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Titanic Mystery

Its been 100 years since the sinking of the Titanic ship but the foundation for the sinking had started
3000 years ago. Do you believe that a small key is the reason for the sinking of Titanic ship?

The hero and heroines of Titanic movie did the love story between them really happen? There are many
conspiracy theories about the wreck of the Titanic ship. Which one is true among them? What was the
real reason behind the sinking of that ship?

Exactly 3000 years ago, in 1000 BC, a glacier named Greenland was formed on the waters of the Atlantic
Ocean. How big it is, Its length about 1 km, and it weighted 2.5 million tons. Later in 1909 BC a small part
of it was broken from that glacier and dropped into the ocean, it started to float and started to move.
Exactly at that time White Star Line Company, prepared to make a ship which is the most biggest in the
world. And they named that as the Titanic which reflects the sound Titan. Here the construction of the
Titanic is going on. There in the Atlantic ocean, the iceberg was moving towards the Titanic ship. Many
people are saying that the titanic is so big how big it is. If we stand it in vertical direction, it length was
times the Egypt pyramids, they called the titanic as moving palace. Because on that ship there was one
tennis court, one swimming pool, one golf court, a post office, a library, a barbar shop, kids play ground,
a hospital with an operation theater. A big city was there in that. The furniture which was used in that
was made by famous designers. The first class ticket for this ship costs $4350 in that time itself. Means
$1,00,000 in present days currency. So they called Titanic as Millionaire express.15000 persons
continuously worked on it for 3 years to complete the construction of the ship. There were still few
weeks of the completion. At that time, a chamber which was there to store the fuel caught fire. Due to
the fire, more than 1000 degree celcius heat was created and the iron in that are lost its grip. But if that
matter came out, for the reason that the company’s honour may be lost they covered with paintings.
Even before the starting of Titanic ship, many people observed the place where they covered it with the
paintings. But they didn’t take that as a serious matter. Because the titanic was a very big ship in the
world, they carefully constructed that in the matter of safety. The bottom part of the water lever of the
Titanic, there were 15 water tight compartments. At any time, if the water came in due to
depressurization, those 15 chambers would get locked with in 25 seconds. If 4 chambers got damaged
among the 15 chambers, the titanic can still float due to the remaining 11 chambers. That’s why the
titanic was called as “the unsinkable ship”. When the time they sought to start the ship, the second
officer of that ship while checking the ship, he locked a locker safe and kept that key in his pocket. On
the same day the captain of the ship removed the second office blair and appointed a new person in
blairs place. Blair forgot the key which was in his pocket and went to home. The day arrived which most
of the people were waiting for April 12 1912. On that day at 12 PM the ship was sailed. At then the
iceberg was at 500 kms from the titanic. There were 2224 passengers in the titanic. For their food, there
were 10 tons of meat, 1 ton of fresh fish, 40 tons potatoes, 3 tons of tomato, 5 tones of sugar, 35000
eggs and many tons of food, they carried in the ship. The best chefs were there on the ship. It costs
about 7.5 million dollars to construct the ship. In present currency it is 166 million dollars. It took
anextra 34 million dollars to make the film Titanic than the construction of the ship. Titanic records not
only in its size but also in its speed. Maximum speed of the Titanic was 50 km/hr. Titanic rushed into the
ocean with the same speed. To make the look of the ship royal and dignified, they placed 4 smoke pipes
on that ship. But in reality only 3 smoke pipes were working. The fourth one was designed only for the
purpose of the look itself. On that night 12 honeymoon couples were there. The captain went to the
safe to get his binoculars to watch the object which are in the snow in the dark night. Then he observed
that the safe key was not on the ship. The key was in the pocket of the second office Blair. That key
came to auction after 90 years. In the auction , it sold for $1,50,000. The captain appointed guards to
check, whether any obstacles were there in the way the whole night. The next @ 11.40 PM in front of
the Titanic, an iceberg was standing very majestically and alarmingly. They have seen the ice berg 37
seconds before hitting it. Why because only the ice berg narrow part was in front of them. If the width
of the iceberg is in front of us, we have seen a kilometer before. But no one escape from Titanic task.
The captain had only 37 seconds to react. Immediately he ordered to reverse the ship and turn to left.
But within the last 10 seconds, the ice berg had hit the weak place in the ship where the fire accident
took place. Immediately within 25 minutes water entered the locked chambers. If only 4 chambers were
damaged, Titanic definitely might not have sunk. But bad luck 6 chambers were damaged. The risk
damage was started. Except life boats there is no other option to the passengers to save their life’s .
Because the water in the sea was in a frozen state, that is in the minus degrees. If they jumped into
water, cardiac arrest might happen, and they may die within a fraction of seconds. Immediately the
captain asked them to move the women and children in to the life boats. To give a chance to passengers
to escape, 30 engineers on the ship, decided to run the engines without letting the power off till the
end. But at last, none of the engineer’s dead body was found. There were 8 musicians on the ship who
played live music. They too played the music till last minute the boat sank. There were only 16 life boats
on the ship. But to save all the passengers there must be 48 boats. That is not the negligence of the
While Line Company. At that time there was a rule that the number of boats were placed according to
water displacement, not according to the number of passengers on the ship. If we see by this rule 16
boars is correct for the Titanic. But that rule is not sufficient to save the lives. They did not use those life
boats in the correct manner. Each life boat capacity is 70 passengers. But they thought it might not
support and the moved only 20 passengers into each boat. After hitting the iceberg, had the crew
followed the plan correctly, still 553 member might be alive. After the titanic hit iceberg, it sank after 2
hours 45 minutes in the Atlantic ocean. On that day, if they had found the binoculars, they might have
found the iceberg before 3 kms distance. Had the iceberg changed its width, the might have found the
iceberg before 1 km distance. Or else on that day, if the clouds might move from the moon they might
have found it 20 seconds before. If the iceberg did not hit in the place of the fire accident, or else if only
4 chambers took the water instead of the 6, this disaster might not have happened. There is no chance
of the death of 1600 people. They sent a distress signal and shot fire works into the sky to save them. At
the same time there was a ship called California which was 12 kms distance away. They saw the fire
works and thought that there might be celebrations on the Titanic. There was ship called Samson which
was 12 kms distance. They too observed the lights. But they did not go to save them. Because at that
time they were doing illegal shipping. The only passenger ship which hit the iceberg and sunk into seas
the Titanic. After 73 years of the sinking of the titanic, no one found its whereabouts. When it was found
along with that for the first time they found the bacteria which eats iron called Halomonas Titanicae. In
few years that bacteria would have eaten the whole of the Titanic. Then our interesting question is were
there Rose and Jack on the Titanic ship? On the Titanic reservation chart there were two ladies with the
name Rose. At the time of entering on to the ship one of them was the mother for two children. Another
girl was the worker on that ship. So there were no office role on the ship. James Cameron wished to
entertain to add some scenes to this tragic movie. So he added some interesting scenes. What ever it
may Titanic place is the serious hazards in history.

On April 10 1912 Titanic set sail on its maiden voyage, traveling from England, to New York City.
Nicknamed the “Millionaire’s Special,” the ship was captained by Edward J. Smith`

The ship received six warnings about icebergs during the voyage.

The iceberg was around 100 feet tall and came from a glacier in Greenland.

Why did the Titanic sink? It was Captain Smith’s


This was Captain E. J. Smith’s retirement trip. All he had to do was get to New York
in record time. Captain E. J. Smith said years before the Titanic’s voyage, “I cannot
imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. Modern shipbuilding
has gone beyond that.” Captain Smith ignored seven iceberg warnings from his
crew and other ships. If he had called for the ship to slow down then maybe the
Titanic disaster would not have happened.

It was the shipbuilder’s fault

About three million rivets were used to hold the sections of the Titanic together.
Some rivets have been recovered from the wreck and analysed. The findings show
that they were made of sub-standard iron. When the ship hit the iceberg, the force
of the impact caused the heads of the rivets to break and the sections of the Titanic
to come apart. If good quality iron rivets had been used the sections may have
stayed together and the ship may not have sunk.

It was Bruce Ismay’s fault

Bruce Ismay was the Managing Director of the White Star Line and he was aboard
the Titanic. Competition for Atlantic passengers was fierce and the White Star Line
wanted to show that they could make a six-day crossing. To meet this schedule the
Titanic could not afford to slow down. It is believed that Ismay put pressure on
Captain Smith to maintain the speed of the ship.

It was Thomas Andrews’ fault

The belief that the ship was unsinkable was, in part, due to the fact that the Titanic
had sixteen watertight compartments. However, the compartments did not reach
as high as they should have done. The White Star Line did not want them to go all
the way up because this would have reduced living space in first class. If Mr
Andrews, the ship’s architect, had insisted on making them the correct height then
maybe the Titanic would not have sunk.

It was Captain Lord’s Fault

The final iceberg warning sent to Titanic was from the Californian. Captained by
Stanley Lord, she had stopped for the night about 19 miles north of Titanic. At
around 11.15, Californian’s radio operator turned off the radio and went to bed.
Sometime after midnight the crew on watch reported seeing rockets being fired
into the sky from a big liner. Captain Lord was informed but it was concluded that
the ship was having a party. No action was taken by the Californian. If the
Californian had turned on the radio she would have heard the distress messages
from Titanic and would have been able to reach the ship in time to save all

Was Captain Smith past his best?

Was money a key factor in the disaster?
Did laws need to be changed?
Who was to blame for the sinking of the Titanic?

Both America and Britain held inquiries into the disaster. both reached the almost
identical conclusions.
The American inquiry concluded that Captain Smith should have slowed the speed
of the boat given the icy weather conditions.
The British inquiry, on the other hand, concluded that maintaining speed in icy
weather conditions was common practice.
Both inquiries agreed on who was most at fault – Captain Stanley Lord of the
Californian. The inquiries stated that if Lord had gone to Titanic’s assistance when
the first rocket was seen then everyone would have been saved.
Both inquiries made recommendations:
All ships must carry sufficient lifeboats for the number of passengers on board.
Ship radios should be manned 24 hours a day.
Regular lifeboat drills should be held.
Speed should be reduced in ice, fog or any other areas of possible danger.

The Titanic cost $7.5 million to build.

More than 15,000 men worked on the ship during its construction in Belfast,
Northern Ireland.
The Titanic featured an onboard swimming pool, a gymnasium, a squash
court, and a Turkish bath and two separate libraries — one for first-class
passengers, and one for second class.

The top speed of the Titanic was 23 knots (more than 26 miles per hour).

The Titanic originally was designed to carry 64 lifeboats. To save from

cluttering decks, the ship ended up carrying 20 on her maiden voyage.

Only 706 passengers and crew would survive the disaster.

the Titanic was stocked with 20,000 bottles of beer and stout, 1,500 bottles of
wine and 8,000 cigars for use by first-class passengers.

Second-class accommodations were equivalent to first class in most other

ocean liners of the time.

The Titanic's crew failed to fire correct distress signals after hitting the
iceberg. Random rockets were fired, but according to the British inquiry into
the wreck, the message sent by the rockets' pattern never signaled "distress."
Instead, the incorrect rocket pattern signaled to any ship in the area the
message: "I'm having navigation problem. Please stand clear."

A nearby vessel could be seen off the port side of the Titanic, but the ship's
identity remains a mystery. The ship probably was either the Californian or a
sealer called the Sampson. Had it responded, the ship would have arrived in
time to save many Titanic passengers.

The Titanic went under the waves at 2:20 a.m. ship's time April 15, about 400
miles off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland.

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