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Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

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Children and Youth Services Review

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Chinese preschool children’s physical fitness, motor competence, executive

functioning, and receptive language, math, and science performance
in Kindergarten
Yuju Chou a, Bi Ying Hu b, Adam Winsler c, Huiping Wu d, *, Jordan Greenburg c, Zhaowei Kong b
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
University of Macau, China
George Mason University, USA
Fujian Normal University, China


This study aims to examine relations between Chinese preschoolers’ physical well-being (physical fitness and motor skills), executive functioning, and academic skills
(receptive language, math, and science skills) at the end of the Kindergarten year, the last year of preschool in the Chinese early childhood education system. A total
of 273 children (141 boys and 132 girls) from 30 preschools stratified by urbanicity were examined on physical fitness and motor skills at ages 4 to 5 years, and later
on receptive language, math, and science performance one year later before they exited the Kindergarten year. Findings first revealed a direct effect of physical fitness
on academic skills at the between-school level. Next the between-school indirect effect of physical fitness on academic skills and the within-school effect of motor
skills on academic skills, via executive functions, were found to be significant. Specifically, schools with better physical fitness had higher mean levels of executive
function which in turn related to higher mean levels of academic skills (the between variance reduction was 19.3%), and children with better motor skills had greater
executive functions and then gained more academic skills within a school (the within variance reduction was 4.1%). This study underscores the importance of
physical well-being on children’s outcomes at a critical transition point of schooling. Discussion on findings, the implications for practice and policy as well as the
limitations of this study were followed.

1. Introduction physical fitness and motor competence), executive function skills, and
later academic achievement.
Worldwide concern about physical health, physical activity levels,
and obesity in children is at an all-time high. The World Health Orga­ 1.1. Motor competence and physical fitness as indicators of physical well-
nization (WHO, 2017) reports that rates of obesity have tripled since being
1975. In the U.S., one in three children are considered overweight
(Reinert et al., 2013), and one in five children are considered obese Though distinct skill sets in childhood, both motor competence and
(Pearce et al., 2018). The physical health and well-being of children in physical fitness may be important for children’s overall physical well-
rapidly developing nations such as China is also a serious concern (Liu, being. For example, both physical fitness and motor competence have
2012). Relatedly, there are concerns regarding low levels of motor been found to be associated with lower rates of obesity, cardiorespira­
competence among children, particularly those that have lower levels of tory fitness, and muscular strength (Lubans et al., 2010; Timmons et al.,
physical fitness (Hardy et al., 2013; Lopes et al., 2012; Luz et al., 2017). 2012; Robinson et al., 2015). Previous research has found positive
As researchers explore the physical and mental health outcomes asso­ correlations between motor competence and aspects of physical fitness
ciated with being overweight or obese in childhood, they have also in children such as balance, coordination, speed, and agility (Haga,
called for more studies to be conducted on links between physical and 2008; Luz et al., 2017). Such research suggests that both motor
motor fitness in early childhood and cognitive skills and academic per­ competence and physical fitness can be considered indicators of chil­
formance during the early school years (Biddle & Asare, 2011; Biddle dren’s physical well-being.
et al., 2019). In line with this call, the current study explores the rela­
tionship among preschool children’s physical well-being (including

* Corresponding author at: College of Mathematics and Statistics, Fujian Normal University, University Town, Fuzhou, Fujian Province, People’s Republic of China.
E-mail address: hpwu168@163.com (H. Wu).

Received 8 January 2021; Received in revised form 1 January 2022; Accepted 30 January 2022
Available online 3 February 2022
0190-7409/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

1.2. Physical well-being and academic outcomes to the higher cognitive demand associated with these subsets of fine
motor skills. This suggests that while motor skills in general may not be
1.2.1. Physical fitness strongly associated with cognitive function, those that rely on higher-
The connection between one’s physical fitness (which can be defined order cognitive skills may be important.
as including cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, coordination, In summary, previous research has focused on examining relations
and body composition) and academic achievement has been a recent between physical fitness and academic skills, as well as relations be­
focus of research (Castro-Piñero et al., 2010; Chu et al., 2016; Haapala, tween motor competence and academic skills, separately. However,
2013; van der Niet et al., 2014). While some studies suggest there is a even when some evidence supports positive correlations for these vari­
direct link between physical fitness and academic achievement, others ables, there is a general lack of clarity on the underlying mechanism that
find no such links. For example, past studies suggest that higher levels of governs such associations. Executive function skills have been proposed
physical fitness are related to better academic performance in children as a potential mediator because of their positive association with motor
and adolescents ranging from age 7 to 18 (Davis & Cooper, 2011; Dwyer skills, fitness, and academic performance. However, this rarely has been
et al., 2001; Van Dusen et al., 2011; Welk et al., 2010; Wittberg et al., tested (Schmidt et al., 2017). An aim of the current study is to test
2010). However, other studies find that physical well-being is not whether executive functions (EFs) mediate the relationship between
related to better cognitive outcomes (Etnier et al., 2006; Kramer & components of physical well-being and academic skills.
Erickson, 2007; van der Fels et al., 2015).
In terms of research supporting the link between physical fitness and 1.3. Physical well-being and executive functions
achievement, studies find that aerobic fitness (cardiovascular fitness),
which refers to the capacity to carry out intensive physical activities 1.3.1. Physical fitness
(Chu et al., 2016), shows a relatively strong positive association with EFs are defined as a set of cognitive operations involving working
academic achievement in both school-aged children and adolescents memory, inhibitory control (including selective attention and inhibition
(Castelli et al., 2007; Haapala, 2013; Lambourne et al., 2013; Ortega of inappropriate or interfering responses), and mental flexibility (Dia­
et al., 2008; van der Niet et al., 2014). In younger preschool samples, mond, 2012). Past research often finds positive associations between
subjectively measured physical activity (parent questionnaires) has been aerobic fitness and EFs (Castelli et al., 2007; Lambourne et al., 2013),
found to be positively associated with vocabulary development (Carson though this is not always the case (Diamond & Ling, 2016). Haapala’s
et al., 2017). Though most prior research has examined cardiovascular (2013) systematic review with children up to 13 years of age reveals that
fitness in relation to cognitive functioning, it may be important to higher cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with better inhibitory
consider other areas of physical fitness, such as muscular strength, in control in tasks requiring rigorous attention allocation. Similarly,
relation to cognitive outcomes (Tsai et al., 2020). For example, better Drollette and colleagues (2014) found a single, acute bout of moderate
muscular fitness has been found to be associated with cognitive per­ aerobic exercise improved cognitive performance of preadolescent
formance in children and academic performance in children and ado­ children, and that the effect was greater for those with lower inhibitory
lescents (Coe et al., 2013; Tsai et al., 2020). Such measures (e.g., tennis control ability. In other words, children with the lowest impulse control
ball throw), which measures body strength and power, are included in benefit the most from acute physical exercise. Though most research on
the present study. physical fitness and EFs examine cardiorespiratory fitness specifically,
some research suggests that muscular fitness (measured by crunch curl-
1.2.2. Motor competence ups, standing long jump, standing on one leg with eyes closed, sit-and-
Motor competence is another important component of physical well- reach, and BMI) were associated with children’s cognitive processing
being, in addition to physical fitness. Motor competence refers to the (Tsai et al., 2020). This suggests that research should consider additional
ability to perform a wide variety of motor skills (both gross and fine) measures of physical fitness as they relate to such abilities. These types
(Haga, 2008; Luz et al., 2017). Motor skills refer to learned sequences of of physical fitness indicators are included in the present study.
movements that are combined to produce smooth, efficient actions to Additional recent work has also examined the link between physical
master a particular task (van der Fels et al., 2015). Motor skills are often activity and EFs in specifically early childhood. The results from these
divided into fine motor and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills refer to studies have been mixed. McNeill et al. (2018, 2020) found that objec­
the coordination of small muscle movements reflected in activities such tively measured vigorous physical activity (measured using accel­
as writing, playing an instrument, and drawing, while gross motor skills erometry) was associated with working memory and set shifting
refer to moving large muscle groups, moving the entire body in coor­ performance in preschool. However, another study using accelerometry
dinated ways (e.g., walking, running, jumping, throwing), and pos­ with preschool children found no associations between physical activity
sessing balance and orientation/coordination (Burton & Rodgerson, and working memory or response inhibition (Carson et al., 2017).
2001). The correlation between physical fitness and EF is often attributed to
Fine motor skills, in particular, are suggested to be a good predictor the enhanced and more rigorous physical activities present for those
of academic achievement (Haapala, 2013; Murrah, 2010). According to who are fit (Best, 2010; Diamond, 2012). That is, doing exercise in­
Haapala (2013), for preschoolers, fine motor skills are a more accurate creases cerebral blood flow among some brain regions (both short- and
predictor of reading achievement and mathematics achievement than long-term) which are important to functions such as attention, memory,
gross motor skills. Further, Leonard and Hill (2014) reported a signifi­ and learning (Best et al., 2009; Etnier et al., 1997). Several studies have
cant relation between motor skills and children’s development of social supported this hypothesis —researchers find that physical activities
cognition, language, and social interactions. Given these results, Leo­ enhance children’s attentional process (Spitzer & Hollmann, 2013;
nard and Hill (2014) advocated for motor interventions designed for Syväoja et al., 2014), planning (van der Niet et al., 2014) and inhibitory
children at risk for motor, language, and social skill development. control (Castelli et al., 2007; Chaddock-Heyman et al., 2013; Syväoja
Despite these studies, some evidence suggests that motor skills may et al., 2014).
not be directly related to cognitive development. In a systematic review It is important to note that some researchers find that not all types of
of the motor and cognitive skills literature, van der Fels et al. (2015) physical activities are linked to EF. Diamond and Ling (2016) conducted
concluded that there is insufficient evidence to claim a clear, direct a comprehensive review of interventions, programs, and approaches for
relationship between motor and cognitive skills among children ages improving EFs, and identified 18 studies that examined acute effects of
4–16 years old. Although some correlations between motor and cogni­ physical activity programs on EFs. They concluded that “mindless”
tive skills did show weak-to-strong links (e.g., fine motor skills, body physical activities like simple aerobic exercise that just increases heart
coordination), the researchers pointed out that such links are likely due rate and blood flow (although still beneficial for cardiovascular health)

Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

often show no effect on increasing EFs in individuals of various ages standardized test results; however, this model has yet to be tested.
(Angevaren et al., 2008; Fabre et al., 2002; Smiley-Oyen et al., 2008). More recently, Becker et al. (2014) investigated relations between
Instead, it is only physical activity that also involves a cognitive physical activity, self-regulation, and early academic achievement. Re­
component or mindfulness that is more robustly linked to improved EFs sults indicated that in terms of a direct effect, active play did not predict
(Best, 2010; Diamond & Ling, 2016; Moreau & Conway, 2013; Tom­ emergent literacy and math. However, in the form of an indirect effect,
porowski et al., 2015). That is, in order to gain EF benefits, aerobic active play exerted effects on emergent literacy and math achievement
exercise or physical activity may need to be cognitively challenging, through its impact on self-regulation. In other words, more active play
involve some reflection and/or focus on the body during the motor ac­ was related to stronger self-regulation which then contributed to
tivity, and be something of interest and enjoyment to the participant. stronger math and emergent literacy development. Our study tested a
similar model, using EF as a potential mediator of the relationship be­
1.3.2. Motor competence tween physical well-being (motor competence and physical fitness) and
Links between motor competence and EF also have been found for academic achievement. Our study also assessed a wider domain of ac­
children ages 5 to 10 years, mainly due to the shared underlying ademic achievement (math, science, and language, compared to only
mechanisms of planning, sequencing, and monitoring that are linked to reading and math).
the growth of the cerebellum (Diamond, 2000). Research on children Finally, Schmidt et al. (2017) tested the mediating role of executive
ages 6 to 15 years shows that both fine and gross motor skills are functioning (updating, inhibiting, and shifting) in the association be­
significantly positively correlated with attention, working memory, and tween motor ability (cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength,
cognitive control (Piek et al., 2004). Moreover, research with both motor coordination) and academic achievement (math, reading, and
typically and atypically developing children has found correlations be­ spelling). While all three different motor abilities were positively and
tween motor skills and EFs (Ziereis & Jansen, 2015). directly linked to children’s academic achievements, EF only mediated
the relationship between motor coordination and achievement (not
1.4. Executive functions and academic outcomes cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength). Schmidt et al. (2017)
argue that these results suggest EF may be the mechanism that links
It is widely believed that enhancements in EF promote student aca­ physical activity to academic achievement. Like Schmidt et al. (2017),
demic achievement (Best et al., 2009; Blair & Razza, 2007, Bull et al., we examined EF as a potential mediator between motor competence/
2008; Etnier & Chang, 2009; van der Sluis et al., 2007). Response physical fitness and academic outcomes in a younger sample.
planning and cognitive flexibility are two foundational components of Studies are needed to examine the potential mediational role of EFs
EF that underpin relations between EF and academic outcomes and in the association between both motor competence and physical activ­
adaptive behavior (Carson et al., 2016). Response planning refers to ities and academic achievement, using a longitudinal design and
many cognitive components, such as working memory and response powerful statistical analyses to explore possible causal relations. Much
inhibition (van der Niet et al., 2014). These skills are critical to goal- of the previous research examining relationships among physical well-
oriented behavior that enable children to revise and evaluate their being and achievement have been cross-sectional, making it difficult
behavior in different environments (Best et al., 2009). Tests that mea­ to determine directionality (Haapala et al., 2020). As such, the use of a
sure response planning often ask children to plan multiple processes in longitudinal design in the present study is an important step for better
advance and evaluate their plans while performing actions (Best et al., understanding the relationships among the constructs of interest. It is
2009). Therefore, response planning ability is likely to be a foundation likely that, at least in younger children, longitudinal analyses will pro­
for mathematics which largely involves multiple-step problem solving vide better indicators of the developmental trajectories involved among
(Sikora et al., 2002). physical fitness, EFs, and academic achievement. As indicated above,
Likewise, cognitive flexibility, which is crucial for switching among cross-sectional research does not always find associations between
tasks, has been shown to influence reading (Van der Sluis et al., 2007) physical fitness and achievement in younger samples. It is possible that
and math (Bull et al., 2008). According to Arbuthnott and Frank (2000), physical activity may not be concurrently associated with achievement,
inhibitory control is required for successful task shifting, and is impor­ but rather promotes skills (e.g., EF, self-regulation, working memory)
tant in environments where the target of attention changes. Both that are related with achievement in the longer-term (Becker et al.,
response planning and cognitive flexibility are associated with chil­ 2014). Becker et al. (2014) hypothesize that the self-regulatory skills
dren’s academic achievement, especially mathematics and reading (Best promoted by physical activity in the preschool years might be related to
et al, 2011; van der Niet et al., 2014). achievement in later years as children are exposed to new academic
challenges and rely on EF skills. Such a hypothesis informs our model,
1.5. The path from physical well-being to academic outcomes via which examines the relationship between physical fitness and associa­
executive functioning tions with academic achievement one year later while EF skills are
While significant associations have been shown between children’s
physical well-being and academic outcomes, the underlying mechanism 1.6. Cultural context
through which improvements in physical fitness and motor skill are
related to social and cognitive outcomes remains unclear (Van der Niet Cultural context is important to consider when examining EF,
et al., 2015). The pathway from physical fitness and motor competence physical activity, and achievement. In a departure from most of the
to cognitive outcomes seems to be complex and most likely influenced previous research on physical activity, EF, and cognitive skills being
by mediators (Howie & Pate, 2012). Several models have been proposed conducted in the U.S. or other Western countries, here we examine re­
to explore the path between the two components. Howie and Pate lations between these constructs in China. There are important practices
(2012) hypothesized a model to illustrate how physical activity affects in the Chinese education system that may be relevant to the constructs
academic achievement through cognition. This model suggests that considered here. Due to concerns about children’s health, the Chinese
physical activity would affect children’s cognition, which includes government recently put forward learning and development guidelines
components such as EF and attention. Though Howie and Pate (2012) in 2012 for children ages 3–6 that attach importance to outdoor sports
note that no definitive mechanisms for this relationship have been activities. Such attention to outdoor activities is particularly important
identified, they hypothesize that physical activity may affect processes for promoting children’s physical fitness and motor development. When
such as hippocampal neurogenesis which improves brain function. weather conditions permit, most preschools arrange about two hours of
Progress in cognition could improve academic achievement in terms of outdoor sports activities every day, in which teachers organize children

Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

to carry out various sports activities (Hu et al., 2014; Hu et al., 2015). Similar to previous literature (Becker et al., 2014; Howie & Pate,
Chinese parents have also paid more attention to children’s physical 2012; Schmidt et al., 2017), we hypothesized that EF would partially
health and encouraged children to participate in more sports activities in mediate the pathway from physical fitness and motor competence to
recent years (Hu et al., 2021; Liu, 2012). Such focus on physical activity academic performance as children exit preschool using a novel sample of
is also likely helpful for children to improve their executive function preschool children in China.
(Lambourne et al., 2013; McNeill et al., 2018).
Examining constructs such as EF in the Chinese context is also 2. Method
interesting given possible cultural influences. Previous research suggests
that Chinese children exhibit stronger EF skills compared U.S. children 2.1. Participants
and grow faster in these skills during their preschool years (Grabell
et al., 2015; Schmitt et al., 2018). Part of these differences are thought to Data came from a larger longitudinal project investigating the
stem from culture—in typical Chinese preschools, children are taught to development of Chinese children (Hu et al., 2020). Participants were
sit still and listen to teachers’ lecture in a group setting for long periods preschool children recruited from Guangdong province by stratified
of time since they are three years old (Hu, 2015). In general, these skills random sampling. Guangdong is the most populous province in China
are thought to be more valued and emphasized in Chinese classrooms and represents China’s recent rapid socioeconomic development. The
compared to U.S. classrooms (Lan et al., 2009), and children begin present study included two phases: baseline and follow-up. Baseline data
practicing these skills at earlier ages than children in Western cultures were collected in May of 2015 (Time 1, T1), and a one-year follow-up
(Chen et al., 1998). It is anticipated that this didactic collectivist took place in May of 2016 (Time 2, T2) when participants were in their
teaching style may have an impact on children’s developing EFs (Hu Kindergarten year. The sample was comprised of 273 children (141 boys
et al., 2017). and 132 girls) ages 4 to 5 years at T1 (M = 4.62 years, SD = 0.49) from
30 preschools stratified by urbanicity (city/township vs. village). From
1.7. The present study the school list provided by the local education agency, 11 preschools
were randomly selected from locations in cities/townships and 19 pre­
Though some scholars have explored relations between physical schools from rural villages. Within each preschool, one classroom was
well-being, EFs, and academic achievement in children (Carson et al., randomly selected to participate in the project. In each target classroom,
2016; van der Niet et al., 2014), often only two of these three constructs 8–10 children were randomly selected for direct assessment from the
(EF, physical/motor activity, or achievement) are included. Several re­ classroom name list provided by the lead teacher.
searchers, however, suggest the need to examine potential mediational
links between physical fitness and/or motor development and children’s 2.2. Procedure
academic outcomes, with EF possibly serving as a mediator between the
physical fitness-academic outcomes link (Becker et al., 2014; Howie & The present study went through rigorous IRB ethics review at the
Pate, 2012; Schmidt et al., 2017). Further, few studies have examined first author’s institution (University of Macau: #MYRG20l5-00156-
relationships among these constructs in early childhood. Rather, many FED). All procedures were in accordance with the 1964 Helsinki
studies explore these relationships in later elementary school or declaration and its later amendments, and with APA ethical standards.
adolescence. The present study aims to fill these gaps by examining Preschool and parental consents and children’s assent were obtained.
relations between physical well-being (physical fitness and motor Upon agreeing to participate, parents filled out the questionnaire
competence), EF, and achievement all in one study among preschool addressing family demographic information. The response rate for
children. Further, we explore EF as a potential mediator of the rela­ parent questionnaires was high at 96%. One-on-one direct child as­
tionship between physical well-being and academic outcomes. sessments were administered that included physical well-being (phys­
Using a sample of preschool children in the Guangdong province of ical fitness and motor competence), EFs, and academic outcomes
China, the current study examines these relations at the end of the (receptive vocabulary, math, and science). These academic outcome
“Kindergarten” year. Kindergarten is the last year of preschool education assessments were conducted in preschools by research assistants (RAs)
(age 5–6) in the Chinese early childhood education system. To examine who studied either early childhood education or educational psychol­
relations between physical well-being, EF, and academic outcomes, we ogy, and they had all received rigorous training on the measures before
explore the following research questions: assessment. The training consisted of one day of intensive study of the
1. What is the association between components of physical well- measures by a qualified trainer and passing a test on administration
being (physical fitness and motor competence) and academic procedures the following day of training. The well-being (physical
achievement? fitness and motor competence) tests were conducted in preschools by
Given that the literature generally shows positive links between RAs who studied Physical Education. The last author (researcher in
motor development and academic achievement, we hypothesized that Sports Science) provided a rigorous two-day training to RAs including
physical fitness and motor competence will be positively and signifi­ passing a reliability test. Specifically, to pass the test to become a
cantly associated with academic achievement. qualified tester, each RA had to pass the threshold of 85% reliability
2. Are children’s levels of physical well-being associated with their with the fifth author. Prior to the assessment, the RA initiated a casual
EFs? conversation with the child to build rapport. Each assessment took about
Based on previous research finding positive associations between 3 to 20 min depending on the task and child performance. Once a test
some forms of physical activity and EFs (Liu-Ambrose et al., 2010; Smith was completed, the child was given a 5-minute break. At the end of the
et al., 2010; Spitzer & Hollmann, 2013; van der Niet et al., 2014), we assessment, the child was given a picture book as a token of
hypothesized that higher levels of physical fitness and motor compe­ appreciation.
tence would be positively associated with EFs.
3. Are EFs associated with academic achievement? 2.3. Measures
We expected that EFs would be significantly related to academic
achievement based on previous research findings (Best et al., 2009; Blair Physical fitness. Physical fitness testing in preschool children was
& Razza, 2007, Bull et al., 2008; Etnier & Chang, 2009; van der Sluis measured at T1 by the Research on National Physical Fitness Surveil­
et al., 2007). lance System in China. This test involved RAs taking children’s mea­
4. Does EF mediate the association between components of physical surements and noting their performance on various physical tasks
well-being and academic outcomes? administered to them, included children’s height, weight, sitting body

Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

flexion, and their performance on the following: standing long jump, in item 27 of the informal mathematics knowledge section, children are
tennis ball throw length, both leg successive jumping, 10-meter run, and asked to count the number of buttons on a page; in item 87 of the formal
the balance beam. According to reference tables supplied in the National mathematics knowledge section, children are asked to finish vertical
Physical Measurement Standards Manual (early childhood version; calculations on practice paper. There is evidence supporting the psy­
General Administration of Sport of China, 2005), the raw score of each chometric properties of the TCMA in Chinese samples (Xie, 2014). In the
item measured by the RAs was converted to a 5-point Likert scale score present study, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.88 at T1 and 0.96 at T2.
in which a value of 1 denoted poor performance and a value of 5 re­ Science knowledge. Science knowledge was assessed at both T1 and
flected excellent performance. According to grading rules, items were T2 using the Life Science Assessment (LiS) and Earth and Physical Sci­
summed and divided into four grades: excellent (>31 points), good ence Assessment (EPS) created by the MyTeachingPartner-Math/
(28–31 points), benchmark (20–27 points), and below benchmark (<20 Science research team (Kinzie et al., 2014). The LiS (22 items) tests
points). In the present study, children’s average physical fitness level children’s understanding of the biological world, including living versus
was between benchmark and good (M = 27.11, SD = 4.17), and the non-living things, characteristics of plants and animals, human and
proportions for the four grades were 22.3%, 26.7%, 48.1% and 2.9%, animal bodies, etc. The EPS (16 items) tests children’s understanding of
respectively. Given that the raw total score provided more information, the earth and physical science, including scientific tools, weather,
we used the summed scores instead of the grade scores in the analyses. It temperature, material composition, and motion, etc. In the present
is important to note that this measure of physical fitness varies from study, the Cronbach’s α for this scale was 0.86 at T1 and 0.83 at T2.
those commonly included in previous studies as it is not simply a mea­ Family socio-economic status. In the family background survey,
sure of aerobic fitness. multiple aspects of parent demographic information (father’s and
Motor competence. Children’s motor competence was measured at mother’s education level, income, and occupation) were collected at T1.
T1 using the Movement Assessment Battery for Children – Second Edi­ Specifically, educational level includes 7 categories ranging from “pri­
tion (MABC-2; Henderson et al., 2007). The MABC-2 is designed to mary school” to “doctoral degree”; income was divided into 9 categories
identify and describe impairments in motor performance of children and ranging from “less than RMB 2,000 (equivalent to $300)” to “RMB
adolescents 3 through 16 years of age. This test has three components: 100,000 or more (equivalent to $15,017 or more)”; occupation was
manual dexterity (3 items), aiming and catching (2 items), and balance coded into 5 categories ranging from “unemployment, job-waiting, part-
(3 items), which includes both fine and gross motor skills. The raw time job, or farmer” to “senior management personnel and senior pro­
performance score of each item was converted into a scaled score fessional.” These indicators were transformed into z-scores and then
ranging from 0 to 19. A higher total score on the MABC-2 indicates averaged to compute family socio-economic status (SES; Cohen et al.,
better motor coordination ability. The validity of MABC-2 (age 3–6 2006).
years) in Chinese preschool children was reported to be good in terms of
content and construct validity based on a large survey conducted by Hua 2.4. Data analysis
et al. (2013).
Executive function (EF). Children’s executive function skills were This study investigated relations between children’s physical well-
assessed at T2 using the Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders task (HTKS; being (physical fitness and motor competence), EF, and academic out­
McClelland et al., 2014). The task contains 30 items with three possible comes (receptive vocabulary, math, and science). Based on previous
answers: 0 = incorrect, 1 = self-correct, and 2 = correct. When children studies, an integrative model with mediation analysis was proposed,
were given the commands: “touch your head,” “touch your toes,” “touch where physical well-being predicts academic outcomes through child
your shoulders,” or “touch your knees,” they were asked to do the EF. In this study, we examined two physical well-being subscales in the
opposite (e.g., touch their heads when told to touch their toes). Before same model rather than two separate models to lower Type I error.
the formal test, six practice trials were conducted but not included in the Though physical fitness and motor competence are both considered in­
scoring. During this task, children are required to integrate different dicators of physical well-being, they are treated separately in models. As
aspects of EF (i.e., working memory, inhibitory control, and cognitive the three academic outcomes were highly correlated (correlation co­
flexibility). The 30 items are divided into 3 sections, and each section efficients ranged from 0.48 to 0.75, ps < 0.001), we conducted explor­
contains 10 items. If children got 4 points or above in the former section, atory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) based
they would continue the task in the next section until the last section; on two-split subsamples to examine whether a single factor could be
otherwise, the task stopped. In the present study, the Cronbach’s α for formed to represent children’s overall academic skills.
this scale was 0.90. Given the hierarchical data structure (children nested in schools),
Receptive vocabulary. Children’s receptive vocabulary was assessed hypotheses were tested with multilevel structural equation model
at both T1 and T2 using the Chinese Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-R (MSEM; Rabe-Hesketh et al., 2012; Preacher et al., 2010). The MSEM
(C-PPVT-R; Lu & Liu, 2005). Adapted from the PPVT-R (Dunn & Dunn, procedure partitions the variances of children observations into two
1981), the C-PPVT-R consists of 125 items for assessing receptive lan­ components, the between-school variances and within-school variances.
guage for Chinese children between the ages of 3 and 12 (Lu & Liu, This ability offers more robust estimates of standard errors of parameters
2005). The test started at items matching the children’s chronological than running a series of multilevel models (MLMs), especially in the
age. During this task, children were shown a picture book with objects situations of testing the mediation hypotheses with nested data and
on each page and asked to point to the one that matched the word multiple outcomes (for detailed mathematical explanations and simu­
verbally presented by the tester. The C-PPVT-R has been widely used in lation evidence, see Preacher et al., 2010).
various studies because of its strong psychometric properties (Cheng More specifically, this model is referred to as a 1–1–1 design, where
et al., 2009). In the present study, Cronbach’s α for this scale was 0.93 at predictors, mediators, and outcome variables are all measured at Level 1
T1 and 0.97 at T2. (within-school level), but Level-1 units were nested within Level 2
Mathematics achievement. Children’s math ability was assessed at (between-school level). To probe the sequence for how the variables
both T1 and T2 using the Test of Children Mathematics Achievement occur and to establish mediation, a longitudinal mediation model was
(TCMA; Xie, 2014). The TCMA is a revised Chinese version of the Test of employed, depicted in Fig. 1 (a), with children’s physical well-being at
Early Mathematics Ability (TEMA; Ginsburg & Baroody, 1990). The T1 as independent variables, academic outcomes at T2 as dependent
TCMA consists of a total of 120 items, suitable for children ages 3 to 9. variables, and EF at T2 as the mediator. The demographic variables
This test assesses both informal mathematics knowledge (19 items) ac­ (child’s age, gender, and family SES) and initial levels of academic
quired usually outside of formal schooling, and formal mathematics outcomes at T1 were included as control variables.
knowledge (81 items) that often involves written symbols. For instance, To test the multilevel mediation, we used the MSEM presented by

Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

Fig. 1. Hypothesized 1–1–1 multilevel mediating model between children’s physical well-being (including fitness and motor competence), EF, and academic skills.
Note. Control variables: age, gender, family SES and the academic outcomes at T1.

Preacher et al. (2010), where we decompose the variance of Level 1 into coefficients. If the 95% credibility interval contains zero, the indirect
within and between components, thereby accounting for the potential effect is significant and the mediation is established.
difference between relations at the child- and school-levels. As shown in All analyses were implemented using SPSS 21.0 and Mplus 7.4
Fig. 1 (b), physical well-being variables (physical fitness, motor (Muthén & Muthén, 1998–2015). Given a small number of clusters (i.e.,
competence), EF, and academic skills were decomposed into two com­ 30 classrooms) in the present study, there existed a convergence prob­
ponents (each of these components treated as a latent variable). To lem and pseudo-significant effects caused by parameter and standard
ascertain the hypothesized indirect effects, we utilized a multivariate error bias. We thus used Bayesian estimation instead of the default
extension of the product-of-coefficients strategy suggested by Preacher maximum likelihood estimation to mitigate this situation (Depaoli &
and Hayes (2008). Specifically, the indirect effect was quantified as the Clifton, 2015). Without any previous knowledge on the parameters, the
product of the mean Gibbs sample estimated of the regression noninformative prior distribution was specified using the default prior

Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

settings available in Mplus. Under the Bayesian framework, an accept­ 18.643], PPp = .452). In sum, we can conclude that the three indicators
able model fit is expected to have a 95% confidence interval (CI) for the of academic skills were valid and reliable, both at the within and be­
difference in the chi-square statistic for the observed and simulated data tween levels.
that contains zero, and a posterior predictive p-value (PPp) higher than
0.05 (Muthén & Asparouhov, 2012). 3.4. Testing for hypothesized mediation

3. Results Finally, we conducted the hypothesized mediation analysis using

MSEM to investigate separate mediation effects at the within and be­
3.1. Descriptive statistics tween levels simultaneously. Table 2 shows results for total, direct, and
indirect relationships between physical well-being and academic skills.
Means, standard deviations, and correlations among the study vari­ We first discuss the results at the between-school level and then at the
ables are presented in Table 1. The initial levels of academic outcomes within-school level.
were positively associated with the one-year follow-up assessments. As At the between-school level, in terms of total effects, as hypothe­
hypothesized, both physical fitness and motor competence correlated sized, increased physical fitness at T1 was significantly associated with
positively to EF, receptive vocabulary, math, and science. Furthermore, increased average children’s academic skills (c1b = 3.095, p < 0.001) at
EF was positively and strongly correlated with all academic outcomes. T2. This suggests schools with children with higher average levels of
physical fitness also had children with higher levels of academic skills. In
3.2. Validation of latent academic skills and aggregation at the school terms of hypothesized indirect effects, when the mediator, EF, was
level included in the model (i.e., 1–1–1 MSEM), as predicted, increasing
physical fitness yielded higher EF (a1b = 3.221, p = .014), which in turn
Prior to estimating the full model, first, we assessed the validity of predicted better children’s academic skills (bb = 0.443, p = .020). Other
the latent variables involved–academic skills at T1 and T2. The EFA indirect paths at the between-school level were nonsignificant. Results
results suggested a dominant general factor explained 62.9% and 59.6% of indirect effects of physical well-being on academic outcomes are
of the total variance at T1 and T2, respectively. The CFA results provided presented in the middle rows of Table 2. Average physical fitness at T1
support for the applicability of the single-factor structure (T1: χ2/df = had a positive and statistically significant indirect relationship with
1.758, CFI = 0.998, TLI = 0.986, RMSEA = 0.057, SRMR = 0.012; T2: average academic skills at T2 via EF (the product of coefficients a1b*bb
χ2/df = 2.662, CFI = 0.989, TLI = 0.973, RMSEA = 0.062, SRMR = = 1.284, p = .033, 95% credibility interval = [0.079, 4.010]), after
0.020). The standardized factor loadings ranged from 0.494 to 0.647. controlling for initial academic skills at T1. The direct effect of physical
To justify aggregation for school-level constructs based on fitness on academic skills remained significant but was reduced (c1′ b =
individual-level measures, we inspected the relative amount of variance 1.706, p = .047). The proportional reduction in variance statistic is a
lying within- and between-schools by calculating the intra-class corre­ local effect size used in multilevel models (Peugh, 2010). Results showed
lation coefficient (ICC) of the manifest indicators. Cohen (1988) rec­ that the between variance decreased by 19.3% after adding the medi­
ommends that ICCs should be considered significant if >0.059. In this ator, EF, into the model.
study, the ICCs under the null models (without predictors and mediator) In the context of notable school-level variance and in the presence of
were 0.50, 0.41, and 0.56 for receptive vocabulary, math, and science, significant between-school effects as reported above, and a small num­
indicating the need for multilevel modeling. The ICCs for physical ber of children nested within the same school, it is more difficult to find
fitness, motor competence, and EF were 0.18, 0.11, and 0.38 respec­ significant within-school effects on top of the school-level effects.
tively. These results substantiate the aggregation of measures at the Indeed, and contrary to our hypotheses, we did not find evidence of
school level of analysis, and suggest that it is appropriate to use multi­ direct associations between physical well-being and academic outcomes
level modeling. (ps > 0.05), after controlling for initial levels at T1 at the child level
(within-child effects). This suggests that for individual children within
3.3. Model fit for a two-level CFA the same schools, greater physical well-being (either physical fitness or
motor competence) was not directly associated with increased academic
Given the validation of multilevel model, we formulated a two-level performance. In terms of indirect relationships, within schools,
CFA for three indicators (receptive vocabulary, math and science) increased child motor competence was associated with higher EF (a2w
measuring academic skills. The fit indices show that the model = 0.246, p = .002), which was linked to better academic skills (bw =
accounted for the nested design and provided an appropriate description 0.127, p = .019). Using the product-of-coefficients approach, there was a
of the data (maximum likelihood estimation, χ2/df = 4.919, CFI = significant indirect effect of motor competence on academic skills
0.994, TLI = 0.981, RMSEA = 0.062, SRMRwithin = 0.064 and through EF (indirect effect a2w* bw = 0.029, p = .021, 95% credibility
SRMRbetween = 0.031; Bayesian estimation, 95% CI for Δχ2 = [− 17.015, interval = [0.011, 0.084]). Compared to the model without the

Table 1
Descriptive statistics and correlations for study variables (N = 273).
Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Physical fitness 27.11 4.17

2. Motor competence 83.26 11.13 0.27**
3. Executive function 45.20 14.95 0.19** 0.24**
4. Receptive vocabulary at T1 33.31 18.47 0.23** 0.14* 0.39**
5. Math at T1 26.26 12.73 0.19** 0.20** 0.47** 0.56**
6. Science at T1 67.48 15.05 0.26** 0.17** 0.45** 0.74** 0.56**
7. Receptive vocabulary at T2 53.60 23.29 0.26** 0.13* 0.42** 0.76** 0.54** 0.75**
8. Math at T2 42.49 14.45 0.24** 0.15* 0.52** 0.58** 0.78** 0.67** 0.55**
9. Science at T2 77.20 10.69 0.22** 0.07 0.45** 0.65** 0.43** 0.75** 0.69** 0.48**
10. Age 4.62 0.49 –0.14* –0.09 0.12 0.20** 0.27** 0.21** 0.17* 0.28** 0.13
11. Gender 0.48 0.50 –0.02 0.06 0.07 –0.01 –0.06 –0.01 –0.01 –0.04 0.02 –0.09
12. Family SES –0.01 0.75 0.08 –0.01 0.30** 0.59** 0.38** 0.51** 0.53** 0.37** 0.51** 0.14* –0.01

Notes. * p < .05, ** p < .01.

Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

Table 2
Multilevel (mediation) models predicting academic skills from physical well-being via EF on between- and within-school levels.
Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect

Estimate Posterior S. 95% CI Estimate Posterior S. 95% CI Estimate Posterior S. 95% CI

D. D. D.

Between-school level
Physical fitness → Academic 1.706* 1.078 [0.062, 4.097] 1.284* 1.057 [0.079, 4.010] 3.095** 1.264 [0.897, 5.830]
Motor competence → Academic − 0.376 0.308 [− 1.005, 0.152 0.261 [− 0.233, − 0.191 0.378 [− 0.933,
outcome 0.217] 0.811] 0.570]
Within-school level
Physical fitness → Academic 0.215 0.218 [− 0.188, − 0.006 0.035 [− 0.083, 0.205 0.220 [− 0.206,
outcome 0.590] 0.062] 0.592]
Motor competence → Academic 0.025 0.068 [− 0.110, 0.029* 0.021 [0.011, 0.084] 0.056 0.070 [− 0.076,
outcome 0.161] 0.195]

Notes. * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01. EF = executive functioning (mediator). Control variables: age, gender, family SES and the academic outcomes at T1.

mediator, the proportional reduction in within-level variance was 4.1%. (differences between children at the same school), motor competence
In sum, EF partially mediated the positive relationships between was linked to greater academic achievement, again mediated by EF. In
children’s physical fitness and academic skills at the between-school other words, those schools with stronger physical fitness had higher
level, and between motor skills and academic skills at the within- student average levels of academic achievement partly because they had
school level. Schools with children with better physical fitness also greater average levels of EFs, and children within a school who had
had higher levels of EF, which resulted in higher levels of academic higher motor competence performed better partly because they had
skills. Within schools, children with better motor skills had greater EF better EF abilities.
leading to better academic skills. In summary, our findings underscore the importance of physical
fitness and motor competence on Chinese children’s academic learning
4. Discussion at a critical transition point of schooling. These findings suggest that
fostering children’s physical well-being in early childhood may support
This is the first study to our knowledge to investigate relations be­ them as they transition into formal schooling. Physical well-being could
tween preschool children’s physical well-being (physical fitness and be an important area to target during early childhood education—some
motor competence), executive functioning, and academic outcomes in research suggests that even among young children, both sedentary
kindergarten using a sample from China. This study makes contributions behavior and physical activity tend to be stable over time (Carson et al.,
to the literature in several ways. First, unlike most studies that tend to 2019). Given the potential for children’s increased well-being to be an
examine the direct association between children’s physical fitness or important factor in fostering later success by promoting children’s EFs,
motor competence and children’s academic and cognitive outcomes targeting this developmental domain early may promote long-term
(Chu et al., 2016; Haapala, 2013; van der Niet et al., 2014), we examined benefits. The focus on physical well-being in early childhood is partic­
the indirect association between these variables through a potential ularly important considering the current cultural context. In China, the
underlying mechanism of EF as a mediator. Second, unlike previous focus on academic achievement and the structure of the early childhood
studies that tend to exclusively examine either children’s physical fitness education system (e.g., large class sizes, limited outdoor space) may
or motor competence (van der Niet et al., 2014; van der Fels et al., limit children’s ability to engage in physical activity (Hu et al., 2014).
2015), this study comprehensively examined physical well-being by
including both components. Moreover, we utilized a longitudinal design
4.2. Links between physical fitness, motor competence, and academic
to examine the direct and indirect effects of physical fitness and motor
competence on the academic outcomes of preschool children at the end
of the kindergarten year. Third, while most studies look at children’s
We hypothesized that preschoolers’ physical fitness and motor
language and math as cognitive outcomes (Lambourne et al., 2013), we
competence would be related to children’s academic readiness (recep­
also tested children’s science, which makes for a more comprehensive
tive language, mathematics, and science). However, this hypothesis did
assessment of cognitive development. These three outcomes were
not receive the strong support that we had anticipated. The results did
examined as a diverse latent construct of achievement. Finally, we add
show that, when looking across schools, higher physical fitness skills
nuance to the literature with multi-level models that inform us about
was associated with higher achievement outcomes. This finding aligns
both within- and between-school relations between these constructs,
with a growing body of research with young children conducted in Euro-
something which has not been done before.
American settings (Castelli et al., 2007; Davis & Cooper, 2011; Haapala,
2013; Lambourne et al., 2013; Van Dusen et al., 2011; Welk et al., 2010;
4.1. Associations among physical well-being, executive functions, and Wittberg et al., 2010) and supports the notion of emphasizing movement
academic outcomes and fitness in early childhood education.
However, our findings did not support the hypothesis that young
In partial support of our hypotheses, findings revealed associations Chinese children with higher motor competence had better performance
between child physical well-being, executive functioning, and academic on academics than those with lower motor competence. This finding
outcomes as hypothesized, and our multilevel models indicated that contrasts with other work that does find such relationships (Murrah,
relations differed somewhat at the between- and within-school levels. In 2010). One possible reason for this lack of consistency was that our
terms of direct links between physical fitness and academic outcomes, at measure of motor competence did not distinguish between fine motor
the between-school level, schools with higher average child physical skills and gross motor skills. Previous literature suggests that fine motor
fitness at T1 also had children with greater academic achievement at T2. skills are more closely linked to academic achievement compared to
Hypothesized indirect effects were found - at the between-school level, gross motor skills (Carlson et al., 2013), and our combined measure may
initial child physical fitness was related to academic outcomes at T2, and mask these effects. Nevertheless, as described above, our findings indi­
this was mediated through increased EF; and at the within-school level cate that a mechanism might exist such that EF mediates the association

Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

between motor competence and academic achievement. This indirect 5. Limitations and future directions
link supports recent findings in the literature (Schmidt et al., 2017).
This study has several limitations. First, although we used a repre­
4.3. The role of EF in academic differences associated with physical well- sentative sample of Chinese preschool children in the southeastern
being Guangdong province, caution must be taken when generalizing findings
to contexts outside of Guangdong. Future studies should focus on
The present study also showed that Chinese children’s EF ability is replicating the current study in other provinces especially in areas rep­
related to varying levels of physical fitness at the between-school level resenting different levels of socioeconomic development (e.g., regions in
and motor competence at the within-school level. This finding corrob­ middle and western China), and in other countries. Second, although we
orates evidence from a growing body of research showing that EFs are used a longitudinal design (children’s physical fitness and motor
closely related to physical fitness (Castelli et al., 2007; Lambourne et al., development in preschool and outcome data the following year), it is
2013) and motor competence at an early age (Hartman et al., 2010; Piek still a correlational study which does not allow us to draw causal con­
et al., 2004; Ziereis & Jansen, 2015). Researchers have pointed out that clusions. Indeed, it is possible that the direction of causality also goes
when children have better physical fitness and motor skills, they tend to from EF to physical fitness; however, we were not able to test that
engage in more physical activity, which helps to improve EFs (Best, alternative possibility because physical fitness and motor development
2010). Doing exercise increases cerebral blood flow among some brain were only measured at T1. Future studies should examine potential
regions in the short- or long- term which are important to EF skills, bidirectional associations.
including increased working memory performance, planning ability, Third, although this study underscores the importance of physical
and inhibitory control (Best et al., 2009; Etnier et al., 1997). It is well-being and behavioral regulation to children’s early academics,
important to note here that the movements involved in our measures of there are other child-level mechanisms, such as approaches to learning
motor competence and physical activity were not particularly mindful and social skills, that might mediate the effect of physical well-being on
and did not require much cognitive engagement, which is theorized to children’s academic skills. Also, it is suggested that researchers should
be an important variable in understanding relations between fitness and follow up on children through primary school to examine the long-term
EF (Diamond & Ling, 2016). Thus, we show such links being present effects of physical well-being on children’s later academic outcomes.
even when the activities involved were fairly mindless (albeit during Fourth, the use of a single measure of EF is another limitation of the
assessment, not during a physical fitness intervention which was the study. Further studies should investigate the effects of several measures
focus of Diamond and Ling). of EF, especially since relations between physical fitness, EFs, and aca­
Partially in line with our hypothesis, we found that physical fitness demic outcomes appear to be specific and only found for certain mea­
and motor competence-related differences in academic achievement sures, activities, and outcomes (Diamond & Ling, 2016; Schmidt et al.,
were mediated by EF. This finding adds to evidence from recent cross- 2017). Last, researchers should investigate ways to improve children’s
sectional studies (Schmidt et al., 2017; Van der Niet et al., 2014). Spe­ physical fitness and motor competence in light of early childhood edu­
cifically, behavioral regulation has been shown to be a partial mediator cation curriculum reform in China (Hu et al., 2017). For example, what
for physical fitness-related disparities in academic achievement, and constitutes an adequate level of physical activity and culturally sensitive
physical fitness has a direct effect on academic achievement (van der physical activities interventions for Chinese preschool classrooms?
Niet et al., 2014). Together, these studies underscore the importance of Answering research questions such as these will provide significant
more fundamental child-level mechanisms of EF in explaining the gap in implications for practice and promoting optimal child development.
academic outcomes at the exit point of kindergarten linked to physical
fitness in the prior preschool year. Physical fitness and motor compe­ 6. Implications
tence are important to children’s EF (Castelli et al., 2007; Etnier et al.,
1997), and early regulatory abilities are foundational for learning in This study provides important implications for early childhood ed­
academic domains, especially in math and science (Gelman & Brenne­ ucation policy and practice. In China, parents often prioritize academic
man, 2004; McClelland et al., 2014; Nayfeld et al., 2013; Ponitz et al., achievement for young children at the expense of promoting children’s
2009). Our longitudinal work here is in line with Becker et al. (2014) interest in exploring and physical play (Hu et al., 2014). Physical well­
who hypothesized that self-regulatory skills promoted by physical ac­ ness cannot be enhanced without spending quality time playing and
tivity in earlier preschool would be related to achievement in later years, exercising both outdoors and indoors. It is essential that young children
because when children are exposed to new, more academic challenges have time to engage in physical activities, such as running vigorously,
later on, they have to rely on their EF skills, skills that are enhanced by sliding, climbing, jumping, and playing with balls, which are crucial to
earlier exercise and skills that are still developing in early childhood. As healthy physical development (Bento & Dias, 2017). Our findings urge
we know, EF consists of many crucial elements, such as response plan­ parents to place more emphasis on children’s physical well-being by
ning and cognitive flexibility, and these are considered foundational for encouraging them to spend more time involved in a variety of sports and
many academic tasks, especially mathematics (Bull et al., 2008; Sikora physical activity.
et al., 2002) and reading (Van der Sluis et al., 2007). It is, thus, not In relation to early childhood education practice, the current situa­
surprising that those with low physical fitness and motor competence tion is not optimistic in terms of environments and curricula for
showed early disadvantage in academic achievement at the critical fostering children’s physical well-being. Research shows poor to medi­
transition to schooling. ocre outdoor environments in Chinese ECE settings due to lack of sta­
Another potential explanation for the link between motor compe­ tionary and portable equipment that can stimulate a variety of skills (Hu
tence, EF and achievement is EF’s relationship to fine motor skills. et al., 2014). This problem is intensified because of the large class size
Though we did not examine fine motor skills specifically, evidence within most Chinese preschools, which means that children have to take
suggests that fine motor skills, particularly those that require visual- turns using outdoor equipment like swings, slides, and ball games, which
spatial integration (e.g., copying a figure), are strongly related to leads to less overall vigorous physical activity (Hu et al., 2014). The fact
math achievement (Pitchford et al., 2016). Further, fine motor skills are that we found direct effects between fitness and child academic out­
thought to be theoretically linked to EF skills, and EF is increasingly comes specifically at the between-school level reinforces the notion that
being considered an important mediator in relations between fine motor school-level policies and support for child physical fitness and well-
skills in particular and achievement (Sulik et al., 2018). being matter for child outcomes.
Moreover, due to the curriculum features of Chinese preschools,
which prioritize time for academic learning in whole-group teaching

Y. Chou et al. Children and Youth Services Review 136 (2022) 106397

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