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The Power Of Meditation

The Applying meditation in daily life can bring many benefit to our health and
emotional. In the case student life are known to be the "Biggest challenge in life",
When you are 18 to 20 years old and go to university to chase your dreams. But, Its
not easy like study in your high school, university Student have to face various
challenges that can make them feel overwhelmed, unfinished coursework and being
chased by deadlines, economic pressure, and demands for academic grades. So all
these events culminate into this giant migraine in your head, make you restless,
panic, cant think straight and also cant focus on problem. So imagine that you can
just step away from all, doing simple meditation clear your mind while you take a
deep breath in and take out slowly. Then result doing meditation is make your body
healthy, clear your mind and also you can make right choice to deal your problem.

Stress is a common issue among university students, It is caused by several factors

that affect their lives, including: interpersonal, intrapersonal, academic, and
environmental. Interpersonal stress arises from relationships with others, such as
conflicts with friends, parents, or romantic partners. Intrapersonal stress originates
from within the individual, such as financial problems, changes in eating or sleeping
habits, and deteriorating health. Academic stress is linked to school activities and
related issues, such as poor test scores, numerous assignments, and challenging
subjects. Environmental stress is caused by the broader surroundings, excluding
academics, such as insufficient vacation time, traffic congestion, and uncomfortable
living conditions. From all these factors, if a person experiences more than one
factor over a long period, the impact on the body will be clearly visible in their
behavior and emotions. Without prevention, accumulated stress will worsen and
lead to mental disorders. Therefore, it is highly recommended to practice meditation
with the aim of reducing excessive mental burden caused by issues in the
Why is meditation one of the best ways for students to cope with stress?.
Meditation is completely free, It doesn't cost a anything, You can do it anywhere,
any time. Don't need a therapist or a doctor to refer you anything for it. And also,
not only does it give you a healthier relationship with yourself, but also with your
ability to cope with those daily problems and stresses in your life.

When practicing meditation, it is not only beneficial mentally but also physically,
such as reducing anxiety and stress, boosting the immune system, improving focus,
enhancing sleep quality, lowering blood pressure, fostering a positive mindset,
reducing addiction, and maintaining heart health. These diverse benefits make
meditation a valuable method for anyone looking to improve their health or
emotions in a healthy way. Unlike other stress-relief methods that may require
special resources or have potential side effects. Moreover, as we lead increasingly
busy lives and face various challenges, we are required to find moments of calm and
mental clarity in an instant. By practicing meditation, you can easily prevent stress
within yourself before it turns into illness.

In conclusion, Implementing meditation in students' lives has a significant impact on

their health and emotions. By meditating, the effects of stress on students can be
reduced, even preventing mental disorders caused by accumulated mental burden.
Meditating can be done anywhere and is free, compared to other treatment
methods that require something in exchange to heal you. Not to mention the direct
benefits to the body while meditating, making it one of the ways students can cope
with the stress they experience in their lives. In my opinion, meditation is the best
way to stay calm when facing problems. Besides the benefits of meditation, my
emotions can be easier to control when I feel angry and unable to think clearly,
allowing me to approach problems with a rational mindset and make the right

1. Ross, S.E., Niebling, B,C., Heckert, T.M. (2008). Sources of stress

among college students. College Student Journal, 33(2), 312-317.
2. P2PTM Kemenkes RI.(2018, 23 Desember). Apakah Stres itu?. Diakses 13 Juni
2024, dari graphic p2ptm/stress/apakah
stres itu text=Stres adalah reaksi seseorang baik, lama dapat merusak
kesehatan kita.
3. Tim Medis Siloam Hospitals (2023, 22 Desember). Mengenal Manfaat
Meditasi untuk Kesehatan. Diakses 18 Juni 2024, dari

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