Batería Preguntas Bloomberg

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(Buscar preferentemente por término de la pregunta, no de la respuesta)

Q: How can you see the most important news specific to the bond markets?
A: top bon go
Q: Where can you learn more about the functionality and analytics available on bloom bergs
mortgage platform?
A: help mtge go
Q: bloomberg does not provide data or information on any matured bonds
A: false
Q: How can you see the intraday performance of the cash bond market broken down by sector?
A: FICM go
Q: when downloading data to excel for fixed income securities, you can specifiy the pricing source for
the data
A: CT5 @BGN Govt
Q: NIM go allows you to monitor information on upcoming and new issue bonds
A: True
Q: which of the following functions allows you to easily browse bloom bergs universe of securities and
A: SECF go
Q: what does the bGN pricing source represent
A: consensus pricing
Q: how can you easily find all the generic government tickers so that you can analyze historical yields
A: GGR go
Q: what is shown under ALLQ go
A: all of the above
Q: which function can you use to price squats for a particular security
A: ALLQ go
Q: which function will allow you to find curves for different countries regions and sectors
A: CRVF go
Q: what function allows you to see a bonds description
A: DES go
Q: which function can you use to screen for money market programs
Q: are there shortcuts for current on the run govt securities
A: Yes, CT
Q: you are looking at walt dissents bond with a coupon of etc
A: DIS y 3/32 Corp go
Q: which function allows you to create an aggregate list of securities to analyze
A: FIW go
Q: what does the ticker CTGBP5y represent
A: current 5y UK bond
Q: which of the following does SRCH go allow you to screen
A: all of the above
Q: how can you keep up to date with the latest bloomberg enhancements for fixed income
A: new go
Q: how can you quickly find ticker symbols of securities issued by government and gov agencies
A: govt TK go
Q: how can you chart the performance of the 3 year us treasury hidelds over the past 25 years
A: use GT3 govt with gp go
Q: if you know the specific bond you want to load what do you need to enter in the command line
A: any of the above
Q: which function allows you to set your pricing source defaults
A: PCS go
Q: bloomberg has bond and issuer ratings from more than 30 different credit ranking agencies
A: CRPR go
Q: Bond Principle
A: Large payment due at the end of the loan
Q: Fixed Income
A: ...
Q: When budgetary outlay (orange line) exceeds tax revenue (the white line)
A: The government is taking in less tax than it is spending, causing a budget deficit
Q: US Bonds
A: Are the most liquid tradable assets and are naturally US dollar denominated
Q: VIX Index
A: Allows investors to speculate on the volatility in market, it inverse of the market movement ie:
bear=high vol, bull=low vol (alt: Volatility index "fear gauge." Bond yields go down as this goes up)
Q: Bond coupons
A: regular fixed amount payments
Q: Fixed Income
A: Fixed amount of money returned (alt: another term for bond market)
A: = Yield (SIC: ‘’ yeild ‘’) (alt: Annual Percentage Rate)
Q: Price and Yield are
A: inversely related
Q: High yields and New lenders
A: Good
Q: High Yields and New Borrowers
A: Bad
Q: Low Yields and New Lenders
A: Bad
Q: Low Yields and New Borrowers
A: Good
Q: Bond valuation drivers
A: Credit risk and Macroeconomics
Q: Credit risk factors
A: Debt/GDP
Repayment schedule
Q: Credit Risk Indicators
A: Credit ratings
Credit default swaps
Q: Macroeconomics
A: short term interest rates
Q: The higher a government's debt burden in proportion to its GDP, the...
A: riskier its bonds
Q: The higher the deficit as a rate of GDP
A: the higher the rate at which the government is racking up debt
Q: Lower risk higher rated corporate bonds with a AAA to at least a -BBB are called
A: Investment Grade
Q: Higher risk lower rated corporate bonds -BBB and below are called
A: Non-investment Grade, speculative or high yield
Q: Credit Default Swaps
A: form of insurance against corporations going bust; provide a timely warning about impending
default because they are real time readings
Q: Inflation to Lenders
A: Bad
Q: Inflation to Borrowers
A: Good
Q: Deflation to Lenders
A: Good
Q: Deflation to Borrowers
A: Bad
Q: Bonds with the highest yield
A: are an investors best choice
Q: A high coupon/low yield has a
A: high price
Q: A longer maturity bond has a
A: high risk
Q: A high-priced bond offers a
A: lower return
Q: A bond yield
A: is just the interest rate on an equivalent bank account for the duration of the bond
Q: The three biggest factors driving bond yields are
A: the creditworthiness of the borrower
short term interest rates

Q: Central bank mandates

A: The happy medium
Q: Central bank decision making
A: Inflation measures
The output gap
Q: Central Bank Toolkit
A: Short term interest rates
Bloomberg (BMC) Concept Questions
and Answers
A rise in which of the following inputs will increase an absolute valuation? - THE
CORRECT ASNWER IS Earnings estimates
A rise in which of the following measures would typically send a government bond
up? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS Creditworthiness
A wedding planning company has a high fixed-cost base and a lot of debt. Who would
you rather be? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS A shareholder in a booming economy.
As a general rule, what percentage of debt to GDP will make a government's bond
yields spike? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS there is no general rule
At its peak at the end of 1999, Microsoft had a market cap of $600B, It was the apple of
its day as PC sales were booming and most ran Microsoft software. Revenue was
growing 30% per year. The P/E ratio peaked at 70.0x. Looking at this chart, what
happen in the subsequent 15years? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS The P/E ratio
drifted downwards, and this more than offset earnings growth, meaning that the shares
went down
By what mechanism do interest rates affect currency values? - THE CORRECT
ASNWER IS Global investors are attracted by higher bond yields in high interest rate
Company X was expected to have earnings per share of $0.52 for the upcoming
quarter. On the day of the results, the company reported earnings per share of $0.83.
What happened to the share price when the stock market opened? - THE CORRECT
ASNWER IS There is not enough information to tell.
Engines are the most expensive, heavy component on an aircraft and are designed with
detailed specifications. Which of the following would likely be the best theme for a
Royce analyst research note to help a portfolio manager decide between investing in
Rolls-Royce or United Technologies? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS A comparison of
the commercial prospects of new aircraft models
Here is the vicious deflationary cycle. What step connects the lower left gray arrow to
the upper right blue arrow? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS prices decline
How accurately do GDP statistics portray the economy and why? - THE CORRECT
ASNWER IS inaccurately because the scope of GDP measurements can change
How do earnings yields differ from bond yields? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS The
cash flow from equities can continue indefinitely while the cash flow from most bonds
comes to an end.
How do investors compare bonds? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS by comparing the
yields of single bonds
How have economic forecasts for this country (US) evolved? - THE CORRECT
ASNWER IS minimal change
How is enterprise value calculated? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS Enterprise value =
market cap - cash + debt
If the earnings per share of a company is $1 and the earnings yield is 2%, What is the
price per share? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS $50
Investors who fear rising inflation may buy Treasury Inflation Protected Securities
(TIPS). How do TIPS shield lenders from inflation? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS By
compensating investors for inflation
The purchase of which of the following products is most affected by interest rates? -
Were the two oil crises in the 1970s linked to deflation or inflation? - THE CORRECT
ASNWER IS inflation
What are the three main transmission mechanisms by which the yield curve affects the
economy? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS Corporate impact, global impact, consumer
What does one yellow bar depict in this debt distribution diagram? - THE CORRECT
ASNWER IS Coupon repayment
What does the Big Mac index show? - THE CORRECT ASNWER IS how currencies
may be overvalued or undervalued

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