SHAPE Project - Mary

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Social Media Hashtag #Sustainable Weave#

Operational Plan
From Mary (Yue Zhang)

1. Column Definition
“Sustainable Weave” aims to explore and disseminate sustainable
development practices and concepts, combining the historical heritage of the
Framework Knitters Museum with modern environmental issues. By
showcasing how the museum implements and advocates sustainability in
architecture, activities, and community involvement, this column seeks to
inspire public environmental awareness and encourage the community to
transition towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyles.

2. Inspiration
The inspiration comes from the museum's internal history and cultural value,
particularly its core — the knitting machines and sweater-making skills. These
skills not only reflect the innovative spirit of the Industrial Revolution but also
symbolize the possibility of achieving sustainable living through the
inheritance and innovation of craftsmanship. Additionally, the inspiration
comes from the current global emphasis on sustainable development,
especially today when consumerism is highly developed. Returning to
traditional crafts and using renewable resources to reduce environmental
footprints are particularly important. Combining historical heritage with modern
sustainable development perspectives, "Sustainable Weave" will become a
bridge connecting the past and future, tradition and innovation, not only telling
stories but also inspiring action.

3. Column Themes
1) Skill and Innovation (referencing past achievements of this topic):
Teaching Videos and Workshops: Demonstrating how to use renewable or
recycled materials for traditional knitting and sweater making.
Expert Interviews: Inviting designers and sustainable development experts to
discuss integrating traditional crafts into modern sustainable production
Innovative Case Studies: Sharing global examples of similar crafts that
innovate sustainably, inspiring the local community.

2) History and Modernity:

Sustainable Architectural Features: Introducing how the museum utilizes
energy-saving devices, green building materials, or renewable energy.
Historical Education Content: Connecting sustainable living practices from
history with modern environmental practices through storytelling, emphasizing
lessons from history applied today.
Virtual Tours: Using social media platforms for virtual tours of the museum,
highlighting sustainable elements in the architecture and exhibits.

3) Education and Community:

Community Workshops: Organizing workshops to teach residents how to
produce sustainable products or implement sustainable practices at home.
Volunteer Stories: Sharing stories of museum volunteers and participants,
highlighting how their involvement in museum activities changes their
lifestyles and impacts the community.
Interactive Activities: Hosting online and onsite Q&A sessions, discussions,
and challenges to encourage community members to explore and practice
sustainable development strategies together.

4. Content Forms
1) Image and Text Introductions:
Detailed Images: Displaying features of the museum such as its historic
architecture, unique knitting machines, and specifics of the museum’s
environmental renovations. These images can be professional photographs or
vibrant visitor photos showing daily life and activities at the museum.
In-depth Text Descriptions: Providing background information about the
content shown in the images, such as the history of the knitting machines, the
sustainable renovation features of the building, and how the museum uses
these resources to promote education on sustainable development.

2) Video Interviews:
Volunteer and Staff Interviews: Recording video interviews to show how
museum volunteers and staff engage in sustainable development practices,
encouraging more people to participate.
Visitor Feedback: Creating short videos to record visitor experiences and
perceptions, especially their views on the museum's sustainable education
and activities.
Live Streaming: Live streaming special events or workshops, allowing
audiences who cannot be present to participate in the activities.

3) Teaching Videos:
Craftsmanship Teaching: Producing a series of teaching videos to instruct
viewers on using traditional techniques to make sweaters and other
handicrafts, inviting experienced artisans to demonstrate skills from basic to
Sustainable Living Skills Sharing: Creating video content to share tips on
implementing sustainable living practices at home, such as using
environmentally friendly materials and water and energy-saving techniques.

4) Interactive Content:
Q&A Sessions: Regularly hosting Q&A sessions on social media to answer
fans' questions about museum exhibits, activities, and sustainable
User-Generated Content (UGC) Challenges: Launching themed challenges,
such as the “Environmental Living Challenge,” encouraging fans to submit
their environmental actions or handicrafts and share them on social media.
Online Interactive Exhibitions: Using digital media to link to online
interactive exhibitions, allowing audiences to virtually visit the museum and
learn about the sustainable development stories behind the exhibits.

5. Social Media Platform Analysis

1) Facebook Platform Hashtag
Facebook is the world’s leading social platform with over three billion users
covering politics, economics, society, culture, art, and more. It has a broad
audience interest and age distribution, making it the most influential and
widely covered social platform internationally, supporting diverse content
forms like images and videos. Establishing an account on Facebook can
deepen global users' understanding of Framework Knitters Museum +

Note: Since Facebook supports video posting and video collections, it is

feasible to delay launching video-centric platforms like YouTube and TikTok
until the operations on Facebook and Twitter are mature, then expand to more

2) Twitter Platform Hashtag

Twitter (X Platform) provides a platform for discussing current global events
and hot topics, covering everything from breaking news, entertainment
information, sports news, political news, to daily information. Users can post
messages up to 140 characters and videos up to 140 seconds. The language
on Twitter tends to be more colloquial and information more fragmented,
making it a primary channel for city governments and official institutions to
release information and news.

Unlike Facebook, Twitter's users are younger, and the platform encourages
concise and rapid content sharing. The Twitter account will focus more on
posting updates related to the museum’s core line, including latest news,
event information, cultural and historical anecdotes, and interesting stories.

6. Weekly Posting Plan (content varies slightly between platforms)

To maintain audience attention and ensure content diversity, three posts are
published each week, each focusing on a different theme. This frequency
ensures continuous content updates without overwhelming the audience.

Specific Schedule:
Monday: Posts related to "Skill and Innovation". Every Monday, we explore
the achievements of the Framework Knitters Museum in skill and innovation.
This column will show how traditional skills combined with modern
environmental technology are used for sustainable architectural renovations,
such as using recycled materials for building renovations or adopting energy-
saving systems to reduce overall energy consumption. We will also share
practical examples demonstrating how the museum optimizes resource use
through innovative methods to achieve energy savings and emission

Wednesday: Focus on the "History and Modernity" theme. Every Wednesday,

the "Sustainable Weave" column takes you through the intersection of history
and modernity, sharing various activities the museum has initiated to promote
sustainable development. Whether it’s about sustainable fashion special
lectures, craftsmanship workshops, or community involvement projects, we
will provide detailed introductions to these activities' organization processes,
participation experiences, and their positive impacts on the community and

Friday: Friday's content focuses on "Education and Community", telling how

the Framework Knitters Museum enhances the public's awareness and
involvement in sustainable development through educational programs and
community activities. With a special focus on the elderly demographic, we will
showcase how they acquire new skills and make new friends through their
participation in museum activities, and how these activities help them
overcome loneliness, bringing positive energy to the community.

On Special Events or Important Holidays (such as Earth Day, World

Environment Day, etc.): Increase posting frequency or launch special
programs to enhance public environmental awareness and involvement. This
may include live streaming major events, hosting online Q&A sessions, or
publishing specially planned content related to the day, thus attracting a
broader audience to participate in our sustainable development mission.

7. User Interaction Week:

Every month, we will host a "User Interaction Week," a specially designed
event for the audience to encourage them to share their sustainable living
practices and handicrafts. The primary purpose of this interactive activity is to
promote community exchange and learning while showcasing the diversity
and creativity of sustainable living styles.

Activity Content:
 Theme Sharing: Each interaction week will have a specific theme,
such as "Zero Waste Living," "DIY Sustainable Fashion," or "Green
Living Tips." These themes are intended to guide participants to think
about and explore different aspects of sustainable living.
 Work Submission: Participants can upload pictures or videos via
social media to showcase their handicrafts or their sustainable living
styles. Participants need to use a specific activity tag, such as
#SustainableWeaveChallenge, to make it easy to find and share.
 Online Seminars: To further increase interactivity, the museum will
organize online seminars, inviting experts in sustainable living to
discuss related topics and provide practical advice and tips. These
seminars are open to everyone, aimed at educating and inspiring more
sustainable living practices.
Interaction and Rewards:
 Interactive Voting: Community members can vote for their favorite
works. This not only adds a fun element to the interaction but also
makes the community members feel they have a real impact on the
 Displaying Outstanding Works: At the end of each interaction week,
the works that receive the most votes will be specially displayed on the
museum's social media platforms and may also be displayed on
screens inside the museum, allowing more visitors to appreciate these
outstanding creative efforts.
 Award Presentation: To encourage more participation and innovation,
the museum will provide small prizes for the winners, such as museum
tickets, specially customized souvenirs, or sustainable living toolkits.
In this way, the Framework Knitters Museum's “Sustainable Weave” column is
not just a one-way information dissemination channel but an active community
interaction platform, encouraging and motivating the public to actively
participate in sustainable development practices. This interaction method
helps establish a more cohesive and participatory community environment
and also allows the museum's mission and activities to receive broader
recognition and support.

8. Long-Term Planning
To ensure the long-term success and sustained impact of the “Sustainable
Weave” column, here is a detailed long-term plan, including content
development, technology use, partnership establishment, and evaluation
Content Development:
 Diverse Content: Over time, based on audience feedback and
participation, gradually introduce new themes and content forms.
Considering technological and trend developments, introduce more
multimedia elements like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality
(AR) to enhance the user experience.
 Regular Content Review: Conduct a content effectiveness review
quarterly, analyzing which themes or formats are most popular and
which need improvement or updating. Use a data-driven approach to
optimize content strategy.
Technology Use:
 Enhanced Social Media Tools: Invest in social media management
and analysis tools to more effectively publish content, monitor user
behavior, and optimize social media strategies.
 Expansion of Interactive Platforms: Develop or integrate more
advanced online interactive platforms, such as online forums or custom
applications, which can be used for deeper user interaction and
personalized content.
Partnership Relationships:
 Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Establish partnerships
with schools, universities, and other educational institutions to co-
develop educational projects, not only expanding the audience base
but also deepening the educational impact on sustainable development
 Joining Forces with Environmental Organizations: Collaborate with
environmental NGOs to jointly host events and promotions, enhancing
the content's authority and real impact.
Evaluation and Feedback:
 Regular User Surveys: Collect audience opinions through online
surveys and direct feedback to understand the audience's satisfaction
with the column, suggestions for improvement, and new needs.
 Performance Monitoring and Reporting: Establish a comprehensive
performance monitoring system to regularly assess social media
metrics (such as view counts, interaction rates, and engagement
levels) and the achievement of business objectives.
Sustainability and Scalability:
 Fundraising: To ensure the project's ongoing operation and
development, explore various funding sources, including sponsorships,
government grants, and public donations.
 Expansion to New Markets: Based on the initial success of the
project, consider expanding the “Sustainable Weave” to other regions
or international markets, especially those interested in sustainable

9. Interaction Strategy
1. Survey Questionnaires:
 Purpose: Regularly publish online survey questionnaires to collect
audience views on sustainable development topics, expectations, and
feedback on column content. This will help us better understand
audience needs and interests, thereby adjusting and optimizing future
 Implementation: Send questionnaire links through social media and
the museum's mailing list, encouraging broad participation. The
questionnaire design will include multiple-choice questions, rating
questions, and open-ended questions to obtain detailed feedback.
 Feedback Utilization: Organize questionnaire data, regularly post
summaries of audience feedback on social media, and explain how
these feedbacks are used to adjust column strategies.
2. Q&A Sessions:
 Purpose: Regularly host Q&A sessions on social media to directly
answer audience questions about sustainable development, museum
activities, and related topics, enhancing user participation and
 Implementation: Set up a special "Q&A Day," using social media
platforms (such as Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, or Twitter) to
answer questions in real-time. Audience members can also submit
questions in advance, answered by museum experts or special guests.
 Added Value Content: Organize highlights from the Q&A sessions into
documents or videos, serving as a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
resource published on the museum's website and social media.
3. Challenges:
 Purpose: Organize activities like the “Green Living Challenge” to
encourage community members to share their sustainable living
practices, enhancing community interaction and participation.
 Implementation: Launch the challenge, requiring participants to post
their green living practices on social media, such as energy-saving tips
or creative uses for repurposed items. Participants need to use a
specific activity tag, such as #GreenLifeChallenge, to facilitate tracking
and display.
 Incentive Mechanism: To increase participation, set rewards for the
challenge, such as the Best Creativity Award or Community Favorite
Award. Winners can receive museum tickets, books related to
sustainable living, or other prizes. Additionally, outstanding works will
be showcased on the museum's social media, enhancing the winners'
sense of honor.
Through the implementation of these interaction strategies, not only can the
“Sustainable Weave” column's interactivity and participation be enhanced, but
a positive, sustainability-focused community environment can also be
established. This will help promote the museum's mission while enhancing the
public's awareness and practice of sustainable living styles.

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