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Modelling the mushy region in a binary alloy

V. R. Voller and A. D. Brent*

Department of Civil and Mineral Engineering, Mineral Resources Research Center,

University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

C. Prakash

General Electric Corporate Research Center, Schenectady, NY, USA

In developing models of solidification systems a central element is the treatment of the mushy region.
The aim of this paper is to investigate a number of alternative approaches to account for the nature
of the mushy region in a model of a solidification system. Starting from two limiting assumptions for
the nature of the mushy region, a number of alternative physical situations are identified from which
one-phase models can result. These models are compared in the context of a simple test problem.

Keywords: binary alloy, mushy region, phase change, solidification

Introduction what physical situations one model would be more

appropriate than another. The emphasis of the study
Recently, there have been a number of numerical mod- is on the coupling between the assumed nature of the
elling studies in the area of solidification of binary alloy mushy region and the energy (enthalpy) equations. It
systems. 1-8 This is a complex problem, a full analysis will be demonstrated that the manner in which the
of which involves the solution of coupled heat, mass, mushy region is modelled has a potentially dramatic
momentum, and species transport equations.4-8 effect on predicted results. Although recent studies
A central issue in the modelling of binary alloy sys- implement full heat, mass, momentum, and species
tems is the treatment of the so-called “mushy” region, models,4-s to the authors’ knowledge, no detailed study
that is, a region that consists of a “mixture” of solid of the effect of the mushy region assumptions, along
and liquid components. For example, consider a binary the lines proposed here, has been undertaken. The
alloy contained within a two-dimensional square cavity central issue of this study is the nature of the modelling
with a cold (below solidus) left wall, a hot (above li- approach as opposed to the modelling of binary alloy
quidus) right wall, and insulated top and bottom. Within systems that has been attempted elsewhere.4-8
this cavity the alloy can exist in three states: a fully In the next section a simple solidification test prob-
solid state, the mushy state, and a fully liquid state lem involving a mushy region is proposed. Then two
(Figure I). A rigorous computational fluid dynamics basic limiting assumptions on the nature of the two-
treatment of the mushy region would require a two- phase mushy region are discussed. This is followed by
phase analysis. In all the modelling studies carried out the development of appropriate governing energy and
to date,re8 however, appropriate assumptions have been momentum transport equations based on the given as-
invoked, and limiting one-phase models have been de- sumptions. The result is the proposal of alternative
veloped. one-phase modelling approaches. These approaches are
The aims of this paper are to list the possible one- compared and discussed in the context of a simple test
phase assumptions that can be made and to investigate problem.
the effects of the resulting models on the shape of an
evolving mushy region. The object is to establish under
A test problem
The chosen test problem is the relatively simple two-
* Currently at BHP Central Research Laboratories, Newcastle, NSW, dimensional mushy phase change problem introduced
Australia. by Voller and Prakash.’ The problem domain is iden-
tical to that shown in Figure 2 (that is, cold left wall,
Address reprint requests to Dr. Voller at the Department of Civil hot right wall, and insulated upper and lower walls),
and Mineral Engineering, Mineral Resources Research Center, Uni-
versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
and the problem specifications are given in Table 1.
Note that in this problem the solidus and liquidus tem-
Received 31 January 1989; accepted 8 September 1989 peratures are fixed (T, = -0.1 and TI = 0.1, respec-

320 Appl. Math. Modelling, 1990, Vol. 14, June 0 1990 Butterworth Publishers
Modelling the mush region: V, R. Voller et al.

tively), and hence solute redistribution (i.e., species Limiting assumptions

transport) is not considered. In addition, a linear liquid
fraction versus temperature relationship (gl versus T) The mushy region is a two-phase region. In a general
is chosen within the mushy region (TI I T % Ts):
system with randomly nucleating equi-axed grains the
solid will be located throughout the liquid, and both
gl = (T - T,))/~E (I) phases will have distinct velocities. Such a system is
where E is the half temperature range for the mushy illustrated in Figure 2~. In a physical sense this figure
region (i.e., 2~ = Tl - T.y).From a physical viewpoint represents a mushy region in which the solid comprises
this problem represents an oversimplification, but it is equi-axed grains. The analysis of such a system will
an appropriate test case for demonstrating the essential require a two-phase modelling approach. As was noted
differences between the models that will be developed. by Voller et al.,s however, there are two limiting cases
under which the general model given in Figure 2a will
reduce to situations for which a one-phase model based
on mixture quantities can be developed.
Case I: A mushy fluid. In this case the solid is fully
dispersed in the liquid phase, and the solid and liquid
velocities are equal (see Figure 26). An example would
be a wax.
Case 2: A columnar zone. In this case the solid
matrix is distinct from the liquid, and the matrix either
is fixed (i.e., u, = 0) or moves with a prescribed ve-
locity (Figure 2~). An example would be a columnar
crystal zone in a static or continuous casting.
In each of the above cases the essential step is the
identification of a system velocity, u. For a mushy fluid
Figure 1. Test problem geometry we have
u=u[=u s (2)
where II/ and u, are the liquid and solid phase velocities,
Table 1. Data for test problem one respectively. For a columnar zone, in a static casting
Initial temperature T,,t = 0.5 (u, = 0), we have
Hot wall temperature Thor = 0.5 u = glul (3)
Cold wall temperature TCO,d= -0.5
Reference temperature Tref = 0.5
Half mushy temperature range E = 0.1 The governing equations
Cavity dimensions w=l
Density p=l Full and detailed derivations of the appropriate gov-
Permeability coefficient K,, = 1.6 x lo3 erning equations have been presented elsewhere. *-*
Specific heat c=l Only the details that have a direct impact on the re-
Liquid viscosity I*/ = 1
Solid viscosity
sulting predicted shape of the mushy region will be
LLs = 100,250, 1000
Thermal conductivity K = 0.001 given here. The underlying approach is the develop-
Coefficient of thermal expansion p = 0.01 ment of equations that are valid for the entire domain
Gravity g1 = 1000 (i.e., solid, mush, and liquid).
Latent heat L =5
Liquidus temperature T, = 0.1 Conservation of mass
Solidus temperature T, = -0.1
Under the assumption of constant density the mass
So that: conservation equation takes the form
Raleigh number Ra = lo4
Prandtl number Pr = lo3 V(u) = 0 (4)
Stefan number Ste = 5 where u is the appropriate system velocity given by
equation (2) or (3).

(a) General Mushy Region Lb) Mushy Fluid (c) Columnar Zone

Figure 2. The nature of the mushy region. (a) A general model, (b) the mushy fluid, (c) the columnar zone

Appl. Math. Modelling, 1990, Vol. 14, June 321

Modelling the mush region: V. R. Voller et al.
Conservation of momentum (note that u in this case is defined by equation (3)) the
Since any momentum equations need to be valid for form taken is
the entire domain, an essential feature is that the pre-
dicted system velocities become zero as the liquid frac- $4 + V(puu) = - g + V&Vu) + F, 03)
tion, g,, becomes zero and the fully solid region is
reached. Depending on the assumed nature of the As before, a similar equation can be developed for the
mushy region, two forms of the momentum equation u momentum along with the Boussinesq source given
have been proposed that will have this required fea- by equation (7). Appropriate forms for the “Darcy”
ture. source terms F, and FY can be identified by reference
For a mushy fluid, one can appeal to the “homo- to the Carman-Kozeny equation, as suggested by Voller
geneous” fluid concept used in two-phase flow and and Prakash,’
introduce an effective viscosity, for example,
Fx = - WoU - gJ2/g:lu
Pmix = PstTs + CL/g/ (5)
F, = - Wo(l - gJ2/g:b (9)
where CL,is the solid viscosity, p1 is the liquid viscosity,
and g, is the solid fraction. In this way, on setting a where K. is a permeability constant. Note that these
large value for the solid viscosity, pS, the binary alloy source terms will have the desired effect in that they
will become progressively “stiffer” as the solid frac- become zero in fully liquid regions, override the other
tion increases. This is an obvious approach and has terms in the mushy region to force the momentum
been used or suggested by previous authors for both equations to mimic the Carman-Kozeny equations, and
mushy and isothermal phase changes.3*6,8.” The result- dominate all terms when fully solid to ensure zero ve-
ing ~1momentum equation has the form locities.

$pU) + V'(pUU)= $ + V’(/.Lmi,VU) Conservation of enthalpy

Both forms of the momentum equation developed
where u(u, u) is the system velocity defined by equation above exhibit similar behavior. The principal features
(2) and P is pressure. A similar equation can be de- are that (I) as the liquid fraction, gl, decreases, so does
veloped for the u momentum that includes the follow- the system velocity, and (2) the equations are identical
ing buoyancy term (added to the right-hand side) based in the fully liquid and essentially identical in the fully
on the Boussinesq approximation: solid regions. It could be argued that the limiting as-
sumption of the nature of the mushy region would have
L%[P(T - ~R-A (7) little influence on the flow in the region and hence the
where g, is gravity, p is the thermal coefficient of ex- shape. In terms of the momentum equations alone,
pansion, and Tref is a reference temperature. such arguments may be valid. The shape of the mushy
In the case of a fixed columnar zone it is appropriate region, however, is also controlled by the transport of
to consider the mushy zone as a porous medium and enthalpy, and it is in the development of the enthalpy
introduce source terms, F, and FY, so that the mo- equations that differences between the two limiting
mentum equations mimic a Darcy equation as the solid assumptions become apparent. It is therefore neces-
fraction increases. In terms of real alloys that exhibit sary to provide a detailed development of the enthalpy
a columnar zone, the use of a Darcy equation has been equations.
experimentally validated. lo Using this approach, a In the spirit of the two-fluid model (see Refs. 11 and
number of authors have developed mushy region mo- 12, for example) a two-phase description of enthalpy
mentum equations. ***ss In terms of the u momentum transport in the mushy region is

z (pg,H,) + V.(pgSu,HS) = V*(g,KVT) + [interphase terms], (IO)

$ (pglH[) + V*(pg,ulH1) = V*(g,KVT) - [interphase terms], (11)

where, for simplicity, a constant specific heat, c, has K

$ph) + VQuh) = V. -Vh + S/, (12)
been assumed. The liquid enthalpy is given by Hi = ( C >
CT + L, and the solid enthalpy is given by H, = CT The source term Sh will depend on the assumed nature
where L is the latent heat. On defining the sensible of the mushy region. In the case of a mushy fluid,
enthalpy as h = CT the two-fluid enthalpy equations
can be combined so that the interphase terms cancel Sh = $%,L) - V(pg,u0 (13)
out and a general enthalpy equation results:

322 Appl. Math. Modelling, 1990, Vol. 14, June

Modelling the mush region: V. R. Voller et al.

In the case of a columnar zone, Approach 3: The mixed model

In using the mushy fluid model, specification of the
Sh = $%%QL) - VQuL) (14) enhanced viscosity could be inconvenient. This is par-
ticularly true in using control volume-based codesI
In reading equations (13) and (14), recall that the ve- in which the viscosity may need to be interpolated over
locity is defined in the case of a mushy fluid by equation four node points. l4 A way around this is to adopt a
(2) and in the case of a columnar zone by equation (3). mixed modelling approach in which the enthalpy source
The differences between the mushy fluid and col- term is given by the mushy fluid model, that is, equa-
umnar zone assumptions become apparent on noting tion (13), but the momentum is modelled on using the
the form of the convective component of the source Darcy source term F from equation (9). In this way
term Sh. In the case of a mushy fluid, both solid and the important elements of the mushy fluid model are
liquid move with the same velocity. Furthermore, the retained in the enthalpy equations, and the required
solid fraction is a function of space. Mass flow of liquid nature of the flow is achieved on specifying the Darcy
is thus not necessarily conserved across a given control source term. Note that in a control volume code, spec-
volume, and since the latent heat is associated with ification of such a source is straightforward. In prac-
the liquid phase, the latent heat is convected with the tice, it would be expected that the mixed model will
flow. In the case of a fixed columnar zone, however, predict results of a similar nature to those predicted
the solid flow is zero, and no net latent heat is con- by the fully mushy fluid model (Approach I).
vected. This is clear on noting that owing to the mass
conservation, equation (4), the convective part of the
Numerical investigations
fixed columnar source term in equation (14) is zero. It
will be seen that the convection or lack of convection
The numerical scheme
of latent heat has a dramatic effect on the shape of the
evolving mushy region. The focus of this paper is on the alternative mod-
elling approaches for dealing with mushy regions; hence
only a brief account of the numerical implementation
The modelling approaches of the models is given. The numerical scheme used
is based on a control volume formulation, and the
From the governing equations presented above, three SIMPLE algorithm is applied to resolve the pres-
alternative modelling approaches can be developed. sure/velocity coupling. ll\ A major driving feature in
These are outlined below. the overall numerical scheme is the liquid frac-
tion/enthalpy iterative update procedure. This is es-
Approach I : Mushy jluid sentially the technique previously proposed and de-
veloped by the authors. Full details of the method can
In this modelling approach, the mushy fluid as-
be found in Ref. 1. The test problem used in this work
sumption is invoked, that is, the mushy region is taken
is defined in Figure I and Table 1. In all the numerical
to be a homogeneous mixture. This approach would
runs, a fixed uniform grid of 40 x 40 control volumes
be suitable for “waxy” materials and in a limited sense
was employed along with a time step of 10. Grid in-
the equi-axed zone of a casting when the grains are
dependence and convergence studies have been car-
small. In this model the system velocity is defined by
ried out for the specific case of the mixed model. These
equation (2). The momentum equations take the form
studies are reported in Ref. 1.
given by equation (6) with the effective viscosity de-
fined by equation (5). Enthalpy transport is governed
Effect of models on the shape of the mushy region
by equation (12) along with the source term defined in
equation (13). Note that the effective viscosity does Figure 3a shows the direction of the flow field and
not have to be of the form given in equation (5); any predictions for the solidus and liquidus isotherms (i.e.,
form in which the p,ix increases as solidification pro- T = 0.1 and T = - 0.1) at time t = 250 s using the
ceeds is appropriate. mixed modelling approach in which a value of 1.6 x
lo3 is used for the permeability constant, KO, in the
Darcy source term (equation (9)). The effect of the net
Approach 2: Columnar zone latent heat convection term in the Sh source (equation
In this modelling approach, the mushy region is as- (13)) is clearly observed on noting the bulge in the
sumed to have a fixed columnar crystal structure. This mushy region formed toward the bottom of the cavity.
approach is appropriate for an analysis of the columnar It would be expected that changes in the value of K0
zone of a static casting and with slight modification will produce changes in the shape of the mushy region.
(i.e., the introduction of a specified velocity), a con- A preliminary analysis along these lines was attempted
tinuous casting. The system velocity is defined by by Voller and Prakash.’ For example, if the value of
equation (3). The momentum equations take the form K0 is raised, the flow in the mushy region will be re-
given by equation (8) along with the “Darcy” source tarded, leading to a reduction in the latent heat con-
term F defined in equation (9). As before, the enthalpy vected and a flatter shape for the liquidus front.
transport is governed by equation (12), but the Sh source Using the columnar zone modelling approach with
term is now given by equation (14). the same Darcy source term (KO = 1.6 x 103) results

Appl. Math. Modelling, 1990, Vol. 14, June 323

Modelling the mush region: V. R. Voller et al.

in a dramatically different shape for the mushy region

at t = 250 (Figure 3b). The reason for the flatter shape
of the columnar mushy region, in this case, is the ab-
sence of a latent heat convection term in the Sh source
defined by equation (14). It would be expected that the
shape of a columnar zone mushy region would not
be influenced by the choice of the permeability con-
stant, &.
In the mushy fluid model, convection of the latent
heat in the mushy region will occur. Figure 4a shows
the predictions of the mushy region shape at t = 250,
assuming a solid viscosity of pu, = 250 in equation (5).
This prediction clearly shows the influence of the latent
heat convection on the shape of the mushy region.
(a) Mixed, Ko= 1.6 x lo3 Further, as expected, the shape of the region is rela-
tively similar to that obtained with the mixed model,
Figure 3~. Increasing the solid viscosity to a larger
value reduces the extent of deformation of the phase
change area. Figure 46 depicts the shape of the mushy
region at t = 250 when CL, = 1000. The reduction in
deformation is due to the much lower flow velocities
in the mushy region arising from the “stiffer” solid
fraction. Note that although the shape in Figure 4b is
similar to the columnar zone model shape, Figure 36,
the flow in the mushy fluid (pS = 1000) mushy region
is much smaller than the flow in the columnar zone
region. The flat shape in Figure 3b is due to the lack
of net latent heat convection in the source term (S,),
whereas the flat shape in Figure 4b is due to the low
flow velocities in the mushy region.
In using the mushy fluid model, care must be taken
in choosing the value of the enhanced viscosity. Figure
(b) Columnar, K,= 1.6 x lo3 4c shows that when Jo, = 100, the morphology of the
mushy fluid mushy region at t = 250 is very pro-
Figure 3. Comparison of mixed and columnar models on pre- nounced. The reason for this deformation is that the
diction of shape of mushy region at t = 250 seconds. (a) Mixed solid viscosity is so low that a relatively significant
model (showing direction of flow), (b) columnar model
flow occurs in the fully solid (gS = 1) region. Although
such flows might not be physically realistic in most
solidification systems, they may arise in waxes or

(a) Mushy fluid, p = 250 (b) Mushy fluid, p = 1000 (c) Mushy fluid, p = 100

Figure 4. Effect of the solid viscosity, ps, on the shape of the mushy fluid mushy region at t = 250 seconds

324 Appl. Math. Modelling, 1990, Vol. 14, June

Modelling the mush region: V. R. Voller et al.

Conclusions gravity
Two limiting assumptions on the nature of a mushy
E thermal conductivity
U velocity vector
region in a binary alloy solidification have been iden- u x-direction velocity
tified. From this, three alternative modelling ap- u y-direction velocity
proaches have been proposed: mushy fluid, columnar t time
zone, and mixed. The mushy fluid approach would be T temperature
suitable for modelling the solidification of waxy ma- melting point of pure solute
terials. The columnar zone approach is directed at F external body force ensuring satisfaction of
problems with columnar crystal structures. The mixed two-phase momentum equations
approach offers a convenient means by which the P pressure
mushy fluid approach can be easily implemented in a h sensible enthalpy
control volume code. In terms of the shape of the H phase enthalpy
evolving mushy region, the following observations are L latent heat of fusion
made. & permeability coefficient in Carman-Kozeny
Convective effects within the mushy region have equations
little influence in determining the shape of the mushy S source term in conservation equations
region in a columnar zone model. Further, the shape W width and height of cavity
of the mushy region is not influenced by the choice of coordinate directions
permeability. density
In the mixed and mushy fluid models, mushy region thermal coefficient of volume expansion
convection effects will play a role in determining the dynamic viscosity
shape of the mushy region. The choice of the perme-
ability (in the case of a mixed model) or the choice of Superscripts/Subscripts
the solid viscosity (in the case of a mushy fluid model) cold conditions at cold wall
is a major parameter in determining the shape. hot conditions at hot wall
Other factors may also take a role in determining mix effective value of transport coefficients for
the shape of a mushy region. For example, solute re- mushy fluid model
distribution could locally change the solidification con- ref reference conditions (T,,-- = T,, and Cref =
ditions and thereby the shape of the solidus and liqui-
dus isotherms. However, considerations of this nature int initial conditions
are beyond the scope of the present paper. solid phase
In conclusion, even in the simple case of no solute s liquid phase
transport, the results presented in this paper indicate
that the modelling approach used in a solidification
analysis can have a dramatic effect on the predictions
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326 Appl. Math. Modelling, 1990, Vol. 14, June

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