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1. The basic functions of the family

2. Relationships
3. Modern and traditional family patterns
4. Career women
5. Problems in the family
6. The only child
7. Teenagers’ problems
8. Generation gap
9. Parental patterns
10. Importance of a friendship

1. to perceive unconditional love

to give/get emotional support

to give/get advice, help

to teach kids to distinguish between right and wrong (social skills, good manners)

to pass on knowledge, traditions, family history, set of values

to to teach coping skills

to show good example (role model)

to teach to accept/respect other people (tolerance)

2. to date/go out with

to get engaged (fiancé and fiancée)
to cohabit (common-law marriage)
to get married (husband and wife)
to break up/split up
to get divorced
to remarry sy
to die (widow/widower, orphan)

3. Traditional: father is the bread winner/wage earner who is responsible for creating
the stable financial background. He wears the trousers (he has a say), he makes
mother brings the kids up/raises the kids,
does the household chores:

do the cleaning clean the house

vacuuming vacuum the carpet
shopping buy food
ironing iron the clothes
cooking cook the dinner
washing-up wash the dishes
washing wash the clothes
mop the floor
dust the furniture
water the plants
sweep the floor

Modern: both spouses share the duties, kids are involved

4. Women started to take jobs (after WW2 there was a lack of workforce)
received university training/ degree
took responsibility at work (fulfilled requirements)
became more self-confident
earned good salary
became financially independent
pursued career
proved to be valuable workforce

Problem: if there is no balance between career and family

5. The main cause of the problems: lack of time and communication

Between parents and kids: kid cannot talk over his problem with anyone, cannot get any
advice/ help, becomes helpless, can turn to gangs (smoking,
drugs, petty thefts, burglaries, mugging juvenile

Between spouses: adultery

abuse (domestic violence)

addiction (alcoholism, drug-taking, gambling)

abnormal psychological behaviour (depression)


financial difficulties

alienated relationship

Consequence: divorce, separation – single parent /blended/patchwork family

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 more attention, time, love and money nobody around to

 can become more independent share things with
 is never bored nobody to talk to

feel lonely

7. at school: with teachers/ peers (about friends and love)

at home: fighting for independence (to treat kids as an adult or as a kid?)
appearance: frustrates them
8. It is a pile of problems between parents and their kids. People of the same age were
brought up according to the same educational principles. They had the same cultural,
political, social experiences – they think in a similar way. This way of life and way of
thinking is different from their kids’. Kids deny their parents’ ideas.

9. Permissive/lenient: parents want to express their love in the way that they let kids do

whatever they want – become spoilt

Authoritarian: parents make their kids obey/ observe the rules, they are

inconsiderate to their kids’ feelings.

Inconsistent: parents are sometimes strict, sometimes lenient but not when
situation requires

10. in case when you cannot turn to your family members

to ask for/give advice
to share common interest
to enjoy yourself/ have a good time

Wo is your friend?

How did you meet? How long have you known each other?

What does he look like/ What is he like?

What do you have in common?

What do you do together?

How do you keep in touch?

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