Practice English

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Student: Henry Ramirez Panduro

I. Now, complete the following chart with the previous example, using your information.

What’s your name? My name is Henry

What’s your last name? My last name is Ramirez Panduro

How old are you? I am 33 years old

Where are you from? I am from Peru

What do you do? I’m a civil construction technician

What’s your telephone number? My telephone number is 918230200

What’s your address My address is 345 Los Sauces

When is your birthday? My birthday is july 24

II. Write a paragraph about the answers of exercise I

My name is Henry, my last name is Ramirez Panduro. I am 33 years old and I am from Peru.

III. Greetings and farewells.

Good morning everyone. My name is Henry Ramirez , I’m from Tarapoto and i live in Tarapoto, My
address is 345 Los Sauces Banda de Shilcayo, I’m 33 years old, I’m a technician, I work at
Topography, thank you.

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