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Resume of Supervisor(中英文版)

导师姓名: 导师类别: 博导  硕导 □
郑爱萍 Aiping Zheng
Name of supervisor: Supervisor Level: Doctor Master
院所 College/Institute: 水稻所 Rice Research Institute

学科 Discipline: 植物保护学 Plant protection
电话 Tel: 13568960377 邮箱 EMAIL:

四川省成都市温江区惠民路 211 号四川农业大学水稻研究所

办公地址 Address: Huimin Road 211,WenJiang,Sichuan,P. R.Rice Research Institute of
sichuan Agricultural University
美国芝加哥大学访问学者一年 2016.3-2017.3
出国经历 Experience
Study as a visisting scholar in university of Chicago in United States for a
abroad(≥half a year)
duration of 12 months from March, 2016
研究方向: 生命科学——> 植物保护学(作物病原菌与寄主互作机制)
Research Fields 从事农作物的抗病虫研究,开展作物真菌病害的分子生物学与基因组
主要工作包括两个方面: (1)水稻纹枯病基因组与致病机制,及抗纹枯
病新材料的创制与应用研究; (2)水稻新型高效抗虫基因资源的克隆和
Life science -- plant protection (crop pathogen and host interaction
Engaged in the study of crop disease and insect resistance,
molecular biology and genomics research, the interaction
mechanism of hosts and pathogens, and gene resource mining,
research and application in beneficial agricultural microbial
The main work includes two aspects: (1) the genome of rice sheath
blight and pathogenic mechanism, development and application of
new materials and the resistance to sheath blight; (2) the creation
and application of insect resistant and cloning of novel gene
material resources in rice.

Educational Background: 1994.09-1998.07 西南师范大学,生命科学学院,生物学专业,理
1998.09—2001.07 四川农业大学,水稻研究所,作物遗传育种专业,
2001.09—2004.07 四川农业大学,水稻研究所,作物遗传育种专业,
2001/09-2004/07,Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Sichuan Agricultural
1998/09-2001/07, Master's in Plant Breeding from Sichuan Agricultural
1994/09-1998/07, Bachelor's in Biology from South West University.

Professional Experience:
2003.06—2011.05 四川农业大学,水稻研究所,副研究员
2011.06—至今 四川农业大学,水稻研究所,研究员

2011/06-present. Professor, State Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice, Plant

Protection Laboratory of Rice research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural
2003/06-2011/05. Associate Professor, Key Laboratory of Southwest Crop
Gene Resource and Genetic Improvement of Ministry of Education, Rice
research Institute, Sichuan Agricultural University.

主要论著(10 篇代表论著) 【论著】

Publications 郑爱萍,艾鹏,李平. 真菌基因组功能注释软件(中国),v1.0 版本,
版权号 2012SR013474,2012
2015 年:
(1)Qiao Li, Ting Zou, Peng Ai, Linxiu Pan, Chenglin Fu, Ping Li, Aiping
Zheng. Complete genome sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis HS18-1.
Journal of Biotechnology, 2015, 214:61-62. [ IF 2.87 ]
(2)Qiao Li, Li Z.Xu, Ting Zou, Peng Ai, Gang H. Huang, Ping Li and Ai
P. Zheng. Complete genome sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis strain
HD521. Standards in Genomic Sciences, 2015, 10:62. [ IF 3.16 ]
(3)Zonglan Yu, Liye He, Li Gong, Ganghui Huang, Yao Liu, Ping Li,
Aiping Zheng. Cloning and characterization of a novel cry1H gene effective
against lepidopterous larvae from a Bacillus thuringiensis strain. Biocontrol
Science and Technology, 2015, 25(12):1483-1492. [ IF 0.94 ]
(4) Zonglan Yu, Li Gong, Qiao Li, Ganghui Huang, Liye He, Ping Li,
Aiping Zheng. Diversity of insecticidal crystal protein genes of Bacillus
thuringiensis isolated from soil and cloning of novel haplotypes of cry
genes. Annals of Microbiology, 2015, 1-8. [ IF 0.99 ]
(5)Na Wang, Peng Ai, Yangfan Tang, Jing Zhang, Xiaojuan Dai, Ping Li,
Aiping Zheng. Draft Genome Sequence of the Rice Kernel Smut Tilletia
horrida Strain QB-1. Genome Announcements, 2015, 3(3):e00621-15.
2016 年:
(6)Lei Chen, Peng Ai, Jinfeng Zhang, Qiming Deng, Shiquan Wang,
Shuangcheng Li, Jun Zhu, Ping Li and Aiping Zheng. RSIADB, a collective
resource for genome and transcriptome analyses in Rhizoctonia solani AG1
IA. Database, 2016, 1-8. [ IF 3.4 ]
(7)Comprehensive analysis of microRNA-Seq and target mRNAs of rice
sheath blight pathogen provides new insights into pathogenic regulatory
mechanisms. DNA Research, 2016, [ IF5.4 ]
(8)Jing Fan, Xiaoyi Guo, Liang Li, Fu Huang, Wenxian Sun, Yan Li,
Yanyan Huang, Yongju Xu, Jun Shi, Yang Lei, Aiping Zheng, Wenming
Wang. Infection of Ustilaginoidea virens intercepts rice seed formation but
activates grain-filling-related genes. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology ,
2014, 57(6). [ IF 3.4 ]
(9)Ding Lei, Runmao Lin, Chuanchun Yin, Ping Li, Aiping Zheng. Global
Protein-Protein Interaction Network of Rice Sheath Blight Pathogen.
Journal of Proteome Research, 2014, 13(7). [ IF 4.25 ]
(10)Yun Ren, Yangfan Tang, Kailong Xie, Wenbo Li, Shumei Ye, Fengyan
Gao, Ting Zou, Xuemei Li, Qiming Deng, Shiquan Wang, Aiping Zheng,
Jun Zhu, Huainian Liu, Lingxia Wang, Ping Li, Shuangcheng Li. Mutation
of a U-box E3 ubiquitin ligase results in brassinosteroid insensitivity in rice.
Molecular Breeding, 2014, 34(1):115-125. [ IF 2.25 ]

主要国际学术活动(5 项以 2016.3-2017.3 芝加哥大学访问学者

内): 2016.3-2017.3 Visiting scholar of University of Chicago
International Academic

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