Preface 2023 Cann S Principles of Molecular Virology

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When I was seriously starting to structure I was almost overcome, then, when
my teaching efforts in second- and third-year Kattie Washington of Elsevier contacted
virology at my university, I came across Alan me out of the blue to ask me to revise
J. Cann’s first edition of Principles of Molecular Principles of Molecular Virology for a sev-
Virology from 1993—and was immediately a enth edition, as Alan was stepping away
fan because he organized things like I did. and had recommended that I take over.
That is, he described viruses and how This was especially timeous, as I was con-
they work in a comparative way, from first sidering launching my own textbook—and
encountering a host cell, through replication now I can instead set sail in an extremely
and expression, to exiting the cell. well-crafted boat with a highly experi-
Moreover, his book was affordable in my enced crew! The unexpected advent of the
developing country context, while many SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in 2020 unavoid-
were not; accordingly, I recommended it to ably delayed my finishing the book, but it
generations of virology students through the also allowed me to considerably expand
changing incarnations of our teaching, while what had only been a notional chapter into
I did not bother for other weightier offerings. a full-fledged (Chapter 8)!
We had a number of dealings over the years, I am also grateful to my long-time friend
formally with me writing a chapter on plant Russell Kightley, illustrator extraordinaire,
virus culture for a book he edited, but mainly for both making his pictures available, and
via social media, where I adopted him as my enthusiastically altering them on demand.
trailblazing guru. Although I believe that I Thanks, Russell!
beat him on the World Wide Web (in 1994), I am sincerely grateful to Alan for sug-
it was he who subsequently introduced me gesting it, and the staff of Elsevier—in par-
to the concept of microbiology/virology ticular Kattie Washington, Sara Pianavilla,
blogging via his sadly defunct Microbiology and Sajana Devasi—for their adoption of
Bytes (I do ViroBlogy on the WordPress me as the revision author for the seventh
platform), later to Twitter (@edrybicki), and edition of Cann’s Principles of Molecular
also to news aggregators ( Virology Virology and their patience with me as a new
News). I owe him a lot, therefore, over quite author.
a wide spectrum of social media reporting
of academic and virological activities, over Edward P. Rybicki
many years. University of Cape Town, South Africa


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