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The sound of a baby crying rang out through

the house. Jun heard it outside while hanging
up the laundry. Alone at the moment, it was his
responsibility. He went inside and took the little
girl, all swaddled up, in his arms.
“Hey, hey, I’m here...”
Jun rocked the baby to and fro gently in one arm,
trying to get the girl’s attention with his other. He
patted her, not feeling anything in the diaper that
gave away the game.
“Hmm… looks clean. You hungry?”
Unwrapping the blanket from the baby, who now
only let out a cry every few seconds rather than
uninterruptedly, Jun sat her down in the high seat
in the kitchen, fetching some milk from the fridge
and warming it just enough in the microwave.
“There! The milk is allllll warmed up. Time to fill
up your tummy!”
Picking the baby up, Jun rocked her as he placed
the bottle at her lips. As she wrapped her mouth
around the plastic tip, she stared at Jun with wide
Jun chuckled.
“Heh… aren’t you the cutest thing in the world.”

After the baby was fed, Jun burped her over his
shoulder, and within a minute her eyes were
closed, sleeping gently.
As Jun walked through the house with her in
his arms, he caught sight of some pictures on a
They were pictures of him and his wife over
time. From their younger selves to being parents,
holding the smiling little one up for the camera.
But one picture held his attention. It was of his
wife in her school uniform, taken on the day of
their first date.
She was the love of his life. Perhaps the only
person that he truly loved. They had first met
before they’d even started school, living as
neighbors, growing up together through the years.
They’d been inseparable.
It was natural that some kind of romantic feelings
might grow as they came into adulthood. But
neither had been brave enough at first to admit it,
and risk their relationship.
But Jun’s family had moved away. Unable to tell
her, Jun had simply let it happen. She’d come by
his house one day, only to find they were gone.
It was a real regret in his life that Jun had left like

that. But he was given a chance to redeem it. The

two of them met again in high school, in the last
It was a chance for him to confess his feelings for
her, embrace her, and never let her go ever again.
But he’d failed again.

“Mum! I’m going to be late!” a young woman

shouted as she ran towards the door. Taking a
moment to put on her shoes, she rushed out the

“Wait! You forgot your bag!”

The girl whirled around, and grabbed her bag from

the outstretched hands.

“Thanks Mum!”

“Remember to come home for dinner!”

Too late. The girl was already far away into the

This was not the first time that Sachi Yuzuka was
late leaving for school. She happened to run out
her front door most of the time.

Luckily for Sachi, her school was not terribly far

from her home – only being a few minutes away
by foot. She reached the school in time, and saw
the new class of juniors coming in. With their
fresh faces, and the new term starting, Sachi
hoped for a new feeling in the halls, and in her
own life.


Sachi paused, wondering where the distant cry

was coming from.

“Hmm? Who’s that?”

“SACHI-CHAN! My cute and beloved Sachi-chan!”

“Wait, don’t tell me—“

As Sachi turned around, she was nearly bowled

over by her best friend, Yurika Koike. The other girl
zoomed past Sachi, her athlete’s speed impressive
to anyone.

Yurika skidded past the gate and stopped right in

front of Sachi, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“Yo! Good Morning Sachi-chan!” Yurika smiled,

the two finally seeing each other after the long
break. “Good Morning Yurika-san!” Sachi replied,
glad to see her friend in high spirits.

“Ahh. New term already. I can’t believe how fast

the time has passed. We’re graduating next year!
Have you made any plans yet, Sachi-chan?”

“Huh? Plans? Um… Not really.”


“Seriously? No plans? Come on! Someone like you

must have something!”

“Erm… I’ll probably go to college.”

Yurika eyed Sachi. It was a weaker resolve than

she’d expected from her friend, but she decided
not to press it. Just then, the bell rang, and the
student mass began to shuffle into the school

“Alright, I’ll see you later in class!”

Sachi quickly rushed to her classroom hoping to

arrive before her homeroom teacher did. While
she walked up the stairs, she remembered that
the first lesson would be mathematics.

“Ugh. What a lesson to start my new term with.”

She rolled her eyes in annoyance with the subject.

Sachi took her seat at the back of the classroom
next to the windows. The teacher soon arrived
and was greeted by the class before the first
lesson of the day began. As the lesson progressed,
Sachi quickly found her attention wavering,
boredom and her own thoughts removing
her from calculus. Too many recent events
were pressing on her, spoiling her mood and

She felt divided, unable to really focus on what

was right in front of her. Her empty notebook
page stared at her. She knew that the problem
was beyond her control, but if nothing was done
then it would only get worse.

“Sachi Yuzuka!” The teacher called out. Sachi

looked up like a deer caught in headlights.

“Could you answer this question for the rest of the


“Eh? Um… uhh…” She stared at the blackboard,

the jumble of symbols and letters clear to anyone
who had been following from the start, but
impenetrable to her. She stumbled while trying to
figure out what the question even was.

Sachi stammered and fidgeted, as her teacher

stared at her. Sachi looked up towards the front of
the classroom, and saw a ray of hope. Yurika had
written the answer on her hand, and was flashing
it to Sachi. The dark-skinned beauty gave Sachi a

“The limit as x goes to 2 is 15!” she squeaked.

Herclassmates’ faces moved back to the board
from her, their subtle desire for her failure
thwarted. Once again, her best friend had saved
Sachi’s ass.

The teacher was not impressed. It was clear to

him that Sachi had gotten aid from someone else,
but he’d failed to notice who it might be.

“Tch. Alright. Please pay attention from now on.”

The teacher turned around, and continued his

class like usual.

Nobody liked the mathematics teacher known as

Mr. Fujikawa. Compared to the other teachers,
he was especially strict, and never fraternized
with his students. His cold attitude wasn’t a
classroom trick either, as he never smiled at the
other teachers as well. His stomach was bravely
contained from spilling over his belt by his tight
shirt, and his messy mop of hair was shiny with
grease. In class, his armpits quickly grew wet and
odorous from sweat, and the students quickly
gave Mr. Fujikawa the nickname “Mr. Reek” for
that. Fujikawa knew about it, he just never acted
as if he did.


Soon enough, half a day was gone and the

bell rang for lunch. Sachi took out her mum’s
homemade food and sat with Yurika at her desk.

“Sachi! What do you have today?!”

Yurika craved at least a look into Sachi’s lunch – it

was always more appealing than her own.

Sachi opened up her lunchbox to reveal the meal

that her mum had made for her. A full meal, with
sides, baby octopus, and more. Yurika, unable to
hold her urge, quickly snatched one egg roll away
from Sachi.


“Come on. Just one egg roll won’t hurt. Sharing

is caring, you know?” Yurika spoke between

“You could ask me first,” Sachi’s voice trailed off.

The two sat there, eating their own lunches, and
Yurika found it hard to get any responses from

“I’m heading to the toilet for a while.” Sachi left


“Why is she so grumpy?” Yurika looked at her as

she headed out.

Sachi walked down the hallway towards the toilet

and a familiar face emerged at the staircase. It was
none other than Jun Tanaka. As Sachi approached
towards Jun her heart skipped a beat, and a mild
blush appeared on her face.

“Hey Sachi!” Jun noticed her, and approached her

with a pleasant smile.

“Oh. Hey Jun. How are you?” Sachi found it hard

to stay collected around Jun, no matter how hard
she tried.

“I’m fine. Well… There is something that I would

like to ask you.”

“Eh!? What would that be?” Her heart pounded in

her chest, and her blush turned an even brighter
red. Nervous, she began to clench her fists and
covered her chin.

“Well, I was wondering if you are free this

weekend. I was thinking maybe we could go watch
a movie or something.”

A date! The date she’d been waiting to have with

Jun for so long!

“Yes!” Sachi squeaked, before slapping her hands

over her mouth.

“Great! I’ll meet you at the train station near your

house at noon.”


Jun grinned wide, and left with a spring in his step.

Jun and Sachi had been tight-knit friends since

they were kids, when their families had been
neighbors to each other. It was no great secret
to those around them that the two had feelings
for each other, but both had been nervous about
making the first move.

Jun quick-stepped up the staircase, getting to his

own pal, Satoshi Umiya. Satoshi leaned against the
wall, arms crossed.

“So, did you ask? What did she say?” His attitude
belied his genuine interest for his friend’s
romantic well-being.

“Well, She agreed to it!” Jun nodded his head

dreamily, he felt like he was walking on clouds.

“You see? If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even

have had the guts to ask her out on a date!”

“Yeah. I just hope that the date turns out well.”

Satoshi knew that Jun had kept a romantic eye on

Sachi for a while now, ever since the beginning of
high school. As Jun’s best friend, Satoshi had felt it
was his duty to make sure the two got together in
a solid relationship.

Jun himself jittered like he had an electric current

flowing through him. What were they going to
do on the date? What should he wear? Should
he bring flowers? Or was that too cheesy, and he
should choose a different present?

“Oh jeez, what are we going to do, Satoshi! I don’t

know how to do this!”

Satoshi held up his hand to calm Jun. “Don’t you

worry. I have a plan that will make you both into a
lovely couple.”

“Don’t—say such a thing. It’s embarrassing.”

Jun blushed at the thought of it. Embarrassing

as it sounded, Jun smiled at himself, glad that
he’d gathered the courage to ask. The weekend
couldn’t come soon enough.

Satoshi, on the other hand, could not wait to see

how interesting this date would turned out.

The first day of classes ended with another long

ring of the bell. Yurika caught Sachi’s arm before
she left the classroom.

“Oi- Sachi-chan, do you have plans after school?

Want to try out the new family restaurant in

town? I heard it’s good.”

“I’m sorry Yurika-san. I have other plans at home

already. Maybe next time?”

“Ehhh? Sachi-chan, you’re no fun at all.” Yurika


“I’m sorry. I promise to go with you tomorrow,

okay?” Sachi gave Yurika a pat on the head.

“Okay! I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Yurika went to

mingle around with other classmates.

It wasn’t that Sachi didn’t want to go to the

restaurant, but she’d had unsettling premonitions
for some time now, and felt as though something
bad was going to happen if she didn’t get home

Sachi walked out of the school as urgently as

possible. At the same moment, Jun was having
his usual baseball practice with Satoshi and his
teammates. He was running on the track field,
and noticed Sachi heading home with a troubled

“I hope she’s alright,” he thought, avoiding the

playful elbow of one of his teammates.

A few minutes later, Sachi looked at the open

door to her home, worry filling her. Entering, she
was greeted by the terrifying sight of her mother
on the ground, weeping. Her arms and face were
covered in dark spots that were rapidly bruising.

“Mum! What happened to you?!” Sachi rushed to

her mother, taking her in her arms, checking for
any more serious wounds. “Is… is it dad again?”

Even as she asked, she knew the answer.

“Your father… He’s in the kitchen.” Sachi’s mother

mumbled, unable to look her daughter in the eye.

Sachi left her mother, and went to the kitchen

when she saw her father, dead drunk and passed
out on the floor. It was pathetic. Ever since
he’d been fired from his last job, he’d lost all
motivation to find another. To salve his wounded
pride the man had turned to drink, and his
outbursts at Sachi’s mother were growing more
and more violent.

To make matters worse, Sachi’s mother had been

ill for years, too weak to find a job for herself. In
order to survive, her mother had been forced
to take loans, and even borrow money from
relatives. Sachi knew that those debts would need
to be paid off some time. The situation as it was
couldn’t last. She felt powerless, knowing that
there was nothing that she could do to help her
dad’s addiction and her mum’s illness.

Nevertheless, her anger was hardly in short

supply. This wasn’t the first time the man had
passed out, and Sachi could only imagine what
he’d done to her mother before she’d gotten
home. Her hands curled into tight fists, Sachi
grasped her father’s shoulders and dragged him to
a seated position.

“Dad, what the fuck is wrong with you! What have

you done to mum?!” She shook the drunk. His
bleary eyes opened, only slowly focusing on Sachi,
and even more slowly recognizing her.

“Don’t lay another hand on her!” Sachi cried.

“D-don’t… don’t talk back...” her father slurred.

He caught himself as he fell forward, and pushed

himself to his knees. “I’m yer… yer dad… I’ll set
you… straight...”

“Why are you doing this to us?!” Sachi screamed,

as she stared at her father with murderous eyes.

Her mum heard the commotion and began to cry


“I— hate— you, dad!”

Sachi ran upstairs. Her father fell back down onto

the floor. Sachi laid down on her bed while crying.
She felt hurt and hopeless.

“Why does such a thing have to happen to me?”

She thought to herself. She remained there until
dinnertime, wallowing in her misfortunes. After
sunset, and the street lights had gone on, her
mother knocked on Sachi’s door.

“Sachi, dinner is ready.”

There was no response from Sachi, and her

mother took a deep breath, before opening the

“Sachi? Sachi, are you there?”

Her mum walked into the room to see Sachi lying

in bed.

“What’s wrong, Sachi?” Her mum sat next to her

while holding her hands, and patted her head.
Sachi got up, and hugged her mum for comfort.

“Why does this have to happen to us?” Sachi

sobbed into her mother’s shoulder. “What have
we done wrong?”

Her mother stroked her hand through Sachi’s long

hair, saying nothing for a long moment. “We didn’t
do anything wrong. Sometimes in life, things just
happen for a reason.”

“Life isn’t fair! I don’t want to live through this. I

want things like they were.”

“We can’t go back anymore, Sachi. We need to

live life the way it is now, and hope for a better

It felt like hollow sentiment, even to Sachi’s


“Let’s not think too much, Okay? Let’s go

downstairs for dinner together.”

Sachi and her mother both came downstairs for

dinner. Sachi noticed that her father was nowhere
to be seen.

“Where’s dad?”

Sachi’s mother froze at the rice cooker. “He… went

out again…”

“Again?! He is going out to drink! Did he take your

money too?”

Sachi’s mother kept silent, keeping her back


“Mum! You need to stop dad from taking your


“I… don’t want to talk about it. Let’s have dinner,


Sachi could see her mum’s eyes turning watery.

She never liked to see her mum in this situation.
She decided to drop the subject and have dinner.

“Alright. Let’s have dinner together.”

How much had her father wasted on beer and

sake? Sachi was sure not even her mother knew.
But something had to be done. If the situation
couldn’t last, then some kind of solution had to
be found. As the dinner went on, Sachi’s mother
noticed the young woman staring thoughtfully
into space. Thinking she knew what was
preoccupying her daughter’s mind, she tried to
distract her.

“How is the food, Sachi?”

“Huh? Food? Oh. It’s delicious!”

“Good to hear that. There’s plenty if you want


Sachi nodded her head in agreement, and the rest

of the meal was in decent spirits. After dinner,
Sachi headed back upstairs into her room to do
her usual homework. It took her quite some time
to complete, and the math section was a devil to
get through.

“Ahh… finally finished with this stupid homework.”


With the day having gone as it had, Sachi was

exhausted. Noticing how late it was on the clock,
she had to blink a few times to make sure she was
reading it right.

“Yawn… Time for bed.”

She headed downstairs to the toilet to brush her

teeth. Seeing that the living room lights were still
on, she figured her father had made it back home
and was passed out on the couch. However, to her
surprise, she heard her mother’s voice in the living
room, and out of curiosity, decided to take a look
at what was going on.

She opened the door just a little to make sure that

her mum would not notice her presence. Sachi
saw her mum tearing up while talking to someone
over the phone.

“Please! I need your help. The banks are asking for

the money. I need your help. Otherwise-” She was
interrupted over the phone.

“I know. I know I owe you a lot, but there’s

nothing I can do right now. I promise I will pay you
back when I have the money.”

The phone simply hung up without a reply from

the other side. Sachi watched as her mother
stayed there for a few moments more, lingering
with the phone at her ear as if there had been a
mistake and she’d get a response. Dropping the
phone, the older woman put her hands to her face
and started crying, her chest heaving silently.

Sachi felt like a knife had been shoved into her

stomach. It wasn’t right that her mother suffered
like this. She slipped away.


The next morning, Sachi woke up early. Still

feeling tired, she instantly remembered what had
happened the night before, but tried not to think
about it.

“Sachi! Breakfast is ready! Wake up!” Came the

call from downstairs.


Sachi got dressed up for school, and headed down

for breakfast. She sat down, and began eating. Her
mum was cleaning the crockery in the kitchen. She
took a deep breath, and turned to her daughter
before squaring her shoulders.

“I’ve decided to look for a job right now.”

Sachi almost choked on her food.

“What? Hunh?”

“The family needs money right now, so I thought

I’d look for a job to help support us.”

“But mum, what about your health?”

“Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

But the voice wasn’t as confident as her words.

“Well… alright, I guess...”

Sachi knew her mother was putting on a brave

face and that her health was more tenuous than
she put on. She could only pray and hope that
everything would turn out fine. Unhappily, Sachi
finished her breakfast.

“I’m done with breakfast. Thank you very much.”

Sachi headed to the door and put her shoes on.

“I’m going out!”

“Be careful and come back home safely.”


Sachi went out of the house and walked towards

school, unable to keep her worry from her face.
At a junction in the road, Satoshi came upon her.
Seeing her expression, her eyes locked on the
ground in front of her, Satoshi’s mind searched for
a reason why.

“Hmm? I wonder what’s wrong with her.”

Satoshi walked behind her slowly and observed

her from a distance.

It wasn’t long before he felt a sudden hand on his

shoulder, forcefully turning him around to face a
young woman. It was none other than Yurika.

“What do you think you are doing?” Yurika asked,

her voice icy.

“Eh? Nothing. Just walking to school?” Satoshi’s

voice climbed at the end of his statement.

“Don’t play dumb with me, young man. I know

you were ogling my Sachi just now.” Yurika put on
the affectations of a teacher.

“Ogling? What do you mean by that? I would

never do such a thing.”

Yurika eyed Satoshi, the force of her judgment

radiating off her in waves. “Hmph. Fine, but don’t
think I don’t know what you want. Pervert.”

“Per-hey!” Satoshi’s rejoinder died in his mouth as

Yurika ran past him to catch up with Sachi, leaving
him alone in the street.

“What the hell is wrong with her?”

In the mid-morning break, Satoshi and Jun

decided to chill out for a while on top of the
school’s roof before the start of the next lesson.
Jun was exhausted from classes, glad to have a
moment to unwind.

“Ahhh. Lessons suck! So glad that we’ve got a

quick break,” Satoshi moaned.

Both sat down together drinking canned coffee

from the vending machine.

As the morning wind blew, Satoshi looked into the

clouds thinking about the girl from earlier that


“What’s wrong?” Jun turned around and looked at


“Hey, do you know that girl who always sticks to


“Oh. You mean Yurika? Yeah, they’ve been best

friends since middle school.”

“Ehh… So they’re best friends huh.” Satoshi sipped

on his coffee.

Jun cocked his head. “Why do you ask?”

Satoshi shook his head. “Nothing really, just

wondering who she is.”

Jun caught the edge of Satoshi’s feelings, like a

pile of stuff almost hidden by a bed, except for the
little bit that gave the game away.

“Don’t tell me. You’re going after her!”

Satoshi coughed as he almost choked on his drink.

“What? No! Fuck no! I’d never go after such a rude


“Uh-huh. Is that so?”

Satoshi got to his feet, stretching his arms before

pointing back at Jun.

“Ah, look! You don’t get to think about things like

that right now. Right now, you just need to focus
on your date this weekend.”


The bell rang before Jun could reply.

“Oh man, just look at the time! Gotta jet, later


As Satoshi made his way down from the roof, the

image of Yurika walking with Sachi was stuck in
his mind, Yurika’s smiling profile sticking out. His
heart skipped a beat.

Satoshi was not a stranger to matters concerning

the opposite sex. He’d already had multiple
girlfriends, but each of those relationships had
collapsed not long after he’d gotten in bed with
them. A lot of people, both men and women,
figured that sex was the only thing he cared
about. Jun, his best friend, at least saw that there
was more to him than womanizing.

But this feeling Satoshi had in his chest – he’d

never felt it before.


He shook his head to forget about it.


As the lessons continued toward mid-day, Sachi

stared out the windows again and worried about
her mother. She knew her mother’s condition very
well. Peripheral Arterial Disease. Three simple
words that meant a lifetime of lingering pain and
immobility, as the veins in her limbs contracted
and failed to supply blood to the extremities.
In her late 40’s Sachi’s mother was not young
anymore, and it would only get worse with age
without treatment.

She couldn’t get treatment without money. But

she couldn’t get money without working, and
aggravating her condition. It was a Catch-22.

“What should I do?”

Suddenly the idea came to her mind, so quickly

and with such force she felt like an idiot for not
thinking of it sooner.

“Maybe if I worked part time after school, I could

earn some income for my family.”

Time was running out, and Sachi did not want to

see her mother working. The more she thought of
it, the more resolved she was.

Setting her mind straight, she turned around to

look at the clock hanging on the classroom wall.

Noticing that the school was just moments away

from dismissing, she knew she could find a job
after school.

“That’s right! I will try and find a job today”

The bell rang. Sachi rushed out of the class before

Yurika could spot her and pin her down with the
meal plan.

Yurika turned around searching for Sachi

among the students picking up their bags and
meandering around.

“Hmm? Where did Sachi go?”

Feeling that Sachi might have escaped, Yurika

messaged her on the phone.

“Hey. Where did you go? I thought you promised

me to go to dinner together?”

Sachi, who was already outside the school, saw

her message and replied to her.

“Sorry. Something came up again. Maybe next


Yurika stared at the message, her brow furrowed.

“This isn’t right.”


Yurika had known Sachi since middle school, when

they’d first become inseparable. The runner knew
her friend backwards and front, and Sachi’s erratic
behavior was worrisome. Yurika only hoped that
whatever was going on that Sachi would be fine.

Hitting up the local market road, with its mix of

small vendors, Sachi asked around whether there
might be any opening she could fill. But no matter
who she asked, she was met with disappointment.
Night fell quickly, and Sachi decided to call it a day
and head home.

However, on her way home she saw a convenience

store, and decided to try her luck there.

“Hmm… Maybe I can give this place a try.”

She entered into the convenience store, and

was greeted by a man from behind the cashier
counter. He had an unsettling look to him, and
Sachi was off-put for an instant.

Regardless, Sachi approached him.

“Hi, uhm, I’m currently looking for a job.” She

asked the man while twirling around her hair with
her fingers.

“A job? You mean you want to work here?”

“Yes. I was wondering if you have vacancy here.”

The man did a quick scan of Sachi, his sharp eyes

making her feel a little uncomfortable.

“Hmm… Yeah I suppose we do.”

Sachi was happy and finally relieved that she

might have found a job.

“Really? You do? When can I start work?”

The man smiled. “Well. You a student? Don’t

answer, I shoulda guessed from the uniform. You
can start work after school anytime if you want
to. I’m the manager of this convenience store by
the way. My name is Yowaka. You can just call
me Manager.” Yowaka scratched his chin while
answering her question.

Sachi breathed a sigh of relief. A way out of her

horrible deadlock, and so quick!

“Can I start work after school tomorrow?” Sachi

found it hard to stop herself from bouncing with

“Sure thing. I’ll have some paperwork for you to

sign first, but I can start your training then.”

“Great! Thank you so much, see you tomorrow

then, Manager-san!”

Yowaka waved at Sachi as she happily walked out

of the store. On her way home, she felt like her
chest was unburdened of a heavy load.

“Looks like what mum said is true. There is a

better tomorrow after all.”

As she walked out, Yowaka was leering at her.

“Ah. She is so beautiful. That slender body of hers

and that wonderful smell of a high school girl.

Fuck me, isn’t she sexy and she hardly knows it.”

Yowaka’s mind was filled with lewd thoughts

about the young woman.

“Hehe... Looks like tomorrow is going to be an

exciting day.”

Sachi reached home, and could not wait to break

the news to her mum. She dashed into the house
looking for her, but only to find her dad lying on
the couch drunk once again. Ignoring him, she
looked in the kitchen, finding her mother putting a
pot on the burner.

“Mum! Mum!” Sachi’s attitude was shining bright.

“What it is, Sachi?”

“Mum! I found a part time job.”

“Huh? A part time job?”

“Yes! I found a job at the convenience store, so

now you don’t have to work anymore.”

Sachi’s mother gave her daughter a brittle smile.

She waited a few seconds, unwilling to break
her illusion. “Sachi… your part time job wouldn’t
be enough to cover the expenses. I still have to

Sachi’s smile began to crumble.

“But mum…! Please, please don’t go to work! I

don’t want your condition getting worse!” Sachi
buried herself into her mother’s hug.

The mother patted the daughter’s head. “Listen

here Sachi-chan. Your mother is doing whatever
she can for the family. Since you have already
found a job, the best I can do is to work less
hours.” Her mum hugged her, trying to comfort

“But what about your health?” Sachi looked up at

her mum’s face.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of myself. I promise.”


“Yes. Sachi-chan, I promise. I won’t hurt myself.”

Halfway reassured, Sachi wiped her tears off her



“Now, you must be hungry. Go and have your



Sachi sat down, before her mother ladled a

helping of curry onto her plate.

Sachi woke up the next morning, a feeling of relief

spread through her whole body. Sitting up and
stretching, she felt like she could float out of bed.

“Ah. It’s a new day today!”

Sachi had her new part-time job to look forward

to, and knew that every little bit she did would
directly help her mother.

Sachi headed down to the kitchen as usual.

“Mum! Good Morning!”

“Oh. Good Morning, Sachi-chan. You look so

energetic today.”

“Hmph! You bet!” Sachi flexed her arms this way

and that.

Sachi’s mother started laughing, and Sachi

couldn’t help but join in, it felt good.

Her mother waved Sachi to the dining table after

getting a hold of her giggles. “Quit laughing,
Sachi-chan. Hurry up and eat your breakfast or
else you are going to be late for school.”

On the road, Sachi almost jumped out of her

shoes when she heard a voice from behind her.


“Oh no.” Sachi barely had time to brace herself

before Yurika threw herself around Sachi, arms
encircling her friend’s neck.

“Ya-ho! Good Morning, Sachi-chan!” Yurika

nuzzled her cheek against Sachi’s shoulder.

“G-good morning, Yurika.” Sachi’s knees trembled,

and were about to buckle when Yurika let go of
Sachi, giving her a moment to catch her breath.

“Say Sachi-chan, why don’t we hit that restaurant

today? I went yesterday, and I can tell you that the
hamburger there is great!”

Sachi abruptly stopped walking. She stood still

on the spot, not knowing whether she should tell
Yurika the truth about her family and her current

“Uhm, well… I don’t really feel like I can go today.”

“Why? What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well?”

Sachi started walking again, hesitating a moment

before replying.

“Well, a little. I’m sorry.”

Yurika put her hand on Sachi’s shoulder and made

her stop for a second.

“Hey. You know you can always come to me if you

need help, right? I know things must be weird
since your dad lost his job, I want to help if I can.”

Sachi smiled. “Thanks, Yurika-san. But it’s not that,

really. I’m just… not feeling the best today.”

They reached the school’s gate and paused there.

One of Yurika’s track and field teammates called
her from the other side of the front plaza.

“Alright, I’ll see you in class then, Sachi-chan!”

With that, Yurika ran to the waving figure. Sachi

watched Yurika’s back as she left, and had to fight
to stop her trembling. She’d just lied straight to
her best friend’s face. It made her bravado when
she’d woken up feel hollow and meaningless. It
wasn’t right.

But how was she supposed to bring it up? Her

father was getting progressively more violent,
her mother was going to put her health on the
line, and Sachi knew enough about business to
know that soon enough they’d start getting letters
if they failed to pay their loans. How could she
burden Yurika with that?

Before classes began, Sachi tried thinking of what

she could do. Should she just lay it all out at once?
Or just mention that she’d gotten the convenience
store job? She stared out the window, watching
the birds flutter through the tree branches right
outside. She didn’t want their friendship to end
over her own reluctance to ask for help. Sachi
made the decision that she needed to tell Yurika
everything. At some point.

The school bell rang and class began, math again.

But unlike the day before, Sachi found herself
much more able to focus on the material. It was
still difficult, and she still didn’t like it, but she
wasn’t spacing out like she had been.

Mr. Fujikawa, the rotund and unwashed math

teacher, stood up at front and described methods
of differentiating functions. He glanced around the
classroom to see that almost none of the students
were interested in his lesson. Some were asleep,
others on their phones. All except for one – Sachi

Sachi looked almost like she was excited about

math. Her eyes seemed to sparkle as she took
notes from Fujikawa’s writing on the board. It was
distinctly uncommon to see, especially from her.

It did little to lighten his mood though. He thought

about whacking the measuring stick on his desk to
get the class’s attention, but before he could do it
the bell rang.

“Alright class. Don’t forget to hand in your

homework before you leave, and remember to
read up on the chain rule!”

The class’s response was as lackluster as it always

was. It made Fujikawa’s blood boil. He knew he
was ugly, he knew he was practically unlovable,
but did the kids have to rub it in his face? They
could at least pretend to respect him in the

Leaving the class for the staff room, Fujikawa

fumed silently, his mind churning with anger.

“Students these days are so fucking rude.

Someone should teach them a lesson about
discipline and respect.”

Why did he even become a teacher in the first

place? It was hardly as if he’d enjoyed high school
himself. Even then he knew the students were
disrespectful and lazy, arrogant and spoiled. But
sometimes you had to take the only job you could

The students were one thing; Fujikawa also found

it hard to work with his colleagues. He struggled
to get along with them, always preferring to do
things on his own, in his own way. When he had
to go to meetings to discuss trivialities, he found
it impossible to completely mask his distaste for
useless proceedings. It did not endear him to the

But he was a teacher now. And if it was the only

thing he could get some years before, he didn’t
want to go through the trouble of finding another.
Besides, the job paid enough to pay for his...

Fujikawa shivered. That part of his life he kept

totally hidden. His job would be only the first thing
to go up in flames if he was found out.

Fujikawa entered the staff room, and was greeted

by Ms. Senji Kanda. Ms. Senji was well-liked at the
school, garnering the appreciation of the teachers
and admiration of the students in equal measure.

“Oh. Fujikawa-san. How’d the lesson go?” She

asked, sitting at her desk.

“Class went well.” His voice was curt and slipped,

as it always was when he had to speak when he
didn’t want to.

“That’s good to hear. How were the students? I’ve

heard you’ve got some naughty troublemakers in
that one!”

Fujikawa shook his head. “The usual. It’s fine.”


Fujikawa always found it difficult to talk with

Senji, and not just because he didn’t like talking.
Her body was incredible, full and mature in every
sense a man could want from a woman. Big busty
boobs, a well curved slender figure, and a pair of
toned up legs. No man in the world could resist
her. That day, Ms. Senji wore her usual outfit, a
black colored tight skirt suit with pantyhose, and a
white button-up collared blouse.

Senji’s desk was beside Fujikawa’s. He sat at it, and

began to prepare materials for his next lesson.
While he was typing away on his computer, he
couldn’t help but notice Ms. Senji’s revealing
outfit. He was obviously distracted, focusing more
on her body rather than the actual work that he
was supposed to do.

It didn’t take long for him to feel a twitching

sensation from his pants. He was beginning to get
hard, and it was difficult to conceal. He couldn’t
just look away and not think about it. At that
point, his mind was already filled with his desires
for Ms. Senji.

Without a word, Fujikawa marched into the staff

bathroom, heading into the stall and locking it
behind him.

Undoing his fly with fumbling hands, Fujikawa

pulled down his pants and pulled his erect
dick out. Fat and thick even when flaccid, his
unwashed cock stank. Fujikawa gripped his flesh
and began jerking back and forth. He fantasized
about Ms. Senji, slowly losing himself in the dream
and forgetting his surroundings.

In that wild dream, Ms. Senji and Mr. Fujikawa

were in the classroom after the end of a school
day. The air was hot and sticky from humidity,
and she was bending down with her soft rounded
chest resting on top of the teacher’s table,
showing off her firm ass towards Fujikawa. Her
skirt, hose, and panties were all pulled down
around her knees, revealing her dripping pussy.
She put her hands in between her outer lips,
revealing the soft pink vagina of hers, a paradise
that every man desired to conquer. Her whole
body shook, and she panted like an animal.

“Fujikawa-san… I— want… your dick. Please— give

it to me!”

Fujikawa grinned, dick hard in his hand. “As you

wish, m’lady.”

The tip of his dick touched Senji’s clitoris, sending

a shiver through her body; the little trickle of
juice out of her pussy grew heavier, coating the
mushroom-head of Fujikawa’s cock.

Fujikawa couldn’t hold back. He pressed the head

against the entrance to Senji’s tunnel, and with a
little push from his hips, slid inside of her.

“Kyaa…♥ Fujikawa-san, so… hot…!”

The sensation of being filled overwhelmed Senji’s

mind. She could feel every inch of Fujikawa’s cock
as it entered her. As he began to thrust in and out,
she felt like her body was going to melt.

“Ahh… ♥ your dick is amazing, Fujikawa… Fuck me


The dick was too big for Ms. Senji to handle; it

kept battering against her cervix. It was impossible
to act normally.

“Ah—♥ Fuji..kawa… san! It’s so big… Your— dick is

hitting- all- the- way in…♥”

Senji’s blabbering just made Fujikawa go faster.

His hips jackhammered in and out, the motions
forcing Ms. Senji to tighten the walls of her vagina.
Feeling her body cling to his dick, Fujikawa felt
himself get even harder. Senji felt it too, and knew
what it meant.

“Ah! Wait… Fujikawa-san ♥ Let’s cum together…!”

She couldn’t hold it much longer either. She felt

the bomb in her pussy about to blow.

“I’m cumming. Oh! Senji-san. I’m cumming. I’m


“Me too! Let it all out! ♥ Shoot it inside me, fill me

up with your baby seeds ♥”

Mr. Fujikawa gave one last thrust, and with it,

the tip of his cock smacked against her cervix. At
the same time jets of cum began to erupt from
his dick, spraying his hot jizz against the portal
to Senji’s most precious place, and filling up her
tunnel so much that the thick creamy spunk
spilled out of her hole even as he kept pouring his
last dregs inside of her

Ms. Senji’s mind went blank; her eyes rolled back

as high as they could. Her tongue was sticking out
like a dog’s as she drooled uncontrollably.

“Ah! ♥ Fujikawa, baby batter! ♥ It’s filling me up!


At that moment, Mr. Fujikawa was brought back

to reality. While he was stroking his dick, and
fantasizing about Ms. Senji, a load of sticky cum
had landed on the stall door.

“Ms. Senji! Oh… I love you! I want you!” Fujikawa

barely realized he was muttering.

Walking by outside the bathroom, Ms. Senji

thought she heard a voice inside. Was that where
Fujikawa had gone off to?

“Did I hear my name?”

She couldn’t be sure.

“I’m tired; I must be hearing things.”

Shaking her head, she walked away.

Coming down from his high, Fujikawa finally saw

the mess he’d left on the door, and knew he’dhave
to clean it up before anyone else noticed it.

Taking a roll of toilet paper, he started wiping the

thick jizz off and throwing the used wads into the
toilet. He kept cleaning the door, until he was
satisfied that no evidence had been left behind.

But even after his jerk-off session, Fujikawa’s

desires had only been inflamed. He didn’t want to
just jerk off, he wanted the real thing. And for a
man like him, that meant one thing.


“Free tonight, slut?”

He texted his favorite whore. He knew that he was

a pervert, but he didn’t care. He had his needs,
and if other people didn’t want to know about it,
he’d keep it secret.

He looked at his phone with a lecherous smirk as

he got a reply.

“Yeah darling. I’ll see you at the usual place ♥”


Jun sat behind Satoshi in their classroom, waiting

in between classes. As the week continued and
the day of his date with Sachi came closer, Jun
found his nervousness growing.

Jun reached forward and tapped Satoshi’s

shoulder. “Hey. Satoshi-san.”


“Could you please at least tell me what I’ll be

doing with Sachi during the date?” He kept his
voice low, to try and keep from being overheard
by others.

“You want to know so badly about it?”

“Well, yes!” Jun hissed. “It’s my date with Sachi.

Yes, I want to know.”

“Okay, firs—“

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival

of their math teacher, Ms. Senji.

Satoshi shrugged. “We’ll talk about it during


Jun pursed his lips together, but he had no choice

now but to get through class.

Halfway through class, Satoshi was struck again

that day by thoughts of Yurika. His run in with her
the day before had left an impression on him, and
since that moment he’d rarely had a stretch of
time without her face appearing in his thoughts.

Satoshi’s hookups had never forced themselves

into his mind like this. It was both exciting and
unsettling to feel.

Sure, the first encounter had ended with her

calling him a pervert, but he didn’t care. He
thought more about her amazing smile, or how at
ease she’d looked with Sachi.

Satoshi shook his head, trying to focus on class

instead of her.

Ms. Senji noticed him, pausing her lecture.

“Satoshi. Do you have a problem?”

“No, sensei! Everything is fine.” His reply shot out.

“You sure? You looked troubled.”

Satoshi smiled, conscious of the eyes of all his

classmates on him. “Nope. Not at all, sensei.”

“Alright, if you’re not feeling well, let me know


“Can do, ma’am!”


Yurika carried a heavy box of science supplies

through the halls. With her physique, she found it
easier than most, and besides that, she really just
enjoyed helping others.

Turning the corner, she noticed Mr. Fujikawa

emerging from one of the male toilets, his clothes
soaked with sour-stinking sweat.

“Wow, what was he doing in there? He’s fouler

than usual.”

Approaching him gingerly, Yurika pitched her voice

at him.

“Sensei. Do you need any help?”

Fujikawa wheeled on Yurika, his half-hidden eyes

nearly bulging out of his sockets. “Help? What for?

I don’t need any help!”

It would have been difficult for anyone not to wilt

under such a stare. “I- I just thought… you look
like you just ran pretty far...”

“Oh? That so? You think the reason that I sweat

more than usual is because something is troubling
me and that I need help?”

Yurika shook her head. “No. I don’t mean—“

Fujikawa shoved his finger right in front of Yurika’s

nose. “Listen here, girl. There are some things in
life that you should just stay out of. Knowing too
much will cause issues, especially since you are so

The middle-aged teacher stomped off, leaving

Yurika wondering if the whole thing had actually

“What fuck is wrong with you? I was just trying to

be nice. No wonder nobody in school likes you.”

Dropping off the box, Yurika headed back to her

class. The next lesson had already begun by the
time she got there.

“Ah. Yurika. I was wondering where you were,” the

teacher said.

“Sorry sensei, I was helping the previous sensei

with carrying some stuff.”

“Not to worry. We were just about to start. Head

to your seat.”

Yurika returned to her seat as she was told, and

noticed a note on her table.

“A note? Who’d have left me a note?”

The thought of yet another boy confessing his love

crossed her mind, and she cringed inwardly.

“Oh crap! I can’t handle that. I had a hard enough

time rejecting the last guy. I don’t want to
disappoint another one!”

Yurika had been plagued by confessing students

since high school had begun. It was logical – she
was popular, well-liked, beautiful, and one of the
best runners on the track and field team. But each
time she was propositioned, Yurika couldn’t bring
herself to say yes to a boy she just didn’t like.

“Erm… What should I do about this?”

Yurika spent half the class fiddling with the note,

playing at it with her fingers, spinning it around.

She froze when she realized how much time had

passed, thinking of how she was going to turn
down this one.

“What am I doing? I should just read it first!”

Pulling it open, from the first word Yurika

recognized Sachi’s handwriting.

“I can be really dumb sometimes, huh?”

Annoyed at her own silliness, Yurika turned

around to shoot a dramatic glare Sachi’s way, only
to see that her friend was doing her best to be a
dutiful student.

Yurika turned forward and read the small bit of

neat handwriting.

“Yurika. Meet me at the rooftop during lunch.”

That was weird. Why didn’t Sachi just ask her face
to face? It wasn’t as if it would be strange to see
the two of them together.

“Hmm… maybe she wants to talk about her home


That made more sense to Yurika. She could only

imagine Sachi had kept far more hidden about
what was happening behind her front door
than she’d told. It was always hard to reach out
for help, especially when the problem was so

Whatever the case was, Yurika was prepared to

help Sachi with anything that she could. She was
going to stick with her friend, through thick and

The school bell rang. Yurika looked around for

Sachi, only to see the other girl had disappeared
among the throng of students. Leaving the
classroom, Yurika headed up the stairs, each step
towards the roof more tenuous than the last.
What exactly would Sachi ask of her? Would she
be able to help?

Opening the door to the breezy rooftop, Yurikasaw

Sachi gazing through the wire fence, one hand
gripping the metal coils. Yurika gathered her
courage, taking a deep breath before waving her
arm up high and belting her voice out.

“Oi! Sachi! I’m here!”

Sachi turned to face Yurika, but her face was a

mask of worry.

Yurika felt her enthusiasm dampened. It was hard

to be cheerful in front of that face. Yurika had to
take a moment to find the right thing to say, and
decided to go simple. “What’s wrong Sachi?” She
asked, her voice filled with concern.

Sachi hesitated. She knew what she had to say,

but finding the words that matched her problems,
that matched her feelings with those problems,
was still hard.

“I- I wanted to… I wanted to tell you about

something…” Sachi began to shake trying to force
the words out, staring at Yurika’s stomach as she
couldn’t bear to look her in the eye.

Yurika stood behind Sachi and grabbed her by the

shoulders, gently rubbing them.

“Don’t be afraid. I’m your friend, Sachi. Take your


Sachi closed her eyes and let out a shuddering


“It’s my family.”

Yurika said nothing, only rubbing her thumbs into

Sachi’s shoulders, feeling the tense knots in the

“You asked a while back why I haven’t asked you

over to my place. It’s… it’s because I don’t want
you to see my dad. Ever since- ever since he lost
his job, he’s been drinking! He’s a mess! He falls
down and passes out wherever, and he…!” Sachi
choked back a sob, her whole body stiff as a

Yurika kept silent. It wasn’t her place to say

anything, not yet. But she had been wondering
why Sachi had been keeping such a distance
between Yurika and her home the past few

“We’ve had to borrow to survive, and I think our

relatives aren’t going to help anymore, and we
need to pay them back at some point!”

Sachi started to sob, and Yurika’s hand slipped

from her shoulders around Sachi’s chest, hugging
her tightly from behind.

“I can’t let my mum work, not with her condition.

But she has to if we’re going to just… survive! And
I don’t know if I can do enough to help.”

Sachi raised her sleeve to her eyes, wiping at her

tears. She took the tissue that Yurika offered and
blew her nose.

“So... that’s what’s been bothering me lately.”

Yurika felt like shit, like she’d failed her friend.

What if she’d pushed Sachi when she’d looked
down a little further? What if she hadn’t
pretended like everything was alright, inviting her
out to restaurants as if Sachi’s family life wasn’t
apparently in disarray?

Yurika gave Sachi another hug.

“I’m so, so sorry, Sachi,” Yurika said, resting her

chin on Sachi’s shoulder, looking over the town
with her. “Thank you for telling me. You know you
can ask me for money if you need it, right?”

Sachi leaned back into Yurika’s chest. She had

wanted to let everything out, but she couldn’t
unburden herself completely about her father. But
that was enough for now. Chuckling, she patted
Yurika’s hand. “Unless you’ve got a hundred
thousand yen lying around, I wouldn’t worry
about it.”

“Then what about something smaller? Have you

thought about a job? Maybe I can help you with
that?” Yurika glanced towards the door, hoping no
one else had come up to the roof behind her.

“I found one already.”

“Wow! That was fast. What’s the job?”

“I’ll be working at the convenience store near my

house after school.”

“Good for you! That’s a start. I’ll come visit and

distract you after practice.” Yurika patted Sachi’s

“Now, let’s hurry up and eat!”


Satoshi handed Jun his yakisoba bun, and grunted

as he sat on the dirt next to his friend in the
school’s back field. They were far enough away
from others that they didn’t have to worry about

“So? Are you going to tell me now?” Jun asked.

“Hmf? Whaf?” Satoshi replied through his full


Jun waved his bun, now missing a bite, in front of

Satoshi’s face. “The date, dumbass!”

“Of, vhaf.” Satoshi swallowed with difficulty, hitting

his chest a little. “Ok. About the date. Movie in the
morning, and then you’ll have lunch at the Curry
House downtown together. After that you head
to the pier-side amusement park for a few hours,
you indulge in the romance of the sunset over the
water together, and then you take her home.”

“What movie will we be watching?”


“Love Me Madly.”

“Isn’t that a romance?”

“Yes! You are on a date. Watching a romantic film

is normal.” Satoshi emphasized his words with his
finger poking at Jun’s chest.

Romantic comedies were not Jun’s forte. Too

sappy and cheesy to be entertaining, and not
enough skin to be titillating.

“I’m not sure Sachi’s going to like it.”

“Why not? Every girl likes their man to see that

lovey-dovey shit with her.”

Jun paused for a moment. He really didn’t know

what Sachi wanted in terms of romance.

“Alright, fine Love Me Madly it is. Now, what are

you doing during our date? You said you were
going to help that day.”

“Good question! I will be observing you from

hidden places to help you in case you screw up.”

Jun closed his eyes. “How’s that going to work?”


“Keep a lookout on your phone. I will text you

what to say if you fuck up.”

Jun felt distinctly uncomfortable about the plan.

Sure, Satoshi probably knew what he was talking
about, but it didn’t sit right with Jun.

“OK. Well, if you say so.”

“That’s settles it then!”

Satoshi stood up while he finished his Yakisoba


“I have somewhere else I need to be. See you later

in class.”

“Where are you going?”

Satoshi grinned. “You don’t need to know, my


Still eating his lunch, Jun watched Satoshi walk


“He must be going around flirting with girls again.”


So Jun thought, but he wasn’t quite on the mark

Satoshi had something else in mind, something he
thought might help the lovebirds – bringing Yurika
in to help him watch over the pair.

Entering Sachi and Yurika’s classroom, Satoshi was

met by a host of stares. His reputation was not
easy to shake.

Yurika let out a huffy breath when she saw Satoshi

enter. She had no desire to see him shamelessly
flirt with a girl in her class. Sachi saw her friend’s
reaction, but had no idea who it was directed at
or why.

“Hey. Yurika-san. Do you know that guy?”

Yurika nodded strongly “Oh yes I do. That’s

Satoshi, and he’s a damn pervert, is what he is!”


Seeing his goal, Satoshi made his way through the

seats to stand by the two girls. Yurika folded her
arms, pointedly refusing to look at him. From her
first impression of him, Sachi could not for the life
of her see where Yurika’s dislike came from.

“Hey, girls!”

Yurika was not impressed by the greeting.

“What do you want, pervert?” she asked, still

refusing to look at him.

Satoshi tried his best to keep smiling. “Hey, hey!

No need to be so hostile! I just wanted to have a
little chat with you, Yurika-san.”

Yurika finally glanced at Satoshi. “Who? Me?”

Satoshi nodded. “Yeah! You.”

“What do you want from me? I don’t have

anything you need! Now, go away!”

Satoshi could feel every eye in the class on his


“Please, Yurika-san. I just want to talk to you.”

“Talk to me? Hah! I have no intention of talking to

a pervert like you.”

Sachi was amazed at the words coming out of her

friend’s mouth. It was so unlike Yurika!

“Hey Yurika-san. Maybe you should at least listen

to him.”

“No. Why should I listen to this pervert that goes

around flirting and sleeping with a dozen girls a

Satoshi kept his smile, but his teeth were grinding

together silently. “It’s just a quick little chat-”

Yurika interrupted him. “We are eating lunch right

now. Leave us alone.”

That was enough. Grabbing Yurika by the arm,

Satoshi hauled her out of her seat and left the

“No more games! Come on!”

“Hey! Hold on! What are you doing!”

Yurika was too struck by the decisive nature of

Satoshi’s act to really dig her heels in and fight him
– a fight she probably would have won.

Soon enough Satoshi had brought her to a nearby

empty club room, and slammed the door shut
behind him.

Yurika fumed. “OK, asshole! You didn’t need to

almost rip my arm out! What do you want?”

“Now that we’re alone, I need to ask you


Yurika began to worry. “Huh? Alone? Ask me

something? Oh my God! Could this pervert be
asking me out for a date?”

No way. She couldn’t believe that Satoshi would

confess to her, especially not after she’d called
him a pervert in front of the class. But the
atmosphere was too familiar. A boy. A girl. A
charged atmosphere. She’d never been confessed
to in a club room before, but there had been
weirder places she’d gotten asked. Not knowing
where to look, she decided to take a serious look
at Satoshi’s face. She found her heartbeat speed

“When did this asshole get handsome?”

The more she looked at him, the more nervous

she got. Satoshi, feeling her powerful gaze, felt his
own skin begin to turn red.

“Shit, keep it together, Satoshi!”


The two locked their eyes together, trying to force

the other to look aside and failing. Satoshi found
himself losing track of the rest of the room. At
that moment, he forgot why he’d brought Yurika
there in the first place.

Yurika couldn’t handle the silence anymore.

“Why is he staring at me?”

Was it to assert dominance? Force her to

back down? Was he rating her sexuality and
attractiveness in that perverted mind of his?

“So? What did you pull me out here for?” she

finally asked, breaking the spell.

“Huh? Oh!” Satoshi snapped back into reality.

He shook his head. “Right. I brought you here
because of Sachi. Did you know that she has a
childhood friend?”

“Childhood friend?”

Yurika tried to recall any memories of Sachi

mentioning her childhood friend. Maybe she had
mentioned a good friend of hers that she’d moved
away from before middle school had started, but
Yurika couldn’t be sure.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think so.”

“He exists. His name is Jun, and apparently they

were inseparable for years. He goes to this school
as well now, and I’m damn sure they like each

Yurika thought hard. Then she suddenly

remembered that Sachi had mentioned something
about childhood love once.


However perverted he might be, Satoshi really

didn’t have a reason to lie about this, of all things,
did he?

“Why ask me? What can I do?”

“The two are going on a date together this


Yurika’s eyes widened as it sank in. She rushed

forward and grabbed Satoshi’s shirt. “What?!
Sachi-chan has a date and she didn’t tell me?!”

Yurika released Satoshi’s shirt. No, no, her friend

wasn’t trying to shut her out. She’d had more
important matters to discuss. Yurika took a deep

“What I’m going to do during that date is just keep

an eye on them from the shadows, sometimes
giving Jun hints where needed. I want you to
watch it with me.”

“Eh? Together with you?” Yurika’s voice got across

how she felt about that prospect.

Satoshi leaned in close to Yurika’s face. “Look! You

don’t like me, fine, whatever! I don’t care! But I
can bet you want Sachi to be happy, right? Then
you can vet Jun as well, and make sure he’s a good
fit for her!”

That hit Yurika. And besides, didn’t Sachi deserve

some happiness that was just her own?

She nodded. “Fine. I’ll help.”

Satoshi leaned back, giving Yurika a thumbs up.

“Great! See you at the train station near her house
at noon. Remember not to be late.”

As Satoshi walked away from the club room, he

wondered what the hell had gotten into him in

“What the fuck was that? Did I actually get lost in

her eyes?”

He leaned against the wall. “I hate this feeling.”

His chest ached. Sure, he’d said he didn’t care

what Yurika thought of him, but every time she’d
called him a pervert or looked at him angrily, he’d
wanted to die.

“Don’t be love, don’t be love, don’t be love...”

He tried not to think about it too much, and

headed back to class.

Yurika’s mind was now filled with questions about

this childhood friend. She sat back down with
Sachi, wanting to interrogate her over this new
part of her life.

“Yurika-chan, you’re back! What did he ask you?”

Yurika shrugged. “Nothing much really. Just some

stuff about the track and field team.”

Sachi nibbled at her lunch, Yurika observing her

closely. It was hard for even her to tell that Sachi
had been crying not long before.

“Sachi-chan,” Yurika said, getting her attention,

“have you ever fallen in love?”

“Love? Me?”

Sachi blinked rapidly. Where had this come from?

Yurika leaned in over the desk, dropping her voice

to a conspiratorial whisper. “I heard you had a
childhood friend, what about him?”

Sachi immediately blushed, her face as red as

a chili pepper. Yurika knew she’d hit something
important. Satoshi hadn’t been stretching the

“No…! Erm.. Well… that’s Jun-kun, but… I’ve

never— fallen in love before.”

The game was up, but Yurika decided not to push

it. She didn’t want to let Sachi know that she knew
about the date – she’d probably get even more

“Haha! Don’t worry, don’t worry! I knew you’d

never fallen in love before. I was just having fun.
But I wanna meet this Jun-kun sometime!”

Sachi nodded gently. “Oh… Okay…”


Back in Satoshi’s class, Jun had returned from

theschool’s backyard. He flipped through some
of the textbook pages in preparation for the next
lesson while waiting for Satoshi to return.

Ms. Senji opened the classroom door, looking

around in the classroom. She saw Jun in his seat
and called him out.

“Jun. Can you come out for a while?”


He’d not expected to be called out before class,

but seeing her face he figured it was something

“Yes sensei? What’s up?”

Ms. Senji looked at him seriously with both of her

arms crossed under her generous breasts. She
took a deep breath.

“I wanted to talk to you because the recent mock

exam result shows that your math skills are getting

Jun’s eyes slid away from Ms. Senji, unable to look

her in the eye.

Just a hair shorter than Jun normally, Ms. Senji’s

heels put her over him. “Don’t act like you don’t
know! I care about my student’s performances.”

Jun nodded theatrically. “I’m sorry, sensei. I will

try my best next time.” He wanted this done as
quickly as possible, hoping his pro forma apology

Ms. Senji had none of it. “Try your best? Next

time? No. There will be no next time if you
fail in math again. You are going to have a
supplementary class with me starting today
and every single day from now on until the next
practice exam.”

Jun’s eyes bulged out. “Huh?! What about my

baseball practices?”

Ms. Senji tapped the folder with Jun’s test against

her other arm. “Too bad. If you fail the test, I’ll ask
Coach Takamura to drop you from the team.”

Jun found it hard to breathe. “But… You can’t do


Ms. Senji’s normally smiling face was hard. “Oh

yes I can. Don’t try me, Jun.”

Blindsided as he was, Jun just shook his head.

“Fine. Fine.”

“Good. I’ll see you in class later today.”

Satoshi came by as Ms. Senji left, noticing the

expressions she and Jun wore.

“What happened to you?” He asked Jun, as his

friend visibly sulked.

“Sensei just… I failed the practice exam in math,

and now I need to take tutoring with her, or else
I’ll be dropped from the team.”

Satoshi burst into laughter. “Hahahaha! You

failed? Damn man, even I got a passing grade!”

“Yeah, I get it.”

Satoshi could not stop his laughter.

“This is serious! Some friend you are!” Jun

snapped at Satoshi.

Satoshi wiped at his eyes. “Aww come on, don’t

be mad.”

Jun ignored Satoshi, and slammed the classroom

door shut behind him.

The bell rang, finishing the school day, and Yurika

bounded to Sachi’s desk.

“Sachi-chan! Want me to walk with you to work?”

“Really? Okay! It’s been a while since we walked

together after school, hasn’t it?”

The two of them grabbed their bags and left.

While they were heading to the convenience
store, Jun was waiting for Ms. Senji to arrive for
his additional math class. He pulled out his math
book, flipping through it mindlessly.

“Hey Jun. Don’t let Ms. Senji seduce you, y’hear?

Gotta save your mojo for Sachi on Saturday!”

Jun turned around and glared at Satoshi. His

friend was all packed and ready to go, but just
wanted to have a little more fun with Jun before
he left.

“Oh. I for—“

Jun held up his hand.

“Satoshi, I don’t want to hear it. Just go. I want to

get this math lesson over and done with.”

Satoshi grinned. “Hah, fine, ya big baby… See you

later then.”

All alone in the room, Jun leaned back in his

chair. The gentle spring breeze coming through
the windows beckoned him to drowsiness, an
invitation he found it hard to turn down. He
dropped his head to his crossed arms on the desk,
closing his eyes. He thought about the date he had
with Sachi, and thought about what might come
of it. He hoped he didn’t screw up.

Ms. Senji’s arrival was heralded by the click-clack

of her high heels from the hallway, and when she
opened the door and saw Jun (quickly sitting up
straight), she smiled.

“I’m glad you’re here, Jun-san.”

“No problem, sensei. I realized you were right to

pull me from practice when I thought about this.”

“Ah. That’s the spirit!”

“Who the hell am I kidding?” he thought. He

hated math more than Sachi did.

“Alright, looking at your exam, I see you’re having

trouble with some of the geometry still, especially

Ms. Senji stood directly in front of Jun. In order

to get a closer look at his notes, she bent at the
waist, almost revealing her soft silky breast and
pink areolae through her cleavage. Jun’s eyes
widened as he noticed it.

Ms. Senji kept moving her hands around in order

to get to the correct position to read the textbook.
As she did that, her arms hit her breasts, making
them jiggle and wobble. They moved with a hefty
weight and swaying, all natural.

In an instant, Jun felt his pants tighten at his

crotch. His heartbeat began to pound. Being a
feenaged male, he knew well the feeling that was
growing in him.

His eyes stared into Ms. Senji’s cleavage. He

couldn’t look away. All he wanted to do was bury
his face between those soft breasts. Thoughts of
math evaporated.

“Okay, I think I see where you went wrong on the


Ms. Senji went beside Jun, placing his exam in

front of him, her pen out to guide him through the

“So if we start here—“

Jun could smell her sweet perfume of lilac. Ms.

Senji leaned in even closer, pressing her breasts
against his arm. Jun’s body burned from within.
His dick was hard as hell, visibly bulging his pants’
crotch. Ms. Senji kept talking and talking, utterly
oblivious to the effect she was having on her

“And in order to prove this—“

Fearing that Ms. Senji toying with him, Jun shoved

her away as he leaped from his seat.

“Ow! Jun Tanaka! What do you think you are


Jun stood there silently, eyes kept to the floor. Ms.

Senji quickly noticed where he was staring and
looked down.

Ms. Senji’s mouth opened in shock, her eyes

blinking as she realized what was in front of her.

“Oh my god, Jun! How could you? That’s


“I’m— Sorry— Sensei. It’s just– your breasts…”

Ms. Senji shivered. As alluring as her body was,

her own experience in sexual matters was close to
zero. Having gone to an all-girls school, she hadn’t
even seen a dick in real life before. That one of her
own students had gotten hard because of her…!

Ms. Senji let out a little squeak and covered her

mouth. Her knees shook, and she found herself
unable to think properly. Desperate to get away
from the lewd boy, Ms. Senji ran, her clicking heels
rapidly fading in the distance.

Jun sank into his chair, shutting his eyes tight as he

placed his palms against his temples and pushed.
His embarrassment and shame were beyond his
words. How could he look Ms. Senji in the eye
ever again? All because of his damn libido!

“I’m sorry sensei.”

Ms. Senji entered the toilet and ran to the nearest

sink. Her hands gripped the sides tightly as she
panted from her little sprint.

She was still in shock. A student getting an

erection from her? She had no idea the kinds of
lonely fantasies and lewd stories the boys came up
with involving her, and especially her breasts. She
looked up at the mirror and groped at her chest.

“So this is what guys like about women?”

She played with her breasts, weighing them in her

hands, squeezing them together. The more she
played, the more she stared.

“Argh! Snap out of it!”

She yanked at the tap handle, and splashed a little

bit of cold water in her face.

“What should I do now?”

Trying to continue the tutoring session now would

be sisyphean. She thought she was going to find it
hard not to think about the bulge when Jun was in
her regular classes from now on.

Making sure to tell another student to tell Jun he

could go, Ms. Senji went home. She needed to

Sachi and Yurika laughed as they went along

the road. Sachi’s steps felt lighter, her chest felt
easier, than it had for a long time. Coming to an
intersection, the pair stopped.

Sachi pointed to the small, brightly-lit convenience

store. “There it is, Yurika-san. Starting today, that’s
my job.”

“Ohhh! This place? I get snacks here sometimes,

maybe I’ll see you working!”

“Ehhh? That would be embarrassing.”

“Hehe… I want to see Sachi-chan severing me at

the counter!” Yurika smiled like a cat.

Sachi puffed her cheeks in disagreement, but

Yurika just giggled, before bringing her in for a
tight hug.

Yurika went her own way, while waving good-bye

to Sachi.

“Bye-bye! Good luck in there, see you tomorrow!”

Sachi returned the wave and crossed the street.


Nervous as she was for her first job, she paused at

the entrance, taking in a deep breath and letting it
out slowly.

“Let’s do this!”

Sachi entered the store, and saw Yowaka the

manager stocking the shelf with packed foods. She
immediately went up to greet him.

“Good afternoon, Manager-san!”

Yowaka smiled at her energy. “Ahh, Sachi-chan,

good to see you. Are you ready for your first day?”

Sachi bowed towards him as a sign of respect.

“Yes. Please take care of me from now on!”

It was a little too formal a way of saying it, and

brought to Yowaka’s mind how brides acted at
weddings. It was a little much for him.

“Please skip the formalities. We’ll be colleagues

from now on, so you can just act the way that you
normally do.”

“Okay then. What’s the first thing for me to do?”


“I prepared a uniform for you in the changing

room. I wasn’t sure about your sizes, so let me
know if it’s wrong or too tight somewhere. You
can change in there, and there’s a locker so that
you can store your belongings.”


Sachi disappeared, Yowaka leering at her back,

especially at how her skirt bounced.

The changing room itself was small but clean, and

Sachi soon found the uniform top and skirt. She
unbuttoned her blouse, pulled down her skirt to
put on her uniform, and discovered it was a little
tight for her chest.

“Isn’t this a little bit small? Maybe I should tell the

manager about it and ask for a bigger size.”

She found an unused locker and put her bags and

her school uniform into it. There was a lock with
keys on it and she proceeded to lock it.

The door squeaked as Sachi emerged out of it,

at which Yowaka turned from his stocking. He
noted how the uniform squeezed her curves with
pleasure. Sachi came back to him, standing at

“Manager-san. I’m done changing.”

“Wow! You look great Sachi-chan.”

Sachi nodded at the compliment. “Thank you,

sir. Buuut I think the shirt is a little too tight.” She
pulled at the button right between her breasts,
feeling the tension in it.

Yowaka followed her hand with his eyes, doing his

best not to leer.

“I’m sorry, Sachi-chan. I only have the one size for

female employees.”

Sachi was a little disappointed, but it was such

a small problem she knew she’d get over it soon

“That’s fine! So what’s my first assignment?”

Yowaka pointed at the far wall of the store, where

the refrigerated drinks were kept.

“You see those drinks over there? Coffee’s running

a bit low, but really everything needs to be filled
back up to full. All that stuff’s in the back room.”

Sachi nodded repeatedly, almost running to the

back room. A few minutes later, Yowaka finished
up with the last of the snacks.

He popped his head in the storeroom to see

Sachi taking some cans of coffee out of one of the

“Hey Sachi-chan, I’ll be in my office doing

some paperwork. Call me if you need help with

“Sure thing!” Sachi replied, before getting back

to the drinks. Some of them were in cartons
and were quite heavy for Sachi’s thin body.
Nevertheless, she found the strength to carry out
boxes when she needed to, though it was hard.

“Phew. I’m going to get some muscles in this job!”


Yowaka headed to the office not to do paperwork,

but to grab a master key from his desk. He had
one thing on his mind. Sneaking out of his office
and into the changing room, he glanced at the row
of them. Before Sachi had arrived, Yowaka had
purposefully locked the other lockers, so he knew
which one she used.

“Let’s see what you got, Sachi-chan,” he muttered.

Yowaka opened up the locker, and pulled the bag

out to see Sachi’s school uniform hanging behind.

“Isn’t that Sachi-chan’s uniform?”

It was such an easy target. How could he not do


“Heh… heheh...”

He took the uniform out and held it to his face,

inhaling deeply.

“Ahh… The sweet scent of a high school girl”

He inhaled deeply, holding in the clean smell

before exhaling. He felt half-baked.

“Oh yeah, oh yeah. That’s the stuff!”


Sachi’s smell drove Yowaka into a frenzy. His cock

was trying to rip through his pants. He unzipped
his fly and whipped it out. He laid Sachi’s uniform
on the bench and began to stroke his dick.

“Aww… Sachi-chan. You’re too fucking cute. I

wanna fuck you into the ground!”

Yowaka’s hand jerked furiously, his foreskin

covering and revealing his dark brown cock-head,
dripping with pre-cum. The thrill of standing on
the edge of being found out made his cock even
harder than usual. All he could think about was
shoving his hands under Sachi’s skirt, playing with
her naked ass and pussy, as she futilely tried to
stop him. She said no, but her pussy was dripping
wet, her body begging him to fuck her like she’d
never been fucked.

She wanted him, she wanted his dick. He would

oblige her, fucking her in ways no high school little
shit could hope to match.

“Oh yeah… oh yeah… you little whore… take my

cum, bitch!” Yowaka’s voice hissed in the little

Before he knew it, his body shuddered. Rope after

rope of thick, pent-up sperm splashed across
Sachi’s uniform, the off-white color soaking into
the dark fabric. The pungent reek of his spunk
began to mingle with Sachi’s cleanness.

Fearing that Sachi might notice, he quickly

grabbed some tissues and wiped as much of the
jizz as he could off of her clothes. Yowaka prayed
that Sachi would not notice the smell.

Shoving his dick back into his pants, he put

everything back into the locker as he’d found it.
Opening the door a tiny fraction, to see that Sachi
wasn’t looking straight at him, Yowaka saw her
wipe her brow and head back into the storeroom.
With her back turned to him, Yowaka snuck back
into his office.

Yowaka threw the key back into his desk, and the
tissue that had wiped his cum off was thrown into
the trashcan underneath the computer table.

Yowaka smiled as it sank in. He’d gotten his rocks

off, and Sachi was none the wiser. The taste of
success was intoxicating, and Yowaka turned over
his fantasies in his mind as he sat down.

“Yeah… yeah, I could do that. I could do that to


He began to trace out what he wanted, and how

he could get it. And it seemed like it was all much
closer than he’d ever dared hope. So what if it was
evil and manipulative? She was so tempting!

Yowaka opened the door, and gave Sachi a thumbs

up before closing it.

He smiled to himself. “I’m gonna make you my

little cum-dump, Sachi-chan!”

The sun was dropping behind the houses as Jun

trudged his way back home. He didn’t even greet
his parents as he got home, heading straight for
his bedroom. Closing the door behind him he
toppled over onto his bed, and let out a long,
drawn-out yell, muffled by his pillow.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.”
He turned around, staring at the ceiling. He
wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear
“What am I supposed to do now? How can I face
sensei tomorrow?”
The more he thought about it, the more he
tossed and turned.
“Argh! My life sucks!”
He shifted over and sat up on the side of the
bed. Just as he was about to stand up, the
memories of Ms. Senji’s breasts filled his mind –
how soft they were, how they’d pressed around
his arm.
Jun shook his head. “I just need to forget about
With that lame resolution in mind, he headed
downstairs for dinner.

The streetlights were buzzing as Sachi’s shift

came to a close. She’d done quite a bit in just a
few hours, from learning how to use the cash
register to learning the quick ways to stock
merchandise. She felt proud of herself as she
emerged from the back room.
Yowaka finished serving his last customer from
the counter before he approached Sachi.

“Sachi-chan. Your shift has ended.”

“Oh. Manager-san. Don’t worry, let me finish
stacking the boxes and I’ll go.”
Yowaka shook his head. “It’s your first day here,
Sachi-chan. I know you’re young, but don’t
overwork yourself. Please go home and rest, I’ll
take care of the rest.”
Sachi nodded. “I understand. Thank you!”
Yowaka licked his lips as Sachi left for the
changing room. Would she notice how he’d
dirtied her uniform? The moment of truth came
when Sachi left his sight. Yowaka could only hope
for the best.

Sachi opened up her locker, not noticing

anything amiss inside. Sure, her bag was a little
rumpled in a different way than she thought she
remembered, but that was just gravity. But when
she moved the bag, she nearly retched as she
was hit by a foul, thick reek she’d never known
before, coming from her school clothes. She
blinked a few times, wondering just what had
happened. Had it been sweat, and she just didn’t
even recognize it? It was awful, but there was
nothing else for her to wear.
She had no choice but to wear the soiled
uniform, without a hint of suspicion of what
Yowaka had done.
Outside, Yowaka’s heart wanted to burst out his
chest, it was beating so hard. He needed to know
if he’d been found out. He walked up to the
changing room door and knocked on it.
“Sachi-chan. Is there a problem?”
Sachi jumped at the sound.
“N-no problem! I’m coming out soon!”
Sachi opened the door to find Yowaka right
in front of her. Sachi stepped back, a little
uncomfortable with how close Yowaka stood

“Everything alright, Sachi?”

Sachi bobbed her head. “Mmhmm! I’m fine,
The smile on Yowaka’s face had seemed fine
before, but now it struck Sachi as having a weird
undercurrent. Figuring it was just her being tired
from working, she bowed slightly.
“Thank you for having me today, Manager-san.
I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow, Sachi-chan.”
Yowaka stepped to the side, giving Sachi some
space to exit the changing room. He watched her
hips move as she left and gave him one last wave
from outside the door.
He waved back as he mumbled to himself. “Oh
Sachi-chan. I bet you’re like all the others, all
sweet and innocent on the outside, and a lying
bitch inside.”

Yowaka’s history with younger women was a bad

one. He’d been a high school teacher many years
before at a school with quite the reputation
for bad students. Every day he’d been met
with abuse and disrespect from his students,
especially the girls. Things had reached a head
when a certain clique had trapped him. One of
the girls had gotten him into a conversation, and
another pushed Yowaka over, knocking them
into each other. The photographs they took of
Yowaka inadvertently groping the young girl’s
breasts spread like wildfire over the internet. It
wasn’t long before Yowaka had been let go, “to
maintain the moral authority of the teachers.”
Ever since then, Yowaka’s hate and anger
at those girls in particular had morphed,
transformed into a burning lust to see high
school girls sexually attacked. He wanted to see
them in despair, see them raped, hear them cry
out as their lives were ruined, just like his had
been. It got him harder than anything else.
Yowaka knew that he’d find it hard to keep
everything under a lid for long with Sachi
around. He’d need to work fast if she wasn’t to
get suspicious. But he knew that it was too soon
to advance, and needed more time to achieve
his darkest desire.

The further Sachi walked, the more the stench

from her uniform wafted up into her nose. It was
awful, and she hated every moment of it. She
tried to figure out where it had come from, but
when she touched the front of her blouse, all she
felt were some spots of stiff fabric.
Getting home, Sachi quickly peeled off her
uniform and cleaned up before settling into the
bath. She let the hot water caress her body, the
heat seeping into her limbs, relaxing her muscles
that had tightened from work.
She let out a huge breath. It had been a long day
for her and she deserved it.
Leaning her head back, her thoughts moved
from work to what was coming up. Her date with
Jun, her childhood friend, was less than three
days away.
The more she thought of him, the more her
excitement grew. Blushing from the heat and
her nervousness, she fidgeted in the bath. It
was hard to believe that it was going to happen.
Finally, after so long apart!
“I can’t wait for our date, Jun-kun.”

Jun finished up the last sentence of his History

essay. The last bit of work for the night was
math. The moment he saw the proofs, he
thought about Ms. Senji. He couldn’t even start
his homework. Every time he thought about
math solutions, his mind would think about her
breasts, and imagine how they looked free of her
He knew something had to be done in order to
clear his mind away.

“All I have to do is just apologize to her

tomorrow. Then we can put this behind us.”
He let out a breath through clenched teeth.
Easier said than done.
Ms. Senji couldn’t stop thinking about Jun’s
reaction to her. She knew erections were normal,
especially among teenage boys, but responding
to her? Was she really that attractive? She
finished up her prep-work for the next day, and
pulled out a little card one of the other teachers
had given her. “To monitor the students a little
better,” she’d told Ms. Senji, winking.

She opened her laptop, and went to the site

listed. It was a chat site, and the channel was for
students at the school. It seemed mostly normal,
people asking for homework help, complaining
about teachers and coaches, rumors about
relationships. She posted a question under her
pseudonym: “Anyone here gotten hard to Senji-
The replies she got shocked her.
“You a first-year? Who hasn’t?”
“I want to fuck her like my bitch.”
“I’ve jerked off to her a hundred times!”
“She has such huge breasts, I want to suck them
so bad!!”

“I wish Miya-sensei had tits like hers, fuck me I’d

jizz my pants.”
“Imagine getting those tits wrapped around your

Ms. Senji could not believe her eyes. The boys

not only fantasizing about her body, but the
detail in which they expressed it – it was all new
and strange to her. But for reasons she couldn’t
articulate, it didn’t feel bad. She felt strangely
excited about the attention. How long had she
been thought of like this? Unsure of some of the
terms the boys were using, Ms. Senji looked up
some of them, her heart stopping at some of the
pictures she saw.
“Oh my god. This is what they want to do with
She watched a video linked by one of the
students of a female teacher seducing her
student. It was lewd and raunchy, and Ms. Senji
could feel her pussy begin to dampen. The
teacher on screen pulled her “student’s” cock
out, and shoved it into her mouth, and she
wondered how Jun’s might taste.
“What am I doing! He’s my student!”
She shut off her computer and went to bed early.
Her dreams were unsettled.

The next morning, Jun awoke to find himself

alone in the house. He found a note on the
kitchen table from his parents.
“Sorry Jun. We had to leave early this morning to
go to the countryside. Your grandfather fell and
hurt his hip overnight and we had to check on
him. We won’t be coming back until tomorrow
Jun closed his eyes for a second. “I hope he’s
As he got ready for school, he found himself
still thinking back to the day before. He tried to
put it away, to think about Sachi and their date,
but Sachi’s face kept getting pushed out by Ms.
Senji’s bust.
He saw Satoshi on the way to school.
“Oi, Satoshi-san!”
Jun ran towards him just as Satoshi turned his
head around.
“Ah. Good morning, Jun! How’d the tutoring go
Satoshi threw his arm around Jun’s neck.
“You didn’t get eaten by the cougar, did you?”

Jun shrugged off Satoshi’s arm.

“That didn’t happen, horndog. I’d just rather not
talk about it.”
“Eh? What’s wrong? Can’t handle math?”
Jun had no desire to tell Satoshi what had
happened. He didn’t need more laughter at his
“Nope. Just find it tough. That’s all.”
“Hah! You better get your math straightened up,
coach was yelling at a senior yesterday about
dropping him from the team.”
Jun growled in his throat. “Yes. I know. Trust
me!” He didn’t want to think about what might
happen if he failed the next test. He wanted to
just think about the date, and prepare himself
mentally for it. But Satoshi just kept talking
about Ms. Senji, about how all the guys had
been talking about her online the night before.
Getting near their classroom, Jun and Satoshi ran
into Ms. Senji. The silence was palpable as Jun
and Ms. Senji stared at each other. Ms. Senji’s
throat moved as she swallowed.
“Jun Tanaka, there is something that I want to
talk to you about. Meet me after school in your
home room.”

“What is it about, sensei?”

“Just… just the math tutoring, Jun-san.”
Satoshi winked at Jun before slipping off, not
noticing the weird atmosphere between the two.
Jun watched him leave, and wanted to get things
over with.
“Erm… Sensei, you see about yester—“
Ms. Senji knew what he wanted to say. She
shook her head.
“We can talk after school, but not now. Now if
you’ll excuse me, I have other classes to attend.”
With that, Ms. Senji left Jun alone with his
thoughts. What was she going to do? Tell
other teachers? He’d just arrived at this high
school, he didn’t need a reputation as a sex-
freak. What would Sachi think if she heard? He
trudged his way to his class, barely aware of his
surroundings. So much so that he bumped into a
young woman from behind.
“Ow! Hey!”
Shaking his head, he bowed low a few times.
“I’m sorry!” Standing up, it was Yurika he’d run
into, though he didn’t know her. “I really didn’t
mean to run into you.”

Yurika had been ready to lay into whoever had

bumped into her, but she held back when she
saw it was Jun. She let out a theatrical sigh.
“It’s fine, just look where you’re going next
Yurika left Jun standing there. Her first time
seeing him up close, she’d seen that he was
pretty handsome, as far as the boys at school
went. And he was at least respectful to others.
Maybe there was something to Sachi’s crush on
But she didn’t want to jump to conclusions too
soon. She had to reserve her judgment until the
“Let’s see how well he treats a lady that day.”
As she reached her desk inside the classroom,
the bell rang for its first lesson of the day. Mr.
Fujikawa headed into class and began his math
lesson as usual.
Yurika stared at Mr. Fujikawa’s back,
remembering what he’d said to her yesterday,
how rude he’d been to her without any reason
for it. She narrowed her eyes.
“Tch. This teacher is getting on my nerves.”

Fujikawa turned, noticing her expression before

she was able to wipe it off her face.
“Yurika-san. Do you have a problem?” His voice
was flat.
“Oh no. No problem at all.” She pitched her voice
down then up, just enough to get across her
point that she didn’t want this creep focusing on
Mr. Fujikawa tightened his grip on the piece of
chalk in his hand.
“This girl… she’s gonna fucking get it from me.”
As the lesson continued, Sachi was distracted
by the scenery through the windows and stared
outside. While staring, she wondered just how
her uniform had gotten soiled the day before.
“I don’t think sweat smells like that. The top
smelled different before I put it into the locker.
Was it because of the locker? Maybe I should ask
for another one, who knows who had it before
Before she got further, she was interrupted by
Mr. Fujikawa’s voice.
“Ahem, Sachi!”

She turned around and looked at the front of the

room. This time around Mr. Fujikawa did not call
her out again, and she released a sigh of relief,
settling back into thinking of classwork.
In the other class, Satoshi saw that Jun wasn’t
paying attention, fidgeting and nervously tapping
his foot. Jun was completely out of it.
During lunch, Satoshi tapped Jun’s shoulder.
Jun shook his head. “What? What’s wrong with
you? I don’t think you heard a single word this
Jun rolled his eyes. “I was paying attention,
“Yeah, and I won the lottery yesterday. Which
page did sensei say to study before tomorrow’s
Jun narrowed his eyes. “Page 35.”
Satoshi pointed his finger right at Jun. “Hah!
Wrong! Sensei said to read the handout in
English for tomorrow’s lesson.”
Jun turned around, bent on ignoring Satoshi.
“Look, if you’re nervous about the date, I get it!
Is that it?”

It wasn’t, but it was good enough to throw

Satoshi off the scent.
Satoshi grinned. “Look, man. How many times
do I have to tell you not to worry? I’ve gone on
plenty of dates, with girls I knew less about than
you do about Sachi. They went great. Why don’t
I buy you lunch?”
Jun shrugged. Enough confirmation for Satoshi.
“You just stay right here. I’ll be back soon.”
Satoshi walked out to the cafeteria, leaving
Jun in the classroom. Along the way, he saw a
gaggle of new girls he hadn’t seen, quite the
beauties as well, with well-developed chests and
asses, and one with a heavenly pair of legs. He
unconsciously began sauntering towards them,
ready to turn on the charm and start flirting.
But just as he was about to thrust himself into
their conversation, he thought about Yurika
calling him a pervert. Why was he flirting with
them in the first place? Did he really want to take
one or more of them to a love hotel, only to get
another number he had to block on his phone
after a few weeks?

He veered away from the little group, wondering

what the hell was coming over him. No one, not
even Jun, had been able to stop his outrageous
flirting. But Yurika had, without even being
there. With mixed feelings, he power walked
down to the cafeteria.
He passed by the staff room, and noticed Mr.
Fujikawa standing right outside the door, smiling
and wiping his forehead with a handkerchief as he
looked at his phone.
“What the hell’s got Mr. Reek smiling like an
idiot? Scratch that, don’t wanna know.”
He got past Mr. Fujikawa without letting him
even know he was there.
Fujikawa was texting his usual prostitute again.
Her nickname “B” in the phone stood for “Bitch.”
“Yesterday was fun, wasn’t it?”
The girl replied instantly.
“You bet! ♥”
He thought about the rest of his week, when
he’d be free of his school duties.
“Let’s meet this weekend and have fun again.”

“Okay my love. See you!”

Mr. Fujikawa put his phone away, and headed
to the toilet, barely trying to hide his growing
Eventually, Satoshi brought back a yakisoba bun
in time for the poor hungry Jun, as his stomach
was already growling.
“What took you so long?”
“There was a line!”
“Sheesh. I should have gone there myself
instead. At least I can eat on the spot there.” He
wasn’t trying very hard to dig deep, it was just
playful banter.
“You seem very impatient, Jun-san. At the very
least, you could have said thank you.”
Jun looked at Sachi with a sincere and polite
“Alright. Thank you very much.”
“Hehe… That’s more like it.”
After lunch, it seemed to Satoshi that Jun could
actually concentrate on what was in front of him.
As the last class ended and he grabbed his stuff,
he waved to Jun.

“Bye Jun. Have fun with Ms. Tits!”

Jun waved off Satoshi. “Get going! Asshole.”
The changing room felt a little lonely for Satoshi.
Without Jun to joke around with, it was just
Satoshi and a bunch of other guys getting ready
for their differing sports. But quickly enough
Satoshi had all his baseball gear on, and jogged
out to the diamond, to find Coach Takamura
Coach Takamura was not a small man, especially
around the waist, but he demanded a high level
of competency and dedication from his players.
He was especially mad then, as many of the
students had arrived to the new school year with
plenty of extra pounds.
Takamura was also strict with the students about
their academics. He wasn’t going to let any of his
players coast by with vain hopes of hitting the
major leagues, neglecting their studies.
Coach lined up every one of the students for
a roll call. When it was Jun’s turn, there was
“Jun Tanaka!”
Everyone turned and looked around for him, but
to no avail.

“Jun Tanaka! Where are you?”

Satoshi put his hands up for attention and
replied on Jun’s behalf.
“Sensei. He is unable to attend today’s baseball
practice. He has an extra math lesson after
Takamura opened his mouth to let out a roar, but
stopped. “Senji mentioned that, didn’t she.” A
few snickers came from the line. Takamura blew
up at that. “That’s good dedication to learning,
you brats! Jun’s a role model! You could all learn
something about using your heads from him!
Now get running! I want ten laps, and I want ‘em
His loud voice thundered across the field, nearly
bowling the baseball players over. Without any
hesitation or thought, Satoshi and the rest of the
players started fleeing onto the track.
They were not the only ones using it, and the
boys joined several other clubs that were strung
out around the oval. Satoshi did his best to stick
to the middle of his pack, when he noticed who
was running not twenty feet ahead of him.

Yurika was wearing her track uniform, a tight

sports bra and running shorts. The gap between
her top and bottom showed off her toned,
subtly muscular stomach. Her black shorts
almost announced her tight, firm ass. Combined
with her sharp tan lines, it was one of the most
beautiful things that Satoshi had ever seen.
Satoshi lost track of where he was, and tripped
over his own feet, toppling face-first onto the
He pushed himself up, looking for injuries. Coach
Takamura came up, his expression incredulous.
“How in the world do you trip and fall on a
totally flat plane?”
Satoshi shrugged with a sheepish smile.
Takamura checked him over, and didn’t see any
blood, the coach’s sole criteria for whether an
injury was serious or not. He waved Satoshi to
start running, but Satoshi almost crumbled on
his left leg. Takamura squeezed the bridge of his
“Go sit down for a bit. Grab a drink. Tell me how
it is in ten minutes.”

Satoshi limped towards the bench and sat down.

The bench was shaded by a few trees, providing
cover from the sun. He took the opportunity to
watch Yurika as she made her laps. As she ran,
she smiled as if she were in another world, a
world of freedom. He wanted to be a part of it,
After she crossed the finish line and she took a
lap to cool down, Yurika made her way to her
bag. She pulled out a water bottle and tipped her
head back. Her throat worked as she drained the
bottle, but little rivulets of water ran down her
lips, past her chin and over her chest, to trace
paths over her heaving breasts, the wet fabric
almost revealing her pink nipples.
Satoshi’s pulse pounded in his ears, drowning
out all other sounds.
“Oh shit, this is it.”
It was hard to fight the realization when it came.
He couldn’t look away from her. Not because
he just wanted to tumble with her in bed. He
wanted to know about her interior life in ways
he’d never thought possible before.
“I love Yurika. Definitely love her.”

Yurika shook the last few drops of water out of

the bottle and into her mouth, before twisting
the bottle up. She meandered to the water
trough, with its row of faucets, and threw the
crumpled bottle at a trash can, the garbage
sinking in. She turned and pumped her fist,
before noticing Satoshi sitting on the bleacher,
watching her. Wondering what he was up to, she
approached him.
Satoshi greeted her with a smile.
Yurika planted one foot on the first seat of the
bleachers. “What do we have here?”
“I love you.”
Satoshi couldn’t say it, not yet. “Hey. Yurika.
Whatcha doing?”
“Don’t whatcha me, perv. You were staring at
Satoshi decided to fight fire with fire.
“Don’t call me perv. Chocolate.”
Yurika’s mouth opened a few times, wordless.
“Choc— Choc— Chocolate?! Who’re you calling

Satoshi motioned at Yurika’s body with his hand.

“Aren’t you made of it? Look at how tanned you
are. I think I even see a little cherry filling.”
Yurika looked down at her own chest, seeing
how visible her nipples were, and looked up to
see Satoshi shrug.
She covered her breasts with her arms.
“You pervert! What’s… what’s wrong with you!”
With that parting shot, Yurika stomped away.
Satoshi’s smile disappeared when she was far
enough away. He leaned forward, resting his chin
on his hands.
“I’m gonna get shot down so hard when I confess
to her.”
Jun spent the minutes waiting for Ms. Senji
unable to sit still. He tapped his foot, kicked
his heel, and drummed his fingers on the desk,
switching between them. When he heard the
door open, he jumped to his feet at attention. He
could hardly breathe, he was so nervous.

When she came into Jun’s view, he could see

she had a thoughtful expression. But thoughtful
could mean a lot of things. No matter how
scared Jun was, he needed to get this right. He
mustered up all of his courage, balling his fists by
his sides.
“Ms. Senji. About yesterday, I would like to
Ms. Senji abruptly cut him off.
“Jun, you don’t have to apologize. An erection
is… perfectly natural, especially for a boy your
age. Even more so when around a woman
like myself. I was the one who reacted badly
yesterday, and for that I apologize.”
“You’re not angry, or disgusted?”
Ms. Senji shook her head. “Absolutely not,
Jun. I’m very sorry if I gave that impression.
You have… nothing to be ashamed of. Let’s
get started, shall we?” She swallowed in her
suddenly dry throat.
Jun felt a huge weight lifted from of his
shoulders. The sense of relief had never been so
real before.
“Okay. Thank you!”

Jun pulled out the assignment Ms. Senji had

given him through her proxy, and sat back down
in his seat. He tapped a few places. “I’m not sure
I quite understood your first point yesterday...”
Ms. Senji took the paper and did a quick check. A
few errors jumped out at her.
“Aha, I think I see a pattern of what you get
wrong. Here, let me explain.”
As she had the day before, Ms. Senji leaned in
too close to Jun. But she didn’t seem to be doing
it to tease or seduce him, instead it was just how
she taught. He tried his best not to deliberately
breathe in the scent of her strawberry shampoo,
and instead focused all his efforts on listening to
her. Time passed, and Jun could feel the bits of
information snapping together in his mind as Ms.
Senji explained it.
Ms. Senji found it difficult to keep her mind
entirely on the tutoring. She felt her breasts
press against Jun’s shoulder and arm, the electric
shock that went through her as her nipples
dragged across his back as she switched sides.
When had this boy’s muscles gotten so firm?
“What am I doing?”

It was a stupid question, she knew exactly

what she was doing. Without trying to, she was
recreating the porn scene she’d seen the night
It wasn’t long before Jun couldn’t keep control
over his libido. Over minutes he felt the blood
pour into his dick, his chest tightening when
Ms. Senji’s lips came too close to his ear. Before
he could find a way to hide it, his pants were
bulging mightily. Ms. Senji’s breath caught in her
throat when she noticed it.
Jun turned his head to look at her.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Senji! I just…!”
Ms. Senji’s pussy itched maddeningly. Her body
ached for contact.
“Do you want me… do you want me to help you
with it?”
Jun couldn’t quite believe what he heard. His
body stiffened, eyes wide as he stared at Ms.
Senji. But she wasn’t laughing at him. Her face
was almost as red as her hair. Gently, Ms. Senji
rotated Jun on his seat, and he complied, his
whole body outside of his control.

“What is going on?” he thought to himself, but

he didn’t stop her.
Ms. Senji got to her knees in front of Jun, her
fingers kneading into his thighs. She looked up
at Jun and smiled. “This is how teachers should
help their students, isn’t it?” She unzipped Jun’s
fly, and she pulled out Jun’s hard dick, gasping at
the sight of it. “It’s… it’s gorgeous!” she panted.
In an instant, the distinction between teacher
and student was blown away, leaving only a
young man and woman.
With that hard rod in front of her, Ms. Senji
couldn’t look away. Each vein, each ridge in Jun’s
skin, every little pore, she wanted to commit
to her memory. The smell of it, slightly sweaty,
masculine in a way she’d never experienced,
pierced her brain, turning her thoughts all fuzzy.
Grasping Jun’s dick, Ms. Senji kept a gentle grip
on it as she began to jerk it.
“Hnngah!” Jun could barely speak. There were so
many things he needed to say, about Ms. Senji,
about himself, about another girl whose name
he couldn’t quite place right then, that they
jammed against each other in his throat, leaving
only strangled sounds of pleasure. His hands
gripped tight his desk and chair, and he leaned

back. “Hh-harder…!” he hissed.

Ms. Senji got the gist. She gripped tighter, and
began to jerk Jun’s dick faster. His foreskin was
totally pulled back, his erection harder than he’d
ever felt before. Having a woman’s hand around
his cock was such a different sensation than
his own, Jun wondered why the hell he’d ever
masturbated before.
Little, mostly-clear drops of pre-cum started
dribbling out of Jun’s hole, a few of them
splattering against Ms. Senji’s face. It took her
out of the trance she’d been in, and she noticed
just how hard Jun was breathing. She wanted
him to cum, but not yet. Remembering the
porno she’d watched, she let go of his dick.
Before he could ask why, Ms. Senji unbuttoned
her blouse, and unhooked the front of her bra,
revealing her massive breasts.
“Sensei…!” Jun wondered if this was all just a
dream. But he felt his teacher’s breasts wrap
around his dick, and it was all real. The soft flesh
engulfed his member, the tip pressing against
her chest, just below her throat.

It was too much for Jun to handle. He could

deal with a handjob, but paizuri from Ms. Senji
was too erotic. “Sen-! Nnggh!” He leaned his
head back as he came. Hot ropes of his thick,
virile seed erupted from the head of his cock, to
splatter against Ms. Senji’s throat, the top of her
breasts, and dribble down between her cleavage.
Feeling it soil her skin, Ms. Senji found she liked
how Jun’s spunk felt, how thick and sticky it was.
Jun stared at the ceiling as he caught his breath.
Looking back down after a few deep breaths, he
watched Ms. Senji as she scooped some of his
cum from her neck with her fingers and played
with it.
“You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” Jun
gasped. All his thoughts about Sachi and their
date were gone, totally blown away.
Ms. Senji smiled at the compliment. She’d never
been called sexy to her face before. “Let’s do a
little more tutoring then, Jun-kun!” With bravery
verging on total recklessness, Ms. Senji engulfed
the head of Jun’s dick in her mouth. The taste of
his cock itself was interesting, slightly sweaty, but
the cum she could taste was bitter and strong.
But she wanted to taste more of it.

“Haaahh!” Jun’s whole body stiffened as he

felt the warm wetness cover his tip. He felt Ms.
Senji’s tongue explore his hole, and he had to
fight to not kick his leg out as a reflex. He could
only gasp, his sensitivity after having cum once
even greater. “Oh that’s too much, too much,
Ms. Senji didn’t know what else to do. So she
squeezed Jun’s balls with her free hand, feeling
their weight under her fingers.
“Hooo, gonna cum, gonna cum!”
“Mmm! ♥”
Ms. Senji didn’t know exactly what to expect,
but the sudden gush of hot, bitter sperm into her
mouth was more than she’d expected, especially
after the first huge load. It was too much for
her, she pulled Jun out of her mouth before he
was totally done, a few blasts hitting her lips
and chin, but most of it on her tongue. She
swallowed it with a little difficulty, but she was
pleased with it.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me cum tasted so

Ms. Senji’s pussy had soaked her panties totally

through. Getting to her feet, she wiped herself
off as much as she could, as Jun shoved his
dick back into his pants. She put a finger on his
mouth before he could start babbling, and then
said something she could never take back.
“Let’s continue this at my place, okay?”
At the convenience store for her second day,
Sachi found it empty of customers, and with
Yowaka-san nowhere to be seen. She knocked on
the closed door to Yowaka’s office.
“Manager-san. Are you inside there?”
There was no response. She tried again.
Finally Yowaka replied.
“I’m here, just doing some stuff. I’ll be out in a
Sachi let out a breath of relief. “I’m going to get
“Okay. Clock in and I’ll see you later.”

She felt secure now knowing that Yowaka was

around. In the changing room, she saw all the
lockers were open.
“Strange. I thought only one locker was usable
Thinking nothing of it, Sachi started undressing.
What she didn’t notice was the tiny camera
set up inside one of the lockers, looking up at
her. Yowaka watched through the camera’s eye
with his computer, and he could see everything.
The resolution on a camera even so small
was extraordinary – Yowaka was amazed by
technology sometimes.
Sachi unbuttoned her shirt button by button,
slowly making her way from the top. Her shirt
came off, revealing to the camera the soft
slender body of a high school girl. A petite body
with well-developed breasts, covered by a white
bra with a cute red ribbon in the middle.
Yowaka panted like an animal at what he saw.
His dick was already in his hands, and he slowly
jerked himself. He wanted her, he wanted her
badly. He wanted to ruin her, turn her into his
cum-dumpster. It was all she deserved.

Sachi bent down to unbutton and unzip the side

of her skirt. The camera was facing directly in
front of her as she bent down, her breast was
exposed to the camera, and the barest hint of
her pink areola could be seen.
Yowaka’s masturbation went faster.
As Sachi took off her skirt, the white panties that
she wore slowly came into view of the camera.
A tiny yellow stain could be seen on the bottom,
each fold and bunch in the fabric faithfully sent
to Yowaka’s screen. Unaware of the situation,
she adjusted her bra straps, pulling them up
slightly before letting them snap down. She ran
her fingers under the elastic band of her panties,
getting it all set right on her body.
Yowaka’s balls tightened, and he couldn’t help
himself. He came, spurting his off-white jizz onto
the computer screen, covering Sachi’s figure.
Panting, Yowaka realized that Sachi was changing
faster than he’d expected. Soon enough she had
her work top on. Wanting to catch her as she
came out, Yowaka grabbed a handful of tissues
and haphazardly wiped off the screen, leaving a
few globs at the bottom missed. He got his dick
back into his pants, threw out the tissues, and
minimized the camera feed.

He got out of his office just as Sachi got out of

the changing room.
“Oh, Sachi-chan. could you help me handle the
cashier while I go put out some snacks?”
Yowaka smiled to himself as he headed to the
back room.
“Hehehe… she doesn’t suspect a thing, does
He felt secure she wouldn’t find anything.
Jun couldn’t believe where he was. He couldn’t
believe what had happened to him. He sat on
the edge of Ms. Senji’s bed, looking around at
the bedroom and all its strange contents, the
unmistakable feminine scent surrounding him.
He was in his boxers and undershirt, his uniform
dropped on the floor next to the wide bed.
He heard the shower stop in the other room, and
swallowed in a dry throat. Ms. Senji came around
the corner and Jun was struck dumb. She wore
nothing but a white towel, barely concealing her
breasts and crotch. Her damp hair fell behind her
shoulders, and her expression was both hungry
and nervous. What could Jun say to her?

Ms. Senji’s hand reached the little knot of her

towel, and with a twist of her hand it fell to
the floor. Her hourglass figure, her hanging,
pendulous breasts, her wide hips that framed
her bush, leading between her legs – it was all
imprinted instantly in Jun’s mind. He’d seen
plenty of gravure idols and porn before, but
never right there in front of him, living and
Without a word, Ms. Senji straddled Jun’s lap,
kissing him with a passion neither she nor he
knew she had. Jun tried to respond, but was
bowled over by the older woman, falling onto his
back as she kissed his lips with her own sweet,
smooth pair. Jun’s hands rested on her sides,
uncertain and barely gripping her. Ms. Senji
broke the violent, untrained kiss, to moan into
Jun’s ear.
“Oh Jun, oh Jun, I want more!”
Jun tentatively reached down with one hand,
fingers playing across her navel and eventually
the soft swell of her pubic mound. His nails
trailed through her pubic hair, and he felt her
sharp intake of breath at his ear.
“Close… close…!”

Jun knew the clitoris existed, but he hardly knew

how to search for it, especially in such a position.
He fumbled around the top of Ms. Senji’s pussy,
pressing his fingers here and there, feeling her
shiver and shake even under as clumsy a touch
as his was. Seeing her pink nipples, fat and
erect, right in front of him, he couldn’t stop.
He reached down and took one in his mouth,
playing his tongue over it and sucking.
Ms. Senji felt like her body was melting away.
All she could feel was the heat in her womb, her
most basic desire finally finding an expression.
Her body shook as the orgasm erupted, her
muscles jittering like an electric current was
being run through her. She fell to the side,
panting. Jun felt a splash of juices as she came,
and when she opened her eyes he saw her look
at him like a lioness.
“Jun...” she pressed her forehead against his, “I
want you inside me.”

The whisper made Jun’s dick ache. Rolling over

on top of her, he took a position between her
hiked-up legs. Jun got a small glance at her outer
lips, a dark pink and engorged with blood, before
he took his dick in hand and pressed the head at
her. It took him a few tries to first, get between
the outer lips and then second, to find the right
hole. Ms. Senji was just as nervous as he was,
but she helped guide him to her entrance.
Staring into her eyes, with her hands on his back,
Jun felt Ms. Senji’s wet pussy begin to swallow
him. He felt a tightness, and saw her flinch.
“Sensei, is this your first time?”
Ms. Senji smiled, kissing Jun, slipping her tongue
into his mouth. “Call me Kanda. Now, fuck me as
hard as you can!”
Jun pushed his cock deeper, her wetness inviting
him further and further. He moved his hips in a
few different ways, trying to find the right way to
fuck her. He found an angle of attack that took
him deep in and out, and he threw himself at it,
slamming his dick into Kanda. He kissed at her
breasts, her throat, under her jaw.
“Kanda! Kanda!” he moaned her name as her
nails dug into his back.

“Yes, yes! Ohh, I’m yours, Jun, I’m yours!”

The sound of their coupling filled the room, Jun’s
balls slapping against Kanda’s ass, now wet with
the dribbling combination of her juices and Jun’s
pre-cum. It was only for a few minutes, but Jun
was too inexperienced to know how to control
himself and pace his orgasm. He just powered
into his lover, each fold of her body wrapping
around his length, milking him in rhythmic
“Oh fuck! Gonna cum!” Jun’s voice was a ragged
Kanda wrapped her legs around Jun’s waist.
“Cum inside me, Jun! Make me your woman!
Make me yours!”
Jun couldn’t escape, not from that.
A strangled cry rattled out of Jun’s throat as his
whole body froze, his dick buried deep inside
Kanda’s pussy. Jizz spat out of his dick, splashing
against Kanda’s cervix. The sensation made
Kanda arch her back and squeal. It was like lava
being poured directly into her, a heat to match
that in her womb. Her nails dug into Jun’s back,
and she felt the slickness of blood.
“Hah! Hah! Cum! So much! Oh god, Jun!”

Jun’s head swam, his vision blurred and only

slowly returning to normal. His whole body felt
drained in a new way, a way no one had ever
told him existed before. Slowly, his cock shrank,
though still stuck inside Kanda. With immense
effort, and against Kanda’s cooing, he pulled out,
letting a splash of frothy cum out, streaked with
the bloody evidence of Kanda’s lost virginity.
Kanda yanked Jun by the neck to kiss her, where
her eyes mesmerized him with their intensity.
“We’re not done yet, Jun,” she whispered.
Jun smiled and kissed Kanda, the taste of her
tongue sending the stirrings of his next erection
to his pelvis.
Sachi moved from side to side behind the
counter. There hadn’t been a customer for
almost half an hour, and she was starting to get
bored out of her mind. Stretching her arms over
her head, she caught a whiff of something thick
and pungent.
“What the...? Have I smelled this before?”

She sniffed a few more times, wondering if it

was something rotten. But instead of between
the stacks, the scent came from Yowaka’s office.
Sachi glanced around for him before slipping
in, finding the source of the stench in the used
tissues at the top of the trash can, clotted and
sticky with some substance.
Leaning in, Sachi got a strong waft of the stuff
and gagged. She shook her head in disgust.
“Didn’t I smell this yesterday?”
Standing up, Sachi saw some of the goop on the
tissues on the computer screen. Was it some
weird cleaning solution? She moved in close,
trying not to breathe too much around it. In
doing so, Sachi leaned a little too far forward,
accidentally pressing a key, bringing up the
screen of the camera feed. Sachi narrowed her
eyes at it.
“Isn’t this…. the changing room?”
Her mouth fell open as the pieces came together.
Yowaka had watched her changing.
“The stain from yesterday… the smell now…”

Sachi gagged as she made the connection.

The door to the office closed, and Sachi whirled
around to face it. Yowaka leered back. He locked
the door behind him with a click.
Sachi was rooted to the spot, unable to move,
unable to run.
“Sachi-chan, what do you think you’re doing?”
Yowaka marched on Sachi, each step making
him loom larger over her. He’d been stupid. He’d
been found out. But he didn’t care. Sure, it was
earlier than he liked, but he could work with
that. Sachi trembled as he came face to face with
her, planting a heavy and authoritative hand
on her shoulder. He leaned in to her ear and
whispered, his breath making Sachi’s skin crawl.
“We’re gonna have some fun together, Sachi!”

The August sun beat down on the world, the air so

thick with humidity that it clung to the skin like a
blanket. The air over the roads quivered, bending
the sights behind.
Ms. Senji sat back at her desk in the empty
staffroom. Unbuttoning the top of her blouse,
she fanned her cleavage, dotted with droplets of
sweat. She had come to work in the mostly-empty
school most days of summer break, but she’d
reached her limit that day. It was just too hot to
do anything except wallow.
“Oh my god, why did I come in today!”
The clock struck one in the afternoon, and Ms.
Senji could feel the heat radiating from where
the sunlight shot through the open windows.
She stared at her lesson plan for her first week of
classes, and her inked handwriting began to melt.
Shaking her head, it went back to normal.
“It’s too much. I give up!”
Standing up from her chair, Senji stretched to the
left and right. She shook her head at Kana-sensei,
sitting in the corner. “I can’t keep this up right
now. I think I’ll head to the pool!”
Kana waved back at her. “Smart idea, Senji-san.
Have fun!”

Senji didn’t have a swimsuit with her, but the

school usually had spares in different sizes. She
just hoped she fit in at least one of them. Leaving
her work behind, she headed out to the side of
the main building, where the pool overlooked the
rest of the athletic fields from the top of the small
hill the school was on.
Stepping outside into the heat directly, Senji was
surprised to see that the pool was empty. She
thought she’d heard the swimming team was
going to do a training week sometime during
break, but perhaps it had already happened?
As she approached the swimming pool, she
discovered no one was using the pool. She was
delighted to see that she would have the pool all
to herself. Feeling good, she heads to the storage
place where the swimming team usually kept
their stuff. She rummaged around some stacks of
random equipment, until she felt a suit under her
fingers. She pulled it out, a blue and white one-
piece, and eyed it around.
“Finally, a swimsuit! But it’s a little small, isn’t it?”
She put it aside for a moment, looking for another
suit she could wear, but after five minutes hadn’t
found anything. With her hands on her hips she
humphed and shrugged. “Guess I’ll just deal with
it being a little tight!”

Coming out of the storage room, Senji went

straight to the squat box that was the shower-
cum-changing rooms, male and female entrances
on either side. She peeled off her sweaty top,
followed by her damp bra. Her hose were the
hardest to roll off, wanting to stick to every inch
of her legs. But soon enough Senji was nude, the
hot air oppressively covering her. She gave herself
a bracing stream of cold water from the shower,
feeling the sweat and humidity wash away.
Dripping wet, Senji put on the swimsuit. It was
a tight fit, but it was a fit. Considering she was
alone, she wasn’t worried if the cameltoe she felt
was visible, or that her nipples were only barely
hidden by the thin material.
Senji didn’t waste a moment, coming out of the
shade of the changing room. She quick-stepped
her way to the racing blocks, readied herself, and
then leaped into the water. The splash was clean
and quick, and Senji was off, slicing through the
water like a dolphin. Her motions were measured
and certain, the result of having been a swimmer
in high school and college. It had been some
years since she’d been in a competition, but she
still loved the experience of being in the water,
her mind clear of distractions, her body working
almost without thought.

Back and forth she cut through the water, the

arc of her arms elegant and effortless. She
could almost hear the crowd cheering for her.
Competitions had made her nervous, but winning
them had been incredible.
After a number of laps, she paused at the edge,
holding on to the coarse concrete. She heard
clapping, and looked to see a number of boys in
swimsuits and caps clapping and cheering for her.
There were five of them, of differing classes.
“What are you boys doing here?” she asked,
pulling her hair back from her face.
“Swim team’s practice this week, Ms. Senji!” the
captain, a black-haired boy with a swimmer’s body
of wiry muscles and the oldest among the team,
said with a smile.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” Senji splashed over to the
ladder and pulled herself out. “I thought I had it
all to myself, I’m so sorry if I kept you waiting!”
The boys barely heard her. The moment she came
out of the pool, their eyes were locked onto her
body. Her breasts dripped water, and the pink
circle of her areolae could be seen peeking out the
sides of the suit. The suit rode up deep between
her ass cheeks, and the lips of her pussy were
outlined well. One of the swimmers whistled in

It didn’t take long for the blood to rush to the

boys’ dicks.
“Anyway, I’m don—“
Senji looked down and noticed the bulges in the
swimmers’ tight briefs. They varied in size, but all
of them were large enough to catch a girl’s eye.
Most of the boys went red, grinning in
embarrassment. But the captain merely folded
his arms across his chest, as if daring Senji to say
something about his cock.
Senji only smiled. “Why don’t I help you boys
warm up before you jump in the pool?”
It was not what they’d expected, not even the
captain, but they could hardly say no to such an
“Yes, ma’am!” they agreed in chorus.
Senji trotted past them into the women’s changing
room, crooking her finger to the boys to get them
to follow her, and they obeyed as if they were
ducklings. Inside, away from the sun’s direct rays,
Senji leaned against the wall. She rubbed at her
pussy through her swimsuit, feeling the itch inside
her, the itch that could only be dealt with by cock.

The boys watched her fingers pull the bottom of

her suit aside, revealing her pink pussy to their
gazes. The hole winked at them, panting a damp,
wet breath as Senji moaned, sending a finger
inside. Some of the boys had slid their briefs
down, and had their dicks in hand, slowly jerking.
It took a few minutes, but eventually the captain
got the courage to step forward. Senji felt his
hands grab her ass, and she shot a look over her
shoulder at him, egging him on.
“Yes! Stick that big dick in me and fuck me hard!
Without hesitation, the captain pressed his tip
into the hole, Senji’s fingers spreading her lips
to give him an unobstructed view. With nervous
energy, he slammed his cock into Senji, filling her
tunnel as she let out a long and animalistic groan.
“Haahhh! ♥ So rough! ♥“
The captain rammed at Senji like a man possessed.
His hands couldn’t decide whether to grasp at Ms.
Senji’s tits or ass, so they went back and forth,
mauling her nipples through her suit. Senji bit her
lip as she felt her pussy wrap tightly around the
young man’s dick. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!” she

But the boy was too inexperienced. He panted,

his fingers digging deep into her ass. Already little
spurts of jizz were coming out with his slippery
Senji could feel the captain’s clumsiness. She
understood it, though, and there was a pleasant
charm in vigor without training.
“It’s okay! Just cum, cum inside me! My pussy
wants your whole load! ♥“
The captain came with a shuddering grunt that
echoed off the concrete and tile. Hot spunk shot
directly against the deepest parts of Senji’s tunnel,
and she let out a high-pitched hum from her
throat in ecstasy. The captain staggered back, and
a gush of cum splattered out of Senji’s hole to hit
the floor below her.
“Ahh! ♥ You came so much! ♥”
But even as the captain shook his head, his dick
dripping cum and juices, Ms. Senji was already
onto the next swimmer. She wasn’t satisfied
yet. She kissed the boy, maneuvering him to a
bench and laying him down on it. Swinging a leg
over him, she straddled his dick, and pressed her
dripping hole against his thick dick.

“Fu fu… It’s your turn, now!”

With all the cum inside lubricating her, it was easy
for the boy’s dick to slip in.
“Ahh, so warm! ♥”
Senji began bouncing up and down, feeling the
girth spread her inner walls apart like a battering
The boys crowded in around Senji. Their dicks
pressed at her face from multiple directions,
leaving little splotches of precum on her cheeks
and forehead. Laughing with joy, Senji took one of
the dicks in her mouth, her tongue circling around
under the boy’s foreskin.
On the right side, she used her hand to stroke
another swimmer’s dick, her wrist moving in a
circle as she jerked him off.
Devouring more and more of the dick in her
mouth, Senji tasted the pre-cum spilling out of his
hole onto her tongue, spurring her to suck harder,
her head bobbing faster and faster as her hips
bounced. Her co-ordination was unbelievable. She
glanced up at the boy she was sucking, her face
full of devotion and need for him.

“Mmm… Arh… fummm…♥”

Senji switched the dicks in her mouth, making
sure no one was left without hefty coating of spit
polish on his cock-tip and balls. She paid special
attention to the captain, cleaning him of their
mixed fluids. But soon enough she felt the boy
under her start to stiffen.
“Sensei, I’m gonna cum!” he grunted
It was Senji’s signal to go all-out. She buried
the dick in her tunnel as deep as it would go,
and deepthroated one of the younger boys, her
tongue snaking out of her mouth to lick at his
“Hmm! ♥”
The swimmers came, more or less at once. Cum
splattered across Senji’s face, hitting her eye, as
her pussy and throat were filled with hot and
bitter seed. She drank it all down from both
mouths, pulling the dick in her mouth out with a
wet pop.
The smell of cum surrounded her, sinking into her
skin, penetrating through her nose to short-circuit
her brain. It was bliss.

Coming off the boy’s dick, Senji took her swimsuit

by the shoulder straps and pulled it off of her,
standing totally naked in front of the boys. She
sat on one of benches, leaning against a metal
locker behind her, and spread her pussy at the
swimmers. Cum kept dribbling out, sticking to the
hairs below her pussy and around her anus.
The boys felt their dicks harden again. Some
wanted to really lose their virginity, the captain
wanted to make her scream in orgasm. But all of
them wanted her wrapped around their cocks
some way.
Senji licked her lips, taking in a stray glob of cum.
“So, who’s next?”

Master: Well. Look at what we have here.

Senji: Thank you for purchasing us Master! We will
do our best. So please don’t hurt us.
Yurika: What you looking at? Idiot.
Sachi: Yurika. Be respectful to our Master. He is
going to take care of us right?
Master: Heh. You bet. Take a look at your gorgeous
bodies. Why don’t we get down to business?
Senji: What would you like the three of us to do
for you Master?
Master: Hmm... For a start, why not you ladies lap
around my giant cock and lick it like a dog?
Yurika: What? I’m not doing that for this digusting
Sachi: Yurika! Behave yourself and follow our
Master’s order.
Yurika ...
Master: That’s right Yurika. Listen to Sachi. If you
are good pet, I will treat you something special.
Yurika: Fine...

Senji: Mmm! ♥
Master: How’s the taste?
Senji: Your cock taste so delicious, Master!
Yurika: Mmm.... So this is how cock taste like.
Sachi: Ah. It tastes salty, but it feel good licking it.
Master: Hehe... That’s good to hear. keep licking
and you will get your reward.
Yurika: Reward?
Senji: Mmm? fluid seems to be coming out from
your cock, Master.
Master: Oh. That’s called pre-cum. It taste
delicious and healthy for you ladies too.
Sachi: Pre-cum?
Master: Yes. Keep licking it and you wil get your
delicious cum as a reward.
Yurika: It... taste... amazing...
Sachi, Yurika & Senji: Slurp! Mmm!♥
Master: Ahh... It’s coming out!
Sachi, Yurika & Senji: Ahh... Master’s cum taste so
Master: Heh. There is more to come.

Sachi: Ah! Master! Your cock is amazing. It’s so

deep inside me.
Master: Aww yeah. You like that, Sachi?
Sachi: Yes! I love it Master! Keep fucking me. Fuck
me like an animal! I’m all yours!
Master: That’s the spirit! Now. Before I give you
my wonderful cum. I need you to beg for it.
Sachi: B-beg?
Master: Just say the magic sentences and I will
give you all my cum you wanted.
Sachi: Master... Please cum inside me.
Master: What? What did you say? I didn’t catch
Sachi: P-please. G-give it to me.
Master: Huh? Did you said something?
Master: HERE YOU GO!
Sachi: Ahh! Master! Your cum is pouring too
much... ♥ I’m going to have Master’s baby. ♥
Master: Heh. You are going to reproduce a lot,

Master’s Friend: Woah. Your pet’s pussy is

Master: I know right? I train her everyday, so that
she will keep in shape.
Master’s Friend: Damn... She is so tight. I’m gonna
Master: Feel free to cum inside her as much as
you like.
Senji: Mmm... Ma-master’s cock... Taste so
Master: Well. Keep sucking it.
Senji: Mmm... Yes Master! ♥
Master’s Friend: I can’t take it anymore. I gonna
let it all out. Are you ready?
Master: Yep. Let’s do this together. Give her a
fulfilling experience.
Senji: Mmm... Master! Give me all of it!
Master’s Friend & Master: Here we go!
Senji: Ahh! ♥ Master wonderful cum. It taste so
good! ♥
Master’s Friend: Hey. Let’s switch side. I wanna try
her mouth.
Master: Sure. This is going to be a long session.

Stranger: Thanks for letting me using your pet’s

Master: Sure thing. Always glad to help out.
Yurika: Ah. Master’s cock. It taste so good. ♥
Master: See? It wasn’t that bad isn’t it? I told you
that you will eventually like it.
Yurika: Yes Master. I’m sorry that I’m wrong.
Master: Don’t worry everyone make mistakes. Just
keep sucking my cock.
Yurika: Yes master!
Stranger: Oh. I can’t take it anymore. I’m gonna
Yurika: Mmm! ♥
Stranger: Yes! Oh my god. Her pussy felt so good!
Master: She is a quality pet of mine. Best in town.
Stranger: Well... Look at these people crowding
around us, seems like they want to be part of the
Yurika: I-I want more cocks in my pussy. ♥
Master: Ah. Since you are such a good pet. You get
to have all the cocks around us today!
Yurika: Thank you Master!
Special thanks to our biggest kickstarter contributors:
Choong Jin Ping
Skyler A. Topete
Erick Abrego
Daniel J Carcamo
Kyle Young

Editor Note:
Thank you very much for purchasing the first volume
of this series. I hope you like the story so far. As this
is my first time, I greatly appreciate the fact that you
bought this book. Your support goes a long way. You
might notice that there isn’t much full on NTR action
yet. This is because I am laying out the foundation for
the story, so you will be seeing full blown NTR action
in the next volume. There will also be more erotic
scenes that you guys will love too.
So stay tuned!”

When Days Rewind Volume 1

Author: Tango
Co Author: Null
Illustrator: Magukappu
Publisher: Push Publication LLC
ISBN: 978-0-692-85669-7
© by Push Publication
Printed in Thailand
No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles or reviews. This book
is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses,
organizations, places, events and incidents either
are the product of the author’s imagination or
are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual
persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely
For more info:
Illustrator Pixiv ID: 75567
Second Editon: July 2017

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