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Dirty Colonialists.

“The lower the methods sink the greater the contempt

become for the El desperados of colonialism (The Brits
and their primitive Arab Boys)”

“I shudder at the thought of how many times in the

past while I was still unsuspecting peasant (Naïve OR
Innocent) These Dirty Colonialist with Zero Conscience
had framed me up with God knows what? Communism?
Zionism? Pimping? Thieving? etc?etc??

And there was No Internet for me to expose their

DAILY criminal deceptions against helpless individuals!

(Search My eBook’s --—The Switch) ?

AS you might noticed from my ten books that both my

life and my convictions are Open Book i.e. I have
nothing to hide. Also, I am still citizen of the republic of
Iraq where there is law known as (Law Numbat One)
Decreeing ((Any Iraqi inside or outside Iraq contacting
any Zionist organization or individuals will be
sentenced to death.)) So here is the latest:
Recently on 3/May/2023 I received email from totally unknown
source arousing my curiosity because it was in language I could
not understand! So I responded with the correspondences
(Copied Below) I omitted the name of the person in case the
poor woman was genuinely distressed and I do not wish to add

She claimed she was an officer in the Peace Keeping force

stationed in Tropoli-Lybia (Israeli Regiment) Judging from her
first message she is Persian and from her last name she was
married to Israeli who left her or she left him after joining the
army. She said she wanted to leave the military service fearing
for her life because soon this Peace Keeping regiment may be
sent to Syria and she desperately wanted what I want:

Family life of (Man and Woman)!Then suddenly it occurred to

me (Wait a minute?!! Wait):If this was GENUINE Message of
friendship let alone love and marriage the El desperados of
colonialism and their Primitive Arab boys would have blocked
it! I could not have received this message.

(Search My Ebooks --The Forbidden From Love And Marriage

Parts 1-18 )?

Is there no limits to these state sponsored crimes? Crimes licenced by

the state in the name of the state against individuals they

supposed to protect not to be framed up ?? !!!
Dear Sender.

Please Resend your message in English or Arabic because i

could not read it at all ?Thank you.
Show original message

Dear ********r.

Thank you for your message. I just hope it’s not a TRAP or
a JOKE? Because I am living here in London very very Lonely
Life ( De Facto Solitary Confinement For Decades ) !

Therefore I am entitled (By Any Standards) To seek a wife

someone to love and to care for like the rest of mankind. So I
am interested in marriage.I love peace keepers because all the
religions says :

((The peace makers shall be blessed!

The war mongers [Will be permanently cursed with dark clouds

and constant rain.)) Please find attached my photograph
hoping you find me acceptable? sincerely- Isam.


Dear ********
Sorry !
I love to help you because you are jewfish woman but i cannot!
Trust me : Its not because of the money !
But only because dirty Anti-Sematic circles are trying to frame
me up with crime of treason !!
Because i am still citizen of the republic of Iraq.
FromStored with zero-access encryptionisam.saleh<isam.saleh@proton.me>
Star messageSent20:25Tuesday, 18 June 2024 at 20:25
ToMark John
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Dear Mark John.
I do not know how you accessed my Religious-
Chat/email address ?
I am not at all interested in your proposal!
And if you contact me again I may need to go to the
police for help !!
Please consider that I have enough problems without

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