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Cleidy Alarcón Delgado José Fabricio Sernaque Santamaria

My family
Hello we are José and Cleidy we are brothers, we are 17 years old, we were born in
the city of Chiclayo, today we will talk about our family. Our Mom's name is María
López Vasques is 43 years old, she was born in the city of Piura, she is a nurse
working in a clinic called "Aúna", day by day she shares her experiences in the clinic,
she shares with us that she really likes her work and helping people. Our Pope's name
is Eduardo Ramos Diaz, he is 45 years old, he was born in the city of Chiclayo, He is a
professor of Social Sciences at the I.E Jorge Basadre, he also mentions that he likes
his job very much, he shares with us what happens day by day, he explains the classes
he gives and how well he gets along with his students. Our brother is called Nicolas
Ramos López, he is 20 years old, he was born in Chiclayo just like us, he is studying
Law at the Technological University of Peru in the 8th cycle, she tells us that she is very
happy studying this career because it will help people who suffer from injustice.

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