CR - PC Question Bank

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Unit - I (10 Mark) Unit - II (10 Mark)

March / April - 2021 March / April - 2021

1. When a person can be arrested without 1. Provisions Relating to service of
Warrant Summons
2. Procedure relating to Summary trails 2. Limitation on the power of Magistrate to
October / Nov - 2021 take Cognizance of an offence relating to
1. Provisions relating to the Constitution of defamation and Marriage
Criminal Courts in India October / Nov - 2021
2. Procedure relating to trial before Court of 1. Procedures have to be followed when
Sessions warrant remains unexecuted
April / May - 2022 2. Scope of Judicial Discretion in Granting
1. Procedure to be followed in the trial Bail in Cases of Non-Bailable Offences
before the court of Session April / May - 2022
2. Complaint . Procedure to be followed on 1. Procedure to be followed by criminal
Receiving a Complaint Courts in Compelling the Appearance of
October / November - 2022 a person
1. Constitution and Powers of Criminal 2. For every Distinct offence there is a
Court separate charge and Separate Trial
2. Explain First Information Report and October / November - 2022
Discuss its Evidentiary Value 1. Taking Cognizance of offence &
March / April - 2023 Limitation on powers of Court to take
1. Arrest . Circumstance under which a cognizance of an offence
person can be arrested without Warrant 2. Separate charge is the rule and Joinder
2. Procedure to be followed in the trial of of Charge is the Exception
warrant Cases by Magistrate March / April - 2023
September / October - 2023 1. Limitation on the Power of Criminal court
1. What are the processes available to to take cognizance of an offence
Compel a person to appear before the 2. Bail. When bail may be granted in
Court Non-Bailable offences
2. Rights of the arrested Persons September / October - 2023
1. What is Charge ? Rules regarding
Joinder of Charges
2. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to Summary
Unit - III (10 Mark) Unit - IV (10 Mark)

March / April - 2021 March / April - 2021

1. Provisions relating to reference and 1. Powers of Supreme Court & High COurt
revisions to transfer Cases Appeals
2. Provisions relating to tender of pardon to 2. Powers of Magistrate for the Removal of
approver Public Nuisance
October / Nov - 2021 October / Nov - 2021
1. Provisions relating to Security for Good 1. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to time
Behaviour Limitation for taking Cognizance of an
2. Discuss the form and Contents of offence
Judgement 2. Preventive action can be taken by police
April / May - 2022 under which circumstance
1. Provisions relating to Maintenance of April / May - 2022
Wives and Children under Cr.Pc 1. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to removal of
2. Form and Contents of a Judgement and Public Nuisance under the Cr.Pc
in What manner Judgement is to be 2. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to
delivered Compounding of Offences
October / November - 2022 October / November - 2022
1. Provisions relating to Maintenance of 1. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to disposal of
Wives, Parents and Children under Cr.Pc Property
2. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to the 2. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to
security for Keeping Peace and Good Suspension, remission and Commutation
Behaviour of Sentence Under Cr.Pc
March / April - 2023 March / April - 2023
1. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to the 1. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to time
security for Keeping Peace and Good Limitation for taking Cognizance of
Behaviour Offences
2. When can the Court tender pardon to an 2. Provisions regarding the transfer of
Accused under Cr.Pc and Can it be Criminal Cases
Revoked September / October - 2023
September / October - 2023 1. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to disposal of
1. Types of Appeals in Criminal Cases Property
2. Discuss the Language and COntents of 2. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to time
Judgement Limitation for taking Cognizance of
Unit - V (10 Mark)

March / April - 2021

1. Salient Features of the probation of
offenders Act, 1958
2. Provisions of Cr.Pc relating to constitution
Powers and Functions of Child Welfare
October / Nov - 2021
1. Schemes Available for rehabilitation and
Social Reintegration of Children under
Juvenile Justice [Care & Protection of
Children Act , 2000]
2. When Court may release offenders after
admonition and on probation of Good
April / May - 2022
1. Constitution and Powers of Juvenile
Justice Board
2. Power of Court to release offenders after
admonition and on Probation of Good
October / November - 2022
1. Scope and Objects of the Probation of
offenders Act , 1958
2. Provisions under Juvenile Justice Act,
Relating to rehabilitation & Social
Reintegration of Children
March / April - 2023
1. Provisions under Juvenile Justice Act,
Relating to rehabilitation & Social
Reintegration of Children
2. Powers and Duties of Probation Officer
September / October - 2023
1. Competent Authorities & Institutions for
Juvenile under the juvenile Justice Act
2. Powers & Duties of Probation Officer
Unit - I (6 - Mark) Unit - II (6 - Mark)
March / April - 2021 March / April - 2021
1. ‘A’ an accused is charged with an offence of 1. ‘A’ Makes an application for regular bail in the court of
belonging to a gang of Dacoits operating in session. The Application is rejected. Now he wants to
Rajasthan. He is arrested in Bengaluru. Can he make a fresh application for anticipatory bail under
Section 438 of Cr.P.C in the High court. Advise
be tried for the offence in the Bengaluru
2. ‘A’ is accused of theft on one occasion and of causing
court.Give Reasons
grievous hurt on another occasion. Two offences
2. Raju goes to the city police station of Shimoga to were included in one charge and were tried together
give information about a cognizable offence. The in Single trial by the MAgistrate, A was Convicted.
Police officer refuses to register a first Decide the Validity of the order of conviction.
information report. What is the next course of October / Nov - 2021
action available to Raju? 1. ‘A’ rescues ‘B’ a person in lawful custody, and in
October / Nov - 2021 doing so causes grievous hurt to ‘C’, a Constable in
1. First Information Report whose custody ‘B’ was.Can ‘A’ be charged and tried
2. Complaint in one trial? Give Reasons.
2. Raju is serving in armed force of the Union.He wants
April / May - 2022
to file complaint against his wife for adultery, but he is
1. Complaint
2. Search Warrant April / May - 2022
October / November - 2022 1. ‘A’ is travelling from Madras to Bengaluru by
1. A magistrate convicts an accused after following train. During the night his suitcase is stolen. The
all procedures but without hearing the accused theft was discovered at Hubballi. ‘B’ is caught
on sentence. Is this punishment lawful ? Decide with the stolen suitcase at Davangere.Where
2. Rules relating to search and arrest can ‘B’ be tried for theft ? Decide.
March / April - 2023 2. Charge
1. Complaints October / November - 2022
2. A Police officer has recorded information 1. ‘A’ commits robbery on ‘B’ and in doing so
regarding a cognizable offence in his police voluntarily causes hurt to him. Can he be
station diary on the basis of a phone call. Can it separately charged and convicted for these
be regarded as an FIR? offences in the same trial? Decide
September / October - 2023 2. ‘A’ makes an application for regular bail in the
1. A Police officer has recorded information court of session. The application is rejected.
regarding a cognizable offence in his police Now he wants to make a fresh application for
station diary on the basis of a phone call. Can it anticipatory bail under Section 438 Cr.P.C. in the
be regarded as FIR High Court. Advise him.
2. Investigation March / April - 2023
1. Serving of Summons
2. Charge
September / October - 2023
1. Anticipatory Bail
2. ‘A’ tried for causing grievous hurt is
convicted.The victim later dies. Can ‘A’ be tried
again for culpable homicide in the same facts?

Unit - III (6 Mark) Unit - IV (6 Mark)

March / April - 2021 March / April - 2021
1. A Magistrate directs ‘D’ to execute a bond for
1. Disposal of Property
maintaining good behaviour for a period of two years.
Discuss the validity of the order. Support your answer 2. Irregular Proceedings
with legal provisions October / Nov - 2021
2. ‘A’ Obtaining a decree of divorce against her husband 1. Irregular proceedings
‘B’ and also obtains maintenance from her husband
under Sec.125 of Cr.P.C. After 2 years she marries
2. Compounding of Offences
‘C’. Now ‘B’ wants to apply for cancellation of April / May - 2022
Maintenance order. Advise B. 1. Warrant for Levy of fine
October / Nov - 2021 2. Irregular Proceedings
1. ‘A’ is charged before the court of sessions and
convicted of culpable homicide of ‘B’. Can once again
October / November - 2022
court try him for murder on the same facts for the 1. Irregular Proceedings
murder of ‘B’.Give reasons 2. Plea Bargaining
2. ‘A’ is charged with murder and he pleaded guilty. On
March / April - 2023
the basis of his plea he was convicted by the court of
sessions. Now he wants to appeal on the conviction. 1. Preventive action of Police
Advise ‘A’. 2. ‘A’ is prosecuted for being in possession
April / May - 2022 of certain obscene books. The Magistrate
1. ‘A’ first class magistrate convicts ‘X’ on his plea
acquits A, but orders that books should
of guilty. ‘X’ desires to appeal against the
be confiscated and destroyed. Is this
2. Abatement of appeals order Legal?
October / November - 2022 September / October - 2023
1. ‘C’ is the married daughter of ‘K’ and ‘L’ who lives in 1. Death Sentences
her husbandshome.Now the parents ‘K’ and ‘L’ file an
application before the magistrate court claiming
2. Suspension, Remission and
maintenance under Section 125 of Cr.P.C. from ‘C’ Commutation of Sentences
married daughter. Decide with reasons
2. Provisions relating to judgement.
March / April - 2023
1. ‘X’ is tried for causing grievous hurt to ‘Y’ and
convicted. ‘Y’ afterwards dies.Can ‘X’ be tried again?
2. Rangappa, aged 65 years, intends to claim
maintenance from his daughter Ramya. Advise him.
September / October - 2023
1. ‘A’ a Hindu married ‘B’ without divorcing his first wife
‘C’. ‘A’ has neglected ‘B’. Can ‘B’ Claim maintenance
from ‘A’?
2. Reference to High Court

Unit - V (6 Mark)

March / April - 2021

1. Child in need of care and protection
2. Children home and observation home
October / Nov - 2021
1. Child welfare committee
2. Probation officer and his duties
April / May - 2022
1. Observation homes
2. Probation Officer
October / November - 2022
1. Observation Homes
2. Release on Good Behaviour
March / April - 2023
1. Child Welfare Board
2. Procedure in case of offender failing to
observe the conditions of Bond
September / October - 2023
1. Procedure in case of offender failing to
observe the conditions of Bond
2. Special Homes

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