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Composition & Literature 2A- Lesson 3 Writing Assignment

Your Name: Lorena Almeida de Pazolini

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School: Centro Educacional Leonardo da Vinci

Classroom Teacher’s Name: John Davies

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Comp & Lit 2A

Lesson 3 Writing Assignment

Write two paragraphs analyzing conflict in either “The Scholarship Jacket”

or “The Stolen Party.”

Choose two types of conflict (internal conflict: good vs. good, good vs.
bad, bad vs. bad; external conflict: character vs. character, character vs.
society, character vs. nature, character vs. technology, character vs.
supernatural) and write a two-paragraph paper analyzing how the author
develops conflict in either “The Scholarship Jacket” or “The Stolen
Party.” You may choose to analyze two types of internal conflict, two
types of external conflict, or one type of internal and one type of external
conflict. Each paragraph should discuss one type of conflict and should
include a topic sentence, 3-5 supporting sentences, and a clincher.

Use this section to generate ideas to write about. Write down ideas for at
least four types of conflict on the chart; the more the better!

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Title of Short Story You Will Write About:

The Stolen Party
(either “The Scholarship Jacket”
or “The Stolen Party”)

Type of Conflict

Inner: Good vs. Good

Inner: Bad vs. Bad

Rosaura experiences an inner conflict of

good versus bad as she grapples with the
moral ambiguity of her situation at the
birthday party. Initially excited to attend and
eager to believe that she will be treated
equally, Rosaura's optimism is challenged
when she is assigned the role of the maid's
assistant by Senora Ines. Despite feeling
uneasy about the unfairness of the
assignment, Rosaura wants to be polite and
helpful, aligning with her innate goodness.
However, as the story progresses, Rosaura
Inner: Good vs. Bad begins to feel increasingly marginalized and
disheartened by the treatment she receives,
conflicting with her sense of fairness and
justice. This inner conflict intensifies when
Rosaura confronts the host about her
promised reward and is met with indifference
and dismissal from Senora Ines. This internal
struggle highlights the complexity of
navigating moral dilemmas in the face of
societal injustices, as Rosaura must
reconcile her desire to do what is right with
the harsh realities of class hierarchy and
social inequality.

External: The interactions between Rosaura, the main

character, and the host’s mother, Senora
Character vs. Character Ines are an example of character vs
character conflict. At first, the girl is eager to
attend the birthday celebration and believes
she will be treated equally to all the other
guests. However, as the story unfolds,
Senora Ines, representing the rich class,
asserts her power over Rosaura due to
social hierarchy, assigning her chores.

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Moreover, tensions grow when Rosaura

confronts the host regarding her promised
reward. Despite that, Senora Ines brushes
off the girl’s concerns with indifference,
giving her money instead of the birthday
souvenir. Therefore, this situation
emphasizes the challenges faced by the girl
and the social hierarchy.

The external conflict is primarily faced by

Rosaura, especially when she interacts with
the party guests and the host family.
Rosaura, a young and poor girl, finds herself
at odds with the societal expectations and
norms perpetuated by the affluent class.
From the moment she arrives at the birthday
party, Rosaura is confronted with limitations
External: imposed by hierarchy norms. When Rosaura
Character vs. Society is assigned the role of the maid’s assistant
by Senora Ines, it symbolizes the
predetermined roles dictated by class
distinctions within society. Therefore, this
conflict between Rosaura and the society
underscores the influence of social norms
and expectations, highlighting the inherited
challenges faced by those marginalized by
societal structures.

[Your Choice]

[Your Choice]

[Your Choice]

1. When you are finished, review your chart. Add extra examples if more
come to mind.
2. Decide which examples will be best to write about. You should be able
to clearly label the type of conflict and explain with examples how it is
developed in the story.
3. Then, put a star next to your two favorite examples of conflict. Make
sure you have chosen two different types of conflict to write about.

Use this graphic organizer to organize your ideas for each paragraph.

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See Shelf 12 in the Learning Library for a reminder about how to create
strong paragraphs.

Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1 Topic Sentence
Write one, clear sentence that states what type of conflict you will be
discussing. Include the author’s name, names of any characters that will be
included (if applicable), as well as the name of the story.

In the story “The Stolen Party”, written by Liliana Hekee, the character
vs. character conflict between Rosaura and Senora Ines exemplifies the
tensions arising from social hierarchy.

Supporting Sentences
Write 3-5 clear sentences that explain how the author develops conflict in
the story you chose. Make sure you use examples from the story and then
explain how those examples support your argument.

Throughout the story, Rosaura attends to the birthday celebration and

initially believes she will be treated just like the other guests.

However, Senora Ines, representing the wealthy class, reaffirms her

power over Rosaura due to social hierarchy, assigning her demanding tasks
such as assisting the maid.

Furthermore, tensions intensify when Rosaura confronts Senora Ines

regarding her promised reward for her work.

Despite Rosaura’s efforts to assert her rights, Senora Ines dismisses

her concerns with indifference, giving her money instead of the birthday

These situations underscore the challenges faced by Rosaura in

navigating the social hierarchy and assert her place within it.

Concluding Sentence
Write a sentence that sums up the main idea of your
paragraph. Remember that the strongest clinchers connect
to an idea that your readers are familiar with.

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Tip: Do you mention your main idea (conflict) and your characters in your
concluding sentence, also? That will help you stay on prompt.

Therefore, through the character vs. character conflict between

Rosaura and Senora Ines, "The Stolen Party" effectively portrays the
struggles of individuals from lower social classes against the entrenched
power dynamics of the wealthy, highlighting the pervasive influence of
social hierarchy on interpersonal relationships.

Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2 Topic Sentence
Write one, clear sentence that states the second type of conflict you will be

Moreover, “The Stolen Party” highlights Rosaura’s internal conflict of

good vs. bad, facing a thought choice between doing what’s right and
what’s easy at the birthday party.

Supporting Sentences
Write 3-5 clear sentences that explain how the author develops this second
type of conflict in the story. Make sure you use examples from the story and
then explain how those examples support your argument.

At first, she is excited to go and hopes everyone will be treated fairly,

but when she’s asked to do the maid’s job, she feels uncomfortable.

Still, she tries to be nice and helpful, which shows her integrity and
good personality.

As things go on, Rosaura starts feeling left out and sad because of
how she is treated, which goes against what she thinks is fair.

This struggle gets worse when she asks for the promised reward and
is ignored.

This shows how hard it can be to make the right choices when unfair
things happen, especially when it’s about class and how people are treated

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Concluding Sentence
Write a sentence that sums up the main idea of your second paragraph.
Remember that the strongest clinchers connect to an idea that your readers
are familiar with.

Tip: Do you mention your main idea (conflict) and your characters in your
concluding sentence, also? That will help you stay on prompt.

In conclusion, Rosaura’s internal conflict of good vs. bad highlights the

complexity of moral dilemmas faced by individuals in the face of societal
injustices, emphasizing the resilience of her character despite the
challenges she encounters.

In the space below, write a first draft of two complete paragraphs based on
your prewriting, above. Use correct paragraph form (no bullets or numbers,
full sentences, two units of 5-10 sentences).

In the story “The Stolen Party”, written by Liliana Hekee, the character

vs. character conflict between Rosaura and Senora Ines exemplifies the

tensions arising from social hierarchy. Throughout the story, Rosaura

attends to the birthday celebration and initially believes she will be treated

just like the other guests. However, Senora Ines, representing the wealthy

class, reaffirms her power over Rosaura due to social hierarchy, assigning

her demanding tasks such as assisting the maid. Furthermore, tensions

intensify when Rosaura confronts Senora Ines regarding her promised

reward for her work. Despite Rosaura’s efforts to assert her rights, Senora

Ines dismisses her concerns with indifference, giving her money instead of

the birthday souvenir. These situations underscore the challenges faced by

Rosaura in navigating the social hierarchy and assert her place within it.

Therefore, through the character vs. character conflict between Rosaura

and Senora Ines, "The Stolen Party" effectively portrays the struggles of

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individuals from lower social classes against the entrenched power

dynamics of the wealthy, highlighting the pervasive influence of social

hierarchy on interpersonal relationships.

Moreover, “The Stolen Party” highlights Rosaura’s internal conflict of good

vs. bad, facing a thought choice between doing what’s right and what’s easy

at the birthday party. At first, she is excited to go and hopes everyone will

be treated fairly, but when she’s asked to do the maid’s job, she feels

uncomfortable. Still, she tries to be nice and helpful, which shows her

integrity and good personality. As things go on, Rosaura starts feeling left

out and sad because of how she is treated, which goes against what she

thinks is fair. The struggle gets worse when she asks for the promised

reward and is ignored. This shows how hard it can be to make the right

choices when unfair things happen, especially when it’s about class and

how people are treated differently. In conclusion, Rosaura’s internal conflict

of good vs. bad highlights the complexity of moral dilemmas faced by

individuals in the face of societal injustices, emphasizing the resilience of

her character despite the challenges she encounters.

Ask a learning partner or friend to read your work. Show them the rubric
and ask for advice about how to improve each part of your graphic
organizer. Also show your draft to your Classroom Teacher for feedback.
Then, make necessary changes to your draft.
Use what you learn from the review to make thoughtful changes to your
work. At this point, review and revise to organize and develop your ideas. In
the next section, you will review and edit to correct grammar and spelling
errors. Keep revising until your paragraph is just the way you want it.

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Look at your revised paragraph. In this step, focus on grammar and spelling
only. Correct grammar and spelling errors. Ask for help if you need it.

When you finish revising and editing, do these two things in the spaces
1. After you have revised your work, write your final draft in the box
below. There should be evidence of thoughtful change from your first
to your final draft.
2. Answer the three reflection questions in the second box.

Final Draft
Remember to write your final draft in paragraph form rather than in lists,
bullet points, or phrases. Visit Shelf 12 in our Learning Library for a review
of paragraph structure.

In the story "The Stolen Party”, written by Liliana Hekee, the character vs.

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character conflict between Rosaura and Senora Ines exemplifies the

tensions arising from the social hierarchy. Throughout the story, Rosaura

attends the birthday celebration and initially believes she will be treated just

like the other guests. However, Senora Ines, representing the wealthy

class, reaffirms her power over Rosaura due to social hierarchy, assigning

her demanding tasks such as assisting the maid. Furthermore, tensions

intensify when Rosaura confronts Senora Ines regarding her promised

reward for her work. Despite the efforts of Rosaura to assert her rights,

Senora Ines dismisses her concerns with indifference, giving her money

instead of the birthday souvenir. These situations underscore the

challenges faced by Rosaura in navigating the social hierarchy and

asserting her place within it. Therefore, through the character vs. character

conflict between Rosaura and Senora Ines, "The Stolen Party” effectively

portrays the struggles of individuals from lower social classes against the

entrenched power dynamics of the wealthy, highlighting the pervasive

influence of social hierarchy on interpersonal relationships.

Moreover, "The Stolen Party” highlights Rosaura’s internal conflict of good

vs. bad, facing a difficult choice between doing what’s right and what’s easy

at the birthday party. At first, she is excited to go and hopes everyone

will receive fair treatment, but when assigned to do the maid’s job, she feels

uncomfortable. Still, she tries to be pleasant and helpful, which shows her

integrity and gracious personality. As things go on, Rosaura starts feeling

left out and sad because of the handling she receives, which goes against

what she thinks is fair. The struggle worsens when she asks for the

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promised reward and is ignored. Therefore, it shows how hard it can be to

make the right choices when unfair things happen, especially when it’s

about class and how people experience different treatment. In conclusion,

Rosaura’s internal conflict of good vs. bad highlights the complexity of moral

dilemmas faced by individuals in the face of societal injustices, emphasizing

the resilience of her character despite the challenges she encounters.

Answer these questions in complete, thoughtful sentences:
1. How is the conflict you noticed in the story similar to or different
from conflicts you have faced in your own life? Why?
2. What was the hardest part about this assignment? Why?
3. What was the biggest change you made from your first draft to
your final draft?

1. The conflict I noticed in the story is similar to conflicts I have faced

in my own life. Like Rosaura, I have encountered situations where I felt

unfairly treated or overlooked. In High School, I was part of a group project

with people I was not friends with and where everyone was supposed to

contribute equally. But, as the project progressed, it became clear that

some members were doing more work than others, as some were

distracted from the activity. Moreover, the group leader overlooked my

contributions and seemed more focused on rewarding their friends.

Therefore, it was frustrating to witness my efforts being ignored, just like in

"The Stolen Party".

2. The hardest part about this assignment was identifying the conflicts in the

story, as conflicts can manifest in various forms, including interpersonal,

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societal, and internal. Therefore, a deeper analysis was necessary to

understand and identify each conflict.

3. The best change I made from my first draft to my final draft was

improving the language and the structure of the sentences. I aimed to

enhance clarity and coherence, so I revised word choice and sentence flow

and ensured consistency.

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