zehannah dahil
inaantok siya. Ang aga ba naman niyang magising at
lumabas ng condo.
"Here." Reigo pointed at the center of the dashboard
and patiently taught her how to.
The music in his car was connected to Reigo's phone,
so the playlist that Zehannah was now browsing was
Reigo's playlist.
"Bakit lahat ng kanta mo pang-broken hearted at
bitter?" tanong ni Zehannah sa binata.
"Because that was me before I met you."
Napa-tsk si Zehannah. "Bumanat ka na naman."
Reigo chuckled. "I only have two new songs. It's on
the top list. Check it out."
Zehannah listened, and it surprised her to see that it
was 'Kings and Queens' by Ava Max and 'Good things' by
Zedd and Kehlani.
"Seriously?" hindi makapaniwalang aniya na bumaling pa
sa binata.
"What?" He smiled while driving. "They're wonderful
songs and they remind me of you."
Zehannah chose 'Kings and Queens' by Ava Max and the
sound inside the car surprised her. It was so good
that Zehannah couldn't help moving her body and
singing along.
"... to all of the queens who are fighting alone, baby
you're not dancing on your own...!" Bigay na bigay si
Zehannah habang sumasabay sa kanta. "Can't live
without me, you wanna, but you can't, nah-nah-nah."
To Zehannah's surprise, Reigo sang along too and he
was slaying the lyrics. "Think it's funny, but honey,
can't run this show on your own. I can feel my body
shake, there's only so much I can take..."
"...I'll show you how a real queen behaves. Oh..."
Zehannah continued singing and when the song hit the
chorus, Reigo sang along with her with a wide radiant
smile on his lips while moving his body as if dancing
while sitting down.
Nawala ang antok ni Zehannah habang sabay silang
kumakanta ni Reigo. Early in the morning and she was
having fun listening and singing along to her favorite
"Ah, that was good." Sumandal si Zehannah sa
kinauupuan at ngumiti. "Nawala ang antok ko. Parang
gusto ko tuloy paulit-ulit na pakinggan ang 'Kings &
"You can put it on repeat. I don't mind."
"Sure ka?"
"Yep. Go ahead."
Zehannah was happy to put her favorite song on repeat
while singing along. And seeing Zehannah having fun in
his car, Reigo had a smile on his face while driving.
It was a first for him. He did not want to compare
Zehannah to his exes, but Zehannah was just so
refreshingly different that he couldn't help it. It
was not only Zehannah, his reactions and emotions too
differed from before. He's genuinely happy, and it
showed on his face. Hindi na niya kailangang i-
schedule kung kailangan siya dapat masaya. Just
thinking of Zehannah and her savageness and witty
comebacks was enough to make him smile.
"Huh?" Zehannah frowned when she saw the sign of the
building where they were parking. Vasquez
Constructions. "Ano'ng gagawin natin dito?"
Nginitian lang ni Reigo si Zehannah saka lumabas na ng
sasakyan. Kaagad naman sumunod si Zehannah at
natigilan nang lumapit sa kaniya si Reigo at inilahad
nito ang kamay sa kaniya.
A flashback entered her mind—it was the time when she
first met Reigo at the café. Reigo did the same too—he
offered his hand at her and, just like now, she didn't
hesitate to accept it.
"May naiwan ka ba sa opisina mo?" tanong ni Zehannah
sa binata habang nagkahawak-kamay silang naglalakad
patungo sa elevator.
"Nope. Just trust me." He smiled at her. "It'll be
As if she had another choice, she was already holding
his hand and riding in the elevator with him to the...
wait, rooftop?
Bago pa makapagtanong si Zehannah kung ano'ng gagawin
nila sa rooftop, dumating na ang elevator. It was the
fastest elevator she had ridden, and it surprised her.
But what awaited her when she stepped outside the
elevator was even more surprising that it made her jaw
A helicopter with three letters on its tail—E.E.Z.
Reigo tugged Zehannah's hand, pulling her out of her
reverie. "Come on, Zee. Let's go to our first food-
hopping destination. Cavite and their pansit."
Zehannah was still having a mini-shock. Nang sabihin
ni Reigo na magpu-food hopping sila, sa isip niya ay
sa lungsod lang kung nasaan sila at sa malalapit na
bayan. Hindi ito!
Food hopping date on a helicopter.
Sinampal na naman siya ng kahirapan. Sinusubok talaga
siya araw-araw ni Lord.
Hay. Makapag-pansit na nga lang sa Cavite.
REIGO AND ZEHANNAH started their food hopping date and
their first stop was Cavite for their 'pansit'. Ideya
'yon ni Reigo at dahil ibinigay na ni Zehannah kay
Reigo ang buong araw niya, nagpaubaya siya sa gusto
Their mode of transportation was a helicopter—yes, a
freaking helicopter as if gas expenses didn't matter.
And when they landed, it was on private property and a
luxury car was already waiting for them.
"It's rental," wika nito Reigo bago pa makapagtanong
si Zehannah. "For hassle-free travel."
Wala nang sinabi si Zehannah dahil hindi lang siya
sinampal ng kahirapan, tinadyakan pa.
And since it was Reigo, Zehannah already expected that
it'll be a high-end restaurant, but to her surprise,
he brought her to a simple one, much to her relief.
"According to my research, they'd been serving pansit
pusit longer than any restaurants here and according
to the reviews, it's delicious." He looked excited.
"Buti maaga silang nagbukas."
Pasimpleng tiningnan ni Zehannah si Reigo saka
masuyong napangiti. He researched the place and the
food before coming here and Zehannah couldn't help
feeling flattered by the effort and Reigo's attention
to small details.
"Come on, Zee." He smiled at her. "Let's eat."
Lumabas na ng sasakyan si Reigo at sumunod naman
kaagad dito si Zehannah. Nang makapasok sila sa
restaurant, matatawag ni Zehannah ang sarili na early
bird dahil sila pa lang ang tao roon.
Reigo immediately ordered pansit pusit, pansit puso,
and bacalao.
"Gutom ka?" tanong ni Zehannah nang makitang marami-
rami ang in-order ni Reigo.
"Magaan lang naman ang agahan natin," rason ni Reigo
saka inilabas ang cellphone nito sa bulsa. "I don't
get why my exes do this stuff before, but now I kind
of get it."
Zehannah frowned. "What?"
"Pictures," he said. "I want to take a picture of us.
Is that okay?"
Zehannah was not against it, but she wanted to know
his reason. It was Reigo, so she was sure that he had
one. He's always flirty, but he was a deep person when
he wanted to be.
"Making and collecting memories," sagot nito saka
kinunan siya ng larawan at masuyong ngumiti habang
nakatitig sa larawan niya na kinuha nito. "I'm not
sure if a week from now you'll say 'yes', so I want to
collect memories as much as I can. Para kung humindi
ka, kahit papaano, may babalikan ako."
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah nang maramdamang
kinakapos siya ng hininga. Kapagkuwan ay sumandal siya
sa kinauupuan. "Mamaya na tayo mag-picture kapag may
pagkain na. It'll be nicer that way."
Reigo smiled at that before he placed his phone on the
table so he could give his unparalleled attention to
Zehannah. "Zee, may tanong ako. Can you answer me
"Kailan ba ako nagsinungaling sa 'yo?"
"Hmm. Fair enough." Somehow, he looked serious, and
serious Reigo was not someone Zehannah could handle
easily, but she had to. "Anyway, my question is, how
am I doing so far? Am I doing good, or am I doing
"I'd say good."
Reigo's lips broke into a gorgeous smile as if he
heard wonderful news. "Really? I am? Even though I'm
not really a good—"
"Huwag mong tapusin 'yan." Nagbabanta ang boses ni
Zehannah na ikinatigil ni Reigo sa pagsasalita. "If
you want to continue doing good, you have to
appreciate yourself too, Reigo. If you keep bringing
yourself down, I won't even consider dating you.
Reigo stilled.
"Seryoso ako, Reigo." Tumingin siya sa mga mata ng
binata. "I know those exes of yours did a number on
your self-esteem and it will take a while for you to
recover, but it would be good for you if you start
appreciating yourself. Not just your handsome looks,
or your big dick and your performance in bed. There
are a lot of things about yourself that you can
appreciate, Reigo."
"Like what...?" Reigo looked and sounded as if he had
no idea.
"You're smart and witty. Funny too, when you're not
being horny. And your attention to little details is
amazing. The effort you give when you want to learn
something is incredible. Your open-mindedness in a lot
of things is remarkable. Your amazing voice when you
sing and how good you are with guitar." Ayaw niyang
naririnig na binababa ni Reigo ang sarili nito kaya
naman gusto niyang malaman nito kung ano'ng nakikita
niya rito kahit pa nga alam niyang delikado 'yon.
"Sabi mo sa 'kin 'I'm one of the greatest human beings
you've met'. Well, this greatest human being
appreciates you, so you should appreciate yourself
too, Reigo."
Reigo's expression softened, and a tender smile
appeared on his lips. "Appreciate, huh? I'll try."
Zehannah's face broke into a wide smile. "That's good!
You won't regret it. Appreciating and loving yourself
is the best thing you can do for yourself."
"Hmm. I'll keep that in mind, my Zee."
Nanatili ang ngiti sa mga labi ni Zee hanggang sa
dumating ang pagkain na in-order nila at nagpa-picture
sila sa waiter. Her mood improved and her smile became
a lot brighter.
For some reason, knowing that Reigo would try to
appreciate himself more from now on made her day.
"Masarap ba?" tanong ni Reigo nang matapos silang
Nasapo ni Zehannah ang tiyan. "Masarap."
"Kasing-sarap ko?"
Zehannah looked at Reigo flatly. "Really?"
"You said appreciate myself more." Bahagya nitong
ibinuka ang mga braso. "This is me appreciating
myself. Masarap ako at alam mo 'yon. You already
tasted this overall delicacy before."
Zehannah just let out an exasperated breath and stood
up to go to the counter to pay their bill. Hindi kasi
niya nakita ang waiter kanina at gusto niyang
matakasan ang kahanginan ng kasama niya.
"I'm paying," imporma niya kay Reigo bago umalis
patungong counter.
"Magkano ho?" tanong niya sa babae na nasa likod ng
counter ng makalapit siya.
Kaagad naman nitong ibinigay sa kaniya ang total ng
kinain nila.
Taking out her wallet from her sling bag, Zehannah
handed the payment and was waiting for her change when
Reigo appeared behind her, rested his chin on her
shoulder, and spoke with his baritone voice.
"Zee, can you buy me soda?" Tinuro nito ang ref na
nasa gilid na puro soda. "I feel like having one."
Ngumiti si Zehannah sa cashier. "Miss, isang in-can
soda pa ho."
Kaagad namang tumango ang babae at binawasan ang sukli
niya habang pasulyap-sulyap kay Reigo.
"K-kuha na lang ho kayo, Ma'am, Sir."
Nilingon ni Zehannah si Reigo at hindi binigyang
pansin ang pagkakalapit ng labi nila dahil sa biglaan
niyang paglingon. "Kumuha ka na."
He just groaned.
"Can you get one for me, please?"
She glared at him over her shoulder. "Ano ka, bata?"
"Nope. Pero kaya kong gumawa ng bata kasama ka," anang
dumuho habang may inosenteng ngiti sa mga labi nito.
Sanay na si Zehannah sa kalandian ni Reigo pero hindi
ang cashier na malinaw na nadinig ang sinabi ng
binata. Napasinghap ito saka namumula ang mukha na
nagbaba ng tingin.
Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead. "Huwag kang
magkakat dito, Reigo. Ilugar mo 'yang kalandian mo.
Sige na, kumuha ka na ng soda. Dahil kung ako ang
kukuha, baka isapak ko 'yang soda sa 'yo. Sayang naman
ang binayad ko."
"So violent," Reigo whispered before he went to get
his soda.
"Pasensiya ka na, Miss, sa kasama ko," ani Zehannah sa
cashier habang pasulyap-sulyap siya kay Reigo na nasa
harapan na ng ref at pumipili ng sofa na gusto.
"Makalat talaga 'yan."
"O-okay lang," namumula pa rin ang pisngi na sagot
Nginitian ni Zehannah ang cashier saka naglakad
palapit kay Reigo na nasa harapan pa rin ng ref.
"Hindi ka makapili?"
"Yep. This one, or this one? Can't decide."
Kinuha ni Zehannah ang dalawang uri ng soda na tinuro
ni Reigo saka binigay 'yon sa binata bago bumalik sa
cashier para bayaran ang isa.
Nang makabayad, lumabas na ng restaurant si Reigo at
Zehannah habang umiinom ng soda si Reigo.
Napailing si Zehannah. "Ang aga-aga, nag-so-soda ka
na. It's not good for you."
"Minsan lang naman," anito saka humilig sa hood ng
sasakyan nito habang inuubos ang soda na iniinom.
Seeing that it might take a little while before Reigo
finished his soda, Zehannah leaned on the car's hood
too, beside Reigo.
And under the rising sun, they talked.
"Is that your company? The Vasquez Construction?"
Zehannah asked.
"Hmm? Yep."
That building was enormous. "So, you're a successful
"I just got lucky," ani Reigo. "Sinasabi ko palagi na
ayokong umasa sa mga magulang ko kahit pa may pera
sila, pero pera pa rin naman nila ang ginamit ko para
itayo ang Vasquez Construction. I mean, galing 'yon sa
ipon ko mula noong nag-aaral pa ako pero pera pa rin
naman nila 'yon. Inipon ko lang. And my parents are
already well-known in the business world, so it's not
that hard for me because I already have connections."
"But you still worked hard for it, right?"
Napatigil sa pag-inom ng soda si Reigo saka napabaling
kay Zehannah. "What?"
"You worked hard for it," ulit ni Zehannah saka
tumingala sa maaliwalas na kalangitan. "I saw your
company. It's huge. Ibig sabihin, napalaki mo siya
nang maayos. Sabi mo galing sa ipon mo ang pera na
ginamit mo para itayo 'yon, ibig sabihin, hindi 'yon
ganoon kalaki ng umpisahan mo, pero napalago mo siya.
It only means one thing—you worked hard to make it
happen. Sabihin na nating may connection ka at kilala
ang mga magulang mo, pero hindi lang naman 'yon ang
basehan para lumago ang kompanya mo. Maybe your
parents' fame made them curious about you and made
them chose you, but it was all your hard work that
made them stay. It's easy to attract clients, but
making them stay and choose your company's products
and services repeatedly was the challenge."
Reigo's expression softened before he leaned his head
against Zehannah's shoulder. He said nothing and just
savored the warm feeling of being close to Zehannah.
Si Zehannah naman ay napatingin sa binata na nakahilig
ang ulo sa balikat niya. Reigo's eyes were closed, and
he looked so peaceful and content being there.
Zehannah didn't have the heart to shrug him off of her
shoulder as she planned after seeing that peaceful
Well, maaga pa naman. Pagdadahilan ni Zehannah sa
sarili at hinayaan ang binata na humilig sa braso
But Reigo was not Reigo if he was not flirtatious.
From resting his head on Zehannah's shoulder, he also
wrapped his arm around Zehannah's waist and kissed her
"Namimihasa tayo, a," ani Zehannah saka matalim na
tiningnan ang binata na nakangiti rito.
"Not everyday you'll let me get this close to you,"
anito. "Kailangan kong sulitin. Baka hindi na
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata. "Pasalamat ka masarap
'yong kinain nating pansit."
"So if our next stop is delicious, you'll let me get
close to you again?" Reigo sounded hopeful.
"Who knows?"
"How about a kiss if it's delicious?" Reigo puckered
his lips.
And Zehannah flicked it. "Maaga pa para magkalat,
"I don't mind making a mess out of you," Reigo said
"I won't let you make a mess out of me."
"Why not? I'm a delicacy, delicious, big and long,
handsome with a great body, and I can do it all day
and all night—standing, sitting, on the bed, outdoors,
and anywhere you want. Wala ka nang hahanapin pa sa
'kin." He grinned proudly. "I'm an overall package
only for my Zee."
Zehannah sighed, shrugged Reigo off of her shoulder,
and stood up. "Umalis na tayo. Baka biglang magka-ipo-
ipo rito sa sobrang hangin mo."
Reigo leaned back with both his hands on the hood of
the car, supporting him. "Look at me, Zee. Am I not
Walang pag-aalinlangsn na tumingin si Zehannah kay
Reigo. "You are."
"Then why don't you want to taste me?"
"'Cause I'm on a diet," Zehannah replied blandly and
smiled. "And on my diet, you're the food that I'm not
allowed to eat."
That made Reigo's eyebrows rise before a seductive
smile appeared on his lips. "My Zee, there is a thing
called cheat day. And I taste so good that every bite,
lick, and suck is worth it."
"Sorry, but I don't cheat." Zehannah matched Reigo's
seductive smile. "And I'm more delicious than you,
Reigo. My lips and kisses got you hooked, remember?"
"Indeed. That's why I want to taste you." Reigo's gaze
became hot and seductive that it was making Zehannah
feel tingly and bothered. "It's been so long since I
tasted such delicacy. And I was drunk. I feel like I
missed out on a lot, so I wanted to taste you again,
this time, to savor the flavor which is you."
Zehannah's lips parted, and her pulse quickened. Fuck
this guy. That voice and those eyes... a minute more
of those and Zehannah—freaking—Sevil will, without a
doubt, kneel and sing.
"What happened to us in the club is just an appetizer,
my Zee." Reigo smiled. "The main course and the
dessert have yet to be served."
Zehannah pressed her lips and pulled herself together
so she wouldn't melt from those words and voice.
"Well, I am a full-course meal, Reigo. To enjoy my
main dish takes effort and to eat my dessert takes
time. If you're not into that, I suggest you stop.
You'll be just wasting your time."
Reigo's smile broadened. "For my lady luck, Zee, no
time is wasted. I told you, you're worth it."
Zehannah smiled. "I really like how smooth that mouth
of yours is, but I would prefer it more if you take me
to our second food hoping date spot now. You want a
kiss if it's delicious, right?"
Kaagad na umalis sa pagkakahilig sa hood ng sasakyan
si Reigo saka tinapon sa malapit na basurahan ang
lalagyan ng soda na iniinom nito saka ngumiti kay
"Come on, my Zee. Next stop, Batangas and their lomi
and goto."
Reigo excitedly drove back to the private property,
where the helicopter landed and the two were off to
Less than an hour later, Zehannah was kissing Reigo in
the car after washing her mouth with mouthwash in the
Yes. She lost. Masarap ang goto at lomi. At masarap
din ang labi ni Reigo kaya walang pagkatalo na
maramdaman si Zehannah.
Of course, Reigo, who was enjoying the kiss, was
unaware of that.
After kissing for half an hour only stopping to
breathe because Reigo was insatiable and won't let
Zehannah's lips go, the two continued their food
hopping date.
Their third stop was Laguna and its delicacies. Reigo
made the pilot stop at different towns of Laguna to
buy kesong puti, buko pie, rice cake, and ube-flavored
Those were quick stops via taxi. Pinigilan ni Zehannah
na magrenta ng sasakyan si Reigo dahil ilang minuto
lang naman sila. Sayang lang sa pera dahil alam niyang
mamahaling sasakyan ang rerentahan nito.
And it was more convenient to travel via taxi because
they got to eat the snacks they bought while on the
"This is good," komento ni Reigo nang matikman ang
rice cake.
And Reigo kissed Zehannah because the food was
delicious. At laking pasasalamat ni Zehannah na nasa
taxi sila. Reigo only gave her a peck on the lips,
much to her relief.
Nang makabalik sina Reigo at Zehannah kung saan
nakalapag ang helicopter, ilang minuto silang
naghintay bago sumakay kasi nagre-refuel 'yon.
After that, they went to Pampanga where they enjoyed
morcon and sisig. Sobrang sarap ng kinain nila na may
ngiti sa mga labi ni Zehannah nang matapos siyang
"That was so good." Kapagkuwan ay mabilis na tinakpan
ni Zehannah ang bibig saka tiningnan nang matalim si
Reigo na alam niya kung ano ang iniisip. "No kissing.
Kakakain ko lang ng sisig."
"I don't mind—"
"I do!"
"Okay. I'm noting it though. One kiss saved for
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Pasalamat ka
masarap ang kinain natin."
Ngumiti si Reigo. "How was our food hopping date? Nag-
e-enjoy ka ba?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "The best date I ever have, if I
say so myself."
Reigo was pleased. "I'm glad. We still have two more
stops. Dapat may isa pa, pero masyado nang malayo.
Gagabihin tayo sa pag-uwi at baka masyado ka nang
mapagod sa biyahe. Kaya naman tinawagan ko ang isa sa
mga engineer na nagtatrabaho sa kompanya ko kanina na
taga-roon na naka-paternity leave. Nakisuyo ako.
Pinadala na niya kanina 'yong pagkain kaya daanan na
lang natin."
Napatango-tango si Zehannah. "You know, Reigo, your
idea of date is something else. Siguro kasi mayaman
"Huh? Anong kinalaman n'on?"
"It's because you're wealthy that you could pull this
kind of date."
"Is that a bad thing?"
Umiling si Zehannah. "Hindi naman. Sinasabi ko lang.
Saka nag-e-enjoy ako. Not only that, you let me pay
for all of our food and you didn't stop me from doing
so even once. And to me, that's something to be happy
about. Alam kong mayaman ka at kahit ilang libo pa ang
gastusin mo ay hindi ka kukurap, pero para sa 'kin,
masyadong mahal ang fuel ng helicopter kaya naman sa
'kin na ang pagkain. That's why I'm thankful that you
let me pay for our food."
Reigo was silent for an entire minute before he said,
"I, um, have a confession to make."
Zehannah looked at Reigo curiously. "Hmm? Ano 'yon?"
Gumuhit ang ngiti sa labi ni Reigo. "I like it when
you pay for me. It makes me feel special. I mean,
you're spending your hard-earned money on me. Who
wouldn't find that special?"
Zehannah was lost for words. This side of Reigo always
left her speechless.
Zehannah blinked and cleared her throat. "Alis na
tayo? Excited na ako sa sunod nating pupuntahan."
Zehannah asked for the bill and paid for it. At nang
handa na siyang umalis, inilahad ni Reigo ang kamay
kay Zehannah. "Let's go?"
Walang pangingiming tinanggap 'yon ni Zehannah saka
lumabas sila ng restaurant.
Leaving Pampanga behind, they went to Pangasinan and
visited a couple of towns.
Bumili si Zehannah ng bagoong. Sinubukan nila ni Reigo
ang pinakamasarap na luto ng bangus, at kumain din
sila ng longganisa. Siyempre, bumili ang dalawa ng
tupig at puto calasiao para baon sa biyahe patungo sa
sunod nilang pupuntahan.
Nang matapos ang food hopping date nila sa Pangasinan,
may dinaanan sila ni Reigo para kunin ang pinasuyo
nito at laking gulat ni Zehannah nang malaman kung
saan pa 'yon galing. Ilocos Sur!
Longganisa, dinuguan, at empanada. Nakalagay sa
styrofoam ang dalawang pagkain para siguro hindi
masira, habang ang empanada naman ay nakalagay sa box
at paper bag.
Reigo looked happy while telling Zehannah about the
food that she suggested eating in her condo after they
got home.
Feeling happy at the invitation, Reigo held Zehannah's
hand, and the two went back to the helicopter which
took them back to the city—in the Chinatown district,
to be specific.
Sadly, Zehannah was too full to eat everything she
wanted. Nakakalungkot man pero hindi na talaga niya
kayang kumain pa. Kaya naman ang plano nila ni Reigo
na kainin ang pinasuyo nito sa Ilocos ay hindi rin
Nang ihatid siya nito sa condo niya, sa halip na
kumain, nagpahinga sila sa salas at uminom ng wine
habang nanonood ng pelikula sa Netflix hanggang sa
makatulog si Zehannah.
Reigo carried Zehannah to her bedroom and made sure
that she was comfortable before he kissed her forehead
good night, then he whispered, "Me too, my Zee. It's
the best date I ever had. See you tomorrow."
With that, Reigo left Zehannah's condo after locking
it and went home with a smile on his lips. Ang hindi
alam ni Reigo, habang masaya siya sa date nila ni
Zehannah, ginawa siyang pulutan ng mga baliw na
umiinom sa tindahan nina Eva.
Si Reigo ang sentro ng tsismis dahil pinagkalat lang
naman ni Thorn sa mga baliw ang date nito at ni
Zehannah. At dahil do'n, umaatikabong tsismis ang
nagaganap sa tindahan nina Eva patungkol kay Reigo na
walang kaalam-alam sa nangyayari.
BALAK NI REIGO na umuwi kaagad sa barn para
makapagpahinga dahil maaga pa siya bukas para sa food
hopping date part two nila ni Zehannah, pero ang mga
gago niyang kaibigan, pinatigil muna siya sa tindahan
nina Eva.
Reigo thought something urgent happened, only to find
out the truth when he arrived.
"Balita namin nagbibinata ka na raw."
"Ayon sa tsismis, patay na patay ka raw sa ka-date mo
ngayong araw."
That was Iuhence and Calyx, the gossipers.
Everyone looked at Reigo, expecting an answer from
him, but nothing came out of his mouth and he just
stared blankly at his friends.
"The fuck happened to Vasquez?" Knight asked. "Pipi ka
na ba ngayon?"
Binatukan ni Valerian si Knight. "Tumahimik ka nga.
Ang ingay mo."
Cali was curiously staring at Reigo. "He doesn't talk
much, and he's always bitter, so this was not
shocking, but something is different about him."
"Nakadilig ka ba?" tanong ni Lander.
"Na-basted?" tanong naman ni Lath.
"Naka-first base?" tanong ni Beckett.
"Second base?" tanong ni Train.
"Third base?" tanong ni Tyron.
"Saan kayo umabot?" tanong ni Evren.
"Sa Pangasinan," sagot ni Reigo at lahat ay natigilan.
"Pangasinan?" ulit ng lahat.
Bored na tumango si Reigo. "Yeah. Can I leave now? I
still have to get ready for tomorrow."
"Ano'ng mayroon bukas?" usisa ni Phoenix.
"Date. Part two," sagot naman ni Reigo saka
tinalikuran ang mga kaibigan. "Uwi na ako. Ayoko
kayong kausap. You're not my Zee. Not worth my time.
Napatanga ang lahat kay Reigo saka nagkatinginan nang
makaalis ang binata.
"What was that?" Tyron asked, stunned. "Schedule niya
ba ngayon para maging iritado?"
Si Dark ang sumagot. "Nah. Hindi lang talaga tayo si
"Is that his woman?" Ymar asked.
"I think so." Dark shrugged. "We all know Reigo. He's
moody and grumpy, but when it comes to his women, he's
generous and tolerant."
"Yeah, but that was before his exes cheated on him,"
ani Titus. "Nagbago na siya pagkatapos niyang ilang
beses na naloko."
Lash nodded. "Napansin ko rin. He became bitter and
spiteful towards women."
"At nawalan na rin siya ng pakialam sa mga
nakakarelasyon niya nitong huli," dagdag ni Shun. "He
had lost interest in dating."
"So what fucking changed?" usisa ni Valerian.
Si Knight ang sumagot. "Easy, best friend. He found a
good woman who could please his bitter tastebuds. In
short, malapit nang maging miyembro ng understanding
si Reigo."
"Who the fuck is your best friend?!" Walang pumansin
sa pagrereklamo ni Valerian kay Knight.
"Oh." Tyron smiled. "Should I prepare a grand
"Unahin muna nating i-welcome si Calderon," sabad ni
Khairro na katatapos lang makipag-usap kay Eva tungkol
sa 'listahan' nito sa tindahan. "Nagbibinata pa lang
si Vasquez, samantalang si Calderon, binata na na
malapit nang ma-mental dahil sa asawa niya. Calderon
needs more attention."
Tumango ang lahat.
"Hayaan natin si Vasquez," ani Knight na panay ang
kain ng barbeque. "Si Calderon ang panay hingi ng
advice at dahil magalino ako, kahit nasa CR ako at
naglalabas ng sama ng loob, sinagot ko ang tawag
Nalukot ang mukha ng lahat sa sinabi ni Knight.
"Velasquez! We're eating here!" Beckett snapped.
Knight just grinned.
"Tama si Espanyol," sabad ni Shun. "Kapag nanghingi na
ng advice si Reigo, oras na para sa spotlight niya."
"So, this is for real this time?" Pierce asked. "I
mean, he dated a lot."
"Who knows?" Ream shrugged. "But I think this one is
"Why?" Khairro asked.
Ream answered, "Well, for one, he's not scheduling his
mood to suit the taste of the woman he's dating like
he always does before. He's being himself he said."
That was enough for everyone to stop being concerned.
"Gossipers." Tinuro ni Tyron sina Iuhence at Calyx.
"Galingan niyong makasagap ng balita tungkol kay
Vasquez. Kailangan fresh palagi ang balita. Baka kapag
na-brokenhearted 'yon, araw-araw niyang i-schedule ang
pagkairitado niya, maapektuhan tayong lahat."
"Leave it to us!" Iuhence even pounded his chest.
"Kami pa ba?" wika naman ni Calyx.
Some nodded, and some shook their heads at the
gossipers, but one thing was certain with everyone—
they're all concerned about Reigo and his love life.
JUST LIKE YESTERDAY, Reigo was just as early making
Zehannah groan. She just woke up, for Pete's sake!
It's just five in the morning! "Natutulog ka pa ba?"
tanong ni Zehannah sa binata. "Seriously, Reigo. It's
still fucking early."
"Early bird catches the worm, my Zee."
She glared at him. "The only thing you'll catch here
is my anger!"
The bastard just smiled, kissed her forehead, and
said, "Good morning, my Zee. What do you want for
breakfast? Me, me, or me?"
Zehannah couldn't help it anymore. She groaned in
annoyance. "Fuck! I'm pissed."
Reigo blinked at Zehannah. "Did I do something?"
Napasabunot na lang si Zehannah sa sariling buhok saka
impit na sumigaw bago nagmamartsang bumalik sa kuwarto
nito at iniwan sa salas si Reigo.
Napakurap-kurap si Reigo sa pintuan ng kuwarto ni
Zehannah saka sinundan ang dalaga pero hindi siya
pumasok. Nanatili siya sa labas habang kinakausap ito.
"Zee...? You look mad."
"Oo! Sa 'yo!"
Napangiwi si Reigo. "Is it because I was early and I
interrupted your sleep?" Tanging impit na sigaw lang
ang narinig ni Reigo sa labas. "Zee...? What do you
want for breakfast?"
"Not you!" sigaw ni Zehannah. "I want eggs, but not
your eggs!" Inunahan na ni Zehannah ang kahalayan ni
Reigo. "Hotdog as well, but not your hotdog! And
you're not included in the menu! I don't want to eat
Reigo sighed at the door. "How can this woman be so
savage in the morning...?"
"I heard you!" Zehannah snapped.
"Sabi ko nga." Bagsak ang balikat ni Reigo. "Normal
eggs and hotdog—not my eggs and hotdog—coming right
Reigo went to the kitchen to make breakfast while
Zehannah was trying to tone down her frustration so
early in the morning.
In the kitchen, Reigo was humming while cooking. To
avoid staining his clothes, he used Zehannah's apron
and continued making breakfast until he heard the
doorbell ring.
Remembering that Zehannah was in her room, pissed,
Reigo went to open the door with an apron and all.
And Reigo came face to face with two good-looking and
familiar middle-aged men. Maybe in their late forties.
And they looked so shocked when they saw him.
"Ano'ng kailangan nila?" tanong ni Reigo para
masabihan niya si Zehannah na may bisita ito.
Pero sa halip na sumagot ang isa sa dalawa, siya ang
inusisa ng mga ito.
"Who are you?"
"What is your relationship with our daughter?"
Reigo blinked, and he looked at the two men in front
of him. They said daughter... Wala sa sariling
napalingon si Reigo sa loob ng condo bago ibinalik ang
tingin sa dalawang lalaki na nasa labas.
"What are you doing in our daughter's condo?" one of
the two men asked him.
"Um, cooking breakfast...?" sagot ni Reigo saka
nilakihan ang pagkakabukas ng pintuan nang maalala
kung bakit pamilyar sa kaniya ang dalawa.
Ito ang dalawang lalaki na kasama ni Zehannah sa
graduation picture nito na nakita niyang naka-display
sa divider noong nakaraang gabi habang naghihintay kay
Zehannah na matapos maghugas sa pinagkainan nila.
"Pinapasok ka ni Zehan sa condo niya?" tanong ng isa
sa dalawa kay Reigo.
Nalukot naman ang mukha ng kasama nito. "Cam, nakikita
mo nang nasa loob na siya, itatanong mo pa talaga?"
Napangiwi ang lalaki saka hinalikan sa gilid ng noo
ang kasama. "Sorry, Dan, love. I was just shocked that
Zehan let someone inside her condo other than us and
little Cassia. You know how she values her privacy and
Reigo's pulse quickened at that. So I'm the first
person she ever brought here aside from her parents
and Thorn's wife? He wanted to smile, but he remained
calm and collected since he was in the presence of
Zehannah's beloved parents.
"So..." Dan faced Reigo. "Ano'ng relasyon mo sa anak
Reigo didn't know how to answer that, but he tried his
best to explain. "Um, we're, um, friend...? No, not
that. I'm kinda a suitor, but not really...?"
Now Dan and Cameron were confused.
"Which is it?" Cameron asked.
Reigo didn't know too, so he simplified it. "I'm Zee's
future boyfriend. Nice to meet you." Inilahad ni Reigo
ang kamay sa dalawa. "I'm Reigo Vasquez. I'm an
engineer, a businessman, and I'm currently doing my
best to win Zee's affection."
Nagkatinginan sina Cam at Dan sa huling sinabi ng
binata kapagkuwan ay nagpakilala ang dalawa.
"I'm Daniel and this is my partner, Cameron. We're
Zehan's parents."
Nakipagkamay ang dalawa kay Reigo habang inoobserbahan
ang reaksiyon ng binata. Dan and Cameron were trying
to gauge the young man's opinion of the same-sex
couple. They had met some of Zehannah's ex-boyfriends,
and some of them had that uneasy glint in their eyes
when they found out that Zehannah's parents were a
same-sex couple, while some tried their best to hide
their distaste.
Zehannah never hid who her parents were from her exes
and if her exes showed any distaste towards her
parents, Zehannah would immediately break up with
So Dan and Cameron wondered what this young man's
reaction would be.
To Dan and Cameron's surprise, Reigo didn't even
blink. His expression didn't change at all, and he
treated them normally, like any other parent, and that
got Reigo into Dan and Cameron's good side.
"Pinapahirapan ka ba ng anak namin?" tanong ni Dan
pagkatapos magkamay ng dalawa.
"I bet she is," Cameron whispered. "We know our Zehan.
She's very savage."
Bumagsak ang balikat ni Reigo sa narinig saka
nagsumbong, "She's always being savage with me. But
I'm really interested in her, so I'm doing my best."
Tinapik-tapik ni Cameron ang balikat ni Reigo. "Hang
in there. Our Zehan can be so mean, but she's very
caring. You just have to unlock that side of her.
You'll get there."
Tumango si Dan habang nakakaramdam ng munting awa para
sa binata. Kapagkuwan ay napalinga-linga ito. "Nasaan
pala si Zehan?"
"In her room. She's pissed because I arrived early for
our date."
Napangiwi si Cameron saka mabilis na nag-iwas ng
tingin nang makitang pinaningkitan ito ng mata ni Dan.
"Katulad ka pala ng isa rito, mas maaga pa sa tilaok
ng manok kung bumisita," ani Dan.
Napakamot sa batok si Cameron. "Early bird catches the
Reigo's lips formed into an 'o'. "Damn. That's my
reason too!"
Dan groaned. "No wonder my Zehan is pissed. I'll go
talk to Zehan."
Dan left the two near the door. After a couple of
seconds just standing there, Reigo asked Cameron.
"Want some coffee...? Oh, wait, this is your
daughter's house. That came out wrong."
Mahinang natawa si Cameron. "Sure. I'd like a coffee."
"Great." Nauna nang naglakad si Reigo papuntang kusina
na para bang bahay niyo 'yon saka nagtimpla ng kape
para sa ama ni Zehannah at para sa sarili.
Cameron enjoyed his coffee on the island counter while
Reigo went back to cooking breakfast. Dinagdagan ni
Reigo ang niluluto para sa mga magulang ni Zehannah.
For our Zehan to let this young man cook in her
kitchen and let him stay, she must've trusted him a
lot. Cameron was observing Reigo who was so immersed
in cooking.
"Reigo, can I ask you something?" kapagkuwan ay kuha
ni Cameron sa atensiyon ni Reigo.
Kaagad na humarap si Reigo kay Cameron. "Yes, Sir."
Mahinang natawa si Cameron sa reaksiyon ng binata bago
seryosong nagtanong. "Let's say that you and my
daughter ended up together and God blessed you two
with a son or a daughter. Will you let me and Dan take
care of them from time to time?"
Reigo was confused by the question, but he still
answered. "Isn't that a given? I mean, you're their
Reigo's answer brought a smile to Cameron's lips that
Cameron hid by sipping his coffee. "Hmm. Yeah, we are.
Anyway, do you want to know anything about my
daughter? I'll happily tell you three things about
Reigo did not even think. "It's tempting and I
appreciate it"—bumalik si Reigo sa pagpiprito ng
longganisa—"but I want to know those things about Zee
myself. It'll be more memorable that way."
Cameron was impressed. Looks like my Zehan found a
good guy. I just hoped she opened up to him. But
knowing his daughter, that'll be hard.
Napatigil sa pagsimsim ng kape si Cameron nang makita
ang kapareha at ang anak na pumasok sa kusina. Kaagad
na dumeretso si Zehannah sa coffee maker para gawan ng
kape ang Papi niya at ang sarili pagkatapos ay
pasimpleng lumapit ito kay Reigo at tumabi sa binata
habang nagkakape.
"Binomba ka ba ng tanong ng mga magulang ko?" pabulong
na tanong ni Zehannah.
"Hmm? Not really."
That's a first. "Wala ka namang kahalayang
pinagsasasabi sa harapan nila, 'di ba?"
Nginitian ni Reigo si Zehannah. "Hindi ba sabi ko sa
'yo lang ako lalandi. Ibig sabihin n'on, sa 'yo lang
din ako magiging mahalay."
Zehannah narrowed her eyes at Reigo. "Anong sa 'kin
lang? Ang kalat mo kaya. Kung saan-saan ka lang
naghahasik ng kahalayan mo."
"Only when I'm with you."
Zehannah rolled her eyes at Reigo and was about to go
enjoy her coffee with her parents when Reigo used a
fork to bring a hotdog over her mouth.
"Here, my Zee. Taste it."
Zehannah looked at the hotdog. "That's a big one."
"Mine's bigger," he said with an innocent smile as if
he was not talking about something explicit. "And this
is practice, my Zee."
"Really?!" Zehannah half whispered and half shouted at
Reigo. "In front of my parents?!"
"Hindi naman nila naririnig," dahilan nito saka mas
inilapit pa ang hotdog sa labi ni Zehannah. "Come on,
my Zee. Open up and let me feed you. No worries, it's
just a normal hotdog."
Zehannah sighed and looked at Reigo flatly. She
already had given up on hoping that Reigo would stop
being a suggestive, horny guy. "Kung 'yong hotdog mo
kaya ang prituhin ko?"
"No need to fry my hotdog, my Zee. You can eat it
"Maybe I should cancel our date," kalmadong wika ni
Kaagad na ibinaba ni Reigo ang hawak na tinidor saka
hinalikan sa gilid ng noo si Zehannah. "I'll be
finished with breakfast soon. Help me set the table?"
Zehannah narrowed her eyes at Reigo before saying,
"Sure." Then she gave him the 'don't-say-anything-
horny-related' look before she set the table.
Pangiti-ngiti naman na tinapos ni Reigo ang pagluluto
saka inihain 'yon sa lamesa.
"I'm glad you can cook, Reigo," ani Dan habang
kumakain na silang apat. "Gustong-gusto ni Zehannah na
nagluluto, pero walang gusto sa kaniya 'yong pagluluto
kaya hanggang ngayon, matabang pa rin."
"At least it's not salty." Sinimangutan ni Zehannah
ang Papi niya. "Gusto mo, Papi, dalhan kita ng niluto
ko araw-araw?"
"Araw-araw na katabangan," bulong ng Papa ni Zehannah.
"Papa...! Mas wala kang alam sa kusina kaysa sa 'kin."
"Anong wala? Marunong na ako ngayon. I can boil eggs
now, cook perfect noodles, and fry anything to
"Oh. Me too. I'm good at frying too. It's my
specialty. I'm like the god of frying," sabad ni Reigo
saka napatingin kay Zehannah nang lagyan ng dalaga ng
ulam ang pinggan nito.
"Isang matabang ang timpla at isang pagpiprito ang
specialty." Dan sighed. "What a pair."
"Papi, hindi kami 'pair'," pagtatama ni Zehannah sa
ama. "I haven't said yes yet."
Dan looked at his daughter flatly before he motioned
his hand at Reigo as if Reigo was a product he wanted
to introduce. "Look at him, Zehan, and tell me that
he's not worth saying yes to?"
Reigo immediately showed his charming smile to
"Kahit papaano ay marunong siyang magluto, guwapo,
magalang, mabait, at higit sa lahat, hindi makitid ang
utak," dagdag ng Papi niya. "Ano pa'ng hahanapin mo?"
Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Papi, huwag kang
magpapaloko riyan. Mahangin at mahalay 'yan."
Dan and Cameron looked at Reigo as if expecting him to
defend himself. But Reigo just shrugged and smiled
innocently, as if he couldn't say the word 'fuck'.
"Huwag kayong magpapadala sa inosenteng ngiti na
'yan." Pinaningkitan ni Zehannah si Reigo. "Mahalay po
'yang nilalang. Nagpapanggap lang 'yan na hindi."
"Well..." Dan shrugged. "Mahalay rin naman ang Papa mo
at okay lang naman kami."
Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "That's too much
information, Papi!"
Nginitian ni Reigo si Zehannah. "You heard your Papi,
my Zee. We'll be just fine."
Sa halip na ma-stress siya umagang-umaga, kalmadong
kumain na lang si Zehannah habang sumisimsim ng kape
paminsan-minsan at hinayaan ang tatlo na mag-usap-
At habang nakikinig siya, hindi niya maiwasang
mapansin na mukhang gusto ng mga magulang niya si
Reigo. Halata iyon sa kung paano makipag-usap ang mga
ito sa binata.
Her parents were even giving Reigo tips on how to get
into her good side.
Zehannah never intended it, but Reigo met her parents
and it went well that it surprised her. Her parents
left her condo after breakfast with a smile on their
faces and wishing them to have an amazing date.
Nang maisara ni Zehannah ang pinto ng condo, bumaling
siya sa katabi na inosente pa rin ang bukas ng mukha.
Zehannah clicked her tongue. "If only you're as
innocent as you look right now."
Reigo closed the space between them and softly kissed
her forehead, then his lips pressed against her neck
so seductively before he whispered over her ear, "My
Zee, admit it, you like that I'm like this. It turns
you on. You make me hard as much as I make you wet.
Aren't we a perfect pair?"
Zehannah gulped subtly.
How could she rebuke that fact? She knew she couldn't,
and she didn't want to lie just to save herself.
But the bastard was not done.
"I may be the food that you're not allowed to eat, but
I'm certain that my Zee is salivating right now." He
smiled and kissed her shoulder so tenderly. "And
there's nothing to be ashamed about it. I, too, am
drooling and wanting to devour you. So if you finally
want this piece of delicacy in front of you, no need
to ask, you can take a bite anytime you want."
And as if he didn't say anything to stimulate
Zehannah's brain and body, he straightened his body
and offered his hand. "Shall we date, my Zee?"
Zehannah accepted Reigo's hand and looked him in the
eyes. "When the time comes that I want to eat you, you
better give me everything you have or I won't eat you
again. I love good food, after all."
A broad smile grazed Reigo's lips. "I told you, I'm a
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mr. Delicacy.
Mag-date na lang tayo. Ibang delicacy ang gusto kong
tikman ngayon, hindi ikaw."
Tumawa lang si Reigo saka hinawakan ang kamay ni
Zehannah habang palabas ng condo.
Nagpaubaya naman si Zehannah at paminsan-minsan ay
napapatingin sa magkahawak nilang kamay ni Reigo
habang naglalakad. At sa paminsan-minsan na 'yon ay
sumasagi sa isip niya ang sagot na 'oo' sa alok ni
ZEHANNAH THOUGHT REIGO couldn't surprise her anymore,
but that was only her imagination. Sino'ng hindi
magugulat kung kailangang sumakay sa isang pribadong
eroplano para sa 'food hopping date'?
At para lang kumain ng lechon.
Then they went to Iloilo for their La Paz batchoy,
roasted native chicken, and binakol. Afterward, they
hit Bacolod for their chicken inasal, kansi, and
piaya. After that, they went to Guimaras for their
mango pizza. And their last stop was the seafood
capital of the Philippines, Roxas City.
Eating lots of seafood mixed with different kinds of
foods they'd eaten that day, Zehannah's stomach was
not feeling happy.
Nanlalamig na napahawak si Zehannah sa tiyan nang
makalabas sila ni Reigo sa restaurant na kainain at
nakasakay sa nirentahan nitong sasakyan.
She was trying to hold it in, but her stomach was not
being nice to her.
Zehannah breathed in and out and she did it a couple
of times that Reigo took notice.
"You okay, Zee?"
Tangina naman, tiyan! Huwag kang magkakalat! Napakagat
ng labi si Zehannah. Ayaw niyang sabihin! Ayaw niya!
This was their second date, for Christ's sake!
"Nothing. Just keep driving."
Of course, Reigo didn't buy that and did the last
thing Zehannah wanted. He stopped the car on the side
of the road!
Sinubukan ni Zehannah na kumalma, umaasa na makikisama
ang tiyan niya pero ayaw talaga. Kahit ano'ng kagat
niya pa sa labi, hindi siya pinakinggan ng walanghiya
niyang tiyan.
'Okay. This is it! Makapal ang mukha mo, 'di ba?'
pagkausap ni Zehannah sa sarili. 'Oras na para mas
kapalan mo pa!'
"Zee...? Are you okay?"
Lumunok muna si Zehannah bago bahagyang umiling. Ayaw
niyang igalaw ang katawan baka biglang may sumabog na
hindi kanais-nais.
"Ano'ng problema?" Kaagad na ibinigay ni Reigo ang
buong atensiyon sa dalaga. "Is there something I can
Zehannah squeezed her eyes shut and spoke the words
that she never thought she would speak in front of
Reigo. "I want to..." Zehannah's voice became a
whisper at the end. "Poop."
Hindi narinig ni Reigo si Zehannah. "What did you
Bahala na, tangina! Tumingin si Zehannah kay Reigo.
"Sama ng loob." Tinuro ni Zehannah ang tiyan. "Lalabas
na. As in, sobrang lapit na!"
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Reigo. "Sama ng loob...?" A
couple of seconds, a realization hit Reigo. "Oh. You
want to poop?"
Fuck! Zehannah nodded. "Nasobrahan yata ang kain ko ng
seafood. May giyera sa tiyan ko."
Mabilis na pinagalaw ni Reigo ang sasakyan saka may
tinawagan ito sa cellphone. Zehannah was too focused
on controlling her muscles down there to care who and
what Reigo was talking about.
"Three minutes, my Zee. Hold for three."
"What the fuck do you think I'm doing?!" Zehannah
"Just focus, Zee," ani Reigo saka binilisan ang
pagmamaneho habang may tinatawagan sa cellphone nito.
Reigo never drove fast when he's with Zehannah and he
wouldn't dare use a phone, but they were in different
circumstances at the moment.
Finally, they arrived at their destination and Reigo
carried Zehannah inside the establishment—which was a
hotel owned by Tyron Zapanta. And since Reigo already
called the owner, he was immediately welcomed by the
manager, who guided them to their room.
Zehannah, on the other hand, was gripping the front of
Reigo's polo while still holding it in. She knew they
entered a hotel, but she didn't care how luxurious
looking it was. She just wanted to poop.
"Zee, we're here—"
Zehannah literally jumped down from Reigo's arms and
ran toward the bathroom as if she was on fire.
Meanwhile, Reigo cleared his throat and faced the
manager. "Thank you for accommodating my sudden
request to check in."
"It was our pleasure, Mr. Vasquez," anang manager saka
ngumiti. "Please, excuse me."
Akmang aalis na ang manager nang pigilan ito ni Reigo.
"Wait, um, may malapit ba kayong pharmacy rito?"
"Yes, Sir. Nasa baba lang ho. Katabi lang ng hotel."
"You're welcome, Sir," anang manager saka umalis na.
Thinking that Zehannah might take a while, he took one
of the two key cards and left the room. He didn't
waste any time. He went down to the pharmacy and
bought something for Zehannah and some that he thought
Zehannah might need. Then he went back to their hotel
Pagkabalik ni Reigo, nasa loob pa rin ng banyo si
Zehannah kaya iniwan niya sa pinakamalapit na lamesa
sa banyo ang pinamiling alcohol, wet wipes, at gamot
saka pabagsak na nahiga sa kama.
That scared me. Reigo thought. Akala niya napaano na
si Zehannah nang mapansing pinagpapawisan ito. Buti
'yon lang pala ang dahilan. Maybe eating different
kinds of food in one day was not a good idea.
Mabilis na napalingon si Reigo nang bumukas ang
pintuan ng banyo at lumabas doon si Zehannah na parang
nakipagsabunutan sa kung sino.
"You feeling okay now?" he asked.
Zehannah groaned and stilled when she saw the alcohol,
wet wipes, and medicine on the table near the
bathroom. "Binili mo?"
"Yep. I thought you might need it."
"Thanks." Kaagad na ginamit ni Zehannah ang alcohol
saka sapo-sapo ang tiyan na tinungo ang kama at nahiga
sa tabi ni Reigo.
Reigo immediately put a safe distance between them. He
didn't want to do anything he might regret, like
forcing himself on Zehannah.
"Medyo masakit pa rin ang tiyan ko," ani Zehannah.
Tumagilid si Reigo paharap kay Zehannah. "Want me to
take you to a hospital?"
"I'll be fine. Pahinga lang nang kaunti. Parang naubos
ang lakas ko sa mga lumabas. Tangina talaga."
Reigo smiled. "I know for a fact that you have an
amazing stamina, my Zee. Hinding-hindi ka basta-basta
napapagod kahit pa ilang beses kang labasan."
"Reigo..." Zehannah didn't want to be stressed out
because it takes a lot of energy. "Please lang, tama
na muna ang kalandian mo. Masakit pa ang tiyan ko.
Hindi ako makakalaban sa kahalayan mo. Baka mas
sumakit pa lalo ang tiyan ko, masasapak kita."
Tinuyo ni Reigo ang pawis sa gilid ng noo ni Zehannah.
"I'll try. Pahinga ka na."
"Salamat naman. Let me rest for a little while."
"Sure. Kung sa tingin mo makakatulong 'yong gamot na
binili ko, sabihan mo muna ako bago mo inumin. I'll
ask a friend of mine if the medicine is good for you."
Zehannah nodded and closed her eyes. "Pahinga lang
ako. Huwag kang gagawa ng katarantaduhan, tatamaan ka
sa 'kin," pagbabanta rito ni Zehannah.
"Malandi lang ako, hindi tarantado."
Zehannah just grimaced and was planning to relax when
she felt a hand softly combing her messy hair.
She opened her eyes to look at the owner of those
"Hindi ba puwede?" tanong ni Reigo na kaagad na
itinigil ang ginagawa.
"Nah. It's okay. Massage my head too while you're at
it," ani Zehannah saka nginitian ang binata. "Ayusin
mo, ha?"
Mahinang natawa si Reigo saka umupo para maayos na
mamasahe ang ulo ni Zehannah. It felt so nice that
Zehannah's eyes slowly dropped.
"Ah, that feels nice."
Tumikhim si Reigo. "Zee, don't moan. You're turning my
head into a pile of greeneries."
Umingos si Zehannah. "Matagal ka nang berde. Huwag
mong sisihin ang ungol ko. Saka hindi 'yon malanding
ungol, 'ungol of appreciation' 'yon."
"Ungol pa rin," Reigo argued while still massaging
Zehannah's head. "The effect is the same."
"Maharot ka lang talaga." Zehannah opened her eyes and
looked up at Reigo. "Ganito ka ba sa lahat ng naging
ex mo?"
Umiling si Reigo. "I usually pattern my attitude to
whatever they wanted me to be."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "The fuck...?"
"It was tiring...." Reigo kept massaging Zehannah's
head and scalp while combing her hair with his
fingers. "...adjusting your attitude and mood to suit
someone's taste. It drained me. And then I realized,
whatever I do, however much I change for them, they'll
just discard me when I no longer suit their taste.
That's when I got tired of dating. Ang daming
manloloko at ang hihilig pa nilang manisi. Kesyo
naghanap sila ng iba dahil wala akong oras o kaya
naman hindi ko raw binibigay ang atensiyon na gusto
nila mula sa 'kin. Gaano ba kahirap sabihin sa 'kin na
ayaw na nila?" Reigo sighed. "It's tiring to keep a
lid on yourself while dating. Because aren't we dating
to get to know each other?"
"So... this is your true self?"
Reigo smiled. "You could say that."
"So, itong kalandian mo, ito ang naipon mong kalandian
sa mahabang panahon?" Napatanga si Zehannah sa binata.
"How did you manage to survive that? With that, no
filter mouth of yours?"
"I don't know. I just did." Reigo shrugged. "Siguro
dahil na rin sa kagustuhan kong magkaroon ng katuwang
sa buhay. All of my friends already have a partner,
and they're all happy. I want the same happiness. But
what I failed to realize is that everyone is
different. That I shouldn't have compared myself to
them, but it was already too late for me to realize
that." Reigo took a deep breath. "Life really is
Bumangon si Zehannah saka pa-Indian sit na naupo
paharap kay Reigo. "You're looking at it the wrong
way, Reigo. Don't think that it was sad because it's
already too late when you realized it. Instead, think
that it's a blessing that you realized it before it
was too late. Sabi mo pa nga, life begins at thirty,
or forty to some, so it's still not too late, right?"
Reigo's expression softened. "I like it."
Zehannah tilted her head so the side because Reigo's
response didn't make sense to her. "Huh?"
He smiled. "I like how our opinion differs in some
ways and how we see things differently. Together,
we're growing. Isn't that nice? We're becoming a
perfect pair. You can expect nothing less from your
future boyfriend."
Dalang-dala na si Zehannah sa mga unang sinabi ni
Reigo, pero dinagdagan pa nito sa huli. Nawala 'yong
kaseryosohan ng sinabi nito.
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. Lately, she realized
that she'd been sighing heavily a lot. Thanks to
Reigo. "When I first met you, you're very serious that
your smile is too expensive, but now... I don't know
"Isn't that normal?" ani Reigo saka nahiga sa kama at
walang pag-aalinlangan na ginawang unan ang hita ni
Zehannah. "Everyone is serious at the first meeting.
Then, gradually, people show their true colors as they
become comfortable. They begin to smile, cuss, joke,
and even act childish. Katulad lang 'yan sa mga
kaibigan ko. Mga seryoso sa trabaho, sa ibang tao na
hindi ng mga ito kilala o kakikilala pa lang, pero
kapag kami-kami lang ang magkakasama dahil komportable
kami sa isa't isa, lumalabas 'yong ugali na hindi
namin pinapakita sa iba. Like being childish and doing
crazy stuff because we've known each other for so many
years that we can act like that.
"And I'm also like that when I'm with you. I'm getting
comfortable with you, Zee. Hindi ko kailangang iayon
sa gusto mo ang ugali na pinapakita ko at para sa
akin. Big deal 'yon at naging rason 'yon para maging
komportable ako sa 'yo. That's why I wanted to get to
know each other. Tulad ng sinabi ko noong una, paano
ka o-oo kung hindi mo ako lubusang kilala? Aside from
my handsome face, big dick, and the fact that I could
bring you to high heavens, you know nothing about me.
But now, you know so much in just a short amount of
time. Aren't I an amazing future boyfriend?"
Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead. "Anong 'so much'?
Maliban sa malandi ka, mahalay ka, malibog ka, at
mayaman ka, wala na akong alam tungkol sa 'yo." Well,
she knew other things, but compared to the four she
mentioned, they seemed so little to her. "At bakit
pala ginawa mong unan ang hita ko?"
"Gusto kitang landiin nang palihim."
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata. "Para namang madali
akong malandi."
"What can I say? I'm enjoying the chase, Zee."
"And after that? What happens after you catch me?"
"I'll spoil you, of course. But I don't think the
chase will end once you say yes. Knowing you, my Zee,
that would be close to impossible."
"And when I'm not a delicacy in your eyes anymore?"
Zehannah asked earnestly. "A time will come that I
will just be a normal meal to you."
"When would that be?" Reigo frowned. "I don't see that
"Siguro hindi ngayon, pero darating ang panahon na
mangyayari 'yon."
"Wala akong sagot sa tanong mo," ani Reigo. "It could
happen to anyone, not just you, Zee. In the back of my
head, I think of that as well. But I don't want that
thinking to consume me. I want you, and I'm doing all
this because I want to be with you, not because I'm
thinking that in a year or so, I will lose interest in
you. It's risky, trust me, I know. But, compared to
not being with you at all, I'll take the risk however
much I'll pay in the end."
"How brave of you. I can't do it."
That did not deter Reigo. "I still have a few more
days to change your mind."
Hindi umimik si Zehannah at bumaba lang ang tingin sa
binata. Kapagkuwan ay umangat ang kamay niya saka
hinaplos ang buhok ni Reigo.
That gesture made Reigo still and he looked up at
Zehannah. "Zee...?"
"I'll think about it properly while getting to know
you," Zehannah said while still caressing Reigo's
hair. "Thank you for thinking that I'm worth the
effort and risk."
Reigo smiled. "Anytime." Somehow, he felt like he's
getting one step closer to Zehannah, but he knew he
had a long way to go. "Though, my Zee, tasting each
other is a part of getting to know each other. Want to
taste each other now?"
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah saka piningot ang
tainga ni Reigo. "Ang seryoso ko tapos puro kahalayan
ang nasa utak mo."
"Aw! Ouch! Zee! Have mercy!"
"Bakit? Naaawa ka ba sa 'kin kapag naghahasik ka ng
kahalayan mo kung saan-saan?"
"Hindi naman kung saan-saan, basta kasama lang kita."
"At nagdahilan ka pa?"
"It's a fact."
Tinigil ni Zehannah ang pagpingot sa tainga ni Reigo
saka tinulak paalis sa hita niya ang ulo nito. "Umuwi
na nga tayo, baka masakal kita nang wala sa oras."
"If choking is your kink—"
Zehannah's sharp glare clamp Reigo's mouth shut.
"Continue that and I will murder you."
"Sabi ko nga."
Nakahinga nang maluwang si Zehannah nang hindi na
nagsalita pa ng kung anong kahalayan si Reigo hanggang
sa makapag-check out sila sa hotel at makasakay sa
sasakyang nirentahan nito.
It was a peaceful drive to the airport. Nang makasakay
sila sa pribadong eroplano ng pamilya ni Reigo,
nakahinga nang maluwang si Zehannah na sa wakas ay
uuwi na sila. It's not like she didn't enjoy the date,
it was just tiring to travel from one place to
"Zee?" kuha ni Reigo sa atensiyon ni Zehannah nang
nasa himpapawid na ang eroplanong sinasakyan.
"Can I have your next weekend again?"
Another Reigo's day? Zehannah didn't mind but... "No
helicopter and plane involved and I'll agree."
"Promise. Nothing of that sort."
"Okay. Then you can have my weekend again."
Reigo happily leaned his head on Zehannah's shoulder.
"I know how much you treasure your weekends, so thank
Sa sinabing 'yon ni Reigo, napaisip si Zehannah. Yes,
she valued her weekends so much because it's her rest
day and family day, but she gave it to Reigo just like
What's happening? Hindi masagot ni Zehannah ang
sarili. At hanggang sa makauwi sila, 'yon pa rin ang
nasa isip niya. It was bothering her so much that she
didn't realize Reigo already pulled over his car in
her condo's parking lot.
"You okay, Zee? You've been out of it since we're on
the plane."
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah saka bumaling kay
Reigo. "Nag-enjoy ako sa date natin. Hindi mo na ako
kailangang ihatid sa condo ko."
"Did I do something?" tanong ni Reigo nang akmang
lalabas na ng sasakyan si Zehannah.
"Wala naman. Gusto ko lang mapag-isa at mag-isip."
"Oh. Okay. Ingat sa pag-akyat."
Tumango si Zehannah saka lumabas na ng sasakyan, pero
bago pa siya makalayo, narinig niyang tinawag ni Reigo
ang pangalan niya. Nang lingunin niya ang sasakyan
nito, nagulat siya nang makitang lumabas ito ng
sasakyan at naglalakad palapit sa kaniya pero hindi
siya nagulat na hinalikan siya nito sa mga labi at
tumakbo ito pabalik sa sasakyan nito.
Zehannah shook her head before she went inside the
Nang nasa elevator na siya patungo sa palapag niya,
nakatanggap siya ng text mula kay Reigo.
From: Talandi Reigo
'I don't know if I did something wrong, but if I did
and I'm unaware of it, forgive me. I hope I can still
buy you breakfast tomorrow. Don't worry, I won't be on
the menu—not even part of the package. May nahanap
lang akong restaurant na may masarap na pancake kaya
gusto kong matikman mo.'
Zehannah replied. 'Pancake is always welcome.'
'Great! How about me? Am I still welcome?'
'Sure. Just bring good food.'
'I'm a delicacy myself, so that's not a problem.'
Reigo replied, making Zehannah sigh because she knew
he was.
'Umuwi ka na at itulog mo lang 'yan.'
'Tell me to drive safely first.'
Napailing si Zehannah. 'Drive safely. There, be
grateful and say thank you.'
'Thank you and good night, my Zee.'
'Good night.'
'You know, Zee, you should put 'my' before my name as
well. I won't mind.'
'No, thanks. Baka hindi ako makatulog.'
'Sa kakaisip sa 'kin dahil kahit sa panaginip ay
masarap ako?'
'Sa bangungot.' Hindi na nag-reply si Zehannah
pagkatapos niyon kahit pa tumunog ang cellphone niya.
Pumasok siya sa condo niya at kaagad na naligo.
Pagkatapos ay tumawag siya sa mga magulang niya para
kumustahin ang mga ito pero siya at ang date nila ni
Reigo ang naging sentro ng usapan. Halos tuyo na ang
buhok ni Zehannah naang matapos siyang makipag-usap sa
mga magulang niya kaya naman kaagad siyang naghanda
para matulog nang tumunog ang cellphone niya.
Dahil hindi pa naman siya masyadong inaantok, kinuha
niya ang cellphone na inilagay niya sa bedside table
saka tiningnan kung sino ang nagpadala sa kaniya ng
It was from Talandi Reigo.
Zehannah nonchalantly opened it, and it was a mistake.
Because Reigo sent a photo of him—almost naked! She
could see the V-shape along his hips and the little
pubic hairs on the entrance to his groin area!
'Sending my delectable body for sweet dreams. Good
night, my Zee.'
With a slightly trembling hand and deep breathing, she
put her phone back on the bedside table and hurriedly
lay on the bed and slept after praying for a good
night's sleep without Reigo in it.
But she was not heard once again.
Though this time, she was not the one eating, but
"YOU WANT to build your own company too?" gulat na
wika ni Cassia nang mabuksan nila ang usaping negosyo
ni Zehannah habang nanananghalian ang dalawa sa
cafeteria. "Me too, Master Zehan. Pero baka magalit sa
'kin ang mga magulang ko. I already caused them so
much pain and trouble. I don't want to add more."
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah saka pinisil ang pisngi
ni Cassia. "Sabi nang huwag mo akong tawaging master."
"Pero master kita—"
"Isa pa, Cassia, iiwan kita rito sa cafeteria."
Napasimangot si Cassia saka bumulong, "Master pa rin
kita kahit hindi kita tawaging Master Zehan."
Hinayaan na ni Zehannah ang kaibigan at napunta sa
asawa nito ang usapan nila. Tungkol sa 'listahan' na
ginawa nito at mga payo ni Zehannah para maniwala na
si Cassia na hindi nga bakla ang asawa nito.
It was a long talk that consumed their lunchtime, but
Zehannah was certain that she hammered a lot of things
into Cassia's head that Cassia will surely follow—
well, after editing them to her understanding, of
"You're hopeless,a" ani Zehannah nang matapos tumawag
ang asawa ni Cassia rito na pumutol sa pag-uusap nila.
"What did I do?" Cassia genuinely thought she did
nothing wrong.
She's hopeless. Zehannah thought. "You ended the call
like he's one of your clients. 'Okay. Bye. Have a good
day.' Really? Seriously, Cass. Be sweet, for goodness'
Cassia blinked at Zehannah. "I am sweet. I told him to
have a good day."
Zehannah looked at Cassia dryly. "Cass, you could've
added an endearment at the end, maybe? Sweeten your
voice a little. Make it softer. What I'm saying is,
flirt with him on the phone too, not just in person."
"Is that so?" Cassia's shoulder fell. "You know I'm
rusty with these kinds of things."
Napabuntonghininga saka napailing si Zehannah.
"Landiin mo ang asawa mo sa lahat ng pagkakataong
makikita mo. Personal man o sa tawag. Landi lang nang
landi. Asawa mo naman 'yon."
Cassia nodded earnestly while mumbling to herself.
"Landi lang nang landi." Kumuyom pa ang kamao nito na
parang pinalalakas ang sariling loob. "Kaya ko 'yan."
She's hopeless, but she's learning in her own way.
Nginitian ni Zehannah ang kaibigan. "Always use
endearment. Sweeten him up and soften him until he
gets hard for you."
Cassia stilled and stared at Zehannah. "Gets hard...
for me?"
Nakataas ang kilay na inginuso ni Zehannah ang
pagkababae ni Cassia. "His penis. If that got hard
because of you"— Zehannah made an 'okay' sign with her
fingers—"one hundred percent not gay, Cass. No doubt."
Napakurap-kurap si Cassia saka napatingin sa
pagkababae nito kapagkuwan ay nag-angat ng tingin kay
Zehannah at bumulong, "Sweeten him up and soften
him... 'til he gets hard. What's that supposed to
mean? Does that mean I really have to touch his
intimate part? 'Yon lang ang tanging paraan para
malaman kong matigas siya."
Tumango si Zehannah saka nag-thumbs up sa kaibigan na
sinagot din naman ng thumbs up ni Cassia. That's not
what Zehannah meant, but if that's how Cassia
interpreted it, that's okay as well. Asawa naman nito
si Thorn. And Zehannah thought Thorn would thank her
if he found out.
"Come on, let's go back," aya ni Zehannah sa kaibigan.
"I have a report to finish for my meeting later. I
don't want to get chewed out."
"Okay. Good luck with your meeting, Master Zehan."
Zehannah just sighed but didn't correct Cassia
"Mauna ka na. May gagawin ka pa, 'di ba?" ani Cassia
nang makarating sila sa elevator at isa na lang ang
puwedeng sumakay.
"Sabay na tayo," ani Zehannah.
"Nope." Masuyong tinulak ni Cassia si Zehannah
papasok. "Mauna ka na."
"Okay. Okay. I'm going." Zehannah waved her hand at
Cassia and rode the elevator.
Unfortunately, Dexter was in the elevator and most of
the employees inside got off on the second and third
floors. Silang dalawa na lang ni Dexter ang naiwan sa
loob ng elevator.
"Zehan, puwede ba tayong mag-usap?" tanong ni Dexter
nang silang dalawa na lang sa elevator.
Hindi talaga siya nito tatantanan. Zehannah was
annoyed, but she didn't show it. "May kailangan ka?"
"It's about that night—"
"Oh. Don't worry about it. Wala na sa 'kin 'yon."
Natahimik si Dexter at kapagkuwan ay nagtanong na
naman ito. "Boyfriend mo ba 'yong lalaking sumundo sa
She could lie and say yes, but what's the point?
"Nope. Just a suitor."
Nagliwanag ang mukha ni Dexter at hindi ito lumabas
kahit dumating na sila sa palapag nito at sumira ang
elevator. "Kung ganoon, may pag-asa pa ako—"
"Nope." Zehannah was done being considerate, and it
was time to put an end to this. "I told you, remember?
Ayokong magpaligaw sa 'yo."
"Why not?" Dexter snapped. "Nagpapaligaw ka nga sa
kaniya, bakit sa 'kin hindi?"
"Hmm? Because he's different."
"How so?" Dexter demanded.
Dumating na ang elevator sa palapag ni Zehannah pero
sinagot pa rin niya si Dexter habang naglalakad
palabas ng elevator. "Because he's handsome with a big
dick and he could bring me to high heavens." With
that, the elevator behind her closed and with a smile,
she went to her office with her chin up.
Wala siyang paki kung ano'ng isipin ni Dexter sa
kaniya sa sinabi niya. Ang mahalaga sa kaniya ay ang
tigilan na siya nito at sana naman ay gumana 'yon. She
honestly didn't want to deal with Dexter anymore. He's
Entering her office, she immediately went back to work
but was distracted when her phone beeped.
It was her Papa.
'Zehan, your Papi is being mean to me again. You know
what he did today? Inubusan niya ako ng ulam! Yes!
Ulam! And he told me to buy takeout for myself. What
am I going to do, Zehan? I can't let this go. I have
to get my revenge.'
Zehannah sighed and replied. 'Papa, ipapaalala ko
lang, malamig ang panahon.'
'Ah, fuck. Bakit ang tagal mag-summer? Talk to your
Papi, Zehan. Hindi kami bati.'
Napailing si Zehannah saka tinawagan ang Papi niya.
"Papi, nagrereklamo na naman sa 'kin si Papa. Inubusan
mo raw siya ng ulam at hindi ka raw niya bati."
Tumawa lang ang Papi niya. "Hayaan mo siya.
Pinagmamalaki niya sa 'kin 'yong boiled egg na ginawa
niya tapos hindi ako binigyan dahil inubos niya.
Binabalik ko lang naman sa kaniya ginawa niya, a."
Zehannah sighed. "Papi, Papa wants revenge."
"Tell him it's still cold. Magkakasakit siya sa sofa."
"'Yon nga ang sabi ko."
"Ano sabi niya?"
"Ang tagal daw mag-summer."
Dan chuckled. "Hayaan mo siya. In summer, I'll sweeten
him up so he won't think of revenge."
Napailing na lang si Zehannah. "Ewan ko sa inyo na
Papa. I'll hang up now. Bye, Papi."
"Bye, 'nak."
Nakangiting pinatay ni Zehannah ang tawag kapagkuwan
ay wala sa sariling napatitig sa screen ng cellphone
Maliban sa 'good morning' text ni Reigo, hindi na ito
nag-text pa sa kaniya.
He must be busy, Zehannah thought before placing her
phone on her table.
It bothered her that she was feeling 'bothered' that
Reigo hadn't sent her a message since this morning.
She was not a clingy person, so what was this?
Pilit na winaksi ni Zehannah ang nararamdaman saka
itinuon na lang ang atensiyon sa trabaho niya. Pilit
niyang hindi pinapansin ang kahungkagan na
nararamdaman hanggang matapos ang araw niya at makauwi
sa condo niya.
While going home, she heard an unpleasant rumor about
Cassia, David, Cassia's parents, and Cassia's husband.
It looked like something awful happened and Cassia
left work with her husband. Gusto niyang tawagan si
Cassia at alamin kung ano'ng kalagayan nito, pero
naisip niyang kasama nito ang asawa nito ngayon.
I'm sure he can take care of Cassia and they might
need some privacy after what happened. I'll visit
As usual, she had dinner alone that night. It was
peaceful and very much welcomed. Afterward, she spent
her time watching a series on Netflix and sipping
Zehannah enjoyed her time alone. Paminsan-minsan,
sumasagi sa isip niya si Reigo pero kaagad niyang
winawaklit ang binata sa isip niya.
Me, myself, and I ang gusto ko ngayon. Huwag na muna
nating isipin ang mahalay na 'yon.
It was around ten in the evening when Zehannah decided
to hit the hay. She finished two glasses of wine and
finished the series she was watching on Netflix,
meaning she's a very happy woman as she went to her
But as soon as her back lay on the mattress, her phone
started beeping, notifying her that someone sent her a
She checked her phone.
Zehannah felt like something lit up inside her when
she saw Reigo's name on her messages.
From: Talandi Reigo
'I was busy the whole day. Meetings after meetings.
How's your day, my Zee? Did you miss your future
Sa hindi malamang kadahilanan, parang nakahinga nang
maluwang si Zehannah na nabasa niya ang kahanginan na
naman ni Reigo.
'Patulog na ako. Good night.' Reply ni Zehannah.
'Oh. Okay. Good night, my Zee.'
Sa reply ng binata, naisip ni Zehannah ang mga naging
ex ni Reigo. Isang araw na hindi nagparamdam si Reigo
sa kaniya. Kung siya 'yong klase ng babae na palaging
gusto ng atensiyon at palaging gusto na siya ang
prayoridad, siguradong nagkasagutan na sila.
But she enjoyed being alone and the peace it gave her,
so she didn't mind. It bothered her a bit but not
enough to anger her since she knew that Reigo had a
company to run, just like she had an eight-to-five job
that needed her full attention.
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah dahil sinabi niya kay
Reigo na patulog na siya, pero mulat na mulat pa rin
naman siya at hindi makatulog kaya nag-reply siya kay
'Nakauwi ka na ba o pauwi pa lang?'
Reigo answered her by calling. Zehannah answered.
"I'm driving. Pauwi pa lang ako," kaagad na sabi ni
Reigo nang sagutin ni Zehannah ang tawag. "Bakit mo
pala natanong? Gusto mo iuwi kita sa bahay ko? Hindi
pa ako kumakain. Puwedeng ikaw na lang ang kainin ko
kung gusto mo."
Zehannah sighed. Here we go again. "Kahit saan talaga,
kahit kailan, nakakatangina ang kahalayan mo."
Reigo chuckled. "Na-miss lang kita."
"I get that, pero ano'ng kinalaman n'on sa pagkain sa
"Pumasok lang sa isip ko."
Napailing si Zehannah. "Ang halay mo talaga."
"Sa 'yo lang naman."
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Ang tanong niyan,
magaling ka bang kumain?"
"Oo naman," mabilis na sagot ni Reigo. "Gusto mo
"I'll pass."
"Your loss, my Zee."
Zehannah smirked. "Is it? Ang sarap ko kaya."
Mahinang natawa ni Reigo. "Masarap ka, masarap ako,
pareho tayong masarap, so why don't we taste each
"No, thanks."
"Sure? Ayaw mo talaga?"
"Yep. And it's not my loss, it's yours."
"Sabi ko nga," Reigo conceded. "By the way, Zee."
"How's your day?"
Such a simple question, but Zehannah appreciated him
asking. "Just so-so. Dexter was being annoying again,
but I told him not to bother me anymore."
"Hmm... knowing you, I'm sure Dexter experienced what
savagery meant."
"I'm not that bad!" depensa ni Zehannah sa sarili.
"Sinabi ko lang sa kaniya na hindi ako magpapaligaw sa
kaniya dahil may manliligaw na akong guwapo, mahaba,
at kaya akong dalhin sa langit—huwag lumaki ang ulo.
Sasapakin kita."
Too late. Reigo was already smiling. "Ah, I'm such an
amazing future boyfriend. Wala ka nang hahapin pa sa
'kin, Zee. Hindi lang ako sagad sa kaguwapuhan, kaya
rin kitang sagarin nang paulit-ulit hanggang hindi mo
na kaya."
Zehannah looked at the ceiling flatly and sighed.
"Lahat na lang talaga may kahalayan kang dinadagdag.
Let's stop talking. Matutulog na ako. Maaga pa ako
Reigo smiled. "Good night, my Zee. I'll eat you for
dinner some other time."
Pinatay ni Zehannah ang tawag saka hinilot ang
sentido. Wala sa kaniya ang kahalayan ni Reigo. Ang
pinoproblema niya ay ang mga panaginip niya na parang
tinutulak siyang makipagyugyugan sa binata.
Zehannah sighed. "Ah. My head hurts."
Malapit nang matapos ang dalawang linggo na hiningi
niya kay Reigo. Honestly, it was not hard saying yes
to Reigo. As he said, they're a good pair. But she was
frightened of relationship failure, not just for
herself, but also for Reigo.
She'd been with Reigo. She knew his experiences with
his exes; she knew how low his self-esteem was and the
trauma his exes left behind. And lots of things might
worsen if something bad happened between them.
That's why she was asking herself if it was a good
idea to date Reigo, knowing full well that there were
things that she might not be able to give to Reigo if
he asked and she'll just hurt him in the end.
Malakas na bumuntonghininga si Zehannah saka napatitig
sa kisame.
She had never been this conflicted before. Sa mga
naging ex niya dati, oo kaagad ang sagot siya sa
panliligaw ng mga ito kapag gusto niya. She never
thought of 'what if's'.
Was this because she was getting old?
Napatingin siya sa cellphone na hawak pa rin saka
nagpadala ng text sa Papi niya.
'Papi, dating someone who can't give you a lot of
things is just a waste of time, right?'
She was thankful that her Papi was still awake, and he
''Nak, you don't date someone because you want
something from them or you want them to give you
something. You date them because you like them and
want to be with them. Look at me and your Papa. There
are a lot of things we can't give to each other,
things that we have to compromise on, but we're still
together. That's because that's what we wanted—to be
by each other's side regardless if we can give
something to each other or not.'
Ilang ulit na binasa ni Zehannah ang reply ng Papi
niya bago ulit napatitig sa kisame.
Date them because you wanted to be with them, huh?
That was the past her. 'Yong Zehannah na hindi pa
iniiwan dahil hindi niya tinanggap ang marriage
proposal na inaalok sa kaniya ng mga naka-relasyon
But once she tasted that feeling of being left behind
because she couldn't give them what they wanted even
though she already told them beforehand, that changed
her perception of a relationship.
She knew full too well that she hurt her exes by
saying no to their proposals and she was sorry for it,
but she did not leave those relationships unscathed.
It left a scar on her too, and the one suffering from
her scar now was Reigo.
Zehannah took a deep breath and tried to sleep after
that, but sleep eluded her until midnight. And because
her body clock was early as five in the morning, she
woke up groggy.
But she didn't have time to feel that.
Naligo siya, nag-ayos, at nagpadala ng mensahe kay
Cassia para kumustahin ito. Nang nag-reply ang
kaibigan, sinabi niya ritong pupuntahan niya ito na
ikinasiya ng kaibigan.
Going to Bachelor's Village, Zehannah brought bread
for breakfast since it was still early and went to
Cassia and Thorn's house. And unlike the last time she
visited, her name was already under the Calderon
household trusted person list, so the security was not
as tight as the first time. Kinailangan lang na
tawagan ng guard ang bahay nina Cassia para
kumpirmahin na walang problema sa pagpasok niya.
After that, she went to Cassia's house, and it was so
obvious that Cassia cried because of her eyes.
Kaagad na niyakap ni Zehannah ang kaibigan. "How are
you feeling?"
"Ayos lang." Nginitian siya ni Cassia pagkatapos
nitong kumawala sa yakap niya. "My husband was there
for me."
"I'm glad."
"Me too."
Cassia guided Zehannah towards the kitchen and they
shared the bread Zehannah had bought while having
"I'm resigning, Master Zehan," ani Cassia pagkatapos
sumimsim ng kape.
"Ano ba'ng nangyari?"
Cassia told Zehannah what happened yesterday and the
words she received from her so-called mother.
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Ano'ng balak mo
ngayon? May plano ka na ba pagkatapos mong mag-
Tumango si Cassia. "Balak kong magtayo ng sarili kong
agency. Siguradong mahihirapan ako dahil mag-isa lang
ako pero kakayanin."
Matiim na tinitigan ni Zehannah ang kaibigan
kapagkuwan ay inalok niya ito. "How about we become
Umawang ang labi ni Cassia. "For real?! Hindi ako
hihindi riyan. You're my Master Zehan and my best
friend after all."
Napangiti si Zehannah. "Matagal ko na rin gustong
magtayo ng sarili kong negosyo pero tulad mo, alam
kong mahihirapan ako. But with you and me partnering
up, I'm sure we can do it."
Mabilis na tumango si Cassia. "Yes! We can."
Tumango na rin si Zehannah saka ngumiti. "Kahit may
agiw minsan ang utak mo, alam ko pagdating sa trabaho
at negosyo ay maasahan kita at ganoon din naman ako.
You can count on me to do everything I can. I will
leave my career now and start from scratch with you.
Life begins at thirty or forty, after all. Kaya natin
Kanina lang ay may pagdadalawang-isip pa na
nararamdaman si Cassia pero ngayong kasama niya si
Zehan na itatayo ang negosyo na naisip, wala na siyang
pag-aalangang maramdaman. Zehan was good with her job
and Cassia knew she could always count on her Master
"Let's finalize this after we resigned," ani Zehannah
saka inubos ang kape na iniinom. "Pagkatapos n'on,
marami tayong kailangang gawin. So we should get ready
by making plans and studying our planned business."
Tumango si Cassia kapagkuwan ay naputol ang pag-uusap
ng dalawa nang pumasok sa kusina ang asawa ni Cassia
na halatang bagong gising lang.
Siyempre, naging hangin na naman siya dahil may
sariling mundo ang dalawa kahit pa nga paminsan-misan
ay nasisingit siya sa usapan.
Zehannah sighed heavily and spoke, "You two are
annoyingly sweet. Can I leave now? Stop slapping it in
my face that I'm single."
"But you're single by choice, right?" Cassia knew
about Zehannah's take on marriage. "But I think you
and Reigo are perfect for each other," dagdag ni
Cassia saka ngumiti ito.
Zehannah looked at Cassia flatly. "Says the woman
who's as dense as a rock."
Kaagad na humaba ang nguso ni Cassia. "Hey! I'm just
"Yeah, yeah," Zehannah said dismissively before
leaving the stool. "I have to go and take care of my
resignation." Kapagkuwan ay tumingin siya sa asawa ni
Cassia. "Mr. Calderon, I like that you're taking good
care of my dense friend here, but if you continue
spoiling that dense brain she has, you'll regret it."
Then Zehannah showed her fisted knuckle at Thorn like
she was saying 'you can do it'. "Just consummate your
marriage already." Zehannah tsked before turning her
back on the two. "Bye!"
Hindi na hinintay ni Zehannah ang sagot ng dalawa.
Kaagad siyang umalis sa kusina at lumabas ng bahay.
Nang makasakay sa sasakyan niya at nagmamaneho palabas
ng Bachelor's Village, wala sa sariling bumagal ang
sasakyan niya nang mapadaan sa under construction na
bahay ni Reigo at nakita roon ang binata na nakatayo
sa harapan at nakatingin sa bahay nito.
Zehannah could pass him by and he wouldn't see him,
but she pulled over and she couldn't help looking at
his sexy back.
Black sweat pants, a white muscle shirt, and running
shoes. He was sweaty and looked like he just finished
running. But damn, he was really a hot stud—a delicacy
like what he always said.
Ibinaba ni Zehannah ang bintana saka kinuha ang
atensiyon ng binata. "Good morning, Mr. Delicacy."
Mabilis na lumingon si Reigo at gumuhit ang ngiti sa
mga labi nang makita siya. "Why're you here?" He
jogged to her car. "You here for me?"
"You wished." Tinuro niya ang direksiyon ng bahay nina
Cassia. "May pinag-usapan lang kami ni Cassia tapos
nakita kita. Lalampasan sana kita pero nagbago ang
isip ko."
That made Reigo's smile widen. "Hmm. Na-miss mo ako,
Reigo rested his arm on her car's window and leaned
into her. "Want to have breakfast with me, my Zee?
Nagpa-deliver ako ng masarap na pancake sa barn na
tinutuluyan ko pansamantala. Want to eat with me? Or
we could eat each other, I don't mind."
Hindi pinansin ni Zehannah ang kahalayan ni Reigo
dahil masyado pang maaga. "If it's pancake, I'm in."
"Great." Reigo leaned back and stretched his arms.
"I'll jog, you drive."
Reigo took off jogging on the sidewalk while Zehannah
followed him in her car. And she couldn't help sighing
from time to time because of how sexy Reigo's back
Tumikhim si Zehannah para gisingin ang diwa niya. She
couldn't let her guard down around Reigo after having
all those crazy, wet dreams. One wrong move and she
might end up being his breakfast.
Yeah. Let's avoid that at all costs. Zehannah was not
yet ready to be eaten even if it brings her to the
high heavens.
"THAT WAS A good pancake," ani Zehannah nang matapos
mag-agahan kasama si Reigo at ngayon ay naglalakad na
patungo sa sasakyan niya habang katabi ang binata.
"And excellent coffee, too. Hope my day goes well
today. Sana walang epal akong makita ngayong araw."
"Why? Planning something today?"
Zehannah nodded. "Handing my resignation."
"Oh. Do you have plans after?" Reigo did not take
Zehannah as someone who would do something without
planning ahead.
"Magtatayo kami ng marketing agency ni Cassia."
Zehannah was taken aback when Reigo smiled as if he
was excited for her.
"See? I told you, your life is just beginning." He
looked like he was happy for her. "I'm sure you can do
Tumango si Zehannah at ngumiti na rin. She liked that
Reigo had so much faith in her ability to establish a
business. There was no doubt in his whole being that
she could handle it, which made Zehannah feel
"If you need any help, which I doubt you would because
you'll be just fine, tell me." Reigo kissed Zehannah
on the side of her forehead, then his lips made their
way to her neck, kissing her there as if his lips
belonged there.
Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead as she stepped away
from him. "Too much kissing."
Namulsa ang binata. "I doubt. It was just a peck.
Hindi ba sabi mo hindi halik 'yon?"
Gago. At talagang binalik sa 'kin. Zehannah mused and
rolled her eyes at Reigo.
"Unless you want a proper kiss with tongue?" He smiled
suggestively. "I would be happy to use my tongue to
explore your mouth thoroughly to indulge my Zee."
"No, thank you." I should get out of here before my
body started to crave that kiss with tongue. "Tangina.
Kasalanan 'to ng panaginip na 'yon."
"What did you say?"
"Nothing." Binuksan ni Zehannah ang sasakyan saka
sumakay para makatakas kay Reigo. "Sige, alis na ako.
Ni hindi man lang nakapagpaalam si Reigo nang maayos.
Basta na lang umalis si Zehannah na para bang
That made Reigo frown. "Hmm... what's gotten into
He had no answer, so he went back inside the barn just
in time to hear his phone ringing.
It was his mother.
"Hey, Ma."
"Reigo..." His mother sounded happy. "How's the
pancake and coffee beans?"
"It was good."
"Just good?" There was a frown in his mother's voice.
"Well, compared to the ones you've sent me, yes, it's
just good."
To them, 'good' meant just 'so-so'.
"My, my, such connoisseur."
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Ma, it's the same as when
you're buying your precious gems and stones. Being
'good' is not just enough."
"True." His mother sighed. "Anyway, son, I heard from
your father that you have something for me...?"
Napatingin si Reigo sa attaché case na nasa ibabaw ng
center table. "Hmm. It's an invitation."
"You know I don't accept mediocre ones."
"I know. This one is an auction for rare diamonds. Are
you interested—"
"Did you just say rare...?!" His mother immediately
got hooked.
"Yep. That's what I said."
"Goodness..." His mother sighed in bliss. "You really
know me, son. Now"—she suddenly became serious and
Reigo knew what was coming—"how much do I have to pay
for that invitation you obtained for me?"
Reigo smiled because his mother understood him very
well. He actually didn't have something in mind as a
payment for the invitation until just a moment ago.
"Nothing much. It'll just cost you three
"For your company? But you're already doing well,
Reigo. You don't need our help anymore."
"It's for someone else." Zehannah's face entered his
mind. "A few months from now, someone will open a
marketing agency. I want you to recommend it to three
companies that you think would highly need their
services. They're new, so please be careful whom you
recommend them to, Ma."
"Is this 'someone' capable?" his mother asked,
doubtful. "I don't want to recommend someone who would
embarrass me."
"No worries, Ma. She won't." Reigo had faith in
"So it's a woman."
"Did she ask for your help?"
"No. She would never do that. She's very proud and
confident. She likes to do things her way."
"Then why are you doing this? Do you not trust her
"I do." There was no doubt that he did. "That's why I
want you to recommend her agency once it's open. I
can't help with a lot of things, but what I can do is
create an opportunity for her. You can recommend her
agency, but it's still up to her to make her clients
stay, and I know she will."
Zehannah once told him that his clients stayed because
he worked hard. Now, he had the same belief in
Zehannah. He knew his mother's recommendation will not
be for naught.
"Okay, I get it," anang ina ni Reigo. "But this is the
first time you asked me to do something like this. I'm
intrigued." She giggled. "Is she your girlfriend?"
"I wish."
His mother chuckled as if mocking him. "My, my, now
I'm curious. What's her name?"
"Not telling," Reigo flat-out replied. "Leave her
alone, Ma. She's just a simple girl."
"For you to be interested in her? I doubt she's that
Mahinang natawa ang ina. "So protective. Fine. I won't
do anything but recommend her agency once it's open."
"Thanks, Ma."
"Welcome. Now send that invitation to our house. I
can't wait!"
"I will. Bye, Ma."
"Bye, son!"
The line ended and Reigo let out a long sigh. Nang
sabihin sa kaniya ni Zehannah kanina na magre-resign
na ito sa pinagtatrabahuan nito, ang daming pumasok sa
isip niya na tulong na puwede niyang ialok dito.
But he knew Zehannah. She would prefer to stand on her
own two feet.
The opportunity that I will open for her is just that—
an opportunity and nothing more. It was up to her to
grab it, work hard, and make it work. And I know she
He remembered nearly a year ago, while coffee hopping
with Zehannah, he thought how nice it would have been
if he met her sooner. But now, he was thankful that he
met her later rather than sooner.
Because I get to see her grow. Risking and challenging
life. She's smart, she knew what she wanted,
confident, mature, and independent. These were
Zehannah's characteristics that drew him in and he
hoped that he could get more chances to be with her—
not just for two weeks.
But alas, that's Zehannah's decision, not his. All he
could do was wait, and, of course, seduce her with all
his might.
As long as Zehannah was not saying the word 'no', he
will give his all to make her say 'yes'.
AFTER HANDING HER resignation, Zehannah agreed to stay
for three days in the company for the turnover. Yumi
will be her replacement so the work turnover will not
be arduous since Yumi already knew the workflow and
the projects under their department.
Almost everyone asked why she was leaving and her only
answer was 'her life begins at thirty' even though she
won't be thirty until next year.
Walang maramdamang pagsisisi si Zehannah sa ginawa.
She was actually relieved as she informed her parents
about her resignation.
As usual, her Papi and Papa supported her decision.
Ganoon naman palagi ang mga magulang niya. Nakasuporta
sa kaniya kahit anong gawin niya. Kaya napakasuwerte
niya sa mga magulang niya.
'Master Zehan, I'll make a business plan this week and
I'll send it to you for your input and opinion. Good
luck. We can do this!' It was a message from Cassia.
'Maasahan talaga si Cassia kahit may agiw minsan ang
isip niya,' ani Zehannah sa sarili saka ibinalik ang
atensiyon sa mga folder na nasa harapan.
She was about to start her meeting with Yumi for the
work to turn over when her phone beeped.
It was from Talandi Reigo. It was a picture—not of
himself, thank God—of food.
A pudding.
And below that picture was a message. 'Found an
excellent restaurant that serves Japanese desserts.
Want to try? I'll pick you up after work.'
Nanubig ang bagang ni Zehannah pero iniiwasan niya
ngayon si Reigo dahil sa mga panaginip niya.
But can I really say no to this mouthwatering
She was conflicted.
Another text from Talandi Reigo arrived.
'Or you can have me for dinner. I'm a dessert myself.'
After that, Reigo sent countless pictures of Japanese
desserts and Zehannah kept swallowing.
Fuck this guy. Tempting me like this...! But she
couldn't say no. At alam 'yon ni Reigo. Kaya ba
pinadala nito sa kaniya ang mga larawan ng pagkain?
He's evil! Very evil! But those desserts... Zehannah
sighed and replied 'Okay. Pick me up later.'
Zehannah's reply made Reigo smile. If there was one
thing his Zee couldn't reject, it's good food. And
thanks to his exes and, of course, his mother, who's a
connoisseur when it came to food, he knew a lot.
'Okay. See you, my Zee.' He replied with a smile.
'It pains me to say this, but see yah.' Zehannah
replied which made Reigo chuckle.
Zehannah's mouth really had no filter when she wanted
to. And even though he was always at the receiving end
of her savageness, he still found it amusing.
Because just like what her father said, she's savage
but caring. He already had a glimpse of that side of
her when he got those cuts from his cutting and
peeling training with Thorn, and he wanted more of it.
He wanted to be cared for by his Zee. But he still had
a long way to go.
MEANWHILE, IN THE Vasquez mansion, Contessa Vasquez,
Reigo's mother, received the invitation her son sent,
and she was all smiles as she opened it.
When she saw the word 'rare diamonds' on the
invitation, she inwardly thanked her son again and
went to the master's bedroom while humming.
"Someone's happy."
"Oh." Contessa beamed at her husband, Rohan. "Hello,
dear. How's your morning?"
Rohan smiled at his wife and kissed her on the
forehead. "Same as always. Business. You? Mukhang may
magandang nangyari. You're humming. May pinadala bang
bagong imbitasyon ang anak natin?"
"Hmm-mm." Tumango si Contessa saka pinakita sa asawa
ang imbitasyon. "Reigo got this for me. That son of
ours seldom comes home, but he never forgets about
"Of course. Mabait na bata ang anak natin,"
nakangiting wika ni Rohan. "And he's already at the
age where he wanted to face the world alone."
"Speaking of facing the world alone"—itinabi ni
Contessa ang imbitasyon na pinadala ng anak—"I think
our son is interested in someone."
Rohan frowned. "What do you mean? He always has a
girlfriend, so that's not shocking, love."
"Nope. I think it's different this time." Contessa had
a hunch. "Those girlfriends only wanted money and fame
from him. That's why I met none of them."
"And this one is different?"
"Well, she seems like it. But just to make sure, I'll
have her investigated."
Rohan sighed. "Love, don't do that. Kapag nalaman ni
Reigo, baka magalit 'yon."
"Hmph! I'm curious. I'm just going to take a peek."
Napailing si Rohan. "If so, don't overdo it. And don't
let Reigo catch you or else, he won't look for those
valuable invitations you like."
"Noted." Contessa smiled. "Thank you, dear."
Napailing na lang si Rohan nang lumabas ang asawa sa
master's bedroom pagkatapos itabi ang imbitasyon na
natanggap. Alam kaagad niya kung ano'ng gagawin nito
kaya hindi na niya sinundan ang asawa.
Reigo's girlfriend, huh? Well... as long as she can
tame that son of mine.
Rohan finished his preparation before he picked up his
attaché case and went to work. His companies should
have been Reigo's responsibility, but his son went and
created a company for himself.
Ah, that boy... always so stubborn.
BACK IN ZEHANNAH'S office, her meeting with Yumi just
came to an end. Now, she had to give attention to her
computer to check if she had any files that needed to
be deleted or transferred.
While doing so, her phone beeped.
A message from Talandi Reigo.
'Hi, my Zee. Can I send you a file? I want to hear
your thoughts about it if that's okay.'
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. Iyon ang unang
beses na hindi kalandian at pang-aakit ang mensahe ni
Reigo sa kaniya.
Zehannah replied. 'Sure. Send it.'
'Thanks.' Reigo replied and below that was a file with
the title 'Vasquez Construction Marketing Strategy.'
Umawang ang labi ni Zehannah. This file was not
something anyone could have or read.
'Are you sure?'
'Yes. I want you to read it and tell me what you
Zehannah closed her mouth and opened the file. It was
a massive marketing strategy and as she read on, she
was impressed at the presentation and how thorough it
was. Halos wala siyang makitang butas. A very
efficient and cost-effective marketing strategy.
Zehannah sent Reigo a message. 'I know nothing about
your company, so my bases are lacking to actually draw
a conclusive assessment, but from a marketing
perspective, the marketing strategy you sent me is
very efficient and cost-effective. If you're looking
for an outside perspective, it's best if that someone
knew about your company, so they could give your
marketing strategy a proper assessment.'
Zehannah seriously didn't know why Reigo sent it to
her until she read his reply together with a link that
brought her to different marketing books and some
others that would greatly help her.
'A renowned marketing agency made the one I sent you.
Since you'll be creating your own agency, I want to
help you read as many marketing strategies as you
possibly can. By reading, you'll encounter different
ideas, approaches, and perspectives when it comes to
marketing. I hope this can help you even a little. And
if you need more materials, I'll help as much as I can
to find them. It's always best to learn new things and
improve one's self.'
Reigo's thoughtfulness moved Zehannah. She was not
expecting that. After reading Reigo's reason, she felt
an urge to see him and hug him—even kiss him. It was a
big deal for Zehannah because she knew she still had a
lot to learn, and Reigo was giving her the materials
she needed.
It may not seem important to others, but receiving
help from Reigo in the form of learning and knowledge
was something that she considered unequaled help.
Really, that guy...
Her doubts were lessening.
Just like that and I'm swaying. Napabuntonghininga si
Zehannah saka mahinang natawa. Indeed, he's a worthy
delicacy to have and taste.
Zehannah smiled and sent a message. 'Can I call?'
Reigo's answer was fast. 'Sure.'
With Reigo's consent, Zehannah called, not knowing
that Reigo was in the middle of a meeting with the
four CEOs of his four companies under Vasquez
Constructions—the Vasquez Architectural firm, the
Vasquez Engineering firm, the Vasquez Construction
Management Company, and the Vasquez Construction
The Vasquez Architectural Firm CEO's monthly report
consisted of drawing plans for the 'Pabahay Project'
of the government that they won the bid two months ago
and in the collaboration with the Vasquez Engineering
Firm, the two firms were now working together to build
one of the largest malls in the country.
Meanwhile, the CEO of Vasquez Construction Management
Company reported the big and small projects they were
overseeing and managing. The VCMC's CEO report took a
long while before they finished since they were an
integral part of the Vasquez Construction.
The last one to report was the CEO of Vasquez
Construction Supplies. The report was more on the
number of sales and the more in-demand and often used
supplies of the Vasquez Engineering Firm, but
everyone's eyes in the conference room turned to Reigo
when his phone rang.
"Pass me the report," Reigo gave his order to the
VCS's CEO before he answered the call. "Hey, my Zee.
What's up?"
Everyone in the conference room was too stunned
because that was the first time their boss answered a
call while they were in a meeting. He was usually
strict when it came to outside interference in their
"My Zee is always welcome." Reigo smiled, and the
people in the conference room couldn't help but gasp a
Reigo put his forefingers over his lips to silence the
people around him while flipping the pages of the
report he received from the VCS's CEO and scanning it.
"Me?" Reigo smiled, and everyone was speechless at the
scene happening in front of them. "Nah. May ginagawa
pa ako. I don't have time to eat for the time being.
I'm busy." Their boss smiled once again, shocking
everyone. "You're sending me something to eat? Hmm...
I won't say no to that, though if you want you can add
yourself to the men—" He chuckled. "Okay, okay. I'll
stop. Bye." He paused. "See you later, my Zee."
The moment the phone call ended, Reigo lost his smile
and looked at the front. "Continue with the report,"
Reigo gave his order.
Everyone was still speechless.
"I don't have all day," Reigo said, and it snapped
everyone from their reveries. And the report
Pero paminsan-minsan, napapatingin ang mga naroon sa
boss nila na ngumiti lang nang tumawag si 'Zee'
pagkatapos ay nawala na ang ngiti nito.
Unbeknownst to Reigo, after that meeting, rumors about
him dating a person named 'Zee' took the Vasquez
Construction by storm and the funny thing was the
employees were all torn if Zee was a woman or a man.
Yes. Just like his savage friend Thorn, unbeknown to
Reigo, because of that call, half of his employees
think he's gay.
OPENING A BUSINESS consumed so much of Zehannah's time
even though she had Cassia to help her with
everything. The preparation, the legal documents to be
processed, and having meetings after meetings with
Cassia, it was draining. But however tiring it was,
Zehannah did not stop and kept going.
This was her dream. And she will make it happen. Kahit
pa nga halos wala na siyang oras para sa sarili niya.
"Master Zehan?"
Nag-angat ng tingin si Zehannah sa pintuan ng
pansamantalang meeting room na ginawala nila ni Cassia
para lang may mapaglagyan sila ng mga importanteng
gamit hangga't hindi pa nagagawa ang opisina nila.
Cassia's husband, Thorn, let them use the building
next to his restaurant that he owned for their
business. And for the meantime that it was still under
construction to look like a decent office, they made a
rough resemblance to a meeting room which where she
was at the moment.
"Uwi ka na?" tanong ni Zehannah sa kaibigan.
Tumango si Cassia saka humaba ang nguso. "Okay lang
ba? Promise, maaga ako bukas. Si Thorn kasi, gusto
niyang magkasama kaming mag-dinner. I can't say no."
Zehannah waved her hand nonchalantly. "Sure. Go.
Tatapusin ko lang din 'tong ginagawa ko at uuwi na rin
ako. Gusto ko nang ipasa ang mga ito at asikasuhin
"Okay." Cassia smiled. "Thanks, Master—I mean, Zehan."
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah saka ibinalik
ang atensiyon sa mga papeles na nasa harapan.
She was checking if all the necessary legal documents
were present and had been processed when her phone
A text from Talandi Reigo.
'Puwedeng umakyat ng ligaw?'
Zehannah rolled her eyes and replied. 'Umakyat ka na
lang, huwag mo nang dagdagan ng ligaw.'
Hindi na nag-reply si Reigo pero pagkalipas ng ilang
minuto, may kumatok sa pintuan ng meeting room at
bumukas ang pinto. "I'm here to seduce my Zee. Can I
come in?"
"Not now, Reigo."
Naglakad palapit si Reigo sa pahabang lamesa kung saan
nakaupo si Zehannah saka maingat na inilapag sa mesa
ang paper bag nitong dala kapagkuwan ay bahagyang
ihinilig nito ang pang-upo sa gilid ng mesa malapit
kay Zehannah. "I saw Cassia leave, so I entered."
Zehannah's eyes were still glued to the documents in
front of her. "I don't even know why you won't come up
when Cassia's here."
"Too innocent. I don't want to taint her mind."
"Buti naisip mo 'yon."
"Well, Calderon will have my head." Then Reigo quickly
added, "And before you ask, it's my head above. I
reserved my lower head only for you."
Zehannah was not even fazed by those words. Sanay na
sanay na ang dalaga sa kahalayan na lumalabas sa bibig
ni Reigo kapag nagsasalita ito.
"You seem busy. Should I leave?" Reigo asked after
seeing how busy Zehannah was.
"Nah. You can stay," sagot ni Zehannah habang
nakatutok pa rin ang atensiyon sa ginagawa nito.
And that made Reigo smile. "Dinalhan kita ng pagkain.
Masarap. Kasing-sarap ko."
"Thanks. I'll eat it later."
Reigo could tell that Zehannah was busy and having a
hard time with the legal papers in front of them, so
he offered help. "Want my help? I went through that as
well when I opened my company."
Sa wakas, tumingin din si Zehannah sa binata. "You
will? Pinapasakit ng mga papeles na 'to ang ulo ko.
Ang dami nilang hinihinging requirements at tsine-
check ko ngayon kung nakuha ko na ba lahat."
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah. "If you can review these
documents, that'll be a big help."
"What do I get in return?"
She glared at Reigo. "Gago ka talaga. Ano ba ang gusto
Reigo immediately answered. "Kiss, please."
"'Yon lang naman pala. Tumulong ka na."
Mabilis pa sa alas-kuwatro na umupo si Reigo sa upuan
na nasa tabi ni Zehannah saka tiningnan niya ang mga
dokumento na itinabi na ng dalaga para i-recheck 'yon.
"Damn. This is a lot," komento ni Reigo. "It's been a
couple of years since I opened my company that I have
forgotten how arduous and tedious it was to process
these legal documents."
Bumuga ng marahas na hininga si Zehannah. "Sinabi mo
pa. Itong mga dokumento na 'to ang sisira sa ulo ko.
Buti nga may katulong ako. Ang iba rito, si Cassia ang
"You pretty much have all the permits needed, but I
can't see any insurance," ani Reigo. "Not planning to
get one?"
"'Yon ang aasikusahin ko bukas."
"Got it. And the BIR?"
"Naka-schedule ako sa makalawa." Zehannah blew a loud
breath and groaned. "Fuck. I'm tired."
"You can do it."
Natigilan si Zehannah sa paggalaw saka napabaling kay
Reigo na nakatingin din dito.
"Hmm?" Reigo hummed at Zehannah.
"Say that again."
Reigo frowned, then he smiled when he realized what
Zehannah meant. "You can do it. Ikaw pa ba?"
Zehannah took a deep breath. "Yes. Of course, I can."
Reigo was happy that his words could somehow ease
Zehannah's mood. "Hey, my Zee?"
He remembered his talk with his mother and his gut
feeling said that it was not a good idea to hide it
from Zehannah. "Magagalit ka ba sa 'kin kung sasabihin
ko na humingi ako sa ina ko ng recommendation para sa
itatayo niyong agency ni Cassia?"
Napatigil si Zehannah sa ginagawa saka napalingon sa
binata. "Ano?" Nagsalubong ang kilay niya. "Why would
you do that?"
"To create an opportunity for your agency. It's an
excellent opportunity to put your agency out there and
be known."
Well, Zehannah was not complaining because that would
be a great help, but... "Ayokong isipin ng mama mo na
ginagamit kita."
"Nah. Mom's not like that. And I explained to her that
you didn't ask for my help, so don't worry about it."
But Zehannah was still feeling bothered. "I'm grateful
because that's a really big help, but what if we did
something wrong and fucked up the recommendation? I
don't want to embarrass your mother—"
"Naniniwala ako na hindi mangyayari 'yon." Reigo
sounded so certain. Not even a sliver of doubt. "With
you and Cassia running the agency, I know it'll be
Humugot ng malalim na hininga si Zehannah saka ginulat
si Reigo nang bigla na lang iniyakap ni Zehannah ang
mga braso sa leeg ng binata.
"For once, Reigo, just shut your mouth and enjoy my
Reigo stilled before he hugged Zehannah back and
caressed her back as if comforting her.
"What did I do to deserve a hug?" Reigo asked when
Zehannah tightened her embrace on him.
"For being handsome with a big dick and can bring me
to high heavens?"
Mahinang natawa ang binata. "You forget to add
'delicacy' to the list."
"That'll be pushing too much."
"Okay. I'll settle with handsome, big dick, and high
"You should." Slowly, Zehannah let go of Reigo and
messed his hair. "Thanks for the help. That means so
much to me and Cassia."
"Akala ko magagalit ka sa 'kin," ani Reigo na kinuha
ang kamay ni Zehannah na gumulo buhok nito at
pinagsiklop iyon sa kamay nito. "I know how much you
like doing things alone."
"Yeah, but I appreciate the help." Zehannah smiled. "I
know how hard it is to enter the business world, but
the real challenge is how to stay in that world. The
opportunity you gave us is a big help. Nevertheless,
it's still up to us to take advantage of it and make
it work."
"You can do it." Reigo brought Zehannah's hand over
his lips and kissed the back of her hand.
"Recommendations and materials for learning are the
only things I want to offer as help. However much I
want to spoil you, it won't do you any good,
especially when it comes to managing your own
business, so I'm trying my best to stop myself from
helping too much. Alam ko rin na hindi mo tatanggapin
kapag sobra na. Even I was scared to tell you about
that recommendation."
Natatawang ibinalik ni Zehannah ang atensiyon sa mga
papeles na tinatrabaho nito. "Scared? Why?"
"Because you're scary."
Nawala ang ngiti sa labi ni Zehannah saka matalim na
tiningnan ang binata. "Ano'ng sabi mo?"
"What? You are scary." Reigo didn't take back his
words. "You're scarier than my mom and that's saying
something, my Zee. I mean, you have the power to make
me crumble just by saying 'no'. Now tell me that
that's not scary."
Napipilan si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay pabirong
sinabunutan si Reigo. "Pasalamat ka good mood ako
ngayon. Palalampasin ko 'yon."
Mahinang natawa lang si Reigo kapagkuwan ay pinalibot
ang tingin. "How's the renovation going, by the way?
Hindi ko tiningnan nang pumasok ako."
"Renovation lang naman kaya madali lang," ani Zehannah
na isa-isa nang inilalagay sa folder ang mga papeles
na kakailangan niya bukas habang inilalagay naman sa
ibang folder ang ibang requirements na sa ibang araw
niya aasikasuhin. "Salamat nga pala dahil tinanggap ng
kompanya mo ang renovation project namin kahit maliit
"You're a paying client. Why would my company say no?"
"You say that, pero tatlo ang hindi tumanggap sa
renovation project namin. Buti na lang ni-refer kami
ni Thorn sa kompanya mo. Sabi niya tumatanggap kayo
kahit maliliit na projects lang."
Reigo shrugged. "Money is money. Malaki man o maliit
ang proyekto, pera pa rin 'yon."
Napangiti si Zehannah saka inayos ang buhok ni Reigo
na ginulo niya kanina. "When you're being like this,
it's really hard to imagine that you're the same Reigo
I know."
"Being like what?"
"Serious and acting like a boss."
"Oh. Hmm. Do you like it more than the side you know?"
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah saka pinisil ang tungki
ng ilong ng binata. "If you're going to pattern your
attitude to the one I prefer, like what you did to
your exes, I'm going to cut ties with you."
"I wouldn't." He smiled. "Ang landiin ka ang
pinakapaborito kong gawin."
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata.
"You done?" tanong ni Reigo nang mapansing tinatabi na
ni Zehannah ang mga dokumento na tinatrabaho nito
Tumango si Zehannah saka minasahe ang sariling
balikat. "I'm going to have a nice soak in the bathtub
when I get home."
"Can I drive you home?"
"Nope. Dala ko ang sasakyan ko."
"Oh. Ingat sa pag-uwi kung ganoon."
Lihim na napangiti si Zehannah dahil hindi nagpumilit
si Reigo. "Thanks. Anyway"—tinuro ni Zehannah ang
paper bag na inilapag kanina sa lamesa ni Reigo ng
matapos niyang itabi lahat ng papeles sa mesa—"anong
pagkain ang laman niyan?"
"Open it."
Sa narinig, mabilis na inabot 'yon ni Zehannah saka
inilabas ang laman.
Baby back ribs, buffalo wings, garlic roasted
potatoes, and cheese tart.
Nang makita ang laman na pagkain, mabilis na tinungo
ni Zehannah ang gilid ng meeting room kung saan naroon
ang pinahiram sa kanilang utensils at dinnerware ng
asawa ni Cassia galing sa restaurant nito saka bumalik
sa lamesa.
"From Calderon's restaurant?" Kaagad na nakilala ni
Reigo ang pinggan, baso, at iba pa dahil sa logo
"Yep. Palagi niyang ini-spoil si Cassia kaya naambunan
din ako ng grasya." Mahinang natawa si Zehannah pero
nanatiling seryoso ang mukha ni Reigo. He didn't even
say anything, even when they were already eating. And
it bothered Zehannah. "Something wrong?"
Umiling si Reigo pero hindi naniwala si Zehannah.
"Sabihin mo na kung ayaw mong mawalan din ako ng
gana," aniya.
"I rather not say it," ani Reigo. "I don't have the
right, and it's not my place to be feeling that."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Don't be cryptic
with me, Reigo. Sabihin mo na lang."
Reigo did not want to say it, but seeing that Zehannah
was close to being irritated, he did. "I don't like
the fact that you're eating on dinnerware that
Calderon provided. It doesn't sit well with me. I know
I'm being possessive, and it makes little sense, even
to me, but I just really hate it."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Yes. It doesn't make any
sense at all. Saka pinggan lang naman 'yon at
pansamantala lang habang hindi pa natatapos ang
"I'm sorry."
Zehannah sighed and flicked Reigo's forehead. "Don't
think about it."
"I'll try."
Napailing na lang si Zehannah saka tinuro ang mga
pagkain. "Kumain ka na. Hindi ko kayang ubusin 'to.
Sayang naman."
Zehannah was glad that Reigo went back to eating.
From time to time, she would get a glimpse of Reigo's
other side, the possessive and jealous side. And she
liked that she could see it and that it sometimes
resurfaced. At least, alam niya ang ibang ugali ni
Reigo maliban sa pinapakita nito.
"Thanks for the food," Zehannah said.
"Ingat sa pag-uwi," ani naman ni Reigo nang makalabas
ang dalawa sa ginagawa pa ring opisina.
The two parted ways in the parking lot and rode in
their own cars to go home.
Naunang umalis si Zehannah. Nang mawala na ang
sasakyan nito sa paningin ni Reigo, doon lang si Reigo
nagmaneho pauwi.
Nang makarating si Zehannah sa condo niya, doon pa
lang niya nabasa ang text sa kaniya ni Reigo.
From: Talandi Reigo
'My Zee, text me once you get home, please.'
Zehannah didn't even think about it. She replied to
tell Reigo that she's home.
From: Talandi Reigo
'Just got home as well. Rest well. Marami ka pang
gagawin bukas. Good night.'
Napangiti si Zehannah sa text ni Reigo. She was
thankful that Reigo knew when to give her peace and
quiet. She liked that about him.
Speaking of which... the day after tomorrow was the
due date of Reigo's offer. Sa sobrang busy ni
Zehannah, hindi na niya naisip kung oo ba o hindi ang
sagot niya, pero hindi na niya inisip 'yon. She
already had an answer.
Taking a deep breath, Zehannah took off her clothes
and went to soak herself in the bathtub to relax after
a hectic day. After that, she dried her hair, put her
sleeping clothes on, and went to bed.
In no time, she fell asleep. When morning came, she
woke up feeling refreshed and ready for work.
Nang makarating siya sa ginagawa pa rin nilang
opisina, nagulat siya nang may iniabot sa kaniyang
katamtamang laking kahon si Cassia na maaga ngang
dumating tulad ng sabi nito kagabi.
"Nakapangalan sa 'yo," ani Cassia. "Nasa may pintuan
lang kanina nang dumating ako. Mukhang may nag-iwan
para sa 'yo."
Tinanggap ni Zehannah ang kahon saka pumasok sa
meeting room at doon binuksan ang kahon.
Zehannah's lips parted when she saw what was inside
the box.
It was a set of utensils and dinnerware. And a post-it
'Please use this. –Your hunk future boyfriend.'
An amused smile spread across Zehannah's lips. And
Cassia, who just entered the meeting room, saw it.
"Master Zehan, ang ganda ng ngiti natin, a."
Nakangiting lumapit si Cassia kay Zehannah. "So,
kanino galing ang box, Master Zehan?"
Zehannah flicked Cassia's forehead. "It's Zehan,
Napalabi si Cassia. "Oops."
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah saka ibinalik ang
tingin sa laman ng kahon. "It's from a handsome guy."
Cassia's lips formed into an 'o'. "Oh!" Pumalakpak si
Cassia. "Yey! Nagpapaligaw ka na ulit?"
Hindi sinagot ni Zehannah ang tanong ni Cassia saka
isinara ang kahon at itinabi. "Magtrabaho na tayo.
Marami pa tayong gagawin."
"Okay." Cassia grinned and immediately went to work.
Samantalang si Zehannah ay kinuha ang mga papeles na
itinabi niya kagabi bago umuwi saka naghanda na para
umalis at asikasuhin ang mga kailangangan nilang
asikasuhin para maumpisahan na nila ang agency nila.
"I'm going, Cass," paalam niya sa kaibigan. "I'll
finish this tomorrow."
"Okay. Ingat, Zehan."
"Yeah, you too."
Zehannah left and went to finish all the requirements.
It was hectic and tiring, and all she finished was
half of the thing she needed to do.
"Argh! So annoying." Hungry, Zehannah went back to
their agency to have a late lunch.
Gusto sana niyang matapos ngayon ang mga kailangang
gawin para kahit papaano ay may oras pa siya bukas
pagkatapos niya sa BIR, pero mukhang kukulangin talaga
siya ng oras at nasisiguro niyang wala siyang oras
para kay Reigo. May importante ring ginagawa si Cassia
kaya wala siyang takas.
Zehannah sighed.
'Pero... hindi naman kailangan ng maraming oras para
ipaalam kay Reigo ang sagot ko, 'di ba?' ani Zehannah
sa sarili. It'll only actually take a couple of
seconds. After that, it's done.
Yeah. Let's keep it simple. Zehannah had decided and
sent a message to Reigo.
REIGO WAS JUST noticing it now, but his employees had
been stealing glances at him with curiosity for quite
some time now, and it was starting to bother him.
Hindi naman sa pinagbabawalan niya ang mga trabahante
niya na tumingin sa kaniya kasi normal lang naman 'yon
dahil guwapo ang boss ng mga ito, pero hindi na normal
kung makatingin ang mga ito sa kaniya nitong mga
huling araw.
Kaya naman pinatawag niya ang isa sa mapagkakatiwalaan
niyang empleyado sa kompanya. His secretary, Oliver,
who loved cross-dressing and was a proud member of
Oliver's clothing preference didn't bother him one
bit. As long as he did his job well and so far, Oliver
was his most efficient secretary since he started his
company. Smart and intuitive.
"Yes, Sir Reigo?"
Reigo leaned on his swivel chair. "Is something going
on in the company that I should know about?"
Oliver frowned, clearly thinking about what he meant
before answering him. "Well, there is this rumor
taking the company by storm, but it's hardly relevant,
"Pray tell."
"Well, according to the rumor, Sir Reigo"—Oliver gave
it to his boss straight—"you're gay. Half of the
company believes it."
Reigo had no reaction whatsoever which was already
expected by Oliver.
Karma ko na ba 'to dahil sa palagi kong pang-aasar kay
Calderon? "That's all?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Akala ko naman ano na."
"Precisely why I didn't inform you, Sir. Ako ang una-
unang makakaalam kong totoo ang tsismis."
"When did the rumor start?"
"When the person you call 'Zee' called you while in
the conference."
"Oh. Zee is a woman, though."
"I know, Sir. I've read the name Zee and Zehannah a
couple of times in your calendar and I assumed they
are one person."
"Then why didn't you correct the rumor?"
Oliver smiled as if he couldn't hurt a fly. "It seems
Reigo sighed. "Are you that bored?"
"Yes, Sir."
Reigo smiled back, much more innocent looking than
Oliver's. "Then why don't I send you to La Isla de
Vares to personally oversee our resort and hotel
Oliver's smile didn't falter. "I'd rather resign."
"Double the compensation with hazard pay?"
"Consider the resort and hotel done, Sir." Oliver
grinned. "When do I leave?"
Napailing si Reigo. "Next week. Tapusin mo muna ang
mga trabaho mo rito ngayon. And then make sure that
all the documents I need to sign are on my table by
next week. You'll be on the island for a month, so
make sure you leave a month-worth of work on my table
and find an employee in the HR department to be your
replacement for the time being."
"Yes, Sir. Is that all?"
Reigo was about to dismiss Oliver when something
entered his mind. "Do you know how to make a woman
you're wooing say yes?"
Iminuwestra ni Oliver ang damit nito na para bang
sapat na ang sagot na 'yon. "Sa tingin niyo, Sir?"
Napabuntonghininga siya. "I accept theories."
"I think it depends on what kind of woman she is,
"She's smart, independent, and savage."
"Ihanda mo na ang sarili mo, Sir." Oliver smiled
gregariously. "Siguradong basted ka na."
Reigo looked at Oliver flatly. "I want to fire you
right now."
"But you can't because I'm amazing," Oliver said in a
matter-of-fact with an amiable smile. "I'm just
spitting facts, Sir. Those kinds of women, the smart
and independent ones, you don't choose them, they
choose you. You're not a necessity, but a want to
them. They're the kinds who can live with or without
you. So kahit anong effort niyo pa, Sir, kung hindi ka
niya bet, hindi ka niya pipiliin. Kahit tumambling ka
at mag-split, walang mangyayari, Sir."
Reigo sighed because she felt that with Zehannah. He
knew he was far from being a necessity to her. "If
they choose you, will they keep you?"
Oliver shrugged. "I have no idea."
Reigo dismissed Oliver after talking for a bit. Nang
mag-isa na lang siya, napatitig siya sa desk calendar
niya at sa petsa sa araw na 'yon.
Today is the day. Reigo thought. I wonder what her
answer will be? They really didn't spend a lot of time
this week because Zehannah was busy with her agency.
Maliban sa pagpunta niya sa agency nito para dalhan
ito ng pagkain, wala na siyang maisip na oras na
magkasama sila. They didn't text each other often
because they're both busy and when he had the time, it
was already night and Zehannah's bedtime.
'Will things change if she said 'yes'? tanong ni Reigo
sa sarili at alam kaagad niya ang sagot. Nothing will
change because they're both working adults who had
their own responsibilities. But I just wished she gave
me some of her time. Would that be too much to ask? He
didn't know.
Sa mga naka-relasyon niya dati, ang oras niya palagi
ang rason kung bakit hinihiwalayan siya o niloloko.
Kesyo wala siyang oras sa mga ito at hindi naman niya
dine-deny 'yon. He was focused on his work because he
had responsibilities. But with Zehannah, why was it
that I can change my schedule without a second thought
for her?
It was a mystery to him.
Do I like her too much? Am I getting desperate for her
Napatigil sa pag-iisip si Reigo sa pag-iisip nang
pumasok sa opisina niya si Oliver dala-dala ang tablet
"Sir, I will read your schedule for today."
Tumango siya.
"You're free until lunch, but you have papers to sign
so, you're still busy. At one PM, you have a meeting
with Mr. Tyron Zapanta for the Zapanta Hotels. At
three PM, you have a meeting with Lancove. They are
visiting the company to talk about the condominium
expansion that they want us to handle. Joining the
meeting are the four CEOs of the company. This meeting
will take a lot of your time, but please remember that
you have a dinner meeting with the secretary of Public
Works and Highways. We won the bidding last month, and
he wanted to have a word with you before the project
"Dinner meeting, huh?" It was too important to cancel.
Looks like I won't be seeing my Zee today. "I got it.
Thanks, Oliver."
Oliver nodded, then excused himself and Reigo started
When lunchtime came, he was too busy to even send a
message to Zehannah. He had to finish his work so his
meetings won't hinder his other work's progress. Ni
hindi nga siya nananghalian at dumeretso sa meeting
niya kay Zapanta.
Good thing it was a meeting with Tyron. He could order
food and eat while talking about business.
"You didn't eat lunch?" kunot ang noong tanong ni
Tyron nang makita na maganang kumakain si Reigo.
"Pasalamat ka ako ang ka-meeting mo."
"Yeah, I know. Continue with your request for the
hotel's design while I'm eating." Tinuro ni Reigo ang
department head na pinadala ng Vasquez Architectural
Firm para sa meeting. "They will handle your requested
design. I'm listening and I'll give my input later."
Tyron nodded, knowing that even though Reigo was
eating, he could still do his job properly.
As the meeting progressed, Reigo continued eating
while dropping his input and ideas from time to time.
And without taking a breather, his next meeting
Compared to his meeting with his friend, Zapanta, his
second meeting was not as laid back. There's only a
bottle of water on the table and the rest were
documents. And in the middle of that meeting, his
phone's screen lit up, and a notification popped out.
Good thing his phone was in silent.
From: My Zee
'Can we talk tonight?'
Reigo immediately knew why. Today was the day.
He breathed out and replied, 'I want to, but I have a
very important meeting I can't cancel.'
He hated his reply, but he really couldn't cancel his
dinner meeting. It's an important one.
'Then come to my condo after.'
'Sure. I'm sure I'll be late. Is that okay?'
'Yeah. That's cool. We have all night.'
Reigo frowned at that as his brain slips to the
gutter. 'You're giving me arousing ideas, my Zee.'
'Stay aroused then. I MIGHT eat you tonight.'
Nawalan ng lakas ang kamay ni Reigo at bumagsak sa
sahig ang cellphone na hawak na gumawa ng malakas na
Lahat ay tumigil at napatingin kay Reigo.
Reigo hurriedly picked up his phone and stood up.
"Excuse me. It's an emergency. Please continue.
Oliver, take notes," he said, then left the conference
room while dialing Zehannah's number.
Fortunately, Zehannah answered.
"What? I'm busy—"
"After you texted me that?" Reigo complained. "I was
in the middle of a meeting."
Zehannah sighed. "Oh, tapos?"
"Ano nga? I don't know anything."
"You said you're going to—" Reigo paused because an
employee passed him, then continued when there was no
one in sight. "—eat me."
"Might eat you, Reigo. It will be up to you though.
Anyway, got a problem with that?"
Natigilan si Reigo. "No. Not really."
"Kung ganoon, bakit parang gulat na gulat ka?" usisa
ni Zehannah. "You'd been offering yourself to me,
tempting me every time, telling me you're a delicacy
and a delicious one at that, so there's nothing wrong
if I MIGHT want to taste you now, right?"
"Well"—Reigo stared at the ceiling while trying to
calm his groin—"I'm yours, so you can taste me anytime
you want."
"Good. Then come to my condo tonight."
"And your answer to my offer?" he asked.
"I'll tell you then."
"Can't you answer me now?"
"I want to say it face-to-face."
"To see your handsome face."
His gut feeling was sending a signal. "Zee?"
"You're not pranking me, are you?"
"Bakit ko naman gagawin 'yon?"
"It's just sudden."
"Not really. I'd been thinking about it before going
to bed," ani Zehannah. "And I'd been dreaming a lot.
It's been tempting me so much and since it's your
offer's due date, might as well..."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Reigo. "Dream? What dream?"
"Not telling."
"Such a tease." Reigo leaned on the nearest wall.
"Fine. I'll go to your condo tonight."
"Great. I'm kinda busy, so bye. See you tonight, Mr.
The call ended and Riego stared at his phone's screen.
I was not expecting that.
He couldn't predict Zehannah's answer at all, even
after talking to her! He took a deep breath and braced
himself for what might happen in Zehannah's condo
But before that, he had to get back to the meeting.
"How's the emergency?" kaagad na tanong ng Lancove
representative kay Reigo nang makabalik ang binata sa
conference room.
Umupo si Reigo sa kinauupuan din kanina. "It had been
taken care of. I apologize for excusing myself so
suddenly at this important meeting."
Lancove's representative, Emma Usoro, smiled sweetly
at Reigo. "It's okay, Mr. Vasquez. I don't mind at
all. An emergency is an emergency." She tucked her
hair behind her ear. "I'm a very understanding woman."
"Thank you," Reigo replied short and uninterested
before he turned his attention to everyone. "Please
Reigo was relieved when his meeting with Lancove
finally ended, but he became irritated when the
Lancove representative stayed to talk to him. Because
he knew it was not for business, but for pleasure.
"Did you resolve your emergency?" Emma asked. "I can
help if need anything."
Oliver, who was walking behind his boss and Emma,
couldn't help sighing, seeing the irritation boiling
beneath his boss' calm and indifferent face.
"It has been resolved," Reigo replied. "Don't concern
yourself with it."
"Well, if you need anything, I'll be happy to help."
Emma smiled at Reigo. "I'm hoping that the project
will bring us closer as we work together, Reigo."
Oliver had been working for Reigo for three years now,
and he knew his boss was about to snap, so Oliver
"Sir Reigo"—Oliver handed his phone to his boss—"Ma'am
Zehannah is calling. Hindi ka raw niya ma-contact,
kaya sa 'kin na lang tumawag."
Reigo accepted Oliver's phone and excused himself.
"Who's Zehannah?" tanong ni Emma na bahagyang madilim
ang mukha kay Oliver.
Oliver gave his most courteous smile. "Ma'am Zehannah
is Sir Reigo's special someone."
"Hmp! Girlfriend pa lang naman."
Ay, bruha pala ang isang 'to. Sa isip ni Oliver saka
gumawa-gawa na lang ng kuwento para layuan ng kausap
ang boss niya. "Masyadong patay na patay si Sir Reigo
kay Ma'am Zehannah. Well, Ma'am Zehannah is a smart,
strong, and independent woman, after all. Bagay sila
ni Sir." Kapagkuwan ay nagpaalam na. "Anyway, please
excuse me, Miss Usoro. I still have work to finish."
Oliver left Emma near the elevator and went to his
boss' office.
"Thanks for this," ani Reigo saka iniabot ang
cellphone kay Oliver. "That woman looked like my
"Mukha nga. Should I request a different
representative for our next meeting with Lancove?"
"That would be good. Thanks."
"Noted." Oliver excused himself.
Alone in his office, Reigo went back to work while
waiting for his dinner meeting. Though he couldn't
focus. He kept on thinking about Zehannah and what
might happen in her condo. His brain was preoccupied
that he nearly became late for his dinner meeting.
It was thanks to Oliver, who kept reminding him that
he was not a minute late.
The meeting was mostly about the plans, the budget,
and the time frame for the project, but it still took
them hours to finish. It was already past ten PM when
Reigo and Oliver stepped out of the restaurant.
Medyo malalim na ang gabi kaya naman hinintay pa ni
Reigo na makasakay ang sekretaryo niya bago umalis at
nagmaneho patungo sa condo ni Zehannah.
Arriving in front of Zehannah's condo, Reigo took a
deep breath and pressed the bell.
He was on edge when the door opened, but the woman
inside looked so nonchalant that Reigo immediately
assumed that nothing was going to happen and they'll
just talk. Like usual.
"How's the meeting?" Zehannah asked while sipping wine
and walking towards the living room.
Reigo followed behind Zehannah. "Exhausting."
Umupo si Zehannah sa mahabang sofa saka sumimsim ng
wine. "Want to rest a little?"
"Nah. I'm good." Tumabi ng upo si Reigo kay Zehannah
saka parang pagod na pagod na humilig sa balikat ng
Tumingin si Zehannah sa binata. "Akala ko ba 'you're
"Gusto lang kitang landiin nang malapitan."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Hindi na sa 'kin tatalab
'yan. Immune na ako sa kalandian mo."
"Hmm. Too bad. Looks like I need to level up my
seduction skills."
Napailing si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay sumimsim ng wine.
Maikling katahimikan ang dumaan sa dalawa dahil kaagad
'yon binasag ni Reigo.
"So? What's your answer?"
"Straight to the point, huh?"
"Call me excited."
"Excited ka pa rin ba kung sasabihin kong 'no' ang
sagot ko?"
"Is it? I thought you want to taste me?"
Natahimik si Zehannah.
Huminga nang malalim si Reigo saka umayos ng upo at
patagilid na humilig sa likod ng sofa habang
nakatingin kay Zehannah na sumisimsim pa rin ng wine.
"Puwede mo bang sabihin sa 'kin kung bakit 'yon ang
sagot mo?"
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah saka bumaling kay Reigo.
"You ask me to date you and my answer is yes, I want
Reigo was hearing a but. "But?"
"But if dating you means being exclusive with you,
like a boyfriend and girlfriend thing, I can't say
'yes' to that at the moment," Zehannah explained
further. "Pareho tayong busy. I literally don't have
time to spare for you at the moment because I want to
focus on C&Z Marketing Agency until it has a solid
foundation and I think it would be unfair to you. May
oras ka sa 'kin, pero ako wala at kahit gaano mo ako
naiintindihan, siguradong pag-aawayan at pag-aawayan
natin 'yon habang tumatagal. And I don't want that. I
want to preserve this"—ininuwestra niya ang kamay kay
Reigo at sa sarili niya—"this thing we got going on
now. No pressure. We'll see each other if we have
time. Enjoy each other's company and other stuff when
we have time to spare."
Reigo was silent for a long time before he said,
"Casual dating, huh?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "I can't give you anything more
than that, Reigo. I'm sorry."
Nagbaba ng tingin si Reigo. Just like what Oliver
said, I'm just a want, not a necessity.
"I really like you," Zehannah said which made Reigo
look at her. "I mean, we're very compatible in a lot
of ways and I can't deny that I developed care for
you. That's why I don't want to give you a half-baked
relationship. I mean, if it's just sex, I would love
to do it with you. But relationships are different. It
needs to be nurtured. And as of the moment, I am not
fully equipped to nurture anything and I can't leave
you to nurture our relationship alone because that's
why it's called a relationship—we have to do it
together. And if I'm not doing my part, then wouldn't
it be better to not enter a relationship at all and
cause each other so much misery?"
Reigo remained silent, and Zehannah let him. It would
be selfish of her to enter into a relationship she
couldn't nurture. She liked Reigo, so she didn't want
to disappoint him that way. She wanted to be honest
with him—to be transparent about what she could and
couldn't give.
"I could..." Reigo bit his lower lip. "I could extend
the time if you want..."
Umiling si Zehannah. "Pareho pa rin ang magiging
desisyon ko."
Reigo became silent again. And it took him a while to
speak. "But sex is okay?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "These past weeks, I have become
comfortable being with you and I actually like to do
it with you again. Only if you want to after tonight."
Reigo became silent. Again. Now he understood why
Zehannah said 'might' earlier. This was it.
Zehannah tightened her hold on the wineglass, seeing
Reigo clenching and unclenching his fist while looking
calm on the surface.
Bahagyang kinagat ni Zehannah ang pang-ibabang labi.
Hindi niya ikakaila na gusto niya ang binata.
Napakadaling magustuhan ni Reigo. Tulad ng sinabi
niya, para sa kaniya ay compatible silang dalawa.
She wanted to keep going out with him, actually. To
date him casually, but that would be selfish of her if
she forced that on him, knowing he wanted to
exclusively date. So she gave him the answer that
would give him a lot of time to escape from her and
leave her because, at the end of the day, she really
had nothing to offer.
Zehannah's eyes snapped at Reigo when he slowly stood
up and said, "Let me think about this alone. Excuse
Sumunod ang tingin ni Zehannah sa binata hanggang sa
makalabas ito ng condo nito.
There goes my delicacy.
Ngayong mag-isa na lang si Zehannah, itinaas niya ang
wineglass na hawak saka bumuntonghininga. "Cheers to
Reigo for leaving. That was the best decision you
could do for yourself, Mr. Vasquez."
Zehannah sipped her wine.
Her experience in dating taught her that when one
couldn't give or offer anything to someone, that
someone will leave for sure. That's why she couldn't
understand her Papi's view on dating and being in a
relationship because there was never someone who
stayed after she says 'no' to their offer.
And it's normal, really. Who would stay with someone
who couldn't give the thing you desire the most?
Zehannah sighed. "So much for eating him..." she
muttered with a wry smile. "I'm sure he tasted
delicious. He's a delicacy after all."
Sighing again, she place the wineglass on the center
table and went to her room.
Zehannah didn't pray to have a good night's sleep
because she knew that after what just transpired...
she wouldn't.
ZEHANNAH'S LIFE went back to normal after that night.
Meaning, no Reigo, which made Zehannah feel
bittersweet. She was happy that Reigo had run away
from her, but at the same time, it saddened her that
she wouldn't see him again.
But that's life. People come and go and she had a lot
of things to do.
Though as busy as she was, she entertained Thorn,
Cassia's husband, when he came to the office to talk
to her.
"Ano'ng gusto mong pag-usapan?" tanong ni Zehannah kay
Thorn nang pumasok ito sa meeting room pagkatapos
lumabas ni Cassia para asikasuhin ang iba pang papeles
na kakailanganin nila para tuluyan nang makapagbukas.
"Why did you do that to Reigo?" kaagad na tanong ni
Thorn. "Why did you hurt him like that?"
Sinalubong ni Zehannah ang tingin ni Thorn. "Mr.
Calderon, I don't want to sound insensitive, but Reigo
knew my stand before he started pursuing me. I didn't
promise him anything. I told him I'll think about it
and that's what I did. Pinag-isipan ko at 'no' ang
sagot ko. Sinabi ko sa kaniya ang rason kung bakit
ayoko at kung ano lang ang kaya kong ibigay sa kaniya.
May mali ba sa ginawa ko?"
Thorn's face darkened.
But Zehannah was not yet done. "Ano'ng gusto mong
gawin ko? Enter a relationship with Reigo when I know
myself that I'm not ready? That I can't give him the
time? And that he won't be my priority? Don't you
think that would be more painful in the long run? That
would damage Reigo more. The disappointment and pain
he was feeling now was because I said no. But if I
said yes to his offer and I hurt him in any way while
we're together, that'll be a different kind of pain
and I don't want that for him or for me. Hindi ko siya
ikukulong at ang sarili ko sa isang relasyon na hindi
ko kayang bigyan ng oras at panindigan."
Thorn stared at Zehannah while she was speaking as if
reading her. "You cared for him..."
"Duh?" Zehannah rolled her eyes. "If I don't, I
would've said yes and fuck his brains out."
Thorn sighed and sat on one of the chair in the
meeting room. "Hindi ba kung gusto maraming paraan,
kung ayaw maraming dahilan?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yeah. Kaya nga marami akong
dahilan, kasi ayoko."
"You say that but you look scared to me," Thorn said
as he observed Zehannah. "Is it that scary to
exclusively date Reigo?"
Zehannah did not deny Thorn's observation. "Reigo
dates to marry and I don't want to get married. Ano sa
tingin mo ang mangyayari kung magiging kami ni Reigo?
Mabuti nang putulin nang maaga kaysa patagalin at mas
sobra pa ang maibigay ko sa kaniyang sakit o pagsisisi
na nakilala niya ako."
Thorn sighed. "It's obvious that you care for him, but
you looked so chill that anyone would think that you
had fun turning Reigo down."
"I don't really care what anyone thinks of me."
Zehannah smiled. "Reigo is a good guy, Thorn. Hindi ko
maintindihan kung bakit siya iniiwan at niloloko ng
mga ex niya. Yes, he's flirty, but to me, it's more
amusing than irritating. Madali lang siyang
magustuhan. He's naughty and lovable, and a guy like
that deserves a woman who could give him the world—"
"—and it's not you?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yes. It's not me. I'm afraid of
marriage and I'm wary of relationships. It's scary.
And not to mention that at the moment, I don't have
free time to indulge him. Sigurado akong marami pa
siyang mahahanap na iba na mas higit pa sa 'kin—"
"Ikaw ang gusto niya," putol ni Thorn sa iba pang
sasabihin ni Zehannah. "Sa tigas ng ulo ng isang 'yon,
napaka-imposible na magbago ang isip niya."
"Mas makakabuti para sa kaniya kung maghahanap siya ng
"And how about you?"
"I will be busy with work, so I'll be fine. And this
is what I wanted, so I will stand by my decision. If I
come to regret it, I only have myself to blame."
"You won't miss him?"
Mapaklang tumawa si Zehannah. "I still have his text
messages on my phone. Basahin ko na lang ang kalandian
niya ro'n kapag na-miss ko siya."
Thorn sighed again. "If given a chance again, would
you change your decision and say yes?"
"No. It'll always be a 'no'."
"What if he came back and pursued you again?"
"If that happened, please bash his head on the wall.
Para matauhan siya na hindi saya kundi sakit ang dala
ko sa kaniya."
Napailing si Thorn sa katigasan ni Zehannah.
"But it's true that I really have no time to spare for
him," Zehannah muttered and sighed. "Siguro kung
naitayo na namin ni Cass ang agency namin at may
solidong pundasyon na, baka um-oo pa ako kay Reigo
kasi alam ko na mabibigyan ko siya ng oras kahit pa
nga hindi ko maibibigay ang gusto niya. Pero sa ngayon
talaga, tulog na lang ang pahinga ko. At alam kong
nag-uumpisa ka na ring magtampo kay Cassia dahil wala
siyang oras sa 'yo palagi."
Thorn couldn't deny that. It was true. "Yes. You two
are so busy."
"See what I mean?"
"So if Reigo just waited for the perfect time, you'll
say yes?"
"I don't want him to wait. That would be selfish of me
and unfair to him."
"Paano kung makahanap si Reigo ng iba?"
"Then good for him."
"And will you find a partner as well?"
Mahinang tumawa si Zehannah. "I don't think anyone
could surpass Reigo if I'm being honest."
"So you're basically telling me that he's your ideal
guy and no one can compare?"
Ngumiti lang si Zehannah saka itinuon ang buong
atensiyon sa trabaho.
"Well..." Thorn stood up. "Pumunta ako rito para
ilabas ang sama ng loob ko sa 'yo, pero walang
nangyari. Anyway"—Thorn waved his hand at Zehannah
even though she was not looking—"bye. You can eat at
my restaurant today. It's on the house."
"Really?" Zehannah's eyes shined when Thorn mentioned
his restaurant. "Thanks!"
"Welcome," Thorn said and left the building.
Nang makalabas si Thorn, sumakay siya sa sasakyan niya
saka nagmaneho patungong BV, deretso sa barn ni
Lysander kung saan naroon si Reigo at mag-isang
Reigo growled at Thorn when Thorn entered the barn.
Thorn shook his head and threw the device that was in
his pocket to Reigo. "You owe me for that, Vasquez."
Napatingin si Reigo sa ihinagis ni Thorn sa kaniya at
nagsalubong ang kilay niya nang makitang digital voice
recorder 'yon.
"Press play and grovel before my feet for my
ingeniousness," ani Thorn saka kumaway kay Reigo
habang umiikot patalikod. "Have fun and with that,
hope you can decide what to do next and not just chug
every liquor you see. Bye. Huwag magpapatalo sa sumpa
ni Volkzki." Pagkasabi n'on ay lumabas na ng barn si
Naiwan naman si Reigo sa loob na hawak-hawak ang voice
Curious about why Thorn was boasting his
ingeniousness, Reigo pressed play, and he immediately
realized one of the voices in the recording.
The one Thorn was talking to.
"You cared for him..."
"Duh? If I don't, I would've said yes and fuck his
brains out."
Humigpit ang hawak ni Reigo sa recorder at habang
nakikinig siya, pahigpit nang pahigpit ang hawak niya
roon at palalim nang palalim ang iritasyon na
Fuck it! Why are you deciding for me...?!
Umalis si Reigo sa salas saka pinagbabasura ang mga
basyo ng alak na ininom.
"Just wait, Zehannah. I will give you a piece of my
mind!" With gritted teeth, Reigo entered the bathroom
to take a bath while still listening to the recorder,
as if he was memorizing it.
"LOOK AT YOU..." Dan cupped his daughter's face when
Zehannah visited their house after work. "You look so
stressed, 'nak. Masyado bang maraming ginagawa sa
agency na bubuksan niyo ni little Cassia?"
Tumango si Zehannah saka naglalambing na yumakap sa
Papi niya. "Can I sleep here, Papi?"
"Of course. We always clean your room."
Napangiti si Zehannah saka pinakawalan ng yakap ang
Papi niya at sunod na niyakap ay ang Papa niya na nasa
likuran at nagmamasid lang sa kanila.
"Hi, Papa."
"You look exhausted," anito.
"I am. Pakiramdam ko, isang hangin lang ang katapat
ko, makakatulog ako kaagad."
Hinaplos ng Papi niya ang buhok niya. "Oo nga't
halatang pagod na pagod ka pero mukhang malungkot ka
rin. May nangyari ba?"
Yumakap lang si Zehannah sa Papi niya. Nagkatinginan
naman sina Dan at Cameron at palihim na
napabuntonghininga ang dalawa dahil alam kaagad ng mga
ito kung bakit umuwi ang anak nila sa bahay.
When Zehannah said no to her exes before, be it a
marriage proposal or something else she couldn't give,
she would always come running to her parents' house as
if to heal.
"Did he leave?" Cameron asked his daughter.
Tumango si Zehannah. "It's a normal reaction."
Hinalikan ni Dan sa gilid ng noo ang anak. "How are
you feeling, 'nak?"
"Okay, I guess...?"
"Hindi ka sigurado?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "Malungkot lang nang
kaunti pero lilipas din naman 'to. It's weird. Even I
can't understand what I'm feeling. Oh, well. I have to
face the consequences of my decision."
"Because you know he's a good catch and you like him.
Despite that, you had to say no."
"Siguro." Ihinilig ni Zehannah ang ulo sa balikat ng
Papi niya. "Hanggang ngayon, alam kong walang mali sa
naging desisyon ko. Pero hindi ibig sabihin n'on na
masaya ako sa desisyon ko."
"You were happy with him when we visited you," ani
Papa niya. "I thought you're going to say yes."
Zehannah smiled. "Happiness is a frail thing, Papa. It
crumbled at the slightest push."
Napabuntonghininga si Cameron saka niyakap ang anak.
"Puwede kang mag-stay rito hangga't gusto mo. You're
always welcome here, Zehan."
"Salamat, Papa."
"Come on." Giniya siya ng Papi niya patungo sa kuwarto
niya. "Pahinga ka muna. Kumain ka na ba? Ipagluluto
Umiling si Zehannah. "Nakalimutan ko."
"Hay kang bata ka." Napailing ang Papi niya. "Sige.
Ipagluluto kita ng hapunan. Cam, dalhin mo si Zehan sa
kuwarto niya."
Humaba ang nguso ni Zehannah. "Papi, I know where my
room is."
"Oo nga. Pero mukha kang nawawala."
Natigilan si Zehannah sa sinabi ng Papi niya saka
hinayaan ang Papa niya na igiya siya patungo sa
kuwarto niya.
Nang makarating doon at makapasok siya, walang
pinagbago ang silid niya. Ganoon pa rin ang ayos.
Malinis at komportable pa rin.
"If you need anything... if you want to talk about
anything... nandito lang kami ni Papi mo."
Umikot si Zehannah paharap sa Papa niya saka ngumiti.
"Thank you, Papa. I'll keep that in mind."
Tumango ang Papa niya saka naglakad na paalis. Si
Zehannah naman ay tinitigan ang kama saka padapang
nahiga roon at ipinikit ang mga mata.
'Sex is okay?'
Mabilis na bumukas ang mga mata ni Zehannah dahil sa
biglang pagpasok ng alaala na 'yon sa isip niya.
She offered sex to Reigo because that was basically
the only thing she could give him.
Tumihaya si Zehannah sa pagkakahiga saka napatitig sa
kisame ng kuwarto. "This will pass," bulong niya sa
sarili. "It always does."
If I've learned anything in my twenty-nine years, it's
that 'life goes on'. Life would not stop for anybody.
Same as what she was feeling at the moment. It will
pass and her life will go on.
It always did.
"PABABAIN KO ba si Zehan para dito siya kunain?"
tanong ni Cameron sa kapareha nang makitang malapit
nang matapos ang niluluto nitong hapunan ng anak nila.
"O ihahatid mo na lang sa kuwarto niya?"
"Pababain natin para malibang," ani Dan saka
napabuntonghininga. "She's always like this after
saying no to her exes."
Masuyong niyakap ni Cameron si Dan mula sa likuran. "I
thought he'll be the one to change Zehan's mind."
Napabuntonghininga ulit si Dan. "This is not about
Zehan's mindset anymore. Hindi man niya aminin sa
'tin, nagkaroon siya ng trauma pagkatapos ng mga
nangyari sa mga nakarelasyon niya. Lahat sila iniwan
si Zehan nang humindi si Zehan sa alok ng mga ito,
kasal man 'yon o ibang bagay. That's why to Zehan,
because of her experiences, she developed this
thinking that it's better to keep to herself because
she'll be only left behind if she couldn't give them
what they wanted. Para sa kaniya, hindi lang siya
makakasakit kundi iiwan din siya kapag hindi niya
kayang ibigay ang hinihiling sa kaniya dahil 'yon
palagi ang nangyayari at ayaw na niyang maransan 'yon
Cameron buried his face in Dan's neck. "May magagawa
ba tayo para sa anak natin?"
"All we can do is to be there for her." Bumuga ng
marahas na hininga si Dan. "Ayokong nasasaktan ang
anak natin, pero ganoon talaga ang buhay. Mas maraming
sakit kaysa saya. At ang magagawa lang natin ay
gabayan siya."
Cameron sighed. "Our daughter is strong, but even the
strongest wall crumbles."
"That's why when that time comes, we have to be there
for her."
Mas humigpit pa ang yakap ni Cameron sa kapareha. "We
have to take care of our baby. Nag-iisang anak lang
natin 'yon."
Tumango si Dan saka pinagpatuloy ang pagluluto.
Ang hindi alam ng dalawa ay nasa labas ng kusina si
Zehannah at nakikinig. Dapat papasok ang dalaga sa
loob dahil ayaw ni Zehannah mag-isa sa kuwarto niya
dahil kung ano-ano lang ang pumapasok sa isip niya
nang narinig niyang nag-uusap ang mga magulang niya
tungkol sa kaniya.
She was happy that she was blessed with amazing
parents. Ayaw niyang pinag-aalala ang mga magulang
niya, pero hindi niya maiwasan minsan.
Not wanting to worry her parents any further, she
entered the kitchen with a smile.
"Hi, Papi, Papa. Ano'ng niluluto mo para sa 'kin,
Papi? Ang paborito ko ba?"
Pinisil ng Papi niya ang pisngi niya nang makalapit
siya sa mga ito. "Anong paborito? Kulang ang
ingredients para doon."
Humaba ang nguso ni Zehannah saka inagawan ang Papi
niya sa Papa niya.
Cameron grumbled. "Hey! I love you and all, Zehan, but
Dan is mine."
She stuck her tongue out at her Papa. "Between me and
you, Papa, Papi loves me more."
"Hmm-mm." Dan nodded.
"Huwag ka ngang maingay," saway ni Dan sa kapareha
saka hinaplos ang buhok ni Zehannah.
Hindi nagpatalo si Cameron, bumalik ito sa pagyakap
kay Dan na nag-aagawan na ito at si Zehannah sa
baywang ni Dan.
"Titigil kayo o paghahampasin ko kayo nitong
Kaagad na bumitaw sina Zehannah at Cameron at sabay pa
ang dalawa na tahimik na umupo sa hapagkainan.
Napailing si Dan saka hawak-hawak ang spatula na
inihain ang pagkaing niluto para sa anak.
With a smile on her face, Zehannah enjoyed the food
her Papi cooked for her. Paminsan-minsan, nagnanakaw
ng ilang piraso ng karne ang Papa niya pero kaagad
itong na-i-spatula sa kamay ng Papi niya. Walang takas
ang Papa niya sa makapangyarihang spatula.
Pagkatapos niyang kumain, nilinis niya ang pinagkainan
at sumama sa Papa at Papi niya na manonood daw ng
pelikula sa salas.
Sa mahabang sofa, nakaupo sina Dan at Cameron sa
magkabilang dulo habang si Zehannah ay nakahiga sa
gitna. Ang ulo ni Zehannah ay nakaunan sa hita ng Papi
niya habang ang mga paa niya ay nakapatong sa mga hita
ng Papa niya.
Maganda ang pelikula na pinanood nila na nawala ang
mga iniisip niya at nakatuon lang ang buo niyang
atensiyon sa pinapanood hanggang sa makaramdam siya ng
antok na hindi niya kayang labanan.
After her futile struggle, Zehannah fell asleep while
her Papa was combing her hair.
Noon, kapag nakakatulog siya sa sofa, pagkagising niya
kinabukasan, parang magic na nasa kama na niya siya.
Pero nang magising siya sa pagkakataong 'yon, nasa
sofa pa rin siya. May kumot at unan lang siyang
I guess I'm already too heavy for Papa and Papi.
Naiiling niyang isip saka naghikab bago bumangon at
tinungo ang kuwarto para maligo at mag-ayos para sa
pagpasok niya sa C&Z Marketing Agency.
Kahit papaano, mas maayos na ang pakiramdam niya kaysa
noong mga nagdaang araw.
Being in their old house and being with her parents
was really therapy for her.
Well... another day, another chance to be better and
feel better. Zehannah thought as she finished her
breakfast with her parents and was in her car and
ready to leave for work.
And as she drove to work, Zehannah thought that she'll
be fine. This melancholic feeling will soon disappear.
It always did.
Because that's life. It goes on.
BELIEVING THAT everything will pass and that life goes
on, Zehannah continued her days, working her ass off.
Tulog na lang ang pahinga niya at minsan nga ay
nakakaligtaan niyang kumain. Natapos na rin nila sa
wakas ni Cassia ang dapat gawin para makapagbukas sila
ng agency at tapos na rin ang renovation ng opisina
And of course, Cassia had been nothing but a TMI these
past few days. Telling her thing like being eaten by
her husband and how her husband eats his wife.
All Zehannah could do was sigh and facepalm,
especially after realizing that her airhead friend had
been watching porn for 'educational' purposes.
Cassia was brilliant at work, but in her personal
life, especially when it comes to her husband, she was
too much for Zehannah to handle that Zehannah always
ended up stunned at the absurdity of the words that
were coming out of Cassia's mouth.
But I guess that's just Cassia. And it seemed that her
husband didn't mind.
And finally, the day came that Cassia acknowledged
that her husband was not gay. Grabe ang pasasalamat ni
Zehannah sa Panginoon na naisip din 'yon sa wakas ng
kaibigan niya. Pero ganoon pa rin ang isip nito, may
hangin pero hinayaan na niya.
Enduring Cassia's way of thinking had always been her
specialty, but now it came with a glorious reward.
Free meal in Thorn's high-end restaurant.
"... then could you please teach me how a wife eats
her husband?"
Cassia and Zehannah were in Cassia's office because
they were discussing their plans seriously—well...
until Cassia suddenly started talking about her
Zehannah literally became frozen for a couple of
seconds, just staring at Cassia dryly. And when
Zehannah didn't speak, Cassia continued talking.
"I want to research again about how a wife eats her
husband, but Thorn said it's bad for me to watch those
porn videos, so I'm not doing it. That's when I
thought of you." Cassia grinned at Zehannah as if
Zehannah had the answer to all her questions. "No need
to watch since I've got a master with experience. Say,
Master Zehan, have you eaten someone already?"
Well... in my dreams, yes, I have. Nakain na nga rin
ako. Sa panaginip nga lang. Zehannah sighed. But no
way in hell I'm gonna tell her that! "Cass, that's
TMI. Please, learn the meaning of that."
Humaba ang nguso ni Cassia. "But we're best of
friends. And you're my master. Who cares about TMI—"
"I do!" Zehannah snapped at Cassia.
"But Zehaaan," Cassia whined. "I can't ask anyone
about it—"
"Ask your husband. I'm sure he'll teach you." Knowing
that sly man, Zehannah knew Thorn will wholeheartedly
teach Cassia everything.
Natigilan si Cassia pero mas humaba pa ang nguso nito.
"Hmp! It's kind of embarrassing—"
"Wow," Zehannah said in sarcasm. "You actually know
that word? Shocker."
"Of course, I know. And Zehan, I still haven't seen
his little hotdog down there. The list, Zehan! I still
haven't completed the list!"
Gustong takpan ni Zehannah ang tainga para hindi
marinig ang pinagsasasabi ni Cassia. "Cass, naririnig
mo ba ang pinagsasasabi mo? Trust me, your husband
doesn't have a little hotdog. I'm pretty sure the size
is bigger than a jumbo hotdog."
"Jumbo"—napakurap-kurap si Cassia kay Zehannah na
parang nagulat ito—"hotdog?" Cassia gasped. "Holy
molly! That's big, Zehaaan! Wait. Did you just say
BIGGER?!" Cassia gasped again. "O.M.G. Zehan, ano'ng
mangyayari sa 'kin kapag pinasok niya 'yon?"
Zehannah smirked at Cassia. "Simple, Cass, wawasakin
ka niya sa sarap."
Cassia gulped, and she unconsciously covered her
little baby down there. "Zehan, I'm scared."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah sa reaksiyon ni Cassia at
akmang pakakalmahin ito nang may kumatok sa pinto ng
opisina ni Cassia saka bumukas 'yon kapagkuwan.
Then Thorn entered with a paper bag in his hand, and
behind him was Reigo.
Zehannah was stunned.
She was not expecting Reigo to show himself in front
of her again. After her rejection and her offer, she
was sure that Reigo would steer away from her.
But here he was. His eyes never left her as if he
missed her face after not seeing each other for a
After what happened, seeing Reigo was the last thing
Zehannah wanted. But here she was also, staring back
at him until he arrived beside her.
"Let's talk," kaagad na wika ni Reigo nang makalapit
sa kaniya. Not a question nor a request. His voice
left no space for a 'no'.
But Zehannah was cut from a different cloth. "As you
can see, I'm busy. I don't have spare time with you—"
"Just talk, Zehannah."
It surprised her when he said her complete name and
not the nickname he made for her. "I really don't want
"You're not busy."
"I am."
"It's lunchtime!"
Zehannah was about to say 'no' when Reigo grabbed her
wrist and pulled her up. Then he proceeded to drag
her—well, as carefully as he could. Kung gugustuhin ni
Zehannah, makakawala siya sa hawak ni Reigo. Sigurado
siyang hindi mahigpit ang hawak nito sa kaniya at
binigyan siya nito ng pagkakataon na kalasin ang
pagkakahawak nito.
Pero nasa labas na silang dalawa, nagpapaubaya pa rin
si Zehannah sa binata.
And Reigo noticed it and let go of Zehannah.
"Just talk," Reigo whispered as he turned around to
face Zehannah. "It's lunchtime. I'm sure we can talk
while you eat."
"Eat?" Zehannah echoed and looked at Thorn's
restaurant beside their agency. "Hmm. Okay. Eat and
Nauna nang naglakad si Zehannah patungo sa restaurant
ni Thorn at kaagad namang sumunod si Reigo.
When the manager saw Zehannah and Reigo, he
immediately entertained the two and assigned a waiter
to them. Reigo was the owner's friend and Zehannah was
the owner's wife's friend. In short, these two were
part of the VIPs.
Zehannah and Reigo settled on the American cuisine
floor while also asking the waiter if they could serve
some Filipino dishes at their table. And since they're
VIPs, the manager allowed it, but only up to two
dishes to not get the other customers' attention.
"Thank you," ani Zehannah sa waiter at manager bago
tumingin kay Reigo na tahimik lang na nakatitig kay
Zehannah. "What?"
"You look stressed."
Zehannah sighed. "Who wouldn't be after working all
day? Halos tulog na lang ang pahinga ko."
"Pumayat ka rin," obserba nito. "Are you not eating
"Nakakalimutan ko minsan sa sobrang busy ko," sagot
niya. "Good thing I have Cassia. She's like my alarm
clock when it comes to eating these days."
Reigo seemed like he was regretting something. "Sorry
I stopped sending you food."
Bumadha ang gulat sa mukha ni Zehannah. "Why wouldn't
you? I mean... after what happened, it's normal that
you would stop doing those things."
"I... shouldn't have stopped," Reigo said. "You
rejected me as a suitor, but I can still send you food
as a friend, right?"
Now Zehannah was confused. "What...?"
"I thought about it. Your reason for rejecting me."
Reigo looked into Zehannah's eyes. "I get it. You're
busy. Even Thorn keeps grumbling these days that
Cassia had no time for him anymore. I understand what
you said, but there was one thing that's been
bothering me."
Zehannah gave Reigo a look that says she's waiting for
him to tell her what was bothering him when he paused.
Reigo continued. "Why... did you offer sex at that
time? Is that the only thing you want from me?"
Zehannah frowned. "What are you talking about? It's
more like it's the only thing that I can give you."
Reigo blinked. "What...?"
Zehannah sighed. "I can't give you time or attention.
I can only give you some spare time, and only if I'm
not busy. And I was thinking of using that time to...
well, you know, be together and do some stuff."
Zehannah let out a loud breath. "You'd been seducing
me since day one, always being suggestive and
vulgar... so I thought you would like that."
Reigo's lips parted.
Zehannah added, "Ang totoo niyan, naging masaya ako
nang umalis ka at hindi nagpakita sa 'kin. It only
shows that you chose yourself and that you decided
that I'm not worth the pain at all. I was happy for
Reigo scoffed. "Sorry to disappoint, but I did not
leave because of those reasons. I left because I got
rejected, not because of some fancy reasoning. I was
sulking like a dying cow, chugging liquor one bottle
after another like a drunkard, and grieving like a
widow." He sighed. "I never knew I could be that
messed up after being rejected."
"I'm sorry."
Reigo shrugged. "It's okay. Alam ko naman kung ano ang
pinasok ko at wala kang ipinangako sa 'kin."
Zehannah looked at Reigo's face. "I'm glad you look
okay now after sulking, drinking, and grieving."
"I'm not okay." Reigo looked straight into Zehannah's
eyes. "I just have something to say. That's why I'm
here and acting like I am fine. Will you hear me out?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Say it."
Huminga nang malalim si Reigo. "Zehannah, please don't
decide for me."
Bahagyang nanlaki ang mga mata ni Zehannah. "What?"
"Thorn... well, um, he told me what you two talked
Of course, he did. Zehannah sighed inwardly. "And your
conclusion is I'm deciding for you."
"Yes, you are."
"It's for your own good, Reigo."
"You say that, but I'm not really in a good place
right now," anito saka napabuntonghininga. "I get it.
You don't want to date me and that's okay. Hindi kita
pipilitin pero hindi ko rin tatanggapin ang alok mo.
You offered sex because that's the only thing you can
give me?" Reigo's face darkened. "Hell, no. As much as
I want to fuck you senseless, I don't want it."
Zehannah frowned, confused. "Then what do you want?
You know I can't give you anything other than—"
"Who told you I want something from you?" Reigo was
clearly irritated. His sharp glare silenced Zehannah.
"Yes, I desperately want you to say yes to dating me,
but that's it! I want your 'yes' because I'm
interested in you, not because I want you to give me
something! What do you take me for, Zehannah?!"
Zehannah flinched. It was the first time that Reigo
snapped at her. He was always being naughty and silly,
sometimes serious, but that's it. He was never this
angry at her. Not even when she rejected him. Just
"You want to offer sex because that's the only thing
you can give me?" Reigo became even more irritated. "I
don't want it. If we're going to have sex, that's
because you wanted me and craved for me, not because
you feel obligated to give it to me because you can't
give me anything else."
Napipilan si Zehannah. For the first time, she didn't
know what to say.
"And casual dating? I don't want it as well," dagdag
ni Reigo. "I'd rather go on dates and have fun with
you like usual when we both have time to spare than
label it as casual. You're not a casual thing to me,
and I don't want anything from you. Well"—he suddenly
looked away—"I mean, I want your affection, but I'm
not asking for it. I would be happy if you feel
affection toward me, but you don't have to feel
obligated to feel that way toward me just because you
can't give me anything. I'll accept what you can
give... well, for now, that is."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "For... now?"
"Yes. For now. Because I'm going to change your mind,
Zehannah Sevil. I will make you fall madly in love
with me that I'll be a necessity and not just a
'want'," he declared with so much confidence and
without an ounce of hesitation. "This is my answer to
your offer. I don't want to date casually or use it to
label what we have and I will not accept your sexual
offer until you sincerely want it."
"That..." Zehannah was speechless.
"And I won't ask you to say 'yes' again and I won't
give you a time frame. Let's get to know each other
until I become a part of your necessity. Mas lalandiin
pa kita nang sobra hanggang sa manginig ang mga hita
mo. Hindi ako nangangako na hindi ako magiging seloso
dahil seloso akong tao pagdating sa 'yo, pero huwag mo
na lang pansinin 'yon dahil alam naman natin pareho na
wala akong karapatan. If you have free time, tell me
because I want to monopolize it. Yes, I want your free
time all to myself except if you wanted to be alone or
you have to do something alone. I'm busy as well, but
I can make time for you. Meaning, our schedules will
not clash unless I have an important meeting that I
can't cancel. In short, what we'll have is mutual
understanding. Now, after saying all that, are you
free this weekend?"
Zehannah was dumbfounded. "Um... only Sunday
"Then I'll visit you in your condo Sunday afternoon,
is that okay?"
Zehannah blinked. "Give me a minute. I think I'm
Napahawak si Zehannah sa sariling ulo saka minasahe
iyon habang unti-unting isinisiksik sa isip niya ang
lahat ng sinabi ni Reigo na gumulat sa kaniya.
He didn't accept my offer, and he wanted nothing from
me, but he still wanted to stay? Did I get that right?
Was that even possible? To stay with someone without
wanting anything in return?
She looked at Reigo. "Seryoso ka ba sa mga
pinagsasasabi mo? You don't want anything from me, but
still... you want to stay...?" She didn't understand
him at all! "Why...? I mean, I told you, I can't give
you anything—"
"Doesn't matter," Reigo cut Zehannah off. "I'm
staying. The end. Let's eat."
Hindi na nakasagot pa si Zehannah dahil inihain na ang
inorder nilang pagkain. Kailangan niyang hintayin na
makaalis ang waiter bago niya masagot si Reigo.
"Kung ano man itong gusto mong gawin, binabalaan na
kita ngayon pa lang, masasaktan ka lang."
"I'm old enough to be responsible for my decision.
Don't worry about me."
"How can't I?" Zehannah sighed in exasperation. "I'll
be the one who's going to hurt you. Of course, I'm
"Simple. Don't hurt me."
Zehannah glared at Reigo and snapped. "As if I can
guarantee that!"
Reigo just smiled. "Aren't I nice? Now, say thank you
and kiss me."
Zehannah wanted to bash Reigo's head on the table.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Hindi niya talaga
maintindihan kung paano gumana ang isip ng binata.
"This will surely hurt you—"
"I won't know until I try," he said dauntlessly. "I
told you, Zehannah, you're worth the risk."
Zehannah sighed before helplessly staring at Reigo. "I
will unintentionally hurt you one day."
"Likewise. And if one day, that happened, I only have
myself to blame. So would you please let me in?"
"Reigo..." Umiling si Zehannah. "You will regret
"If this went south, I'm sure I will. I'm only human,
after all. My father always says that regret is a part
of life. But I'd rather regret because I did it rather
than regret because I didn't."
"They say that life is all about taking risks to get
what you want, and I want you, Zehannah," Reigo said
earnestly. "I know that you're not a fan of risks,
especially when it comes to relationships, but I hope
one day, I can change your mind and make you believe
that I'm worth risking for."
Nagbaba ng tingin si Zehannah saka malalim na
bumuntonghininga. Agreeing to what Reigo wanted was
already a gigantic risk. But did she even have the
strength to say no when, deep down, she knew she was
happy that he's staying with her even though she
couldn't give him anything?
Nag-angat ng tingin si Zehannah sa binata at tumingin
sa mga mata nito. "It's Zee for you, Reigo."
A smile broke on Reigo's lips, and then it turned into
a teasing smile. "You miss me calling you my Zee,
didn't you?"
Zehannah looked at Reigo flatly. "Gusto mong
magripuhan gamit itong tinidor na hawak ko?"
Reigo chuckled. "Ah, fuck. I missed you. I shouldn't
have sulked, drunk, and grieved for so long." He
sighed. "I just really didn't know what to do because
I couldn't make myself accept your offer."
Pinakatitigan ni Zehannah ang binata saka huminga nang
malalim. Hindi niya alam kung ilang beses na niyang
ginawa 'yon simula nang makita niya si Reigo ngayong
"Promise me something."
"If things get messy between us, promise me you'll
leave me immediately and choose yourself."
"I can't promise that," mabilis na sagot ni Reigo.
"Because the only reason that it'll get messy between
us is when we're between the sheets, fucking like
horny animals."
Hindi na nagsalita pa si Zehannah at kumain na lang.
The serious Reigo had been long gone, and he was now
the horny seducer that she knew. He's hopeless. But so
am I. Zehannah sighed again. Why the fuck did I not
stop him earlier? Was I really that desperate for
someone to stay, even though I couldn't give them
At that moment, it made little sense to Zehannah at
all. She was overthinking and making up possible
negative scenarios in her head to realize that she was
already taking a colossal risk for Reigo by letting
him enter her life again.
Albeit unconsciously. But still. Her risk had already
THE BUILDING has been renovated to become C&Z
Marketing Agency's office. The permit to open had been
processed, and the dream had finally become a reality.
Zehannah and Cassia still had to finalize some things
and it'll be weeks before they could formally open
their agency, but Zehannah was already proud of how
long they had come from just planning it to doing it.
After her talk with Reigo, her busy days continued,
but she was not as stressed as before. No melancholic
feelings anymore. No lingering loneliness. Just
calmness and a powerful drive to give her all.
In short, she was content with her life.
"Excuse me. I'm here to seduce Ms. Zehannah Sevil. May
I come in?"
Napatingin si Zehannah sa pintuan ng opisina niya na
bahagyang nakabukas at lihim na napailing nang makita
roon ang malandi niyang ka-MU.
"Akala ko ba may dinner meeting ka?" tanong niya.
"Maagang natapos." Pumasok si Reigo sa opisina ni
Zehannah. "You busy? Can I stay?"
"Feel free." Iminuwestra ni Zehannah ang visitor's
chair. She was just rechecking Cassia's list of the
things they needed to buy for the agency to see if she
needed to add something.
Pabagsak na naupo si Reigo sa isa sa visitor's chair
saka nangalumbaba sa lamesa ni Zehannah. "Zee, kumain
ka na?"
"Nope. Mamaya na pag-uwi ko sa condo."
"Gusto mo, ako na lang ang kainin mo?"
"I'll pass."
"Why not? I'm a delicacy."
"Yeah, yeah." She had become immune. "By the way, I
have time this coming weekend. Bibisita lang ako
kasama sina Papi at Papa sa puntod ng lolo at lola ko
sa side ni Papi sa umaga ng Sabado, pagkatapos n'on,
wala na akong gagawin. I want to be alone in my condo
to rest and have my peace, but..."—she looked up at
Reigo who was also looking at her—"I have this urge to
see your face this weekend. So, wanna come hang out?"
Ngumiti ang binata habang nakapangalumbaba pa rin.
"How about your Sunday? Want to see my handsome face
as well?"
"Hmm. Magsisimba ako sa umaga dahil matagal-tagal na
rin mula noong huli akong magsimba dahil masyado akong
na-busy. Gusto mong sumama?"
"May gagawin ka pa pagkatapos n'on?"
Umiling si Zehannah. "As far as I know, I'm free after
"Okay. Noted. Sasama akong magsimba."
"You sure?"
"Yep. I have a lot to thank Him for."
"Okay. I usually attend the morning mass."
"Ako pa? I'm an early bird."
"Oo nga pala. Mas maaga ka pa sa tilaok ng manok."
"Hey! The early bird catches the worm."
Such a simple thing and an uncomplicated conversation,
but Zehannah felt a surge of happiness. It was weird.
"By the way, hindi ko nakita ang sasakyan mo sa
parking. Did you commute?" tanong ni Reigo.
"Yep. Mahal ang gas ngayon."
"Then can I drive you home?"
"Sure. Makatipid man lang ako sa pamasahe. Halos
naubos ang ipon ko dahil dito sa agency. I think
Cassia's the same. But unlike Cassia, I don't have a
wealthy husband who will save me if I became broke."
"You have me."
Napatingin siya kay Reigo. "And so?"
"I'm wealthy too and a handsome-husband material,"
Reigo said boastfully. "Aren't you lucky, my Zee? I'm
a perfect delicacy. Wala ka nang hahanapin pa sa 'kin.
I'm like a chef's kiss. Perfect."
"Wala ka bang ihahangin pa?"
"Gusto mo pang palakasin ko ang hangin?"
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Anyway, kumain ka na?"
"Nope. I ate little at the dinner meeting. I was
hoping we could eat together."
"Sure. Um-order ka na. Medyo matatagalan pa ako. We
can eat here."
Reigo happily obliged and called Thorn's restaurant to
order. Pagkatapos n'on ay tumingin si Reigo kay
Zehannah at mukhang nakatuon ang buong atensiyon nito
sa ginagawa kaya hindi na niya ito inistorbo at
tinungo na lang ang sofa para doon mahiga at hintayin
na dumating ang pagkain.
Reigo didn't know if it was because he was tired or
because he woke up early, but he fell asleep the
moment he closed his eyes to rest.
And he came awake feeling a soft hand caressing his
face so softly. As if he'll break.
By the scent, he knew it was Zehannah.
It felt nice. The hand caressing his face was warm and
caring as if promising to care for him.
And then, he felt a set of warm, soft lips pressed
against his forehead. The kiss was so tender that he
was having a hard time believing that it was his Zee.
But it really was her. He could smell her familiar
scent and he felt like it was lulling him back to
After that soft kiss, Reigo didn't know if he heard
her right. It was only a whisper. But he heard it
"Thank you for staying."
Just four words and Reigo felt like he melted and all
the pain he felt after being rejected faded away. As
cheesy and cringe as it may sound, it really turned
him into a puddle, and he didn't want the moment to
end. But alas, Zehannah already pulled away, and then
he felt her pinched his cheek. Gone was the warm and
caring Zehannah. Now, the savage one was back.
"Wake up, Reigo. Lalamig na ang pagkain."
He opened her eyes and looked at Zehannah who was now
sitting on the single sofa near him. He wanted to
tease her so bad about what she did while she thought
he was sleeping, but he was half-afraid that she
wouldn't do it again. And he had a feeling that she'll
choke him to death if he ever start teasing her about
So he acted normally. "Dumating na yong in-order ko?"
"Yep. Kanina pa."
Sinundan niya ang tingin ni Zehannah. Nakahain na sa
center table ng sofa ang in-order niya. "Hmm. Hindi
sila nagpahiram ng pinggan?"
"They did, but I sent it back." Tumayo si Zehannah
saka pumasok sa munting office pantry sa loob ng
opisina. Nang lumabas ang dalaga roon, may dala itong
mga dinnerware na pamilyar kay Reigo.
'Yon yong binigay ko sa kaniya. Sa isip ni Reigo nang
mailapag ni Zehannah ang pinggan at iba pa sa center
"You gave these to me. So let's use it. Baka mawalan
ka na naman ng gana dahil sa mga pinggan na 'yon."
Then Zehannah whispered, "Pati pinggan pinagseselosan.
Baliw talaga."
That brought a smile to Reigo's face. Zehannah may not
seem like it, but she's sweet in her own way.
As usual, Zehannah put food on Reigo's plate without
so much thought, and then she started eating. Habang
si Reigo naman ay patingin-tingin sa dalaga habang
kumakain na para bang inaaral si Zehannah.
"Hey, my Zee?"
"Would you..." He paused as if thinking about his next
words. "Would you like to make out?"
Tumingin si Zehannah sa kasamang kunain. "Really,
Reigo? In front of my porkchop?"
"What?" Reigo looked so innocent. "I'm just asking."
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata. "Pakainin mo muna
ako. I'll think about it and I'll answer you later."
Reigo smiled. Looks like she's considering it. Hmm.
Good enough for me.
"Stop grinning like an idiot. Para kang baliw. Kumain
ka na."
Hindi nabura ang ngiti ni Reigo. "You know, my Zee,
you told me you will not have time for me, but we're
together now."
Tinuro ni Zehannah ang wall clock. "It's ten P.M..
What do you expect?"
"Hmm. Still. You're giving me your time."
"At sapat na 'to sa 'yo?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Reigo. "Mababaw lang ang
kaligayahan ko."
Hindi na nagkomento pa si Zehannah at kumain na lang.
Pagkatapos ng hapunan nila, sabay na nagligpit ng
pinagkainan sina Zehannah at Reigo bago nagdesisyon si
Zehannah na umuwi na. At dahil wala siyang sasakyan,
hinayaan niya si Reigo na ihatid siya para makatipid
ng pamasahe.
Nang makarating sa condo niya, mukhang aalis din
kaagad si Reigo para umuwi pero may ibang nasa isip si
"Uwi ka na?"
"Yep. It's your bedtime."
"Hmm. So I was wrong?"
"I thought you want to make out—"
Kaagad na binuksan ni Reigo ang pintuan saka lumabas
ng sasakyan. "Come on, my Zee. Let's go to your
Napailing si Zehannah. Ang bilis talaga ng gago kapag
may kinalaman sa halik ang pinag-uusapan.
Zehannah stepped out of the car and walked inside the
building together with Reigo. And since it was already
late, it was just them in the elevator going up.
Zehannah immediately flicked Reigo's forehead when he
leaned down and kissed her neck. "Pigilan mo 'yang
kaharutan mo. May CCTV 'tong elevator."
But of course, he didn't listen. Though he did nothing
extreme and only kissed her neck and ran his tongue
along it, it was enough to send Zehannah's body
burning like she was in a pit of fire.
She wanted to moan so badly because it felt good, but
if she did, she'll just fuel Reigo's horniness.
But could she really hold back her moan when the
bastard's tongue was not targeting her ear? She was
gritting her teeth and tightening her grip on the
strap of her bag.
She was so close to moaning. Thankfully, the elevator
opened, and they arrived on their floor.
Thank goodness! Kaagad na lumabas si Zehannah at
sumunod naman si Reigo na pahalik-halik pa rin sa
balikat ni Zehannah.
Zehannah had to gulp and breathe deeply multiple times
to calm down. But how could she? When the moment they
entered her condo, he was back to kissing her neck
"Reigo, I said we can make out, but don't you think
you're being a little too much—"
Reigo claimed her lips, silencing her and freeing the
moan that she was holding back. But Reigo did not stop
there, he slid his tongue and Zehannah's eyes
voluntarily closed at the pleasurable sensation
spreading through her body, and her arms automatically
wrapped around Reigo's neck. Her bag dropped on the
ground when he pinned her against the door.
And then Reigo's kiss became light, dropping feathery
kisses on his lips as if tempting her to open her
lips, but it was already parted.
"Hmm?" He licked her bottom lip and the corner of her
mouth before his lips went down to her neck.
He really likes my neck so much. Zehannah mused.
Though it's not like I don't want it, I just want
other things. Like a fucking French kiss!
With that thought, she cupped Reigo's jaw with both
her hands and forcefully pulled his face up to level
their faces and she kissed him fully on the mouth.
Yeah. This is what I want. While that thought was
running through Zehannah's mind, she felt Reigo's lips
form into a smile, but she couldn't care less. She
wanted those lips and now she had them pressed against
her, moving against hers while Reigo's hands were on
her waist, massaging her lightly that it was turning
her on.
Hindi nakakatulong na panay pasok sa isip niya ang
alaala ng mga panaginip niya.
Zehannah knew she's becoming a wanton woman, but she
couldn't care less. She was with Reigo anyway. If
there was one man she could entrust her body to, that
was Reigo.
A gasp suddenly escaped Zehannah's lips when she felt
Reigo's hands move down her ass and gave it a hard
squeeze as if he wanted more and couldn't get enough.
And that hard squeeze made Zehannah wet.
Tangina. Gaano ba kasarap ang gago na 'to? Lasing siya
nang huling may mangyari sa kanila. Pero ngayon,
gising na gising ang diwa niya kaya ramdam na ramdam
niya ang lahat.
Halik, hawak, at pisil pa lang pero gusto nang lumuhod
ni Zehannah. Ano pa kaya kung hindi lang 'yon ang
gawin sa kaniya ng binata?
And it seemed like Reigo read her mind because one of
his hands crept up on her body and cupped one of her
breasts while deeply kissing her that breathing had
become a chore.
Yeah. Feels good. Zehannah thought while Reigo was
softly massaging her breast.
"Ahh..." A moan escaped her lips when Reigo feel her
taut nipple and fondled it from outside her dress.
Fuck! Just that and I'm already so wet. Just how pent-
up am I? Kasalanan 'to ng mga panaginip niya!
But she couldn't deny that she wanted this. Yeah,
she's craving for it, for Reigo to just do what he did
to her in the club more than a year ago.
This was why she didn't like kissing Reigo. Her body
was too much of a softy when it came to Reigo's kisses
and touch. As if it missed the time when Reigo was
pounding into her so hard that her whole body was
Zehannah mustered all her strength to pull her lips
away from Reigo. Because at this rate, she will really
open her legs for him with all her heart. "Reigo...
Slowly, Reigo did. And then he rested his forehead on
her shoulder. "Let me calm myself down a little. I
feel like I'm on fire."
Zehannah understood. She was feeling the same thing.
"It woke up?" she asked.
Reigo breathed out. "Yeah. Hard as fuck."
"Does it hurt?"
"Just uncomfortable."
"Oh." Zehannah bit her lips and licked them afterward.
"Want me to... take care of it?"
Reigo gulped at that offer. "You sure?"
She was certain. "Yeah." Ilang beses na siyang lumuhod
sa panaginip niya, gusto niyang totohanan naman.
Reigo nuzzled his nose against Zehannah's neck. "To
say no to that is idiocy, but I'd been working all
day, visiting sites, and all that and I haven't
showered yet. I don't think I smell, but still... I
don't want to make you uncomfortable or turn you off."
That made Zehannah smile because she felt like she
chose the right man to offer her mouth to.
She could offer him her shower, but the mood was
already gone. And she was already feeling tired as
well. She needed her sleep.
"Say, Reigo"—niyakap ni Zehannah ang binata—"do you
want to sleep over this coming Saturday? Magsisimba
tayo sa Sunday, 'di ba? It'll be more convenient for
Reigo stilled, and his mind was racing. His brain had
become a pile of greenery that he could not answer
Zehannah immediately.
"Yeah, I want to," mabilis na sagot ni Reigo saka
niyakap ang dalaga. "Can I really?"
"Sure. I just invited you, didn't I?"
Humigpit ang yakap ni Reigo sa baywang ni Zehannah.
"You're spoiling me, aren't you?"
"Can't I?"
Reigo had been working hard since their talk, matching
her schedule and accepting what she could only give.
That's why she wanted to spoil him a little.
And it's not like it's only for Reigo. It's for
herself too. Alam niya sa sarili niya na hindi niya
iimbitahan ang binata na matulog sa condo niya kung
hindi siya sigurado sa sarili niya at sa desisyon
Just like what Reigo said, only when she wanted him
and craved for him.
Natigilan sa pag-iisip si Zehannah nang sapuin ni
Reigo ang mukha niya.
Napatitig siya sa binata. "What?"
"I just want to make sure. You're not doing this
because there's nothing you can give, right?"
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "FYI, Mr. Delicacy,
my condo is my special place. Hindi ako basta-basta
nagpapapasok ng kung sino-sino lang. And even if I
couldn't give you anything else, I will never give you
permission to sleep in my condo unless I wanted you
to. So be grateful and say thank you."
A smile spread across Reigo's lips. "Thank you then. I
promise to tire you before we sleep. Sisiguraduhin ko
na hindi ka na makakalakad—"
Piningot ni Zehannah ang tainga ni Reigo. "Gago.
Magsisimba tayo sa umaga. Subukan mo, sasakalin kita."
"Ouch. You know, my Zee, is choking your kink—"
"It is not! But I will choke you to death if I'm late
for the early mass on Sunday!"
"Then maybe after the mass, we could do some exercise
that will make your legs and thighs tremble and weak
until you couldn't walk anymore—"
"Nope. It'll be Monday the next day. I have work. Kaya
huwag mong subukan, Reigo. Hindi tayo bati hanggang
mamuti ang buhok mo!"
Reigo looked like he was contemplating. "What a
Inirapan ni Zehannah si Reigo. "Sige na. Uwi na. Baka
saan pa mapunta itong usapan natin. Make out is done.
Good night. Bye."
But Reigo did not let Zehannah push him out of the
condo. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulled
her close, and claimed her lips once again.
Zehannah immediately melted, but she was not so soft
that she would let Reigo have his way.
Kinagat niya ang pang-ibabang labi nito saka kinurot
niya ito sa tagiliran. "Sabi nang umuwi ka na."
"Yes, ouch, my Zee. I'm leaving—ouch."
"Uwi na. Bye, Reigo."
Pero ang gago, nanatiling nakahilig sa hamba ng
pintuan niya na nakabukas. "Hey Zee, instead of Reigo,
can you call me something else?"
"Gago gusto mo?"
"It doesn't suit a handsome delicacy like me."
Zehannah grimaced. "'Talandi gusto mo?"
"Ayoko. Iba pa."
"Nope. Another one."
"Annoying, horny bastard?"
"Too long and too mean. Sa guwapo, macho, at sarap
kong 'to?"
Honestly, Zehannah had nothing. "Wala akong maisip.
Uwi na. Matutulog na ako."
But Reigo didn't budge. "Ako na lang ang mag-iisip.
From now on, you call me 'babe'. At oo, pala-desisyon
"Come on, my Zee. Won't you make me happy tonight?"
Zehannah sighed. Pagod siya, gusto na niyang matulog
at heto, kinukulit siya ng isang dumuho. She had no
strength left to fight.
Fine. "Good night, babe. Now leave."
Reigo smiled widely. "Thanks, my Zee! Good night! Have
fun. Have wet dreams of me."
If you only knew. Zehannah thought as she watched
Reigo leave.
Nang mawala ang binata sa paningin niya, saka lang
niya isinara ang pinto at ini-lock ito. Kapagkuwan ay
kaagad niyang tinungo ang kuwarto.
As much as she wanted to just drop dead on her bed and
sleep, she went to the bathroom to wash because she
felt sticky down—a consequence of that short make-out
Ah, fuck. I'm still turned on. With that thought
running through her mind, she cleaned herself
thoroughly until there was no residue of how pent-up
she was.
Meanwhile, Reigo was whistling as he drove his car
home—well, Lysander's barn was his second home.
Only a week ago, he felt suffocated and couldn't
decide on what to do. But now, he was feeling elated.
It was scary that Zehannah had so much impact on his
emotional state, but he really wanted her. So much
that he was willing to compromise and adjust.
Napatigil sa pagsipol si Reigo nang maalala ang sinabi
niya kay Zehannah nang magkausap sila.
Until I become a necessity and not just a want. That
was easier said than done. But he will do it.
Regardless if he'll regret this in the future.
He was willing to risk it because he knew he will
never meet another Zehannah in his life.
And his gut feeling was telling him that Zehannah was
someone he couldn't afford to lose.
Well, that was a given. She just rejected him, and he
became a pile of disappointment and pain. He did not
want to feel that again. So he'll give it his all so
that even if Zehannah rejected him again, he will not
have regrets because he gave everything he could.
Taking a deep breath, he maneuvered his car to enter
the village. After stopping at the gate, he drove to
Lysander's barn.
Hindi na nagulat si Reigo nang mapasukan ang mga
kaibigan sa salas ng barn pero nagulat siya na roon
nag-iinuman ang mga ito. "Why are you drinking here?"
"Eva kicked us out," kuwento ni Terron. "Kaya dinala
na lang namin ang barbecue sa tindahan nina Eva rito.
Si Knight ang nag-ihaw para sa book of life raw niya.
It's just the two of us now."
"Do you have tons of work?" Dark asked Reigo. "You're
pretty late."
"Nah. I was with Zee." Reigo massaged the base of his
neck and shoulder before sitting on the sofa together
with Terron and Dark. "You mentioned Knight earlier,
nasaan ang baliw na 'yon?"
"Went home just a minute ago," sagot ni Dark. "His
wife called."
"So"—tumingin si Reigo sa dalawa—"what's this? Meeting
of the royalties?"
"Nah. We were just talking about some stuff," sabad ni
Terron. "By the way, Reigo, is your mom home? There's
a private luxury gem and jewelry show in France. My
mom wanted me to give the invitation to her
"Mom will be over the moon." Reigo could already see
her mother squealing in delight. "Yep. She's home, but
I think she's leaving for Italy next week, so give it
to her this week."
"Got that. Noted."
"My mom has an invitation for your mom as well," ani
Dark. "It's in Athens."
Napailing si Reigo. "Looks like she'll be spending
tons again."
Terron chuckled. "As if that's a problem for the
Vasquez household."
Reigo shrugged. "Mom's making money on her own, so
it's not really a problem. Panay nga ang sabi ni Dad
na pera niya ang gamitin, pero ayaw ni Mommy. She
didn't want Dad's money when it comes to her precious
gems and jewelry."
"Really?" Dark was stunned to learn that.
Tumango si Reigo. "I remember Mom telling me that she
didn't want to marry. Dad was just persistent that she
finally agreed. But before they got married, Mom and
Dad made an agreement that when it comes to money and
Mom's personal expenses, she'll handle it on her own.
That way, she'll keep her independence."
"So basically, your mom is just as wealthy as your
dad?" Terron asked.
"Yep. Mom's into stock investment and trading," sagot
ni Reigo. "If she'll sell those expensive gems that
she didn't want anymore, she'll be more wealthy than
Dad, but she didn't want to."
"Ganiyan talaga ang mga collector. Ayaw na binebenta
ang mga collection nila kahit pa nga luma na."
Reigo sighed as if he had given up. "Okay lang sana
kung ganoon, but my mom is different."
"How different?" Terron asked.
"She threw all the gems she wanted to discard at the
fountain." Reigo sighed. "Basically, we have a
fountain in the house full of expensive gems and
"Seriously...?" Dark gawked at him.
"Yep. She even used those expensive gemstones to
decorate our house's entrance and hallway walls."
"Yep. My mom's crazy." Napailing si Reigo. "Dad always
lets her be crazy and independent. I once asked Dad
about it and he said I'll understand in perfect time.
And now, I finally got it. My Zee is very independent
and it's scary because I always feel like she doesn't
really need me."
"Independent women could make you feel that way, I
guess," ani Terron.
"Yes, but Dad made it work," sagot ni Reigo. "Dad said
he took his time to get to know Mom to learn what she
really wants in a partner. He supported her career, he
conversed with her to understand each other. He knew
Mom too well that he knew when Mom needed a hand
without asking for help. He let Mom make her own
mistakes and try new different ways to have fun and be
with each other. He never impressed her, he assumed
nothing about her, and he planned ahead for their
schedules not to clash."
"That's a lot of work," Terron grumbled.
"Well, relationships usually are," sabad ni Dark.
"Love is not enough to make a relationship work,
Dashwood. Kailangan pagtrabahuan mo nang maigi para
maging maayos ang relasyon niyong dalawa. Couples,
friends, or families—every type of relationship needs
effort and work. That's how you make it through tough
times and be together for a lifetime."
"Yeah, Dad said that as well. And he also said that if
an independent woman kept you by her side, that's
something already."
"And your mom?" Terron asked Reigo. "Is she like your
dad? Compromising?"
"In a way." Reigo leaned back on his sit. "I mean, Dad
was not the type to ask Mom not to do things, but when
he did, she would always listen after Dad explained
why he didn't want her to go. At hindi lang naman ang
Dad ko ang nag-e-effort. Mom would set dates and
surprises for Dad when he least expected it. I know
she was always trying to make time for Dad in her busy
schedule. But even how busy she was, she always makes
sure to celebrate their special days."
"So that's why you can handle this 'Zee'?" Terron
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Handle Zee? I'm not that
skilled. But I'm trying to understand her in my own
way. Nakikita ko na busy talaga siya. She's
hardworking and she just opened a business with
Thorn's wife so she's very hands-on and always A for
effort in everything. I'm trying to compromise with
her schedule and I know, in her own way, she was
trying to make time for me as well because she never
missed telling me when she'll be free."
"That's nice," komento ni Terron. "At least this time,
you're certain that she's not after your money like
your exes."
Natawa si Reigo. Talks about his exes usually made him
grumpy, but now, he could just laugh it off. "Baka
masapak ako ni Zee kapag winagayway ko 'yong pera ko
sa pagmumukha niya. She enjoys splitting the bill in
everything we do or eat and it was refreshing."
"Yeah. May tsismis si Calderon na si 'Zee' mo raw ang
nagbabayad sa kinakain mo?" usisa ni Dark.
"Yeah." Reigo sounded and looked proud. "I like it
when she pays for me, be it food or anything. It only
shows that I mean something to her. Imagine, she's
spending her hard-earned money on me. Who wouldn't
find that sweet?"
Natawa si Dark. "Same. Gustong-gusto ko kapag
pinagluluto ako ni Anniza. Imagine, she spent her
precious time and effort cooking just for me. My agapi
mou is the sweetest."
Terron looked at the two flatly. "Vasquez, wala ka
pang asawa pero bakit parang kasapi ka na ng
understanding club?"
Nagkibit-balikat lang si Reigo saka naghikab. "Wala na
bang sasama sa inuman niyo?"
"Nope. Just us. We still have some business to talk
about," ani Terron. "Wanna drink?"
"Nope. I have an early work tomorrow." Tumayo na si
Reigo saka umakyat sa ikalawang 'palapag' ng barn.
It's more like a small attic, actually. It's where the
bed was. "Kayo na lang. Anyway, turn off the lights
after you're done. Baka makatanggap na naman ako ng
litaniya galing kay Lysander dahil sa babayaran niyang
"Lysander is still paying for the electricity?"
Reigo shrugged. "This is his barn."
"You're using it."
"Nope. We're all using it," pagtatama ni Reigo sa
kaibigan saka umakyat na. "G'night."
Reigo didn't wait for the reply and just went to bed
after washing up.
Before he closed his eyes, he checked his phone.
A smile made its way to his lips when he saw that he
received a message from Zehannah telling him 'good
night', but his sour mood immediately reappeared when
he read a message from an unregistered number on his
'Hi, Reigo. This is Emma. Can I invite you to lunch
tomorrow? It's for Lancove.'
Reigo knew how important their Lancove project was,
but he didn't reply and turned his phone off.
There's only one woman that could make me reply
positively when it came to lunch dates—only my Zee.
With a sour mood, he forced himself to sleep, not
knowing that the day will come when Emma would try to
tear down Zehannah's trust that he worked so hard to
"SIR, MISS Emma from Lancove called, asking if you
were busy," imporma ng pansamantalang sekretarya ni
Reigo na si Fara na pumalit kay Oliver dahil nasa isla
ito para i-monitor ang isa sa malaki nilang project
nitong taon. "Hinihingi niya ho ang schedule niyo pero
hindi ko ibinigay. She sounded rude and very
demanding, Sir. Ano hong puwede kong sabihin sa
susunod na tumawag siya? Pangalawang tawag niya na ho
'yon at mukhang tatawag pa siya ulit."
"Tell her I'm busy."
"Sinabi ko na ho 'yan sa kaniya, Sir, pero
nagpupumilit pa rin po siya. Nagtanong nga rin po siya
kung ano ang personal number mo o kung tama raw po ba
yong numero niyo ho na naka-save sa cellphone niya."
"Just tell her I'm busy," ulit ni Reigo habang abala
sa pagbabasa ng dokumento na iniwan ni Oliver na
kailangan ang pirma niya. "I don't have time for her
unless it's an official meeting with Lancove."
"Yes, Sir. I'll tell her."
"Kapag nagpumilit pa siya, sabihan mo ako."
"Yes, Sir."
Lumabas na ang pansamantalang sekretarya ni Reigo
habang si Reigo naman ay pinagpatuloy ang
It was a few hours later, near lunch, when Reigo
noticed a commotion outside his office.
Tumayo siya at lumabas ng opisina para tingnan kung
ano 'yon.
Kaagad na nawala ang emosyon sa mukha ni Reigo nang
makita si Emma na representative ng Lancove at malakas
at mataray ang boses na ini-interrogate nito ang
sekretarya niya. But when the woman saw him, she
showed how two-faced she was when she smiled sweetly
at him, sickening him.
"Reigo, I'm glad to see you!" Emma exclaimed. "Itong
sekretarya mo, panay ang sabi na busy ka—"
"I am busy," Reigo replied coldly and slid his hands
into his pockets. "Anyway, what are you doing here,
disrupting my secretary's work? As far as I remember,
I do not have an appointment with Lancove."
Hindi hinayaan ni Emma na maapektuhan sa lamig ng
boses ni Reigo. "I'm here to see you, Reigo. I'm here
for you—"
"If it's for personal reasons, please see yourself
out. I'm a busy man."
"But I'm here for you—"
"I'm busy and I'm not interested. Please, leave."
"No, I won't! I want to talk to you!"
Reigo was close to snapping, even if the person in
front of him was a woman. He didn't care. It always
annoyed him how some women couldn't understand the
word 'no' and 'I'm not interested'. Pinipilit pa rin
ng mga ito ang gusto nito.
Reigo was about to give the woman, Emma, a piece of
his mind when the phone on his secretary's table rang,
dispelling the tense air a little.
"Yes? This is the President's secretary. How may I
help you?" She paused as she listened. "Wait a moment.
I will ask." Then his secretary covered the
telephone's mouthpiece and asked him. "Sir, may food
delivery daw ho kayo sa baba."
Reigo frowned. "I didn't order anything. Kanino raw
Kinausap ng sektarya niya ang nasa kabilang linya para
tanungin kung kanino galing. Kapagkuwan ay tumingin sa
kaniya ang sekretarya. "Sabi ng delivery boy, pinadala
raw ni Miss Zehannah Sevil."
Instantly, Reigo's face brightened that it surprised
the secretary and Emma. "From my Zee? Let the delivery
boy in. Baka lumamig na ang pagkain." Pagkasabi n'on
ay kinuha ni Reigo ang cellphone sa bulsa saka
tinawagan si Zehannah. "Hello, my Zee. You busy?"
"Nope. I'm having lunch. Why?"
"Thanks for the food."
"Oh, that? Bumili ako tapos nasarapan ako kaya
pinadalhan kita riyan sa opisina mo," ani Zehannah.
"My treat."
"Alam kong nagtitipid ka pero binilhan mo pa rin ako."
Ngumiti Reigo. "Hmm... should I be grateful and say
thank you?"
"Yes, you should."
"Then, thanks, my Zee."
From the other line, Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Baliw
talaga. Anyway, have a pleasant lunch."
"I will. See you tonight. Let's have dinner together
again and then you can be my dessert."
"Gago. Kumain ka na nga lang. Gutom lang 'yan."
Reigo chuckled and glanced at the elevator when it
opened. "It's here. Bye, my Zee. See you later."
"Yeah, yeah. Bye."
He ended the call and personally accepted the food.
Then he walked back to his office.
"Reigo, I want to talk to you."
She's still here? Reigo sighed and turned to face
Emma. "Unless it's about Lancove, I can't spare time
for you. I'm a busy man."
"We can have lunch together." Emma looked at the food
Reigo was holding. "If you don't mind sharing—"
"I mind." Reigo's face darkened and Emma unconsciously
stepped back. "Excuse me."
Pumasok na si Reigo sa opisina nito at naiwan naman si
Emma sa sekretarya sa labas.
Irritated, Emma glared at Reigo's secretary. "Who the
hell is Zee?"
Iritado na si Fara, ang sekretarya ni Reigo, kay Emma.
Kung hindi lang ito representative ng Lancove, baka
nakapagsalita na siya ng hindi maganda. "Si Miss Zee
po ay ang special na babae sa buhay ni Sir."
"Hmp! Sino nga 'yon? Saan siya nagtatrabaho?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Fara. "Hindi ko alam, Ma'am. Ang
alam lang namin ay kayang patigilin ni Sir ang
importanteng meeting para kay Miss Zee."
Emma gritted her teeth when she remembered it
happening in their last meeting. "Can you find out
more?" Emma hurriedly wrote a cheque and handed it to
Fara. "I'll pay for your effort."
Kumulo na ang dugo ni Fara pero hindi niya pinahalata.
"Sorry, Ma'am. Kahit pansamantalang sekretarya lang
ako ni Sir Reigo, hindi ko gagawin ang pinapagawa mo."
"Hmp! Gusto mo dagdagan ko pa?"
"No, Ma'am. I will not accept it. I'm loyal to Sir
Reigo. Not just me, but everyone in this company is
loyal to our boss."
What Fara said was the truth. It was because their
boss was the kind of boss who takes care of his
people. Giving credit to where it belongs and not
hogging all the benefit to himself. Their boss may be
strict, but he was the kind of boss who appreciated
one's work capability more than appearance, academic
background, or romantic partner preference.
And for the employees of Vasquez Construction, it's
something they appreciated and wanted to protect.
Kaya alam ni Fara na walang tatanggap sa kung ano man
ang inaalok ng representative ng Lancove.
"Hmph! Whatever. I'll find out on my own." Then the
woman left.
Nakahinga nang maluwang si Fara saka mabilis na
inangat ang awditibo ng telepono nang tumunog 'yon.
It's from the President's office line.
"Yes, Sir?"
"Is that woman gone?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Good. Don't let her bully you. If she's here for
Lancove, then entertain her. If she's here for
personal reasons just like earlier, don't let her
hinder your work, understand?"
"But, Sir, even if she's here for personal reasons,
she's still a client—a costumer—and the customer is
always right, right?"
"No. The costumer has a right," pagtatama ni Reigo sa
sekretarya. "But if she's hindering your work and
shouting at you rudely, feel free to talk back and
defend yourself. I'll take full responsibility if that
Fara was moved and very grateful. "Thank you, Sir."
"Welcome." Then Reigo put down the telephone and
continued enjoying the food that Zehannah gave him.
After lunch, he went back to work.
It was mid-afternoon when he received a call from
Lancove's CEO.
"Mr. Vasquez, I just want to apologize for what Emma
did. I hope this did not affect our project deal."
"It won't," aniya. "I don't care if she pesters me or
sends me messages, but if she rudely speaks to my
employees again, I apologize in advance, because I may
not be able to hold my tongue like earlier."
"I understand. I will make sure to punish her
"Thank you."
"Thank you as well."
When the line ended, Reigo blew out a loud breath and
called his father.
"Oh, my stubborn son is actually calling."
Reigo grumbled. "Dad, don't make it sound like I'm a
black sheep."
Mahinang tumawa ang ama niya. "Well, what is it?
Siguradong may kailangan ka."
"I have a project deal with Lancove and there's this
annoying woman—their representative—who kept on
pestering me." His face darkened. "I don't want to see
her again because I have a gut feeling that she'll
only bring me trouble. Can you do something about it?
Her name is Emma Usoro."
His father sighed. "I do have a good relationship with
the owner of Lancove, but what will you do for me in
return, son?"
Reigo could hear the smile on his father's lips.
"Hmm... how about I urge Mom to have a vacation with
"If you said that last week, I might have said yes,
but your mom is taking me to Italy, so you can't bribe
me using that, son."
Reigo clicked his tongue. "Fine. What do you want?"
His father let out a triumphant laugh. "I want to meet
your Zee."
That surprised Reigo. "...What?"
"I want to meet her."
"Wait—what? Why...?"
"No reason," Reigo's father said with a shrug. "I just
want to meet the woman who made you a mess that you
actually called me for help."
Nalukot ang mukha ni Reigo nang maalala niya ang
pagtawag niya sa ama para humingi ng payo rito habang
nilulunod niya ang sarili sa alak. "What do you want
from my Zee?"
"I want to thank her for taming you." His father
chuckled. "My stubborn son actually wanted to go back
to the woman who rejected him, swallowing his pride,
and all that shit." His father even clapped. "She must
be a wonderful woman."
"More like she's like Mom," Reigo grumbled. "Too
independent and didn't want to marry, but I couldn't
care less."
His father laughed again. "Anak nga kita."
Reigo sighed and slumped on his seat. "You have any
advice for your son, Dad? I'm hanging on a thread
"Well, when dealing with independent women, some men
like to make them submit as proof of their 'love', but
I advise against that, son. You don't make an
independent woman submit. That's not going to happen.
She'll either leave you or let you go. What you should
do is compromise with her and talk to her. Do not ask
for her time because they're usually busy with their
work and career. No worries though, because if you
matter to her, she'll give it to you freely without
Reigo remembered Zehannah telling him she's free this
coming weekend. "Thanks, Dad."
"Welcome," his father replied coolly. "So, do we have
a deal? I'll talk to Lancove's owner in return, I will
meet your Zee?"
"Just you?"
"With your mom of course."
"I don't think my Zee will agree." Reigo leaned in his
seat. "Our label now, if that could even be called a
label, is mutual understanding. I know, I know, it
sounded like we're teenagers, but I like it more than
calling it casual dating."
Napailing ang ama ni Reigo sa kabilang linya. "Just
talk to her. Independent women usually like it if you
gave it to them straight. Walang pasakalye. Speak your
mind and if she still didn't want to, then our deal is
Reigo sighed. "You're a wicked one, Dad."
His father chuckled. "Don't act like this is new. We
always bargain and make deals in the house when you
want something. That's how we always do things."
Napailing si Reigo. "Fine. I'll talk to Zee."
"Looking forward to it. Bye, son."
Nang mawala ang ama sa kabilang linya,
napabuntonghininga si Reigo saka napatingin sa kisame
ng opisina.
Siguradong aayaw si Zehannah kung sasabihin niya rito
ang gusto ng ama niya.
But he already made it his rule not to assume anything
about Zehannah, so he had to at least ask her and get
her answer. He didn't want to decide for her.
Sana pumayag si Zee. Sighing, Reigo went back to work
until his annoying friend, Thorn, called.
"Dinig ko panay tsismis mo tungkol sa 'kin," aniya sa
"What?" maang-maangan ni Thorn. "Wala akong alam
diyan. Anyway, I'm planning to add another floor on my
restaurant. Can I get a quote?"
"Send me your previous building plan," ani Reigo. "I
have to make sure that the foundation of your
restaurant can accommodate another floor."
"Sige, hanapin ko. Bye."
Reigo grimaced. Alam niyang tumatakas lang si Calderon
sa pagtsitsismis nito sa kaniya kaya mabilis itong
I'll get my revenge in due time. Reigo mused and went
back to work. He only stopped when he realized that it
was already dark outside.
He checked his wristwatch.
It's still early. I'm sure Zee is still working.
Lumabas siya sa opisina niya para kausapin ang
sekretarya niya. "Fara, mauna ka nang umuwi. Mamaya pa
ako. I still have some things to finish."
"Sige po, Sir."
Seeing his secretary gathering her things and readying
to leave, he went back to his office and was about to
work again until he was sure that Zehannah was not
busy anymore when he received a call from Zehannah.
"Anong gawa mo?" Walang hi o hello. 'Yon kaagad ang
tinanong ni Zehannah sa kaniya.
"Nothing. Just want to invite you to dinner. But
you're busy."
"I'm done working, actually," Reigo changed his answer
immediately. "Ngayon na?"
Zehannah inwardly smiled at Reigo's change of answer.
"Sigurado ka?"
"Aren't you being too available for me, Mr. Delicacy?"
Natigilan si Reigo. "Ayaw mo ba?"
"Gusto." Hindi nagsinungaling si Zehannah kay Reigo.
"Sinasabi ko lang para maging aware ka. Sometimes,
it's not good to be always available, you know."
Instead of saying she's deciding for me, it's more
like she's always looking out for me in her own way.
Reigo thought, and smiled. "It's you, Zee. Of course,
I'm available. Pero kung iba, siyempre, hindi. You're
"Pinapakilig mo ba ako?"
"Nope. Pero kung gusto mo, puwede kitang pakiligin
hanggang sa manginig ang mga hita mo at mamaos ang
boses mo."
Inaasahan na ni Zehannah ang kalandian ni Reigo kaya
hindi na siya nagulat at hindi rin niya pinansin. "So,
ano'ng gusto mong kainin?"
"Ikaw," mabilis na sagot ni Reigo.
"I'm not on the menu," kalmadong ani ni Zehannah.
"Normal na pagkain ang tinatanong ko, hindi hilaw."
"I don't mind eating raw if it's you."
"We. Are. Not. Eating. Raw." Malinaw na binigkas ni
Zehannah ang bawat salita. "Normal food, Reigo.
"Hey, my Zee. What happened to 'babe'?"
"Tinangay ng ihip ng hangin dahil sa kahanginan mo."
"Call me 'babe' again."
"Reigo, I don't think two people who's in a mutual
understanding relationship call each other 'babe'.
Huwag kang masyadong advanced mag-isip. Wala pa tayo
sa exciting part."
"Why won't you call me 'babe'?" Reigo asked. "Do I not
look like a 'babe' to you? With this handsome face of
"Kaya nga tinangay na ng hangin 'yong 'babe' sa
sobrang kahanginan mo." Zehannah sighed. "Let's go
back to our food. Ano'ng gusto mong kainin? And no,
I'm not on the menu."
"Grilled beef and pork. It's not as delicious as you,
but it'll do."
"Now that you mentioned grilled beef and pork, gusto
ko tuloy mag-samgyup. Tagal na noong huli akong
makakain ng samgyup."
"Samgyup? I know an excellent restaurant. Eat-all-you-
can, buffet style. You can grill meat, eat sushi, and
enjoy hot pot."
Zehannah couldn't say no to that. "Mahal ba?"
"Not for me. I think it's less than a thousand."
"Oh." That excited Zehannah. "Let's go. Saan ba 'yon?
Kita na lang tayo ro'n."
"Sunduin na lang kita," ani Reigo. "Medyo malayo 'yon.
I'll call the restaurant to reserve a seat for us."
"Okay...! Let's go."
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Kapag pagkain talaga, ang
bilis-bilis mo."
"Sana kapag ako ang kinain mo, hindi mo bilisan. I
don't mind if you savor me for a long time. I'm such a
delicacy that you will not regret savoring me."
"Yeah, yeah. Kain na lang tayo. Gutom lang 'yan."
"Yes, my Zee. I'm on my way. Nanginginig pa."
Napailing si Zehannah. "Oo na. Ikaw na ang
"See yah."
"Yeah. See you."
Reigo ended the call and packed his things before he
left his office. When he reached his building's
parking lot, he frowned when he saw his car being
blocked by another car.
Nasa dulo na ng dila niya ang malutong na mura nang
lumabas mula sa passenger seat ng sasakyan na
nakaharang sa sasakyan niya si Emma Usoro.
Kaagad na nabalot ng iritasyon si Reigo lalo na nang
sinalubong siya nito.
"I want to talk."
"And who the fuck do you think you are to demand that
from me?" Reigo did not reign his tongue and words. "I
don't know you and I don't have any interest in
knowing you."
Kumuyom ang kamao ni Emma. "Gusto ko lang naman na
makipag-usap. Let's have coffee together—"
"No, thanks. I have dinner plans with my Zee."
Tinalikuran ni Reigo ang babae saka sumakay na ng
sasakyan niya.
He did not let the woman control his movement. He
maneuvered his car out of the parking lot and crashed
the side bumper of his car against Emma's car, but he
couldn't care less.
He left and went to C&Z's Marketing Agency.
Nang makarating doon, nasa baba na si Zehannah at
kaagad itong sumakay sa sasakyan niya. Pero hindi
kaagad umalis si Reigo, sa halip ay walang sabi-sabing
yumakap ang binata sa dalaga. Sa gulat ni Zehannah,
hindi na tuloy niya naitanong kung bakit may yupi ang
gilid ng sasakyan nito.
Zehannah was stunned because Reigo seldom touched her
without asking. "You okay, Reigo?"
"I encountered a witch bitch a couple of times today.
It's draining me."
Zehannah frowned. "Witch... bitch...?"
"Yeah. A witch bitch."
"A woman?" Zehannah tried to deduce Reigo's words.
Zehannah wanted to ask what the woman did, but she did
not feel the need to. May ideya kaagad siya kung
ano'ng ginawa ng babae. Masyadong guwapo si Reigo para
hindi ito maging lapitin ng babae at mukhang may isang
'witch bitch' na nasilo ang kaguwapuhan nito.
Though he looks amusing when irritated, I don't want
to see him like this. Zehannah sighed and patted
Reigo's back before she kissed the side of his neck.
"Kumain na lang tayo para mawala ang iritasyon mo."
"Yeah. That would be nice. Let's eat." With that, he
looked up and claimed her lips. With tongue. Deep and
A groan she couldn't control escaped her lips when
Reigo sucked her tongue and licked her lips, then he
tongued her mouth again just like how she wanted it.
The kiss was melting her so much that she found
herself responding to Reigo's kisses and following the
movement of his tongue.
Suddenly, the dome light inside the car was turned off
and darkness wrapped around them. And in the darkness,
Reigo became even more aggressive that his hands were
touching her private parts that she wouldn't let
anyone touch.
Nasa sasakyan sila. Posibleng may makakita dahil
maraming dumadaan sa lugar na 'yon. Pero wala roon ang
isip ni Zehannah. Nadala na rin siya sa init ng
katawan niya na binuhay ng halik ni Reigo.
Zehannah let Reigo slide his hand inside her upper
garment and cupped her breast while his other hand was
squeezing her legs and thighs while moving towards the
center of her femininity.
She was wearing a skit, so she freely parted her legs
open to accommodate Reigo's hand while he was still
French kissing her hard and deep.
Zehannah wanted so much more at that moment, but when
she felt the tip of Reigo's finger caress her mound
over her slightly wet underwear, she stopped Reigo and
took a deep breath.
"Reigo, stop."
Breathing hard and uneven, Reigo listened, but he
continued kissing her neck.
"Kumain na tayo."
"I'd rather eat you."
"You can't. We're in a car. In public."
Reigo nuzzled her neck and the back of her ear. "Kung
iuuwi kita ngayon sa condo mo, hahayaan mo ba akong
kainin ka?"
Zehannah bit her lower lip. "But I want to eat grilled
beef and pork..."
Reigo slightly pulled away to look at Zehannah.
"Grilled beef and pork, or me?"
Zehannah slightly looked away. "Ayokong saktan ka,
pero... grilled beef and pork 'yon, e. Tapos sabi mo
may hotpot pa saka sushi. Puwede bang 'yon muna tapos
saka na ang ibang pagkain na gusto mo?"
Reigo narrowed his eyes at Zehannah. "Why do I have a
feeling that you'll choose food over me? I'm even more
motivated to be an overall delicacy."
That's when Zehannah's stomach made a sound enough for
them to hear.
Bumaba ang tingin ni Reigo sa tiyan ni Zehannah.
"Ganoon ba ako kasarap humalik na nagutom ka?"
Mabilis na piningot ni Zehannah ang tainga ni Reigo.
"Gago. Kanina pa ako gutom kaya please lang, kumain na
Reigo sighed dramatically. "Yeah, yeah. Magda-drive na
po, matakaw kong kamahalan."
Zehannah glared at Reigo, but Reigo just laughed it
off and drove.
Somehow, Zehannah was relieved that Reigo was not
feeling irritated anymore and was back to his normal
But it looks like I have to watch out for that witch
bitch. Zehannah never thought that a time will come
when she would care even though it's just a mutual
understanding relationship.
Who would have thought that thinking about Reigo being
stolen by the witch bitch could put her in a sour
Just who the fuck is that witch bitch anyway?
HINDI ALAM NI Zehannah kung matatawa siya nang
makitang may dalang backpack si Reigo nang dumating
ito sa condo niya hapon ng Sabado. Kakatapos lang
niyang maligo dahil kadarating lang niya galing sa
pagbisita sa puntod ng lolo't lola niya sa side ng
Papi niya at hindi pa nakakapagpalit ng damit nang
tumunog ng doorbell niya.
Mabilis na nagbihis ng pambahay na damit si Zehannah
at tinungo ang pintuan ng condo.
"Seriously, Reigo...? A backpack?" Pinapasok ni
Zehannah ang binata. "Isang gabi ka lang matutulog
"Mabuti na ang handa."
Napailing na lang si Zehannah saka isinara ang pintuan
at kinuha ang bag ng binata sa balikat nito at
napamura nang maramdaman ang bigat niyon. "Tangina,
ano'ng laman nito?" hindi makapaniwalang tanong niya
kay Reigo.
"Clothes and stuff."
Zehannah narrowed her eyes at Reigo. "Isang gabi ka
lang matutulog dito, ipapaalala ko lang."
"Malay mo naman, maging dalawang gabi."
"Still! Hindi pa rin sapat na eksplanasyon 'yan sa
bigat ng bag mo." Sa halip na buhatin, hinila na lang
ni Zehannah ang bag patungo sa kuwarto niya. "Ang
gago. Ano naman kaya ang laman nito?"
Napailing si Zehannah pagkatapos iwan ang bag ni Reigo
sa kuwarto niya at lumabas. Naabutan niya ang binata
sa salas na tinitingnan ang mga larawan na nakasabit
sa dingding.
"You were really cute growing up," ani Reigo nang
maramdaman nito ang presensiya ni Zehannah. "But I
didn't know you like dressing up."
"It's Papi who likes to dress me up," sagot ni
Zehannah saka umupo sa mahabang sofa. "Tumigil lang si
Papi noong nasa college na ako."
Humarap si Reigo sa dalaga saka tinuro ang photo album
na nasa ibabang bahagi ng center table. "Can I open
"Hmm? Sure." Naghikab si Zehannah saka nahiga sa sofa,
ang ulo ay nakapatong sa armrest ng sofa.
With Zehannah's consent, Reigo took the photo album
and sat on the floor in front of the long sofa. Ang
likod ni Reigo ay nakahilig sa sofa kung saan nakahiga
si Zehannah at halos gahibla na lang ang pagitan ng
likod ng binata sa dibdib ng dalaga.
But Zehannah didn't mind. It felt nice.
At habang tinitingnan ni Reigo ang mga larawan sa
photo album, tahimik lang na nakamasid si Zehannah sa
Sa lahat ng tinanggihan niya, sa lahat ng hinindian
niya, si Reigo lang ang bumalik at piniling manatili
sa tabi niya. And that made him more special than the
But the fear was still there. The fear of being left
behind. The fear of being hurt. And she was not Reigo
who was brave to risk it all.
Will a time really come when I'll be able to risk it
all with no fear? I doubt that. Zehannah let out a
sigh and continued watching Reigo who had a smile on
his face after seeing a couple of photos of her.
Zehannah couldn't stop her fingers from poking Reigo's
cheek. "What's with the smile, Mr. Delicacy?"
"I know you're smart, but really? Sixteen medals in
your high school graduation?"
"Hmm, that?" Zehannah moved her head and rested her
chin on Reigo's shoulder from behind to take a peek at
the photo album. "Look here." Tinuro niya ang isang
larawan. "Papi looks so tired because that's the
fifteenth time he went to the stage for my medal.
Panay ang tawa ni Papa rito dahil taga-picture namin
siya. At ito naman, ito yong panghuling medal ko na
muntik nang matapilok si Papi. Hindi siya nakatakas sa
kamera ni Papa at nakunan siya ng larawan." Mahinang
natawa si Zehannah. "At ito naman ang larawan namin
pagkatapos ng graduation. Ang bigat ng medals kaya
nakabusangot ang mukha ko. Gusto ko na kasing umuwi at
kumain, pero ayaw pa ng homeroom teacher ko. At itong
larawan naman—"
Zehannah felt a light quick kiss on her cheek, making
her stop talking and glanced at Reigo who had an
innocent look on his face.
"What?" he asked.
She narrowed her eyes at Reigo. "What's with you and
"You just look so adorable while telling me about the
photos. I can't help it."
Zehannah rolled her eyes and moved her head back to
rest on the sofa's armrest. "Hmph. Mag-isa kang
tumingin sa mga larawan na 'yan."
Reigo closed the photo album and turned his body so
he's facing Zehannah. When he did, his eyes held
Zehannah's gaze, and she did not back down. She held
his gaze back until Reigo leaned in and placed a kiss
on the side of her neck.
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah. "Ang hilig mo
talaga sa leeg."
"Hmm. You smell nice." Reigo nuzzled her neck with the
tip of his nose. "Well, you always do." Then he licked
her neck. "Tastes good too."
Zehannah bit her lower lip when Reigo started running
his tongue along the side of her neck. It was getting
out of hand that Zehannah's body was responding to it.
She felt a burning sensation deep down in her belly.
That was a sign that her body had sexually awakened.
He stopped, but he didn't pull away. He just nipped
the skin on her neck. "Should I stop?"
Things like this, it always came down to Zehannah's
decision and her decision at the moment was, "Go
ahead. Do whatever you like."
Zehannah felt Reigo's smile against her skin and his
tongue returned to licking and kissing her neck, her
ear, the back of her ear, down to her shoulder, and
Those licks and kisses were making Zehannah's
breathing ragged, and she knew Reigo noticed it
because his kisses had become somewhat teasing as if
he wanted to hear a moan from her.
But Zehannah was holding it in.
Until Reigo's hand slid inside her upper garment and
cupped her breast.
Nasa bahay lang siya, kaya manipis lang na bra ang
suot niya at madaling naipasok ni Reigo ang mga daliri
nito sa loob at masuyong pinaglandas ng binata ang
daliri nito sa gilid ng nipple niya na para bang
tinutukso niya.
No! He's teasing her, alright!
His lips kissed her ear. "What, my Zee?"
"Stop teasing me and just move your hand."
"Hmm. I'm trying to figure out what you like. I was
drunk back then, so I didn't get the chance to find
out. So, could you indulge me just this one?" he
Zehannah looked at Reigo. He had that determined glint
in his eyes, and she knew she couldn't change his
mind. Being with Reigo these past few weeks, she
learned that Reigo had a stubborn side, and it was
manifesting at that moment.
"How should I indulge you?" she asked.
"Be honest with me. Like you always have."
Meaning not to hold my moans and just let them go?
Hmm. Easy enough. "Okay. Just this one."
Reigo smiled and softly kissed her jaw. It was a very
sweet kiss that made her close her eyes. But her
attention was yanked away from her jaw to her breast
when she felt Reigo massaging her breast and slightly
pinching her nipple.
Unconsciously, she bit back her moan, then she
remembered Reigo and his request to indulge him.
Zehannah let go of his inhibitions and let a moan
escape her lips when Reigo rolled her nipple against
his finger. Another moan followed when Reigo pinched
her nipple. And it was louder than the last.
But those moans were nothing compared to the moans
that followed. Kissing her neck, licking her ear, and
teasing her with his tongue while his hand was on her
breasts, massaging, pinching, and kneading.
"Ahh..." she moaned. "Hmm..."
Zehannah knew the moment she invited Reigo to sleep
over that this was going to happen—no, she invited him
over for this purpose, actually. And now that it was
happening, Zehannah realized how her body was not yet
ready for the pleasure Reigo was making her feel.
Maybe because it had been so long since something
happened between them that her body felt like
everything was new and uncharted. Or was it because
when she gave herself to him that night, they were
both drunk and couldn't care less about anything than
putting it in and being pounded hard?
Whatever it was, Zehannah did not let it affect her.
However new this was, however different, it was still
a good kind of new and different. And this was Reigo.
The man she entrusted her body to.
"You're deep in thoughts, my Zee. What are you
thinking of?"
That snapped out Zehannah of her reverie and looked at
Reigo whose hand was now sliding down from her breast
to her belly.
"Nothing much. Just thinking that this felt different
"A good or a bad different?"
"I'm glad." He moved to kneel on the floor and hovered
his lips against Zehannah's. "Now, my Zee, let me show
you the pleasure that only I can give you."
Reigo was staring at Zehannah so intently that it made
her gulp in anticipation.
But however much she expected, she was not ready for
the pleasure that assaulted her whole being when
Reigo's hand slid inside her cotton shorts and his
finger touched the most sensitive part of her body—her
"Ahh...! Reigo—"
He sealed her lips with his and kissed her deeply.
Roughly. As if he wanted to bury his tongue deep down
her throat and Zehannah accepted it all while moaning
inside Reigo's mouth.
He rolled her clit around his finger. Teased it. Draw
circles around it. Pinched it. And rubbed it.
Zehannah was losing it. She had become dripping wet—a
soaking mess—but she couldn't care less as Reigo used
all of his fingers to bring her to the high heavens.
His thumb was massaging her clit. His index finger was
teasing her clit. His middle, ring, and pinky fingers
were teasing her entrance.
Just those fingers and Zehannah was already a mess.
Plus Reigo's lips that were still kissing her
senseless, Zehannah had lost hope that she could still
resurface from this pleasure that was drowning her.
"Reigo... ahh..." Some of Zehannah's moans escaped
Reigo's mouth and it was followed by a loud gasp when
one of his fingers entered her. "Reigo...!"
Pero hindi hinayaan ni Reigo na makawala ang labi ni
Zehannah sa mga labi niya. Mas dumiin pa ang halik ng
binata. Mas naging mapusok. Mas naging mainit na hindi
na muling naisip ni Zehannah na ilayo ang mga labi sa
labi nito.
Yumakap ang mga braso ni Zehannah sa leeg ni Reigo at
mas lalo pang naging mainit at mapusok ang halikan ng
dalawa habang ang mga daliri ni Reigo sa pagkababae ni
Zehannah ay patuloy na bumabaliw sa dalaga.
Zehannah's body was squirming, her legs were slightly
shaking, and her toes were curled as she tasted her
first orgasm after that drunken night.
Zehannah's moans were sealed inside Reigo's mouth, but
her groans echoed in the living room. The groan of
pure pleasure and ecstasy.
But it was not the end of that, Zehannah knew, and she
was right. Reigo undressed her while their lips were
still glued to each other, only parting when needed be
and to breathe and finally, after sealing her mouth
with his, he finally pulled away to savor her now
naked body.
Ngayong wala na ang mga labi ng binata sa labi ni
Zehannah, malaya nang lumabas ang mga ungol niya na
kaagad na pumuno sa buong salas.
"Reigo... Ah...! Ohh! Fuck..."
Reigo's lips traveled down from her lips to her chin,
neck, and collarbone, and it found her breast and
nipple where it stayed and his tongue swirled around
her nipples, making her arch her body.
"Fuck...! Ahh! Harder... suck it harder..."
Reigo obliged and sucked it the way Zehannah wanted,
and the moan that came out from her was louder than
the rest.
It was only natural since her breast was one of the
most sensitive parts of her after her clit. It was one
of her weaknesses. Her soft spot that could easily
turn her.
"Ohh... ahh... uhm... ahh...! Reigo... Reigo..."
Zehannah was almost chanting Reigo's name as he gave
his entire attention to her breasts.
Parang mababaliw si Zehannah sa sarap. Pero wala pa
'yon na tunay na sarap na naghihintay sa kaniya nang
nagpatuloy sa pagbaba ang labi ni Reigo patungo sa
puson niya, pababa pa hanggang sa marating ng labi
nito ang pinakamaselang parte ng katawan ni Zehannah.
Zehannah's whole body trembled and shook the moment
Reigo's lips made contact with her clit.
"Ahh...! Reigo!"
He sucked her wet fold.
"Ahh...! Ohh... fuck! Reigo...!"
He licked and lapped her clit.
"Ahh, fuck! Uhm! Ahh! Reigo! Ahh!"
His lips, his tongue, and his entire mouth were
devouring her whole wet sex that Zehannah had lost her
mind. It was like she was back to that night when she
was drunk. All she wanted was sex. Sex with Reigo.
Yes. Reigo. She wanted Reigo. She craved for him.
"Reigo..." In between her moans of ecstasy from being
eaten raw, she called Reigo's name to get his
attention. "Reigo... please... just enter—ahh—me—
ahh... already..."
His fingers were heaven, his tongue could send her to
high heaven, and she knew his cock buried inside her
could send her past the high heavens and she wanted
it. Impatiently.
But Reigo did not give it to her.
He continued licking and lapping her until she came
again, but even after that, he continued with his
mouth as if he couldn't get enough of her taste.
Napasabunot na lang si Zehannah sa sariling buhok at
sa buhok ng binata habang gumagalaw mga hita at
baywang niya para mas ipagduldulan pa ang pagkakababae
niyang basang-basa at mainit na tumitibok para sa
Napuno ng ungol ni Zehannah ang buong condo niya
habang walang humpay siyang kinain ni Reigo. Halos
walang kapaguran ang bibig at dila ng binata sa
pagkain sa buo niyang pagkababae na bumaliw kay
Yes. She wanted his cock, but his tongue was also to
die for that she couldn't get enough even how much she
And when Reigo slid his fingers inside her while he
was devouring all of her sex, her whole body trembled
and spasmed at the pleasure consuming her.
Ni hindi nga namalayan ni Zehannah na nakaupo na pala
siya sa sofa at nakasandal na sa likod niyon habang
nakaluhod ang binata sa harapan ng nakabuka niyang mga
hita at walang humpay na kinakain ang basang-basa
niyang pagkababae.
When another orgasm ripped through Zehannah, Reigo's
mouth suddenly left her mound and he started kissing
her belly, up to her stomach, her breast, and neck
while he was taking off his clothes.
Zehannah just watch Reigo with her half-hooded eyes
that went wide when Reigo's mouth reached her ear, his
breathing became ragged and uneven. And without a
word, as if feeling impatient, he buried his cock so
deep inside her that Zehannah nearly lost
consciousness at the inexplicable pleasure that ripped
inside her.
Her sex was full. Reigo was big and long that she felt
the tip of his cock reaching the end of her sheath.
"Reigo..." Zehannah was breathing hard, and she
clinging to Reigo's shoulder and neck.
Reigo's breathing remained ragged and uneven next to
her ear. "Fuck... still tight as I remember," he
whispered and kissed her ear, then he licked it and
slightly bit it before he whispered in her ear again.
"I want to fuck you senseless, my Zee. Can I?"
Wala sa sariling tumango si Zehannah. "Do it."
"Don't regret it," was his reply before he slightly
pulled his length and then thrust it deep inside her.
Then he repeated it. Again and again. Getting faster
at every thrust until Zehannah felt like her world was
Reigo was fucking her senseless like what he just
said. Pounding her so hard that her whole body was
shaking, thrusting so deep inside her that Zehannah
became afraid that he'll rip her apart.
But the pleasure, yes... the pleasure.
It was making Zehannah's head spin. It was too much.
Too much to handle that she was losing her grip on
Reigo fucked her hard, rough, fast, and senseless.
Gripping both her thighs, he parted it even more to
penetrate deeper inside her, to pound insanely fast
that she found herself screaming in a hoarse voice.
Zehannah couldn't even recognize her own voice as she
screamed in pleasure.
"Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Fuck! Ahh! Yes! Ahh..." Another scream
of moans left Zehannah's lips as Reigo pounded even
faster, creating a pounding sound—the sound of
slapping flesh against one another. "Ohh...! Ahh..!
Fuck! Reigo...! Ahhh! Reigo! Reigo! Reigoooo! Ahh!
Uhm! Reigo...!"
"Ah, fuck, Zee... fuck!"
Zehannah was losing her breath, but Reigo pounded into
her even harder.
Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung saan siya kakapit kundi sa
leeg ng binata na halos wasakin siya sa uri ng pag-
angkin nito sa kaniya. Sagad na sagad na nanginginig
ang buong kalamnan niya.
At sa pangungunyapit niya kay Reigo, umangat na halos
ang buo niyang katawan sa sofa at mas lalo pang
sinagad ng binata ang pagkakalaki sa kaloob-looban
niya na napapasinghap na lang siya habang kinakapos na
ng hininga.
Reigo continued mercilessly, pounding her hard until
Zehannah spasmed in pleasure as another orgasm ripped
through her.
But they were not finished. Reigo hadn't come yet.
The only thing that changed was their position. She
was now kneeling on the sofa, her back on Reigo as
Reigo pounded and thrust inside her. The slapping
sound of flesh, the squeaky sound of wetness because
of insane friction, her moans, and Reigo's groan, it
all filled her whole condo as she gripped the back of
the sofa to steady herself while being fucked
mercilessly and thoroughly.
"Ahh... ah! Ahh! Reigo! Ahh!" Namaos na ang boses ni
Zehannah at umiikot na ang paningin niya sa sobrang
sarap pero patuloy pa rin ang sagad na sagad na
pagbayo ni Reigo sa pagkababae niya.
And just when Zehannah thought that it will not end,
Reigo pulled out, and then she felt a warm liquid
spurt on her bare ass.
Reigo pulled out and Zehannah was thankful for that
since they were not using a condom—which they should
have. But what happened was too intense to even think
of a condom.
Reigo was true to his words. He brought her to the
high heavens, and he was delicious beyond belief.
A delicacy indeed.
Tired, Zehannah moved her body to turn and sit on the
sofa. "Now, my sofa is a mess..." komento niya nang
mapansing basa 'yon sa pinaghalong pawis at katas niya
at ni Reigo.
"I'll buy you a new one," Reigo said before he leaned
down and kissed her lips deeply.
After that, one would think that it was enough, right?
Not Reigo and Zehannah.
Both had been holding back since they met again and
both were craving for more.
So, no. They're not done.
Zehannah accepted the kiss and clung to him until she
found herself standing, rubbing her front against
Reigo, their mouth not leaving each other.
"You hungry for dinner?" Reigo asked in between their
"No. Not really."
"Good. Let's have a different dinner then."
Zehannah bit Reigo's lower lip. "In my room?"
"Yeah. I still have more ways to mess you up."
That made Zehannah smile. "Okay, Mr. Delicacy. You're
Reigo smiled and kissed Zehannah deeply while walking
toward Zehannah's bedroom.
The two didn't stop kissing. Their lips were glued to
each other even when they were already on Zehannah's
They kissed and kissed and kissed and kissed until
Reigo started romancing Zehannah's body again.
She squirmed and trembled under his teasing kisses and
lips. And she opened her legs wide to accommodate him.
No inhibitions. No reservations. And no hesitations.
Zehannah gave her whole body to Reigo, and she had
never felt so appreciated as Reigo savored every inch
of her.
Slowly, Reigo got to know Zehannah's body. What made
her squirm, what made her tremble, what made her moan,
what made her lose her mind, and what made her
dripping wet.
It was so intimate that Zehannah came without
penetration and clit licking. Just watching Reigo
savor her body was enough to get her off. It was that
powerful that she became a dripping mess.
But when the time for fucking came, Zehannah found
herself breathless as Reigo sent her to the high
heavens multiple times in different positions.
Missionary, dog style, bended knee, Octopus, Pretzel,
down stroke which they did with half her body on the
bed, while Reigo was standing on the floor, and the
last one was Irish garden which Reigo liked because he
got to see Zehannah's whole back as she moved her hips
as if twerking to pleasure them both.
And each position made Zehannah and Reigo came. Hard.
Both covered in sweat and breathless, they didn't
stop. They went on and on like horny animals in heat.
Tumigil lang ang dalawa nang parehong nakatulog dahil
sa pagod. Ni hindi nga alintana ng mga ito na oras na
ng hapunan nang tumigil ang mga ito.
Basically, Zehannah and Reigo had sex from early
afternoon to dinner time. At dahil doon, nagising sina
Reigo at Zehannah lampas hating-gabi na.
Zehannah yawned. "I can't believe we're eating dinner
at two AM."
Reigo kissed Zehannah's temple while she was sitting
at the dining table. "I'll make a quick dinner."
Umingos si Zehannah. "Magpiprito ka lang naman."
"Kaya nga quick, e."
Zehannah rolled her eyes, but when Reigo turned his
back on her, she smiled and watch Mr. Delicacy cook.
Suot niya ang T-shirt ni Reigo—'yon lang ang suot niya
at wala nang iba—kaya naman naka hubad-baro ang binata
at nagpipiyesta ang mata ni Zehannah sa katawan nito.
In fairness, he really has a delicious body. Zehannah
didn't get to enjoy that body though because Reigo had
been adamant about savoring her each time. Kahit gusto
niyang lumuhod, ayaw nito dahil ito lang daw muna ang
gagawa ng lahat.
Reigo did promise to let her have her way with him,
but not at the moment since he wanted to savor her
more, he said.
And Zehannah was not complaining. It felt like heaven
to be savored by Reigo. That mouth, his tongue, those
long fingers were enough, and his big and long
package, who would complain? Definitely not her.
"—earth to my Zee?"
Nalakurap-kurap si Zehannah saka tumingin sa mukha ni
Reigo na parang hindi siya nito nahuling nakatanga sa
abs nito. "Hmm?"
Reigo shot her a teasing grin. "Want a taste?"
Inirapan niya ang binata. "You wouldn't let me."
"Want me to stay for another night?"
Pinaningkitan ni Zehannah ang binata. "Why do I get
the feeling that that was your plan all along?"
Inosenteng ngumiti lang si Reigo pero hindi 'yon
pinaniwalaan ni Zehannah.
"Gago ka talaga."
Reigo just chuckled and went back to cooking. "As I
was saying, while you're staring lustfully at my body,
are you still sleepy, or do you want to stay awake
until six AM for the early mass?"
Zehannah looked at Reigo's back suspiciously. "Wala ka
naman sigurong balak gawin habang gising tayo at
naghihintay ng oras, 'di ba?" Because of those odd sex
positions they did, Zehannah felt like she had no
strength left. But she wouldn't deny how she enjoyed
all of it. It was just tiring, but very satisfying.
"Whatever do you mean?" Reigo asked innocently.
Inirapan niya ang binata. "Huwag ako ang ginagago mo,
Reigo. You're like an animal in heat, I can feel your
horniness from here."
Reigo said nothing after that. Tinapos nito ang
pagluluto saka naghain at sabay na kumain ang dalawa.
Zehannah wanted to make small talk, but she couldn't
because she could feel Reigo staring intently at her,
as if she was the one he wanted to eat at that moment.
And that feeling was right because, after they eat and
cleaned up, Reigo wrapped his arms around her body so
intimately after she stood up and claimed her lips.
After their romp on the sofa earlier and in her
bedroom, Reigo already knew what could turn Zehannah's
body on and he only need to touch and pinch it to make
Zehannah's body burn again.
"You're such a horny animal," ani Zehannah nang
madarang ang katawan niya at tinugon ang halik ng
"My Zee"—Reigo pulled away and kissed her ear before
he whispered—"you're just as horny as I am. That's why
we're meant to be." He licked her ear to tease her.
"Tell me to stop and I will."
As if. Zehannah knew she couldn't say it because
truthfully, she didn't want him to stop.
And when Zehannah did not say the two words that would
make Reigo stop, he stripped her, laid her naked body
on the dining table, and without foreplay, he took her
hard and rough in the kitchen, and Zehannah's moans
filled the whole place.
"Ahh! Reigo..! Fuck! Ahh!"
"Ah, fuck," Reigo groaned, sweat running down his face
and body. "I'm gonna go crazy because of you." Then he
leaned down and sucked Zehannah's nipple while fucking
her senseless.
Hindi na nagtaka si Zehannah nang kaagad siyang
labasan dahil sobrang sarap talagang bumayo ni Reigo.
Nakakawala ng ulirat kaya naman gumalaw rin ang mga
hita niya para salubungin ang bawat ulos ng binata
hanggang sa hugutin nito ang pagkalalaki at inilabas
sa tiyan niya ang mainit pa nitong katas.
Huffing and sweaty, Reigo looked at the wall clock in
the kitchen. "We still have three hours left before
the mass." He smiled lustfully at Zehannah. "My Zee,
how about I fuck you senseless 'til six in the
Zehannah licked her dry lips while heaving. "'Til five
in the morning only. I have to prepare."
The glint in Reigo's eyes became lewd as he licked his
lips while looking down at Zehannah sprawled naked on
the table. "That'll do," he said and picked up
Zehannah from the table and carried her to the sofa.
And on the couch, Zehannah learned that it was a
mistake to let Reigo have her 'til five AM.
She was thoroughly screwed with sweat covering her
whole body. From being taken from the front, from
behind, and on the side to lying face up, facedown,
and riding him that when five AM arrived, she was
beyond exhausted that she fell asleep again.
At ang naging resulta sa kaharutan nila ni Reigo ay
hapon na sila nakapagsimbang dalawa.
"So... can I stay over tonight?" Reigo asked after the
Dapat 'no' ang sagot ni Zehannah pagkatapos niyang
maranasan kung gaano kalandi si Reigo sa sofa man o sa
kama o sa kusina, pero hindi pa rin siya nadala dahil
tumango siya.
Hindi nadala o gusto pa niya, hindi alam ni Zehannah
ang sagot.
Maybe it's the latter.
Dahil nang makauwi sila sa condo niya at hinayaan
niyang angkinin na naman siya ng binata, ihi na lang
talaga ang naging pahinga niya.
ZEHANNAH WAS BEYOND sore when Monday came. Her body
was hurting all over. Pakiramdam niya ay para siyang
binugbog. Paanong hindi sasakit e ihi lang ang pahinga
niya? Talagang hindi siya tinantanan ni Reigo hangga't
hindi siya lupaypay. She already had a knowledge of
Reigo's stamina back in the club, but what happened to
them over the weekend was just plain insatiable.
Halata sa bawat bayo ni Reigo na gigil na gigil ito sa
kaniya. Ramdam na ramdam niya 'yon sa bawat ulos nito.
Was it because he held back quite a lot? Or was it
because he was really an insatiable man when it came
to matters in the bed?
Ayaw alamin ni Zehannah baka ma-wheelchair siya kapag
nagkataon. Reigo's every pound and thrust could shake
her whole body through her very soul and also make her
lose her mind. It was scary, yet she liked it a lot.
Gustong-gusto niya kung paano bumayo si Reigo.
Nakakawala sa sarili.
I should really stop thinking about it. Isip ni
Zehannah saka pinilit na magtrabaho kahit pa nga dapat
nagpapahinga siya dahil nanginginig pa rin ang mga
hita niya at masakit talaga ang buong katawan niya.
'Pakikiligin kita hanggang manginig ang hita mo at
mamaos ang boses mo.'
"Gago," bulong niya sa sarili. "Hindi 'yon kilig.
Sarap 'yon. Tangina talaga ng lalaking 'yon."
Zehannah groaned and forced herself to be efficient,
even though her body was shouting at her to rest. Kaya
halos sumigaw siya sa saya nang dumating na rin sa
wakas ang oras ng uwian. Hindi siya nag-overtime tulad
ng mga nakaraang linggo. Mas nauna pa siya kay Cassia
na umalis dahil gusto na talaga niyang magpahinga.
She felt sore all over and the last time she felt this
way was because of Reigo as well. After they did it in
the club.
Tangina ka talaga, Reigo. Kung hindi ka lang masarap.
Zehannah dragged her sore body home and immediately
fell asleep on her bed. When she woke up, her stomach
was growling. Pero kahit gutom na gutom siya, ayaw
niyang gumalaw kahit pa nga nabawasan na ang sakit ng
katawan niya at pagkababae. Sa hita na lang niya ang
It was already a godsend that she didn't catch a fever
after that soreness, so she didn't want to push her
Reaching for her phone on the bedside table, she
checked the time. One-thirty in the morning. Bukas pa
ngayon ang café na malapit dito pero kailangan kong
maglakad at bumaba. Ayaw niyang gumalaw pero nagugutom
naman siya. Tangina.
Napatigil sa pag-iisip si Zehannah kung bababa siya o
hindi ng mabasa niya ang mga message ni Reigo sa
From: Delicacy Reigo
'Zee, are you feeling okay?'
'Zee, do you want to have dinner?'
'Zee, umuwi ka na ba? Can I come over?'
'Good night, Zee. Call if you need anything.'
Doon tumuon sa huling text ni Reigo ang mga mata ni
'Call if you need anything.'
Zehannah narrowed her eyes and puffed a breath. "I
will take you up on your offer then, Mr. Delicacy."
It was one-thirty five AM when Zehannah dialed Reigo's
number. Hindi siya umaasa na sasagot ito dahil dis-
oras na ng gabi kaya nga isang beses lang niyang balak
na tumawag pero ganoon na lang ang gulat niya nang
sumagot ang binata.
"Hey, Zee. Just woke up?"
Zehannah did not know how to respond to that. "Um...
anong oras na, gising ka pa?"
"Working," he answered.
"Nakakaisturbo ba ako?"
"Nope. Just rechecking the measurements on Thorn's new
floor for his restaurant. After this, I'm done. Why?"
"Um..." Kinagat ni Zehannah ang pang-ibabang labi. She
disliked asking someone to do things for her unless
it's their work or responsibility, but here she was,
about to ask Reigo something.
Seconds later, she still couldn't voice it out.
"Never mind," wika niya. Nagdesisyon siyang bumaba na
lang sa malapit na café para kumain. It took more time
to cook, and she's feeling lazy. "Have a good night.
"Zee, wait."
"You sounded like you just woke up."
"Yeah. My body was so sore, thanks to you."
"Sorry about that. Anyway, kumain ka na ba or natulog
ka kaagad pagkauwi mo?"
Napahawak si Zehannah sa tiyan na tumunog na naman.
"Natulog ako kaagad. Masakit katawan ko, e."
"Want me to buy you dinner then?"
Zehannah's lips parted. "You will...?"
"Yep. Ano'ng gusto mong kainin?"
"Meat. Not raw. You're not on the menu. And something
Reigo chuckled. "Noted. I'll order it now for you.
Hintayin mo na lang."
"Hmm. Okay. Thank you."
"Good night, Zee."
The call ended, and Zehannah had a small smile on her
lips. It's a good thing I called Reigo. Ngayon, hindi
na niya kailangang lumabas. Maghihintay na lang siya.
And that's what she did. She waited until she heard
her doorbell ring.
Dahan-dahan, bumangon siya at maingat na naglakad
patungo sa pintuan at sinilip sa peephole kung sino
ang nasa labas. Ganoon na lang ang pagbuka ng labi ni
Zehannah nang makitang nasa labas si Reigo.
Mabilis niyang binuksan ang pinto.
"Ano'ng ginagawa mo rito?"
He showed her the paper bags he was holding. "Food for
you. May I come in?"
She was speechless as she let Reigo in and watch him
take off his shoes and socks.
Reigo was still in his work clothes, but he smelled so
nice. She wanted to sniff him.
"Hmm? Coming." Isinara niya ang pinto at ini-lock saka
susunod kay Reigo nang makitang bumalik ito at basta
na lang siyang pinangko at dinala sa kusina.
"Just sit. Let me take care of you," anito nang
ideposito siya nito sa upuan kapagkuwan ay inihain
nito ang mga biniling pagkain.
Just like she requested, meat and something sweet.
"Thank you," aniya kay Reigo bago tahimik na kumain
dahil nga gutom na gutom siya.
Habang tahimik siyang kumakain, wala ring imik si
Reigo na sinamahan siya sa hapag-kainan. He stayed
with her until she was done, and he even cleaned up
after her.
Zehannah was used to being alone, but she couldn't
deny the fact that she was starting to appreciate
Reigo's presence in her condo.
Matapos maglinis ni Reigo, hindi na nagulat si
Zehannah nang pangkuin ulit siya ng binata at dinala
sa kuwarto niya saka ihiniga sa kama.
"Pahinga ka na ulit," ani Reigo saka hinalikan siya sa
nuo. "G'night."
Inayos ni Reigo ang kumot ni Zehannah at nang akmang
aalis na ito, parang may sariling isip na gumalaw ang
kamay niya para pigilan si Reigo. It was too late for
Zehannah to realize that she grabbed Reigo's pinky
finger to stop him. And it was also already too late
to take back her movement and blame her reflexes.
Reigo immediately turned to her, his eyes asking what
she wanted.
Nandito na 'to. I'll just roll with it. Sa isip ni
Zehannah bago sinagot ang nagtatanong na mga mata ng
binata. "You can stay if you want."
Reigo smiled and without saying a word, then he took
off his long sleeve polo shirt, put his phone on the
bedside table, and carefully laid himself on the bed.
Pinaningkitan ni Zehannah si Reigo. "Ang sabi ko 'you
can stay', hindi ko sinabing mahiga ka sa kama ko at
tumabi sa 'kin."
Nginitian lang siya ni Reigo saka umusog ito palapit
sa kaniya at pinaunan siya sa braso nito.
"Come on. I'll hug you to sleep."
She wanted to say no, but his scent was so inviting
that she found herself scooting closer and letting
Reigo cuddle her.
Ah. Bakit ba ang bango ng gago na 'to? Hindi naman
niya siguro ako inaakit dahil tangina, naaakit ako.
Gustong kutusan ni Zehannah ang sarili. Self, masakit
pa pepe mo. Huwag munang lumandi. Maghunos-dili ka!
While Zehannah was berating herself, she didn't even
realize that she was pressing her body against Reigo's
and unconsciously sniffing him.
When she realized it, it was already too late. Reigo
already had a teasing smile on his lips.
"Wipe that smile off your lips," she ordered.
"Why? You look adorable sniffing me."
Grr! Zehannah purred in annoyance. "I'll kick you out
of my room."
Natatawang niyakap ni Reigo si Zehannah saka hinalikan
ito sa noo. "Yeah, yeah. I'm behaving now."
"Hindi kapani-paniwala," Zehannah mumbled while
closing her eyes. "Huwag kang gagawa ng kalandian.
Masakit pa ang katawan ko."
"No worries. Saka lang kita lalandiin kapag hindi na
masakit ang katawan mo."
Zehannah clicked her tongue and let her sleepiness
take in.
Meanwhile, Reigo made sure that Zehannah was
comfortable in his arms. Then he placed a soft kiss on
her lips before he closed his eyes to sleep.
Reigo slept late, and Zehannah knew that. So when
morning came and Zehannah woke up before him, she
tiptoed around her room while preparing to go to work.
Nang matapos siyang maghanda, bago pumasok, nag-iwan
siya ng note sa bedside table, sa ilalim ng cellphone
After making sure that everything was okay, Zehannah
went to work, leaving Reigo on her bed.
Naturally, Reigo woke up late and alone on the bed. At
kaagad na nakita ni Reigo ang note na iniwan ni
Zehannah nang akmang aabutin nito ang cellphone para
tingnan kung anong oras na.
Squinting his eyes and slightly rubbing them, he read
Zehannah's note.
Mr. Delicacy,
Lock the door after you leave. You can use my bathroom
since your very heavy and suspicious backpack is still
in my room and you didn't take it home with you the
last time. Knowing how crafty you are, I'm sure you
have a set of work clothes inside *I didn't take a
peek*. Anyway, I'm taking you to dinner later. Bye.
A smile crept onto Reigo's face. He didn't want to
hope, but he could feel like he was slowly being
welcomed into Zehannah's world. Little by little, she
was starting to accept his presence in her life.
It was more than enough for him.
With still a smile on his lips, he left the bed and
walked to his backpack in the corner next to
Zehannah's closet.
Tulad ng hula ni Zehannah, may laman nga 'yong damit
pang-trabaho niya.
It was actually an experiment of him if Zehannah would
force him to take his backpack home or if she would
accept it in her room. Nang hindi siya pinilit ni
Zehannah at hinayaan lang nito ang bag niya, alam
niyang kahit papaano ay nakapasok na siya sa mundo
And he didn't want to push too much. It was already
enough. Let's do it slowly until she questions herself
why my bag is not in her room anymore.
Reigo sighed and went to the bathroom. Looks like I
have to thank Dad for the advice. Should I send him a
bottle of his favorite wine? Or send him and Mom on
vacation? Reigo chose the latter because his Dad would
be happier if his Mom was involved. That's just how
his Dad was. His Mom was always his Dad's priority and
Kaya pagkatapos niyang maligo at magbihis, tinawagan
niya ang ama.
"What? Son, you know I'm in Italy. Mind the time
difference," kaagad na sabi ng ama niya nang sagutin
ang tawag. "And I slept late accompanying your mom
last night."
Napailing si Reigo. "Ba't ka pa kasi sumama e hindi ka
naman nag-e-enjoy sa jewelry showing?"
"Well, your mom invited me," anito na parang sapat na
ang sagot na 'yon.
Reigo sighed. "Just informing you that I'm sending you
and Mom on a vacation next month. I will let you
decide where."
"What? Why? What did I do?" His father knew that there
was no free stuff in their house. Either you earned
it, worked for it, or made a deal to have it.
"It's a thank you for the bag advice."
"Oh, that? I'll accept then." May bahid ng ngiti ang
ama niya. "I'll tell your mom later."
"Okay. Thanks, Dad. Good morning, by the way. And
"Yeah. Bye. Good night."
Nang matapos ang tawag, inayos ni Reigo ang damit saka
napatingin ulit sa bag niya bago lumabas ng kuwarto at
condo ni Zehannah.
Dahil ginamit niya ang banyo ng dalaga para maligo,
matamis na bulaklak ang amoy niya ngayon at mukhang
nahalata 'yon ng mga empleyadong nakakasalubong niya
nang pumasok siya sa kompanya.
"Good morning, Sir! You smell nice."
"It's my Zee's body wash," sagot niya sa sekretarya.
"Anyway, read me my schedule for today and make me
coffee. No sugar. Thanks."
"Yes, Sir."
Nang makapasok si Reigo sa opisina, ilang minuto lang
ang lumipas bago sumunod si Fara na dala ang kape
niya. Kapagkuwan ay inimporma siya nito sa schedule
niya buong araw.
Looks like I have a packed schedule again. Reigo
thought and nodded at Fara. "Noted. I'm late, so let's
get to work."
"Yes, Sir."
Reigo immediately dove into his work since he had to
leave early today for his dinner with Zehannah. He
didn't want to be late or give Zehannah a reason to
cancel their dinner.
TULAD KAHAPON, hindi nag-overtime si Zehannah pero
mag-a-alas-sais na nang lumabas siya ng agency.
Sinamahan pa kasi niya si Cassia dahil ayaw nitong
"Thanks, Master Zehan! Bye!"
"Bye! Ingat!"
Hinintay muna ni Zehannah na makapasok si Cassia sa
restaurant ng asawa nito na katabi lang ng agency nila
saka siya pumara ng taxi.
Malapit lang sa kompanya ni Reigo ang restaurant na
napili niya para sa dinner nila kaya balak niyang
daanan na lang ang binata para sabay silang pumunta.
'Hintayin mo na lang ang text ko. Malapit lang naman
ang restaurant na napili ko sa kompanya mo.' 'Yon ang
text niya kay Reigo nang magtanong ito sa kaniya
kanina at hanggang ngayong hindi pa rin niya
iniimporma na dadaanan niya ito.
She wanted to surprise him since he texted her that he
was done with his work a moment before she left the
Nang makarating siya sa kompanya ni Reigo, sinalubong
siya ng guard at tinanong kung ano'ng pakay niya dahil
nagsiuwian na ang mga empleyado.
"I'm here for Reigo. My name is Zehannah Sevil."
"Sige, sandali lang, Ma'am. Tawagan ko muna ang
secretary ni Boss," anang guwardiya.
"Nasa taas pa ba si Ma'am Fara?" tanong ng isa pang
guard na kasama ng guard na kumausap sa kaniya.
"Oo. Hindi pa siya umuuwi. Nag-i-inform naman si Ma'am
Fara sa security kapag mauuna siya kay Boss umuwi."
"Ah, sige." Bumaling ang pangalawang guwardiya kay
Zehannah. "Pasensiya na Ma'am, ha? Tatawag lang kami."
Tumango si Zehannah. "Sige lang. Ayos lang."
Akala ni Zehannah matagal siyang maghihintay pero
laking gulat niya na kaagad siyang pinapasok at
sinamahan pa siya ng guwardiya patungo sa elevator.
"Ingat, Ma'am." Sumaludo ang guwardiya sa kaniya. "Top
floor po ang opisina ni Boss."
Tinanguan niya ang guwardiya saka pinindot ang button
para sa pinakamataas na palapag.
While in the elevator, she checked herself out if she
looked presentable. Nang masiguro na maayos ang itsura
niya, tamang-tama naman na dumating na ang elevator sa
palapag kung nasaan ang opisina ni Reigo.
Her high-heeled shoes immediately made a sound when
she stepped out of the elevator.
She saw two women outside the President's office. One
in the waiting area and one on the secretary's table.
Akala ko ba wala na siyang trabaho? Pasimpleng
pinasadahan ng tingin ni Zehannah ang babae sa waiting
area habang naglalakad patungo sa mesa ng sekretarya.
"Hi," magiliw niyang bati sa babae na biglang tumayo
nang makalapit siya. The woman looked so tense that
Zehannah wondered if she was okay. "I'm Zehannah Sevil
and I'm here for Reigo. He's waiting for me. Would you
mind getting him for me, please?"
Bago pa makasagot ang babaeng kausap, biglang may
sumingit sa usapan nila. 'Yong babae na nakaupo sa
waiting area.
"What's your name again?"
Hearing the haughty voice, Zehannah readied her
resting bitch face and answered the woman without
turning to face her. "Who's asking?"
"Face me when I'm talking to you!"
Of course, Zehannah didn't. "My attention is only for
people who deserved it."
"You, bitch!"
Zehannah's calm smile remained, and she continued to
speak with the secretary. "May I bother you to get
Reigo for me? I'm taking him to dinner."
The secretary looked at her, and the fuming woman and
then at her before she answered. "Y-yes, Ma'am."
Pero hindi nagawa ng sekretarya dahil hinarang ito ng
babaeng mahadera.
That irked Zehannah.
"Whom do you think you are calling for Reigo so
casually?" anang mahadera na dinuro pa si Zehannah.
"And what dinner? You looked like a cheap woman. Reigo
would never come out for someone like you!"
Kaagad na pinagsalitaan ng sekretarya ni Reigo ang
babae. "Miss Emma, please, don't treat Sir Reigo's
visitor like this. Walang kinalaman si Ma'am Zehannah
sa 'yo kaya huwag niyo sana siyang tratuhin nang
ganoon. Please show respect to Miss Zehannah and
apologize for your rude words."
"Hmp! Lahat ng babae na gustong landiin si Reigo ay
tatratuhin ko kung paano ko gusto!"
Zehannah was the kind of woman who never take shits
from anyone and she also didn't need anyone to stand
up for her. She could do it herself, but she
appreciated Reigo's secretary for speaking up.
"Answer me, you cheap woman!"
Zehannah sighed and with a belittling tone, she
answered, "If I'm cheap, then you must be trash."
Nanlaki ang mga mata ni Fara sa sagot ni Zehannah. At
bahagyang napaatras si Fara nang humarap si Zehannah
at tumingin sa kanila. Kahit hindi nakatuon ang mata
ni Zehannah kay Fara, ramdam ni Fara ang talim niyon
at ang nangmamaliit na kislap ng mga mata nito.
Gone was the sweet woman who smiled at Fara earlier.
The woman in front of Fara now was like a tigress
eyeing her prey. It was scary that Fara found herself
gulping twice.
And when Zehannah took one step forward, Fara's lips
parted. To Fara, Zehannah just did not look scary. She
looked so cool too while standing for herself in front
of Emma, the desperate bitch—as Fara secretly called
Fara watched with bated breath as Zehannah walked
towards Emma and stopped in front of her. Mas
matangkad si Zehannah kay Emma na mas lalong
nagpadagdag sa intimidating na aura ni Zehannah.
"I have no desire to know the likes of you," Zehannah
spoke in a cold, dignified manner. "But as I can see
now, you must be the woman Reigo called the witch
Emma tried to speak, but Zehannah raised her index
finger to stop Emma from letting a word escape her
"For your information, miss witch bitch, I'm not the
kind of woman who would seduce a man to get his
attention. Reigo is the one who seduced me and still
seducing me to get my attention." She walked past the
witch bitch and added, "Yes. I'm expensive like that."
Without asking Reigo's secretary, Zehannah walked to
Reigo's office and knocked twice before opening the
"Is Mr. Delicacy in?" Zehannah asked teasingly and
also to annoy the witch bitch. "I'm here to be
"Zee...?" The shock in Reigo's voice was immediately
replaced by a sexy tone. "You promise you don't mind
if I seduced you?"
Zehannah chuckled. It was so flirty that Reigo had to
blink twice. "Who knows, if you seduced me real good,
I might let you sleep over again."
"Then expect me to seduce you with all my might the
entire dinner."
Zehannah daintily covered her mouth with her fingers
and slightly turned to look at the witch bitch
mockingly before she stepped inside Reigo's office and
closed the door.
Ang dalawang babae na naiwan sa labas ay magkaiba ang
reaksiyon sa nangyari.
Fara was covering her gaping mouth while blushing
because of the words she just heard while Emma was
fuming mad. Nagpapadyak ito at akmang susundan si
Zehannah sa loob ng opisina pero naka-lock ang pinto.
Pigil ni Fara ang matawa sa nasaksihan lalo na nang
galit na nagsisigaw si Emma bago nagpapadyak na
With that desperate woman gone, Fara smiled at the
door and whispered with her fisted knuckles, "I'm
rooting for you, Ma'am Zehannah."
It's not every day that her boss becomes soft for a
woman. And after seeing how cool Miss Zehannah Sevil
was, Fara had become a fan.
Unbeknownst to Fara, behind the locked door of the
President's office were two horny individuals making
out without a care in the world. Be it the place or
The man was the one seducing, while the woman was the
one being seduced. And their early dinner plan had
become a late dinner, thanks to the man who did not
leave the woman's lips alone until he was satisfied.
Naturally, the man was Reigo—Talandi—Vasquez, and the
woman was Zehannah—freaking—Sevil.
AFTER DINNER, Zehannah got seduced and found herself
on the couch in her condo's living room, naked and
sweaty with ragged breathing while grinding her hips,
moving them up and down, riding Reigo's cock, and
moaning and gasping like crazy again.
"That's my Zee." Reigo slapped Zehannah's ass and
squeezed it, earning a loud lustful moan from
Zehannah. "Move your ass and bury my cock inside you."
Zehannah already lost her ability to talk back and
just clung to Reigo's neck and moved her hips while
Reigo's soft moans and deep groans were not helping
her burning body to calm down. Sa tuwing naririnig ni
Zehannah ang ungol ng binata, parang mas lalong nag-
aapoy ang katawan niya, lalo na kapag sinasabayan 'yon
ng binata sa pagtampal sa pang-upo niya.
She didn't why, but Reigo smacking and squeezing her
ass was turning her on so badly, her hips were
desperately moving to cum.
"Ah! Fuck! Ah! Ah! Fuck! Ah! Ah!" Zehannah leaned
back, her lips parted wide open while gripping a
handful of her hair while moving her whole ass and
burying Reigo's cock so deep inside her warm sheath.
"Fuck... so good."
Zehannah bit her lower lip in ecstasy and Reigo
watched her body move up and down on his stiff cock,
her bare breast bouncing so sensuously that he
couldn't help leaning in to put it inside her mouth,
making Zehannah's body arch.
Her nipples were one of Zehannah's greatest turn-ons
and now that it was inside Reigo's mouth, her movement
had become desperate.
"Zee... fuck.. ahh... harder."
Zehannah squeezed her eyes shut and moved her hips
faster and harder, welcoming Reigo's long and big cock
inside her warm sheath that she was screaming
alongside Reigo's moans of pleasure.
"Ah, fuck...! Zee!" he groaned and sucked her nipple
hard. "Bury me deep. Move your hips and pound them
hard. Come on, my Zee. Fuck me! You can do it."
Gripping a handful of her hair, she smirked at Reigo
with her half-hooded lustful eyes. "Of course, I can.
Who do you think is fucking you?"
"The woman who can make me crazy?"
Zehannah's smirk widened. "I like the sound of that."
She claimed Reigo's mouth that just let go of her
nipples and kissed him deeply while pumping her body
up and down.
She mimicked the way Reigo kissed her like he wanted
to bury his throat in her mouth. She did the same, and
Reigo moaned at that.
The bastard liked her kiss that he started sucking her
tongue and deeply devouring her entire mouth.
It felt too good that Zehannah could feel her whole
body buzzing and trembling and the next thing she
knew, a long moan filled with raw desire escaped her
lips and she came. Hard. That her legs convulsed in
Her whole sex became over too sensitive because of her
orgasm, but Zehannah could only endure that crazy,
intense tingling pleasure until she felt Reigo thrust
his hips upward to bury his cock deep inside. Zehannah
felt Reigo's cock throb and pulsate and felt him cum
after he stiffened.
Zehannah felt Reigo's intense orgasm even though he
was wearing a condom and somehow, she felt a little
happiness that she was the one who made him cum hard.
Both calming themselves down after their mind-blowing
orgasm, Zehannah wrapped her arms around Reigo's neck
while Reigo wrapped her arms around Zehannah's waist.
"I'm done," ani Zehannah na hinihingal pa rin. "I
can't... do it again. Mawawasak na ako kapag inulit pa
natin 'to ngayon."
Reigo chuckled and nuzzled her neck. "Can I stay over?
Promise, I'll behave."
Zehannah was enjoying the feeling of Reigo's warm body
that she said yes. "Be grateful you feel warm and my
room's cold."
Napangiti si Reigo saka hinalikan sa leeg ang dalaga.
"How's your body, by the way, my Zee? Dadagdag ba sa
sakit ng katawan mo itong ginawa natin?"
Umingos si Zehannah. "I'm not that weak and I don't
break easy. Hangga't hindi na 'to masundan ngayon,
ayos lang ako."
"You sure?"
"Okay." Reigo kissed Zehannah's shoulder. "Wrap your
legs around me tightly. I'm taking you to bathe."
"Hmm..." Zehannah hummed and let Reigo carry her to
the bathroom inside her room.
Standing under the shower and feeling the water
pouring on them, Zehannah unwrapped her legs around
Reigo and stood up on the shower tile. Then she turned
her back on Reigo to feel the water on her face.
Seeing Zehannah's bare back, Reigo took off his
condom, tied it and threw it on the trash bin in the
corner, and kissed Zehannah's neck as he joined her
again under the shower.
"No funny business, Reigo," paalala ni Zehannah sa
Reigo just kissed Zehannah's neck again and hugged her
from behind. Fortunately for Zehannah, Reigo behaved
under the shower until the bastard whispered something
in her ear.
"I want to fuck you so bad while we're under the
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Nope. Hindi ko na
kakayanin. Mawawasak na talaga ako."
Reigo licked Zehannah ear. "Alam ko. Kaya nga
nagpipigil ako."
Umingos si Zehannah saka umikot paharap kay Reigo para
tingnan ang matigas na bagay na tumutusok sa likod ng
"'Yan ba ang nagpipigil?" tanong ni Zehannah habang
nakababa ang tingin sa tigas na tigas na pagkalalaki
ni Reigo.
Reigo smiled. "Can't help it. I'm with you, after
Inirapan ni Zehannah si Reigo. "Pasalamat ka gusto
kitang luhuran."
Reigo did not get that at first until he saw Zehannah
drop to her knees and licked the tip of his cock as if
tasting his pre-cum.
"Shh..." Zehannah silenced Reigo. "I'm offering my
mouth to you. Be grateful and say thank you."
Napalunok si Zehannah nang biglang nag-iba ang kislap
ng mga mata ni Reigo. From looking at her softly to
looking at her lewdly that it was making her body
Yes. She liked it when Reigo looked at her like that.
It turned her on.
But this was not about her. This was about Reigo and
her mouth she was offering.
Napalunok ulit si Zehannah nang sapuin ni Reigo ang
baba niya habang puno ng pagnanasa ang mata nito na
nakatingin sa kaniya. "My Zee, I might go rough on
your mouth. Is that okay?"
Rough? How rough? I like rough. "...Yeah."
He smiled while looking down at her lustfully.
"Then... open your mouth wide, my Zee. Let me in."
Obediently, Zehannah opened her mouth wide while still
looking into Reigo's eyes.
Reigo licked his lips when the tip of his cock entered
Zehannah's mouth and Zehannah used her tongue to tease
it while her eyes were still under Reigo's gaze.
"Lick it, my Zee," Reigo ordered while licking his
lips. "Make it wetter. Smother it with your saliva."
Sumunod naman si Zehannah at pinalibot ang basang dila
sa dulo ng pagkalalaki ni Reigo at nang-aakit na
hinagod ng dulo ng dila niya ang maliit na hiwa sa
dulo ng kahabaan ng binata.
Reigo hissed at that and unconsciously buried his cock
in Zehannah's mouth while gathering Zehannah's wet
hair and using it to take control of Zehannah's head.
Zehannah couldn't care less about that. Nasa harapan
na niya ang laman palagi ng mga panaginip niya.
Nakaluhod na siya at nasa bibig na niya ang gusto
niyang tikman mula noong una siyang nanaginip tungkol
sa binata.
She opened her mouth wider and moved to devour what
she could. Reigo was too big to be eaten whole. Her
mouth could only accommodate more than half of it
while her hand took care of the rest.
Blow job and hand stroke, Zehannah combined it as she
swallowed Reigo's cock deep inside her throat, sliding
his cock in and out. Her head was bouncing up and down
with her tongue swirling as she made dirty love with
Reigo's cock.
"Ahh... fuck," Reigo hissed once again.
Hearing Reigo moan and feeling his grip tighten on her
hair, Zehannah tightened her lips around his cock as
her head bobbed, delivering a blinding pleasure that
Reigo wanted to cum.
No. Not yet. I don't want to. Reigo steeled himself
not to come. Who knows when his Zee would want to eat
him up again? He wanted to savor the feeling of
Zehannah's warm mouth around his stiff, throbbing
But Reigo's control nearly slipped when Zehannah's
mouth let his cock go and it went down to his balls.
Nibbling it. Sucking the skin. Licking and lapping.
While her hand was stroking it up and down fast.
"Fuck!" he hissed.
Reigo squeezed his eyes shut and let his head drop
back as he held back his cum. He still didn't want to,
but Zehannah's mouth and hand were too much.
Control! Fuck. Think about a sheep! Reigo ordered
himself, but just as he was about to think about a
sheep to lessen his horniness, Zehannah's warm mouth
wrapped his cock again and her hands squeezed his ass
as she pulled him closer. Her nails dug into his bare
"Fuck... ah, fuck! Zee...! Damn it!" Unconsciously, as
pleasure blinded him, he gripped the back of
Zehannah's head and buried his cock deep in her
Zehannah gagged, but she didn't pull away. Instead,
she became fiercer and more aggressive. She even
twirled her tongue around, teased the head of his
cock, and played with his balls.
Reigo's breathing was a mess. He was moaning and
cussing while moving his hips to fuck Zehannah's
mouth. It felt so good. Too good that his control
finally slipped, and he exploded inside Zehannah's
"Fuck...!" he hissed as pleasure ripped through him
and nearly made his knees buckle, but he could still
feel Zehannah's tongue, licking, cleaning, and sucking
every drop of his cum and swallowing every bit of it
making his mouth agape. "You... swallowed...?"
Zehannah licked her lips and smiled. "Who do you think
is sucking you off? You taste nice and clean, anyway."
Nilabasan na si Reigo pero nakaluhod pa rin si
Zehannah at 'yon ang pinagtataka ni Reigo hanggang sa
halik-halikan ni Zehannah ang pagkalalaki niya.
He hissed because of how sensitive his cock was after
he came, but Zehannah was relentless. She took him in
her mouth the second time and sucked him until he
became hard.
Reigo's palm pressed against the bathroom wall to
steady himself when Zehannah went back to sucking,
licking, and eating him until he was close to coming
again and he fucked her mouth so desperately until he
exploded in her mouth the second time. And just like
the first time, Zehannah swallowed every drop as if
she enjoyed his taste.
Kapagkuwan ay parang walang nangyari na tumayo si
Zehannah saka nagmumog at naligo sa ilalim ng shower
kasama si Reigo. She was even humming while soaping
herself and Reigo's body.
This should be a crime. Reigo thought as he watched
Zehannah enjoying under the shower while he's still
steadying his breathing.
Pagkatapos maligo at tuyuin ang mga sarili, nagtaka si
Reigo nang hawakan siya ni Zehannah sa palapulsuhan
saka basta na lang siyang hinila patungo sa kama nito
at itinulak siya pahiga.
Zehannah was looking at his naked body like how a
researcher would look at her favorite specimen.
"My body hurts, I can't possibly do another romp with
you, but I'm pretty sure I can suck you dry." Zehannah
licked her lips while smirking at Reigo. "You're a
delicacy, right? Let me have a taste then."
Zehannah crawled onto the bed and settled on top of
"Say, Reigo, you're not going to complain, are you?"
"...No." That came out weak because Zehannah's wanton
behavior stunned him.
"Good." She smiled and fiddled with the tip of his
cock. "I don't know what's with your cock, but I want
it in my mouth. I'm allowed, right? Since you're all
"Hold on then," Zehannah said with a smile. "We're
going to have a long night."
At that moment, Reigo's belief about him and Zehannah
being physically meant to be solidified. Because of
just what he did to her a few nights back, Zehannah
was doing the same thing to him.
Kissing his whole body, savoring his taste, and
finding out what made him tick. Then she feasted on
his cock again and again until it became too sensitive
and wrung him dry.
That night, Reigo learned that too much blow job can
hurt too, not just too much sex. It hurt not only the
giver's jaw but also the receiver's cock because of
repeated sucking and intense friction.
At ang salarin ng pagsakit ng pagkalalaki niya ay
basta na lang gumapang sa katawan niya nang mapagod at
mahimbing na natulog sa ibabaw niya.
Napailing na lang si Reigo at hinayaan ang dalaga na
matulog sa ibabaw niya habang hinahaplos ang buhok
He just hoped that tomorrow, after a good rest, his
cock would not hurt anymore.
Unfortunately, he was not that lucky.
Nang magising siya kinabukasan, may kaunting sakit pa
rin dahil mukhang nasobrahan talaga sila kagabi ni
Zehannah. At nang malaman ni Zehannah ang kondisyon ng
pagkalalaki niya, tumawa lang ito.
"Patas na tayo ngayon," anito saka nauna na sa banyo
para maligo.
Naiiling na kaagad na sinundan ni Reigo ang dalaga sa
banyo saka sinabayan itong maligo. Ligo lang dapat
pero natukso na naman si Reigo nang makita ang hubad
na katawan ni Zehannah at nag-umpisa itong halikan at
sipsipin ang balat at nipple ng dalaga.
Since penetrative sex might hurt Zehannah more, Reigo
kneeled and gave Zehannah the best good morning oral
sex in her life.
Napuno ng malalakas na ungol ni Zehannah ang banyo
hanggang sa labasan ito at hinihingal na napayakap kay
Reigo nang tumayo ito pagkatapos.
"Gago ka talaga."
"Masarap naman."
Well. I can't argue with that. Zehannah thought. "Hmp!
Mas masarap ako sa 'yo."
Mahina siyang natawa saka niyakap ang dalaga at
hinalikan ito sa gilid ng noo. "Can I stay over
Piningot ni Zehannah ang tainga ni Reigo. "Namimihasa
tayo, a."
"Well, my house is still under construction, and I'm
living in Lysander's barn. It's a comfortable house to
live in, but it's still not a house."
Inabot ni Zehannah ang shampoo saka nilagyan niyon ang
sariling ulo bago ang ulo ni Reigo sa taas. And then,
after she shampooed herself, she did Reigo's hair,
making Reigo smile.
"Puwede kang matulog dito kapag weekend," ani
Zehannah. "Friday night is okay until Monday morning.
Though on weekdays, I'd like my peace and alone time."
"Okay. Noted." He kissed her neck and caressed her
naked body.
Umingos si Zehannah saka pinisil ang pisngi ni Reigo.
"Magbanlaw na 'tayo. Ayokong ma-late sa trabaho."
"Okay." Reigo smiled and rinsed their bodies under the
shower, and the two finished together.
Habang sabay na nagbibihis ang dalawa, nag-ingay ang
cellphone ni Reigo. Zehannah was the one closest to
it, so she saw who it was.
"It's Emma Usoro, Mr. Delicacy," imporma ni Zehannah
sa binata.
Kaagad na nalukot ang mukha ni Reigo saka bumulong.
"That witch bitch is really testing my patience."
Nilapitan ni Reigo ang cellphone saka ni-reject ang
tawag. "I should have blocked her sooner—"
"Don't," biglang sabi ni Zehannah na ikinagulat ni
Reigo at ikinatingin dito.
"Don't block her. Let her be."
"The more na iniiwasan mo siya, the more na mababaliw
siya sa 'yo. May ilang babae akong kilala na ganoon.
Trust me, they get worse."
Reigo's face darkened. "I don't want her to ruin what
we have, Zee. And I have a feeling she will."
Zehannah snorted. "'Yong babaeng 'yon?" Her snort
turned into a mocking chuckle. "If that woman managed
to steal your attention away, then it only proved that
you're not really mine and not meant for me."
"That would never happen!"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "Then it won't."
Tumingin si Zehannah kay Reigo. "What's the fuss,
anyway? Iritado ka sa kaniya, wala akong paki sa
kaniya, at basura siya. She's not worth our time.
Hayaan mo siya pero maging on-guard ka pa rin. A
desperate woman like her would do lots of desperate
things, so you better get ready, Mr. Delicacy," she
said in a sing-song voice.
"Why do you look so happy and amused?" tanong ni Reigo
nang makita ang ngiti sa labi ni Zehannah. "Wala ba
akong halaga—" Mabilis na pinigilan ni Reigo ang
sarili saka bumuntonghininga. "Never mind."
Reigo continued putting his suit on and Zehannah did
the same in silence, even though she knew Reigo was
about to blurt out something big. Hinayaan ni Zehannah
ang binata.
Pagakatapos magbihis ng dalawa, walang imik na nagsalo
sina Zehannah at Reigo sa 'matabang' na agahan na
niluto ni Zehannah bago sabay na umalis. At dahil ayaw
ni Zehannah na gamitin ang sasakyan, hinatid muna ni
Reigo ang dalaga sa C&Z Marketing Agency.
When Reigo parked his car in front of the C&Z Agency,
he was still silent and hadn't spoken to Zehannah
unless he needed to.
And Zehannah hated the frigid atmosphere, so she
shared what's on her mind. "It's not about your worth,
Reigo. It's because I trust you." She opened the car's
door and stepped outside.
Naiwan si Reigo na nakatanga sa likod ng dalaga na
naglalakad papasok sa agency. Ni hindi siya nakasagot
at nakagalaw. At hanggang sa makapasok siya sa
opisina, ang mga sinabi pa rin ni Zehannah ang laman
ng isip ni Reigo.
It's not about my worth, but her trust in me. Reigo
took a deep breath and let out a deep sigh. Who would
have thought that I would be this nervous and scared
to break someone's trust? Only Zehannah could make me
feel like this. That's why losing her was not an
ZEHANNAH HADN'T realized it yet, but she was already
forming a symbiotic relationship with Reigo. She liked
to think that she and Reigo were just in a mutual
understanding relationship, but something different
was going on behind her rational thinking and
controlled emotions.
Of course, Zehannah didn't know that yet, as her life
with Reigo and her soon-to-open agency with Cassia
"Sigurado ka na wala ka nang trabaho?" paniniguradong
usisa ni Zehannah kay Reigo habang pinagmamaneho siya
ng binata patungo sa supermarket.
When Zehannah told Reigo earlier that she didn't want
to have dinner with him because she'll be busy buying
groceries and stocking her pantries, Reigo volunteered
to drive her and help her out.
Hindi naman niya tinanggihan ang tulong ni Reigo.
Having a car after buying groceries was very
convenient. 'Yon nga lang, mahal ang gas, kaya panay
ang commute niya nitong buwan. Nagtitipid siya. Kaya
nang nag-volunteer si Reigo, tinanggap kaagad niya.
But now that she thought about it, wasn't this too
early for Reigo? He's usually still at work or in a
dinner meeting until nine in the evening.
"I told you to put your work before me," dagdag ni
Zehannah. "Ayokong maka-istorbo sa trabaho mo."
"Don't worry. I'm done with work." Reigo stole a kiss
from her lips before he ran to get her a push cart and
also to escape.
'Yon naman palagi ang modus operandi ni Reigo.
"So... what are we buying?" tanong ni Reigo ng
makabalik sa tabi niya habang tulak-tulak ang push
cart. "I suggest lots of salt. Para naman magkaroon ng
kaunting lasa ang luto mo."
Pinaningkitan ni Zehannah si Reigo. "Pasalamat ka
dahil hindi ka magkakasakit sa kidney at gallbladder
dahil matabang ang luto ko. You should be grateful and
say thank you."
"Thank you, my Zee. Dahil sa 'yo, makakaiwas ako sa
sakit na bato."
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata saka nauna nang
naglakad. Kaagad naman na sumunod si Reigo at naglakad
sa tabi ni Zehannah habang ito ang nagtutulak ng push
Inilabas ni Zehannah ang cellphone saka tiningnan ang
listahan ng kailangan niyang bilhin. "Canned goods,
coffee, biscuit, sweets, meat, vegetables, and some
personal stuff. Hmm... sana hindi nagmahal ang
Reigo can't relate when it came to grocery prices so
he remained silent beside Zehannah as she shopped.
Taga-tulak lang siya ng push cart at taga-sunod kung
saan pupunta si Zehannah pero nag-e-enjoy siya dahil
kasama niya ang dalaga.
Mababaw lang talaga ang kasiyahan ni Reigo basta
kasama si Zehannah.
"I have always liked this coffee." Kinuha ni Zehannah
sang kape na napili saka bumaling kay Reigo. "Ano'ng
gusto mo?"
Reigo blinked at Zehannah, confused. "Why are you
asking me?"
Kinunotan ng noo ni Zehannah si Reigo. "Akala ko ba sa
condo ko ka matutulog kapag weekend?"
Reigo blinked at Zehannah. She's thinking of me? He
smiled. "Anything's fine. I like that brand of coffee,
"Sure ka?"
"Yep. Saka wala rito 'yong brand ng kape na gusto ko.
Okay lang naman sa 'kin kahit anong brand, basta
"Okay." Zehannah put the coffee beans in the cart.
"Tapos na tayo sa canned goods, biscuits, sweets, and
coffee. Palagi kong hinuhuli ang meat saka vegetables,
so, doon tayo sa personal stuff."
Zehannah brought Reigo to the health and beauty
department which included hygiene products.
Zehannah faced the different brands of sanitary pads
and panty liners. She was torn between two brands and
wanted to think about it, so she asked Reigo to get
her a feminine wash and put it on the cart.
Sinuyo niya 'yon kay Reigo dahil ilang beses naman na
itong nakapasok sa banyo niya at nasisiguro niyang
nakita na nito ang tinutukoy niya, pero tapos na lang
siyang mamili ng sanitary pads at panty liner, nasa
harapan pa rin si Reigo ng mga feminine wash.
Zehannah sighed, and she's about to approach Reigo
when a beautiful woman beat her to it.
"Oh, my! Reigo? Is that really you? You look handsome
as always, love!"
Zehannah became intrigued when Reigo faced the woman
and he frowned as if he didn't recognize her.
"Huwag mong sabihing nakalimutan mo ako?" Mahinang
tumawa ang babae ng makita ang reaksiyon ni Reigo pero
halatang peke ang tawa nito. "Why are you being like
that, Reigo? Are you that bitter that I broke up with
you for someone else?"
Instantly, Zehannah's face darkened. So she's an ex.
One of those bitches who traumatized Reigo.
But Zehannah's anger dissipate when Reigo finally
"Sorry, but who are you again?"
Halatang hindi nagustuhan 'yong babae. "Come on,
Reigo. Stop kidding around. It's me, Daniela."
"Daniela?" Reigo narrowed his eyes at the woman. "Your
nose and cheeks look different than I remembered.
That's why I didn't recognize you."
Bumadha ang iritasyon sa mukha ng babae na tinatago
nito kanina sa peke nitong ngiti. Daniela was
expecting 'you look more beautiful' from Reigo, but
instead, she received those words from Reigo. "This is
why I looked for someone else. You are not supportive
of my wants!"
Reigo replied indifferently. "That's the thing, it's
your want to have a nose and cheeks lift. Why did you
ask me to pay them for you?"
The woman fumed and Zehannah bit back a smile. Reigo
can be very savage when he wanted to be. And to those
women who couldn't take Reigo's honestly and
interpreted it as rudeness, it's their loss.
"You're really a jerk!" The woman was starting to
attract the attention of the other shoppers.
Zehannah thought Reigo would clap back, but instead,
he excused himself. "Excuse me. I have to find my
Zee's feminine wash."
Pero hindi hinayaan ni Daniela na talikuran ito ni
Reigo. Pinigilan nito sa braso si Reigo. "I'm still
talking to you, jerk! Ito ang rason kung bakit ka
kaiwan-iwan, wala ka na ngang oras, wala ka pang
kuwentang kausap. Tulad na lang ngayon. Whoever that
Zee is, I'm sure she'll leave you too once she
realized that dating you is a waste of time and that
the only good things about your is your body and
Zehannah gritted her teeth. She could see it on
Reigo's face that Daniela's words took a direct hit on
him and Daniela was gloating, knowing she hurt Reigo.
Zehannah was ready to step in and go to war against
that bitch, but Reigo clapped back which made Zehannah
stop in her tracks.
"Even if my Zee left me, I will have no regrets. She
didn't even have to ask. She can have all my money and
my whole body because, unlike you and my other exes,
my Zee is worth all the risk and all the wealth I
Daniela was enraged and immediately raised her hand.
Reigo was expecting a slap. What he said was really
not that nice to his ex, but before Daniela's palm
strike him, a hand stopped Daniela's wrist and pushed
her hand away from him. The force made Daniela stumble
That hand was Zehannah's. Reigo only realized it when
Zehannah stepped in front of him, as if to protect him
from Daniela. Ang likod lang ng dalaga ang nakikita ni
Reigo kaya wala itong ideya kung gaano kagalit si
Zehannah hanggang sa narinig ni Reigo ang boses ng
"Sige, subukan mong sampalin si Reigo. Manghihiram ka
ng mukha sa aso."
Reigo's lips parted in shock hearing the anger in
Zehannah's voice.
But Zehannah was not finished.
"Sa susunod na lumapit ka kay Reigo at pagsalitaan mo
siya ng kung ano-ano, bumalik ka na lang sa
sinapupunan ng nagluwal sa 'yo dahil kahit dila mo,
hindi makakatakas sa galit ko."
Nagbabantang humakbang si Zehannah palapit sa babae na
mabilis na tumakbo palayo sa takot kay Zehannah.
Reigo did not see Zehannah's anger because he was
behind her. But Zehannah's eyes were sharp and dark,
promising pain beyond belief and her entire face could
kill that Daniela immediately ran away in fear.
And seeing Daniela run away, Zehannah went back to
being calm and cool-headed, then she flipped her hair.
"What a weak bitch." Zehannah clicked her tongue and
turned to face Reigo as if nothing happened. "Come on.
I need my feminine wash."
Reigo blinked at Zehannah in disbelief. "Really?"
Pinisil ni Zehannah ang pisngi ni Reigo. "Yes. Really.
Ayokong pag-usapan ang mahadera na 'yon. Baka habulin
ko siya at hilahin ko siya sa buhok palabas ng grocery
store at ingudngod ko ang pagmumuka niya sa semento."
Nanggagalaiti si Zehannah pero may munting ngiti sa
mga labi ni Reigo.
"Ano'ng nginingit-ngiti mo riyan?" Inirapan ni
Zehannah ang binata. "Ayoko lang na inaapi-api at
pinagsasalitaan ng kung ano-ano ang mga taong
malalapit sa 'kin. Nagiging war freak ako. Kaya sa
susunod na may lumapit sa 'yong ex mo at pagsalitaan
ka ng kung ano-ano, siguraduhin mo lang na hindi ko
maririnig dahil baka umabot tayo sa presinto dahil
manghihiram talaga sila ng mukha sa aso. Mga gaga."
Zehannah flipped her hair again and went looking for
her feminine wash brand and dropped it on the cart.
"Come on. Sa meat section na tayo. Hindi sapat na ikaw
lang ang karne na kinakain ko."
Nauna na si Zehannah at may munting ngiti pa rin sa
mga labi na sumunod si Reigon pagkatapos matawa sa
huling tinuran ni Zehannah.
Though Reigo's smile turned into a frown after a
couple of minutes, seeing Zehannah shopping in a
hurry. From the meat to the vegetable and even while
paying at the cashier.
Walang ideya si Reigo kung bakit parang nagmamadali si
Zehannah hanggang sa maideposito nila ang nga pinamili
sa back compartment at makasakay sila sa sasakyan.
"Come on." Nakabuka ang mga braso ni Zehannah kay
Kahit naguguluhan si Reigo kung para saan ang yakap na
'yon, inilapit pa rin niya ang katawan sa dalaga at
hinayaan itong yakapin siya.
Zehannah's embrace felt soft and warm.
"What that woman said is full of shit," ani Zehannah
saka hinagod ang likod ni Reigo. "Kahit kailan, hindi
ka naging walang kuwentang kausap. Talking to you is
exasperating at times because you're a big flirt and a
very horny man, but you're also fun and amusing. Hindi
ako nabo-bore kapag ikaw ang kausap ko. Hindi rin
totoo na pera at katawan mo lang ang maganda sa 'yo."
Then Zehannah hesitated a little. "I mean, I admit you
do have a body made for eating, but it's not the only
good thing about you. And when she said that it was a
waste of time dating you, I actually want to smack
myself because I think I said that to you before.
Though I didn't mean to belittle you in any way. It's
just that my suitors always leave after I said 'no'.
So I don't want to waste my time on you because the
outcome will just be the same. But you proved me wrong
and here we are. So, don't mind that Daniela. Higit na
mas maganda ako ro'n kaya sa 'kin ka makinig."
Reigo closed his eyes and buried his face in
Zehannah's neck. He had no words to describe his
feeling. He had no idea that Zehannah was trying to
console him until she spoke. And it hit him really
differently because all the words she said were the
words he didn't know he wanted to hear when he heard
Daniela's words earlier.
Somehow, the hollowness that lingered deep inside
because of Daniela's words earlier slowly disappeared
and was replaced by a warm feeling.
"Thank you," he whispered. And since he didn't want to
make it more emotional, he joked. "Pero hindi ko alam
na ganda na pala ngayon ang basehan kung sino'ng
Zehannah chomped on Reigo's cheek and pinched the
other one. "Sa akin lang nag-a-apply 'yon kasi may
karapatan akong magmaganda."
Reigo chuckled and pulled away from Zehannah to look
at her pretty face. "Well... you are beautiful."
Zehannah flipped her hair. "Of course. Kaya sa 'kin ka
Reigo smiled and tucked Zehannah's hair behind her
ear. "Thank you for the pep talk. I needed that one."
"Welcome." Umayos na ng upo si Zehannah. "Come on.
Umuwi na tayo."
Zehannah looked like she was in a hurry, so Reigo
asked. "What's up? May emergency ka?"
"Nope. I just want to have dirty sex with you before
dinner. Puwede ba?"
Reigo immediately maneuvered his car out of the
parking lot. "Hold on to your seat, my Zee. We're
going home."
Zehannah was surprised at how fast Reigo drove. But
she was not complaining because they got to have dirty
sex before dinner.
And the couch in the living room was the witness to
how horny Zehannah and Reigo were. Pounding and
thrusting with sweat all over their bodies while
moaning crazily loud, Zehannah and Reigo reached the
high heavens together before dinner.
Of course, the two traveled to the high heavens again
after dinner as part of their dessert.
"AHH! FUCK! YES...! Ah! Ah! Reigo! Harder! Fuck me—ah,
fuck... Ahh...!" Zehannah was begging to be fucked
hard while feeling her orgasm about to explode and
Reigo rammed his cock deep and fast until all Zehannah
could do was gasp in pleasure.
Sarap na sarap si Zehannah na halos mabaliw siya
umagang-umaga. They didn't even reach the couch in a
hurry to fuck. Reigo just let Zehannah hold on to the
back of the sofa and he fucked her standing up from
behind. At nang hindi naging sapat 'yon, ipinapatong
ni Reigo ang isang hita ni Zehannah sa tuktok ng
likuran ng sofa at binayo si Zehannah nang binayo
hanggang sa napuno ng sigaw ng dalaga at ungol ni
Reigo ang buong condo.
Reigo pounded Zehannah hard, both moaning hard and
long. He rammed his cock inside her warm sheath again
and again that Zehannah's work clothes were getting
soaked with sweat. Not just Zehannah, but also Reigo.
But the two couldn't care less.
They fucked so early in the morning with their work
clothes on until their orgasm both exploded and
realized that they're supposed to go to work and now,
they're running late.
"Ah, fuck!" Zehannah ran back to her room to clean up
quickly and change clothes because of how messy she
got after that mind-blowing quickie so early in the
morning. He's indeed a delicacy. Too delicious to say
no to.
Nandoon si Reigo para sunduin si Zehannah dahil alam
nitong ayaw ng dalaga na ilabas sa garahe ang sasakyan
nito, pero dahil sa munting halik na ginawad ni Reigo
sa labi ni Zehannah nang pumasok ang binata sa condo,
nauwi 'yon sa kapusukan at ito na nga ang resulta ng
kalandian ng dalawa sa umaga.
Looking at the time on her wristwatch, she hurriedly
stepped out of her room after she was all cleaned.
Dinuro ni Zehannah si Reigo. "Mula ngayon, hindi mo na
ako kailangang sunduin at ihatid. Hindi maganda kapag
magkasama tayo sa umaga."
Reigo just smiled and followed Zehannah out of her
Fortunately for Zehannah, she and Reigo were not alone
in the elevator, but Reigo was standing behind her and
the bastard whispered something naughty in her ear.
"Having a quickie with you is the best breakfast in
the morning."
Napalunok si Zehannah dahil ramdam niya ang init ng
hininga si Reigo.
And it looked like Reigo's purpose was to rekindle the
fire inside her body because he whispered again. "I
think I can make you cum before this elevator arrived
on the ground floor."
'Too much! Too much!' sigaw ni Zehannah sa isip niya.
'Mabango na, masarap pa. This is unfair! Unfair! Paano
ko lalabanan ang kaharutan na 'to?! Tangina naman!
Zehannah Sevil, huwag kang marupok! Talandi is not
your middle name! Malakas tayo! Hindi tayo maaakit—'
"Will you come to visit my office tonight? Don't you
think it's a good place to fuck hard and rough? I
always wanted to mess you up on my office table. How
about it, my Zee? Will you indulge me?"
Zehannah gulped and wanted to cry in happiness when
the elevator opened. Kaagad siyang lumabas para
matakasan si Reigo.
"I'm taking a taxi," mabilis na sabi ni Zehannah kay
Reigo. "Bye!"
Hindi alam ni Reigo kung matatawa siya o maiiling
habang pinagmamasdan si Zehannah na alam niyang
tumatakas lang sa kaniya.
Though what he whispered in her ear was true. He had
always imagined what it would be like to fuck and eat
his Zee on his office table. He was certain it'll be
something he'll never forget.
But, alas. It will not happen anytime soon. Looks like
my Zee is still not ready to be messed up in my
Smiling at that thought, he stepped inside his car and
drove to his company.
Only after he entered his office did he send a message
to his Zee.
'What do you want for lunch later? Me or quickie with
Zehannah replied. 'Na-late ako nang dahil sa 'yo. Oo,
kasalanan mo kasi inakit mo ako. Gusto kitang sakalin
hanggang sa maubos ang kaharutan mo sa katawan.'
'If choking is your kink, what should I call you, my
'I really want to kill you right now!"
'Would you hurt such a delicacy body?' Reigo replied.
'I hate you!'
'You liked it, my Zee. Admit it and I won't seduce you
'til next week.'
'Yes. I like it! Absolutely! Bye!'
Nailing na natawa si Reigo nang mabasa ang reply ni
Zehannah pero kaagad iyong nawala nang bumukas ang
pinto ng opisina at kasamang pumasok ni Fara ang
representative ng Lancove na si Emma Usoro.
And just seeing the glint in Emma's eyes, Reigo had a
bad feeling about it, but it's work. Even if she was
revolting in his eyes, he had to be professional. This
time, Emma Usoro was there as Lancove's representative
and whether or not he liked it, he will be in the same
room as her.
I just hope she didn't do something revolting.
KATATAPOS LANG interview-hin nina Zehannah at Cassia
ang ilang aplikante para sa tatlong bakante nilang
posisyon sa agency na bubuksan nang tumunog ang
cellphone ni Zehannah. It was a chat, a notification
from a person she didn't know, so it was in the
filtered messages.
But when she saw the name of the sender, Zehannah just
let out a sigh and put her phone back on the table,
and gave her attention back to Cassia who's
deliberating with her about who will they hire.
"Ang hirap mamili." Cassia pouted and leaned in
Zehannah's shoulder. "Master Zehan, ikaw na lang kaya
ang mamili? Naaawa ako sa hindi mapipili, e."
Zehannah flicked Cassia's nose. "It's a part of our
responsibility as the owners of this agency, Cass.
Hindi puwedeng ako lang ang nagdedesisyon kasi
partnership 'to."
Mas lalong humaba ang nguso ni Cassia. "But I trust
"Wala 'yon sa tiwala. It's about being responsible."
Napabuntonghininga si Cassia. "Okay."
Kahit nahihirapan, tinulungan pa rin ni Cassia si
Zehannah na mamili ng tatlong aplikante para sa
marketing agency nila. Nang makapagdesisyon sila, si
Zehannah ang nag-volunteer na mag-text sa mga
aplikante na natanggap at hindi natanggap.
While composing a message for the applicants, Thorn
arrived with a snack for Cassia. Siyempre, kasama si
Zehannah sa meryenda.
And seeing the two newlyweds eating together and being
sweet in the meeting room, in front of Zehannah, she
took her food, excused herself, and went back to her
Doon na kinain ni Zehannah ang meryenda baka mabulunan
siya sa ka-sweet-an ng dalawa sa meeting room.
Speaking of which, she remembered Reigo when she saw
Thorn. So she picked up her phone while enjoying her
slice of blueberry cheesecake and coffee and opened
Emma Usoro's message.
The first message was three photos. Ang una ay
nakahawak si Emma sa braso ni Reigo, ang pangalawa ay
nakayakap na ang mga braso ng babae sa leeg ni Reigo,
at ang panghuli ay magkalapat na ang labi ng dalawa.
And below those pictures was a message.
'You're nothing but a fling. He's mine.'
Zehannah sighed and deliberated with herself if she'll
reply or not... then she decided not to. Not worth my
Pero ayaw talaga siyang tantanan ng mahadera.
Nagpadala na naman ito ng chat.
'Back off, bitch. He's mine.'
And below that was a photo of Reigo and Emma eating at
a restaurant together. And it looked like it happened
today because Emma was wearing the same clothes, the
same as Reigo.
Fine. You asked for it, witch bitch. Isip ni Zehannah
habang nagta-type ng message pabalik.
'Tell Reigo to smile more in your photos to make it
more believable. And kudos to your photographer. Very
good angle. You should pay your photographer more.
Taking a quick photo like that must've been a great
effort, so be grateful to him/her. Have a good day! 😊'
Nang ma-i-send 'yon ni Zehannah, bumalik siya sa pag-
enjoy sa meryenda niya.
Hindi pa niya nauubos ang blueberry cheesecake niya
nang tumunog ang cellphone niya.
It was Reigo.
"Zee, are you busy?" He sounded so down that it made
Zehannah frown.
"Okay ka lang?"
"No. I'm not."
Alam kaagad ni Zehannah kung bakit ganoon na lang ang
boses ni Reigo. "Why did you call? May kailangan ka?"
"I let my guard down and I fucked up, Zee." His voice
sounded strained that Zehannah got annoyed at Emma
Not because of jealousy, but because that woman made
Reigo feel like shit. This was that witch bitch's
"What happened?" Zehannah asked. May ideya na siya,
pero gusto niyang sabihin mismo ni Reigo sa kaniya
para mailabas nito kung ano man ang nasa loob nito.
"The witch bitch happened." He sighed heavily. "Our
meeting was going well. She did nothing revolting, so
my guard was down. That's when it happened. She
suddenly touched me and kissed me. I pushed her away,
but it was already too late and I feel like shit. I'm
sorry, my Zee. Kahit sabihin ko na hindi ko ginusto
ang nangyari, nangyari pa rin 'yon. I'm sorry. I'm
really sorry."
Zehannah was fuming mad. Gusto niyang sugurin ang
mahaderang babae na 'yon, pero pinigilan niya ang
sarili. She's a professional. She would never stoop
down to that witch bitch's label.
"Mag-toothbrush at magmumog ka na lang. Kuskusin mo
rin ang labi mo. Basura pa naman ang humalik sa 'yo."
Zehannah knew it still bothered Reigo. "Dinner na lang
tayo mamaya, gusto mo?"
"Yeah. That'll be nice."
Zehannah sighed, sensing the uneasiness in Reigo's
voice. "Daanan na lang kita mamaya. Puntahan natin
'yong malapit na restaurant sa huling kinainan natin.
Good food always makes anyone feel better."
"Sure. Text mo na lang ako kapag papunta ka na."
She really didn't like hearing Reigo's strained voice.
"See you later."
"Yeah. See you."
The call ended, and Zehannah went back to Emma Usoro's
May bago na namang chat ang mahadera.
'The fact still remains that I tasted those lips. And
he tastes good.'
Honestly, Zehannah didn't care how much Emma talked
about how it felt to kiss Reigo. It was odd, but she
was not jealous because she knew the truth and she
trusted Reigo. What she was feeling was anger upon
remembering Reigo's voice.
Anger for making Reigo feel uneasy and strained for
that bitch's self-gratification.
Be it a man or a woman, sexual assault was sexual
assault! That's why Zehannah was enraged.
'You sexually assaulted him, you bitch. That's not
something to be proud of. And even with how many
photos you send, we both know the truth. Stop being
delusional. Keep those trash lips of yours to yourself
because the next time you pull the same stunt, I will
put you in the hospital.'
She hit send, then she blocked her.
"Master Zehan, bakit mukha kang galit? Hindi mo tuloy
napansin ang pagpasok ko," ani Cassia na pumasok pala
sa opisina niya nang hindi niya namamalayan dahil sa
galit niya.
"It's nothing." She placed her phone on her table.
"May basura lang na pakalat-kalat sa chat box ko.
Nilinis ko lang."
"Oh." Cassia grinned and tiptoed towards Zehannah as
if Zehannah couldn't see her. And then Cassia hugged
Zehannah from the side. "Master Zehan, sabi ng asawa
ko nagkakamabutihan na kayo ni Reigo. Is that true?
I'm rooting for you two—"
Pinisil ni Zehannah ang nagkabilang pisngi ni Cassia.
"Focus ka muna sa asawa mo bago tsismis. Nawasak ka na
"Huh?" Mabilis na umiling si Cassia. "Hindi pa ako
handa. I told him I'm not there yet, so he settled
with just eating me."
Too much information, as usual. Zehannah thought and
sighed. "Kailan ka magiging handa?"
"I don't know. But I think soon," biglang bawi nito.
Napailing na lang si Zehannah. "Sabi ko nga."
Cassia grinned. "Magtatanong ako sa 'yo kapag handa na
ako. You're my master, after all."
Tumango na lang si Zehannah.
"By the way, Master Zehan, I'm inviting you to a
surprise party for my hon this weekend." Cassia
smiled. "Nakausap ko si Reigo noong isang araw. At
nag-sorry ako dahil pinagkamalan ko silang bakla ni
Thorn. And then Reigo was so nice to forgive me and
even planned a party for my Thorn, so it's gonna be
fun. You have to be there since you're my master."
"Hmm? Sure. Tell me the time. I'll be there for moral
"Yes!" Cassia let go of Zehannah. "Update kita kung
anong oras. By the way, Master Zehan, puwede ba akong
umuwi nang maaga? Si Thorn kasi, e."
Tumingin si Zehannah sa wall clock. Isang oras na lang
bago ang uwian. "Sure. Ako na ang bahala rito. Wala
naman na tayong masyadong gagawin hanggang sa pagbukas
"Yey! Thanks, Master Zehan."
Zehannah smiled at her adorable airhead friend. "Yeah,
yeah. Go and have fun eating each other."
Cassia grinned so innocently before skipping on her
feet as she left Zehannah's office.
Napailing naman si Zehannah nang makalabas si Cassia
sa opisina niya. Kapagkuwan ay ibinalik niya ang
atensiyon sa ginagawang mensahe para sa mga aplikante.
Nang matapos, kaagad niyang pinadala iyon sa lahat ng
nag-apply at kinausap ang tatlong nakakuha ng trabaho.
It was not an orientation, but Zehannah informed them
of their responsibilities and what was expected of
them while working in their agency. When they all
answered that they could do it with enthusiasm, she
was happy as she ended the call.
Afterward, she went around the entire office, making
sure everything was in place and that she and Cassia
did not miss anything around the office before she
left when the clock struck six in the evening.
And just like the first time she went to Reigo's
office, she took a taxi, and surprisingly, the guards
immediately ushered her in when she arrived.
Nang makarating siya sa palapag kung nasaan ang
opisina ni Reigo, ang sekretarya lang ng binata ang
nakita niya roon na pinagpasalamat niya.
"Hi, Ma'am Zehannah!" magiliw na bati ng sekretarya sa
kaniya na ikinangiti niya.
"Hi." Zehannah smiled back and stopped in front of the
secretary's table. "Puwede ba akong magtanong?"
"Oo naman, Ma'am!" Iminuwestra nito ang upuan sa
harapan ng mesa nito. "I will answer anything, Ma'am
"Call me Zehan," aniya. Hindi siya sanay na buong
pangalan niya ang tawag sa kaniya. "Zehannah is too
long for most people."
Fara's smile widened. "Thank you, Ma'am Zehan. I'm
Fara, Sir Reigo's temporary secretary. By the way,
ma'am, ano hong tanong niyo?"
"About Emma—"
"Oh, God!" Fara went into panic and she started
rambling. "If you're going to ask about the kiss, I
swear on my father's grave, Ma'am Zehan, that Sir
Reigo pushed her away and was disgusted! Wala pong
kasalanan si Sir Reigo! It's that desperate bi—I mean,
woman's fault! Kaya huwag ho sana kayong magalit kay
Sir Reigo. Please, Ma'am. Wala talagang kasalanan si
"Fara, hindi ako galit," pigil ni Zehannah sa mabilis
na pagsasalita ng kaharap saka nginitian ito. "See?
I'm not mad. I'm just asking."
"Oh." Fara finally calmed down. "That's good. Baka
malungkot si Sir Reigo kapag nagkagalit kayo. Kayo
lang ho ang nagpapalambot kay Sir."
Ako rin ang nagpapatigas sa kaniya. Sa isip ni
Zehannah na mahinang ikinatawa niya. "I'm glad Reigo
is well loved in his company."
"Siyempre naman, Ma'am. Sir Reigo is a good boss."
"That's not shocking, since he's a good man too."
Fara blushed. "Sorry. Kinikilig ako sa inyo, Ma'am."
Hindi mapigilan ni Zehannah ang mapangiti dahil
naaalala niya si Cassia kay Fara. "Anyway, what I was
going to ask is if I could leave my number to you and
inform me if that woman is here for personal reasons
again? Would that be okay, or will that be
interrupting your work?"
"No, Ma'am. It would be my pleasure to inform you if
that woman comes here again."
Hindi inaasahan ni Zehannah ang mabilis na sagot ni
"Thank you." Using the post-it note Fara handed her,
Zehannah wrote her number. "Here. I'm grateful. Thank
you so much."
Oh. So sweet and nice. Bagay lang talaga sila ni Sir
Reigo. Sa isip ni Fara nang tanggapin ang pasasalamat
ni Zehannah.
"Anyway"—tumayo na si Zehannah mula sa pagkakaupo—"may
trabaho pa ba ang boss mo? Puwede na ba akong
"Yes po, Ma'am Zehan. Puwedeng-puwede na. Binilin sa
'kin ni Sir papasukin kayo kaagad kapag dumating
Zehannah smiled. "Thanks, Fara. Pasok na ako."
"Welcome, Ma'am Zehan."
Tinanguan ni Zehannah si Fara bago naglakad patungo sa
pintuan at pinihit ang door knob pabukas. Nang
makapasok siya, kaagad niyang nakita si Reigo na
nakaupo sa swivel chair nito at nakasandal sa likuran
Akala niya ay nagpapahinga lang ang binata pero nang
makalapit siya, napansin niyang mahimbing itong
Humugot ng malalim na hininga si Zehannah saka
ipinatong ang bag sa mesa ng binata saka lumapit siya
sa tabi nito at ihinilig ang pang-upo sa gilid ng mesa
She was facing Reigo while leaning on the edge of his
table next to him.
Pinakatitigan ni Zehannah ang binata saka umangat ang
kamay niya para hawiin ang iilan nitong buhok na
tumatabing sa noo at kilay nito.
So handsome. Zehannah thought and added, and delicious
as well. He's also honest, and he always remembered
minor details about me.
Zehannah leaned down to level her face with Reigo and
stared at that handsomeness before she smiled. Palagi
kong sinasabi na mahangin siya pero may ipagmamalaki
naman talaga ang loko.
Smiling to herself, Zehannah kissed Reigo on the cheek
to wake him up. "Come on, Reigo. Let's have dinner."
Slowly, Reigo's eyes opened, and he did a small yawn.
"Hmm. It's me."
He blinked at her. "Oh. Hi, my Zee." Then he smiled.
"How's your day?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "So-so. How about you?"
Kaagad na pinisil ni Zehannah ang magkabilang pisngi
ni Reigo. "Come on. Kumain na tayo."
Reigo looked okay, but Zehannah felt like something
was off. Hanggang sa makarating sila sa napili niyang
restaurant, hindi nawala ang kakaibang nararamdaman
"Ayos ka lang ba?" tanong ni Zehannah sa binata habang
kumakain sila.
Reigo smiled. "Bakit naman hindi? I'm with you."
That's sweet and all, but she could still feel that
something was different with Reigo.
"You sure you're okay?" Zehannah couldn't help asking
again when they were driving home in Reigo's car after
Reigo just nodded and smiled at her.
Zehannah was ransacking her brain about what this odd
thing she was feeling when she finally realized it
after Reigo walked her to her condo and was about to
He didn't kiss me. Zehannah realized. He's always
kissing me. He's addicted to it that it became his
modus operandi, but since they saw each other, he
didn't even try—not even once.
Akmang aalis na ang binata nang tawagin ito ni
Zehannah kaya mabilis itong umikot paharap sa dalaga.
Zehannah puckered her lips to test her theory of why
he hadn't kissed her since earlier. "I want a kiss."
Reigo smiled before he leaned in and kissed her cheek.
I knew it. Zehannah sighed and playfully flicked
Reigo's lips when he pulled back. "Why are you holding
back? For a kissing addict like you, it's something."
Nag-iwas ng tingin ang binata. "It's just... my lips
shouldn't be kissing yours in the meantime. It had
been contaminated today. It needs to be quarantined
for a little while."
Tumaas ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Dahil kay witch bitch?"
Zehannah did not want to push Reigo or force him to
see it her way since he had his own belief. "Okay. But
I'm telling you now, Reigo. I don't really mind. Hindi
mo naman ginusto 'yon."
"Still." Namulsa ito saka ngumiti. "I have to brush my
teeth, my lips, my entire mouth, and then take a bath
to thoroughly clean myself. And then tomorrow, I will
kiss you so hard until you can't breathe anymore and
beg me to fuck you."
And Zehannah didn't doubt Reigo one bit. "Akala ko
naman matagal ka pa bago makabawi sa kalandian mo."
Mahinang tumawa lang si Reigo saka nagpaalam na. "Bye,
my Zee. Have a good night."
"Yeah. G'night."
Reigo waved his hand at her, then left. Pumasok naman
kaagad si Zehannah sa condo niya at ini-lock ang
pintuan. Pagkatapos n'on ay dumeretso si Zehannah sa
banyo para mag-half-bath. Matapos 'yon ay nahiga siya
sa kama at tinawagan ang Papi niya pero ang Papa niya
ang sumagot sa tawag niya.
"Huh? Nasaan si Papi?"
"Why? Need advice?" her Papa asked. Kapag advice kasi
ang usapan, sa Papi niya siya palagi lumalapit.
"Sana. Nasaan si Papi?"
"Hmm... asleep? He was tired."
"Huh? This early? Why?"
"Um... just because."
Hindi na nagtanong pa si Zehannah ng karagdagang
paliwag dahil may ideya na siya kung bakit pagod ang
Papi niya. "Sige. Tawag na lang ako ulit bukas—"
"Wait. I can give good advice too, Zehan. How could
you be so mean to your Papa?"
Napailing si Zehannah. "Well, it's about a desperate
bitch who sexually assaulted Reigo, and I'm pissed
because she made Reigo feel uneasy and strained."
Nang marinig ni Cameron ang reklamo ng anak, mabilis
na ibinigay niya ang cellphone sa kapareha na hindi
naman talaga tulog, pagod lang.
"Your Papi's awake. Here you go, love. It's Zehan."
Napailing si Zehannah sa narinig.
"Oh, hey 'nak." Halata ang pagod sa boses ni Dan. "I
heard what you said. Why is there so many desperate
bitches? Sa panahon din namin noon, daming desperada
na naghahabol sa Papa mo."
Cameron chuckled and kissed Dan on the temple. "That's
because I'm too handsome."
Dan snorted and turned his attention to his daughter
on the other line. "Two choices lang, 'nak. Either you
fight those bitches or you let them be."
"Ano'ng ginawa mo dati, Papi?" tanong ni Zehannah.
"War freak ang Papi mo," sabad ni Cameron. "He fought
for me."
Dan rolled his eyes. "As much as I hate to admit,
patola ako noon. Hanggang ngayon pa rin naman.
Nakakairita lang kasi na hindi sila marunong
makaintindi ng salitang may 'partner' na at 'ayoko'. I
don't want to suggest anything because we're different
but whatever you decide on, nasa likod lang kami Papa
"Gusto ko siyang pagsasapakin hanggang sa manghiram
siya ng mukha sa aso."
Parehong napangiwi sina Cameron at Dan saka bumulong
si Cameron sa kapareha. "Sa 'yo talaga nagmana ang
anak natin."
Dan glared at his partner before he answered his
daughter. "Think of the consequences before you do
"I know." Zehannah sighed. "Hindi lang ako ang
maaapektuhan, baka si Reigo rin. At siguradong
kakasuhan ako ng gaga na 'yon."
"Good that you're thinking," ani Dan. "People like her
will wait for you to make a mistake and then she will
drag you down. Don't give her the opening."
Zehannah smiled. "Thank you, Papi."
"Don't mention it, 'nak. I'd been on social media
these days and I read a quote about people holding
their breaths waiting for you to make a mistake and
fail. Make sure you make them suffocate, okay?"
Zehannah's smile widened. "Yes, Papi."
"Good. Now, good night. I'm too tired. I need rest."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah dahil alam niya kung
bakit. "Okay, good night, Papi. Bye. Good night din
"Good night, 'nak," sabay na sagot ng dalawa bago
naputol ang linya.
After the call ended, Zehannah found herself staring
at the ceiling. Thinking about nothing in particular,
until she fell asleep.
MEANWHILE, THE MOMENT Reigo arrived at the barn, he
called the CEO of Lancove. Pinag-isipan niyang mabuti
ang desisyon na gagawin niya pagtapos ng nangyari
kanina at ngayon nga ay nakapagdesisyon na siya.
"After what happened in the meeting earlier, I am
sorry, but your representative crossed the line and I
want her gone," Reigo explained to the CEO what had
transpired. "Kapag hindi niyo siya pinalitan, o inalis
sa posisyon niya, hindi ko itutuloy ang proyekto na
napagkasunduan natin. I am willing to pay the fee for
breaking the contract that we signed. I will not work
with a company that would let a woman like that have
her way with no consequences. She's trying to ruin my
relationship with my special someone and I will not
let her. Either you fire her or you find a new
construction firm to handle your projects."
Hindi hinintay ni Reigo ang sagot ng kausap at
nagpaalam kaagad saka pinatay ang tawag. Ilang beses
na siyang nagsabi na palitan ang representative ng mga
ito pero walang nangyari. He did not berate Lancove
when they continued sending that woman, but after what
happened today, he didn't care if she was a woman. He
will make her pay.
He did ask his father for help, but since he still
hadn't introduced Zehannah to his parents, his father
did not help. Though there was nothing wrong with
that. This was his problem, after all.
"Someone's grumpy again."
Napatingin si Reigo sa pintuan ng barn. He saw Knight,
Shun, Dark, and Terron walk in.
"Ano'ng nangyari?" tanong ni Terron na mukhang
nahawaan na nina Iuhence at Calyx sa pagiging
Shun chuckled. "Someone kissed Reigo, and it pissed
him off."
Hindi na nagulat pa si Reigo na alam 'yon ni Shun.
Because he's Shun—freaking—Kim. Mas magugulat pa si
Reigo kung hindi nito alam ang nangyari. Oo nga at
sina Iuhence at Calyx ang tsismoso sa kanilang
magkakaibigan, pero walang tatalo kay Shun Kim sa
lakapan ng impormasyon.
Against Shun Kim, Iuhence and Calyx were nothing but
"Ah, I remember my wife," biglang pasok ni Knight sa
usapan. "She got pissed as well when I kissed her
without her consent. She punched me hard." Knight
sounded so proud. "What a wonderful wife I have."
Hindi pinansin ni Dark si Knight dahil sanay na itong
palaging pinagmamalaki ni Knight ang asawa nito at
tinanong si Reigo. "You don't like the woman?"
"I told her countless times that I'm not interested,"
sagot ni Reigo.
"May mga babae talagang hindi makaintindi ng salitang
'hindi kita gusto'," ani Shun saka umupo ang apat sa
sofa para samahan si Reigo.
"What did you do then?" Terron seemed interested.
"Maybe I can use that to fend off women too since I
know tons who wouldn't take no for an answer."
"I asked the company she's working at to fire her or
I'm dropping their project," wika ni Reigo na madilim
na madilim ang mukha. "I'm so pissed. How dare that
witch try to ruin my relationship with Zehannah? It's
already fragile as it is. I will not let anyone ruin
what I worked so hard to build."
Sumandal si Terron sa likod ng sofa. "You're really
invested in her, huh?"
"She's worth the investment," Reigo answered.
Shun whistled. "That's some statement, Vasquez."
"Well, she is," may diing sabi ni Reigo. "She's worth
my time and effort."
"You're that in love?" Dark asked.
Reigo stilled, and his eyes widened as if a
realization had just hit him. Then a soft chuckle
escaped his lips. "I think I'm whipped."
"Aren't we all?" ani Knight saka tinuro si Terron.
"And don't even deny it, Dashwood. Magalino akong tao.
Naririnig mo ako? Magalino! You're whipped as well.
Kahit nga siguro alilain ka niya roon sa tindahan,
magpapaalila ka at magpapasalamat ka pa na inalila
Terron pretended like he didn't hear a thing. And Shun
shook his head.
"Whatever. We're here to have a meeting for the
expansion of my orphanage with you three royalties'
help, so let's start."
Reigo immediately got up and left. Marami nang
nakotong sa kaniya si Shun. Wala na siyang balak na
mabudol pa.
Mabilis na tumakbo si Reigo patungo sa attic ng barn
para tumakas.
But Shun didn't let him.
The lunatic followed him and dragged him back to the
living room where he, Reigo Vasquez, got conned by
ZEHANNAH HAD blocked Emma Usoro on her social media
accounts, but the woman kept on making new accounts to
harass her. Buti na lang nasa filtered ang messages
nito at hindi niya nakikita. Ayaw ni Zehannah patulan
ang isang basura kaya kapag may bago itong account,
block kaagad niya.
Ang gaga, siya ang sinisisi bakit daw ito nawalan ng
trabaho. Kasalanan daw niya kasi pinilit niya raw si
Reigo na sabihin sa Lancove na tanggalin ito sa
posisyon. Inakit daw niya si Reigo para gawing
miserable ang buhay nito.
She didn't even know that Reigo contacted that woman's
company to have her fired or else he'll drop that
project even if he had to pay a fine.
Reigo must've looked cool making that call. Siguradong
naakit na naman sana siya kung nakita niya 'yon. Who
wouldn't be? Reigo did all that partly for her and the
sake of their 'mutual understanding' relationship.
Pero kahit gaano pa ka-cool 'yon, kahit gaano pa ka-
sweet, muntik nang maapektuhan ang kompanya ni Reigo.
Alam niyang mayaman ang binata pero ayaw niyang
mabawasan ang pera ni Reigo ng ganoon kalaki para lang
sa basura na 'yon. 'Yon ang kinakainis ni Zehannah.
At mukhang ayaw ni Reigo na pag-usapan ang witch bitch
na 'yon dahil hindi ito nagsabi sa kaniya.
Kaya nagagagahan siya sa mga binabato sa kaniyang
pananakot at paninisi ni Emma Usoro. Wala naman akong
ginawa kundi ang maging maganda at masarap, a. Siguro
mayroong kakaiba sa utak ng babaeng 'yon.
Hay. Makapag-kape na nga lang. Tumayo si Zehannah saka
tinungo ang maliit na pantry sa gilid ng opisina niya
para magkape. Mayroon ding ganoon sa opisina ni Cassia
at sa labas para sa kaunti nilang empleyado.
Pa-kape-kape na lang si Zehannah dahil wala na siyang
masyadong ginagawa kundi ang maghintay sa pormal na
pagbubukas ng agency nila. She and Cassia thoroughly
worked hard early on—when they were just starting—that
now, all they had to do was recheck things to make
sure everything was okay.
Nang makapagtimpla, kaagad na bumalik si Zehannah sa
mesa niya saka sumimsim ng kape habang binabasa ang
mga chat sa group chat na nasalihan niya.
Zehannah didn't even know why she was added to the
Amazona Group Chat, but she bet that Cassia had
something to do with it. Lalo na nang malaman niya na
group chat 'yon ng mga asawa ng kaibigan ni Thorn at
alam ng mga ito na may 'something' sila ni Reigo.
Though Zehannah was not complaining, the Amazona Group
Chat was full of odd, carefree, and strong women who
always speak their mind. Be it sex, serious stuff, or
something scandalous. Kaya siguro madali niyang
nasakyan ang usapan ng mga ito dahil na rin isang
napagandang luntian ang utak niya.
Themarie Kim: No worries. It'll be fun tomorrow.
Anyway, may tsismis akong nasagap mula sa asawa ko.
It's juicy!
Everyone in the group chat expressed their interest,
except for Cassia, who's not online, and her, of
course. Hanggang basa lang siya.
Anniza Montero: Sabihin mo na.
Red Martinez: Tungkol saan ang tsismis?
Grace Volkzki: 🧁🧁🧁
Themarie Kim: No to @Grace cupcakes. Anyway, this is
about our new member.
Cassia? Isip ni Zehannah.
Haze Coleman: Si Baby Cassia?
Czarina Salem-Stroam: Dapat talaga turuan na natin si
Baby Cassia @ElizaSanford.
Themarie Kim: Nope. It's @Zehannah.
Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah sa nabasa. Me? Kaagad
siyang nag-reply.
Zehannah Sevil: Me? What did I do?
Themarie Kim: It's not about what you did, it's about
Reigo. I heard from my husband that he's so serious
about you that you'll be a full-fledged member of
Amazona soon.
Everyone congratulated her.
Zehannah Sevil: To be a full-fledged member is to
marry him, right? But I don't want to get married.
It's a scary thought for me. I can't even put a label
on our relationship at the moment because I'm wary and
I don't know if it's the right thing to do.
Gladz Muller: Nakakatakot naman talaga ang magpakasal
lalo na't hindi mo alam kung magbabago ba siya sa 'yo
pagkalipas ng ilang taon, magiging gago, o ano. I want
to say it's all about trust, but however much you
trust him, it always comes down to risk.
Faith Yilmaz: Yep. The question is always are you
willing to risk your life and your future with him? Do
you think he's worth risking for? It's scary.
Masuwerte lang talaga kami rito dahil hindi mga gago
ang mga asawa namin. Loko-loko lang kasi mga baliw
naman talaga sila.
Sweet Monday Velasquez: No pressure. Just do your
thing, @Zehannah. Only marry if you wanted to, not
because you were coerced to. It's all different for
all of us when it comes to marriage. It's not
something you do on a whim. Marriage is marriage. I
don't know if Reigo could change your mind about
marriage, but whatever you decide, we'll be rooting
for you here. No judgment in this group chat.
Raine Zapanta: Yep. You can stay here in our group
chat for as long as you like. We'll cheer you on.
Zehannah Sevil: Thank you @everyone.
Lahat ng online ay nag-reply sa kaniya ng 'you're
welcome' na ikinangiti ni Zehannah.
Czarina Salem-Stroam: @Zehannah kung mag-aasawa ka,
dapat i-consider mo 'yong performance. Dapat masarap.
Dapat hanggang langit. Dapat sumiksik at mamuti ang
mata mo sa sarap.
Mhelanie Vergara: Nag-umpisa na naman si Doc.
Eliza Sanford: Totoo naman 'yon, ui. Tingnan mo ang
Khairro ko, sa sobrang sarap kahit saan na lang kami.
Siyempre, wala ngayon kasi buntis ako 😭😭😭 I miss
Etheyl Vargaz: Sex na naman ang usapan dito?
Ruth Furrer: Sex is wonderful. Lalo na kapag wild.
Zehannah Sevil: Yeah. Rough is good too.
Ivy Salazar: Same.
Czarina Salem-Stroam: Sino rito ang gustong ibalibag
ng partner nila at buhat-buhatin habang binabayo at
isalya sa kung saan-saan?
Eliza Sanford: 🙋
Zehannah Sevil: 🙋
Ruth Furrer: 🙋
Ivy Salazar: 🙋
Gladz Muller: 🙋
Vienna Storm: I'm more into sucking.
Zehannah Sevil: Same. I can do it for hours! 🤤😋
Czarina Salem-Stroam: Ay! Nadagdagan ang mga
mebeberde! Magbunyi! I-welcome natin si @Zehannah,
@Eliza 🥂🤗😇
Eliza Sanford: Yey! Plok! Plok!
Sweet Monday Velasquez: 🤦🏻♀️
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka napailing. Akala niya
siya na ang may pinakaluntian ang utak, pero naka-chat
niya sina Czarina at Eliza. Mas mayabong ang luntian
ng dalawa, lalo na si Czarina.
Zehannah could already tell that she'll hit it off
with these two.
"Master Zehaaaan...!"
Nag-angat ng tingin si Zehannah sa pintuan ng opisina
at nakita roon si Cassia na nakasilip. "Hmm?"
"Wala na akong trabaho kaya pupunta ako sa restaurant
ni Thorn. Lalandiin ko siya tulad ng sinabi mo."
Cassia grinned and fisted her hand. "Anyway, may
pagkain ka bang gusto? Daldalhin ko pagbalik ko."
It's Friday today. May bagong roommate ako sa condo
kapag weekend. "Nah. I'm okay. Maaga rin akong uuwi.
Gusto kong magluto."
"Okay. Dalhin ko na lang din ang bag ko." Kumaway si
Cassia. "Bye, Master Zehan! See you tomorrow!"
"Bye." She smiled at Cassia, seeing her happy and very
Takot siya sa pag-aasawa, pero kapag nakikita niya ang
masayang mukha ni Cassia kapag kasama nito si Thorn,
napapaisip siya.
Kaso hanggang 'isip' lang. Takot pa rin siya.
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah saka nagpadala ng
mensahe kay Reigo.
'Punta ka na lang sa condo. I'll be home early. Huwag
mo na akong sunduin.'
Reigo replied. 'Noted, my Zee. See yah.'
Hindi na nag-reply si Zehannah at patingin-tingin na
lang sa oras habang nagkakape. Nang dumating na ang
oras ng uwian, saka siya nagligpit ng gamit at ini-
lock ang agency nila bago umalis.
Nang makarating sa condo niya, kaagad siyang nagpalit
ng damit. Pagkatapos ay nagluto siya. Siguradong
magrereklamo na naman si Reigo na matabang pero 'yon
ang timpla na gusto niya kaya bahala ito sa buhay
Lakas makareklamo pagpiprito lang naman alam niya.
Dahil mahal na ang karne ngayon, puro gulay na may
kaunting karne lang ang niluto ni Zehannah.
Sausage and vegetable skillet. Vegetable soup. And
scrambled egg with vegetables.
Tamang-tama na nang matapos siyang magluto, narinig
niyang tumunog ang doorbell niya. Akala niya si Reigo
na pero ng tumingin siya sa peephole, delivery boy
lang pala.
Binuksan niya ang pinto at magiliw na nginitian ang
delivery boy. "Pagkain ba?"
Si Reigo lang naman ang mahilig magpa-deliver sa
kaniya ng kung ano-ano kaya akala niya pagkain.
"Hindi ho, Ma'am. Sabi ng nagpadala, gamit daw."
Reigo would never send me one. Same with Papi and
Papa. "Kanino galing?"
"Emma Usoro ho."
Nagtagis ang bagang ni Zehannah. Talagang sinusubukan
siya ng mahadera.
Nilabas niya ang cellphone at kinunan ng video ang
delivery boy. "Pakiulit nga po kuya ng pangalan ng
nagpadala sa 'kin niyan."
"Ah. Emma Usoro ho."
Ngumiti si Zehannah. "Ayos lang ba kung bubuksan ko sa
harapan mo ang parcel, Kuya?"
"Oo naman, Ma'am. Ayos lang ho."
"Salamat, Kuya."
Gamit ang isang kamay, binuksan niya ang 'package' na
para sa kaniya sa tulong ng delivery boy. Ang isang
kamay kasi niya ay may hawak na cellphone at nagbi-
And she was right to take a video because the moment
they opened the small box inside the parcel, the smell
of a dead rat exploded.
"Hala!" Gulat na gulat ang nag-deliver saka mabilis na
ibinalik ang takip ng karton at ibinalik sa pouch na
kilalagyan. "Sorry, Ma'am! Hindi ko alam na ito ang
laman. Pasensiya na ho talaga. Pasensiya na, Ma'am.
Kaka-pick up ko lang nito kani-kanina. Sorry, Ma'am.
Sorry talaga."
"Ayos lang, Kuya. Pakibalik na lang 'yan sa
nagpadala." Zehannah rubbed her nose, trying to erase
the smell. "Ingat sa susunod."
"Yes, Ma'am. Sasabihin ko sa manager ko ang nangyari,
"Salamat, Kuya. Kung kailangan niya ng proof, nag-
video ako sa cellphone ko."
"Sige, Ma'am. Pasensiya na ho ulit."
"Ayos lang."
Pinagmasdan ni Zehannah ang pag-alis ng delivery boy
saka isinara ang pintuan ng condo at ini-lock.
Zehannah wanted to keep what happened a secret to
Reigo. Alam niyang hindi niya iyon puwedeng solohin
dahil may kinalaman din dito ang binata. But still...
I don't want to see Reigo angry or anxious. Zehannah's
face darkened. That bitch! Huwag ka talagang
magpapakita sa 'kin dahil makikita mo kung gaano ako
ka-war freak na tangina ka!
Reigo always did his best to make her comfortable. He
always compromised and always did his best to balance
their schedule and her peace. Maybe that's what
influenced her to do the same for him.
I want to protect him like how he tries to protect me
and make me happy.
Pabagsak na naupo si Zehannah sa sofa at tumayo lang
nang tumunog ang doorbell ng condo niya ulit.
It was Reigo this time.
"Hey, my Zee." He kissed her on the temple.
"Hmm. Hi to you too," aniya saka kinuha ang briefcase
na dala ni Reigo at ipinasok 'yon sa kuwarto. "Come
on. Let's eat," ani Zehannah nang makabalik sa salas
at naabutan si Reigo na hinuhubad ang necktie nito at
binubuksan ang butones ng suot nitong long-sleeve
'So handsome,' komento ni Zehannah sa isip pero
nagpanggap na wala siyang nakitang guwapo at dumeretso
siya sa kusina para maghain.
Sumunod naman sa kaniya si Reigo at tinulungan siya.
"Hey, Zee. Can I ask you something?" tanong ni Reigo
nang nakaupo na sila sa hapag-kainan at pinagsasaluhan
ang nilutong hapunan ni Zehannah.
"Hmm? What is it?"
Inabot ni Reigo ang asin para magkaroon ng lasa ang
kinakain. "Well, um..."
"What?" To see Reigo hesitating, it intrigued Zehannah
since she seldom saw Reigo hesitate. Hindi nga 'to
nagdadalawang-isip sa malalanding pinagsasasabi nito
kaya nakakaintriga.
"You see..." Reigo took a deep breath as if he was
about to say something shocking so Zehannah braves
herself. "My parents want to meet you."
Napatigil sa pagnguya si Zehannah sa narinig saka
napakurap-kurap sa binata. "Ha?"
"My parents want to meet you," ulit ni Reigo na mas
kabado pa kaysa kanina.
Pakiramdam ni Zehannah, nabingi lang siya nang kaunti
kaya iba ang narinig niya kaya hiniling niya ulit kay
Reigo na ulitin ang sinabi nito. "Come again?"
"My parents want to meet you."
Zehannah blinked at Reigo. Then again. And again. And
then she closed her mouth, but she ended up opening
them again as she finally understood that she did not
hear Reigo wrong!
"Parents...?" Zehannah blinked. "Your... parents? Can
I say no?"
Reigo's face slightly fell, but he smiled as if to
reassure her. "Of course, you can. It's actually a
deal with my dad," he explained. "In our house, you
don't get things for free. You have to earn it, work
hard, or make a deal. And Dad wanted to meet you in
exchange for dealing with the witch bitch."
"His help?"
Tumango si Reigo. "Ang totoo niyan, wala naman na sana
akong balak na ituloy ang deal namin ni Dad. Kaya lang
nalaman ko kanina kay Shun, isa sa kaibigan ko na
inilipat lang pala ng branch si Emma Usoro at hindi
inalis sa kompanya."
Tapos panay sisi niya sa 'kin? Tangina talaga ang
mahadera na 'yon. Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah.
Isa lang kasi ang ibig sanihin n'on. "Ganoon ba
kalakas ang kapit niya?"
"Shun told me that Emma is the Lancove's CEO's
illegitimate child."
"Is the CEO the owner?"
"Nope. That's why I want Dad's help. He's friends with
the owner of Lancove. He can immediately and directly
reach out to him."
"At para gawin 'yon ng dad mo, kailangan niya akong
makilala bilang kapalit?" paninigurado ni Zehannah.
"Yeah. Over dinner. With him and Mom."
Nagpakawala ng malakas na buntonghininga si Zehannah
saka napasandal sa likod ng upuan ng hapag-kainan para
mag-isip nang mabuti.
Zehannah wanted to make herself believe that 'it's
just a simple dinner', but she knew that that's not
the case. Meeting the parents was always crucial.
Parents could make or break a relationship and at the
moment, what she and Reigo had was still fragile. If
she'll compare it to human life, it's like a newborn
baby without a name.
Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah. "Kapag nakipag-meet ba
ako sa parents mo, mapapatalsik kaagad ang babae na
"Yes. My dad will make it happen. He's more powerful
than I am in the business world."
I bet he is. Zehannah thought and steeled herself.
"Sure. I'll do it."
Reigo's eyes widened. "Seriously?" He was not
expecting that.
"Yeah. It's for our peace of mind, so let's accept the
"Ayos lang talaga sa 'yo?"
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah. "I don't do 'meet
the parents' because it's like a relationship level
up, but..."—bumuntonghininga si Zehannah—"I don't want
seeing you uneasy and strained, so let's just do it
and meet your parents."
Reigo looked so happy, Zehannah could see it in his
eyes as he leaned in and kissed her deeply.
"Gago." She flicked his forehead and pushed him away.
"Lasang sausage ang bibig mo. I don't hate them, but
they're not my favorite. Binili ko lang 'yon kasi
gusto mo."
Reigo smiled at her suggestively. "That actually works
for me, since the only sausage I want you to eat is
Zehannah looked at Reigo flatly. "Really? In front of
my vegetable soup?"
Reigo just chuckled, and Zehannah could tell that he's
happy. As if nothing can dampen his happiness. Not
even that witch bitch.
I'm glad.
Maybe because Reigo looked happy the whole dinner,
their dinner went well and while Zehannah was washing
dishes, Reigo decided to be clingy and hugged Zehannah
from behind.
Zehannah sighed heavily. "Reigo, nakakita ka na ba ng
malandi na nagngangalang Reigo Vasquez na nasampal ng
Reigo immediately let go and slipped out of the
kitchen, making Zehannah sigh in relief because she'll
finally be able to wash the dishes in peace.
Thankfully, Reigo didn't return to the kitchen. At
dahil wala ang binata, mabilis ang naging galaw ni
Zehannah. Pagkatapos maghugas, nagligpit siya ng kalat
at nilinis ang kusina bago lumabas.
Zehannah smelled like oil, onion, vegetable, and sweat
when she exited the kitchen that she grimaced when she
found a freshly bathed Reigo in the living room,
reading a magazine.
'Mas nauna pang maligo kaysa sa 'kin. Nakakahiya
naman. Ang thoughtful ng tangina,' puno ng sarkasmong
komento ni Zehannah sa isip.
"Oh, Zee—"
Zehannah pointed his finger at Reigo to make him stop
moving because she knew he was about to leave the
couch to cling to her. "I'm sweaty and I smell like
shit. Kapag lumapit ka sa 'kin, matutulog ka rito sa
labas. Huwag mo akong subukan."
The bastard just smiled and still walked towards her.
Zehannah actually shrank back when the bastard sniffed
"Mabango ka pa rin naman," anito.
Tiningnan niya nang masama ang binata. "Wow. Napaka-
bias ng ilong mo. Kahit pa gaano mo ako kagusto, ang
mabaho ay mabaho."
Reigo shrugged. "But I like how you smell. I mean,
there's vegetables and some things mixed in there, but
you still smell like my Zee."
Mas lalong tumalim ang mata ni Zehannah. "Lumayo ka sa
'kin. Masasapak kita."
"Reigo, lumayo ka." She gave him a pointed look.
"Compared to you, I stink, so back off."
Masyadong matalim ang tingin ni Zehannah para hindi
humakbang palayo si Reigo. "Okay. Okay. Tawagin mo ako
pagkatapos mong maligo. Aamuyin kita mula ulo hanggang
"Gago," sagot ni Zehannah saka pumasok na sa kuwarto
at iniwan si Reigo sa salas.
Dumeretso kaagad si Zehannah sa banyo saka naligo.
Pagkatapos ay nagbihis siya ng pantulog na damit at
tinuyo ang may kahabaan niyang buhok gamit ang hair
dryer pagkatapos niya iyong lagyan ng hair protectant
After her hair became dry, she cleaned her bed and
laid herself on her side of the bed—which was on the
right—when Reigo was sleeping on her bed.
Speaking of Reigo, Zehannah didn't need to call for
him. Pumasok ito sa kuwarto nang nakahiga na siya saka
isinara ang pintuan at basta na lang sumampa sa kama
tapos dinaganan siya.
But not to do anything sexual. He just stayed on top
of her and rested his head in between her breast and
stomach while playing with her hand that was resting
on the mattress.
Zehannah let Reigo be as she checked her messages and
e-mails on her phone.
Marami na namang message galing kay witch bitch, pati
sa e-mail niya nagse-send na rin ito laya pinagba-
block niya lahat. It's useless fighting that bitch
online. Mas gusto ko personal para masapak ko ang
desperada na 'yon.
"Hmm?" Her attention was still on her phone.
"Are you working?"
"Not really." She looked at Reigo and found him
looking at the phone in her hand.
Zehannah immediately understood and put her phone on
the bedside table. "May kailangan ka?"
"Just your attention."
Zehannah sighed and cupped Reigo's whole face with her
hands and squeezed it against her palms. "So clingy."
"Do you hate it?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah saka tinapik ang balikat
ni Reigo. "Come on. Get off me. Pabigat ka nang
pabigat. Balak mo ba akong yupiin?"
Mahinang natawa si Reigo saka lumipat na ng higa sa
kama saka pinaunan siya sa braso nito at masuyo siyang
As usual, Reigo smelled so nice that Zehannah didn't
complain and just let him cuddle her.
"Do you ever feel jealous?"
Reigo sounded a little insecure that Zehannah couldn't
help looking up at him. "Selos? Kanino?"
"Emma or Daniela, maybe?"
"Bakit naman ako magseselos?"
"Sabi nila, kasama palagi ang selos kapag gusto mo ang
isang tao. Kung wala kang maramdamang ganoon, ibig
sabihin, hindi mo ako ganoon kagusto."
Zehannah became silent and Reigo understood it wrong.
"No pressure," he said. "I get it. Ako lang naman ang
nagpumilit na pumasok at manatili sa buhay mo kahit
ayaw mo. Maybe it's too early for you to feel that
emotion. Sorry if my question made you uncomfortable—"
"Shut up, Reigo."
Reigo stopped talking.
Zehannah buried her face against Reigo's chest. "A
little I guess."
Reigo stilled and frowned. "What?"
"I said a little!" she snapped and pinched Reigo's
stomach, but her pinch failed because of the abs
there. "When that woman from the grocery called you
'love', she's so annoying. How I wish she talked back
to me instead of running, so I'll have the excuse to
smack her head. And that witch bitch! Making you feel
uneasy and strained. I want to slap her so bad that
she'll find her face thrown across the room. But that
bitch hasn't shown herself to me. Hmph! Sana magpakita
siya sa 'kin para masubukan ko sa kaniya ang tinuro sa
'kin ni Papi na sapak para sa mga gaga at desperada—"
Reigo tightened his embrace around her and he kissed
her forehead multiple times.
Pinakikiramdaman ni Zehannah kung may gagawin pang iba
si Reigo nang tawagin nito ang pangalan niya.
"Do you like me?"
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Sa tingin mo talaga
makikipag-chukchakan ako sa 'yo kung hindi kita gusto?
Gago ka ba? Mukha lang akong malandi, pero sa 'yo lang
'tong kalandian ko. Gago."
Zehannah was surprised when Reigo suddenly picked her
body up and rolled her on top of him.
"Say, Zee. Could you fuck me?"
She pushed herself up and sat on Reigo's abdomen
before she narrowed her eyes at him. "Do you like
being dominated? Is that your kink?"
Reigo smiled, and it was filled with lust. "If that
means you being on top, riding me, giving me the
pleasure to watch you fuck me and take control while
smirking and looking so sexily at me then yes... by
all means, my Zee, dominate me and fuck my brains
That put a smirk on Zehannah's lips. "I like the sound
of that." She took off her pajama and sat on top of
Reigo, naked.
And Reigo just watched her while caressing her bare
legs and thighs as if he was waiting for what she'll
do next.
"Remember, babe"—Zehannah smiled at Reigo while
looking down at him from the top—"you asked for it."
Reigo was anticipating what Zehannah would do. His Zee
was unpredictable in bed, after all.
A smile spread across Reigo's lips when Zehannah moved
up and sat on his face—more like his mouth while
biting her lips so sexily and licking them in
"Eat up, Reigo," she said while clenching a handful of
his hair. "Bon appétit."
With a smile, Reigo parted his lips, stuck out his
tongue, and said, "Thanks for the food."
And then, he dug in and enjoyed his favorite dessert
after a meal.
ZEHANNAH JUST watched Reigo while fumbling in his
pockets, looking for his car keys while swaying a
little. Lasing ang loko at mukhang hindi nito maalala
na ibinigay na nito sa kaniya ang susi bago pa sila
lumabas ng village hall pagkatapos ng surprise party
ni Thorn.
"Wait, Zee..." He continued checking all his pockets.
"It's somewhere—here. Yep. Wait—did I drop it? Fuck.
Seeing Reigo, Zehannah took out her phone from her bag
and took a video of Reigo fumbling around and being
clumsy until he just sat on the ground like a child
that has given up after giving his all.
Pigil ni Zehannah ang matawa.
"Reigo, come on. Get up," aniya sa binata habang bini-
video pa rin ito.
Reigo groaned and pouted. "But we don't have keys,
Zee...! I will not walk!"
Kinagat ni Zehannah ang pang-ibabang labi para
mapigilan ang tawa na gustong kumawala roon. "Hindi
naman tayo maglalakad."
Reigo's pout remained while looking at Zehannah like a
gullible child. "Really? We're not walking? I hate
walking. I'd rather do push-ups and exercise."
"Yep." She smiled at Reigo. "Who do you think I am?"
A drunken grin appeared on Reigo's lips. "You're my
very powerful Zee."
Zehannah bit back her chuckle. "Yep. I'm so powerful
that I can magically drive without keys. So come on,
get up."
"Okay!" Reigo got up, swaying in the process, then he
walked to Zehannah and hugged her. "Zee, you smell so
nice. I want to eat you."
"Nope. Uuwi na tayo. Sakay na."
"Ikaw na lang kaya ang sakyan ko."
"Reigo, behave. We're in public, for Christ's sake."
"But I want to eat you," ungot nito na parang bata
habang hinahalikan at kinakagat-kagat ang leeg niya.
"Hmm. My Zee... you taste good. And smells good too.
Ah, I'm addicted."
"I said no." Pinatigas ni Zehannah ang boses. "Hindi
kita patutulugin sa condo ko kapag hindi ka nakinig sa
Reigo groaned, but he listened anyway. Swaying, he
went to open the passenger's door and slid himself
Napailing si Zehannah saka tinigil ang pagbi-video at
sumakay na rin sa sasakyan ni Reigo.
Zehannah sighed heavily when Reigo hugged her the
moment she got inside the car. He was clinging to her
that it was hard to move around in the driver's seat.
She glared at Reigo. "Seatbelt and behave. I swear,
Reigo, I'll spank you, so be a good boy and stay in
your seat." She's treating Reigo like a child since
he's acting like one.
Reigo grinned. "You'll spank me? Hmm. My Zee has lots
of kinks. First, choking, and now, spanking."
Exasperated, Zehannah blew a loud breath and pushed
Reigo to his seat and put his seatbelt on. "Don't move
because I'm driving. Kapag panay yakap mo sa 'kin
habang nagmamaneho ako, baka may hindi magandang
mangyari. Baka ma-aksidente tayo at mamatay ako,
mumultuhin kitang gago ka."
"Okay." Reigo sounded like an obedient child. "I'll
behave. I don't want to lose you."
Natigilan si Zehannah saka parang may kung anong
lumambot sa dibdib niya dahil sa sinabi ng binata at
dahil sa emosyon ng mukha nito. He looked so sad, as
if losing her will break him.
His defense is all down now that he's drunk.
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah saka humarap sa
"Zee, dahan-dahan lang," wika ni Reigo noong nasa daan
na sila. "I don't want to lose you. Drive slowly,
"Forty na lang ang takbo natin, Reigo," imporma niya
sa binata.
"No!" he snapped. "Make it thirty! I told you, I don't
want to lose you!"
Nagtatagis ang bagang na binagalan pa ni Zehannah ang
sasakyan. Kung hindi ka lang lasing na gago ka, at
hindi ka sweet na lasing, hindi ako magiging ganito
kabait! Tangina!
Zehannah's patience was wearing thin while driving for
30KPH. Fortunately, she was able to calm herself down
and arrived at her condo without snapping at Reigo.
Hindi na nagulat pa si Zehannah na nang lumabas sila
ng sasakyan ay kaagad na yumakap sa kaniya mula sa
likuran si Reigo habang naglalakad sila papasok.
Pinagtitinginan sila ng mga tao, pero ang gago, wala
talagang balak na humiwalay sa kaniya.
Reigo stuck beside her, hugging her and whispering
sweet and horny nothings in her ear until they arrived
at her unit.
Drunk Reigo was amusing, but it now had become so
Ayaw nitong humiwalay sa kaniya. Kahit saan siya
magpunta, nakayakap ito sa kaniya na para bang iiwan
niya ito. She couldn't shake him off.
In short, he was acting like a troublesome child!
Giving up, Zehannah dropped herself on the long sofa
and Reigo immediately laid himself on the same sofa,
making her thighs his pillow.
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah dahil wala
naman siyang magagawa dahil lasing ang binata. She's
sure that he was not in control of his actions—this
was all instinct and his unconscious desire to stay
with her. It was manifesting since he couldn't control
Ibig sabihin, ganito siya kadesperado na manatili sa
tabi ko kung hindi niya kino-control ang sarili niya?
Zehannah sighed and combed Reigo's hair. And Reigo
looked like he was enjoying it.
Napatitig si Zehannah sa guwapong mukha ng binata.
He opened his eyes to look up at her. "I like you. So
Zehannah felt her pulse quicken. "What do you even
like about me?"
"There's a lot, actually." He stared hard at her. "But
it all boils down to you being my Zee."
Zehannah didn't get it, so she remained silent.
"I like you because you're Zehannah Sevil," Reigo
"So... you like me because I'm... me?"
"Yeah. Pretty much. Anyone can have your attitude and
personality—which I doubt—but even if they have all
that, they're still not Zehannah Sevil. And it's you I
like. I like Zehannah Sevil. I like my Zee. You are
serious about your work. You are independent and I
like that about you. I like that you know what you
want. I like that you buy me food and pay for me. I
like that we're physically compatible. I like that I
don't have to be someone else to be with you. I like
how comfortable I am with you. I like how you always
think of my well-being and protect me on your own. I
like... so much... there are a lot of things I like
that it might take time to narrate them all... ah,
fuck... I'm so whipped."
Zehannah had to steady a lot in her body as she
listened to Reigo. Her pulse, her breathing, her
reaction, and the emotion on her face. And it was
maddening to keep calm while Reigo was saying those
"But there is one thing I dislike—no, dislike is a
strong word," Reigo corrected himself. "Maybe just
bothered. Yeah. That's the word. There's one thing
that bothers me when it comes to you."
Zehannah's breathing stopped. She felt anxious
"You're not honest with me. And it bothers me
sometimes," Reigo said and Zehannah tried to defend
"I am honest—"
"Yes, you are," he cut her off. "You're honest with
your thoughts and with your body, but with your
emotion, I'd say not all the time. Just like now."
Natigilan si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay pinakatitigan ang
binata. "Kung kailan ka nalasing saka mo sasabihin sa
'kin 'yan?"
"Hindi ako lasing."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. And what do
you mean I'm not honest now? How can you say that?"
"I've always observed your facial expression and body
language," sagot ni Reigo saka gumigiwang na bumangon
ito at umupo sa sofa paharap sa kaniya at sinapo ang
mukha niya. "When you're controlling your emotion, you
always have this calm and collected look on your face—
just like now. I can tell because I've seen how
expressive you can be. Especially in bed or when
you're angry or annoyed or irritated. That's why I
enjoy having sex with you a lot because your emotions
become unrestrained when we do it." Slowly, Reigo
buried his face in Zehannah's neck as if seeking
solace in her warmth.
Zehannah sighed. "And that bothers you?"
"I like you too much that I always end up disregarding
it." He kissed her neck. "And now I feel bad because I
said it. I shouldn't have said that. Paano kung
magalit ka sa 'kin? Now, I feel like I'm a jerk for
saying it." He sighed and buried his face against her
neck once again. "In my previous relationships, I
always keep my mouth shut when I'm bothered about
something, but with you... I want to tell you
everything because I really like you so much—flaws and
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah saka hinayaan ang
emosyon na nararamdaman at pinipigilan na kumawala.
Umangat ang mga braso niya saka masuyong niyakap si
Reigo at hinaplos ang buhok nito. "Mahirap baguhin ang
nakasanayan lalo na kung natutunan mo 'yon habang
nagkaka-edad. Adulting taught me that if you couldn't
control your emotions, you will not go far in life. My
previous relationships taught me as well that if you
show your emotions so openly, they'll use it against
you when they see fit." Huminga siya nang malalim.
"Reigo, I'd been guarding and standing for myself for
as long as I can remember. It won't be easy to break
my behavior and change."
"I know," he whispered. "And I won't tell you to
change. I know that your guard is still up, even after
everything that has happened between us. And I get it.
When I asked you to have a mutual understanding
relationship with me, I already accepted the fact that
your emotions are well guarded. It bothers me, yes,
but as I said earlier, I like you too much and I want
to be honest with you."
"Honest, huh?"
"Hmm. Because how can I expect honesty from you if I'm
not being honest myself?"
A soft smile spread across Zehannah's lips. "I'm used
to dating men who only cared about the superficial me.
They never cared to open up the package to see what's
inside. I always thought that it's because I'm
difficult to deal with because my belief and opinion
differ from most women. Naisip ko na baka nga ako ang
may mali. Baka ako ang may problema at hindi sila.
Pero nakilala kita. You're like a breath of fresh air
to me. When we're together, you always wear your heart
on your sleeve. So I rejected you. A man like you will
only be hurt by me. But then... you stayed. Naisip ko,
siguro, walang mali sa 'kin at hindi ako ang may
problema dahil nanatili ka."
Slowly, Reigo slightly pulled away to look into
Zehannah's eyes. "Zee, walang mali sa 'yo. Whatever
your opinions and beliefs are, they matter because you
believe in it. Kung sa tingin ng iba problema 'yon,
ibig sabihin lang n'on ay hindi sila handa para sa
isang katulad mo."
Zehannah rested her forehead against Reigo's shoulder.
"I sometimes think that I'm born in the wrong time and
place because of my different opinion and belief."
He kissed her temple. "If that was so, then I'd like
to think that you were born here and now so we can
"You're even more cheesy when drunk."
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Hmm. Pero hindi ako
"'Yan ang palaging sinasabi ng mga lasing."
Reigo just comfortably hugged Zehannah as silence fell
on them. Reigo was close to falling asleep when he
heard Zehannah speak.
"You want honesty, right?" Bago pa makasagot si Reigo,
nagsalita na ulit si Zehannah. "I'm thankful and happy
that you stayed."
Reigo pulled away to look at Zehannah in shock.
Silence fell on them until Zehannah flicked Reigo's
forehead. "Tulog na. Magsisimba tayo bukas nang
Reigo blinked at Zehannah. "Huh? What? How could you
ask me to sleep after saying those things—"
"Lasing ka. Matulog ka na."
"Hindi nga ako lasing."
"Then how do you think I drove your car without keys?"
Reigo tilted his head to the side. "Because you're my
very powerful Zee?"
Zehannah sighed before she leaned in and kissed Reigo
on the forehead. "Come on." Hinawakan niya ito sa
kamay saka hinila patayo. "Matulog na tayo. Sana hindi
mo maalala bukas itong pinag-usapan natin. I just
realized that I'm so cheesy that I'm cringing."
"But Zee—"
"Come on." Hinila niya ang lasing na binata patungo sa
kuwarto niya. "Tulog na."
"Ayoko pa nga—"
"Tatabihan kita."
"Okay," mabilis na sagot ni Reigo at nauna pang
pumasok sa kuwarto niya.
Napailing si Zehannah. "He's like a child when drunk
and like a baby when feeling down. He's goofy and
sarcastic when he wants to." She sighed. "And to think
that he's my breath of fresh air... ah, I'm screwed."
"Zee! Come on! I'm naked already. Let's sleep!"
Zehannah just sigh and entered her room. And yep,
Reigo was as naked as the day he was born. And the
bastard didn't even bother covering his groin with a
Paano ako makakatulog kung hubad itong gago na 'to?
"Reigo, put some pants on or something."
Namaywang si Zehannah. "Hindi ako tatabi sa 'yo kung
ganiyan ka."
Groaning and swaying, Reigo got off the bed to get
sweatpants from his bag in the corner of her room.
Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung matatawa o maiiling siya
nang makita ang pagewang-gewang na paglalakad ni Reigo
pabalik sa kama.
"Zee, come here. Let's sleep."
"Half-bath lang ako."
"Sama ako—"
"No. Mahiga ka na riyan," pigil ni Zehannah sa binata.
"I'll be quick."
"Okay." Reigo sighed heavily.
Napailing si Zehannah saka pumasok sa banyo pagkatapos
kumuha ng damit sa closet.
Binilisan ni Zehannah ang paglilinis sa katawan dahil
iniisip niya si Reigo, pero nang makalabas siya ng
banyo, natagpuan niyang mahimbing na natutulog na ang
Zehannah let out a sigh and went to cover Reigo with
the comforter. And then she sat on the bed and stared
at him.
Zehannah was enjoying what she and Reigo had at the
moment. She had no plans on stopping, and she
genuinely wanted to be with him.
But a fear was taking root in the back of her mind.
Sana hindi mangyari. Because if Reigo asked and I said
no, what they have now will really end. She wanted to
stay like this with Reigo, but... shit. Ayokong mag-
isip. Malayo pang mangyari 'yon. Baka nga hindi
mangyari. Sana hindi.
Zehannah sighed heavily and kissed Reigo on the
forehead before mumbling good night.
Then Zehannah turned off the lights and went to bed.
Reigo immediately cuddled her under the comforter.
He's drunk, but he still smelled nice. Either life is
not fair or biased na rin ang ilong ko. Zehannah
thought before she closed her eyes to rest.
REIGO WOKE UP like his head was being hammered down to
his last brain cell. His throat was dry, and he felt
like shit. And to top it all off, he was buck naked in
Zehannah's bed and the woman who owned the bedroom was
leaning against the door frame, sipping coffee and
watching him with interest.
"Um..." He knew he was drunk last night, but he had no
memory of it. He blinked at Zehannah, who was still
sipping coffee while watching him. "Did I do
something... last night?" Reigo was almost afraid to
ask because he felt like he did something.
"What do you think you did?" Umalis si Zehannah sa
pagkakahilig sa hamba ng pintuan saka naglakad palapit
sa kaniya at tiningnan ang hubad niyang katawan. "Wala
kang naaalala?"
Umiling si Reigo.
Zehannah's lips twitched a little as if she was
holding back a smile or a grimace, then she picked up
her phone from the bedside table, opened it, and she
handed it to him. "Have fun. Breakfast in the
Pagkasabi n'on ng dalaga ay naglakad ito palabas.
Naiwan naman si Reigo na hawak-hawak ang cellphone ni
Zehannah at nang bumaba ang tingin niya ro'n, nakita
niya ang sarili sa thumbnail ng video.
Reigo immediately clicked play to see the whole video
and he swore to never drink again after seeing it.
"Fuck. What did I just do?"
He dropped the phone on the bed and grabbed his
sweatpants that were on the floor then he ran out of
the room, shirtless, to look for his Zee.
He found her in the kitchen sipping coffee.
"Bakit ang pula ng mukha mo?" tanong ni Zehannah kay
Reigo looked away. "Um... I saw the video. Did I do
something more horrifying than that? I feel like I
Pigil ni Zehannah ang matawa. "Hmm... let me think.
Noong nasa sasakyan na tayo, gusto mong 30KPH lang ang
takbo natin kasi sabi mo 'I don't want to lose you'.
Pagkatapos n'on, ng dumating na tayo rito sa condo ko,
mula parking lot papunta rito sa unit ko, para kang
ahas na ayaw kumawala sa 'kin. And then noong nasa
loob na tayo, ayaw mo pa ring lumayo sa 'kin at nahiga
ka sa kama na hubad. Somehow, I managed to threaten
you into putting pants on, but just a few hours from
that, I woke up to see you taking it off and throwing
it on the floor. And you vomited after that, then you
went back to sleep."
Reigo was horrified that Zehannah saw all those bad
things about him! "Vomit? I—I did that?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yep. Good thing it was on the
Inamoy ni Reigo ang sarilihing hininga at napangiwi
ang binata saka mabilis na lumayo kay Zehannah. "Fuck.
I smell like puke."
Tumango ulit si Zehannah. "Yep. And cleaning your
vomit is the worst. Kailangan kong maligo pagkatapos."
Nanghihinang napaupo si Reigo sa sahig ng kusina at
bumulong, "Ah, I'm done. After vomiting and cleaning
it all up, I'm sure you dislike me now."
Zehannah sipped her coffee. "Hindi ako ganoon kababaw.
Gusto pa rin kita."
Sa narinig ni Reigo, akmang susugurin nito ng yakap
ang dalaga nang duruin ito ni Zehannah na ikinatigil
"Don't you dare, Reigo," babala ni Zehannah. "Go take
a bath and brush your teeth thoroughly first. Because,
ew, I'm not kissing you after all that shit."
"Oh." Reigo stood up straight. "Yeah. Wait for me," he
said and left the kitchen.
Napailing na lang si Zehannah habang sinusundan ng
tingin ang binata. Lahat ng sinabi niya rito ay totoo.
Sumuka talaga ito kaninang madaling araw at napilitan
siyang linisin 'yon dahil hindi niya kaya ang amoy.
And because of that, she woke up early and was able to
attend the early mass.
Nanginig si Zehannah nang maalala ang nilinis niya.
That was the worst indeed. That was her first time
cleaning that shit. Hindi kasi siya hinahayaan ng Papi
niya na maglinis n'on noon noong nasa bahay pa siya ng
mga magulang niya at nalalasing ang Papa niya na
mahilig uminom pero ang hina naman ng alcohol
She had seen and smelled vomit, but that was the first
time she cleaned one.
Thanks to Reigo. Note the sarcasm.
That should have been enough to turn her off, but
nothing had changed. She still likes Reigo.
Breath of fresh air, my ass! Can I take back my words
from last night? Buti na lang talaga walang naaalala
ang dumuho na 'yon. She prayed that he wouldn't
remember a thing from last night. Yeah. Let's not
juggle his memory.
With that in mind, she waited for Reigo in the
kitchen. After two cups of coffee—yeah, I should
really stop drinking too much coffee—Reigo entered the
kitchen again. This time, he looked fresh, and he
smelled great. And yes, he's still shirtless and
Zehannah was not complaining as Reigo scooped her up
and kissed her on the lips.
"Morning, my Zee."
He smiled, then he winced. "Fuck. My head hurt."
Napailing si Zehannah saka kumawala sa yakap ng binata
at hinila ito patungo sa hapag-kainan. "Come on. Eat
up. You need coffee and carbs in your system."
Reigo followed and watched as Zehannah cared for him.
She made him coffee and put food on his plate. And he
felt like he's being babied and spoiled.
"Drink lots of water," ani Zehannah saka naglapag ng
isang pitsel ng tubig sa harapan ni Reigo. "I'll go
get some pain reliever for your head—up there."
Reigo smiled when Zehannah left the kitchen to get him
some medicine, but his smile vanished when he tasted
her food.
"Ang tabang pa rin talaga," bulong niya saka kinuha
ang asin at nagpatuloy sa pagkain.
Minutes later, Zehannah went back to the kitchen.
"Here. Inumin mo 'to pagkatapos mong kumain." Inilapag
ni Zehannah ang gamot sa mesa. "Hayaan mo lang ang
kinainan mo sa lababo. I'll take care of it. Baka
mawalan ako ng mga plato kapag hinugasan mo. Anyway,
doon lang ako sa kuwarto."
Reigo just watched Zehannah leave. Gusto niya itong
makausap, pero mukhang may gagawin ito kaya hinayaan
na niya.
And just like what Zehannah told him, he left his
dishes on the sink and went to the bedroom to check on
Zehannah after he ate breakfast.
Akala niya nagpapahinga ang dalaga, kaya natigilan
siya nang makitang wala ito roon pero bukas ang
palaging nakasarang bintana sa kuwarto nito at sobrang
linis ng buong kuwarto.
The floor was clean and shiny; the sun was shining
inside the bedroom because of the open window; the bed
had a new set of beddings—and he couldn't see his bag.
He panicked.
Oh, shit. Reigo was about to look for his bag when the
door to the bathroom opened.
"Zee, can I ask where's my—"
Reigo swallowed his words when he saw Zehannah step
out of the bathroom with only her panties on. Not even
wearing a bra and even after she saw him, she walked
to the closet like an unbothered queen.
And Reigo couldn't stop his eyes from following
Zehannah around. From the bathroom to the closet, his
eyes followed her and watched her pull a spaghetti
strap top and nothing else.
She didn't wear a bra or a short. Just spaghetti strap
tops and panties. That's it. Nothing else and Reigo
found himself gulping.
"Stop looking like a horny animal and ask what you
wanted to ask earlier."
That pulled Reigo from his horny reverie. "Oh, yeah.
My bag. Where is it?"
Zehannah opened the other side of her closet. "It
sticks out like a sore thumb in the corner, so I put
all the clothes inside your bag here and your bag is
there." Itinuro niro ang drawer sa ibaba ng closet.
"May tanong ka pa?"
"Huh? What why?"
"Why did you put it in your closet?" For Reigo, that
was a big change. It was as if Zehannah was accepting
him into her life.
But Zehannah's answer was, "Kasi gusto ko?"
Reigo chuckled at that. Zehannah's answer may be as
simple as 'kasi gusto ko', but to Reigo, it spoke
From sharing dinner to sharing a closet. He's becoming
a part of Zehannah's life little by little.
"Bakit nakatulala ka riyan? Masakit pa ulo mo?"
"Nah. I'm good." He smiled and walked towards Zehannah
to wrap his arms around her. "Since we're both fresh
from the shower, why don't we eat each other?"
Zehannah looked at Reigo flatly. "Is that all you
think about?"
"Hmm. Not really, but yeah?"
Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead. "Schedule ko
ngayong manood ng favorite TV series ko sa Netflix.
So, nope. No sex for you."
Reigo pouted, but he didn't stop her or complain. He
just followed her to the living room, sat beside her
on the long sofa, and joined her as she binge-watched
her favorite show.
After a couple of episodes, Zehannah found herself
curled in Reigo's arms. She thought Reigo was just
nonchalantly joining her for the sake of watching it
together, but he became more engrossed in the show
than her, making her smile.
There's nothing more satisfying than knowing that the
person she liked enjoyed her favorite show. It felt
So their binge-watching continued. When lunch came,
they just ordered online since Zehannah and Reigo both
didn't want to stop watching. And they ate lunch in
front of the TV. After that, they went back to
cuddling on the couch. This time, it was Reigo who
wanted to be cuddled, so he was in her arms as they
continued to watch.
Parehong tutok na tutok ang dalawa sa pinapanood na
hindi ni Zehannah namalayan na nag-text ang Papi niya
para ipaalam na dadaan ito sa condo niya para mag-
dinner sa labas kasama siya.
Kaya nang tumunog ang doorbell ng condo ni Zehannah,
walang kaide-ideya ang dalawa hanggang sa makita ni
Reigo sa peephole kung sino ang nasa labas.
"Zee, I think I need a shirt."
"Ha? Bakit?"
"It's your parents. They're outside."
Mabilis na umalis si Zehannah sa sofa saka tumakbo sa
kuwarto. "Don't open the door yet!"
Mabilis na kumuha ng cotton short si Zehannah sa
closet saka isinuot 'yon kapagkuwan ay mabilis na
nagsuot ng bra. Pagkatapos ay kumuha rin siya ng T-
shirt para kay Reigo saka ihinagis yon sa binata nang
makalabas sa kuwarto bago siya kalmadong bumalik sa
pagkakaupo sa sofa at nanood ng TV na parang wala
As for Reigo, he only opened the door after putting a
shirt on and making sure he looked like a decent
future boyfriend of Zehannah.
"Good afternoon po," magiliw na bati ni Reigo sa mga
magulang ni Zehannah nang buksan niya ang pintuan.
Unlike the first time he opened the door for them,
Zehannah's parents didn't ask anything or become
"Oh, Reigo's here," ani Cameron ng makapasok. "That's
"My daughter is not enslaving you, is she?" Dan asked
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "My Zee is not like that.
Though she's always bullying me, Tito Dan."
Dan patted Reigo's shoulder. "Hang in there."
"I will, Tito."
Dan nodded at Reigo before he looked for his daughter
and found her watching TV on the sofa. "Zehan, 'nak,
we're here."
"Yeah. We texted you," dagdag ni Cameron.
Acting like she just found out, Zehannah left the sofa
and excitedly welcomed her fathers with a big hug.
"Papa! Papi! Nanonood kami ni Reigo kaya hindi ko
nabasa ang text niyo sa 'kin."
"Oh. Are you two on a date?" tanong ni Cameron saka
tumingin kay Reigo na naglalakad palapit sa tatlo.
"Did we barge in?"
"No, Tito Cam. We're just binge watching," sagot ni
"If that's so, then you two won't mind accompanying us
to a celebratory dinner, yes?"
Zehannah blinked at her Papa. "Celebratory dinner?"
"Yep. Your Papi got promoted at work!" balita ni
Cameron sa lahat habang pumapalakpak pa at mas masaya
pa ito kaysa kay Dan na napapailing lang sa kapareha.
"Really, Papi?!" Zehannah hugged her father tightly
again while jumping up and down. "Yey! So happy for
you, Papi."
Dan smiled and patted Zehannah's back. "Yeah, yeah.
Now go change. We're going to dinner. Libre ni Papa
Zehannah grinned and immediately ran to her room to
change. Meanwhile, Reigo was left behind with Cameron
and Dan, who immediately turned to Reigo after
Zehannah left.
"Hindi ka magbibihis?" tanong ni Dan sa binata.
"I'm coming with you?" Reigo was surprised because he
thought it was a family dinner.
Kumunot ang noo ni Cameron. "What? Of course, you
"But isn't it a family dinner?" Reigo asked.
"Yeah. And you're the closest thing my Zehan has for a
partner, that makes you part of the family," ani Dan.
"And I'm sure you didn't come here to Zehan's condo
looking like that. Either you have spare change
somewhere or you have clothes here, so go change."
Reigo didn't want to put Zehannah on the spot with her
parents if they found out he had clothes in her
closet, so he excused himself. "Nasa sasakyan ang
damit ko. I'll go get it." Reigo was thankful that it
had become his habit to always bring spare clothes.
And also, his car keys were in the living room, much
to his luck.
"Sige. Sabihan namin si Zehan na kumuha ka ng damit sa
sasakyan mo."
Reigo thanked the two, took his key, and stepped out
of Zehannah's condo to get his 'clothes' and 'change'.
"Huh? Nasaan si Reigo?" 'Yon kaagad ang tanong ni
Zehannah nang makalabas sa kuwarto at hindi nakita ang
"Kumuha ng damit sa sasakyan niya," sagot ni Dan sa
anak. "He's going to dinner with us."
Natigilan si Zehannah saka napakunot ang nuo. Pero may
damit siya sa kuwarto— oh! He must be trying to save
me from my parents' questions if they found out. Lihim
na napangiti si Zehannah. Maasahan talaga ang loko na
'yon. She was grateful that he thought of her instead
of his own convenience.
Then the doorbell rang. It was Reigo. He already
changed into his casual clothes. White polo shirt,
grey check pants, and white sneakers.
Damn. Being that handsome should be a crime. Isip ni
Zehannah nang mapagbuksan si Reigo ng pintuan saka
ngumiti ito sa kaniya.
"Sa sasakyan na ako nagbihis," anito nang makapasok.
"I just threw in what I have in my car." Bumaling si
Reigo kay Zehannah. "Do I look decent?"
Cameron saw how his daughter looked at Reigo, so he
teased her. "Yeah, Zehan. How does Reigo look?
Nakapasa ba siya sa panlasa mo?"
"Of course, he's handsome. He's a delicacy after all,"
sagot ni Zehannah saka inayos ang kuwelyo ng polo
shirt na suot ni Reigo saka pabulong na kinausap ito.
"Thanks for not letting my parents know that you have
clothes in my room."
"Oh, that? It's for my sake too. I'm sure they'll be
wary of me if they found out. I mean, they clearly
like me, but you're still their daughter."
"Hmm, yeah. Siguradong hindi ka na hahayaan ni Papa na
makapasok dito sa condo ko. They're only letting you
because they trust me and my decisions."
Reigo smiled, and he looked dashing. "I should be
grateful and say thank you."
Zehannah rolled her eyes and pinch Reigo's cheeks.
"You better behave, Reigo."
Reigo gave her a reassuring smile. "I will."
"Kids, stop flirting," ani Dan kay Zehannah at Reigo.
"Come on. Male-late na tayo sa reservation natin."
Unang lumabas sina Cameron at Dan saka sumunod naman
sina Zehannah at Reigo. At tulad nga ng sabi ni Reigo
kanina, hindi nito ginawa ang palagi nitong ginagawa
kapag sumasakay sa elevator—may tao man o wala—at 'yon
ay ang landiin siya.
He was well-behaved and Zehannah wanted to laugh at
Reigo's innocent face while sharing small talks with
her parents in the elevator.
"I'm so proud of you," bulong niya sa binata nang
makalabas sila ng elevator. "You survived the elevator
Reigo let out a long, relieved breath. "Yeah. I was so
close to touching and flirting with you."
Natatawang tinapik ni Zehannah ang balikat ni Reigo.
"Good job. Bigyan kita ng premyo mamaya."
Reigo's eyes immediately glistened with determination.
"I will be on my best behavior."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka hinila na si Reigo
para makahabol sila sa mga magulang niya na nasa labas
na. At para maka-save ng oras at gas saka makabawas sa
traffic, nakisakay lang sina Zehannah at Reigo sa
sasakyan ng mga magulang ni Zehannah.
In the backseat, Reigo was well-behaved, keeping his
hands to himself, and Zehannah was dying to tease him.
Pasimpleng ipinatong ni Zehannah ang kamay sa hita ni
Reigo habang kausap ang Papi niya sa passenger seat.
"Hmm. Next week na. Excited na nga kami ni Cassia, e."
"I'm so happy for the two of you."
"Thanks, Papa."
Zehannah felt Reigo tense up, but she didn't mind it.
Instead, her hand moved until she was in his groin
Reigo gritted his teeth to control himself not to let
a moan escape from his lips.
"Reigo, ayos ka lang ba riyan?" tanong Papa ni
Zehannah na nakapansin sa katahimikan ng binata.
Reigo cleared his throat. "Yes, Tito. I'm fine."
"Oh. Good."
Zehannah looked at Reigo and smiled innocently at him
before she cupped his groin and, against her palm, she
felt him harden.
Reigo looked at Zehannah helplessly while trying not
to make a sound.
'You're evil.' He mouthed at her.
Pigil ni Zehannah ang matawa saka inalis na ang kamay
sa pagkalalaki ni Reigo. 'There. I'm innocent.' She
mouthed back, and Reigo just glared at her.
Zehannah was having fun, especially seeing Reigo
trying to calm himself after her teasing.
Thankfully, Reigo's 'friend' calmed down before they
arrived at the restaurant.
Napabaling ang tatlo kay Reigo na napatigil sa
pagpasok sa restaurant.
"May problema ba?" tanong ni Dan kay Reigo.
"Wala ho." Umiling si Reigo saka tumingin sa
restaurant na nasa harapan nila. "Asawa ng kaibigan ko
ang may-ari nito. She's a really excellent cook."
"Oh? Nahirapan kaming makapagpa-reserve rito," ani
Cameron. "Palagi silang fully booked."
"Yeah. Masarap kasi pagkain nila rito."
"Come on. Pasok na tayo," aya ni Dan sa mga kasama.
Dan and Cameron entered first, then Zehannah and Reigo
The four were immediately shown to their table, and
the service was outstanding, as usual. From the waiter
to the manager, making sure if they were comfortable.
And it looked like the manager recognized Reigo
because a few minutes later, the chef, Anniza Montero—
Dark Montero's wife stepped out of the kitchen to
greet Reigo and Zehannah.
"You have lovely parents, Zehan." Anniza was smiling
so genuinely sweet when Zehannah introduced her
parents to Anniza. "I'm so happy that you chose our
restaurant to celebrate a milestone in your career,
Sir Dan. Allow me to express my gratitude. Dessert is
on the house for everyone. Don't hold back."
Zehannah smiled at Anniza. "Thanks, Anniza."
"No biggie." Anniza smiled back. "Anyway, I'll be in
the kitchen. Kung may kailangan kayo, magsabi lang
kayo sa waiter or sa manager. I hope you have a
sumptuous dinner."
Everyone nodded and thanked Anniza.
"Nahirapan pa kaming magpa-reserve. Kakilala niyo lang
pala ang may-ari," ani Cameron.
"Her husband is a friend of mine," ani Reigo.
"And I just met Anniza recently when they added me to
their group chat."
Mabilis na napabaling si Reigo kay Zehannah. "Sa
Amazona Group Chat?"
"My friends fear that group chat," pagkuwento ni
Reigo. "Lahat kasi ng mga asawa nila myembro do'n
tapos nandoon ka na? Now I know why they're scared.
Magiging sobrang amazona ka pa nito ngayon—"
Pinangigilan ni Zehannah ang pisngi ni Reigo dahilan
para mapatigil ito sa pagsasalita.
Natawa naman ang mga magulang ni Zehannah na nanonood
lang sa dalawa.
They didn't meet a lot of Zehannah's ex, just a few,
and Zehannah was never this carefree with her exes.
She always had that mature aura around her, but with
Reigo, she really looked like she was having fun with
"I'm glad you're happy, 'nak."
Natigilan si Zehannah sa panggigigil sa pisngi ni
Reigo saka bumaling sa ama. "Happy? Sino? Ako?"
Dan nodded and smiled at Reigo. "Keep making my
daughter happy."
Reigo smiled, looking so happy and proud. "As long as
I'm able to, I will, Tito."
Thankfully, their dinner was served so Reigo's
cheesiness ended there and they enjoyed a pleasant
dinner while sharing small talks about anything they
could think of.
Zehannah enjoyed the whole dinner because she could
see her parents being comfortable with Reigo, to the
point that they shared their love story and their
relationship struggle with Reigo, who was intently
listening and commenting. The interaction warmed
Zehannah's heart that it was not only her stomach that
was full when they finished their dinner, her heart
"Good night, Papi, Papa," ani Zehannah nang ibaba sila
ng mga magulang niya sa condo niya. "Ingat sa
pagmamaneho pauwi."
"Good night din. Ingat din kayo."
Reigo and Zehannah nodded and only went inside the
building when Zehannah's parents drove away.
Side by side, Zehannah and Reigo rode the elevator to
Zehannah's unit.
Reigo was certain that they'll continue their binge-
watching once they arrived at Zehannah's place, but
his mind went blank when Zehannah suddenly claimed her
lips the moment they entered her condo and wrapped her
hands around his neck.
And Reigo was not someone to pass an opportunity to
take his Zee to the high heavens.
He kissed her back and one by one, their clothes
disappeared while hungrily devouring each other's
It was not a surprise anymore when Zehannah and Reigo
ended up on the couch, with Zehannah kneeling in front
of Reigo, who was sitting down. Zehannah had become
addicted to oral sex thanks to Reigo. She loved
sucking and licking him and hearing him moan like
crazy while he's inside her mouth. She liked it when
he gets rough while fucking her mouth and when he let
her do whatever she wanted with his cock as if he was
giving all the right to pleasure it to her.
Yes. She loved sucking Reigo's cock. It had become her
favorite thing in the world. Big and long. Worthy to
suck on.
With a euphoric expression on her face, Zehannah deep-
throated Reigo and did not stop until she heard his
loud moans, pleas, and cusses.
It was music to her ears.
Well, until she was the one being eaten and pounded
hard on the couch. Then her moans had become music to
Reigo's ear, who loved making her scream in pleasure.
And yes. She's a screamer.
After their romp on the couch, Zehannah lost count of
how many times they fucked on the sofa and the bed and
under the shower—but fucked wildly they did.
So it was not surprising that when morning came,
Zehannah was sore all over and Reigo's dick was
hurting from too much sucking and fucking.
As usual. They overdid it again.
IT'S BEEN DAYS since Reigo told Zehannah about meeting
his parents and Zehannah had been dreading about it.
Wala siyang nakilala sa mga magulang ng ex niya kasi
ayaw niya. Para sa kaniya kasi ibang level na 'yon at
hindi niya kaya ang responsibilidad na dala niyon kaya
umiiwas siya.
She said yes to meeting Reigo's parents for the deal,
but it's seriously nerve-wracking.
"Bakit ka kinakabahan? It's just meeting the parents."
Her Papa shrugged when she visited him in his shop one
afternoon when she already had no work to do, seeking
"Hindi ka ba kinabahan nang pinakilala ka ni Papi sa
parents niya?"
Natigilan ang ama niya saka nakangiwing nag-iwas ito
ng tingin. "That's a different story."
She narrowed her eyes at her father. "Papa, don't lie
to me."
Bumagsak ang balikat ni Cameron. "Fine! It was nerve-
wracking, but that was because I was serious with Dan
and I want to be accepted by his family."
Napabuntonghininga ito. "I want Dan to be my partner
with his parents' consent, so it was really important
to me."
Napangiti si Zehannah sa kinuwento ng ama. "You
survived that night in one piece, right?"
"Well, I had to go back a lot of times to be accepted,
but we did it," natatawang sagot ni Cameron saka
tumingin kay Zehannah. "Pero magkaiba ang sitwasyon
natin, 'nak. You're just meeting them for the deal,
right? It's not like you're serious about him for you
to fret like this."
She blinked at her father. "What?"
"Well"—her father gave her a confused look—"sa uri
kasi ng pag-aalala mo, kung hindi ka kilala ng
makakarinig sa 'yo, iisipin nila na sobrang mahalaga
sa 'yo ang kalalabasan ng pagpapakilala sa 'yo. If
you're not my daughter and I didn't know you, I would
think that you want their approval to be with Reigo
because you're serious about him and you want to take
your relationship to the next level, but... you're not
really serious, right?"
Napipilan si Zehannah.
And Cameron probed his daughter, seeing her so open.
"You're simply having fun being with him. And when he
becomes really serious about you, you'll pull back,
right? So why bother being nervous about meeting his
parents? Hindi mahalaga kung magustuhan ka man nila o
hindi, iiwan mo rin naman si Reigo kapag nagseryoso
siya, 'di ba?"
Zehannah was still speechless.
Cameron sighed at his daughter's stunned face. "Zehan,
I will not tell you what to feel and I will not put
words in your mouth, but think about this for me,
seriously. Kapag nawala ba sa buhay mo si Reigo,
magiging masaya ka ba? O magiging miserable ka?"
Zehannah was still silent.
Bumuntonghininga si Cameron. "'Nak, Zehan, alam kong
takot ka sa relasyon. Alam kong hindi madaling mabago
ang paniniwala at opinyon mo. Alam namin ng Papi mo na
takot kang sumubok kaya may tanong ako sa 'yo. After
meeting Reigo and being with him, do you still think
that he's not worth risking for?"
Sa wakas, nagkaroon din ng ibang reaksiyon si
Zehannah. She looked confused. "I don't... know,
Cameron smiled at his daughter and playfully pinched
the tip of her nose. "Think about it carefully. Kung
hindi mo masagot kaagad, ayos lang. Pero pag-isipan mo
nang mabuti. Because I think Reigo's honesty and
perseverance deserved to be respected by thinking
about your relationship with him seriously."
Nagbaba ng tingin si Zehannah. "I'm going to hurt him,
aren't I?"
Cameron gave his daughter a tight smile. "You have a
choice not to, but it will always be your decision,
Zehan. Just... just make sure that your decision will
make you happy and contented. That's all we're asking
of you. Kahit ano'ng maging desisyon mo, basta masaya
ka, susuportahan ka namin."
Naiiyak na tumayo si Zehannah sa kinauupuan saka
sinugod ang ama ng mahigpit na yakap. "I'm scared,
"I know." Hinagod ni Cameron ang likod ng anak.
Zehannah's voice trembled as she spoke. "I honestly
don't want to hurt him, but...."
"Take your time, Zehan. Use the time you're spending
with him to think about your relationship with him.
Reigo deserves that. He deserves your honesty and your
Tumango si Zehannah. "Thank you, Papa."
Ngumiti si Cameron saka pinagaan ang usapan dahil ayaw
nitong nakikita na umiiyak ang anak. "See? Mas
magaling akong magbigay ng advice kaysa sa Papi mo."
Natatawang tinuyo ni Zehannah ang luha sa pisngi.
"Isusumbong kita kay Papi—"
"Shh! Don't. Your Papi will be hostile for sure. Baka
patulugin niya ako sa labas ng kuwarto." May takot sa
boses ni Cameron.
Natawa si Zehannah saka niyakap ulit ang ama. "Thank
you, Pa. I'm glad I came here."
Cameron kissed his daughter's temple. "Anytime, 'nak.
Nandito lang kami ng Papi mo."
Tumango si Zehannah saka pinakawalan sa yakap ang ama.
"Kailangan ko nang bumalik sa agency. We still have
some preparations to do before we can open. Bye, Papa.
See you again soon."
"Bye, 'nak. See yah."
Kumaway si Zehannah saka nakangiting umalis sa shop ng
ama. Kabaliktaran sa pagpasok ng dalaga kanina na
problemado ito, ngayon, maaliwalas ang bukas ng mukha
ni Zehannah.
She received some good advice from her father, and
Zehannah was raring to give it a try. She didn't know
if this will make her fear disappear, but at the very
least, she had to try, right?
Just try.
Tama ang Papa niya. After all that had happened, after
all the things Reigo showed her and made her feel,
Reigo deserved her honesty and sincerity.
Zehannah said that, but when she got back to the
agency, she learned that Reigo was one of the people
who tricked Cassia and made her cry after Thorn's
surprise party.
Reigo...! How dare you make my friend cry! "Humanda ka
sa 'kin, Reigo." Kaagad na nawala sa isip niya ang
pinaplano kanina-kanina lang.
Kinuha ni Zehannah ang cellphone saka nagpadala ng
mensahe kay Reigo.
'How dare you make Cassia cry. That's a jerk move,
Reigo. I don't care if you set Thorn up, but to make
Cassia cry? Cassia doesn't deserve your little prank.
Don't you dare show your face to me if you know what's
good for you.'
Ayaw na ayaw ni Zehannah na nakikitang umiiyak at
malungkot si Cassia. She witnessed how Cassia cried
every day because of what happened to her and her
sister. And it was a traumatizing experience. Seeing
her best friend's lifeless eyes while tears were
falling down her cheeks, she didn't want to see that
again. She hated seeing Cassia cry and feeling pain.
That was the reason she hated Cassia's parents.
But, of course, Reigo still showed himself in front of
her when she arrived at her condo.
Pero hindi niya pinansin ang binata.
Nilampasan niya lang ito.
She acted like she heard nothing and went straight to
the elevator. Reigo tried to follow her, but when he
saw how sharp her glare was, he stopped in his tracks
and didn't follow her any further.
Though Reigo may not have followed her, he called her
number multiple times. She ignored it and even turned
her phone off.
She really didn't want to deal with Reigo at the
moment. Cassia was her precious best friend. She was
there when Cassia was suffering and crying non-stop.
So learning that her airhead best friend cried and was
hurt because of Reigo and Thorn's other friends'
little prank, she was seriously pissed.
Once she had calmed down, she'll talk to Reigo. But
for now, it's better that she wouldn't. Her emotions
were still all over the place. Siguradong may masasabi
siyang hindi maganda.
Natulog si Zehannah na 'yon ang nasa isip. Nang
magising siya kinabukasan, medyo may iritasyon pa rin
siyang nararamdaman kaya hindi niya binuksan ang
cellphone. Nasisiguro niyang maraming text si Reigo.
But to her surprise, when she got to her office and
opened her phone, there was none.
It was unlike Reigo not to message.
Did something happen to him? Napabuntonghininga si
Zehannah. I was just pissed, and now, I'm worried?
Nababaliw na ba ako dahil sa lalaking 'yon?
But she couldn't discard the worry she was feeling.
Even though she was still irritated, she decided to
reach out first. Kailangan niyang masiguro na ayos
lang si Reigo. She had a feeling she wouldn't be able
to focus on anything while she was worried. she called him.
After two rings, Reigo picked up.
"Um... this is Dark Montero. Reigo's friend."
Kaagad na nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Is... he
"Yeah. He's busy shivering."
"Since you're Zee, I'm pretty sure you know about the
barn, right?"
Zehannah was confused about where this conversation
was going, but she still answered. "Yeah."
"Great. I'm here in the barn right now to get
something and I found Reigo shivering on the sofa. I
think he has a fever." May pag-aalangan sa boses ni
Dark nang muling magsalita. "Alam kong busy ka pero
puwede ka bang pumunta rito? It would be nice if you
bought him some meds and make him take them." Dark
could call Reigo's parents and take him to a hospital,
but Dark knew that Reigo would be happier if the one
who would care for him was his Zee. "Well? Can you
come? I have an early appointment, so I can't stay
Zehannah stood up from her chair. "I'll come. Daan
lang ako sa pharmacy at punta na ako riyan."
"Great!" Dark smiled. "I will inform the security at
the gate, so no worries."
"Thank you." Zehannah didn't waste any time. She
grabbed her bag and went out. Cassia had a key, so
Zehannah locked the agency and went to the nearest
pharmacy before going to Bachelor's Village.
With Dark's recommendation, Zehannah was let inside
the Bachelor's Village with no problem. Kaagad siyang
dumeretso sa barn at naabutan doon si Dark Montero,
ang asawa ni Anniza.
He was sitting handsomely on the sofa, reading a
magazine as if there was no sick person beside him.
Then her eyes fell on Reigo. He was indeed shivering.
"Oh. Hey, Zehannah," Dark casually greeted her as he
got up. "Sorry to bother you like this."
"No. It's okay." Mabilis na lumapit si Zehannah sa
tabi ni Reigo saka sinalat ang noo nito. "Ang taas ng
lagnat niya." Bumaling siya kay Dark. "Kailan pa 'to?"
Dark shrugged. "No idea. He's alone here last night.
Anyway, the kitchen is right there if you need
anything. And Reigo's bed and some of his clothes,
well, it's not really his room, but yeah, it's in the
attic," imporma ni Dark kay Zehannah.
"Thanks!" Zehannah did not waste any time. She went to
the attic to get Reigo's blanket, pillow, change of
clothes, and face towel.
Seeing Reigo's 'bedroom', Zehannah was taken aback at
first. Indeed, it was not a bedroom. Parang nilagyan
lang ng kama dahil may kailangang matulog do'n.
Zehannah sighed when she felt a tug in her heart.
Not the time to be emotional. Paalala ni Zehannah sa
sarili at bumaba mula sa attic dala-dala ang mga
kinuha roon.
While Zehannah was busy, Dark was watching her and
observing. She looked so worried. 'Yon ang nakita ni
Dark habang pinapanood ang dalaga. It was easy to see
how worried she was about Reigo. Her calm face was
being betrayed by her shaky hand and pale face as she
worriedly cared for Reigo.
Looks like there's nothing to worry about, Dark
thought, before he excused himself and left the barn.
Of course, before he took off, he sent a message to
their group chat informing them not to visit the barn
and to not disturb the two inside.
Ni hindi namalayan ni Zehannah ang pag-alis ni Dark.
She was too focused on Reigo to care about her
It was a good thing that she bought koolfever for
adults when she bought medicine earlier. The only
problem now was food before the medicine.
Tinungo ni Zehannah ang kusina. Unfortunately, it
lacked the ingredients to make a decent chicken soup.
But just when she was thinking about what to do, she
heard a knock on the door.
When Zehannah went to open the door, she came face to
face with a very handsome man. Too handsome that
Zehannah blinked a couple of times, making sure that
it was not an apparition.
But nope. Hindi imahinasyon ang nasa harapan niya.
"Miss Zehannah Sevil?"
"That's me." Zehannah was so thankful for her strong
willpower to stay calm when she wanted to.
The man smiled and Zehannah swore this man's
gorgeousness could kill. It was not just the face,
though. It was the whole vibe. He looked impeccable.
"I'm Cloud Sebastian Beaumont," pagpapakilala nito.
"Lady SM and my lord, Knight Velasquez, sent me here
to give you this breakfast and some other things." He
carefully handed her an eco-bag. "They learned from
Mr. Montero what happened to Mr. Vasquez and
immediately provided everything you will need to take
care of him. We hope for Mr. Vasquez's quick
Zehannah blinked at Cloud. "Thanks."
"It was our pleasure."
Zehannah just nodded and watched Cloud turn to leave.
Then she caught sight of another man. Instead of the
word handsome, Zehannah could describe the other man
as beautiful. And as the two left, Zehannah saw
something familiar about the two. Somehow, she was
reminded of her parents.
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Ang daming guwapo
talaga sa village na 'to. Good thing Reigo was just as
handsome." Buti talaga hindi ako madaling maakit sa
kaguwapuhan—well, if it's Reigo... that'll be another
Naiiling na isinara ni Zehannah ang pinto saka tinungo
ang salas at inilabas doon ang laman ng eco-bag.
A chicken macaroni soup in a sealed container,
pancakes, bacon, egg, medicine, lots of patches for
fever, vitamins, and a small cake.
What the...
She was so confused why that man, Cloud, called SM
'Lady SM' and her husband 'lord', but she was
grateful, so she sent a private message to SM thanking
her and her husband.
Sweet Monday Velasquez: You're welcome 😊 just message
me if you need anything for Reigo and yourself. I have
tons of helpers in the house.
Zehannah smiled. 'Thanks.'
She then put her phone back in her bag and returned to
Reigo's side. Ayaw man ni Zehannah, ginising niya ang
binata na kaagad na dumaing at unti-unting nagmulat ng
And when he saw her, he tried to get up, but he was
"Zee...? You're... not angry... a-anymore?"
Tinulungan ni Zehannah na bumangon at makaupo si
Reigo. "Huwag mo nang isipin 'yon. Kumain ka na lang
muna para makainom ka ng gamot."
Reigo just stared at Zehannah.
"Come on. Eat."
Reigo just kept staring at Zehannah.
"You're... a dream? My Zee... will not come... here."
Zehannah sighed and brought a spoonful of soup close
to Reigo's mouth. "Come on. Say 'ah', Reigo. Kailangan
mong kumain para makainom ka ng gamot."
Thankfully, Reigo opened his mouth. But after a few
spoonfuls of soup, he didn't want to open his mouth
"That'll do. At least nainitan ang tiyan niya."
Mabilis na kinuha ni Zehannah ang gamot saka tubig at
ibinigay 'yon kay Reigo. "Inumin mo 'to para gumaling
ka na."
"... still mad at me...?"
"No. I'm here, right? Kaya uminom ka na ng gamot. Sige
Reigo looked relieved as he weakly nodded and
carefully took the medicine. After that, he tried to
get up but failed so he looked up at Zehannah. "Bed."
"Ayaw mo ba rito sa sofa?" she asked.
"Bed," ulit lang ni Reigo.
Thinking that Reigo wanted the bed for comfort,
Zehannah steeled herself and helped Reigo stand up,
walked, and climbed the stairs to the attic. Only to
find out that Reigo had a different reason he wanted
the bed.
Zehannah was pulled down to the bed along with Reigo,
and he immediately cuddled her. He was literally hot,
and it was uncomfortable, but Zehannah didn't move and
just let Reigo be.
Because he was mindlessly mumbling for her to stay and
not be mad at him anymore.
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah sa sarili. Kailan pa
ako naging ganito kalambot? Not once did I become this
soft to my exes. It should have bothered Zehannah
because she felt like something was different and
shifting inside her but instead of thinking about it,
she faced Reigo, covered him with a blanket, and
hugged him back.
Whatever. I like it.
ZEHANNAH TOOK CARE of Reigo the whole day that when
night came, she was exhausted. It was a good thing
that they had little work to do before the opening, so
Zehannah had time to spare without feeling guilty for
leaving Cassia alone in the agency.
But even exhausted, Zehannah did not let herself fall
asleep. Binantayan niya nang maigi ang lagnat ni Reigo
at ang oras ng pag-inom nito ng gamot. She stayed by
his side, took care of him, and cuddled him to sleep
whenever he mumbled her name.
When night fell, Reigo was finally starting to feel
better, but he was still feeling sluggish and weak.
But he was now conscious.
"Feeling better?" tanong ni Zehannah pagkatapos
painunim si Reigo ng tubig. Nasa attic pa rin ang
dalawa at may koolfever pa rin sa noo ng binata.
"A little." Wanting to be closer to Zehannah, Reigo
moved to place his head on Zehannah's lap to feel her
Hinaplos ni Zehannah ang buhok ng binata saka
pinakiramdaman na rin ang temperatura nito. "Hmm.
Bumaba na nga ang lagnat mo. Sana bukas maayos na ang
pakiramdam mo."
Reigo was silent for a little while before he asked,
"Did you stay with me the whole day?"
"Hmm? Yeah."
"Paano ang trabaho mo?"
"I told Cassia that I have an emergency."
"Is that okay?" Reigo's voice sounded weak, yet
Zehannah could still notice a hint of worry. "I know
how much your work meant to you. Sorry, you had to
take a day off because of me."
Zehannah agreed with Reigo. Her work meant a lot to
her. It should be her priority, but when she heard
that Reigo was shivering, she forgot about her work
and she hurried over to take care of him. And at that
moment, even after her exhaustion, she did not regret
a thing.
"I'm just glad you're feeling better now," ani
Zehannah sa binata saka patuloy na sinuklay ang buhok
nito. "Bakit ka pala nilagnat? Naulanan ka ba? Masama
na ba ang pakiramdam mo kahapon? O may ibang sakit
"Nah. I was just stressed I guess," answered Reigo in
a low voice.
"Stress?" she parroted. "Is it that witch bitch
"Then what made you stressed?" Zehannah wanted to get
to the bottom of it so they could avoid it.
"I kept thinking about how angry you were at the
elevator yesterday. I can't get it off my head and I
kept thinking about it and my brain just kept making
scenario after scenario of you leaving me behind and I
couldn't sleep. I guess... that's when my fever
started. I'm not sure though."
Zehannah blinked at Reigo. "A psychogenic fever?"
"Hmm?" He looked at Zehannah. "What's that?"
"Psychological stress fever."
Zehannah was in disbelief. "You were... that
Reigo looked away. "You should have seen how you
looked at me. It was my first time seeing you so
livid. It was scary."
Nagpakawala ng hininga si Zehannah. Iritado pa siya
kaninang umaga pero pagkatapos niyang alagaan buong
araw si Reigo, nawala na ang iritasyon na 'yon kaya
niyakap niya ang binata.
"I was really pissed last night and I will not say
sorry for it. You pranked Thorn using Cassia and she
felt terrible that she cried." Nagtagis ang bagang ni
Zehannah nang maalala na naman ang nangyari. "I hate
seeing Cassia cry. Ang dami na niyang sakit na
naranasan at palagi na lang siyang umiiyak kaya nang
makita ko siyang umiyak tapos isa ka sa salarin,
sino'ng hindi magagalit? That's my best friend,
"I'm sorry..." he apologized earnestly.
"Apologize to Cassia, not to me."
"Still, I'm sorry I made you angry."
"You made me worry as well." Pinisil niya ang pisngi
nito. "Ang taas-taas ng lagnat mo kanina."
"If you are, then get well soon," ani Zehannah. "This
is why I don't like being attached to someone. I worry
too much."
Reigo's eyes snapped at Zehannah. "You're... attached
to me?"
Zehannah glared at Reigo. "What do you think? Sa
tingin mo mag-aalala ako sa 'yo nang ganito kung wala
akong pakialam sa 'yo?"
A smile appeared on Reigo's lips.
Mas lalong tumalim ang mga mata ni Zehannah. "Don't
you dare smile when I'm worried as fuck."
But Reigo's smile remained. "Thank you. For worrying."
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata. "Kapag pinag-alala mo
pa ako nang ganito, talagang iiwan kita."
"I'll try not to make you worry again."
Pinanggigigilan ni Zehannah ang tungki ng ilong ni
Reigo. "Buti naman. Pahinga ka na ulit para gumaling
ka na."
"Hmm." Reigo turned to his side to face her, and then
he buried his face in her stomach and hugged her.
Hindi na lang gumalaw pa si Zehannah at hinayaan lang
ang binata hanggang sa lumalim na ang paghinga nito.
That was the only time she moved his head to rest on
the pillow and then she left the bed to clean up the
attic, the living room, and the kitchen. Once done,
she went back to the attic to monitor Reigo's
So far, so good. Reigo was getting better while she
was getting more exhausted by the minute.
Just as she was about to doze off, her phone beeped.
It woke her up.
Sweet Monday Velasquez: Are you still with Reigo? Do
you need anything for the night? Have you had dinner?
Zehannah smiled at that. She just met SM, but she was
already taken by her sweetness and generosity. Mula
kaninang umaga hanggang ngayon, nagtatanong pa rin ito
kung may kailangan siya kahit hindi naman nito iyon
obligasyon. SM was the reason she didn't have to go
out and buy anything. SM provided it all, and she was
'A change of clothes would be nice, but it's not
really necessary.' Reply ni Zehannah kay SM.
But SM was SM. 'I think magka-size kayo ni Themarie.
I'll ask her for some spare clothes she can lend you
and a set of unused underwear. Ipapadala ko riyan kay
'Thank you, SM. Advance thanks to Themarie as well.
You two are a godsend.'
'Welcome 😊'
Minutes after SM's last message, Zehannah heard a
knock on the barn's door. When she opened it, she came
face to face with Cloud. Ilang beses na niya itong
nakausap ngayong araw na feeling niya, close na silang
"Salamat ulit dito," aniya.
Cloud nodded and bowed his head. "May you have a
pleasant night, Miss Zehannah."
Tumango si Zehannah saka pasimpleng tumingin sa
magandang lalaking palaging kasama nito kapag
pumupunta sa barn. Ang guwapo nito pero mukha itong
palaging may kaaway dahil magkasalubong ang kilay nito
sa lahat ng pagkakataon na kasama ito ni Cloud.
He and Cloud... such a handsome couple. It's so
Zehannah slightly leaned in and whispered at Cloud.
"You have a very beautiful partner there."
Cloud looked slightly stunned before he showed her the
most beautiful smile. "Yeah. He's my baby dragon, so
he's being feisty today."
The baby dragon clicked his tongue at Cloud. "Stop
disturbing the lady and let's go, Nube. If I get one
mosquito bite, I will kick your ass!"
But Cloud just chuckled at that, as if the baby
dragon's threat meant nothing to him. "Are we that
obvious?" he asked her.
Zehannah smiled, remembering her parents. "Kinda. And
I have two loving fathers, so..."
"Oh. So that's why." Cloud looked happy before
glancing at his baby dragon. "You hear that, babe? She
has two fathers."
It looked like it piqued the baby dragon's interest
because he closed their distance and he stared at her.
"Are you... happy with them?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Very. They're amazing."
The baby dragon seemed relieved. "Are they still
Tumango ulit si Zehannah. "Thirty years and counting."
"Oh." Then the baby dragon asked again. "Is one of
your dad flirty, a shameless playboy, and a woman
Napangiwi si Zehannah dahil napaka-detalyado ng tanong
nito. "I think that would be my Papa."
"And? What's your other father like?" the baby dragon
"Si Papi?" Zehannah smiled. "He's a war freak. He
fought for Papa, and Papa is always proud of it,
flaunting it on my face all the time, but Papi is
sometimes bullying him."
"And they're still together?"
Tinapik ng baby dragon ang dibdib ni Cloud. "We'll be
fine then. Let's go, you shameless bastard."
Mahinang natawa lang si Cloud saka nagpaalam na kay
Zehannah at sumunod ito sa baby dragon nito na
inakbayan nito pero panay naman ang tulak ng huli
Napangiti si Zehannah habang pinagmamasdan ang dalawa
na naglalakad palayo habang nagbabangayan. They
reminded her of her parents, and she felt genuinely
happy for them.
"Pero ang guwapo talaga nilang dalawa. Bagay na
bagay," bulong ni Zehannah sa sarili bago isinara ang
pintuan ng barn at tinungo ang banyo para maglinis ng
katawan at magpalit ng damit.
When Zehannah got back to the attic, Reigo was awake,
and he looked grumpy.
Kaagad na umupo si Zehannah sa kama at inilapat ang
kamay sa leeg ng binata. "Halos wala na ang lagnat mo.
May masakit ba sa 'yo?"
"Who were you talking to?"
Napatitig si Zehannah sa binata. So that's why he's
grumpy? She sighed. "It's Cloud. Sinuyo siya ni SM na
dalhan ako ng damit para hindi na ako lumabas."
Hearing Cloud's name, Reigo's grumpiness surprisingly
disappeared. "Oh, it's Cloud? Okay." He then scooted
close to her and hugged her as he buried his face
against her neck and sniffed her. "Smells so nice..."
Tinapik ni Zehannah ang likod ng binata. "Magpahinga
ka na para gumaling ka kaagad. I have work tomorrow.
I'll be guilty if I'm absent again."
"Hmm, yeah. Let's rest," anito saka tinulak si
Zehannah pahiga, kinubabawan ang dalaga at nagpahinga
sa ibabaw nito.
Zehannah could only sigh, especially when she felt his
'friend' waking up and poking her thigh. "Even in this
state, a horny man is a horny man indeed."
Reigo groaned. "Can't help it. You're so close. It'll
calm down... I think."
Napailing si Zehannah saka pagkalipas ng mahabang
katahimikan, nagsalita siya. "Hey, Reigo?"
"Let's date."
Reigo became frozen, and he became silent for a long
while before he raised his head to look up at her.
"Date as in... formally see each other?"
Tumango si Zehannah saka tumingin sa kisame. "I'm
struggling with commitment, as you know, but 'dating'
is the closest thing to being 'in a relationship',
so... would you like that?"
Reigo was just staring at her, lips parted open and
"Ayos lang ba sa 'yo?" tanong ni Zehannah kay Reigo
nang tumingin dito saka umangat ang kamay ng dalaga at
hinawi ang buhok na nakatabing sa noo at gilid ng mata
ng binata. "I won't call it casual dating since I know
you don't like that and that's not really what I want
as well."
Reigo was still silent.
"I will let you think about it," ani Zehannah sa
binata saka hinaplos ang buhok nito. "Promise, it's
not casual. I think our relationship has leveled up a
little. Halos sa condo ko ka na nakatira at may damit
ka na roon. For me, that's already something else
because I will never do that with other people. I know
it's not a gigantic leap or change, but if it's okay
with you, let's elevate our mutual understanding
relationship to formally dating."
Reigo didn't say anything. He just stared at her for a
long time and then he buried his face in her neck and
muttered, "Sa tingin ko, magkakalagnat ako ulit."
He's adorable sometimes. Sa isip ni Zehannah habang
pabirong kinukurot-kurot ang tagiliran ni Reigo.
"So... you like it?"
"Bakit ang hina ng boses mo?"
"Can't breathe properly."
"That's because your whole face is buried in my neck."
"I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with my
"Zee, don't ruin the atmosphere. I'm having a moment
Pigil ni Zehannah ang matawa. "It's a big deal, huh?"
It's a big deal for me too. "Sorry if that's all I can
give you for now. Not even close to a bare minimum."
Umiling si Reigo. "Don't downplay this and say that.
Alam ko kung gaano kalaking desisyon 'to para sa 'yo.
This may not be close to a bare minimum, but to you,
it's already a big deal."
Mahigpit na niyakap ni Zehannah ang binata saka
hinalikan ito sa balikat. "I'll try to seriously think
about commitment and what our relationship is going to
be, so... yeah." She ended it there because she didn't
really know what to say next.
"It's okay."
"Is it really?"
"You sure?" paninigurado ni Zehannah.
"Very. Tulad ng sinabi ko noon, alam ko ang pinasok
"I will really think about it seriously," may diing
sabi ni Zehannah.
"Just don't force yourself. Masaya na ako na hindi ka
na galit sa 'kin."
A smile appeared on Zehannah's lips. "Pasalamat ka
nagkasakit ka. Dahil kung hindi, hindi pa tayo bati."
"I'll apologize to Cassia when I see her." He kissed
her neck and licked her skin. "Though for the record,
we didn't mean to make her cry. Si Thorn lang naman
ang gusto naming inisin kasi ang pangit ng ugali
"Thorn says the same thing about you. Pangit din daw
ugali mo."
"Oh, e 'di kami na ang parehong masama ang ugali. Kaya
siguro napagkamalan kami ni Cassia."
Natawa si Zehannah nang maalala ang pagiging malisyosa
ni Cassia. "She told me she saw you and Thorn pinning
each other on the wall."
Reigo groaned. "I don't even want to comment on that.
But it was a good laugh when Cassia confronted me
about my 'relationship' with Calderon."
"Yeah. I remember my headaches as well because of
"Pero mukhang nagkaintindihan na rin sila sa wakas."
"Yeah. She looks happy with Thorn, so I'm glad for
"How about you, my Zee? Are you happy with me?"
Zehannah answered Reigo straight. "Kung hindi, hindi
kita hahayaang makapasok sa buhay ko."
"I'm glad then."
Zehannah became silent after that, just enjoying the
feeling of Reigo's hair running through her fingers.
Then she remembered something about the place they're
in. "Matagal pa ba bago matapos ang bahay mo? Your bed
here is not exactly comfortable looking."
"Well... it's a makeshift bed. And I changed my
house's design again, so the contractor working for me
had to stop and start again."
"Ha? Isn't that expensive?" Zehannah was stunned at
the news. "Changing your house design on a whim?
Seriously, Reigo. Wala ka na bang magawa sa pera mo?"
"I was just not feeling it. That is actually not the
first time I changed my house," pag-amin ni Reigo. "I
destroy and rebuild it yearly."
Pakiramdam ni Zehannah ay sumabog ang utak niya. "Get
off me, Reigo. Baka masapak kitang tangina ka."
Nag-angat ng tingin sa kaniya ang binata. Nangungusap
ang mga mata nito. "What did I do?"
She glared at him. "Alam mo ba kung gaano karami ang
walang bahay sa bansa? Tapos ikaw, halos taon-taon
mong sinisira at binabago ang bahay mo?!"
Reigo looked away as if escaping from Zehannah's
anger. "Um... is that bad?"
Zehannah was beyond exasperated that she just stared
at Reigo in disbelief. "Why would you even destroy
your house in the first place...?"
"I'm in the mood to destroy it...?"
She looked at him flatly.
Reigo changed his answer. "My mood changed so I
destroy it...?"
"It's the same thing!" she snapped.
"Why are being mad at me?" Reigo complained. "Oh shit.
I feel like my fever is coming back. Oh... ah! My head
Tiningnan ni Zehannah nang matalim si Reigo. "I'm not
buying it."
Reigo sighed and got off Zehannah before he answered,
"Well, I have this habit of destroying my house when
I'm in a bitter mood."
"Bitter mood?"
"Yeah. When my exes cheated on me, I got so bitter and
annoyed, I destroyed my house to let out my anger and
rebuild it anew again after I moved on."
"Pero kakasabi mo lang na binago mo ang design ngayon
"Yeah." He looked away. "That was when you rejected
Hindi makapaniwala ang tingin ni Zehannah kay Reigo.
"Lagi na lang talaga akong sinasampal ng kahirapan
kapag kasama kita. Lagi rin akong sinusubok ni Lord."
Reigo couldn't look at Zehannah. "Um... I'm building a
minimalistic design house this time around. I think I
unconsciously patterned it with your condo's design.
So, um, do you think you can live at my house after
it's done?"
Napatitig si Zehannah sa binata. "Like... living in
She blinked at Reigo. "We're still in a dating stage,
you know."
"I know. Did I scare you?"
"Not really. Just surprised," pag-amin ni Zehannah.
"Living in together is a big deal, you know."
Reigo shrugged and finally looked at her. "I know.
Just pretend I didn't say that."
As if! But Zehannah nodded. She didn't want to drag on
that topic because it really spoke of commitment and
responsibilities. Things she was not ready to give.
Silence fell on the two until Reigo leaned in and
urged Zehannah to cuddle him in her arm, which
Zehannah did so naturally, making Reigo smile
"Zee, about the dinner with my parents... is the
weekend okay with you?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Sure. Which restaurant so I can
prepare the right dress?"
"My parents' house."
Natigilan si Zehannah habang pilit na ini-imagine kung
anong klaseng bahay mayroon sina Reigo. Alam niyang
mayaman ang pamilya nito, kaya awtomatikong naisip
niya na mansiyon ang bahay ng mga ito.
"Hmm. I'm not sure what to wear..."
"Kahit ano, ayos lang," ani Reigo. "They care more
about intellect and character."
"Reigo, wearing appropriate clothing to an occasion
such as dinner in your parents' house is part of
character," pangaral ni Zehannah sa binata. "And
honestly, I don't want your parents to dislike me."
Reigo smiled at that. "I don't think they will."
"Hindi mo alam 'yon."
"I do. They're my parents. Feeling ko nga magkakasundo
kayo ni Mommy."
"Now, I'm nervous."
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "You'll be fine. And about
what to wear, I'm serious when I said you can wear
anything. Maliban sa malaki, normal lang naman ang
bahay namin. Kung saan ka komportable."
Kahit paaano, kumalma si Zehannah. "I never knew
meeting parents could be this nerve-wracking."
"You really never met one of your exes' parents
Umiling si Zehannah. "I'm doing things I don't do
because of you," she confessed and sighed heavily.
"And I know I shouldn't, but I can't help comparing
you to my exes in my head because everything is
different and new when it comes to you. So I keep
assessing myself every time I'm doing something
different to find out what's going on with me. Like,
what the fuck, I don't cuddle, but here I am, cuddling
you like a spoiled baby."
Ang lapad ng ngiti ni Reigo habang nakikinig kay
Zehannah. "I am your baby."
"Stop grinning like an idiot," saway ni Zehannah kay
Reigo nang makita ang ngiti nito.
Biglang naging seryoso si Reigo. "Zee, sa tingin ko,
kinikilig ako. Panagutan mo ako."
"Gago ka talaga."
The smile was back on Reigo's lips. "Gago pero guwapo
at masarap."
Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead. "Yeah. Whatever.
Pahinga ka na nga. Medyo napagod din ako buong
maghanapon kaya gusto kong matulog nang maaga."
Kaagad na umalis si Reigo sa mga braso ni Zehannah at
maayos itong nahiga sa kama at tinapik-tapik ang tabi
"Come here, Zee. Tabi tayo. I want to cuddle."
Ngumiti lang ang binata na parang hindi naniniwala sa
kaniya kaya tiningnan ito nang masama ni Zehannah.
"Come on, Zee. I'll cuddle you real good," pang-
eengganyo nito.
Zehannah glared at Reigo, but she still lay beside him
and let him cuddle her real good.
That made Reigo smile. "Comfortable?"
"Good night then, my Zee."
Zehannah closed her eyes to rest. Halos kaagad siyang
mahimbing na nakatulog pero mga bandang madaling-araw,
nagising si Zehannah na parang may kumikiliti sa hita
niya, patungo sa pagkababae niya.
Her groggy eyes opened, and they landed on Reigo who
was in between her legs and kissing her inner thighs.
"Ano'ng... ginagawa mo riyan?" Inaantok pa siya para
gumana ang utak niya.
"Greeting you good morning?"
Nag-loading si Zehannah. "Ha?"
But her 'loading' brain immediately woke up and sprang
into action when Reigo's tongue slid inside her panty
and licked her.
She flinched, and her center folds clenched at the
familiar sensation that only Reigo could make her
"Good morning, my Zee."
Indeed, it was a good morning, but all Zehannah could
reply was, "Fuck—ohh...!" And then moans filled the
whole place, then loud pants followed, and little
screams of ecstasy.
At the very moment that Zehannah was being devoured
but Reigo again and again without mercy, it was safe
to assume that Reigo has now recovered and was
enjoying an early breakfast in bed.
'SA WAKAS', 'yon ang nasa isip ni Zehannah nang
malaman niya kay Cassia na balak na nitong isuko ang
bataan sa asawa nito. Cassia even went too far as to
ask her and the other Amazona in the group about how
to do it and everyone had the same answer.
'Let your husband teach you.'
And with Cassia gone, Zehannah was free of worry—nope.
That was not the case. She's full of worry.
Her dinner with Reigo's parents was fast approaching.
It's tomorrow.
It's a good thing that the witch bitch finally got
tired of harassing her, lessening her worry because
she had a lot on her mind at the moment.
"Zee...? Wala ka bang balak na pansinin ako?" tanong
ni Reigo na kinubabawan siya sa kama. He had recovered
from his fever and had been staying in her condo ever
since. Baka mabinat ito kaya pinayagan niya itong sa
condo muna niya matulog pansamantala.
Patuloy ang pagtitig ni Zehannah sa kisame ng kuwarto.
"I'm busy thinking."
"About the dinner again?"
"Kung alam mo naman pala, huwag mo akong istorbohin."
"Kahit bigyan kita ng masarap na dessert?"
Kaagad na tumingin si Zehannah kay Reigo. "Where?"
Reigo grinned. "Me. I'm the dessert."
Her stare became flat, and it returned to staring at
the ceiling.
"Come on, Zee..." Reigo whined, and he's being clingy
again. "We're finally officially dating and you don't
want to taste this delicacy anymore? What a
preposterous thing to do!"
Hindi pinansin ni Zehannah ang pagrereklamo ni Reigo.
Abala siya sa pag-iisip kung ano'ng magandang isuot
bukas. Kung anong klaseng pag-aayos ba ang gagawin
niya. At kung paano niya haharapin ang mga magulang ni
Her mind was preoccupied with so many things that she
became only aware that Reigo was kissing her when he
slid his tongue into her mouth.
Pinanggigilan niya ang mukha ni Reigo saka tinulak
iyon palayo sa mukha niya. "Sabi nang busy ako, e!"
Reigo stared at her, then without saying a word, he
rolled off of her and turned to his side with his back
on her.
Zehannah knew for a fact that Reigo was very clingy in
bed, so to see this intrigued her.
Hanggang kailan naman kaya niya kayang magtampo sa
'kin? Zehannah wondered about it because Reigo was a
very clingy partner. Ako naman kaya ang maglambing sa
dumuho na 'to? It's always him being clingy. Maybe she
should be sweet too? She didn't want him to stay mad
for a long time, after all.
I know how to be sweet. I even taught my airhead
friend how to be sweet, but to do it... It's more
embarrassing than pleading with Reigo to fuck her hard
when they're doing it like horny animals.
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. Let's try to be sweet.
I did shout at him, so... yeah.
Slowly, Zehannah scooted close to Reigo and hugged him
from behind. "Reigo..."
He didn't budge.
She kissed his nape. "Galit ka?"
No reaction.
"Ayaw mo na sa 'kin?"
Nothing. Still no reaction, but she knew he's awake.
She felt his breathing quicken when she hugged him
So she did what she thought would get Reigo's full
attention. She slipped her hand inside his sweatpants
and cupped him.
Reigo immediately hissed, but he didn't turn to face
So Zehannah leaned closer and licked his ear, then she
nibbled it before she whispered suggestively while
pressing her breast against his back. "Come on, babe.
Stop sulking. I'll make it up to you, hmm?"
Finally, Reigo turned around and he looked so turned
on, making Zehannah smile before she captured his
lips. She knew Reigo was done sulking when he opened
his mouth and kissed her back.
Happy that Reigo was not sulking anymore, she moved to
top him and continued kissing him until she went down
on him, pulled his sweatpants off, and sucked him.
"Ah, fuck!" he hissed.
Music to Zehannah's ears. Her mouth continued bobbing
up and down, deep-throating him until she gagged, but
she never pulled away. She was enjoying his taste, his
pre-cum, and his moans.
"Zee... ahh.. fuck. I'm coming—damn it...!"
Zehannah's mouth moved even faster while minding her
teeth and sucking and licking him well until he
exploded inside her mouth.
He always tastes nice and clean. Zehannah swallowed
and licked the remaining cum surrounding Reigo's
depleted cock.
Reigo kept tensing at Zehannah's every lick because
his cock had become sensitive, but he knew Zehannah.
She will never stop sucking him until she was
satisfied, so he told her to move her body so he could
eat her too.
Zehannah obliged with excitement, and the two started
eating each other at the same time. Licking and
sucking each other. Making each other cum so hard that
they trembled at the pleasure. But however much they
trembled at how sensitive their sex had become,
Zehannah and Reigo continued pleasuring each other
with their mouths. They enjoyed oral sex. They enjoyed
doing and receiving it at the same time that for the
next couple of hours, that was all they did until they
finally had enough and Zehannah settled on top of
Reigo, her head resting on his chest.
"Tired?" he asked.
"Hmm? Why? You want more?"
Reigo slid his hand in between their sandwiched body
and he slid a finger inside Zehannah.
"Ahh... Reigo..."
Reigo rolled Zehannah over, her back on the bed and he
finger-fucked her as he took his nipple inside his
"Ahh! Ahh! Ah! Fuck! Reigo...! Ah! Yes! God... I love
your fingers so much... ahh!"
Reigo sucked Zehannah's nipple as if thirsty before he
claimed her lips, and she started moaning inside his
mouth. But Reigo's kiss couldn't muffle the scream
when he took out his fingers and replaced them with
his hard, throbbing cock.
Zehannah can feel her sex pounding as it accommodated
Reigo's enormous size. She was gasping at how good it
felt, especially when the thrusting and pounding
"Ahh...! Uhm! Ah! Ah!"
"Zee... " he groaned. "Zehannah..."
"Ahh, yes— um! Ah! Ahh...! Fuck me. Harder."
"Fuck. Fuck! You feel so fucking good."
"Yes! Ahh! Ahh!" Napahawak na si Zehannah sa uluhan ng
kama habang sagad na sagad na binabayo siya ng binata.
"Shiiit! Ahh...!"
"Fuck. So good. Fuck! Fuck! Zee... ah..."
Zehannah was filled with ecstasy when her orgasm
ripped inside her that she convulsed at the intensity.
And just after she hit the peak, Reigo pulled out and
exploded outside her sex.
Zehannah bit her lower lip when she felt his warm,
thick liquid on the center of her thighs, dripping.
Zehannah felt so sticky on her center and a bit
uncomfortable until Reigo cleaned Zehannah with wipes
and tissue. Afterward, he covered her whole body with
his and buried his face in her neck.
It was Reigo's favorite thing to do.
"Sex is always amazing with you," ani Zehannah na
bahagyang hinihingal pa rin.
"Yeah. I think I'm addicted."
"Hmm..." Zehannah closed her eyes but opened them
again when she remembered her conversation with Eliza
the other day. "Hey, Reigo?"
"I want to try something new in bed. Is that okay?"
"Nah. It needs preparation."
"Oh. Sure. Do whatever you want. As long as my Zee is
That made her smile. "Happy, huh? Don't worry. It will
make you happy, too."
"Looking forward to it, then."
Mas lumapad ang ngiti ni Zehannah pagkatapos ay
niyakap ang binata na parang pinanggigigilan ito bago
pinakawalan. "Good night, Mr. Delicacy."
"G'night, my Zee."
Zehannah was already used to feeling Reigo's weight on
her so it didn't bother her ability to sleep one bit.
As Zehannah fell to oblivion, Reigo got off her and
cuddled her close before he slept as well. He planned
to have breakfast in bed tomorrow so he better sleep
as early as he could.
And just as Reigo planned, he enjoyed his breakfast in
bed when morning came and Zehannah's voice became
hoarse so early in the morning from too much moaning.
REIGO SAID TO wear something comfortable, so Zehannah
went with a white off-shoulder top and beige high
wide-leg pants paired with white high-heeled shoes.
Adding a white sequence clutch bag and she was good to
It was a house dinner so Zehannah went with a casual,
but a little formal look. Hoping she wouldn't be under
or overdressed.
For her face, she went with a no-makeup look to keep
it simple and then she let her hair down.
When Reigo saw her, he stared at her for a few seconds
before he kissed her. Zehannah kissed him back of
course since he looked so handsome—she's wearing kiss-
proof lipstick so it was okay—along with a little moan
before she pulled away.
"Let's stop. Baka kung saan pa mapunta 'to. I don't
want to mess my clothes."
Reigo smiled, knowing full well that it could happen.
"Okay. Let's go?"
Tinanggap ni Zehannah ang nakalahad na kamay ng binata
saka huminga nang malalim. "Let's go."
"What's with taking a deep breath?" natatawang tanong
ni Reigo nang makalabas sila ng condo ni Zehannah at
naglalakad patungo sa elevator.
"Don't judge. I'm nervous."
Lihim na napangiti si Reigo. Seeing Zehannah nervous
about meeting his parents and knowing that this was
her first made him happy. Alam niyang um-oo lang si
Zehannah dahil sa 'deal' nila sa ama niya pero hindi
'yon ang nakikita niya sa inaakto ng dalaga.
If it was just because of the 'deal', she wouldn't be
this nervous and she would never be invested in it.
She could just show up with no effort at all. But she
was concerned with her look, her dress, and every
little thing that Reigo felt like she wanted to be
liked by his parents and build a relationship with
them. That this was not a one-time thing for her.
Reigo pushed the ground floor button after they
entered the elevator. Fortunately, they were alone.
"Thank you."
"For making me happy."
Zehannah became silent at that and didn't speak until
they were in his car and driving toward his parents'
"You know, Papa asked something that made me think,"
pagkuwento ni Zehannah sa binata. "Tinanong niya ako
kung magiging masaya o miserable raw ba ako kung
mawawala ka sa buhay ko."
Reigo tensed up.
"I couldn't answer Papa's question because I don't
know." Bumaling si Zehannah sa nagmamaneho. "But
hearing you thank me for making you happy, I think I
finally have the answer."
"What?" Reigo asked, impatiently.
Mahinang tumawa si Zehannah. "Not telling."
"You're just teasing me, aren't you?"
Umangat ang kamay ni Zehannah saka pinanggigilan ang
pisngi ng binata. "You're adorable when you're like
"Now I'm sure you're just teasing me."
Zehannah just chuckled before she looked outside the
Reigo continued grumbling about him being teased and
Zehannah just laughed it off.
Somehow, teasing Reigo lessened Zehannah's
nervousness, but it came rushing right back in when
they entered a private property with an arched gate
that had Reigo's surname on it.
Right there and then, Zehannah knew that this would
not be a normal wealthy family house.
Why? Because it was an open gate leading to a driveway
and it had been three full minutes since they entered
and all she could see were trees and gardens of
beautiful flowers. That meant they were still not in
the main area.
And Zehannah was right because, after a couple of
minutes, an off-white luxurious-looking gate with
security guards came into view.
Lihim na napalunok si Zehannah, naghahanda sa makikita
niya sa loob.
From his car's small compartment, Reigo took a small
remote control and used it to open the gate instead of
asking the guards to do it for him.
Right there and then, Zehannah was intimidated.
Then Reigo maneuvered his car to enter and Zehannah
swore that her breathing stopped.
Sinampal, tinadyakan, binugbog, at sinagasaan siya
nang paulit-ulit ng kahirapan nang makita ang kabuoan
ng 'bahay' nina Reigo, kung matatawag ngang bahay
No. It was not a house nor a mansion like what she
thought. It was close to a modern castle. It was
huuuge. Massively and incredibly huge! And it was not
only the house. It's the surrounding area as well.
Aside from magnificent-looking fountains, she could
see rows and rows of flower gardens adding to the
beautiful landscape and in the distance, she could
see... Wait... is that a waterfall?
"R-Reigo"—tinuro niya ang waterfall—"that's a
waterfall, right?"
"Yeah," Reigo answered as if it was nothing. Well, it
was nothing to him since he had seen it since forever.
"My mom is into nature, so she hired people to make
her a man-made waterfall."
Zehannah gaped at Reigo. "You can do that?"
Reigo shrugged. "Whatever Mom wants, Mom gets."
Zehannah gulped, but she nearly did a spit-take when
she saw a serene lake with a rest house in the middle
and a massive pool with a grandiose design on the
other side. So grand that it had mini-falls too and
And then, just before Reigo parked his car, Zehannah
saw water terraces. Yeah. Water terraces. She was not
kidding. She really saw one.
And it looked like Reigo saw her looking at it because
he offered an explanation for what she just saw.
"Mom visited a water terrace on one of her vacations
and she fell in love with it, so she made some."
Zehannah blinked at Reigo. "She made some? That's it?
She made some?"
"Yep. It's Mom so we usually don't mind it," Reigo
said nonchalantly and kissed her on the lips. "Come
on, we're here."
Ilang beses munang huminga nang malalim si Zehannah
bago lumabas ng sasakyan ni Reigo at tinanggap ang
nakalahad na kamay ng binata sa kaniya.
Once more, Zehannah roamed her eyes around and she was
blown away by it all. The whole estate was stunningly
beautiful, and she had no words.
And her intimidation grew as her eyes returned to
Reigo's family was so wealthy that Zehannah was
literally afraid to take a step forward, but when she
looked at Reigo looking at her as if she was the only
thing he could see... somehow, she slowly calmed down
and steeled herself.
I'm here to meet Reigo's parents, not be wowed by
their wealth. This is for Reigo, so that witch bitch
won't stress him anymore. Yeah. You're Zehannah—
freaking—Sevil! Go for it, girl! Slay it like you
always do.
Yeah. Easier said than done.
Especially when she caught sight of a fountain with
something shimmering at the bottom of the water.
She frowned. Curious.
"Don't mind it. That's Mom's favorite fountain," Reigo
offered an explanation. "That's where she throws gems
and diamonds she wanted to discard."
That was Zehannah's shock of a lifetime.
"Throw... diamonds?" Zehannah felt like her brain
exploded and it was trying to put itself back.
"Yeah. Ayaw ni Mommy na ibenta at pinaglalalagay niya
riyan," pagkuwento ni Reigo habang ginigiya si
Zehannah patungo sa pintuan ng bahay.
Zehannah was already too stunned to speak when she
felt like her brain exploded once again when she saw
gem-like stones embedded on the pathway they were
walking on.
Zehannah was almost afraid to ask.
"Reigo... those are not, um, gems, right?"
"Hmm?" Sinundan ni Reigo ang tingin ni Zehannah. "Oh,
those? Mom wanted to incorporate her gems into our
house, so she put them on the pathways and hallway
walls inside the house, and also at the door."
Zehannah looked so calm outside, but inside, she had
lost her brain and it didn't show any sign of
"... and you said your house is normal," she mumbled.
"It is." Reigo looked so genuine that Zehannah was
once again reminded that this was the man who destroys
and rebuilds his house based on his mood.
Yeah. Normal, my ass. Nothing was normal in this house
and honestly, she wanted to leave. Right away.
But she told Reigo she'll meet his parents, and she
wanted to keep her word. And she had a feeling Reigo
would feel bad and sulk if she backed out now.
And it was also not in her nature to back out on
things she already decided to do.
Zehannah steeled herself once again and Reigo saw how
Zehannah's face changed from stunned beyond belief to
fierce with class. It was breathtaking.
Zehannah looked at Reigo, canceling everything out
around her and just focusing on the reason she was
here, in this massive, luxurious castle. "Yes. I am."
Reigo smiled and guided Zehannah to the house's door.
It was open as if welcoming them beforehand.
In the corner of Zehannah's eyes, she saw the
embellishments on the door and the walls. Gems after
gems. She had no eye for jewelry, but she could tell
those were expensive crystals and stones and if she
dwells on it, her brain might explode again.
"Welcome to my family's home, Zee."
Zehannah did her best not to react to every little
extravagant and expensive thing her eyes saw. She
really tried her best. I really did. Until she saw the
chandelier in the living room.
It was like a golden big tree hanging upside down from
the ceiling and its branches were filled with crystals
instead of leaves. It was stunning that Zehannah just
stared at it.
"It's pretty, isn't it?"
An elegant voice snapped Zehannah out of her reverie
and her eyes moved to where the voice came from.
On top of the staircase, there stood a woman wearing a
simple champagne casual dress reaching her knee. But
there was nothing simple about her. The woman had that
wealthy aura around her. Glamorous even in a simple
dress and the way she carried herself, Zehannah felt
small all of the sudden.
This woman... she was a personification of
sophistication and elegance and it enthralled Zehannah
as the woman descended the stairs.
"...This is my mom, Contessa Vasquez." Zehannah heard
Reigo, but she was having a hard time pulling herself
together even after Contessa arrived at the bottom of
the staircase. "And Mom, this is my Zee—I mean, this
is Zehannah Sevil. We're officially dating." Reigo
sounded so proud while emphasizing the last two words.
Zehannah blinked at the mention of her name and she
mustered all the confidence she had, even if it was
shaking at the moment, to greet Reigo's mother as
respectfully as she could.
"Good evening, Ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Contessa did not reply, she just stared at Zehannah as
if reading her whole being. And then, she asked.
"Zehannah, is it?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Do you know anything about shares and stocks?"
Zehannah's rule to herself was to not pretend to be
someone else or to know something when she didn't.
"I'm afraid I have little knowledge about shares and
stocks, Ma'am. I'm more into marketing, but I won't
close my doors to knowledge that could help me grow."
"How about crystals and stones?"
Zehannah felt like she was being tested, but she still
gave her genuine answer. As much as she wanted to be
liked, she did not want to lie to herself. "I can't
say that I have no interest in them because I
appreciate their value and beauty. Unfortunately, my
financial capacity won't let me buy one." She
chuckled. "I came from a middle-class family and to
own one would be a luxury we couldn't afford."
"But you can save up."
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yes, but in my life, there are
more important things than luxury items. As I said
earlier, it's a luxury we couldn't afford and I want
to live a lifestyle that I can afford. I don't want to
burden anyone just so I can get what I wanted. My
parents raised me to be independent."
Reigo cleared his throat and interjected. "Have you
had your fun, Mom?"
Napalabi ang ina ni Reigo. "Nagtatanong lang naman
ako. So overprotective."
Zehannah blinked at the duality she had just
witnessed. Reigo's mother just transformed from strict
to a tease.
"Contessa, love, you're going to give your son a heart
attack." A baritone voice from the top of the stairs
spoke. It was a handsome middle-aged man who resembled
Reigo a little. "You know how much he adores Miss
Contessa chuckled before she suddenly grabbed
Zehannah's hands and looked into her eyes. "Zehan,
dear, how about I show you my jewelry collection?"
Zehannah blinked at Reigo's mother. "Am I... I mean,
is that okay?"
Contessa giggled and playfully poked Zehannah's cheek.
"I like you. I actually already know a lot of things
about you because, um"—she looked away guiltily—"I,
um, hired someone to investigate you and, um, yeah.
That was bad of me. Sorry."
Reigo gaped at his mother. "Mom! How could you? I told
you not to."
Meanwhile, Zehannah was like, "Huh? Investigate me?
It's okay." She just nonchalantly brushed it off. "I
would do the same if I'm in your position."
Contessa beamed at Zehannah. "I knew you'd say that,
so come on"—she just dragged Zehannah—"don't mind the
boys. They can fend for themselves. Bye! See you at
dinner later!"
Walang nagawa si Zehannah kundi ang magpahila habang
si Reigo naman at ang ama nitong si Rohan ay walang
nagawa kundi ang mapatingin sa papalayong bulto ng
"There goes your mom."
Reigo let out an exasperated breath. "I knew it! I
knew she'll kidnap my Zee!"
His father shrugged. "Well... how about coffee, son?"
Bumagsak ang balikat ni Reigo. "I want my Zee."
"In this house, you have to work for it."
He looked at his father flatly. "I brought her here,
"Then work hard and tell your mom about it."
Napipilan si Reigo kapagkuwan ay mas lalo pang
bumagsak ang balikat. "Mom is scary, plus Zee is
scary... that means—"
"—that means we'll have some coffee."
"Yeah." Reigo sighed. "Coffee is good."
Rohan smiled at his son and patted his son's shoulder,
then the two went to share coffee because the women in
their lives were too feisty.
ZEHANNAH HAD BEEN kidnapped and Reigo had been
grumbling. But he couldn't really complain because the
one who kidnapped Zehannah was none other than Reigo's
mother, and the kidnap victim at the moment was being
tortured by luxury and wealth around her.
Kahit saan tumingin si Zehannah, puro mga diyamante at
iba pang mamahaling bagay ang nakikita niya. At sa
bawat naka-display sa vault kung nasaan sila na
tinititigan niya, pinapaliwanag sa kaniya ng ina ni
Reigo kung ano 'yon at kung saan nito iyon nabili.
Pero ni minsan, hindi sinabi nito sa kaniya ang mga
halaga n'on maliban na lang kung nagtatanong siya.
Contessa, Reigo's mother, was more into explaining the
stone or the gemstone's history and where it all
began, and how it landed in her collection than
telling her how much it costs.
"This is amazing..." komento ni Zehannah habang
pinapalibot ang tingin sa buong vault.
"Do you like it?" Contessa asked Zehannah while
"Like it?" Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka tumingin
sa mga diyamante na kahit siguro ibenta niya lahat ng
internal organs niya, hindi niya pa rin ma-a-afford.
"I don't even know what to say."
"But you like it, right?"
"Yeah. I do."
"Then... how about I give this all to you and, in
return, you marry my son?"
Mabilis na napaikot paharap si Zehannah sa ina ni
Reigo. "Ano?" Baka nagkamali lang siya ng
Contessa smiled haughtily at Zehannah as she repeated
her words. "I'll give all these to you. Just marry my
Zehannah did not even think if it was a test or not.
Her face darkened instantly and her tongue became
sharp. "I don't care what you think of me, Ma'am, but
don't use Reigo for any form of barter. He doesn't
deserve it and when it comes to marriage, no one can
decide but me. My belief and decision are not for
Contessa's haughty face disappeared and was replaced
by delight. Napatutop pa ito sa labi nito na parang
The duality of the woman in front of her confused
"So you care about my son and what he deserves. Not
only that, but you also have a strong stand about your
belief and opinion about marriage... hmm... I like
Zehannah frowned at Reigo's mom. "Do you... do this to
all the women Reigo brought home, Ma'am?" She was
"What? Of course not." Contessa smiled and looked at
Zehannah's eyes. "Ikaw ang unang babae na dinala rito
ng anak ko sa bahay kaya siyempre, normal lang na
kilalanin kita nang maigi."
"By... tricking me?"
Contessa waved her hand nonchalantly. "Don't sweat the
small stuff. Anyway, Zehan—wait, I can call you Zehan,
right? I mean, according to the investigation, you
prefer that to Zehannah."
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yeah." She felt like she was
talking to a woman close to her age. Reigo's mother
had that kind of vibe when she was not serious.
"Great!" Contessa clasped her hands together. "Anyway,
may gusto akong itanong sa 'yo. Babae sa babae. Sana
sagutin mo ako. Pangako, huli na 'to."
Zehannah readied herself. "Okay. Ask away."
Contessa grinned. "Have you done it with Reigo yet?
Magkakaapo na ba kami?"
Zehannah felt like her readiness crumbled and she
became speechless.
"Zehan? Magkakaapo na ba kami?" ulit nitong tanong.
"According to the investigation, Reigo sleeps in your
condo every weekend." She stepped closer and brought
her face close to Zehannah as if to observe and study
her reaction. "So I'm assuming you're not just staring
at each other all night, right? No worries. I'm open-
minded to those naughty things so you can open up to
me with no problem or judgment. So? Nasaan na kayong
dalawa? Kiss? Touching? Make out? Oral? Or have you
done the nasty stuff already? Now, don't be shy and
share, Zehan." She offered Zehannah her widest 'no
judgment' smile and said in a sing-song voice, "I'm
Zehannah blinked at Reigo's mother. She seriously
didn't know how to handle her. She's like a woman's
version of Reigo, and it was too much for Zehannah.
Dahil kahit ano pa ang sabihin nito, ina pa rin ito ng
Reigo. She was not that shameless to announce that she
and Reigo had been fucking like horny animals.
Contessa sighed seeing Zehannah being silent. "You
really won't share?"
"There's nothing to share, Ma'am."
"Really...?" Of course, Contessa didn't believe that.
Contessa dramatically sighed and sat on the bench
inside the vault. After a little while, her teasing
aura changed into a serious one as she spoke
earnestly. "I'm happy that my only son found a good
woman to be with, but I'm also worried because you
reminded me of myself. Independent, smart with firm
belief, and would never take shit from anyone. And it
takes a man to date women like us who don't see them
as a necessity."
That made Zehannah look down at her hands. "Do you
think... I should leave Reigo, Ma'am?"
Contessa looked at Zehannah and what she saw on
Zehannah's face made her smile wryly. "Look at the
mirror over there and see the expression on your face,
dear. I don't think that's the face of the woman who
can leave my son so easily."
Mabilis na napatingin si Zehannah sa pinakamalapit na
salamin at napaawang ang labi niya nang makita ang
ekspresyon sa mukha.
Contessa sighed. "You and Reigo's path to a happy
ending is rough and hard to see, but if you continue
having that face when you talk about leaving Reigo, I
think you two will be just fine, however rough the
road gets."
Bumaling si Zehannah sa ina ni Reigo. "How sure are
you, Ma'am?"
Contessa smiled at Zehannah. "Because I had the same
face when I was dating my Rohan."
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah. "I don't want to
hurt, Reigo, but—"
"—but you're scared," pagtatapos ni Contessa sa
sasabihin ni Zehannah. "Zehan, may I speak brazenly to
Zehannah gave her consent.
Contessa nodded. "Kilala lang kita base sa
imbestigasyon na natanggap ko tungkol sa 'yo. You have
amazing parents—two fathers. They raised you well.
You're a happy child. Always smart in school and you
became independent at a young age. All in all, you are
an amazing woman. Then I read the history of your
relationships. And I saw a pattern with your exes. You
were always left behind. They never stayed with you
once you told them 'no'. And I bet it tugs a traumatic
memory in your past... the memory of your mother who
left you behind."
A tear just fell from Zehannah's eyes. And then
another. And another. Until her eyesight became
"You act like what your mother did not affect you in
any way. You suppressed it and became happy for your
fathers. But fate is merciless, and it dug up the fear
and pain you buried since you were a child through
your failed relationships. And the you now is the
result of that, and my Reigo is trying to fix what
fate broke, not knowing that if he tried harder to fix
it, it'll break him too."
Zehannah dried her tears. "I... don't want... to...
break him..."
"I hope so." Tumayo si Contessa saka humarap kay
Zehannah na patuloy ang pag-agos ng luha sa mga mata
nito. "I didn't mean to make you cry, Zehan."
Tinulungan nito si Zehannah na tuyuin ang luha nito.
"Forgive me for sticking my nose where it doesn't
belong. I couldn't help it."
Zehannah continued drying her tears. "It's okay. Totoo
naman ang sinabi niyo. But I'm now trying... trying to
break my fear and have a relationship with Reigo. It's
just... it's hard and I couldn't even do the bare
minimum for him, even though he's giving it his all.
And I think I'm being unfair to him. I honestly want
to let him go and push him away like I should but, I
can't do it. I always find myself reaching out to
him... and I'm scared."
Contessa was torn. She understood Zehannah, but she
also didn't want her son to get hurt. "As a woman, I
feel you. But as a mother, I'm wary of you." She
sighed. "You alone have the power to make my son happy
or put him through hell. But to intervene would be
disrespectful to my son's decision to be with you.
Respect begets respect. I raised Reigo with this kind
of thinking, and I don't want to be a hypocrite. I
guess all I can do is observe and pray for you two to
find your peace and happiness together."
Reigo's mother mesmerized Zehannah. Contessa
understood her as a woman, but she was wary of her as
the woman her son was dating. But even though Contessa
did not approve of her for her son, she was not
hostile and she even explained why. And Zehannah
understood her clearly because she had the same worry
as her.
"Thank you for your honesty, Ma'am," Zehannah said
earnestly after she pulled herself together. "I
understand why you don't approve of me being with
"It's not a hundred percent disapproval, Zehan,"
Contessa corrected Zehannah. "It's more like eighty-
twenty. As a woman to a woman, you are amazing and I'm
sold. But as a mother to Reigo, I'm worried. But you
said you don't want to break him, so I'll hold on to
that for now. As long as you're not hurting my son
intentionally, I will approve of you and treat you
like family, so don't worry. Totoo ang sinabi ko na
gusto kita. Kaya nga gusto kong makabuo na kayo ng
anak ko." Napalabi nito habang inoseteng nakangiti.
"Imagine having a son or a daughter with your
personality and Reigo's. Ohh! I'm excited!"
Ginawa ni Zehannah ang lahat para hindi mapangiwi. "I
don't think we're ready for a child, Ma'am."
"No worries. I'm ready."
Napatanga si Zehannah sa ina ni Reigo. "Ho?"
"I'm ready to be a grandmother," she said with a wide
grin. "Ako ang mag-aalaga."
Zehannah was back to being stupefied. "Um..."
Contessa cupped her own face as excitement filled her
face. "I will adorn my grandchild with diamonds and
gemstones. She will be the most beautiful of all!"
Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah. "She...?"
"Yes." Contessa's eyes snapped at Zehannah. "I want a
granddaughter, you see. No worries, Zehan." Hinawakan
nito si Zehannah sa magkabilang balikat habang
nakatingin sa mga mata ng dalaga. "I already
researched about sex positions that will guarantee a
"Um... are those even real?"
Contessa's smile became sly and teasing. "Want to try
it with Reigo?"
"Um. No."
Parang hindi narinig ng kausap ang sagot ni Zehannah
dahil patuloy ito sa pagsasalita. "I compiled
everything in one file and made it into pdf. I will
send it to you via e-mail and I would be over the moon
if you read everything and try it with Reigo."
Zehannah was speechless, but she had a feeling that if
she didn't stop Reigo's mother now, she will never
hear the end of this. "Um, Ma'am, I'm really not ready
for it. And the same goes for Reigo, Ma'am."
Contessa waved her hand nonchalantly. "Yeah, yeah. Not
ready. I hear you. But I'm still sending you the pdf.
Pinaghirapan ko 'yon. Anyway, call me Tita, Zehan.
Ma'am is too formal. After all, you're officially
dating my son."
That made Zehannah smile sweetly. "Thank you, Tita."
Contessa sighed in surrender. "Seeing you smile so
sweetly, I somehow get why my son was so smitten with
you. I want to poke your cheeks. You're adorable when
you're sweet."
Napangiwi si Zehannah sa ina ni Reigo. "Tita, your
duality is confusing and scary at the same time."
Malakas na natawa si Contessa saka sinapo ang mukha ni
Zehannah hanggang sa maging hugis 'o' na ang bibig ni
Zehannah. "Zehan, want to borrow my makeup? Your eyes
look puffy. Kapag nalaman ni Reigo na pinaiyak kita,
siguradong hindi niya na ako hahanapan ng mga
imbitasyon na gusto ko."
"Don't worry, Tita. Sabihin ko kay Reigo na umiyak ako
sa sobrang saya."
Umiling si Contessa. "But that's not really the case,
and if Reigo found out the truth, he might tell his
friends and connections not to give me the invitations
I needed. And he will because my son's observation
skill is top-notch. So wait here and let me get my
makeup kit."
Walang nagawa si Zehannah kundi ang sundin ang sinabi
ng ina ni Reigo.
Habang hinihintay ang ginang, pinadaan niya ang oras
sa pagtingin-tingin sa mga collection ng ina ni Reigo
na hindi niya nabigyan ng pansin kanina.
Lahat magaganda. Lahat mamahalin. Nakakalula, sa totoo
lang. Zehannah had met a fair share of wealthy people,
but she was not ready for this kind of wealth. It was
too much, really.
While that thought was running through Zehannah's
mind, she came across a very simple vine leaf ruby
bracelet. It's so simple that it could pass as
everyday jewelry.
But I bet the price will make you not want to use it
every day.
"You like it?"
Napaigtad si Zehannah nang marinig ang boses ng ina ni
Reigo mula sa nakabukas na pintuan ng vault.
"It's simple and pretty," sagot ni Zehannah nang
Contessa pulled the trolley she was holding with her
as she walked towards Zehannah, then she opened the
glass container of the bracelet that caught Zehannah's
Zehannah thought that Reigo's mother will just show it
to her up close as she explained its origin and
history, but to her shock, Reigo's mother put it on
her wrist, and then she looked at her wrist, looking
pleased with herself.
"Um, Tita—"
"It's a gift," putol ni Contessa sa iba pang sasabihin
ni Zehannah. "You're opening your agency soon, right?
Rubies are often associated with wealth, prosperity,
fortune, and courage. That's why I always like to have
them in my collection. Now, I'm giving this one to
Gustong ibalik ni Zehannah ang bracelet, pero ayaw
naman ng ina ni Reigo. And the two spent half an hour
going back and forth with the bracelet and the result
was... Zehannah lost.
She was no match against Reigo's mother, who now had a
triumphant smile on her face.
Bagsak ang balikat ni Zehannah. "At least tell me how
much is this, Tita."
"Ayoko. Siguradong babayaran mo ako."
She got me. "Nasisiguro kong mahal 'to—"
"It's a gift," may diing sabi ng ina ni Reigo. "And if
you can't accept it as that, think of it as a promise
bracelet—a promise that you'll take care of my son.
Rubies also have ties to love and passion, you know."
Bumaba ang tingin ni Zehannah sa bracelet na suot
kapagkuwan ay napabuntonghininga. "Okay. I concede and
accept this bracelet."
Reigo's mother grinned. "Yes...!"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah sa reaksiyon ng ina ni
Reigo. "Tita, para kang si Reigo minsan. Bata kung
"Well"—Contessa cupped the side of her face—"I always
try to be young and beautiful. Anyway, my makeup kit
is here." Bumaba ang tingin nito sa trolley na hila-
hila nito kanina. "Let's do something with those puffy
eyes of yours."
Napatanga si Zehannah sa makeup 'kit' na dala ng ina
ni Reigo. It's a trolley with three layers! It's not a
kit, it's more like a makeup case!
Wealthy people and their things. Zehannah mused and
just let Reigo's mother do her magic to cover her
puffy eyes.
Minutes later, when Zehannah checked, her eyes were
still a little puffy, but they had lessened enough not
to be noticed immediately.
"How about that, Zehan?"
"I think okay na 'to, Tita."
"Great!" Ibinalik nito ang ginamit na makeup sa
lalagyan. "Anyway, I was informed that dinner has been
served. Let's go eat."
Zehannah nodded and followed Reigo's mother out of the
After they locked the vault, the two went to the
dining hall together. Sa sobrang laki ng bahay, hindi
humiwalay si Zehannah sa ina ni Reigo dahil baka
mawala siya. At hindi niya mapigilan ang humanga sa
bawat parte ng bahay na nadadaanan nila.
Truly luxurious and extravagant.
Zehannah even saw a unique lamp when they passed the
third living room. It's not just a normal lamp. The
design was like a vine coming down from the ceiling to
the floor and it has blooming flowers as its light.
It was stunning.
Zehannah had thought that nothing could compare to the
beauty of the uniquely designed lamp she saw until
they arrived at the dining hall.
The chandelier, shaped like a flower crown in the
middle of the dining hall, took her breath away.
"Your house is really pretty, Tita," Zehannah
Contessa smiled. She takes pride in their house
because it was mostly her design. "Thank you. Are you
into clean and minimalistic designs as well? I try to
be minimalistic as possible, but these chandeliers and
lamps just spoke to me, you know. I couldn't resist!"
Tumango si Zehannah. "I enjoy cleaning too, so
minimalistic works for me."
"I hate cleaning," Contessa grumbled. "Good thing we
have lots of maids in the house. They're my angels."
Napangiti si Zehannah. "Though I see what you mean
about the chandeliers and lamps, Tita. Marami akong
nakita habang papunta tayo rito at ang gaganda nila at
ang unique pa ng mga design. Bagay na bagay sa palasyo
niyo, Tita."
Contessa beamed. "You think our house is a castle?!"
Her eyes twinkled. "I'm so happy! I work hard to
design our house to be castle-like—"
"My Zee...!" Reigo just popped up and hugged Zehannah
from behind, then kissed his favorite spot—her neck.
"I missed you."
Contessa glared at her son. "Why are you bothering us,
Reigo? Me and Zehannah are talking about an important
Reigo hid from his mother's sharp glare behind
Zehannah's back. "You kidnapped my Zee, Mom! I have
all the right to interrupt."
"What did you say?!"
Reigo flinched and tightened his embrace on Zehannah.
"You can't have my Zee. Dinala ko siya rito para
maghapunan. You can't waste her time by explaining
about chandeliers, lamps, and stones!"
Tumaas ang dalawang kilay ni Zehannah kay Reigo na
nagtatago sa likod nito. "It's not really wasting my
time. It's additional knowledge."
Reigo looked at Zehannah as if he had been betrayed.
"What?" Zehannah asked while looking at Reigo over her
shoulder. "I enjoy learning new things."
Contessa was all smiles, happy that she finally found
someone willing to learn about her interest and not
just faking it. "See, son? You heard Zehan. It's not a
waste of time. It's knowledge, and knowledge is power.
What do you think, Zehan? Do you also want to learn
about shares and stocks and how to trade and invest?
It's my forte. It will really help you a lot."
That piqued Zehannah's interest. "It would be my
pleasure to learn."
Contessa was happy that the woman Reigo brought to
their house was interesting and bright. "Then, let's
schedule our first lesson. How about next weekend?"
"Sure." Zehannah was quick to answer.
But someone was not happy behind her. "Zee! That's my
precious time with you!"
"Sumama ka na lang sa 'kin," ani Zehannah kay Reigo.
"You can teach me about business as well." She enjoyed
going wild with Reigo every weekend, but she wanted to
learn new knowledge that could help her and her agency
in the future. "Sigurado akong marami pa akong hindi
alam. It'll be a big help to me since I'm opening an
agency with Cassia."
"If that was so, then let me teach you, too," the
baritone voice of Reigo's father interjected. "Mas
marami akong alam kaysa riyan sa anak ko na baguhan pa
sa negosyo."
Reigo glared at his father. "Don't steal my thunder,
Dad. My Zee wants me, not you."
"Hmm? I don't mind," sabad ni Zehannah.
Rohan snickered at his son's face. "Look at our son's
face, love." Inakbayan nito ang asawa. "Ah, memories.
I used to look like that as well when we were still
Napailing si Contessa sa asawa. "You're really an odd
one, dear."
"That's why I'm your husband."
Rohan smiled and kissed his wife's temple. "Anyway,
let's go inside and sit. Lalamig ang pagkain."
Rohan guided his wife to the table, while Reigo guided
his Zee to the table.
And the moment Zehannah saw the lavish food being
served up close, she remained calm. After all the
surprises she had seen in this house, she had already
become immune.
"Oh! Looks like Chef Marino went all out," komento ng
ina ni Reigo.
Of course, they have a chef. Sa isip ni Zehannah. It's
normal. They're wealthy after all.
"And looks like our pastry chef did not want to lose,"
anang ama ni Reigo.
They have a pastry chef as well? Well. It's to be
expected. Zehannah was conditioning her mind. Until
she heard about the sous chef, fish chef, sauce chef,
vegetable chef, meat chef, and other kinds of chefs
that she didn't even know existed until that moment.
No. It's not a kitchen over there. It's a freaking
restaurant in there!
Zehannah calmly glanced at Reigo. "Hmm?"
"You okay? You're spacing out."
Bago pa makasagot si Zehannah, mula sa sulok ng mata
niya, nakita niya ang apat na lalaki na pumasok sa
dining hall at may dala ang mga ito na dalawang
malalaking letson at inilagay iyon sa mesa. Hindi lang
'yon, sumunod na ipinasok ay isang cake na pagkataas-
taas at sinundan 'yon ng pinakamalaking roasted turkey
na yata na nakita niya sa buong buhay niya.
And Zehannah's mind just went, huh?
FOR ZEHANNAH, it was not a normal family dinner. Ito
ang unang beses niya na makipag-dinner sa pamilya ng
dine-date niya pero nasisiguro niyang hindi normal na
may letson—dalawang letson—sa hapag-kainan.
Sino'ng magpapa-letson?! It's just a simple dinner,
they said!
Well... she could hardly call Reigo's family normal.
They're even different from the wealthy families she
"Kain lang, Zehan," anang ina ni Reigo. "Nagpahanda
ako ng maraming pagkain para sa 'yo."
Nagulat si Zehannah sa nalaman. "Ho?"
Ngumiti ang ginang. "According to the investigation I
received, you love food and would willingly trade my
son for good food."
"Geez! Thanks, Mom," Reigo bitterly chided.
Contessa just smiled at her son before she returned
her attention to Zehannah. "Nalaman ko rin na pumunta
kayo ni Reigo sa Cebu para lang kumain ng letson, kaya
naman"—iminuwestra nito ang kamay sa dalawang letson—
"nagpaluto kami ng dalawa para sa 'yo. Sana magustuhan
It had been so long—so, so long—since Zehannah felt
her cheeks heat up. Yes. She was blushing because of
embarrassment. "T-thanks, Tita."
Contessa beamed at Zehannah and continued eating.
"Zehan, I heard that you're opening an agency. Need a
hand to advertise it?" Ang ama iyon ni Reigo habang
kumakain sila. "I know some big companies."
Kaaagad na umiling si Zehannah. "I appreciate the
offer, Tito, but I think it'll be best to start small
since our agency is just starting. We have so much to
learn. And I don't think we have the manpower to
accommodate big clients as of now. We don't want to
bite off more than we can chew."
Rohan smiled at Zehannah's answer. "Mukhang napag-
isipan mo nang mabuti ang tatahakin ng agency na
binuksan niyo."
Zehannah nodded. "I'm opening it with a friend of
mine, and Cassia is a smart one. We've been sharing
our ideas and plans so we could set a goal for our
Rohan nodded. "That's good. I wish you luck, Zehan."
"Thank you, Tito."
"I wish you luck too, Zehan." Hindi pahuhuli si
"Thank you, Tita."
Zehannah was happy that Reigo's family seemed to like
her, but the food really bothered her on the long
table. Apat lang sila pero hanggang sa dulo ang
pagkain. At mayroon pang nakatoka sa pagtanggal ng
balat ng letson at halos lahat ay ibigay sa kaniya.
Zehannah had an enormous appetite for good food, but
at that moment, she didn't want to touch anything. It
was stressing her out that all this extravagant food
was served because she liked them.
I never thought dinner with these insane amounts of
food could stress me out so much.
Therefore, after dinner, she excused herself to go to
the bathroom to talk to the Amazonas. Siyempre, ang
banyo sa bahay nina Reigo ay puwede nang tulugan sa
linis, bango, at laki.
Pero sobra-sobra na ang na-experience niya sa bahay na
'to para magulat pa siya para lang sa banyo kaya wala
nang reaksiyong makikita sa mukha niya.
Sitting on the toilet's cover after she peed and used
the flush, she sent a message to Amazona Group Chat.
Zehannah Sevil: May kilala ba kayong pinakilala sa
magulang at may letson sa simpleng dinner lang?
Gladz Muller: May ganoon?
Haze Coleman: May ganoon pala?
Nez Coleman: Wala akong kakilala na ganoon.
Grace Volkzki: I know nothing about letson, but I have
cupcakes here 😋
Tessmarie Baltazar: Gusto ko! Kaso umayaw si Hunt na
magpa-letson ako para sa kaniya.
Ruth Pascua: Wala rin akong kakilala na ganoon.
Eliza Sanford: Me! Me! It happened to me! Pero
nangyari 'yon noong buntis na ako at sinabi ko sa
Mommy ni Pangit Khairro na gusto kong kumain ng balat
ng letson. Tapos binilhan kaagad ako ni Mommy ng
tatlong letson! 💃💃💃 Ako kasi talaga ang tunay na
baby ni Mommy, hindi si Pangit. 🤣🤣🤣
Czarina Salem-Stroam: Not counted ang sa 'yo, Eli. Sa
yaman ng pamilya niyang asawa mo?
Zehannah Sevil: Gaano kayaman?
Czarina Salem-Stroam: Ridiculously rich.
Zehannah Sevil: Gaano kalaki ang bahay nila?
Nang makita ni Zehannah ang reply ni Eliza kung gaano
kalaki, nagpakawala siya ng malalim na hininga.
Wealthy people and their homes.
Faith Yilmaz: Hey, Zehan. I heard from my husband that
Reigo's family is ridiculously rich and could even
surpass Khairro's family. Pinakilala ka na ba? Kaya ba
nagtatanong ka? May pa-letson ba?
Sweet Monday Velasquez: Yeah. Reigo's parents both
came from an old money family, so it's not surprising
that they're ridiculously rich. Reigo's mother hailed
from a wealthy family in London. She was the only
daughter, and Reigo's father was an heir to a multi-
million dollar company in Spain. Napunta lang sila
rito sa Pilipinas dahil nakapag-asawa ng Pinay ang ama
ng ama ni Reigo at dito ginusto ng lola ni Reigo na
manirahan. They may have moved here, but their
businesses and connections outside the country are
still thriving up to this date and Reigo is the only
heir to all this wealth.
Napatanga si Zehannah sa nabasa.
She wanted to say 'no wonder...', but remembering her
very clingy Reigo, all she could do was sigh to calm
herself down.
Let's not be intimidated. I'm here for Reigo, and not
for any reason. So what if they're rich? Nothing will
change. I'm still Zehannah—freaking—Sevil and Reigo
will always be Mr. Clingy Delicacy. And if she was
going to think about her relationship with Reigo
seriously, she had to get used to Reigo and his
ridiculously wealthy family.
Honestly, if her confidence was easy to break, she
might have crumbled the moment she entered Reigo's
home. But she's Zehannah—freaking—Sevil. She was proud
of the life she had lived. Even though her life had
lots of mishaps and she had lots of flaws, she was
proud of the woman she had become.
Yeah. Be strong and slay it all. Zehannah—freaking—
Taking a deep breath, she got up, fixed her clothes,
and stepped out of the comfort room, only to stop at
the door when she saw Reigo waiting for her outside.
"Are you okay? Sumakit ba ang tiyan mo?" kaagad na
tanong ni Reigo nang makalabas si Zehannah sa banyo.
Naalala kasi nito ang nangyari noong nag-food trip
sila kaya sinundan nito ang dalaga. "I told Mom to
make it a very simple dinner. Dad told her as well,
but Mom didn't listen—of course, she didn't." He
mused. "What did I expect? She has always been like
Zehannah closed the distance between her and Reigo and
she pressed her lips on his to stop him from rambling.
"I admit the dinner was over the top, but the food was
great, so let's thank your mom and your family chefs.
And no, my tummy is fine. I just peed."
Reigo looked relieved as he pulled Zehannah into a
soft embrace. "Thank you for meeting my parents, Zee.
I know it's difficult for you. Especially being alone
with Mom. She could be wicked when she wanted to be.
That's why please accept my apology. Alam kong
pinaiyak ka ni Mommy."
Hindi nag-react si Zehannah para itago ang nangyari.
"Zee, you know I always take a good look at you every
time. Your eyes have changed after you returned with
Zehannah still didn't react and just said, "Nothing
"So, you're lying to me now?"
Zehannah blew a loud breath and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Don't be harsh on your mom. Hindi naman niya ako
gustong paiyakin. We just talked and then I cried.
That's all."
"I doubt that."
"That's really all, Reigo," may diing sabi ni Zehannah
saka kumawala sa yakap ng binata at pinakatitigan ito.
"Normal lang ang ginawa ng mommy mo. I would do it as
well if I were in her shoes. Masaya nga ako na
nagkausap kami. She was not mean to me, okay? She was
actually nice and considerate of me and you."
Zehannah could tell that Reigo was still not buying
it, so she showed him her bracelet.
"See this? Binigay sa 'kin 'to ni Tita kanina."
Hinaplos ni Zehannah ang isa sa maliliit na ruby na
disenyo ng bracelet saka masuyong napangiti nang
maalala ang rason kung bakit nito ibinigay 'yon sa
kaniya. "If she was mean to me, do you think she'll
give me one of her precious collection?"
Reigo breathed out, knowing his mother's love
language. "Okay. I get it. No worries."
Zehannah was relieved. "Buti naman. Your mom is really
amazing, you know. I mean, her duality sometimes is
confusing, but overall, she's an amazing person."
Napatitig si Reigo sa dalaga. "You sounded like a
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "I am. I mean, look at
Reigo sighed and went back to hugging Zehannah. "I
hate this. Pakiramdam ko, inaagaw ka ni Mommy sa 'kin.
I know you two will click, but not like this! Zee, uwi
na tayo. Baka kidnap-in ka ulit ni Mommy."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Okay lang na kidnap-in
ako ng mommy mo. Pakiramdam ko, marami akong
matututunan sa kaniya kapag nagpa-kidnap ako."
"Oh, hush." She playfully slapped Reigo's ass. "I'm
interested in learning a lot of things, so be a good
partner and let me learn new things that will help me
grow. Hindi ba 'yon ang gusto mo? Kaya nga binigyan mo
ako ng maraming libro tungkol sa marketing at pinabasa
mo sa 'kin ang mga nakaraang marketing strategies ng
kompanya mo?"
Reigo had no answer to that. Totoo naman kasi lahat ng
sinabi ni Zehannah. "Fine," he grumbled. "It's true
that you'll learn tons from Mom, but she has weird
habits that you might learn as well. 'Yon ang
kinakatakot ko."
"Habits like?"
"I'd rather not say." Pinakawalan ni Reigo sa
pagkakayakap si Zehannah saka umangat ang kamay nito
para haplusin ang ilalim ng mata ng dalaga at
bumuntonghininga. "You must have cried so hard for
your eyes to be puffy."
"Sasabihin mo ba sa 'kin ang pinag-usapan niyo?"
Umiling si Zehannah.
"That personal?"
Tumango si Zehannah.
"Okay. I won't ask." Reigo kissed Zehannah's forehead.
"By the way, Mom and Dad are on the terrace for some
wine. Want to join them?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "I would love to."
Reigo offered his hand. Zehannah took it. And the two
went to the terrace together.
"Sabi mo sa 'kin normal ang bahay niyo," ani Zehannah
habang naglalakad sila. "Nothing is normal in this
"What do you mean?" Reigo frowned. "It is normal."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Sa 'yo siguro, pero para sa
'kin, hindi. Have you seen my condo? That's what
normal looks like."
"What are you talking about?" Nagsalubong ang kilay ni
Reigo. "Your condo is not normal either. It always
makes me want to go home and sleep in your bed. It has
your smell, so I enjoy staying there. Not only that,
it's warm. Just like you when we cuddle."
Umingos si Zehannah. "Kalandian ang tawag do'n."
Reigo smiled innocently at Zehannah. "Anong kalandian?
I don't know what you're talking about."
Inirapan lang ni Zehannah si Reigo saka hinayaan ang
binata na igiya siya patungo sa balkonahe kung nasaan
ang mga magulang nito.
Zehannah was not even shocked anymore when they
arrived at the terrace and she saw how luxurious it
was to hang out there and sip wine while overlooking
the water terraces she saw earlier.
And because it was now dark, Zehannah could see the
water in the water terraces glowing, giving it an
ethereal look from the terrace. It was simply stunning
and plainly breathtaking.
That's a view for you, Zehannah thought as she
accepted the glass of wine Reigo gave her and joined
his parents on the Nordic minimalist sofa in the
center of the terrace.
Nang makaupo si Zehannah, kaagad na itinaboy ni
Contessa ang anak na uupo sana sa tabi ni Zehannah at
ito ang tumabi kay Zehannah.
Reigo just sighed, seeing his mother and the woman he
adored talking about the scenery, gemstones,
furniture, and business as if no one was around. They
were so engrossed in their own conversation that he
and his father had become a decoration.
Para silang napag-iwanan ng ama niya dahil tahimik
lang silang sumisimsim ng wine habang panay ang
buntonghininga. They would sometimes share a look,
daring each other to break his mother and Zehannah's
conversation, but they always ended up not doing it.
Why? Because the wine tasted good, just like the
coffee they shared earlier.
Yeah. We're enjoying the wine so much that Dad and I
looked like we're grieving.
But seeing the two women actively conversing and
debating about their interests, standing firm in their
opinion and never backing down, the two Vasquez men
just found themselves sighing because those were their
weaknesses. A strong, smart, and independent woman.
"Anak nga kita," ani Rohan kay Reigo nang makita kung
paano tumingin si Reigo kay Zehannah.
Reigo shrugged and raised his wineglass at his father.
"Kanino ba ako magmamana?"
"Sa 'kin, siyempre. Tingnan mo naman ang mukha mo.
Namana ang kaguwapuhan ko."
Reigo sipped his wine. "Dad, sa tingin ko, mahangin
din si Lolo katulad mo."
"It's in our blood, son."
Reigo chuckled. "I guess." His Zee was always pointing
out how boastful he was. "Anyway, more wine, Dad?"
"Yes, please. Mukhang matatagalan pa tayong magiging
dekorasyon sa terasa na 'to."
Reigo chuckled and picked up the wine bottle on the
center table, then poured some into his father's glass
and did the same to his own. Afterward, the father and
son duo continued sipping wine while having small
talks to pass their time.
Fortunately, Zehannah and Contessa's conversation
finally concluded before Reigo and Rohan fell asleep.
"Zehan, dito na lang kayo matulog ni Reigo. Malalim na
ang gabi baka mapaano kayo sa daan," ani Contessa.
"No, thanks," sagot ni Reigo.
At the same time, Zehannah answered. "Sige, Tita.
Ayoko talagang bumabiyahe kapag gabi."
Contessa was happy and Reigo was sulking. Especially
when he heard that Zehannah would stay in the guest
room, while he'll be sleeping in his old room.
Immediately, Reigo wanted to complain, but when he saw
Zehannah's warning glare, he closed his mouth and
smiled in loneliness.
This was his weekend! This was supposed to be his
precious day with Zehan! But look at what happened?
Zehan had been kidnapped twice, and she's now sleeping
away from him!
Knowing that he couldn't complain in front of his
parents, he sent a message to Zehannah.
'Zee! Are you torturing me?! How can I go to sleep
now? I want to cuddle!'
His Zee was quick to reply when she heard her phone
beeped from her clutch bag. 'it's just one night,
Reigo. It won't kill you.'
'Zee...! I want to cuddle!'
'Do it with your pillow.'
'Suck it up. It's just one night.'
'I'd rather you suck me, Zee.'
Zehannah sighed and did not reply to Reigo, making
Reigo grumpy. And Reigo's grumpiness doubled while
looking at Zehannah's retreating back, together with
his mother.
But of course, he will not be defeated.
Just you wait, my Zee. I'm cuddling with you to sleep
ZEHANNAH JUST SMILED even though her brain felt like
it exploded again when Reigo's mother guided her to
the guest room where she will sleep for the night.
"Thanks, Tita." She even managed to express her
"Don't sweat the small stuff." Contessa smiled back
and motioned her hand toward the closet in the corner.
"There are PJs in there. Mamili ka na lang kung ano'ng
kakasya sa 'yong size. There are also new towels and
bathrobes in there. Our bathroom is packed with all
the necessities you could think of, so feel free to
use them all. As you can see, behind that forested
glass wall next to the bed is a jacuzzi. You can use
it to relax tonight. You can also drink all the wines
and liquors in the mini-bar next to the jacuzzi.
Basically, you can use anything in this room without
holding back, okay?"
"Okay po, Tita."
"Good. Have a good night, Zehan."
"Good night din po, Tita, Tito." Then she looked at
Reigo. "G'night, babe."
Unlike earlier, Reigo was not sulking. He was actually
smiling and right there and then, Zehan knew Mr.
Delicacy was planning something. "Good night, my Zee."
Lihim na napailing si Zehannah saka isinara na ang
pinto ng kuwarto. At bago humarap sa tutulugan niyang
silid, huminga muna siya nang malalim at pinakalma ang
Once calmed, she finally turned around to look at the
guest room.
Zehannah only had one comment: nagmukhang hampaslupa
ang itsura ng condo ko na pinaghirapan kong ayusin.
Zehannah sighed heavily. "It's a good thing I don't
break easily."
With another heavy sigh, she walked to the bed and sat
on the edge while staring at the frosted glass wall
while thinking about what's behind that.
A private jacuzzi and a mini-bar.
What to do? What to do? Zehannah grinned. Enjoy it to
the fullest, of course!
With that thought, she got up, stripped, and ran to
the jacuzzi buck-naked.
It felt like she was in a five-star hotel, to be
honest. Masyadong magara ang buong kuwarto para sa
isang 'guest room' lang.
A contented sigh escaped Zehannah's lips as her body
became enveloped with warm, bubbling water. "Ahh...
what a nice way to end a brain-wrecking day," she
muttered to herself. "If only Reigo's here... it'll be
more fun." Pero mas mabuti na sigurong wala rito ang
binata dahil siguradong kapag nalaman ng ina nito na
magkasama sila sa iisang kuwarto, siguradong
pagbubuntis niya ang iisipin nito. Though if he came
here, she won't chase him away.
Yeah. Let's just rest.
With her head resting on the edge of the jacuzzi, her
body felt like being massaged by the water and it felt
so nice that she moaned a little.
Zehannah closed her eyes to fully relax, only to open
them a couple of minutes later when she felt a
presence near the jacuzzi.
When she turned her head and saw Reigo, she did not
even feel an ounce of shock to see him in her room.
And Reigo noticed that. "You're expecting me?"
"Hmm. Malandi ka kaya alam kong pupuntahan mo ako."
"That's because I want to cuddle." Reigo licked his
lips as he stared at Zehannah's naked body in the
jacuzzi. "But seeing you like this, I want to fuck you
senseless before we cuddle."
Again. Zehannah was not shocked, but she warned Reigo.
"Don't you dare ruin my jacuzzi experience. No cuddle
for you."
But Reigo already joined her in the jacuzzi, naked and
sporting a massive hard-on. He was even holding it
while walking towards her.
Napalunok na lang si Zehannah nang makita ang
pagkalalaki ni Reigo.
That enters me all the time. No wonder I always lose
my mind. Worth it though. What a dick. No pun
Hindi ginalaw ni Zehannah ang katawan na nakalutang sa
jacuzzi kahit nasa harapan na niya si Reigo. Pero ang
loko, basta na lang ibinuka ang hita niya sa tubig at
ipinalibot sa baywang nito saka dumukwang para hulihin
ang mga labi niya at mapusok siyang hinalikan.
Zehannah groaned at the meeting of their lips, but
that was not the only reason a moan escaped her mouth.
Reigo's fingers were on her clit and massaging it
thoroughly as if teasing her.
Reigo's kiss deepened before he pulled away, bit her
lower lip, and stared at her. "What? Do you want me to
Zehannah licked her lips. "Did you lock the door?"
"Of course."
"That's my good babe." Zehannah cooed Reigo before she
wrapped her arms around his neck and claimed his lips.
It surprised Reigo for a second before he opened his
mouth and welcome her warm tongue inside. And while
their lips were locked on each other, Zehannah was
guiding him towards the jacuzzi's ledge and when his
back hit the edge, Zehannah pulled away from his lips
and she whispered.
"Up, babe. I want to suck you."
Reigo obliged without a word and the moment he sat on
the jacuzzi's edge with his feet dangling and
submerged in the pool, Zehannah took him inside her
mouth while she was still in the jacuzzi and sucked
him without mercy.
Reigo's mind became blank, and he threw his head back
when an intense, unbelievable pleasure consumed him
inside Zehannah's mouth with her wicked tongue.
His Zee was getting better and better at sucking him.
He was now losing his mind.
"Fuck...! Zee..."
Zehannah smiled at that and continued moving her mouth
and tongue to make Reigo moan as loudly as he made
So she sucked him without mercy. Until the sound Reigo
made satisfied her. Then and only then did she let
Reigo fuck her senseless.
ZEHANNAH HAD her fun in the jacuzzi. It's not every
day that she gets to experience that. And Reigo being
there added to the fun. He let her suck him off as
much as she wanted even when he becomes so sensitive
after coming. Of course, that was not all. Along the
ledge of the jacuzzi, Zehannah was bent over and Reigo
was pounding her from behind.
Zehannah tried to muffle her moans, but Reigo kept
thrusting inside her too deeply that she always ended
up letting a small scream of pleasure. She couldn't
help it. Reigo had always been a hard pounder, and her
body shook at the intensity of his every thrust.
Too good! Oh, fuck! Her vision was getting blurry, her
breathing was uneven, she was gasping for air, and she
was holding on to the jacuzzi's edge while Reigo
rocked her entire world.
"Ahh! Ahh! Reigo...! Ohh! Ahh!" Zehannah couldn't stop
her moans anymore.
"That's it, my Zee." Reigo reached out to Zehannah's
front and massaged her clit while he was pounding her
hard. "Moan for me."
As if on cue, Zehannah started moaning so lustfully.
"Ahh! Ahh... oh! Fuck!" Feeling Reigo's fingers on her
clit and his cock inside her, Zehannah had lost her
mind already and intense pleasure ruled her body as
her orgasm exploded intensely.
As her sheath convulsed inside and pleasure tingled in
every corner of her body, Zehannah felt Reigo's
erection throbbing inside her. She knew he was close.
He was pulsing inside her and he was growing bigger
and bigger that she couldn't help biting her lower
lip. Halata 'yon sa bawat pagbayo ng binata sa kaniya.
Every thrust was desperate, and his moans had become
And then Zehannah said something to Reigo that made
him snap.
"Cum inside me, babe. I'm safe."
Reigo's vision became white as his restraint broke and
he exploded inside Zehannah.
Mahinang napadaing at napapikit si Zehannah nang
maramdaman ang pagpuno ng katas ni Reigo sa loob niya.
May kiliting hatid 'yon at punong-puno ang loob niya
sa dami ng inilabas ng binata na napakagat-labi siya
sa sarap ng pakiramdam niyon. Reigo always wore condom
and if he wasn't, he would always pull out so the
feeling of Reigo's seed inside her was new. And it
felt so good.
And Zehannah was scared because it was an addicting
But I guess it's okay. She decided to use a
contraceptive yesterday. She knew nothing about it, so
she had to research and ask Doc. Cza about it. It was
a pleasant conversation with Czarina. Very informative
to someone like her who has a very active sex life.
Mas bumaon ang ngipin ni Zehannah sa pang-ibabang labi
niya nang maramdamang hinugot ng binata ang kahabaan
nito sa loob niya at umagos pababa ang katas nito.
"Shit..." she groaned and hurriedly ran to the
bathroom to clean herself.
And while she was in the shower, Reigo joined her and
hugged her from behind before his lips started kissing
her neck.
"Are you sure it was okay to cum inside you?" he asked
while licking her neck and kissing her nape. "I know
for a fact that you're not ready for that yet."
Hindi mapigilan ni Zehannah na humarap kay Reigo at
sapuin ang mukha nito dahil natutuwa siya rito.
Malandi lang talaga ito pero maasahan sa kahit na
anong bagay. Lalo na pagdating sa mga bagay na may
kinalaman sa kaniya at sa relasyon nila.
"It's okay," aniya saka hinalikan ito sa mga labi.
"I'm on pill since yesterday. Nagpatulong ako kay Doc.
Cza, so don't worry about it."
"Pill?" Reigo frowned as his brain worked to
understand that. "The one that you have to take every
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yep. That one."
"Oh. Okay." He hugged her under the shower. "Mag-alarm
ka sa cellphone mo para hindi mo makalimutan. I know
you're still not ready for a baby, so I'll help in any
way I can."
Zehannah rested her head on Reigo's shoulder while
still under the shower. "How about you, Reigo? Are you
ready for that?"
"I'm not sure." He hesitated before answering.
Zehannah said nothing after that and just embraced
He felt nice under the shower. He felt so warm and
Zehannah was getting addicted to it. The cuddle that
Reigo wanted so much, she was getting used to it.
"I want to cuddle."
Napangiti si Zehannah saka pinakawalan sa pagkakayakap
ang binata. "Let's clean up first."
"Yes, Ma'am," he said and then he kissed her while
roaming his hand around her body as if cleaning her.
Lihim na napailing na lang si Zehannah at hinayaan ang
binata na 'linisin' ang katawan niya. She let him do
his thing until he was satisfied.
"There. Clean."
She looked at Reigo flatly. "No soap and shampoo?
Reigo lowered his head at her. "Ikaw na ang mag-
shampoo. I like it more."
Zehannah sighed and put shampoo on herself and Reigo's
head—up there—and then she massaged his scalp before
"You like acting like a baby, don't you?" Zehannah
asked while massaging Reigo's scalp.
"Hmm..." Reigo didn't even deny it. "You enjoy babying
someone, and I want to be babied. We're perfect for
each other."
She sighed. "Paano mo naman nasabi na gusto ko 'yon?"
"Napapansin ko lang."
Zehannah wanted to argue but chose not to. Reigo was
always observing her, so maybe she's doing something
she was not aware of. "Do you like being babied that
"Not really. Just you," sagot nito. "I would never let
just anyone baby me, you know. They have to be my Zee
Zehannah smiled inwardly at that while she pinched
Reigo's cheeks. "Maligo na nga lang tayo."
Zehannah reached for the conditioner, and then for the
body wash afterward. When they're finally both clean,
they dried themselves with a towel and wore the
Stepping outside the bathroom, something caught
Zehannah's eyes. The mini-bar near the Jacuzzi.
"Come on, Zee. I want to cuddle." Reigo was already in
Hindi ito pinakinggan ni Zehannah at binuksan ng
dalaga ang closet. Naghahanap si Zehannah ng dark-
shade na tuwalya o kahit na anong malapad na tela.
Yes! Impit na sigaw ni Zehannah sa isip niya ng
makahanap siya ng midnight green na fleece microfiber
na kumot sa loob. Mabilis niyang kinuha 'yon at
naglakad palapit sa kama.
"Get up, Reigo."
"Get up!"
Reigo saw how excited Zehannah looked, so he left the
bed and let her do her thing.
Reigo saw Zehannah fold the fleece microfiber blanket
and spread it across the bottom half of the bed,
covering the white sheet. He was so confused about
what she was planning to do with it until she ran back
to the jacuzzi and returned with a bottle of wine.
"You want to drink?" naguguluhang tanong ni Reigo kay
"Want me to ask for a glass?" he offered.
"No need."
Reigo looked at Zehannah in shock. "You want to drink
straight from the bottle?"
Zehannah smiled at Reigo teasingly. "Para sa isang
malanding katulad mo, hindi mo talaga alam ang gusto
Reigo stared at Zehannah and then at the wine bottle
she was holding. He really didn't know until his eyes
dropped to the blanket she spread and it dawned on
Instantly, his eyes snapped at Zehannah. "My Zee,
you're not thinking about..."
Zehannah smiled and licked her lips while staring at
Reigo. "There are a lot of wines in the mini-bar,
babe. And I want to taste this one. On you. I already
opened it, so don't you dare waste it."
Reigo blinked at Zehannah.
Zehannah urged Reigo. "Come on, be a good babe and lie
on the bed. You're a delicacy, right? Let me have my
wine on you."
Napalunok si Reigo habang nakatitig kay Zehannah. His
heart was racing. It excited him. The way his pulse
quickened at the sight of Zehannah holding a bottle of
wine. And when Zehannah impatiently pushed him to the
bed and straddled his lap, he was breathing raggedly.
"Hmm. Looks like Mr. Delicacy is excited."
"No worries. I am too." Eliza suggested it to her, and
she wanted to try it. After Eliza's suggestion to
incorporate food into their wild deeds in bed, wine
immediately came to her mind since she liked an
excellent wine after dinner.
Moving her body to kneel on the bed, in between one of
Reigo's thighs, she tilted the wine bottle and poured
a small amount of wine onto Reigo's abs.
Reigo hissed a little, and a groan followed it when
Zehannah leaned down and licked the wine off of his
abdomen. And then her lips found his nipple and as she
sucked, she was rubbing her clit against Reigo's
thigh, making them both moan.
"Fuck... Zee..." Reigo gritted his teeth as pleasure
ripped through him at every flick of Zehannah's tongue
on his nipple.
It felt so good that it elicited a moan of pleasure
from his mouth. Not only that, but he could also feel
Zehannah's warm and wet sheath rubbing on his thighs
and he was losing his mind.
"Fuck...!" He wanted to touch her, but every time he
would try, Zehannah would swat away his hand and bite
his nipple hard, making his cock harden even more.
Zehannah pushed herself up while licking her lips.
"That was good. Hmm. Let's continue then, shall we,
Before Reigo could answer, Zehannah already poured
wine from his abdomen to his groin area.
Looking at Reigo's naked body with wine, Zehannah bit
her lower lip. "This is the best way to enjoy wine,"
she said, then dipped her head to lick and drink the
wine off of Reigo.
From his abdomen, down to his navel, and deeper down
to Reigo's groin, she licked and drank the wine like a
thirsty drunkard. And when her mouth was just above
Reigo's rock-hard card, she drank the wine straight
from the bottle without swallowing it, put the wine
next to the bed on the floor, then she leaned down and
let Reigo's cock penetrate her mouth.
The moment the tip of Reigo's cock parted her lips,
the wine slipped out of her mouth and covered Reigo's
cock, much to Zehannah's delight.
"Hmm...!" Zehannah moaned as Reigo's length reached
the back of her throat and the intoxicating taste and
scent of wine were all over him.
Yes. Perfect. Zehannah began sucking Reigo. From the
tip to the bottom, her tongue swirled like a snake.
"Fuck...! Zee!"
She bobbed her head up and down in fast movements
while her tongue swirled and teased.
"Ahh! Fuck! Zee— Ahhh...!"
Hearing Reigo moan crazily, Zehannah swallowed his
cock until she gagged and then sucked him. Up and
down. And then licked his length from the tip down to
his balls.
"Ahh! Fuck! Yes! Ah! Fuck. Zee..."
She sucked his balls, nipped the skin, played with it
with her tongue, and then swallowed it into her mouth
and let her tongue tease each ball until she felt
Reigo's legs trembling at the pleasure. Then, as Reigo
trembled in sheer ecstasy, Zehannah freed his balls
and swallowed half of Reigo's cock, and moved her hand
to stroke him up and down while she sucked him off and
buried his cock deep in her throat.
"Ah! Fuck! I'm coming... fuck! Ahhh..."
Zehannah picked up the pace and her mouth moved even
faster. Up and down. Reigo's cock was growing bigger
inside her mouth that she was gagging, but she did not
stop until she felt his seed spurt inside her mouth.
With the taste of wine and Reigo's cum, Zehannah
swallowed it in relish. She was satiated as she
climbed onto Reigo's and rested on top of him.
Silence fell in the room until Reigo spoke after a
while when they had already calmed down.
"My jaw is," she answered.
He chuckled. "Want to get it checked?"
"Nah. Kailangan ko lang siguro na tumigil muna sa
kakaluhod sa 'yo. I always get carried away when I'm
sucking you. I like it so much that I don't want to
stop at just one round."
And Reigo knew that pretty well. He was, after all,
the one on the receiving end of Zehannah's addiction
to sucking. "If your jaw is the only part of you that
hurts, can I roll you over and eat you?"
"Hmm? Sure. Bon appétit."
In a blink of an eye, Zehannah's back was on the bed
and Reigo was in between her thighs, eating her.
Pinipigilan ni Zehannah na mapaungol nang malakas kaya
nangunyapit na lang siya sa headboard ng kama habang
nakasampay ang isa niya hita sa balikat ni Reigo at
nakabuka naman ang isa para malayang makain ni Reigo
ang pagkababae niya.
"Ahh... fuck..." Zehannah was trying so hard to muffle
her moan and it was draining her. The control she had
to exercise not to scream in pleasure was exhausting,
but control it, she did.
And just when her body was about to reach the peak of
her climax, Reigo stopped eating her.
It pissed her off.
But before she could complain, Reigo grabbed her legs,
hung them on each side of his shoulder, and without
warning, he rammed his stiff cock inside her.
Napamulagat si Zehannah sa sarap na lumukob sa buo
niyang pagkatao na nagpasigaw sa kaniya sa sarap.
Nawala bigla sa isip niya ang kagustuhan na huwag
sumigaw nang malakas.
"Ahh! Reigo...!"
Hindi kayang pigilan ang ungol na kumawala sa bibig
niya. Sagad na sagad ang pagkababae niya. Abot
hanggang dulo. Punong-puno siya. Ganoon kasarap ang
nasa loob niya. At nang nag-umpisa na si Reigo na
bayuin ang pagkababae niya, nawala na sa isip niya ang
She lost it, and she moaned. And she didn't stop until
she orgasmed and Reigo buried all his seeds inside
"Kapag narinig tayo ng mommy mo, lagot ako ro'n,"
hinihingal na sabi ni Zehannah nang pabagsak na humiga
si Reigo sa tabi niya.
"My parents' room is on the top floor, so that will
not happen. Why though?" He cuddled her close to him.
"She wants a grandchild, Reigo. A granddaughter to be
Reigo chuckled and buried his face in Zehannah's neck.
"She has always wanted a daughter, but after me, the
doctor told her she shouldn't get pregnant again.
Nagkaroon kasi ng komplikasyon ang pagbubuntis sa 'kin
ni Mommy at nag-agaw buhay siya. Afraid to lose Mom,
Dad immediately had a vasectomy procedure and I think
Mom had a contraceptive implant just to make sure.
Gusto pa raw no'n sumubok ni Mommy na magbuntis, pero
grabe raw ang iyak ni Dad at nagmakaawa siya na huwag
na nila akong sundan dahil hindi raw ni Dad kakayanin
kapag may nangyaring hindi maganda kay Mommy."
Zehannah smiled at that. It was so sweet and
heartbreaking at the same time.
"Mom is a very independent woman. She's used to
deciding on her own and doing things at her own pace,
but she said that when she saw Dad crying while
looking so afraid to lose her, for the first time, she
crumbled and listened to Dad."
"Your dad seems sweet."
"I'm sweetest," hindi pahuhuli na wika ni Reigo.
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka isiniksik ang katawan
palapit kay Reigo. "You feel nice."
Reigo smiled at that. "Yeah?"
"That's why cuddling is a must, my Zee."
Zee just yawned and closed her eyes. "G'night, Reigo."
"Good night, my Zee."
'Yon ang huling narinig ni Zee bago nagdilim ang lahat
at mahimbing siyang nakatulog.
Zehannah had a good sleep. It was expected. Palagi
namang maganda ang tulog niya lalo na kapag
nakakatulog siya pagkatapos ng kainan at bayuhan nila
ni Reigo.
Nang magising si Zehannah, wala na ang fleece blanket
na ginamit nila kagabi at wala na rin si Reigo.
Tanging ang bote na lang ng wine ang nasa bedside
table. Looking around the entire room, it seemed like
nothing lewd happened. She was even in PJs, much to
her shock.
Alam kaagad ni Zehannah na kagagawan 'yon ni Reigo na
ipinagpasalamat niya.
Ang sweet talaga ng gago na 'yon. Malandi nga lang.
Pero mas gusto ko naman ang malandi kaysa sa walang
Bumangon si Zehannah saka ini-stretch ang katawan.
Bago nagpalit ng damit, nag-exercise muna siya ng mga
trenta minutos bago nag-ayos ng sarili at lumabas.
To her surprise, a maid was waiting for her outside.
"Good morning, Miss Zehannah. I'm Cecil. Pinapunta ho
ako rito ni Ma'am Contessa para sunduin ko kayo.
Nakahanda na ho ang agahan."
Thank God. Baka nawala ako kapag nagkataon. "Thank
you, Cecil."
Ngumiti si Cecil. "You're welcome po, Ma'am," anito
saka nauna nang naglakad sa kaniya.
Sumunod naman si Zehannah kay Cecil. Akala niya
papunta sila sa hapag-kainan kung saan sila kumain
kagabi pero agad na na-realize ni Zehannah na hindi
roon ang punta nila nang pumasok sila sa isang hardin
na may iba't ibang uri ng bulaklak na namumukadkad at
sa gitna niyon ay isang may katamtamang laki na
pavilion at naroon ang buong pamilya ni Reigo, kasama
na ang binata at nagkakape.
Breakfast was the most important meal of the day and
Zehannah wanted to honestly skip it the moment she saw
what was on the table. Remembering the 'letson' last
night, she immediately realized that the breakfast was
meant for her and that made her want to skip breakfast
Because of pancakes. Lots of pancakes. And when she
said lots, it was over ten kinds of pancake.
"Oh! Good morning, Zehan. Come. Let's have breakfast."
Zehannah had no choice but to sit and not gape at the
'breakfast' in front of her.
"Morning, my Zee." Reigo left his chair next to her to
kiss her on the forehead and greet her. "How's your
Acting so innocent. Kung silang dalawa lang siguro ni
Reigo, napingot na niya ito, pero siyempre dahil
kasama nila ang mga magulang nito, lalo na ang ina
nito, umakto rin siyang inosente. "It was good. I
enjoyed the jacuzzi and a bottle of wine."
May kahulugang ngumiti si Reigo sa kaniya bago bumalik
sa kinauupuan at gusto niya itong kurutin pero kinuha
ng ina ni Reigo ang atensiyon niya.
"We have blueberry and banana pancakes, lemon and sour
cream pancakes with blueberries, cranberry orange
pancakes, chocolate berry pancakes, cinnamon roll
pancakes, pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes, Nutella
stuffed pancakes, Piña colada pancakes, fluffy Greek
yogurt pancakes, strawberry buttermilk pancakes,
peanut butter chocolate chips pancake, red velvet
pancakes, and bacon pancakes."
Zehannah just smiled at Reigo's mother, even though
her brain felt like exploding so early in the morning.
Who would eat this much pancakes?! Though she was
excited to taste all the pancakes, she couldn't help
but feel overwhelmed by it all. Yes, I like pancakes.
But only the normal ones! The normal!
"And you can choose from our ten different pancake
syrups here," Reigo's mother added. "Also, I learned
that you like coffee, so I ask the maids to make you a
sample coffee." She motioned her hands to the small
teacups in front of Zehannah. "Take a sip and tell me
which one you like so I can ask the head maid to make
you a cup of coffee choice."
Bumaba ang tingin ni Zehannah sa maliliit na tasa na
nasa harapan at walang nagawa kundi tikman 'yon isa-
isa saka sinabi niya sa ina ni Reigo kung ano'ng gusto
"You heard her," anang ina ni Reigo sa head maid na
nasa likod ni Zehannah. "Bring her a cup of black
ivory coffee, please. Thanks, Cecil."
Zehannah nearly did a spit take when she heard the
name of the coffee she chose. Hindi siya mayaman pero
kilala niya ang uri ng kape na 'yon.
Tangina. Bakit ka naman ganoon dila, ha? At namili ka
pa ng mahal! While Zehannah was beating herself up,
Contessa was smiling because of Zehannah's taste buds.
"Mom, stop grinning like that," pansin ni Reigo sa
ina. "You're looking like a villain."
Contessa glared at her son. "Should I kidnap your Zee
Kaagad na tumahimik si Reigo. Habang si Rohan naman ay
tahimik na sumisimsim lang ng kape at pangiti-ngiti.
Seeing her son backing down, Contessa turned her
attention to Zehannah. "Kain ka lang, Zehan. Don't be
shy. Pinagawa ko talaga itong maraming pancake para sa
Zehannah had no words, so she just smiled and ate.
Hindi naman sa patay-gutom siya, pero paborito niya
ang pancake kaya lahat ng klase, tinikman niya.
It was honestly the best breakfast she had ever
experienced, albeit a little overwhelming, but she
enjoyed it. O siguro dahil nasanay na siya sa dami ng
pagkain kagabi kaya naman naging medyo immune na siya
kahit papaano.
"So, what's your favorite pancake, Zehan?" Contessa
"Lahat po masarap, Tita," sagot ni Zehannah na
nakangiti. "I can't decide."
Contessa was pleased to hear it. "I know you're
leaving afterward, but can't you stay for a little
more while? Hapon na kayo umuwi ni Reigo, hmm? I still
want to show you around the house and the whole
For the first time, Reigo and Zehannah had the same
"No, Mom. Let Zehannah rest."
"Maybe some other time, Tita. Lunes na kasi bukas. I
need to prepare for work."
Contessa sighed and then smiled as if she made an
instant recovery. "Alright, alright. But next weekend,
we're roaming around the entire estate, okay? Pupunta
tayo roon sa falls at sa may water terraces. Magandang
tumambay roon at lumangoy lalo na kapag hindi na
ganoon kataas ang sikat ng araw."
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yes, Tita. I'll bring swimwear
next time."
"That sounds nice! Aasahan ko 'yan."
"Yes po, Tita."
"... and we're still a decoration, aren't we, son?"
Rohan asked Reigo with a smile.
Reigo raised his cup of coffee at his father in
understanding and the two sipped their coffee at the
same time.
With breakfast finished, it was now time for Reigo and
Zehannah to leave. And there's a problem. Contessa,
Reigo's mother, wanted Zehannah to bring home food—not
leftovers, but a newly cooked dish though Zehannah
didn't know that. Hindi 'yon ang problema. Ang
problema ay kung saan 'yon nilagay ng ina ni Reigo.
Sa loob ng Louis Vuitton giant monogram bag.
And here I thought I have become immune. Isip ni
Zehannah nang tanggapin niya ang bag.
"Thank you, Tita," aniya. "Pero sana sa eco-bag niyo
na lang nilagay."
Contessa just waved her hand nonchalantly. "Don't
sweat the small stuff. Ingat kayo sa pag-uwi. Reigo"—
tumingin ito sa binata—"drive safely."
"Yes, Mom."
"Okay. Bye, you two."
Contessa hugged Zehannah and kissed Reigo on the
temple before she let them in the car. Wala roon ang
ama ni Reigo dahil nagkaroon ang isang kompanyang
pagmamay-ari nito ng emergency meeting.
Ibinaba ni Zehannah ang bintana ng sasakyan nang
makasakay saka kumaway siya sa ina ni Reigo. "Thank
you, Tita. See you soon po."
"See yah, Zehan."
Contessa and Zehannah shared a smile before Reigo
drove his car.
Now on the way out of the Vasquez property, Zehannah
leaned back and let out a long breath.
"Success..." she whispered. "Thank God."
Reigo smiled at that. "I told you they'll like you."
That put a smile on Zehannah's face. "Yeah..."
A lot of emotion was swirling inside Zehannah. But
there was one emotion that surpassed all.
It was happiness.
Happiness of being accepted and liked even after
knowing who she was.
"Hey, Reigo."
"Thank you for asking me to meet your parents,"
Zehannah said earnestly. "I enjoyed it."
Reigo's smile widened. "Anytime, my Zee. Anytime."
With that, they finally left the Vasquez property, and
the meeting with Reigo's parents concluded.
Zehannah was nervous before meeting Reigo's parents,
and now, she was actually looking forward to going
back and learning from them.
Life really is full of surprises.
ZEHANNAH HAD BECOME so busy in the opening week of
their marketing agency that she was late to realize
that Reigo had become her everyday roommate. Biglang
naglaho na parang bula ang usapan nila na weekend lang
ito matutulog sa condo niya. She just realized one
busy morning while she was eating breakfast with
Reigo, that he hadn't gone home to Bachelor's Village
to sleep. He was always in her condo.
"Wala ka bang balak na umuwi sa barn?" tanong ni
Reigo answered nonchalantly. "Huh? Why would I?"
"Huh?" That got Zehannah confused. "Wala kang balak na
umuwi ro'n?"
"Do I have to?"
"Um, yes."
"You don't want me here anymore?"
Hindi kaagad nakasagot si Zehannah. She actually
enjoyed having Reigo around. She was just scared that
she'll get used to it. At the back of her mind, her
fear was there.
Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah saka napatingin kay Reigo.
Natigilan siya nang makitang nakatingin din sa kaniya
ang binata.
"Puwede naman akong umuwi mamaya." He smiled as if it
was nothing. "I know you're busy, but don't forget to
eat dinner, okay?"
Zehannah could tell that behind that smile was someone
trying his hardest to compromise with her. "It's okay.
You can stay here."
Reigo's entire face lit up. "Really? Are you sure?"
For Reigo, it was a big deal.
"Yep." Tinapos ni Zehannah ang pag-aagahan. "Male-late
nga lang ako ng uwi mamaya dahil may meeting kami nina
Cassia pagkatapos ng trabaho namin." Inabot ni
Zehannah ang cellphone na nasa ibabaw ng lamesa saka
nagpadala ng text kay Reigo. "I sent you my condo's
lock combination. Mauna ka na sa 'kin. No need to wait
for me or come get me. Dadalhin ko ang sasakyan ko
kasi may pupuntahan akong kompanya mamaya, so don't
worry about me."
"Noted." Reigo did not even try to hide how happy he
was. "Should I make you dinner tonight or will you be
eating out?"
"Out, I think."
Tumingin si Zehannah sa binata habang inuubos ang
kape. "Kumuha ka na rin ng damit sa barn. I can make
some space for you in my closet."
He smiled. "On it."
"Huwag mong damihan. Hindi kakayanin ng closet ko."
Zehannah finally finished her coffee and she walked
towards Reigo. "See you later." She leaned down and
kissed him on the forehead. "Mauna na ako."
"Ingat sa pagmamaneho," bilin ni Reigo.
"I will."
"Don't forget to take your pill and the morning-after
pill," paalala ni Reigo sa dalaga.
"I won't." Zehannah smiled and kissed Reigo on the
lips this time. "Thanks, babe."
Sinundan ng tingin ni Reigo si Zehannah na
nagmamadaling lumabas ng kusina habang panay bulong ng
'I'm gonna be late. Shit'.
Napangiti si Reigo kapagkuwan. She always says that,
but she never missed breakfast with him. Even though
how late and busy she was, she would always sit at the
table and have breakfast with him. And he treasured
those slight gestures because for Zehannah to give him
time, it was a big deal knowing how busy she was these
"Looks like her agency is doing well..." he mumbled
under his breath and continued his breakfast.
A couple of minutes after that, he heard Zehannah's
voice shouting from the living room. "I'm leaving,
babe! See you later!"
Before Reigo could answer, he heard the door open and
close. "And there goes my Zee."
Knowing his Zee will once again slay her day, he
finished his breakfast and carefully—very carefully—
washed the dishes afterward. Laking pasasalamat ni
Reigo na wala siyang nabasag.
Hmm. I'm improving. Nice.
Happy with himself, he changed his clothes for work,
put everything important in his leather briefcase, and
left Zehannah's condo.
Nang makababa siya sa parking lot, nagsalubong ang
kilay niya nang makitang may nakaipit na papel sa
windshield wiper ng sasakyan niya.
Picking it up, he read it.
If you don't leave Zehannah Sevil, she will pay for
seducing you.
Mabilis na tumingin si Reigo sa paligid niya. Nang
walang makitang kahina-hinalang tao, pinunit niya ang
papel, ibinasura, at sumakay sa sasakyan niya.
He didn't have to have a brain to figure out who sent
it. So she's still not stopping, huh?
He called his father while driving.
"Dad, have you talked to Lancove yet?"
"Well, good morning to you too, son," his father
chided before he answered his question. "And yes, I
already did after I met Zehannah."
"And? What did the owner say?"
"The woman is out of the company, but the father—the
CEO, I think he'll have him fired too. Mukhang hindi
niya nagustuhan ang nangyari."
That's good. "That woman is still hanging around. Just
now, she left a note in my car. I'm getting pissed,
Dad. I don't want to resort to a power play, but if
she tried anything on me and my Zee, I will destroy
"Son, relax." His father sounded chill. "You don't
need to do anything extreme. Let your mom take care of
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Reigo. "Mom?"
"Yeah. She found out about the woman and she was
pissed." His father sighed. "I don't want her moving
as much as possible, but you know your mom."
Hearing that, Reigo's calmness returned. "Okay. I'll
leave it to Mom. What does she want in return?"
Suddenly, he heard his Mom's voice.
"You're really my lovable son, Reigo!"
Napailing si Reigo. "Ano'ng gusto mong kapalit, Ma?"
"Oh. Nothing much. Just you know, um... you see... I
want to meet Zehan's parents."
Natigilan si Reigo. "What?"
"Yep. I said it!" Nagmamalaki ang boses nito. "I want
to meet her parents. They raised such a fine young
woman and I want to meet them."
Reigo sighed heavily. "Mom, Zee is very busy."
"I know. Pero hindi naman niya kailangang samahan ang
parents niya. We can have our dinner without you and
her. Just parents to parents." Her mother sounded so
Reigo did not want to argue with his mother. "I'll ask
Zee and her parents, but don't hope too much, okay?"
He heard a clap from the other line. "Yes! Thanks,
son! I'll go do my work now."
Napailing na lang si Reigo. "Thanks, Mom. Bye, Dad."
Then he ended the call.
It was nice that he had parents he could rely on at
any time, but it always came at a price. Oh, well.
It's not like it was new. Mula pagkabata niya, ganoon
na ang set up nila. Ganoon din pinalaki ang ama niya.
In a way, it made him responsible and aware that life
was difficult. At an early age, he worked hard for
what he wanted. He had to make deals with his sly
parents to get the things he needed.
The greatest example of that was when he was a high
school freshman. His parents gave him a list of bags.
The bottom one—the most hideous—was free. And to get
the bag on top of the list, the expensive, sturdy, and
cool-looking one, he had to work in his father's
company as a secretary to his father's secretary.
His father's secretary, Mr. Froilan, was very strict
with him. Walang araw sa buong summer niya na hindi
siya inutusan at pinagtrabaho. He was cursing him to
no end at that time, but looking back now, his work
that summer was a great experience.
Sighing at the memory, he drove carefully to his
company and sent a message to Zehannah about his
mother's request after he parked his car.
Knowing how busy she was, she didn't wait for her
reply and went to his office to work.
He was a busy man, too. Hindi lang halata.
REIGO GOT HOME early. It was eight PM, but it was
still earlier than Zehannah who only texted him once
today to tell him they'll talk about his mom's request
when she got home.
Alone in Zehannah's condo, he ordered dinner for
himself and ordered food in Calderon's restaurant to
be delivered to Zehannah's agency for his Zee's
Afterward, he ate, cleaned up, and watched Zee's
favorite show on Netflix which had become his favorite
as well.
When the clock struck ten, he decided to wait for
Zehannah in her room. He wanted to cuddle, so he
hugged her pillow as he lay on the bed. He had nothing
better to do that his eyes started closing.
Before he could control his eyelids, his eyes closed,
and he fell asleep.
Reigo didn't know how long he slept, he just came
awake when he felt someone lying on top of him.
He slowly opened his eyes as he sleepily groaned, but
the scent of someone on top of him entered his
nostrils. He closed his eyes again and wrapped his arm
around the person on top of him.
"How's your day, my Zee?" he asked, his voice still
sleepy but trying to be awake.
"Tiring," she answered. "You?"
"So-so. How did the meeting go?"
"It's okay. Our agency is doing great for a small and
inexperienced one."
"That's good to hear."
"Hmm. I want to celebrate our opening with you, but
I'm too busy. It's making my head spin."
"Saka na tayo mag-celebrate kapag hindi ka na
masyadong busy."
"Yeah. That's my plan too. I'll clear my entire
weekend for you next month. Sorry kasi wala talaga
akong oras ngayong buwan. Nangangapa pa kami ni Cassia
at ang daming kailangang gawin at asikasuhin. Ayoko
namang basta ka na lang isingit tapos walang
kasiguraduhan na hindi ako magiging busy no'n."
"It's okay." Tulad ng sinabi niya kay Zehannah, alam
niya kung ano'ng pinasok niya. "I understand. Just
keep working and keep slaying it. We'll be fine."
"You sure? You don't want my attention?"
"There's a time and place for that," Reigo answered.
"Magsisinungaling ako kung sasabihin kong hindi pero
nakikita ko naman na tulog na lang ang pahinga mo kaya
ayos lang. Keep working and I'll do the same. You're
giving me your weekends next month, anyway. I can
That put Zehannah's mind at ease. "Thank you."
"You welcome." Reigo tightened his embrace around
Zehannah's waist. "You smell nice, by the way, my
"You too. Want to cuddle?"
That put a smile on Reigo's lips. "I thought you enjoy
sleeping on top of me."
"Then stay there and destress."
That put a smile on Zehannah's lips. "Thanks."
"Sure. Just got home?"
"Medyo. Nag-half bath lang ako tapos pumatong ako sa
"Patong lang ang gusto mong gawin?"
Zehannah wanted to roll her eyes, but she's too tired.
"I don't think I have the strength to open my legs and
moan with you."
"When do you think you'll have time?" he asked. "I'm
always ready to go to war in bed for you."
Lihim na napailing na lang si Zehannah. "Inaantok na
ako dahil sa kalandian mo. Can we talk about this
"'Yong kalandian ko? Sure. Good night, my Zee."
"Hmm. G'night, babe."
Reigo smiled at that and observed Zehannah's
breathing. When it became even, he moved her body to
lie on the bed, then he cuddled her close to him.
Once it was comfortable, he closed his eyes and went
back to sleep.
When morning came, he woke up before Zehannah and
didn't leave the bed until she opened her eyes. And
when she did, he was the first one she saw.
"Good morning, my Zee," he greeted her with a smile.
"Rise and shine. Look at me and my handsomeness. It
can make your day dazzling."
Naghikab si Zehannah. "Bakit pakiramdam ko binantayan
mo ako hanggang magising para ikaw ang una kong
makita?" Reigo just smiled innocently, making Zee
sigh. "Morning to you too, Mr. Delicacy." She kissed
him on the lips while he hugged her around her waist
and pulled her close.
"Five-thirty pa lang," ani Reigo. "Want to talk about
my mom's request?"
"Oh, that? Yeah." She gave all her attention to Reigo.
"Hindi mo sinabi sa text kung bakit kaya hindi ko
masabi sa parents ko."
Napangiwi si Reigo. "I don't know too. Gusto lang daw
sila ma-meet ni Mommy. You know how weird she is."
Of course, Zehannah couldn't decide for her parents.
"I'll ask Papi today, then I'll update you. How about
"I appreciate that. Thanks."
Isiniksik ni Zehannah ang katawan sa katawan ni Reigo
dahil mainit ang katawan nito sa ilalim ng comforter.
"Can you drive me to work today?"
"Sure." Reigo's answer was quick.
"Thanks." Zehannah smiled. Kahit hindi naman aabot sa
kalahating minuto ang biyahe patungo sa agency nila ni
Cassia, dagdag oras pa rin 'yon para magkasama at
magkausap sila ni Reigo.
They labeled their relationship as 'dating', but they
hadn't gone on a date recently. She wanted to clear
her weekend schedule, but that meant canceling on
Reigo's mother.
Zehannah sighed, and it didn't go unnoticed to Reigo.
"You okay? Sighing in the morning while you're in
front of this handsome and delicious specimen is
outrageous, my Zee."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "I'm just thinking about
this coming weekend."
"Ano'ng mayroon? Maglilibot lang naman kayo ni Mommy
sa buong bahay namin. Nothing to worry about it, but
Mom is weird, so just brace yourself."
Kinurot niya sa tagiliran si Reigo na mahinang
ikinatawa nito. "Mag-request kaya ako sa mommy mo na
ikaw na lang ang maglibot sa 'kin?"
"If you want me to be killed by my mom, please go
"Stop exaggerating."
"I'm not." He kissed her forehead. "I don't think Mom
will say yes to that. You have to bargain with her
before she ever agrees with you."
"Bargain like?"
"Don't even think about it," mabilis na pigil ni Reigo
sa dalaga. "Mom is different, so her deals are
different as well. Kaya ito ang isang bagay na hindi
kita hahayaan."
That intrigued Zehannah, but she didn't voice it out.
"Okay. I won't bargain with her, so relax."
Reigo was relieved. "That's good. Don't even try it.
It's dangerous."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah dahil halatang takot si
Reigo sa ina nito. "Anong oras na pala? Isn't it time
to get up and get ready?"
"Hmm? Nope. We still have fifteen minutes to talk."
"Oh. Okay. May gusto ka pang pag-usapan?"
"I missed you."
Natigilan si Zehannah. "Hmm? Palagi ka namang nandito
sa condo ko."
"Iba naman 'yon."
Zehannah knew what Reigo meant, so she asked, "Want to
go on a date this weekend?"
"But you already promised Mom..."
"Yes, I did. Pero umaga naman 'yon. You can have my
"All night?" There was a hint of lewdness in his
"Yep. All night."
"Okay. It's a date!"
Hearing happiness in Reigo's voice, Zehannah closed
her eyes, not knowing that she would fall asleep.
Thirty minutes later, Reigo woke her up with his lips
and fresh, minty breath.
"Wake up, my Zee. Breakfast is ready."
Zehannah stretched her body while opening her eyes.
After a little groan, she gave Reigo a quick good
morning kiss, then she left the bed and went to the
Napangiti naman si Reigo sa ginawa ng dalaga bago
lumabas ng kuwarto.
After a little while, Zehannah entered the kitchen and
shared breakfast and small talk with Reigo. Nang
matapos silang dalawa, hinatid ni Reigo si Zehannah sa
agency nito at pinagpatuloy ang pag-uusap nila kanina
ng kahit na ano lang.
Just small talk and a little flirting made Reigo and
Zehannah's day different—a little brighter and
"See you tonight," ani Reigo nang iparada ang sasakyan
sa harap ng C&Z Marketing Agency. "Susunduin kita."
"Okay. Thanks. Bye!" She gave him a quick kiss on the
corner of his lips and hurriedly went out to avoid
being late.
Napangiti naman si Reigo habang pinagmamasdan si
Zehannah. Nang mawala ang dalaga sa paningin niya,
saka lang siya umalis at pumunta sa kompanya niya para
magtrabaho rin.
But maybe his day was not meant to go well. Because
when he opened his email, he received a message from
that witch bitch. Dapat ide-delete niya kaagad pero
aksidente niyang nabuksan 'yon.
And he stilled when he saw a photo of Zehannah kissing
Almost immediately, his jealousy flared up, and he
became infuriated until he heard his phone on the
table beep and it opened, showing him his phone's lock
A photo of him and Zehannah leaning on the bed's frame
while making wacky faces.
Slowly, his mind went back to being rational.
Fortunately, he didn't do something he might regret.
And since he was still overthinking, he saved the
photo and sent it to Zehannah.
Yes. He asked her. Walang mangyayari kung hindi siya
magtatanong. Knowing Zehannah, she would give it to
him straight.
And she did.
She called. "That's Rommel, my recent ex before I met
you the first time."
"And you haven't seen him ever since you broke up?"
"Yep. I've been single since that night at the club.
Why? Jealous?" Zehannah teased Reigo because he's too
Reigo did not hide it. "Yeah. But this photo was taken
before we started seeing each other, so that's fine. I
mean... I'm jealous and pissed and I'm feeling my
possessiveness welling up, but you had a life before
you met me—same with me—and I have to accept that. But
I'm still jealous, so there's that."
Seriously, Zehannah should find Reigo's jealousy
suffocating, because who likes a jealous man? But she
was not feeling suffocated one bit. She was actually
smiling because she found him adorable.
"You know, Reigo, I don't kiss in public and that
photo was taken on my ex's birthday in a restaurant
with his friends. I'm pretty sure we only danced
because I don't do PDA."
"But you kissed me in public all the time. I mean...
you let me kiss you in public."
Zehannah sighed at that. "Yeah, well. You're different
from them, so don't be jealous anymore. And I'm sure
that that photo is edited, so don't waste your energy
on that, okay?"
"Okay." He paused, then he muttered, "I'm still
jealous and I'm pissed at that witch bitch for making
me feel like this."
Nagdilim ang mukha ni Zehannah nang makompirma na
galing nga ang larawan na 'yon sa babaeng 'yon. "Don't
mind her. Nagpapapansin lang 'yon sa 'yo. You should
have seen how many photos of you and your exes kissing
I received from her."
Biglang natahimik si Reigo na akala ni Zehannah ay
nawala ito sa kabilang linya. But when she checked, he
was still there.
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Reigo?"
"Um... yeah?"
"What's with the tense voice?"
"Photo of me... and my exes kissing?"
Zehannah was so nonchalant that Reigo's voice changed
from tense to in pain. "You must be the not-jealous-
"Oh, I am." Zehannah smiled, and it was a good thing
Reigo couldn't see it. It was a dark, threatening
smile. "But you met them before me and they're all
bitches, so why bother?"
"Welcome. I'm so nice, right?"
"Yes. Very," mabilis na sagot ni Reigo.
"Great! Then, I'm hanging up now. I have tons of
"Okay. See you later. Bye."
The line ended and Reigo sighed a breath of relief.
Looks like that witch bitch really wanted to destroy
what my Zee and I have. Good thing my Zee is
levelheaded while I... well... I snapped.
Reigo sighed and deleted the witch bitch's email and
blocked her before he went back to work.
But Reigo couldn't focus even in his meeting in the
morning, so he ended up sending Zehannah a message if
he could call. But there was no reply, even though it
was lunchtime.
Just when he was about to leave his office to see
Zehannah, the door to his office opened and Zehannah
entered while carrying a paper bag.
He blinked. "Zee...?"
Zehannah chuckled at Reigo's stunned face. "The one
and only."
"You're... here?"
"I have some free time, so, want to have lunch
together?" She showed him the paper bag. "Fresh from
Thorn's restaurant."
Reigo didn't answer. He just got up and went to hug
And Zehannah welcomed it. That's why she was here,
anyway. Because she knew Reigo would be secretly
sulking and he'll be bothered the whole day, so she
begged Cassia to give her a two-hour lunch break.
"Kain na tayo?"
"I'd rather eat you."
Zehannah sighed at that. "Not today. Just normal
eating, Reigo. May meeting pa ako sa isang client
pagkatapos dito."
"Okay," he grumbled, but when she saw his face, he
looked better than earlier. "Just normal eating."
Napailing si Zehannah saka kumawala sa yakap ni Reigo
at inilapag ang paper bag na dala sa center table ng
sofa. "Come on. Let's eat. I only have one hour to be
with you, so let's—"
"—use it wisely," Reigo said and claimed Zehannah on
the lips before he whispered, "Zee, my bathroom is
Zehannah sighed because she wanted it too. "Just a
Reigo smiled and took Zehannah to the bathroom where
Zehannah learned that a quickie with Reigo could still
mess her up too.
WHEN ZEHANNAH told her parents about Reigo's mother
wanting to meet them, they didn't even hesitate to
accept the invitation, much to Zehannah's surprise.
And when she asked why, her Papi's answer was, 'Not
everyone could accept us, Zehan. Tanggap na namin 'yon
ng Papa mo. So, for Reigo's mother to take an interest
in us rather than disdain after she met you, we would
gladly and proudly meet her as your parents.'.
Hindi maitago ni Zehannah na masaya siya na walang
natanggap na panghuhusga sa pamilya ni Reigo nang
malaman ng mga ito na dalawa ang ama niya.
They seemed like they didn't mind at all. Just like
how Reigo did not mind that he had two fathers.
They really are Reigo's parents. She thought.
"Master Zehan?"
Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah nang marinig ang boses ni
Cassia na hindi niya namalayan na nasa harapan na pala
ng mesa niya at may inaabot sa kaniyang dokumento.
"Oh, Cassia"—tinangap niya ang dokumento na inaabot
nito sa kaniya—"need anything?"
Cassia nodded and placed a folder on her table.
"Nandiyan na lahat ng dokumento na kailangan ng
notaryo. Gretch is doing our accounts, so no worries
with that." Si Gretch ay ang empleyado nila na
nakatoka sa accounting. "By the way, Zehan, may
malaking kompanya na gustong kunin ang serbisyo natin.
I'm a bit skeptical, though. What do I do?"
Nginitian ni Zehannah ang kaibigan. "Don't panic and
research about what kind of company they are and how
their employees and customers view them. Analyze their
public relation and start from there. Kapag maayos
naman sila, tanggapin natin. It's not every day that
we get a big client. Siguradong mahihirapan tayo, pero
pagtutulungan natin. We're hiring new employees next
month, so they'll be able to help as well. I'll take
over some of your minor projects so you could focus on
our new big client. And if you need help, just tell
Suminghot-singhot si Cassia saka sinugod ng yakap si
Zehannah. "I'm so glad I partnered with you, Zehan!
Kung mag-isa lang ako, baka sumabog ang utak ko."
Zehannah flicked Cassia's forehead. "I'm sure you'll
be just fine, even if you're doing this alone.
Malisyosa ka lang at hindi ko maintindihan ang isip
minsan pero pagdating sa trabaho, maasahan ka."
Cassia grinned. "Thank you, Master Zehan."
Zehannah sighed at Cassia. "You should really stop
calling me master. Kung ano-ano na tuloy ang iniisip
ng mga mga empleyado natin dahil diyan."
Cassia just looked away and tip-toed out of Zehannah's
office. Napabuntonghininga naman si Zehannah saka
binuksan ang folder na inilapag ni Cassia sa mesa
We really need new employees. Parami na nang parami
ang trabaho nila na hindi na 'yon kaya lahat ni
Zehannah. At hindi niya inaasahan 'yon. With Cassia's
husband and his friends' recommendation and also
Reigo's, they were too busy for a small agency, so
they needed more helping hands.
And more employees meant more efficiency when it came
to handling projects and, of course, her work wouldn't
consume her time.
Isn't it just me low-key wanting to have time with
Reigo? Zehannah facepalmed.
She never wanted to be invested in someone because
they always left her one way or another, but here she
was with Reigo. She called it dating, but really, what
they have could already be called 'in a relationship'.
She was just too coward to label it as that because
everyone who became in a relationship with her left
her in the end.
At the back of her mind, it was telling her that Reigo
would do the same even when she knew he wouldn't.
It was hard fighting her brain. She was trying, but
she could not even do the bare minimum. Sobrang
suwerte lang niya na naiintindihan siya ni Reigo, pero
hanggang kailan 'yon? Lahat naman may hangganan. Lahat
may katapusan.
I'm overthinking again.
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah saka akmang babalik
na sa trabaho para mawala ang mga iniisip niya nang
tumunog ang cellphone niya.
A text message from an unregistered number.
Thinking that it might be Emma, she quickly picked it
up and was planning to block the number fast when she
read the content of the message.
'Zehan! It's Reigo's mom. 😙 I heard from Reigo that
your parents agreed?! Yes! Thank you so much! Would
you mind asking if there's a restaurant they prefer
for dinner?'
That made Zehannah smile. Reigo's family may be rich,
but they were a considerate bunch.
'Hi, Tita. I can give you Papi's number so you two can
talk. Baka kasi hindi ako maka-reply kaagad kung may
tanong pa ho kayo. Sobrang dami kong ginagawa. 😢 I'm
sorry, Tita.'
'No need to apologize, Zehan. It's okay. I would love
to ask your father directly, but make sure to tell him
you gave me his number, okay? Baka magulat 'yon.'
'Yes, Tita. I just sent a message to Papi with your
number. Anyway, here's my Papi's number.' Zehannah
sent the message with her Papi's number attached.
'Thanks, Zehan! Good luck with your work 😚.'
Napangiti si Zehannah sa emoji na ginagamit ng ina ni
Reigo saka isinave ang numero nito bago bumalik sa
Without Zehannah's and Reigo's knowledge, but with
their consent, Contessa, Reigo's mother, and Dan, one
of Zehannah's fathers, started messaging each other
after introducing themselves.
And their topic was the upcoming dinner.
'Whichever restaurant you prefer is okay with us, Sir
Dan. No worries.' Contessa.
'I wouldn't dare choose, Ma'am Contessa.' Dan.
'I insist.' Contessa.
'Well... if that's the case, then how about dinner at
our house? We'll prefer the food as a token of our
gratitude for taking good care of our daughter.' Dan.
'Oh, my! Is that really okay?! We don't want to
intrude, but we would love to, of course!' Contessa.
'Great! How about this coming Sunday?' Dan.
'Yes. We're free every weekend. By the way, should we
drag those two to our dinner? I feel like seeing them
together. They always look good.' Contessa.
'How about we surprise them?' Dan.
'Oh! I love how your mind works, Sir Dan! Very
ingenious. Nagmana sa 'yo si Zehan.' Contessa.
'You flatter me, Ma'am Contessa. You are very
exceptional as well. Nagmana sa 'yo si Reigo.' Dan.
The two both smiled as they complemented each other
and they continued their talk. At walang kamalay-malay
ang mga anak nila na naging partners-in-crime na ang
ZEHANNAH CAME HOME late again. Pero nang makauwi siya
sa condo, wala pa roon si Reigo. 'Does he have a
dinner meeting?' tanong ni Zehannah sa sarili habang
hinihubad ang damit. She was hoping they could eat
dinner together or something.
She planned to message Reigo after taking a half-bath,
but a chat from some 'random' woman, she was certain
it was Emma again, beat her to it.
It was a photo of Reigo and a woman in a restaurant.
And the two were sitting pretty close, almost touching
and very intimate.
Zehannah immediately knew that the photo was taken
today because the Reigo in the photo was wearing the
same clothes he was wearing today.
Nagtagis ang bagang ni Zehannah at tumalim ang mga
mata niya pero pilit niyang pinapakalma ang sarili.
She was overflowing with jealousy that she wanted to
laugh at herself because she was closed to snapping.
Thankfully, some part of her brain remained rational.
Knowing that Emma sent it, it could be edited or a
forceful intimate picture—Emma's specialty. Yeah.
Let's not make it a big deal. Reigo would never do it.
Yeah. She said that, but she was jealous. Sa selos na
nararamdaman niya sa mga sandaling 'yon, may takot
'yon na kaakibat. Takot na maiiwan na naman siya.
Takot na kailangan na naman niyang gawin ang lahat
para makalimot. Takot na masaktan. At takot na
dumagdag si Reigo sa mga taong gusto niyang kalimutan.
She was too afraid that she didn't move from sitting
on the edge of the bed, just staring at the floor,
thinking, until she heard the door to her condo open.
"My Zee? Your home?"
Mahilis na umalis si Zehannah sa pagkakaupo saka
patakbong lumabas ng kuwarto niya. She didn't know
what possessed her, but she ran to Reigo and hugged
him tightly when she reached him.
And the relief she felt when she didn't smell a
woman's scent on Reigo was evident. He smelled the
same. Smells good. No foreign scent. It was all Reigo.
Reigo, on the other hand, was confused and stunned at
Zehannah's action. He was not expecting such a
greeting from her.
"Miss me?" Reigo asked.
"Hmm..." Zehannah hummed and tightened her hug around
Reigo's neck. "You smell nice, by the way."
That put a smile on Reigo's lips. "You too, my Zee.
Kumain ka na?"
Umiling si Zehannah habang nakayakap pa rin kay Reigo.
"Want to eat with me? Normal dinner. I promise."
"Hindi ka pa busog? Didn't you have dinner?"
Natigilan si Reigo sa tanong na 'yon ng dalaga. Did I
tell her I have a dinner meeting? "Hindi ako nakakain
nang maayos sa dinner meeting."
"Nawalan ako ng gana."
"Someone I was not expecting showed up."
Nagtataka talaga si Reigo sa pagiging palatanong ni
Zehannah dahil hindi naman nito gawain 'yon, pero
sinagot pa rin niya ang dalaga. "An ex."
"Yeah. She was my first girlfriend," he confessed as
he hugged his Zee as if they were not in the middle of
the living room. "She didn't cheat on me, but she left
me to pursue her studies in the UK. No hard feelings,
It must be that pretty woman in the photo. Zehannah
thought and her mood became sour. Still, she
controlled her jealousy and let go of Reigo. "Order
tayo ng pagkain? Ano'ng gusto mo?"
Reigo stared at Zehannah. "My Zee... you're not
looking good. Are you sick?"
"Nah." Zehannah tried smiling. "Just tired because of
work. Okay lang ako."
"You sure?"
Tumango si Zehannah saka kinuha ang cellphone sa
kuwarto at um-order ng pagkain habang nagbibihis si
Reigo. Nang makapagbihis ang binata, sinamahan siya
nito sa kama at niyakap siya mula sa likuran habang
nakaupo silang dalawa sa gilid niyon.
The two were silent until Zehannah couldn't take it
anymore and asked. "Bakit nawalan ka ng gana nang
dumating ang first ex-girlfriend mo?"
Reigo blinked at Zehannah's random question and then
it all sank in. "Zee... are you jealous of Katrin?"
Zehannah froze, then she mumbled. "Isn't that normal?
I like you, after all."
Kumawala ang malapad na ngiti sa labi ni Reigo saka
mas hinigpitan pa ang yakap kay Zehannah. "It's been
more than a decade since Katrin and I broke up.
Honestly, I already forgot about her. Nawalan ako ng
gana hindi dahil nakita ko siya kundi dahil sa inakto
niya. She's the daughter of the owner of Verona Real
Estate that I have an enormous project with and she'd
been trying to get close to me the whole dinner. I
lost my appetite."
"You did not like her advances?" Zehannah asked.
"Well, she's not my Zee, so why would I?"
Zehannah leaned against Reigo's chest. "Maghahabol din
ba siya katulad ni Emma?"
"I don't know. But if she does, can I call you to save
Umingos si Zehannah. "Can't you save yourself?"
"I enjoy being saved by you." Reigo smiled and kissed
Zehannah's neck. "Pero sana hindi niya ako kulitin. I
don't want to deal with another witch bitch. She
seemed like a nice girl before, but now... I don't
know anymore."
Umingos ulit si Zehannah. "Wala akong paki kung mabait
siya noon. Huwag lang siya tutulad kay Emma dahil baka
mauna ko siyang masapak kaysa kay Emma."
Reigo's smile widened. "Hmm. My Zee is very
"Nah. Ayoko lang na ma-harass ka ulit. It's not a good
feeling. Though I'm a bit nervous, to be honest," pag-
amin ni Zehannah. "We're just 'dating' which means you
can leave and switch boats. And she's wealthy, like
you, so I think that's a plus."
Natigilan si Reigo sa paghalik sa leeg ni Zehannah.
"My Zee... you're not planning on switching boats, are
"Then we're good." Reigo was back to kissing
Zehannah's neck. "I like our boat. It's homey and
Zehannah closed her eyes. "Yeah. Me too. It's a
fragile boat, though."
"No worries. Kailangan lang naman nating alagaan ang
bangka natin."
"Yeah. You're right." Then Zehannah sighed. "Kaso ang
daming sirena na nakapalibot sa bangka natin na gusto
kang akitin. Nakakabuwisit."
Reigo smiled against Zehannah's neck. "Why would I
look outside our boat when I already have the most
beautiful temptress with me that could overpower those
puny sirens?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah sa sinabi ni Reigo. "And
now, we're both being cheesy."
"It's a fact though."
Zehannah said nothing and just continued leaning on
Reigo while waiting for their food.
"Would you mind if we move our relationship to
exclusively dating?" Reigo waited with bated breath
while waiting for Zehannah's answer.
Maybe if it was before, Zehannah would definitely
mind. But after being with Reigo for months, she
didn't think she did anymore. "I don't mind."
A relieved breath escape Reigo's lips, and happiness
surged inside him. "That means you won't change boats,
Zehannah wanted to scoff at that. In her emotional
state at the moment, that will never happen. Well,
unless something came up.
"You say that as if someone is going to steal me away
from you."
"You'll never know."
Umingos si Zehannah. "Hindi ako madaling makuha,
"What if someone better than me came along?"
"I doubt that." Zehannah closed her eyes. "Hindi ko
sinasabi sa 'yo kasi ang hangin mo at baka madagdagan
pa ang kahanginan mo pero sasabihin ko na rin para
mapanatag ka. For me, you're better than anyone. Heck,
you're actually my ideal man. Maliban sa kahanginan at
kaharutan mo, pero kaya ko namang palampasin 'yon kasi
mahangin at maharot din ako." She shrugged. "I don't
think there's another man who would understand me and
compromise with me like you do. So no, I doubt that
there's a man who will be better than you in my eyes."
Zehannah expected a massive reaction from Reigo, but
to her surprise, it was a quiet one.
How quiet? Well, he stopped breathing.
"Babe, breathe."
Finally, Reigo released a breath and was silent for a
while, just hugging her tight. "Zee?"
"When it comes to my exes, you have nothing to worry
about. I'm not a fan of second chances—well, until I
met you. Ikaw lang ang ginusto kong makita ulit at
balikan. Ikaw lang ang gusto kong habulin nang paulit-
Zehannah wouldn't deny that Reigo's earnest words made
her feel at ease. "I'll keep that in mind."
"Thank you."
"Hmm." Zehannah then moved to change her sitting
position. From sitting on the edge of the bed to
sitting on Reigo's lap, facing him. And then she
cupped his handsome face. "Magiging busy ako mula
bukas hanggang sa makapag-hire kami ng dagdag na
empleyado. I'm pretty sure I will not have time for
you, but I'll try to come home early. That said"—she
smiled—"I hope Katrin won't harass you while I'm
"I won't let her."
That's enough for Zehannah. "Okay, I'm good."
Seeing Zehannah back to her usual self, Reigo smiled.
"By the way, my Zee, I have a drunken appointment with
the lunatics this coming Friday."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah dahil naguluhan
siya. "Drunken... appointment?"
"Hmm. Inuman." Tumango si Reigo. "May manlilibre kaya
hindi ako puwedeng um-absent. Minsan lang mangyari
'yon kaya dapat samantalahin—ay, sulitin pala."
Dahil sa Amazona Group Chat, kahit papaano ay may
kaunting ideya si Zehannah kung ano ang mga ugali ng
mga kaibigan ni Reigo kapag ito ang magkakasama.
"Sure. Kung maglalasing ka, huwag kang mag-drive."
Reigo smiled. "Noted, my Zee."
Papangaralan pa sana ni Zehannah si Reigo nang tumunog
ang doorbell ng condo.
"Mukhang dumating na ang pagkain natin," aniya.
"I'll get it," boluntaryo ni Reigo.
Kaagad namang umalis si Zehannah sa pagkakaupo sa hita
nito at lumipat ng upo sa kama. Nang tumayo si Reigo
at lumabas ng kuwarto, napansin ni Zehannah na dumulas
ang cellphone nito na nasa harapang bulsa nito at
nahulog sa kama.
Picking it up to put it on the bedside table, Zehannah
couldn't help running the message that popped up on
the notification when the white screen lit up.
From an unregistered number.
'Hindi kita nakalimutan habang nag-aaral ako, Reigo. I
keep thinking about you. That's why I'm here, Reigo. I
want you back. Please give me a chance. I will do
Zehannah closed Reigo's phone and put it on the
bedside table like she planned to do.
Hindi ikakaila ni Zehannah na naapektuhan siya sa text
na nabasa, pero nagdesisyon na siyang pagkatiwalaan si
If that woman successfully took Reigo, then she'll let
them be. She'll be hurt for sure, but she had this
thinking that if Reigo wanted to stay with her, then
he won't let himself be taken away from her. Kasi
kahit naman ano'ng gawin niya, kahit tumambling at
mag-split pa siya, kung magpapaakit si Reigo sa iba,
wala siyang magagawa.
Walang makakapigil sa lalaking gustong magpaakit sa
iba. 'Yan ang paniniwala ni Zehannah dahil 'yon ang
nakita niya sa mga magulang niya habang lumalaki siya.
Ang daming gustong umakit sa Papa niya, babae man o
lalaki, pero walang nangyari, kasi ang Papi lang
talaga niya ang gusto ng Papa niya. Yes, her Papi was
a war freak, but it wouldn't have mattered if her Papa
did not seriously want to stay with her Papi. And
that's a fact.
"My Zee! Dinner's ready!"
Umalis si Zee sa kama at lumabas ng kuwarto. Nang
makapasok siya sa kusina, naghahain na si Reigo at
napangiti siya.
Naalala pa niya noong nag-agahan siya kina Cassia at
nakita niya kung paano alagaan ni Thorn ang kaibigan
niya. Sabi niya kung hindi magiging kasing-maalaga ni
Thorn ang magiging asawa niya, ayaw niya.
And now, here she was, watching Reigo take care of her
in his own way, and she wouldn't have it any other
way. Oo nga at pagpiprito lang ang alam ng Reigo niya,
pero wala siyang paki. Puwede naman kaming um-order ng
pagkain. Sa isip niya saka mahinang natawa at
napailing. I have become so biased.
"Hmm?" Reigo was confused, seeing Zehannah shaking her
head. "Ayaw mo sa pagkain?"
"Nope. May naisip lang ako." Nilapitan niya ang binata
saka hinalikan ito sa gilid ng labi. "Kain na tayo?"
Reigo smiled after being kissed. "Sure. Let's eat."
Zehannah and Reigo shared the simple dinner they
ordered. And while eating, they talked, they laughed,
and they had fun sharing small talks.
Maybe I'm being biased, Zehannah thought, but really,
no one could compare to Reigo in her eyes.
And when Zehannah thought of that, she could only sigh
and smile at Reigo whose oblivious to her thoughts.
I'm pretty sure that this was not a simple 'like'
anymore. And I'm in deep trouble.
ZEHANNAH WAS happy that she could still be a rational
woman after receiving tons of photos and delusional
messages from Emma. And for some reason, Reigo's ex,
Katrin, joined the bandwagon and sent her a message
telling her to back off because Reigo was hers.
Ayaw niyang patulan ang dalawa dahil gusto niya ng
personal na bardagulan, pero mapilit ang mga ito. At
dahil sumabay pa ang dalawa sa busy niyang araw, mas
lalong nadagdagan ang iritasyon niya kaya naman nag-
reply na siya kay Katrin.
'Kung sa 'yo, e di kunin mo. 'Yon lang ay kung kaya
mo. And a friendly advice, stop being friends with
that witch bitch, Emma. Pareho na kayong nagiging
delusyonal. Bye. Have a good day.'
"Kung kailan ako nag-reply, saka walang masabi." Napa-
tsk si Zehannah saka napailing. "Kung personal na
bardagulan na lang sana, hindi ako hihindi. Mas madali
Akmang i-o-off niya ang cellphone nang makatanggap ng
text galing sa Papi niya.
'Dinner at our house this Saturday, 'nak. Bring Reigo
with you.'
Ang totoo niyan, gusto niyang manatili sa condo niya
buong weekend para magkasama sila ni Reigo na sila
lang, pero hindi niya kayang hindian ang ama lalo na't
alam niyang na-meet na nito ang mga magulang ni Reigo
noong isang araw. Gusto niyang malaman kung ano'ng
pinag-usapan ng mga ito.
Though unbeknownst to Zehannah, the 'meet up' actually
didn't happen. Gawa-gawa lang 'yon nina Dan at
Contessa para sorpresahin ang mga anak nila sa Sabado
kung kailan mangyayari ang tunay na meet up.
The clueless Zehannah replied. 'Sure, Papi. See you
this weekend.'
'See you, 'nak.'
Napangiti siya sa reply ng ama pero nawala ang ngiti
niya nang makatanggap ng mensahe galing sa ex ni
Reigo. She already stopped blocking every unregistered
number that came into her inbox because there was no
point. Mayaman sa simcard ang dalawa. Siya ang
napapagod sa kaka-block.
'Talagang kukunin ko siya. Just you watch!'
Zehannah was in the mood for sarcasm since the bitch
already ruined her coffee break, so she replied to
annoy Katrin. 'Sure, I'll watch. Please make it worth
my while, okay? Reigo is only soft to me, so good
luck. You need lots of it.'
'Spare me the sarcasm. He was mine first and I will be
his last. I will show you a really splendid show, so
watch closely.'
Zehannah replied with emoji to show what she was
feeling. '😐🧁😪 hurry and steal him away. If you could.
I wish you good luck. 💪'
Nanlisik ang mata ni Katrin sa kabilang linya nang
mabasa ang sagot ng girlfriend ni Reigo sa mensahe
niya. She had been trying to get into the woman's
skin, but that woman was unbothered and always
"I will really show you...!" Katrin said with gritted
teeth. "How hard could it be to seduce a guy?" Katrin
smirked and caressed her own body curves seductively.
"Once I'm naked, Reigo wouldn't be able to say no."
Katrin couldn't accept the fact that Reigo rejected
her. She was perfect for him! Ever since they were in
high school, she was the only perfect girl for him!
Only her! So for Reigo to reject her was unacceptable.
With that plan in mind, Katrin left her place and went
to Reigo's company.
Less than an hour later, the headache arrived at
Reigo's office and wanted to force her way in, but
Reigo's secretary, Oliver, was back from the island.
He was tanned and not feeling nice today, so Katrin's
bitchiness was not working.
"Look, Ma'am, you don't have an appointment. That
means you can't enter Sir Reigo's office. Gaano ba
kahirap intindihin 'yon?" Malakas lang ang loob ni
Oliver na sumagot-sagot dahil alam niyang
poprotektahan siya ng boss niya lalo na't nasa tama
siya. "Sir Reigo is a busy man. He has no time for
Katrin was fuming mad. "Don't you know who I am?! I'm
Reigo's girlfriend!"
Tumaas ang kilay ni Oliver saka pinulot ang cellphone
at mabilis na kinunan ng larawan si Katrin. "I have to
check with my boss," ani Oliver. "Girlfriend or not,
you have no appointment and that's that."
Honestly, Oliver was a bit disappointed to see that
this was the Zehannah his boss was pinning for. He was
rooting for them.
Sighing to himself, he went inside his boss' office,
locked the door so no one could enter uninvited, and
walked to his boss' table.
His boss was busy with work and he didn't want to
bother him, but this was a must.
Inilapag ni Oliver ang cellphone sa ibabaw ng mesa ni
Reigo at napasulyap doon si Reigo.
"What is it, Oli?" Reigo asked, and continued reading
the construction plan for the real estate project.
"Didn't I tell you not to bother me today?"
"You did, but this is important, Sir." Tinuro ni
Oliver and cellphone nito kung saan naroon ang larawan
ng girlfriend ng boss niya. "Someone is looking for
you. She said she's your girlfriend. Here she is."
Reigo didn't even bother looking at Oliver's phone.
"My Zee will never introduce herself as such, so don't
let her in. That's not my girlfriend."
Bahagyang umawang ang labi ni Oliver sa narinig.
"Really?" Somehow, he felt happy that this was not
"Yeah. If you could chase her away real quick, I'll
appreciate it. But if she forced herself in, don't
bother touching or stopping her. It might turn ugly
and they might accuse you of something."
Oliver picked up his phone and smirked. "I'm good at
chasing women away, Sir. Leave it to me."
"Thanks, Oli."
"You're very much welcome, Sir."
And then Oliver stepped out of his boss' office and
faced the woman. "Sorry, Miss. But Sir Reigo said that
the only woman who can enter his office without an
appointment is Miss Zehannah only. That means no,
you're not the girlfriend and you can't enter. So, if
you can, please, leave immediately."
But Katrin did not back down. She stomped her feet
towards Oliver and raised her hand to slap him, but
Oliver was quick to catch her hand and stop her.
"Miss, I don't care who you are." Binitiwan ni Oliver
ang kamay ni Katrin. "You have no appointment, so
please, leave."
"Leave," ulit ni Oliver.
"And I said no! Let me in and I'll speak to Reigo
Oliver was about to bring his bitchiness when his
phone rang. It was his boss.
He answered. "I'm sorry, Sir. Ayaw niyang umalis."
"It's okay." His boss' voice was calm. "Tell her I'm
busy and if she could wait for maybe thirty minutes,
I'll entertain her."
Oliver was skeptical of his boss' sudden change of
mind, but he answered, "Yes, Sir." And when the call
ended, he glanced at the woman. "Sir Reigo said he's
really busy, but if you could wait for thirty minutes
or so, he'll entertain you." Iminuwestra ni Oliver ang
waiting are na kaharap lang ng mesa nito. "Please."
Katrin had a triumphant smirk on her face as she went
back to the waiting area. For Reigo to entertain her,
it's a big win. I knew I still have a space in his
life. Who cares if he's taken? May-asawa nga, madaling
Katrin was so sure of herself that Reigo would be hers
eventually that she waited patiently for thirty
minutes. And when the waiting time was up, she stood
up with overflowing confidence that Reigo will be her
man in no time when the elevator beeped open.
Simultaneously, Katrin and Oliver both looked at the
elevator and saw a gorgeous woman step out.
Her long wavy chair was down, she had little to no
makeup on. The air around her sizzled with confidence,
and the way she carried herself was stunning.
And when she walked towards Oliver's table, her
presence easily commanded the room that even Oliver
was mesmerized for a second until he pulled himself
"Hi! How may I help you?" Oliver asked.
The woman frowned. "What happened to Fara?"
Hearing Fara's name, Oliver immediately concluded that
the woman had been here before and she had spoken to
Fara. "Fara was my temporary replacement when Sir
Reigo sent me to monitor our project on an island."
"Oh." The woman smiled courteously. "Let me introduce
myself. I'm Zehannah Sevil. Could you please tell your
boss that I'm here? I already texted him, but just in
When Katrin heard the name Zehannah, she immediately
interjected with her chin up. "I'm sorry to burst your
bubble, Zehannah Sevil, but I have an appointment with
Reigo. He's mine first."
Oliver was ready to get between the two, but seeing
how calm Zehannah looked while standing there and
facing Katrin, he felt like he needn't worry. And he
was right.
"Go ahead," said Zehannah so calmly with a little
triggering tone. "Let's see if he entertained you."
Katrin smirked haughtily at Zehannah and was about to
move to enter Reigo's office, but before she could,
the door opened and Reigo stepped out.
Seeing Zehannah, a smile immediately appeared on his
lips. And as if Zehannah was the only person he could
see, he walked towards her, softly wrapped his arms
around her waist, and kissed her forehead and then her
"Thank you for coming," Reigo whispered over
Zehannah's lips.
Zehannah playfully bit Reigo's lips and whispered
back, "I told you to save yourself."
"You said you're not busy, of course, I prefer to be
saved by you."
Zehannah rolled her eyes and flicked Reigo's forehead.
"Be thankful I want to meet her, too. Now be grateful
and say thank you."
Reigo smiled. "Thank you, my Zee."
Zehannah sighed at how charming Reigo looked and to
escape that, she glanced at the woman, who looked
green with jealousy. "Babe, why don't you entertain
Miss Katrin over there?" Siniguro ni Zehannah na
maririnig siya ng babae.
Reigo put a small distance between their bodies, but
his arm was still wrapped around the back of her waist
as if he didn't want to let her go as he spoke to
Katrin. "As I said earlier, it's been thirty minutes.
I'll entertain you now."
But Reigo didn't move, so Katrin glared at Zehannah,
thinking that Zehannah was stopping Reigo from being
alone with her.
Zehannah playfully raised her hands in the air. "Don't
look at me like I'm a villain, Miss. I'm just an
innocent woman who was called here by my man"— tinuro
nito so Reigo—"because he didn't want to talk to you
alone. He feels unsafe with you, so he called me and
demanded me to save him." Zehannah smiled sweetly and
innocently. "See? Very innocent."
Katrin fumed, but Reigo couldn't care less.
"You want to talk, right?" Reigo said to Katrin. "My
Zee is here now. We can now talk."
Oliver had to stop himself from snickering. No wonder
his boss suddenly changed his mind.
Katrin remained silent and enraged. And Zehannah's
next words added to that anger.
"Should I give you two some privacy?" Zehannah asked
Reigo and Katrin. "I could give you thirty minutes.
Pagkatapos marinig ang mga salita ni Zehannah, biglang
sumabog ang galit at selos ni Katrin at sinugod si
Reigo could not protect Zehannah—not that she needed
it—because Zehannah pushed him away before Katrin
could get closer to her and before Katrin could put a
hand on her to hurt her, Zehannah beat Katrin to it.
Zehannah grabbed Katrin by the jaw and Katrin tried to
grab Zehannah's hair and succeeded, but it didn't go
well for Katrin. Zehannah was much stronger than her
and, with Zehannah's grip on her jaw, Zehannah had the
upper hand.
"I'd been enduring your desperate messages, and I had
enough," ani Zehannah saka ngumiti. "I actually came
here when Reigo asked because I wanted to see you. You
see, Katrin, mas gusto ko ng personal na bardagulan
kaysa sa text o e-mail, kasi sa personal, kaya kitang
sampalin nang paulit-ulit at hilahin kung saan ko
gusto hanggang sa magtanda ka na huwag landiin ang
Reigo ko. He's mine and you can only have him if he
chose you. But as I see it, he chooses me and he
doesn't like you, so fuck off. Because the next time I
see you making my man uncomfortable and you try to
hurt me, this"—pinakita niya ang kamao—"will beat the
shit out of you. Sisigiraduhin kong manghihiram ka ng
mukha sa aso."
Zehannah shoved Katrin to the sofa where Katrin
stumbled and fell while Zehannah stood in front of her
with unwavering confidence.
"If you want my Reigo, go get him. But don't make him
uncomfortable. Kung kaya mo siyang akitin, sa 'yo na
siya. Pero dahil ayaw naman niya sa 'yo, lumayo ka.
Because bitch, if you keep forcing yourself on him and
making him uncomfortable, that's called sexual
harassment. Look it up and educate yourself."
Tinarayan ni Zehannah ang babae bago humarap kay Reigo
na tahimik lang na nakatitig sa kaniya. "And you,
babe, back to work." Then she went to Reigo and placed
a kiss on his lips. "Let's finish our work on time so
I can have you the entire weekend, okay?"
Reigo was a soft man when it came to Zehannah. He
nodded and said, "Yes, my Zee."
"Good." Zehannah smiled. "Bye. I'll see you tonight,
"Bye, my Zee."
Just as she came in, Zehannah left and entered the
elevator with confidence. As usual, she slayed her
entrance and exit. Just a normal thing for Zehannah.
Nang sumara ang pinto ng elevator, tumingin si Reigo
kay Katrin na nasa sofa pa rin at hawak ang sarili
nitong panga.
"I don't want to see you again." The soft Reigo was
gone, and the coldness in his voice was clear. "We're
done. Stop making a fool of yourself and stop chasing
me because I will not hesitate to drop my project with
your company just to get away from you or anyone who
could jeopardize my relationship with Zehannah. So
back off before I showed you how bad I could be."
Reigo turned and was about to go back to his office
when Katrin spoke.
"Why her?!" she snapped. "She's not even from an
affluent family! She's fucking poor by my standards!
She has a normal education and a not-so-impressive
background! So why her?!" Katrin was so angry at being
rejected and she was asking Reigo in desperation.
And Reigo gave her the answer. "Because she's my world
and the woman I'm in love with."
Katrin's lips parted in disbelief upon hearing Reigo's
last words.
"So don't you dare ruin what I have with her, because
if you did, I will ruin you too, together with your
family and everything you hold dear," Reigo added. "I
dislike using power and money to get what I want
because I enjoy working hard for it, but if you did
anything to the woman I love, I will ruin you and
cripple your whole family that you wouldn't be able to
come back up even if you begged, so don't try me."
Reigo went back to his office and Katrin left, looking
pale and angry. She hadn't given up. She couldn't
accept the rejection and she will not stay quiet.
Meanwhile, Oliver sat on his chair after feeling all
the intense air. His boss had always been a pleasant
boss to his employees and everyone, so to hear him
speak like that, he was dead serious.
And seeing and meeting Zehannah Sevil, Oliver only had
one thing in mind. Bagay na bagay ang dalawa. A power
couple if they really ended up together.
Leaving Oliver outside his office, Reigo went back to
work, but his phone kept on beeping.
Chats from a certain group chat keep on coming.
Something must be up again. Reigo thought and picked
up his phone to check.
Reigo grimaced at that. It was Calyx's schedule to
change the group chat name. Mukhang ito ang salarin.
Shaking his head, he read the messages.
Knight Velasquez: Make sure to be ready tomorrow! It's
free drinks!!! Yehaw!
Iuhence Vergara: May pa-take home?
Calyx Vargaz: I want take home as well.
Train Wolkzbin: @IuhenceVergara magbayad ka na ng
utang mo.
Iuhence Vergara: Huh? Someone tagged me? Didn't see
it. Sorry. 😌
Ymar Stroam: I just finished a legit and an instant
hangover cure. Sino ang puwede nating lasingin bukas
para masubukan ko ang gamot na ginawa ko?
Lath Coleman: Since when did we become a guinea pig
for you, @Ymar?
Ymar Stroam: Since we became friends.
Knight Velasquez: We can all get drunk and try it
🍻🍻🍻 Book of life experience!
Lander Storm: Hindi ba kami gagapang patungong CR
Mandu🔪: That's not Valerian's wife's cupcakes... 🤢🧁
Valerian Volkzki: You want some? My wife has already
evolved, you fucking morons! She'd been making those
devil fucking cupcakes for years now and so far, so
good. Hindi ka na kaagad maghahanap ng CR, dadaan muna
ang ilang minuto. And that's a fucking improvement.
Evren Yilmaz: We still don't want cupcakes.
Dark Montero: Tried one before. I nearly died in the
Reigo sent his own message.
Reigo Vasquez: I'm attending tomorrow. Save me a seat.
Cali Sudalga: @Reigo you're really coming? So
shocking! 😱 was not expecting that. You're always MIA.
Reigo Vasquez: 🖕🖕🖕
Cali Sudalga: So sensitive.
Napailing na lang si Reigo saka ini-off ang cellphone
at nagtrabaho. He had to work hard so he'll have a
free weekend.
A free weekend meant in between the sheets with his
Zee, so it's a must to work hard.
Yep. For my Zee.
'Yon ang nasa isip ni Reigo habang nagtatrabaho. At
ganoon din si Zehannah na nakabalik na sa opisina. She
worked hard to have a free weekend with Reigo.
Unbeknownst to Zehannah, the agency she was working so
hard to thrive and succeed in will crumble down little
by little because of Reigo. And she had to make the
hardest choice in her life.
But at that moment, Zehannah was oblivious to it. All
she wanted was to spend time with Reigo and spend time
with Reigo, she will. Nothing and no one could stop
At doon napagtanto ni Zehannah ang kasabihan na kung
gusto, maraming paraan at kung ayaw, maraming dahilan.
Dahil sa mga sandaling 'yon, gagawa at gagawa siya ng
paraan para makuha ang gusto niya. At iyon ay ang
makasama si Reigo.
For me to make time for him, Zehannah thought and
massage her forehead, can I even resurface from this
if this becomes a mess? Zehannah didn't know, and that
scared her because then she realized that if there was
one thing she didn't want to let go of, it was Reigo.
And that thought scared the shit out of her.
FRIDAY MORNING, a piece of sudden news dropped in C&Z
Marketing Agency. Two of their clients pulled back and
didn't sign with them. When Cassia and Zehannah heard
of it, they didn't ponder over it. They had lots of
incoming clients and they were short of employees, so
the news did not bother them much.
Cassia focused on her work while Zehannah was busy
doing interviews the whole day for their new set of
employees. Zehannah barely had time to check her
phone. Kaya naman nabasa niya ang mga text message ni
Reigo oras na ng uwian.
'Hi, my Zee. Want to have lunch with me?'
'Should I send you a snack?'
'Are you that busy?'
'Don't forget to rest. Text back if you're not busy
Zehannah smiled at that. With Reigo, she didn't need
to worry about not replying when she's busy. Reigo
understood that and she appreciated that.
'Hey, babe. Sorry I was busy the whole day. I'll be
home late tonight. Mag-o-overtime ako kasi wala ka
naman sa condo.'
A few seconds after she sent it, Reigo replied.
'Mag-o-overtime ka dahil wala ako sa condo...?'
Zehannah replied. 'Yeah. Umuuwi lang naman ako nang
maaga para sa 'yo.'
On the other line, Reigo had to hide his smile after
reading Zehannah's reply because he was in the middle
of an executive meeting, but he was unsuccessful.
Everyone that has eyes could see that their boss was
texting with someone, and he looked like a love-struck
teenage boy.
And everyone was gaping at the scene. Their strict
boss could actually smile so sweetly and softly. It
was beyond them that no one interrupted their boss and
just subtly watched him.
'Is it safe to assume that you're adjusting for me?'
Zehannah replied. 'Hindi ba halata?'
Reigo couldn't hide it anymore. He let his smile go as
he replied. 'My Zee, you're spoiling me and I'm
getting hard.'
Napailing si Zehannah sa nabasa. 'You're always hard.
What's new?'
Reigo's smile widened. 'And you're always wet for me.
Napailing ulit si Zehannah pero may ngiti sa labi
nito. 'Wala ka bang ginagawa at hinaharot mo ako?'
Sa tanong na 'yon ni Zehannah, natigilan si Reigo nang
ma-realize kung nasaan siya. 'I'm actually in the
middle of an executive meeting?'
'At nilalandi mo ako? Unbelievable 🙄.'
Tumikhim si Reigo saka nag-angat ng tingin sa mga
kasama sa conference room na tumigil mag-report dahil
na busy siya sa cellphone niya. "Please continue."
"Y-yes, Sir."
Then Reigo sent a quick text to Zehannah. 'Give me
thirty minutes to finish this meeting. Lalandiin kita
ulit. Bye, my Zee.'
Zehannah couldn't do anything but shake her head,
though she had a smile on her lips. Ilang minuto lang
silang nagka-text ni Reigo pero nakangiti na siya na
para bang isang araw siyang nilandi nito.
Ah. I really got it bad.
Inilapag ni Zehannah ang cellphone sa ibabaw ng lamesa
saka inumpisahang gawin ang mga trabaho na iniwan niya
kanina para interview-hin ang mga aplikante na gustong
magtrabaho sa agency nila ni Cassia.
She left tons of work on her table and now, she had to
finish these so she won't have anything to think about
this coming weekend. Just dinner with her parents and
More than an hour later, her phone rang.
It was Reigo. She answered.
"I'm done with the meeting," ani Reigo na inaalis ang
necktie na suot nang makapasok sa opisina nito.
"Puwede na ba kitang landiin?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Ako naman ang busy
ngayon. I have tons of work."
"Bummer," Reigo said playfully. "Handa pa naman na
akong harutin ka."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Maghanda ka na lang kasi
may drunken appointment ka, 'di ba?"
"Hindi ko naman kailangang paghandaan 'yon." Umupo si
Reigo sa swivel chair saka binuksan ang dalawang unang
butones ng long sleeve polo na suot dahil naiinitan
ito. "Anyway, sabi mo busy ka, nakakaistorbo ba ako?
Should I end this call?"
Bumaba ang tingin ni Zehannah sa napakadaming papeles
na kailangang niyang basahin at i-review pero ang
naging sagot niya ay, "Nah. I can manage. Just keep
talking while I'm working. I can multitask."
Reigo smiled a lopsided smile at that. "I'm sure you
can. Your mouth and hands could do wonders at the same
time, after all."
Zehannah smirked. "Miss my mouth and hands?"
"Yeah..." Reigo bit his lips. "Maybe I should just
cancel with those lunatics and have my way with you
"Nope," mabilis na sabi ni Zehannah. "You're going
drinking and I'm doing overtime. Tama na muna 'yang
kalandian mo. Save it for the weekend."
Reigo sighed heavily. "Fine. Weekend it is."
Zehannah smiled at Reigo's voice, sounding sullen.
"Hindi ka pa ba aalis para sa inuman niyo?"
"Five more minutes," Reigo said. "Gusto pa kitang
"Okay," Zehannah replied with a smile.
Five minutes later...
"Another five minutes, my Zee," ungot ni Reigo. "I
still want to talk."
Hinayaan lang ito ni Zehannah at nakipag-usap siya sa
binata habang nagtatrabaho.
Five minutes later...
"My Zee, another five minutes, please..."
Napailing si Zehannah. "Hindi matatapos itong five
minutes mo. I'm hanging up. Go and have fun drinking."
Reigo was against that. "Can't we talk more?"
"Nope. I need to focus on my work now. At puro
kalandian lang naman ang pinag-uusapan natin. Masakit
na sa tainga."
"You said you can multitask."
"Yeah, I can. But I can't if you keep telling me
you'll eat me and being suggestive over the phone. So,
bye, babe."
Hindi na hinintay ni Zehannah ang reply ni Reigo.
Pinatay niya ang tawag at bumalik sa ginagawa.
A few seconds later, she received a message from
Reigo. More like a line art photo.
It's a woman sitting on top of a table and being eaten
by a man. And Reigo's message below was 'I'm coming
over and I'm eating you for dinner.'
Hindi sineryoso ni Zehannah ang mensaheng 'yon ng
binata dahil sanay siyang ganoon palagi kahalay si
Reigo at alam niyang makikipag-inuman ito sa mga
kaibigan nito.
That was her mistake. She didn't believe in Reigo's
horniness and what he could do when he's horny.
Because half an hour later, Reigo messaged her again.
'Open up, my Zee. I'm here for my dinner.'
Magkasalubong ang kilay na tumayo si Zehannah at
naglakad palabas ng opisina para tingnan kung nasa
labas nga ng pintuan ng agency nila si Reigo.
And to her surprise, the bastard was indeed outside.
When she opened the door, before she could ask what he
was doing there, he sexily smiled at her and said,
"I'm here to eat you for dinner. May I come in?"
Napatanga si Zehannah sa binata ng ilang segundo bago
nakasagot. "You're not allowed to eat me. I haven't
had dinner yet, so no."
"We can eat each other for dinner then," Reigo
suggested. "I promise I'm delicious."
Zehannah looked at Reigo flatly. Of all people, it was
Zehannah who knew how delicious this man was in front
of her. Very delicious that she couldn't get enough
when eating him. But if she folded now, this handsome
delicious delicacy will always come to her office to
eat 'dinner'. She couldn't have that.
Kailangan niyang maging matigas. Bawal ang karupukan.
So Zehannah stood her ground, looked into Reigo's
eyes, and said, "It's a n—"
Mister delicacy licked his lips as if promising that
their 'dinner' was going to be delicious.
Ah, fuck! Inis na napamura sa isip niya si Zehannah
saka nilakihan ang pagkakabukas ng pintuan ng agency
at pinaningkitan ang binata. "Siguraduhin mo lang na
mabubusog ako sa hapunan na inaalok mo."
Reigo smiled. "Kailan ka ba hindi nabusog sa 'kin?"
Well... true. But still... Napabuntonghininga si
Zehannah saka naglakad pabalik sa opisina niya habang
nakasunod sa likuran niya ang binata.
Zehannah thought Reigo meant nothing lewd about their
'dinner' and maybe she was just thinking too much
because he was well-behaved and had done nothing while
walking to her office, but that was clearly a failed
observation on her part because the moment they
entered her office and the door closed, Reigo picked
her up and put her on top of her office table while he
sat on her swivel chair.
Zehannah was wearing a pencil-cut skirt, so she knew
Reigo had a perfect view of what's in between her
thighs when he parted open her legs.
It was so sudden that Zehannah tried to close her
parted legs. "Reigo, what do you think you're doing—"
"I'm going to eat you and have my dinner," he replied
simply as he kissed her inner thigh, then he looked up
at her. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked, but his
tongue was already licking the length of her inner
Seriously, this man...! Zehannah didn't have the
strength to refute Reigo, especially when his lips
started kissing toward the most sensitive part of her
Ang tanging nagawa na lang niya ay ang mapasabunot sa
buhok nito nang hawiin nito ang underwear na suot niya
saka idinampi ang mga labi sa pagkababae niya.
"Shit..." Zehannah muttered under her breath when
Reigo's tongue touched her clit. "Ahh..."
Rolling his tongue around her clit, sucking it lightly
and then hard, followed by a soft lick and then hard
sucking again, Zehannah was losing her mind as she
pulled Reigo's head close to her center.
"Shit—ahh! Ahh! Babe... ahh...!" Zehannah arched her
body while biting her lower lip. "God—ah! Shit! More.
Lick me more. Harder, babe. Faster...! Ahh! Ahh!"
Zehannah's toes were curling, and she was panting so
hard as Reigo ate her for dinner.
Zehannah felt like Reigo's tongue, his lips, and his
entire mouth were making love to her sheath. The way
his tongue licked and lapped her, the way his lips
kissed and sucked her clit, and the way his mouth
moved to devour every inch of her center, Zehannah was
moaning crazily until she felt herself explode inside
his mouth.
"Ahh...!" Zehannah trembled as Reigo licked her
wetness and cum. Her legs shook at how sensitive her
sheath had become as seconds passed, but even so, she
let Reigo drink every drop of her cum until he was
With a dry throat and mouth, she looked at Reigo who
finally pulled back from her wetness but was still
licking his lips as if making sure that he had drank
all her juices and hadn't missed a single drop.
"You..."—inabot ni Zehannah ang wet wipes na nasa
gilid lang ng mesa niya saka ginamit iyon para linisin
ang bibig ng binata—"... are incorrigible."
Reigo just smiled charmingly. "You loved it."
Zehannah couldn't deny that. "Well, yeah. Of course.
Who wouldn't after being eaten like that?"
Reigo's smile widened. "I enjoyed my dinner."
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata sa ikinipot niya ang
nakabukang mga hita bago kinagat ang pang-ibabang
labi. "Should I... eat you too?"
"I'm good." He kissed her on the neck. "I know you, my
Zee. You will not stop until I'm drained and I won't
let you drain me tonight. May pupuntahan pa akong
Sinadya ni Zehannah na pahabain ang nguso. "Pipiliin
mo ang inuman kaysa sa 'kin?"
Reigo blinked at her because he was not used to
Zehannah asking those kinds of questions.
And seeing Reigo so confused, Zehannah laughed and
pressed her lips against Reigo's forehead. "Chill,
babe. I'm just playing with you." She pinched his
cheek. "Hindi ka pa ba late sa lakad mo?"
To answer her, Reigo wrapped his arms around her waist
and pressed the side of his face into her lap. "Can't
I stay here and talk to you instead?"
Zehannah found it sweet, but it seemed like he already
told his friend that he'll be attending their drunken
appointment. "Sinabi mo na ba sa mga kaibigan mo na
pupunta ka?"
"Then go. Magkikita naman tayo bukas. We'll talk up to
your heart's content."
"Okay," Reigo agreed, but he didn't let her go.
Napailing si Zehannah saka pabirong piningot ang
tainga ng binata. "Come on. Go. Baka wala ka nang
abutan do'n."
But Reigo still didn't budge.
Zehannah sighed. "Ano'ng mayroon sa hita ko at ayaw
mong umalis diyan?"
"Comfy," he answered cozily.
"Kaya kang ipitin at sipain niyan kung hindi ka pa
aalis," pagbabanta ni Zehannah.
Kaagad na umayos ng upo si Reigo saka hinalikan ang
mga hita ng dalaga bago tumayo. "Okay, okay. I'm
leaving. Dumaan lang talaga ako."
Pinaningkitan ni Zehannah si Reigo nang makitang
naglalakad na ito patungo sa pintuan ng opisina. "At
saan ka pupunta?"
Kunot ang noo na nilingon ni Reigo si Zehannah. "To my
drunken appointment...?"
"Without washing your mouth? Hell no!" Tinuro ni
Zehannah ang banyo. "May toothbrush ako ro'n na hindi
pa nagagamit. Brush your teeth and wash your mouth
thoroughly. Hindi kita palalabasin ng opisina ko na
amoy pepe ang bibig mo!"
Reigo burst out laughing at Zehannah's words before he
went to the bathroom to wash his mouth.
Napailing naman si Zehannah saka umalis sa ibabaw ng
mesa niya. The moment her feet touched the floor, she
felt her wetness soak her panty. "Shit..."
Gustong tingnan nang masama ni Zehannah si Reigo na
kalalabas lang ng banyo dahil sa pagkabasa ng panty
niya, pero nasarapan naman siya kaya hinayaan na niya.
"I'm going, my Zee." Reigo went to kiss her on the
lips and forehead before leaving.
Napailing naman si Zehannah. "Seriously, that guy.
Dumaan lang para 'kumain'." She sighed. "Well, it
looks like he enjoyed his dinner, which was me, so,
yeah... let's get back to work."
Sitting back in her chair, she was so uncomfortable
working because her panty was soaking wet. She kept
clicking her tongue and cursing Reigo in her head for
licking her and making her cum. Wala pa naman siyang
extra na underwear na dala.
Urgh! That delicacy bastard! Pasalamat ka talaga,
Reigo, gusto kitang tangina ka!
Zehannah continued working with a wet panty and when
she finally finished her overtime, she hurriedly went
home, desperate to clean herself.
Meanwhile, on Reigo's side, beers and barbecues were
raining. Mukhang napaghandaan ng tindahan nina Eva ang
inuman nilang magkakaibigan ngayong gabi dahil hindi
nila kinailangang magtuhog ng sarili nilang barbecue.
"Let's driiink...!" sigaw ni Calyx na hawak-hawak ang
bote ng beer na hindi na ni Reigo mabilang kung pang-
ilan na.
Everyone raised their bottles of beer and cheered as
if celebrating a monumental achievement. Meanwhile,
Reigo was just in the corner, watching his crazy
friends and wondering what was the occasion.
"Tingnan mo si Vasquez, tahimik na naman," komento ni
Reigo raised his bottle of beer and just drink.
"Reigo, damihan mo ang inom mo," wika ni Evren. "We're
going to get drunk tonight!"
"Yes! Get drunk!" everyone shouted, making Eva
"Ang iingay. Magsara na kaya ako?"
"Eva naman, minsan lang manlibre si Reigo. Dapat
samantalahin namin 'to!"
Umiinom si Reigo ng beer nang marinig 'yon at napaubo
siya. "Huh? Did I hear that motherfucker right?"
"Yeah." Knight grinned. "You're paying. Thanks!"
Reigo was in shell shock. "Why? Aren't you celebrating
"Yeah," Shun answered. "Sine-celebrate namin ang
pagpapalit mo ng bahay. From barn to Zehannah's
Nag-thumbs up si Khairro. "Nice, bud. Very nice!"
Reigo felt like his head had become empty as he
listened to his lunatic friends.
"He'd been living with Zehannah for weeks now," wika
ni Thorn. "It needs to be celebrated!"
"Hell, yeah!" everyone shouted, and Eva grimaced
"Ang iingay. Mga letse..." bulong ni Eva sa sarili
pero wala naman itong magawa dahil loyal customer ng
tindahan nila ang nag-iingay. Sa sobrang loyal, may
listahan na sila sa mga kinukuha ng mga itong pagkain.
Meanwhile, Reigo was speechless to the point that he
didn't even say no to his friends. Because at the back
of his mind, it was indeed worth celebrating.
Pulling himself together, he raised his bottle of
beer. "If that's what we're celebrating for, then more
Hearing Reigo, everyone shouted in happiness. "Hell,
Of course, Eva grimaced again. Pero wala nang nagawa
pa si Eva. Napuno na ng ingay ang buong karinderya
nila. May kumakanta na wala sa tono sa videoke. May
sumasayaw. May naguusap-usap at may panay ang sigawan.
Laking pasasalamat ni Eva na wala silang katabing
bahay kundi siguradong napuno na sila ng reklamo sa
sobrang iingay ng mga 'loyal costumer' nila na ilang
kahon na ng beer ang naubos kahit mahigit isang oras
pa lang ang mga itong nag-iinuman.
"If you're serious about her, you better not mess up!"
Lasing na si Cali kaya panay ang advice nito kay Reigo
na nakikinig naman dito. "Don't follow my footsteps. I
messed up and hurt my wife..." Cali became silent
after that and then, out of nowhere, he started
Everyone near Cali just patted Cali's back and
shoulder. They were already used to Cali feeling
guilty when drunk. Maayos na ito at ang asawa nito,
pero ang guilt ni Cali sa mga nangyari ay nandoon pa
rin. Hindi na siguro 'yon mawawala.
And then someone dragged Reigo away from Cali and
towards the videoke.
"Kakanta na ang may love life!" kantiyaw ni Khairro.
Nag-uumpisa na ring malasing si Reigo kaya nagpasulsol
ito kay Khairro at pinili ang kantang 'Sun and Moon'
by Anees.
And then Reigo sang it so passionately and with all
his heart, not knowing that he's being taped by Thorn
and the video was directly sent to Zehannah, who was
still awake because she couldn't sleep.
She had a smile on her face while watching the whole
After the video, Thorn continued providing videos and
photos to Zehannah as the night deepened until the
entire gang finally decided to stop drinking and drank
Ymar's 'legit hangover cure' before their designated
driver—Andrius—drove them to their houses.
It was past midnight when Zehannah heard her condo's
doorbell ring.
Mabilis siyang lumabas ng kuwarto at sinilip muna ang
nasa labas sa peep hole bago kaagad na binuksan ang
pinto nang makita sa labas si Reigo. He looked sober,
surprising Zehannah because she knew how drunk Reigo
was. Halatang-halata ang kalasingan nito sa video at
mga larawan na sinend sa kaniya ni Thorn.
But the Reigo she saw was sober.
And the moment she opened the door and he saw her, he
shocked her by confessing.
"I love you, Zehannah Sevil."
"I LOVE YOU, Zehannah Sevil."
Zehannah was frozen in place when she heard those
words from Reigo. Pakiramdam niya ay tumigil ang buong
mundo niya at ang buong atensiyon niya ay nakatuon
lang sa binata na nakatayo sa harapan niya, sa labas
ng condo niya. Napipilan siya. Hindi niya alam ang
isasagot o iaakto. Parang nawalan ng laman ang isip
niya at ang tanging naririnig lang niya ay ang mabilis
na pagtibok ng puso niya.
At sa gitna ng gulat ni Zehannah, inulit na naman ni
Reigo ang pinagtapat nito.
"I love you, my Zee."
It took Zehannah a couple of minutes to finally be
able to pull herself together and respond. "Are you...
"No. I'm perfectly sober."
Zehannah highly doubt that. Lasing ang Reigo sa mga
larawan na pinadala sa kaniya ni Thorn. But she
couldn't deny that the Reigo in front of her was
perfectly sober.
"Come on in," ani Zehannah na nilakihan ang
pagkakabukas ng pinto. "You should rest."
"I said I love you."
Zehannah nodded. "Yeah, I heard."
A glint of sadness crossed Reigo's eyes. "Is my love
Zehannah chose not to answer Reigo. "Magpahinga ka
"Zee..." Reigo's voice sounded like he was pleading
for an answer, but Zehannah really didn't know what to
tell him.
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Reigo, love is a very
strong word. Yes, I like you a lot. But love? I
honestly don't know."
Tumango si Reigo saka pumasok na rin sa loob ng condo
ni Zehannah. Nang akala ni Zehannah na tutungo na ito
sa kuwarto niya para magpahinga pero tumigil ang
binata sa harapan niya at pinakatitigan siya.
'Yong uri ng titig na parang matutunaw si Zehannah.
"I'm scared, Zee," he said and Zehannah couldn't help
but worry why. And then Reigo explained, and it made
Zehannah pale. "Alam kong mahal kita. Matagal na.
Hindi ako magiging ganito kalambot at kabaliw sa 'yo
kung hindi. Alam ko rin na ikaw ang babaeng gusto kong
makasama hanggang pagtanda ko, pero natatakot akong
magtanong kasi alam ko na ang isasagot mo. Ayaw mong
matali sa kahit na kanino, at 'yon ang gusto kong
gawin sa 'yo. Ang itali ka sa tabi ko. Pero paano ko
gagawin 'yon kung mula't sapul, alam ko na ayaw mo?
"I keep telling myself that it's okay. As long as
you're with me, it's okay. As long as we're together,
it's okay. And then suddenly, I realized, it's not
okay—I'm not okay, Zee. I thought I'm special because
I could go with the flow with you, but tonight, I
realized that I'm no different from other men. Just
like your exes, I want to marry you, but I'm so scared
to ask because if I do, we're going to break up and
I'm already so madly in love with you to accept a no
and forget about you.
"What am I going to do, Zee?" A lone tear fell from
his eyes. "Sinabi ko noon na hindi kita tatanungin
tungkol sa kasal pero kinakain ko ngayon ang mga
sinabi ko noon. Gusto kitang pakasalan, Zee. Gusto
kitang iharap sa simbahan. Gusto kitang maging asawa.
Pero... hindi puwede. Kasi iiwan mo ako. Huwag na lang
pala. Okay lang pala na ganito tayo. Hindi naman
kailangan ng kasal para magsama habambuhay, 'di ba?
Hindi natin kailangan 'yon."
Reigo tried smiling, but it was so sad that it broke
Zehannah's heart. "Okay lang pala ako. Don't mind what
I said. I'm just rambling." He walked past Zehannah
while taking his clothes off. "I'm going to bed now,
my Zee. My head is pounding. It hurts."
Nakasunod lang ang tingin ni Zehannah kay Reigo na
basta na lang siyang iniwan sa salas na parang walang
nangyari hanggang sa mawala ito sa paningin niya.
Nang mag-isa na lang siya sa salas, napatitig siya sa
kawalan. She couldn't forget Reigo's pained
That pain, I caused it. This is what I was worried
about before. Hurting Reigo because of my belief in
life. Why did I make myself believe that Reigo is
different? Not because he understands doesn't mean
he's okay with it. He's just enduring the pain because
he didn't want to lose me.
Kumuyom ang kamao ni Zehannah. Kung sana hindi siya
naging marupok noon at hindi na niya hinayaang
makabalik pa si Reigo sa buhay niya, hindi ngayon
masasaktan ang binata ng dahil sa kaniya.
Naglakad si Zehannah patungo sa kuwarto niya at nang
nasa pintuan siya, humilig siya sa hamba ng pintuan at
pinakatitigan ang binata na mahimbing nang natutulog
sa kama niya habang yakap ang unan niya.
Should I just let you go? Push you away? Forget about
Zehannah's inside was screaming no. It was thrashing.
But will I be happy if I let him go? Will I not regret
pushing him away? Will I be able to move on?
Gustong sabunutan ni Zehannah ang sarili dahil puro
makasarili ang sagot na mayroon siya.
Mabilis na umalis si Zehannah sa pagkakahilig sa hamba
ng pintuan nang maramdaman ang takot na lumulukob sa
kaniya saka nanlalamig ang kamay na kinuha ang
cellphone niya at nagmamadaling lumabas ng kuwarto
dahil alam na niya ang kasunod ng panlalamig na 'yon.
It was way past midnight, but she still called her
Papi. She didn't know whom to call. She only had her
Laking pasasalamat niya na sinagot ng ama ang tawag
niya. "'Nak...? Mag-uumaga na, a. Bakit gising ka pa?"
Zehannah hugged her folded knees while sitting on the
single sofa. Fear was consuming her. "Papi... hindi ba
magiging okay lang naman ako kahit iwan ko si Reigo?
'Di ba, magiging masaya pa rin ako?"
Hindi nakapagsalita ang ama niya sa kabilang linya.
"Papi... please tell me I'll be okay without Reigo.
Tell me... please..."
Dan could hear the fear in his daughter's trembling
voice and he immediately realized what's going on.
"What happened?"
Ikinuwento ni Zehannah ang nangyari sa ama.
"Gusto mo bang pumunta ako riyan ngayon sa condo mo?"
tanong ni Dan sa anak nang matapos ang kuwento nito.
Umiling si Zehannah. "No. Just tell me I will be okay
even without Reigo in my life. This is not the first
time that I have done this. I've broken up with my
exes and I was okay. I moved on. I can do that with
Reigo too—"
"Zehannah, 'nak, kumalma ka at huwag kang magpadalos-
dalos," kaagad na pigil ni Dan sa iba pang iniisip ng
anak. Alam kasi nito na hindi malinaw ang pag-iisip ni
Zehannah sa mga sandaling 'yon dahil sa takot na
nararamdaman nito. "Don't decide on your own. This
concerns you and Reigo. And that man has been so
amazing to you that he deserves some respect from you,
Zehannah. Talk to him. Don't let your fear consume
you. I'm sure Reigo will understand if you talked to
him. Don't bottle it up, Zehan. Communicate with
Zehannah bit her trembling lips. "P-paano kung sabihin
ko sa kaniya na ayokong magpakasal tapos iwan niya
ako?" Hindi napigilan ni Zehannah luhang namalisbis.
"Ano'ng gagawin ko, Papi? Magiging masaya pa ba ulit
ako? Hindi ko na alam ang gagawin ko kung may mang-
iiwan ulit sa 'kin. Kaya nga 'di ba ayokong
makipagrelasyon kasi ayokong mangyari 'yon? Paano kung
iwan ako ni Reigo kasi hindi ko maibigay sa kaniya ang
gusto niya? Ngayon pa nga lang, nasasaktan na siya.
Papi, ano'ng gagawin ko? Iiwan niya ako..."
A tear fell from Dan's eyes, hearing his daughter cry.
He knew his daughter's trauma was starting to creep
into her again and it was clouding her rational
thinking and judgement. "'Nak, huwag kang mag-isip ng
kung ano-ano. Just talk to Reigo. Huwag mo siyang
pangunahan. Huwag kang magdesisyon para sa kaniya."
"...natatakot ako, Papi..." Nanginginig ang boses ni
Zehannah, parang bumalik lahat ng sakit na naranasan
niya at hindi siya makapag-isip nang matino. "Everyone
left me when I couldn't give them what they wanted.
Kayo lang ni Papa ang mayroon ako saka si Cassia. Si
Mama, iniwan din ako. Maayos naman ako, 'di ba? Hindi
naman masama ang ugali ko. Ayaw ko lang talagang
magpakasal—bakit kailangan akong iwan dahil lang 'don?
Isa ba 'yong pagkukulang? Nagkulang din ba ako bilang
anak kaya iniwan ako ni Mama? Bakit palagi na lang
akong iniiwan...? Hindi naman ako masama, e...
Mabuting tao naman ako. Bakit palaging ganoon...?"
Dan wanted to hug his daughter so badly. Lahat ng
sinasabi ngayon ni Zehannah, narinig na niya ang mga
'yon noon pero ang sakit-sakit pa rin bilang magulang.
Iyon palagi ang mga salitang lumalabas sa bibig nito
kapag iniiwan ito ng mga naging kasintahan nito noon
dahil ayaw nitong magpakasal. Palaging ganito si
Zehannah kapag kinakain ito ng takot at sakit ng
nakaraan nito at kasalukuyan.
And it broke Dan's heart every time because of how his
daughter's past and heartbreaks became a trauma.
"Love, what happened?" Cameron whispered to Dan when
he woke up with Dan crying while on the phone.
"Si Zehan..." pabulong na sagot ni Dan sa asawa.
"She's breaking down again..."
Kaagad na kinuha ni Cameron ang cellphone kay Dan saka
kinausap ang anak. "'Nak, Zehan, si Papa 'to. May
ipapagawa ako sa 'yo. Puwede mo bang gawin?"
"Yes, P-papa..."
Cameron smiled. "Papa wants you to take a deep
Zehannah took a deep breath.
"And then breathe out."
Zehannah obliged.
"Deep breath and breathe out again," wika ni Cameron.
"Slowly and calmly."
Zehannah listened to her father.
"Keep a deep breath and slowly breathe out. Count from
one to five and then do it again." Cameron's voice was
soothing. "And when you're finally calm, tell Papa the
magic word."
Zehannah did what she was told. Slowly, her brain
cleared up. She was slowly calming down. And when she
felt like she's in control of her emotions again, she
said the magic word. "I want ice cream, Pa."
Cameron smiled shakily. Relief could be seen on his
face. "We'll buy you some. Ipapadala kaagad namin sa
Zehannah smiled at her Papa's attempt to make her
happy. "How about later, Papa? Hindi ba riyan naman
kami magdi-dinner ni Reigo mamaya?"
"Oh, yeah." Finally, Cameron's smile became relaxed.
"How are you feeling now, Zehan?"
Nagbaba ng tingin si Zehannah. She felt ashamed.
"Sorry for breaking down again. I'm okay now. My head
is clear now."
Dan hugged Cameron in relief. "That's good, 'nak. I'm
Tipid na ngumiti si Zehannah. "Pasensiya na, Papi.
Nagising pa kita."
"Anything for my daughter."
"Thank you, Papi. Thank you, Papa."
"Anytime, 'nak," ani Dan.
"Pahinga ka na, Zehan," wika ni Cameron. "Tomorrow,
talk to Reigo. For now, sleep. Para mamaya, kapag
nagkausap kayo ni Reigo, maaliwalas ang isip mo."
Zehannah nodded as if her parents were in front of
her. "Yes, Papa. See you later."
"See you, 'nak."
Napatitig sa kawalan si Zehannah nang mawala sa
kabilang linya ang mga magulang. Hindi niya maiwasang
isipin ang nangyari. Laking pasasalamat niya na kausap
niya ang mga magulang na alam kung paano siya
pakakalmahin kapag nagbe-breakdown siya.
Nakagat ni Zehannah ang pang-ibabang labi habang
inaalala ang mga pinagsasasabi niya kanina.
Her fear of hurting Reigo... her fear of being left
alone again... her fear consumed her that she couldn't
think straight again. Palaging 'yon ang nangyayari
kapag katatapos lang niyang makipaghiwalay sa mga
nakarelasyon niya dati.
The only time she didn't break down after the break-up
was when she met Reigo and she enjoyed his company.
Too much that she ended up doing the nasty deed with
him in the club's bathroom.
Taking a deep breath and releasing them calmly,
Zehannah stood up and went to her room. Then she sat
on the edge of the bed to watch her Reigo sleep
'Sinabi ko noon na hindi kita tatanungin tungkol sa
kasal pero kinakain ko ngayon ang mga sinabi ko noon.
Gusto kitang pakasalan, Zee. Gusto kitang iharap sa
simbahan. Gusto kitang maging asawa.'
Marahas na ipinilig ni Zehannah ang ulo. She didn't
want to think of it again. She didn't want to be
consumed by fear again. She didn't want to be
irrational again.
Umangat ang kamay niya para haplusin ang buhok at
pisngi ng binata. "Reigo..."
Dahan-dahang tumabi ng higa si Zehannah sa binata at
masuyo itong niyakap sa baywang at ipinikit ang mga
mata habang nagdarasal na sana paggising nilang
dalawa, maging maayos pa rin ang pagsasama nila.
Pinagdasal 'yon ni Zehannah bago pinilit ang sarili na
makatulog. Pero dahil ang daming tumatakbo sa isip
niya, paputol-putol ang tulog niya hanggang
At nang makita ni Zehannah na maliwanag na sa labas,
bumangon siya kahit wala siyang maayos na tulog saka
tinungo ang kusina para magkape.
At the island counter, Zehannah sat on the stool as
she unconsciously sipped her coffee. Her mind was too
preoccupied to notice Reigo entering the kitchen while
clutching his head.
"Morning, my Zee..." Reigo kissed Zehannah on the
cheek, pulling Zehannah out of her reverie.
"H-hey..." Zehannah couldn't look at Reigo. "Good
Reigo immediately noticed the little change in
Zehannah. "You okay, my Zee?"
Tumango si Zehannah saka sumimsim ng kpae para takasan
ang tingin ni Reigo.
Zehannah didn't know how Reigo could act nonchalant
after what happened last night. As if nothing
"Ano'ng gusto mong agahan, Zee?" tanong ni Reigo
habang nakaharap sa nakabukas na ref. "My head is
pounding. Walang silbi ang hangover cure ni Ymar. That
lunatic will have a piece of my mind later." Reigo
clicked his tongue as he continued rummaging through
the refrigerator, looking for a good breakfast
Sensing Zehannah's silence, Reigo closed the
refrigerator door and faced Zehannah. "My Zee, are you
feeling okay?"
Zehannah conjured all her courage to be able to look
at Reigo. "Are you?"
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Reigo bago sumagot. "Well,
aside from my pounding head, I'm perfectly fine."
Zehannah frowned. "But last night, you..." She
couldn't finish her words. She was afraid to finish
And that confused Reigo. "Something happened last
Zehannah stared at Reigo, bewildered. "You don't
Reigo delved into his memory, but nothing. And that
worried him because he was drunk last night. "May
ginawa ba akong hindi maganda kagabi?"
Seeing the genuine confusion on Reigo's face, Zehannah
pulled herself together and smiled. "It was nothing.
You were just too drunk."
Pinakatitigan ni Reigo ang dalaga. He could feel that
something was off. "You sure? 'Yon lang ang ginawa
Tumango si Zehannah saka inubos ang kape. "I want
bacon and eggs for breakfast, babe."
Sa halip na sundin si Zehannah, naglakad palapit si
Reigo sa dalaga saka umangat ang kamay nito para
haplusin ang ibaba ng mata ni Zehannah. "Hindi ka ba
nakatulog nang maayos?"
Reigo's hand on her face felt nice that she tilted her
head to feel his hand more on her cheek. "I'm okay. I
was just thinking too much last night."
"Like what?" Reigo probed because he really felt like
something was off with Zehannah.
"Just life and some other things." Zehannah smiled at
Reigo. "Nothing to worry about. I was just
overthinking things again."
"You sure?" paniniguro ni Reigo sa dalaga.
Tumango si Zehannah.
Reigo pressed his lips against Zehannah's temple. "If
something's bothering you, you can talk to me, my
Tumango si Zehannah habang kagat ang pang-ibabang
Paano niya kakausapin si Reigo kung hindi nito maalala
ang nangyari kagabi?
Was he that drunk last night? He looked sober to her.
Zehannah took a deep breath and sighed before she
stepped down from the stool. "Ligo lang ako." Then she
smiled at him. "Make my breakfast delicious, Mr.
Reigo nodded, and he watched Zehannah leave the
'May ginawa ba ako kagabi?' tanong ni Reigo sa sarili
habang naghahanda ng agahan. I can't remember
anything. I think I blacked out after I drank Ymar's
hangover cure.
Sighing to himself, he finished making breakfast and
set the table. While waiting for Zehannah so they
could have breakfast together, he pulled out his phone
from his pocket, and as if on cue, his phone started
receiving notification after notification.
It was the lunatics on their group chat with a
different name again.
Seriously. What's with the group chat name and using
daddy all the time? It's cringe.
Reigo opened the group chat, and he was surprised to
see how active everyone was so early in the morning.
Active meant complaining. Complaining to Ymar, to be
Evren Yilmaz: My wife and I fought last night when I
got home and I don't even remember what we were
fighting about! @YmarStroam what was in that drink of
Dark Montero: My Anniza won't talk to me! @YmarStroam
what the fuck?! I don't remember anything!
Pierce Muller: Same experience, but my wife is not
angry. She even told me what I'd been spouting last
night. Apparently, I was apologizing to her again and
again while begging her to forgive me because of what
I did to her in the past. But I can't remember.
Cali Sudalga: My Anette told me I was crying and
apologizing. But I can't remember anything! I'm not
that drunk last night, damn it!
Lander Stroam: My wife said we fought last night, but
I can't remember. She said it was not a big deal, but
she's not talking to me. Fuck it! Just what did I do
last night?!
Knight Velasquez: I fought with my wife's butler, so
I'm safe. 🤷 My wife was already asleep last night.
Valerian Volkzki: In my case, my wife told me I was
fighting with our dog, Valerian.
Mandu🔪: I can't remember what happened last night—why
my wife was treating me coldly this morning, so I
checked my house's CCTV and there it was. Apparently,
I fought with my baby, telling her I don't feel her
love at all and that it was not enough. When I saw it,
I was shocked because that's not what I honestly feel.
Her love is enough. She's more than enough, so I was
asking myself why I said what I said and then it
dawned on me — @YmarStroam drink.
Train Wolkzbin: @YmarStroam, man, you have some
explaining to do. What's in that drink of yours?
Did something similar happen to me and Zehannah last
night? Kumuyom ang kamao ni Reigo. May nasabi ba akong
hindi maganda? Kaya ba parang hindi ito makatingin sa
kaniya kanina? Reigo had no answer until, finally,
Ymar went online.
Ymar Stroam: I honestly don't know what happened. I,
myself, fought with my wife for some reason I can't
remember. I guess the drink stimulated your negative
thoughts and feelings and manifested them. I'll run
some tests and update you. Sorry, lunatics. Bye!
Sa nabasa, kaagad na ibinulsa ni Reigo ang cellphone
at akmang pupuntahan si Zehannah sa kuwarto pero nang
umikot siya, nakita niya ang dalaga na papasok sa
"What?" Zehannah asked when she saw how panicked Reigo
"My Zee..." Sinalubong ni Reigo ang dalaga saka
hinawakan sa magkabilang balikat. "Wala naman akong
pinagsasasabi sa 'yo kagabi, 'di ba? I didn't say
anything hurtful, did I? I didn't, right? Please, Zee.
Tell me I said nothing hurtful last night!"
Si Zehannah ang tipo ng babae na kaagad sinasabi ang
nasa isip niya, pero pagdating kay Reigo, lalo na sa
sitwasyon nila ngayon, hindi niya magawa.
"My Zee..."
"Can we, um, talk about it later?"
With that, Reigo could conclude that he really did
something stupid last night. "My Zee, I'm so sorry..."
Umiling si Zehannah. "You don't have to be. Wala ka
namang ginawang masama. Sinabi mo lang naman kung
ano'ng nararamdaman mo. Just let me think it over
before we talked. My mind is getting blurry again.
Baka may masabi akong pagsisihan ko sa bandang huli
kaya mamaya na tayo mag-usap, puwede ba?"
Reigo's shoulder fell. "Zee..."
She smiled at Reigo as if to reassure him. "I promise
we'll talk later, okay? I just need to clear my head a
little more."
He didn't want to force his Zee, so he nodded and let
Zehannah go. Then he watched her walk to the dining
table and eat her breakfast silently.
Reigo wanted to smack his head, seeing his lively and
vigorous Zehannah looking so down and spiritless so
early in the morning.
Just what the fuck did I do last night?! I can't lose
my Zee... I can't...
THE DINNER surprise didn't go well. Unfortunately.
After the initial shock of seeing their parents
together, Reigo and Zehannah became silent as their
parents talked and enjoyed the dinner cooked by
Zehannah's parents.
The Vasquez's hit it off with the Sevil family.
Especially Dan and Contessa, who planned the surprise.
Unfortunately, the ones they surprised, Zehannah and
Reigo, were both silent and would only speak when
spoken to.
Of course, it bothered the whole family.
"May nangyari ba?" tanong ni Contessa kay Dan nang
tapos na ang hapunan at naglilinis na ng pinagkainan
si Dan habang nasa hapag-kainan pa sina Cameron at
Rohan at sumisimsim ng wine kasama sina Zehannah at
Bumuntonghininga si Dan saka pabulong na nagkuwento.
"It happened last night..." kinuwento ni Dan ang alam
niya sa ina ni Reigo.
Natutop naman ni Contessa ang bibig nang marinig ang
buong kuwento. "Oh, my... that's a very hard one."
Tumango si Dan. "Kilala ko 'yang anak ko. Matigas ang
ulo niyan. Gusto ko man tulungan si Reigo kay Zehan,
hindi ko mapipilit ang anak ko na baguhin ang
paniniwala niya sa buhay."
"You're right. You can't do that." As a woman,
Contessa could really relate to Zehannah, but as a
mother, she's worried about her son. "Nang makilala ko
si Zehannah, mula't sapul, alam ko na na mahihirapan
ang anak ko sa kaniya dahil nakikita ko ang sarili ko
sa kaniya. Nahirapan sa 'kin ang asawa ko. But I saw
how Zehannah looked and treated my son. There's a big
chance that Reigo could change her mind. But my son
will have to endure a lot for sure."
Bumagsak ang balikat ni Dan. "If only we could
"We can," ani Contessa, "by letting them be. Gusto
kong mangialam at alam kong 'yon din ang gusto mo pero
matatanda na sila. They're both mature enough to
decide for themselves." Contessa sighed. "That's what
I want to say, but..." —Contessa grinned—"...yeah,
let's help."
Mabilis na tumango si Dan. "What can we do?"
"Huwag mong pauwiin ang dalawa," bulong ni Contessa
kay Dan habang naghuhugas ang ama ni Zehannah ng
pinggan. "I'm sure Zehannah and Reigo couldn't reject
your offer for them to stay for the night. And then
put them in the same room so they'll talk. They won't
have a choice."
Dan was reluctant. "Madam Contessa, babae ang anak
Tumaas ang kilay ni Contessa. "Do you really think
that those two haven't done it already?"
Napatigil si Dan sa paghuhugas saka nasapo ang ulo.
"They're both adults, but I can't accept it. Not my
Mahinang tumawa si Contessa. "I know it's hard, but I
saw how Zehannah looked at my son. I'm pretty sure
they've done it already. I'm sure you also noticed.
Their closeness differs from couples who haven't done
Dan clutched his heart, remembering how close the two
were. "I think I'm going to have a heart attack."
Tinapik-tapik ni Contessa ang likod ni Dan na para
bang pinapakalma ito. "Breath in, breath out. You can
do it, Dan. For our plan."
Dan nodded and took a deep breath to calm himself.
Meanwhile, at the dining table, Cameron and Rohan
could see Contessa and Dan whispering to each other.
"Why do I have a feeling that my wife is planning
something?" patanong na sabi ni Rohan.
Cameron sipped his wine. "Yep, I can sense that too
from my husband's back. Nakakaawa kung sino man ang
pinagpaplanuhan nila."
Rohan sighed and raised his glass at Cameron. "Good
thing we're good husbands."
Cameron raised his glass, too. "To being
Rohan chuckled. "Cheers to that."
Habang nakikinig sa mga magulang, nagpapakiramdaman
naman sina Zehannah at Reigo. Alam ng dalawa na may
problema sila bago pa sila pumunta rito kaya halos
parehong walang imik ang dalawa.
Reigo was worried sick and Zehannah was mulling over
what happened last night. Both minds were not present.
Rohan glanced at his son, who had been silent since
earlier. Cameron also glanced at his daughter. And
through their eyes, Cameron and Rohan spoke. Of
course, they knew that something was not right, but
they couldn't ask the two.
Good thing Dan and Contessa were back at the dining
"Zehan, 'nak, medyo malalim na ang gabi. Dito na lang
kaya kayo ni Reigo sa bahay matulog?" suhesityon ni
"Oo nga," segunda ni Contessa nang parehong nag-angat
ng tingin sina Zehannah at Reigo. "Dito rin kami
matutulog ni Rohan. Gabi na rin kasi. Delikado na sa
Cameron and Rohan subtly looked at the wristwatch and
saw that it was only ten in the evening. Kaagad na
napagtanto ng dalawa na may pinaplano ang mga kapareha
"Pero Papi, isa lang ang guest room natin," paalala ni
Zehannah sa ama.
"Kaya nga roon matutulog si Reigo sa kuwarto mo."
Biglang napaayos ng upo so Cameron sa narinig at handa
na itong pigilan ang plano ng kapareha nang dagdagan
ni Dan ang sinabi nito.
"Siyempre, sa sahig matutulog si Reigo. May extra
namang kutson doon. At hindi kayo magla-lock ng
Cameron immediately sat back, relieved.
Meanwhile, Zehannah and Reigo both looked at each
Concurrently, Rohan showed his wife a thumbs up,
making Contessa smile proudly, knowing she and Dan
concocted this plan.
"Sige na, Zehan, ayusin mo na ang tutulungan ni
Reigo," sabi ni Dan sa anak. "Maaga kayong magpahinga.
Magsisimba tayo bukas."
Tumango si Cameron sa anak. "We'll be here if you two
need us. We'll be finishing this bottle of wine before
we rest."
Tahimik na tumango si Zehannah saka tumayo. Kaagad
namang sumunod si Reigo kay Zehannah.
Nang makalabas ang dalawa sa kusina, nagpakawala ng
buntonghininga ang apat.
"What is going on with those two?" Rohan immediately
asked his wife.
Contessa sighed and shrugged. "The same problem we had
back then."
Rohan immediately understood. "Oh. That's going to be
"We like Reigo for our Zehan, but we can't force her
if she didn't want to," ani Cameron.
"Don't worry. We won't do that," ani Contessa. "Gusto
lang namin ni Dan na bigyan sila ng pagkakataon na
makapag-usap nang maayos. I believe they're both
mature enough to decide for themselves."
Tumango si Cameron. "Sana maayos ang kalabasan ng
plano niyo."
ZEHANNAH INVITED Reigo to her room in her parents'
house. "Upo ka muna sa kama ko. Ihahanda ko lang ang
tutulugan mo." She was trying to act like nothing was
wrong between them.
Tumango lang si Reigo habang tahimik na nakamasid sa
Lumabas si Zehannah sa kuwarto niya saka tinungo ang
guestroom kung saan may isa pang kutson doon at
binuhat 'yon patungo sa kuwarto niya kasama ang bagong
Zehannah immediately felt Reigo's stare on her. From
the moment she entered up to the moment she finished
preparing Reigo's bed. She had to step out again to
get him a set of pillows and Zehannah took it as a
brief rest from Reigo's stares.
Hindi na nagulat si Zehannah na nang makabalik siya ay
titig na titig na naman sa kaniya ang binata.
"Dito ka matutulog," sabi ni Zehannah kay Reigo
pagkatapos ayusin ang hihigaan nito sa sahig, katabi
ng kama niya. "Nasa labas ang banyo. Sa kanang bahagi
paglabas mo rito, katabi lang ng kuwarto ko."
Tumango si Reigo habang titig na titig pa rin kay
Tinalikuran ni Zehannah si Reigo saka binuksan ang
closet niya para kumuha roon ng damit. Hindi nawawalan
ng damit si Zehannah sa bahay ng mga magulang niya
dahil paminsan-minsan ay umuuwi siya roon.
"Magha-half bath lang ako," paalam niya kay Reigo saka
lumabas ng kuwarto at tinungo ang banyo.
Pagkatapos niyang mag-half bath at nakapagpalit ng
damit, bumaba siya sa kusina para itanong kung may
extra bang damit ang Papa niya na puwedeng gamitin ni
"Don't worry, Zehan. Palaging may dalang damit 'yan si
Reigo sa sasakyan niya," ani Contessa. "Pahinga ka na
lang. Stop worrying about him."
Tumango si Zehannah at nag-good night na sa apat bago
bumalik sa kuwarto niya.
Zehannah opened the door and entered. "Reigo, kung
magha-half bath ka—" Hindi natapos ni Zehannah ang
sasabihin dahil nakita niyang nakatagilid na nakahiga
na si Reigo sa inihanda niyang tutulugan nito.
'Is he asleep?' Zehannah asked herself as she turned
off the light and just left the lampshade open before
she tiptoed to her bed to not wake Reigo up. But when
she laid herself on her bed, he heard a movement from
Reigo's bed, and when she turned to see what it was,
she saw Reigo sitting next to her bed, facing her. His
arms and chin rested on the edge of her bed while
looking at her softly.
His hand moved to touch her hand and fingers.
"Matutulog ka na ba?" tanong nito habang nilalaro ang
mga daliri niya.
Umiling si Zehannah. "I don't think I can sleep."
"Me too."
Silence fell on them until Reigo broke it.
"My Zee?"
"Alam kong may problema tayo. Gusto mo bang pag-
Tumagilid si Zehannah ng higa, paharap sa binata, bago
sumagot. "May... sasabihin ako sa 'yo. Will you hear
me out?"
That made Reigo nervous, but he nodded and did his
best to calm himself. "Sure, I'll hear you out."
Huminga muna nang malalim si Zehannah bago nag-
umpisang ikuwento kung ano ang nangyari noong nagdaang
gabi. Ang nakalimutan ni Reigo. At habang nakikinig si
Reigo kay Zehannah, gusto niyang sapakin ang sarili
dahil pakiramdam niya gini-guilt trip niya ang dalaga
Reigo immediately opened his mouth to explain his side
after Zehannah finished her story, but Zehannah softly
covered his mouth with her fingers.
"Hear me out first, Reigo."
Reigo swallowed his words and nodded.
Seeing that, Zehannah opened up while Reigo earnestly
listened. "Tulad mo, takot din ako, Reigo. I never
once changed what I believed in to accommodate someone
in my life. I know what I want and what I don't want.
Then you came along. I like you a lot. Like a lot, a
lot. I even sometimes think that my like is just one
step away from turning into love, but I'm scared
Reigo. Pagkatapos ng mga sinabi mo kagabi, nabuhay na
naman 'yong takot ko na masasaktan lang kita. 'Yong
takot ko na kapag may gusto ka at hindi ko naibigay,
iiwan mo ako. Kasi sa totoo lang, Reigo, natatakot
akong iwan ulit. Kaya nga ayokong makipagrelasyon kasi
palaging 'yon ang nangyayari. I don't blame my exes
for leaving me or you, if you chose to leave me
because I, myself, know what I lack, but I can't help
feeling the pain and the fear of being left behind.
"My situation, my belief, and the way I see things are
very unfair to you, Reigo. I can't even give the bare
minimum to you. Kapag nagpatuloy tayong ganito,
sigurado akong masasaktan kita nang sobra-sobra. I
know you're doing your best to understand me, but it
will take a toll on you someday and then you'll hate
me for it. Pero alam mo 'yong malala? Hindi kita
kayang pakasalan pero hindi rin kita kayang pakawalan.
Napakamakasarili ko, 'di ba?
"Sa buhay ko ngayon, ikaw ang kahuli-hulihang tao na
gusto kong masaktan. Gustong-gusto kita, Reigo. Pero
alam kong may posibilidad na hindi mo paniwalaan ang
nararamdaman ko kasi hindi ko kayang magpakasal sa
'yo." Namalisbis ang luha sa pisngi ni Zehannah. "You
said you love me, but I don't have the courage to say
I love you too, because it wouldn't make sense. Hindi
ko rin naman kasi kayang patunayan. To prove my love,
marriage is necessary, and I can't, Reigo. I can't
prove my affection towards you through that. I... I
don't think I can and it's going to hurt you. I can't
prove my love, so what's the point of saying it? They
say if you truly love someone, you marry them, but I
can't. I'm scared. I'm not ready for that. That's why
it's so suffocating knowing that I cannot give you
what you want the most from me. Napakalaki ng magiging
pagkukulang ko sa 'yo kung itutuloy natin kung ano man
ang mayroon tayo ngayon. Mas makabubuti pang maghiwa—"
"Don't say it," pigil ni Reigo sa iba pang sasabihin
ni Zehannah.
Zehannah bit her lower lip.
Reigo had to breathe deeply to calm himself. Seeing
his Zee cry was making him angry. And it made him
shake in fury listening to her view on love and
relationship because he knew someone did that to her.
Someone made his Zee believe that that was the meaning
of love and relationship!
"My Zee... just who the fuck told you that to prove
your love, you have to marry them?"
Zehannah dried her tears. "It's based on my
Reigo's jaw tightened. He wanted to beat her exes. "My
Zee, marriage is not proof. It's a commitment between
two people who chose each other to be together for a
A sad smile appeared on Zehannah's face. "Everyone who
asked my hand in marriage thinks otherwise. They said
that if I truly love them, I'll marry them. When I
said no, they left me simply because I don't want to
marry. Kaya napagtanto ko na walang silbing magsabi ng
mahal din kita. Kasi kailangan palaging may pruweba.
Kailangan laging patunayan sa pamamagitan ng kasal.
Kaya ng sabihin mo sa 'kin ang mga 'yon kagabi,
natakot kaagad ako kasi paano kung hingan mo rin ako
ng pruweba sa pamamagitan ng kasal tapos umayaw ako?
Siguradong iiwan mo ako at ayoko nang maiwan ulit.
Alam kong makasarili ang kagustuhan kong hindi iwan
kahit wala naman akong maibigay pero ayoko lang
talagang iwan mo ako. Ayokong maging isa ka sa mga
taong gusto kong kalimutan kasi hindi ko alam kung
kakayanin kong mag-move on kung ikaw ang mang-iiwan sa
'kin. I considered leaving you last night, to save
myself, but I couldn't because I don't even know if I
can stand back up again. That's how big of an impact
you brought into my life and I'm scared, Reigo. I'm
used to doing things on my own, but now, I can't even
sleep peacefully without you sleeping beside me.
Sino'ng hindi matatakot do'n? I'm changing and I'm
scared, Reigo. I'm scared..."
Bumagsak na naman ang luha sa gilid ng mga mata ni
Zehannah at nang humagulgol ang dalaga, parang may
pumipiga sa dibdib ni Reigo. Her exes and her
experiences with them molded Zehannah's view of
relationships. And Reigo was so angry that those
bastards hurt the woman he loved and turned her into
someone jaded and traumatized her.
He was livid.
"I'm sorry that I'm scared." Zehannah touched Reigo's
trembling hand. "I'm just fed up with always being
left behind. First my mom, then my past relationships,
not that I blame them. And now that I have you, I'm
more scared than ever."
"And I thought I had the worst exes," Reigo joked to
lighten up the mood, but he was serious. "I don't know
about your mom but those bastards don't deserve your
affection. Hell, they don't even deserve your
attention! Whatever they told you, whatever fuck up
thing they made you believe about love, relationships,
and marriage, bury them where the sun never shines.
Forget about them and look at me," he begged. "Look at
me, my Zee. Just me. Focus on me. And let me show you
what genuine love and relationship looks like."
Zehannah obliged, and she looked at Reigo. Just Reigo.
"I'm looking..."
Reigo reached out his hand to caress Zehannah's damp
cheek. "My Zee, genuine love is selfless—it does not
ask for anything. And a genuine relationship means not
giving up on someone just because your situation does
not favor you. A relationship is all about facing the
situation and the problem together and finding a way
to make it work. And that's what I want from you, Zee.
I want to make this work. I'm not going to give up on
you just because you don't want to marry. As long as
you hold my hand and as long as you want to be with
me, I will stay with you for the rest of our lives.
Married or not, I'm staying, my Zee. Getting rid of me
is not that easy. I will redefine your belief in love
and relationship, so get ready. I'm not going
A tear fell from Zehannah's eyes, and she started
whimpering. "Why are you always like this to me?"
Reigo smiled lovingly. "Because I love you."
She sobbed as her hand touched Reigo's face softly.
"You're really amazing. Do you know that?"
Reigo chuckled. "You're the only one who said that to
me while crying, and you're also the only one I will
With tears on her face, Zehannah smiled sadly. "I'm so
close to breaking it off with you."
"I know. But I won't let you."
"But being with me will hurt you, Reigo."
"That's where you're wrong, my Zee. Being with you
makes me so goddamn happy." He gave her an earnest
smile. "Kaya kapag pumasok sa isip mo na gusto mo
akong itulak palayo at hiwalayan, kausapin mo ako.
Hindi ako magsasawa na ipaalala sa 'yo at ipaintindi
sa 'yo na mahal na mahal kita at sa 'yo lang ako
Tears fell from Zehannah eyes again. "Pero ayaw kitang
"Pain is part of life, my Zee. At alam ko kung ano'ng
pinasok ko nang pilitin kong maging parte ng buhay
mo." Reigo intertwined their hands together and kissed
the back of Zehannah's hand. "Ang mga sinabi ko
kagabi, hindi ko man maalala pero hindi ko ikakaila
ang mga 'yon. I really want to marry you, Zee, but I'm
afraid to ask because I know the answer I'm going to
get. But if you can't give me that, then I won't force
you. Yes, it pains me, but not being with you and you
pushing me away will hurt me more." He shrugged. "I
know you think that there's no other way in our
situation, but that's not true. There's always a way
and we will find it and we'll make it work. Together.
Because that's what a relationship is. Choosing each
other and deciding to make it work even when the
situation is not ideal."
Zehannah bit her lower lip to stop her tears from
falling again. How she wished she met Reigo earlier.
She could've saved herself from a lot of heartaches.
And he could've saved himself from those cheating exes
he had. "How I wished I met you when I was younger..."
"Same thoughts." Reigo smiled. "Pero kung maaga tayong
nagkakilala, siguradong masasaktan kita. I know
nothing about relationships before. It took me a lot
of break-ups and observing my married friends to
realize what a relationship is. Nagbago lang ako nang
makilala kita. I applied everything that I learned
from my previous relationships and from my friends.
That's why I turned out a little okay. Kung nakilala
mo ako noon pa, baka hindi mo ako nagustuhan. Though
there was one thing about me that didn't change over
the years."
Zehannah got curious. "And that is?"
Reigo grinned. "I have always been delicious."
Mabilis na pinisil ni Zehannah ang pisngi ni Reigo na
ikinatawa lang ng binata. Kapagkuwan ay naging seryoso
"Zee, I have a request. Will you grant it?"
Zehannah became serious too. "Tell me and I'll see
what I can do."
Reigo intertwined their hand again, and he looked her
in the eyes. "My Zee, I know that even after we
talked, there's still a lot going on in your mind.
Your trauma won't disappear just because of my words.
I know because my insecurities still gnaw at me from
time to time. We've both gone through some shits and
we're imperfect in so many ways, but there is one
thing that could make everything better.
Communication. Kapag pumasok na naman sa isip mo na
gusto mo akong itulak palayo, kapag nilukob ka na
naman ng takot, kapag hindi ka makapag-isip nang tama,
at kapag may pag-aalinlangan ka sa relasyon natin,
kausapin mo lang ako. We'll talk and we will figure it
out. Can you do that for me, my Zee?"
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah saka tumango. "I
A broad smile appeared on Reigo's lips. "I'll do the
same. We can do this."
Tumango si Zehannah saka sinuklian ang ngiti ng
binata. "Thank you, babe."
Reigo frowned. "For what?"
"For not leaving me. It honestly scared me."
"I was scared shit as well that you'll leave me."
Mahina natawa ang binata. "Look at that. We have the
same fear. We're really made for each other."
Umirap si Zehannah. "Seryoso ako, Reigo."
Reigo rubbed the back of his finger against the tip of
Zehannah's nose. "I'm just lightening up the mood.
Ayokong nakikita kang umiiyak at malungkot. It hurts
me to see you cry. I'd rather see my Zee being haughty
and proud than sad and crying."
Gumalaw si Zehannah sa pagkakahiga at dumapa sa kama,
paharap kay Reigo saka inilapat niya ang mga labi sa
labi ng binata.
She kissed him tenderly, and Reigo smiled against her
lips, enjoying the tender kiss. And when Zehannah
pulled away, Reigo smiled at her and rested his chin
back on the edge surface of the bed and whispered
"I love you, my Zee."
Zehannah smiled before she leaned in and placed the
softest kiss on Reigo's forehead.
There were no words spoken. Just a simple kiss on the
forehead that lasted for a couple of seconds. But
Reigo felt it. Zehannah's affection and care for him.
It's beyond words. And it left him speechless.
NAPATINGIN SINA Rohan at Cameron sa pintuan ng kusina
nang pumasok doon sina Contessa at Dan na
nagbubulungan. Bumalik lang sa normal ang mga boses ng
mga ito nang tuluyang makapasok ang dalawa sa kusina
at makalapit sa hapag-kainan.
"Well?" Rohan asked Contessa and Dan.
"What happened?" segundang tanong ni Cameron sa
Sabay na umupo sa hapag-kainan sina Dan at Contessa na
siyang umakyat sa taas at palihim na nakinig sa labas
ng pintuan ng kuwarto ni Zehannah.
Contessa sighed. "We didn't get to hear their entire
conversation. Sayang ang pakiki-tsismis namin."
"But," Dan added. "We heard that they'll work it out."
Rohan smiled, and Cameron nodded.
"I'm glad they're okay," ani Rohan. "Who would have
thought that my son had it in him to communicate and
Ngumiti na rin si Contessa. "Oo nga. Palaging may
girlfriend noon si Reigo tapos palagi siyang
hinihiwalayan dahil wala siyang oras o kaya naman
dahil sa ibang bagay. Akala ko hindi na magseseryoso
ang batang 'yon. But I stand corrected. Kailangan niya
lang pala si Zehannah para magseryoso."
"Everyone has that special person in their life. The
one that would motivate them to change for the
better." Cameron glanced at Dan who also looked at
Cameron. "And when you finally found that person, you
will never let him go. That's when you know that he's
the one."
Rohan nodded at Cameron's words. "We breathe
differently when we finally met that person we want to
grow old with." He glanced at Contessa. "Even when
that person had her own set of rules. We compromise."
Contessa shrugged at her husband and raised her
eyebrow. "I bend my rules for you, dear. You should be
Rohan grinned. "I am. Forever and always proud that I
have you as my wife."
Umingos si Contessa. "As you should."
Dan chuckled at the two. "I feel like I can see my
Zehan and Reigo's future after listening to you two."
Tumango si Contessa. "Very precise, Dan. I'm like
Zehan before. I have so many traumas and issues. Hindi
ko nga alam bakit hindi ako iniwan ng isang 'to, e."
Tinuro nito si Rohan.
Rohan shrugged at that. "Because I know you're the one
for me."
Contessa had a satisfied smile on her lips before she
turned to Dan and Cameron. "We should do this often.
Next time, let's have dinner at our house. Then mag-
sleepover din kayo."
Napangiwi si Dan sa narinig. "I don't think I can
sleep in your house, Madam Contessa?"
"Why not?" Humaba ang nguso ni Contessa. "I made sure
our house is very comfortable. Just like yours."
Umiling si Dan. "Kinuwento sa 'kin ni Zehan ang bahay
niyo. I don't think I have the courage to walk on a
pavement with insanely expensive gemstones."
Tumawa si Rohan. "May technique riyan. Don't look
down. That's what I always do every day."
"Come on." Contessa shrugged with her shoulder and
hands. "It's not that expensive."
"Sabi ko nga," ani Dan.
Tumingin si Contessa kay Cameron. "Ayaw mo rin? Our
house is very comfortable, you know."
Napangiwi si Cameron at hindi na nagkomento. Masaya
sila ni Dan na walang arte sa katawan ang mga magulang
ni Reigo at kayang sakyan kung ano lang ang kaya
nilang ibigay, pero ibang usapan pa rin ang bahay ng
mga ito. Just listening to Zehan's story was enough
for him.
Napabuntonghininga si Contessa dahil hindi nito
mapilit ang mga magulang ni Zehannah. "Fine, I won't
force you two. But someday, you have to come visit."
Dan and Cameron nodded. "We will."
That was enough for Contessa, so she raised her wine
glass. "Cheers to our children who are finally
The three also raised their glasses and said,
As the four celebrated, Zehannah and Reigo were still
talking. But Reigo has already changed position. He
was now sitting on Zehannah's bed, his back against
the bed frame while Zehannah was lying on the bed. Her
head was on Reigo's lap as Reigo caressed and combed
her hair softly.
"Mukhang napaaway rin ang iba kong kaibigan sa mga
asawa nila dahil doon sa hangover cure ni Ymar,"
kuwento ni Reigo kay Zehannah tungkol sa tunay na
nangyari at kung sino ang salarin ng biglaan nitong
pagtatapat sa dalaga at pagkalimot nito kinaumagahan.
"Ymar said the drink manifested our negative emotions,
but I confessed my love. There's nothing negative
about it."
"Baka negative sa iba, naging truth serum sa 'yo. Iba-
iba naman kasi ang tao."
Reigo grimaced. "Good thing we didn't part ways
because of that fucking hangover cure."
Napailing si Zehannah. "Bakit naman kasi ininom niyo
kahit alam niyo naman na hindi pa clinically proven at
hindi pa FDA approved?"
"Si Knight kasi..." Reigo clicked his tongue. "Nadamay
pa kami sa book of life experience niya."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Kasalanan niyo pa rin.
Hindi naman kayo siguro pinilit ni Knight."
Reigo groaned and frowned at Zehannah. "My Zee, I'm
your delicious babe here. You should side with me."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Totoo naman ang sinabi ko."
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Reigo. "Hindi talaga ako
mananalo sa 'yo. Oo na lang."
Ngumiti si Zehannah saka tumagilid ng ng higa at
niyakap ang likod ng baywang ng binata gamit ang isa
niyang braso.
And Reigo groaned at that. "My Zee, your face is
literally on my crouch. Can you show mercy? Nandito
tayo sa bahay niyo. Baka makatay ako nina Tito Cam at
Tito Dan."
Zehannah just smiled and even kissed Reigo's crotch.
Napailing na lang si Reigo. "You are one mean woman."
Zehannah smiled. "You love this mean woman."
Reigo sighed in defeat. "Yes. Yes, I do."
Zehannah's smile turned triumphant. "Then stop
complaining. I'll eat you up tomorrow."
"Deal," mabilis pa sa alas-kuwarto na sagot ni Reigo.
"Basta kahalayan talaga."
Ngumiti si Reigo. "Of course. Ako pa ba? Pagdating sa
'yo, nanginginig pa."
Zehannah just shook her head and continued moving her
head closer to Reigo's stomach.
"My Zee?"
"I'm getting a feeling that our parents planned this
'sleep in your room' thing. Or maybe it's just me..."
Mas inilapit ni Zehannah ang ulo sa tiyan ng binata
dahil gusto niyang ibaon ang mukha niya sa abs nito.
"It was ten PM when they sent us to bed. Of course,
they planned it."
"Should we thank them tomorrow?" Reigo asked
"I'm not sure, but I think seeing us talking to each
other again would make them happy."
Zehannah finally buried her face in Reigo's abs. "If
they planned this, then, yeah."
Bumaba ang tingin ni Reigo kay Zehannah. "Nakakahinga
ka pa ba sa ginagawa mo?"
"Yep. I'm enjoying your abs."
Reigo sighed at Zehannah. "My Zee, feel free to enjoy
the abs, but don't tickle my belly button."
But Zehannah was enjoying it. "Your belly button
smells nice." It smelled like Reigo's usual scent.
That one that smelled so good, Zehannah wanted to
sniff him.
"Of course. I clean it every day."
Zehannah kissed Reigo's belly button, then her lips
trailed from there up to his nipple, licking and
biting it. Zehannah's head was basically inside
Reigo's shirt.
"My Zee..." Reigo was breathing heavily. "Do you want
me to be killed by your parents?"
Sumimangot si Zehannah dahil alam niyang malaki ang
posibilidad na mahuli sila ng mga magulang niya kung
itutuloy niya ang panghaharot kay Reigo kaya naman
tumigil na lang si Zehannah saka bumalik sa
pagkakahiga at pagkakaunan sa hita ni Reigo.
Nakahinga naman nang maluwang ang binata. "You horny,
my Zee?"
"Yeah," walang patumpik-tumpik na sagot ni Zehannah.
She had become so comfortable with Reigo that she
could express her sexual desires to him with no
inhibitions because she knew Reigo would never judge
her. "We were so distant the whole day because of what
happened and my issues. Now that we made up, I want
some make-up sex, babe."
Sinulyapan ni Reigo ang hindi naka-lock na pintuan.
"But we're not even allowed to lock the door."
Zehannah looked so down. "I know," she groaned in
annoyance. "At may pakiramdam ako na bigla-bigla na
lang bubuksan ni Papi ang pintuan ng kuwarto ko para
i-check kung ano'ng ginagawa natin."
Reigo sighed heavily as if they were facing a big
crisis. "I miss your condo."
"Hmm. Me too."
Seeing Zehannah's frustrated and annoyed face, Reigo
chuckled before he wrapped her Zee in his arms and
pulled her closer so he could feel her body heat.
"Let's just settle with this for now."
Zehannah said nothing, but the frustration and
annoyance on her face were slowly disappearing. It
seemed like Reigo's embrace was working to calm
Moments later, Zehannah spoke, breaking the brief
silence when she thought of something. "Babe?"
"Yes, my Zee?"
"Want to go clubbing next week?"
That made Reigo frown. "Clubbing? You're into that?"
"Yep. Masyado lang akong busy kaya hindi ko na
nagagawa," sagot ni Zehannah. "I used to go clubbing
to destress."
Reigo's face darkened when a thought came to mind.
"Let me guess, maraming lumalapit sa 'yong lalaki na
gusto kang bilhan ng maiinom?"
Zehannah looked at Reigo and chuckled. "Why do you
sound and look so jealous? It's before I met you,
Reigo was still looking pissed. "Can't help it. I'm
Zehannah was amused. "You don't have to be, though.
Ikaw lang naman ang lalaking hinayaan kong gawin 'yon
sa 'kin sa CR ng club."
"You were drunk back then." Reigo had a sullen face.
"Kung hindi tayo nalasing noong gabing 'yon, hahayaan
mo pa rin ba ako?"
"Probably not."
Reigo's face fell and Zehannah laughed.
"What?" Zehannah was still laughing. "You're clearly
delicious, but I'm not easy, Reigo. Kahit pa ikaw
'yong tipo ng lalaki na luluhuran at kakantahan, hindi
ako basta-basta luluhod at kakanta para sa 'yo, 'no.
Pasalamat ka alam kong masarap ka kaya pinapasok kita
at niluhuran noong magkita tayo ulit pero natagalan pa
rin 'yon."
Sinapo ni Reigo ang dibdib nito kung nasaan ang puso
nito. "I think you just broke the heart of this
handsome with a big dick that brought you to high
heavens, my Zee."
Umangat ang kamay ni Zehannah para pisilin ang pisngi
ni Reigo. "You're adorable."
Reigo chuckled at that and looked down at Zehannah
with a teasing smile on his lips. "Earlier, you called
me amazing, and now, adorable. My Zee, are you sure
you still haven't fallen for me?"
Zehannah became silent, then she said, "I don't know.
I'm not sure. Ayoko namang sagutin ka na hindi ako
sigurado at hindi ko kayang panindigan. I will not say
those words until I'm sure."
"Sure about what?"
Misteryosong ngumiti lang si Zehannah saka tinuro ang
higaan ni Reigo. "Balik ka na sa higaan mo. Matutulog
na ako."
Kaagad na sumama ang mukha ni Reigo. "Ayaw mo akong
makatabing matulog?"
"Gusto mong makatay ng dalawa kong Papa?" balik tanong
ni Zehannah kay Reigo.
Immediately, Reigo left Zehannah's bed and went back
to his—on the floor.
Natatawa namang nahiga si Zehannah nang patagilid, sa
gilid ng kama niya, paharap kay Reigo na nakahiga rin
nang patagilid at nakaharap sa kaniya.
"This is torture," reklamo ni Reigo.
Nagkibit-balikat lang si Zehannah saka ipinikit ang
mga mata. "Hindi ako nakatulog nang maayos kagabi sa
kakaisip. Pero ngayong okay na tayo, parang ang sarap
matulog dahil alam kong pagkagising ko bukas, nasa
tabi pa rin kita."
Parang may humaplos sa dibdib ni Reigo sa mga sinabi
ni Zehannah. "It would be my pleasure to be by your
side and to be the first person you see in the
With her eyes still closed, Zehannah smiled softly as
if Reigo's words had softened her up that she was
And as Reigo stared at Zehannah on the bed, slowly,
she lost her smile together with her consciousness.
She fell asleep just as easily as breathing. And it
was because Reigo was close to her.
Meanwhile, Reigo's eyes followed Zehannah's hand which
fell from the bed and was now hanging down.
Unconsciously, his body moved closer to Zehannah's bed
and when his hand could finally reach Zehannah's hand
that was hanging down, he intertwined their pinky
fingers and uttered a silent promise to Zehannah and
A moment later, he found himself smiling at himself at
how silly and cheesy he was before he closed his eyes
and fell asleep with his pinky finger still
intertwined with his Zee.
THE MOMENT ZEHANNAH opened her eyes the next morning,
the first person she saw was Reigo and instantly, it
brought a smile onto her lips. For some reason, he was
now on her bed and cuddling her. Hindi niya niya
namalayan ang paglipat nito sa kama niya pero hindi
siya nagrereklamo.
To see that handsome face with a caring heart so early
in the morning, she was a very lucky woman.
So handsome.
Paunti-unti, maingat na iginalaw ni Zehannah ang kamay
para masuyong sapuin ang mukha ng binata at
pinakatitigan ito hanggang sa magsawa siya at
pinakawalan ang pisngi nito.
"Does my Zee already have her fill?" The bastard
suddenly spoke.
Zehannah playfully punched Reigo's stomach. "Sigurado
akong kanina ka pa gising."
Bumukas ang mga mata ni Reigo at nanunudyo siyang
nginitian. "I didn't have the heart to disturb my Zee
while staring at me."
Inirapan niya ang binata saka piningot ang tainga
nito. "Ang sabihin mo, gustong-gusto mo na tinititigan
kita kaya nagpanggap kang tulog pa rin."
"Yes. You're right." Reigo didn't even bother denying
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah saka bumangon.
Pero bago pa siya makaalis ng kama, nahila siya ni
Reigo pabalik sa kama sa baywang.
Inosenteng nginitian lang siya ng binata bago siya
kinubabawan at hinalikan sa noo. "Good morning, my
It was sweet, so Zehannah replied. "Good morning din."
Reigo then dropped three sweet kisses on her lips
before he got up and left the bed. "Kuha lang ako ng
pampalit na damit sa sasakyan ko."
"Okay," was all Zehannah could say because she could
feel her heart beating fast because of those three
sweet kisses.
At ilang segundo pa siyang nanatili sa kama at
nakatitig sa kisame bago siya nagkaroon ng lakas na
bumangon, kumuha ng damit sa closet, at tumungo sa
banyo na nasa labas ng kuwarto para maligo.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, she found Reigo
waiting outside.
And Mr. Delicacy kissed her again before he stepped
Naiiling na napapangiti na lang si Zehannah na bumalik
sa kuwarto para tuyuin ang buhok at mag-ayos para sa
pagsimba nila.
Nang matapos siyang mag-ayos, tamang-tama naman na
bumukas ang pintuan ng kuwarto niya at pumasok si
Zehannah couldn't help standing up from her vanity
chair and licking her lips as she stared at Reigo
handsomely walking toward her in a simple white shirt
and faded blue jeans. He looked so handsome, so clean,
so fresh, and so delicious.
Parang gusto niya itong gawing agahan. Pero nagpigil
siya dahil nasa bahay siya ng mga magulang niya.
Reigo smiled as he stopped in front of her. Seeing how
his Zee looked at him, Reigo was feeling cocky and
confident. Who wouldn't be? The woman he loved was
looking at him like she wanted to have him for
breakfast and if they were not in Zehannah's parents'
house, they would have enjoyed their breakfast under
the sheets, naked and moaning.
"How do I look?" Reigo asked his Zee.
Zehannah thought that there was no point denying the
truth. "Handsome."
Reigo smiled. "Yeah?"
"Hmm." Zehannah leaned in and placed a kiss on Reigo's
lips and whispered over his lips. "Such a handsome
Reigo licked Zehannah's bottom lip, and he whispered
back, "Imagine that handsome face in between your
Zehannah unconsciously bit her lower lip because she
really imagined it. It just filled her mind, and she
groaned before she buried her face in Reigo's neck.
"I hate you." She whimpered. "You're not handsome
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "I don't believe you."
"Huwag mo akong landiin. Ang aga-aga. Ayokong maging
Reigo gathered Zehannah in his arms and kissed her
temple. "Labas na tayo? Baka ibang agahan ang makain
natin kung mananatili tayo rito sa kuwarto mo."
Tumango si Zehannah saka humakbang palayo kay Reigo
saka tinampal-tampal ang sariling pisngi para mawala
sa kaberdehan ang diwa niya at nauna nang lumabas ng
Nangingiti namang sumunod si Reigo kay Zehannah at
magkasunod na pumasok ang dalawa sa kusina.
Their parents were already there, enjoying coffee and
"Good morning," nakangiting bati ni Contessa sa
dalawa. "How's your sleep?"
Reigo intertwined his hand with Zehannah and showed it
to their parents. "It was good."
Mas lumapad ang ngiti ni Contessa habang ang iba naman
ay napatango at masaya na maayos na ang dalawa.
"Upo na kayong dalawa," aya ni Dan. "Mag-agahan na
kayo. Magsisimba pa tayo."
Kaagad namang nag-agahan sina Reigo at Zehannah. At
nang matapos sila, kaagad na umalis ang dalawang
pamilya patungong simbahan. Nag-convoy lang ang mga
First to leave were Cameron and Dan, then followed by
Rohan and Contessa and the last ones were Reigo and
Nang makarating sila sa simbahan, tahimik silang
pumasok at naupo sa pinakagitnang bahagi.
From the beginning of the mass up to the end, Reigo
held Zehannah's hand like he didn't want to let go.
Hinayaan lang ito ni Zehannah dahil gusto naman niya
ang pakiramdam ng kamay nito sa kamay niya.
Nang matapos ang mesa, inaya ng mga magulang ni
Zehannah ang lahat patungo sa parte ng simbahan kung
saan sila puwedeng magsindi ng kandila at magdasal.
Nang makarating sila sa candle lighting area, bumili
ang anim ng kandila saka nagkaniya-kaniyang hanap ng
bakanteng mapaglalagyan niyon.
When Reigo and Zehannah found a spot. They lit their
candles and placed them carefully before they prayed.
Zehannah thanked the Lord for her parents' good
health, healthy relationship, and career. And then she
thanked the Lord for guiding their agency and for
taking care of her and Cassia. Then she prayed for
Reigo's parents' good health and prosperous life. And
at the end of her prayer, she closed her eyes and
'Lord, thank you for letting me met Reigo. Alam ko na
palagi kong pinagpapasalamat 'to sa 'yo, pero
magpapasalamat ulit ako. Salamat dahil pinakilala mo
sa 'kin ang lalaking hindi ko akalain na magpapahalaga
sa 'kin nang ganito. Please continue guiding us to the
right path and the right choices. Amen.'
Zehannah had a long prayer. Meanwhile, Reigo had a
simple one.
'I pray for my Zee's happiness. Amen.'
And then Reigo spent his couple of minutes watching
his Zee pray. He was curious about what his Zee was
praying for because she looked so earnest.
When Zehannah opened her eyes, she immediately glanced
at Reigo and found him looking at her. "What?" she
Reigo shrugged. "Nothing."
"Tapos ka nang magdasal?"
Tumango si Reigo. "Yeah. I had a very short prayer, so
it was quick."
Zehannah was reluctant to ask, but she was curious.
"What did you pray for?"
"Your happiness."
Napaawang ang labi niya sa binata. Hindi siya
nakagalaw. Ni hindi niya alam ang sasabihin niya.
Inilahad ni Reigo ang kamay sa dalaga na nakatitig pa
rin dito. "Let's go? Mukhang hinihintay na tayo nina
Mommy at Tito Dan."
Wala sa sariling tinanggap ni Zehannah ang kamay ni
Reigo saka nagpaubaya nang masuyo siya nitong iginiya
patungo kung saan naroon ang mga magulang nila.
And Zehannah still couldn't move on from Reigo's
prayer, even though they already left the church and
were now in a restaurant to have an early lunch.
"Zehan, 'nak, ayos ka lang ba? Namumula ang mukha mo,"
tanong ni Cameron nang mapansing may kakaiba sa anak.
"May lagnat ka ba?"
Worried, Dan immediately pressed his palm against
Zehannah's forehead. "She's warmer than usual."
Cameron and Dan were both doting fathers. They
immediately fussed over Zehannah, asking if she was
okay and if she's feeling ill, so Zehannah didn't have
a choice but to come clean about why her face was red
and warm.
"Papi, Papa," pabulong siyang nagsalita para silang
tatlo lang ang makarinig sa ipagtatapat niya. "I'm
okay. I'm just blushing."
Cameron and Dan looked at Zehannah flatly before they
went back to their seats and acted like nothing
"Mukhang nainitan lang si Zehan," wika ni Cameron.
Dan nodded. "Mainit naman talaga sa labas."
Contessa and Rohan agreed. Meanwhile, Reigo leaned
into Zehannah to ask.
"Are you really okay?"
Tumango si Zehannah habang pinapakalma ang sarili.
"So, what are you two going to do after here?" Rohan
asked Zehannah and Reigo.
"Home," Zehannah answered.
"Condo," Reigo answered at the same time.
Contessa smirked at her son. "Oh, may condo ka na pala
Reigo smirked back at his mother. "I don't. I'm going
to my Zee's condo because we decided to have a date
"Oh?" Cameron raised his eyebrow at Reigo. "At anong
klaseng date ang gagawin niyong dalawa sa condo ng
anak ko?"
Zehannah pinched Reigo's thigh, and it was a code they
came up with to not make a mess that would get them
"Binge watch my Zee's show that had become my favorite
on Netflix."
"Watch my favorite show while enjoying a wine."
Sabay na sagot ni Zehannah at Reigo. Siyempre, walang
naniwala pero hindi na lang pinagsabi ng mga ito at
in-enjoy na lang ng mga ito ang maaga nilang
After lunch, everyone bid their farewell and then
Reigo literally drove to Zehannah's condo like he was
being chased by a demon.
And the moment they entered Zehannah's condo and
closed the door, no words were exchanged. Their lips
hungrily found each other while their hands stripped
one another. Nothing was more important to Zehannah
and Reigo at that moment than owning, tasting, and
fucking each other until they had enough—which was not
going to happen.
MAHIGPIT NA NANGUNYAPIT si Zehannah sa bedsheet at
malakas na napadaing ng isagad ni Reigo ang kahabaan
nito sa loob niya at sinundan nito iyon ng malalakas
na ulos na halos gumina sa pagkababae ni Zehannah.
Pero sa halip na patigilin ang binata dahil sa
masidhing paglalabas-masok nito sa loob niya, mas
ibinuka pa niya ang mga mga hita at tuhod na nakaluhod
sa kama at inabot ang headboard ng kama kung saan
nangunyapit ang isa niyang kamay.
"Ahh! Ahh! Fuck! Yes! Harder!" Iyon lang ang mga
katagang lumabas sa bibig ni Zehannah habang habol ang
hininga. "Ahh! Faster...! Oh, shit! Malapit na ako."
"My pleasure..." Reigo replied with a hoarse voice as
he thoroughly fucked his Zee from behind.
Zehannah gripped the headboard and her body arched
when Reigo buried his cock deep and hard and rough
again and again inside her that Zehannah could feel
her legs trembling at the intensity.
"Oh, god! Ahh! Shit! Reigo—ahhh!"
Reigo continued burying his cock deep and hard.
"Fuck... so tight..." he muttered under his breath as
his head fell back with his eyes closed and mouth
Zehannah buried her entire face on the pillow while
still holding on to the bed frame and gripping the
sheet. She was gasping for breath at every thrust and
when Reigo buried his cock more deeply, Zehannah swore
her eyes roll back deliriously as she accepted every
Zehannah and Reigo were both out of breath, sweating,
and exhausted since it was not the first time that
night that they did it, but the intensity of their
lovemaking hadn't lessened. It even became more
aggressive to the point where Zehannah's whole body
was trembling.
"My Zee," Reigo said as he buried his cock deep while
his hand reached to tease and rub Zehannah's clit to
bring her more pleasure—enough to make her tremble and
breathless. "I love you and I love fucking you."
Zehannah's knees finally gave up. There was already no
strength left on her legs even though she still hadn't
come, but Reigo didn't let her body fall into the
Hinawakan ni Reigo ang balakang ni Zehannah, iniangat
iyon saka walang pasabing isinagad nito ang
pagkalalaki sa loob nang dahan-dahan na napasigaw na
lang siya sa sarap.
Reigo thrust deep again. And again. And again. Until
the only thing that could be heard inside Zehannah's
room was her and Reigo's moan of pleasure.
Supporting her hips, rubbing her clit, and fucking her
from behind, Zehannah screamed as her orgasm ripped
through her. Sagad na sagad ang bawat bayo ni Reigo sa
pagkababae niya na halos mawalan siya ng ulirat nang
labasan siya. Lalo na nang sabayan siya ng binata at
ipinutok nito ang mainit na katas sa loob niya.
Parehong habol ang hininga na bumagsak ang katawan
nina Zehannah at Reigo sa kama. Nakatalikod pa rin si
Zehannah kay Reigo at nakayakap naman ang binata kay
Zehannah sa baywang na para bang ayaw nitong pakawalan
si Zehannah.
And slowly, as they caught their breathing, Reigo's
length slid out and Reigo pulled Zehannah even closer
to him.
"Babe, I'm not going anywhere," Zehannah groaned while
still taking deep breaths.
"Even so..." Reigo pulled Zehannah closer to him
again. "I want you close."
Zehannah turned her body around to face Reigo, then
she made Reigo's arm into her pillow and brought her
body close to Reigo—as close as she could possibly be—
while hugging him.
"Is this okay?"
Napangiti si Reigo sa ginawa ng dalaga. "Hmm.
Zehannah didn't speak after that. She just stayed
close to Reigo, as if taking solace after what
happened in their agency that day.
"Feeling better now?" Reigo canceled his meeting so he
could go home early and console his Zee.
Hindi alam ni Reigo ang nangyari basta tumawag na lang
sa kaniya si Zehannah na parang nagpa-panic. He didn't
even ask what's wrong. He immediately canceled his
meeting, picked her up from her agency, and drove to
her condo. And when they arrived, as if wanting to
forget what happened, Zehannah asked Reigo to make
love to her, which Reigo immediately obliged.
"My Zee...?" Reigo was worried. "Do you want to talk?"
Tumango si Zehannah habang nakayakap pa rin kay Reigo.
They did it so many times because Zehannah wanted to
forget her worries, but even when it's already past
midnight, she was still worried.
Doon napagtanto ni Zehannah na kailangan niya ng
"It's Cassia. I'm worried." Zehannah remembered again
how panicked Cassia was earlier when that demon from
her past resurfaced and contacted her.
Seeing her friend in that state, Zehannah was reminded
again how scared she was when Cassia never spoke a
word—not even to her—after that incident. Kaya ayaw na
ayaw niyang nakikitang umiiyak si Cassia dahil naalala
niya ang hindi magandang kalagayan nito noon na
tumakot sa kaniya.
Kaya nang makita niya ito kanina, parang bumalik ang
takot niya na bumalik na naman sa dati ang kaibigan.
It was a good thing that Cassia had her husband who
loved her and cared for her.
Maybe that was the reason why she couldn't help
calling Reigo. When she saw Thorn taking care of
Cassia, she just had the strong urge to feel Reigo's
arms around her, knowing that she will feel better.
"Did something happen to Thorn's wife?" Reigo asked as
he caressed Zehannah's bare back.
"It was personal. I can't tell you. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. Just tell what you can."
Zehannah told Reigo what happened while skipping
Cassia's past and that traumatic incident. "Nag-aalala
ako sa kaniya. Nang makita ko siya kaninang takot na
takot, hindi ko alam ang gagawin ko. I acted like I'm
calm, and I had it under control while trying to calm
her, but... it scared me too. I don't want to see her
suffering and in pain again. It's too painful."
Reigo hugged his Zee. Alam na alam ni Reigo kung gaano
pinapahalagahan ni Zehannah si Cassia. She even got
mad at him for making Cassia cry. "She's with Thorn
now. Masama ang ugali ng isang 'yon pero pagdating sa
asawa niya, maalaga 'yon."
"I know. Sobrang nag-aalala lang talaga ako kay
Cassia. Kung puwede ko nga lang sabihin na huwag
siyang pumasok bukas. But knowing Cassia, I'm sure
she'll be at work tomorrow like nothing happened."
"Want me to make love to you again?" Reigo suggested
innocently. "One more round to make you forget your
Umiling si Zehannah. "Nope. Siguradong hindi ako
makakalakad mamaya. My legs are already trembling,
Reigo, and I have work."
"But you're still not drained, my Zee."
Zehannah punched Reigo's abdomen. "And I don't want to
be drained. May trabaho pa ako mamaya."
Kaagad na nagreklamo si Reigo. "So kapag ako, ayos
lang na masaid kahit may trabaho ako pero ikaw hindi
ko puwedeng sairin?"
Zehannah nodded haughtily. "Yes, babe. Aren't I
amazing? Hindi ka na makakahanap ng ibang babae na
kaya kang sairin. Ako lang. Be grateful and say thank
Reigo sighed. "Sabi ko nga. Thank you, my Zee."
Ngumiti si Zehannah at mas lalo pang isiniksik ang
katawan sa katawan ni Reigo bago pinikit ang mga mata
para matulog. At dahil sa katahimikan ni Zehannah,
akala ni Reigo ay nakatulog na ang dalaga hanggang sa
masuyong tinawag nito ang pangalan ni Reigo.
Niyapos ng mga braso ni Reigo ang katawan ni Zehannah.
"Thank you."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Reigo. "For?"
"For being here with me," pabulong na sabi ni
Zehannah. "Nasisiguro kong may iniwan kang trabaho
para lang puntahan ako. Kaya salamat dahil nandito
Hinigpitan ni Reigo ang pagkakayapos kay Zehannah. "I
will always be with you, my Zee. Through high and low,
I will stay."
And Zehannah believed that. She trusted Reigo that
much. Napatunayan na 'yon ng binata sa kaniya kaya
siguro ganoon na lang ang tiwala niya rito. How many
times had she pushed him away? And he's still here
with me. Ilang beses na ba niyang binigyan ito ng
rason na iwan siya? Pero nandito pa rin siya sa tabi
ko. Ilang beses na niya bang kinausap si Reigo na
masasaktan lang niya ito? Pero, heto, ako pa rin ang
gusto niya.
Zehannah already resolved herself to fight the fear
that had already taken root in her very soul for
Reigo. She knew it won't be easy, the fear could
consume her in just a blink of an eye. It was always
hovering over her, ready to devour her at any moment.
But when she looked at Reigo and remembered how he
always chose her, she could feel her resolve getting
Who would have thought I'll be this soft to Mr.
"Good night, my Zee," Reigo whispered after a couple
of seconds before he pressed his lips against her
And it felt nice that Zehannah fell asleep so
comfortably. Only with Reigo that she could be like
"GROCERY TAYO mamaya?" tanong ni Zehannah kay Reigo
nang makapasok sila sa mall para pumunta sa furniture
store na napili nila. They were planning to buy a new
set of sofas and a large bed for Zehannah's condo.
'Sino'ng mag-aakala na masisira namin 'yong sofa at
kama?' tanong ni Zehannah sa isip bago
napabuntonghininga. "Halos ubos na ang stock natin sa
"Well, we've been eating at home lately." Inakbayan ni
Reigo si Zehannah saka hinalikan sa gilid ng noo.
"Pakiramdam ko nga nasasanay na ako sa matabang mong
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Says the guy who can only
do fried food."
Tiningnan nang masama ni Reigo si Zehannah. "Take that
back, my Zee. I do know how to cook! I was independent
when I was studying abroad."
Zehannah shrugged. "Well, frying is the easiest thing
to do, especially when you're independent."
"That's not—take that back, my Zee! I only suck at
peeling and cutting."
"Hmm-mm. Whatever makes you sleep better at night,
babe," Zehannah said nonchalantly with a shrug. Palagi
kasing sinasabi ni Reigo na matabang ang luto niya,
gumaganti lang siya.
"Huwag mong maliitin ang pagpiprito ko, my Zee. 'Yon
ang bumuhay sa 'kin noong nag-aaral pa ako,"
pagmamalaki ni Reigo. "And frying is a part of cooking
"Hmm-mm." Zehannah just hummed and Reigo's shoulder
Reigo sighed and whispered, "What a mean woman."
"I heard you," Zehannah pointed it out with a warning
Kaagad na tumahimik si Reigo saka hinalikan ulit sa
gilid ng noo si Zehannah. "You're right, my Zee. I'm
in the wrong. Frying is not a part of cooking."
Pigil ni Zehannah ang matawa. "Reigo, masyado pang
maaga para maging understanding ka."
Reigo pumped his chest. "I'm always an early bird, my
Napailing na lang si Zehannah at hindi na tinukso pa
si Reigo.
"What kind of bed do you want, my Zee?" tanong ni
Reigo nang makapasok sila sa furniture store.
Nagkibit-balikat ni Zehannah. "Anything big and
sturdy. 'Yong kahit magpagulong-gulong ako at kahit
gumawa tayo ng lindol, hindi masisira."
Mahinang natawa si Reigo sa deskripsyon ni Zehannah sa
kama na gusto nito. "Let's go ask a saleslady."
Nagpaubaya naman si Zehannah at hinayaan si Reigo na
kumausap sa saleslady.
"May partikular ho ba kayong gusto sa isang kama?"
balik na tanong ng saleslady nang magtanong dito si
Reigo kung puwede sila nitong tulungan sa paghahanap
ng kama na akma sa gusto nila.
Bumaling muna si Reigo kay Zehannah na hawak nito ang
kamay bago ibinalik ang atensiyon sa saleslady at
pigil ang ngiti na sumagot. "'Yong puwede kaming
dalawa magpagulong-gulong at gumawa ng lindo nang
hindi nasisira."
Mukhang kaagad na naintindihan ng saleslady ang ibig
sabihin ni Reigo dahil mahina itong natawa. Napailing
naman si Zehannah saka pinisil ang pisngi ni Reigo
dahil sa deskripsyon na binigay nito.
"What?" Reigo demanded at Zehannah. "It was your
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah saka sumunod sa
saleslady na iminuwestra ang kamay patungo sa kama na
akma sa deskripsyon nila.
"Heto po, Ma'am, Sir. Bagong design po namin ito.
Matibay, malapad at saka napaka-komportable po sa
pagtulog. Kapag ito ho ang pinili niyo, may libre po
itong dalawang unan at isang set ng bed cover ho.
Bagay na bagay po 'to sa bagong mag-asawa na katulad
niyo ho."
Ang lapad ng ngiti ni Reigo sa huling sinabi ng
saleslady. "Is it okay to try the bed? We'll keep PG."
"Y-yes, Sir."
"Well, come on, my Zee." Nauna nang umupo si Reigo sa
kama. "Let's try this bed."
Zehannah flicked Reigo's forehead. "Wala talagang
pinipiling lugar 'yang kalandian mo." Kapagkuwan ay
tinungo ni Zehannah ang kabilang bahagi ng kama at
doon naupo kapagkuwan ay nahiga para subukan ang kama.
"Should we check the durability?" Reigo asked
"Mimic the earthquake we make when we're fu—"
Zehannah glared at Reigo. "Continue that and I'll kick
you out of my condo."
Reigo immediately swallowed his words and smiled.
"So... are we buying this bed?"
Bumangon si Zehannah bago sumagot. "Mukhang maganda
nga itong kama na 'to pero tingin pa rin tayo sa iba
nilang kama bago tayo magdesisyon."
Reigo looked at the saleslady. "You heard my Zee.
Recommend us a good one."
Kaagad na tumango ang saleslady saka iginiya sila
patungo sa iba pang kama na binebenta ng mga ito.
Halfway through the bed recommendation process,
Reigo's name was called from behind them.
"Sabi ko na nga bang ikaw 'yan," anang babae ng
lumingon si Reigo kasabay ng pagharap din ni Zehannah
para tingnan kung sino ang tumawag sa binata.
Zehannah expected Reigo to grimace because she thought
it was one of his exes, but to her surprise, Reigo
smiled and greeted the woman. "Didn't expect to see
you here, Gemini."
Reigo was close to Gemini. They were childhood
friends, after all. So, to hug Gemini was pretty much
normal for both of them as a greeting. But knowing
that he had his Zee now, he didn't hug Gemini nor
touch her. He settled with a smile. And Gemini did the
same, knowing how easily her jealous husband gets
"Kumusta ka na?" tanong ni Gemini kay Reigo. "I
haven't seen you for a year. That busy?"
Tumango si Reigo. "Yep. How about you?"
"Same as always."
"How's Aidan treating you? Good?"
Gemini narrowed her eyes at Reigo. "Don't be mean to
him. He has changed for the better. He's part of the
reason I've been busy." Hinaplos ni Gemini ang tiyan.
"We're expecting."
Reigo's entire face lit up and when Zehannah saw that,
her mood became sour, but she held it in. Nag-uusap
lang naman ang dalawa. Nothing to be jealous about.
Yeah. I say that, but I am jealous. She took a deep
breath. Calm down, Zehannah. Don't be jealous. You're
not like that. Pero kahit ano pa ang sabihin niya sa
sarili, palala nang palala ang selos na nararamdaman
niya lalo na dahil nakikita niyang masayang nakikipag-
usap si Reigo kay Gemini na para bang nakalimutan
nitong may kasama ito.
But just as Zehannah thought that Reigo had forgotten
that she was with him, he turned to her and offered
his hand at her.
Naturally, she accepted and let Reigo introduce her.
"Gem, meet the woman I want to spend my whole life
with," pagpapakilala sa kaniya ni Reigo dahilan para
mawala kaagad ang selos na nararamdaman niya. "My
"Oh, my!" Gemini grinned and offered her hand.
Immediately, Zehannah noticed her wedding ring. "Nice
to meet you. I'm Gemini, Reigo's childhood friend."
Tinanggap ni Zehannah ang pakikipagkamay nito. "I'm
Zehannah. You can call me Zehan. By the way, you're
Nagtataka man sa tanong, nakangiting tumango si
Gemini. "Yes."
Doon pa lang ngumiti si Zehannah na hindi peke.
"Great. I hate feeling jealous."
Mahinang tumawa si Gemini. "No need to feel that way
towards me. I'm a very dedicated wife to my husband."
Mahinang tumawa rin si Zehannah. "My bad. Please
forgive me. Masyado lang kasing maraming barakuda ang
gustong makuha itong si Reigo. I have to be alert most
of the time. I don't want my man taken away from me
after all. Malandi lang ang isang 'to"—Zehannah
playfully pinched Reigo's chin, making Reigo chuckle—
"pero hindi ko 'to ipagpapalit sa kahit na kanino."
Pigil ni Reigo ang malapad na mapangiti pero huli na.
Halatang-halata sa bukas ng buong mukha nito na
masayang-masaya ito sa mga sinabi ni Zehannah.
"I'm glad you finally found the one for you, Reigo,"
Gemini said earnestly.
Reigo nodded proudly before softly glancing at
Zehannah. "She is indeed the one for me."
Zehannah's lips parted slightly when she felt her
heartbeat quicken at that. Trying to hide her fast-
racing heart, she smiled and pretended like those
words did not affect her when, in fact, it made her
breathing hitch, to be honest.
"Well, I have to excuse myself now," ani Gemini. "I'm
sure Aidan is looking for me now. Tumakas lang ako sa
kaniya nang makita ko kayo. He's always jealous of
Reigo, so... bye."
Zehannah and Reigo both bid their goodbyes, and when
Gemini was already out of their sight, Zehannah raised
her eyebrow at Reigo and repeated Gemini's words.
"He's always jealous of Reigo. Hmm... I wonder why."
Napangiwi si Reigo. "Well, um, I, um, made him jealous
by pretending to be romantically involved with
Gemini." Napahawak sa batok si Reigo habang unti-
unting nagpa-panic habang nagpapaliwanag lalo na nang
makitang walang emosyong nakatingin lang sa kaniya si
Zehannah. "But I'm not in any way romantically
involved with Gemini. I swear! It's just, Aidan was
hurting her, and he's fucked up, so I did what I did.
Believe me, my Zee! There is really nothing going on
with me and Gemini. Nothing. We're just childhood
friends. There is really no one but you. Just you, my
Zee. So don't be mad. I swear!"
Zehannah wanted to continue teasing Reigo, but she
couldn't hold it anymore and she chuckled. "Seriously,
babe. Hanggang ngayon, hindi mo pa rin ako kilala?
Binibiro lang kita." She pressed her lips against
Reigo's. "I got jealous earlier, I admit. But not
anymore, so chill, and let's go back to choosing our
bed and sofa."
Reigo was visibly relieved. "... that was scary."
Zehannah looked amused. "May dapat bang ikatakot
"Well, my previous relationships taught me that having
a close 'girl' friend is a recipe for disaster and
break-up, so I'm steering clear away from that," Reigo
explained. "I don't want us to have a misunderstanding
because of that. I have a few women friends and
they're all taken and married, but still. A little
distance from them won't hurt."
Zehannah's entire expression softened as she wrapped
her arms around Reigo's neck. "I take back what I
said. I like the Reigo now and I'm happy that I met
you now and not before. You're more experienced and
you have a tacit understanding of what a relationship
is. You're the reason we're not clashing even though
we have different views on life and relationship. And
I'm thankful for your thoughtfulness. You're the most
amazing man I've met."
"Most delicious too," Reigo added as if he couldn't
take not adding that to his description.
Tumango si Zehannah dahil totoo naman 'yon.
"Pinakamaharot at pinakamalandi rin."
Tumango si Reigo dahil totoo naman 'yon. "Yes, and
Nagkatitigan sina Zehannah at Reigo dahil sa walang
pag-aalinlangang sagot nito, kapagkuwan ay sabay na
natawa ang dalawa.
And when the two finally sobered up, Zehannah said,
"Our new bed is waiting. Let's hurry and pick one."
"On it, my Zee. Nanginginig pa."
Mahinang natawa ulit si Zehannah saka hinila si Reigo
sa palapulsuhan patungo sa susunod na kama na dapat
titingnan nila bago dumating si Gemini.
After checking out all the beds, Reigo and Zehannah
finally chose one. They moved to the sofas and then to
the supermarket. When they got home, they were both
tired, but that did not stop them from fucking hard
and rough under the shower.
And for Zehannah and Reigo, that was the best ending
for their precious Saturday.
"ALWAYS REMEMBER, Zehan, that when you're buying a
stock, you're buying a company. You buy stocks in a
profitable firm because you believe in its future and
want a piece of the pie. You are not investing if you
purchase stocks in a firm that is losing money. Stocks
are generally not a suitable investment choice, but
there are circumstances under which this is not the
case. However, profitable enterprises may be able to
take advantage of buying opportunities during a down
market. When it comes to stocks, the counsel of an
expert isn't always necessary when picking a solid
stock; sometimes, you just have to use your head."
Zehannah nodded at Contessa who was teaching her about
stocks and how to invest properly. Zehannah was trying
her best to listen and understand even though her mind
was somewhere else.
"Before buying stocks, it's vital to do some research
about the firm. A little sleuthing can go a long way,
so don't discount its value. Do your homework on the
companies you're considering investing in before you
make any stock purchases. When analyzing a company's
primary financial statements, you should focus on
their earnings, sales, debt and equity—" Tumigil sa
pagpapaliwanag si Contessa nang mapansing wala na
naman dito ang atensiyon ni Zehannah. "Zehan, am I
boring you?"
Mabilis na napakurap-kurap si Zehannah saka
nagpaliwanag. "Sorry, Tita. May iniisip lang ako."
"Tell me."
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah. Ang totoo niyan,
gusto niyang sarilinin muna ang iniisip kasi wala
naman siyang pruweba pero dahil sa pag-iisip niya,
nawala ang atensiyon niya sa ina ni Reigo. And for
that, Contessa deserved an explanation of her
"Kasi Tita"—huminga ulit nang malalim si Zehannah bago
nagpatuloy—"two potential clients backed out last
week, just as we were about to sign contracts with
them. The same thing happened again this week. Noong
una, akala ko coincidence lang 'yon kasi nga marami
kaming kliyente pero halos bawat linggo, may nagba-
back out kahit pa nga handa na ang lahat."
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Maybe I'm just
paranoid, but I can't shake the feeling that something
is wrong. Pero ayoko rin namang buksan ang usapin na
'to sa business partner ko na wala akong ebidensya.
Cassia already has a lot on her plate right now. I
don't want to worry her even more."
Napatango-tango si Contessa sa paliwanag ni Zehannah.
"Nag-imbestiga ka na ba?"
Umiling si Zehannah. "I honestly don't know where to
start, Tita. I went to see all the clients who had
canceled on us, and the only reason they provided us
was that they had changed their minds and decided to
work with a different agency."
"Yeah. That is indeed troubling." Napahawak si
Contessa sa baba nito habang nag-iisip. "Hmm. If your
gut is right, this could be a work of a competitor."
"I don't think so, Tita."
Contessa's eyes snapped at Zehannah. "Oh? You have
someone in mind?"
Zehannah blows a loud breath. "This is just a hunch,
Tita, but I'm thinking that it might be Emma—"
"—that woman could never pull that off," Contessa
immediately shot down Zehannah's wild guess.
"—or it could be Reigo's ex, Katrin."
Doon natigilan si Contessa. "If it's her, then it's
Zehannah was taken aback for a moment, surprised that
Reigo's mother would agree with her, considering that
Katrin's family was a family friend of theirs.
Sumandal si Zehannah sa likod ng sofa na kinauupuan.
"I don't really care that they—she harassed me on a
daily basis. Messaging and emailing me, calling me
names and threatening me. I'm not bothered by it. Pero
iba na 'to ngayon. Kung tama ang hinala ko, hindi ko
'to kayang palampasin. Alam kong wala akong lakas para
labanan ang isang katulad niya, pero lalaban ako."
Zehannah was so wrapped up in her own feelings that
she failed to notice the change in Contessa's
expression when Zehannah casually mentioned that Emma
and Katrin had been harassing her via email and SMS.
Contessa was not happy about that.
"I'll help you."
Sa narinig, mabilis na napatingin si Zehannah sa in
ani Reigo. "Po?"
"I'll help." Contessa smiled. "Yes, you're right. You
are not financially strong enough to fight Katrin, and
she knew that. But what she didn't know is that you
have me. Kaya kong palampasin ang pang-aakit niya kay
Reigo dahil alam kong hindi naman siya papatulan ng
anak ko, pero ang i-harass ka?" Nagdilim ang mukha ng
ginang. Bakas ang galit sa mukha nito. "'Yon ang hindi
ko mapapalampas."
"Tita..." Zehannah was touched.
Contessa calmed herself and smiled at Zehannah.
"Continue with your life and keep working hard. Leave
her to me."
That made Zehannah teary-eyed. "I don't know what to
say, Tita."
Contessa's smile widened. "I do. Tell me that you're
going to have lots of babies with Reigo. As soon as
Napangiwi si Zehannah sa ginang. "Tita naman, e..."
"What?" Mahinang natawa ang ginang. "I'm just telling
you what I want to hear."
Nangingiting napailing si Zehannah habang tinutuyo ang
gilid ng mga mata. "Thank you, Tita. Ang totoo niya,
wala akong balak magkuwento tungkol dito hanggat wala
akong pruweba, lalo na kay Reigo—"
"Good choice," sansala ni Contessa kay Zehannah. "My
son disliked using money and power to get what he
wants. And honestly, I want him to stay that way.
Unlike me, who's used to money and power struggle. So,
leave it to me and just focus on each other. I'll
provide you periodic updates." Then Contessa's lips
curved into a smirk. "It's been a long time since I
played with someone. I hope she's fun to play with."
Zehannah was thankful that she was not on the
receiving end of that 'play'. Nasisiguro kasi niyang
hindi madaling kalaban ang ina ni Reigo. Having been
on the receiving end of Contessa's teasing, she knew
that her 'play' would not be amusing.
"Is there anything I can do to help, Tita?" It's her
problem, and honestly, Zehannah wanted to resolve it
herself. But against Katrin's wealth and connection,
she would surely lose.
Lihim na napangiti si Contessa sa tanong na 'yon ni
Zehannah. Inaasahan na 'yon ni Contessa. Zehannah was
a strong, self-reliant woman, thus she struggled with
the idea of letting others take care of her problems
for her. But Zehannah knew that she couldn't win
against Katrin's wealth and influence by herself.
"Sure. If I need your assistance with something, I
will let you know."
Kahit papaano, napanatag ang loob ni Zehannah.
"Salamat, Tita."
"Don't mention it." Kalmado at inosente ang ngiti ni
Contessa pero may binabalak ito sa likod ng ngiting
'yon. Other than the fact that her only son loves
Zehannah, she could also relate to her. She also felt
comfortable with Zehannah's unpretentious family. They
were open and honest with who they were and very proud
of it. They were her kind of people.
"Katrin is not a threat. Trust me. So can we go back
to our lesson now?" tanong ni Contessa sa dalaga
pagkalipas ng ilang minuto. "Siguradong panay reklamo
na ngayon ni Reigo. Not that he could do anything,
Napangiti saka napatango na lang si Zehannah. Somehow,
her worries had lessened, and she could now focus on
her lesson.
With a smile, Contessa continued their lesson. "Now,
let's move to several quantitative factors to weigh
when buying a stock..."
"HOW'S THE lesson?" Reigo asked the moment Zehannah
sat in the passenger seat of his car. "Ayaw kang
pakawalan ni Mommy kahit oras na para umuwi."
"Ang dami kong natutunan." Bakas ang kasiyahan sa
boses ni Zehannah. "Tita Contessa is every thorough
with her lesson. I want to learn more, but it's Tito
Rohan's turn to teach me next week, so my stock
trading lesson has to wait."
Binuhay ni Reigo ang makina ng sasakyan. "Ikaw lang
ang kilala kong natutuwang mag-aral."
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "Knowledge is power."
"Sabi ko nga," Reigo said as he maneuvered his car out
of her parents' house's garage. "By the way, you're
free tomorrow, right? Let's go on a date."
"I found a nice restaurant."
That's all Reigo had to say to get a quick 'yes' from
Zehannah. "Is it here in the city? Ayoko sa malayo.
Nakakapagod magbiyahe."
Tumango si Reigo. "Bagong bukas kaya hindi pa
masyadong kilala. I actually found out about it
through my secretary, Oliver, and I already asked him
to reserved us a seat two days ago."
A lopsided smile appeared on Zehannah's lips. "Ang
advance natin mag-isip, a."
Reigo shrugged. "It's good food. I know you're going
to say yes."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah dahil totoo naman kasi
'yon. "Hinding-hindi ako hihindi sa masarap na
pagkain. Pero sana masarap talaga. Wala nang mas
sasakit pa sa pagbabayad ng mahal pero hindi mo naman
na-enjoy ang pagkain na binayaran mo."
"No worries." Reigo reached out his hand to pinch
Zehannah's check while driving. "Oliver is a foodie,
and he recommended the restaurant."
"If that is so, then I'll look forward to it."
Zehannah had high hopes now. "By the way, babe, hindi
pa ba tayo uuwi?" Wala kasi silang plano ni Reigo kaya
nagtataka siya kung bakit ibang daan ang tinatahak
nila, hindi pabalik sa condo niya.
"Dadaanan ko 'yong naiwan kong mga gamit sa barn,"
imporma ni Reigo kay Zehannah. "I still have some
space in your closet so I'm planning to take all my
things to your place."
Tumaas ang dalawang kilay ni Zehannah sa binata. "Wow.
Feeling comfortable in my place, are we?"
Reigo nodded earnestly, not letting Zehannah's sarcasm
change his mind. "Yep. I didn't ask for permission
because you like good food, right?"
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Ano naman ang
kinalaman ng pagkain sa paglipat mo ng lahat ng gamit
mo sa condo ko?"
Reigo was now sporting a smug smile. "Well, because
I'm a delicacy, of course. I'm the best food you could
ever get your hands on. My lips, my tongue, my body,
and gifted Reigo down there will not disappoint your
tastebud. I'm a full coarse meal from head to toe.
With me in your place, you will always be full. And
the perks of having me include eating me whenever and
wherever you want. In your bed, on the sofa, in the
kitchen, on the balcony, on the floor, and against the
wall. I am delicious like that."
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah at isinandal
ang gilid ng ulo sa bintana ng sasakyan. "Don't you
have another adjective than delicious to describe
"I am tasty, appetizing, luscious, succulent,
scrumptious, delectable, savory, and lush."
Zehannah sighed. "Kapag kagaguhan talaga, ang galing-
galing mo."
"Kaya kang panginigin ng gago na 'to."
Zehannah sighed again. "At kaya rin kitang sairin kaya
manahimik ka riyan. Wala ako sa mood i-entertain ang
kahalayan mo ngayon."
Reigo glanced at Zehannah, worried. "So, I'm not
getting any tonight?"
"My Zee! How could you?!" Reigo was in a crisis. "It's
a weekend, and that means it's my moment to shine!"
"Shh!" pagpapatahimik ni Zehannah kay Reigo. "I'm
sleepy. Gisingin mo na lang ako kapag nasa condo na
Reigo could only sigh and let his Zee sleep
peacefully. Ni hindi nga ito ginising ni Reigo nang
itigil nito ang sasakyan sa labas ng barn para kunin
ang natitirang gamit nito sa loob.
And while Reigo was inside the barn, Zehannah woke up
and yawned. At nang hindi makita si Reigo sa loob ng
sasakyan, lalabas sana siya nang mapagtanto niyang
nasa labas sila ng barn kaya hindi na lang siyang
lumabas at hinintay na lang sa sasakyan ang binata
habang tsini-check ang cellphone kung may natanggap
siyang importanteng mensahe.
Other than Emma and Katrin's harassment, there was
none, so she decided to put her phone back in her bag.
But before she could, she received another message
from the second witch bitch.
'I hope you enjoy my gift.'
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Zehannah. Ano na naman kaya
ang binabalak ng baliw na 'to?
Bago pa masagot ni Zehannah ang sariling tanong,
nakita niyang lumabas sa barn si Reigo kaya kaagad
niyang ibinalik sa bag niya ang cellphone. Ayaw niyang
masira ang araw niya kaya winaksi niya sa isip niya
ang mensahe ni Katrin.
"I have something for you," kaagad na sabi ni Reigo
nang makasakay sa sasakyan at nakitang gising na si
Reigo handed Zehannah a lollipop. "Hope this will
sweeten your day, my Zee."
"I already have you, though," ani Zehannah pero
tinanggap pa rin ang lollipop na wala nang balot dahil
inalis na iyon ni Reigo para sa kaniya.
While Zehannah was enjoying her lollipop, she was
waiting for the car to move, but it didn't. So she
turned to Reigo and saw him staring at her. "Hmm?
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Reigo saka pinausad ang
sasakyan habang tinatapik-tapik nito ang parte ng
dibdib kung nasaan ang puso nito. "You're fine. Stop
beating so fast."
Napapantastikuhan si Zehannah kay Reigo pero hindi na
ito nagtanong sa binata at ine-enjoy na lang ang
lollipop na bigay nito.
When they finally made it to her condo, it was raining
and there was a long walk between the parking lot and
the entryway.
"Bummer," Reigo muttered under his breath while
looking outside before he changes his car's gear from
P to D. "Put your seatbelt back, my Zee. I'll drive
you to the entrance."
"Huwag na," pigil ni Zehannah sa binata. "May payong
naman ako rito. Share na lang tayo."
But Reigo did not listen to Zehannah and drove her to
the entryway. "Go on. Mauna ka na."
"Okay." Iniwan ni Zehannah ang payong niya sa
passenger seat. "Gamitin mo. Medyo malakas ang ulan."
"Yes, my Zee."
Binuksan ni Zehannah ang pintuan ng sasakyan ni Reigo
saka lumabas. Kapagkuwan ay sinundan ng mga mata niya
ang sasakyan nito na umikot patungo sa parking lot.
Hindi mapigilan ni Zehannah ang mapangiti nang makita
niyang ginamit nga ni Reigo ang payong niya na
bulaklakin. And the contrast between his manly
appearance and her umbrella was so distinct that she
couldn't help finding her Reigo adorable and taking a
picture of him.
"What was that?" Reigo asked when he arrived in front
of Zehannah. He noticed her chuckling to herself while
looking at something on her phone.
"Nothing. Come on." Ibinalik ni Zehannah ang cellphone
sa bag saka nauna nang pumasok.
Sumunod naman kaagad si Reigo pero tumigil din at
hinitay si Zehannah sa labas ng elevator dahil dumaan
pa ang dalaga sa front desk.
Reigo didn't need to ask what Zehannah was doing at
the front desk because when she neared him, he saw her
hugging a parcel in a pouch and she looked so excited.
"What's that?" Reigo couldn't help asking Zehannah as
they entered the elevator. "Your smile looks wicked."
Inirapan ni Zehannah si Reigo. "I bought this for you,
you know."
May kasama sila sa elevator kaya inilapit ni Reigo ang
bibig sa tainga ni Zehannah saka bumulong. "Something
nice or something naughty?"
Zehannah said nothing, but by her smile, Reigo knew
that something was up with that parcel she was holding
too tightly in her arms.
Nang makarating sa palapag nila at makapasok sa condo,
handa na si Reigo na i-interrogate si Zehannah tungkol
sa binili nito para sa kaniya pero mukhang hindi na
kailangan dahil kaagad nitong binuksan ang lalagyan sa
harapan niya mismo.
From the ripped pouch, Zehannah took out two black
boxes. One was small, and the other was just an inch
bigger than the small box.
"Here. Hold it. Ito muna ang buksan natin."
Kaagad namang hinawakan ni Reigo ang maliit na box
saka tahimik na pinanood lang si Zehannah habang
binubuksan nito ang itim na kahon.
'An underwear?' tanong ni Reigo sa sarili nang makita
ang laman ng binuksang itim na kahon ni Zehannah.
That's a very odd-looking underwear. Bakit niya
nasabi? Dahil sa halip na tela, gawa iyon sa maliliit
na bilog na may butas sa gitna na pinagdikit-dikit.
Wait... she said she bought it for me, right? Fuck.
"My Zee... I am not wearing that."
Nag-angat ng tingin si Zehannah kay Reigo mula sa
sinusuri nitong underwear. "Huh? What are you talking
about?" Kumunot ang nuo ni Zehannah. "This is for me
and that's"—tinuro ni Zehannah ang box na hawak ni
Reigo—"for you. Buksan mo na ang sa 'yo."
To his great relief, Reigo tore into the tiny box with
nothing inscribed on it to give him any idea of what
was inside.
And what he saw made him furrow his eyebrows because
he had no idea what it was. It was a round item made
from the same material as his Zee's underwear.
"You like it?"
He looked at his Zee. "Um... I guess? This bracelet
looks intriguing..."
Malakas na natawa si Zehannah sa sagot ni Reigo.
"Babe, that's not a bracelet. That's a ring."
Sa sinabi ni Zehannah, kaagad na isinuot iyon ni Reigo
sa daliri nito. But it was too big to be a ring. "My
Zee, are you teasing me again?"
Mabilis na umiling si Zehannah. "Of course not. It's
really a ring, but it's not for your finger."
Reigo became even more confused. "Then... where do I
put this?"
Bumaba ang tingin ni Zehannah at tumigil iyon sa
pagkalalaki ni Reigo. At dahil sinundan ni Reigo ang
tingin ni Zehannah, kaagad nitong naintindihan ang
gustong iparating ng dalaga. "My... cock?"
Zehannah grinned because Reigo finally figured it out.
"Yep." Itinaas ni Zehannah ang underwear na hawak.
"This is for me—the edible candy heart g-string
underwear while that's"—tinuro nito ang hawak ni
Reigo—"the edible candy cock ring."
Reigo blinked at Zehannah as his mind slowly wrapped
around the item in his hand.
The edible what now...? The fuck?!
KATRIN'S GIFT THAT Zehannah was worried about,
unbeknown to Zehannah, the details had already reached
Contessa's hand. Just a day after Zehannah received
Katrin's message, Contessa already found out about it
from her trusted private investigator. The thought of
it made her feel sick. Alam ni Contessa na maraming
babae ang katulad ni Katrin, pero nasobrahan naman
yata ito lalo na nang malaman ni Contessa ang rason
kung bakit ginagawa 'yon ni Katrin.
It was all because her son, Reigo, rejected her.
That's it. Katrin's ego couldn't take it, especially
after finding out that the woman Reigo chose was
Zehannah. For Katrin, her wealth and education made
her a better choice than Zehannah, but those weren't
the only things that mattered. Manners, attitude, and
personality also played a big part in life. Which was
something Katrin sorely lacked.
"Alam ko na ang kailangan kong gawin ay kausapin si
Katrin at patigilan siya pero..."—bumuntonghininga ang
ginang saka inilapag ang binabasang report na
ipinadala sa kaniya ng private investigator niya saka
sumimsim ng kape habang nag-aagahan kasama ang asawa—
"...where's the fun in that, right?"
Napatingin saka napailing na lang si Rohan sa asawa.
"Love, Katrin is still young and reckless. Would you
please show mercy?"
Umingos si Contessa. "You wouldn't tell me that if you
knew what she had just done."
And that made Rohan frown. "Tell me."
Contessa sighed and told her husband. "She's messing
with Zehan's parents."
Contessa was right, and the look on Rohan's face
changed dramatically. From calm to anger. "What did
she do with those good people?"
With her eyes rolling, Contessa sighed. "Huwag mo nang
alamin, magagalit ka lang. Just focus on your work,
dear. Leave it to me."
Alam ni Rohan na mapagkakatiwalaan niya ang asawa sa
mga ganitong bagay kaya nagpaubaya siya. "I take back
what I said. Don't show mercy."
Marahang napatingin si Contessa. "I'm not planning to.
After I learned that she had been harassing Zehan and
Reigo, I don't think I can hold back." When she
thought about the report she had gotten, her
expression darkened. "I just want to lessen Zehan's
stress a little, that's why I offered my help, but
when I read all the details from our private
investigator, my reason had changed. Kapag hindi natin
pinutol ang kapagyarihan ni Katrin at ang pamilya
niyang kunsintidor, hindi lang si Zehannah at ang
pamilya niya ang masasaktan. I am horrified that we
are friends with their family, dear."
Seeing how bothered his wife was, Rohan offered, "Then
let's cut ties with them."
"Yes. Let's."
Rohan nodded and Contessa was somehow relieved that
her husband supported her on this. "Leave everything
to me, dear." She smiled at her husband as if to show
her confidence that everything will be just fine.
"Kailan ba ako natalo sa mga ganitong bagay?"
Napangiti si Rohan sa asawa. "Never."
"Precisely," Contessa remarked, proud. "Zehan is a
strong woman, and I know she can verbally and
physically destroy Katrin. Unfortunately, Katrin
wanted to play using money and influence, which Zehan
lacks at the moment."
"Does our son know about this?"
Umiling si Contessa. "Let him be. You know how Reigo
is. He's not a fan of resorting to the use of
connections or monetary means to achieve his goals.
This kind of scheme is not his thing."
Rohan sighed, then he smiled at his wife. "Then we'll
leave things in your capable hands, love."
Tumango si Contessa at nakangiting tinapos ang agahan
kasama ang asawa. Pagkatapos mag-agahan at nakaalis na
ang asawa sa trabaho, tinungo ni Contessa ang
pribadong opisina sa loob ng bahay niya saka tinawagan
ang isa sa malaking investor sa pribadong unibersidad
na pinagtatrabahuan ng ama ni Zehan.
Katrin used her connection to influence the dean to
get rid of Dan. And now the dean was doing everything
he could to get rid of Dan, including spreading
malicious rumors about him.
"Contessa!" anang magiliw na boses sa belong linya.
"It's been a long time since we talked. How have you
been, you devilish woman?"
Mahinang natawa si Contessa sa tinawag sa kaniya ng
nasa kabilang linya. "Same old, same old, Jana. Still
beautiful as ever. You?"
Mahinang natawa rin si Jana. "Heto, may asim pa."
Sabay na tumawa ang dalawa sa sagot na 'yon ni Jana
bago naging seryoso ang usapan ng dalawa.
"So?" Jana asked after their small talk. "You need
something? I know you... you prefer talking in person
rather than over the phone. You only call when there's
an emergency."
Napangiti si Contessa dahil kilala talaga siya ng
kumare. Inaanak niya ang nag-iisa nitong anak na
lalaki. "I heard you're now a big shot investor of
some private universities."
Jana rolled her eyes. "Contessa, dear, if you need
something, give it to me straight."
"Okay." Contessa told Jana the help she wanted from
her. "You're one of their investors, right? Can you do
Jana sighed as she massaged her temple. "The moment
you called, I know it will not be sunshine and
rainbows. But, hell, I owe you one, so I'll see what I
can do."
"Jana, you don't owe me one," Contessa said in a
reprimanding tone. "You needed help, so I offered.
That's all."
Jana smiled on the other line. "I know, Contessa.
Though the fact remained that I owe you. Anyway, I'm
curious. Bakit mo gustong tulungan si Mr. Dan Sevil?
He's one of our outstanding teachers, but these rumors
surrounding him these past weeks have reached the
investors' ears and they wanted him gone."
Contessa sighed and explained the circumstance to
"Oh, so that's how it is." Jana was relieved. "I
trusted Mr. Sevil and his very honest disposition, so
I didn't sign his termination for misconduct. I told
them to investigate thoroughly if he really did
sexually harass one of his male students."
Napailing si Contessa. "I can vouch for Dan, Jana.
He's not that kind of person."
"I know, but they're using his sexuality to worsen the
accusation. Saying that he's gay, that's why he did
Nagtagis ang bagang ni Contessa. "That man is very
dedicated to his husband and family!" Hindi mapigilan
ni Contessa na magtaas ng boses sa galit na
nararamdaman. "And being gay doesn't mean he's
attracted to every male he sees! Dan has taste and
standard. Ang kakapal naman nila para isiping
magugustuhan sila ni Dan. Have you seen Cameron, his
partner? That's his standard!"
"Contessa, dear, calm down—"
"No! How could I calm down knowing that that happened
because of a little girl who's sulking because her ego
had been crushed for being rejected?" Contessa was
livid. "And using sexual harassment to harass someone
was just pure evil. What a desperate girl!"
Jana took a deep breath, knowing that when Contessa
was angry, all hell would break loose. "I will do
everything I can to investigate and thoroughly clean
Mr. Sevil's name. Just calm down, Contessa. I'll
handle it."
Huminga nang malalim si Contessa para pakalmahin ang
sarili saka nagsalita. "I'm sorry, Jana. I'm calm now.
I just hate it when people use a very serious crime to
harass and bully someone." She sighed. "Imagine if no
one would help Dan? They would drag his name into the
mud, just because of a little girl's ego."
"I know. I'll take care of it."
"Thank you."
Jana and Contessa shared a short, small talk before
they bid goodbye and ended the call.
Alone in her private office, Contessa's expression
darkened when she remembered what happened again.
Oh, little girl. Contessa's lips curved into a dark
smirk as she placed her phone back on her table. I'll
show you how women fight.
"OKAY LANG ba si Papi?" may pag-aalalang tanong ni
Zehannah nang makapasok siya sa bahay ng mga magulang
galing sa opisina niya, kasama si Reigo na siyang
sumundo sa kaniya at sinalubong sila ng Papa niya sa
pintuan ng bahay. "How's his health? I'm worried,
Papa. I can't focus on work so I came here as soon as
I can."
Cameron immediately hugged his daughter for comfort
and then patted Reigo's shoulder. "Dan is resting." He
sighed. "Sorry, Zehan. Ilang linggo na 'to pero noong
isang linggo lang namin sinabi sa 'yo baka kasi mag-
alala ka."
Cameron tried to smile, to reassure his daughter.
"Don't worry. Under investigation naman na ngayon ang
nangyari. Your Papi is innocent, and the investigation
will surely come out in favor of Dan because he did
nothing wrong."
Hindi makapagsalita si Zehannah lalo na't nakikita
niyang nahihirapan ang Papa niya dahil sa mga paratang
sa isa pa niyang ama.
Who did this? Hindi mapigilan ni Zehannah ang
mapatanong sa sarili. Is this just bad luck, or did
someone do this to Papi? Katrin? Emma? Pero wala
siyang pruweba. Should I hire a private investigator?
Where would I even find a trusted one?
Zehannah pulled herself together. "How's Papi doing
these days?"
Cameron sighed and lead Zehannah and Reigo to the
sofa. "Stressed, of course. But he's hanging in there.
Sabi niya mukhang may nakakataas na naniniwala na
inosente siya dahil hindi kaagad siya na-terminate sa
trabaho at pina-imbestigahan ang nangyari. Pero dahil
do'n, hindi muna siya puwedeng magturo hangga't hindi
pa natatapos ang imbestigasyon."
Kumuyom ang kamao ni Zehannah at masuyong hinawakan
'yon ni Reigo. "Sino ang estudyante na 'yon na umakusa
kay Papi?" Hindi 'yon ang unang beses na tinanong 'yon
ni Zehan sa ama. She had been asking her father that
since she found out.
"Zehan, calm down," pigil ni Cameron sa anak dahil
alam niyang malaki ang posibilidad na sugurin nito ang
But Zehannah couldn't calm down and Cameron understood
her because even he was barely hanging on.
"Our anger won't do us any good, Zehan," ani Cameron
sa anak. "Let's be patient and wait for the
investigation result." Tumayo si Cameron mula sa
pagkakaupo sa sofa. "I'll get you some refreshment so
you'll calm down."
"... thank you, Papa."
Nang makaalis ang ama sa salas, doon bumagsak ang luha
ni Zehannah na kanina pa niya pinipigilan. It was a
tear filled with frustration because she couldn't do
anything other than wait.
"Do you want me to investigate?"
Nang marinig niya ang nag-aalalang boses ni Reigo sa
tabi niya, kaagad siyang napabaling dito.
"I know someone," dagdag ni Reigo para kahit papaano
ay mapanatag si Zehannah. "He's a little bit
expensive, but he could be trusted."
Mabilis na tumango si Zehannah. "Please. I'll pay."
Tumango si Reigo. "Sure. I'll inform him for you."
Zehannah's expression softened, then she leaned
against Reigo's shoulder. "Thank you, Reigo. It's a
big help."
Reigo gathered Zehannah in his arm and kissed her
temple. "Don't mention it. It's nothing."
Silence fell on them, and that's when Cameron came
"Calm now?" he asked his daughter.
Tumango si Zehannah habang yakap pa rin ni Reigo.
"Good." Masuyong nginitian ni Cameron ang anak. "Kung
hindi pa kayo naghahapunan, may pagkain sa kusina.
Feel free. Doon lang ako sa kuwarto. Sasamahan ko si
Dan. And since it's already dark out, you can stay
here so you can talk to Dan tomorrow morning."
Tumango si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay nagtanong bago
makaalis ang ama. "Can Reigo stay in my room, too?"
Ilang segundong natigilan si Cameron bago
pabuntonghiningang sumagot. "Just don't lock the door
to your room."
"Thank you, Pa."
Tumango si Cameron saka umakyat na sa ikalawang
palapag. Naiwan naman ang dalawa sa salas.
"You hungry?" Reigo asked.
Umiling si Zehannah. "Wala akong ganang kumain."
"Even when I'm on the menu? And of course, those sexy
edible things you bought."
She laughed a little instead of rolling her eyes like
she always did when Reigo was being flirty. She was
grateful that she had a person by her side who could
make her laugh even when she was being swallowed by
problems and stress. "I'll pass, babe. Our edible
candy underwear and cock ring have to wait. I'm so
stressed right now that I don't know if I can make you
happy in bed."
Reigo's expression softened, gone the flirty Mr.
Delicacy. "Don't belittle your ability to make me
happy in bed, my Zee, because sleeping next to you is
already enough to make me a happy man."
"Aww..." Zehannah pinched Reigo's cheek. "My Reigo is
being sweet."
Reigo nodded haughtily and spoke while acting proud.
"Of course, I'm a delicacy after all. Delicious and
Napailing doon si Zehannah pero hindi niya kinontra
ang sinabi ng binata at patuloy lang na humilig sa
balikat nito at tahimik na pinalipas ang oras.
"My Zee, alam kong nag-aalala ka sa Papi mo pero
kailangan mong kumain," wika ni Reigo. "Kapag hindi ka
kumain, ang Papi mo naman ang mag-aalala sa 'yo."
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah. "I know. Wala lang
talaga akong gana."
"How about I'll make you soup?"
"Palakpakan. Hindi na lang puro prinito ang kaya mong
gawin," tudyo ni Zehannah sa katabi.
"At least hindi matabang."
Napasimangot si Zehannah saka masamang tiningnan ang
binata. "Pasalamat ka sa matabang kong luto, hindi ka
magkakasakit sa bato."
Reigo flatly looked at Zehannah. "My Zee, would it
kill you to, I don't know, add more salt to taste?"
"Yeah, it would," pamimilosopo ni Zehannah.
Mabilis na pinisil ni Reigo ang magkabilang pisngi ni
Zehannah na parang nanggigigil saka pinupog ng halik
ang labi ng dalaga bago tumayo at tinungo ang kusina.
Si Zehannah naman na naiwan sa sofa ay mahinang natawa
saka napadausdos nang patagilid na higa sa mahabang
sofa habang hinihintay na matapos si Reigo sa 'soup'
Good thing Zehannah did not expect, though. Because
Reigo's soup was a well-cooked instant noodle.
"Why am I not surprised?" ani Zehannah habang
humihigop ng sabaw. "But it's well-cooked. I give you
that, babe."
Mahinang natawa lang si Reigo saka pinisil na naman
ang pisngi ni Zehannah. "Is bullying me your hobby
now, my Zee?"
"Huh?" Inosenteng tumingin si Zehannah kay Reigo. "At
kalian kita binully?"
Reigo was giving Zehannah a 'really' look, making
Zehannah laugh.
Ah, I needed that. Zehannah thought as she continued
eating the instant noodles Reigo made for her. She'd
been so stressed lately that a good laugh was always
Bad news after bad news. Kahit sana isang good news
lang, Lord. Kahit isa lang. Dasal niya.
And as if the Lord had answered her prayer, her phone
When she checked who it was, it was a message from
'I'm pregnant, Master Zehan!!! 😚😚😚'
Thank you, Lord, for the good news. Zehannah prayed
and then replied to congratulate Cassia before she
turned to Reigo. "Buntis na si Cassia."
Reigo smiled, then he murmured, "I wonder if that
bastard passed out..."
"Passed out?" Zehannah parroted. "Who? Thorn?"
"Yep. It's common in our circle to pass out with that
kind of news."
Natawa si Zehannah sa nalaman saka nanunudyong ngumiti
kay Reigo. "I wonder kung mawawalan ka rin ng
Reigo earnestly replied. "Buntisin na ba kita?"
Zehannah was about to drink a glass of water when
Reigo said that, and she just stared at him. Then she
blinked. Her stare continued. And then blink.
She was too shocked to speak until Reigo smiled and
"Did I scare you?"
Zehannah cleared her throat while pulling herself
together. "... not really."
It was Reigo's turn to be shocked. "Huh? What?"
"Not really," ulit ni Zehannah sa tanong ni Reigo saka
tumayo ang dalaga at naglakad patungo sa hagdanan.
"I'll ready the bed. Sumunod ka na lang kung gusto
Then Zehannah left Reigo in the living room, who was
still shocked as hell. And it took him a couple of
minutes to come back from his reverie and asked
himself. "She's not scared. Does that mean it's
Halos liparin ni Reigo ang daan patungo sa kuwarto ni
Zehannah saka humahangos na pumasok at nagtanong, "Are
you really not scared? Is it okay? Kasi bubuntisin
talaga kita."
Zehannah, who was changing the sheet, frowned at
Reigo. "Sinabi ko lang na hindi ako natakot, pero
hindi ibig sabihin gusto ko nang mabuntis."
"Oh." The disappointment was vivid.
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah at nagpaliwanag. "Reigo,
a half-baked family could destroy a child. Look at me.
I have a loving family, but because of my mother
abandoning me, I don't know anymore..."
"My Zee..."
She looked into Reigo's eyes. "Ganoon mo ba kagustong
magkaroon ng anak?"
Hindi nakasagot si Reigo.
Malungkot na napangiti si Zehannah. "I'm sorry..."
"Give me little time to gather my thoughts," Reigo
said, then he left her room.
Parang nanghihina namang napaupo si Zehannah sa gilid
ng kama saka napatingin sa nilabasang pintuan ng
Seeing Reigo disappointed, it gnawed at her. But
marriage and having a child scared her. And she didn't
even know why. She's just scared at the thought of
marrying and having a child.
Nasaan na ang pangako kong lalabanan ko ang takot ko
para kay Reigo?
"Zehan, 'nak—" Napatigil sa pagpasok sa kuwarto ni
Zehannah si Cameron ng makita ang ekspresyon ng mukha
nito. "Zehan, ayos ka lang ba?" Then he remembered
seeing Reigo seconds ago when he stepped out of his
and Dan's room to check on Zehannah, and Reigo was not
looking so good. "Did something happen between you and
Reigo again?"
Instead of answering him, Zehannah looked up at him
and asked with a lone tear in her eyes. "Papa, I think
I need a therapist."
Cameron stilled. For the first time since Zehannah had
become an adult, it was the first time he saw her
looking so... lost. Like she didn't know what to do.
Another tear fell from her eyes. "I don't want to keep
hurting Reigo and myself because of my fear. I want to
understand why I'm like this." With a new resolve to
be better for herself and for the people she cared
about, she spoke the words that she was hesitant to
utter for the longest time. "Pa... I need help."
EVERYONE'S LIFE WENT on as the university's
investigation into Dan's misconduct in the university
continued. To pass his time and not be a burden to his
family, Dan decided to help his partner, Cameron, with
his furniture business. Meanwhile, Zehannah and Reigo
were both busy with their own businesses while trying
to find time for each other, especially Zehannah.
Weeks after Dan's suspension, the result of the
investigation finally came out in favor of Dan. The
male student in question came forward and confessed
his made-up story in guidance with the dean. While the
board fired the dean and other faculty members, the
student was given a half a year's suspension from
What followed that were weeks of peace.
Dan returned to the university with a clear name and
Zehannah continued with her therapy, not skipping a
single session, even how busy she was.
"Free lang talaga 'yon?" hindi makapaniwalang tanong
ni Zehannah kay Reigo habang magkasalo ang dalawa na
kumakain ng tanghalian sa restaurant ni Thorn.
"Sigurado ba si Mr. Kim? I mean, he investigated the
whole thing."
Mr. Shun Kim was the one Reigo recommended to her, and
when they asked, he immediately accepted the job. And
it was a thorough investigation. Zehannah found out
that Katrin was behind all that, but Reigo's mother
countered her and Katrin failed to hurt her through
her father. But she was still pissed at that bitch.
She made her parents stressed and if only that bitch
would show herself, she will drag her to the ground
where she belonged.
"Yeah, he's sure," Reigo reassured Zehannah. "Pili
lang ang sinisingil niya ng mahal. I think he's being
considerate of you. And his wife will cut his head off
if he made you pay for it."
Napangiwi si Zehannah. "But still... nakakahiya sa
"Don't be. It's all good." Ako ang siningil ng gago.
Dagdag ni Reigo sa isip niya at lihim na napailing
nang maalala ang paniningil sa kaniya ni Shun dahil
kasama naman daw siya ni Zehannah nang lumapit sila
rito. Really, a motherfucker. "By the way, my Zee,
how's your therapy?"
Zehannah had a bi-weekly therapy session. Reigo could
still remember Zehannah informing him about her plan
to ask for professional help just minutes after he
left her in her room to gather his thoughts. She was
crying and apologizing for the emotional stress she
had put him through.
Seeing his Zee cry, he had forgotten his initial plan
to gather his thoughts and just hugged his Zee.
He would be lying if he said he didn't want to advance
their relationship further. But he had to consider his
Zee. She's really working hard to be a better version
of herself and knowing that she's partly doing it for
him was enough to halt his thoughts about advancing
their relationship and just be there for her.
"I think I'm improving." Zehannah had a smile on her
lips. "Little by little."
"We should celebrate with that edible candy of yours."
He gave her a flirtatious grin. "Binili mo pero hindi
mo ginagamit."
Pinisil ni Zehannah ang pisngi ni Reigo. "Maharot ka
lang talaga. And didn't I tell you I'm saving it for a
special occasion?"
"But every day with you is a special occasion, my Zee.
That's why we should do it every day."
"Nope. We can do it every day without the candy."
Reigo's shoulder fell. Then he straightened them
again. "No, I'm not giving up. For the candy!"
Zehannah just shook her head at Reigo and changed the
After lunch, Zehannah and Reigo bid their goodbyes and
returned to their work.
As usual, one client backed out at the very last
minute which made Zehannah sigh and clench her fist.
She had already informed Cassia about their client's
decision to back out, afterwards, she enquired whether
she could handle the situation on her own. At dahil
sobra ang tiwala sa kaniya ng kaibigan, pumayag kaagad
ito. At dahil doon, ayaw niyang biguin ang tiwala
nito. Pero heto, may isa na namang nag-back out.
The only reason why their business was still moving
even after all those clients backed out was because
they still have big clients left. Pero hindi
magtatagal, kung magpapatuloy ito, siguradong mag-
uumpisa na silang malugi. Zehannah felt as though
everything would fall apart with just one mistake
because their financial situation was so unstable,
even at this point.
And a week has passed since it began. As a result, she
had to lay off two of her employees in order to cover
the agency's expenses.
Dahil hindi mapakali, lumabas siya ng opisina at
tinungo ang opisina ni Cassia. Nang makapasok at
makaupo sa visitor's chair nito, kaagad niyang sinabi
rito ang problemang pinansiyal ng agency nila.
"I want to say we'll be fine, but..."
Cassia smiled at Zehannah. "I know you're worried, but
we'll be fine—"
"We're both working hard, Zehan," Cassia cut her off.
"For our agency, we are putting forth our absolute
best effort. Wala tayong inaapakang tao at maayos ang
pakikisama natin sa mga kliyente natin."
Tumayo si Cassia mula sa kinauupuan para takapin mula
sa likuran si Zehannah. "Alam ko kung bakit sobra ang
pag-aalala mo, pero wala tayong magagawa kung gustong
mag-back out ng mga kliyente natin. Hindi natin hawak
ang desisyon nila o kung ano ang gusto nilang
paniwalaan. Just always remember that this is not your
fault, okay? Nothing of this was your fault, so don't
worry. We'll do this together. As business partners.
And if worse comes to worst, and we had to start from
scratch again, it won't be difficult for us to repeat
the feat."
Zehannah nodded while her eyes were closed, feeling
the warm hand caressing her heart as if to comfort and
calm her. "Thank you, Cassia. I needed that one."
Cassia grinned and gave her best friend an even
tighter embrace. "Anything for my master."
Zehannah just sighed because Cassia was back to
calling her 'master' again.
Leaving Cassia's office, Zehannah went back to her
office to give it her all. Like what Cassia told her.
Give it her best, so there will be no regrets. Just
like what she was doing with her life now. Giving it
her all to be better so there will be no regrets.
Yes. We can do this. Zehannah cheered herself and went
back to work. Not knowing the storm Katrin was
ONE LOOK AND Reigo noticed how exhausted his Zee was.
Kaya hindi na siya nagtaka na nang matapos silang
maghapunan ay kaagad itong nakatulog. And it worried
him because it was clear that Zehannah was pushing
herself again.
So, he called Calderon.
"Hey, bud. I have a question."
"Wow. No hello, how are you?" sarkastikong sagot ni
Reigo sighed. "Nagkita pa lang tayo kanina. Seryoso
"Fine. Ano'ng kailangan mo?"
"Kumusta ang agency ng asawa mo at ni Zehan?"
"Hmm... we don't really talk much about it. All I know
is my Cinnamon is working hard these days and is very
busy. Why? Something wrong?"
Reigo heaved a deep sigh. "Zehan had been coming home
exhausted as of late."
"Well... that's adulting, bud."
"I know. But something is off."
"Ask her then."
"She wouldn't tell me anything," Reigo frustratedly
answered. "She's always saying everything is fine, but
I'm pretty sure it's not."
"How about you ask Shun?" Thorn suggested.
Reigo clicked his tongue. "Moron. The issue here is
communication, not information. Didn't you do the same
thing when your wife didn't want to tell you about her
past? You kept quiet and waited for her. You didn't
ask for Shun's help to dig into her past because you
wanted her to open up to you and that's what I'm
trying to do, you motherfucker!"
Thorn clicked his tongue back. "You're a motherfucker
for ranting at me, you moron. Take it to Zehan. Siya
naman ang umi-stress sa 'yo, hindi ako. At saka baka
ayaw lang talaga niyang sabihin sa 'yo dahil wala kang
maitutulong. Accept the truth."
"Wala ka talagang kuwentang kausap. Ang sama pa ng
ugali mo."
"Same to you, bud."
Reigo groaned. "Fuck you."
Thorn grinned. "You're welcome."
Reigo ended the call feeling pissed, and then he went
back to the bedroom to force himself to sleep. But
that did not go well.
He only slept a little until morning came and he
watched Zehannah ready for work as if he didn't exist.
That's how busy she had gotten.
"My Zee, wait for me. I'll drive you to—"
"No need. Kaya ko na ang sarili ko." She quickly
kissed Reigo goodbye on the lips, but Reigo caught her
hand and didn't let her go.
"My Zee, would it kill you to wait for me for a couple
of minutes while I get ready?"
Napatitig si Zehannah kay Reigo at nang maisip ang
kalagayan ng agency nila ni Cassia, seryosong sumagot
si Zehannah. "Yeah. It would."
"My Zee—"
"Reigo, I'm really busy," may diin nitong sabi. "I
don't have time for your right now. I'm sorry."
Bahagyang natigilan si Reigo bago binitiwan ang kamay
ni Zehannah. "Okay. Ingat ka."
Tumango lang si Zehannah saka umalis habang nakasunod
ang mga mata ni Reigo rito.
Something is really wrong.
Therefore, he made a call to the person he knew who
could advise him because that person had years of
His dad.
"Oh, hey, son. Napatawag ka. Need something?" His
father chuckled as if happy that he called. "It'll
cost you."
Hearing his son's troubled voice, Rogan immediately
knew what Reigo wanted. "Something happened to
"Something feels off, Dad. It's just that... something
is different with my Zee." He ran his fingers through
his hair, frustrated. "But I can't pinpoint what."
"Talk to her."
"I already did."
"Ano'ng sinabi niya?"
"She's busy."
"Then she's busy," Rohan said in a matter-of-fact
voice. "People like her and your mom—when hen they say
they're busy, they're just really busy. She's not
cheating or tired of you, she's just really busy. They
will tell you straight away if they don't want you
anymore. Siguro may importanteng tinatrabaho lang si
Zehannah na kailangan ang buong atensiyon niya."
Reigo was frustrated. "Can't she tell me?"
"Son, she must be doing something important that keeps
her really busy, and she didn't want to tell you about
it," ani Rohan. "Dalawa lang 'yon. Either she's
keeping it from you because she didn't want you to
know, or she's keeping it from you because it doesn't
concern you. You choose and then ask her again."
Natahimik si Reigo.
"Though if you want my advice, I say let her be,"
seryosong wika ni Rohan. "Sometimes, a little distance
makes the heart grow fonder."
"Distance could kill a heart too, Dad."
"Son, genuine love is hard to kill. Remember that."
His father's last words still echoed in his mind as
his father bid farewell and ended the call.
Distance, huh? Reigo scoffed at himself. Distance from
my Zee is synonymous with not really living. Just how
the fuck am I going to get through this?
READING THE REPORTS on her table, Zehannah called
Cassia and their Accounting Department's head to have
a meeting to talk about the current issue their agency
was facing. The reason why she was so busy—trying to
pacify the situation they were in.
"The agency just doesn't have enough money for the
fine, if that's the path we'll take," ani Josie, ang
head ng Accounting Department ng C&Z Marketing Agency.
"We're already losing money because of the attorney's
Zehannah sighed, her hands cupping her head. The
business lawyer recommended by Faith Yilmaz's husband
already gave them consideration and a discount because
they were friends with Attorney Evren Yilmaz, but it
was still an enormous chunk of their finances.
"And if we pay the fine, it was like admitting that it
was indeed our fault and we failed to deliver the
marketing campaign we promised." Zehannah gritted her
teeth. "Y&Z Supermarket is one of our big clients. For
them to do this..."
"If we took this to court, it'll take some time and
money, and I don't think our small agency could take
it. Siguradong makakagamit tayo ng personal na pera
natin," dagdag ni Cassia saka bumuntonghininga. "Kahit
ano'ng piliin nating daan, masisira at masisira ang
reputasyon ng agency natin. And reputation is
important in this kind of business."
"What our other clients think is the most important
factor, we all know this," Zehannah added while
trapping her head in between her palms while her
elbows were resting on the edge of the oval-shaped
table. "It's obvious that if word gets out, it could
spell disaster for our agency. If we take this to
court, the trial could go on for months or years if
things don't go well. The best-case scenario is to
settle the fine and tarnish our reputation, the worst-
case is we'll go bankrupt."
Cassia sighed and caressed her stomach. "Either way,
because we're just a small agency, we're doomed."
Bumagsak ang balikat ni Cassia saka tumingin kay
Zehannah. "Zehan, ano'ng gagawin natin? Even though we
have hard days ahead, we have to proceed with business
as usual. We also need to focus on our other clients'
needs. Our lack of attention could cause them to think
that something is wrong."
Zehannah took a deep breath and answered Cassia with
the best smile she could muster. "Don't worry. We'll
get through this. I promise. Our budget is our major
concern right now. As it is, we can't afford to spend
any more money right now. One solution for staying
afloat is to look for ways to gain immediate funds.
Until we settle this, we could borrow money to cover
Nakangiting nag-thumbs up si Cassia kay Zehannah. "No
worries. Marami tayong puwedeng hiraman ng pera."
Tumango si Zehannah. "But we still have to be very
careful. Ang hiramin lang natin ay 'yong kaya nating
Tumango si Cassia sa kaibigan saka bumaling sa head ng
Accounting Department nila. "Don't worry, Josie. Just
hang in there. We'll get through this together. Kami
ang bahala."
Magiliw na tumango si Josie. "Yes po, Ma'am Cassia,
Ma'am Zehan."
Huminga nang malalim si Zehan saka ngumiti kay Josie.
"Thank you, Josie. You can go back now. Cassia and I
still have to talk about our plans moving forward."
Tumango si Josie saka lumabas ng meeting room.
Nang sina Zehannah at Cassia na lang sa loob ng
conference room, kaagad na napasubsob si Cassia sa
mesa at napasimangot kay Zehannah. "I honestly don't
know what to do, Zehan. This is a colossal risk we're
taking. Noong nag-umpisa tayo, ang problema lang natin
ay kung magkakaroon tayo ng kliyente, ngayon
kinakasuhan na tayo ng kliyente natin. How time flies,
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka pabirong pinisil ang
ilong ni Cassia. "Hang in there and trust me."
"I do trust you, master Zehan." Ani Cassia saka
ngumiti. "We can do this. Pagsubok lang 'to."
Tumango si Zehannah kapagkuwan ay napabuntonghininga.
"This is exhausting."
Cassia couldn't help but nod. "Yeah. This agency has a
special place in my heart, so if we filed for
bankruptcy, my heart is going to break, but my
finances wouldn't be a problem because I have my
husband, but you, Zehan..."
Zehannah smiled reassuringly at Cassia. "I'm okay. A
few weeks ago, I bought a stock, so yeah... I hope
that one goes well—no. I'm sure it'll go well."
Lumipat ng upuan si Cassia para yakapin si Zehannah.
"Master Zehan, kahit ano'ng mangyari, nandito lang ako
para sa 'yo. Hindi kita iiwan sa ere tulad ng hindi mo
rin pag-iwan sa 'kin dati. Kahit ano'ng harapin o
mangyari sa agency natin, palagi mong iisipin na
nandito lang ako sa tabi mo kahit maaga akong umuuwi
palagi sa trabaho kasi makulit ang asawa ko."
Babagsak na sana ang luha ni Zehannah pero umurong
dahil sa huling sinabi nito. "You're always so silly."
She flicked Cassia's forehead. "But thank you for
sticking with me and trusting me with all this."
Cassia just grinned and nodded.
Napailing si Zehannah saka tinapik ang mga braso ni
Cassia na nakayakap rito. "Sige na, balik ka na sa
opisina mo. Ako na ang bahalang maghanap ng
mahihiraman natin ng pera pansamantala."
Tumango si Cassia saka lumabas ng conference room.
Ilang minutong nagpaiwan naman doon si Zehannah bago
lumabas. At habang patungo siya sa opisina niya,
dumaan muna siya sa Accounting Department para humingi
ng financial statement kay Josie.
While Josie was printing the financial statement,
Josie's phone was beeping nonstop. Text after text.
And since Zehannah was near Josie's table while
waiting, she couldn't help seeing the name of the
sender, though the content was hidden.
"Mukhang miss na miss ka ng boyfriend mo, Josie,"
tudyo ni Zehannah sa empleyado. "Daming text, o."
Namula ang pisngi ni Josie. "Seaman ho kasi ang
boyfriend ko, Ma'am. At pauwi siya kaya panay plano
kung ano'ng gagawin namin."
Mahinang tumawa si Zehannah saka tinanggap ang
financial statement na katatapos lang i-print ni
Josie. "Okay lang sa 'kin makipag-text ka, huwag mo
lang pabayaan ang trabaho mo."
"Yes, Ma'am Zehan."
"And make sure to give your boyfriend time," Zehannah
advised. "Huwag kang gumaya sa 'kin. I don't have time
for my man, and I think he's going to snap at me soon
"Noted po, Ma'am."
Nginitian ni Zehannah si Josie bago tinungo ang
opisina nito at nagligpit ng gamit. May pupuntahan
With her shoulder bag in her hand, she left the agency
and drove to her destination.
Reigo's company.
Nang makarating siya roon, si Fara ang nakaupo sa mesa
ng sekretarya sa labas ng opisina ni Reigo.
"Ma'am Zehan!" Fara was delighted to see Zehannah.
Zehannah smiled back. "Si Reigo? Puwede ko ba siyang
Napatingin si Fara sa pintuan ng opisina ni Reigo bago
sumagot. "Naku, Ma'am, nasa labas ho ngayon si Sir
Reigo kasama si Oliver. They're visiting construction
sites and I don't know when they will be back."
"Oh." Zehannah's shoulder slightly fell.
"Gusto niyo ho bang sa loob na lang kayo ng opisina ni
Sir maghintay?"
Zehannah pulled an amiable smile and nodded. "Thank
you, Fara. Sa loob na lang ako maghihintay kung ayos
Tumango si Fara at sinamahan si Zehannah sa loob.
Kapagkuwan ay naghanda ng pang-meryenda si Fara bago
iniwan sa loob ng opisina si Zehannah.
Zehannah was planning to wait for Reigo patiently, but
unbeknownst to her, Fara already informed Oliver and
Oliver informed Reigo, and Reigo was on his way back
from visiting construction sites.
Kaya naman nang makabalik kaagad si Reigo, nagulat is
Zehannah. Ni hindi pa nga niya nauubos ang meryenda na
ginawa ni Fara para sa kaniya.
"That was fast..." she commented.
"Hmm." Reigo pretended not to have rushed up to meet
his Zee. He even nonchalantly sat beside Zehannah.
"This is new. You're actually here."
Tumango si Zehannah. "I'm here to explain myself."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Reigo kapagkuwan ay kumalma
ang ekspresyon ng mukha nito. "May I ask why?"
"Because I know my busy schedule had been bothering
you and because I need your help."
Reigo leaned back in his seat while staring at his Zee
as if he was reading her. Then he blew a loud breath
and shrugged. "Okay. Explain."
Zehannah turned to face Reigo before she explained
herself. "Our agency is about to sink and I and Cassia
had been busy trying to save it."
Kaagad na umayos ng upo si Reigo at buong atensiyon na
hinarap ang dalaga. "What happened? Is there something
I can do? Tell me."
Zehannah told Reigo about how the Y&Z Supermarket was
suing them for failure to deliver their marketing
campaign. How they asked Atty. Yilmaz to recommend
them a good business lawyer and how they're now stuck
between paying the fine or taking it to court.
"Yilmaz didn't tell me..." Reigo muttered under his
"It's because I and Cassia asked him not to. I mean,
this is our problem as business owners, and I don't
want to bother you with it. As owners, we're
responsible for doing everything we can to save it.
Kaya hindi ako nagsabi sa 'yo o humingi ng tulong."
Reigo's face softened. "But now you're here, asking
for my help."
Tumango si Zehannah saka nagbaba ng tingin. "We, um,
we have no more options left. Ginawa na namin ang
lahat at ito lang ang naisip naming paraan para kahit
papaano ay magpatuloy ang agency namin habang inaayos
namin ang probelma sa Y&Z Supermarket."
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Ang totoo niyan,
nahihiya akong humingi ng tulong sa 'yo. Hindi ako
sanay humingi ng tulong pero hindi na talaga kaya, e."
Bumagsak ang luha mula sa mga mata ni Zehannah.
"Naiinis ako sa sarili ko kasi hindi ko nakita 'tong
problema na 'to. We were doing so well, and then boom,
just like that, everything we worked hard for is
falling apart. And I hate it because I feel so
Reigo dried Zehannah's tears. "My Zee, I'm right here.
You can ask me for help anytime."
"Alam ko. Pero hindi naman puwedeng lahat ng problema
ko, iasa ko sa 'yo." Zehannah dried her own tears.
"Ang dami mo na ngang iniisip ng dahil sa 'kin, ayaw
ko nang dagdagan pa. Pero heto, nandito ako, humihingi
ng tulong. At nahihiya ako kasi wala naman akong
magandang naibigay sa 'yo. Puro nga lang problema at
sakit ang dala ko e tapos heto na naman. I want to do
something for you as well. I don't want to be someone
who only takes and takes that's why I asked for a
professional help, so that I could be a better person
for you. But then, this disaster happened and"—she
heaved a deep sigh—"instead of giving back, I'm going
to take something from you again."
Reigo took a deep breath and wrapped his arm around
his Zee as he rested his chin on her shoulder. "My
Zee, you've given me enough already," he whispered.
"You've given me happiness, you gave me a home, you
gave me your body, you gave me your time, and a lot
more, so don't discredit yourself."
Zehannah became silent as her breathing calmed down.
"Feeling better?" Reigo asked.
Ngayong nailabas na niya ang saloobin? Tumango si
Zehannah. "A little."
"I'm glad. Now, tell me what you need."
Zehannah bit her lower lip before she turned to face
Reigo. "Money. I want to borrow money from you."
"How much do you need?"
"A million," she whispered.
"Okay. When do you need it?"
"When will you pay me back?" Reigo asked because he
wanted to treat it as a business deal to ease
Zehannah's mind.
And his decision was spot on because Zehannah had
loosened up. "We plan to pay you monthly. Twenty-four
to thirty-six months starting two months from now, if
that's okay with you."
That's two to three years. It means I have two to
three guaranteed years with her. Would three years
even be enough to woo her? Reigo smiled at the
"What?" she asked.
"Nothing." Reigo smiled at Zehannah. "I'll transfer
the money tomorrow to your agency's account, then
we'll sign a contract."
Tumango si Zehannah saka niyakap si Reigo. "Thank you
so much, Reigo."
It was a big sum of money she's borrowing, and
Zehannah was happy that Reigo offered to make a
contract. It put her mind at ease somehow because it
was Reigo's hard-earned money. Debt was a debt.
I have to be even more serious about my therapy. I
want to be better. For Reigo... and myself.
MEANWHILE, BACK IN C&Z Marketing Agency, a certain
someone in the Accounting Department was busy
exchanging messages with her 'boyfriend', but there
was nothing sweet about their exchange.
'Is Zehannah suffering?'
'Yes, Ma'am. The agency is falling apart, and they're
going to borrow money to save it. Not only that, I
learned that because of Zehan's busy schedule, Sir
Reigo is about to snap and maybe they'll fight.'
'Music to my ears! I want her to suffer more! I want
her to grovel! As long as she's not breaking up with
Reigo, I will make her life a living hell. Starting
with her puny business. Hahahaha.'
'Yes, Ma'am. I will update you every time they change
their plan.'
'You're such an angel, Josie. I will raise your fee
even more.'
'Thank you so much, Ma'am!'
'Don't mention it. Just keep working hard for me.'
'Yes, Ma'am.'
The exchange ended and Josie went back to her work
like nothing happened.
"GIVE UP ON Reigo or continue to suffer." Kararating
lang ni Zehannah sa opisina at maagang-maaga pa at
'yon kaagad ang narinig niya nang tanggapin niya ang
tawag ni Katrin. "If I can't have him, then no one
can. That's my decision. And if you continue being
stubborn, I have more ways to make you suffer. I can
destroy anything you hold dear—"
"Hindi ka ba napapagod?" putol ni Zehannah sa iba lang
sasabihin ng nasa kabilang linya. She was genuinely
curious. "Ang aga-aga puro na kasamaan ang
pinaggagagawa mo. And you said you're a wealthy, well-
educated woman." She sighed. "I guess it's true that
you can't buy manners."
Halos lumabas ang ugat ni Katrin sa leeg sa sobrang
galit. "You bitch—"
"Nope. I'm sure that's you. Anyway, I have an agency
to run and save. Have a nice day." Hindi na hinintay
ni Zehannah ang sagot nito. Pinatay niya ang tawag
saka napabuntonghiningang pabagsak na naupo sa swivel
chair niya.
Save my agency or give up on Reigo. It's been weeks
since she received the offer from Katrin, and her
answer still hadn't changed, hence the problem with
Y&Z Supermarket. But she's going to fight even if it
cost her her life savings—actually, it already did. I
always slay. Over my dead body, you witch bitch.
She said that, but she's really struggling. Kung hindi
lang niya pinapalakas ang loob niya at wala siyang
pinaglalaban, matagal na siyang umayaw. But even how
easy it was to just give up, she couldn't find it in
herself to just let that witch bitch win.
"She called again?" tanong ni Cassia nang makapasok sa
opisina ni Zehannah at nakita ang madilim na mukha ng
kaibigan at ang mahigpit na hawak sa cellphone nito.
She was actually here to ask Zehannah about the money
they borrowed, but seeing Zehannah, Cassia's question
"It's her hobby to piss me off every morning,"p na
sagot ni Zehannah. "Kung sana magpakita na lang siya
sa 'kin at pisikal kami na magbaradagulan, e 'di tapos
kaagad at panalo ako."
"But she's rich and powerful. You know how they
Hinilot ni Zehannah ang sentido. "Marami tayong
kilalang rich and powerful pero hindi naman sila
ganoon kung umasta."
Cassia shrugged. "Masama lang talaga siguro ang ugali
Kumuyom ang kamao ni Zehannah. "Gusto ko siyang
Natawa si Cassia kay Zehannah. "Patience is a virtue,
Master Zehan."
Napabuntonghininga si Zehannah sa sinabi ni Cassia.
"Well, my patience is about to run dry. Hindi ko alam
kung kakayanin ko pang magtimpi. Araw-araw sinusubok
ako ni Lord at kung malapit lang sa 'kin ang gaga na
'yon, baka talaga nabugbog ko na siya sa sobrang galit
na nararamdaman ko."
Cassia sighed and went to comfort Zehannah. "We'll
fight and we will give our all."
Pagod na tumango si Zehannah saka inimporma ang
kaibigan na nakahiram na siya ng pera kay Reigo.
Bumuntonghininga si Cassia. "Would it be enough?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Ako na ang bahalang makipag-
meeting kay Josie para ma-budget natin nang maayos ang
pera na hiniram natin."
Tumango si Cassia. "Okay. I'll leave it to you, Master
Zehan. Balik na ako sa opisina ko. Ayos ka na ba?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Ayos lang. Kakayanin..."
Cassia smiled at Zehannah before she left, but worry
replaced her smile once she stepped out of Zehannah's
office. Nag-aalala siya sa kabigan niya. Zehannah had
always been strong and independent, but even the
strongest wall crumbles. Hinahayaan lang niya ito
dahil sinisisi nito ang sarili sa nangyari kahit hindi
naman nito kasalanan 'yon.
Cassia took a deep breath and muttered under her
breath. "I have to give my all."
"Ma'am Cassia?"
Napakurap-kurap si Cassia saka napatingin kay Josie na
siyang may-ari ng boses. "Oh, Josie." Magiliw na
ngumiti si Cassia. "Ang aga natin, a."
Nahihiyang ngumiti si Josie. "Nakakahiya ho kasi maaga
ang mga boss kong pumasok."
Mahinang natawa si Cassia. "Naku, huwag mo kaming
pansinin. We're just busy trying to save the agency."
Nilingon ni Cassia ang pintuan ng opisina ni Zehannah.
"But Zehannah is more stressed than I am. Pati sa
personal niyang buhay, stressed din siya."
"Nag-away ho ba sila ng boyfriend niya?" usisa ni
Josie at nang nakita nitong nagtatakang tumingin dito
si Cassia, mabilis na nagpaliwanag si Josie.
"Nabanggit kasi sa 'kin ni Ma'am Zehan na hindi sila
maayos ng boyfriend niya dahil palagi siyang busy."
"Oh." Understanding dawn on Cassia's face. "Hindi ako
sigurado, pero parang ganoon nga yata. Nakikita mo
naman kung gaano ka-busy si Zehan. Anyway, doon lang
ako sa opisina ko. Kung may kailangan ka, dumeretso ka
na lang kay Zehan. She'll be taking care of our
finances and budget with you while I'll take care of
our remaining clients." Then Cassia smiled at Josie.
"Break a leg."
Josie smiled back. "Yes, Ma'am."
But Josie's smile disappeared as soon as Cassia turned
her back on her. And immediately, Josie reported her
findings to her 'real' boss.
EARLY MORNING and he already had it rough. Zehannah
went to work so early again—too early that he was
still asleep when she left. And not seeing Zehannah
after he opened his eyes in the morning spelled a bad
day for him. Therefore, when he arrived at his office,
he was grumpy as hell and his secretary, Oliver,
immediately noticed it.
And then something added to his already bad day.
A message from Katrin.
'I have news and an offer to make. I know you'll be
Reigo sighed and deleted the message, and then blocked
the number. Hindi siya interesado. Alam niyang gulo
lang ang dala ni Katrin. Mas makabubuti pa na ituon
ang atensiyon niya sa pag-iisip kung paano
matutulungan si Zehannah kapag humingi ito ng ibang
tulong sa kaniya maliban sa pera.
Honestly, he wanted to intervene and just threaten Y&Z
Supermarket, but he could feel that it would somehow
put C&Z Marketing Agency in a bad light if their
clients find out. The best way to help his Zee was to
trust her and leave it in her hands. And only move
when she asked him to.
Ayaw niya itong pangunahan dahil kung siya ang nasa
kalagayan nito, hindi siya magiging komportable dahil
responsabilidad niya bilang may-ari ang ayusin ang
problema ng sariling kompanya niya. And she knew
Zehannah would feel the same way.
Bumuga ng marahas na hininga si Reigo. But could I
help her? Is the money she borrowed really enough to
make their agency afloat for the time being?
He was worried, but Zehannah seemed certain that the
money was enough. That meant she had a plan.
Reigo blew a loud breath again and leaned back in his
swivel chair. I know how self-reliant she is, but she
actually asked for my help. That was unexpected, but
he couldn't deny that he was happy when she asked.
Looks like her therapy is working great. The Zehannah
he knew would never ask for help. She would always
keep her worries to herself. But now, she's more open
when it comes to asking for help.
Reigo picked up his phone and sent a message to
'Call me if you need anything. Let's have a date if
you're not busy anymore.'
After sending his text to Zehannah, he called his
secretary to know his schedule for today before he
started his work.
THE DAYS OF Zehannah, being overly busy, continued.
The only time Zehannah and Reigo saw each other in
daytime was when they signed the contract for the
money Zehannah borrowed. Other than that, the two
always saw each other at nighttime and after a simple
dinner, Zehannah would be on the bed, deep in her
Reigo understood how busy Zehannah was, but he
couldn't help feeling left behind. He felt like
something important was happening in Zehannah's life
and he was being excluded. Though he immediately
discarded the feeling. Of all people, it was him who's
supposed to understand Zehannah better. Siya ang
kasama nito sa condo at nakikita niya palagi kung
gaano ito kapagod sa tuwing umuuwi ito.
Though it bothered him, his days of only seeing
Zehannah at night continued. And then his work entered
the scene.
"My Zee, I'm leaving for work."
Napatigil sa pagkain ng hapunan si Zehannah saka
napabaling kay Reigo bago kalmadong nagtanong.
"Bukas," sagot ni Reigo. "There's a project that my
company had been interested in and the bidding will
start the day after tomorrow. In Japan. I'll be there
for three to four days, maybe."
Tumango si Zehannah saka ngumiti. "Good luck. You can
nail it."
Reigo appreciated the 'good luck'. "Anong pasalubong
ang gusto mo?"
Nag-isip si Zehannah. "Hmm... a new keychain for my
Reigo chuckled at Zehannah's simple request. "Got it.
I'll buy you tons of keychains."
"One keychain will do, babe," naiiling pero nangingiti
na sabi ni Zehannah.
"I'll buy matching keychains then."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Cheesy."
"I'll make sure you'll like it," pangako ni Reigo
kapagkuwan ay tumiim ang titig nito kay Zehannah.
"How's your agency, by the way?"
Bumuga ng marahas si Zehannah ang kitang-kita sa mukha
ng dalaga ang frustration, pagod, at stress. "I
actually don't want to talk about it. I don't want to
be stressed about it while I'm with you."
Reigo's expression softened. "Sorry. Nag-aalala lang
ako sa 'yo. You're too busy. Nagpapahinga ka pa ba?"
Bumaba ang mga kamay ni Zehannah na may hawak ng
tinidor at kutsara sa ibabaw ng lamesa saka
napabuntonghininga. "Pahinga? Ano 'yon?" Pagak si
Zehannah na natawa. "I honestly don't know what I'm
doing anymore. Siguro... ayoko lang matalo."
"My Zee..."
Taking a deep breath, Zehannah's face dramatically
changed from frustrated to motivated. "But I'm not
losing. I won't let myself lose." She looked at Reigo.
"Especially knowing what's at stake... I'm not
Feeling Zehannah's resolved, Reigo was relieved.
"Alright then. Basta kung may kailangan ka, kahit nasa
Japan ako, tawagan o i-chat mo lang ako. I'll help
however I can."
Tumango si Zehannah saka tumayo ito sa kinauupuan para
yakapin ang binata. And it stunned Reigo for a second
before he let himself be immersed in Zehannah's
"Ingat ka ro'n. Huwag kang mangbingwit ng bagong
barakuda. I already have enough with those two witch
Natatawang tumango si Reigo. "Yes, Ma'am. I will make
sure to tone down my handsomeness and deliciousness."
Zehannah rolled her eyes at that and tightened her
embrace on Reigo before she slowly let him go and
kissed his forehead. "Oh, there is one thing you can
buy for me," ani Zehannah nang pabalik na ang dalaga
sa kinauupuan nito. "Buy me an authentic Japanese
"Noted, my Zee. I'll buy lots for you."
Happy and looking forward to her matcha, Zehannah
enjoyed the rest of the dinner and then went to the
bedroom to clean herself and brush her teeth.
Meanwhile, the chore such as washing dishes had been
passed down to Reigo, not that he was complaining.
Because of washing multiple times, Reigo believed that
he's now an expert in the field of dishwashing and
he's a very proud man.
After doing all the chores, he went to Zehannah's
bedroom to ready his clothes and bag for his travel
tomorrow, expecting that his Zee was already asleep
when he saw her sitting on the edge of the bed as if
waiting for someone.
"That's new." His tone was playful. "Hindi ka pa
Zehannah narrowed her eyes at Reigo. "Plano kong
tulungan kang mag-impake para bukas. Magsabi ka lang
kung ayaw mo, matutulog ako kaagad."
Reigo immediately changed his tone. "I will gladly
accept your help, my Zee."
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang binata saka tumayo at tinungo
ang closet saka binuksan 'yon. "You choose the clothes
you want to bring, and I'll do the folding."
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Do you have a trolley bag?" Zehannah asked. "Or you
can use mine."
"Nope. I prefer a backpack. Oliver has a travel iron,
so that'll be fine."
"Okay." Kinuha ni Zehannah ang backpack ni Reigo na
nasa gilid lang ng closet at inilagay 'yon sa ibabaw
ng kama.
And as Reigo chose his clothes, Zehannah folded them
and carefully placed them inside the backpack. From
clothes to Reigo's essentials, Zehannah helped Reigo
pack and only went to bed and sleep after making sure
that everything was ready.
A soft smile appeared on Reigo's lips as he watched
his Zee sleeping peacefully. Sanay siyang siya lang
ang nag-iimpake ng gamit niya kapag umaalis siya ng
bansa para sa trabaho niya. Ayaw kasi niya ng may
nangingialam kung ano'ng dapat niyang isuot. But if it
was his Zee, he'll gladly welcome it. Though she
didn't really choose anything for him. She let him
choose for himself and that was one thing he loved
about Zehannah.
Smiling to himself, he sat on the bed and kissed his
Zee on the forehead before lying next to her and
cuddling her to sleep.
UNANG GABI PA LANG mula nang umalis si Reigo, ramdam
kaagad ni Zehannah na may kulang, lalo na sa condo
niya. Pagkapasok na pagkapasok pa lang niya, parang
gusto na niyang lumabas kaagad at pumunta sa bahay ng
mga magulang niya.
Her condo was so silent that it scared her. Aside from
the silence, she felt like it had become bigger and
Is it because I'm already used to living with Reigo
that it feels different now that he's not here with
Walang emosyong natawa si Zehannah sa naisip. Look at
me being dependent and comfortable with someone other
than my parents and best friend. Her past self would
surely laugh if she told her that a guy will come who
will change how she viewed a relationship.
She was still in an 'exclusive dating' stage with
Reigo, but sometimes—no, most of the time—she
considered Reigo her boyfriend, to be honest. Not just
someone she's exclusively dating. And she didn't mind
at all. The thought of having a relationship with
Reigo didn't scare her anymore.
Is it because I'm changing or is it because of my
therapy sessions? Whatever the reason was, Zehannah
felt that it was a pleasant change. Yes, scary. But
she felt good about it.
Though there was one thing that didn't change while
Reigo was gone, and that was the e-mails she received
from Emma or Katrin. She was not sure anymore since
those two were so alike. Although this time, the email
didn't contain words of insult; it contained photos.
Photos of Reigo and Katrin entering the same hotel
together in Japan. She even received a photo of
Katrin's boarding pass and other details that would
certainly prove that Katrin was indeed in Japan—with
She was not a jealous woman, but when it came to
Reigo, a small part of her was jealous. Yes. Jealous.
Kahit gaano pa kalaki ang tiwala niya kay Reigo, may
selos pa rin siyang nararamdaman. And it was scary to
Zehannah because she was not that kind of woman.
But here she was, jealous of that witch bitch, even
knowing that Reigo wouldn't do anything that would
hurt her.
Pero kahit may selos siyang naramdaman, hinayaan niya
lang at nagdesisyon na matulog na lang nang maaga
dahil abala ulit siya kinabukasan. Pero mukhang walang
balak sina Katrin at Emma na hayaan siyang magkaroon
ng matiwasay na umaga. Dahil hindi pa nga siya nag-
aagahan, nakatanggap na kaagad siya video.
"Seriously..." Zehannah muttered under her breath as
she watched the video of Reigo having breakfast with
Katrin in a restaurant in Japan. And it looked like
the two were having a merry time because Reigo was
smiling at the video, not serious nor distant.
Yeah. Let's calm down. Sa isip ni Zehannah saka
itinigil ang video na pinapanood. They're just eating
and talking. Nothing to fuss about.
That's what she said, but it bothered her the whole
day. And at dinner, she again received another video
of Katrin and Reigo having dinner while talking
But Zehannah's self-control was so strong that she,
again, let the video be and continued her night
chatting with Reigo.
'I have something to tell you when I get back. I'm
sure it'll lessen your stress.' – Reigo
'Ngayon mo na lang sabihin.'
'Nah. Mas maganda sa personal.'
'Hindi naman 'to tungkol sa kalandian mo, 'di ba?'
'Nope. By the way, look at what I found while roaming
around earlier.'
Below that was a photo of two long wooden keychains
with a photo carving of her and then the other
keychain had Reigo's.
'Yours is the one with my face, while I'll keep the
one with yours.' Reigo added.
Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung matutuwa siya o ano. 'Or
you can have the one with your face and I'll keep
'Hell no, my Zee. I bought these with the purpose of
keeping the one with your face.'
Napailing si Zehannah pero may ngiti naman sa labi
niya. 'Sige na. Tatanggapin ko na 'yong isang
keychain. Nakakahiya naman sa pagmumukha mo na naka-
carve ro'n.'
'Yes! Wala nang bawian, my Zee.'
Zehannah imagined Reigo's cheerful face, and it was
enough to make her night and forget her horrible day.
Pero mukhang sinusubok talaga siya ng Panginoon dahil
kinabukasan, may video na naman siyang natanggap at
magkasama na namang nag-aagahan si Reigo at Katrin.
And the video had a timestamp.
She was convincing herself that it was edited and not
authentic, but if it was, what was she going to do?
Bago pa niya masagot ang tanong na 'yon, nakatanggap
siya ng isa pang mensahe.
'Are you really prepared to go broke for Reigo?'
Zehannah's lips thinned as she replied without
hesitation. 'Yes.'
After Zehannah hit send, she took a deep breath, let
her head fall, and stared at the ceiling. Whatever was
happening with Reigo and Katrin in Japan, she already
fought for Reigo and did not lose.
She's risking her agency, her mental health, her hard-
earned money, and everything for Reigo... if that was
not love, then she didn't know what is.
NAGSALUBONG ANG KILAY ni Zehannah nang makita si Emma
sa labas ng agency nila ni Cassia. Katatapos lang
niyang mananghalian sa restaurant ni Thorn at
pakiramdam niya, hindi siya matutunawan dahil sa
babae. "Ano'ng ginagawa mo rito?" nakakuyom ang
kamaong tanong niya nang tumigil siya sa harapan ni
Honestly, she wanted to bash Emma's head against the
nearest wall, but she was stopping herself. Aside from
the fact that they were in public, it was also a crime
to do so, and she already had too many problems as it
Calm down, Zehan. This could be a trap. Be sharp!
Pagkausap ni Zehannah sa sarili habang kalmadong
nakaharap kay Emma.
"Puwede ba kitang makausap?" parang nahihiya nitong
Tumaas ang kilay ni Zehannah. "Drop the act. I know
how shameless you are."
Nagbaba ng tingin si Emma na parang nagsisisi sa
kawalang hiyaan nito. "I know I don't have the right
to demand to talk, but it's important. Please."
Zehannah sighed. She already had so much on her plate
at the moment, she didn't want to add another one, but
Emma coming here meant something was up and she
planned to play along. Hinding-hindi siya magpapa-isa
sa mga barakuda na walang alam gawin kundi manghila ng
kapwa nila babae pababa.
"Come in," Zehannah invited Emma calmly. "But don't
expect hospitality. You don't deserve it."
Emma nodded and followed Zehannah inside. Nang
makapasok ang dalawa sa opisina ni Zehannah, umupo si
Zehannah sa swivel chair at iminuwestra niya ang isa
sa visitor's chair kay Emma. "Have a seat and start
talking. Marami pa akong gagawin."
Napatingin si Emma sa kabundok na mga papeles na nasa
ibaba ng lames ani Zehannah bago umupo at humarap kay
Zehannah. "It's, um... it's about Miss Katrin."
I know it... Zehannah sighed. "What about her?"
"She's crazy."
Zehannah didn't even blink. "I know. So what?"
"I want to help you destroy her."
Walang pagbabago sa ekspresyon sa mukha ni Zehannah.
"I don't know what happened between you two, but no,
thank you. Hindi ako interesado. Makakaalis ka na."
"But we have to work together...!" Emma finally showed
her horns and snapped. "She can't just do whatever she
wants! She needs to be stopped! We have to fight her!"
Zehannah leaned back in her seat. "As you can see, I'm
busy. Hindi ako interesado sa kung ano man ang
problema niyong dalawa ng babaeng 'yon. You hate her
guts? Then fight her. Bakit kailangan mo pa akong
isama? Bakit? Hindi mo ba siya kaya na ikaw lang?"
Nagdilim ang mukha ni Emma. "She's a crazy,
narcissistic, and egotistical woman who thinks the
world revolves around her!"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "Mukhang nakahanap ka ng
katapat at kaparehas mo. Makakaalis ka na."
"She will take Reigo away from you!"
Nagkibit-balikat ulit si Zehannah. "If Reigo could be
easily seduced, then she can have him."
Hindi makapaniwalang napatitig sa kaniya si Emma.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Hindi mo man lang
ipaglalaban si Reigo?"
Zehannah's expression turned stony. "Bakit ko
ipaglalaban ang lalaking nagpaakit sa ibang babae?
Now, please leave."
"Leave," matigas ang boses na sabi ni Zehannah. "Take
your offer to someone gullible."
Nagtagis ang bagang ni Emma at matalim ang mga mata
nitong lumabas sa opisina niya.
Nang mag-isa na lang si Zehannah sa opisina niya,
malakas siyang napabuntonghininga saka hinilot ang
sentido. Problem after problem. She didn't know how
long she'll last if this continued.
Because they didn't settle and give in, Y&Z
Supermarket was now suing them, and they needed tons
of money to sustain the case. Alam ni Zehannah na nasa
tama sila at ipaglalaban nila 'yon ni Cassia. Kaya mas
busy siya nitong mga nakaraang araw dahil kinakalap
niya ang mga papeles na kakailanganin para patunayan
na walang pagkukulang ang ahensiya nila pagdating sa
nakasaad sa kontrata.
It was exhausting really, but she believed it was
worth it. I just have to hold on for a while longer. I
can do this. I always slay.
Motivating herself, she took a deep breath and was
about to work when she remembered Reigo. Mamayang
hapon ang dating nito galing Japan. Gusto man niya
itong sunduin at makita kaagad, wala talaga siyang
oras para gawin 'yon dahil may briefing siya mamaya
kasama ang abogado nila para sa kaso na isinampa sa
kanila ng Y&Z Supermarket.
I'll just text him. Zehannah thought and started
looking for the documents needed for their case.
ZEHANNAH WAS EXHAUSTED the whole day, and all she
wanted was to go home, see Reigo and rest, but there
was someone who made it her sole purpose in life to
annoy her at every chance. And that afternoon was not
an exception. Nakatanggap ulit si Zehannah ng video at
sa video na 'yon, malinaw niyang nakita na magkasabay
na sumakay sina Reigo at Katrin sa pribadong eroplano
na sinasakyan ni Reigo.
So, they're together again... She couldn't really deny
it anymore. Magkasama ang dalawa at masayang nag-
uusap. Pero kahit may paninibugho siyang nararamdaman,
hindi talaga niya maisip na lolokohin siya ni Reigo.
She just couldn't see it. Hindi ganoon ang nakilala
niyang Reigo. Nasisiguro niyang kung ayaw na nito sa
kaniya ay magsasabi ito dahil alam nito ang pakiramdam
ng niloloko.
But then again... the fact still remained that she was
feeling jealous.
Oh, well... I'm seeing him tonight. I'll just ask.
'Yon ang plano ni Zehannah. Ang magtanong. Gusto
niyang marinig ang sagot ni Reigo mula sa bibig nito
Unfortunately, Reigo came home late because of some
work he had to finish and Zehannah slept early because
of how exhausted she was. Umaga na nang magkausap ang
dalawa habang nagsasalo ng agahan na niluto ni Reigo.
"How's your trip?" Zehannah asked after having
breakfast with Reigo and while washing the dishes.
Dapat nakaalis na siya papuntang opisina para maaga
siyang makarating at makapag-umpisang magtrabaho pero
nagdesisyon siyang magpa-late nang kaunti para
makasama pa si Reigo at makasabay itong mag-agahan.
Zehannah may not admit it to Reigo, but she missed
just hanging out with him.
"We won," Reigo answered while standing beside
Zehannah and helping with cleaning the dishes.
"Anyway, I brought tons of authentic matcha, and I'm
going to ask Thorn to teach me how to make a matcha
drink so I could make one for you."
Lihim na napangiti si Zehannah. This is the reason I
can't see him being easily seduced. But I'm still
asking. Just subtly though. "Maliban sa pagkapanalo
niyo sa bidding, may nangyari pa bang iba sa Japan?"
"Hmm..." Umaktong nag-iisip si Reigo habang nakasandal
sa lababo bago sumagot. "I don't know if it's a good
thing, but I met Katrin in Japan. And she seemed
"Hmm? How so?"
"For one, she didn't get into my skin like before. We
actually had a pleasant conversation about business
and stuff," pagkuwento ni Reigo.
A pleasant conversation, huh? Is that why you're
smiling while talking to her, Reigo? Zehannah felt
uneasy. I'm sure that witch bitch is planning
something. "Bakit daw nandoon si Katrin sa Japan?
Following you?" Zehannah couldn't hide the bitterness
in her voice at her last question. Good thing Reigo
did not pick up on it. If he did, he ignored it.
"Nope," Reigo answered, as if it didn't concern her.
"She's there for a fashion show. Inimbitahan nga niya
akong samahan siya pero umayaw ako."
"Bakit naman?" Zehannah was trying so hard to sound
"Because I want to talk with you that night and it
feels weird going with her, you know. Baka ano pang
isipin ng ibang tao na makakakita sa 'min. I want to
avoid that as much as possible."
"Because I have you." Reigo's answer was simple, but
enough to make Zehannah feel better.
"By the way, babe. Welcome home," ani Zehannah
Napatigil sa pagtulong si Reigo kapagkuwan ay ilang
segundong napatitig kay Zehannah bago gumuhit ang
munting ngiti sa mga labi nito at tumungo ito sa
likuran ni Zehannah para yakapin nang mahigpit ang
dalaga. "Yeah, I'm home. Did you miss me, my Zee?"
"Kinda," Zehannah answered as if it was nothing.
"Me too." He buried his face against the side of
Zehannah's neck. "I missed you."
"My Zee."
"Take responsibility for me."
"Because I can't sleep peacefully without you
anymore," Reigo said as he tightened his embrace on
her. "Hindi ko alam kung paano at kalian, nalaman ko
lang noong nasa Japan ako. Hindi ako makatulog nang
maayos dahil wala ka sa tabi ko. It was maddening.
Gustong-gusto ko nang umuwi. Kung hindi lang 'yon
importante, umuwi ako kaagad sa 'yo."
Yeah. It was worth it. Zehannah thought after
listening to Reigo. "Hmm. Is that so? I slept like a
baby, though," she teased Reigo.
"And you just broke my heart, my Zee."
Tinapos ni Zehannah ang paghuhugas saka humarap kay
Reigo. "But I really missed you, babe." Kapagkuwan ay
mabilis na hinalikan sa mga labi ang binata. "Welcome
home again, Reigo." Pagkasabi n'on ay kaagad na
tumalilis ng alis si Zehannah sa kusina para maghanda
na sa pagpasok niya sa opisina.
And knowing Reigo, Zehannah locked the door to her
At tama nga ang hinala ni Zehannah. Sinundan siya ni
Reigo at mabilis na kumatok sa pintuan nang mapansin
nitong naka-lock ang pinto.
"My Zee, come on. Open up! After that, I really want
to have my dessert after breakfast!"
Mahinang tumawa lang si Zehannah habang mabilis na
nagpapalit ng damit.
"Come on, my Zee. Open up! I really want to fuck you,
my Zee!"
"Nope," Zehannah finally answered. "I'm busy."
"My Zee!"
Zehannah finished getting ready and opened the door.
"I said no. I'm busy."
Reigo gave him a puppy dog face. "Just a quickie?"
Zehannah was tempted, but when she remembered the
documents waiting for her on her table, she sighed
heavily and shook her head. "Can't. How about this
Reigo's face immediately lit up. "Promise?"
Ngumiti si Zehannah. "Promise."
"Okay. Deal." Zehannah kissed Reigo on the lips one
last time. And then she was out of her condo and off
to work.
Samantalang si Reigo naman na naiwan sa condo ay
napabuntonghininga habang may masuyong ngiti sa mga
And then he remembered something.
"Fuck," he hissed. "I forgot to deliver Katrin's
message to my Zee." He sighed heavily. "Well... it's
not like it's urgent. I'll tell her tonight."
With that, Reigo got ready for work.
IN THE VASQUEZ estate, Contessa had a visitor in her
private office. A woman who looked so beautiful and
serene, as if she couldn't hurt a fly, but Contessa
knew better. Katrin Verona was a woman who would hurt
anyone she wanted without care.
"Reigo and I were together in Japan," Katrin informed
Contessa with a sweet smile on her lips.
Contessa smiled back calmly. "So, I heard."
"You did?" Katrin beamed at Contessa in happiness.
"I'm so glad. I hope I can get your blessing, Tita."
"Yes, Tita. I'm pursuing Reigo, and it would be
amazing if you can give me your blessing, Tita."
Contessa's expression didn't change, much to Katrin's
disappointment because she couldn't read Reigo's
mother. She felt like she was facing an older version
of that irritating and lowly woman, Zehannah Sevil.
Oh, well. Whatever. I'm sure Tita will choose me over
some poor woman.
"Oh, I see," said Contessa and then changed the topic.
"By the way, Katrin, how was your company doing? I
heard the management was transferred to you last
month. Your parents must've been so proud of you and
trusted you so much for them to let their heiress
manage everything."
Katrin's smile turned proud. "Yes, Tita. They gave me
the full reign. As you know, I graduated from a
prestigious university in London and I'm decisive and
firm when it comes to decision-making, so my parents
trusted me with our company. Of course, I will not
disappoint them. I will make our company more
Tumango-tango si Contessa. "That's very nice of you.
But I heard that since you followed my son to Japan,
you missed a lot of board meetings."
That made Katrin still and quiet. It was not
surprising that Contessa Vasquez knew what's going on
in her company because Contessa was a stockholder in
her parents' company. "I-I'm sorry, Tita. I was just
so happy to be with Reigo..." She bit her lower lip
and acted meek to not be scolded. It always worked on
her parents, and it looked like it did on Reigo's
mother as well, making Katrin smile inwardly.
"Very well." Contessa sighed. "Just don't do it again.
Your parents trusted you with everything, so you
shouldn't disappoint them. Always remember how your
parents worked hard to steal that company from their
Katrin paled at that, and she felt humiliated, but she
couldn't rebut it because it was true. She knew the
whole story, and it looked like Reigo's mother knew,
"Anyway"—Contessa smiled nonchalantly after seeing
Katrin's reaction—"about the blessing you were talking
about earlier. You see, I let my son be independent
when it comes to his relationships. If he chooses you,
then that's it."
Worry filled Katrin's face. "What do you mean, Tita?
Paano kung ang piliin ni Reigo ay isang babae na
galing sa isang hindi marangyang pamilya? Won't your
family be tainted? I mean, when it comes to women, I'm
a better choice for Reigo. I'm well-educated and from
a wealthy family. That's actually why I'm here. To ask
for your blessing and also help to have Reigo."
"Hmm..." Contessa was in deep thought before she
looked at Katrin. "Maybe I can lend some help, but
don't hope too much. And my help is not cheap, Miss
Of course, Katrin knew that. Contessa Vasquez was,
after all, known for being a sly businesswoman. Money
makes the world go round, after all. "I will give
anything to have your blessing and your help, Tita."
"Is that so? Then let me tell you the price of my
blessing and help." Contessa's smile widened. "Let me
buy an additional two percent of your company stock."
Katrin became silent as she thought about Contessa's
price. Two percent will not damage their company since
they have other stock owners. The two percent wouldn't
change anything and it won't make any difference as
well, and it was actually a cheap price to pay,
considering Contessa's help.
Mas lumapad ang ngiti ni Contessa. "Okay then. Let's
finalize the document needed and when it's done, I
will help you with my son with everything I got. I
will even tell him to have dinner with you... say, a
dinner date, maybe?"
Katrin beamed at Contessa. "It's already a big help
for me, Tita! Thank you very much!"
Contessa smiled gregariously. "You're very much
welcome, Miss Verona."
It bothered Katrin that Contessa calls her Miss
Verona, but she just didn't care at the moment. Her
mind was busy planning ahead and secretly celebrating
her victory against Zehannah Sevil.
REIGO HAD A busy afternoon when he received a call
from his mother. It made him frown. Hindi kasi ang ina
niya ang tipo ng ina na palaging tumatawag. If her
mother wanted something, she'll text him. If it's
urgent, she'll call him.
Must be something important. He thought as he answered
his mother's call. "Yes, Mom?"
"No greetings for your mother?" Contessa playfully
clicked her tongue.
Reigo sighed. "Good afternoon, Ma. What can I do for
you? If it's an invitation, I don't have any."
"I have a favor to ask."
Natigilan si Reigo sa sinabi ng ina. For his mother to
ask for a favor, it must be something important.
"I'll pay, of course," Contessa added. "Anything you
like, son."
Reigo already had a payment in mind. "Stop hogging my
Zee to yourself when we're in the house and when
you're teaching her. She's mine. Always remember that.
I'm just letting you borrow her."
Contessa smiled to herself. "Sure, I promise."
"Okay. Deal. So, what kind of favor do you want from
"I want you to meet someone for me over dinner three
days from now," said Contessa. "Don't worry. You don't
have to do anything special. Just entertain that
person for me. It's a one-time thing."
"Just that?"
"Yep. It's already a big help."
"Okay. Sure."
Contessa grinned. "Thanks, son. I'll text you the
restaurant's address once it's settled. Bye."
"Okay. Bye, Mom."
Frowning, he looked at the screen of his phone after
the call ended. Minsan lang humingi ng pabor ang ina
niya. Kapag humingi ito ng pabor, isa lang ang ibig
sabihin n'on, wala itong ibang pagpipilian kundi
hilingin ang tulong niya.
Though he wondered... who am I meeting that mom had to
ask me for a favor?
FACING KATRIN was her uncle from her father's side.
She called him to her new office to talk about
something important that concerned the company and her
uncle was kind enough to listen to her summon. Of
course, he would. I'm the boss of this company. She
was surprised that her Uncle Ted, who was older than
her father, hadn't turned senile at his age.
"You must be wondering why I called you here, Uncle."
Ted nodded and remained silent to listen to what
Katrin needed from him.
Katrin didn't beat around the bush. "I want you to
sell to me two percent of the stock you owned, Uncle.
No worries. I'll give it back after my plan succeeds."
Ted frowned at his niece. "What are you planning to do
with the two percent?"
Katrin sighed and explained. "I made a deal with
Contessa Vasquez and in return, I sold her two percent
of the family's stock. That's why I need two percent
from you to balance the stock, so it won't hurt the
Hindi makapaniwalang napatitig si Ted sa pamangkin.
"What were you even thinking dealing with Contessa
Vasquez?! Don't you know how sly that woman is?!"
"Hush, Uncle." Katrin rolled her eyes. "I had it under
control. Kaya nga 'di ba kailangan ko ang two percent
ng stock mo? Siyempre, hindi ako makakapayag na bumaba
ang stock na pag-aari ng pamilya natin nang ganoon
lang. I always have a plan."
Napailing si Ted. "It's still a dangerous trade,
Katrin. You don't know that woman."
"What can she do?" Katrin shrugged nonchalantly.
"Kahit naman binenta ko sa kaniya ang two percent ng
stocks ko, wala pa rin namang magbabago. I'm still the
highest stockholder once you sold me your two
Napabuntonghininga si Ted dahil mukhang walang balak
na makinig sa kaniya ang pamangkin. Hindi naman talaga
ito nakikinig sa kahit na kanino, mula pa noon. At mas
lalong lumala ang ugali na iyon ng dalaga nang
makapagtapos ito sa pag-aaral sa London. "Whatever you
say. Let's settle the contract at our next board
Katrin nodded, delighted that her plan was coming
together. "Thank you, Uncle Ted."
Ted nodded and excused himself.
Now alone in her office, Katrin smiled in
satisfaction. Kaunti na lang, makukuha niya rin si
Reigo. Wala siyang pakialam kung hindi siya ngayon
gusto ng binate. Magagawan naman 'yon ng paraan kapag
naalis na niya si Zehannah Sevil sa tabi nito.
Napatunayan na niya 'yon noong nasa Japan sila.
Kaagad na nagkaroon ng emosyon ang mukha ni Reigo at
hindi na siya nito iniwasan nang sabihin niyang
makikipag-ayos siya kay Zehannah Sevil at hindi na
guguluhin ang binata. Though it was frustrating
because all they talked about was business and, of
course, that woman, Zehannah Sevil, she'll settle with
that than Reigo avoiding her.
Yes. It took all her strength not to snap in front of
Reigo for always talking about Zehannah Sevil in every
conversation they had in Japan. Hindi ito mawalan ng
kuwento tungkol sa babaeng 'yon na masakit na sa
tainga. Even when she used her father to call Reigo to
ask him to give her a ride home on his plane so she
could be closer to him, all Reigo talked about was
Zehannah Sevil and how amazing she was and how he
missed her and how he wanted to go home to her.
And Katrin endured all that. Why? Because that was the
only topic that always brought a smile to Reigo's
lips, and she needed him to look so happy for the
videos and photos she'd been sending to Zehannah
Sevil. Kahit sinong babae, kung makikita ang mga video
at larawan na pinadala niya, siguradong magdududa at
magdududa ito. And that's her plan—to plant doubt in
Zehannah's Sevil mind.
And Katrin knew she was successful. Because according
to Josie, the spy she planted in C&Z Marketing Agency,
overheard Zehannah and her business partner, Cassia,
talking about Reigo and how Zehannah's trust was
dwindling as more videos and photos she received.
It's just a matter of time. Katrin smirked
triumphantly before she opened the folder in front of
her and started working.
"IS THIS ALL I have to sign?" Zehannah asked Attorney
Henares in front of her who visited her office just
after lunch to make her understand the contract and
sign multiple documents.
"Yes, Miss Sevil."
"And after this?" Zehannah handed the documents back
to the attorney. "What's the next step?"
"You may leave everything to me, Miss Sevil." The
attorney smiled. "Someone will contact you once we
settle everything."
"Do you have a timeline?"
"Hopefully, this will be finished next week."
Tumango si Zehannah. "Thank you, Attorney."
The attorney nodded and excused himself. And the
moment Zehannah's visitor left, Cassia entered her
office, looking haggard.
"Are you okay?" nag-aalalang tanong ni Zehannah sa
Tumango si Cassia saka bumuntonghininga. "Just some
personal problem, but I'll be okay. By the way, I'm
here to inform you that our lawyer called for another
briefing, and he told me to bring the documents you
two were talking about last time. Hindi mo raw
sinasagot ang tawag niya kaya ako na lang ang kinausap
Oh, yeah. I put my phone on silent when Attorney
Henares entered my office. "Noted. Thanks, Cassia. By
the way, nakabalik na ba si Josie galing sa BIR?"
They're understaffed at the moment, so Josie was also
taking care of their taxes.
"Kanina pa siya umalis, baka pabalik na 'yon ngayon."
Nagpaalam na si Cassia kay Zehannah. "Sige, balik na
ako sa office ko. Call me if you need anything."
"I will. Thanks, Cass."
Cassia just smiled before she stepped out of
Zehannah's office, leaving Zehannah alone inside.
Pagkalabas na pagkalabas ni Cassia sa opisina niya,
kaagad na hinanap ni Zehannah ang mga papeles na
tinutukoy ng abogado nila. Naitabi na niya 'yon pero
nang hindi niya nahanap sa pinaglagyan, halos buong
hapon ang ginugol niya para mahanap lang ang mga
dokumento na kailangan pero wala talaga.
Zehannah was so close to losing her mind that their
attorney immediately noticed it when she visited his
law office.
"Cases like this can be really exhausting, Miss
Sevil," anito. "You should rest once in a while."
Zehannah smiled wryly. "I don't have time to rest,
Attorney. Siya nga pala attorney, ano'ng mangyayari
kung 'yong dokumento na sinabi mo sa 'kin na kailangan
mo ay mawala?"
Walang pag-aalinlangan na sumagot ang kaharap. "We're
going to lose the case. Those documents are our proof
that your agency did not breach the contract."
Zehannah let out a loud breath. "I'll find it then."
"Please do."
Leaving the law firm, Zehannah went back to the agency
and asked for the help of their employees to find the
missing document. Unbeknownst to everyone who was
looking for the documents frantically, one of them was
just pretending to help. Why would she give effort
into finding a document that she already destroyed as
per the request of her real boss?
And Josie was having a time of her life watching
everyone, especially Zehannah, looking for the said
document frantically. Because Zehannah's suffering
meant her boss will give her a raise and it meant more
money for her.
Unfortunately for everyone, until nighttime, no one
found the document, and it devastated Zehannah. Josie
got it all on video, and only Josie had a good
"YOU LOOK EXHAUSTED, my Zee." 'Yon ang lumabas sa
bibig ni Reigo nang makapasok si Zehannah sa condo at
nakita nito ang dalaga. "Did something happen?
Something I can help with?"
Ilang segundong tinitigan ni Zehannah si Reigo bago
ibinuka ang mga braso. "Yeah. I need a hug."
Kaagad na tumayo si Reigo mula sa pagkakaupo sa sofa
at lumapit kay Zehannah saka masuyo at mahigpit na
niyakap ang dalaga.
"If you're this exhausted, you should've told me when
I called earlier. Sinundo sana kita," ani Reigo.
"Maagang natapos ang trabaho ko."
"Nah. It's okay. Kaya ko pa naman."
"My Zee..."
Zehannah heard the protest in Reigo's voice, so she
explained. "Something is going on in the agency. I'll
take care of it on my own. Kapag hindi ko na kaya,
pangako, hihingin ko ang tulong mo."
Mas humigpit pa lalo ang yakap ni Reigo kay Zehannah.
"Is this because of Y&Z Supermarket?"
"You want me to investigate why they're doing this?"
"I already know why." Zehannah rested her chin on
Reigo's shoulder while Reigo's arms were still
embracing her warmly. "No need to bother with them.
Just hug me and I'll be fine."
Reigo caressed Zehannah's back. "Sigurado kang ito
lang ang kailangan mo sa 'kin?"
"Just hug?"
"Sex too, but I'm too exhausted," Zehannah confessed,
making Reigo smile.
"You missed this delicious specimen, didn't you?"
Reigo teased Zehannah.
"Yeah." Zehannah closed her eyes to feel Reigo's
warmth. "I miss sucking you dry." Argh! Shit talaga
ang Katrin na 'yon! Sa sobrang busy ko, hindi ko na
maluhuran si Reigo! Isa talaga 'yon sa kinaiinisan
She had been so busy and exhausted that it's been
weeks since she and Reigo went nuts on the bed. Buti
nga hindi pa nagrereklamo si Reigo at kapag sinabi
niyang ayaw niya dahil pagod siya ay naiintindihan
'Pag natapos itong mga problema ko, babawi talaga ako.
Pangako ni Zehannah sa sarili. Just you wait, babe. I
will really suck you dry. "... for now, I'll settle
with a hug."
Reigo chuckled and kissed Zehannah on the forehead.
Hindi alam ni Zehannah kung ilang minuto silang
magkayap ni Reigo sa gitna ng salas. Nagkahiwalay lang
ang dalawa nang tumunog ang tiyan ni Zehannah.
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "It'll take some time for me
to cook. How about takeout, my Zee?"
"Sige. 'Yong masarap lang."
Pinakawalan ni Riego sa pagkakayakap si Zehannah pero
ilang segundo lang 'yon dahil kaagad na pinangko ni
Reigo ang dalaga at karga-karga si Zehannah na
naglakad patungo sa kuwarto nilang dalawa habang nag-
"'Yong kasing-sarap ko ba?"
Reigo grinned. "So, you're finally admitting that I'm
Zehannah shrugged. "Let's just say that it's part of
why I like you."
Reigo's expression dramatically changed to show how
'hurt' he was. "Ah, you hurt me, my Zee. I knew it,
katawan ko lang talaga ang habol mo."
Zehannah played along with Reigo. "Hmm. Kamay, labi,
dila, at pagkalalaki mo lang ang gusto ko."
"Ah. My heart is breaking."
Zehannah had to keep her serious face, even though she
was laughing inside. And just like that, she was happy
after a very exhausting day. Nagiging simple ang
kaligayahan niya kapag si Reigo ang kasama niya. Even
a simple and playful banter could make her happy and
at ease.
Honestly, it was scary. But she realized that losing
this happiness is much scarier. A relationship was
really a risk. It was like investing in a business
without knowing if it'll profit or go broke. But
instead of money, it was the heart and mental health
that was at stake. And that's what made it scarier
than any risk Zehannah had taken before. Because she
will never know if it was a fruitful or fruitless risk
until the very end.
Only time could tell if the relationship will end in
heaven ... or hell.
That's why it's a risk...
"A penny for your thoughts, my Zee?"
Zehannah blinked and looked at Reigo, who's now
putting her on the bed. "I was just thinking about
Nang maihiga ni Reigo si Zehannah sa kama, umupo si
Reigo sa gilid ng kama at pinakatitigan ang dalaga.
"And? Have you changed your mind...?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "I still believe that
all kinds of relationships are scary." Reigo's heart
already dropped to his stomach when Zehannah added,
"Fear is part of life and that's it—it's just a part
of life and not whole. If I let my fear consume me, I
will miss a lot of things—beautiful things that I
couldn't see nor appreciate because I let my fear
permeate toward the part where it didn't belong. I
realize that while undergoing therapy sessions." A
melancholy smile spread on Zehannah's lips. "I put you
through so much, didn't I?"
Reigo's answer was simple. "You're worth it."
Zehannah's smile widened. It was not melancholic, but
a smile of a happy woman. One of these days, I will
finally be able to say those words back to Reigo. Just
a little bit longer. Just a little bit.
Zehannah was about to say something sweet when her
stomach grumbled again, making her and Reigo still
then chuckle simultaneously.
"I'll order takeout," he spoke. "You're exhausted.
Dito ka lang sa kuwarto. Huwag ka nang lumabas. I'll
take care of everything and bring the food to you."
"Yes, boss."
Reigo frowned at Zehannah. "That sounded weird. I
don't like it."
"You just like being dominated by me," Zehannah
Reigo didn't even try to deny it. "Yeah, I do."
Napailing na lang si Zehannah kay Reigo. "Sabi ko nga.
Sige na, um-order ka na."
"Yes, Ma'am," ani Reigo saka lumabas para kunin ang
cellphone nito na nasa salas.
Napailing ulit si Zehannah saka bumangon para maglinis
ng katawan at magpalit ng pambahay ng damit.
Pagkatapos ay bumalik ulit siya sa kama at doon
hinintay si Reigo.
After Reigo ordered, he went back to the bedroom and
chatted with Zehannah while waiting for the food.
Fortunately, it didn't take long for their order to
arrive. At tulad ng sinabi ni Reigo, ito nga ang nag-
asikaso ng lahat at dinala ang pagkain sa kuwarto at
doon nagsalo ang dalawa ng hapunan.
"By the way, my Zee, Katrin has a message for you."
Nagpatigil sa pagkain si Zehannah saka kalmadong
tumingin kay Reigo. When it comes to Katrin, she
didn't want Reigo to see how agitated she was.
"Ano'ng... mensahe niya?"
"She said she wanted to apologize for being a bitch to
you and for trying to seduce me. She also said that if
you have time, she wanted to have a meal with you to
apologize properly."
Gustong pagak na matawa ni Zehannah pero pinigilan
niya ang sarili. Sinong baliw ang maniniwala sa gaga
na 'yon? Fine. I'll play along. "Sure. Kailan niya
Reigo shrugged. "Don't know. She tried to give me her
number in hopes that I will be the mediator, but I
rejected her favor. I told her to just contact you
Zehannah frowned at Reigo's cautiousness. I mean, this
was the guy who was talking amiably with Katrin in the
video. "Why is that?"
"Feels weird, to be honest." Reigo shrugged.
"Pakiramdam ko hiningi niya ang pabor na 'yon para
kausapin ko siya sa text o tawag man. I played along
with her 'change of heart and attitude' thing to see
if the changes she claims are genuine, but it screams
fake even from miles away. I don't know what she's up
to, but I think she's planning something." He looked
at her. "Be careful around her, okay, my Zee?"
Zehannah blinked at Reigo. "Careful, huh?"
"Yep. My guard was up the whole time in Japan. It was
"At naniwala ka na hindi ka niya sinundan doon?"
Reigo shrugged. "Oliver confirmed that Katrin was
indeed there for a fashion show, so..."
Nagpakawala ng malalim na hininga si Zehannah saka
tumingin nang matiim kay Reigo na napatigil sa pagkain
nito dahil sa uri ng titig ni Zehannah. "Hindi mo alam
'to kaya sasabihin ko sa 'yo. Habang nasa Japan kayo,
palagi akong nakakatanggap ng larawan at video niyo ni
Katrin na magkasalong kumakain. Nakangiti ka habang
kausap siya. Pero may tiwala ako sa 'yo. Hindi ako
nagalit. Hindi kita inakusahan ng kung ano-ano. At
hinintay kitang makabalik para magtanong. And I know I
did the right thing after listening to you now. But
behind my rational thoughts, a part of me hated that
you played along with her," pag-amin niya. "Naiinis
ako na naging mabait ka sa kaniya kahit pa nga ginawa
mo 'yon dahil may gusto kang patunayan. I still hate
that you gave her an ounce of your attention. I hate
it. So much. So please, Reigo, don't do it again. Baka
sa susunod, hindi ko na mapigilan ang sarili ko at
mag-isip ako ng kung ano-ano."
"My Zee..."
"Oo, may tiwala ako sa 'yo. Pero hindi ibig sabihin
n'on ay hindi ako nagseselos."
Umawang ang bibig ni Reigo kay Zehannah pero umakto si
Zehannah na hindi iyon nakita at nagpatuloy lang sa
pagkain. She already expressed her honest feelings; it
was up to Reigo what he wanted to do with it.
Unfortunately, two days later, Zehannah saw Reigo and
Katrin on a dinner date.
And as much as she wanted to be rational... she
UMAGANG-UMAGA, masakit na ang ulo ni Zehannah. Ang
daming nawawalang importanteng papeles sa agency nila
at kahit anong hanap niya, wala talaga. Pero sa halip
na hayaan 'yon umi-stress sa kaniya, ang ginawa niya,
nagkape siya at nagpalibot-libot sa agency nila habang
pasimpleng sumisimsim ng kape.
And just when she was about to finish her coffee and
was about to go back to her office, their employees
started arriving, one after another.
And then Cassia arrived with a smile on her lips.
Mukhang nadiligan na naman ang kaibigan ko. Sa isip ni
"Zehan...!" Cassia beamed at her. "Good morning,
Zehannah finished her coffee and smiled back. "Cass,
ipapaalala ko lang, may problema tayo."
Kaagad na humaba ang nguso ni Cassia. "Wala naman sa
batas na nagsasabing kapag may problema bawal
ngumiti." Kapagkuwan ay niyakap ng braso nito ang
braso niya. "I'm worried about you, Zehan. Masyado
kang problemado. Tingnan mo, ang aga-aga,
magkasalubong na ang kilay mo. Papangit ka niyan, sige
Natawa si Zehannah dahil parang bata siya sa pananakot
ni Cassia. "Kahit pa siguro tambakan ako ng problema,
hindi kukupas ang ganda ko." Pagkasabi niya n'on ay
natawa rin siya dahil naisip niya si Reigo at kung
paano nito ipagmalaki ang sarili nitong kaguwapuhan.
We are the same, really.
"Kumusta na pala kayo ni Reigo?" tanong ni Cassia
habang naglalakad sila patungo sa opisina nito.
Zehannah shrugged. "I have no time for him. What do
you expect?"
Bumagsak ang balikat ni Cassia. "So, nag-away kayo?"
Zehannah just shrugged again and then flicked Cassia's
forehead. "Tama na ang tsismis. Trabaho na tayo."
Sumimangot si Cassia kapagkuwan ay hinila siya nito
papasok sa opisina nito. Nang nasa loob na sila,
kaagad na naging seryoso si Cassia at pinakawalan ang
braso niya. "The documents have already been sent to
our lawyer last night."
Tumango si Zehannah saka umupo sa isa sa visitor's
chair sa harapan ng lamesa ni Cassia. "Thanks, Cass.
With those documents, it's just a matter of time
before we secure our agency."
Umupo si Cassia sa swivel chair nito. "Don't thank me,
Zehan. Dapat nga ikaw ang pasalamatan ko dahil mabilis
mong naisip na itago ang mga orihinal na dokumento
natin at palitan ng mukhang orihinal na kopya. With
your quick thinking, we have misled the spy."
"That's the plan." Zehannah crossed her legs. "It's
human nature to underestimate the weak. But for us,
being seen as weak is an advantage."
Tumango si Cassia. "Yep. So, what are we going to do
"We work hard." Zehannah smiled at Cassia. "As
Cassia smiled back. "Okay. I'm good with that."
Zehannah nodded, and she stood up before she excused
herself and went to her office to work and, of course,
to look for their 'missing' documents.
But just before lunchtime, she received a message from
Katrin. The witch bitch was inviting her to lunch. Of
course, Zehannah accepted the invitation and chose the
restaurant herself.
She chose Thorn's restaurant. Malapit lang 'yon sa
agency nila at kung may binabalak man ang baliw na
babaeng 'yon, hindi nito magagawa 'yon sa restaurant
ni Thorn.
Para namang magpapaisa ako sa gaga na 'yon. Lukot ang
mukhang isip ni Zehannah habang naghahanda para sa
lunch niya kasama si Katrin.
Zehannah sighed. I just hope she brings some of her
brains to the table. It's hard to talk to dumb people.
With that hope, Zehannah left her office and went to
Thorn's restaurant. And since she's free to order
anything she wanted—it's Thorn's way of saying thank
you to her for advising Cassia—she ordered everything
she liked and ate. Hindi niya hinintay si Katrin dahil
gusto niyang pagkaupo nito, kape lang ang nasa harapan
niya. Pambuhos rito kapag ginalit siya nito nang
And like planned, Katrin arrived after Zehannah
finished her meal and was now enjoying her coffee.
"The audacity you have to eat before me." Katrin was
sending a dagger look at Zehannah.
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "I'm not that nice to
share a meal with the likes of you. Hindi ako
matutunawan kung kasama kitang kumain."
Katrin fumed, but she couldn't do anything but glare
at Zehannah. Meanwhile, Zehannah was calm as an
undisturbed lake. Ayaw ni Zehannah na magalit dahil
alam niya ang kaya niyang gawin kapag galit siya. Baka
nga maitapon niya itong kape sa pagmumukha ng kaharap.
'Let's calm down. Physical injury is a crime,' ani
Zehannah sa sarili bago tumingin kay Katrin. "So? What
do you want from me? And don't give me a crap like
you're sorry. Sa kademonyohan mo, hindi bagay sa 'yo."
Katrin was finally able to calm her nerves and
answered Zehannah, "I'm here to offer you—"
"If it's the same as your generous offer from before,
please shove it in your ass. I'm not interested."
"I'll add money to the offer," Katrin added.
"Still not interested," sagot ni Zehannah saka
naghikab. "'Yon lang ba ang kailangan mo sa 'kin? Sana
tumawag ka na lang. Sinasayang mo ang oras ko."
Kumuyom ang kamao ni Katrin. "Reigo is mine. I deserve
him more than you! I'm wealthy and well-educated.
Unlike you, who doesn't have an impressive background.
In terms of family ties and connections, I'm better
than you! Between us, it's me who deserves Reigo."
Zehannah sighed and placed her cup of coffee on the
table before her sharp eyes sent a dagger look at
Katrin. "This is not about what you deserve, you
narcissistic bitch. This is about Reigo's choice. And
you may be well-educated, but clearly not well-
mannered. I know that talking to you is pointless, but
I still hope that you'll bring some brain to the
table. My bad, though. Umasa ako na may utak ka,
nakalimutan kong wala pala."
"What?" Zehannah's icy stare became sharp again. "For
someone who graduated from a prestigious university in
London, you're dumb."
Galit na mabilis na pinulot ni Katrin ang tasa ni
Zehannah na may kape pa para itapon sa mukha ni
Zehannah ang laman niyon, pero mabilis ding nahawakan
ni Zehannah ang sariling tasa niya at napigilan ang
binabalak ni Katrin.
"If I were you, I'll think long and hard if you really
want to start a physical fight with me." Zehannah
smiled tauntingly. "Baka nakakalimutan mo na ang
ginawa ko sa 'yo sa labas ng opisina ni Reigo.
Ipapaalala ko lang. Kung bardagulan ang gusto mo,
hindi kita aatrasan. Kaya kitang ilampaso sa sahig ng
restaurant na 'to hanggang manghiram ka ng mukha sa
Katrin's hands trembled in anger, and the veins in her
neck protruded in rage.
But Zehannah was smiling. "Ano? Lalaban ka?"
Katrin groaned in anger before she pulled her hand
away from the cup and pointed her finger at Zehannah.
"You will pay for this!" And then she stormed off.
Meanwhile, Zehannah gracefully picked up her cup of
coffee and sipped its remaining liquid inside before
standing up and leaving the restaurant with a full
stomach and a smile.
But her smile didn't remain on her lips.
Just after talking to Katrin, she received photos and
videos of Reigo and Katrin while in Japan. Ngayong
alam niya ang rason ng pakikipag-usap ni Reigo kay
Katrin, gusto niyang sabihin na hindi siya galit at
naiintindihan niya. Pero normal na babae lang siya na
nakakaramdam ng selos kahit gaano pa ka-rational ang
isip niya.
I have a brain that thinks. But I also have a heart
that gets jealous.
But as usual, she put her jealousy aside and continued
to work.
Pero sinusubok talaga siya. Bago pa matapos ang
trabaho niya sa araw na 'yon, nakatanggap siya ng
dalawang mensahe galing sa magkaibang tao.
The first message was, 'Watch me steal, Reigo.' And
below that was a restaurant's address.
While the other message was, 'Dinner date.' Before the
restaurant's address. It was the same restaurant as
the other message, and it made Zehannah's head ache so
Worry and doubt consumed her, but she took a deep
breath and steeled herself. I have to do this. I have
to see for myself.
Kumuyom ang kamao ni Zehannah saka tinapik-tapik ng
kamao na 'yon ang parte ng dibdib kung nasaan ang puso
niya. Be strong, heart. We can do this. With those
words running through her mind, Zehannah readied
herself for the confrontation of her life.
NANG MATANGGAP NI Reigo ang text ng ina, kaagad siyang
naghanda para sa napag-usapan nila. And since he
considered it as a normal dinner, he treated it the
same way he treated his business dinners.
On the way to the restaurant, his mother called.
"Yes, Mom?"
"Be polite," bilin nito na ikinakunot ng nuo niya.
"I am polite, Mom."
"I doubt it with this one," Contessa mumbled under her
breath before taking a deep breath. "Just be polite.
That's all I ask."
Reigo's frown deepened even more. "Now, you're
worrying me. Who am I meeting, Mom?" He had a bad
feeling about this. "This is unlike you—"
"Because this is important," his mother cut him off.
"Very important. You hear me, son?"
Reigo was not sold. "I have a bad feeling about this.
Why did I forget that dealing with you is always a
headache, Mom?"
Contessa chuckled in the other line. "Well... consider
me as the lesser evil in this."
"Lesser what now?"
"Nothing. Just... be polite."
Napabuntonghininga si Reigo. "I will."
"Great! Thanks, son."
The call ended, and it left Reigo wondering whom he
was meeting while driving toward the restaurant.
Upon arriving, he fixed his clothes and went inside
the restaurant. He gave his name for the reservation
and someone immediately ushered him towards the table
in the corner where he couldn't easily be seen by
other customers.
What's up with this setup? Reigo asked himself as he
waited for the person he's going to have dinner with.
And it seemed like he didn't need to wait long to know
who it was because a few minutes later, a waiter
guided someone to the table—a woman he knew too well.
Immediately, his expression went cold until he
remembered his mother's request. Be polite.
"Hi! I hope you didn't wait long," ani Katrin nang
makaupo sa tabi niya.
"No. I didn't," he said politely before changing
Katrin pouted at Reigo. "Why'd you change seat? We're
on a date, aren't we?"
Nagpanting ang tainga ni Reigo sa narinig at kaagad
niyang naisip ang ina at ang hiling nito sa kaniya.
"Did you strike a deal with my mother?"
Katrin smiled innocently. "I don't know what you're
talking about, Reigo."
Reigo's expression darkened. "I will not play along
with you." He stood up and was ready to leave when
Katrin threatened him.
"Leave me and I will make sure to sue your mother."
He froze before he turned to Katrin. "What did you
"I have a contract with your mother," ani Katrin
habang may matamis na ngiti sa mga labi. "I will sell
her some of my stocks while she asks you to have a
proper dinner date with me. We already signed it, so
if you leave, you'll be breaching your mother's
contract with me."
Be polite. This was his mother's request, and now he
knew why.
Bumalik sa pagkakaupo si Reigo saka tumingin nang
deretso kay Katrin. "What do you hope to gain for this
dinner? Nothing will change. I don't like you."
Katrin's sweet smile remained. "You'll see later." She
accepted the menu from the waiter and handed it to
Reigo. "Order for me, please. Since we're on a date."
Hindi tinaggap ni Reigo ang menu. Punong-puno siya ng
pagtutol. "There is only one woman who I allow to
order me around. And it's not you."
Tumaas ang kilay ni Katrin. "So, we're back to
Zehannah Sevil." Tumalim ang mata nito. "That woman
really is a pain in the ass. Ano ba ang mayroon siya
na wala ako?"
Pagak na tumawa si Reigo. "She has my love and
affection. You don't."
Katrin rolled her eyes. "Come on now, Reigo. We both
know she doesn't feel the same way about you."
As much as Reigo wanted to discard those words, it hit
him hard. And Katrin noticed that and prodded it.
"Working to the point where she doesn't have time for
you anymore. Always choosing her agency over you.
Always arguing because she's always working. Not
asking for help because she belittles your capability
to help her. Not only that, but her trust in you is
also diminishing. 'Yon ba ang klase ng babae na
pinaglalaban mo, and hindi ka kayang ipaglaban
pabalik?" Katrin had a smug look on her face. "Unlike
me, I can fight the entire world for you."
Reigo remained silent.
"We're a great match, Reigo. We both came from
affluent families. We're both well-educated with
outstanding backgrounds. Our families had been good
friends since we were little, and we were childhood
friends. I was your first girlfriend and I treasure
the fact that I was your first. You see, Reigo, I'm
the best woman for you. You can never find anyone like
me. I can and will give you anything you desire—"
"I desire Zehannah."
Katrin's whole face darkened. "If I hear her name
again, I will destroy her."
Reigo chuckled, and then it turned into a fit of
laughter. And in between his laughs, he looked at
Katrin. "You threaten me as if I can't fight back.
Katrin, have you forgotten who I am? In terms of money
and power, you're beneath me. The only thing keeping
me in this seat is the contract you made with my
mother. Other than that, nothing—"
With a suddenness that took Reigo aback, Katrin leaned
in and claimed his lips with tongue.
Their chairs rattled and creaked as Reigo pushed
Katrin away and stood up. But he didn't move his feet
to leave. He couldn't. The sight of Zehannah just
standing meters away from the table, her eyes on him
made him freeze.
Her eyes were cold. The warmth in her eyes was gone.
She was expressionless. Silent. Immobile. And was just
staring at him.
In the background, he could still hear Katrin yapping
about showing Zehannah the truth and how Zehannah
should just give up since she didn't deserve him. But
Reigo didn't care about anyone else except for his Zee
at the moment who was just staring at him,
It was his first time seeing his Zee looking at him
like that. Indifferent. Cold. And emotionless.
"My Zee..."
He took a step forward; she took a step back.
Reigo felt his heart drop to his stomach. "My Zee..."
He took another step forward; she took another step
back. And with words that could cut him deep, she
"Don't come near me." With those words, she turned
around and left.
Reigo went rigid. He was frozen by Zehannah's cold
words. He couldn't seem to move and accept that those
words really came out of his Zee's lips. She had
always been understanding when it came to these
things. His Zee was not the kind of woman who easily
gets jealous. She always trusted him. Always asking
for his opinion and always listening to his
But this... why?
And then it dawned on him. His Zee's request not to
entertain Katrin again.
In that realization, his feet started moving to run
after Zehannah.
Damn it! I fucked up!
FOR SOME UNKNOWN reason, Zehannah had a clear head
while walking towards the restaurant's exit. She
didn't space out; she was in command of herself, and
her emotion was under control. She wanted to praise
herself for still being clear-headed, but truthfully,
her head was clear because she didn't know what to
Kung gagamitin niya ang isip niya, kaya niyang bigyan
ng rason ang nakita. Katrin must've forced herself on
Reigo again, and Reigo pushed her away because he
didn't like it. But her heart... yes, her bitter heart
that already had enough of hiding her jealousy, and
she couldn't think straight.
Her heart was jealous and furious and it didn't care
for any rational thoughts in her head. And the
jealousy and fury she was feeling were consuming her
with every step she took back to her car.
Then the jealousy and fury took a combined new form—it
became pain. At hindi namalayan ni Zehannah na habang
naglalakad siya ay namamalisbis ang luha sa pisngi
Feeling that pain, feeling the bitter jealousy in her
heart and the fury in her head, she realized
something. She loved Reigo. This pain... this was
love. The very thing that she'd been avoiding was now
in front of her, slapping her with the truth. And she
couldn't deny it any longer. She couldn't disregard it
anymore as a mere change of emotion.
Those emotions she was feeling were because she fell
in love. With Reigo.
And now, she's hurting.
I want to be alone. I don't want to think. I want my
peace of mind back! I want my old self back!
Amid her tears, she couldn't help letting out a dry
chuckle when she remembered a certain song.
Only love can hurt like this.
That couldn't be any truer in every sense of the word.
"My Zee...!"
She was not in the right mind to talk. She might say
something she couldn't take back, so her steps became
hurried to get away from Reigo.
But Reigo was faster. He took a hold of her arm in the
parking lot, pulling her to stop and face him.
"I can explain that!" Reigo exclaimed, panic in his
I know you can. Zehannah thought as she stared at
Reigo, unemotional as her head ached. She suddenly
couldn't think straight. Seeing Reigo made her so
angry that her mind became chaotic. I have to get out
of here. "I don't want to hear it."
"Zehannah!" Reigo raised his voice, unable to control
his surging emotion of panic and fear. "Come on, my
Zee! Hear me out! Be rational about this!"
When Zehannah heard the word 'rational', the last
thread of her self-control she had been trying to hold
on to snap. "Rational? You're asking me to be
rational? How jerk of you to ask me that." A wry smile
stretched her lips. "Do you know how much harassment I
received on a daily basis from Katrin? Tons! Photos!
Videos! Messages! Name it! You look like a fucking
playboy in every photo and video I see, but did I get
mad? Did I blame you for it?! No. I didn't!
"It's because I'm rational that I didn't heed it any
attention and stayed with you!" Hindi mapigilan ni
Zehannah ang sarili na duruin si Reigo. "Pero may
hangganan ang pagtitimpi at pasensiya ko, Reigo.
Nakiusap ako sa 'yo na huwag mo na siyang pansinin
dahil alam kong malapit nang masagad ang pasensiya ko.
Siguro naman dahil hindi mo tinupad ang sinabi mo sa
'kin, may karapatan akong magalit sa 'yo.
"So don't ask me to be fucking rational! I may have a
logical brain, but I have a heart that gets jealous.
And at this moment, I'm fucking jealous and I'm
fucking pissed, so get the fuck away from me and give
me my peace of mind!" Zehannah screamed with so much
pent-up emotion inside her while tears fell down from
her eyes. The emotion she had been discarding to
become a rational thinker. "I don't want to talk to
you! I don't want to see you! So scram!"
Reigo's eyes widened at Zehannah's outburst. She had
always been so calm and rational, so to see her like
this... he knew he did something wrong. "My Zee..."
Zehannah took a deep breath to calm herself before she
opened her car's door.
And before she went inside, she spoke in a whisper
that only Reigo could hear. "You said you will not
give her your attention again, but you went and did
this..." she trailed off, her voice exhausted. "I
don't care if you're here because she threatened you
or someone coerced you. I'm tired, Reigo. Please,
leave me alone and let me rest for a while."
Reigo couldn't form a coherent word as he watched his
Zee step inside her car and drove away, leaving him in
the parking lot.
And as he watched her leave, he remembered all the
times she showed her rational thinking in situations
that could have put a dent in their relationship. From
Emma to Katrin, his Zee had always trusted him and
chose to believe in him.
At that moment, he realized something.
Ah. I'd been complacent. Because he knew Zehannah
would always ask for his explanation without thinking
negatively of him, he had come to rely on her rational
thinking all the time.
Sa loob ng restaurant kanina, habang kausap si Katrin,
ni hindi man lang niya naisip ang sagot niya nang
hilingin ng dalaga na huwag na niyang pansinin si
Katrin. Nawala 'yon sa isip niya. Masyado siyang
nagtiwala at nasanay na palagi siyang maiintindihan ni
Zehannah at hahayaang magpaliwanag.
Have I been relying on my Zee too much?
Dejected and in turmoil, he slid himself inside his
car and just stared at the steering wheel for a long
time until he heard a knock on his car's window and
someone trying to open his locked car door.
He looked up and all the emotion was drained from his
face when he saw who it was—Katrin.
Without giving her any attention, Reigo maneuvered his
car out of the parking lot, not caring if he ran over
Katrin. He just wanted to get out of there. He was mad
and guilty and that combination was always dangerous.
Nevertheless, he drove to his parents' home to give
his mother a piece of his mind.
"WHAT HAPPENED, Zehan...?" 'Yon kaagad ang lumabas sa
bibig ni Dan nang makita ang mukha ng anak nang
mapagbuksan ito ng pintuan. Hallow, red, and puffy
eyes, tear-stricken face and an unemotional
expression—a look of a brokenhearted person.
"Gusto kong mapag-isa muna, Papi."
Tumango si Dan at hinayaan si Zehannah na makapasok.
Nanatili ang tingin ni Dan kay Zehannah hanggang sa
makaakyat si Zehannah sa ikalawang palapag.
"What do you think happened?" tanong ni Cameron nang
mawala si Zehannah sa paningin nila.
Dan took a deep breath and sighed. "These past few
months, only Reigo could affect her that much."
Worry fell on Cameron's face. "Nag-away na naman ba
"For her to have a tear-stricken face, I think it's
more than that."
Tumayo si Cameron mula sa pagkakaupo sa sofa saka
nilapitan ang kapareha at niyakap. "Don't worry.
She'll be fine. We'll be here if she needs us."
Tumango si Dan habang nakatingin sa hagdanan na
inakyat ni Zehannah at yakap ng kapareha.
Meanwhile, inside Zehannah's old room, Zehannah was
just lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Her
head was a mess. She couldn't think straight, and she
didn't know what to do but stare at nothingness while
feeling the pain caused by her jealousy and fury.
I want to say it's okay, that I understand him, but
the pain in my chest wouldn't let me. I'm not... okay.
She acknowledged that as tears fell from the corner of
her eyes. But I can't stay like this. I have things to
do and an agency to save.
She ransacked her mind for the best course of action,
but she couldn't think of anything.
Just how... do I fix myself? Just what am I supposed
to do to be okay?
Alam ni Zehannah na iba si Reigo sa lahat ng lalaki na
naging parte ng buhay niya. Her normal coping routine
would never work. I fell madly in love.
Zehannah closed her eyes at the same time her phone
started beeping, notifying her that she had received
multiple text messages.
But Zehannah didn't want to move or open her eyes.
She was exhausted.
She didn't even notice how tired she had become
because of all the problems that kept on coming. And
all that was so she could keep Reigo.
She was fighting so hard to keep him, but now... I
don't want to see him. Just why... am I feeling like
Zehannah's body move to lie on her side and curved
into a fetus position. What she saw in the restaurant
kept repeating in her head and it was driving her mad.
Again and again, her mind replayed it like a broken
record until she couldn't take it anymore and a scream
escaped her mouth.
A scream of pure rage was directed at Katrin.
Next time, I won't hold back. I will give you a
beating, you narcissistic bitch!
Full of rage inside her, Zehannah didn't know how she
managed to fall asleep. Maybe it was exhaustion, both
mind and body, but when she opened her eyes again, it
was morning already.
At ang unang pumasok sa isip niya ay si Reigo. And
almost instantly, everything came crashing back. The
jealousy, her fury, and the pain.
But Zehannah sucked it all in and buried it deep
inside her.
She had no time to fix herself.
She still had work to do.
"YOU LOOK LIKE you'd been to hell and back, son."
Reigo couldn't help glaring at his mother as he sat at
the dining table to have a late breakfast. "At sino sa
tingin mo ang may kasalanan nito, Ma?"
"Think of it as a necessary evil, son." Contessa
sipped her coffee before she added. "Don't worry. I'll
talk to Zehannah for you and admit my transgression."
Reigo continued glaring at his mother. "As if it's
that easy! You didn't see her last night. She looked
like she had given up on me!"
"That's not possible," Contessa replied to Reigo's
worry so nonchalantly that it pissed Reigo off. "That
child is still fighting, Reigo. Just give her time."
Napipilan si Reigo.
"And while you're at it, reflect on your relationship
with Zehan these past few months." Huminga nang
malalim si Contessa saka nagpakawala ng malalim na
hininga. "Pag-isipan mo kung may dapat ka bang ayusin
at kung ano pa ang dapat mong gawin. Para kapag
nagkaayos kayo, maayos na talaga."
"Paano kung... hindi kami magkaayos?" Nagawa na rin sa
wakas ni Reigo ang magtanong kahit natatakot siya sa
sagot niyon.
Nagkibit-balikat si Contessa. "Then you two are just
not meant to be. It happens."
"As if I would let that happen!" he snapped.
"Good for you then," ani Contessa saka matiim na
tinitigan ang anak. "Reigo, I want you to promise me
one thing."
Hindi kaagad sumagot si Reigo kaya nagpatuloy si
"Promise me you won't intervene with Katrin. I know
you're mad at her, but we might clash if you enter the
scene. Leave her to me. Don't worry." Contessa smiled.
"I'll make her pay dearly."
Reigo was not in an understanding mood. "No, Mom. I'll
do it—"
"Don't you dare interfere with me, Reigo!" Contessa's
voice boomed in the dining room. It had been so long
since Reigo and Rohan heard that that it made them
still and stunned. "I did not do what I did just so
you could destroy it! The plan is in place, so do not
try me. Even if you're my son, I will cut you down!"
Reigo's lips parted. "Mom..."
"Hindi lang ikaw ang biktima ng kabaliwan ng babaeng
'yon." Nagtagis ang bagang ni Contessa nang maalala
ang pangha-harass ni Katrin kay Zehan at sa iba pang
tao na nakapaligid kay Zehannah. "If you want revenge
for yourself, then I will let you interfere. But I
know you. You're my son. You want revenge, but not for
yourself but for Zehan. If that was so, then stand
down, Reigo. Kaya ni Zehannah maghinganti para sa
sarili niya. Zehannah is a strong woman. She doesn't
need a knight in shining armor to sweep her off her
feet and save her. What she needs is not a knight, but
a man who will let her stand on her own two feet while
preparing his armor in case she needs it."
Reigo pressed his lips together. He couldn't rebut his
"That said"—Contessa sighed apologetically—"I know my
fault, so I will own up to it and talk to Zehannah."
Reigo remained silent, so Rohan spoke for his son.
"Love, what is it that you're really planning?"
Sa tanong ni Rohan, gumuhit ang malapad na ngiti ni
Contessa. "Just something amusing, dear."
"Hmm-mm." Contessa's grin widened. "It'll be so
amusing that it'll be an excellent source of
Rohan visibly gulped. Kilala ni Rohan ang asawa. What
she meant by 'amusing' was 'devious' and 'savagery'.
If Zehan became our daughter-in-law, it's just a
matter of time before she became like my beloved.
Rohan sighed to himself. With my love's tutelage,
Zehan will honestly become someone scary. All that was
missing from Zehan was money and connection, but even
without that, she was already tenacious. If properly
honed, Zehan will be much scarier than Contessa.
"Anyway"—Contessa stood up after finishing her
breakfast—"I have to go. I have an early appointment
"Si Zehannah ba?" mabilis na usisa ni Reigo sa ina.
Pero ngumiti lang si Contessa saka lumabas ng
Walang imik ang mag-ama na naiwan sa hapag-kainan
hanggang sa pabulong na kinuha ni Reigo ang atensiyon
ng ama. "Dad?"
"Yes, son?"
"Am I a jerk for asking Zehannah to be rational after
what she witnessed in the restaurant?" Up to that very
moment, Zehannah's words still bothered Reigo.
Pinakatitigan ni Rohan ang anak bago sumagot. "What do
you think?"
"I don't know..."
Rohan took a deep breath and offered his son a smile.
"Look at it as getting to know each other in the midst
of an emotional outburst."
"Emotional... outburst?"
Rohan nodded. "When we're angry, we use strong words
to express our uncontrollable emotions. And sometimes,
those words cut deep, and it was already too late for
us to realize the pain our words had caused. That's
why words are powerful. What Zehan said to you,
whatever words she had thrown at you, take it with a
grain of salt, son. Maybe it was just a spur of the
moment, or maybe it was half-meant."
"Half-meant...?" gagad ni Reigo.
"Yes. Though not all people are like that. Some
already had those kinds of words deeply hidden in
their consciousness, and it was only able to come out
because of the emotional outburst that they couldn't
control. Sometimes, the words people say when they
were angry were the words they couldn't convey or
express when they had their emotions under wraps.
That's why emotions are scary. It may bring out the
best in people, but it also brings out the worst in
Then Rohan added, "That's why communication is the key
to everything. Words spoken in anger could destroy a
solid relationship. That's why communication is
necessary. It settles disputes, understands
differences, it compromises, and also offers an
explanation for better understanding. That's why, son,
if you're confused or hurt by Zehan's words,
communicate with her. It's the best answer you can
ever give to yourself."
Reigo looked down at his plate. Communication, huh?
But Zehannah didn't want to talk to him or see him.
What am I going to do? I can't lose her...
Seeing his son deep in thought, Rohan smiled to
himself and continued his breakfast. Rohan was certain
that his son could figure things out on his own. They
raised him to be like that, after all.
Concurrently, Contessa was already in her new
inconspicuous car, driving towards C&Z Marketing
Agency. She was planning to talk to Zehannah and admit
her transgression, but when she arrived at her
destination, there was a commotion.
When Contessa rolled down her car's window, she heard
panic-filled shouts and hurried voices just before she
saw Zehannah step out of the agency's entrance with
fear and worry-stricken face while trailing behind a
middle-aged man carrying a bleeding woman.
Contessa sighed and rolled up her car's window after
seeing how exhausted Zehannah looked. Problem after
Contessa heaved another sigh. I'll just come back
later or tomorrow. With that thought, Contessa drove
off and went to her next important appointment with
Attorney Henares. The plan had to continue even if the
leading lady was busy.
"AYOS LANG ba talaga si Cassia?" puno ng pag-aalalang
tanong ni Zehannah kay Doc Czarina na siyang doctor ni
Cassia nang dalhin ang kaibigan sa ospital dahil
dinugo ito. Kung sana napigilan ko lang ang mga
magulang ni Cassia, sana hindi nangyari 'to. Masyado
siyang abala nang dumating ang mga ito para kausapin
si Cassia.
Zehannah was worried, so it was not surprising when a
worried and panicking Thorn, Cassia's husband, entered
the room.
Kitang-kita ni Zehannah kung gaano kamahal ni Thorn
ang kaibigan niya na napangiti na lang siya. Pero
nawala ang ngiti niya nang mag-umpisang magtanong si
Thorn kung ano'ng nangyari kay Cassia.
Zehannah told Thorn the truth about Cassia's parents
visiting and he was livid and instantly planned to
leave to confront Cassia's parents.
"Hingan niyo ng ID kapag nagpakilala siya sa inyo,"
bilin ni Thorn kay Zehannah at Czarina bago umalis.
May tinawagan ito na siyang papalit dito pansamantala
sa pagbabantay kay Cassia. "He's like an oversized
puppy. You can immediately recognize him."
Zehannah frowned. "An oversized... puppy?" She
couldn't imagine.
"Yep." Thorn tried to smile before leaning down to
kiss his wife on the forehead. "I'll be back soon,"
bulong ni Thorn sa asawa bago ito humakbang paalis ng
Nagkatinginan naman si Zehannah at Doc Czarina nang
makalabas si Thorn.
"Oversized puppy?" ulit ni Czarina sa sinabi ni Thorn.
"Parang hindi ko ma-imagine na may taong gano'n..."
Zehannah couldn't imagine as well. "Oversized puppy...
Hmm, I'm imagining a Pomeranian with a body of a
German Shepherd." That's kind of weird but cute.
So the two ladies waited for this 'oversized puppy' to
arrive after Thorn left. They were both curious as to
what an oversized puppy looked like. So when someone
knocked on the door after some time had passed,
Czarina was actually excited to open the door.
Czarina and Zehannah were expecting a big cuddly man,
but what they saw was a handsome man, maybe six feet
in height, and he didn't look cuddly at all. He
actually looked more like a ferocious Rottweiler
rather than an oversized puppy.
And Czarina and Zehannah knew they were both thinking
the same thing—he doesn't look like an oversized puppy
at all! Something is wrong with Thorn's eyes.
Then the ferocious Rottweiler—er, oversized puppy,
spoke, "I'm here for Cassia under Thorn's request."
Si Zehannah ang unang nakabawi sa pagkabigla. "ID
"Yes. We need proof of identification," sabad ni Doc
Cassiuz looked at the two women, dumbfounded. The two
were clearly sizing him up the moment he entered the
room, and they were not even confused or surprised to
see him. That meant they were expecting him, but now
they wanted proof of identification? The hell?
"Did Thorn tell you to ask for ID?" Cassiuz asked.
Wala na kasi itong maisip na iba na masama ang ugali
maliban sa bayaw nito.
Zehannah nodded. "Yes. So, ID please."
Sighing, Cassiuz took out his wallet and handed his ID
to the two women who immediately accepted and examined
it like he was some kind of species they hadn't seen
'The hell is going on?' hindi mapigilang tanong ni
Cassiuz sa sarili nang tumango ang dalawang babae saka
ibinalik ang ID kay Cassiuz.
"Well, since he's here, I'm taking my leave," ani
Czarina saka nagpaalam na kay Zehannah. "I have to go.
I still have some charts to attend to. Kung may
kailangan ka, hanapin mo lang ako sa nurse station.
I'll be there, charting my ass out."
"Thanks, Doc," ani Zehannah kay Czarina kapagkuwan ay
natahimik ang buong silid nang makalabas ang doktora.
"Can I sit there?" Cassiuz asked while eyeing the sofa
on the side.
Tumango si Zehannah na nakaupo sa gilid ng kama na
kinahihigaan ni Cassia. "Sure. Feel free."
After Cassiuz sat on the sofa, silence engulfed the
entire room again—awkward silence. The two were both
strangers to each other. Well, for Zehannah, this man
was related to Thorn and by his name, she realized he
was a big client in their agency. While for Cassiuz,
Zehannah was his little sister's best friend and
business partner. 'Yon lang ang alam ng dalawa sa
isa't isa kaya walang mapag-usapan ang mga ito.
Hanggang sa wala sa sariling nagtanong si Zehannah
nang maalala na naman ang sinabi ni Thorn na
'oversized puppy'. "Do you like dogs?"
Gulat na napatingin si Cassiuz kay Zehannah bago
tinuro ang sarili. "You're, ahm, asking me?"
paniniguro nitong tanong.
"May iba pa bang gising sa kuwarto na 'to maliban sa
'ting dalawa?" balik na tanong ni Zehannah. She didn't
mean to be sarcastic, but she had that tone and voice
that sometimes made everything she say sarcastic.
But Cassiuz, who was already used to Thorn's rude and
sarcastic behavior, discarded Zehannah's tone and
answered, "Well, yeah, I own two dogs actually."
"Really?" Now Zehannah was slightly feeling excited.
She has always wanted a dog, but she was too busy to
care for one. Ayaw niyang may mapahamak na aso dahil
sa kapabayaan niya. "What kind of dogs do you have?"
"It's a Roman Rottweiler," sagot ni Cassiuz. "It's a
little bigger than a normal Rottweiler."
Rottweiler. I can see him owning one. Zehannah thought
while nodding her head. "The other one is of the same
breed?" Walang maisip na topic si Zehannah kaya
tinuloy na niya ang topic na naumpisahan.
"No. It's a Doberman."
"You really like big dogs, huh?"
Cassiuz nodded. "Well, I'm big as well so—" Cassiuz
paused when he realized what he just said. "I didn't
mean it like that." Fuck! I hope she wouldn't think I
was speaking lewdly... I didn't mean that! Cassiuz
didn't want to offend his little sister's best friend.
A smile appeared on Zehannah's lips. She was already
used to Reigo's flirtatiousness that—no. Let's not
think about him. To calm her mind and not be awkward,
she went into a teasing mood. "Didn't mean what?"
Cassiuz knew she was teasing him, but he still
answered, "I didn't mean that." Then he awkwardly
looked down at his crotch before looking up again,
just enough to see Zehannah chuckling.
For some reason, Zehannah understood why Thorn called
the man in front of her an oversized puppy. Yeah. I
can see it. "So you're not big?"
"I am!" biglang bawi ni Cassiuz.
And Zehannah laughed. In her eyes, Cassiuz looked like
a puppy trying to prove that he's big and strong.
Yeah. Really an oversized puppy. "Alright, I'm just
teasing you. Thorn was right, you're like an oversized
Napatanga si Cassiuz sa dalaga. "The husband is rude
and the best friend is a sarcastic tease... that's
just mean."
Zehannah chuckled before she clicked her tongue. "It's
to balance Cass' attitude. She's too innocent, so I
have to balance her out. We can't be both innocent and
nice, you know. Women who are nice and sweet are good
and all, but I believe that the world needs a bitchy
type, and that's me."
"Bitchy, huh?"
Cassiuz smiled at Zehannah. "I like you."
Zehannah smiled back. "Likewise."
"Married?" Cassiuz asked.
Reigo's face entered her mind, and she felt that
familiar pang of pain. "Nope. Marriage scares me." It
really is scary, but...
Reigo flashed on her mind again and a pang of pain
immediately assaulted her heart, but she control her
urge to shed a tear. "Not that I know of."
"Want to have dinner with me?" Cassiuz asked casually.
"A date?" Zehannah wanted to clarify because if it
was, her answer was an immediate no.
"Nope. Just dinner."
"Good. Dinner's fine." Zehannah smiled and added. "I
don't do dates." Even after everything that had
happened, there was only one man whom she wanted to
Cassiuz matched Zehannah's smile. "Same. Though I'm
curious... why does marriage scare you?"
Zehannah shrugged. "Don't you find it scary? Being
tied down to a person without escape. And you don't
know if that person would take you to heaven or hell—
you'll find out after a few years of being together in
the same house, but it's already too late." That was
one of her fears. "It's good if it's heaven, but if
it's hell, there's no way out. There's no divorce
here. Annulment is a pain in the ass process and the
thought of giving someone that kind of power over me
doesn't look appealing at all—it's downright scary. I
mean, I get it, marriage has become a norm—a
tradition, but I don't want to be tied down by
tradition and social norms. Marriage does not define
Hearing Zehannah, all Cassiuz did was smile. Hearing
her answer, even a blind man could see that Zehannah
was an independent woman—a very intimidating one, but
to Cassiuz, he was not intimidated at all. As part of
the Organósi, he had seen strong and powerful women
who could hold their own and protect their own hide.
In the Ultor's Court, his workplace, there were women
who were as badass as men. Hell, even their leader was
a woman—a queen in her own right.
"Sorry for babbling," ani Zehannah na pumukaw sa pag-
iisip ni Cassiuz.
"Nah, it's okay." Cassiuz offered a smile. "I know a
lot of independent women. It's cool."
That made Zehannah smile genuinely. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
Zehannah felt revitalized by Cassiuz's response. Sanay
na kasi siyang palaging negatibo ang reaksiyon ng mga
nakaririnig ng opinyon niya tungkol sa pag-aasawa kaya
naman masaya siya na hindi gano'n si Cassiuz. She
thought he would be the same as everyone else because
of his status in life and his dominant appearance, but
she was wrong about him.
Looks like the dinner with him will be enjoyable...
Zehannah thought before her thought turned to that
familiar handsome face in her mind again.
Zehannah could only sigh inwardly as pain crept into
her heart again. But she had no time to drown in her
own pain, fury, and jealousy. So she sucked it up and
buried it deep inside again as she continued her
conversation with Cassiuz.
After a long while, Thorn finally returned and she and
Cassiuz left Cassia's hospital room to give the two
some privacy.
Once outside and walking beside Cassiuz toward the
hospital's cafeteria, she received a message from
Contessa, Reigo's mother.
Pagkatapos basahin ang mensahe sa kaniya ng ina ni
Reigo, hindi niya iyon sinagot at ibinalik ang
cellphone sa handbag niya. Hindi niya alam ang
isasagot dito at hindi niya alam kung ano'ng dapat
niyang maramdaman sa pinagtapat nito.
But amidst the turmoil in her head, there was one
apparent emotion that she could feel.
And rather than burying it, she let herself feel it.
She didn't want to bottle it up. Her therapist advised
against her bottling up her emotions. So she let her
anger be. Hoping that by the coming days, it'll
She was hoping and praying that it would.
"Woah. Someone looks pissed."
Natigilan si Zehannah saka napabaling sa katabing
naglalakad. "...what?"
"You look pissed," ulit ni Cassiuz habang nakatitig sa
mukha ni Zehannah na para bang inoobserbahan nito ang
"Yeah. I am pissed," may diing wika ni Zehannah saka
tahimik na ipinagpatuloy ang paglalakad at ganoon din
si Cassiuz.
But when they arrived at the hospital's cafeteria,
Cassiuz couldn't take the silence anymore, so he
spoke. "You know, if you're that angry, you should
give that person a piece of your mind."
"I can't," Zehannah answered.
"Can't or won't?"
Zehannah and Cassiuz occupied one of the cafeteria's
vacant tables.
"Because it's not his fault. Well, sort of."
Cassiuz immediately picked up the 'his'. "I thought
you don't date."
"Nah. I just don't want to date you."
Cassiuz chuckled at that. All the women he met wanted
to date him. It's not about being boastful. It's a
fact. And here was a woman who didn't want to date
him. It was... refreshing. He liked that Zehannah was
not interested in him that way.
"So, tell me about him." Cassiuz was curious about the
man who could make this strong and independent woman
waver. "I'm a man. Maybe I can give you a different
Hindi sumagot si Zehannah.
"I understand if you don't want to talk because I'm a
stranger, but if you don't want to talk because you're
bottling it all up, I advise you not to do that," said
Cassiuz. "My therapist always advises me to express my
emotions rather than bottle them up. It's not healthy
for your mind."
Zehannah's eyes snapped at Cassiuz. "You have a
Tumango si Cassiuz. "With the kind of work I do, I
need to have a few sessions every month to stay sane,
you know."
Napatitig si Zehannah sa kaharap. What work? Isn't he
a businessman? Must be the stress and pressure. And
she understood that so well. Without thinking, and
just feeling a camaraderie with Cassiuz, Zehannah told
him about the situation she was in.
"Damn," ani Cassiuz nang matapos ang kuwento ni
Zehannah. "I know some women could be vicious, but
isn't that Katrin being too much?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah.
Cassiuz was still gawking at Zehannah. "And you
actually put up with her harassment? Say, Zehan, are
you a masochist?"
Zehannah glared at Cassiuz while holding her cup of
coffee. "You want to feel what it's like to be
showered with hot coffee?"
Napangiwi si Cassiuz. "Sorry. It's just so unheard of.
But harassment is harassment. One way or another,
it'll affect you somehow. And it looks like you
finally reached your limit and now you are fighting
with your boyfriend—wait, you're just only exclusively
dating him and not in a formal relationship so, what
is he to you, exactly?"
Hindi nakasagot si Zehannah.
Bumuntonghininga si Cassiuz. "I'm not a relationship
expert, but I think you two should talk once you've
calmed down and are in the mood to talk. And then you
should beat Katrin up."
Tumango si Zehannah. "I agree with your last
Mahinang tumawa si Cassiuz. "Be careful, though.
Animal cruelty is a crime."
For the first time since yesterday, Zehannah laughed
out loud until tears were forming in the corner of her
eyes while agreeing with Cassiuz in between her
laughter. "Yeah... animal cruelty is a crime indeed."
Cassiuz smiled at seeing Zehannah laughing. Somehow,
he had taken a liking to Zehannah. Not romantically,
but as a friend. Wala kasi siyang babaeng kaibigan
dahil halos lahat sy iba ang gusto sa kaniya.
But with Zehannah, he could feel that he could build a
friendship with her. Yep. Very possible.
"What?" tanong ni Zehannah nang maramdaman ang titig
ni Cassiuz.
Cassiuz offered his hand. "I want to be friends with
you. Is that possible?"
Napatitig si Zehannah kay Cassiuz kapagkuwan ay
mahinang natawa. "Thorn's right. You really look like
an oversized puppy."
Kaagad na ibinaba ni Cassiuz ang kamay na nakalahad
saka tiningnan nang masama si Zehannah. "Not you
Zehannah just kept on laughing until she finally
sobered up. "Ah, that was fun. Unfortunately, I have
to go back to the agency." Tumayo na si Zehannah at
pinulot ang handbag na nakalapag sa ibabaw ng lamesa.
"And about the friendship you're offering... sure. It
wouldn't hurt to have a rich friend once in a while."
Cassiuz grinned as he stood up. "Great! Then, to
celebrate our friendship, let me walk you to the
parking lot."
Nagkibit-balikat lang si Zehannah at hinayaan si
Cassiuz sa gusto nito.
Walking towards the parking lot, Zehannah and Cassiuz
continued talking—mostly about Cassia and Thorn—and
then she felt a sense of déjà vu when they reached the
hospital's exit and she saw Reigo just standing
outside, shock was visible on his face while looking
at her and then at Cassiuz.
But Zehannah didn't stop walking. She said goodbye to
Cassiuz and walked past Reigo.
She didn't look or turn around. She went straight to
her car and drove back to their agency. She still had
work to do, and she still hadn't given up.
She was still fighting after everything that has
happened. And she will not call it quits until she
served what Katrin deserved.
REIGO DID HIS best to meet up with Zehannah and talked
to her, but it seemed Zehannah wanted the opposite.
Even without words, she made it clear to him that she
didn't want to see him or talk to him. Zehannah's
apartment was locked. She changed the passcode. And
every time he went to her parents' house where he knew
she was staying, Tito Cam and Tito Dan would entertain
him in the living room, but Zehannah never showed
He even tried to meet her at her workplace, but seeing
how busy she was, he let the idea go. And it was
maddening. He was so close to going crazy thinking
that Zehannah might already have lost her interest in
him, and she's now interested in another man.
Yes. That man she was with at the hospital.
He wanted to shout 'Mine. Mine. Mine! She's mine!'.
But he knew all too well that Zehannah was not his.
She was never his. And that made him even more jealous
and afraid that he will really lose his Zee.
The only thing that was keeping him sane was the fact
that Zehannah still hadn't sent his clothes back to
him. Lahat ng damit at gamit niya na nasa condo ni
Zehannah ay nandoon pa rin. Walang bumalik sa kaniya.
At iyon lang ang pinanghahawakan niya.
But seeing Zehannah eat dinner with that man, even
though they did nothing but talk and then go their
separate ways afterward, he was going crazy with
jealousy. He had never felt such intense emotion
before. Not even once. And it was consuming him day by
day that he couldn't control it anymore.
"What's your problem?" tanong ni Thorn sa kaniya nang
basta na lang siyang pumasok sa bahay nito at kumuha
ng beer sa refrigerator nito. Thorn was already used
to him complaining about his relationships, so he just
let him be most of the time.
"Your wife's best friend," sagot niya bago uminom ng
Tumaaas ang dalawang kilay ni Thorn. "You two still
seeing each other?"
Reigo scoffed, remembering Zehannah having dinner with
that man. "Seeing each other... I don't even know if
that's what we were doing." She just left me out and
didn't want to talk to me as if we had never dated.
Was he asking for too much if he asked for just a bit
of her time? He just wanted to explain his side. He
wanted to talk to her. To fix their mess. To be with
her again...!
"What happened?" Thorn asked again.
"Do I look like a player to you?" Reigo asked back,
remembering Zehannah's words that night.
Thorn shrugged.
"Do I look like someone who would break someone's
heart? Do I look untrustworthy? Do I look like a jerk—
"Yes," mabilis na sagot ni Thorn. "The jerk part. Ikaw
lang ang kilala kong naka-schedule ang mood swings at
mas masama pa ang ugali mo sa 'kin."
"Fuck you."
Thorn sighed and shook his head. "Wala bang tiwala si
Zehannah sa 'yo?"
Tumango si Reigo. After everything that had happened,
that was the only explanation he got. Naubos na ang
tiwala ni Zehannah sa kaniya. He took her trust for
granted because he knew she would always trust him.
"Then go and earn her trust."
What's this bastard saying? Reigo wanted to snap at
Thorn. "That's not an easy thing to do, you know."
"So, what?" Naghahamon ang boses ni Thorn. "If you're
really interested in her, go and do some work. Don't
go around bitching. Go to her, earn her trust, and
don't fuck up. Want to make it work? Then don't fuck
Reigo sighed, put the bottle of beer he was holding on
the table, and left without saying a word. His mind
was busy thinking of ways how to talk to Zehannah.
He was running out of options.
My Zee...
Abruptly, Reigo stopped in his tracks when he
remembered something. Cassia's surprise party for
Thorn. I'm sure my Zee will be there. He had to do
everything to get his Zee's attention there.
I can't lose her. No. I won't let it happen! Even if I
have to beg!
Steeling himself, he entered his car and drove to the
barn to get ready. He will not miss this chance to
talk to Zehannah.
But things don't always go according to plan.
The whole BV Hall was noisy. The man he hated who
turned out to be related to Thorn and Cassia was
present and Zehannah never glanced at him even once.
Kaya nang makita niya ang dalaga na ngumiti kay
Cassiuz, nagdilim ang paningin niya pero nandoon sina
Dark at Knight na pumigil sa kaniya.
"Reigo, don't ruin Thorn and Cassia's happy day," may
babala na wika ni Knight. "Try to have fun for now and
do your thing later."
Dark nodded. "Just hang on a little."
Reigo gritted his teeth and listened. Seeing Calderon
happy, he did nothing that could ruin it and make them
feel like shit, just like what he was feeling now.
He waited until the party was over, and it was time to
go home.
Mabilis na tumayo si Reigo at tumakbo para habulin si
Zehannah na naglalakad na palabas ng BV Hall.
Hindi na siya nakapag-isip kung tama ba ang gagawin
niya basta ihinarang na lang niya ang katawan sa
harapan ng dalaga para patigilin ito sa paglalakad.
"Zee, please... I'm close to losing my mind."
Hindi gumalaw si Zehannah para umalis pero hindi rin
ito umimik. And Reigo took it as his one and only
opportunity to get his Zee back.
"Please..." he begged. He wanted to touch her hand and
feel the warmth that he missed so much, but he was
afraid that she'll swat his hand away, so he stopped
his hands from reaching out. "Just five minutes, my
Zee. Just... just let me explain. Please. Please..."
Reigo felt his heart sunk when Zehannah just walked
past him, but he moved his feet to follow. He will not
let her go and he will not lose her!
When Zehannah entered her car, he hurriedly slid
himself into the passenger seat and put his seatbelt
Handa na siyang ipagtabuyan ni Zehannah. Handa na
siyang manatili sa loob kahit pa nga alam niyang ayaw
sa kaniya ni Zehannah. Wala siyang planong umalis
kahit ipagtabuyan siya nito.
Pero hindi nangyari ang kinatatakutan ni Reigo.
Hindi siya pinagtabuyan ni Zehannah pero hindi rin ito
umimik. Binuhay lang nito ang makina ng sasakyan at
nanatiling tahimik sa driver's seat.
So he took his chance. "I don't want to give you
excuses, but I really didn't know that I will meet
Katrin that night. Wala akong ideya. Mom asked for a
favor and I just did it. And that's my mistake." Reigo
leaned down and cupped his head with both his hands.
Regret filled him. "I should've forced Mom to tell me.
I should have known better. I should have left the
moment I saw Katrin. I should have kept my promise not
to entertain her again. I should have not been
complacent. And I'm so sorry. I'm sorry because I took
advantage of your trust and rational thinking all the
time. I'm sorry for always relying on you too much—"
"Nagpaliwanag na sa 'kin si Tita."
Hindi nakagalaw si Reigo. Dahil isa lang ang ibig
sabihin n'on. Alam na ni Zehannah ang totoo. Ayaw lang
talaga siya nitong kausapin.
Dahan-dahang umayos ng upo si Reigo saka huminga nang
malalim. "Zee... iiwan mo ba ako?"
Hindi sumagot si Zehannah at pakiramdam ni Reigo,
kinakain ng takot ang lahat ng parte ng katawan niya.
Nanlamig siya at nag-umpisang pagpawisan ang mga kamay
"Please... d-don't leave me." He didn't know his voice
was trembling until he heard it. "Please, my Zee..."
Gusto niyang sabihin kay Zehannah na gagawin niya
lahat hindi lang siya nito iwan, pero walang lumabas
sa bibig niya dahil ramdam niya ang panlalamig ng buo
niyang katawan at ang bahagyang panginginig ng labi
He was scared—so scared to lose his Zee that he was
cold and trembling. He wanted to beg, but he couldn't
seem to move his body, that had become frozen in fear
and panic.
"I love you."
Reigo's mind went blank when he heard Zehannah and he
glanced at her with his mind blank and stupefied
expression. "What... w-what did you say...?"
"I said I love you."
Those words melted away all his worries, jealousies,
and anger. "Then—"
"That's why it hurts. Because I love you." For the
first time, a smile appeared on Zehannah's lips, but
they were humorless. "I'm in love with you, Reigo.
That's why it hurts so much." Kumuyom ang kamao ni
Zehannah. "Alam kong hindi mo kasalanan pero masakit
pa rin. Kaya ayaw kitang kausapin. Hindi ko pa kaya.
Baka ano ang masabi ko sa 'yo. Dahil kahit ako sa
sarili ko, hindi ko alam kung bakit masakit pa rin."
A tear fell from Zehannah's eyes and Reigo's hand
immediately reached out to dry it but stopped midway.
Then, slowly, he pulled his hand back and clenched his
fist. "Is there... anything I can do?"
Umiling si Zehannah. "Panay isip ko kung ano'ng
problema—kung bakit masakit pa rin. Wala akong
maisagot. Naisip ko, baka ako ang may problema kaya
ayaw kitang makausap o makita. I'm unstable at the
moment, Reigo. I might say something to you that I
might regret, so please, get away from me for a while.
It's not because I hate you or because I'm blaming
you, it's for your own safety. I'm not safe to be
around at the moment. I'm furious and I don't want to
lash out at you, so please keep your distance."
Reigo closed his eyes and took a deep breath. And when
he opened them again, a determined look glinted in his
eyes. "Two weeks. I will give you two weeks to figure
it out. And if you still can't by then, we will figure
it out together. I don't care if you lashed out at me.
I will not let you push me away. Mahal kita at hindi
mababaw ang pagmamahal ko sa 'yo, Zehannah."
Zehannah's head lowered as tears continued to fall
from her eyes until she was pressing her forehead
against the steering wheel.
Iyon ang unang beses na narinig at nakita niyang
malakas na humagulgol ng iyak ang dalaga. Pakiramdam
ni Reigo, parang may bumibiyak sa dibdib niya dalhil
ramdam niya ang sakit at frustration ng dalaga sa
bawat malakas nitong hikbi.
He wanted to hug his Zee so bad. He wanted to cuddle
her, tell her everything was going to be okay, and
that he will always be by her side. But instead of
words, he offered his hand for her to hold and let her
continue crying.
It took a while for Zehannah to calm down and stop her
tears from falling. And through all the sobbing and
crying, Reigo stayed by her side with her hands
tightly holding his.
Slumping on the steering wheel, Reigo could see how
exhausted his Zee was.
"My Zee..."
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah saka dahan-dahang
binitawan ang kamay ni Reigo habang panay hinga nang
malalim at tinutuyo ang basang pisngi.
"I'm okay now," she said.
Hindi mapigilan ni Reigo, inabot niya ang pisngi ni
Zehannah saka tinuyo ang parte ng pisngi nito na hindi
pa nito natutuyo. "I'm just here, my Zee. Always."
Tumango si Zehannah at nilukob ng katahimikan ang
buong sasakyan kaya nagpaalam na si Reigo. Sapat na sa
kaniya na nakausap niya si Zehannah. Na kahit papaano
ay nagkaliwanagan sila kahit hindi man sila nakapag-
usap nang mahaba at masinsinan.
"I'll... go now," he said, reluctant to leave.
Zehannah just nodded and didn't even look at him. But
after hearing her confession of love, those words were
enough to ease his heart as he stepped out of
Zehannah's car and watched her drive away.
"So, how's the talk?"
Mabilis na umikot si Reigo paharap sa nagtanong. Si
Knight 'yon at nasa tabi nito ang asawa nitong si SM.
"It, um, went well, I think? I mean..." He sighed.
"... I think so. She said she needed some time, so...
Tumango-tango si Knight. "Good for you then, bud."
Reigo nodded and was about to walk to his car when he
remembered something and face the Velasquez couple
again. "If I asked for help, will you help me?"
Si SM ang sumagot sa kaniya. "If it's about Katrin, I
have to decline."
Ni hindi si Reigo nagtaka kung bakit alam nito ang
tulong na hinihingi niya. Mas nagtaka siya sa sagot
nito. "Bakit?"
"Because as a woman, I don't want to step on
Zehannah's determination."
Reigo frowned. "What?"
"Hindi ba sinabi sa 'yo ng ina mo?" tanong ni Knight.
Reigo remained to frown. "I know she has a plan for
Katrin and she didn't want me intervening. I tried
these past few days, but Mom kept pinning me down and
blocking my path."
SM took a deep breath and smiled. "All I can say is
that Zehannah is determined to win." Then SM pulled
Knight to leave.
Reigo was still confused, but somehow, he understood
some of it.
My Zee against Katrin? But he thought it was his
mother against Katrin. Since when did his Zee enter
the picture?
EXHAUSTED WITH puffy eyes, Zehannah went home—not to
her parents' house, but to her condo—and went to
sleep. She was tired and wanted to be alone. But when
night came, she received a sudden visitor.
Contessa. Reigo's mother.
"Galit ka pa rin ba sa 'kin, Zehan?" tanong ng ginang
nang makaupo silang dalawa sa mahabang sofa.
Sinalubong ni Zehannah ang tingin nito. "What do you
"I know it was cruel—"
"Yes. You're very cruel, Tita."
Contessa looked down. "I know apologizing would not
suffice, but I'm sorry, Zehan. I truly am."
Zehannah said nothing and just looked away.
After a long silence, Zehan asked, "Was it worth it?"
"Yes. As you know."
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah. "I feel so betrayed."
"I know."
Hindi napigilang umingos ni Zehannah. "Owning your
mistake doesn't make you less guilty, Tita."
"I'm aware, Zehan. You can call this an excuse, but I
partly did this for you to learn. If you want to be
with Reigo, that means you'll be welcomed into our
world, and that world is full of twisted and sly
people. And there are far crueler people than me and
Katrin. And those are the people that you have to face
if you want to fight for Reigo.
"You can hate me and not forgive me. I will understand
but learn from my cruelty, Zehan. Not everyone who's
nice to you upfront will have your best interest at
heart. Everyone has their own intention when they
offer help. Everyone has their own motivation when
they approached you. Take this as my early lesson,
because Katrin won't be the last of your worries if
you are serious about being with my son.
"So observe me and learn what I do. Learn how to
deduce me and how to handle someone wicked like me.
Maybe it's early for me to teach you this in a hard
way, but I want to ready you so that you and my
grandchildren—if you plan to have any with Reigo—will
not be helpless when I'm no longer around to be a
wicked evil bitch."
Zehannah's lips parted as she stared at Reigo's
mother, who's exuding a very intimidating aura. Then,
a couple of seconds later, she returned to the warm
person she was.
"But I'm really sorry for what I did, Zehan. I really
am." Contessa's voice had become soft. "When I made
that decision, I only thought of the benefit, the
advantage we'll have, and how it'll help solidify our
plan." She sighed with regret. "Kaya naiintindihan ko
ang galit mo sa 'kin. Naiintindihan ko kung hindi mo
ako kayang patawarin. Pero sa ngayon, kailangan nating
ituloy ang nasimulan natin. You worked hard for this,
Zehan. You went through hell of harassment for months
just to bait them. You willingly became broke just to
pull this off, so please, reconsider. You can hate me
all you want afterward, but in the next few days, we
have to work together. You set the stage already, and
it's now time for the show, Miss Leading Lady."
Zehannah took a deep breath and straightened her back.
"I have no plans to withdraw, Tita. Marami na akong
isinakripisyo. I'm just angry and frustrated that's
why I didn't reply to your messages. Sino'ng hindi
magagalit sa ginawa mo? Kahit gaano pa kalawak ang
pag-intindi ko, hindi ko kinaya ang sakit na pinaranas
niyo sa 'kin, Tita. Yes, it made me realize how much
in love I am with Reigo, but still... it was too
"I'm sorry, Zehan..."
Bumuga ng marahas na hininga si Zehannah saka pilit na
pinakalma ang sarili. "Apology accepted, but I'm still
angry at you, Tita. At hindi ko alam kung kailan
mawawala itong galit na nararamdaman ko."
Contessa smiled at that and went to hug Zehannah
softly while caressing her hair. "With you being in
love with my son, I'm sure we'll have more time to see
each other. Babawi ako. Pangako."
Nagdududang tumingin si Zehannah sa ginang. "Bakit iba
ang pakiramdam ko sa pagbawi na 'yan?"
Misteryosong ngumiti lang si Contessa saka pinisil ang
pisngi ni Zehannah. "Sorry talaga, Zehan. Hindi ko na
"Hmph. As if I'll give you a chance to do that to me
Contessa chuckled at that. "That's good. Be wary of me
and outwit me, Zehan."
"'Yon talaga ang gagawin ko, Tita."
Lumapad ang ngiti ni Contessa saka tumango ito. "I'm
looking forward to it. Anyway, I have to go. We don't
want our little dear Katrin to get a whiff of the
little show we prepared for her."
Tumango si Zehannah saka tumayo at hinatid ang ginang
sa pintuan.
Bago umalis, masuyo ang ngiting ibinigay ni Contessa
kay Zehannah. "Thank you for loving my son, Zehan.
Thank you for fighting for him."
Tumango lang si Zehannah at pinagmasdan ang papalayong
bulto ng ina ni Reigo.
Nang maisara ni Zehannah ang pintuan ng condo,
pakiramdam niya, kahit papaano ay gumaan ang kalooban
niya. Siguro dahil nailabas na niya ang hinaing niya
sa ina ni Reigo.
Only two people left. Emma and Katrin. Emma, she could
handle later, but Katrin took precedence.
You tried to ruin my agency. I will do the same to
your company. But I won't just try. I will drag you to
the ground and serve you what you deserve, you
narcissistic bitch.
WITH A CUP of cappuccino in her hand, Zehannah stepped
out of her car and entered their agency. And while
walking to her office, her eyes were roaming around,
watching their employees and greeting them back.
From the outside, she looked like she had no problems
at all, but contrary to what she looked, her head was
"Someone's early," Zehannah commented when she saw
Cassiuz stepping out of Cassia's office.
"And someone is late," Cassiuz commented back with a
grin. "That's a first, though. And by the way, your
eyes look horrible."
Zehannah chuckled wryly. "That's what happens when one
cries too much."
Naiiling na lumapit si Cassiuz kay Zehannah. "Have you
been crying again?" Then he lowered his head a little
while leaning towards her to ask in a whisper. "Still
fighting with your not-really-boyfriend?"
"Nah. We talked. Then I cried. Hard."
"So you two fought again?"
"Nope. I confessed actually."
"And cried?" napapantastikuhang tanong ni Cassiuz.
"Yes. It was dramatic like that. Someone cold like you
wouldn't understand." It was a playful, snide comment.
And Cassiuz gripped his chest where his heart was and
played along. "The woman I can relate to is leaving me
behind because of love. Oh, the injustice. I'm hurt."
Inirapan ni Zehannah si Cassiuz kapagkuwan ay sabay na
natawa ang dalawa.
From the outside perspective, Cassiuz and Zehannah
looked like they were flirting with each other, but
the truth was, it was a show Zehannah asked Cassiuz to
play to satisfy Katrin's spy.
And Zehannah was right on the mark. Josie was already
relaying to Katrin what she was witnessing so early in
the morning.
"By the way"—Cassiuz straightened his body and walked
beside Zehannah towards her office—"I did what you
asked. You're very much welcome, by the way."
Nasisiyahang tumango-tango si Zehannah. "It's really
nice to have a wealthy friend with a scary connection
once in a while."
Napailing si Cassiuz sa dalaga. "I feel used. You owe
me dinner."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah dahil mukha talagang
oversized puppy si Cassiuz. "Someone is going to get
jealous even if it's only a friendly dinner, so...
I'll ask him first."
Cassiuz gaped at Zehannah. Sarcasm dripped from his
words. "Wow. So considerate."
Umirap si Zehannah sa binata bago rumason. "I just
don't want him to feel that emotion. I mean, I know
what it feels like. It's awful, and it's an emotion I
don't want the person I love to feel."
Mahinang natawa si Cassiuz sa paliwanag ni Zehannah.
"Or you have been tamed."
Napatigil si Zehannah sa paglalakad saka nagsalubong
ang kilay. "Hmm..." Then she resumed walking. "I don't
think so. I just love him."
"Uh-huh." Cassiuz did not believe a single word.
"Oh, hush, Mr. Oversized Puppy."
"Hey! Not that again!"
Hindi pinansin ni Zehannah si Cassiuz at pumasok sa
loob ng opisina. Si Cassiuz naman ay umupo sa isa sa
visitor's chair at tahimik na nakamasid lang kay
Zehannah na isa-isang inaayos ang mga papeles na nasa
ibabaw ng lamesa nito.
"So, what are you going to ask for compensation?"
Cassiuz asked. "That Katrin did try to ruin yours and
Cassia's agency."
"Her entire company."
Napangiwi si Cassiuz. "Isn't that a bit too much?"
Umiling si Zehannah. "If I don't strip her of
everything she has, she'll just harass me and Reigo
all over again. I'm not that stupid to let it happen
the second time."
"I guess. Anyway"—Cassiuz got up and took a deep
breath—"I think I stayed too long already. I'm sure
the spy has now sent the news to her employer that we
are an item. As much as it pains me"—Cassiuz sighed
dramatically—"I have to go. I'm going back to Athens
tomorrow, so see yah, Zehan. Make sure to win."
Zehan smiled at that. "I don't plan on losing."
Cassiuz chuckled and waved his hand before he walked
out of her office.
Zehannah stared at the door for a couple of seconds.
She was thankful to Cassiuz for helping them. Dapat si
Contessa ang gagawa n'on, pero nagboluntaryo si
Cassiuz kaya wala silang nagawa ni Cassia. But maybe
it was a good thing because Cassiuz worked fast.
Two weeks. Naalala niya ang palugit na binigay sa
kaniya ni Reigo. I think two weeks is more than enough
to finish everything.
And then... she'll finally have time for Reigo.
Ah, at last. Those toy candies had been waiting for so
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah saka umupo sa swivel
chair at binuksan ang folder na nasa gitna ng lamesa.
It was the agency's financial report made by a
different employee. A trusted one.
Ah. We lost so much money. Zehannah sighed. Siguradong
kayod kalabaw ang kailangan naming gawin ni Cassia
para maibalik namin ang perang nawala.
Napatigil ang pagbabasa ni Zehannah nang may kumatok.
"It's open. Come in."
Zehannah subtly closed the folder containing a very
important document when she saw Josie enter her
"Oh, Josie!" Zehannah put on her most amicable smile.
"May kailangan ka?"
Tumango si Josie nang makatayo sa harapan ng lamesa ni
Zehannah. "May isusumbong lang sana ako, Ma'am Zehan."
Zehannah immediately showed Josie her serious
expression. "Sure. Tell me."
"Kasi Ma'am"—sumama ang tabas ng mukha nito—"Tina is
bypassing me."
Kumunot ang noo ni Zehannah. "Bypassing how?"
"She's been making accounts and financial statements
without passing through my table and my approval,"
sumbong ni Josie. "Ako ang nakakataas sa kaniya, dapat
lang na dumaan sa 'kin. Paano kung may mali pala siya?
E 'di ako ang sasagot sa kamalian niya dahil ako ang
mas nakakataas sa kaniya. I'm just worried, Ma'am
Zehan, that she could be providing the agency wrong
After listening to Josie, Zehannah nodded earnestly.
"I'll talk to Tina later and reprimand her."
Josie immediately smiled. "Thank you, Ma'am."
Zehannah smiled back. "Of course. You are our
Accounting Department head. Anything for one of our
important employees."
Josie beamed at that before she excused herself.
Nang makalabas si Josie at mag-isa na lang ulit si
Zehannah sa loob ng opisina niya, hinilot niya ang
sentido saka sumandal sa likod ng kinauupuan at
napatitig sa kisame.
Bumuntonghininga si Zehannah. "Only taking care of
menial things now, but it's still a headache," she
complained. "Seriously. Sino ba'ng nagplano nito?"
Me. Sagot ng sarili na nagpabuntonghininga ulit kay
Yeah. This is my plan so I better give my all. Tita
Contessa already paved the way for me. I just have to
walk on it to victory.
Easier said than done, but Zehannah was not one to
give up. She was determined to serve Katrin what she
deserved and she will collect Katrin's debt to her in
the next few days to come.
I will make sure that you paid me in full, Katrin.
"IS EVERYTHING READY, Attorney?" Contessa asked
Attorney Henares after reading all the documents
presented in front of her. "Wala ba tayong magiging
problema kung sakali?"
Kaagad na sumagot ang abogado. "As you can see in the
documents I provided, everything is legal and by the
law. I made sure to thoroughly process it with no
possible loopholes."
Tumango si Contessa. "That's good. Thank you."
"If I may be so bold, Madam," Attorney Henares asked
the question that had been bothering him since he
started processing the acquisition. "May I ask why are
you doing all this for Ms. Sevil?"
Kaagad na gumuhit ang ngiti sa mga labi ni Contessa.
"Because she will be my future daughter-in-law and
also your future employer."
Napakurap-kurap ang abogado kay Contessa. "Pardon?"
Contessa chuckled at Atty. Henares' stunned reaction.
"Attorney, nakikita mo ba ang anak ko na papalakarin
ang lahat ng negosyo na iiwan namin sa kaniya?"
According to Attorney Henares' understanding, Reigo
Vasquez was an independent man when it comes to
business and earning money. But still... "Maybe...?"
"No. He won't," Contessa said in a matter-of-fact
tone. "Maybe some, but I'm sure he will give the rest
to our relatives. Especially the businesses we have
abroad. And we don't want that. That's where Zehan
would come in. As you can see, my future daughter-in-
law is a brilliant woman. A little more lesson and she
will be able to surpass me and Rohan. With her by
Reigo's side, they will be a pair like no other. I
will have no worries about the future."
Napatango-tango si Attorney Henares. Naiintindihan na
rin nito sa wakas.
Mahinang tumawa si Contessa nang maalala ang pagbisita
sa kaniya ni Zehannah para sabihin sa kaniya ang plano
nito. "Will you believe that this was her plan?"
Surprise was written on Atty. Henares face. "With an
elaborate plan like this, I thought this was your
idea, Madam."
Umiling si Contessa saka mahinang tumawa. "She
pretends to be weak, but really, she has the sharpest
fangs and claws. While her enemy was harassing her,
she was busy studying her enemy's company and the
people involved in it. Honestly, being part of this
plan makes me shudder. My future daughter-in-law still
has no money or connection and only borrowing my power
to pull this off, but she was already this intelligent
and cunning. I have no qualms about leaving everything
to her and Reigo. And I have no worries about my
future grandchildren as well."
Attorney Henares smiled. "Congratulations on acquiring
a very smart and competent daughter-in-law, Madam."
Contessa was pleased. "It's all thanks to my son. He
found an amazing woman."
Tumango ang abogado. "Indeed." Paused and a brief
silence before Attorney Henares went back to his
serious demeanor. "By the way, it looks like the other
camp has already noticed our movements. Should I do
something to block their information network?"
Umiling si Contessa. "No need. Hayaan mo sila. Gusto
kong kainin sila ng kaba bago sila bitayin ni
Zehannah. Wala naman na silang magagawa kahit pa
malaman nila. It's already too late for a
"Yes, Madam. I shall not interfere."
Contessa got up from her chair and walked towards the
glass wall overlooking their massive and lovely house
garden. "I can't wait..." she murmured to herself. "I
hope they fight to the bitter end. Hostile takeover
seems fun."
Napalunok na lang si Attorney Henares na narinig ang
ginang. Hostile takeover could destroy a company if
not done properly, but here was the madam, hoping for
it to happen. Maybe they don't really want that
company. They just want to destroy it. The attorney
sighed. Though why waste tons of money? Even Miss
Sevil became broke because of it. Well, she's not
technically broke, but as of the moment, she had no
cash or savings on her. The attorney sighed again. To
take such a risk, Miss Sevil is indeed a formidable
"By the way, Attorney, kumusta 'yong isa pang bagay na
pinapagawa ko sa 'yo?" tanong ni Contessa na pumutol
sa pag-iisip ng abogado.
"We're closing in on that one too, Madam," the
attorney answered suavely. "I will hand you my report
once our private investigator reports the finding."
Relief crossed Contessa's face. "Thank you, Attorney
Henares. You may leave now."
"Yes, Ma'am. Have a good day."
"Yeah, you too," Contessa replied and continued
watching the garden until her feet became sore from
standing too long.
Contessa went back to her table and sent a message to
'I ordered a suit for you, Zehan.'
After a little while, Zehannah replied. 'Tita, not
over the top clothes, please.'
Contessa chuckled, then grinned. "My poor future
daughter-in-law, even the simple one for me, will be
over the top for you. But you have to get used to such
With a pleased smile, Contessa opened the limited
jewelry brochure she received yesterday. It's from her
favorite jeweler, who only sold one piece per design.
A limited edition, as some called it. I really want to
order here, but Zehan didn't want to because she
couldn't afford it, she said. Hmm... let's refer her
to Reaveros Jewelries then. They also have amazing
pieces even if you're on a budget.
Contessa closed the brochure and smiled when her phone
started ringing—Katrin's father was calling.
"You're not that special for me to answer." She
chuckled to herself before she went to open a gemstone
CURLING UP IN her bed at night, Zehannah opened
Reigo's message and read them. Every day without
missing, he would send her a greeting and a
motivational message.
Ilang araw na rin ang nakalipas mula noong magkausap
sila. Kung hahayaan ni Zehannah ang sarili, baka
tinawagan na niya si Reigo at pinapunta sa condo niya.
Pero pinipigilan niya ang sarili.
May tamang oras at lugar ang karupukan ko. Huwag muna
ngayon. I need to focus. Hindi rin niya maikakaila na
nakakatulong sa kaniya si Reigo habang malayo ito sa
The distance between her and Reigo gave Katrin a sense
of accomplishment and assurance that she had won and
that Reigo had given up on her already. Sigurado
siyang nagbubunyi na ngayon ang gaga dahil
'napaghiwalay' sila nito. Siguradong masyado itong
masaya para makita ang ibang kaganapan sa paligid
nito. Hindi lang 'yon, tumutulong din siyempre si
Josie sa kasiyahan nito.
Napatigil sa pag-iisip si Zehannah nang biglang
tumunog ang cellphone niya.
She stilled when she saw who was calling.
She missed him and she couldn't deny that, but she
didn't answer. Mas lalakas lang ang kagustuhan niyang
makasama at makausap ito kung maririnig niya ang boses
ng binata.
But Reigo was persistent. He sent a message before
calling again.
'It's important.'
Reluctantly, she answered the call. "Yes?"
"I missed you."
Natigilan si Zehannah. Is this the 'important' thing
he was talking about?
"And I love you," he added. "Just want to tell you
that before going to bed. See you soon, my Zee."
The call ended without her talking, but there was a
smile on her lips.
My Mr. Delicacy is still sweet as ever.
Gustong mag-reply ni Zehannah, pero hindi niya ginawa.
Sa halip, bumangon siya at tinungo ang closet saka
binuksan iyon.
And then she just stood there, in front of her closet,
staring at Reigo's clothes that were hung inside.
Sharing a closet with Reigo for the rest of my life
doesn't seem so bad. She thought. Why am I even
hesitating? I already made it this far just to keep
him. All the things she had endured wouldn't make any
sense if she had no plan for their future.
And... Zehannah touched her stomach. I really need to
finish this and rest. I've been stressed for far too
long already. I'm already mentally exhausted.
Umangat ang kamay ni Zehannah para hawakan at haplusin
ang damit ni Reigo na naka-hanger sa loob ng closet.
I really miss that flirty, delicious guy. Buwisit
talaga ang Katrin na 'yon.
Iritadong isinara ni Zehannah ang closet saka bumalik
sa pagkakahiga sa kama at pinilit na makatulog.
Kinabukasan, sinadya ni Zehannah na late nang pumasok.
Why? To feed Katrin's spy, of course.
But then, she saw a box on her table when she entered
her office. She immediately became alert until she saw
the name of its sender on the note pinned on top of
the box.
Contessa Vasquez.
Binuksan iyon ni Zehannah at bahagyang umawang ang
labi niya sa nakita.
Set of diamonds as a piece of jewelry. Siguro kung
'yon lang ang laman niyon, hindi siya magugulat nang
ganito. Pero may kasama iyong damit.
It was a glimmering black suit with a strong squired-
up shoulder and deep-collared blaze that would
accentuate her chest and immaculately tailored
trousers. It screamed business and power. Not to
mention the buttons that were made of diamonds. And
pairing that suit was a stiletto.
Zehannah face palmed. "Seriously, Tita. This is just
overkill." Nasampal na naman ako ng kahirapan. But she
had to look the part, so she had to thank Reigo's
mother for this. Might as well wear it now.
Pumasok si Zehannah sa banyo ng opisina para doon
magbihis at nang makalabas siya, tinungo niya ang
opisina ng kaibigan para ipakita ang hitsura niya.
"Oh, my God! You look so elegant and pretty,
Zehan...!" Cassia even had teary eyes. "I expect
nothing less from my master!"
Napailing si Zehannah pero hindi niya maitago ang
ngiti sa mga labi. "Bagay ba?"
Mabilis na sumagot si Cassia. "Yes! You look
Tiningnan ni Zehannah ang damit. "Indeed. I look
expensive." Really an overkill, Tita. "But I like it."
"Me too." Cassia showered her with another praise
before she became serious. "So, today is the day,
Tumango si Zehannah. "Thank you for leaving everything
in my hands, Cass. Hindi ko 'to magagawa kung hindi mo
ako hinayaang gawin ang gusto ko."
Nakangiting umiling si Cassia. "No need to thank me,
Zehan. Alam kong hindi mo ipapahamak ang agency natin.
Pareho nating mahal ang agency na 'to at pareho nating
ibinigay ang lahat natin para maitayo ito kaya
nagtiwala ako sa plano mo. Of course, I want that
Katrin to pay for harassing you, too!"
Zehannah's expression softened. When Katrin targeted
their agency, Zehannah was honestly not shocked. She
was even more shocked that it took Katrin a long time
to attack her agency. So when she did, she told Cassia
her plan and begged her to let her handle it. Cassia
agreed. At nagpapasalamat siya na may tiwala sa kaniya
ang kaibigan.
Kahit hirap na hirap na sila, kahit paubos na ang pera
nila dahil sa kagagawan ni Katrin, ni minsan, hindi
nagreklamo si Cassia at hindi siya nito sinisi. Cassia
remained by her side, helping her and motivating her
along the way when she's blaming herself for
everything that had happened.
She promised Cassia that she wouldn't let their agency
fall in exchange for her trust. "Is it now safe to
assume that I kept my promise?"
Cassia's smile widened and nodded. "Yes, Master Zehan.
Your plan to lure Katrin and distract her attention
using our agency while Reigo's mother did her part of
your plan was successful. A round of applause for my
Zehannah was happy that it was successful, but it was
very exhausting. "Pero nakakapagod. Akala ko talaga
malulugi ang agency natin dahil sa plano ko. We have
to work extra hard to keep our agency afloat for
months. It was barely hanging, but it really
Tumango si Cassia. "Thanks for Kuya Cassiuz's help.
Y&Z Supermarket will pay for the damages they caused
Zehannah nodded back. The original plan was for
Contessa to talk to Y&Z Supermarket and make them
stop. But it'll be too obvious. So Zehannah changed
the plan and enlisted Cassiuz's help. Kahit kausapin
at patigilan ni Cassiuz ang Y&Z Supermarket gamit ang
koneksiyon nito, hindi magtataka si Katrin dahil ang
alam nito ay may 'namamagitan' sa kanila ni Cassiuz.
If Cassiuz did not offer his help, they would've asked
Thorn instead.
That's why she and Cassiuz had to put on a show. For
Josie. And it worked.
It bought them some time and also got rid of Y&Z
Supermarket from harassing their agency.
"What's the next step, Zehan?" Cassia asked afterward.
Zehannah shrugged. "Hire a new Accounting Department
Mahinang natawa si Cassia kapagkuwan at nagseryoso
ito. "Ikaw na ang bahala sa espiya habang ako naman
ang bahalang makipag-usap sa Y&Z Supermarket. I won't
let them slip away. I will make them pay for trying to
ruin our agency."
With a clear path ahead, Zehannah left Cassia's office
and went straight to the Accounting Department.
Bago pa makatayo si Josie para salubungin si Zehannah,
nagsalita na ito.
"Josie, you're fired."
Bumadha ang gulat sa mukha ng mga nakarinig pero mas
gulat na gulat si Josie at nakuha pa nitong
"May nagawa ba akong mali, Ma'am Zehan?" Bumagsak ang
luha sa pisngi nito. "This is against labor code—"
"Wipe that crocodile tears on your cheeks. It doesn't
suit a spy like you," Zehannah replied coldly
remembering the time when Contessa informed her that
Josie was Katrin's spy. "You can sue me if you want, I
don't care. I have evidence of your misconduct.
Still, Josie tried to defend herself. "No! That's not
true Ma'am Zehan—"
"I know you're Katrin's spy from the very beginning."
Zehannah smiled. It was cold, and it sent a shiver
down Josie's spine. "What do you say, Josie? I put on
a good show, don't you think?"
Napipilan si Josie at parang nalulon ang dila na hindi
makapagsalita. Nakatanga lang ito kay Zehannah na may
malamig at nakakataas ng balahibong ngiti.
Zehannah walked towards Josie. "Nasisiguro kong malaki
ang kinita mong pera mula kay Katrin. I suggest you
take great care of that money. You'll need it to
survive the case that I'm going to file against you. I
will not stop until you go broke and crawl back to
where you came from. And through the connection of
Contessa Vasquez, Cassiuz Savvaz, Reigo Vasquez, Thorn
Calderon, and all the influential people we know, you
will be banned from working and entering the corporate
world again."
Nanghihinang napaatras si Josie. "N-no... no...!" She
stumbled on her feet and fell to the floor as fear for
her future consumed her. "Please, no... don't... no!
No! I don't deserve it! I don't deserve to be banned!
You can't do that! You can't!" she screamed
desperately at Zehannah, but Zehannah remained
unperturbed and just looked down at Josie on the
And as if to mock Josie's fear and desperation,
Zehannah leaned down and gripped Josie's jaw and
forced her to look up at her.
"Go and run to your boss," Zehannah uttered those
words in a low and menacing voice. "And make sure to
tell that narcissistic witch bitch that I'm coming for
her next."
Out of panic and despair for her future, Josie
scrambled on the floor to get up and ran.
Meanwhile, Zehannah sighed, straightened her body,
flipped her hair, and nonchalantly left the Accounting
Department after telling everyone to continue their
work with Tina as their new head.
"That was anti-climactic..." Zehannah muttered under
her breath as she entered her office. "I should have
beaten her up, but animal cruelty is a crime."
Sighing, she answered her phone which had been ringing
since she entered her office.
"Yes, Tita?"
"Your ride has arrived."
Zehannah took a deep breath and steeled herself.
"Alright. Thank you, Tita."
"Anytime." There was a hint of a smile in Contessa's
Zehannah ended the call and went outside their agency,
where a limousine—her ride—was waiting for her.
Taking a deep breath, she walked towards the
It had gone on for far too long. Time to end this
headache and the cause of my stress.
INSIDE A LAVISH conference room was a long table with
twelve seats, but unlike the previous conference
meetings held in that room, the shareholders' seats
were empty, which was an impossibility knowing the
content of the meeting that day.
And the shareholders' absence made the woman sitting
in the CEO's chair fume.
"Just where the hell are they?!" Katrin couldn't help
snapping at her secretary in front of the Board of
Directors. "We have to start the meeting. I don't have
all day!"
Katrin's uncle, Ted, the only shareholder present,
spoke to his niece. "Calm down for a moment, Katrin.
I'm sure they're just running late."
Sumabad si Jessa Vidal, isa sa Board of Directors na
siyang nagtaas ng kilay nang nagtaas ng boses si
Katrin. Contessa Vasquez elected her as her
representative to help the Veron Real Estate prosper
and profit. "Mrs. Vasquez just informed me that she'll
be late. Sinundo pa raw niya kasi ang isang
shareholder para sabay silang pumunta rito."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Katrin sa narinig. Since when
did Contessa become chummy with other shareholders?
Those people tend to avoid Contessa because of her
connection and power in the corporate world. Not to
mention her overprotective husband who's always
backing her up in whatever she does—whether it could
destroy or make someone.
Feeling suspicious, Katrin glanced at her uncle and
spoke to him in a low voice. "What's the news with the
shareholders? You had a meeting with them two days
ago, right?"
Tumango ang tiyuhin. "Everything is fine. No need to
Katrin was still feeling doubtful. "Are you sure? Dad
warned me to be wary of them."
Tumango si Ted. "Yes. No need to worry. The company is
safe and secured."
Katrin had no choice but to believe until she launched
her own investigation. Her Uncle Ted was her eyes and
ears on the shareholder's side. "And about the share,
I asked you to sell to me?"
"Already been taken care of. You'll see it later at
the meeting."
"Alright. Good." Katrin was pleased. "Sabi ni Daddy
may nabalitaan daw siyang may binabalak ang mga
shareholder pero mukhang false alarm lang 'yon."
Napailing si Katrin nang maalala ang mensahe rin sa
kaniya ng espiya niyang si Josie. Pinaghahanda siya
nito dahil nalaman na raw ni Zehannah na espiya ito.
Ano naman ang magagawa ng babaeng 'yon sa 'kin?
Gustong matawa ni Katrin. "Dad is always overacting.
It's not like it'll be easy to do something against us
under our noses."
Ted just nodded his head while the Board of Directors
were having a secret conversation of their own.
"So you received the same message?" usisa ni Herman
Tumango si Phil Leman na isa rin sa Board of
Directors. "Sa tingin ko lahat tayo ay nakatanggap ng
parehong mensahe."
"When I received the memo, I didn't even think of
going against that cunning woman," wika ni Jorge
"Same," anang pinakamatanda sa lahat na si Filman
Ricafort saka napabuntonghininga ito. "I'm old enough
to know not to mess with that family."
Sumabad si Mina Busmante, isa sa dalawang babae sa
Board of Directors. "My answer was immediate. Who
wants to go against that woman? I mean, we all know
what she's capable of. Even with my backing, she could
still make my career a living hell if she desired so."
Jessa Vidal nodded, knowing full well what kind of
woman Contessa Vasquez was. "Only idiots would fight
knowing what that woman is capable of."
Palihim na tumingin ang anim na Board of Directors sa
direksiyon ni Katrin na nakikipag-usap pa rin sa
tiyuhin nito kapagkuwan ay napabuntonghininga ang mga
"I admire her guts," ani Jessa.
"Yeah. But you know what's more terrifying? I heard
that that woman is doing this for someone else," wika
ni Mina.
Tumango si Phil dahil 'yon din ang narinig nito. "Yes.
I heard it's because her future daughter-in-law asked
her to."
Lahat ay tumaas ang kilay.
"She must be one hell of a daughter-in-law for that
woman to give her time, attention, and assistance."
Napailing si Jorge. "Scary."
"That's for sure," ani Phil. "And I think we're going
to meet the future daughter-in-law today."
"Yeah. She's our new boss, after all," said Jessa,
then sighed. "This is going to be a mess."
"But what shocked me were the shareholders," ani Mina
kapagkuwan. "They didn't even make a fuss. Not even a
word was heard from them before and after the tender
"Sino'ng mag-iingay at magrereklamo kung sobra-sobra
pa ang nakuha nilang kapalit para sa share nila rito?"
Nagkibit-balikat si Phil. "I heard from my uncle that
it was massive. I don't know what went down, but my
uncle was happy to let go of his shares here."
Napailing si Filman. "And for Contessa Vasquez to do
all that for someone else..." Filman sighed. "Yeah.
It'll be a mess."
The Board of Directors continued talking while Katrin
was also having a conversation with her uncle.
And then, suddenly, someone barged in inside the
conference room. They were Katrin's parents—Donald and
Kathy. Fuming mad, especially Katrin's father.
"Where the fuck is that woman?!" Katrin's father
screamed in rage, making everyone inside still. Even
Katrin. Pero kaagad ding nakabawi si Katrin at
nilapitan ang ama na nanggagalaiti sa galit.
"Dad, what's happening—"
"You idiot...!" Dinuro kaagad nito si Katrin nang
makita ito. "What did you let this happen, huh?! I
told you again and again to watch the shareholder's
movement, but you didn't listen! This is your fault!
How idiot could you be?!"
Katrin glared at her own father after being called an
idiot twice. "Would you stop calling me an idiot and
just tell me what are you talking about?!" she
screamed back. "You're not making any sense, Dad!"
Nanlisik ang mata ng ama ni Katrin at pinagduduro nito
ang noo ni Katrin na napaatras ang dalaga. "This is
all your fault! You were too busy with your delusional
love life that you didn't see them conniving under
your nose!"
Katrin still didn't know what her father was talking
about. "Ano ba'ng pinagsasasabi mo, Dad?!"
Kumuyom ang kamao ng ama ni Katrin. "That Contessa...!
I'm talking about her! She connived with other
shareholders to steal our company...!"
Nanlaki ang mga mata ni Katrin sa narinig saka
napatingin sa Board of Directors na tahimik lang bago
napatingin sa tiyuhin kapagkuwan ay mabilis na
bumaling sa ama. "How is that possible? Uncle Ted
assured me that everything is fine—"
"That's because he's in cahoots with Contessa!" Dinuro
ni Donald si Ted. "Paano mo nagawa sa 'min 'to, ha?!
Tinuring ka naming parang pamilya—"
"Since when?" Ted cut Donald off, silencing everyone.
"Ang naalala ko lang ay ang araw-araw na pangmamaliit
niyo sa 'kin." Nagkibit-balikat si Ted. "It was your
business partner, Greg, who treated me—you—as his
family. Pero ginago mo 'yong tao. Doon ko napagtanto
na hindi kailangang maging kadugo para maging pamilya
at hindi porke't kadugo mo ay pamilya mo na.
Pinagdasal ko ang pagbagsak niyo. Kaya nang
makatanggap ako ng alok mula kay Contessa Vasquez,
tinanggap ko kaagad."
"Bobo!" sigaw ni Donald kay Ted. "If we go down,
you're going down with us, you dimwit!"
Nagkibit-balikat lang si Ted. "I don't really care. As
long as I get to see you suffer. After what you did to
Greg and his wife, this is only fitting. This way, I
can avenge his death even a little."
"I have nothing to do with his death!" Donald defended
Mapaklang tumawa si Ted. "You say that, but didn't
Greg kill himself because you stole the company he
built and the company he loved? Nagpakamatay siya
dahil ginago mo siya at ninakaw mo ang sa kaniya. Now,
taste your own medicine."
Nanggagalaiti na sinugod ni Donald si Ted para
bugbugin pero bago pa dumapo ang kamao nito sa mukha
ni Ted, may nagsalita mula sa pintuan.
"How uncivilized."
Napatigil ang lahat at napalingon sa pintuan.
It was none other than Contessa Vasquez, the
mastermind of this mess in everyone's mind not knowing
that it was not really her doing.
Nang makita ni Donald si Contessa, mas nagdilim pa
lalo ang paningin nito at sa halip na si Ted, si
Contessa ang sinugod nito. "I'll kill you, you bitch!"
But Contessa did not even blink or bother to escape
Donald's wrath. It was the lawyer beside her who moved
and took down Donald, who was still screaming in rage
while being pinned down by Attorney Henares.
"My, my..." Contessa looked down at Donald on the
ground and chuckled. "What a scene. Such a warm,
welcoming party. I'm touched." The sarcasm in her
words was thick.
Contessa cut Donald off calmly that it made the people
who heard it on edge. "Now, now, let's not scream and
shout. We're all civilized people here. As far as I
know, I'm here for a meeting, yes?" She smiled
amiably. "Why don't we start then?" Contessa signaled
Attorney Henares to let go of Donald. "You can let him
go now, Attorney. Nasisiguro kong malinaw na kahit
papaano ang isip niya at makakapag-isip na siya nang
tama. My beloved husband may be kind, but if you lay
even a single finger on me, my Rohan will kill you in
more ways than one, so I suggest you think before you
act, okay, Donald?"
Donald did not speak nor move, making Contessa's smile
widen, and said, "So you do have a brain. Good."
Nanlisik ang mga mata ni Donald pero wala itong ginawa
o sinabi. Hanggang doon lang ang kaya nitong gawin.
Umupo si Contessa sa bakanteng upuan saka iminuwestra
ang kamay sa lamesa. "Come on. Sit. I'm sure we have a
lot to talk about."
Habang nagtitinginan, dahan-dahang nagsiupuan ang
It was Kathy, Katrin's mother, who first spoke to
Contessa. "Ano'ng gusto mong gawin namin para lang
tumigil ka?"
Kabaliktaran sa ina ni Katrin na matalim ang boses,
kalmadong sumagot si Contessa.
"Hmm... wala...?"
"Then why—"
"This wasn't my doing, you know." Contessa's
expression was innocent, but no one bought it. "I just
did what my future daughter-in-law asked me to do."
Lahat ay napatanga sa sinabi ni Contessa. Ang iba
hindi ay makapaniwala lalo na ang pamilya Veron.
"So you played with our company for a spoiled bitch—"
"Ah-ah-ah." Contessa playfully raised her forefinger
to make Katrin's mother stop talking and then she
pointed to Katrin. "Your daughter started it. She
harassed my daughter-in-law on a daily basis.
Unfortunately for your daughter, my future daughter-
in-law is more cunning and hates losing."
Slowly, it sunk into Katrin's mind what Contessa was
talking about. And the expression on Katrin's face
became uglier and uglier. "You...! You lied to me!"
Contessa laughed and her English accent became
apparent when she spoke again. "Oh, dear. Do you
really think I will accept you for my son? You...?
Contessa laughed again, humiliating Katrin. "Goodness
me, Katrin. I would never, ever, accept someone as
demented as you into my family. I already have
Katrin's entire face was red, and she was enraged for
being humiliated. But she became even madder when
Contessa spoke again.
"Speaking of which"—Contessa beamed, not caring if the
entire room was tense—"Attorney, go get Zehannah,
please. I don't want to keep her waiting."
Padaskol na tumayo si Katrin para pigilan sina
Contessa at Attorney Henares. "Hindi ko hahayaang
makapasok ang babaeng 'yan dito sa kompanya ko! Over
my dead body!"
But Contessa only blinked at Katrin's fury innocently.
"What are you talking about? That is not a good
behavior towards the new owner of this company, you
The Board of Directors already had an inkling idea
that the company will have a new owner, so did Ted.
That was why no one was surprised and was even excited
to see the future daughter-in-law whom Contessa
adored. But for the Veron family, the word shock was
an understatement.
Especially Katrin, who's already going mad. "No...
no...! No! No!"
Attorney Henares did not heed any attention to
Katrin's madness and just walked past the Veron family
to fetch Zehannah.
At habang naghihintay ang lahat, maliban sa pamilya
Veron, sa pagbabalik ni Attorney Henares, tahimik ang
buong conference room na puno ng tensiyon. At mas
lalong lumakas ang tensiyon nang bumukas ulit ang
pintuan ng conference room at pumasok doon ang isang
matangkad at magandang babae habang nasa likuran nito
si Attorney Henares.
All eyes were at the woman who just stepped inside the
conference room. Everyone was making their own
judgement, but they all have one thing in common as
they looked at Zehannah Sevil.
The woman reminded them of Contessa Vasquez. Her gait,
the way she carried herself, her sharp unforgiving
eyes, and the aura of authority she was exuding. The
Board of Directors and Ted now understood why this
woman was adored by Contessa Vasquez.
"This way, Miss Sevil," ani Attorney Henares saka
iminuwestra nito ang kamay sa upuan na nasa tabi ni
Zehannah silently nodded and walked towards her chair.
Habang naglalakad patungo sa upuan niya, siniguro ni
Zehannah na magtatama ang mga mata nila ni Katrin at
makikita nito ang ngiting tagumpay sa mga labi niya.
But Katrin will never accept the humiliation. She
stood up and was ready to attack Zehannah, but when
she saw the sharp glint in Zehannah's eyes, she was
reminded how physically strong Zehannah was and all
Katrin could do was clench her fist and shake in anger
with her eyes glaring sharply at Zehannah.
And Katrin shook even more, and she felt her head
about to explode when Attorney Henares handed everyone
a folder filled with legal documents and announced,
"Meet the new owner of Veron Real Estate with fifty-
two percent of shares, Zehannah Sevil."
The whole Veron family was silent in shock until
Donald spoke while controlling his anger. "We still
own forty-eight percent of the share. We will not let
you boss us around."
Zehannah didn't even look at Donald. Instead, she
looked at the Board of Directors. "I want you to halt
all the projects you have and cancel all the active
contracts you have and pay for the damages."
"Are you insane?!" Katrin shouted at Zehannah. "That
could destroy the company—"
"Yes. That's the plan." Zehannah shot down Katrin with
those few words. "That's what I'm here for."
"You bitch...!"
Zehannah just shrugged at Katrin's outburst and
calling her names. "The plan was to give the shares to
Greg's wife, but the wife wanted nothing to do with
this company anymore, so I decided to just destroy it.
It will take some time and we'll incur big losses, but
Tita Contessa told me not to give a rat's ass about it
and do what I like. And I want this company to fall
into ruins even if it means losing money, but it'll be
boring if you just let me do as I please." Zehannah
gave Katrin a 'good luck' smile. "So please entertain
me and fight to the bitter end, like how I fought when
you targeted my agency. That way, you'll be able to
pay me in full.
"I will even let you continue being the CEO. Aren't I
nice?" Zehannah's smile widened. "With forty-eight
percent of shares, show me how you can save your
company as I destroy it from the inside. And selling
your share is not an option. Wala namang bibili.
Though if you beg, I might buy it at a cheap price.
Anyway, good luck. Okay?"
"Heartless..." Katrin's mother muttered. "How
heartless could you be to the employees who's giving
their everything for the company?!"
Zehannah just shrugged uninterestedly.
Padaskol na tumayo ang ama ni Katrin at madilim ang
mukha na dinuro nito si Zehannah. "I will remember
this," anito saka umalis kasama ang asawa. At kaagad
namang sumunod si Katrin pagkatapos panlisikan ng mga
mata si Zehannah.
Nang makalabas ang buong pamilya Veron, doon lang
nagsalita ang mga naiwan sa loob.
"May I ask you a question, Miss Sevil?" It was Jessa
who mustered all her courage to ask. "Do you have
plans for the employees or are you just going to
abandon them afterwards?"
Zehannah answered her earnestly. "I estimate the
Verons to give up after two to three months of
fighting. By then, they will realize that fighting is
futile and the safest decision for them to avoid
bankruptcy is to sell their shares to me and start
anew. Well... 'yon ang akala nila. I asked Tita
Contessa to block all their paths to recovery. They
will not be able to open a new business, no investors,
no banks will lend them money and if someone tried to
help them..."
"... I will cut them down," Contessa said it as if it
was an oath.
"But wouldn't it be too late?" sabad ni Phil. "Hindi
na maisasalba pa ang kompanya. The losses will already
be massive by then. Malulugi tayo."
"Don't worry, the Vasquez Empire will absorb the Veron
Real Estate by then." Zehannah smiled reassuringly.
"Yes, there will be a massive loss, but under the
Vasquez Empire, the share value will rise once again.
Though we might have to work hard and endure for a
year or two before everything becomes stable again."
Zehannah turned to Ted. "You will be the CEO by then,
so please learn as much as you can now. Greg's wife
wanted nothing to do with this company, but I'm sure
Greg would appreciate it if you'll be able to make it
flourish once again."
Ted was overcome with emotion as he nodded. "I will do
my best."
Then Zehannah looked at the Board of Directors. "I
know that all of you are representatives of the
previous shareholders, but I have no qualms about
leaving you in your positions. You know more about
this company than I do, so I will leave it in your
capable hands. Just a fair warning though, I hate
liars and traitors. Huwag niyo akong subukan dahil
wala akong pusong kalaban."
Everyone gulped and nodded.
Meanwhile, Contessa was just watching Zehannah with a
smile, looking like a proud mother.
"By the way, Ma'am Sevil," Ted spoke in a warning
tone. "What Donald said earlier, I strongly suggest
you take it seriously. Siguradong pagbabalakan niya
kayo ng masama dahil alam niyang talo na sila."
Tumango si Mina. "At mukhang ganoon din si Katrin.
Siguradong pupuntiryahin nila kayo sa ibang paraan."
Si Contessa ang sumagot sa dalawa. "No worries.
Zehannah will be under my care. I won't let anything
bad happen to her and her family."
Pasimpleng napalingon si Zehannah kay Contessa at
nagtatanong ang mata nito na sinagot lang ng
mahiwagang ngiti ng ginang.
Zehannah immediately realized that Reigo's mother was
cooking up something again, but she didn't complain
and let her be. Because honestly, she could only pull
this off because of Contessa's backing. Without her
help, her plan was nothing. From connection to money,
Contessa supported her through and through. Contessa
bought all those shares and transferred the ownership
to her. Oo, naglabas din siya ng pera niya—kaya wala
siyang pera ngayon—pero hindi naman kalakihan 'yon.
Natigil sa pag-iisip si Zehannah nang lumapit sa
kaniya si Attorney Henares at bumulong sa tainga niya.
Sa narinig, kaagad na tumayo si Zehannah at bumaling
kay Contessa. "Tita, may I leave everything to you
Contessa smiled because she knew what Zehan was up to.
"Go. Do what you must. But be lenient, Zehan. We don't
want them suing us for animal cruelty, no?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka lumabas ng conference
room at taas noong naglakad patungo sa opisina ng CEO
kasama si Attorney Henares na siyang nagpakilala sa
kaniya sa sekretarya ng CEO para walang imik na
papasukin siya sa loob habang nagpaiwan naman ang
abogado sa labas.
"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Katrin
immediately screamed at Zehannah. Nagtatagis ang
bagang nito habang nanlilisik ang mga mata.
Zehannah was nonchalant as her eyes roamed around the
messy office. Huhulaan ni Zehannah na kaya nagkalat
ang mga basag na gamit sa sahig ay dahil nagwala si
Zehannah knew she should feel pity, but after what
this witch bitch put her through, she felt no pity
"How was the show I put on for you?" tanong ni
Zehannah saka umupo sa visitor's chair na nasa gitna
na ng opisina dahil mukhang may sumipa niyon.
"Nagustuhan mo ba?"
Katrin trembled in anger as she subtly grab the cutter
knife on her table. "You played me..."
Mahinang tumawa si Zehannah. "Come on, Katrin. Don't
play the victim here. Ibinalik ko lang naman kung
ano'ng ginawa mo sa 'kin. Hindi kasi ako naniniwala sa
'kapag binato ka ng bato, batuhin mo ng tinapay'. I'm
more into 'an eye for an eye' and 'a taste of your own
medicine', so... what do you think?" Malokong ngumiti
si Zehannah sa kaharap na parang nang-aasar. "I did
good, right?"
Rage and humiliation were swirling inside Katrin as
she gripped the cutter knife.
"Oh, by the way, how was your date with my Reigo?"
Nang-aasar pa rin ang ngiti ni Zehannah. "Please tell
me you had fun. I mean, you sold two percent of your
shares for that date." When Katrin didn't answer,
Zehannah continued. "Anyway, how's Josie? Did she
contact you? Bilib din ako sa isang 'yon. Lahat ng
nakikita, sinasabi sa 'yo. I put on a good show for
her too. Ang bait ko talaga."
Katrin's eyes snapped at Zehannah at the mention of
Josie. Lahat ng impormasyon ni Katrin tungkol kay
Zehannah ay galing kay Josie. And she remembered
Josie's reports. About Reigo not visiting or picking
up Zehannah anymore. That the two were fighting
because Zehannah had no time. And that there was a new
guy in Zehannah's life. That there was no more
Zehannah and Reigo.
But Zehannah was being backed by Contessa. And it only
meant one thing.
All of that... all of that is a lie? To sidetrack me?
To distract and deceive me? Pakiramdam ni Katrin ay
sasabog ang utak niya sa isiping pinaglaruan siya ng
isang babae na mababa sa kaniya. Hindi niya matanggap.
Hindi niya iyon mapapayagan. I'm superior! I'm better
than her!
With bloodshot eyes, Katrin growled in fury, and with
a cutter knife in her hand, she ran towards Zehannah
and attacked in pure rage.
But Zehannah was far more adept in catfights. Madaling
nahawakan ni Zehannah ang palapulsuhan ni Katrin at
inagaw ang cutter knife na hawak nito saka itinapon
'yon sa malayo bago umigkas ang palad nito para
malakas na sampalin si Katrin.
Isa. Dalawa. Tatlo. Apat. Limang sapak. Kinokontrol pa
no'n ni Zehannah ang galit na nararamdaman pero umabot
pa rin ng limang beses ang pagsapak niya kay Katrin
bago niya ito iningudngod sa sahig.
"S-stop! S-stop! L-let me g-go...!" Katrin screamed
with bloodshot eyes.
But Zehannah tightened her hold on Katrin even more.
"Bardagulan pala ang gusto mo, bakit hindi ka nagsabi
kaagad." Mas lalo pang ipininid ang buong mukha ni
Katrin sa sahig na naglalaban pa rin pero hindi naman
makawala. "This is animal cruelty, but what the hell?
Mas masahol ka pa sa hayop."
Zehannah didn't want to go too far because it might
cause some problem, so she let go of Katrin and stood
up, her unforgiving eyes looking down at Katrin.
Before coming here, she had so much to say to Katrin.
So much pent-up anger and resentment. But now, looking
at Katrin pathetically lying on the floor with a
swollen face and busted lips, she only had three words
left to say.
"Reigo is mine."
With that, Zehannah left the CEO's office and Attorney
Henares was given a glimpse at what happened inside
when the door opened.
"You didn't... right?"
Seeing the attorney's worried face, Zehannah smiled.
"Don't worry. I held back."
"That's... holding back?"
"Yep. Sinubukan niya akong saksakin ng cutter knife.
'Yon nga lang, kung may isang bagay man na hindi ako
matatalo, 'yon ay ang bardagulan."
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Attorney Henares dahil
wala man lang itong nakitang takot sa mukha ni
Zehannah nang banggitin nito ang planong pagsaksak ni
Katrin dito ng cutter knife.
Madam Contessa was already a headache, but looks like
I'm going to grow old fast with Zehannah Sevil as my
employer. Attorney Henares thought, but he was
actually amazed how fierce Miss Sevil was. He now
understood why Madam Contessa had taken a liking to
this woman. With her as the new empress of the Vasquez
Empire, indeed, there's no worry about the future.
Unaware of Attorney Henares' train of thoughts,
Zehannah took out her phone from her blazer's pocket
and called the person she missed the most.
"Hello, Mr. Delicacy..."
"THIS IS THE total expenses of yours and Miss Sevil's
scheme, Madam." Attorney Henares handed Contessa a
folder. Inside was a statement of account and some
legal documents. "I know it's not my place to say
this, however, I will still point out that it was a
lot of money."
Binasa ni Contessa ang mga dokumento na ibinigay sa
kaniya ng abogado nila saka ibinalik iyon sa folder
nito at ngumiti. "Money can be earned back, Attorney.
However, the experience and the lesson I showed
Zehannah are invaluable."
Hindi na sumagot si Attorney Henares dahil alam nito
at naiitindihan nito ang ibig sabihin ni Contessa.
"Anyway"—Contessa leaned back against the back of her
seat—"did you talk to my husband?"
Attorney Henares straightened his back before he
answered. "It is my duty to report to the both of you,
Madam. Though I did not go into details with Sir
Rohan. I only told him the summary of what happened."
Napatango-tango si Contessa. Hindi na bago 'yon sa
kaniya. Kahit kailan, hindi siya pinigilan ng asawa na
gawin ang gusto niyang gawin. Kahit ano pa 'yon,
hinahayaan lang siya nito at supurtado siya nito. Pero
gusto rin nitong malaman kung ano'ng pinaggagagawa
niya. And since she seldom told her dear husband what
she was up to, Rohan made it a habit of asking their
family attorney—the one she often closely worked with—
for reports.
"How about my son? How is he?" Contessa asked.
"Sulking. And he's irritated at you for not letting
him help."
Contessa understood her son's feelings, that's why she
planned on making it up to him. At sa binabalak niya,
nasisiguro niyang makakabawi siya sa anak niya. Just
wait, my dear son. You'll be so happy that you'll be
jumping in joy.
"And the Verons?" Contessa asked again.
"Ilang oras pa lang ang nakakalipas pero mukhang may
binabalak na silang masama." Bumuntonghininga si
Attorney Henares. "How idiotic."
Contessa waved her hand nonchalantly. "Wala naman
silang magagawa. Pinahihirapan lang nila ang sarili
Tumango si Attorney Henares saka nagpaalam na. "Please
excuse me. I still have to visit the golden bank for
this month's voítheia."
Hearing the golden bank, Contessa gave an order to
Attorney Henares. "Double the amount this month. From
the report you gave me, it seems like we lost a lot of
Spartans from our last confrontation with the Triad.
It may not be tantamount to the life we've lost, but
please inform the Idrytís to use the Bancroft voítheia
to support the family of the deceased."
Tumango si Attorney Henares. "As you commanded,
After Attorney Henares left, Contessa took a deep
breath and glanced at the report she received a few
days ago. It was from the organization her family had
been supporting for centuries.
Before she became Contessa Vasquez, she was Contessa
Bancroft, an heiress to an old money family in London.
And as the heiress of Bancroft, it was her
responsibility to continue her forefathers' legacy.
She was weak and knew nothing of fighting, but she was
thankful that she was good at making money. At least,
even only through financial support, she could help.
This was part of the reason why Zehannah was important
to her. Other than the fact that Reigo loved her, she
was also a straightforward, trustworthy individual
with moral and strong belief. She's the right person
to work with Reigo when the time came.
With Reigo and Zehannah, our family's legacy will
continue on. I will not worry about the future
anymore. Thank God.
Hindi man niya aminin sa anak, balak niyang maging
isang kontrabidang ina kung hindi niya gusto ang
babaeng pinakilala nito sa kaniya. She wanted a
straightforward, smart, and cunning woman with a
strong personality. Of course, her family background
mattered. Good thing her son introduced Zehannah. Not
only that, Zehannah had an honest and unpretentious
family to boot.
She was perfect for my son, really. But Zehannah
reminded her of her young self. That's why she was
reluctant to accept her at first. She knew Zehannah
could hurt her son, but she still gave her the benefit
of the doubt and it was the best thing she has ever
Maybe it was cunning of her, but the reason she helped
Zehannah was because of self-interest. She wanted to
bait Zehannah into being a part of her family. She
didn't want Zehannah to change her mind with Reigo, so
she went all out and helped her.
Best decision. I get to see her in action. Even with
only borrowed money and connection, Zehannah and her
plans slayed it. Ah. I'm a lucky woman.
Contessa's thoughts halted when someone knocked on the
door to her private office and her dear husband
entered. And her Rohan looked pissed.
"Is it true that that bastard Donald called you the b-
Napatitig si Contessa sa guwapong mukha ng asawa at
lihim na napangiti. Always overprotective of me. "Yep.
It's true, though I am a bitch—"
"How many times do I have to tell you not to call
yourself that?" Rohan's face darkened. "You're my
queen, not a bitch."
Contessa couldn't help it anymore. She let her lips
form into a smile as she stood up and walked towards
her husband. "So overprotective..." She clicked her
tongue, but her smile remained. "I really love that
about you, though." Pinalibot ni Contessa ang mga
braso sa leeg ng asawa saka masuyong inilapat ang labi
sa labi nito. "Thank you. But don't do anything to
Donald. I want him to struggle so bad before calling
it quits."
"No." Rohan's voice leaves no room for negotiations.
"He called you a bitch and I can't accept that. No one
can call my wife and my queen a bitch and get away
with it. No one."
Contessa sighed and pinched her husband's nose. "Fine.
Go. Do whatever you want. Just don't kill him."
"Death is merciful. I'll make him crawl," he vowed,
then he kissed her on the lips, bid her farewell, and
hurriedly left to avenge his wife.
Mahinang natawa naman si Contessa nang makaalis ang
asawa kapagkuwan ay napailing. Such an overprotective
husband. Naging ngiti ang mahina tawa ni Contessa.
Thank God I fell in love with my Rohan. I'm such a
lucky woman.
Contessa went back to her swivel chair and opened her
laptop to get to work.
REIGO WAS MORE than willing to cancel everything and
run to Zehannah when she called, but Zehannah told him
to just wait for her. As much as he wanted to see her
immediately, her words were enough to not make him
function right for a day.
Her words were, "Let me run to you, Reigo. Let me show
you how much I missed you."
Hearing those words, he could do nothing but say yes.
Mula nang magkausap sila ni Zehannah sa sasakyan nito,
pinlano na niya kung ano'ng gagawin niya pagkatapos ng
dalawang linggong palugit na binigay niya rito.
Truthfully, he was expecting her to be stubborn and
not to accept him right away. After what happened to
them, he expected Zehannah to be cold towards him. He
knew the mistake he made, and he knew he hurt his Zee
and he wanted to make up for it. That's why he
wouldn't mind if Zehannah went back to being
indifferent to him. He planned to earn her trust
And then, after all that planning and expectation,
Zehannah called. And just like that—a snap of a
finger—she wanted to run to him and show him how much
she missed him.
Did I miss something? Reigo asked himself after the
call. Why was my Zee being affectionate? I hurt her,
didn't I? She was disappointed with me. So why? Why
was she soft and affectionate?
It boggled his mind. He had no answer for Zehannah's
sudden change of attitude.
But all his confusion, his questions, and his worry
disappeared when his office's door opened and Zehannah
walked in.
The first thing that registered on Reigo's mind was
how powerful and beautiful she looked.
Fuck! I want to be dominated by her.
"I just got out from a very important and successful
meeting, so I called you," ani Zehanah nang makarating
sa harapan ng lamesa ni Reigo. "And I'm here to report
that I did good today."
Reigo was confused, but he didn't ask and continued
letting Zehannah talk.
"I finally managed to beat Katrin up. Meaning, she
won't be harassing us anymore. Inangkin at sinira ko
ang kompanya niya tulad ng ginawa niya sa 'kin at
sinapak ko siya ng limang beses—lang—dahil baka ma-
comatose siya kung hinayaan ko ang sarili ko na
sapakin siya hanggang sa mawala ang galit ko. I held
back quite a lot, and it frustrated me because I
couldn't beat hear up to my heart's content, but, oh
well. That's life. I can't have my revenge and beat
her up to a pulp like I can't have my cake and eat it
too. That would be super greedy of me, right?"
Zehannah was looking at him like she's expecting a
response, so he gave her an honest one. "My Zee... I
honestly don't know what you're talking about."
A wide, charming smile formed on her lips. "Well, in
layman's term, you're now mine and mine alone, Reigo
His lips parted as he looked at his Zee. No words left
his mouth. He made no move. And there was no sound
from him.
'Breathe, Reigo,' pagkausap ni Reigo sa sarili saka
bumuka ang bibig pagkatapos huminga nang malalim ng
ilang beses para magsalita. "Say it one more time,
Inikot ni Zehannah ang lamesa para makalapit kay Reigo
saka patagilid na naupo sa hita ng binata at ihinilig
ang ulo sa balikat nito na parang naglalambing habang
ang labi ay nakalapat na sa leeg nito.
"I said you're now mine and mine alone," ulit ni
Zehannah sa sinabi saka bahagyang kinagat ang balat sa
leeg ng binata at pabulong na nagkuwento na para bang
pagod na pagod ito. "I didn't tell you anything about
Katrin. From Katrin's harassing me on a daily basis,
her photos and emails to make me jealous, and her
threatening to destroy my agency If I didn't leave
you. Sinarili ko kasi pakiramdam ko, laban ko 'yon.
Gusto kong patunayan sa sarili ko na karapat-dapat ako
sa pagmamahal mo. Gusto kitang ipaglaban sa sarili
kong paraan."
Reigo was at a loss for words. Zehannah's words seeped
into his heart, but it did not prepare him for her
next words.
"It was scary, stressful, and very risky. Naubos ang
pera ko at parang sasabog ang utak ko sa dami ng
probema. Tapos dumagdag pa 'yong mga larawan at video
tungkol sa 'yo na natatanggap ko galing kay Katrin.
But giving up was never an option for me. I don't
know... it's just that... when it comes to you, I just
couldn't seem to give up even how much my brain wanted
to. I just love you too much, I guess. I fought for
you. Hard. And I finally won, babe. I won."
Reigo was still speechless that all he could do was
intertwine his hands with hers. And he squeezed it
tightly, as if through that, he wanted to convey his
intense emotion for her that he couldn't put into
He was overflowing with love for Zehannah. It was too
much and too intense that he felt like he was drowning
in them. But even if it drowned him, even if it killed
him, he will always, always, love his Zee.
Who would have thought that he could love like this? A
love that was bottomless, unbounded, and ardent.
He never knew such love existed until he fell for
Zehannah Sevil.
Out of nowhere, a chuckle escaped Reigo's lips, making
Zehannah frown.
"What's with the chuckle?" Zehannah asked as she
adorably took a peek at Reigo's handsome face.
Reigo faced her with a smile and said, "Nothing. I
just love you so much."
Lumambot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Yeah. I know."
Tumango si Zehannah. "You were patient and considerate
of me. You gave me the time I needed and supported me
without asking anything in return. If that's not an
unconditional love, I don't know what is anymore."
Reigo's whole expression softened. "My Zee..."
"Alam ko kung gaano mo ako kamahal, Reigo. Hindi mo
kailangang sabihin sa 'kin ang salitang 'mahal kita'
dahil kahit wala 'yon, ramdam ko sa bawat desisyon mo,
sa bawat galaw mo, sa bawat ngiti mo, sa bawat titig
mo, at sa bawat halik mo na mahal na mahal mo ako.
Kaya pinaglaban ko ang pagmamahal ko sa 'yo sa paraang
alam ko dahil gusto ko ring maramdaman mo na kahit
hindi ko sabihing mahal kita, alam natin pareho at
ramdam natin na mahal natin ang isa't isa.
"Tulad mo, hindi rin ako makapaniwala na kaya ko
palang magmahal nang ganito." Mahinang natawa si
Zehannah saka masuyong sinapo ang mukha ng binata.
"Sinira mo ang pader na pinalibot ko sa sarili ko,
pero binuo mo rin ako. And now, I can finally look at
you in the eyes and say 'yes, Reigo. You are worth
risking my everything for'."
Reigo felt a lone tear fall from his eyes. He had
longed to hear his Zee say those words to him, and
now, he finally heard them.
He felt acknowledged and accepted. At long last, his
Zee finally felt the same way.
Zehannah raised her hand to wipe away the tear that
fell from Reigo's eyes before she leaned in and kissed
his damp cheek. Then she whispered, "Silly, Reigo."
Finally, he smiled again. "Couldn't help it. You're
just too good at making me lose my shit."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka pinisil ang tungki ng
ilong ng binata. "You can lose your shit anytime. I
don't mind."
"I know." He sounded confident and proud and even
puffing his chest. "Because you love me too much."
Inirapan ni Zehannah si Reigo pero hindi kinaila ni
Zehannah ang sinabi ng binata. She indeed loves him
too much. That was a fact.
"Say, my Zee?"
"Will you... give me an honor to call you mine?"
Zehannah blinked at Reigo because she could see how
nervous he looked while asking and waiting for her
reply. Gone was the man who was confident and proud
And she knew why. Pero hindi na siya ang Zehannah
noon. But even though she already made peace with the
fact that she could risk everything for Reigo, she
still couldn't help teasing him. I mean, look at him
looking so nervous...
"Like a girlfriend?" she asked so innocently.
Nervous, he nodded. "Y-yeah."
Pigil ni Zehannah ang mapangiti habang umaaktong nag-
iisip. "Hmm... a girlfriend, huh?"
Reigo's face fell. His stomach was churning. "Is it,
um, a no?"
She wanted to tease Reigo more, but he looked like he
was close to having a nervous breakdown. Thus, she
answered with a smile on her lips. "Yes, Reigo. I'm
And it looked like it didn't register in Reigo's mind
until a few blinks. Because that's when his whole face
changed. From nervous as hell to a wide, charming, and
sexy smile on his handsome face. And before Zehannah
could tease him about being nervous, Reigo's lips were
already pressed against her mouth, kissing her
And between those sweet and hot kisses, he whispered,
"I love you, my Zee."
And Zehannah couldn't resist and she deepened the kiss
as she replied, "I love you too, babe."
Reigo smiled against her lips before he cupped her
neck and slid his tongue deep inside her mouth, making
her moan and her body tingle.
Shit! It's been so long. Halik pa lang, gusto ko na
kaagad lumuhod. Tangina talaga! Alam ni Zehannah na
wala sila sa tamang oras o lugar, pero malakas ang
atake ng pagiging inosente niya. Ah, whatever!
"Hindi ko ini-lock ang pinto nang pumasok ako kanina,"
ani Zehannah ng ihiniwalay ang labi sa labi ng binata.
"Pero bahala na."
Zehannah's words confused Reigo, but not for long. He
immediately realized what she meant when she got off
his lap and kneeled on the floor in front of his now
parted legs.
His breathing was ragged, knowing what was about to
happen. "My Zee..."
And the woman who made him a mess by just kneeling in
front of him smirked at him as if enjoying the mess
she made in just a few seconds before she expertly
took out his erect and hard as fuck manhood.
He had so much to say to Zehannah beforehand, like not
to drain him dry because they were in his office, but
every thought in his mind melted away and disappeared
when his Zee devoured his length and buried it deep in
her throat.
Ah, fuck it. He leaned back in his seat with a pure
bliss expression on his face, his hand on Zehannah's
head and hair. She can drain me dry for all I care.
Whatever his Zee wants, she'll get. That was his new
motto. And if that made him an understanding man, then
so be it.
ZEHANNAH'S BACK was slamming against her condo's
locked door and her bare legs were tightly wrapped
around Reigo's waist as hers and Reigo's moans echoed
throughout her condo.
She didn't even remember how they got to that point.
She just remembered coming home with Reigo after she
gave him a head in his office once and when they
entered and locked the door, everything went blank.
The next thing she knew, she was naked and clinging on
Reigo's neck while being pounded hard against the
"Ahh...! Reigo...! Harder! Ahh!"
"Fuck..." he groaned and gripped both her ass as he
buried his cock deeper and harder, making Zehannah's
body arch and eyes roll back in pleasure.
Reigo was rough and she should've complained as her
back kept getting slammed against the wall, but just
like Reigo, she too was far too gone to care.
Wala siyang pakialam kahit saan siya isalya ni Reigo.
He could flip, turn, and toss her around and she
wouldn't care. The only thing she cared about was the
fact that Reigo was inside her. Moving in and out and
filling her deeply like she had never been filled
She was dripping wet and throbbing. She wanted more.
She wanted to be filled more deeply and be ripped
apart by him. She wanted Reigo so much that her body
was moving on its own accord to ride him crazily hard
while he pounded her madly.
More! More! I want more!
Craving to taste Reigo more in her mouth, Zehannah
gripped Reigo's hair and pulled it back to angle his
face so she could claim his mouth.
And as her lips locked with his, they both groaned in
bliss and Reigo went even wilder with his thrust, as
if the kiss turned him on even more.
Buong katawan ni Zehannah ay nanginginig kasabay ng
panghihina ng mga hita niya na nakapalibot sa baywang
ng binata. Kahit ang mga braso niya na nakayakap sa
leeg ni Reigo ay unti-unti nang nawawalan ng lakas sa
bawat marahas at sagad na pagbayo ni Reigo sa
pagkababae niya.
Sa sobrang sarap ng nararamdaman niya, pakiramdam ni
Zehannah ay umiikot at nagdidilim ang paningin niya sa
bawat pagbayo ni Reigo.
Nakakawala ng ulirat at nakakapanghina ng lakas pero
lumalaban pa rin ang katawan ni Zehannah na nababaliw
sa bawat ulos ni Reigo.
Nangunyapit si Zehannah sa binata habang mapusok pa
rin silang naghahalikan. Parehong sabik ang mga labi
ng dalawa na halos dumugo na ang mga labi nila dahil
sa kagatan at sipsipan na uri ng halikan.
Mapusok. Marubdob. Marahas. At masarap.
"Reigo...! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Napaungol si Zehannah sa loob
ng bibig ni Reigo nang maramdaman ang papalapit na
pagsabog sa kaibuturan niya. "Ah...! More... sige
Naririnig niya ang tunog na likha ng paglalabas-masok
ng pagkalalaki ni Reigo sa pagkababae niya.
Napakahalay ng tunog na 'yon na mas lalong bumabaliw
sa dalawa. Pero kahit sobrang basang-basa si Zehannah,
paminsan-minsan ay napapaigik pa rin siya sa bawat
pagsagad ni Reigo sa pagkalalaki nito sa kaniya.
He was that big. But truthfully, Zehannah preferred it
more. The pleasure was blinding, and it was making her
lose her senses, but her body welcomed it all.
She was going crazy with lust.
"Sige pa—ah! Ah! Reigo! Ah!"
Reigo just groaned in response and fucked her harder
than earlier that Zehannah felt like she was
experiencing a personal earthquake inside her body.
She was shaking as her whole body tingled and spasmed.
She could feel it. Her orgasm. It's coning.
Mas lumakas pa lalo ang ungol niya habang palapit nang
palapit ang orgasmo niya.
"Near..." She was breathing heavily while sweating
profusely. "Near... Coming... babe... so close—ahh!
Ahh! Fuck! Ah! Ahhh!"
Zehannah shamelessly cried in sheer pleasure as her
orgasm exploded that rendered her brain to go blank.
Halos ilang segundo ring blangko ang isip ni Zehannah
sa sobrang sarap na nalasap bago bumalik ang huwisyo
niya. Doon lang niya napansin na wala na sila sa may
pintuan at lumipat na sila sa sofa.
She was now sitting in the center of the long sofa and
Reigo was kneeling on the edge of the sofa, in between
her parted and shaky legs and Reigo was fucking her
Looking up at Reigo's handsome face filled with lust,
his eyes were half-hooded and his lips were slightly
parted open. It was an expression of a lustful man
that already succumbed to his desire.
Seeing how Zehannah was looking at him as he pounded
her hard, Reigo moved his hand to gripped Zehannah's
jaw and then he kissed her roughly, which Zehannah
answered with the same intensity.
And as their mouths locked and their lips and tongue
battled in sync, their moans filled the whole condo
and without notice, Reigo exploded all his pent-up
desire and lust inside Zehannah.
Mahinang napadaing naman si Zehannah nang maramdaman
ang pagkapuno ng pagkababae niya. Nakagat niya ang
labi kapagkuwan nang mapansing dumaloy palabas ang iba
sa dami ng inilabas ni Reigo.
She felt so full and sated. But she knew they were
still not done.
"Wrap your arms around my neck, my Zee," Reigo
And Zehannah, even in her weakened state, obliged.
The moment Zehannah held Reigo's neck, he picked her
up from the sofa and then he brought her to the
And under the shower, Reigo started massaging her
breast and fondling and teasing her clit.
Zehannah squirmed under Reigo's touch. And the next
thing she knew, Reigo was fingering her fast and hard
that her body was arching in ecstasy.
Holding onto Reigo's arm, Zehannah didn't know how
many times she had climaxed under the shower just by
Reigo's finger. And now, her man was on his knees, one
of her thighs was hanging over his broad shoulder and
his mouth was eating her warm and wet clit down to her
It was too much. Zehannah's voice had become hoarse
from moaning and screaming in pleasure, but Reigo
didn't stop—not that she told him to.
She let him do whatever he wanted with her body, and
Reigo was having a feast at the moment.
He was eating her wildly and sending her to the high
heavens. And as she came again, Reigo stood up, turned
her around to face the tiled wall, and then he ordered
her with his low, lustful voice.
"Bend over, my Zee."
And Zehannah did what he asked without questions. She
bended over.
Then his long, hard, and thick cock entered her from
behind and filled her once again.
"Ahhh...!" Napasigaw si Zehannah sa biglang pagpasok
at pagsagad ni Reigo sa pagkalalaki nito sa loob niya.
Kapagkuwan ay hinugot nito ang pagkalalaki at dahan-
dahang ipinasok bago malakas at bigla nitong isasagad
na nagpasigaw kay Zehannah ng ilang beses. Paulit-ulit
nitong ginawa 'yon hanggang namaos na ang dalaga sa
kakasigaw sa sarap na hatid niyon.
At habang inaangkin siya ng binata mula sa likuran at
hinahalikan siya sa batok at leeg na may kasamang
pagkagat sa balat niya, walang ibang laman ang isip ni
Zehannah kundi ang makaraos... ang labasan. At hindi
siya binigo ni Reigo. He brought her to high heaven
once again.
Pero hindi roon tumigil ang kapusukan nilang dalawa.
Pagkatapos maligo at tuyuin ang katawan, mapusok na
naman silang naghahalikan na nauwi sa mainit na
Reigo took Zehannah in every position he knew and
remembered and they spent the entire night making
love, as if trying to compensate for the days that
they were apart. They only stopped after they both
drained each other dry.
Exhausted, Reigo and Zehannah finally fell asleep as
the sun rose in the sky.
SA DALAWA, si Zehannah ang unang nagising dahil sa
tawag ng kalikasan. And the first thing she felt was
how sore and exhausted she was. Nasobrahan yata kami
kagabi. Sa isip niya habang dahan-dahang bumabangon.
Pakiramdam niya, binugbog ang buong katawan niya.
Yeah. Binugbog sa sarap. Bumawi lang naman kami, a.
Depensa niya sa sariling kahalayan.
Nang makaupo sa kama, nilingon niya ang katabi. Sana
masakit din ang katawan mo para patas tayo. Sa isip ni
Zehannah habang nakatitig sa maamo at guwapong mukha
ni Reigo habang mahimbing na natutulog.
Bakit naman kasi hinayaan kong isalya ako ng gagong
'to sa kung saan-saan? Zehannah was regretting it now
because her whole body hurt.
Ihing-ihi na siya pero napabalik siya ng higa dahil
nanginginig ang mga hita niya at wala iyong lakas para
maglakad patungong banyo.
"Shit..." Patigil siyang humiga paharap kay Reigo saka
tinusok-tusok niya gamit ang hintuturo ang abs ng
binata. "Reigo, babe... babe..."
Hindi niya ugaling manggising, pero ihing-ihi na
talaga siya. 'Di na niya kayang pigilan pa.
"Babe, wake up," ungot niya sa katabi saka pinisil ang
pisngi ni Reigo. "Come on. Get up."
Reigo groaned and thankfully, slowly, his eyes opened
and the bastard immediately smiled when he saw her. He
even greeted her sweetly.
"Good morning, my Zee."
But Reigo's sweetness did not move Zehannah. Her face
looked sour all over. "Mamaya ka na maging sweet.
Ihing-ihi na ako. Kanina pa."
Reigo leaned in to kiss her forehead and then asked,
as if her bladder was not about to burst. "You need
"Buhatin mo ako patungong banyo. My legs are shaking
and my body is sore all over. Hindi ko kayang maglakad
kaya buhatin mo ako. Kasalanan mo naman 'to."
Reigo grinned teasingly while looking amused. "My Zee,
you keep asking for more last night. I only obliged."
Tiningnan nang masama ni Zehannah ang binata.
"Spatula-hin kaya kita?"
Mahinang tumawa lang si Reigo saka bumangon. At ang
gago, mukhang mas malakas pa sa kalabaw dahil wala
itong reklamo na binuhat siya at dinala sa banyo.
Matalim ang titig ni Zehannah kay Reigo. "You're not
even sore? This is unfair."
Reigo just kissed her lips and then deposited her in
the bowl.
"Labas ako o hintayin kita?" tanong nito.
"Labas," sagot ni Zehannah. "I'm going to clean
myself. May natitira pa naman akong hiya."
Tumawa lang ang kasintahan saka hinalikan siya sa noo
at lumabas ng banyo.
Malakas na napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah nang
makalabas ang kasintahan. Makapal ang mukha ko at
ilang beses na akong nilabasan dahil sa malanding 'yon
pero nakakahiya pa rin palang umihi sa harapan niya.
Natawa na lang si Zehannah. Sa dami ng nangyari sa
kanila ni Reigo, may natitira pa pala siyang hiya sa
katawan. And here I thought I am thick skinned—
Mabilis na napahawak si Zehannah sa gilid ng bowl at
napuno ng mura ang isip niya nang makaramdam siya ng
nakakapangilabot na hapdi pagkaihi na pagkaihi niya.
Zehannah felt like screaming cusses at Reigo nonstop
while peeing, but she held her cusses back and
endured. Shit! Self, ginusto mo 'yan. Tiisin mo. Dahil
'yan sa kahalayan mo kagabi. Tiis-tiis din. Huwag
Yeah. She kept telling herself that, but she was
cursing Reigo nonstop in her mind. Yeah. It's his
fault for being delicious!
Zehannah groaned as she continued to pee with her eyes
squeezed shut. Ang sakit! Ang hapdi! Tangina! Lord,
bawasan mo lang ang sakit, promise hindi na ako uulit—
Napatigil si Zehannah sa pangako sa Panginoon dahil
alam niyang mapapako naman 'yon. Sige, Lord, titiisin
ko na lang 'to. Uulit din naman ako, e.
So Zehannah endured all the pain until she finished
peeing. And then, slowly, she grabbed the bidet to
clean herself.
Fuck! Shit! Tangina! Gago! Paulit-ulit 'yon na
tumatakbo sa isip niya habang nililinis ang sarili.
Kapagkuwan ay sinubukan niyang tumayo pagkatapos mag-
Nope. Still shaking. "Reigo...! I'm done!"
As if Reigo was waiting for her call, he immediately
entered and carefully picked her up after helping her
wrap a towel around her waist since she was as naked
as the day she was born.
"Masakit ba masyado?" tanong ng binata nang maihiga
siya nito sa kama.
Tumango si Zehannah. "It's okay. Lilipas din naman
'to. Pasuyo na lang ako sa cellphone ko. Nasa bag ko
yata sa labas. I'll call Doc Cza."
Reigo immediately obliged and went out to get her
Napailing na lang si Zehannah.
"Here yah go, my Zee," anito nang makabalik sa kuwarto
at inabot ang cellphone sa kaniya. "Sa banyo lang ako.
I'm gonna wash up. And by the way, I already order
food from Thorn's restaurant."
"Okay. Thanks, babe," sagot niya saka tinawagan si
Czarina. Fortunately, the doctor answered. "Doc,
"Huh?" Czarina immediately became attentive. "What
"Na-bulldozer ako buong magdamag," kuwento ni
Zehannah. "I need help. I can't walk and I'm sore all
over. Specially down there."
Czarina clicked her tongue. "Hay, naku! Hindi ba
puwedeng normal na sex lang ang gawin niyo? Bakit ba
ang hihilig niyong maararo magdamagan?"
"Ayaw mo?"
Umingos si Czarina. "Nagpapaararo ako pero alam ko ang
limitasyon ko. Kapag masakit na, umayaw ka na!"
"Masarap e."
Czarina sighed. "Yeah, well... endure the pain now."
"Doc naman, e..."
Napailing si Czarina. "Fine. Try ice pack. Kapag
hanggang mamayang gabi masakit pa rin, pupuntahan
kita. I can't just prescribe you medication without
checking you. And I have too many patients today to
come see you, so just update me, okay?"
"Okay. Thanks, Doc."
After the call ended, Zehannah stayed unmoving in the
bed to not hurt herself. She waited for Reigo
patiently. At nang makalabas ang binata sa banyo,
hindi nakatakas sa mga mata ni Zehannah ang bahagyang
pagngiwi ni Reigo habang naglalakad.
"What happened to you?" she asked, frowning.
Reigo sighed and slowly lay on the bed beside
Zehannah. "My dick hurts a little. I think we had too
much sex last night."
Zehannah looked at Reigo flatly. "You think?"
Reigo sulked as he buried his face against the hollow
of Zehannah's neck. "I just missed you so much.
Couldn't help it."
Zehannah felt the same way, so she stopped berating
Reigo. "Well... we need to rest a bit. No sex for a
couple of days."
"Hmm. I'll try."
Zehannah narrowed her eyes at Reigo. "Not try, do it."
"No buts, Reigo. I'm really sore."
Reigo sighed. "Fine. I'll behave for a couple of
Lihim na napangiti si Zehannah sa kasintahan dahil
halatang ayaw nitong gawin 'yon pero gagawin pa rin
"Aww. My boyfriend is a good boy."
Reigo stilled, and then he raised his head to look at
her. Yeah. He just stared at her for a long minute
before he smiled and went back to burying his face
against her neck.
Then, moments later, he mumbled, "Boyfriend. I like
the sound of that."
Zehannah smiled and moved to kiss Reigo's forehead
before she whispered, "I love you, babe."
Reigo was so silent and unmoving for a long while, and
then he whispered, "My Zee, have mercy on me. I am but
a weak man when it comes to you."
Mahinang natawa lang si Zehannah saka niyakap ang
kasintahan. Nasa isip niya ang isa pang balita na may
posibilidad na magpawala sa ulirat nito. But I'll keep
it to myself for the time being. Hindi pa naman
sigurado na 'yon na 'yon. Maybe there was another
reason she hadn't had a menstruation for the last two
months. Yeah. Let's not jump to conclusions and visit
Doc Cza for proof.
She could try over-the-counter PT, but it'll be best
to just visit Doc Cza. She had been under so much
pressure and stress these past few weeks. If she was
right and there's really a life inside her, it would
be better to check immediately if they're both
Zehannah sighed.
"What's with the sigh?" kaagad na tanong ni Reigo
dahil sobrang lalim ng buntonghininga na 'yon.
"Nothing. I was just thinking of what would the
Verons' next move." Naikuwento na ni Zehannah kay
Reigo ang nangyari habang pauwi sila sa condo niya
kahapon kaya may ideya na ito kung ano'ng ibig niyang
Umayos ng higa si Reigo saka pinaunan si Zehannah sa
braso nito at masuyong hinapit ang dalaga palapit.
"Kung ano man ang gawin nila, nandito ako. This is
different from your fight with Katrin. Mangingialam na
ako, Zee."
Tumango si Zehannah. "Hmm. Let's work together this
time. It's our fight now."
Reigo was happy to hear the word 'together' from
Zehannah. "That's right. Whatever they're planning,
we'll face them together."
Zehannah closed her eyes and buried her face in
Reigo's neck. "Hmm... you smell nice, babe."
"Hmm. So nice..." She continued sniffing him. "Hmm...
really nice."
Zehannah wanted to sniff Reigo some more when
Zehannah's phone rang. When she checked who it was,
she frowned a bit.
"It's Mom?" Reigo asked in confusion when he saw the
caller ID.
"Yeah." Sinagot ni Zehannah ang tawag. "Hi, Tita. Good
"Zehaaaaan..." Contessa sounded like a brat
complaining. "I'd been calling since this morning.
What have you been doing that you can't answer my
call? Yes, I'm demanding an answer."
Napangiwi si Zehannah. She would bet her life that if
she answered honestly, Reigo's mother would be the
happiest of all.
She sighed. "I had a date with Reigo."
"Oh. Is he with you?"
"Yes po."
"Then put me on speaker."
Zehannah listened. "You're on speaker now, Tita."
"Good. Anyway, I called because of the Verons. They're
planning something bad. As in 'I'll kill you' bad. So
for you and my son's safety, Rohan and I decided to
invite you two to stay in our house for the time being
as we sort this out, since our house is like a
fortress—yes, I'm bragging. Anyway, that includes your
parents, Zehan. For everyone's safety."
Napatanga si Zehannah sa hawak na cellphone. Huh?
What? Live in that enormous out of this world mansion?
Um... hell no! Nope! Never! I don't want to!
"Zehan, this is for your own safety," wika ni Contessa
nang hindi sumagot si Zehannah. "Kahit isang linggo
Si Reigo ang sumagot sa ina. "Mom, I can keep my Zee
safe in BV."
"Well, yeah, the Queen is there, but where will you
stay there? In the barn? No way!"
"Huh? What Queen?"
Contessa sighed. "Never mind that. Ipapasundo ko kayo
mamaya. It's for your own safety."
Zehannah's mind was racing. There were only two
reasons why Tita Contessa was being persistent. One,
she's cooking up something, and the second was that
their life might really be in danger.
And she didn't want to risk their lives by not
listening and being stubborn. She knew when to listen,
even though it'll be uncomfortable to live in that
humongous mansion.
"Sige, Tita. Salamat," ani Zehannah na gumulat kay
Reigo knew how much his parents' house made Zehannah
uncomfortable. So for her to actually accept it, it
must be something serious.
"Yey! Thanks, Zehan! Bye for now."
"Bye, Tita."
"Bye, Mom."
Nang mawala sa kabilang linya ang ina ni Reigo,
bumaling si Reigo sa dalaga. "Is it that serious?"
Umiling si Zehannah. "I'm not sure, but I will not
risk our lives by not listening." Napahawak siya sa
tiyan. "Saka isang linggo lang naman. Kakayanin."
"Are you sure?" paninigurado ni Reigo.
"Hmm. Yeah. What could possibly happen in a week?"
Whatever Tita Contessa is planning—if she's planning
something, I'm going to survive and win against it.
Pangako ni Zehannah sa sarili.
"Say, my Zee, should we bring the sex candy with us?"
Zehannah's thoughts halted and she looked at Reigo
flatly. Really? Here I am planning how to survive the
entire week and my beloved delicious boyfriend is
thinking about the sex candy.
"What?" Reigo blinked innocently. "Don't you want to
try the sex candy? Ikaw ang bumili n'on."
"Well... yeah. I guess. Let's bring it."
"Yes!" Napasuntok pa sa hangin si Reigo saka malapad
siyang nginitian at hinalikan sa noo bago umalis sa
kama para mag-impake para sa pagpunta nila sa bahay ng
mga magulang nito mamaya.
Napailing na lang si Zehannah saka napabuntonghininga.
Sana nga walang binabalak si Tita Contessa. Dasal
niya. Tiyak na sasakit ang ulo niya buong linggo
Sa kasamaang palad, hindi sinagot ng Panginoon ang
dasal niya.
ZEHANNAH WAS certain that her parents were
experiencing the same shock she once experienced when
she first came to Vasquez's residence. Kitang-kita
naman 'yon sa mukha ng mga magulang niya lalo na sa
Papi niya na parang sumuko na ang utak sa pagproseso
sa mga nakikita.
Though everything her parents had seen ever since
arriving in the Vasquez household did not prepare them
for the food at the dinner table.
Tulad ng unang pagbisita rito si Zehannah, may tatlong
letson sa lamesa na alam niyang isa sa nagpa-overload
sa utak ng dalawa niyang ama. Mayroon pang tatlo na
matataas na cake na may magara at magandang disenyo.
Hindi lang 'yon, mayroon pang chef na nakatayo sa tabi
ng lamesa at gumagawa ng sushi.
Tumikhim ang ama ni Zehannah na si Dan nang makabawi
sa pagkabigla saka bumaling sa ina ni Reigo. "Madam
Contessa, isn't this too much?"
Contessa blinked innocently at Dan. "Hmm? What too
Dan sighed and glanced at the 'letson'. "Really?
Talong letson?" Ibinalik nito ang tingin kay Contessa.
"May fiesta ba?"
Contessa grinned. "It's a celebration because Zehan
and Reigo finally made up."
"It's still too much," ani Dan.
"Of course, not. This is normal."
"No. Too much."
"No. It's normal."
"No. It is not!"
As Contessa and Dan 'talked', Cameron and Rohan were
just silently sipping their wine even before their
dinner started. Both were silent. And Reigo was the
same. Walang may gustong mamagitan kina Contessa at
But not Zehannah. While Dan and Contessa were trying
to convince each other that they were right and the
three other men on the table kept their mouth shut,
Zehannah got up and went to get some crunchy 'letson'
And as she butchered the 'letson' with a knife to get
the portion of the skin she wanted, everyone looked at
her as it made a loud cracking sound.
"What?" she asked the five people staring at her. "I'm
hungry." Then she turned to the sushi-making chef with
a pleasant smile. "One shrimp and one salmon sushi,
please. Thank you."
The chef was more than happy to make a sushi for
Zehannah. Then, while humming to herself, she went
back to her seat and started eating.
"See?" Iminuwestra ni Contessa ang kamay kay Zehannah
na maganang kumakain ng balat ng letson. "Zehan is
enjoying it. I did a good job, yes?"
Dan sighed. "Fine, I give up."
Contessa beamed happily. "Great! Now, let's eat and
enjoy dinner."
Another chef was called to slice the 'letson' and
Zehannah almost ate all of the skin. Halos 'yon lang
ang kinain nito at ilang pirasong sushi. At nang
alukin ni Rohan ng wine si Zehannah dahil alam nitong
isa 'yon sa paboritong inumin ng dalaga, kitang-kita
ng apat, maliban kay Reigo, ang pag-aalinlangan sa
mukha ni Zehannah bago ito umiling.
Dan and Cameron knew their daughter. Zehannah liked
wine. She enjoyed sipping wine after dinner. So for
her to decline an excellent wine, they immediately
knew that something was up. They just didn't know
Meanwhile, Rohan and Contessa shared a look because
the two had the same thought about why Zehannah
And the oblivious Reigo frowned at the four, who
stilled for a couple of seconds. "Hmm? What is it?"
Tumikhim si Cameron. "Nothing. Anyway, the food is
Contessa joined the sudden chance of the topic. "Yeah,
our chefs here are all world class."
"I feel like I'm eating in a fancy restaurant,"
komento ni Dan. "Is it always like this here? I mean,
every meal has a chef?"
"Of course!" Contessa exclaimed. "When it comes to
food, I will not compromise. Only the best of the
Zehannah unconsciously nodded. "Yes. Food is life."
Reigo glanced at Zehannah and whispered, "How about
"Yeah." Kumagat ng balat ng letson si Zehannah. "Reigo
is life too."
"Bakit walang buhay ang pagkakasabi mo?" reklamo ni
Reigo. "I am more delicious than food."
Ngumiti lang si Zehannah at nagpatuloy sa pagkain ng
letson habang sumisimsim ng wine ang lahat.
"... and we'll be here for a week..." Parang
nanghihinang napasandal si Dan sa likod ng upuan. "For
simple men like us, this luxury is too much."
Rohan smiled. "Just think of this as a vacation. It's
really dangerous out there, that's why we invited you
here. The family Zehannah pissed off is a scum and
vile, so we have to be very careful."
Cameron looked at his daughter, who had told them the
summary of what had happened. Zehannah was still
eating heartily with no care in the world, making
Cameron smile. "I know that stealing is bad, but I'm
just proud of my baby for being able to steal a
Dan glanced at Contessa. "Thank you for helping my
Contessa smiled and whispered at Dan, "I'm wooing your
daughter so she'll marry my son."
Natawa si Dan saka tumingin sa anak na abalang-abala
sa pagkain ng letson habang pinupunasan naman ni Reigo
ang gilid ng labi nito na may mantika gamit ang
tissue. The two seemed like they were in their own
world. "She's very stubborn, so good luck with that."
Cameron sighed. "If your son married our daughter, I
pity him. Zehannah will dominate him."
Rohan chuckled. "Don't be. I'm pretty sure he would be
more than happy to be dominated."
"Like father, like son," Contessa commented and sipped
her wine. "No worries. My son will surely treat Zehan
with care."
"No doubt about that," ani Cameron saka bumaling kina
Zehannah at Reigo na nagbubulungan at may sariling
mundo. "We're actually more worried that our Zehan
might not treat Reigo with care."
Rohan laughed, and then apologized for suddenly
bursting into laughter. "Sorry. It's just my mother-
in-law told me the same thing when I told them I'm
marrying my Contessa. But I'm sure our son we'll be
The four all looked at Zehannah and Reigo and saw
Zehannah feeding Reigo with sushi with a smile.
"Hmm... maybe it'll be fine," ani Dan. "Our Zehan can
be sweet sometimes."
The three nodded and went back to enjoying their wine
while having small talks. Meanwhile, Zehannah and
Reigo were still in their own little world talking
about anything that came to mind while feeding each
After the dinner and the wine, Zehannah walked her
parents towards their room.
"Thanks, Zehan," ani Cameron sa anak. "Go to your room
now and have a good rest. You have bags under your
eyes. Halatang hindi ka nakatulog nang maayos kagabi."
Lihim na napangiwi si Zehannah. We had too much sex
last night—of course I have eyes bags—and I'm barely
holding on while walking. She actually found it
miraculous that she could walk now, albeit carefully,
because she's still really sore.
Anyway. Here goes nothing. "Um... Papa, Papi, I, um,
actually want to tell you something important."
Kaagad na tumuon ang buong atensiyon nina Cameron at
Dan sa anak.
"What is it?"
"Tell us."
"Um..." Zehannah didn't like beating around the bush,
so... "I think I'm pregnant."
Like an enormous tower crumbling down after an
earthquake, Cameron crumbled down to the floor and
fainted. Meanwhile, Dan was breathing in and out to
calm his nerves so he wouldn't follow Cameron on the
After breathing in and out countless times—long enough
that Cameron was already conscious and sitting on the
floor, looking up at Zehannah, Dan cleared his throat
and looked at his daughter. "You think?"
"Yeah. Dalawang buwan na akong walang dalaw. Actually,
magtatatlo na dalawang linggo mula ngayon."
Cameron blinked. "Dalaw?"
"Menstruation," Dan answered Cameron and Cameron
fainted again when he realized what it meant.
Dan remained silent until Cameron's consciousness came
back and the two just silently stared at Zehannah,
shocked beyond belief.
Huminga nang malalim si Zehannah saka umupo sa gilid
ng kama. "Ang totoo niyan, hindi pa ako sigurado kaya
wala pa akong pinagsasabihan, kayo lang. Ang alam ko
lang, dalawang buwan na akong walang dalaw. Maliban
doon, wala na. I have no pregnancy symptoms or
anything of the sort, so I can't be certain.
Zehannah looked at her parents. "I know I should say
sorry to both of you for engaging in pre-marital sex
with Reigo, but I don't feel that way, Papi, Papa. If
there's really a life inside me, I'm not sorry. I'm
already old enough to be responsible for the
consequences of my actions. I will not be like my
mother. I will keep my child and raise him or her like
how you raised me."
Cameron and Dan's face softened as they moved to sit
on the edge of the bed with Zehannah in between them.
Then Dan hugged his daughter. "You have always been
responsible with your decisions, Zehan, and we always
trusted you. At walang pinagbago 'yon hanggang ngayon.
May tiwala pa rin kami sa 'yo at susupurtahan ka namin
sa abot ng makakaya namin."
Cameron hugged his daughter, too. "Just like what your
Papi said. We trust you, but..." Cameron gritted his
teeth. "Can I just punch Reigo once? That little...!
Fuck! I'm angry."
Hindi mapigilan ni Zehannah na pagtawanan ang Papa
niya. "Hindi ka galit na buntis ako, pero galit ka sa
nakabuntis sa 'kin?" Tumawa ulit si Zehannah. "Papa,
it takes two to tango, you know. This is not just
"Hmp! Kasalanan pa rin niya!" Cameron was seeing red.
"He didn't use protection—"
"Actually, we did." Well, at least that's what
Zehannah thought. She and Reigo had always been
responsible when making love, so... "May nakalusot
Pinisil ni Cameron ang magkabilang pisngi ng anak.
"Those are not the words I want to hear from my
precious daughter...!"
Dan also sighed. "You're always open to us, but this
is just... too much for us."
Zehannah laughed again before wrapping both her arms
around her parents' waists and spoke earnestly. "Papi,
Papa, thank you for raising and loving me right.
Because of you, even though I don't have a mother, I
know how to raise, care, and love my child. You're the
best. I'm so glad and lucky that you are my parents."
Dan's tears fell and Cameron became teary-eyed. While
raising Zehannah, they had their worries that they
might not be able to provide the best environment for
her. They were worried that Zehannah would feel
incomplete for not having a mother. It scared them
that Zehannah might not be comfortable having two
fathers. But hearing her words and seeing the woman
she had become, Dan and Cameron knew they raised her
right and to the best of their abilities.
They were proud of their daughter.
"Mahal na mahal ka namin, 'nak," ani Dan at tumango si
Nginitian ni Zehannah ang mga magulang. "I know, Papa,
Papi. And I love you too. Very much."
Mahabang minuto na nagyakapan ang tatlo bago sinuklay
ni Cameron ang medyo nagulong buhok ng anak gamit ang
daliri nito.
"Zehan, kailan mo balak sabihin kay Reigo? Sasabihin
mo naman, 'di ba?" Knowing their daughter's
personality, Cameron was a bit concerned.
And seeing that concern on Cameron's face, Zehannah
smiled softly. "Papa, I'm not that heartless. Pero
gusto ko munang magpa-check up para makasiguro."
"At kailan ka magpapa-check up?" tanong ni Dan.
"Kapag puwede na tayong lumabas dito."
Dan sighed. "Can't we just tell Madam Contessa and ask
her to bring a doctor here to check you?"
Napangiwi si Zehannah saka malakas na
napabuntonghininga. "Papi, gusto mo bang maghapunan at
mananghalian na may lima hanggang sampung letson sa
lamesa na may kasamang maraming cake at parang nasa
isang marangyang buffet restaurant tayo na eat all you
Dan and Cameron's face froze and then fell after
understanding Zehannah's words.
"Why is Madam Contessa always over the top?"
"Because she's crazily wealthy," sagot ni Zehannah sa
Papa niya. "Akala ko rin dati na over the top palagi
si Tita, pero na-realize ko na sobrang yaman lang
talaga niya na ang normal sa kaniya ay sobra-sobra na
sa 'tin."
Bumuntonghininga si Dan. "Yeah. I guess..."
"But Reigo is not like her mother though..." ani
"Maybe because Reigo was not spoiled, or maybe he
takes after Tito Rohan," sagot ni Zehannah. "Lahat ng
mayroon siya, mula noong bata pa siya, pinaghirapan
niya. It seems like Tita Contessa and Tito Rohan
raised him differently. That was the reason he became
capable at a very young age."
"I think your child will be spoiled," komento ni
Cameron nang maalala kung paano alagaan at mahalin si
Zehannah ng mga magulang ni Dan noong nabubuhay pa ang
mga ito. "Grandparents are different, you know. They
can be strict with their children, but to their
grandchild, they become a different person."
Malakas na napabuntonghininga si Zehannah. "I have the
strong urge to hide my baby from Tita Contessa. But I
don't think I can. She gave persistent a whole new
Mahinang natawa si Dan saka hinalikan sa noo ng anak.
"It's getting late. You should rest."
Tumango si Zehannah saka hinalikan sa pisngi ang mga
magulang. "Okay. Good night, Papi, Papa."
"Good night, 'nak."
"G'night, Zehan."
Nang makalabas si Zehannah sa kuwarto, naglalambing na
niyakap ni Cameron ang kapareha.
"I'm happy for Zehan, but I want to punch Reigo. How
dare he impregnate our baby...!"
Dan flicked Cameron's forehead. "As Zehan said
earlier, it takes two to tango. Silang dalawa ang
gumawa n'on. Walang pilitan na nangyari."
Cameron heavily sighed. "Even so... don't you think
I'm still fresh to be called grandpa?"
Mahinang natawa si Dan sa kapareha. "Same, but don't
you want to see a little version of our Zehannah
running around and causing mischief, just like our
little Zehan before?"
Gumuhit ang ngiti sa mga labi ni Cameron ng maalala si
Zehannah noong bata pa. "Yeah, I'd like that."
"Me too..."
Dan and Cameron smiled at each other before their lips
Meanwhile, Zehannah was walking towards Reigo's room—
her parents agreed earlier with an agreement that they
would not lock the door, which she would now after
confessing that she might be pregnant—she met Reigo's
mother halfway.
Immediately, Zehannah felt dread. Yep. Something's up.
"Tita, are you cooking up something again?" Inunahan
na niya ang ginang.
Tumawa ang ginang saka lumapit kay Zehannah na tumigil
sa gitna ng mahabang pasilyo. "Zehan, I'm not that
Zehannah narrowed her eyes at Reigo's mother. "Nope.
Hindi ako naniniwala."
Tumawa ulit si Contessa saka pinalibot ang braso nito
sa braso ni Zehannah. "Hinintay lang kita dahil may
tanong ako sa 'yo."
"Hmm? Ano po, Tita?"
Contessa lean forward and then she took a peek at
Zehannah's face to not see a single emotion slip by.
"Zehan... are you pregnant?"
Zehannah was silent. Sa totoo lang, hindi na siya
nagulat sa tanong nito. Her parents immediately picked
up that something was up with her when she declined
the wine. She was sure that with how smart Tita
Contessa was, it was easy for her to come into that
But how do I answer her? Zehannah sighed. Let's just
answer honestly. "I'm not sure, Tita."
Nagsalubong ang kilay ni Contessa. "What do you mean
by that?"
"I mean what I said, Tita. I'm not sure."
Contessa narrowed her eyes at Zehannah. "You're not
saying that to punish me for hurting you, are you?"
Umingos si Zehannah. "Hmp. Tita, I'm not as cunning as
"Yeah, right," Contessa replied in thick sarcasm.
"You're so nice you can't even hurt a fly."
Zehannah grinned. "Very true, Tita."
Contessa pinched Zehannah's check. "Fine. I won't
pester you since you need to rest. Good night, Zehan."
"Good night, Tita."
Zehannah thought she had already escaped Reigo's
mother after that talk. Oh, how wrong she was. Because
when she woke up in the morning—she and Reigo slept
early because she was still sore and they lack sleep—
five doctors greeted her when she entered Tita
Contessa's private office.
After breakfast, Tita Contessa invited her to her
office for a 'quick' talk, she said, and she also told
Reigo to tour her parents around the property,
cornering Zehannah.
So here she was, in front of five female doctors who
were simultaneously checking her condition and drawing
her blood. They even have their own medical tools with
In less than an hour, the doctors announced their
diagnoses—they all have the same diagnoses.
"Miss Zehannah Sevil is pregnant."
Contessa calmly spoke. "Thank you for your services."
The doctors nodded and excused themselves. And when it
was only Contessa and Zehannah inside, Contessa didn't
hold back her grin. She showed it to Zehannah, who
nearly shook her head.
"You look creepy, Tita," ani Zehannah. She was not
really surprised by the result.
"Ah-ah-ah." Contessa gestured her forefinger left and
right. "It's Mom now."
Napangiwi si Zehannah at hindi alam kung matatawa o
mapapangiwi nang makitang sumasayaw-sayaw ang ginang
habang bakas ang kasiyahan sa mukha.
"Yey... magkakaapo na ako. Yes. Yes. Magkakaapo na
ako." Contessa was dancing as she spoke in a sing-song
manner. "Magkakaapo na ako. I'm going be a beautiful
Zehannah couldn't help but find Reigo's mother
lovable. Truthfully, she felt lucky that Tita Contessa
adored her. To see Tita Contessa happy because she's
pregnant, she felt loved.
"Thank you, Tita," she said earnestly that Reigo's
mother stopped celebrating by herself.
"I told you, it's 'Mom' now," Contessa corrected
Zehannah and went to hug Zehannah softly. "I don't
know if you'll marry my son after this. I will not
force you to because I'd been in your shoes before.
But I want you to know that you're welcome if you want
to be a part of our family. We will love you and care
for you like our own. And even if you decided not to
marry our son, it's okay. No pressure. Just keep in
mind that whatever you decide to do, you're always
welcome to our family and in this household."
Hindi napigilan ni Zehannah na maiyak dahil ramdam
niya ang sinseredad sa boses sa ina ni Reigo. Alam
niya na kahit ano'ng maging desisyon niya, tanggap
siya ng pamilya ni Reigo. And that knowledge gave her
a sense of belonging and earnest acceptance.
"Thank you, Tita."
"It's Mom," Contessa corrected Zehannah again, making
Zehannah smile while teary-eyed.
"Thank you, Ma."
Gumuhit ang masayang ngiti sa mga labi ng ginang. "I'm
such a lucky woman. Anyway, you can rest here if you
want, but I'm going to my Rohan to tell him the best
news. I can, right? I mean, if you don't want me to,
I'll understand."
Umiling si Zehannah. "Okay lang sa 'kin, Ma."
"Yes...! Have a good rest, Zehan!" And Contessa was
off to find her husband.
Meanwhile, with a smile and carefree emotion, Zehannah
stepped out of Contessa's private office and went
looking for Reigo. After asking over five maids, she
finally found her Reigo in the backyard, teaching her
parents how to ride a horse so they could roam around
the property with ease.
Akmang bubuka pa lang ang labi niya para kunin ang
atensiyon ng binata, napatingin na ito sa kaniya at
nang makita siya ay kaagad na gumuhit ang ngiti sa mga
labi nito saka tumakbo ito palapit sa kaniya at
sobrang higpit siyang niyakap.
"I miss you, my Zee." He didn't want to let go and
tightened his hug around her even more. "I won't let
Mom steal you away again. You're mine!"
Natawa si Zehannah saka pabirong tinampal ang likod ng
kasintahan. "Yes, yes, I'm yours. Now, let go of me."
"I don't want to," pagmamatigas ni Reigo.
"Come on, Reigo. Let go. We don't want to squeeze our
child, do we?"
"Huh...?" Reigo had a blank expression on his face as
he let her go and stepped back, his eyes traveling
down to her stomach. And then he looked at her face as
if checking if she was joking, and then he looked at
her stomach again. He did that five times while tears
were running down from his eyes before his mind
finally caught up and his blood pressure dropped,
causing him to faint.
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah habang hinahaplos ang
tiyan at nakatingin sa kasintahan na nasalo ng Papa at
Papi niya bago pa matumba.
"Surprise successful," aniya saka sayang-saya na
malapad na ngumiti.
Dan and Cameron just sighed at their daughter. The
same thought was running through their minds.
Good luck, Reigo. Please survive.
"We'll pray for him," Cameron whispered.
Dan nodded. "Yeah. Let's."
And then from the back door, Rohan and Contessa
stepped out and frowned when they saw Reigo being
carried-slash-supported by Dan and Cameron.
"What happened to him?" Rohan asked, a little worried.
Dan and Cameron sighed before glancing at Zehannah,
who's innocently sitting on the nearest bench. Rohan
and Contessa's eyes followed suit.
And when Zehannah felt the four's gaze, she looked at
them and asked, "What? It's called a successful
Rohan, Dan, and Cameron felt pity towards Reigo, while
Contessa was laughing and even did a high-five with
"Good job, future daughter-in-law."
Zehannah grinned as her mind welcomed the words
Hmm. It's not so bad. She looked at Reigo, who's still
being supported by her parents and thought indeed,
there's always an exemption to the rule.
And for the first time since her beliefs took a root
in her heart and life, she entertained the idea of an
'exemption' to her rule.
"SHOCKING ME... that wasn't nice." Reigo playfully
pinched Zehannah's cheek and Zehannah just laughed out
loud as if she was having fun in expense of his
The two were in a wooden gazebo in the humongous
garden of the Vasquez's residence. Reigo was sitting
on the wooden sofa with a cushion and Zehannah was
lying down on the sofa, making Reigo's lap her pillow.
Sa gazebo pumunta ang dalawa nang bumalik ang malay ni
Reigo pagkatapos nitong mahimatay para makapag-usap
ang dalawa. Their parents even gave them their
privacy, but so far, other than Zehannah's relentless
teasing and laughter, the two still hadn't really
"Come on, don't sulk." Zehannah looked up at Reigo and
playfully poked his chin. "It was fun."
Reigo gave her a pointed look. "For you, that is."
"Yep. It is." Zehannah didn't even bother denying it.
"Don't sweat the small stuff. We're having a baby, you
"You sounded like Mom just now..." Reigo grumbled
before his aura softened. "But, yeah... our baby."
"Hmm-mm." Zehannah closed her eyes with a smile. "Our
Bumaba ang tingin ni Reigo sa tiyan ni Zehannah saka
gumalaw ang kamay nito para haplusin 'yon. And while
doing so, a thought came to Reigo's mind.
They're having a baby now, but he didn't think that
Zehannah's belief would change because of it.
What am I going to do? Should I ask her again? But
what if she gets mad at me and leaves me? But somehow,
Reigo didn't feel like that was going to happen. His
Zehannah had changed ever since she started her
therapy sessions. But still... I can't be too sure.
Reigo was contemplating what to do next when he heard
footsteps coming. When he checked who it was, he
slightly frowned seeing three maids carrying three
different dishes.
One was carrying a bowl of sliced strawberries and an
apple, the second one was holding a big round plate
filled with lechon skin and the last maid was carrying
a long rectangular plate filled with sushi.
Pagkatapos n'on ay may dumating pa na isang maid na
may dalang air conditioner fan at itinutok nito iyon
kay Zehannah bago walang imik na umalis.
Reigo didn't know what to say other than his Zee was
being spoiled rotten.
"What's with the sushi?" mabilis na tanong ni Reigo ng
bumangon si Zehannah at iyon kaagad ang pinulot.
"Isn't that kind of bad for pregnant women?" He
learned that from Thorn a while back, when Thorn was
obsessing about his wife Cassia's pregnancy.
"Hmm?" Zehannah ate the sushi. "It's okay. It's
"And that makes it okay?" Reigo was still skeptical
and worried.
"Yep." Zehannah handed him her phone. "Here. Search
it. It's really okay. And it's salmon and shrimp
sushi. It's low in mercury and also cooked, so...
Tinanggap ni Reigo ang cellphone ni Zehannah pero
hindi ito nag-search sa internet tulad ng utos nito
rito. Sa halip ay tinitigan nito ang kasintahan na
maganang kumakain ng balat ng lechon at sushi.
I thought she's not being mindful of what she eats. I
was wrong. Now, I understand why she didn't drink wine
last night. She was thinking of our baby.
Reigo's face softened and his hand reached out to tuck
Zehannah's hair that was covering her face behind her
ear. "Thank you for taking good care of our baby."
"It's only natural," ani Zehannah saka humarap kay
Reigo habang kumakain ng balat ng lechon. "Are you
worried about something? Kanina ka pa parang nag-
Reigo took a deep breath and sighed. He really
couldn't keep things from his Zee. "I'm not saying
this to hurt you or anything. I honestly want you and
our baby. We created a life together, and I love that.
It's just that we used protection all the time and to
me, that means you're not yet ready to conceive. I'm
just worried that I might have put you in a tight and
uncomfortable spot." Bumuga ng marahas na hininga si
Reigo. "My Zee, please share with me what you really
think and feel about this pregnancy. I'm more than
happy to be a father, but how about you?"
Zehannah could see the worry in the depths of Reigo's
eyes and she understood where that worry was coming
from. Oo nga naman, siya ang may gustong gumamit sila
ng proteksiyon. Nirerespeto ni Reigo ang kagustuhan
niyang protektahan ang sarili kaya ni minsan, hindi
ito naging pabaya pagdating sa bagay na 'yon.
And then suddenly, she announced that she's pregnant.
He must've been worried about the effect it will have
on her. Because that's Reigo, always thinking of her
"I'm happy," Zehannah said and smiled affectionately
at Reigo, making Reigo's heart throb. "Pormal ko pa
lang na nalaman kanina na buntis ako pero matagal na
akong may hinala. At first, I was nervous and scared.
I know that pregnancy and having a baby will change me
somehow. And it's scary to think about it. But... the
thought that I'm carrying our child inside me makes me
really inexplicably happy." Lumambot ang mukha ni
Zehannah. "I know it will not be easy moving forward,
especially with my agency and my career, but I feel no
regrets, Reigo. You... us... our baby... I feel like
my life is finally making sense. That's why stop
worrying. I don't know if I'll be a good mother, but I
will give my all to be one."
Reigo gathered Zehannah in his arms and kissed her
forehead lovingly. "I'm glad you feel that way, my
Zee. I'm happy too. Very."
Zehannah leaned her head against Reigo's shoulder
while still eating lechon. "Why are you worried,
anyway? Alam kong mahirap pagsabayin ang pagbubuntis,
trabaho, at pag-aalaga sa baby natin pagkatapos kong
manganak pero kakayanin ko 'yon. Saka kasama naman
kita. Knowing you, I'm pretty sure you'll take care of
me really well and help me with our baby."
"Hmm." Reigo pressed his lips against Zehannah's
temple and closed his eyes. He wanted to ask Zehannah
about marriage and if she had any plan moving forward,
but he was scared. Bakit ba kasi nangako ako na hindi
kita aayain magpakasal? Now, he's regretting it.
"Ba't natahimik ka?" puna ni Zehannah kay Reigo habang
inuubos ang sushi sa pinggan at pinaresan nito iyon ng
balat ng lechon.
"Nothing." Reigo kissed Zehannah on the cheek and
grimaced at the food she was eating. "My Zee, I know
you love food, but pairing letson and sushi together
is just weird."
"Ang sarap kaya."
Reigo sighed in defeat. "Is this what they call a
pregnancy craving?"
Zehannah stilled, and then suddenly, a thought came
into her mind. "I want cream cheese dip for my lechon
and sushi."
Walang sabi-sabing basta na lang tumayo si Zehannah at
pinulot ang pinggan na may lamang lechon saka
nagmamadaling umalis ng gazebo. Tanging cream cheese
lang ang nasa isip niya at kung ano'ng lasa n'on kapag
pinares sa lechon at sushi niya.
"My Zee, watch your steps!" Reigo called out to
Zehannah, seeing her hurrying.
Napailing si Reigo pero sumunod pa rin sa kasintahan
pagkatapos i-off ang air conditioner fan sa gazebo. He
knew that look on Zehannah's face—determination. She
was determined to eat cream cheese together with
lechon and sushi.
And he was right. Zehannah went straight to the
kitchen and asked the chef to make some cream cheese
"And this is for your lechon and sushi?" paniniguro ng
chef na hindi makapaniwala sa narinig. The chef was
already used to the lady of the house's odd food
requests sometimes, but this request from the second
lady was new to him. "Are you sure?"
Humaba ang nguso ni Zehannah. "It's delicious! Can't
you make me some, Chef?"
The chef was still skeptical when Reigo stepped in and
carefully hugged Zehannah from behind. "It's okay Chef
Tony. She's pregnant."
Immediately, realization dawned on Chef Tony's face.
"Oh. Okay. I'll make some."
Gumuhit ang malapad na ngiti sa mga labi ni Zehannah
saka mabilis na humarap kay Reigo at hinalikan ang
binata sa pisngi. "Thanks, babe."
He smiled. "Anytime. Just watch your steps and don't
walk in a hurry. You might trip."
Zehannah's face softened and hugged Reigo around his
"My Zee, I know you're craving for letson, but can you
at least put the plate down before hugging me? Wala
namang aagaw sa lechon mo."
"Nope," mabilis na sagot ni Zehannah saka pinakawalan
si Reigo at kumain na naman ng lechon. "By the way,
where's chef sushi?"
"In here, Second Madam." Boses iyon ni Chef Fil na
kakapasok lang sa kusina at may dalang karton na
umuusok pa sa lamig. "I bought lots of salmon for you.
Want me to make some sushi?"
Zehannah grinned. "Yes, please. Just cooked." She
didn't even ask why she was called 'Second Madam'.
Gusto lang niyang kumain.
Chef Fil, the one Zehannah called Chef Sushi, was more
than happy to oblige. "On it. Coming right up."
"Oh, so the Second Madam is pregnant," anang isang
chef. "Second Madam, you want to taste the best soup?"
Nagningning ang mga mata ni Zehannah. "I would love
"How about a dessert that will make you forget your
name, Second Madam?" another chef asked.
"Yes, please!"
"Should I make my specialty for you, Second Madam?"
asked the chef that specializes in French cuisine.
"Yes! Let me taste it!"
"Then I'll also make my specialty for you, Second
Madam," sabad ng Italian Chef.
"I'm looking forward to it...!" Zehannah happily sat
on the long island counter, waiting for her food
Hindi mapigilan ni Reigo ang mapangiti nang makitang
lahat ng chef sa kusina ay abala sa paggawa ng pagkain
nang marinig mula sa kaniya kanina na buntis ang
The chefs were more than happy to make food for
Zehannah, even when she didn't ask. They wanted to
feed her just because she's pregnant and it brought a
smile to Reigo's lips.
My Zee is such a lovable woman. Reigo went to hug his
Zee from behind and smiled a little when he felt her
lean back against his chest.
"Hmm. Feels nice," she murmured while feeling the
warmth of Reigo's chest.
Reigo playfully bit Zehannah's ear. "Someone is being
a gourmand."
"Food is life," simpleng sagot ni Zehannah saka
mabilis na dinagdagan 'yon. "I mean, Reigo is life
too, but you know, food is lifer."
Nagpakawala si Reigo ng malalim na hininga na parang
suko na ito. "Wala na akong sinabi. I've known all
along that my real rival is food."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Don't act hurt, babe.
Nakakalimutan mo na ba kung paano mo ako binitag na
makipag-date sa 'yo gamit ang pagkain? You know I
can't say no to good food and you used that against
"Um..." Reigo couldn't refute that. It was true. "It
was a good idea."
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yeah, I think so too."
Reigo buried his face in Zehannah's nape. "My Zee?"
"I love you."
Zehannah reached out her hand to cup and pat Reigo's
head behind her. "I love you too, babe."
Hinalikan ni Reigo ang batok ni Zehannah bago nito
pinakawalan sa pagkakayakap ang kasintahan at umupo sa
katabi nitong upuan. At habang nakapangalumbaba sa
island counter, tahimik na pinagmasdan lang ni Reigo
si Zehannah na maganang kumakain.
And while watching his Zee, he thought ah, I love her
so much. If only I were allowed, I would marry her in
a heartbeat. Though he was not losing hope. My Zee
already opened her heart to me. I just have to work
hard to make her accept me as her husband.
Reigo leaned in and pressed his lips against the end
of Zehannah's shoulder. Zehannah gave her a
questioning look while still busy eating, but Reigo
just smiled and let his Zee eat to her heart's
KUMATOK MUNA SA pinto si Zehannah at binuksan lang
'yon nang marinig niya ang boses ng ina ni Reigo sa
loob na pinapapasok siya. "Tita, pinatawag mo raw
ako...?" aniya nang makapasok.
"It's Mom, Zehan," she corrected her.
Napangiwi si Zehannah. "I'm still not used to it.
Sorry, Ma."
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Congessa at iminuwestra
nito ang visitor's chair sa harapan ng lamesa nito.
"Come here, Zehan. Please, sit."
Sumunod naman kaagad si Zehannah at hinintay na
magsalita ang ginang. Alam niyang may importanteng
pakay ito sa kaniya dahil seryoso ito.
And then Contessa spoke.
"Zehan, do you want to know what happened to your
She froze. Her eyes widened at Reigo's mother. She
couldn't answer her.
"I investigated her," pagpapatuloy ni Contessa. "I
have all the information here." She tapped the folder
lying on the table. "If you want, I can give you this
Zehannah was frozen and silent for a long while before
she finally found her voice and accepted the file. She
then opened it, read the content, and then calmly
closed it.
"Ma, can I show this to Reigo and my parents?" tanong
ni Zehannah.
"Of course. Feel free."
Tumango si Zehannah saka walang imik na lumabas sa
pribadong opisina ng ina ni Reigo at tinungo ang
kuwarto kung saan iniwan niya ang binata kanina nang
ipatawag siya ng ina nito.
"My Zee...?" Worry filled Reigo's face. "May nangyari
ba? You look bothered..."
Walang imik na inabot ni Zehannah ang folder kay Reigo
at tahimik na umupo sa tabi nito sa gilid ng kama.
"What's this?"
"Information about my mother."
Reigo immediately read all the information inside the
folder, then he closed it and held Zehannah's hand
before facing her. "How are you feeling, my Zee...?"
"I don't know what to feel," she confessed honestly,
and she looked down at their intertwined hands.
"Masama ba akong tao kung sasabihin kong wala akong
maramdaman masyado?"
"My Zee..."
"My father died in a car accident and my mother died
with her lover because of a drug overdose. She had
become a drug addict after she abandoned me and even
sold her body for drugs." Zehannah took a calm, deep
breath. "I know I should feel bad or sad because she
was the woman who gave birth to me, but all I feel
is... closure. Seeing her photo attached to the file,
I realized that she's a stranger to me and that I
shouldn't have let what she did to me—abandoning me—
affect me so much that it caused me trauma. Kahit siya
pa ang nagluwal sa 'kin, wala akong maramdaman
masyado. Mas mahal ko pa rin sina Papi at Papa ko.
Does that make me a bad person?"
"You have no emotional connection to her, plus she
abandoned you. I think it's normal to feel that way,"
ani Reigo saka masuyong sinapo ang mukha ni Zehannah
at tiningnan ito sa mga mata. "You only feel the loss
if you love someone dearly, if you care for them, or
if you have an emotional connection to them. And in
your case... you barely had any with her."
Ihinilig ni Zehannah ang ulo sa balikat ng kasintahan
at bumulong, "Next time I go to church, I will pray
for her to rest in peace. That's all I can do for her.
That's all I can give."
"Even though she abandoned you, you will still pray
for her?" Reigo asked.
Zehannah nodded. "It's my way of thanking her for
leaving me in my Papi and Papa's care. If there was
one thing she did good for me, it was giving me to the
best parents anyone could ever ask for."
Someone knocked on the door.
Si Reigo ang sumagot. "It's open, Tito Cam, Tito Dan."
Kaagad na pumasok sina Dan at Cameron nang marinig
nila si Reigo.
Contessa had informed Dan and Cameron about Zehannah's
mother and they immediately went looking for their
daughter. And when they stepped inside, they
immediately went to hug Zehannah, who left Reigo's
arms to hug her parents back.
"We heard from Madam Contessa," Dan informed Zehannah.
"How are you feeling, 'nak?"
"We're always here for you, Zehan," ani Cameron na
hinahagod ang likod ng anak.
Zehannah felt like her heart was being caressed. Her
parents' words were always warm and loving. Not even
once did she feel like she was not treated as their
own flesh and blood. "I'm sorry for feeling incomplete
because of my mother when I already have you, Papi,
Papa. I kept this from you for so long because I don't
want to worry you. You cared for me and love me so
much, but I still feel that way. Now, I realize I
shouldn't have felt that way. I love you two so much."
Cameron patted Zehannah's back. "It's okay. It's
normal to feel that way, Zehan. Even though you have
us, it doesn't invalidate your feeling toward your
Tumango si Dan. "Naiintindihan namin, 'nak. Mahal na
mahal ka rin namin kahit ano pa ang mangyari."
"We were worried about you." Cameron could finally
breathe easily. Then he patted Reigo's shoulder.
"Thanks for staying with our Zehan."
"I will always be with her until the day I take my
last breath," Reigo replied, and the sincerity in his
voice impressed Cameron.
"Thank you, Reigo. With you by Zehannah's side, we
will have no worries about her future."
"You can count on me, Tito Cam. I will always treasure
my Zee."
Cameron chuckled at that and patted Reigo's shoulder.
"I know." Then he lost his smile. "But I still want to
punch you for impregnating my daughter."
"Yes. Feel free, Tito Cam. I understand."
Napailing si Zehannah na lihim na nakikinig sa dalawa.
'I will always be with her until the day I take my
last breath.' Such earnest and sweet words from her
delicious man.
Zehannah smiled inwardly. He's really an exemption to
my rule. I'm certain of that now.
"By the way, Madam Contessa said earlier that dinner
is ready," ani Cameron kapagkuwan. "Let's go? We
shouldn't keep them waiting."
Everyone nodded and left Reigo's room together. In the
hallway, Zehannah held Reigo's hand while Cameron
wrapped his arm around Dan's shoulder as they walked
to the dining room while having small talks.
But their small talks halted when they entered the
dining area and saw four long tables filled with
different food.
"Um..." Cameron blinked. "Buffet eat-all-you can...?"
"May fiesta yata," ani Dan.
Only Zehannah and Reigo had different reactions. Reigo
sighed while Zehannah ran towards the table while
shouting "Food!"
"Come on," anyaya ni Rohan kina Dan at Cameron. "We
have to celebrate Zehan's pregnancy."
Napangiwi si Dan. "We've been celebrating for two days
in a row, though."
Meanwhile... "Daughter-in-law, I prepared lots of
delicious food for you!" Contessa excitedly brought
Zehannah to the table with an amazing new menu.
But Reigo was not happy. "Mom! My Zee is mine! Stop
stealing her away from me!"
"Oh, hush. Come on, Zehan. Taste this. Delicious,
Zehannah nodded with a wide smile. It was superb.
"Mom! Don't you dare steal her again—ah, damn it! I'm
the only one allowed to feed my Zee! She's mine!"
"Say, ah, daughter-in-law."
"Zehannah is mine!" Reigo covered Zehannah's mouth and
pulled her away from his mother. "Come on, my Zee.
I'll feed you."
Pigil ni Zehannah ang matawa habang nagpapaubaya na
ilayo siya ni Reigo sa ina nito.
"There. I think we're already in the safe distance."
Reigo looked relieved. "Ano'ng gusto mong kainin?
Ikukuha kita."
Inosenteng ngumiti si Zehannah bago sumagot. "Ikaw.
Ikaw ang gusto kong kainin."
Reigo immediately looked around. "Hmm. I think we can
sneak out to eat each other."
Reigo said that, but before he could begin his plan,
Contessa arrived and stole his Zee again.
"Mom! That's my Zee! She's mine!" Reigo snapped and
ran after his Zehannah. "Stop disturbing us! We're
going to eat each oth—" He immediately stopped when he
realized what he was about to say.
Cameron looked at Reigo flatly. "Could you repeat
that, Mr. Reigo Vasquez? My fist is ready to beat you
Dan shook his head and flicked Cameron's forehead.
"What's the fuss? They're already having a baby."
Meanwhile, Rohan was laughing before he patted his
son's head. "That was close, son."
"It's Mom's fault!" Reigo grunted.
Speaking of Contessa, she was still with Zehannah,
feeding her soon-to-be daughter-in-law good food,
while Zehannah was not feeling the food all of the
I want Reigo. I want to eat him. Nilingon ni Zehannah
ang kasintahan na kausap ang mga magulang at ama nito
at nagtama ang mga mata nila.
Zehannah mouthed at Reigo. 'Eat. You.'
Reigo's face darkened with desire and then suddenly,
he ran to Zehannah, grabbed her hand, and pulled her
out of the dining room. With no stopping, they left
the house and used the golf cart to escape.
"Where are we going?" tanong ni Zehannah habang
nililingon ang bahay na pinanggalingan.
"To a place where we could eat each other," Reigo
simply replied, and Zehannah smiled at that before
leaning her head against Reigo's shoulder.
In the meantime, back in the house, the parents just
shook their heads.
"... and they escaped," Cameron muttered.
Contessa sighed. "Looks like it's just the four of us
celebrating tonight."
"Bring out the wine!" Rohan called out.
Dan put his hand on his chin. "I'm pretty sure Reigo
was about to say 'eat each other'."
Cameron grumbled.
While Rohan shook his head. "Ah, youngsters these
"Whatever. That is not important right now," ani
Contessa saka seryosong tumingin sa tatlo. "Tonight,
we decide on the serious stuff."
"Like?" Cameron asked.
"Like how our grandchild will call us once he or she
is out?"
Everyone stilled, silently agreeing on the importance
of it.
"There mommy la, daddy lo, grandpa and granddad or
grandma." Contessa passionately fisted her knuckles.
"We will decide by spinner wheel. I have an app here."
The three hovered over Contessa and her phone.
"Here... see this? Yes. This is it. We type this and
this and then we spin and win."
And so, while the mother and father were busy eating
each other, the future grandparents were also as busy
trying to win a 'title' on the spinner wheel.
"... AND SO the Veron family had been apprehended and
you're all free to go home now," Contessa informed
everyone over breakfast with a sulking face, as if she
was not happy with the good news. "Akala ko mag-iisang
linggo bago mapigilan ang pinaplano nila pero limang
araw lang pala."
Dan was grateful for Contessa's help, but something
felt weird. "Paano sila nahuli? Sino'ng humuli? Paano
napatunayan na may balak silang masama sa 'min? Are
they in jail?"
Contessa calmly replied to Dan's one after another
question. "I'm not allowed to reveal much, but let's
just say that an organization with goodwill caught
them red-handed and is now being punished."
So vague. Sa isip ni Dan pero hindi na ito nagtanong
at tinanggap ang sagot ni Contessa. She had been
caring and helping them. It would be rude to question
her further. As long as Zehannah was safe, Dan was
okay with everything.
"Ano'ng mangyayari sa Veron Real Estate?" tanong ni
Zehannah kay Contessa.
Si Rohan ang sumagot. "It'll be absorbed by the
Vasquez's Empire sooner than planned. Contessa and I
wanted you to handle Veron Real Estate to make it
prosper again and gain experience, but you're
pregnant. It can wait until after you give birth."
Tumango si Zehannah. It's true that she didn't really
have time for another business at the moment. Her
agency was enough to keep her busy while pregnant. I
don't want to eat more than I can chew. It'll be
hectic and stressful for sure. I can't do that to my
child again. I have already been stressed too much
because of Katrin.
"We can't thank you enough for keeping us safe these
past few days," ani Cameron pagkatapos sumimsim ng
kape. "I know it may not seem a lot, but how about
dinner at our house to show our gratitude? You can
stay over and we can play cards afterward."
"We would love to!" Contessa beamed at the mention of
the card game. She held the undefeated title, and she
was proud of it.
Rohan smiled at his wife's eagerness. "Sure. Let's
schedule it."
To entertain Zehannah's parents after dinner, Contessa
and Rohan played cards with them to pass the time
while enjoying fine wine and having small talks. And
after a few days of playing, the four had gotten
hooked on card games that had now become their hobby.
Therefore, Zehannah and Reigo's parents scheduled
their dinner and game card night while enjoying their
breakfast. Afterward, Dan, Cameron, Reigo, and
Zehannah went back home, making Contessa grumpy.
Dan and Cameron went back to their home and Reigo and
Zehannah went back to Zehannah's condo.
"Ah, home sweet home," Reigo said with a blissful
smile as they entered Zehannah's condo. "No Mom means
no disturbance."
Zehannah walked past Reigo because she felt tired and
sleepy all of the sudden, but Reigo caught her arm and
softly hugged her from behind, then guided her to the
couch where they lay down, spooning.
"Hmm... my Zee, can't we do it today?" Naglalambing na
hinalika-halikan ni Reigo ang batok at likod ng tainga
ni Zehannah. "Wala nang istorbo sa 'tin dito sa
Naghikab si Zehannah. "Inaantok ako..."
"You don't want to taste your delicacy boyfriend?"
"Bakit, lechon ka ba?"
"Such a mean girlfriend," Reigo complained, but his
hand was softly caressing Zehannah's stomach. "Sana
magmana sa 'kin ang anak natin. Guwapo na nga, masarap
na, mabait pa."
Umingos si Zehannah. "Umatake na naman ang kahanginan
mo. Maawa ka naman sa anak natin. Huwag mong itulad sa
Reigo chuckled and buried his face in Zehannah's neck.
"I'm telling the truth, you know. I'm handsome, nice
with a big dick, and can take you to the high heavens.
Ano'ng hindi kamana-mana sa 'kin?"
"My Zee...!"
"What?" She yawned. "Don't be noisy. I'm sleepy."
Reigo smiled at Zehannah's sleepy voice as he
continued caressing Zehannah's stomach.
"Hey, my Zee...?"
"Shut up, Reigo. I-spatula-hin kita," babala ni
Zehannah kay Reigo. "Let me sleep."
Zehannah's face twitched in annoyance when Reigo did
shut up, but he started kissing her nape, the side of
her neck, and her back.
Zehannah turned to face Reigo. "Are you horny?"
Reigo didn't even deny it. "Yes. Can we?"
Tiningnan nang masama ni Zehannah si Reigo. "I'm not
in the mood. Ikuskos mo sa pader at patulugin mo ako."
"Even if I eat you well?"
Zehannah pressed her face against Reigo's chest. "I'm
not in the mood to eat you or be eaten."
"You're saying no to this delicious meal?"
"Stop being cocky."
"Why? Am I not delicious?"
"You're not delicious today."
Reigo inwardly smiled. "These past few days, you
wanted nothing but to eat me. What changed? I'm so
hurt, my Zee. I'm pretty sure I'm still delicious
beyond belief."
Zehannah just closed her eyes to sleep.
Akala ni Zehannah kukulitin pa siya lalo ni Reigo pero
hinalikan lang siya nito sa noo at masuyong niyakap.
Sa hindi malamang kadahilanan, nawala ang antok ni
Zehannah pero hindi pa rin niya iminulat ang mga mata.
Feeling Reigo's warmth and being in his arms felt
therapeutic, as always. But it looked like Reigo took
it as a sign that she was asleep and told her the
words he couldn't say when she's awake.
"I want to marry you," he whispered softly, as if
afraid that she'll hear and reject him. "Pero
natatakot akong iwan mo. Naalala ko pa ang sinabi mo
sa 'kin dati. You don't date to marry and that you
don't want to be tied down. Will it make me a bad man
if I propose to you and use our baby as an excuse, so
you'll marry me?" He sighed heavily. "I'm getting
Zehannah wanted to open her and comfort Reigo, but she
honestly didn't know what to say, so she continued
pretending to be asleep.
Moments later, Reigo carefully left the sofa and then
softly picked her up as if he didn't want to wake her
up, and then he carried her to the bedroom and laid
her on the bed. Then he tucked her under the covers
and kissed her on the forehead before leaving the
bedroom to ready their lunch.
Alone in the bedroom, Zehannah opened her eyes and
stared at the ceiling. Paulit-ulit na tumatakbo sa
isip niya ang sinabi ni Reigo.
Sometimes, couples get married because the woman got
pregnant. It was one of the few reasons why couples
tie the knot as quickly as they could even though
there was no plan for the future. Some people think
that marriage was a quick answer to some of a couple's
problems. Some even get married even after being
cheated on, thinking that their partner will change
after marriage—as if marriage was their security
blanket and an assurance that the person was finally
legally theirs and would somehow change for the
better... hopefully.
Zehannah couldn't understand that concept.
Hindi talaga niya maintindihan kahit saan niya anggulo
tingnan. Siguro dahil wala siya sa sitwasyon ng mga
ito at hindi siya ganoong tao. Hindi siya magpapakasal
para sa kapakanan ng iba, kahit pa para sa anak niya.
She'll only suffer that way. At siguradong hindi lang
siya ang mahihirapan sa paglipas ng panahon. Toxic
marriage hurts the children too, not just the couple.
It could cause severe trauma to children as well.
If I'm going to marry someone... it has to be because
losing them will make me go bat-shit crazy.
The image of Reigo entered her mind.
Being an exception to her rule, Zehannah knew the risk
she would take. It was big that she honestly wanted to
step back because of fear. But she couldn't forget the
tears Reigo shed when she told him he was worth
risking for.
She didn't want to take it back. She meant it. He was
really worth risking her everything for.
Hindi niya alam ang mangyayari sa hinaharap. May
posibilidad na magbago o mawala ang nararamdaman ni
Reigo para sa kaniya. Walang kasiguraduhan na puro
saya ang mararanasan niya sa piling nito pero kahit
Malalim na bumuntonghininga si Zehannah.
Love. Such a powerful word. It can change a person for
the better or worse.
Bumangon si Zehannah saka hinanap si Reigo. Natagpuan
niya ang binata sa kusina, nagluluto.
Without making so much noise, she closed their
distance and wrapped her arms around his waist from
behind, and rested the side of her face against
Reigo's back with his eyes closed.
Ah. So warm.
Reigo said nothing, but he intertwined his hand with
one of hers that was hugging him, and then he brought
her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of her hand
softly while continuing to cook.
Zehannah stayed silent too. Nanatili lang siyang
nakayakap dito.
Zehannah's tone was so tender that Reigo's heart
raced. "H-hmm?"
Reigo stilled and looked at Zehannah over his shoulder
with a frown. "What 'ren'?"
She kissed his back. "I will call our baby 'Ren'.
Whether it's a boy or a girl."
"Just Ren?"
"'R' from Reigo, 'E' from your name and mine, and then
'N' from my name."
Reigo couldn't help laughing and sarcastically
commenting. "What a unique name."
Piningot ni Zehannah si Reigo. "Bakit? May naisip ka
bang mas magandang pangalan kaysa sa naisip ko?"
Reigo was still chuckling. "My Zee, isn't Ren too
"It's a nice name." Zehannah clicked her tongue. "Isa
pa, wala akong balak magpa-ultrasound para i-check ang
gender ng baby natin. It'll be more fun if we do not
know, don't you think?"
Nakahinga nang maluwang si Reigo. "Yes! No gender
reveal. That'll save me from fainting."
Natawa si Zehannah sa binata. "Baka sa hospital ka
mawalan ng malay, sige ka."
Reigo straightened his whole body. "I still have six
to seven months left to steel myself." Kinuyom nito
ang kamao na parang nangangako. "Hindi ako magiging
katulad ng mga kaibigan ko na nawalan ng malay o kaya
naman nagwawala."
"Uh-huh." Zehannah's voice was like saying 'I don't
believe it'.
"Hey...! Just you wait, my Zee! I will not faint!
Never again!"
Reigo was so passionate, but Zehannah doubted it.
"Yeah, yeah," Zehannah replied nonchalantly before
peeking at the food behind Reigo. "By the way, what
did you make?"
"Um, air fried chicken."
"Hmm? Is it good?"
"Nagpaturo ako kay Chef Fil. Want to try some?"
Zehannah was more than willing to. "Yes, please."
Reigo turned around to reach for a fork and a knife.
Then he cut a small slice of chicken and fed his Zee.
"So...? What do you think?"
Zehannah chewed and swallowed. Then she blinked at
Reigo. "Sigurado kang ikaw nagluto nito?"
Sumama ang tingin ni Reigo kay Zehannah. "Now, I'm
Zehannah chuckled and kissed Reigo on the lips—one of
Reigo's weaknesses—then proceeded to eat two pieces of
chicken on her own.
Napailing na lang si Reigo at pinunasan ang gilid ng
labi ni Zehannah. "When is your check up with Doc
Czarina, by the way? Can I come?"
Zehannah continued eating as she answered. "Sure.
Let's go tomorrow."
It's not like she didn't trust the five doctors
Reigo's mom summoned. It's more like she was more
comfortable with Doc Cza.
"Okay." Reigo kissed her temple, and then he watched
her eat with gusto. "Want more? I can make more."
Kaagad na gumuhit ang masayang ngiti sa mga labi ni
Zehannah. "Yes, please!"
Kaagad na gumawa si Reigo nang may ngiti sa mga labi
habang abala si Zehannah sa pagkain.
Zehannah didn't know why food had become 'lifer' these
days. Maybe it's a pregnancy thing. Yeah. Must be.
Because aside from cravings, she didn't really have
other symptoms.
Finishing her second serving of air fried chicken,
Zehannah washed her hands and went back to hugging
Reigo from behind.
And then, her hand moved like it had a mind of its
It went down and cupped Reigo's crotch.
Natawa si Zehannah sa pagtawag ni Reigo sa buong
pangalan niya dahil sa gulat nito pero hindi siya
tumigil. From cupping his crotch, she slid her hand
inside his pants and cupped the real thing.
Reigo tensed and hissed. "S-seriously, my Zee..."
Zehannah rested her chin on Reigo's shoulder and
whispered, "Ayaw mo? Titigil ako."
But all Zehannah heard was a soft cuss and a little
groan. Meaning, she had his consent to tease him and
make him cum.
And that's what she did. She gave him a handjob from
behind while her lips were brushing against her neck
and nape.
"Fuck..." Napahawak si Reigo sa gilid ng lababo habang
nakapikit ang mga mata at nakaawang ang mga labi.
Zehannah then bit Reigo's ear and picked up her pace.
She started stroking his cock faster and harder until
Reigo's breathing became uneven and she could hear him
"Ah, fuck—I want to kiss you..."
But Zehannah just licked his nape and neck and before
long, she felt Reigo tense up and then her hand was
covered by warm and slightly sticky fluid.
Reigo breathed out after that naughty handjob.
Zehannah pulled out her hand, though instead of
washing it, she just stood there behind Reigo, staring
at her cum-covered palm and fingers.
At the same time, Reigo turned to face Zehannah and
just in the right time to see Zehannah bringing her
cum-covered hand to her slightly parted mouth.
Mabilis na hinawakan ni Reigo ang palapulsuhan ni
Zehannah para pigilan ito. "My Zee... you're, um, not
thinking of licking it off, right?"
Zehannah's eyes moved to look at Reigo. "Hmm? Can't I?
It looks tasty..."
Reigo froze at the same time his cock slowly stirred
awake as Zehannah stuck her tongue out and then she
licked his semen off her fingers.
Reigo gulped. Fuck... I'm gonna go crazy.
Without thinking, he grabbed Zehannah's wrist and
pulled her to the sink to wash his semen off her hand,
then he brought her to their room and pinned her down
on the bed.
A teasing smile appeared on Zehannah's lips, seeing
how Reigo's face darkened with lust while pinning her
down. He looked rabid with desire that Zehannah was
sure that he will devour her without mercy.
"What?" Zehannah asked playfully. Reigo looked so
feral, but she felt no fear. Honestly, she enjoyed
seeing a different side of Reigo. The not so nice
side. Ah. Shit. He's so hot. "Want to eat?"
Ilang beses na huminga nang malalim si Reigo na para
bang pinapakalma ang sarili bago isinubsob ang mukha
sa pagitan ng leeg at balikat ni Zehannah. "Fuck...
Ibinuka ni Zehannah ang mga hita para sa kasintahan.
"Go on. Bon appétit, my Reigo."
Reigo was so fast undressing his Zee and going down on
With all his might, his tongue licked and lapped as
his mouth sucked and devoured all of her.
"Ahh, Reigo..." daing ni Zehannah at mas ibinuka pa
ang mga hita. "More... eat me more. There, yes,
that... harder... ahhh!"
Gripping Zehannah's thigh, Reigo pushed it up and
devoured her even harder and deeper that his tongue
was literally fucking her hole.
Zehannah's body twisted and arched. Her hands grabbed
and pulled her own hair as her orgasm hit her. And she
nearly went crazy. Her mind went blank and her body
convulsed in ecstasy when Reigo continued eating her
even after she came and her flesh down there became
Reigo had no consideration. He continued eating her
even how many times she told him she couldn't take it
anymore. He was merciless until she drained her dry
and exhaustion fell on her.
She was ravished beyond belief, and Zehannah promised
to give back the favor.
Just you wait, Reigo. I'm going to drain you dry.
Before she could finish her thoughts, she was already
fast asleep.
WASHING HIS mouth after he drained his Zee dry, Reigo
massaged his jaw while walking back to the bed from
the bathroom. Looks like I did it too much. Now, my
jaw is strained. Ah, fuck. But it was so good.
Reigo licked his lips as he stared down at his Zee who
was now fast asleep on the bed, naked.
With a satisfied smile, Reigo sat on the edge of the
bed before he leaned down to kiss his Zee's forehead.
Satisfied, he pulled back and looked for his phone.
Nang mahanap niya ang cellphone, bumalik siya sa tabi
ng kasintahan at binuksan ang cellphone dahil panay
ang vibrate n'on.
It's notifications from his lunatic friends who had
been congratulating him after he told them he's going
to be a father soon.
Hindi mapigilan ni Reigo ang mapangiti nang maalala na
taga-congratulations lang siya noon sa group chat. He
seldom chatted back because he was busy with work and
he just didn't feel like it.
But now, he's the one being congratulated.
He felt happy, so he sent a chat: BBQ and beer. My
And the lunatics went wild. As usual. Ganoon naman
talaga 'pag may nanlilibre. Naglalabasan ang makakapal
ang mukha.
Closing the lunatics chat box, he opened his email and
saw a message from Lancove.
The letter contained Lancove's decision to replace the
CEO, which was Emma's father, and then cutting ties
with him and banning him from entering a different
company. It was the Lancove's owner's decision, his
father's close friend.
Nasisiguro ni Reigo na ginawa lang nito ang hiniling
niya dahil kaibigan nito ang ama niya.
Oh well, as long as it gets the job done. After what
that witch bitch did to my Zee, there's no way I'm
going to show mercy to her and his father.
Hindi siya tumulong nang nanggulo si Katrin dahil
gusto ni Zehannah na ito mismo ang humarap dito, pero
wala naman itong sinabi tungkol kay Emma at sa ama
nitong konsintidor.
So he took care of her and her father using his
connections. Hindi siya sanay sa ganoon pero hindi
siya puwedeng mag-alangan. Hindi niya hahayaang may
manakit na naman kay Zehannah.
Massaging his forehead, he closed his email, placed
his phone on the bedside table, and laid himself on
the bed to accompany his Zee.
Meanwhile, far away from Zehannah's condo, Emma was
captured and shoved into a black van parked on the
side of the road. Handa na si Emma na magwala,
sumigaw, at lumaban nang may tumutok na baril sa
kanang mata niya!
Emma's whole body became stiff and a fear like no
other consumed her that she peed herself as her eyes
widened. She couldn't even speak. Or move! She was
frozen in fear.
Holding the gun to her face was a woman with amber-
colored eyes. They were cold and merciless as the
woman looked at her as if she was nothing but a bug to
"I don't like being mean so listen carefully." The
woman cocked her gun, and Emma backed away in fear.
Emma wanted to leave. She was shaking. Her eyesight
was narrowing. Tears were falling down her eyes and
she couldn't form a coherent word.
"If you come near Zehannah and Reigo again, I will
show no mercy."
Then a gunshot echoed, grazing Emma's shoulder.
Feeling the pain, realizing what happened—that she had
been shot, Emma's eyes rolled back, and she slumped
unconscious on the backseat.
Sighing to herself, the amber-colored eyed woman put
down her gun and gave an order to the man sitting in
the passenger seat. "Bring her to the hospital and
leave her there with a death threat. Then go back to
watching Zehannah and Reigo. Make sure those two stay
"By your will, Your Highness."
The woman handed the gun to the driver, and then she
stepped out and went inside the car behind the van.
"Yes. Let's go home?"
"Yeah. Let's. I heard from Reigo that Zehannah is
"Oh? That's good news. When's the BBQ and beer?"
"Have fun then, My Lord."
Knight grinned at his wife. "I always do, mi reina.
Always do." 𝔽𝕀𝕃𝔼𝕊
"THANKS FOR the help, Velasquez." Bumaling si Reigo sa
pintuan ng clinic ni Doc Cza kung saan nasa loob pa si
Zehannah at nakikipag-usap pa sa asawa ni Ymar. Tapos
na ang check up ni Zehannah pero may girl's talk daw
ang dalawa kaya na-kick out siya. "I honestly don't
know what I'll do if you didn't help me."
"No sweat, bud. Piece of cake."
Sumandal si Reigo sa likod ng driver's seat. "Speaking
of cake, I sent you a truckload of cake from Nate and
some other pastry shop I know. A token of my
Natihimik si Knight sa kabilang linya. Hanggang sa mga
sandaling 'yon, hindi pa rin sanay si Knight na may
nagpapasalamat dito.
Knight shook his head and smiled. "Nothing. You're
"Thank you again. Bye."
The call ended, and Reigo glanced at the clinic's door
again. Hindi pa rin lumalabas ang Zehannah niya kaya
naman inabala niya ang sarili sa pagbabasa ng 'THE
understand his Zee. He had heard from his friends that
pregnant women were sensitive about some things. He
had to know to be a better support to his Zee.
Unfortunately, he could only read a couple of pages
until he saw Zehannah stepping out of the clinic.
"What took you so long?" Reigo asked after Zehannah
settled herself in the passenger seat.
Naghikab si Zehannah. "Medyo napahaba lang ang usapan
namin ni Doc Cza."
"Is that so..." 'yon lang ang sinabi ni Reigo bago
pinagalaw ang sasakyan pauwi sa condo ni Zehannah at
hindi na ito nagsalita.
Alam ni Zehannah na nagtatampo si Reigo sa kaniya pero
hindi niya alam kung bakit kaya naman nang makapasok
sila sa condo niya, kaagad niyang niyakap mula sa
likuran ang kasintahan at nilambing ito.
Zehannah thought it worked because Reigo immediately
faced her and hugged her back as if he didn't want to
let go.
"Why is my Reigo sulking?" she asked.
Reigo groaned and buried his face in Zehannah's neck—
his favorite spot. "We only have a day left before we
go back to work on Monday. Your agency needs to
recover after what Katrin did, so I'm pretty sure
you'll be busier than before. That's why I want to
spend as much time with you as possible before you
become busy again, but it seems like it's just me who
wants it."
Alam ni Zehannah na wala namang katawa-tawa dahil
seryosong-seryoso si Reigo, pero hindi niya pa rin
napigilan ang matawa dahil may biglang pumasok sa isip
niya. "Babe, parang ikaw ang buntis sa 'ting dalawa."
Reigo just groaned.
Sensing Reigo's annoyance, Zehannah couldn't help
laughing a little and it looked like it pisses Reigo
even more.
"What? Is my need to be with you all the time funny?"
Zehannah laughed again before tightening her embrace
around Reigo's waist. "Babe, ikaw yata talaga ang
buntis sa 'ting dalawa. Look at you getting irritated
so quickly."
Reigo breathed out to calm himself. "I just want to be
with you while you're still not busy. Alam mo naman na
kapag busy ka, gabi na lang tayo nagkikita. I hated
it, but what could I do? It's work."
From laughing, Zehannah's expression softened. She
knew how much he always compromised when it came to
her time and work. She knew the effort he always puts
in to make sure that they'll have time for each other.
"Thank you, babe," she said, softly. "For always
compromising with me."
Reigo exhaled. "Of course. I love you."
A smile stretched Zehannah's lips. "I love you too.
That's why I accepted Mom's offer, you know."
Mabilis na pinakawalan ni Reigo sa pagkakayakap si
Zehannah para tumingin dito na kunot ang nuo. "What
offer?" His mother had always been sly. "Be careful.
You know how Mom is."
"I know, but it's not a deal. It's an offer."
Hinawakan ni Zehannah sa kamay si Reigo at hinila
patungong sofa para doon umupo. "Nag-offer siya na
magpahiram ng isa sa pinagkakatiwalaan niyang
empleyado para palitan muna ako sa agency
Nang makaupo si Reigo, paharap namang umupo si
Zehannah sa mga hita nito at naglalambing na ihinilig
ang pisngi sa balikat ng kasintahan. "Cassia and I are
both pregnant and we've both been stressed, so I
accepted it. Cassia agreed as well. But we still have
to work from time to time like approving projects,
signing legal documents, and reviewing all the
important stuff, but nothing taxing that would take a
lot of my time. Saka sabi ni Mama, pambawi niya rin
daw sa 'yo kasi nagtatampo ka sa kaniya."
Parang hindi makapaniwala si Reigo sa narinig.
"Pambawi ni Ma?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Why? It means more time
with each other."
Reigo was still feeling really suspicious because he
knew his mother. "Alam ko pero sanay na akong walang
libre sa bahay. Everything has to be earned."
"You earned it." Umayos si Zehannah ng upo sa mga hita
ni Reigo saka masuyong sinapo ang mukha ng kasintahan.
"I've been so busy while fighting Katrin that I didn't
have time for you anymore, still you stayed with me
with no complaints. Kaya hindi ako nagdalawang-isip na
tanggapin ang offer ni Mama. I want to spend a lot of
time with you too, babe." She pressed her forehead
against his and closed her eyes. "Even if it means
resting from work for a while. Babalik din ako sa
pagtatrabaho, pero sa ngayon, ikaw muna at si baby
natin ang uunahin ko."
Reigo felt like there was a lump in his throat upon
hearing Zehannah's words. He knew how much Zehannah
valued her time and work. So for her to put it aside
for the meantime for him and their baby, he felt like
he fell in love with her all over again.
Ah, really. I'm so whipped.
Reigo cleared his throat and lovingly wrapped his arm
around his Zee's waist to pull her closer. "So, um,
what's your plan moving forward other than resting for
a while?"
Zehannah blinked at Reigo. "You mean what's our plan?"
Reigo's chest throbbed. She's really thinking of me.
"Yeah... our future. Do you have a plan in mind?"
"Before we talk about that, I have something to say to
you first."
Biglang kinabahan si Reigo na napahigpit ang yakap
niya sa kasintahan. "W-what is it?"
"Babe, calm down. It's not something bad."
He exhaled, as if calming himself. "Okay. I'm good
now. Tell me."
Zehannah smiled and pressed her lips against Reigo's
forehead and spoke. "I still remember your words from
back then, so let me assure you before it becomes a
misunderstanding between us. Moving forward, I want
you to know that you're a 'necessity' to me, Reigo, so
please never think otherwise."
Reigo's breathing hitched. His heart throbbed. And his
lips parted as he stared at his Zee. How long has it
been since I decided to work hard to be a necessity to
my Zee and not just a want? He took a deep breath and
rested his head against Zehannah's shoulder.
"You're spoiling me too much, my Zee."
"Of course. You're Mr. Delicacy after all, and I love
delicious food."
"I am delicious indeed." From feeling overwhelmed by
Zehannah's spoiling to boasting, only Reigo could pull
it off.
Napailing si Zehannah saka piningot ang tainga ng
kasintahan. "Give your boastfulness a rest, will you?"
"It's not boastfulness though. It's a fact."
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah. "Yeah, yeah.
You better be grateful and say thank you because I'm
spoiling you."
Reigo smiled at that. "Thank you, my Zee. In return, I
will work hard to be more delicious and be an overall
Zehannah could only sigh. Sanay na siya kay Reigo pero
minsan talaga, gusto niya itong kutusan sa kahanginan
nito. Pero mahangin din naman siya kaya bagay lang
talaga sila.
She pressed her body against Reigo's chest. "Babe?"
"May plano ka ba para sa 'ting dalawa? Kung mayroon,
puwede ko bang malaman?"
"I only have three."
"Yes. Live with you in my house in BV, take good care
of our family, and grow old with you." Sumandal si
Reigo sa likuran ng sofa at hinuli ang mga mata ng
kasintahan. "How about you, my Zee?"
"Hmm... we have the same plan, but one."
Zehannah just smiled mysteriously before she get off
Reigo's lap to get something in their room. Nang
makabalik ito, hindi ito bumalik sa pagkakaupo sa mga
hita ni Reigo. Sa halip ay lumuhod ito sa harapan ni
Reigo at ibinuka ang hita ng binata at nang-aakit na
nginitian ang kasintahan.
"Say, babe, I want to suck you." She licked the corner
of her lips while looking up at Reigo. "Can I?"
Almost immediately, Reigo's breathing became uneven
and bothered. He gulped. Fuck. She's just asking, but
I'm already a mess. "You really know how to stir me
up, my Zee."
"Of course. You're mine after all." Zehannah kissed
Reigo's crotch while her eyes were never leaving Reigo
and Reigo's hand was affectionately caressing her
cheek. "So, can I?"
Reigo's breathing became ragged as he felt himself
hardening even more. "Do you even have to ask? I'm all
Zehannah smiled at that and opened Reigo's fly to free
the thing Zehannah wanted inside her mouth. And she
was not disappointed.
Reigo's cock was already hard and erect. As if it was
begging to be sucked and loved.
A hiss escaped Reigo's lips when the tip of Zehannah's
tongue ran along the base of his cock to the tip.
As if playing and loving the tease, Zehannah swirled
her tongue around Reigo's tip and then slowly lapped
his length, down to the balls and up to the tip again,
before she deep-throated him.
Reigo gripped a handful of Zehannah's hair as she
started moving her mouth—up and down. Her tongue
swirled, her lips tightened around his cock, and her
entire mouth felt like paradise.
"Fuck — ah..." Reigo's head fell back and his eyes
squeezed shut. "Fuck...!"
It felt so good. As always. Zehannah's mouth never
disappointed. She was always good at stirring him up
and making him cum with only her mouth, but he wanted
more—more that he found himself holding Zehannah's
head and pushing her down to his cock. "Fuck... Zee...
ahh! Faster... suck me hard— Fuck!"
Reigo could feel a pool of desire gathering in his
loin and he wanted to fuck his Zee's mouth senseless
to make his desire explode and cum, but Zee withdrew
her mouth, making him show his desire-filled-begging
expression to his Zee.
"My Zee... come on. Stop teasing me..."
Reigo gritted his teeth when he felt his cock throb.
It wanted Zee's attention, specifically her mouth, but
Zehannah already pulled away.
And just when he was about to beg his Zee to put him
out of his misery, she pulled the sex candy she bought
a while back from her pocket and using her mouth that
made him crazier with lust, she put the edible candy
cock ring on his shaft then she looked up at him and
asked, "Will you marry me, Reigo?"
Reigo's whole being went blank in shock. His mind
couldn't process what just happened, that he just
stared at Zehannah blankly. Eyes wide, mouth agape and
unmoving, the words 'will you marry me' kept repeating
in his mind like a broken record and his mind couldn't
think of anything else. Just those words.
Four words with a power to render him immobile and
As if his Zee's voice calling his name woke him up, he
blinked at his beloved Zee and cupped her face with
his hands. He knew he was cupping her face too tight
because her mouth was unintentionally pouting at him.
And then Zehannah started laughing at him for some
reason and seeing her so happy and carefree, his wits
slowly came back, and he finally found his voice.
"I thought... you... don't want to marry..." he asked
in a whisper, afraid that Zehannah might take it back.
But his worries and fear that she might change her
mind melted away when she gave him the most tender,
loving smile. "You're my only exception. So you better
be grateful and say thank you."
As a smile spread on his lips, tears also fell from
his eyes as he leaned down and pressed his forehead
against Zehannah with his eyes closed. "Thank you...
my Zee. Thank you for trusting me with your lifetime.
And yes, I will... I will marry you."
Seeing Reigo in tears, Zehannah couldn't help shedding
tears as well, but she was laughing while crying.
"Look at you crying like silly while your dick is
still in full show and erect. Goodness me, my future
husband is really a horny delicacy."
Reigo laughed too, while tears blurred his eyesight.
"My Zee, you just proposed to me with a cock ring.
You're one horny future wife, too."
Zehannah laughed even harder while pinching Reigo's
cheeks before drying his tears. "I was planning to buy
you a ring and Mom was helping me look. Unfortunately,
I'm broke as of the moment, so I couldn't afford it."
It was Reigo's turn to pinch Zehannah's cheek. "Silly,
future wife. At least let me buy the ring. Though if
I'm being honest, that was an epic proposal."
"I know, right?" Zehannah grinned. "Be grateful and
say thank you, babe."
Reigo chuckled. "Thank you, my Zee."
Zehannah's grin widened and then she looked down at
Reigo's still erect manhood. "Damn. And you're still
Reigo's smile was wiped off his lips when Zehannah
suddenly leaned down and started licking the length of
his cock. No—the one she was licking was the edible
cock ring candy on him and she was insatiable.
"Hmm... so sweet. I like it." Zehannah licked her lips
hungrily, and she continued eating the edible candy
cock ring until it started melting with Zehannah's
insistent licking and saliva.
Zehannah was relentless as she sucked him off. Her
tongue, her mouth, and her hands, Reigo couldn't think
straight. She didn't stop sucking him off and making
him cum with her mouth until she had chewed and eaten
all the candy on the cock ring.
"Ah! Ah! Fuck! Fuuuck...!" Reigo exploded inside
Zehannah's mouth once again and he was spent. He had
no strength left. Yes. His Zee had drained him dry
Combing her hair back as she swallowed her man's cum,
Zehannah straddled Reigo's lap and then rested her
tired jaw on Reigo's shoulder.
"Satisfied?" Reigo asked while his breathing was still
in disarray.
"Hmm." Zehannah closed her eyes to rest as she yawned.
"I'm sleepy. Good night, babe."
And just like that, in the middle of the afternoon,
Zehannah fell asleep with a smile on her lips and
without a care in the world after draining her soon-
to-be husband dry.
Though the soon-to-be husband was not complaining.
Whatever his Zee wanted, his Zee will get. Because
happy wife is happy life.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you so much for staying with
Zehannah and Reigo up to the end. I hope you enjoyed
their story. 🧁
"WHAT DO YOU think Mom is up to this time?" Reigo
asked Zehannah while his eyes were on the road. "She
knew I'm still mad at her for kidnapping Ren again and
she had the audacity to call me and tell me to visit
their house and bring you with me."
Zehannah couldn't help chuckling at her annoyed
husband. Hindi na bago sa kanila na kini-kidnap palagi
ang limang taong gulang nilang anak na si Ren ng ina
ni Reigo. Gustong-gusto naman 'yon ng anak nila dahil
spoiled ito sa bahay ng Mommy La at Daddy Lo nito.
Every time Contessa visited, it was always safe to
assume that she'll take Ren with her without telling
Reigo and Zehannah. Malalaman na lang ng mag-asawa kay
Shun na siyang nagmo-monitor sa CCTV ng Bachelor's
Village na tinangay nga ng ina ni Reigo ang anak ng
mga ito.
It always made Reigo so mad that he always complained
to Zehannah, but after five years of that happening
all the time, Zehannah was already used to it.
"Hindi naman nagrereklamo si Ren kapag kini-kidnap
siya ni Mama," depensa ni Zehannah sa biyenan nito.
Reigo clicked his tongue. "Of course, he won't. Mom is
spoiling him rotten. The only good thing about Ren
being kidnapped by Mom is having an alone time with
you. No Mom and no Ren means sexy time with Wifey."
Napailing si Zehannah sa asawa. "That's why I told you
to just let Mom be. Nag-e-enjoy ka naman kapag na kay
Mama o kina Papi ko si Ren."
"Still..." Nag-aalburuto pa rin si Reigo. "Tingnan mo
naman ang ugali ng anak natin sa kaka-spoil ni Mommy.
Masakit sa ulo at ang kulit. Sumuko na ako sa
kakasaway kapag ako ang nagbabantay."
"Hindi naman siya pasaway kapag ako ang nagbabantay sa
kaniya at dinadala ko siya sa opisina," natatawang
wika ni Zehannah.
Natawa na rin si Riego dahil alam nito ang rason.
"Takot niya lang sa 'yo."
"That's because I don't spoil him like everyone in the
family." Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "Kung ayaw
niyang kumain dahil ayaw niya sa ulam, e 'di huwag.
Sino ang magugutom sa tingin niya? Hindi ako madadala
sa iyak niya. Kaya namimihasa sa inyo dahil kaunting
tantrums niya lang, bumibigay kayo kaagad."
That silenced Reigo. He was guilty, after all.
"Nakakaawa naman kasi minsan..."
Umingos si Zehannah. "Kumakain naman siya ng kahit na
ano kapag ako ang kasama niya, a. Talagang sinanay
niyo lang."
That shut Reigo up. Between him and Zehannah, his wife
was the real bad cop. He could be a bad cop as well to
his son, but Zehannah would take the cake anytime. Ito
lang ang kayang maging matigas sa tantrums ni Ren.
His wife was the reason Ren never threw tantrums in
stores anymore. Because if Ren threw tantrums at the
store because they didn't buy the toy he wanted,
Zehannah would take him outside, let him cry to his
heart's content while explaining that they will not
take him to the store again until he calmed down.
Noong una, patigasan ang dalawa. Pero ngayon, alam na
ni Ren na ang mommy nito ang mas matigas kaysa rito.
"Well, our son had been a good boy these past few
weeks," ani Reigo. "All I need is to bring him to
Thassia was Thorn and Cassia's daughter. The
Calderon's little princess can easily tame his
mischievous son.
"Kaya panay reklamo nina Thorn at Cassiuz, e,"
natatawang sabi ni Zehannah. "By the way, babe, how
was the PTA meeting yesterday?"
Ren was already a kindergarten in an international
kindergarten school and there was a PTA meeting
yesterday. Since Zehannah couldn't attend because she
had an important meeting with the CEOs of the
companies under the Vasquez Empire and she couldn't
cancel it, her dear husband volunteered.
"Hmm, just so-so," Reigo replied with a shrugged.
"More on the students' special needs and learning
progress. The teacher told me that Ren is a brilliant
kid. It actually shocked me when I heard it and I
asked her twice if I heard her right."
Natawa si Zehannah. "Hindi ka naniwala kaagad?"
Reigo shrugged. "You know how our son is."
"I'm sure the teacher gave you a stinky eye for not
"Nope." Reigo glanced at Zehannah with a grin. "She
gave me a googly eye. I think she likes me, my Zee.
She even gave me her personal number 'in case' I need
something from her."
"Oh?" Zehannah didn't even bat an eyelash. "What did
you do then?"
"I told her we'll call the school number in case we
need anything."
"Aww." Zehannah playfully pinched her husband's cheek.
"What a good boy."
Reigo nodded proudly. "Yes, I am. Now praise me with a
kiss, my Zee."
Inalis ni Zehannah ang seatbelt na suot saka hinalikan
sa gilid ng labi ang asawa. "Good job, babe."
Reigo smiled in satisfaction and quickly stole a kiss
from Zehannah's lips before focusing on the road
again. "Though I think it would be best if you attend
the next meeting, my Zee. I don't want another witch
bitch trying to separate us. Remember the
representative of Juram Real Estate? She finally
stopped harassing me, but I already had enough, my
"Ang guwapo kasi ng asawa ko, e." Tinusok-tusok ni
Zehannah ang pisngi ng asawa saka hinalik-halikan ito.
Nakangiti si Zehannah pero matalim ang kislap ng mata
niya nang maalala si Mae Juram, ang representative ng
Juram Real Estate na may housing project sa Vasquez
Construction. Though unlike the other witch bitch who
tried to seduce her husband, Mae was married, but she
still wanted Reigo, much to Reigo's annoyance.
But Mae stopped pursuing Reigo when she met Zehannah
Sevil-Vasquez in person in a fundraising event and
Zehannah asked her, "Should I destroy you and
everything you hold dear until you crawl on the ground
and beg?"
Simple question from Mrs. Zehannah Sevil-Vasquez
accompanied with a smile and Mae immediately backed
down. Why? Because Zehannah Sevil-Vasquez was known as
Contessa Vasquez's successor and she already had a
reputation in the business world even though it had
only been three years since she took over the Vasquez
Empire—and that she will destroy anyone who harasses
her family—especially her husband.
Make Reigo Vasquez uncomfortable and the wife,
Zehannah Sevil-Vasquez, will give you hell.
And Zehannah never stopped until her opponent was on
the ground, crawling and begging for mercy. That's why
instead of her maiden name 'Sevil', most call her
Zehannah Devil-Vasquez behind her back.
"I know I'm handsome and a delicacy, but my
deliciousness is only for my Zee." Reigo clicked his
tongue. "I don't want another Katrin witch bitch, but
they just kept on approaching me as if I'm not
Zehannah's expression softened while listening to her
husband. Naniniwala pa rin siya na kung gugustuhin ni
Reigo ang magpaakit at magpalandi, kahit ano pa ang
gawin niya, wala siyang magagawa at hindi niya ito
mapipigilan. That's why she's protecting him because
she could see how much he hated the people who are
trying to separate them.
As long as her husband wanted her and loved her, she
will protect him with all her might.
"It's okay." Zehannah put her seatbelt back on. "There
will be no repeat of Katrin anymore. I'm not the weak
Zehannah who had no money and connection like before.
I'm now Zehannah Sevil-Vasquez, the Empress of the
Vasquez's Empire. Hinding-hindi ko hahayaan na may
mangha-harass ulit sa asawa ko."
Reigo smiled inwardly at that. He enjoyed being
protected by his Zee. That hadn't changed a bit. The
more she protected him, the more he felt loved. "I was
against it when Mom and Dad passed all the businesses
to you, alam ko kasi na magiging busy ka masyado. And
you really were for the last few years, but you still
managed to make time for us, so my worries were
Sumandal si Zehannah sa likuran ng passenger seat.
"You absorbed all construction related companies to
Vasquez Construction so that lessened the companies
under Vasquez's Empire, which was a good thing."
"Yeah. And I like seeing you in power." A small smile
played on Reigo's lips. "Makes me so damn proud when I
hear people talking about how amazing you are at work
and how scary you can get when mad."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "You're so whipped by me,
babe. Aminin mo."
"Yep. That I am." Reigo did not even deny it. "I love
you so much, after all."
Chuckling, she glanced at Reigo. "Paano mo ako hindi
mamahalin nang sobra e mas masarap ako sa 'yo."
"A simple 'I love you too' will suffice, my Zee,"
reklamo ni Reigo sa sagot ni Zehannah sa 'I love you
so much' nito. "Come on, say it to your delicious
"Ayoko," pagmamatigas ni Zehannah.
"My Zee...!"
Tumawa lang si Zehannah saka inilabas ang cellphone sa
bag para magpadala ng text kay Fara, ang personal
secretary niya. It's the same Fara from Reigo's
company. Hiniram niya ito sa asawa niya dahil alam
niyang mapagkakatiwalaan ito at hindi na niya
ibinalik. Wala siyang balak. Fara was too efficient.
She actually wanted Oliver as her secretary as well,
but Reigo wouldn't budge.
'Hi, Fara. Could you set a meeting with me and Ren's
homeroom teacher? Looks like there's another witch
bitch in the making.'
Fara was quick to reply, 'Yes, Ma'am Zehan. You have
some free time this coming Wednesday, at two PM. Will
that do?'
'Yes. And please clear my schedule next Friday.
Wedding anniversary namin ni Reigo.'
'Yes, Ma'am Zehan. I will inform the secretarial
department of the schedule change.'
'Thank you, Fara.'
Hindi na nahintay ni Zehannah ang reply ni Fara dahil
narinig na niya ang anunsiyo ng asawa na dumating na
Zehannah looked up from her phone and saw the entrance
to the Vasquez's vast property. After five years of
coming here, she was already used to its grandiose.
Nang mai-park ni Reigo ang sasakyan, kaagad na
napansin ni Zehannah ang sasakyan ng mga magulang sa
tabi at tatlo pang sasakyan na medyo pamilyar.
"Nandito sina Papa at Papi?"
Reigo glanced at the cars next to theirs. "Are they
playing card games again? Wait... ba't ang daming
"May bisitaa ba'ng iba sina Mama maliban kina Papa at
"Come on. Let's go."
Sabay na lumabas ng sasakyan sina Reigo at Zehannah.
Kapagkuwan ay inilahad ni Reigo ang kamay sa asawa at
magkahawak-kamay ang dalawa na naglakad papasok sa
When they entered the mansion, the first thing they
saw was Reigo's father and Zehannah's parents in the
living room playing and feeding Ren while watching an
animated film.
"Oh, hey Baby Ren, looks like your dad and mom are
finally here," ani Rohan na unang nakapansin sa
Ren immediately ran towards Reigo and Zehannah with a
smile. "Mommy! Daddy!"
Kaagad na binuhat ni Reigo ang anak nang makalapit ito
sa kanila pero lumipat ito sa mga bisig ni Zehannah
Zehannah grunted at her son's weight, and Reigo
immediately supported her.
"Kiddo, you're already heavy for Mommy to carry. Let
Daddy carry you, hmm?"
"Okay." Ren kissed Zehannah's cheek before going back
to Reigo's arms and then, after pinching his father's
cheeks, Ren wiggled out of Reigo's hold and ran back
to his grandparents.
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Reigo sa anak na
naglalambitin sa leeg ng Papa ni Zehannah. "Ang sweet
talaga ng anak natin," sarkastiko nitong komento.
Zehannah just chuckled and went to greet her parents
and Reigo's father. Reigo followed suit.
"It's the weekend. We were bored," sagot ni Dan nang
tanungin ito ni Zehannah kung bakit nasa bahay ang mga
ito ng mga magulang ni Reigo. "Contessa called me and
told me she kidnapped little Ren again, so we
immediately came here to hang out. We've been here
since yesterday."
Lihim na napangiti si Zehannah. Her parents used to
avoid coming here because of how luxurious it was and
how Mama Contessa was always over the top. But now, it
looked like they had become used to it, just like her.
"Nandito ba kayo para sunduin si Ren?" tanong ni
Cameron habang kinikiliti ang naglalambitin ditong
Zehannah reached out to mess her son's hair. "Nah. Mom
called. Gusto raw kaming makausap ni Reigo."
"Speaking of Contessa, she's in her private office,"
sabad ni Rohan. "Puntahan niyo na lang."
Tumango ang mag-asawang Reigo at Zehannah at nagpaalam
saka sabay na tinungo ang pribadong opisina ng ina ni
Nang makarating sa opisina ni Contessa, saka lang
nasagutan ang tanong nina Reigo at Zehannah kanina sa
parking lot.
Other than Contessa in the single sofa, there were
other people inside. Attorney Henares was present, and
he was standing behind Contessa, so were SM Velasquez
and her butler, Jacques Sotelo, who was standing
behind SM. There were also three unfamiliar faces that
Zehannah and Reigo didn't recognize and they were all
standing behind SM's butler as if they were on guard
"Oh, great! You're here." Contessa motioned her hand
towards the long sofa. "Come in, you two. Get
Sumunod naman sina Zehannat at Reigo saka magkatabing
umupo sa mahabang sofa. Zehannah was sending SM a
questioning look, which SM only answered with a smile.
"Great!" Contessa clasped her hands together. "Now
that everyone is here, let's start. Attorney Henares,
the floor is yours."
Attorney Henares stepped forward and spoke formally.
"In front of Her Highness, Sweet Monday Lopez-
Velasquez, the first Idrytís, and the third acolyte of
the Council of the Crown, Madam Contessa Bancroft-
Vasquez, the handing over ceremony will now commence."
Both Zehannah and Reigo were confused, but they waited
for Contessa to explain what was happening.
As Attorney Henares stepped back, Contessa looked at
her son and daughter-in-law. "You may ask."
Reigo immediately did. "What's this about?"
While Zehannah's question was for SM. "You are a 'Her
SM waved her hand nonchalantly as she chuckled. "It's
just for formality's sake. I keep telling them not to
call me that, but they just wouldn't listen. So,
please, just call me SM like always, Zehan."
Tumango si Zehannah pero naguguluhan pa rin, buti
sinagot ni Contessa ang tanong ni Reigo.
"Remember the organization I mentioned that caught
Katrin and her family?" Contessa reminded them, and
when the two nodded, she continued. "That is the
Orgánosi—an organization that moves behind red tape,
subjugating syndicates, terrorists, and any wicked
organization that threatens humankind. And I am a part
of that organization as an acolyte or what you call a
helper or an avid supporter.
"My family, the Bancroft, had been an acolyte to the
Council of the Crown, which was under the first
Idrytís' family, Her Highness, Sweet Monday. Our
function in the organization is to aide them
monetarily, and we've been doing that for generations.
It is our duty to aide them and be their support for
the betterment of the world. And in this generation,
the responsibility will be passed down to you, my son
and my daughter-in-law, Zehannah. Hence, the handing
ceremony now. I cannot delay this any further since I
already retired from work three years ago. Naituro na
namin kay Zehannah ang lahat ng dapat niyang malaman
sa negosyo at maayos na rin ang kompanya ni Reigo kaya
naman hindi ko na puwede pang ipagpaliban 'to."
Zehannah was processing what she had just learned
while Reigo already had a question for SM.
"Is this... the organization that Knight is part of?"
Tumango si SM. "Yes, the same."
Finally, Zehannah's brain already processed everything
and slowly understood it. "So... you're on the good
"We try to be," SM answered with a smile, and then it
was followed by a heavy sigh. "The organization is far
from perfect. It is, after all, run by humans who make
mistakes. But we always try and give our best to fight
for everyone's peace. Unfortunately, it is a losing
battle. But we will fight until our very last breath
for our children and their future."
Zehannah's lips parted, amazed at SM's determination.
"The monetary aid we give is for the members of
Orgánosi, such as salary, technological and medical
research, facilities, firearms, ammunition, and other
necessities," Contessa added and handed Zehannah and
Reigo a handbook that explained the organization's
structure and rules. "I said salary, but the higher
echelon doesn't get paid since they're all from long
lines of royalties and powerful families."
Zehannah and Reigo accepted the handbook and, as they
read it together, they learned about the different
members of the Orgánosi. From the legal team to the
spies, to the soldiers also known as Spartans, to the
freelancers, and so much more. They also learned about
the organization's hierarchy from the Seven Bosses,
Arkhontes, Ultor's Court, and the head honchos—the
Zehannah's eyes snapped at SM. "So... you're the
leader—I mean, the Queen?"
SM smile as if embarrassed. "Please don't call me that
Zehan. SM will do."
Napakurap-kurap si Zehannah kay SM saka ngumiti.
"Damn. You're a badass, SM."
That put a sweet smile on SM's lips. "Thank you,
Zehan, but it's all thanks to the people around me,
like Madam Contessa, who's willing to help, that we
could somehow make a change, albeit a little."
"Does Dad know about this?" Reigo interject and asked
his mother.
Tumango si Contessa. "I told him after we got married
and when he learned about it, he joined in and it had
become a Bancroft-Vasquez voítheia. And now, if you
two accept, it will become Bancroft-Vasquez-Sevil
"Um..."—napangiwi si Zehannah sa narinig—"pero wala
naman akong kontribusyon sa negosyo niyo, Ma." She
just succeeded it from Contessa after all.
"How silly." Contessa clicked her tongue at Zehannah.
"You took over all of the Vasquez's businesses that my
son didn't want to absorb to his company, here in the
country and abroad. You are putting time and effort
for the Vasquez's Empire and you're telling me that
you have no contribution?" Napailing si Contessa na
parang hindi ito makapaniwala. "Zehan, you think all
those efforts you put into learning from me and Rohan
do not count? In just three years, you managed to
raise the revenue to twenty-one percent. That is
something else, Zehan!"
"That's because I want money and power to protect my
family and my husband," Zehannah answered with
determination. "I will never be put in a position
again where I couldn't even protect my Reigo."
Reigo didn't care where they were and who was with
them. He gathered his wife in his arms and kissed her
senselessly on the lips. He only pulled away when
Contessa cleared her throat.
Zehannah chuckled at that and looked at her mother-in-
law. "Ma, about this acolyte of the Council of the
Crown, I will let Reigo decide. Whatever my husband's
decision is, I will support him."
Tumango si Contessa saka tumingin ito sa anak. "Well,
son? Can you decide now, or do you need more time to
think it over?"
Umayos ng upo si Reigo saka pinagsiklop ang kamay nito
at ng asawa. "I don't need to think it over, Mom.
Knight and SM are our friends and they have helped us
a lot." Tumango si Zehannah bilang pagsang-ayon. "Not
only that, if it also meant helping people and making
the world a better place to live in for my family,
friends, and everybody else, of course, we'll continue
the legacy that the Bancroft family started."
SM beamed at Zehannah and Reigo. "Thank you so much,
Reigo, Zehan. It means a lot to us!"
Zehannah smiled back and fisted her knuckles. "I will
work hard and increase the Vasquez's Empire's revenue
to thirty percent."
Napailing si Contessa pero nakangiti pa rin. "Don't
push yourself too hard, Zehan."
"Don't worry, Ma. I won't. And anyway, I'm having so
much fun managing the Vasquez's Empire and making a
name for myself."
"So I heard." Contessa chuckled at Zehannah. "I was
called a sly and wicked fox, sometimes a 'bitch'
because of the reputation I built throughout the
years, but you, my dear Zehan, you've only taken over
for three years and they're already calling you a
"I heard the same," sabad ni SM na may nanunudyong
"That's because they don't listen. I already warned
them not to antagonize our family and to leave my
husband alone, but they just won't listen." Nagkibit-
balikat si Zehannah. "I had no choice but to use
"Whatever you say," Contessa said with a shrug then
she glanced at Attorney Henares as if giving him a
silent order.
Attorney Henares immediately moved and took out a
legal document from his attaché case and he placed it
on the center table. "This is the Idrytís and Acolyte
agreement. Please read and sign if you agreed to the
Reigo picked up the document and read it with
Zehannah. It was written in the agreement where the
money will go, the acolyte's responsibility towards
the organization, and how much influence they have as
an acolyte of the Council of the Crown.
It was a clear and concise agreement that Zehannah and
Reigo didn't feel the need to ask Attorney Henares for
Reigo and Zehannah signed the document and SM followed
suit. Then Jacques Sotelo and Contessa Vasquez signed
as witnesses before Attorney Henares sealed the
agreement with his signature and an Orgánosi's seal.
"I will process this immediately and hand each a copy
once I settle everything," ani Attorney Henares saka
ibinalik sa attaché case nito ang dokumento. "I will
take my leave now so I can start processing the
document. Please excuse me and have a good day."
After Attorney Henares bowed his head as he excused
himself. SM introduced her other companions to
everyone. It was Caless, Eros, and Vane from SM's
private army that protects her. "And you already know
Jacques, so that's about it. If you need anything, you
may contact Jacques, Cloud, Shun or my cousin Kamden.
Or you can go straight to my husband if it's an
emergency. Though if it's about the voítheia and
acolytes of the Council of Crown, you have to go to me
Zehannah and Reigo both nodded.
"And one other thing"—SM stood up and went to sit
beside Zehan, then she held Zehan's hand, surprising
Zehannah—"Zehan, please, treat me as you always do.
Kahit ano'ng mangyari, palagi mong iisipin na kaibigan
at kumare mo ako. Hindi ako ibang tao."
Lumambot ang ekspresyon ng mukha ni Zehannah bago
tumango. "Noted. Na-shock lang talaga ako ngayon."
A pleased smile stretched across SM's lips. "I'm glad.
Anyway, see you on Sweet Mint's birthday. And brace
yourself. Siguradong maglalabasan na naman ang mga
isip bata roon."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka nilingon ang asawa na
nagtataka lang na tumingin pabalik. "Panigurado. I'm
sure they'll play musical chairs again."
Malalim na napabuntonghininga si SM. "Mas
nakapagtataka kung hindi nila 'yon laruin."
Parehong mahinang natawa sina Zehannah at SM bago
nagpaalam si SM dahil may pupuntahan pa raw ito.
Zehannah and Reigo walked SM and her companions to the
parking lot while Contessa went to spoil her one and
only grandson, Ren, in the living room.
Nang makabalik sa loob sina Zehannah at Reigo,
parehong napatigil ang dalawa habang pinagmamasdan ang
anak nila na napapalibutan ng mga lolo't lola nito.
Ren looked happy and everybody had a smile on their
faces as they dotted him.
Reigo smiled at that as he wrapped his arm around
Zehannah's back. "Look, my Zee, we have such a happy
family, don't we?"
Zehannah nodded before leaning her head against
Reigo's shoulder. "Yeah. I'm glad I mustered the
courage to risk it all." She glanced at Reigo and
smiled. "You're really worth risking my everything
for, babe. I'm glad you didn't give up on me."
Sinalubong ni Reigo ang tingin ng asawa saka ngumiti
ito. "If you're glad, praise me with a kiss, my Zee."
Zehannah rolled her eyes, but she did what Reigo
asked. She praised him, kissed him hard, and then
grinned at her husband. "Now, be grateful and say
thank you, babe."
Reigo's smile widened as he pressed his lips to hers.
"Thank you, my Zee."
Zehannah smiled back. "You're very welcome, Mr.
Special Chapters + Kumu Live Alert
I adore Reigo and Zehannah that I ended up writing TEN
additional special chapters. That's how hang up I am
with their love story. The special chapter is filled
with their life after the marriage proposal. From
giving birth to Ren to the wedding. There's also "The
Council of the crown" special chapter where you will
finally meet the ten families—including Zehannah—
supporting the first Idrytís. There are also two
special chapters about Ren and others. 😉
Possessive 25: Reigo Vasquez will go live under paid
stories on October 19, 2022. Including four special
And on October 20, 2022 at 9PM, I will be on KUMU.
PS25 mood reel will be revealed for the first time
(including to me), if you're interested, come join me
in my live on KUMU (@cece_lib) and watch the reels
together. There's also a mini game where you can win
cash to buy PS25.
See you, CCBells! 🧁
SPECIAL CHAPTER: Life After Proposal
Life After Proposal
LOUNGING IN her condo, just eating, watching TV, and
doing nothing all day but wait for Reigo to come home
was not Zehannah's thing. Sanay siyang nagtatrabaho
buong maghapon at palaging abala. But ever since she
accepted Contessa's help so she could rest for her
baby and have time for Reigo, that's what she'd been
Zehannah loudly groaned as she hung her leg on the
sofa's back while lying on the sofa's seat cushion and
looking for a good movie on Netflix.
She had nothing better to do and was bored beyond
"Tangina... nakakapagod palang maging tambay,"
mahinang aniya saka malakas na napabuntonghininga at
Or is it because I'm already five months pregnant? Ah,
whatever! Ayokong mag-isip.
Her ultrasound was just around the corner. But besides
checking if their baby was healthy, there was nothing
special about it. Gusto niyang masorpresa kung babae o
lalaki ang anak niya at ganoon din si Reigo na ayaw
mag-gender reveal dahil umiiwas ito na mawalan ng
Bored na pinatay ni Zehannah ang TV saka napatitig sa
kawalan habang nag-iisip ng gagawin na makakaaliw sa
kaniya. Pero ilang minuto na siyang nakatitig sa
kisame, wala pa rin siyang maisip.
And then something suddenly came to her mind.
Parang ang sarap ng cucumber ngayon tapos i-dip sa
cream cheese.
With a sudden craving, Zehannah got up from the sofa
and went to the kitchen. Unfortunately, she couldn't
find a single freaking cucumber.
Kaagad siyang nilukob ng iritasyon pero kinalma niya
ang sarili. Ever since her third month in pregnancy,
her irritation easily goes up and down. Kung hindi
niya kokontrolin ang sarili, siguradong palaging si
Reigo ang sasalo sa inis niya.
Speaking of her delicacy boyfriend now fiancé, she was
sure that he's busy at work. Palagi kasi itong nagte-
text sa kaniya kung hindi ito abala sa trabaho. Si
Papa kaya? He's busy with work as well. Same with
That means I only have one option left since I'm
feeling lazy to go to the supermarket to buy cucumber.
Pinulot niya ang cellphone sa center table saka nahiga
sa sofa at nagpadala ng text kay Contessa.
'Ma, I want some cucumber dip in cream cheese 😭'
Contessa's reply was quick. 'On it.'
Nang mabasa ang reply ng ina ni Reigo, ibinalik ni
Zehannah ang cellphone sa ibabaw ng round table saka
naghihikab na ipinikit ang mga mata hanggang hindi
niya namalayan na nakatulog pala siya.
Nagising lang siya nang marinig ang sunod-sunod na
pag-iingay ng doorbell sa condo niya.
Groaning and feeling grumpy, she left the sofa and
went to open the door.
Outside her condo was Chef Martin carrying a plastic
bag with cucumber and cream cheese and the smiling
"Hey, daughter-in-law." Contessa cupped Zehannah's
face and then her baby bump before stepping inside and
carefully pulling Zehannah towards the sofa. "Come on.
We have the cucumber you're craving for. Chef, you're
on standby."
It was not a surprising sight for Zehannah anymore.
Ang totoo niyan, ine-expect na niya ito nang mag-text
siya rito.
Contessa was, after all, always over the top. At mas
lalong lumala ito nang malaman nitong buntis siya. She
was actually happy that Reigo's mother was dotting on
her. Ito palagi ang nalalapitan niya kapag may mga
craving siya na pagkain tapos ayaw niyang gumalaw at
wala si Reigo.
"Thanks, Ma," Zehannah said while adorably eating the
cucumber slices dipped in cream cheese on the sofa.
"May gusto ka pa bang kainin?" masuyong tanong ni
Contessa kay Zehannah habang nakaupo sa tabi nito sa
sofa at hinahawi ang buhok ni Zehannah para hindi iyon
bumagsak sa bowl na hawak nito na may lamang cucumber.
"I told you to just stay at our house. At least doon,
may kasama ka at kaagad mong makakain lahat ng gusto
Zehannah stopped munching on the cucumber and spoke
while looking down at her bowl. "It's boring as hell
here, but I like sending Reigo off in the morning and
then welcoming him back home at night. I like how his
whole face lights up when he comes home and sees me
after work. Maliban sa mga pagkain na gusto kong
kainin, ang masayang mukha ni Reigo ang pinakagusto
kong makita araw-araw."
Contessa smiled in defeat. "My son will be over the
moon if he heard you."
Nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah saka bumalik sa pagkain
ng cucumber. "Huwag mong sabihin kay Reigo, Ma. Mas
lalong lalaki ang ulo n'on at mas hahangin pa."
Tumawa si Contessa. "It runs in the Vasquez's blood."
"Ang pagiging hari ng ipo-ipo?"
"Yep." Tumango si Contessa. "Hindi lang halata pero
sobrang hangin din ng Daddy Rohan mo. Gusto ko ngang
batukan minsan, pero kung saan siya masaya," kibit-
balikat na sabi ni Contessa.
Zehannah chuckled at that as she adorably munched her
cucumber slices dipped in cream cheese.
"By the way, Zehan. Kailan mo na ikukuwento sa 'kin
kung paano ka nag-propose sa anak ko?" ungot ni
Contessa at pinisil ang pisngi ni Zehannah. "Hindi ba
sabi ko i-video mo para may alaala kayo?"
Mas bumilis ang pagkain ni Zehannah sa cucumber para
takasan ang tanong ni Contessa.
Reigo's mother had been asking Zehannah to tell her
the whole story because a woman proposing is a rare
thing, but Zehannah wouldn't budge and wouldn't say
"Bakit ba ayaw mong ikuwento sa 'kin?" nakangusong
tanong ni Contessa kay Zehannah. "Is it that hard to
tell me?"
"Yep," mabilis na sagot ni Zehannah saka nag-iwas ng
tingin. "It's personal."
"How personal?"
Contessa narrowed her eyes at Zehannah. "Daughter-in-
law, you didn't propose in an indecent way that you
couldn't take a video, did you?"
A dry laugh came out of Zehannah's lips. "What
indecent? It's not like that, Ma." Her eyes were
everywhere but Contessa.
"I can smell lies."
Zehannah didn't say anything and just continued eating
cucumber faster than earlier. She didn't want to talk
about her very innocent proposal.
Of all the things I could have done, I proposed with a
cock ring. Zehannah wanted to facepalm. Because of
that, I couldn't even tell a soul how I proposed. Same
with Reigo who would only smile if asked.
That fiancé of hers really loved the proposal though.
I guess that's what matters the most.
"Should I prepare another bowl of cucumber, Second
Madam?" kapagkuwan ay tanong ni Chef Martin nang
makita nitong naubos na ni Zehannah ang cucumber sa
bowl na dala ng mga ito. "We brought three kilos of
cucumber with us."
Malapad na nginitian ni Zehannah ang chef. Napakasaya
sa pandinig niya ang narinig. "Yes, please, Chef!"
Chef Martin immediately got to work and Zehannah
patiently waited while resting her head on Reigo's
mother's shoulder which earned a soft smile from
"Feeling ko, lolobo ako sa ginagawa ko," biglang wika
ni Zehannah pagkatapos ng mahabang katahimikan. "Wala
akong ginawa buong maghapon kundi kumain at matulog. I
do some pregnancy-friendly exercises for thirty
minutes every morning, but that's about it."
Natawa si Contessa. "Normal lang naman 'yon sa buntis.
Hangga't puwede sa 'yo at hindi makakasama sa
pagbubuntis mo, kainin mo. Rest as much as you can as
well. And you're more into fruits and vegetables than
sweets and desserts anyway, so I think it's healthy."
Humaba ang nguso ni Zehannah. "Miss ko na ang caramel
macchiato ko, Ma. Ilang buwan na akong hindi
nagkakape," maiyak-iyak na reklamo ni Zehannah.
"Pagkaanak na pagkaanak ko, 'yon talaga kaagad ang
iinumin ko!"
Contessa pinched Zehannah's nose. "You still have to
limit your caffeine intake after you give birth if you
plan on breastfeeding my grandchild."
Napahawak bigla si Zehannah sa sariling dibdib. "Did
you breastfeed Reigo, Ma?"
"Oo naman. Iba pa rin ang nutrients na naibibigay ng
breastfeeding kaysa sa formula feeding. Though it's
your choice if you want to, but I recommend it."
Since her pregnancy, Zehannah's breasts had been
swollen and sensitive. "Hmm... how long should I
breastfeed my baby, Ma?"
"Preferably one year and then you start introducing
formula feeding."
"Ibig sabihin, dalawang taon din akong hindi
makakapagtrabaho." Napahawak si Zehannah sa tiyan. "I
have to take care of my baby first."
Contessa's expression softened at what she heard.
"You'll be a great mother. I'm sure of it."
"I'll try." Zehannah yawned. "But two years... damn."
Contessa patted Zehannah's head. "Huwag kang mag-
alala, hindi ka mababakante sa dalawang taong na 'yon.
We will train you. You may not be working, but Rohan
and I will give you lessons and teach you everything
you need to know about managing a business. Para sa
pagbalik mo sa trabaho, hindi ka mangapa."
Nabuhayan bigla ng loob si Zehannah saka umayos ng upo
at tumingin kay Contessa. "Can you start teaching me
now? Wala naman akong ginagawa. Pero puwede bang dito
lang tayo sa condo ko, Ma? I still would like to wait
for Reigo after work."
"Of course. Sasamahan kita rito araw-araw at ituturo
ko sa 'yo lahat ng alam ko!"
"Thanks, Ma!"
"You're very much welcome, dear." Contessa appreciated
Zehannah even more. Zehan's dedication and
determination to learn was something Contessa admired.
And her willingness to hold off her work and career
for Reigo and their unborn child impressed Contessa
because she couldn't do it when she was pregnant with
Reigo. "Zehan, I have a question. Will you answer me?"
"Ano 'yon, Ma?"
Lumipas ang ilang segundo bago nagtanong si Contessa
na para bang iniisip nito ang tamang salita na
gagamitin bago ibuka ang bibig. "Ayos lang ba talaga
sa 'yo na tumigil muna sa pagtatrabaho? We're alike in
some way, so I was wondering." Then Contessa quickly
added, "Don't get me wrong, Zehan. I like that you're
giving my son and my grandchild your time and
effort... I'm just curious is all."
Zehannah looked straight into Contessa's eyes and in
the depths of those eyes, Contessa saw a determined
woman who already made a choice.
"Hindi ako sanay na walang ginagawa. Gusto kong
bumalik sa trabaho," panimula ni Zehannah. "Simula
noong tanggapin ko ang tulong niyo, Ma, pagkagising ko
sa umaga, naiisip ko kaagad ang agency na tinayo namin
ni Cassia. It had become my routine and part of my
life after all. Gusto kong pumasok, gusto kong
magtrabaho, at gusto kong masiguro mismo sa sarili ko
na maayos ang agency namin ni Cassia. But every time
that thought would come to mind, I always remember the
stress I experienced with Katrin. Nothing happened
with my baby back then and I'm thankful, but I'm not
going to risk my baby's life one more time. Yes, it
pains me that I'm not working and that I might not
work for the next two years, but I will be more
devastated if something to happens to my baby."
Hinaplos ni Zehannah ang tiyan habang may masuyong
ngiti sa mga labi. "Hindi lang 'yon, gusto ko ring
bigyan ng oras si Reigo. He's always considerate of me
and always thinking of me that I feel bad because of
how busy I am. So this is me trying to give back and
not just take from my Reigo. He deserved it and more."
Contessa took a while to reply after those earnest
words. "I'm really happy with myself that I supported
Zehannah tilted his head to the side. "Huh?"
Contessa chuckled at that before letting out a sigh of
relief before she playfully pinched Zehannah's cheek,
dispelling the solemn atmosphere that Zehannah's words
"It's nothing."
Magtatanong pa sana si Zehannah dahil alam niyang
hindi 'yon 'it's nothing' pero nakabalik na si Chef
Martin galing kusina dala ang isang bowl ng cucumber
Zehannah's attention immediately shifted to the
cucumber and ate it happily with the cream cheese dip
while having small talks with Contessa until Reigo's
mother bid farewell. Mukhang may importante itong
meeting dahil tinawagan ito ni Attorney Henares.
Of course, Contessa didn't leave with Chef Martin
until the chef had prepared a healthy and delicious
dinner for Zehannah and Reigo, much to Attorney
Henares' stress.
Nang makaalis ang dalawa, pinalipas ni Zehannah ang
oras sa panonood at pagtulog. Hanggang sa gumabi,
tulog pa rin si Zehannah. Nagising lang ito nang
maramdamang may humalik sa labi nito.
Smelling Reigo, Zehannah wrapped her arms around the
neck of the owner of the lips that was kissing her and
smiled as she opened her eyes.
"Hey, Mr. Delicacy."
Reigo smiled at that before placing a kiss on
Zehannah's lips again. Softly and endearingly. "How's
your day, my Zee?"
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Gusto mo samahan kita rito
bukas? I can take a day off."
Umiling si Zehannah. "It's okay. Pupuntahan na lang
kita sa opisina mo kapag bored na bored na talaga ako.
At saka 'di ba day off mo sa makalawa kasi sasamahan
mo ako sa clinic para sa ultrasound ko?"
"Oh, yeah..."
Natawa si Zehannah nang marinig sa boses ni Reigo na
naalala pa lang nito kapagkuwan ay pinisil niya ang
pisngi ng kasintahan. "Nandito si Mama kanina kasama
si Chef Martin. He cooked us dinner. Want me to set
the table?"
"Nope. I'll do it." Hinalikan siya nito sa noo saka
tumayo ito mula sa pagkakaupo sa gilid ng sofa na
kinahihigaan niya at tinungo ang kusina.
Bumangon naman si Zehannah at pinakatitigan ang
fiancé. Gumuhit ang masuyong ngiti sa mga labi niya. I
really have changed. Building a relationship and
taking a huge risk is not me, but here I am, taking
the biggest risk of my life.
Umalis si Zehannah sa sofa saka naglakad patungo sa
kusina. Naabutan niya ang kasintahan na katatapos lang
"Wait a bit, my Zee," ani Reigo nang makita siyang
pumasok sa kusina. "I'll ready the plates."
Tahimik na umupo si Zehannah saka hinintay si Reigo.
Hindi naman nagtagal ang binata at maingat nitong
inilapag ang pinggan sa harapan ni Zehannah pero wala
na sa pagkain ang isip ni Zehan.
Nakatutok iyon sa singsing na nasa gitna ng pinggan.
Zehannah knew what it was and what it meant, but she
was still dumbstruck when she saw it.
A ring—no, it's an engagement ring. A round-cut red
diamond with a halo.
"I want a ring that will show how strong, bold, and
independent you are," said Reigo from Zehannah's side.
"It took me a considerable amount of time, but I
finally found a red diamond—a rare diamond for a rare
woman like my Zee." Carefully, Reigo picked up the
ring from the plate, and then slowly, he kneeled on
one knee. "My Zehannah Sevil, will you accept this
ring as a token of my love for you?"
Zehannah already proposed, but Reigo still felt
nervous kneeling in front of the woman he loves,
waiting for her reply.
But his nervousness instantly melted away when a
radiant smile appeared on Zehannah's lips as she
offered her hand to him.
"With all my heart, babe. I accept."
Kumawala ang kanina pang pinipigil na hininga ni Reigo
at mahinang ikinatawa iyon ni Zehannah.
"Are you that nervous, babe?"
Reigo let out a shaky breath. "Y-yeah."
Zehannah chuckled but abruptly stopped when Reigo
slowly slid the ring on her finger.
It fits perfectly. Too beautiful and lavish for her
finger and truthfully, it made her uncomfortable to
wear because she knew it was an expensive item, but
Zehannah had no plan to take it off unless it was
necessary. It's a treasure. A priceless one.
Gustong umuklo ni Zehannah para halikan ang kasintahan
pero baka maipit ang tiyan niya kaya ang ginawa niya,
pinatayo niya si Reigo at tumayo na rin siya saka
inilapat ang mga labi sa labi ng kapareha.
At buong pusong tinugon ni Reigo ang halik ni Zehannah
hanggang sa ang dalaga mismo ang kumawala at mahigpit
na yumakap sa binata.
"Should I buy you an engagement ring as well as a
token of my love? It could also ward off some future
witch bitch. What do you say, babe?"
Reigo kissed the top of Zehannah's head. "Yes,
Zehannah grinned and tightened her embrace around
Reigo's neck. "Kung ganoon, bibilhan kita ng magandang
singsing. Lagyan ko ba ng pangalan ko para makita
kaagad ng susubok na aakit sa 'yo na akin ka?"
Nagbibiro lang si Zehannah pero nagkamali siya ng
biniro. Reigo would never decline being owned by
"Yes. I prefer a ring with your name on it, my Zee.
The bigger the letters, the better."
Napailing na lang si Zehannah. "You are so whipped by
me, babe."
"Yes, I am." Once again, Reigo confirmed it with no
Natawa na lang si Zehannah. Kapagkuwan ay iihiniwalay
ang katawan sa kasintahan at inaya itong kumain bago
pa lumamig ang ininit nitong niluto ni Chef Martin
para sa kanila.
Enjoying dinner and sleeping together, Zehannah had
already become accustomed to such life. She still
craved doing things alone, but she couldn't deny that
she liked it better when she's doing things with
Napatunayan niya iyon sa mga araw na nagdaan na palagi
siyang mag-isa sa condo niya at mag-isang ginagawa ang
lahat ng gusto niya.
It was scary how she changed because of Reigo. How she
challenged her own belief and made an exemption for
him. She never knew that she could love a man so
fiercely until she met Reigo and fell.
That was why even though she had doubts about
marriage, she closed her eyes and ignored it all.
Because she had no doubts about Reigo.
Was this because of love? She didn't know. But
whatever it was, it was not just her who's risking her
all in this relationship.
Reigo had been risking his all for her. And it's only
natural to do the same for him. Because why not?
Reigo was worth risking her everything for. If this is
not love, then I didn't know what is.
Little Ren
"HOW ARE YOU feeling? Are you doing fine, my Zee?
Hindi pa ba sumasakit ang tiyan mo? The water, is it
still intact? Are you not feeling tired? Feverish?
Hungry? Wait, you're not in labor now, are you?!"
Zehannah sighed before flatly replying to her fiancé
who's on the other line of the call. "Alam mo, Reigo,
kung kukulitin mo lang naman pala ako sa phone, hindi
ka na lang sana pumasok sa trabaho."
"...I have an important meeting I can't cancel." He
sounded so dejected.
"Precisely! 'Yon ang asikasuhin mo." Zehannah clicked
her tongue. "And stop worrying, will you? Oo nga't
kabuwanan ko na pero next week pa naman ang due ko.
I'm fine. At saka nandito ako sa bahay nina Papi kaya
bumalik ka na sa trabaho mo, okay? Bye."
"My Zee—"
Pinatay ni Zehannah ang tawag habang lukot ang mukha.
"He's just worried about you, 'nak."
Mas lalong nalukot ang mukha ni Zehannah. "Okay lang
naman ako. He's worrying too much. Kasama ko naman
kayo ni Papa at saka one call away lang sina Mama at
"Even so, Zehan. Normal lang na mag-alala si Reigo sa
Hindi na sumagot si Zehannah saka patagilid na humaba
sa mahabang sofa. Napailing naman si Dan at tinungo
ang kapareha na nasa kusina. "Cam, inaatake na naman
ang anak natin."
Mahinang natawa lang si Cameron. "Buntis e."
Napabuntonghininga si Dan. "Ilang linggo na niyang
palaging inaaway si Reigo at dito siya palagi sa bahay
natutulog kung hindi siya nandoon kina Contessa. Hindi
lang 'yon, she refused to have a wedding before and
after giving birth. Ako ang naaawa kay Reigo sa
pinaggagagawa ng anak natin."
With a soft smile, Cameron gathered his partner in his
arms and kissed him on the forehead. "Love, stop
fretting and let them be. They're going to be fine.
Zehannah faced her fear and bravely proposed to Reigo.
Sigurado akong hindi 'yon gagawin ng anak natin kung
hindi niya kayang panindigan 'yon. This is just
Dan sighed and rested his head on Cameron's shoulder.
"Fine. I'll do my best not to meddle—"
Bago pa matapos ni Dan ang sasabihin, narinig nila ang
boses ni Zehannah mula sa pintuan ng kusina.
"Papa, Papi, sa tingin ko manganganak na ako," ani
Zehannah sa kalmadong boses habang nakahawak sa hamba
ng pintuan ng kusina. "Look"—tinuro nito ang binti—"my
water broke."
Dan and Cameron felt like a bomb exploded in front of
them. After a second of being shocked, they panicked.
Especially Dan.
"Holy... fuck!" Dan didn't know what to do first, but
his mouth was already firing orders at Cameron. "Cam,
stop cooking and go get the car...! Ready the car!
Hurry!" With shaky, cold hands, Dan looked for his
phone to call Contessa while Cameron was running to
the garage.
Meanwhile, the pregnant woman just shrugged and
started walking back to the living to get her phone so
she could call Reigo.
"Zehannah! What do you think you're doing?!" Dan
bellowed in anger and panic. "Why the hell are you
walking around?!"
Nilingon ni Zehannah ang ama. "Um... babalik ako sa
Pinanlakihan siya ng mata ng ama. "Zehannah Sevil!
Don't you dare move and wait for your Papa!"
Napaigtad si Zehannah sa lakas ng boses ng Papi niya
habang may kausap ito sa cellphone nito. Pero dahil
hindi niya maintindihan kung bakit nagpa-panic ang ama
niya, naglakad pa rin siya pabalik sa salas.
"Zehannah Sevil!" Sumigaw na naman ang ama niya na
nagpatigil sa kaniya sa paglalakad. "I told you to
stay put, didn't I?!"
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah saka bagsak ang
balikat na hindi gumalaw sa kinatatayuan. She really
didn't understand why her parents were panicking over
her water breaking. She could still walk, really. I
mean, yeah, there's pain like no other, but I'm fine
though. Nothing to worry about.
Napaayos ng tayo si Zehannah nang makita ang Papa niya
na namumutlang naglalakad patungo sa kaniya.
"Bubuhatin kita," anang Papa niya. "I'll be very
careful so trust me, okay?"
Pigil ni Zehannah ang matawa habang pangko siya ng ama
at maingat itong naglalakad patungo sa sasakyang
inihanda nito.
"Papa, 'yong phone ko..." aniya nang mapadaan sila sa
salas. "Kailangan kong tawagan si Reigo—"
"No. Use my phone instead. We cannot be delayed,"
istrikto pero namumutla pa rin nitong sabi saka mas
binilisan pa ang paglalakad na para bang
nakikipagkarera ito.
"Papa, baka matapilok ka sa ginagawa mo at mabitawan
mo ako—"
Immediately, Cameron walked slowly as if tiptoeing.
"Papa, malaki ang posibilidad na manganak ako sa
sasakyan sa bagal mo."
Without a word, her father's walk hastened.
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Zehannah dahil hindi
niya alam ang gagawin sa ama niya. Hindi na lang siya
nagsalita hanggang sa maiupo siya nito sa backseat ng
"Papa, your phone, please," aniya nang nasa driver's
seat na ang ama. Hinihintay nila ang Papi niya na
naririnig niyang nagmamadlai sa loob ng bahay nila.
"Oh, yeah." From his pocket, her father handed her his
Nag-aalalang napatitig si Zehannah sa ama. "Pa, ayos
ka lang ba?"
It seemed like her father finally realized his
mistake. He cussed and hurriedly put his wallet back
in his pocket and then he handed her his phone.
While calling Reigo's phone number, her Papi arrived
and they were off to the hospital. Both her parents
were clearly pale and panicking, but Zehannah was
"Pa, may nangyari ba kay Zee ko?" 'Yon kaagad ang
tanong ni Reigo nang sagutin nito ang tawag niya gamit
ang cellphone ng Papa niya.
Zehannah couldn't help smiling. "Babe, it's me."
"Oh. Hey, Zee—"
"May sasabihin ako. Don't panic—"
"Don't start a conversation with 'don't panic' because
that'll make me panic even more, my Zee!"
Napangiwi si Zehannah sa sakit nang bigla na lang
humilab ang tiyan niya pero patuloy pa rin siyang
nakipag-usap kay Reigo kahit nakikita niyang mas
namutla lalo ang mukha ng Papi niya nang makita nito
mula sa passenger seat ang pagngiwi niya at pabulong
na pag-igik dahil sa sakit.
"Zehannah!" Her Papi was panicking again.
"I'm fine, Papi." Then she returned her attention to
Reigo on the other line. "Babe, my water broke. We're
on the way to the hospital now. See yah."
From the other line, Zehannah heard a loud thud. As if
something fell.
Shuffling sounds and hurried footsteps later, Reigo
answered, breathless. "I'm canceling all my
appointments and will come to you. I'll be there. I
promise. Dadaanan ko lang sa condo ang mga gamit na
hinanda natin."
Zehannah smiled at that. "Thank you, babe. Anyway, you
didn't drop your phone, did you?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Good thing you didn't
pass out, huh?"
"I would never...!"
Tumawa lang si Zehannah. "Okay. Okay. See yah, babe."
"Yeah." Reigo breathed in and out. "Be careful."
"Hmm. Bye."
She ended the call and looked outside the car as a way
to distract herself from the pain she was experiencing
at the moment. Zehannah felt like she was being ripped
apart, but she stayed calm. Nothing will change even
if she shouted in pain. Mas lalo lang na magpa-panic
ang dalawa niyang ama na hanggang sa mga sandaling
'yon ay maputlang-maputla pa rin.
"'Nak, kumusta ang pakiramdam mo? Ayos ka lang ba?"
Zehannah wanted to grimace in pain, but she smiled for
her Papi. "I'm okay, Papi. Don't worry."
Kahit papaano, bumalik-balik na ang kulay sa mukha ng
Papi niya. At nang makarating sila sa ospital, medyo
kalmado na ang dalawa.
Zehannah was immediately assisted and taken care of
when they arrived. She was taken to a labor room from
the emergency room. The nurses checked her vital
signs, and the baby's heartbeat and monitored her
contractions while examining her vagina to see how far
her cervix had dilated. All those were carefully
performed while waiting for Doc Czarina who had
already been informed.
In the labor room, she had her parents with her who
were both pale as a sheet. The relief on their faces
was so palpable when Mama Contessa and Daddy Rohan
"W-we don't know what to do." Dan exhaled and showed
Contessa and Rohan his notes on the phone. "Pero ini-
note namin lahat ang sinabi ng nurse na nandito
kanina. They're monitoring her contraction—whatever
that is... it sounds important."
Contessa took a deep breath and pointed the door. "All
of you, go outside, breath, and calm down. You're all
white as a ghost. Ako na ang bahala muna kay Zehannah.
Kapag dumating si Reigo, pakalmahin niyo muna bago
papasukin dito. Baka mahimatay 'yon. Masasakal ko
The three men listened and stepped out.
"How are you, dear?" Contessa immediately asked
Zehannah after Dan, Cameron, and Rohan left. "How are
you feeling right now?"
Napangiwi si Zehannah. "Nakakatangina ang sakit, Ma."
Tinuyo ni Contessa ang pawis ni Zehannah sa mukha at
leeg gamit ang panyo nito saka masuyong nginitian ang
dalaga. "Nag-uumpisa pa lang 'yan. It's going to get
worse as your cervix dilates, but I know you can do
Tumango si Zehannah habang patagilid na nakahiga. "Ang
sakit talaga... tangina."
Contessa couldn't do anything but stay by Zehannah's
side for moral support.
Biglang bumukas ang pintuan ng labor room at pumasok
doon ang nakangiting doktora. It was Doc Czarina and
she was holding a chart and reading it as she walked
to the bed. "Hi, Zehan! How are you doing, girl?"
Somehow, Czarina's liveliness was distracting Zehannah
from the pain. "I'm okay..."
Ibinigay ni Doc Czarina ang chart na hawak nito sa
nurse na kasama saka ipinosisyon nito ang sarili sa
paanan ni Zehannah.
"I'm going to check your cervix dilation."
Zehannah just nodded and watched Doc Cza as she put on
clean gloves and do her thing.
"Hmm... 4cm," Doc Czarina murmured after a little
while. "I'll monitor your dilation after every few
hours. From here on out, as your cervix opens, the
contraction will be longer, stronger, and closer
together so my advice is to stand up and walk. It'll
help a lot."
Tumango si Zehannah dahil nabasa na niya na
makakatulong ang paglalakad habang nasa labor stage
siya. "Thanks, Doc Cza."
Doc Cza gave her a wide smile. "Anytime, Zehan.
Pumapangalawa ka sa mga Amazona na kalmado kapag
Natawa si Zehannah. "Wala namang magbabago kahit
magwala ako sa sakit."
"Hmm. SM said the same thing. Anyway, 'di ba tinext ko
naman na sa 'yo ang mga kailangan mong ihanda?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Dadaanan daw ni Reigo sa condo.
He's on his way."
"Good. Anyway, start walking, but don't push yourself.
Nurse Agnes here will come to visit every thirty
minutes to check up on you, but I will also monitor
you so don't worry."
Zehannah nodded and thanked Czarina again.
Nang makalabas ang doktora, walang imik na bumangon si
Zehannah at nag-umpisang maglakad-lakad sa kabuoan ng
labor room. Contessa was beyond stunned when she saw
Zehannah walking without complains because when she
was pregnant with Reigo, her complaints were endless.
Especially the pain.
"Doc Czarina said not to push yourself, Zehan,"
paalala ni Contessa sa dalaga.
Holding her big and round stomach, Zehannah continued
walking. "Walking helps to hasten the labor period,
and I don't want Reigo to worry and suffer that long
if I could help it."
When it comes to Reigo, she becomes soft and caring.
Contessa thought as she smiled inwardly. "Rumurupok ka
talaga pagdating sa anak ko, Zehan."
Marahan natawa si Zehannah. "What can I do, Ma? I love
your son."
Contessa just smiled and watched Zehannah while she
walked around the labor room so she could immediately
offer aid if Zehannah needed it. But Zehannah looked
so calm that Contessa was asking herself if she really
was in labor. Yes, Zehannah would stop walking and
grimaced from time to time, but that was it.
"This is boring." Contessa slumped in her seat. "I
thought you'd be shouting and cursing my son to
Zehannah just chuckled and continued walking around
until the door to the labor room opened and Reigo
stepped in.
"Zee..." Worry was evident on his face.
"Sa labas lang ako," ani naman ni Contessa. "I need to
calm those three outside."
Zehannah nodded at Reigo's mother as Zehannah watched
Reigo looking pale and like a mess. His hair and
clothes were disheveled. And he looked like he had
been through a lot.
"Ano'ng nangyari sa 'yo?" tanong ni Zehannah sa binata
saka biniro ito. "Mahangin sa labas?"
Walang imik na basta na lang siyang sinugod ng yakap
ng binata at huminga ito nang maluwang nang nasa bisig
na siya nito.
"Just one more minute," he pleaded. "I was so
"I'm fine, see?" She hugged him back and then softly
patted his back. "Nothing to worry about."
Reigo let go of Zehannah and his eyes looked down at
her stomach. "H-how are you feeling?" As if he was too
afraid to ask that.
Zehannah smiled teasingly at Reigo to erase the panic
from his face. "Aww, my babe is worried about me.
Careful though, baka mahimatay ka. Ipapaalala ko lang,
sa 'ting dalawa, ako ang nasa labor."
Reigo's panic-stricken face disappeared as he narrowed
his eyes on Zehannah and pinched her cheek. "As I keep
telling you, it's not going to happen."
Zehannah just smiled and continued teasing Reigo.
"Nabitawan mo nga ang cellphone mo kanina kahit nasa
labor pa lang ako—"
Nalukot ang mukha ni Reigo. "The woman I love and the
mother of my child is in the hospital and in labor. Of
course, I'll panic and be worried."
Zehannah playfully poked Reigo's cheek. "Aww. Mr.
Delicacy looks pissed."
That irritated Reigo even more, making Zehannah
chuckle. Seeing Reigo really annoyed, she stopped and
went to sit on the bed.
Kaagad na nawala ang iritasyon sa mukha ni Reigo at
napalitan 'yon ng pag-aalala. "Are you okay, my Zee?
Is something the matter?"
Umiling si Zehannah. "Just resting."
"You sure?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yep. Anyway, dinala mo ba 'yong
mga gamit ni baby?"
Tumabi si Reigo ng upo kay Zehannah sa higaan. "Hmm.
Pinaiwan sa 'kin ni Papi nang nadaanan ko sila sa
labas. I also brought all the things you need, not
just the baby. Some beddings, change of clothes, and
your personal hygiene kit. Dinala ko rin 'yong libro
na binabasa mo noong isang araw. The business strategy
book, just in case you need it—"
Napatigil sa pagsasalita si Reigo nang maramdamang
humilig ang ulo ni Zehannah sa balikat nito.
"My Zee?"
"Are you really okay?"
"Oo naman." Zehannah closed her eyes. She felt
peaceful staying close to Reigo like this. "Babe?"
"I have a request."
Inihanda kaagad ni Reigo ang sarili. "If I can grant
it, I will."
Napangiti si Zehannah bago pinagsiklop ang kamay
nilang dala. "It's a burdensome request, to be
Nag-uumpisa nang kabahan si Reigo pero pinakalma nito
ang sarili. "Tell me."
"Um... puwede bang hintayin muna nating makapaglakad
ang anak natin bago tayo magpakasal?"
Reigo immediately opened his mouth to reject the
request, but words wouldn't come out of his mouth.
"I want our baby to be a part of our marriage
ceremony," Zehannah continued. "You know how much I
dislike marriage. I'm only making an exception because
it's you and I love you. That's why I want our baby to
be part of it. Wouldn't it be nice to be with our baby
on that special day? It'll be amazing for sure."
Reigo didn't know how to answer. Gusto na niyang
makasal silang dalawa ni Zehannah. As fast as
possible. But the idea of their baby joining them on
that special day was also tempting. But that means I
have to wait again. For a couple of years.
Umayos ng upo si Zehannah nang hindi umimik si Reigo
at humarap dito ang dalaga.
Zehannah could see how conflicted he looked.
"So it's a no?"
Reigo let out an exasperated breath. "As if I can say
no to you...but"—he looked down at their intertwined
hands—"I'm scared, Zee. What if something happened and
you realized you don't want to marry me, after all? I
know for a fact that you're not the type of person
who'll stay just for the sake of our baby."
"I'll stay," Zehannah said in a matter-of-fact voice.
"Because there is no other man who will understand and
love me like you do, Reigo. I know that for a fact.
And I also share the same fear as you. Paano kung
magbago ang isip mo? Paano ako? Pero mas nangingibabaw
sa 'kin ang kagustuhan na makasama ang anak natin sa
araw na 'yon."
"We can have a second wedding," Reigo suggested.
"It's not the same."
Reigo let out a loud breath. "Fine. Let's compromise.
I have a request as well in return for yours."
"Okay. I'm listening." Zehannah was all ears.
"Gusto kong ako ang mag-asikaso sa kasal natin," ani
Reigo at bakas ang determinasyon sa mga mata nito.
"You will let me do anything I want and spend however
much money I want at our wedding. You will not stop
me, and you will not chastise me for spending too much
money on our wedding for the rest of our lives. And
you will also help me—no, it will be your job to stop
my mother from interfering. And if Mom interfered,
even if it's minuscule, you will marry me in a
heartbeat. How's that for compromise, my Zee?"
Humaba ang nguso ni Zehannah. "You really think I can
stop Mom?"
Reigo shrugged and smiled innocently. "Deal or no
Zehannah sighed heavily before pressing her lips
against Reigo and said, "Deal."
Reigo's innocent smile turned into a wide grin. "I'm
finally allowed to give you the wedding you deserve."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "You have a year or two to
prepare. I think our baby will be able to walk by
then." A grin stretched across Zehannah's lips. "I
can't wait to see our baby walk down the aisle. I'm
sure our little Ren will be very cute."
"IF... and only IF, Mom did not interfere."
Inirapan ni Zehannah ang kapareha. "Gagawin ko ang
lahat hindi lang mangyari 'yon. I'm determined to be
with my baby on our special day."
Ngumisi si Reigo. "Good luck with that."
Zehannah clicked her tongue and pinched Reigo's cheek
hard. "Sa binabalak mong kasal, you'll need months or
even a year of preparation for that. So be grateful
and say thank you if I could stop Mom from
Reigo just smiled and pressed his lips against
Zehannah but a few seconds later, Zehannah jerked
away, grimacing.
"My Zee...!"
"I'm okay," mabilis na sabi ni Zehannah saka tumayo
ito pagkatapos huminga nang malalim. "I'll walk around
"Need help with that?" he offered.
Nakangiting umiling si Zehannah. "I can manage. Dito
lang naman ako maglalakad-lakad."
Reigo nodded and just watched Zehannah walk around.
And when it's time for a short rest, he and Zehannah
would share small talks about their baby and their
wedding details. Zehannah would then resume walking
again until she got tired and repeat the process
"How's our Zehan?" Cameron asked Reigo when he stepped
out from the labor room and his mother stepped inside
as his replacement so they wouldn't leave Zehannah
alone inside.
"Nakatulog din siya," sagot ni Reigo habang kaharap
ang mga magulang ni Zehannah at ang ama niya na nasa
waiting area malapit sa labor room. "Doc zarina said
her cervix dilation is 6cm now—whatever that is—all I
know is that it won't be long now."
"Thank God." Nakahinga nang maluwang sina Cameron at
"By the way, Reigo"—tinuro ni Rohan sa anak ang
hallway patungong delivery room—"your friends are
here. Kanina pa sila rito."
Reigo nodded and excused himself to go see his
friends. Hindi na niya kailangan pang magtanong. Alam
kaagad niya kung nasaan ang mga baliw niyang kaibigan.
Reigo stopped in front of a room near the delivery
room with a rectangular nameplate. But instead of the
doctor's name and the words 'the doctor is in', the
words written were 'Occupied by UPMC. Here for moral
Reigo frowned at that. "UPMC? What's that?"
Sa halip na pumasok, pinaningkitan niya ang apat na
letra habang nag-iisip, pero walang pumasok sa isip
niya kaya nagdesisyon siyang pumasok sa loob para
Only to be surprised.
Few boxes of pizzas. Candies. Chips. Cola. Ice cream.
Cake. Chocolate. And someone even brought a game
Reigo didn't know what to say, so he just joined in
and started eating pizza with cola. He didn't really
eat these kinds of food because of how unhealthy they
were but he was feeling stressed, so... yeah. He's
"How's the fiancée?" Cali asked.
Biglang nawalan ng gana si Reigo nang maalala ang
lagay ng kasintahan. "Labor."
"Ilang mura na ang natanggap mo, bud?" tanong ni Dark.
Umiling si Reigo. "Nothing."
"Lucky bastard!"
Half of the lunatics couldn't believe it, but Reigo
just shrugged. "By the way, what's UPMC?"
"Oh, that?" Iuhence grinned smugly. "It stands for
Understanding Possessive Men's Club."
Train grimaced. "Magbayad ka muna ng utang mo bago ka
magmalaki riyan. And UPMC is Zapanta's idea, you
thick-skinned motherfucker."
As usual, Iuhence pretended like he didn't hear Train
at all.
At dahil sanay na sila kina Iuhence at Train, hinayaan
ng lahat ang dalawa maliban kay Zapanta na siyang
tagapamagitan sa dalawa.
"So, kailan daw lalabas ang baby niyo?" tanong ni
Shun. "By the way, pinapasabi ni Calderon na hindi
siya makakapunta ngayon. Ilang buwan pa lang simula
nang manganak ang asawa niya. I think he's still busy
being a new dad and all."
"Yeah. And Sanford said he'll visit some other time,"
ani naman ni Knight. "May duty raw siya."
"And Oliveros is busy. May quints ba naman," ani Cali.
"Nasa court si Yilmaz," sabad ni Dark. "Bibisita na
lang daw siya sa susunod na araw."
Reigo just shrugged and didn't make it into a big
deal. Alam ng lahat, kahit siya na palaging MIA, na
kapag may hindi nakapunta sa mga ganitong pagtitipon,
siguradong may dahilan ang mga 'yon.
"Lysander called earlier, by the way," dagdag ni Shun.
"Gabi sa Seattle kaya natulog kaagad ang gago
pagkatapos tumawag para manuyo na i-update na lang daw
siya kapag nanganak na ang fiancée mo."
"Your fiancée will be fine," Stroam said sounding
sure. "My wife will not let anything happen to her."
"I know..." Huminga nang malalim si Reigo. "Pero nag-
aalala pa rin ako."
"That's normal," sabad ni Phoenix.
"Yeah," Reigo said and everyone continued conversing
while he just listened. He didn't need to participate
in the conversation. Just having these crazy people
making noise was enough. Kahit papaano, kumalma siya
at nabawasan ang pag-aalala niya.
After a while, he stood up. "Balik na ako sa labor
"We're just here." Dark waved his hand. "If you need
anything, just holler."
Everyone nodded in agreement with Dark, and Reigo just
waved his hand back as he exited the room.
Nang makalabas siya, kaagad siyang bumalik sa labor
Zehannah was already awake and talking to his mother.
She didn't look like she was in labor, to be honest.
"How are you feeling?" he asked as he neared her and
kissed her temple.
"I'm okay."
"Nakatulog ka ba nang maayos?"
"A little."
"Mom"—bumaling siya sa ina—"matagal pa ba?"
"Kagagaling lang dito ni Dra. Czarina. They're already
readying the delivery room. It won't be long now."
Pinagsiklop ni Reigo ang kamay nila ni Zehannah at
tumingin siya sa mga mata ng kapareha. "Hindi kita
masasamahan sa loob ng delivery room pero nandito lang
ako. Hihintayin kita at ang anak natin sa labas."
Tumango si Zehannah. "I know. I'll be fine."
Contessa dried Zehannah's sweat on the forehead with a
handkerchief. "Nandito lang kami, Zehan. Hihintayin ka
Zehannah nodded and smiled to not worry the people
around her. She was calm even though her contractions
were getting more painful by the minute. And to hide
the pain and distract herself, she shared a small talk
with Reigo and Contessa to pass the time until Doc Cza
came in.
"Full cervical dilation," Doc Cza announced after
checking Zehannah. "The delivery room is ready. I'll
send a stretcher for you." Then Doc Cza offered her a
grin. "Let's do this, Zehan! I'll do everything I can
to keep you and the baby safe."
Zehannah nodded and everything happened so fast after
that. She was put on the stretcher with Reigo's help
and then she was wheeled into the delivery room where
she experienced pain and exhaustion like no other.
Meanwhile, outside the delivery room, in the waiting
area, Dan, Cameron, Contessa, Rohan, and Reigo were
all worried.
And seeing how Reigo looked so pale and close to
passing out in worry, the lunatics dragged Reigo to
the UPMC room and distracted him.
"Sayawan ba natin si Reigo ng Jumbo Hotdog tulad ng
sinayaw natin sa party ni Calderon?" tanong ni Calyx.
"Naaalala ko pa ang steps n'on."
"Agreed. Let's dance!" Knight was already in position.
"Come on! Play Jumbo Hotdog!"
Valerian pinched Knight's ear. "Stop being noisy, you
motherfucker! What Reigo needs is fucking peace and
"Nope. He needs to be distracted, best friend!"
"Let's just play some games," Lander suggested as he
pointed at the game console.
"Karaoke kaya?" tanong ni Khairro na kadarating lang.
"May karaoke app ako rito, o. Come on! Let's sing!"
"May pampalakas ng loob ba na kanta riyan?" usisa ni
Dark. "'Yong kanta na bibigyan ka ng lakas para hindi
"I'll look." Khairro took it upon himself to search
for such a song seriously.
One by one, everyone in the room started suggesting
what to do to distract Reigo, but the man of the hour
was just silently sitting there in the corner and
stress eating. Hanggang sa may nurse na lang na
dumating at nag-imporma kay Reigo na nanganak na si
Zehannah, hindi pa rin tapos sa pagbibigay ng
suggestion ang mga baliw.
"Oh," Dark said dryly. "So much for our efforts. That
was quick."
Ngumiti ang nurse. "Ilang push lang ang ginawa ni
Ma'am Zehannah, lumabas kaagad si baby."
Mabilis na tumayo si Reigo at lumabas. Nang makarating
siya sa waiting room malapit sa delivery room, nakita
niyang umiiyak sa saya ang mga magulang nila ni
Zehannah. And when everyone saw him, they hugged him,
and his mother announced the gender of the baby.
"It's a healthy baby boy, son."
Reigo felt like all the strength in his body left and
his body dropped on the sofa as relief washed through
him. My Zee is safe and so is our baby. Thank God.
Thank God.
He felt a lump in his throat thinking about his soon-
to-be wife and his son. And as he continued planning
his future with Zehannah and their son in mind, the
word family filled his mind and tears just fell from
his eyes. It was so out of the blue that it even
stunned Reigo when he felt his tears fall.
It was tears of happiness that he couldn't contain or
express. And his tears just kept falling until he felt
a pat on his back.
It was his father.
"Be a good father and a husband, son, and nothing
could go wrong. From now on, you must keep working
hard not only for your sake but also for theirs. These
are the words of my father when you came into the
world. And now, I'm passing it to you."
He looked up to his father. "Is this what you felt
when Mom gave birth to me?"
Rohan smiled at Reigo and nodded. "You'll cry even
harder once you hold him in your arms."
"Did you?"
"Of course. You're my only son after all."
Reigo chuckled and dried his tears. "Thanks, Dad.
You're the best."
Rohan messed Reigo's hair and hid the intense emotion
inside him with a smile. Hearing his son, Reigo,
saying those words to him, he felt like he achieved
something amazing in life and he felt like he did good
as a father. Pa, I did well, right? I raised your
grandson well.
Rohan blinked and patted his son's shoulder. "Doc
Czarina informed us that Zehannah will be wheeled into
her room in a few minutes. Get ready and be there for
That's when the lunatics appeared with black trash
bags. They might've cleaned the room before leaving.
"Hey, bud. We're leaving, but we'll be back soon."
Tumango lang si Reigo saka nauna na sa pribadong
kuwarto na ookupahin ni Zehannah dala ang mga gamit na
dinaanan niya sa condo ni Zehannah.
The first thing he did was to make the bed with the
bedding he brought and made sure that everything was
clean. And just a few moments later, Zehannah was
wheeled-in, and he volunteered to move his Zee from
the stretcher to the bed.
Behind the nurses were his parents and Zehannah's. And
everyone was present as Doc Czarina told them the
things to do once Zehannah woke up.
"Then, we'll leave Zehan to you, Reigo," ani Contessa
nang makalabas ang doktora at nurse sa hospital room
ni Zehannah. "I will ask the chef to prepare the
healthiest food for Zehan."
"Mom, please don't overdo it."
Ngumiti lang ang ina niya na ikinailing ni Reigo.
"I'll try to stop her, but I'm not promising," Rohan
said to Reigo before he followed Contessa.
Meanwhile, Dan and Cameron were also getting ready to
"Kailangan naming linisan ang salas," ani Dan habang
hinahaplos ang buhok ni Zehannah. "Nagkalat ang dugo
ro'n ni Zehan."
"We also need to freshen up," dagdag ni Cameron.
"We'll be back later with food for Zehan as well."
Tumango si Reigo. "Thanks, Papa, Papi."
Cameron and Dan kissed Zehannah on the forehead before
stepping out of the room, leaving Reigo alone with
Looking at his Zee, Reigo sat on the edge of the bed
and held his Zee's hand. He stayed like that, just
holding his Zee's hand and staying by her side, until
he heard a noise from outside, and the door to
Zehannah's private hospital room opened.
Before Reigo could ask, a nurse wheeled in a
rectangular glass bassinet with a baby inside. And he
couldn't take his eyes off the baby. He was a little
chubby, but still very tiny and fragile. And at that
moment, he felt a strong urge to protect his son from
everyone who means harm and to provide him with
everything he would ever need.
"Ren..." he muttered under his breath and reached out
his hand to touch his son's tiny hands. "My son..."
A smile stretched along his lips when he thought that
he and his Zee made a life together and that life was
now in front of him. Tears welled up from his eyes
again. So tiny, soft, and fragile. "My little Ren, I
will do my best to raise you well."
"...I'm sure he'll grow up spoiled."
Mabilis na napabaling si Reigo kay Zehannah nang
marinig ang mahina at parang pagod na boses ng
kapareha. "My Zee...!" He dried his tears and gave all
his attention to the love of his life. "How are you
feeling? You look exhausted."
Zehannah gave Reigo a reassuring smile. "Napagod lang
ako pero ayos lang naman ang pakiramdam ko ngayon. I
just need a little rest. By the way, where is
Kahit paano, nabawasan ang pag-aalala ni Reigo. "They
all went home to rest, clean up, and prepare something
good for you. Oh, by the way, my Zee, sabi n'ong nurse
na pagkatapos mong makapagpahinga nang maayos, kung
balak mong i-breastfeed si Ren, puwede na raw."
Zehannah was exhausted and her whole body was sore all
over, but she still managed to get up and sit on the
bed even how much Reigo pleaded for her to rest.
"Our baby needs it, Reigo," ani Zehannah saka sinuyo
ang binata na kunin si Ren para i-breastfeed ito.
It was a little bit painful and very uncomfortable
breastfeeding Ren the first time, but Zehannah
continued until it somehow became bearable.
"Look at this little guy." Reigo softly poked Ren's
cheek while feeding. "Already stealing his mama's
breast from me."
Zehannah looked at Reigo flatly. "Really? In front of
our baby?"
Reigo just chuckled and caressed Ren's cheek with the
back of his forefinger. "Looks like I don't have a
choice but to share your breast with this little one,
my Zee."
Zehannah just sighed at Reigo. "Stop being a horny
bastard for once, Reigo."
Nagkibit-balikat lang si Reigo saka tahimik at may
masuyong ekspresyon ang mukha na pinagmasdan ang mag-
ina niya. "I have already given up on having a family
after I've been cheated on countless times, but here
we are. A family." He looked at his Zee who was also
looking at him. "Thank you, my Zee. For being with me,
for choosing me, for fighting for me, and for giving
birth to Ren."
Zehannah stared back at Reigo for a long while before
she widely smiled. "I love you, that's why. Now be
grateful and say thank you."
Reigo chuckled. "Thank you, my Zee."
"You're very much welcome, Mr. Delicacy."
Reigo grinned. "So... how about a second baby?"
Kaagad na nawala ang ngiti sa mga labi ni Zehannah.
"Gusto mong masapak ng spatula?"
Tumawa lang si Reigo saka hinalikan sa noo ang mag-ina
niya. Kapagkuwan ay nakipagkasundo siya sa anak niya
na wala pang kamuwang-muwang sa mundo na pagsamantala
lang nitong hihiramin ang dede ng ina dahil sa kaniya
naman talaga 'yon.
And Zehannah just shook her head and sighed at Reigo.
Wala na talang pag-asa itong magiging asawa ko.
Oh, well. It was a part of his charms.
My Reigo is already perfect the way he is. And I
wouldn't want him any other way.
SPECIAL CHAPTER: Bachelorette Party
Bachelorette Party
Zehannah and Reigo made a compromise about their
wedding just before she gave birth to their son.
Zehannah had a request, and Reigo made a request of
his own—Zehannah wanted their baby to be at their
wedding, and in return, Reigo wanted to handle the
wedding plans without interference from anyone,
especially Reigo's mother.
Two years later, Ren, their son, could already run by
himself and was already causing havoc—which meant, it
was time to get married. But Reigo hadn't brought up
their wedding for months now.
It should have bothered her by now, but she trusted
Unfortunately, her soon-to-be mother-in-law didn't
share the same feelings as her. Contessa was bothered
and the only reason Contessa was not doing anything
was because she promised Zehannah that she would never
interfere with Reigo. In return, Zehannah will be
Contessa's business successor after Zehannah and
Reigo's wedding.
"Wala pa rin bang sinasabi sa 'yo ang anak ko?" parang
hindi mapakaling tanong ni Contessa kay Zehannah.
Nasa salas ang dalawa sa bahay ni Reigo sa Bachelor's
Village. Doon tumira sina Reigo at Zehannah pagkatapos
manganak ni Zehannah kay Ren.
"I know I shouldn't interfere, but I could ask, right,
Hinaplos ni Zehannah ang buhok ng anak na nakadapang
natutulog sa dibdib niya habang nakahiga siya sa
mahabang sofa. "Ma, let's chill—"
"How could I?" Pabagsak na naupo si Contessa sa pang-
isahang sofa. "Ren is already walking. Ano pa ang
hinihintay niya? Siya itong atat na atat magpakasal
tapos biglang parang walang nangyari?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah dahil kitang-kita niya ang
stress sa mukha ng ina ni Reigo. "Ma, it's fine. Maybe
my Reigo is probably just busy."
Contessa narrowed her eyes at Zehannah. "Zehan, are
you not even a little bit bothered?"
Zehannah shrugged as she continued caressing her son's
hair. "Reigo still looks at me the same way, Ma. Hindi
pa rin nagbabago 'yon hanggang ngayon kaya hindi ako
Contessa sighed at Zehannah. "Not even a bit?"
Zehannah nodded. "My Reigo always comes home on time
from work. He's constantly texting me where he was and
what he's doing without me asking. He would always
inform me if he's busy and couldn't text back. He had
been doing that since we started living together. If I
start doubting him after doing all that, it would be
unfair for my Reigo, Ma."
Hindi nakaimik si Contessa pero halata pa rin sa mukha
nito na may bumabagabag dito.
"It's fine." Zehannah kissed the top of her son's
head. "It's Reigo. I'm sure he's just busy with
Hindi na nakipag-argumento pa si Contessa at iniba na
lang ang usapan hanggang sa napansin ng ginang na
nakatulog si Zehannah habang nag-uusap tila tungkol sa
business expansion na balak ng ama nitong si Cameron.
Contessa sighed as she looked at her soon-to-be
daughter-in-law. Halos dalawang taon na ring hindi
nagtatrabaho si Zehannah para personal na alagaan si
Ren. For Contessa, it was commendable knowing how much
Zehannah loved her career and the business she started
with her friend. She really did everything for Ren and
Reigo. Contessa appreciated Zehannah even more.
"Mom? What are you doing here?"
Napalingon si Contessa nang marinig ang boses ng anak
mula sa likuran nito. Seeing Reigo, Contessa's urge to
ask about the wedding nearly got the better of her.
Good thing she was able to control herself. "Palagi
siyang mag-isa lang dito sa bahay kapag nasa trabaho
ka maliban na lang kapag bumibisita ang mga maid sa
bahay para maglinis dito sa bahay niyo. So I'm
accompanying her."
Tumuon ang tingin ni Reigo kay Zehannah na natutulog
sa sofa. Kapagkuwan ay lumapit siya sa Zehannah niya
at masuyong hinalikan sa noo ang mag-ina niya saka
bumulong, "I'm home, my Zee, little Ren."
Mahimbing ang tulog ng dalawa kaya naman bumaling si
Reigo sa ina. "Ma, bukas, puwede bang sa inyo muna si
Tumaas ang dalawang kilay ni Contessa dahil may
naaamoy siyang mangyayari bukas. "Give me a reason."
Reigo looked at his mother flatly. "Really, Mom? After
kidnapping Ren multiple times now?"
Contessa just gave her son a look that says, 'I want
an answer'.
Reigo sighed heavily and gave in. "Zehannah's
bachelorette party."
Biglang nagningning ang mata ni Contessa sa narinig at
pinagsiklop pa ang mga kamay sa harapan ng dibdib
nito. "Yes! I will take care of Ren! It pains me that
I will not be able to attend, but the wedding is
finally happening, so I don't mind at all!"
Umupo si Reigo sa sofa na nakaharap sa ina. "Actually,
I have other reasons."
Natigilan si Contessa. "What is it?"
"Um... I want to ask if you can check everything that
I did tomorrow while my Zee is at her bachelorette
party." Huminga nang malalim si Reigo. "Maybe as a
woman who already got married, you'll see something
that I couldn't. It's a very special day and I don't
want to miss anything."
Lumambot ang mukha ni Contessa sa hiling ng anak.
"Looks like I worried over nothing," she muttered
under her breath and smiled at her son. "Sure, I'll
check tomorrow. And no worries, you don't have to do
something in return for this favor. I'm feeling good
Nakahinga nang maluwang si Reigo. "I did everything
with my Zee's request in mind. I hope she'll like it."
Napatitig si Contessa kay Reigo. "I thought Zehan was
not allowed to interfere as well, but it looks like
that was not the case."
"Of course, not," mabilis na tanggi ni Reigo. "It's
not only my wedding but also my Zee's too. Of course,
I asked her what she liked." He glanced at Zehannah
who was still deep in her sleep. "I had nearly two
years to prepare. I don't want to mess anything up. I
want it to be as amazing as my soon-to-be wife."
Napangiti si Contessa sa anak saka tumayo sa
kinauupuan at nagpaalam. "Susunduin ko bukas ng umaga
si Ren. Maybe after breakfast."
"Yes. That'll do. Thanks, Mom."
"Welcome, son," Contessa chirped and left.
Nang makalabas si Contessa, tahimik na nanatili si
Reigo sa salas at masuyong pinagmasdan lang ang mag-
ina niya na parehong mahimbing na natutulog. Saka lang
siya tumayo nang magsawa sa kakatitig sa mag-ina niya
at kinuha ang anak na nakahiga sa dibdib ni Zehannah.
Dinala niya ang anak sa kuwarto nito na nakakonekta sa
kuwarto nila ni Zehannah.
It was a simple room with a white toddler crib and a
playpen. Masyadong malikot si Ren kaya naman sa crib
pa rin nila ito pinapatulog. There were also Ren's
clothes, books, toys, a low table for a toddler, and a
cozy spot to lounge in when he and Zehannah wanted to
hang out and play with Ren in his room.
"D-daddy...?" Ren whispered when Reigo deposited him
on his crib.
Reigo softly patted and caressed Ren's stomach to put
him back to sleep. As always, it worked like a charm
and he covered his son with a comforter and left the
room leaving the door slightly open just in case Ren
woke up.
Then he went back downstairs and saw that Zehannah was
already awake and stretching her body. And when she
saw him, a smile immediately appeared on her lips, and
she welcomed him with a hug and a kiss.
Reigo immediately softened.
"How's work?" she asked as she untied his tie. "You
"Kinda." Naglalambing na yumakap si Reigo kay Zehannah
at ipinatong ang baba sa balikat nito. "I missed you
today. I was so busy I couldn't call you."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah saka tinapik ang pang-upo
ni Reigo. "I missed you too. Now, go change. I'll
ready our dinner."
Reluctantly, he let go of Zehannah and went back to
their bedroom to change. Before going back downstairs,
he checked on his son and when he saw Ren sleeping so
soundly, that's the only time he went down to the
Nang makarating sa hapag-kainan, nakahain na ang
pagkain nila at nakaupo na si Zehannah na naghihintay
sa kaniya.
As he sat at the table, he thanked Zehannah for the
food and then stilled after eating it. "After all
these years, my Zee, matabang pa rin ang luto mo."
Zehannah smiled innocently at Reigo. "That's why
you're still healthy, babe."
Napabuntonghininga na lang si Reigo saka nagpatuloy sa
pagkain. Sanay na siya sa matabang na lasa kaya kahit
may reklamo siya, hindi na niya inaabot ang asin para
dagdagan 'yon ng lasa. For some reason, eating this
close to bland cooking made him feel warm because he
knew Zehannah cooked it for him.
Ah. After all these years, I'm still a sucker and
"My Zee?"
"We can get married anytime, right?"
"Yep. Ren is already walking." Nag-angat ng tingin si
Zehannah mula sa pagkain nito. "Bakit? Gusto mo na
akong pakasalan bukas?" May panunudyo sa boses ni
Ngiti lang ang isinagot ni Reigo pero alam kaagad ni
Zehannah na may binabalak ang kapareha. Ilang taon na
rin silang nagsasama ni Reigo kaya alam na niya ang
ibig sabihin ng mga ngiti nito.
It looks like he's planning to surprise me. Fine. I'll
play along.
"How are you and Ren today?" Reigo asked after dinner
while sipping wine and Zehannah was cleaning the
table. "Nag-uumpisa nang maging malikot ang anak
"We're fine." Dinala ni Zehannah sa lababo ang mga
kinainan. "Nadadala naman sa tingin si Ren."
Reigo watched as Zehannah started washing the dishes.
"My Zee, should we hire some maids to help around the
"To do what?" Nilingon ni Zehannah si Reigo habang
naghuhugas. "Simple lang naman ang mga gawain dito sa
bahay dahil palaging nagpapadala si Mommy ng maid
dalawang beses isang linggo para maglinis."
"But you're studying under Mom and Dad, right?" Reigo
reasoned. "You're also hands-on with Ren and always
cooking for me. Ayoko lang na mapagod ka."
"I'm fine." Zehannah smiled at Reigo over her shoulder
before returning her attention to the dishes. "Mom's
maids take care of Ren when I'm studying so it's no
big deal and I want to cook for you as long as I can.
Hindi ko na magagawa 'yon palagi kapag bumalik na ako
sa trabaho. I can only cook for you on weekends once I
went back to work, so let me spoil you while I still
Natigilan si Zehannah sa paghuhugas nang may yumakap
sa kaniya mula sa likuran at isinubsob ang mukha nito
sa leeg niya. Knowing that it was Reigo, she let him
"Kailan ang balik mo sa trabaho?" tanong ni Reigo.
"After our wedding."
Reigo sulked. "What happened to our honeymoon?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Hindi naman ako kaagad
magtatrabaho pagkatapos nating makasal. Maybe two to
three months after that."
"Hmm..." Reigo kissed her nape. "That's good to hear.
By the way, you smell nice." He kissed her nape again,
this time, with a little lick and suck and the next
thing Zehannah knew, Reigo turned her around and
pinned her on the sink with his mouth locked on hers.
Zehannah moaned as she opened her mouth to kiss Reigo
Just a kiss and her breathing was already ragged, and
she felt the center of her femininity throb. She was
starting to get wet, and she wouldn't have minded if
Reigo took her right there and then. Unfortunately,
they were not as free to do whatever they wanted as
They heard their son's voice calling for them.
"Mommy...? Daddy...?"
Reigo groaned, clearly annoyed that they were
interrupted. "Ah, fuck."
Zehannah was wet and horny, but she still managed to
pull herself together and slapped Reigo's ass. "Sige
na. Puntahan mo na."
Looking so grumpy, Reigo left the kitchen to get their
son while Zehannah stifled a chuckle. Hindi 'yon ang
unang beses na nabitin sila dahil sa anak nila. It had
been happening frequently since Ren had become aware
of his surroundings.
Unfortunately for her and Reigo, their son was always
a bad timing.
Oh, well. I'll just drag Reigo to the bathroom later
to continue.
ZEHANNAH HAD HER legs crossed on the sofa as she
watched Reigo get ready to go to work. She was looking
at him so intently that he kept glancing at her with a
questioning look until he couldn't take it anymore.
"May... nangyari ba?"
Umiling si Zehannah saka nangalumbaba habang nakatukod
ang siko nito sa hita nito. "I was just thinking why
Mom came here so early in the morning to get Ren and
you're hurrying to leave for work when in times like
this when Ren is with Mom, you will be stripping me
naked and pounding me hard."
Reigo looked away and cleared his throat. "I'm busy,
that's why I'm in a hurry."
"Uh-huh." Zehannah didn't believe him. She knew
something was up and her suspicion only got stronger
when after Reigo left for work, Cassia arrived,
inviting her out.
Zehannah agreed with a smile and continued observing
until Cassia brought her to SM's café which was closed
but apparently open just for them. And every Amazona
was there and when she stepped inside, rose gold-
colored confetti rained on her that she stopped in her
"Welcome to your café bachelorette party, Zehan!"
everyone shouted with big smiles on their faces while
Zehannah was looking around SM's café which was
decorated with rose gold balloons and ribbons.
It was simple yet beautifully calming to Zehannah.
Maybe because it was one of her favorite colors.
"Uh-oh," ani SM kapagkuwan. "The look on Zehan's face
says she already figured it out before we could
surprise her."
Cassia pouted with her fist clenched. "But I didn't
say anything! I kept my mouth shut. Promise!"
"There, there, baby Cassia." Eliza hugged Cassia to
comfort her. "Matalino lang talaga si Zehan at malakas
ang pang-amoy kaya nalaman niya kaagad."
"Of course! Zehan is a master after all," sabad ni
Napailing si Zehannah saka isa-isang tiningnan ang mga
miyembro ng Amazona na nasa harapan niya. These women
had become her friends since she met Reigo. They
supported her when she was having postpartum blues.
They gave her advices. They would always visit her in
Reigo's house, bringing food and anything to entertain
her, and they were always there when she needed a
friend—especially Cassia.
"Thank you." Zehannah smiled at everyone. "I'm happy
that I get to celebrate my bachelorette party with
you, Amazonas. It's an honor."
"Aww...!" Sinugod si Zehannah ng lahat at mahigpit na
"We're happy too, Zehan!"
"Come now, let Zehan breathe," saway ni Raine sa lahat
na nakayakap pa rin kay Zehan. "Feel free to sit
anywhere, Zehan. Inisip namin na gawan ka ng pang-
reyna na upuan sa gitna pero sabi ni Reigo, mas gusto
mo 'yong chill lang habang nagkakape, kaya naman
pinili namin na rito i-celebrate sa café ni SM ang
bachelorette party mo."
Zehannah's smile widened because it was indeed a good
choice. She loves coffee and café. It was a perfect
venue for her.
As Zehannah sat on the vacant chair, a caramel
macchiato was served. "Oh! Nice!"
Red spoke. "Your soon-to-be husband said it's your
"Or would you rather drink?" tanong ni Gladz. "Inuman
Nag-angat ng kamay si Tessmarie. "Marami kaming wine
at alak. Ipadala ko na ba rito?"
"Hell, yeah," Ruth seconded. "It's still morning, but
fuck it, let's get wasted. Safe naman tayo rito sa
café ni SM."
Tumango si Themarie. "Ipakuha ko ang Jack Daniels ko
sa bahay."
"Ipakuha ko rin ba ang cupcake na gawa ko?" tanong ni
Only SM and Cassia said yes and the rest shouted no.
Grace pouted at everybody except at SM and Cassia whom
she offered a smile. "Yey! Sige, ipapakuha ko."
Tahimik lang na sumimsim ng caramel macchiato si
Zehannah bago nagbigay ng suhestiyon. "Bumili na lang
kaya tayo? May malapit naman ditong liquor store, 'di
"So, who's going?" Anniza asked. "Buntis ako so pass
ako sa biyahe at sa alak."
"Me too. Pero hindi ako buntis, hindi lang puwedeng
uminom ng alak," wika ni Lucky.
Si Raine ang sumagot sa tanong ni Anniza. "How about
Czarina, Eliza, and Zehannah?"
"Pagkakatiwalaan mo ang tatlong mahahalay na 'yan?"
gulat na tanong ni Mhelanie. "Baka kung ano pa ang
pagbibilhin ng tatlong green minded na 'yan."
"Then who wants to join them to balance their
greenies?" Krisz asked.
Nag-angat ng kamay si Vienna. "I'll go."
"Nope." Hinila pababa ni Anette ang nakataas na kamay
ni Vienna. "Green ka rin, e."
"Wala na bang iba?" usisa ulit ni Krisz.
Si SM ang nagtaas ang kamay. "I have a Jack Daniels in
my office. 'Yon na lang kaya para wala nang lumabas sa
Nagkaniya-kaniyang sang-ayon ang lahat kaya naman
inilabas ni SM ang Jack Daniels sa opisina nito at
binigyan sila ng tag-isa-isang shot glass.
"So, Zehan, wala ka na bang balak sundan si Ren?"
tanong ni Czarina na siyang nagboluntaryo na maglagay
ng alak sa shot glass ng lahat.
"I plan to go back to work after the wedding," sagot
niya. "Maybe a couple of years from now?"
"Oh, balik trabaho ka na?" tanong ni Themarie.
"Wouldn't it be hard on you?" Anette asked.
Ngumiti si Zehannah. "Kakayanin."
Silence fell on them and Czarina complained. "Bakit
parang wala tayo sa bachelorette party? We should've
hired a sexy male dancer or something."
"Doc, gusto mo bang magwala ang mga asawa natin?"
natatawang sabi ni Berry.
"Saka PG palagi ang bachelor's party ng mga baliw na
'yon dahil iniisip nila tayo," ani Raine. "We should
do the same for our partners."
Sumimangot si Czarina. "Wala na akong sinabi."
"How about we play games as well?" Nez suggested. "Not
as crazy as our husbands' games, of course."
"You have something in mind?" Haze asked Nez.
"How about 'How well do you know the Bachelorette'?"
Nez suggested. "Kung sino ang hindi makasagot ng tama,
kakain siya ng cupcake na gawa ni Gracey."
Grace's face lit up. "Yey! It's finally my cupcake's
time to shine!"
Opposite to Grace's happiness, most were grimacing.
"Unfair 'yon dahil sina SM, Cassia, at Lucky ay immune
sa cupcake ni Grace," kaagad na reklamo ni Themarie.
"Kung ganoon, anong parusa ang maganda sa kanila?"
tanong ni Faith. "Wala nang mas nakakatakot kaysa sa
cupcake ni Grace."
Sumimangot si Grace. "That's enough, Faith. You're
hurting me now."
Faith immediately went to hug Grace. "Sorry, Gracey.
But the truth hurts."
Nagtawanan ang lahat.
"How about I mix a drink? I saw some of my husband's
mixes and they are horrible," Happy offered. "Though
it's still not suitable for my little sister. Baka
mapaano si Lucky."
"Emcee na lang natin sina Lucky at Anniza," sabi ni
Mace. "Hindi sila puwedeng sumali sa kondisyon nila."
Everyone agreed and Lucky took control of the
microphone immediately. Zehannah didn't even realize
that there was a speaker and a microphone. She was too
busy enjoying her caramel macchiato and food.
"Zehan, magsulat ka na ng mga tanong na gusto mo
habang kinukuha ang cupcake ni Grace sa bahay nila at
nagmi-mix si Happy ng inumin," SM told Zehannah.
Napangiwi si Zehannah. "Sigurado ba kayo sa mga
desisyon niyo sa buhay? Grace's cupcake is hellish you
"Zehaaaaan...!" Grace was glaring at Zehannah and
Cassia pacified her. The two innocent Amazonas.
"Sabi ni Valerian, nag-improve naman na raw ang
cupcake ni Grace," wika ni Themarie. "I doubt it, but
we're still doing it. For Zehan's bachelorette party!"
Nagkibit-balikat si Zehannah. "Okay. You have pen and
SM provided what Zehannah needed and less than an hour
later, Grace's cupcakes and Happy's mixed drinks were
finally ready.
"Zehannah's questions are finally in my hands." Lucky
was beaming while holding the microphone and the paper
from Zehannah. "Ready your papers and markers,
everyone, because here is our first question from our
Lahat ng atensiyon ay na kay Lucky.
"When is Zehan's birthday?"
Mabilis na sumagot ang lahat sa papel at iniangat iyon
para ipakita ang sagot kay Lucky.
Lucky and Anniza immediately checked everyone's
"Everyone's correct," Anniza announced.
"Ang galing! Walang may mali!" natutuwang sabi ni
Lucky na pumalakpak pa.
Zehannah couldn't help smiling at that. They even got
the year right. "I'm flattered."
"Of course." Most Amazonas were looking smug.
"Okay. The second question is... who proposed first?"
Anniza asked.
Hati ang sagot ng Amazona. Mayroong sumagot ng
'Zehannah' pero karamihan ay 'Reigo' ang sagot.
"The correct answer is... Zehannah!"
"Noooo....! The horror...!" Eliza said.
"Fuck!" Ruth cussed.
"No way! No way!" Faith said.
"Do I really have to eat that devil cupcake?" Themarie
"Save me...!" Tessmarie said.
"I don't want to eat it!" Mhelanie said.
"I'd rather drink Happy's mix!" ani Raine.
"I'm so scared right now and that is something," sabi
ni Vienna.
"Why did we play this game anyway?!" tanong naman ni
"I don't want this!" sigaw ni Red.
"Lord, have mercy," Syl prayed.
"Grace, you should stop baking from now on," ani
"I don't want to die!" Anette said dramatically.
While half of the Amazonas were in anguish, Zehannah
was clutching her stomach, laughing her ass off.
"Zehannah! You meanie!" Eliza pointed at Zehannah. "I
thought we are buddies! Master to master!"
Zehannah laughed even more and the rest who got the
answer right laughed with her.
"Okay, everyone." Kinuha ni Lucky ang atensiyon ng
lahat. "Lahat ng mali ang sagot, nakahanda na ang
cupcake ni Grace."
Lahat ng mali ang sagot ay parang pinagbagsakan ng
langit at lupa. The fear was real, but they still went
to the front to get their cupcakes since that was the
"Let me remind you that my café only has four
bathrooms," SM reminded everyone with a smile making
Zehannah laugh again.
"Okay, everyone, eat up," Lucky said with a sweet
smile, so opposite to the people beside her who had
grave expressions on their faces.
With shaking hands, everyone who got the answer wrong
brought the cupcakes to their mouth and forced
themselves to take a bite.
Seconds later, everyone who ate the cupcake shared a
"Hmm. It's not so bad," ani Eliza na kumagat pa ng
Everyone in front was about to agree with Eliza when
they felt a sudden change in their stomachs.
And in just a matter of seconds... all hell broke
loose in SM's café.
There was a race to the bathroom while Eliza who
actually ate half of Grace's cupcake ran towards SM's
private office to use SM's private comfort room.
Some were cussing, some were praying, and some were
already fighting about who's going to use the bathroom
first. While Syl, Anette, and Faith passed out.
"I can't! It's coming out! No...!" Vienna left the
café and ran towards BV like a madwoman.
Mhelanie, Raine, and Krisz followed.
From laughing so hard, Zehannah actually started
worrying. "Ayos lang ba sila?"
"It's a normal reaction," wika ni Themarie.
"Should we call an ambulance?"
"I'll check them." Doc Cza volunteered.
"My people are ready in case of emergency," sabi naman
ni SM.
"Same," sabad ni Happy. "I already contacted Krisz's
hospital. They're ready anytime."
Kahit papaano, nabawasan ang pag-aalala ni Zehannah.
"Itutuloy pa ba natin?"
"Yes!" Eliza who just stepped out of SM's office
looking like she just finished wrestling with bear
shouted. "Hindi puwedeng kami lang! Damay-damay na
'to! Tuloy ang tanong— Oh, fuck!" Eliza ran back to
SM's office again na ikinangiwi ng lahat.
Meanwhile, Grace was playing with her fingers as if
her cooking didn't cause this chaos.
"Masarap naman ang cupcake na gawa ni Grace, a," ani
Cassia na nakatingin sa banyo ng café.
"Waaahh! Thank you, Cassia!" Grace hugged Cassia and
Cassia hugged Grace back.
"So, continue?" nakangiwing tanong nina Anniza at
"Yes!" It was Eliza again peeking from SM's office
before going back in to do God knows what.
"Okay, third question." Lucky meekly read Zehannah's
question on the paper. "Where did Zehan meet Reigo?"
Lahat ay napatingin kay Zehannah na parang hindi
makapaniwala sa tanong. Walang pinagsabihan ni isa si
Zehannah sa Amazona kung saan sila unang nagkakilala
ni Reigo kaya nasisiguro niyang walang makakasagot sa
tanong na 'yon.
"Nagtanong ako kung sigurado kayo sa mga desisyon
niyo," Zehannah said with a shrug.
"Hurry up. Time is ticking," paalala ni Lucky sa
Seeing how much everyone was struggling, Zehannah
threw a lifeline. "You can call your husbands if you
As if on cue, everyone called their husbands and
asked. Unfortunately, only three got the answer right.
SM, Themarie, and Happy.
The rest? Well... they're eating Grace's cupcake and
drinking Happy's mix. One bite of the cupcake and one
drink from Happy's mix was all it took for them to go
running to BV, seeking comfort rooms while some just
passed out cold on the café's floor.
"Bakit ganoon? Masarap naman ang cupcake ni Grace, a."
Nilapitan ni Zehannah sina Cassia at Grace na siyang
nawalan ng malay pagkatapos inumin ang hinalo ni
Happy. "Ayos lang ba ang dalawang 'to? Tumakbo pa
naman si Doc Cza patungong BV para maghanap ng banyo."
"Tawagan na lang natin ang asawa nila," suhestiyon ni
SM na sinegundahan ni Themarie at ito na ang tumawag.
A few minutes later, Valerian and Thorn arrived
looking worried.
"Cinnamon!" Kaagad na pinangko ni Thorn ang asawa.
"What the fuck happened to my Cinnamon?!"
"What the fuck happened?!" Valerian worriedly cradled
his wife's body. "Mooncake, wake up. Come on,
"Um..." Tinuro ni Happy ang hinalong inumin. "It's was
a punishment."
Nang makita nina Valerian at Thorn ang tinuro ni
Happy, parehong namutla ang dalawa.
"Is that Blaze's fucking mix?"
Realization dawned on Valerian and Thorn and the two
quietly took their wives with them. Of course, the two
men simultaneously sent a message to their group chat
that said "There are Grace's cupcakes and Blaze's mix
in Zehannah's bachelorette party. Your wives are in
"Hala... kawawa naman sina Cassia at Gracey..." bulong
ni Lucky pero dahil hawak nito ang microphone, dinig
'yon ng lahat.
"That's why we have to continue!" nakakuyom pa ang
kamao na sabi ni Anniza saka tumingin sa tatlo pang
Sina SM, Themarie, at Happy.
"Fourth question..." Huminga muna nang malalim si
Anniza bago binasa ang tanong. "How did Zehan propose
to Reigo?"
The remaining three looked at each other as if
checking if one of them knew and when they realized no
one knew, they all looked at Zehannah.
"Now you're just being mean, Zehan," reklamo ni
"Can we call our husbands for help?" Happy asked.
Umiling si SM. "I don't think our husbands can help.
No one knew how Zehan proposed. Nagulat na nga lang
daw sina Knight na engaged na sila ni Reigo. And even
how much they asked Reigo, even bribing him and stuff,
he didn't say a word."
"Then..." Napatingin sina Happy at Themarie sa cupcake
ni Grace na nasa unahan.
SM smiled at the two. "I'll drink Happy's mix. I'm
curious what it tastes like."
Zehannah watched as Themarie and Happy picked up
Grace's cupcake while SM poured herself a drink that
Happy made.
"Here we go," ani Themarie.
"Lord, bless us," sambit ni Happy.
"Cheers," SM said with a smile.
As the three ate and drank, the lunatics whose wives
were still at the café, suffering, simultaneously
arrived and they saw Happy and Themarie taking a bite
of Grace's cupcake and SM drinking Happy's mix.
"Oh, shit! Babe!" Shun hurriedly ran to Themarie when
he saw her sway and lose balance.
"Baby!" Blaze immediately ran towards Happy who was
clutching her stomach as if in pain. "Why did you eat
it? That's a devil's cupcake!"
"P-punishment..." Happy muttered under her breath.
"Mi reina...?" Knight entered the café. "You okay?"
"Hmm?" SM just finished drinking Happy's mix and
burped. "Oops. Yeah, I'm good."
"You sure? Thorn and Val told me their wives passed
out cold."
SM looked okay as she could ever be. "I'm fine. It's
an interesting drink. Too many flavors that it became
so vile, I almost vomited. Well, almost..."
The relief on Knight's face and the other lunatics
when they saw that their wives were okay—well, sort of
okay—was palpable. But it also meant that Zehannah's
bachelorette party was cut short because the husbands
took their wives with them as they left.
Sina Lucky, Anniza, SM, at Zehannah lang ang naiwan.
At saka si Knight na naghihintay sa paglabas ni Eliza
sa opisina ni SM dahil hindi makakapunta si Khairro.
May duty ito at may hawak na importanteng kaso.
"So, balik tayo sa kape?" tanong ni Zehannah nang
natahimik na ang buong café.
"No coffee for me. Pregnant here," ani Anniza.
Lucky pouted. "Hindi ako puwede sa kape. I have to
take care of my heart."
"Oh, yeah. Water or Juice, then?" Zehannah suggested.
"Juice, please," sabay na sagot ng dalawa.
SM volunteered to make the juice and when she got
back, she not only has juice but also a new caramel
"Juice for Anniza and Lucky, and caramel macchiato for
me and Zehan," ani SM nang mailapag ang dala nitong
inumin sa lamesa.
"Thanks, SM."
As Lucky and Anniza drank their juice and Zehan and SM
sipped their macchiato, Zehannah spoke.
"This is one hell of a bachelorette party."
Tumango si SM. "Agreed. It was fun though."
"I was so worried," ani Lucky.
"It's so bad of me because I couldn't help laughing,"
ani Anniza.
"I enjoyed it," Zehannah said with a smile.
The three smiled back and they continued sipping their
drinks, sharing small conversations, and just passing
the time.
It was a short bachelorette party, but Zehannah was
sure that it's a party she would never forget.
My Vow
ZEHANNAH GROANED and opened her sleepy eyes when she
felt like someone was rubbing something on her cheek.
A smile immediately spread across her lips when she
saw that it was her son, kissing her on the cheek as
his way of waking her up.
"Morning, Mommy!" Ren greeted her with a smile.
"Someone is excited," aniya sa anak saka niyakap ito
nang mahigpit at pinupog ng halik ang leeg nito na
malakas nitong ikinatawa. "Morning to you too, baby."
"Mommy! It tickles...!" Ren was laughing and wriggling
out of Zehannah's embrace. "Stop! It tickles...!"
Zehannah laughed at her son and kissed his cheeks
before she stopped tickling Ren. "So... why did you
wake Mommy up?"
They were in Reigo's parents' house. That meant she
didn't need to wake up early to make them breakfast
and Ren was always with his grandparents that she
didn't need to look after him when they're here.
"Mommy La toll me to we you up, Mommy." Ren still
couldn't pronounce the words right, but Zehannah
understood her son. Sila ba naman palagi ang
"And your Dad? Where is he?"
Ren adorably shrugged. "Don know. He lef with Glandpa
and Glandada."
Bumangon si Zehannah habang yakap pa rin ang anak at
kaagad niyang napansin ang napakalaking karton na nasa
ibabaw ng center table ng sofa sa kuwarto. Is that
what I think it is?
"Balik ka na kay Mommy La mo," aniya sa anak saka
hinalikan ito sa noo. "Mommy will just freshen up."
Ren immediately climbed out of the bed and ran out.
Malakas ang loob ni Zehannah na hayaan si Ren dahil
alam niyang may maid sa labas ng kuwarto na aalalay sa
anak niya. Palaging may nakabantay kay Ren kapag
nandito sila sa bahay ng mga magulang ni Reigo kaya
kampante siya.
Leaving the bed, Zehannah walked towards the big box,
only to see a glass treasure box with hand-painted
rose gold flowers and green vines. And on the front
side of the lid as if to serve as a lock was a hanging
small rose cold coffee mug with the lettering 'You are
Zehannah's hand reached out to touch the small coffee
mug and slowly lifted the lid to open the treasure
Her lips actually parted when she saw what was inside.
A glass enamel coffee cup with flowers and butterflies
and a unique and exquisite design of a flower vine as
a handle. And in the front, her name and Reigo's were
written in calligraphy together with the date of their
wedding, the time, and the venue.
This was Zehannah's first time seeing their wedding
invitation and she couldn't help feeling emotional at
how beautiful and special it was.
Reigo planned all this. He even used a coffee mug
knowing how we met and the coffee hopping we did. That
was our beginning.
Tinuyo ni Zehannah ang luha na bumagsak sa pisngi saka
hinagilap ang cellphone at tinawagan si Reigo na
kaagad namang sumagot.
"Morning, my Zee. How was your sleep?"
Naalala ni Zehannah na nakatulog siyang wala si Reigo
sa tabi niya kagabi. Hindi na siya sanay. "Horrible."
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "Really? E ang himbing nga
ng tulog mo nang dumating ako kagabi."
Zehannah started stretching her body. "Anong oras ka
nakabalik kagabi mula sa bachelor's party mo?"
"Before midnight? It was still early. Hindi kasi
mapakali ang mga kasama ko dahil sa nangyari sa
bachelorette party mo kahapon."
"Oh." Zehannah continued stretching to warm her body
up. "Saan ka ngayon?"
"Kina Papa."
"And? When am I going to see you?"
"Later. At the altar."
Natigilan si Zehannah nang maramdaman ang mabilis na
pagtibok ng puso niya sa sinabi ng binata. Only Reigo
had that effect on her, really. The only man who could
make her heartbeat fast. Kinalma niya ang sarili
kapagkuwan ay napatingin sa wedding invitation na nasa
ibabaw ng center table.
"Hindi ka ba nahirapan?" masuyong tanong ni Zehannah
"Nahirapan saan?"
"Sa pag-aayos ng kasal natin." Zehannah's expression
softened. "You did everything by yourself. I'm just
worried. Baka napagod ka."
Napangiti si Reigo sa kabilang linya. "I admit, it was
tiring, but fun," he said as his smile widened. "I did
everything I could with your requests in mind and
mine, of course. Sana magustuhan mo ang kasal na
inihanda ko para sa 'yo."
Zehannah felt her heart softening. "Knowing the effort
you put into it, I'm sure I will love it. I'm already
in love with the wedding invitation actually."
"Yeah? But you love me more, right?"
Gumuhit ang malapad na ngiti sa labi ni Zehannah.
"Hmm. I love you more, of course."
"I can't wait to be your husband, my Zee."
"Yeah. Magtatatlong taon na tayong engaged. Medyo
nananawa na ako. Reigo's wife has a nice ring to it,
don't you think?"
Reigo chuckled. "Hmm. Very nice."
Zehannah chuckled as well before she became earnest.
"I'll see you at the altar later, babe."
"Yeah. See you at the altar, my Zee. I love you so
Zehannah closed her eyes to savor the warmth of
Reigo's 'I love you'. "Hmm. I love you too, babe."
The call ended and Zehannah's eyes remained on the
wedding invitation and the large box on the table. She
wanted to open the large box guessing what's inside,
but she calmed herself. I need to get ready first.
With that in mind, she exercised for a bit then she
freshened up and went downstairs straight to the
dining room.
"Good morning," bati ni Zehannah kina Ren at Contessa.
Ang dalawa lang ang nasa hapag-kainan.
"Mommy!" Ren immediately smiled upon seeing her.
"Morning to you too, Zehan." Contessa smiled. "C'mon,
eat. We have so much to do today."
Zehannah thanked Contessa and sat on the vacant chair.
"Where's Dad? Pumasok ba muna siya sa trabaho?"
Contessa waved her hand in the air to say 'no'.
"Naghahanda na para pumunta kina Dan. He's taking Ren
with him by the way. Is that okay?"
Tumingin si Zehannah sa anak na katatapos lang
maganang mag-agahan sa tulong ng babysitter nito rito
sa mansion. "You want to go with your Daddy Lo? Your
other grandpas will be there too. And Daddy as well."
"Okay," Ren replied with a grin.
Tamang-tama naman na pumasok ang ama ni Reigo sa
kusina para kunin si Ren.
Contessa stood up and kissed Ren's cheeks. "Mommy La
will miss you."
"Me too, Mommy La." Then Ren ran towards Zehannah.
"Bye kiss, Mommy."
Zehannah picked up her son to kiss him on the cheek.
"Be a good boy, okay? It's our family's special day."
Tumango si Ren.
"Promise Mommy," istriktong ani ni Zehannah.
Zehannah let out a sigh and kissed Ren's forehead.
"Okay. Be careful."
Mabilis na tumakbo si Ren patungo kay Rohan na
katatapos lang din magpaala kay Contessa at kaagad na
umalis ang dalawa.
"The makeup artist will arrive in two hours," imporma
ni Contessa kay Zehannah ng sila na lang dalawa sa
hapagkainan. "By then, dapat nakaligo ka na at nagawa
mo na ang lahat ng dapat mong gawin."
Tumango si Zehannah saka binilisan ang pag-aagahan.
She wanted to be ready before it starts getting
"Zehan, have you seen the guest list?" Contessa asked
while Zehannah was finishing her breakfast.
Uminom ng tubig si Zehannah bago bumaling sa ginang at
tumango saka napabuntonghininga nang maalala ang
listahan na pinakita sa kaniya ni Reigo. "It was a
very long list."
Tumango si Contessa. "Yes. Very. Maliban side mo at sa
mga kaibigan ni Reigo, imbitado rin ang business
associates niya. Hindi lang 'yon, kasama rin ang
business associates ko at ni Rohan. It's not just the
business associates but also our relatives as well—
mine and Rohan's. They wanted to meet our successor
since Reigo only absorbed the engineering and
construction companies."
Zehannah took a deep breath. "What a pressure."
"Don't be. Just be yourself."
Napangiwi si Zehannah. "Ma, that's the worst advice
you can give me."
Contessa shrugged. "Because there is nothing to say,
Zehan. I'm not saying this because I'm biased toward
you, but you are an intelligent, levelheaded woman.
You trust and love my son, you take good care of my
grandson, and you have a good family. Honestly,
there's nothing more to ask for. For me and Rohan, you
are the perfect successor."
"Aww, Mom. You're making me blush," Zehannah joked.
Contessa got up from her chair just to pinch
Zehannah's cheek. "And you're being cheeky. Go take a
bath and get ready."
Ngumiti si Zehannah. "Yes, Mom."
Contessa just shook her head and she and Zehannah went
separate ways. Zehannah went back to her room to get
ready while Contessa went to her vault to get ready as
Zehannah knew it's going to be a long night, so she
cleaned herself well before she stepped out of the
bathroom with only a bathrobe on.
Her plan was to just put on normal underwear, the one
that she was comfortable with when she saw a new box
on top of the large box on the center table with bold
lettering on top that said FROM AMAZONAS. At nang
buksan niya kung ano 'yon, alam kaagad niyang may
kinalaman sina Doc Cza at Eliza sa laman niyon.
It was sexy lacy wedding lingerie.
"Underwear nga pero parang wala rin naman akong suot
kahit isuot ko pa 'to." Napailing si Zehannah saka mas
piniling suotin ang underwear na komportable siya.
"Let's save it on the honeymoon."
Zehannah continued getting ready and after a while,
she rested on the bed wearing her bathrobe. And while
waiting for the makeup team, she was talking to Reigo
on the phone. Siya ang tumawag sa binata dahil na-miss
niya ito bigla.
"Still not busy?" Reigo asked.
"Still waiting. You?"
"Playing with Ren."
Napangiti si Zehannah. "Buti hindi sumasakit ang ulo
mo. Malikot na ang anak natin."
"Nandito naman sina Papa at Papi. Sila ang taga-dakip
kapag tumatakbo na naman," natatawang kuwento ni
Napailing si Zehannah. "And you?"
"Just lounging on the couch and waiting for my
groomsmen and my best man. Unfortunately, Lysander and
his wife couldn't attend. Nagkasakit ang anak nila at
na-ospital. Hindi nila maiwan. Anyways, I'm the groom
today so I don't want to be stressed out."
Zehannah rolled her eyes. "Siguraduhin mo lang na
guwapong-guwapo ka mamaya. Kung hindi, isasauli kita
kay Mommy."
Malakas na tumawa si Reigo. "Sabi ko na nga ba, ang
kaguwapuhan ko lang taglay ang gusto mo sa 'kin."
"Your big dick as well and the fact that you can bring
me to high heavens."
"Hmm. Now, I'm feeling horny."
"Kailan ba hindi?"
"Well... It's you, after all, my Zee. Of course, I'll
be horny. It's a natural occurrence."
"Nope. Malandi ka lang talaga."
"Yep. That's me."
Napailing na lang si Zehannah. "I'm hanging up. Na-
miss lang kita kaya tumawag ako. Bye." Hindi na
hinintay ni Zehannah ang sagot ni Reigo. Tinapos niya
ang tawag dahil alam niyang mas magiging malandi lang
ang binata.
Tumagilid ng higa si Zehannah at ipinikit ang mga
mata. Gusto niyang umidlip lang nang kaunti pero hindi
niya namalayan na nauwi 'yon sa mahimbing na tulog.
Nang magising siya, isang oras na pala ang nakaraan
mula nang dumating ang mag-aayos sa kaniya at hinintay
siyang magising.
And while she was asleep, her bridesmaid and matron of
honor already arrived at the mansion, and they were
now in the living room with two teams of makeup
It looked like her soon-to-be husband went all out
with makeup artists because he hired three teams. Two
for her bridesmaids and one for her.
Thus, after apologizing for sleeping and being late,
they immediately started and Zehannah couldn't keep up
with everyone in the room. Someone was giving her a
foot spa and then a pedicure, and both her hands were
being taken care of by manicurists. Some were also
doing her hair while the makeup team was busy on her
face. And from the background, she could hear Contessa
talking to a photographer taking photos of—I don't
even know what— and then there's a videographer team
who's filming everything that was happening.
Overall, it was hectic. Thank God the organizer Reigo
chose was from Tessmarie's company. A very trusted
one. Every hour that passed, someone from the
organizer team would update her on what's happening
and that there was nothing to worry about.
And finally, after hours of just sitting there and
letting everyone do their thing on her, she heard the
magic word.
"It's done."
But of course, she was not allowed to see herself in
the mirror until she wore her wedding dress. So, with
everyone's help, especially Contessa, her bridesmaids,
and matron of honor, Zehannah put on her wedding
Zehannah was literally afraid to move after she put on
her long sleeve illusion wedding dress because she
knew what it's made of.
The small gemstones on the upper part of her wedding
dress to the long-sleeve Illusion were made of
diamonds. Yep. The legit one. Courtesy of Contessa.
And she's so afraid to lose even a single stone
because she knew how expensive it was. Though to
Contessa, it was nothing.
At hindi lang ang sa taas na parte ng wedding gown
niya ang puno ng diyamante. Pati rin ang sa ibaba. The
flowers, veins, and leaves design on her gown were
complemented with small diamonds.
Seeing herself on a life-size mirror wearing her
wedding gown, Zehannah was stunned for a couple of
seconds. Hindi sa pagmamalaki pero alam niyang maganda
siya. Pero ang Zehannah na nakikita niya sa salamin ay
nasa ibang level ang ganda na napatanong pa siya sa
sarili kung siya 'yon.
She does resemble me a lot, so I guess it's really me.
"Wow..." Cassia blinked at Zehannah who was still
looking at herself in the mirror. "Ang ganda ng
wedding gown mo, Master Zehan."
Eliza poked Cassia's cheek. "Cass, you're supposed to
say that Zehannah is beautiful, not the gown."
"But isn't that already a given?" Cassia said with a
shrug. "Maganda ang Master Zehan ko at maganda rin ang
wedding gown niya. Pareho silang maganda."
Napangiti ang mga naroon.
"Pero nakakatakot ang damit na 'to," ani Zehannah saka
bumaling sa ina ni Reigo na nakangiting nakamasid lang
kay Zehannah. "Ma, paano kung may mahulog na bato mula
sa wedding gown ko?"
Contessa smiled and waved her hand nonchalantly.
"Don't sweat the small stuff, Zehan. It's beautiful on
Yeah. Stunningly beautiful, but scary. Zehannah
thought and took a deep breath before looking down at
her wedding dress.
It was indeed beautiful. She had a blindfold on during
her wedding dress fitting because Reigo wanted to
surprise her and she was surprised alright.
"It's really stunning," SM commented. Isa si SM sa mga
tumulong na maisuot ni Zehannah ang damit.
Tumango si Mhelanie. "Indeed. It suits you, Zehan."
"Bagay na bagay," ani Anette na tumatango pa.
Tumango rin si Anniza. "Siguradong iiyak si Reigo
kapag nakita niya kung gaano ka kaganda."
Sumang-ayon si Krisz. "That's for sure."
"Thank you, girls." Zehannah smiled at everyone.
"Anyway"—kinuha ni Raine ang atensiyon ng lahat—"let's
go back to the living room now. They still have to put
the flower headpiece on our hair. Come on. Ang dami pa
naman natin."
Sa sinabing 'yon ni Raine, isa-isang nagpaalam ang
iilang bridesmaid na naroon at bumalik na sa salas.
Ang naiwan na lang sa loob ng kuwarto ay si Zehannah
at si Contessa saka ilang miyembro ng makeup at hair
stylist team na nakaantabay kay Zehannah kung sakaling
may kailanganing ayusin sa makeup o buhok nito.
Siyempre, mayroon ding photographer at videographer
doon na naiwan.
"Now"—Contessa smiled at Zehannah—"it's my turn."
That confused Zehannah. "Hmm? What turn?"
May kinuhang medyo may kalakihang itim na velvet box
si Contessa sa ibabaw ng kama at pinahawak nito sa
organizer na malapit sa kaniya ang box at binuksan
nito iyon.
Napaawang ang labi ni Zehannah nang makita ang laman
ng itim na velvet box.
It was a leaf-shaped diamond necklace with a flower
pendant that was also made of diamonds. Paired with it
was a set of leaf-shaped earrings and a bracelet. All
were made of diamonds that Zehannah felt the weight
when Reigo's mother put it all on her.
"Ma, I think this is overkill," komento ni Zehannah.
"It's beautiful though. Bagay lang sa wedding dress
Contessa looked proud. "Pinagawa ko 'to pagkatapos
ipakita sa 'kin ni Reigo ang damit mo. Of course, it
matches. It's my wedding gift to you."
Wala sa sariling napahawak si Zehannah sa kuwintas na
ramdam pa rin niya ang bigat sa leeg niya. Contessa
was being over the top again, but she couldn't turn
down the gift because she knew how these precious
stones and jewelries meant to Contessa.
Kaya kahit nakakatakot sa mahal ang regalo sa kaniya
ni Contessa, nginitian niya ang ginang at
nagpasalamat. "Thank you, Ma. I will treasure it."
Contessa beamed in happiness. She was happy that
Zehannah accepted her gift. She didn't have a
daughter, but Zehannah filled that role for years now
and she was happy to have such a brilliant daughter-
"There's more." Contessa grinned and went to get
another flat velvet box on the bed.
Napalunok na lang si Zehannah nang makita ang laman
niyon. It was a flower crown made of diamonds. And
connected to it was a veil that also had small
diamonds as its design. whole outfit is scary.
But Zehannah kept it to herself and let Contessa put
the flower crown and the veil on her with the help of
her hairstylist.
"Beautiful..." Contessa muttered, clearly pleased.
Zehannah looked at herself in the mirror. "Ang ganda.
Parang bigla akong na-pressure na magkaaank ng babae
para maibigay ko ang mga 'to sa kaniya."
Gumuhit ang malapad na ngiti sa mga labi ni Contessa.
"And I will love her so much! So, if you feel like
giving Ren a sister, please go ahead."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Balik muna ako sa
trabaho, Ma. Siguro kapag sanay na ako sa pamamalakad
sa kompaniya na iiwan niyo saka kami susubok ulit ni
"That's good enough for me." Contessa was happy and
already expecting her granddaughter. "Knowing you,
it'll only take a few years. I can wait."
Napailing na lang si Zehannah saka naupo sa gilid ng
kama. Ngayong tapos na siyang ayusan at handa na siya,
kailangan na lang niyang naghintay.
Contessa already excused herself to get ready, so she
just stayed put to not mess up her makeup, hair, and
wedding dress. After a while, the Amazonas came to her
room and they spent their time just talking about
their own experiences at their own weddings.
At habang nag-uusap-usap sila, may lumalapit sa
kanilang makeup artist or hair stylist para mag-touch
And then finally, the organizer informed them that it
was time. Naunang lumabas ang mga bridesmaid at matron
of honor at naiwan si Zehannah sa kuwarto. According
to the organizer, it'll be a little while before she
had to come out.
So, Zehannah patiently waited again in her room until
someone knocked on the door.
One of the hairstylists opened it and Zehannah
immediately felt her heart jumping with joy when she
saw her two fathers in suits.
"Papa, Papi..."
Dan and Cameron both smiled at Zehannah before Cameron
offered his hands and Dan gave Zehannah her cascade
bridal bouquet filled with wine, rose gold, and dusty
rose-colored flowers. It was beautiful—just like
everything else.
"Let's go, Zehan," Cameron said.
"Kasama mo kami hanggang sa harap ng altar, 'nak," ani
naman Dan.
Zehannah accepted both her fathers' hands and stood
"You look stunning, 'nak," ani Dan saka pinisil ang
kamay ni Zehannah. "Bagay na bagay sa 'yo ang wedding
gown mo."
Tumango si Cameron at nagmamalaking nagsalita.
"Siyempre, mana sa 'kin ang anak natin."
Dan just rolled his eyes making Zehannah chuckle.
"Thank you, Papi, Papa."
The two smiled again and together, they led Zehannah
out of her room and accompanied her toward the golf
cart outside the mansion. The golf cart had rose gold
flowers and leaves and vines design.
With her Papi and Papa's help, Zehannah was able to
ride the golf cart with everything intact. Sa haba ng
damit niya, medyo nahirapan ang dalawang ama niya at
ang mga organizer na tumulong sa kaniya na makasakay.
"There." Cameron secured Zehannah's dress before
turning his head to the driver of the golf cart.
"Let's go. Malapit nang bumaba ang araw."
Napatingin si Zehannah sa araw na pababa na. She
wanted a garden wedding and Reigo wanted a sunset
wedding, so they fused their 'wants' together and came
up with a sunset garden wedding.
And the garden venue they chose was none other than
the humongous garden in Reigo's parents' house, next
to the man-made falls.
The garden was stunning in itself already, but now
that it was made to look like a rose gold fairytale
haven, it became even more breathtaking. Even from the
gold cart, she could see how captivating it looked
even from afar.
"Reigo certainly went all out," Cameron commented. It
was his first time seeing it. Same with Dan.
"Yeah. This is incredible."
Zehannah stayed silent because she was speechless.
Reigo told her that he wanted to surprise her and
surprised her, he did. Kitang-kita ni Zehannah ang
effort na ibinigay ni Reigo sa kasal nila at wala
siyang masabi. At that very moment, she wanted to see
Reigo. To kiss him and hug him and show him her love,
but alas, she had to wait.
He's waiting for me at the altar. Zehannah took a deep
breath. Calm down, Zehan. You'll see your Reigo in a
Upon arrival at the venue, Zehannah remained seated in
the golf cart, waiting for her cue. She couldn't see
anyone because of how the golf cart was designed.
With the flowers, leaves, and veins, it was designed
to keep her out of sight, that's for sure.
Zehannah was growing impatient, she wanted to see
Reigo. Now. She hadn't seen him the whole day and she
missed him. She also wanted to see her son, Ren. Their
own ring bearer.
Fortunately, before her patience ran dry, she heard
the first melody of her and Reigo's chosen song. But
that was not the reason she was taken aback.
"An orchestra?" she asked, stunned.
"I told you; your soon-to-be husband went all out."
Umawang ang mga labi ni Zehannah. Their chosen song
"All of Me" in an orchestra sounded so beautiful and
emotional that Zehannah wanted to close her eyes and
savor the melody. And that's what she did until an
organizer came to get her and her parents to get ready
for her wedding procession.
Akala ni Zehanna ay kakabahan siya. Akala niya, may
mararamdaman siyang pagtutol sa dibdib niya dahil
naaalala pa niya ang paniniwala niya tungkol sa kasal.
Pero sa isiping naghihintay sa kaniya sa altar si
Reigo, sa halip na kabahan, excitement ang
nararamdaman niya. She couldn't wait to see Reigo. She
couldn't wait to be his wife and she couldn't wait to
be Mrs. Zehannah Sevil-Vasquez.
At that moment, Zehannah realized and understood how
much she really loved Reigo. All her fears and doubts
were nowhere to be seen. All she could feel was how
much she loved her man and how her Reigo was worth
risking her everything for.
Hurry... I want to tell him I love him. I want to say
'I do'.
"The bride and her parents. Get ready," anang
The moment Zehannah heard her cue to walk, she
immediately took a hurried step only to be stopped by
her parents.
"Zehan, dahan-dahan lang."
"Zehan, darating din tayo ro'n," ani Dan. "Calm down."
Zehannah took deep breaths.
"Kalmado ka na?"
Tumango si Zehannah. "I'm just excited."
Parehong napailing sina Dan at Cameron at nagpatuloy
sa dahan-dahang paglalakad habang tumutugtog pa rin
ang orchestra ng 'All of Me'.
Zehannah looked at the arch made of white and
artificial rose gold flowers with leaves and veins.
Beyond that were Reigo and my son.
Zehannah stepped forward together with her parents and
what she saw took her breath away.
Ten long rows of chairs covered in white and rose gold
fabric. On each side of the wide white carpet aisle
were beautiful bouquets of flowers with the same color
scheme as her bridal bouquet in intricate large vases.
And together with those flowers was a line of rose
gold candlelight to give off a subtle brightness,
complementing the sunset. And just at the right
distance from the seated guests whose faces were
unfamiliar to Zehannah was the team or orchestra. And
over their head was a tent made of flowers, leaves,
and veins with meteor shower rain lights and fairy
string lights in rose gold and white color.
And in front of her, where Reigo was waiting was an
altar with a floral pillar and flower arch with white
and rose gold flowers. Thorn, Reigo's best man was
standing behind him. And seeing Thorn, Zehannah sought
her matron of honor and she immediately saw Cassia
smiling so happily at her while crying.
Silly, Cassia. Zehannah thought before her eyes went
back to her soon-to-be husband whose eyes never left
hers. Reigo...
"What a long ass aisle," she muttered under her breath
as she continued walking.
Dan and Cameron stifled a laugh and continued their
walk toward Reigo.
And finally, after what felt like forever to Zehannah,
they finally arrived in front of Reigo where her
father handed her hand to Reigo.
"This is the part where we tell you to take care of
our daughter, but..."
Dan finished Cameron's sentence with his eyes on
Zehannah. "Zehan, 'nak, take care of Reigo the same
way he always takes care of you."
Parehong natawa sina Reigo at Zehannah sa habilin ni
Dan bago pinisil ni Reigo ang kamay ni Zehannah at
nagkatinginan ang dalawa. And as their body moved
closer to each other, Zehannah whispered to Reigo.
"Everything is stunning. Thank you."
Reigo looked relieved. "Now, I can breathe."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "You look handsome and
delicious, by the way."
Reigo's eyes were shining with happiness. "And you
look lovely as always, my Zee."
The groom and the bride shared a happy and loving
smile at each other before they finally stepped
forward and faced the altar to start the ceremony.
Throughout the ceremony, Reigo and Zehannah's hands
remained locked on each other, never letting go and
tightly holding on. Everyone noticed it and found it
endearing. Their hands only parted when their son,
Ren, the ring bearer, was called and it was time to
exchange their vows.
"Mommy, Daddy... the ring." Ren carefully handed the
rings before running back to Reigo's parents.
Reigo and Zehannah both smiled at their son before
their eyes locked on each other and Reigo took
Zehannah's hand and spoke earnestly.
"You're finally my wife." Those were the first words
Reigo spoke and the relief in his voice could be felt
by everyone listening. "I'd been dreaming for this day
to come and today, finally, you're mine." His hold on
her hand tightened. "When I was told to write my own
vow, I honestly couldn't think of anything because I
always tell you what I feel. I thought of saying the
fidelity and loyalty vow, but I already vowed that to
you and myself since we started seeing each other. I
have also shared with you my deepest thoughts, my
promises, and my vows. We are that close. So, I
thought long and hard and finally, it came to me. The
vow that my Zee will certainly hold dear in her
heart." He took a deep breath as if mustering his
courage before he spoke sincerely. "My vow to you, my
Zee, is that I solemnly swear to be the most delicious
and mouthwatering delicacy that only you can eat and
enjoy." Then he slid their wedding ring on Zehannah's
finger and smiled at his wife. "I love you, Zehannah
The guests were all surprised by Reigo's vow, their
parents just shrugged because they were already used
to hearing those words from Reigo and Zehannah while
the lunatics were clapping proudly. Meanwhile, the
wife was chuckling happily as if telling everybody
that it was the vow she wanted and the only vow she'll
And as Zehannah took Reigo's hand, everyone was
listening. Everyone was curious to hear the bride's
answer to the groom's vow.
"Reigo, babe, like you, I also thought long and hard
about my vow." That made Reigo chuckle. "And after
thinking for two years, I finally managed to construct
and list out three vows that I know you would hold
dear in your heart. First, I vow that you will always
be a necessity to me. Second, I vow to risk everything
that I have and everything that I am for you because
you are worth risking my everything for. And third, I
vow to always love and enjoy my Mr. Delicacy."
Zehannah slid the wedding ring onto Reigo's finger. "I
love you, Reigo Vasquez. And if I can do it all over
again, I will risk my all to be your wife every time."
A tear fell from Reigo's eyes as Zehannah finished her
"You are my everything, my Zee."
"I know." She smiled at him and dried his tears with
her fingers. "Because that's what you are to me too."
Reigo's smile was finally back and when they heard the
words 'you are now husband and wife. You may now seal
your marriage with a kiss.' Reigo lifted Zehannah's
veil and claimed her lips. And in front of everyone,
Zehannah kissed her husband back. Lip-locked. With
tongue. And heated.
Kung hindi lang siguro titigil ang selebrasyon kung
hindi sila titigil sa halikan nila, magpapatuloy ang
dalawa. Grudgingly, they pulled away from each other
and continued the ceremony.
Reigo and Zehannah had to went through a long
photoshoot with everyone present. Mula sa mga magulang
nila ni Reigo hanggang sa mga bisita na hindi kilala
ni Zehannah. It was tiring, but her smile remained the
whole time because she couldn't deny that it was fun
having photos with everybody.
Of course, she and Reigo had a photo with their son
and just the two of them.
"Last na! Last na talaga!" malakas ang boses na sabi
ni Czarina sa photographer. "Come on, Amazonas!
Naughty pose!"
Every Amazona did what Czarina asked. The naughty
pose. So, the lunatics copied them.
"Come on, lunatics!" Tyron gathered everyone while
Reigo was in the center.
"Macho pose!" sigaw ni Knight at nagkaniya-kaniya
ngang 'macho pose' ang mga baliw at nagtawanan bago
lumapit sa kaniya-kaniyang asawa para sabay-sabay na
pumunta sa reception area na malapit sa man-made water
terraces na nagpatanga sa lahat.
Of course, Reigo went all out with the reception too.
There were more than twenty-three layered cakes with
different stunning designs—Reigo told her they were
gifts from his business colleagues— plus the main
wedding cake that was in the center. A seven-layer
white and rose gold cake decorated with flowers,
leaves, and veins, and on top of the cake was a coffee
cup. Inside that cup were a miniature figurine that
resembled her, Reigo, and their son, Ren, who's being
carried by her and Reigo in their arms, which Zehannah
"Ang galing..." 'yon lang ang nasabi ni Zehannah nang
mag-umpisa ang reception at naunang nag-perform sina
Evren at Faith.
Evren was the guitarist and Faith was the singer. And
they performed two songs with the orchestra. Wala pa
ring kupas ang boses ni Faith at ganoon din naman si
Evren sa gitara na napatanong si Zehannah kung abogado
ba talaga si Evren.
"He has a band on the side," imporma ni Reigo sa
"Oh. Kaya naman pala."
And then, following Evren and Faith's performance were
the lunatics. Hindi na umasa pa si Zehanna dahil alam
niyang puro kabaliwan lang naman ang gagawin ng mga
ito at hindi nga siya nagkamali. Sumali pa si Reigo sa
'I'm sexy and I know it' na sayaw ng mga ito.
Siyempre, hindi nagpahuli ang bridesmaids at matron of
honor niya. They danced Pussy Cat Dolls' 'Buttons' and
got a loud cheer and shout from the lunatics and other
guests. Kaniya-kaniyang cheer sa asawa nila ang mga
baliw. Except for Anniza who's pregnant.
After all that ruckus, she and Reigo were called to
the center for their first dance as husband and wife.
She let Reigo pick the song for them beforehand, and
she was excited to hear the song Reigo chose for their
first dance.
"This song is for you, my Zee," Reigo said as the
first melody filled the whole venue and then the male
singer's voice followed.
It was the first time Zehannah heard that song and she
asked Reigo as they slowly danced to the rhythm.
"It's 'My Eyes' by Blake Shelton," Reigo answered and
with his eyes on her, he sang along.
'There's a million stars dancing in the sky,
A picture-perfect moon so bright,
But I don't care, I'm looking at you
From where I stand you can beat the view.
Come a little closer, come a little closer
Come a little closer, love the way you look tonight,
My eyes are the only thing I don't want to take off of
Zehannah couldn't help it. She grabbed Reigo's nape
and kissed him hard as people around them pinned money
on their clothes. She didn't care. She just fell in
love with her husband all over again.
"Mommy! Daddy!"
Zehannah and Reigo grudgingly pulled away from each
other's lips when their son joined them in their first
dance. Reigo was carrying Ren while Ren had his chubby
arms around Zehannah's neck and the three enjoyed
their first dance as a family.
It was a sweet, endearing, and lovely picture of a
happy family. And Zehannah vowed to herself that she
would do anything to keep her family happy. And
unbeknownst to Zehannah, Reigo made the same vow as
they continued their first family dance.
Dinner Date
EXHAUSTED FROM WORK, Reigo parked his car in the
garage and heaved a deep sigh. He absorbed all the
engineering and construction companies under the
Vasquez's Empire to lessen his wife's workload and the
result was obvious—a lot of work. Good thing his wife,
who was also busy and working, sent him lunch to his
office today.
Gawain nilang mag-asawa 'yon sa isa't isa mula pa
noon. Since they couldn't be together at lunch break,
they would send food to each other as often as they
Looks like my Zee is already here. Reigo thought when
he glanced at the side of his car and saw his wife's
car. It was his gift to her when she started working
again after their honeymoon and she still didn't want
to replace it two years later. She always treasures my
gifts making me want to give her more.
Feeling his exhaustion fading away, he stepped out of
his car with a smile.
Reigo was expecting his son, Ren, to come charging in
as he stepped inside their house, but nothing
happened. The entire house was silent.
Na-kidnap na naman ba si Ren? Of course, the kidnapper
was none other than his mother. I should call Shun.
Pero bago pa makuha ni Reigo ang cellphone sa
briefcase bag niya, may nakakuha sa atensiyon niya.
Fairy LED lights on the floor. And it seemed like it
was stretched towards somewhere.
Habang ang isip niya ay nagtatanong ng 'ano'ng
mayroon?', humakbang na ang mga paa niya at sinundan
ang kahabaan ng fairy LED lights na nasa sahig.
Curious, the fairy lights took him to their little
garden in their backyard. But it was not just a little
garden anymore. It had been transformed to accommodate
a dinner date.
Yes. A dinner date with fairy lights and candlelight.
There was a table for two in the center of the garden.
The table had utensils, food—mostly his favorites—and
of course, wine.
And when he heard someone moving from behind and a set
of warm arms wrapped around his waist, all he could do
was smile warmly.
"Welcome home, babe," his wife who was hugging him
from behind whispered over his ear. "Have a dinner
date with me?"
Reigo glanced back at his wife over his shoulder. "I'm
ransacking my brain at the moment, asking myself if I
missed something, but nothing comes to mind. What's
the occasion?"
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah. "Hindi ba puwedeng gusto
ko lang sorpresahin ang asawa ko?"
Reigo's eyes widened and then they darkened with
desire. "Fuck. I want to make love to you right now."
Tumawa lang si Zehannah saka umikot paharap sa asawa
at kinalas ang necktie nito bago ito ginawaran ng
masuyong halik sa mga labi at naglalambing na niyakap.
"We've both been so busy, and I missed you."
Reigo hugged his wife back. He had fallen in love with
his wife again. Zehannah's gestures were really not
good for his heart which was already madly in love
with her. "Thank you, my Zee."
Zehannah just playfully bit Reigo's neck before
pulling him towards the table to enjoy their dinner
"I know how much you love my cooking, so I bought
takeout from our favorite restaurants," imporma ni
Zehannah kay Reigo na ikinatawa ng huli.
"Thank you for your kind consideration, my Zee." Reigo
played along with an amused smile on his lips.
Zehannah nodded haughtily as an act before dropping
her acting and laughing it off. "So"—Zehannah put food
on Reigo's plate as if it was as natural as breathing
making Reigo smile inwardly—"how's work?"
Reigo shrugged. "Exhausting, but I'm good." He looked
at his wife who's still putting food on his plate. "I
have you and Ren."
Zehannah smiled at that. "Speaking of Ren, he was
kidnapped by Mom again."
"Hindi na ako nagulat."
Natawa si Zehannah saka sinalinan ng tubig ang baso ng
asawa. "There. Finished. Kain ka na."
Reigo felt love as he looked at his plate. Hindi
palaging malambing ang asawa niya pero kapag ito ang
gumalaw at naglambing, wala na, talo na siya.
"My Zee?"
"This dinner comes with making love and fucking hard,
Zehannah just chuckled and gave Reigo a mysterious
smile which Reigo interpreted as 'yes, there's making
love and fucking hard after dinner'.
"How about you, my Zee? How's work?" He wanted to keep
his mind off the gutter while enjoying their dinner,
so he changed the topic.
"So-so," Zehannah answered with a shrug.
An amused smile stretched on Reigo's lips. "After
destroying two companies, it's just so-so? Hmm... my
Zee is bloodthirsty."
Umirap sa hangin si Zehannah. "Sila naman ang may
kasalanan. I was minding my own business when they
moved behind my back and tried to harm the empire. I
can't have that. Kapag hindi kaagad ma-sample-an ang
mga 'yan, mas dadami lang ang susubok na kalabanin
tayo. Mas mabuti nang habang maaga, maipakita na sa
kanila kung ano'ng kaya kong gawin."
Reigo had a wry smile. "Good thing no one is messing
with my companies."
Tumalim ang ngiti ni Zehannah. "Subukan lang nila,
sisiguraduhin kong walang matitira ni kusing sa
"Aw. My wife is spoiling me."
"Of course." Zehannah puffed her chest. "You're a
delicacy and you're mine. I have to keep you safe."
Then her tone became serious. "You are the main reason
why I accepted and succeeded Mom and Dad's position. I
need money, connection, and power to stand beside you
without being belittled and taken lightly. Hinding-
hindi ko hahayaan na malagay ulit ako sa posisyon na
hindi ko kayang lumaban at protektahan ka. I am your
wife, and I am your strength. Hinding-hindi ko
hahayaan na maging kahinaan mo ako."
Reigo's wide eyes were staring at Zehannah. This
woman... really... just how many times is she planning
to make me fall madly in love with her?
"What?" Zehannah asked when she noticed that Reigo was
staring as if dazzled.
After a few seconds of silence and then Reigo blinked
as if he had woken up from the daze then he smiled.
"Nothing. This handsome delicacy man just fell in love
with you all over again."
Inirapan ni Zehannah si Reigo dahil naisingit na naman
nito ang kaguwapuhan nito sa usapan. Ano ba'ng bago
ro'n? My husband is indeed handsome though.
"Anyway, no witch bitch showing up?" Zehannah asked
nonchalantly as if it was a normal occurrence.
Reigo continued eating. "Not that I'm aware of. You
already took care of the last one. How about on your
end, my Zee? Walang umaaligid?"
Zehannah looked at her husband wryly. "Babe, you're
the only man I know who's not intimidated by me."
"You're adorable though."
Zehannah showed a satisfied smile. "Yep. That's me.
Mahinang natawa si Reigo. "We should do this more
often. I miss going on dates with you."
"Kung puwede nga lang." Nagpakawala ng buntonghininga
si Zehannah. She missed those times too.
Being a parent with a career was hard as hell. But
they were managing it and trying to conquer it.
Siyempre, ang oras nila sa isa't isa ang
naiisasakripisyo kaya naman pinapahalagahan nilang
dalawa ang mga oras na magkasama sila. Tulad ngayon.
It was a simple dinner date with takeout food and just
talking in their garden, but for Zehannah and Reigo,
it was a special moment that they would treasure.
And because it was special, the two didn't even
realize that they had been talking throughout dinner
and still talking while enjoying their wine.
"Oh. It's already this late?" hindi makapaniwalang
wika ni Zehannah nang wala sa sariling mapatingin sa
relong pambisig nito.
Reigo looked at his wristwatch too and blinked.
"Twelve-fifteen AM? Ah, fuck! The making love!"
Abruptly, Reigo stood up and picked up Zehannah who
was not even showing a single sliver of shock at
Reigo's sudden movement.
Reigo clicked his tongue. "I love talking to you so
much that I have forgotten to make love."
Zehannah just shook her head and leaned on Reigo's
Hurriedly arriving at their bedroom, Reigo went
straight to the shower making Zehannah sigh and looked
at Reigo flatly while under the shower while still
"Really, babe?"
"What?" Reigo was showing an innocent expression which
Zehannah didn't buy, of course. "It's to save water
and electricity, my Zee."
"If only your real reason is as innocent as saving
water and electricity, I would've given you a head."
As if coming out from its hiding place, a naughty and
seductive smile crept on Reigo's lips. "You won't give
me a head? As far as I know, my Zee loves my cock."
Zehannah licked the corner of her lips when she saw
Reigo undressing and showing her her favorite part of
his body that she likes giving her attention to when
he's naked and horny.
Zehannah breathed out while looking at Reigo's long,
hard, and erect length. "You know, babe, I sometimes
hate that you know me too much."
Reigo could only smile in triumph when his Zee dropped
to her knees and kissed the tip of his erection.
Looking up, Zehannah caught Reigo's eyes and warned
him. "You better not cum fast or I won't let you eat
He grinned. "Deal. Now suck me and make it good, my
Zehannah rolled her eyes that held confidence. "Kailan
ka ba hindi nasarapan sa bibig ko?"
With that question, Zehannah made her tongue work
overtime around Reigo's length, licking and lapping
before she opened her mouth wide. She was deep-
throated in an instant—a sexual act that she loved
doing with her husband.
Her mouth was full and slightly gagging but that did
not make her pull away. It turned her on even more.
In and out, Reigo's long erection moved in Zehannah's
mouth. It was throbbing inside her mouth. So warm and
hard that Zehannah had become addicted to sucking it.
"Fuck... Zee..."
Zehannah's head moved forward and backward while her
tongue swirled around her husband's shaft, making sure
her teeth wouldn't touch it and continued sucking him
until he was holding the back of her head and deep-
throating her as his cusses and moans filled the
Even under the shower, Reigo's body was in flames as
he moved in and out of his wife's mouth.
Yes. His wife's mouth—the paradise that he loved so
much was accommodating his throbbing cock and making
it wetter and hornier.
Hindi mabilang ni Reigo kung ilang beses niyang
pinigilan ang sarili na labasan. His wife was clearly
enjoying the deed and if he came fast, his Zee will
truthfully not let him eat her.
So, he endured. Even when the pleasure was enough to
make his knees buckle, he held on and continued
receiving the pleasure that always left him wanting
Yes. More. He wanted more.
So, he held the back of his wife's head and buried his
cock deeply. She gagged but he did not pull away and
became even more aggressive. She sucked him hard and
fast and Reigo's control was about to snap.
But his wife didn't let him snap.
She pulled away and then gave all her attention to the
two sacks underneath his cock. All he could do was
cuss and moan at the inexplicable pleasure rapidly
devouring him.
Reigo's muscles trembled in pleasure at his wife's
balls-pleasuring skill that when her mouth went back
to his cock, in just a second of being inside, his
control broke and he spurted inside his wife's mouth,
filling her mouth full.
With a ragged breath, he watched his wife swallow his
cum and licked the tip of his cock as if cleaning him
up then she stood up, washed her mouth, and faced him
with a smile.
"I want more," she said as she licked her lips and
Reigo didn't need to ask to know what she meant.
She wanted more of his cock, and he would feel the
pain of it tomorrow morning.
At hindi nga nagkamali si Reigo. His wife ate him up
'til she was satisfied. Halos mag-uumaga na nang
makaramdam ito ng kakuntentuhan sa ginagawa. And just
like he anticipated, little Reigo suffered a little.
Can't complain though. It was that good.
Napatitig si Reigo sa asawa na mahimbing na natutulog.
Because of his body clock, even though he only slept
for three hours, he was already wide awake. Pero hindi
niya ginising ang asawa at maingat na lumabas ng
kuwarto saka tinungo ang kusina para gumawa ng agahan
para sa kanilang dalawa.
He and Zehannah had been together for six years now.
Three years engaged and three years married. And in
those years, he had come to know his wife deeply and
intimately. It was not just her likes, dislikes, and
peeves, but also how her mind works sometimes and why
she does the things she does.
Though he was not a know-it-all when it came to his
Zee, but the more they spend time together, the more
he understood her. And his wife felt the same way
toward him. And maybe because their relationships
started with being open with each other, it was not
hard for any of them to share their thoughts and
feelings when it counted.
However, just like any married couple, they fight. In
closed doors, of course. Ayaw nilang nakikita ng anak
nila na nagsasagutan sila. I say fight, but it's more
like a debate than a full-blown angry argument. Maybe
because his Zee never raised her voice at him even
when they're arguing. And the same with him. It just
didn't feel right for him to raise his voice at his
wife who never raised her voice at him.
Looking back, their arguments were more on the petty
side. Well, to my Zee, my jealousy towards Cassiuz is
petty. Bakit hindi siya magseselos? That man was
always overfamiliar with his wife when they're
talking. Wala siyang pakialam kung kapatid man ito ng
asawa ni Thorn o kung may asawa na ito. Nagseselos pa
rin siya.
Though opposite to him, his Zee didn't get jealous
when she found out about his female friends like
Gemini and Happy. Her exact words were 'Gemini and
Happy? They're both in love with their husbands, you
know.', and that's it. Though for some reason, he was
hated by Gemini's husband, Aidan, and Happy's husband,
Blaze, for no reason than talking to their wives.
I still hate Cassiuz.
Sighing, he finished cooking their breakfast then he
called his dad to check up on Ren.
"He's good. Dito raw muna siya sa 'min hanggang
bukas," anang ama niya nang sagutin ang tawag niya at
tinanong kung kumusta ang anak. "Dan and Cameron
visited us, so he'a playing with his grandparents."
Reigo was not complaining. No Ren meant sexy time with
his wife. Maybe I can eat her tonight. I must return
the favor, after all. He thought after thinking about
his slightly sore little Reigo.
"Sige, Dad. Pasabi na lang kay Ren na susunduin namin
siya riyan ng mommy niya bukas."
"Okay. I will. Bye, son."
Hanging up the phone, he checked the time and when he
saw that he still had ample time before preparing for
work, he placed the breakfast he cooked on the wooden
tray and then brought it to the master's bedroom for
breakfast in bed with his wife.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he hovered over his
wife's sleeping face and woke her up.
The moment his wife stirred in her sleep and her eyes
opened, a tender smile crept on his lips. He loved the
fact that he was the first person she sees the moment
she opened her eyes in the morning. And he would love
nothing more than to be the first person she sees for
the rest of their lives.
"Good morning, my Zee," he greeted her with a tender
And Zehannah greeted her husband back with the same
tenderness. "Good morning to you too, babe."
Seeing that tender smile on Zehannah's face, Reigo
knew he'll have a good day like always. Why? Because
his wife was happy. And as the saying goes that had
been engraved in his heart and soul, 'a happy wife is
a happy life'.
And at that moment... he's a happy husband.
SPECIAL CHAPTER: Council of the Crown and a surprise
Council of the Crown and a surprise
"SAAN DAW gaganapin ang meeting?" tanong ni Zehannah
kay Atty. Henares nang puntahan siya nito sa opisina
niya sa Vasquez Tower para ipaalam sa kaniya ang
acolyte meeting na magaganap sa susunod na linggo. "Is
my attendance a must? Puwede bang si Reigo ang
Since she and Reigo took over Contessa's
responsibilities as the third acolyte of the Council
of the Crown—in short, SM's acolytes—this was the
first time that a meeting was held.
"The meeting will be in Athens. And as the
representative of the Bancroft-Vasquez-Sevil voítheia,
your attendance is a must, Madam Zehannah.
Unfortunately, Sir Reigo is not allowed to attend
since he's not the representative in the contract. You
are. No worries, I will be you're assistant and we
will be traveling there with the first Idrytís."
Tumaas ang kilay ni Zehannah. 'Yon ang unang beses na
nalaman niya 'yon. "Representative?"
"Yes. As the previous representative, Madam Contessa
had the right to elect a new one and after her talk
with Sir Reigo earlier, they both decided to make you
the representative."
Mabilis na inabot ni Zehannah ang cellphone sa ibabaw
ng lamesa saka tinawagan ang asawa.
"Hmm, my Zee?"
"A representative. Really, babe?"
Kaagad na nakuha ni Reigo ang tinutukoy ni Zehannah.
"I just think you're well suited for the position, my
Zee." As usual, Reigo was so sure that she could do
it. There's not even a sliver of doubt. "I'm more into
construction and building stuff, not money
deliberation and financial stuff. Hindi lang 'yon,
ikaw ang namamahala sa mga kompanya nina Mommy. Sa
ating dalawa, ikaw ang mas nakakaalam sa bawat detalye
lalo na kung ilang porsyento ang dapat na ibigay mo sa
Orgánosi na aayon sa kita ng kompanya."
Zehannah took a deep breath and sighed. "I'll be going
with SM. Atty. Henares is also going with me as my
assistant. Gusto mong sumama?"
Reigo smiled at his wife's invitation. "Gusto mo ba
akong sumama?"
"Yeah. Pero 'di ba may importante kang bidding na
sasalihan next week?"
"I can cancel it," he offered.
Umiling si Zehannah. "No. Don't. Tulog na nga lang ang
pahinga mo para sa bidding na 'yon. I can manage."
"You sure?"
"Alright. Let's talk about this more later. I have a
meeting in ten minutes."
"Okay. Bye. Love you, babe."
"I love you too, my Zee. By the way, Oliver
recommended a new restaurant. I'll buy takeout for
dinner. Nandoon naman si Ren kina Mommy."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah dahil hindi pa rin
nagbabago ang asawa kahit ilang taon na silang kasal.
He still loved buying her takeout from recommended
restaurants. "Okay. See you later, babe."
"See you, my Zee. Bye. I love you."
When the call ended, Zehannah took a deep breath and
gave her answer to Atty. Henares who was still
patiently waiting for her reply. "Sure. I'll attend."
"Thank you, Madam Zehannah. I will relay your answer
to the first Idrytís' butler. I will visit your house
this coming weekend to discuss everything that you
need to know before the meeting. Until then, please
excuse me."
Zehannah nodded at the attorney and then she called
Fara to reschedule her meetings for next week.
And a few days later, Zehannah found herself riding a
private plane with SM to Athens. Of course, SM was
with her guards and her butler while she's being
accompanied by Atty. Henares.
"I'm nervous," Zehannah said and SM gave her a
reassuring smile.
"It's okay. Just be the Zehannah Sevil-Vasquez that
has been taking the business world by storm."
"That's not helping."
Mahinang natawa si SM. "Zehan, it's not like they
didn't know you already. You succeeded Madam Contessa.
Siguradong pinaimbestigahan ka na nila."
Napabuga ng marahas na hininga si Zehannah. She's not
from an old money family and she knew that some
wealthy people were not like Contessa who's very
accepting. 'Yon ang kinakakaba niya dahil hindi talaga
siya makakapayag na maliitin siya. Lalaban talaga
But it seemed like Zehannah's worries were unfounded
when they reached Athens and met the other acolyte
representatives in Racini's Hotel where they checked
in and had a pleasant dinner with everyone to get to
know each other. SM did not have dinner with them
because she's the queen. To acolytes, SM was not
someone they could just invite to dinner.
To Zehannah's surprise, they were nice people. Some
looked strict and haughty, but they didn't belittle
anyone—especially her for not being from a wealthy
family like everybody else. Some were even impressed
that she managed to earn Contessa's trust and became
her successor.
"It's just amazing," said Agatha Bamford, the new
second acolyte. Zehannah learned that Bamford was a
wealthy family from the UK. They were a family of
billionaire businessmen and politicians. "Madam
Contessa is known for being finicky when it comes to
people around her. But you, Madam Zehannah, did not
only marry her son but also became her successor. You
must be a splendid woman."
Mrs. Priscilla Barcley, the seventh acolyte
representative spoke after Agatha. She was from a
wealthy family who's known for owning banks all over
the UK and in the US as well. "I heard that Zehannah
here raised the company's profit to twenty-five
percent in just a few years since her succession. I
think Madam Contessa found a precious diamond. I'm
envious. If only I could find someone like you for my
sons, I'll die happily."
"Come now, don't put Zehannah on the spot. You'll make
her uncomfortable," said Heath Branson with a gentle
smile. The fifth acolyte who came from a family of oil
and energy tycoons based in the USA.
Forrest Cargill rolled his eyes at the fifth acolyte.
"Zehannah is happily married, Heath. Hold your
horses." Forrest was the fourth acolyte. He's from a
wealthy family known for philanthropy and funding
multiple non-profit organizations.
Heath grinned. "I don't enjoy married women, but if
it's Zehannah—"
"Please don't continue that." Speaking for the first
time after their introduction earlier before enjoying
their dinner, Zehannah's voice was sharp and
unforgiving. "I love my husband. I will leave it at
Saxe Dassault, the first acolyte, chuckled at Heath.
"You cannot tempt a woman who had earned Madam
Contessa's trust, Heath." Saxe was from a family
that's one of the leading aviation companies in the
world. "Give it a rest."
Heath slumped on his seat. "I was just saying." He
shrugged and looked at Zehannah. "Please, forgive me."
"Forgiven," Zehannah replied coolly.
Montgomery De Mevius, the man seated next to Saxe
joined the conversation. He's the sixth acolyte
representative and he came from a family who owned the
world's largest brewery company. "In your best guess,
how long will tomorrow's meeting go? I have an
appointment in Canada, and I don't want to miss it."
Saxe glanced at Montgomery. "I thought your plane has
a problem."
"I asked my secretary at home to buy me a new one in
your company. She's on the way," Montgomery replied to
Percival Ecclestone interjected. He's the eighth
acolyte and he came from a family of automotive and
racecars tycoons. Though that was not the only
industry his family was known for. "I asked my lawyer
earlier about the agenda of our meeting and I'd say
maybe three to four hours tops," he answered
Mackenzie Ferdinand, the tenth acolyte finished her
dinner and daintily tapped the corner of her mouth
with the table napkin before she spoke. "One of the
issues that would be tackled in tomorrow's meeting is
the growing wealth of the Triad. Please think about it
tonight and let's share a solution with everyone
tomorrow. Money is not a problem for all of us and
that's the same thing with them. As long as they have
the money to fund everything, we will continue to lose
this battle." Mackenzie came from an aristocratic
family in Austria with a royal bloodline.
Mavis Graff, the ninth acolyte agreed with Mackenzie's
words. Mavis was now the leading figure of the top-of-
the-line diamond and jewelry makers in the world.
Their businesses spanned across Europe, and they have
high-end boutiques around the world. "We should talk
about how to cripple their helpers and investors. This
is not just a battle of strength and numbers anymore.
We have to bring those companies downs who's helping
them spread their vileness to the world. We have to
use our wealth and connection to cut them down. We
shouldn't let Her Majesty, Queen Sweet Monday shoulder
this burden alone. This is our responsibility. This is
why we are the Acolytes of the Council of the Crown."
Priscilla Barcley nodded at Mavis. "I agree with our
ninth acolyte. We cannot lose to the second Idrytís'
Acolytes of the Council of Justice."
Agatha sighed. "If only the Acolytes of the Council of
Defense of the Third Idrytís would establish
themselves once again under Lord Parker Ellis, then we
wouldn't have this kind of problem. Those families
under the Third Idrytís have always been good in
monopolizing markets and industries."
"He's but a young boy, Agatha," Saxe said, his voice
sounding strained. "As of now, Lord Parker is still in
school and focused on his studies. The Council of
Defense is observing the lord at the moment."
"If it's bringing down companies, maybe I can help,"
Zehannah remarked, and all eyes were on her.
"Yes. I heard it's your specialty," Forrest said with
no malice, just plain fact.
Zehannah did not even try to deny that. "Bringing down
a company takes time and effort. The risk and danger
are immense. I have to investigate the target company
first and then I have to study your companies, so I'll
know who's the best suited to bring our target company
down. It'll be time-consuming, but if you really want
to do it, we can talk about it in depth tomorrow at
the meeting."
Everyone took Zehannah's words seriously and was
something to think about before the meeting tomorrow.
"By the way"—Heath looked at everyone at the round
table—"is it just me or half of the Council of the
Crown are single."
Everyone looked at Heath flatly.
"What?" Heath shrugged as if trying to feign
innocence. "Only Zehannah and Priscilla are married."
"Correction. I'm divorced," Priscilla said with a
blissful smile.
Mackenzie glanced at Priscilla with a frown. "Didn't
you just marry him last year?"
"He hit me." Priscilla shrugged as if it meant
nothing. "So, I immediately called it quits. I refuse
to be a battered wife. I mean, look at me. I'm worth
billions of dollars, bitch. Thank you, prenup. I'm
onto the next."
"Maybe you were too intimidating for him."
Heath's comment was taken personally by Agatha. "Shut
up, Heath. If a man couldn't accept the queen that I
am, then he doesn't deserve to be my king." Then
Agatha looked at Zehannah as if she knew something
about her and Reigo. "Right, Zehannah?"
Zehannah shrugged. "Adjusting and compromising for
each other is the key. I admit I can be intimidating
sometimes, but my Reigo is not the kind of man who
would put his ego before our relationship. We talk,
adjust, and compromise with each other. If I—we make
mistakes, we always try to talk about it and figure it
out together. If there's something he didn't like,
he'll tell me, and I do the same. We try to be as open
with each other as we can."
Priscilla sighed. "How I wish my relationships are
that healthy."
Mahinang natawa si Zehannah bago marahang napailing.
"I can't say that we have a healthy relationship, but
we try our best. Not only for us but also for our
"Reminds me of Her Majesty and her Knight," ani
Mackenzie. "They are also a couple goals."
"Speaking of Her Majesty"—Agatha turned to Zehannah—
"you're friends with Her Majesty, right?" She sounded
a little envious.
Tumango si Zehannah. "Yeah. My husband is friends with
her husband, so we got to know each other."
"And now I'm jealous." Priscilla pulled an annoyed
face, but Zehannah knew she was being playful.
Then they heard Heath sigh deeply. "Ah. To have a wife
like Her Majesty who will fight the whole Ultor's
Court and the previous fourth Arkhon for the happiness
of her beloved... that's a man's dream right there."
Percival gave Heath a lopsided look. "To have that
kind of love and devotion, you have to be equally
loving and devoted. And vice versa." Percival's
chided. "Don't ask for something that you yourself
couldn't give."
"Please excuse Percival," said Saxe. "He just went
through a nasty divorce."
Priscilla leaned closer to Zehannah and whispered in
Zehannah's ear. "His wife cheated on him with their
neighbors. Yes. With 's', darling. Good thing they
sighed a prenup."
Napatingin si Zehannah kay Percival. He was clearly a
gorgeous man. I guess it's not just the face anymore.
Look at my Reigo before he met me.
"Enough of this gloomy shit." Forrest stood up with a
bored expression on his face. "Let's all have a good
rest and be on time tomorrow. Good night, everyone."
Nauna nang lumabas si Forrest sa pribadong silid na
inokupa nila para sa hapunan nila. Kapagkuwan ay
sunod-sunod na na naglabasan ang lahat pagkatapos
magpaalam sa isa't isa.
Going back to her room, Zehannah immediately freshened
up and went to bed. Gusto sana niyang tawagan ang
asawa pero mag-uumaga na sa Pilipinas. She didn't want
to disturb her husband, so she just sent him a text
telling him the summary of what happened, and then she
went to sleep.
When morning came, Zehannah immediately got ready and
went to a private office in the hotel's basement
together with Atty. Henares.
"In this meeting, treat me as your secretary," Atty.
Henares informed Zehannah as they walked towards the
venue. "If you didn't know anything or if you didn't
understand something, please feel free to ask me.
Also, do not hesitate to order me around. You are my
boss from today onwards. You can use me and order me
around as you see fit. It's my responsibility and my
That's when it all clicked for Zehannah. "So that's
why Mama Contessa trusted you so much."
"Yes. And from now on, I will be your right-hand man."
Tumango si Zehannah saka huminga nang malalim bago
tumigil ng ilang segundo sa harapan ng pribadong
opisina bago pumasok.
Unlike the dinner at the round table last night which
had a light atmosphere, Zehannah immediately felt the
formal and tense air when she stepped inside the
private office. And the tense air became even more
intense when SM arrived with her people.
And even though she had known SM for years, when she
saw SM enter, she looked and felt like a different
person to Zehannah. The air around her, the aura, and
her gait, Zehannah honestly felt the urge to bow down
to the queen.
At that moment, Zehannah understood why SM was revered
as a Queen. It's the aura she exuded. The aura of a
Queen in her own right. And as she took the head seat
of the black marble long table, everyone stood up and
greeted her. It was Zehannah's first time, so she just
followed along and greeted SM with a bow.
"Zíto, Your Majesty!"
SM nodded at everyone and smiled endearingly, but that
did not calm the tense air.
"Thank you, my acolytes." SM's voice was soft but
firm. "Please, have a seat."
With SM's permission, everyone seated, and a
touchscreen tablet was provided to the acolyte by
their own lawyers to signal the start of the Council
of the Crown's meeting.
And then SM's lawyer took the lead in the meeting.
"For the new acolyte's representative's sake, I am
Zaccheus Cáceres, Legal Adviser to the First Idrytís.
I handle all of Her Majesty's legal documents and
responsibilities, and I am also the head of the
Orgánosi's Legal Department." He sighed afterward as
if introducing himself was a hassle. "With that out of
the way, let's begin. Please refer to the first page
of the document on your tablets. Our first agenda for
today is the detailed expenses report of your
voítheia. Please take your time and read it."
Binasa naman kaagad iyon ni Zehannah. Buti na lang
sanay siyang nagbabasa ng mahahaba at detalyadong
report kaya hindi na 'yon bago sa kaniya. While
reading, she wanted to praise the one who made these
reports. It was indeed a detailed expenses report.
Everything little thing was recorded that all her
questions were answered by the report. And it looked
like everyone felt the same as her because no one
raised a question.
"Any questions?" Atty. Zaccheus Cáceres asked.
Everyone replied 'no'.
"Second agenda, the voítheia for the next year." Atty.
Zaccheus Cáceres looked at everyone. "The collection
schedule—which is per quarter—will not change, but the
amount. You may now inform Her Majesty of the changes
of your voítheia."
One by one, the acolyte addressed SM to inform her
about their voítheia. Out of the ten acolytes, only
two decreased their voítheia—a five percent decrease
from their current voítheia— due to the economy and
"We are expecting a raise in profit midway next year
and if our forecast is accurate, the decreased five
percent will be added back to our voítheia," said
Montgomery De Mevius.
"Same with us," said Agatha and she sighed. "One of
the companies supporting the Triad is making it
difficult for us to penetrate the market. I'm afraid
that we're going to lose one of our companies next
year if I didn't do anything now."
"This is what I was talking about yesterday,"
Mackenzie remarked. "We have to do something about
those damn companies!"
SM looked at Agatha. "Is there something I can help
you with?"
"No, your Majesty. You already have so much on your
plate right now, I won't add another burden on your
shoulder." Then Agatha looked at Zehannah. "I thought
about your suggestion yesterday at dinner and I
accept, Zehannah. If you could lend me a hand, I would
appreciate it greatly. But I also don't want to burden
you with my problem, so I have a suggestion of my
Everyone gave their attention to Agatha.
"Instead of Zehannah putting in her time and effort to
bring down our target company, why not we do it
ourselves? Our companies, our responsibilities.
Zehannah can give input and suggestions. She could be
our adviser since she is well-versed in destroying a
"Yes. That's it!" Mavis was elated. "The acolytes of
the Council of the Crown didn't usually mingle with
each other. As long as we do our part and gave
monetary support, then that's the end of our
relationship. But the world is changing, and our
enemies are getting smarter and wealthier. We have to
make a change if we want to continue supporting Her
Mackenzie nodded at Mavis' passionate speech. "I agree
with Mavis. We can't continue sitting pretty on our
laurels anymore. Let's band together and help each
"I guess"—Saxe gave everyone a look—"ten heads are
better than one, after all."
SM smiled at the discussion happening in front of her
and spoke. "It's eleven heads are better than one,
Saxe. You can also count on me."
"Your Majesty..."
SM gave everyone an earnest look. "I can't thank you
enough for your support, so please, let me contribute
too. I may not be able to personally help you, but I
can lend you my people. They can investigate and spy
for you. You are my very most important acolytes, so
please, accept my aid to lessen your burden."
Zehannah couldn't help but smile at SM. She may have
the aura of the Queen, but the way SM spoke was no
different when she was speaking to the Amazonas back
home. Still sweet and soft, but with firmness and
conviction. It was like her voice carried a certain
amount of assurance that everything will work out just
"I accept." Si Zehannah ang unang tumanggap sa tulong
na inaalok ni SM. "Spies and investigation are
important to infiltrate a company and destroy them
from inside out."
Everyone decided to accept SM's help after Zehannah,
and the meeting continued to the next agenda. To put
it briefly, the meeting was all about money. How it
was spent, how much was spent, and how it should be
spent going forward. And since the acolytes of the
Council of the Crown decided to all work together to
destroy their common enemies, for the first time since
the Council of the Crown was established in the bygone
era, the acolytes opened their communication line and
shared every means to contact them.
Overall, it was a successful meeting that made some
acolytes reschedule their other meetings and dealings
because it consumed their whole day.
"I will ask my tracker to provide each of you with a
mobile phone made by the Orgánosi's Engineering
Department that has its very own software and
applications. It was made to avoid hackers, so feel
free to use it to contact each other," SM said as her
parting message. "Again, thank you for your support."
Simultaneously, the acolytes bowed their heads and
spoke. "By your will, Your Majesty. Zíto!"
The Queen left and the meeting should have ended, but
no. The acolytes of the Council of the Crown remained,
and their discussion extended throughout the night.
They only concluded their extended meeting when Heath
pointed out that it was already close to sunrise.
"That's fast," ani Reigo sa kabilang linya nang
tumawag ito at sinabi ni Zehannah na uuwi na ito. "But
I'm not complaining though. I missed you."
Zehannah smiled at that. She was packing up while
Reigo was on loudspeaker. "I missed you too. Anyway,
how about you? How did the bidding go?" It was a
billion-peso contract.
"Nailed it. We're just waiting for the contract."
Mas lumapad ang ngiti ni Zehannah sa narinig.
"Congratulations, babe! I'm so proud of you!"
Simple words from his wife were enough to make Reigo
the happiest man. "Thanks, my Zee. I'm proud of you
too. You did well in your first meeting with the
Council of the Crown."
"Hmm. Akala ko nga may masasabi sila sa 'kin kasi
hindi naman nila ako kauri." Zehannah was not ashamed
of her roots and never hid them, so she had heard some
nasty words from other people since she took other the
Vasquez business empire. "Surprisingly, nothing of
sort happened. It was a good meeting overall."
"I'm glad." Reigo hated hearing people talk shit about
his wife. 'Yon ang rason kung bakit mapili siya sa mga
tinatanggap niyang deal. He didn't want to work with
anyone who talked badly about his wife. "Siya nga
pala, my Zee, sabay ka pa rin ba kay SM pauwi o mag-
isa ka lang pabalik?"
"Sabay. Hinintay ako ni SM, e. Pero magpapaiwan daw si
Attorney Henares dahil may gagawin pa siya."
"Salamat naman. Mag-iingat ka, okay?"
Zehannah playfully rolled her eyes. "Stop worrying.
I'll be fine."
"I'll only stop worrying when you're already in my
Napangiti na lang si Zehannah nang makaramdam siya ng
kilig. Hanggang sa mga sandaling 'yon, nandoon pa rin
ang epekto na 'yon ng asawa niya sa kaniya. "I really
want to kiss you right now, babe."
"Then come home fast, my Zee. My lips are all yours."
"I know. See you, babe."
"See you, my Zee. I love you."
"I love you too. Bye."
"Bye. Ingat. I love you again."
"I will. And I love you too, babe."
With a smile, Zehannah ended the call and left her
hotel room with her luggage. Si Caless, isa sa Elite
Force ni SM ay nasa labas ng kuwarto niya at
hinihintay siya.
"Her Highness is already at the lobby, waiting, Madam
"Thank you, Caless."
Caless guided her to the lobby and then she and SM
left the hotel in the same limousine towards the
The travel back home was uneventful. Zehannah and SM
spent it sleeping and sharing conversations about the
meeting when awake or having a meal together.
Nang sa wakas ay lumapag na rin sa Pilipinas ang
eroplanong sinasakyan, nagulat si Zehannah nang
makitang kasama ng asawa ni SM si Reigo na naghihintay
sa kanila.
Seeing Reigo, Zehannah instantly ran towards her
husband, wrapped her arms around Reigo's neck, and
claimed his lips.
It was so satisfying to feel her husband's lips on
hers and when he kissed her back, everything faded and
there was only Reigo.
I really missed him so much. Zehannah thought before
she forced herself to pull away from Reigo who had a
sexy smile on his lips.
"Miss me?"
Mabilis na pinisil ni Zehannah ang magkabilang pisngi
ng asawa. "Mas lalakas na naman ang hangin mo."
Natawa si Reigo bago masuyong niyakap ang asawa. "Na-
miss kita. Uwi na tayo?"
Tinugon ni Zehannah ang yakap ng asawa. "Hmm. Uwi na
Pulling away from her and holding her hand, Reigo
thanked SM and Knight—Zehannah did the same—and then
the two left in Reigo's car.
"Babe, puwede ba tayong dumaan sa clinic ni Doc Cza?"
Sumulyap si Reigo sa asawa. "Girl's talk?"
"Nope. May dadaanan lang ako."
Reigo didn't question his wife anymore. When it came
to Zehannah and Doc Cza, it was always sex toys and
something lewd. Together with Eliza, Khairro's wife,
it's the master trio of lewdness.
Of course, Reigo was not complaining.
"Sandali lang ako," mabilis na sabi ni Zahannah nang
itigil ni Reigo ang sasakyan aa harap ng clinic ni Doc
Reigo nodded and patiently waited for his wife to come
back. True to Zehannah's words, she was quick. Hindi
nga yata ito nagtatlong minuto sa loob ng clinic ni
Doc Cza.
"Come on. Let's go," aya ni Zehannah ng makasakay.
Kaagad namang minaniobra ni Reigo ang sasakyan paalis
at tinahak ang daan patungo sa Bachelor's Village.
Nang makarating sila sa bahay nila, kaagad na
sinalubong si Zehannah ng yakap ng anak kasama si
Contessa na siyang bantay ni Ren sa araw na 'yon.
"Mommy...! Mommy...!"
Mabigat na ang anak pero kinarga pa rin ito ni
Zehannah at pinupog ng halik sa pisngi bago may
ibinigay rito at may ibinulong sa anak.
"Give it to Daddy."
"Okay." Mabilis pa sa alas-kuwatro si Ren na tumakbo
patungo kay Reigo na kakapasok lang sa kabahayan dahil
inayos pa nito ang pagkakaparada ng sasakyan sa
garahe. "Daddy! Daddy! From Mommy!"
Reigo accepted the folder and read at it with a frown.
And in a split second, he dropped it and shouted
'yes!' from the top of his lungs frightening Ren and
"Another one! Another one!" Reigo was grinning from
ear to ear and then he swooped in and kissed her hard.
"Thank you! Thank you, my Zee! Thank you!" Then he
went and picked up Ren and danced their son around.
"You're going to be a big brother soon, little Ren. A
big brother!"
Ren's lips formed into an 'o' then he grinned and
clapped. "Yey! Big brother! I'm going to be a big
As the two celebrated Zehannah's second pregnancy,
Contessa was crying so hard and fanning herself with
her hands as tears fell from her eyes while calling
her husband and conferencing the call with Zehannah's
parents. She was so happy with the news that she was
crying while informing the three on the other line.
Meanwhile, Zehannah was just watching the three with a
bright smile on her face. Seeing her whole family, who
mattered to her the most, happy, made Zehannah feel
contented and accomplished as a woman, a mother, and a
I'm glad I risked it all for him. Her face softened as
it landed on Reigo who's still dancing their son
around. I'm glad he's my husband and I'm his wife.
Without Reigo, her life would've been different, but
she was certain that that life could never outshine
the life she had now. Because she had Reigo—the source
of her happiness, her determination, her inspiration,
and her motivation.
Really... Reigo and my family is life. And now,
another one's going to be added to their family. And
Zehannah couldn't wait to be a mother of two.
At Sixteen
AS REN HANDED his report card to his mother in his
parents' private office in their home, he remained
silent as she read it. He waited for the scolding and
the lengthy speech knowing how bad his grades were—he
even failed three subjects—but even after a while, his
mother didn't say anything. Which was unusual.
Ren felt the need to explain, to get a reaction from
his mother. "Mom—"
"Silence, Ren."
The coldness in his mother's voice made him freeze in
his seat, but he still forced himself to speak. "I can
"I said silence." His mother's voice was calm, but he
would rather her scold him than this. "What is there
to explain? Your grades suck and you failed three
subjects. There is nothing that could justify that
after we've given you everything you wanted and
needed, is there? I'm not going to cuddle you and tell
you to try harder next time because truthfully, I
don't think you will and I'm reaching the point where
I just don't give a fuck anymore. You've been too
spoiled rotten that you don't know what hard work
means. You're dismissed. Leave."
Ren wanted to say something to defend himself even
though he knew he really messed up, but his mother
didn't throw him a glance even once after she
dismissed him. As if he didn't exist and he felt an
ache in his chest.
Walking out of his mother's private office, Ren was
rubbing his chest when he felt that sudden ache. It
was a new sensation to him that he didn't know what
it's called and why he was feeling it.
He admitted that he didn't take his studies seriously.
Hell, he didn't care about it at all because it didn't
make sense to him. Hindi naman sila mauubusan ng pera
kung hindi siya mag-aaral. And he's already in his
grandparents' will. Mag-aral man siya o hindi, may
mamanahin siya. So, what's the point?
Napatigil sa paglalakad si Ren nng makita ang
nakababatang kapatid na nakaharang sa daraanan niya.
Reignah, his nine years old little sister, tilted her
head to the side while looking up at him and hugging
her favorite pig plushie. "You don't look so good,
Kuya. Pinagalitan ka ba ni Mommy? Daddy said earlier
that it's your report card's day."
It took him a while to answer. "...not really."
"So, Mommy doesn't love you anymore?"
Nanlaki ang mata niya sa narinig. "What?"
"Narinig ko sa classmate ko na kapag hindi ka
pinapansin ng mommy at daddy mo, o kaya naman wala
silang paki sa 'yo tapos hindi ka nila pinapagalitan
kahit may mali kang ginawa, hindi ka na nila love,"
Reignah animatedly explained.
"That's not true!" Ren snapped at his sister who
shrunk down from him in fear. "Mom and Dad love me!"
Reignah pressed her lips together and furrowed her
eyebrows at him. "Siguro noon, pero hindi na ngayon.
Aren't you always giving Mommy and Daddy problems and
headaches? Sabi ng classmate ko, kapag bad ka at hindi
nakikinig, hindi ka na magiging love ng mommy at
Ren took a threatening step. "You little—"
Reignah stuck her tongue out at Ren and then she ran
back to her room, leaving Ren stressed.
That little devil. Ren clicked his tongue. Reignah had
always had a sharp tongue for a kid that she's always
pissing him off.
Forcing himself to move, he walked towards his room.
Along the way, he passed the part of their house where
all the awards were displayed and unconsciously, he
stopped to look at it. Wala siyang maalala na sandali
sa buhay niya na tumigil siya rito para tingnan ang
mga award na natanggap ng mga magulang niya. Ito ang
unang beses na binasa niya lahat ng award na naroon.
There were seven business awards in total. Four from
his mother and three from his dad. And he heard about
another award for his dad this coming month,
specifically his company—most outstanding and
efficient company—if he remembered it right.
These awards were proof of how amazing his parents
How did they do it? He wondered. Palaging naroon ang
mga magulang nila kapag kailangan nila ang mga ito.
They would even attend the simplest event in school
when they asked them to. They never told them that
they didn't have the time to attend or participate.
May mga pagkakataon na isa lang sa mga magulang nila
ang nakaka-attend pero minsan lang 'yon.
It really boggled Ren's mind how his parents had these
accolades knowing that they were the priority, not the
company. But these awards were not the company's
awards, they were for individuals.
That means Mom is too amazing as a businesswoman that
she received three awards as an individual. Same with
Dad. Is this the hard work Mom was talking about? But
why the effort? We're already well off. We have so
much money already. The word wealthy is not even
enough to describe our family. So, what's the point?
Ren was too focused on his own thoughts that he didn't
realize his father was behind him.
"Ano'ng tinitingnan mo riyan?"
Napaigtad si Ren nang marinig ang boses ng ama saka
nilingon ito. "Dad..." Kapagkuwan ay tumuon ang tingin
niya sa bunso nilang kapatid na babae na naka-
piggyback sa ama.
Reignah and Reize had a two-year gap. And between the
two, Reize was the daddy's girl while Reignah was the
mommy's girl.
"Hi, Kuya!" Reize sweetly waved her hand at Ren. "Just
got home from Mommy La's house and I have pasalubong
for you and Ate Reignah in my backpack."
He thanked Reize and tried to smile back at his little
sister, but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Bakit nakatayo ka lang diyan?" tanong ni Reigo sa
anak saka ibinaba sa sahig si Reize na gustong makita
kaagad si Reignah. "It's report card's day, right? How
did you do?"
Ren looked down. Somehow, he felt conscious of his
grades all of the sudden.
Ren's silence was enough to answer Reigo. "That bad,
Ren remained silent and waited for the scolding, but
just like his mother, his father didn't say anything.
"You're not going to say anything too?" He asked his
dad while looking up at his father.
Nagkibit-balikat si Reigo sa anak. "You're already
sixteen, Ren. Nasisiguro kong alam mo na ang tama sa
mali. At kahit naman ano'ng sabihin namin sa 'yo,
hindi mo pinapakinggan. Namaos na lang kami. Might as
well keep quiet. There's no difference anyway."
That familiar ache in his chest was at it again. "Dad—
"Our mistake for spoiling you too much." His dad then
reached out his hand and then messed his hair while
having a complicated look on his face.
Ren didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit! "Just—
just scold me! Like you always do!"
But his father just patted his head and went in the
direction of the private office.
Consumed with confusion and an ache he couldn't
explain, he went straight to his room and called his
grandma. And the moment his Mommy La answered, he
immediately told her what happened and complained.
"You know, little Ren, your mom called me just a
minute ago," said his Mommy La after hearing his
complaints. "She wanted to erase your name from the
Nanlaki ang mga mata ni Ren sa narinig at parang
tumaas ang dugo niya sa ulo. "What?! Is she even
allowed to do that?! Isn't it your will, Mommy La?!"
His grandmother sighed on the other line.
"Technically, yes, but your mother's hard work in the
company gives her the right to decide that. Sabi niya
sa 'kin, masasayang lang ang kompanya na pinaghirapan
naming palaguin kung mapupunta sa 'yo. So, she's
asking me to change the will."
Ren felt his body tremble. "W-will you?"
"Well..." His Mommy La sighed. "I am partly at fault
for spoiling you too much. Maybe... it'll be a good
chance to make a change."
His body went cold. "But Mommy La—"
"There's nothing to worry about, little Ren. You can
always work at the company to earn money to buy the
things you want," his Mommy La reassured him softly.
"Naalala ko pa noong nasa edad mo ang daddy mo. He
would always work hard at your grandpa's company every
summer or every chance he got to earn money since we
didn't give him an insane amount of allowance like we
do to you now. He would always make a deal with us to
get the things he wanted the most. Your dad was such a
hard worker, while your mom is an overachiever. Look
at them now, both successful in their own right and
continuing our family's legacy."
Hindi makaimik si Ren. Walang lumalabas na salita sa
bibig niya. Ni ayaw n'ong bumuka. Nablangko rin ang
utak niya. Ayaw n'ong gumana.
The will... My name will be erased from the will.
No... no... this can't be true. No!
He was hoping that this was just a bad dream or a
But it was not.
The days went on as if to tell him it was not a bad
dream but reality. And a few weeks after he learned
from his Mommy La that his name will be erased from
the will, at dinner, his father announced his removal
from the will to everyone. Making it official.
No. I'm not dreaming. This is real! This is real!
He thought after that he will be punished by lowering
his allowance, but nothing like that happened. His
allowance remained intact, his parents still drove him
and his little sisters to school, and they still
attend his school meetings, but they never once asked
about his grades or school standing. Never. It was as
if they had lost interest.
His mother just let him do whatever he wanted without
saying anything. While his father would still talk to
him and tease him from time to time, he never scolded
him like he used to.
Ren could feel the disappointment and he felt
suffocated. He couldn't tell his friends, especially
Thassia what was happening because he was ashamed. He
didn't know what to do that he ran to his grandpa and
granddad's house. In his mind, they were the only ones
he could run to.
"Oh, it's little Ren." His granddad smiled and he let
him in before he called out to his grandpa. "Dan,
love...! Ren's here." Then he ushered him in. "Come
on, little Ren. May gusto ka bang inumin? Kainin?
You're looking pale, kiddo. Are you alright?"
For the first time since his nightmarish reality
started, this was the first time someone had asked him
if he was alright. And tears just fell from his eyes,
and he cried in his granddad's arms.
"Ano'ng nangyari?" 'Yon kaagad ang tanong ni Dan nang
makababa sa salas at nakitang umiiyak ang apo sa mga
bisig ng kapareha.
Cameron gave Dan a knowing look and Dan immediately
understood and went to pat Ren's back until he calmed
Nang kumalma, tinanggap ni Ren ang isang baso ng tubig
na iniabot sa kaniya ng grandpa niya saka ininom 'yon
kapagkuwan ay ilang beses na huminga nang malalim.
"Gusto mo bang pag-usapan ang nangyari?" masuyong
tanong ni Dan sa apo.
Nagbaba ng tingin si Ren sa hawak na baso. "I'm sure
you already know what happened, Grandpa, Granddad."
Hinaplos ni Dan ang buhok ng apo. "Galit ka ba sa
mommy at daddy mo dahil sa pag-alis nila sa pangalan
mo sa will?"
Umiling si Ren. Hindi siya galit at 'yon ang tunay
niyang nararamdaman. What he felt was not anger, but
an ache in his chest. "I just didn't know what to
Nagkatinginan sina Dan at Cameron. Both of them felt
like someone was twisting their hearts seeing their
grandson looking pale and lost, but they couldn't
rebuke what their daughter and son-in-law did.
"Gusto mo bang dito ka muna sa 'min?" tanong ni
Cameron sa apo. "You can use your mom's old room. Kami
na rin ang tatawag sa mommy at daddy mo para sabihing
dito ka muna sa 'min."
"... they wouldn't care," Ren whispered.
"Mom and Dad. They don't care about me ... anymore."
"Hindi 'yon totoo," kaagad na depensa ni Dan. "Hindi
ang mga magulang mo ang tipo ng mga magulang na walang
pakialam sa mga anak nila. You, Reignah, and Reize are
always their first priority and you know it, Ren."
Humigpit ang hawak ni Ren sa baso. "Kung ganoon,
bakit—bakit hindi na sila nagagalit sa 'kin? Si Mommy
parang hindi na ako nakikita. Si Dad, nakakausap ko
naman pero may kulang. Something is different and I
can feel it."
Nagkatinginan sina Dan at Cameron ulit kapagkuwan ay
ginulo ni Cameron ang buhok ng apo at tinanong ito.
"Ren, gusto mo bang marinig ang honest opinion ng
Granddad mo?"
Bumaling si Ren kay Cameron. "What is it, Granddad?"
"Sanay ka sa atensiyon ng mga magulang mo kaya
naninibago ka ngayon na hindi ka pinapansin. You're in
pain and feeling bad because of it. But have you ever
asked yourself why your mom and dad are being like
that? Why your mom removed your name from the will?
Subukan mong tanungin ang sarili mo at siguradong
maliliwanagan ka kung bakit nangyayari sa 'yo ang
nangyayari ngayon."
Ren blinked. "Ask... myself?" He hadn't done that. All
he had done was complain and complain.
Ren looked so lost that Dan was having a hard time
seeing their grandson like that. Gusto nila itong
tulungan at ipaintindi rito ang nangyayari pero
binalaan sila ng anak nila na huwag gawin 'yon. Gusto
ng anak nila na si Ren mismo ang makapag-isip kung ano
ang tama at mali sa mga pinaggagagawa nito.
It was the truth that they had a hand in why Ren
turned out like this. They spoiled him too much. Not
just Contessa and Rohan but he and Cameron as well.
"Stay here for the night and think," ani Dan sa apo.
"Doon ka matulog sa kuwarto noon ng mommy mo. Ako na
ang bahalang magsabi sa mommy at daddy mo."
Wala sa sariling tumango si Ren. Laman ng isip niya
ang mga sinabi ng granddad niya.
While lost in his own thoughts, something caught his
Plentiful awards on display. And from where he was
sitting, he could read his mother's name on all of it.
Your mom is an overachiever. He remembered hearing
those words from his Mommy La.
"Are those... Mom's?"
"Hmm?" Sinundan ng tingin nina Dan at Cameron ang
tinitingnan ni Ren. "Oh, those? Yeah." Dan's face
broke into a proud grin. "Hindi ko masasabing mahirap
kami noon pero hindi rin naman kami mayaman. Tama lang
na makakain nang maayos at mapag-aral ang mommy mo. We
have so many worries while your mom was growing up,
but Zehan was such an amazing child. Hindi niya kami
binigyan ng problema. Responsable siyang bata kahit
noon pa. Halos mangalay na nga paa ko sa kakaakyat sa
stage sa tuwing graduation." Mahinang natawa si Dan sa
memorya. "Looking back now, I could say that your mom
was a good child."
A good child... Ren thought. With those awards, it was
clear that his mother was extraordinary in school. And
by his grandpa's happy face while recalling the
memory, it would seem that his mom never once brought
headaches to his grandparents.
Unlike me...
That thought came so sudden that Ren stilled.
Yes. Unlike me. I'm... I'm not a good child. Not in
the slightest.
Kumuyom ang kamao niya saka tumingin sa Grandpa at
Granddad niya. "Grandpa, granddad, I want to stay here
for the night."
"Of course." Dan smiled.
"Sure, kiddo." Cameron immediately stood up. "I'll
clean your mom's old room a bit. Dan, love, call Zehan
and inform her."
Dan nodded at Cameron before he went to look for his
phone in the kitchen.
Alone in the living room, Ren stood up and went to
stand in front of his mother's awards.
So many medals.
Ren couldn't help comparing himself to his parents—
especially his mother. Simula noong mag-aral siya,
isang medal pa lang ang natanggap niya at 'yon ay
noong nasa kindergarten pa siya.
He didn't excel in anything. He didn't want to study
because it was too much work. And he would rather play
around and have fun rather than read a book and be
ready for a test.
"Grandpa...?" kuha niya sa atensiyon ng grandpa niya
nang maramdaman niyang nakabalik na ito sa salas.
"Do you think I can become like Mom and Dad if I
"Of course." Nilapitan ni Dan ang apo saka inakbayan
ito. "You are their child. Pero hindi mo naman sila
kailangang gayahin. Hindi mo rin kailangang gawin ang
mga ginawa nila. Just study and make a path of your
"... a path of my own?"
"Hmm. I know that the will is important to you because
a will equals a good life for you, but you don't need
it, Ren." Dan patted Ren's shoulder and messed his
hair. "You can always make your own path, in your own
way, and make a good life for yourself without it.
That's what your dad did, you know. Sa halip na
manahin ang kompanya ng mga magulang niya, mas ginusto
niyang magtayo ng sa kaniya mismo dahil ayaw niyang
umasa sa pera ng iba. Your mom did the same as well.
She worked hard and when she finally got the money,
she started a business with your Ninang Cassia."
Ren glanced at his side to look up at his grandpa.
"You really think I can do it, Grandpa?"
"Of course." His grandpa gave him a reassuring smile.
"You might have to put a lot of effort and work into
it, but I believe that if you work hard and stay
consistent, you'll be able to forge your own path to
Ren stared at the most prominent medal his mother had
received. Magna Cum Laude.
"Grandpa, you think Mom and Dad would scold me again
if I received a medal in school?"
Ren's train of thought was shocking Dan, but he would
always pull himself together and answered Ren
earnestly. "Not just scold you, little Ren. They will
also smile at you and be happy for you."
Medal. Yes. I'll start with a medal. Maybe by then,
Mom and Dad will care for me again.
That was Ren's hope. He didn't know if he could pull
it off, but he was determined. The next time he showed
his report card to his parents, he promised himself
that it will be different.
This time... I will not be a disappointment.
A Decade Later
REIGNAH PARKED HER car outside her brother's house in
Gentlemen's Village. It was a slightly longer drive
from her parents' house since they were not living in
Bachelor's Village anymore.
It's been three years since they moved to her
grandparents' enormous property to take care of their
Mommy La and Daddy Lo since they're already old. And a
year after that, her Grandpa and Granddad joined them
in the mansion at her mother's request since they too
were getting older.
So now, they're all living together with their
grandparents in the mansion much to their
grandparent's happiness—except for their older
brother, Ren.
No. It's not because he was cut off from the will or
anything, he just wanted to live on his own. Kaya
naman binigay ng Mommy at Daddy nila ang bahay nila
dati sa Bachelor's Village sa Kuya Ren nila. And with
their parents' consent, their brother sold the house
and bought a new one in the village next to the
Bachelor's Village.
Looking back, it's been a decade since her brother
suddenly changed and became a decent big brother. It
was after he was cut off from the will. Bigla na lang
itong nagbago at naging masipag. He stopped playing
around and being spoiled and actually started studying
on his own without anyone telling him to. Even
receiving medals and awards afterward.
The shock on her mom and dad's face at that time was
so hard to forget.
And now, a decade later, his older brother now had a
company of his own. Though it was a fledgling
construction and engineering company, she heard it was
doing well and expanding under her brother's
Meanwhile, at the age of nineteen, she was already
being trained by her mother since her brother didn't
want the Vasquez's Empire because he wanted to forge a
path on his own which of course, made Mom and Dad very
proud. As for me. I really want that empire, so I'm
working hard even though I'm still in college. I want
to be like Mom. A badass businesswoman who's feared
and respected in the business world.
As for her little sister, Reize, she wanted to be like
Dad, so at the age of seventeen, she was already on
the path to becoming an engineer, just like their
older brother.
Fixing her slightly crumpled dress, Reignah stepped
out of her car and pressed the doorbell next to the
gate. At hindi na siya nagulat na si Thassia ang
nagbukas ng gate para sa kaniya.
Thassia was just a few months older than her brother
and the two had been close friends since she could
remember. Though that might not be true for her
brother's part who didn't really see Thassia as a
friend, but more.
Unfortunately, Thassia was just as dense as Ninang
Cassia, Thassia's mother, and as far as she knew,
Thassia already had someone she liked. Much to her
brother's annoyance.
Reignah smiled at Thassia. "Hi, Ate Tha-tha."
"Oh! It's Reignah!" Thassia immediately gave Reignah a
smile. "Come in. Nasa salas ang kuya mo. He's so busy
with AutoCAD even on weekends that he hasn't eaten
anything, so I'm here. Beautiful Thassia to the
"Thank you for taking care of that stubborn older
brother of mine, Ate," aniya habang naglalakad sila
papasok sa kabahayan. "I know you're busy as well."
Thassia was a chef and the heiress to the Délicieux
Thassia nonchalantly waved her hand in the air. "It's
no big deal. The restaurant will survive without me
for a day, unlike your stubborn brother. Hay... kailan
kaya babalik ang inosente kong Ren na palaging matamis
at masuyo ang ngiti sa 'kin?" Thassia clicked her
tongue. "He had changed so much after he returned from
MIT for his masters. He used to be so sweet and would
always listen to me, but now... he doesn't listen to a
single thing I say anymore!" Thassia pulled an annoyed
Reignah just smiled wryly because she didn't know what
to reply. Thankfully, she immediately spotted her
brother in the living room as they stepped inside the
"Hey, Kuya," bati niya sa nakakatandang kapatid.
And her brother just raised his hand and waved it as
if he was greeting her back while his eyes were still
on his laptop.
Thassia narrowed her eyes at Ren when she saw the food
that she prepared was still untouched. "I swear, Ren,
kapag hindi mo pa ginalaw 'yang niluto ko para sa 'yo,
isasapak ko 'yan lahat sa mukha mo."
"Later," was Ren's only reply.
"I'm busy, Thassia."
Nagtagis ang bagang ni Thassia. "It's Tha-tha, you
Ren just sighed and looked at Reignah who's just
silently watching the scene in front of her. "You need
anything, little sis?"
"It's about Mom and Dad's silver wedding anniversary."
"Oh, yeah." Ren closed his laptop and faced Reignah
with all his attention. "What's the plan? Tuloy pa rin
ba 'yong plano na isosorpresa natin sina Mommy at
"Yep. Sabi ni Reize, siya na raw bahalang mag-distract
kina Mommy at Daddy." Reignah sat down on the single
sofa to continue conversing about their plan.
Though Reignah couldn't focus because Thassia found
that conversation an opportunity to feed Ren while
sitting next to him.
"Come on, Ren. Say, ah."
Ren nonchalantly opened his mouth to be fed while
listening to Reignah.
"Let me help too," ani Thassia habang nakikinig sa
plano ng magkapatid. "I can take care of the food—"
"No need," mabilis na putol ni Ren sa suhestiyon ni
Thassia. "We have chefs in the mansion."
Nalukot ang mukha ni Thassia. "I can help."
"I don't want your help."
Nagdilim ang mukha ni Thassia sa narinig. "Say that
Nanghahamon ang boses ni Thassia at walang pag-
aalinlangan na sinunod ni Ren ang hamon ni Thassia.
"I said I don't want your help." Ren looked at
Thassia. "Why are you here anyway?"
Napatanga si Reignah sa inaasal ng kapatid kay
Thassia. Her brother had always been sweet to Thassia
to the point that he would do anything for her, but
now... it's like her brother did a hundred eighty-
degree change.
He really did change, huh? Reignah thought as she
watched the pained expression playing on Thassia's
face and she also watched it disappear.
Then without a word, Thassia left.
Tinaasan ng kilay ni Reignah ang kapatid. "Since when
did you become a jerk, Kuya?"
Ren stared at the food on the table that Thassia
prepared for him before he answered his little sister.
"That's for the best."
"Hurting Ate Tha-tha is for the best or for your best?
Kaya ba ni-request mo 'yong bagay na 'yon kay Mommy?
What a cowardly move, Kuya."
Ren leaned back. "I really hate your sharp tongue."
Reignah shrugged. "Truth is often hated."
Ren and Reignah had a seven-year gap, but Reignah was
more mature than her age that Ren was comfortable
talking to her about stuff he couldn't easily talk
about with others. Or maybe it's because Reignah
didn't hold back when answering him. She would always
give it to him straight—the things he disliked to
Ren was silent for a long while before he said, "I
want a relationship like Mom and Dad. Ilang taon na
silang magkasama pero grabe pa rin ang pagpapahalaga
at pagmamahal nila sa isa't isa. While I was away for
my master's degree at MIT, I realized that I'm not
going to have that kind of relationship with Thassia,
so it's better to just cut her off."
"But you're hurting her, Kuya. She doesn't even know
how you feel about her."
Ren gave his little sister a lopsided wry smile. "I
know it's unfair, but I'm hurting too, little sis. I
feel like I've broken up with someone when we're not
even an item to begin with and that's so fucked up."
Mahinang natawa si Ren pero walang buhay iyon. "Ah,
fuck. Change topic. Let's go back to Mom and Dad's
silver wedding anniversary."
Reignah didn't pursue the 'Thassia' topic any further
and continued the silver wedding anniversary plan
topic. She could tell that it's a topic that her
brother was comfortable with.
"Sige. Ihalo na lang natin ang napag-usapan natin
ngayong plano. Tawagan mo na lang ako kung mag-uumpisa
na tayo. I'm going to be busy in the next few weeks."
"Sure." Reignah got up. "See you, Kuya."
"Yeah. See you. Tell Mom and Dad I'll be in the
mansion for dinner tomorrow."
"I will. Bye, Kuya."
Lumabas si Reignah sa bahay ng kapatid. Kapagkuwan ay
biglang natigilan nang makita si Thassia na nakaupo sa
gilid ng kalsada, sa tabi ng sasakyan niya. "Ate Tha-
Thassia looked up at Reignah and then offered a smile
that didn't reach her eyes. "Reignah... puwede ba
kitang makausap?"
"Huh? Sure, Ate."
Thassia smiled and once again, it didn't reach her
Following that, Reignah found herself with Thassia at
Bitter Sweet Café. For some reason, KN and Evve, who
was still in her Air Force uniform, were on the
counter, bickering. Tumigil lang sa pagbabangayan ang
dalawa nang umorder sina Reignah at Thassia.
"Oh. It's Tha-tha and Reignah." KN smiled amiably at
the two. "What can I get you, ladies?"
Evve rolled her eyes at KN. "Would you stop being
flirty all the time? I'll shoot you."
Tumawa lang si KN saka inakbayan nito si Evve na
masama pa rin ang timpla ng mukha.
"Well?" KN asked the two again.
"Caramel macchiato and one slice of blueberry
cheesecake," order ni Reignah.
"Black coffee. Large. And two muffins," Thassia
"Okay. Coming right up." KN punched their order on the
machine while his arm was still wrapped around Evve's
shoulder who was still looking annoyed at KN.
It was nothing new really. It's common knowledge in
Bachelor and Gentlemen's Village that Evve disliked
KN. But looking at them now, Reignah and Thassia felt
like that was not the case at all.
After paying for their food, a circular device was
handed to them. It'll make a sound once their order
was ready.
Sitting on the far-off table in the corner, Reignah
observed Thassia. She looked anxious, which was an
emotion rarely seen on Thassia Calderon's face.
Thassia was more like a wild lady boss, to be honest.
But this Thassia in front of Reignah now was sort of
"Ate Tha-tha...?"
Napakurap-kurap si Thassia saka itinuon ang tingin kay
Reignar. "Sorry. May iniisip lang ako."
Reignah showed her an 'I understand' smile. "Ano'ng
gusto mong pag-usapan, Ate Tha-tha?"
Thassia sighed heavily at first. "Reignah, your
brother often talks to you about things, right?"
Tumango si Reignah. Her brother did talk to her with
stuff. It's because of her sharp tongue which her
brother liked and disliked at the same time. Pero
dahil doon, nagkakausap palagi sila ng kuya niya
tungkol sa mga bagay-bagay sa buhay nito na hindi nito
"Um... may I ask something...?"
This is so unlike Ate Tha-tha. "Sure, Ate. Ano 'yon?"
"... may nagawa ba akong hindi maganda kay Ren?"
Thassia looked bewildered. "Maayos naman kami bago
siya umalis patungong Massachusetts. Pero pagbalik
niya, parang ibang tao na siya." Thassia looked so
lost and confused. "I don't understand him anymore.
I'm trying because we've been friends for so long, but
I just don't get him anymore. May nangyari ba habang
nasa MIT siya na hindi ko alam? May ginawa ba akong
mali? Is it because I used to boss him around all the
time? Is that it?"
Walang maisagot si Reignah kahit alam niya ang rason.
"I keep asking him If I did something wrong, but he
wouldn't say anything. It's frustrating the fuck out
of me!" Thassia wanted to pull her hair out.
Humugot nang malalim na hininga si Reignah saka pili
ang salita na sumagot sa kaharap. "May pinagdadaanan
lang si Kuya—"
"So I was right!" Thassia's eyes shinned. "May
magagawa ba ako? Tell me! Maybe once that's settled,
we'll go back to normal again."
Napangiwi si Reignah. "I highly doubt that. Honestly,
it's something that he had to figure out himself. But
if there is one thing I'm sure of, it's that it's not
your fault. You didn't do anything, Ate Tha-tha."
Thassia's eyes lost their shine. "Then... when are we
gonna go back to normal? It had been months already
since he became so cold toward me... I just don't get
it. I want my sweet Ren back."
Reignah knew that that was not happening anytime soon.
His brother was one stubborn man.
Pinakatitigan ni Reignah si Thassia. "Ate, I have some
"Hmm? What?" Thassia was immediately all ears.
"Maybe you should give him some space—"
"Hell no!" The advice was instantly shot down by
Thassia. "I have a feeling that If I do that, we will
really grow apart."
Reignah pressed her lips together. "Ate, do you know?"
"Kuya Ren is going to London next month, after Mom and
Dad's silver anniversary. He asked Mom if he could
train in our family's company in London and Mom
Thassia's whole face paled and her whole body became
rigid. Her eyes widened and her lips parted. She
looked like someone who had been betrayed that Reignah
didn't stop her when she just up and left.
Singing to herself, Reignah left the café to get her
laptop in her car then she went back to the café and
started working on her research paper. Siya na ang
kumain sa inorder ng Ate Tha-tha niya habang
tinatrabaho ang research niya dahil sayang naman.
Ubos na ang pagkain pero abala pa rin siya sa research
niya kaya um-order siya ulit ng caramel macchiato.
This time, KN and Evve were not the ones in the
counter anymore, but a handsome guy she didn't
"Um..." What a gorgeous face. "One caramel macchiato,
please." She was dazzled, but her voice remained firm
and unwavering.
"Is that all?"
Damn. Baritone voice too. Reignah subtly cleared her
throat. "And one muffin."
After paying, Reignah went back to her table and
continued working on her research paper. Kaagad na
nawala sa isip niya ang guwapong nilalang sa counter.
Masyado siyang tutok na tutok sa screen ng laptop niya
na hindi niya namalayang may nakatayo na pala sa tabi
ng lamesa.
"Here you go."
Hearing that familiar baritone voice, she looked up
and saw the gorgeous guy placing a plate with three
muffins and then a cup of caramel macchiato.
"Um... thanks...?"
The gorgeous specimen just smiled and went back to the
counter. And that was the time when she realized the
guy gave her three muffins instead of one.
Mabilis na dinala niya ang platito sa counter. "Excuse
me. Tatlo ang naibigay mo sa 'king muffin. I only
ordered one."
"It's on the house," he replied nonchalantly and then
offered his hand to her. "Kaiden."
Napakurap-kurap si Reignah at wala sa sariling
tinanggap ang pakikipagmakamay ng lalaki saka
nagpakilala. "Reignah."
Kaiden's eyebrows raised in interest. "Queen. Your
name suits you."
Reignah was now confused. "Pardon?"
"Your name. It means queen in Spanish."
"Oh." It finally dawned on Reignah. "It's R-E-I-G-N-A-
H though."
Kaiden just smiled and like an aristocratic gentleman
from the Middle Ages, he slightly bowed down and
softly placed a kiss on the back of her hand and
captured her sight. "Nice to meet you, su Alteza."
Reignah just blinked. That was the first time that a
guy did that to her. And she was speechless because
all the men she knew were either unappealing or
"Kaiden! Let's go! The Vitale are waiting for us!"
Kaiden's face showed an annoyed expression then he
turned one-eighty and gave her a sweet, soft smile
before excusing himself and leaving the café.
Napasunod lang dito ang tingin ni Reignah hanggang sa
malakas na tinampal ni Reignah ang sariling pisngi
para magising ang diwa niya.
Yeah. Nope. Let's not be dazzled.
Steeling herself, she went back to her table with
three muffins, and she continued with her research
without thinking of the odd guy she met at the
She's one busy girl. She didn't have time to be
dazzled. Even if that guy had the most beautiful amber
eyes she had ever seen. FILES
My Official Wattpad AMA
Thank you so much for supporting and reading Reigo and
Zehannah's story. It had been a fun journey with you.
I Hope you had fun reading their story as much as I
had fun writing it. I appreciate you so much! Hoping
to see you in PS26.
I love you!
Make sure to save this date: October 25, I will be
right here, on this chapter from 6 to 7 PM PHT to
answer your questions for a quick AMA (Ask Me
Anything). I can't wait to chat with all of you!

SPECIAL CHAPTER: The Idrytís, the Arkhon and the


The Idrytis, the Arkhon, and the Acolyte

ZEHANNAH RECEIVED a summon from the first Idrytís

through Atty. Henares. Habang binabasa ang natanggap
na dokumento, marahang hinahaplos ni Zehannah ang
medyo may kalakihan na niyang tiyan na malapit nang
mag-limang buwan. For some reason, she found the
document she was reading to be odd.

It was a summon from the first Idrytis, but the place

where she had to go was in the Second Arkhon's home.

Something's up. SM normally summons me to her house

when she needs something.

Folding the letter, she feed it to the special

shredder made by the Orgánosi that would mince and
burn it, then she looked toward Atty. Henares who was
patiently waiting for her reply. "Send a letter of
acceptance to the system."

Atty. Henares silently nodded and went to follow

Zehannah's instruction.

That system was a program created by the expert in the

Orgánosi for a safe communication hub for the whole
organization to use. This program was under the
Central's command. Member calls it the Central, but no
one really knew who works there. They're also known as
the Intelligence Division, maybe that was the reason
they remain unknown even to other members of the

Every member had their own code name, and they could
access it and send coded messages to specific
individuals in the organization. Every message sent
was encrypted and couldn't be easily opened without a
code prompt that was programmed to change every ten

The Central had shut down the system when Kelleon

Velasquez took over the Arkhontes. It was their way of
rebelling against Kelleon, that was why another system
was created under the former fourth Arkhon's watch,
but it had now been destroyed Velasquez and took
control of Arkhontes, thus making the Central

Breathing heavily, Zehannah picked up the folder

delivered by Atty. Henares together with the summon

The folder contains the list of companies involved

with the Triad and their information. From
insignificant to indispensable information that could
ruin even a long-standing company. Sigurado si
Zehannah na hindi lang siya ang nakatanggap ng
dokumento na ito. The other members of the Council of
the Crown surely received these too.

Ito ang impormasyon na kailangan nilang lahat. Salamat

kay SM, nasa kamay na nila ‘yon ngayon.

It was faster than Zehannah

Crown’s meeting, Zehannah thought it’ll take some time

to gather the information they needed, but it seemed
like she was mistaken.

Reaching the last page of the document, Zehannah’s

eyes stared at the small insignia at the bottom. That
insignia alone tells her who gathered this detailed

It was a tree with abundant branches and leaves. The

insignia of the Central and the Intelligence Division.

“The knowledge tree…” Pabulong na sabi ni Zehannah

bago isinara ang folder at inilapag sa mesa. Looks
like the Central is also taking this seriously. That’s
Kompara sa ibang myembro ng organisasyon, ibang laban
ang hinaharap nilang mga sumusuporta sa Idrytís. The
Council of the Crown the Triads.

Zehannah knew that they couldn’t lose this battle-no,

they would never lose. They had to strategically
attack the opposition, defend their position in the
market and capture a larger market share.

“Haa! This is a lot of work.” Hinaplos ni Zehannah ang

tiyan habang nakasandal sa likod ng swivel chair.
“Kailangan ko munang manganak bago sumali sa gulo.”

My baby first, then I’ll go to war. That’s what

Zehannah decided.

Although just thinking about it stresses her out. I

want to see my husband.

Reaching out for her phone on the table, she called

her husband.

“Yes, my Zee?”

“That was fast,” ani Zehannah na may kalakip na

mahinang tawa.

“I was about to call you.”


“Yeah. Anyway, dinner date tonight?” Nasa tono ng

boses ni Reigo na hindi lang dinner date ang gusto
nito mamayang gabi. “Ren is at my parents’ house, so
it’s just us.”

Napailing si Zehannah. “I’m pregnant, babe.”

“I know. What do you think I mean?”

Zehannah rolled her eyes. “Don’t feign ignorance.

Anyway, forget the dinner date. I want to see you now.
Should I visit you for lunch, or will you visit me?”

“I’ll visit with your favorite food.” Kaagad na sabi

ni Reigo. May bakas ng ngiti ang boses nito.

Ayaw ni Reigo na masyadong pagalawin ang asawa dahil

buntis ito at ang rason lang kung bakit hinahayaan pa
niyang mag trabaho ang asawa dahil nangako ito na
hindi nito masyadong papagurin ang sarili.

“Okay. Thanks, babe! Love you!”

“Welcome, my Zee. I love you too.”

With a smile, Zehannah ended the call, looking forward
to lunch with her husband.

Nang mailapag ang cellphone sa mesa, wala sa sariling

napatingin si Zehannah sa labas ng malaking glass
window ng opisina niya. She wondered how many bad
things were happening outside that couldn’t be

Prevented by the Orgánosi.

Ever since she had become aware of the Orgánosi, that

thought prevented by the Orgánosi.

Ever since she had become aware of the Orgánosi, that

thought always cross her mind. Lalo na’t nakakatanggap
siya palagi ng report kung anong nangyayari sa

The worst report she had ever gotten was the report of
the Triad and their human trafficking and human
experimentation. From children to senior citizens.
Halos ilang araw siyang hindi nakatulog ng maayos ng
malaman niya ‘yon.

It was too much. Too inhumane. That’s the reason why

she wanted to eradicate the companies supporting the
Triad. Those companies were like Triad’s shield and
wings. As long as they were not cut down, the Triad
would continue their evil deeds.

Might not be able to go to war now, but she could get

ready so she could turn the battlefield in her favor
when she joined the war.

Yes. Let’s prepare.

Sa isiping ‘yon, hindi namalayan ni Zehannah ang

pagdaan ng oras habang nagta-trabaho siya. Nalaman
niya lang na oras na ng pananghalian ng pumasok si
Reigo sa opisina niya.


Kumunot ang nuo ni Reigo sa napakaraming papeles na

nagkalat sa mesa ni Zehannah. “You promised me that
you won’t work too hard, my Zee.”

“I’m not though.”

Reigo narrowed his eyes on Zehannah to make her

confess, but

Toward him, and kissed him on the lips.

“My Zee-“

“I’m not working too hard.” Zehannah interrupted

Reigo’s nagging. “I’m just reading a lot of documents,
that’s all. I promise.”

Reigo could only sigh before leaning down to kiss

Zehannah’s round belly before kissing Zehannah on the
forehead. “I’ll take your word for it.”

Zehannah nodded with a smile before hugging her

husband while being careful not to squeeze her baby.
“I feel like seeing you today. I miss you so much.”

Napangiti si Reigo sa narinig. Zehannah’s pregnancy

now was different from last time. Sa pagkakataong ‘to,
halos palaging

He’s complaining. He loved the attention.

“Should we eat?” Reigo asked. “You have to eat on

time, my Zee.”

“Yes, babe. I will.”

Their lips met before Reigo carefully pulled Zehannah

to the sofa. The food he bought was on the center
table and Reigo immediately prepared everything for

“I received a summon,” ani Zehannah ng kumakain na


Napatigil sa pagkain si Reigo saka bumaling sa asawa.



Reigo glanced at her round belly. “If it’s overseas, I

won’t let you.”

“Gusto mong sumama ako?”

Tumango si Zehannah. “Yeah. I would like that.”



“May kailangan ba akong ihanda?”

Umiling si Zehannah habang patuloy na kumakain. “Wala
naman. Just be with me.”

“Alright.” Reigo grinned. “That’s my specialty… being

with you.”

Zehannah couldn’t help but smile at her husband before

their happy and peaceful lunch continued. Afterward,
Reigo reluctantly left so they both could get back to

Time flew fast afterwards and before

Leave for work. As usual, her husband picked her up.

Mula ng mabuntis siya ulit, hindi na siya hinayaang
magmaneho ni Reigo kaya palagi siyang hatid-sundo

Nang makarating sa bahay nila, dahil silang dalawa

lang ang nandoon at walang isturbo sa kanila, nag-
umpisa sa salas ang pagtatalik nilang dalawa hanggang
sa umabot sila sa kuwarto nila. Tumigil lang silang
dalawa para kumain at magpahinga pagkatapos ay balik
ulit sa kama.

To say the least, Zehannah felt drained the next

morning and she was waiting for her summon.

“This is your fault.” She glared at her husband, who

was driving the car toward the Vitale’s compound.

Ngiting inosente ang binigay sa kaniya ng asawa. “My

Zee, it was you”
Inirapan niya ang asawa. “Magaling pa ring sumagot
‘yang bibig mo.”

“Masarap din, lalo na ang dila ko.”

Napabuntong-hininga na lang si Zehannah.

“What?” Mahinang natawa si Reigo sa reaksiyon ng

asawa. “You said it last night. You said you love my
whole mouth, that includes my tongue, yes?”

Hindi na sumagot si Zehannah. Knowing her husband, she

was sure that he had lots of lewd things to say again.
Kailan ba naubusan ang asawa niya ng mga banat na
napapakamot na lang siya sa ulo?

Fortunately, they already arrived at the Vitale

Compound. Reigo and Zehannah had to roll down their
windows and showed their faces to the camera for the
gate to recognize them and open.
A few moments later, the gate finally opened and Reigo
drove inside.

The compound was huge and had few houses inside.

Zehannah heard that the second Arkhon’s whole team
lives here.

As they stepped out of the car, the first person

Zehannah saw was the second Arkhon’s Ultor and adopted
son, Kane Vitale.

Kane respectfully welcomed her and her husband but

when they were her husband but en they were about to
enter, Happy’s husband, Blaze Vitale blocked their
way, specifically, Reigo’s way.

“Nope. You’re not allowed to enter. You’re coming with


Reigo looked at Blaze as if he knew

Still hung up on the past? I have my beloved wife

right here, Vitale.”

“I know. But you’re still going with me.” Then Blaze

smiled politely at Zehannah. “I’ll burrow your husband
for a bit.”

Zehannah knew about the story between Reigo and Happy,

and it was not something she would feel jealous of.
Thus, she smiled at Blaze Vitale. “Sure. Just return
my husband in the same state you burrowed him.”

Blaze froze but he controlled his facial expression to

remain smiling. His wife, Happy, Sweet Monday, and
Zehannah had the same smile yet different in some way.

The smile looks so sweet and polite, but there is a

subtle threat underneath it.

Ahead. You’re late already.”

“Alright.” Zehannah’s smile remained as she entered

the house with Kane Vitale as her guide.

After passing the living room and entering a long

hallway to the right, Kane was guided toward a room
with a double door.

Nang buksan ni Kane ang pinto at pinapasok siya,

kaagad niyang nakita si SM, Happy at isa pang babae na
hindi siya pamilya na nakaupo sa sofa at nag-uusap.
Napatigil lang ang tatlo ng marinig ang pagbukas ng
pinto at nakitang pumasok si Zehannah.
Pasimpleng inilibot ni Zehannah ang tingin sa kabuonan
ng kuwarto. She immediately realized that they were in
a private library slash office. It was not noticeable,
but she saw a seal

Means this is Happy Quinn-Vitale’s office.

“Zehaaaan!” SM was as sweet as polite as ever as she

welcomed her. “Ilang buwan na kitang hindi nakikita.
It’s nice to see you again.”

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Zehannah apologized first to the

people in the room before turning to SM and slightly
bowing her head. “I’d been busy, Your Majesty.” She
addressed SM formally because this was a formal

Humaba ang nguso ni SM. “It’s SM to you, Zehan. We’re

not in a formal meeting, so drop the majesty thing.”

Zehannah smiled. “Alright, SM.”

SM beamed, clearly happy that Zehannah was treating

her normally again, unlike when they were in a
Zehannah and introduced the two on the sofa. “I know
you already know Happy, but this is a formal meeting
so let me introduce you to everyone.”

Zehannah turns her head to SM with a frown. “I thought

it was not a formal meeting.”

SM ignored Zehannah’s words with a smile and continued

what she intended to do. “Zehan, these beautiful
badass women in front of you are Happy Quinn-Vitale,
the second Arkhon, and Annalize Gillian, the head of
the Central.” That surprised Zehannah because the
Central’s head was young, maybe in her late twenties.
“And ladies, this badass businesswoman right here is
Zehannah Sevil-Vasquez, the third Acolyte of the
Council of the Crown.”

Happy and Annalize both extended their hand for a

handshake and

“Nice to meet you,” said Zehannah with a polite smile.

“Nice to meet you as well,” Annalize responded before

pushing up the edge of her glasses with the back of
her finger.

On the other hand, Happy just smiled warmly at

“Are we going to start now, Your Majesty-“ when
Annalize saw SM smiles at her, Annalize corrected her
words. “I mean, SM.”

“Thank you for heading my request, Annalize,” SM said

sweetly before guiding Zehannah to sit on the long
sofa with her. “Oh, and yes, let’s start.”

Annalize pushed her loose glasses up first before

opening an attaché case and handing them the documents
inside. “Please.”

Happy, SM, and Zehannah accepted the documents and

read them. Annalize only gave them a few minutes to
take all the content of the documents before speaking.

“As you have read, according to the data we’ve

gathered, a company supporting the Triad is aiming for
a pharmaceutical company in the
Country. After the transaction, a subsidiary
laboratory controlled by the Triad will enter the
picture. According to the information we have
gathered, the contract was still not drawn, but
there’s already an agreement between the two parties.”

SM crossed her legs before she leaned in and placed

the documents on the center table. “Why do they want
the pharmaceutical company?”

“To have it as a cover for the chemical and biological


A scoff-like laugh escape SM’s lips and her eyes

sharpened. “Even knowing that I’m here, they still
want to enter my territory. They’ve got guts.”

Tumango si Annalize. “We still have no information if

the management would change once they buy off the
company, but I don’t think there will be. They’re
doing this to hide the laboratory they would open
here, so my guess is nothing much will change to avoid
getting attention to themselves. Maybe they’re
thinking that because the Queen is here, so our focus
is on other places instead.”

Huminga ng malalim si Happy habang mahigpit na hawak

ang dokumento. Nagtatagis ang bagang nito. “We
intercepted a cargo vessel leaving the country two
days ago. It’s full of children.”

Zehannah could only close her eyes. It was too much.

Too inhumane.
"Not only here," Happy added as her hand tightened on
the document. "It's happening everywhere. We were able
to stop dozens of them, and two cargo vessels in
Central Asia are under surveillance now. Naghahanap pa
rin kami ng ibang cargo vessels, but wala na kaming
nahanap pang iba. I already alerted all the bosses and
as of now, only North and South America had given me
an update. 'Yong iba tsi-ni-check pa ang mga ports to
hunt these cargo vessels down."

SM was furious, but her outside expression remained

calm as she looked toward Happy. "I will leave this to
you, Happy. I have a few countries to deal with on my
side. It makes me so angry that they think they could
order us around just because I'd been

Happy nodded at SM. "Don't worry. Just focus on

strengthening our outside connection."

There was a short paused, so Zehannah used it to raise

her hand to speak. "Is my task to bring down the
pharmaceutical company that the Triad is trying to
acquire?" lyon lang ang naisip ni Zehannah na rason
kung bakit nasama siya sa meeting na 'to. That is what
she was known for in the business world after all.

Tumango si Annalize. "Yes, madam Zehannah. The sooner,

the better."

Kapagkuwan ay may inabot na bagong dokumento si

Annalize kay Zehannah. "Here is all the information we
have about the company and the list of our people that
are already inside and ready to assist you. They will
move according to your will."

dokumento na binigay sa kaniya ni Annalize. It was so

detailed that Zehannah think it'll be fine to do this
even if she is pregnant. All the work had already been
done, their people were already planted inside, and
everything had been thoroughly prepared. She just had
to be the brain of the operation.

With this much preparation already, it's not going to

be hard, Zehannah thought before looking at everyone.
"Sure. I'll do it."

SM glanced at Zehannah's round belly. "Sigurado ka ba?

It's okay to say no, Zehan. It'll be faster with you
as the brain of the operation, but we can look for
another option."

Ngumiti si Zehannah. "Kilala mo ako, SM. Nagsasalita

ako kapag ayokong gawin ang isang bagay."
Sinulyapan ni Zehannah ang mga dokumento na hawak bago
sumagot. "This is not too much work, so it'll be okay.
Magagalit lang yon kapag pinagod ko ang sarili ko,
pero nakahanda naman na ang lahat."

SM nodded. "Sige. Pero kapag umayaw ang asawa mo,

magsabi ka lang sakin. You can back out anytime."

Zehannah knew SM would say that so she reassured her.

"It'll be an easy task. No worries."

Annalize hid her surprise and amazement hearing

Zehannah calling the task an easy one. I guess she not
called Zehannah 'the devil' Vasquez in the business
world for nothing.

"Alright. Then I guess this is a very productive

Ani SM na may masuyong ngiti sa mga labi.

Everyone nodded.

"Tea, everyone?" Happy asked as she gets up to get

refreshments for everyone.

SM and Annalize nodded except for Zehannah, who was

caressing her round belly.

"Fresh apple juice?" Kapagkuwan ay tanong ni Happy.

Tumango si Zehannah. "That would be nice. Thank you."

Happy went to her table and used her intercom to speak

to someone. A few moments later, a butler entered with
three cups of tea, a glass of fresh apple juice, and a
plate full of different confectionaries.

The butler, King, just elegantly bow at Happy and

everyone before leaving quietly. And it was just the
four of them, their conversation resumed but with a
topic outside the Orgánosi.

Their talk lasted for more than an hour before they

bade goodbye to each other.

Naunang umalis si Annalize at sabay namang naglakad

palabas si SM at Zehannah kasama si Happy hanggang

"Bye, Happy!" SM and Zehannah both bid goodbye again

before walking side by side.

When they were finally out of earshot from everyone,

SM told Zehannah, "Council of Justice is moving at
long last. Ngayon lang ginustong lumabas ng ikalawang
Idrytís at nag-aaral pa ang ikatlo. As for the Council
of Defense, the families had reached out to Parker
Ellis just last month, but it seemed like Parker was
not interested. Hindi ko siya masisisi.

The Council disappeared and did not help him after his
father died. For Parker, those ten families are

"Kung ganun anong mangyayari sa sampung pamilya na

sumusuporta sa ikatlong Idrytís?" Tanong ni Zehannah
sa kalmadong boses.

"Either Parker forgives them or he replaced them."

"Is it that easy?"

"No. But if Parker wanted to replace them, I don't

think the present Acolytes of the Council of Defense
would take it lying down. It'll be a war."

ko hindi mo 'yon hahayaan mangyari. Parte si Parker ng

pamilya niyo. Nasisiguro akong may pina-plano ka."

Ngumiti lang si SM na para bang gusto nitong ipaabot

sa kaniya sa pamamagitan ng ngiti nito na wala itong
plano. But Zehannah didn't believe that one bit. SM
may be sweet and understanding, but she also had a sly

"Make sure not to get caught." Bilin ni Zehannah sa


SM acted innocent again. "Hmm? Why would I get caught?

Wala naman akong gagawin, ah."

Napailing saka napabuntong hininga na lang si

Zehannah. "Oo na lang. Ikaw na ang pinaka-inosente at

Mahinang tumawa si SM sa asawa nitong si Knight na

kausap si Riego.

"Baby! We're done!"

Knight's face immediately lightened up and walked

toward SM. "Mi Reina!" And when he reached her, he
immediately gathered SM in his arms.

Reigo walked toward Zehannah as well and enveloped

Zehannah in a tight hug before kissing her on the
lips. "How's the meeting, my Zee?"
Zehannah shrugged. "I have a task to do, but it'll be
easy and not too much work so I accepted it. I'll tell
you everything later."

"Alright." Reigo kissed Zehannah on the forehead.

"Let's go home?"

Tumango si Zehannah saka nagpaalam na sa mag-asawang


"See you again."

"Yes, see you."

Nag biso-biso muna ang dalawa bago sumakay sa kaniya-

kaniyang sasakyan.

Once she and Reigo were in the car on the way home,
Zehannah caressed her round belly while thinking of
ways how to destroy the JE Pharmaceutical company
based on the information she had.

As she formulate a plan in her head, she was getting


It's the kind of task she's good at. "This is like

peace before the storm."

"What is?" Reigo asked with a frown.

"The task now. Everything had been

prepared, I just have to be the brain of


Reigo blinked with a frown. "It's that easy?"

"Compared to the war I'll be joining in after I gave

birth to our baby? Yes. It is. As I said, a peace
before the storm."

Reigo could only smile while his expression was of a

proud husband. That's his Zee, alright. Talking about
peace while planning to destroy a company.

"I'm just here if you need anything," ani Reigo.

"I know." Zehannah know that Reigo would always be

there and she appreciate that so much. "Want me to
drain you dry tonight?"
"Who am I to say no?”
Zehannah chuckled at that before pinching her
husband's cheeks.

She might be busy most of the time, but she always

made sure to be a loving wife to her husband, an
attentive loving mother to her son, and a good
daughter to her parents and in-laws.

That's why she would not let those Triad bastards win
and ruin what she worked hard for these past years.

I will fight. I will win. And I will take every penny

and every market share they have. She was after all
not called Zehannah Devil-Vasquez for nothing.



“NAIINTINDIHAN mo ba ang ibig sabihin ng mga salita

mo, Reignah?” ani Zehannah sa anak na nakatayo sa
harapan ng mesa niya sa opisina niya na nasa
pinakamataas na palapag ng gusali na kinaroroonan
nila. “We both know you’ve been working and training
hard these past few years, but I will not be easy on
you even if you’re my beloved daughter. You know that,
right, Reignah?”

Seryosong tumango si Reignah sa ina. “Yes, ma’am,”

Reignah continued to be formal in front of her mother-
no, her boss.

“Good. Because if you want to learn and succeed me,

you have to start from the bottom and work your way
up,” ani Zehannah. “Marami kang matututunan kung ‘yon
ang gagawin mo. Hindi kita puwedeng basta-basta lang
ilagay sa isang mataas na posisyon dahil lang sa anak
kita. You will be an Assistant Department Manager and
this position is already a consideration from me
knowing your credentials and your score from your
internship here last year.”

Reignah graduated with a Latin Honor, Summa Cum Laude.

It was one of the proudest moments of the Sevil-
Vasquez family.

“I understand, ma’am.”

Seeing her daughter’s serious and determined face,

Zehannah felt so proud. “Work hard, Reignah. Aim for
my position.”
That made Reignah smile with her eyes glistening in
determination. “Yes. I will aim and have your
position, ma’am.”

Lihim na napangiti si Zehannah sa anak na alam na alam

kung ano ang gustong makamit sa buhay. “You will start
working tomorrow.”

Tumango lang si Reignah saka nagpaalam na sa ina. Pero

bago siya umalis, tumayo ang ina niya at niyakap siya
ng mahigpit sabay bulong ng ‘I’m proud of you’.
Because of those simple words, she had a smile on her
face as she walked out of her mother’s office.

Mula nang magka-isip si Reignah, pinangarap na niyang

maging katulad ng ina niya. She sees her mother as an
amazing woman, and she wanted to become like her. But
as she grew up, she realized the reality of her
situation. She would never be like her mother, because
she’s a different individual.

When she realized that, she asked herself ‘what do I

want to become’? And her answer was the same as always
with a little addition this time.

‘I want to be like mom while being myself.’

She’ll achieve her goal in her own way while creating

a path for herself like what her older brother did.

And her goal was to become like her mother, a woman on

top with so much influence in the business world.
That’s what she wanted to become. Intelligent,
cunning, and strong.

Although because of her goal in life, most men her age

couldn’t handle her. Hindi istrikto ang mga magulang
niya pagdating sa pakikipagrelasyon nuong nasa
kolehiyo pa siya. Her father was very strict at first,
but her mother always sided with her and backing her

Although her reason for being in a relationship was

curiosity, she was indeed physically attracted to her
exes. Pero walang nagtagal sa mga nakarelasyon niya.
She had a total of four relationships in her whole
university life, and all of them were short-lived.


Because she was busy all the time, she didn’t have
time to go on dates, she was always focused on her
studies and she was intimidating.
Her family’s wealth and her intelligence always
intimidate her boyfriend. Naaalala pa niya ang isa
niyang ex-boyfriend na galing din sa mayamang pamilya.
He was very open and showy with his wealth. From
clothes to cars, he likes flaunting it. His family was
indeed very wealthy. When her birthday came, she
Her boyfriend. And her boyfriend broke up with her
after seeing their unique fountain.

Yes. The fountain with gemstones in it.

Maybe because she always dresses simply, she was not

seen as coming from an excessively wealthy family and
she didn’t care to be honest.

On the other hand, two of her four exes blamed the

break-up on her strong personality which confused her
because she had never been blamed for it.

But what could she do? She was not only raised to have
a strong personality but she was born with it.

Kaya naman tumigil na siyang makipag-date o relasyon.

She thought it was a waste of time. Most men her age
couldn’t handle her, and she couldn’t care less. She’s
used to her father, brother, and family friends being
okay with her strong personality, thus she decided not
to care and continue being her.

Wala sa sariling napabuntong-hininga si Reignah ng

biglang pumasok sa isip niya si Kaiden. The guy who
had the most beautiful amber eyes.

Ah, drool. I really like gorgeous men with beautiful


“Nasaan na kaya ang lalaking ‘yon?” Wala sa sariling

tanong ni Reignah sa sarili niya.

After their first meeting years ago, she never saw him
again. Oh, well. Gorgeous men like him easily get
taken. Let’s just go home and enjoy the day because
tomorrow is my first day at work.

Taas-nuong tinungo niya ang sasakyan ng makarating

siya sa parking lot.

Regalo sa kaniya ng Kuya niya nuong ika-labing-walong

kaarawan niya ang sasakyang ginagamit niya hanggang
ngayon. It had been with her for 5 years now. Her
parents and grandparents kept on asking her if she
wanted a new one, but she just didn’t feel like
replacing this car.

Her brother bought it for her using his first

earnings. She couldn’t forget how proud her brother
looked when he said he bought it with his own money.
That’s why it had a sentimental value to her even
though they always argue a lot.

Nang makaalis sa parking lot at nasa daan na siya,

napansin ni Reignah ang sasakyan na nasa likuran niya
dahil bawat liko niya, doon din ang liko nito.

Am I being followed?

She was slightly panicking, but she forced herself to

calm down and think.

Let’s observe first, Reignah decided and took a

different route toward their house for more than five

Only then did she assume that she was indeed being

Calm down! Calm down! You’re driving! Ano na ang sabi

ni Kuya kapag nasa ganitong sitwasyon ako?

‘Save this number and call it in case you think you’re

in big trouble.’ That were her brother’s words.

Calming down her slightly shaking hands, she access

her phone book through her car’s digital screen and
quickly looked for the number under the name ‘Help in
trouble’ while trying to attentively look at the road.

The relief Reignah felt when the other line rang. “Oh,
fuck. Yes. It’s ringing! Please answer!”

Three rings later, the person on the other line picked

up the call.

“Yeah…?” It was a male voice and he sounded sleepy as


Reignah hesitated a bit, before thinking that her line

was on the line here. “Um… hi, I’m Reignah Sevil-
Vasquez. My brother, Ren, told me to call this number
if I’m trouble so-“

“Where are you?” The change of tone on the man’s voice

from the other was noticeable—from sleepy to anxious—
but Reignah didn’t care about it.
“I’m on my way to my house,” Reignah answered as
calmly as possible. Panicking wouldn’t do her any good
in her situation. “But I’d been driving around for ten
minutes now to see if I was really being followed and
yes, I’m really being followed and I don’t know what
to do. That blue car is still behind me. What do I

“Drive home like you planned to.” The male voice on

the other line was now calm, but Reignah could hear
the shuffling of feet, sounds of things being moved,
odd snapping and clicking sounds, and the opening and
closing of doors. “Take your usual route. I’ll take
care of it.”

Reignah frowned. “W-what do you’ll take care of it?”

you mean

“Just do as I said. This is one of those times that

you have no choice but to accept someone’s help, Su

Su Alteza? It sounded familiar. Where did I hear those

words before? Bago pa niya mahalukay ang memorya niya,
nagsalita ulit ang nasa kabilang linya.

“Safe driving. Bye.”

Then the call ended, surprising Reignah. “What the

fuck? What kind of help is this?!” Her brother would
have a piece of her mind after this! “Whatever! Let’s
do this!”

Gripping the steering wheel, Reignah tried to drive as

calmly as she could with her usual speed toward their

The traffic was not as heavy as this morning, but it

was still taking a big chunk of her time. Not just her
time, but her sanity as well. She kept on nervously
glancing at her car’s side mirror.

Kapag patuloy siyang sinundan ng sasakyan patungo sa

bahay nila, hindi siya titigil sa bahay nila at di-
deretso siya sa Police Station.

‘Yon ang plano ni Reignah. It was the safest plan for


But less than two kilometers away from their house,

the blue car behind her suddenly swerved as if the
driver lost control of the vehicle before it crashed
into the empty sidewalk.
“Holy… fuck!” Reignah that saw every from the side
mirror of her car couldn’t help swearing.

In her chaotic mind, she remembered what that man said

on the other line.

‘I’ll take care of it.’

Reignah breathes in and out. Is this his way of taking

care of it?

Reignah’s mind was still in chaos and in shock even

after she arrived safely at their house. At dahil
hindi siya mapakali, tinawagan ulit niya ang numero na
binigay sa kaniya ng Kuya niya.

Isang ring lang sinagot kaagad ng lalaki ang tawag


“Yeah?” He sounded so casual that Reignah started

thinking that maybe that wasn’t this man’s doing.
Until he added, “the car is being driven by unsavory
people. I should’ve just shot them dead.”

Reignah’s lips parted in shock. Her mind stopped

working at that point. And her silence gave the man on
the other line a chance to speak again.

“By the way, no ‘thank you”?”

Napakurap-kurap si Reignah. “T-thank you…?”

“Bakit may question mark? I can’t feel your sincerity

at all. How about you treat me to dinner instead as a
thank you?”

Hindi kaagad sumagot si Reignah. She was still in the

middle of processing everything before answering.

“Hmm…looks like I have to kiss that dinner goodbye.”

Said the man on the other line before adding, “anyway,
stay safe and have a nice d-“

“Kilala mo ba ang kuya ko?” tanong ni Reignah na

ikinatigil sa pagsasalita ng nasa kabilang linya.


“Kaibigan ka ba niya?” Magkaiba ang magkakilala sa

“Yes. Friends.” The voice had a hint of a smile and an
amused tone as if being a friend with her brother was
a funny thing.

Huminga ng malalim si Reignah bago nagsalita. “If

those were really unsavory people, then I’m grateful
for your help. Thank you so much. But I apologize, I
don’t think I can have dinner with you as a thank you.
Kahit kaibigan mo pa si Kuya, hindi kita personal na
kilala. Ni pangalan mo hindi ko alam. I have to think
of my safety first. I hope you understand.”

Hindi basta-basta makikipag-meet si Reignah sa isang

estranghero kahit pa kaibigan pa ito ng kapatid niya.
The world was not a safe place, so she had to look
after herself as best as she could.

Ini-expect ni Reignah na may masasabi ang nasa

kabilang linya pero wala siyang narinig na pagtutol
mula rito. He actually sounded happy when he spoke

“That’s a good decision. You shouldn’t meet strangers,

Su Alteza.”

Reignah blinked. Those words again.

Where did I hear that?

“Bye.” He sounded so casual before ending the call.

Reignah looked at the screen of her phone. She stared

intently at the number under the name ‘Help in
trouble’. Who is that guy?

Dahil hindi pa rin mawala sa isip niya ang nakausap,

tinawagan niya ang Kuya niya ng makalabas siya ng
sasakyan at habang naglalakad papasok sa kabahayan.

Thankfully, her brother answered.

“Kuya, naaalala mo ba yong numero na binigay mo sakin

na sabi mo tawagan ko kung sa tingin ko ay nasa
delikadong sitwasyon ako?”

“Yep. Why you ask?”

“I called the number.”

Napaayos ng upo si Ren sa narinig. “What the hell?!

Are you okay?! What happened?! Did someone try to hurt
Reignah couldn’t help smiling. Palagi silang nag-aaway
na magkapatid pero pinapahalagahan pa rin nila ang
isa’t-isa sa kani-kanilang paraan.

“May sumunod na sasakyan sakin kanina habang pauwi

ko,” kuwento niya. “I panicked and I remember what you
told me, so I called the number.”

“And?” Ren seemed impatient for the rest of the story.

“Well… the owner of the number came to help. I mean, I

don’t know how he did it but the car that was
following me crashed on the sidewalk as if the driver
lost control of it. It scared the shit out of me.”

“So you’re safe?”

“Yes. I’m calling because I want to know who he is “

“You don’t need to know.” Mabilis na sabi ni Ren.

“Stay away from that guy, you hear me? Stay away from
him! He’ll devour you!”

Now Reignah was even more confused. “Pero sabi niya

magkaibigan kayo.”

“That would never happen!”

“Kung ganun bakit binigay mo ang number niya sakin?”

Nagtatakang tanong ni Reignah sa nakakatandang

“Oh, that? Because he can protect you better than

anyone. But other than that, nothing. If you don’t
want to be devoured, better stay away from him, you
hear me?”

Knowing how stubborn her brother was, she just said


“Good. Anyway, I’m busy at the moment.” Her brother

bade goodbye before reminding her again. “Remember.
Stay. Away. From. Him!”

“Yes, Kuya.”

The call ended and Reignah was even more, bothered

than earlier.

To be honest, the more her brother warns her about

that guy, the more she wanted to know. Pero hindi ‘yon
dapat ang isipin niya sa ngayon. Kailangan niyang
maghanda para sa unang araw niya sa trabaho bukas.
If she wanted her mother’s position, then she had no
time to be distracted by anyone.

Yes. Focus. That’s what I have to do. Focus on my goal

before anything else.

MEANWHILE, in the Bachelor’s Village, Kaiden entered

Velasquez’s residence house with a rifle case hanging
on one of his shoulders. He was planning to enter
quietly after taking care of some unsavory people, but
his cousin, KN was in the living room as if he was
waiting for him.

“What?” Siya na ang unang nagtanong.

“Done saving your apple of the eye?” KN was clearly

teasing him. His eyes were full of mischief.

Kaiden just breathed out and continued walking toward

the staircase.

But he heard KN speak again.

“Ren called me. He told me to tell you to stay away

from her sister.”

Kaiden just scoffed and ascended the


“Come on, little Den, it’s been four years already.

Don’t you think it’s time to, I don’t know, make a

“She’s too young.” He answered. “The age gap would

throw her off.”

There’s a seven years gap between them. He was already

twenty-seven when he first laid eyes on her on her
nineteenth birthday. She was already at a legal age by
then and he always hear the saying age was just a
number, but it still bothered him.

But fuck it, he couldn’t stop himself from approaching

her that day a few years back.

That was the first and last time. He avoided her since
then. It just didn’t feel right for some reason.

I say that but I still remember that day as if it just

happened yesterday.
To be honest, it was not just the age gap that was
stopping him from approaching her. It was her brother,
Ren, words.

‘Reignah had a goal to achieve so don’t

Bother her.’

That’s right, Reignah was aiming for that goal at the

moment and he didn’t want to be a bother.

Again. He says that, but he couldn’t really stop

himself. Just like the phone call earlier. His mouth
just continued spouting nonsense.

Maybe it’s best to leave again. I should go assist

Mint and just leave some guards to protect Reignah.
Yeah. Let’s do that. It’s for her own good.

But his plan was foiled just a week later.

He received a mission from the first Arkhon a mission

to protect Reignah Sevil-Vasquez, whose life was in
danger after stumbling upon one of the Syndicate’s
secrets. He was to act as Reignah’s bodyguard until
things were settled.

Below the first Arkhon’s insignia was Mint’s

signature. That means his dear cousin recommended him
for the job.

Kaiden could only facepalm.

Ah, fuck. What am I going to do? I think I’m screwed.


A/N: All the special chapters of PS25 is now posted.

Thank you for your support, CCBells.

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