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Motivation -The fifth and topmost level needs in

-refers to the “process of the hierarchy are called

activating behavior, sustaining it, and self-actualization needs and involve
directing it toward a particular goal.” realizing our full potential as human
This definition is useful because it beings and becoming all that we are
specifies three stages: activating, able to be.
sustaining, and directing actions
towards the achievement of
-refers to the act of “giving
employees reasons or
incentives... to work to achieve
organizational objectives.”

Factors Contributing to Motivation

- willingness to do a job
- self-confidence in carrying out a task
- needs of satisfaction

Theories of Motivation 2. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

1. Maslow’s Needs Hierachy Theory -Developed by Frederick Herzberg
Abraham Maslow - a psychologist, He indicates that a satisfied employee
theorized that human beings have five is motivated from within to work
basic needs which are as harder and that a dissatisfied
follows: physiological, security, social, employee is not self-motivated.
esteem, and self-actualization. These Two classes of factors associated with
needs are hierarchical, which means, employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction:
one need will have to be satisfied first -Motivational Factors (Satisfiers)
before the other need -Hygiene Factors (Dissatisfiers).
A.PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS Motivational Factors
-Those that are concerned with -Factors that directly contribute to job
biological needs like food, drink rest, satisfaction and motivate employees
and sex fall under the category of to perform better. Examples include:
physiological needs. These needs -Achievement
take priority over other needs. -Recognition Advancement
B.SECURITY NEEDS -Opportunities for Personal
-After satisfying that physiological Growth
needs, people will seek to satisfy their Hygiene Factors
safety needs. These needs include -Are aspects of the work environment,
freedom from harm coming from the that, when lacking, can lead to
elements or from other people, dissatisfaction among employees.
financial security which may be Examples include:
affected by loss of job or the -Working Conditions Salary
breadwinner in the family, etc. -Job Security
C.SOCIAL NEEDS -Interpersonal Relationships
-After satisfying his physiological and  Hygiene Factors mainly address the
security needs, the employee will no context or environment in which
strive to secure love, affection and the employees work.
need to be accepted by peers.  Motivational Factors are related to
D.ESTEEM NEEDS the content of the work itself and how
-The fourth level of needs is called fulfilling it is.
esteem needs and they refer to the
need for a positive self-image and
self-respect and the need to be
respected by others.
-is a motivation model based on -A method of direct employee
the assumption that an individual will participation is the quality circle
work depending on his perception of control (QCC). Th objective of the
the probability of his expectations to QCC is to increase productivity and
happen. The theory poses the idea quality of output.
that motivation is determined by SELF-MANAGED TEAMS
expectancies and valences. -When workers have reached a
-An expectancy is a belief about certain degree of discipline, they may
the likelihood or probability that a be ripe for forming self-managed
particular behavioral act (like teams. Also known as autonomous
attending training sessions) will lead work group or high performance
to a particular outcome (like a teams.
promotion). Valence is the value an
individual places on the expected
outcomes or rewards. Expectancy
theory is based on the following

1.Motivation through Rewards
2.Motivation through Employee
Motivation through Rewards
-Rewards consist of material and
psychological benefits to employees
for performing tasks in the workplace.
Properly administered reward
systems can be improve job
performance and satisfaction.
1.Extrinsic- refer to payoffs
granted to the individual by
another party.
Examples: are money,
employee benefits, promotions,
recognition, status symbols,
praise, etc
2.Intrinsic - are internally
experienced payoffs which are
Examples: are a sense of
accomplishment, self-esteem
and self-actualization
Motivation through Employee
-When employees participate in
deciding various aspects of their jobs,
the personal involvement, oftentimes,
is carried up to the point where the
task is completed.
The two popular approaches to
participation includes the following:
1.Quality Control Circles
2.Self-managed Teams

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