Particle Dynamics

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Class Work Sheet

(India) Private Limited Target IIT JEE 2021

B sin 
(A) Based on R2 = A2 + B2 + 2ABcos and tan = :
A  B cos 
1. Two vectors have magnitudes 3, 4 units respectively. What should be the angle between them if the magnitude
of the resultant is
(A) 1 unit (B) 5 unit (C) 7 Unit

2. Find the magnitude and the direction of the resultant of the two vectors of magnitudes25 and 40 making an
angle of 120º between them. (cos 120º = –1/2)

3. The magnitude of the resultant of the two vectors A and B is the same as the magnitude of A. Show that the
resultant of 2A and B will be at right angles to B.

4. The resultant of the two vectors a and b of magnitudes 6 and 10 respectively is at right angle to the vector a.
Find their resultant and also the angle between the given vectors.

5. F1 acts due east and F 2 acts 60º north of east. Both have equal magnitude of 20N each. What is the

magnitude and direction of F1  F2 ?

6. A particle is subjected to two equal forces along two different directions. If one of them is halved, the angle
which the resultant makes with the other is also havled. The angle between the forces is
(A) 45º (B) 60º (C) 90º (D) 120º
(B) Polygon Law :

7. Figure shows regular hexagon PQRSTU. Find the value of PQ  PR  PS  PT  PU .

(A) PO T S

(B) 2PO U R
(C) 4PO
(D) 6PO

(C) Unit Vector :

8. If a  3 î  4 ĵ, find a unit vector in the direction of a .

9. If Â, B̂ and Ĉ represent unit vectors in each case, which vector combination(s) results in a unit vector?

C ^
C ^ ^ ^
^ B A B
(a) B (b) (c) (d)
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(A) a, b, c (B) a, c (C) a, b, d (D) d

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [1]
(D) Component Form :
10. Find the components of the vectors shown in the following figures along x- and y-axes. The magnitude of

each of a, b, c and d is 10 units.

y y y
a y
(a) 30º
x (b) b (c) x (d) 45º
60º x c d

(E) Addition and subtraction using components :

   
11. Find the vector sum A  B and the vector difference A – B using components.

B(10 N)

37º x

12. Find the x and y components of the resultant of three forces using component method.
300N 200N
45º 30º


13. What is the magnitude and direction of the resultant of four coplanar forces F1 , F 2 , F3 and F 4 whose
magnitudes and directions are as follows. N
F1 = 20 N due east F3

F 2 = 40 N due west 45º

F2 F1 E
F3  50 2 N due north east
F 4  20 2 N due south west.

14. If P  6 î  8 ĵ and Q  4 î – 3 ĵ , then calculate

(i) | P | , (ii) | Q | , (iii) | P  Q | , and (iv) | P – Q |

15. In the above question find

(i) Unit vector along P  2Q , (ii) P · Q

(F) Dot Product :

16. If a  3 î  4 ĵ and b  4 î  3 ĵ , what is the angle between vectors a and b .

17. What is the projection of vector A  4 î  3 ĵ on vector B  3 î  4 ĵ ?

(A) 10 (B) (C) Zero (D) 12 î  12 ĵ

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "A-14(A)" Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [2]

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